Though many come against us...is the opening chorus.
We shall not fear nor quail
For courage fortifies us
And righteousness prevails
A hundred fifty fall or moreKendry awaits reply from generals Domi and Alemi, whom he earlier asked what was happening in their areas.
Before they're near the wall
Our foes' feet hurt and shafts them bore
Monsters lose as we stand tall
Load the stones but do not launch
Until better grouped are they
Fire arrows, bolts and such
Now as they near them to the fray
"Now to the east come many moreand on the last line, his voice drops to a whisper, that all who are joined in the message spell can hear, but none others:
'Neath darkness' cover drawing near
Three hundred feet when seen they were...
...But rocks we'll drop upon their rearAs he comes closer to their position when he can get a good fix on their location [using spot roll of 22 for this round from earlier post], he'll prepare to call out in his song upcoming coordinates for the catapults. He hopes that the message in the song will be clear enough to Kardon and those manning the heavy launchers that they'll perform at least a general re-aiming of their weapons more towards the east.
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