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Mykael  d20+4=5 d20+1=20
Wednesday January 4th, 2006 11:03:00 PM

Mykael is sitting eating his meal, when he notices the commotion, and Appollo's action. He hands the waitress enough coin to pay for his bill, and states, "I will be right back."

Taking his bowl of food and his drink, Mykael walks up to a group of sailors that had a member take off toward town.

"Hello gents," Mykael states in hushed sailor tongue, in between swallows of food and drink. "Whats up with that ship? Was that an arm that come off the main? Its hard for a sea lovin elf like me to find a job, but I 'eard that that boat was in need of some crew. Help me out boys, whats the news on her? Should I be lookin there?"

Mykeal keeps his eyes and ears open to the reactions of all on the docks, although, he does his best to keep his surveilence hidden.

(Spot = 5, natural 1; Listen = 20)

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=13
Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:00:56 AM

Activating her invisibility ring as soon as possible, Ashira heads through the streets as quickly as possible. She tries very hard to ignore Val as she travels to the Catacombs, figuring that is one of the safest options available currently. As she travels, Ashira keeps an eye out for any signs of trouble (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=13).

Thursday January 5th, 2006 12:30:28 AM

The Monk deftly moves thru the streets with Tomas in tow making their way to the catacombs and watches as Ashira winks out of sight

Thursday January 5th, 2006 1:06:48 AM

Nezamil keeps busy by making sure the refugees find a comfortable spot somewhere aboard the ship " just settle in everyone and get some rest before you decide what to do next " remarks the tall dwarf

Nezamil also assits the captain in prepping the ship for defence and sailing

Turning and looking down at the Hal and Kirk " we've talked about this before ...i don't know all the details...i'm sure they will get worked out so please be patient... " growls the dwarf

Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:35:14 AM

Rigging will look at the man who asks about wages and says, "It really will depend upon your abilities. The base pay is pretty average. You get room and board and some money when you get into port. Still the opportunity for loot is very good. If you survive the sea battles, your share of the prize money could be good. We are also setting up a colony and their will be plenty of opportunities for land, store ownership etc. Depends if you are a risk taker. Are you a risk taker?"

Rigging will then look at the others and asks, "Who thinks they want to stay on with us? Please show your hands and go stand over by the mast." Whoever doesn't Rigging will hand a gold piece coin to and say, "I wish we could put you up but things could get messy around here soon. This will help you buy some lodgings for the night and help you get some food. Good luck."

Rigging will then look over to Nezamil and say, "Please help them get off the ship. Right now they are fireball food."

Rigging will then call Bart over, "Interview the new recruits, find out what their skills are and put them to work."

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:43:42 AM

Val makes it easy for Ashira to ignore her. She doesn't talk to her and makes sure that Ashira doesn't have to. Val just wants to get back out to sea where Ashira can sulk below deck and she can spend the day working under the sun with the wind in her haair.

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:51:54 AM

Rigging i will first use the wayfinder to locate the Nautaoculos. After that I will go and try to retrieve it. Please make sur no one disturbs me and have a restoration spell at hand. Bart Search for a quiet spot, sit downs and uses the wayfinder imaging the Nauticoulus in his mind he asks to see the object and his surroundings

DM Jim: Shopping and Hiring 
Thursday January 5th, 2006 1:08:51 PM

Mykale leave the pub and mingles with the crowd and one onlooker comments. "There is going to be a fight. Some Ga'alians want to kill the pirates on that ship. In fact they are paying finders fees for information on Pirates of Jack."

A waitress followed Mykael out into the crowd and she is demanding her dishes back or more money. "Dearie we just do not leave with the good china." She is standing next to Mykael tapping her foot. Several in the crowd are now looking at Mykael.

Jager, Tomas, Ashira and Val are all out shopping at the Catacombs.

Bart starts to play with the wayfinder and realizes that he can look for a location or a person. How is bart going to proceed????? Bart asks for a restoration spell, but who can cast one, Tomas maybe, but he is not on the ship.

Nezamil is still being pestered by Hal and Kirk and Kirk asks. " A man has to know what his wage is going to be? How is everyone normally compensated?"

Rigging offers a gold piece for those who do not want to stay and only eight take him up on his offer. The old veteran pushes the Captain. "What is average base pay? How much will I get to spend in port if we are out to sea for 6 months?" There are several other refugees circling Rigging and the old veteran waiting to hear the answer. It looks like there are 47 people that want to stay with the Sword, most of them Domi's faithful.


OOC: Who is keeping track of the SHips funds and how much is left now, minus what was used in your absence?

Mykael  d20+4=23 d20+1=20
Thursday January 5th, 2006 7:29:15 PM

Mykael turns to the waitress and smiles after swallowing, "Darlin, I said I would be right back."

Mykael looks at the onlooker with the info, "Come inside while I finish eatin, tell me what you know, and I will pay you also."

Mykael turns, smiles at the waitress, and walks back into the pub and sits back at his table.

IF, the onlooker comes in, Mykael will offer him a seat, then comment, "If your information is good, I will pay 20 gold, more if the info is exceptional."

Mykael looks him up and down, "First, you say some Ga'allans want to kill the pirates? Thats a pirate ship? I didnt hear anything about pirates. Are there any other ships hiring, and how many other sailors are looking for work? Second, If I decide that I am going to join that ship, I need all the info that I can on the Ga'allans, numbers, skills, weapons, tactics, discriptions, and where they are staying. Finally, do you think that ship stands a chance? or should I look elsewhere?"

OOC: (trying to hurry this along) Mykael will listen to all he offers, he will pay of to 50 gold initially, if the info is exceptionally detailed along with a history of whats been going on, Mykael will double what the decided price was as a tip.

He will also keep his eyes open, if other wish to add to the info, he will pay a little for it, but only for good info that wasnt already offered by his chosen informat, and after the informant has finished.

Finally, Mykael will keep his eyes open on ship and the happenings outside, he is ready to help, and still watching his back in the pub.

(Spot = 23, Listen = 20)

Thursday January 5th, 2006 9:58:53 PM

Rigging looks at the new recruits, "Well the average base pay is 1 silver piece a day for sailors, and 3 sp for sailor/warriors. Still I wouldn't worry about that. The crew split 10,000 in gold with our last big prize. Sure the officers got more, but it still was over 100 gps for each man. Not to mention the room and board. I can't always promise those kinds of bonuses but that is how you get ahead in this business.

Still if you sign on, you will be requried to take an oath of loyalty and obedience. You will subject yourselves to the orders of me and whoever I place above you. Discipline has to be harsh on a warship. Our main goals are to free the people of Asidlur. We were recently members of the Pirates of Jack, and we will still be allies with them. We will be sailing into danger. This is your last chance to back out without prejudice. Once we establish a new base, opportunities will await you, especially if your enterprising, but since the base is going to be secret, you won't lightly be allowed to leave. Think on it and if you want to leave, I will give you your gold and you can go."

OCC William, why don't you try and send yourself to the person who has the artifact or the location of the artifact. Or to the quad members who have been attacking the Sword."

Thursday January 5th, 2006 11:44:34 PM

With a big grin on his face the hugh dwarf looks down at the bash brothers " see a little patience was all that was needed " remarks Nezamil to Captain Riggings lecture on wages

" life on the high seas is high adventure and daring....perfect for you two " laughs the Cleric of Domi

Nezamil is glad to see many of Domi's newly faithful are intent on staying and starting a new life "brave souls you are ...Domi be proud for sure "

(thought only about 20 refugees were converts to Domi )

"captain i can cast Domi's water walking spell on a bunch of the crew and send them underneath the ship in shifts to cut away any growth that would slow the ship down "
" they can dive under and hold onto the branches while they saw .....working in teams of two this way i believe they can clear the hull of growth before we sail out to sea ....i'll of course help them "

"plus perhaps when Ashira gets back she can help in that capacity " adds Nezamil to Rigging

Thursday January 5th, 2006 11:48:44 PM

The fleetfooted Monk weaves thru the crowd ,easily following the signs posted for the Catacombs " hurry Tomas " urges Jagar as he keeps a protective eye on the sailor thru the streets of South harbor

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+11=28
Friday January 6th, 2006 12:30:06 AM

Having arrived at the Catacombs, Ashira quickly heads inside anxious to get supplies for the impending battle...but still watchful (Spot=23, Listen=28).

Friday January 6th, 2006 3:29:02 AM

Apperently Bart didn't used the wayfinder in a proper way. He tries again, once again imaging the Nautaocoulos in his mind and asked to see the object.

Again Bart asks before hand if someone can watch over him while he is in trance and maybe Nezamil can cast a restoration spel when he comes out of trance if it is needed.

Before he tries it again he does a suggestion Maybe we can replace the ballast a bit so the Sword wil tilt to one side would be easier to get rid of the branches.

Description of Wayfinder (artifact): Acts as a spot glass but only 10 times stronger than a normal spot glass.
Second ability is when you ask to see something, you go into a trance.
Your ethereal body would float high above the ground and rocket you to the location or person you want to see.
When you return you take 1d4 of constitution damage that returns 1 point per day or by restoration spell.
If you are disturbed while in the trance, you will take 1d10 of constitution damage.

DM Jim: It appears to me that the Wayfinder also acts as a scrying device, but you must know the location or person you are scrying. Please describe your actions.

Friday January 6th, 2006 9:47:18 AM

Waiting inside the Catacombs Val keeps looking at her ticket and taps her foot impatiently.

DM Jim: More Information 
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:21:37 PM

Mykael the waitress and several dockshoremen move back into the pub. "Well you see the Ga'alins do like some pirate, but not the Pirates of Jack and that there ship over yonder was flying Jack colors, but strangely is not any more." The dock worker clears his throat. "Very dry in hear you know. Well I did not see the last fight at the ship, but I did hear about it. Only one guy did all of the fighting on the ship and he was wacking sailors around with and arm! Nasty stuff. Not sure I believe it, but they say their will be another fight if the arm on the mast is taken down. So I think there will be a fight sooner rather than later."

Half of the Wildcards are shopping at the Catacombs and feel very secure inside the building.

Bart and Nezamil offer suggestions on how to remove branches below the waterline. Bart still ponders the Nauticuls.

More and more people spot the missing arm from the docks and there is more muttering and moving about. In fact it turns out that Quinn and Cantera are walking the dock together and coming toward the Sword's former berth, when they see the arm missing. They have a brief conversation and both head in different directions.

When Rigging talks about wages and hardships he get a rapt audience and there are several people with glassy eyes that mumble "10,000 gold pieces." Everyone seems willing to take the hardships for the possible rewards.

Hal nudges Nezamil's knee "Kirk and I will be getting more than 3 sp per day, right?"

Nezamil is correct there were about 20 humans and elves that professed to be Domi's faithful, but it seems to be growing as they have watched Nezamil apply Domi's gifts.

Appolo  d20+9=28
Friday January 6th, 2006 1:59:25 PM

Appolo is on watch anotices the crowd.He walks over to Rigging"Well boss looks like our new recruits are going to get a chance to earn thier keep.The quad should know we've returned soon enough.I give us maybe an hour before we're need deep in blood and guts agian.."He then turns to the volunteers.Reember the valley and the march to the valley.Well we do that sort of thing every month.Where ever we go people die.We lose about 505 of our crew every year.So be sure you want to do this.Our enemies are numerous and strong allies are few.We even have enemies amongst the Pirates of jack."

Appolo the climbs the mast into the crows nest and goes back on watch.

Spot 28

Saturday January 7th, 2006 10:50:55 PM

The hugh dwarf looks about the deck " i need 8 volunteers to help clear the underside of the ship with my assistance " growls Nezamil

Once volunteers step forward the Cleric of Domi will explain what and how they should do this clearing operation and see to it that they are supplied with saws

" I will imbue you with Domi's divine touch that will enable you to walk on water "explains Nezamil " you will have to dive under water and to get to the branches.....just hold your breath while you cut then let go once its done and push off from the keel and Domi's power will help you rise to the surface " smiles the dwarf " then you will repeat that process till we clear the keel of growth .....we can only do this for 90 mins so we must work quickly and effienctly and in teams of two....so pick a partner and then we will get started ....oh and one last thing i'll get some rope so we can tie one end to the saw and the other to your wrist ....this way the saws won't sink to the bottom of the harbor if you drop them " grins the oversized dwarf

The Cleric of Domi will touch his anvil holy symbol " Domi bless these people with your grace " prays Nezamil as he releases Domi's power and touches first himself then the 8 volunteers and quickly sends them about their mission clearing the keel of growth

Nezamil also uses his new size and reach and not too mention strength to help clear the keel and as he feels Domi's touch lessen he wrangles all the floating branches together and stuffs them under the docks so they can be easily removed and keep the shipping lanes clear

After the waterwalk spell wears off "i need a few volunteers to help clear the brush from under the docks and cut up into smaller pieces so the can be transported away "

Nezamil directs those new volunteers to retrieve the branches from under the docks and cut them into smaller pieces and tie them up into bundles , stacking them on the dock next to the Sword

Saturday January 7th, 2006 10:53:05 PM

The fleetfooted monk continues on his journey to the catacombs with Tomas in tow

Sunday January 8th, 2006 4:16:02 AM

Bart gives it another try and wants to see the Nautaoculos, if it doesnt work he pictures the girl who was around him when he arrived in town

Mykael  d20+4=12 d20+1=11
Sunday January 8th, 2006 3:01:25 PM

Mykael orders the man a drink of whatever he wants.

"If the Ga'allans are offering cash for info, then thier location must be known in order to get them thier info. Do tell," Mykael adds.

"Anymore info will be helpful, and what do you know about the pirates? Need discriptions of both sides, and any other info that you may think will be helpful for either side."

Mykael still keeps looking around.

(Spot = 12, Listen = 11)

DM Jim: Searching and Cleaning  d4=4
Monday January 9th, 2006 1:07:59 PM

Mykael buy drinks for the longshoreman that entered the bar with him and they continue to speak. "Information is sold at the bazzar. One of the vendor is taking information for the Ga'alians and a heathly cut I am sure. It is the carpet salesmen. He has a large booth at the end of the bazzar."
Appolo gives Rigging suggestions, but Rigging is off in his own little world and does not seem to be listening. Appolo frank words about the refugees turned sailors chance of survival does not go over well and most seek solace with Nezamil.

Nezamil get his volunteers with no problems and they are able to take off the branches on the side of the ship, but not under the waterline. Once the spell of water walking is cast on them, they can not penetrate the surface of the water as it acts as firm ground to them. The spell is speeding the removal of branches everywhere, but below the waterline.

Bart trys the wayfinder and is still unsucessful in finding the nautulcus, but he is able to travel etherally and find the women who greeted him at the gates to South Harbor. The woman in on a warehouse roof overlooking the harbor. Bart can easily see the Sword from here and the crowd on the dock. The woman goes to the back edge of the warehouse and climbs down a knotted silk rope to the street where another woman is holding the rope. Both women move out of the alley and blend into the city street.

Bart looses the image and takes 4 points of con. damage.

Bart can see the warehouse that he visited once he comes out of the trance as it is about 200 yards away.

Nezamil  d20+12=15 d4=3
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 12:08:06 AM

The giant dwarf laughs at Appolo's remarks to the refugees " don't mind him he's always trying to scare people "

" we Don't lose that many people each month " soothes the Cleric
" but he is right this is a dangerous line of work and people have died " adds the dwarf " but as Captain Rigging mentioned it can be rewarding also .....quite rewarding !"

" and any money owed if you meet an untimely death will be passed on to your family "

" but we do our best to Not involve the crew in direct fighting as much as possible " swmiles the large Cleric of Domi

"you'll get to see the Wold as you have never seen it before .....visiting exotic locations and wonderous things " finishes Nezamil as he trys to encourage the refugees to join them (d20+12=15 diplomacy ch)(should convince most of them)

Nezamil will tend to the big warrior Bart after he uses the artifact .....pulling out a scroll and invoking the magic held upon it (casting restoration,lesser)(1d4=3)rstored 3 con pts to bart

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:01:14 AM

Despite their differences and the similar feeling to spend as much time away from each other as possible, Val didn't depart from the catacombs right away. If Ashira got in trouble because Val left her at the Catacombs, the others would be rather angry. So she waited for Ashira to finish her shopping.

Appolo  d20+9=23 d20+6=23
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:13:39 AM

Appolo continues to keep watch.He looks down at the others"Nezamil.Better get your people ready.We could have some very unfriendly guests shortly.Bart you find it yet?"

Spot 23,Listen 23

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 2:02:18 PM

Treasure List from Fire Giants and Satyrs:

3500 gp in rough cut diamonds

Broach of Shielding - 70 points left
Necklace of Fire balls - 2 balls 3 HD and 5 HD

Two armbands - Usable only for one month per person and it takes one day to get the benifit.

#1 Gives the feat of Toughness and Die Hard: Value 1500 gp
#2 Gives the feat of Toughness and Endurance: value 1500 gp

I took money out for identifies already.

I will wait to post, until I receive more character posts.

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 2:41:57 PM

Jagar finally makes it to the catacombs with Tomas " thought we would never get here " jokes the fleetfooted Monk to Tomas

Jim -he's all yours at the catacombs

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 4:13:14 PM

No Appollo i didn't see the Nauticaoculos. I tried several times but i didn't saw it. But when i pictured one of the girls that was swarming around us when we entered the city a saw here standing with an other girl on the roof of a warehouse it must be that building over there she was looking over the harbor and disapeared from the roof with the help of another girl she climbed doen with a rope to the street. Must be worthwhile to investigate maybe ask around in the thieveguild

Tuesday January 10th, 2006 4:51:04 PM

After learning about the carpet vendor Mykael buys a another rd of drinks for the longshoreman and heads off towards the bazaar to nose around near carpet vendor.

taking his time he keeps alert as he wanders among the vendors

posted by chris

Rigging  d20+7=16
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 8:25:59 PM

OOC Sorry folks been travelling without internet.

Rigging is glad for the branches being off the ship but somewhat concerned by the branches still underneath the waterline. "Does anyone have any waterbreathing magic?" He calls out.

He then looks at the refugees and asks, "Do we have anyone who knows the smith trade?" He waits for an answer.

If he gets a yes, he will say, "Is there a way we could adapt a saw? Tie a rope or chain to both ends of a saw. Then a diver could attack it to the tree and we could cut it from top side."

Rigging will keep in communication with Swirl who keeps a high look out for any trouble.

Rigging frets over his wife and the others, "What is taking them so long!"
Rolled 16 for engineer profession roll.

DM Jim: Moving Along 
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 10:58:54 PM

OOC: I will move things on a bit hear. I will assume that all Catacomb transactions are complete. Please still go through the motions and send me the list when complete, also update your character sheets.


Mykael buys one last round of drinks and gets many slaps on the back for his generosity. "See Hank not all Elves are bad." Mykael takes his leave and heads to the bazzar. The bazzar is huge and is right outside the Catacombs. It takes awhile but he does locate the rug seller. The rug sellers is an attractive man in his mid to late twenties with a very colorful bird on his shoulder. The man spots Mykeal and watches him approach. When Mykeal is 10 feet away the rug seller calls out. "I bet you have a big house with cold floors. It is late in the day, I will give you a deal on 12 x 15 carpets. What is the color of your money?"

Ashira, Val, Tomas (with a new arm) and Jager head back to the Sword in the failing light of the day. Ashira and Val have their purchases with them.

Rigging, Nezamil and the newly christened smithy of the boat work to create a new type of underwater saw. The saw is functional and can be adjusted to cut on the angled side of the Sword, but still must be operated in the water. Progress is being made.

The crowd on the dock disperses with the setting sun, somewhat disappointed.

Bart explains all that he has seen with the wayfinder, but still does not feel completly recovered from its effects (-1 con).


Morning comes fast and with a hail. Quinn and Cantera get the attention of the watch, by waving and yelling across the 200 yards of water the Sword has from the pier. By the time the Widcards are top side Quinn and Cantera are leaning against piling and talking, they are just waiting.

Mykael  d20+4=17 d20+1=7
Tuesday January 10th, 2006 11:17:07 PM

Mykael smiles at the salesman and states quietly, "I may have need of a really nice rug, however, I am looking for information at this time. I heard that a group of Ga'allans were offering cash for information on the pirate ship and her crew. And I was told you are the person to get me in contact with them. Is this correct?"

"I am looking to speak to them, so if you could inform me on thier location then, I could speak to them. I know you are a go-between, however, my information is more valueable then most, and I do not want to involve you in this. See, there is going to be a fight for sure, and if the Ga'allans win, you will be fine, however, if the pirates win, you could be in real trouble. I have heard about what they do to thier enemies... have you?"

"As to your cut on the info, well, I can still help you with that, but I am going to need that information first."

Mykael feels somewhat safe in the bazzaar, however he does watch his back. Mostly, he watches the salesman, and his bird. He looks the salesman over real well.

'Spell component pouches? a possible familiar? or just a merchant? Weapons? Got to be careful here, I am getting close,' Mykael ponders to himself.

(spot = 17, listen = 7)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:35:00 AM

Nezamil helps with organizing work to clear the branches off the Swords keel and assigning refugees to jobs to help train them for sailing the ship

The giant sized dwarf arrives on deck to see who is hailing them " lower the rowboat and pick them up " urges Nezamil to several of the sailors

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:39:05 AM

The monk awakens at first light and heads to the galley and puts on a pot of fresh coffee .

When he Jagar hears them be hailed he heads up on deck with his mug of steaming cofee and paces the ships deck as he observes the happenings

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:10:25 AM

Rigging is glad everyone is back and hugs his wife. He pats Thomas on the shoulder and asks if he feels better now.

He will ask Bart what he has found and directs Thomas to pray for a restoration spell to help the fighter out.

"I am gonna want you to use the Wayfinder again to find this girl and then we are going to go and pay her a visit. Get some rest and we will go this afternoon."

Rigging turns to Nezamil and says, "I want you to study for a restoration spell as well if you could. We will need Bart in full form."

Rigging will put Ashira to work helping remove the branches underwater since she can place the saw easily. He then asks her to use a hand saw as well. He really wants those branches off his ship!

He will start talking to the new recruits gettng a feel for them. He will try and discover thier talents and their brief histories.

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 4:45:10 PM

Morning find Appolo back on look out in the crows nest.Having slept off and on up there keping alookout through most of the night.He drops down to the deck"Goos morning everyone.So what is the plan?"

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 5:27:54 PM

Upon returning to the Sword Val makes herself useful by doing whatever is necessary to make the ship seaworthy again.

DM Jim: Reunited 
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 7:14:06 PM

Mykael talks with the rug seller and when his is so bold to ask for information the man laughs. "You have not even purchased one rug and it is so late in the day." The rug seller starts to close up his stall and his very colorful bird squawks at Mykael.

Mykael scans the man and he does not have any obvious weapons besides a staff in the corner of the stall and a dagger at his hip. There are several pouches on his belt that look loaded, but Mykael can not tell what they are filled with, coins or spell components???? Does Mykael stay by himself or go back to the ship?

OOC: Note that you are a half a day behind your crew members.


Rigging barks order to the clerics and Bart in the morning and checks on his new crew. The refugees and former workers of the Elenna Queen seem to be fisherpeople, waiters, cooks and entertainers, but all have a basic knowledge of seamanship. Half of the new crew is female and the crew is three quarters human and one quarter elf.

The fisherpeople are looking for a new life as their villages were ravaged by fire giants and satyrs. The others are looking for new high paying jobs as their former ship is now a tree.

Tomas is overflowing with joy at having his arm back and he is telling the crew how great it is to work on the Sword of Redemption. Tomas does inform Captain Rigging that the Sword will need some planing and sanding tools to get the Sword back into her former smooth self, but none of it will effect her functionally, beside the branches under her keel.

Ashira stares blankly at Rigging when he asks her to saw branches well below the waterline.

Bart ingores Rigging as he is still naustious from the wayfinder.

Nezamil has the launch sent to pick up Quinn and Cantera and they come to board the ship. "Permission to come aboard Captain." Cantera announces as he nibbling climbs the ladder. Quinn waves a greeting to Nezamil and Val and announces "Ready to see the Govenors?".

Everyone is a bit tired from the worry of a possible attack the night before, but the sun bring relief.

Mykael  d20+4=15 d20+1=11 d100=79
Wednesday January 11th, 2006 10:26:50 PM

OOC: I know I am behind the rest and I will catch up as soon as I can, however, this still seems like a good avenue to explore.

IC: Mykael smiles at the rug salesman, "As I said, I may have needed one, however, my choice on who to buy from depends on how friendly and helpful they are to me. Lets do this, you tell your employers that I have some good information for them. I will meet with them if they are interested. I will come back tomorrow and talk with you about a rug. Good night."

Mykael backs away, turns and walks off toward the center of town, looking into anything that will give him a reflection of behind him and listening intently, especially for bird winds, foot steps, or spellcasting.

(spot = 15, listen = 11)

As soon as he gets around a corner, Mykael ducks in a doorway. He casts Invisibility on himself. He turns back and follows the rug salesman for the night, noting all his moves and watching the bird.

(made spell failure = 79%)

Wednesday January 11th, 2006 11:42:47 PM

Glad to be of service, Ashira strips down to a modest amount of clothing. Grinning at Rigging, she grabs the saw. "You know, a little haste spell might help the work go faster." Then she heads under the ship and begins working as fast as she can to clear the growth from the bottom of the ship.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:21:52 AM

Bart speaks to Rigging, I will use the wayfinder again to look for the girl we will go for her shortly after that. Maybe it's worthwhile to ask subtile questions about a thievery from the wharehouse overthere

Thursday January 12th, 2006 7:24:19 AM

Rigging calls the Wildcards and Thomas over and then leads them down below decks and hopefully prying ears. To the Cards he says, "We have a meeting with the Governors. This is the way I want to play it. On deck we will announce that we are going. I want Val and Appolo to stay behind as guards officially but follow us with their invisibility rings activated. That way we have a surprise of our own if we are attacked during the walk.

Thomas, I want you to move the Sword out into the harbor about 100 yards. That should help prevent any unwanted visitors. Leave a longboat at the docks for us in case we need to get back to the ship in a hurry."

Rigging will look at the others and add, "Any suggestions?"

OOC I realize that Mykael isn't with us in real time but is he with us now?

DM Jim: Mykael is with you as you leave.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 12:38:54 PM

Appolo follows the others below decks"Ok will do boss."

Thursday January 12th, 2006 2:22:44 PM

The giant sized dwarf smiles at Quinn " well met " greets Nezamil

Nezamil waits till the Sword moves closer to the dock to jump off (he's way too heavy i would imagine to get in the launch)

"i'm ready Captain " as Nezamil ready's himself for the visit to the governors

With a whisper to Mykael " find anything intresting in your wanderings ?"

Thursday January 12th, 2006 2:24:43 PM

"I'll take point position " suggests Jagar

With that the fleetfooted monk takes the lead when Rigging gives the word

Nellie on Treasure split 
Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:15:46 PM

According to Jim, here's our treasure....
3500 gp in rough cut diamonds

Broach of Shielding - 70 points left
Necklace of Fire balls - 2 balls 3 HD and 5 HD

Two armbands - Usable only for one month per person and it takes one day to get the benifit.

#1 Gives the feat of Toughness and Die Hard: Value 1500 gp
#2 Gives the feat of Toughness and Endurance: value 1500 gp

Sooo...that means 3500gp/8=437.5gp in diamonds each
The broach of shielding
The fireball necklace
The two armbands

How are we going to split this up?

Thursday January 12th, 2006 3:27:58 PM

The Mistress of the Sword looks at Rigging with doubt in her eyes. "Rigging, I don't think this is such a good idea. I mean, who's going to watch the Sword while we're gone? Sure she'll be out to sea, but that doesn't mean the Quad can't attack." Ashira taps her chin in thought. "Of course, splitting our group isn't a very good idea either." Ashira sighs. "I think at least a couple of Cards should stay on the Sword to watch her, and I volunteer to be one of them.

DM Jim: Docked  d4=3
Thursday January 12th, 2006 5:17:55 PM

Mykael leaves the rug seller and turns the corner only to come back around invisible. Mykael has to keep on his toes as the street is filled with end of the day shopper and sellers closing up shop. Mykael does watch the rug seller close up his stall and kiss his colorful bird before sending it into the air. The rug seller then look around and quickly heads down an alley, catching Mykael abit by surprise. When Mykael turns the corner all he sees is piles of garbage and another colorful bird taking flight out of the alley and over a building.

OOC: Mykael now leaves the bazaar and makes it back to the Sword and is on the same time schedule as everyone else.


Quinn is let on board the Sword and announces that the Govenors will see the Wildcards early as they have gotten briefed by the High Lord Mayor on their business. Quinn and Cantera were going to escort the Wildcards to the meeting hall.

Ashira feels it will take her 40 - 50 hours to clear the braches below the waterline of the Sword, using Riggings new saw.

Bart finds a quite spot and operates wayfinder again and find the girl and her friend again. They seem to be shopping for breakfast in the Bazaar. Bart looses the picture after a few minutes and the two move on and seem to go shopping at a cultlery stall.....

OOC bart -3 con for a total of -4.

The Sword, already moored several hundred yards off the docks, maneuvers back to drop off the Wildcards. Nezamil jumps down and puts a boot through the pier and the shock wave sends sailor and longshormen running.

Rigging suggests a plan of action on the visit to the Govenors. Ashira suggests a different course of action. What will the Wildcards do?

Mary, Melonie, Hal, Kirk, and John all disembark the Sword and are ready to go with the Wildcards. All are armed. Mary and John flank Ashira "Acorn bearers have to stick together.: comment Mary as she sneers at several sailors that are eyeing her. Kirk avoid Nezamil pier hole and looks up at him. "We will have to watch you like a hawk. We will look for those loose boards that may not support a ton."

Tomas leaves the launch, but takes the Sword back out into the harbor.

Thursday January 12th, 2006 6:13:58 PM

Mykael makes his way to the docks in the morning concealed in different cloak, clothing, and boots. He walks with a heavier, more human step. He stands behind Quinn and Canterra and utters, "Morning you two, good to see you again. I am Mykael in case you cant tell, and I was out late on the town last night. Wow, that sun is bright coming off the water." Dismissing his cloakenness with a fake hang-over.

Mykael waits for the Sword to make its way over, then prepares to board. However, when he sees an almost 15 foot dward prepare to launch himself from the boat, Mykael quickly retreats back toward the shore.

A fake stumble from the landing of Nez and he heads toward the group again.

"You should think before you jump, Nez, you are not used to this size and weight yet, my friend."

"Captain, we need to speak, before we leave," Mykael states aloud. Then he adds, "And no offense intended to all present, but only Wildcard are invited. Permission, to come aboard."

Mykael boards the ship and makes his way below decks. He will wait for Rigging, and whoever else shows, and run off all within listening range that are not Wildcards, including the crew.

Mykael starts, "I am not sure of whom we can trust. I dont think the Ga'allans have their hooks in any of the crew, or the refugees, however, its better to be err on the side of caution. The Quads are paying for information about us."

Mykael continues with the story of his past dayly findings.

"I am pretty sure that the rug seller was a mage, and with enough skill to transform himself into a bird. Although, I suppose it could be a racial thing, but I have never heard of any like that." Mykael continues, "We can decide on how to play it later, however, it would do well if I was not seen, to keep up the guise, in case its useful. If nothing else, they may assume I was killed and it would be a surprise for them."

"As far as the local Governor's meeting, Appollo and I didnt fair well with them. They are arrogant and somewhat uncaring. We came to ask for help, the provided little. Alot less than what they could have, in my opinion. And many died because of that fact."

"I am not sure if it would be a good idea to have Appollo and myself with you when you speak to them, especially Appollo, he was a little more brash. However, given the situation at the time, I can understand."

"Your call."

Thursday January 12th, 2006 7:57:18 PM

No wonder Rigging wants to step down. It would be rather frustrating to be in charge and have to have your commands put through a comittee.

"Last time I checked it took all of us to deal with a Quad effectively. So Ashira do you really think that leaving two behind will accomplish anything except capture or death?"

Thursday January 12th, 2006 10:56:36 PM

Rigging goes below and listens to Mykael. "Yes I am not surprised that they have spies on us. The have the advantage. They have been briefed on us but we have no idea who they are. They are sponsered by a government and have greater resourses for bribes. Also since they are evil, they can just threaten and bully people we would have to negotiate with."

Rigging looks at his wife and gives her a peck on the cheek. "Sorry Hon but this time I am overruling you. All the Wildcards are coming includig Appolo and you Mykael. The quad wants to kill us. They could only attack our friends before. I think they will make a move on us either on the way to see the govenors or on the way back. That is why I want a invisible rear guard."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards back on deck and say, "Do whatever you think you need to do to be battle ready." He then casts mage armor on himself and readies two wands. "Lets go."

Ashira  d20+12=30 d20+11=19
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:15:05 PM

Ashira flushes at Val's comments and bites her lip. When she does finally speak she doesn't say much. "Of course, you are right. What was I thinking?" It is not entirely clear whether she is being sarcastic or not.

Ashira nods at Rigging. "Not a problem. You asked for suggestions, I gave you my opinion. You made a decision. I have no problem with that."

As they travel, Ashira keeps a sharp eye out for trouble (Spot=30, Listen=19).

Mykael  d20+4=19 d20+1=4
Thursday January 12th, 2006 11:21:00 PM

OOC: sorry for the post... but needed to make a post after Riggings choice.

IN: Before Rigging heads above decks, Mykael responds, "Alright, but I still want to try and remain as unknown as possible, so allow me to join the invisible guard."

If Rigging agrees, Mykael cast invisibility on himself and follows the group. Keeping his eyes open, especially for colorful birds.

(spot = 19, listen = 4)

DM Jim: It will take over 30 minutes of travel time to reach the meeting house. When do you want to cast the invisibility??????

Jagar  d20+6=9
Friday January 13th, 2006 12:50:02 AM

The Fleetfooted Monk takes up the point and lets his eyes travel side to side as he surveys the path ahead as he leads the wildcards after Quinn to the governors

spot ch d20+6=9

Friday January 13th, 2006 6:53:23 AM

I could use a restoration spell befor we go to the council , i'm not feeling too well after using the wayfinder again.

Mykael did you heared about athieving guild in the city. We must try to get the Nauticaoculos back.

Nezamil could you cast an location spel or something like that to locate the artefact?

Friday January 13th, 2006 10:15:49 AM

"Nope Domi hasn't blessed me with any location spells today but i may pray to see if he will " responds the giant sized dwarf to Bart

As the they make there way to the governors house " yeah good idea kirk watchout for any potholes " chuckles Nezamil

"you two stay alert ....i've fought quads from Ga'al before....they are very dangerous....remember if anything happens work togetehr ....teamwork......got it " coaches Nezamil

"Captain i'll take up rearguard position ....with my size i should be a a force
of intimidation back there " grins the giant sized dwarf to Rigging

Appolo Invisible Ac 23 Hp 59 
Friday January 13th, 2006 11:32:07 AM

Appolo goes invisble"Ready." is all he says before he takes up his postion and follows the others.He thinks to himself with a slight grumble we should be hunting Quads not talking to a bunch of blowhards.

Dm Jim: Off to the Meeting 
Friday January 13th, 2006 5:23:41 PM

Bart is a bit fatigued as he is still down 4 con. and even asks for a restoration spell.


My marching order for the group. Please state differently if you want to move.



Mary, Ashira, John


Quinn, Cantera

Hal, Nezamil, Kirk


Appolo, Val

Mykael (Invisible when?)

OOC: I need spell lists on your next post. Also, Rigging which wands do you have out.


Tomas waves goodbye to the group as the take off, feverishly waving his restored arm.

Quinn and Cantera seem to be catching up on old times like friends that have not seen one another for awhile.

Mary and John flank Ashira and make sure no one bothers "Mothers favorite".

Melonie sulks as she can not see Val and seems to be worrying about her.

Hal and Kirk joke with Nezamil"You have to watch what you eat, eight dozen eggs for breakfast can't be good for anyone. You best bring back a cart of food for the ship or everyone will go hungry, by supper!"

Most of the longshoreman are happy to see Nezamil leave the pier and go back to work.

There is a slight rise in the streets as you head to the meeting house and most people give way at the sight of Nezamil and Quinn even sent several guardsmen away that came to investigate the "Giant". The guards appolgized to Nezamil and Quinn. Quinn waved it off as a missunderstanding of little importance.

Ashria does notice several people melt into the crowd at the sight of Nezamil and the entourage. Some went off running.


Ashira/Nellie was good enough to find that I underestimate the treasure from the giants/satyrs. There is another 2900 gp in coin and a third golden orb/fireball (5HD).

I pays to keep tabs on your DM as he gets forgetful too. I was looking at my paper treasure list and not the one I post, which was better.

Val (Invisible) 
Saturday January 14th, 2006 5:15:30 PM

Val smiles when she sees Melonie's mood. After the events in the valley she was very close to the elven woman. Val's smile fades when she remembers that she used to be that close to Ashira. A long time ago before many things happened. But that was then and this is now. The next chance she got, Val was going to take Melonie to the Catacombs and get her some real gear.

Ashira  d20+12=30 d20+11=13
Saturday January 14th, 2006 11:50:42 PM

Instead of comforting Ashira with their company, the very presence of the acorn bearers sets Ashira further on edge. She really doesn't want to see them slaughtered by a Quad. Her conscious is slightly eased by the fact that they carry the new masterwork weapons she bought them. Still, Ashira constantly scans the crowds looking for the trouble that is headed their way (Spot=30, Listen=13).

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+15=23 d20+14=21 d20+9=23 d20+6=10
Sunday January 15th, 2006 1:10:43 PM

Appolo trails the group several paces behind moving silent,ivisible and sticking to the shadows as keeps and eye out for anyone paying to much attention to the group possibly following them."

Move Silently 23,Hide 21 Spot 23 listen 10

Jagar  d20+6=11
Sunday January 15th, 2006 9:46:51 PM

The fleetfooted monk leads the way to the Governors house keeping his eyes peeled for trouble (d20+6=11 spot ch)

Nezamil  d20+5=7 d20+12=19
Sunday January 15th, 2006 9:55:27 PM

"Ha hehehehe eight dozen eggs very funny guys" laughs Nezamil " i might of had a couple extra "

The giant sized dwarf walks in the center of the street his conversation with the two brothers distracting (d20+5=7 spot ch) him anything else

"No worries no need to apoligize " replies Nezamil to the guards " your doing what your supposed to do and a fine job at that " adds the Cleric with diplomacy )d20+12=19 diplomacy ch)

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20+4=21 d20+1=21
Sunday January 15th, 2006 11:42:23 PM

Mykael realizes that his spell wont last him the whole trip, so he just pulls his hood up over his head, his cloak around him, and moves with the group, keeping watching and listening for trouble. Especially colorful birds.

(Spot = 21, Listen = 21, nat 20)

Spell List:
0 lvl -- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Arcane Mark
1 lvl -- Alarm, Magic Missle X3
2 lvl -- Invisibility, Bulls Strength, See Invisibility, Spider Climb
3 lvl -- Fireball, Haste, Vampiric Touch

Rigging, mage armor  d20+12=27
Monday January 16th, 2006 1:45:14 AM

Rigging walks along and looks back at his wife remembering the good old days when she used to walk next to him. He looks to his right and his left and sighs. He then sniffs under his armpit wondering if that could be the problem. He then cups his hand in front of his face, breathing out deeply and smelling his breath. Neither seem any worse than usual.

Rigging's mind reaches out to Swirl wondering if his familiar still loves him. He is reassured by the presense and the love he feels from his friend. "Keep an eye out my friend. I think we are heading into trouble."

Rigging keeps an eye out (spot check 27)and hopes they can pull this off.

Monday January 16th, 2006 2:50:36 AM

Stil feeling weak Bart is foolowing the others to the council

DM Jim: All Eyes are Watching  d20+16=30 d20+24=39 d20+24=25 d20+20=28 d20+11=21 d6=1 d6=4 d6=3 d20+10=22 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d20+11=22 d6=4 d100=52 d4=3 d4=2 4d6(4+1+6+3)=14 d20+18=33 2d6(3+1)+6=10 d20+4=16 d20+4=22 d8+3=4 d8+3=6
Monday January 16th, 2006 12:46:47 PM

Everyone is a bit on edge, as they search the throngs of people that pass then and the sellers of ware and they thrust them toward the Wildcards. The multitude of people in South Harbor seem oblivoius to most of the WIldcards, although Nezamil always draws stares.

Nezamil's broad smile and non threatening attitude diffuses most problems, but there is the ocassional mother that grabs a child and hurrys off the street. There was one scream as a woman was dressing in her second story bedroom when she got a freight as Nezamil passed. More than a few people coaked on their brunch in the sidewalk cafes as the giant dwarf (Tall) passed by.

The group is working their way through the crowd and everyones spirits seems to be lifted, but Barts (-4 con till this afternoon when it will only be -3).

Appolo finds that he is lagging behind the group as attempting to hide and move silently only allows him 1/4 move rate. I will say that Appolo is 50 feet behind the main group of Wildcards.

Rigging feels Swirl high above and he comments. "There are so many human type creatures around you, besides Nezamil, they all look alike."

Mykael is very keen on watching the birds, but all he sees are gulls, none of the colorful ones he saw yesterday. Mykael does not even hear the colorful birds unique musical call, just more screeching gulls. Although he does see Swirl scatter the gulls from time to time.

Val and Bart are lost in their own thoughts and do not notice much. Jager and Appolo are keep a close watch, but do not pick up much as their is so much that is new and just so many people.

Quinn or Cantera give course corrections every now and then "Turn left at the Lions Den. Great entertainment in there. Turn left at the White page Inn." and the like.

Ashira spots a well hidden woman in a second story window, right above a cultlery vendor, with a crossbow and she hears the twang.

AC 21 Shot at Rigging (no Dex, flat footed)
3 damage DC 11 fort save or lose 4 con. a second save is required in one minute DC 11 or lose 3 more con.

Another bolt streaks at Rigging and strikes him in the back. This bolt came from street level somewhere from behind Rigging.

AC 22 (no Dex Flat Footed) for 5 damage + 14 backstab damage. Roll DC 18 fort save or lose 4 dex. same in one minute or lose 6 more dex.

Rigging see a third assassin (and get his dex bonus) and the bolt is unleashed. The Assassin is on a second story roof.

AC 22 for 4 damage and 52 % for blink/still hit. Roll DC 14 fort save or lose 3 str. and same in one minute or lose 2 more str.

Ashira notices a person that was standing by one of the vendors dart over to Rigging and pull out a hand axe, he is moving fast. Rigging is struck by a flying kick and not the hand axe.

AC 33 for 10 damage. Rigging is flat footed.

Riggings new foe calms states. "Captain Rigging you have been selected for extermination."

Nezamil feels a dispel magic wash over him, but it seems to have no effect, much to someones chagrin.

Val and Appolo see a half orc grab a great axe that was inside a doorway and lead three humans out of the doorway in pursuit of Nezamil's back. THese four did not get as good a jump on the action as the four that attacked Rigging.

A cloaked human thows back his cloak to reveal a very healthy heart seed and he directs two humans at Bart. "He has the artifact. Kill him!"

AC 16 dam. 3
AC 22 dam. 6

Bart is not flat footed. The humans are swinging long sword and in chain shirts, which are now visible under their shirts.

When you post next please list AC and Hit points.

Map to come later tonight

Nezamil's spell list 
Monday January 16th, 2006 2:26:55 PM

Zero-create water x2,light x2,dtect magic , mending
1st-Command ,Obscuring mist ,Protect f-evil ,Shield of faith ,Bless(enlarge)
2nd-Aid ,Bears endurance,owls wisdom ,resist energy ,spiritual weapon (bull str)
3rd-Blind/deaf ,Inviso purge ,water walk , windwall ,(pro f-energy )
4th-Airwalk ,dimenisional anchor ,neutralize poison (spell immunity)
5th-Command greater (spell resistance)

Ashira AC27 (HP103/103, Barkskin +5, Casting Delay Poison on Rigging)  d20+12=15 d20+11=23
Monday January 16th, 2006 10:25:28 PM

Not surprised, Ashira takes up a position at Rigging's back...no more bolts were coming from that direction unless they went through her. Murmuring, she quickly casts a spell and lightly touches her husband (Delay Poison---Rigging). "Mary, John, get on the side of me. This isn't your fight...keep defensive, just keep them from flanking me." Ashira calls to her companions. Quick as a flash, Ashira's swords are in her hands and she anxiously awaits her attack on any unlucky Quad member. After a moment of concentration, the tree tattoo on Ashira's arm disappears and her skin magically thickens (activating Barkskin tattoo +5 AC). "Thank you Mother." She murmurs as she scans the market for other threats (Spot=15, Listen=23).

Just for clarity...here's how I want to arrange Ashira, Mary and John...

M As J

Delay Poison
The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. Any poison in its system or any poison to which it is exposed during the spell's duration does not affect the subject until the spell's duration has expired. Delay poison does not cure any damage that poison may have already done.

Mary (AC16, HP14/14) and John (AC20, HP24/24) Both on Total Defense  d20+3=21 d20+9=16
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:01:02 PM

The acorn bearers are shocked by the suddenness of the attack. Briefly they stare at the pin cushion Captain Rigging, mouths open in shock. Ashira's orders cut through their fog, and they snap to.

Mary maintains her position on the left hand side of Ashira and pulls out her new longsword. She waves it threateningly, but mostly just to keep any attackers at bay (Total Defense +4 Dodge to AC). She pulls back a strand of red hair from her eyes and looks around to see the nearest threat to Ashira (Spot=21). Locating the archers in the 2nd floor, Mary scowls. "That's just cowardly!! Don't these people have any morals?" she asks naively.

Like Mary, John quickly retrieves his weapon which he brandishes with fumbling hands. "This just feels wrong. Can't I just use my bow?" he mutters as he moves the blade in what he hopes is a defensive posture (Total Defense +4 Dodge to AC).

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 71/71  d20+5=14 d20+15=33 2d6(5+5)+8=18 d20+1=3
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:23:12 PM

"Watch out Bart " screams the giant sized dwarf in the fighters direction

"To arms " growls Nezamil to Hal and Kirk as he hears foosteps fast approaching from behind (d20+5=14 listen ch) and spins around

A big grin appears across Nezamil's face as he see's the 1/2 orc leading the charge with 3 men in tow towards him .

The Cleric's anvil holy symbol gives a quick pulse of light as Nezamil barks out "Drop" (casting command,greater Dc ch 19)

" try and sneak up and attack us in this cowardly fashion " growls the giant dwarf " you'll feel the pain of that mistake rightly soon "

Nezamil slides his shield into position and draws his mace in one smooth well trained motion and swings at the 1/2 orc(AoO swing with Nezamil's 15 ft reach) his hugh mace smashing into the 1/2 orc (d20+15=33 AoO)(damage 2d6+8=18)

"Domi's strength will vanquish you " roars the giant dwarf as he towers over his attackers (d20+1=3 intimidate check) (ack!)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+10=23 d8+4=10 d20+9=19 d10+5=9
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:39:09 PM

Hal reacts a 1/2 second faster then his younger brother his shield and heavy mace readied in split second as his instincts take over and steps up to a protective flanking position on the dwarfs right side and launches a quick blow at any of the men you come to position (d20+10=23 attack)(damage d8+4=10)

" heh little brother i got the 1st blow " taunts Hal to Kirk

Kirk not quite as fast as his older brother unfurls his heavy flail and steps up to the giant dwarfs left flank just like he did in the forest and strikes out with a smash at the nearest attacker on the left flank (d20+9=19 attack )(damage d10+5=9)" i think i blasted this guy too " replies Kirk to his brother as he waits to see how effective his blow was

Jagar Ac 21 Hp 71/71  d20+10=13
Monday January 16th, 2006 11:54:06 PM

The Monk turns at the sound of Ashira barking orders to Mary and John and watches as Captain Rigging gets hit with a flying kick

The fleetfooted monk sprints towards the Captains foe and does his own flying kick at him (stunning fist attack)(d20+10=13)and misses the agile hand axe wielder " you got to get thru me 1st " retorts Jagar as he moves to position himself between Rigging and the attacker

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127  d20+15=30 d20+10=21 d10+20=21 d10+20=21
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:46:59 AM

"Stay away from her!" Val growls just before becoming visible. Her slender but very powerful arms swing the heavy flail in a circle above her head. The spiked ball at the end of the flail slams into the orc holding the great axe with a bone crunching impact. Val moves with the flail's rebound, spinning in a circle and bashing the flail against a second quad member to draw their attention.

"Melonie you keep out of harm's way. I know thatyou want to help but trust me on this."

ooc: power attack -5 to hit/ +10 to damage
1st attack against QO hit ac 30 for 21 dmg
2nd attack against QF2 hit ac 21 for 21 damage

Rigging ac 19? hps34/70  d20+6=18 d20+6=21 d20+6=9 d20+6=23 d20=12
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:48:48 AM

Rigging feels the poison? flowing through his veins and summons his strength to fight off the various poisons. He is thankful for Ashira's actions but knows he can't survive another round of that. He says, "Ashira, take charge! I will be back!'He activates his blink ring and tumbles away from the monk moving towards the closest building wall. He will try to blink through it to buy himself some time to organize his defenses. (ooc Jim I don't have my character sheet so I don't have my tumble roll skills number but rolled a natural 12 so combined with dextertiy should have easily made it.)

As Rigging is moving he thinks up to Swirl with sarcasm in his voice. "The ones pointing the crossbows at me, were the bad guys."

blink 1/7
mage armor

Jim I made all my saving throws but had to use a hero point for the third one.

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 16 (Combat Expertise +5 AC, -5 to hit) 
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:55:41 AM

Melonie stood firm as the orc holding the massive great axe ran out of a building. She wished Val was here but since she wasn't Melonie would do her best to fill in. Her heart jumped when Valanthe suddenly became visible right next to her. She was about to jump in when she heard Val's words.

"Alright, but you shouldn't be in danger all the time." Melonie replied. She took a step back and waved her spear threatening before her to keep enemies at bay.

Bart Ac24 hp 71/71  d20+15=26 d20+10=29 d20+10=25 d10+9=14 d6=5 d10+9=19 d10+9=16 d6=4
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 3:38:55 AM

Bart sees 2 men comming his way, he activates his glove of storing his bastard swords appears just before he hears nezamil shouting. He counter attacks the nearest opponent. Attacking him twice (ac 26 for 14 +5 shock, threat ac 29 crit? ac25 for 19+16 +4 shock=tot dam 58)

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=21
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 5:31:30 AM

OOC: Dont have a map yet, but I am assuming that we are all within 30' of each other.

IC: Mykael takes note of the happenings, turns and casts Haste, on Bart, Ashira, Val, Nez, Jagar, and himself.

(21% made spell failure)

Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:23:32 AM

ooc didn't deduct the temporary con los in my HP total bart has a normal con of 11

00c2 while melonie is fighting defensive she may add +4 on her AC

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=29 d20+10=17 d20+15=24 d20+4=15 d10+4=13 d8+4=12 d6=3 d6=1 d6=6 d6=6 d6=4 d6=1 d6=1 d6=2 d6=4 d6=1
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 10:48:22 AM

Appolo moves quickly forward flanking the half orc with the battle ax and backstabs himtwice."Melonie darling Danger is our business we do this al the time.He then goes insisible agian and steps bck to the right.He cointues to move silently.

Attack 29,17 Damage 13x2+26 {Critical} Longsword 12 Shortsword Backstab Damage 27 or19 if Shortsword missed

Total Damage 65 points or 45 points if shotsword missed.

DM: Wildcards strike back - Combat Round 2  d20+26=46 d20+18=30 d100=19 (for wand) d100=86 (blink) d6+7=12 d20+1=6 d20+6=24 d4=3 d20+10=28 d10+9=12 d20+11=29 d8=5 d100=55 d100=21 d100=83 d20+11=29 d20+10=11 d20+15=17 d20+9=28 d4=4 d20+2=14 d20+2=18
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 1:33:42 PM

Several people in the street scream and most dive for cover in bildings, alleyways for stalls.

Ashira starts to organize a defense and delays the poison coursing through her husbands body.

Jager leaps in to attack the monk, but misses badly or the monk is just too quick.

Rigging takes the brunt of the early assualt from the bolts and monk and deftly tumbles away. Unfortunately, the Monk follow and beats him to his resting spot (tumble 46, nat 20) "Nice try, but not good enough." The monk spots Rigging the two wands in his hands and swings at one (mirror image) and cleanly cuts it in two (12 damage). "Your toys will not help you." The monk taunts.

ooc: Rigging will still have to make 3 poison saves after the delay poision wears off for secondary effects.

Nezamil casts his spell and then smacks the half orc solidly, but he seemed to expect that.

Hal and Kirk step forward and each land an heavy hit on the warriors bracing the half orc.
The half orc is dumbfounded as he loses his grip on his great axe and it clatters to the street. He is brought out of his funk when a flail raps him on the back. Vals return swing fells one of the other warriors that was already hit by Kirk.

Appolo rushes up and back stabs with his longsword (only one swing allowed), and the warrior screams in pain as he tries to remain councious, but loses the battle and falls prone in the street.

Mykael hastes the most of the Wildcards.

Bart kills one of the warriors that attempted to do the same to him.


A harpy type creature appears over one of the buildings as a black ray strikes Nezamil (AC 24 ranged touch attack)and he loses three levels and his three highest level spells(at a minimum).

The Ga'alian cleric starts to float straight upwards and tosses a brown rock at Bart and it breaks upon striking the ground and an earth elemental appears. The cleric screams and points at Bart. "Kill him" and the mound of rock brings one fist down on Bart.

AC 28 for for 12 damage

The other warrior has had enough and withdraws from Bart, seeing what his did to his friend.

The two remaining humans flanking the half orc also withdraw at the sight of two new opponents (Val and Appolo) and the sight of their swords lying on the ground.

ooc: Appolo you can not go invisible until next round.

A bolt is fired at Nezamil from the roof and it finds its mark.

AC 29 for 7 damage It is poisoned but the does is for medium size so are uneffected

A bolt from the second story window at Ashira

AC 29 miss as a result of the barkskin

A bolt at steet level is shot at Bart's back and misses badly (rolled 1). Quinn see the attacker and runs at an Inn (Spot 17 required).

Cantera runs after the Cleric but is too late and only stare up at him, before throwing a dagger hitting the Ga'allian.

AC 28 for 6 damage.

Swirl reaches out to Rigging. "Do I help you or go after the one on the roof or one of the two flying humanoids?"
Map later tonight

Jagar Ac 21(22 mob vs monk) Hp 71/71  d20+10=12 d20+10=30 d20+5=8 d20+10=22 d10+3=8 d10+3=6
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 3:52:14 PM

Jagar is slightly frustrated at his weak first attack againist the axe wielding monk and quickly follows him while launching a flurry of blows as the monk sets his sights on Captain Rigging

Jagar swings and misses but then lands a powerful front kick to the axe wielders side(d20+10=30 nat 20!! crit hit)(roll to see if crit hit d20+10=22)(yes!!!) (damage d10+3=8,d10+3=6 for total of 14 dam!) and misses with his final blow as his devasting front kick throws off his timing

"we shall see you gets terminated " taunts the fleetfooted monk

DM Jim: Just a note, but the Monk is AC 30 or 31, 30 for Jager, so not a critical, but a hit.

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 64/71 haste , angry  d20+13=15 d20+8=27 d20+13=17 2d6(6+4)+8=18 d20+5=17
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 4:14:13 PM

Nezamil feels a bit of satisfaction as his blow finds his mark on the 1/2 orc but suddendly a chill runs down his spine as he feel the black ray drain Domi's power from him "grrr" growls Nezamil as he steels himself againist it and lashes out at the 1/2 orc with his hugh mace but
misses as the 1/2 orc ducks under his swing but he wasn't quick enough to jump out of the way of the dwarfs devasting backswing (d20+8=27 2nd swing) and he grins as he hears his hugh mace crunch into the axeman's armor (2d6+8=18 damage) but in his eagerness to finish the ugly beats his hasted blow missies wide of its mark

" Hal ...Kirk grab his axe so he can't pick it up " growls Nezamil to the brothers "Val will help finish this thing off ....so watch our backs "

Nezamil doesn't even flinch as a crossbow bolt hits him but takes a quick peek in the direction the shot came from (d20+5=17 spot ch)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+4=23
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 4:25:12 PM

Kirk wataches as Val finishes off his opponnet "she's good " gawks the younger brother at her skill

Nezamil's words break his focus as he spots the great zxe on the ground " cover me bro " shouts Kirk to Hal as he quickly moves to pick up the 1/2 orcs great axe and jump behind the giant dwarf with great axe in hand " i got it Nez"

Hal lets the giant dwarf and barbarian take control of the action and moves to protectively cover Kirk as he makes a grab for the great axe stepping between anyone you attacks his brother

'where's all that shooting coming from " bellows Hal as he looks up at the rooftops for the sniper's (d20+4=23 spot ch)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible  d20+10=17 d20+10=28 d10+4=6 d6=4 d6=2 d6=1 d6=1 d6=3
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 7:40:47 PM

Appolo moves forward and engages QF2 swinging at his opponents back twice.he connects once solidly.He yells at Valanthe to finish the half orc and jion him."Val finish the half orc off then help me with these two."{Appolo is backstabbing him.}

Attack 28,17 Longsword hits for 17 points of damage.

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=22 6d6(4+5+6+6+2+1)=24
Tuesday January 17th, 2006 9:21:14 PM

Mykael notes the Cleric rize off the ground, he smiles. Calculates the area and then casts Fireball in the air, but only so as to catch the cleric, no one else, and no buildings.

(22% made spell failure roll)
(24 damage)

Ashira AC27 (HP103/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+13=23
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:10:12 AM

Ashira grunts at the bolt slams into her leg, but she easily shrugs off the poison (Fort.=23). "I've had about enough of this non-sense!!" Ashira growls as she begins casting a spell. As she does so, the other tattoo disappears off her arm (activating Elf tattoo). A massive wind wall erects itself around the combat area, cutting off the crossbows from most of the combat area (200 total feet long...100feet high). "Hold on Bart, I'm coming!" she murmurs to the warrior as the elemental smashes him. She looks over at Mary and John. "This thing is very dangerous. I don't want you to fight it...but if you could give me a helping hand..." Standing her ground, Ashira reaches into her pack (drawing an AoO from the elemental), pulls out a potion and holds it toward Mary (Barkskin +3). "Here, Mary, take this. I think you're going to need it."

OOC: Ashira's AC is 27 so the bolt did hit her. Please let me know the damage.

Mary (AC17, HP14/14, Barkskin +3) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+3=11 d20+2=21 d20+5=22 d8+1=6
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 12:47:30 AM

Mary smiles at Ashira, thrilled to be asked to help. Moving her new shield into place, Mary steps toward the elemental and begins to distract it (Aid Another...hit AC21, so +2 AC to Ashira on next attack from elmental.).

The sandy haired archer takes a good look at the monsterous mound of earth before him and thinks long and hard about moving any closer to it. Deciding that perhaps caution is the better part of valor, he sheathes his sword (move action) and pulls out his bow (free action). He takes careful aim at the elemental and then lets rip (Point blank shot...no neg.). The arrow sails through the air toward the elemental (AC22 for 6dam)

FYI: Combat Expertise...your +to AC cannot exceed the PC's BAB.
OOC: Ignore d20+3...referred to the previous post.

Bart Ac24 hp 59/71 (hasted)  d20+15=30 d10+9=15 d20+10=29 d20+10=23 d10+9=14 d10+9=11 d10+9=10 d6=2 d6=2 d20+15=29 d10+9=10 d6=3
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 3:29:08 AM

Bart sees an clump of dirt rising before him, another challenge before him. Bart goes for a full attack and feels more quicker then before testing the weakness and the strengths of his opponent. (ac 30 for 15+2 shock, threat ac29 crit ac 23 for 11+10+2 dam hasted attack ac 29 for 10+3 = 53 total)

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+15=27 d10+20=27
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 4:45:46 AM

Val really wants to engage the elemental but there are plenty of Wildcards around it and she can't leave Appolo to face two opponents. WIth only a moments hesitation she turns and heads back away from the elemental.

"Melonie with me." Val says. Because of the magical speed, Val quickly reaches QF! and bashes him with her heavy flail.

ooc: hit ac 27 for 27 damage

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 11 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 4:50:17 AM

Melonie moves with Val, away from the main battle without hesitation. Her eyes constantly look to the balconies surrounding the street for anybody that might be trying to ambush Val. Despite the violence all around them Melonie felt better than she had just a moment ago. She was with Val and could protect her now.

"Right behind you."

DM Jim: Supplimental 
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 10:43:04 AM

Rigging stated that he was attempting to blink into the nearest building, which I will let him do. It is the one that Quinn is also attempting to enter. The Monk saw the direction Rigging was heading while he blinked and tumbled the same direction and entered through a window as he did roll a 46 for tumble (natural 20).

All else is the same, except that the melee has moved inside the Inn. I will adjust my map after I post next later tonight.

Rigging ac 18 34/70 hp  4d4(2+4+3+3)+4=16 d100=93
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 7:47:51 PM

Rigging in pain and frustration sneers at the cocky monk. "You have know idea about my tricks. That is why I have killed some many Ga'alian priests and why I will eventually wear your teeth as a necklace."

Rigging then blinks up ten feet to the next floor. Once he gets there, he will look at the window, (if there is one) and then using the window as cover, send a magic missile towards Qr2
getting some revenge for the quarrel from before. He does 16 points of damage and makes blink roll.

Spells carried going into known combat situations: Zero Level: daze, detect magic, read magic, dancing lights.
First level: magic missile, true strike, burning hands, mage armor, shield
Second level: Detect invisibility, Cat's grace, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust
Third level: haste, dispel magic, lightning bolt,
Fourth Level: Polymorph, Summon Monster 4

DM Jim: The Prey Slips Away - Combat Round 3  d20+15=20 d20+15=16 d20+15=27 d20+10=22 2d6(5+6)+6=17 2d6(6+5)+6=17 d20+9=15 d20+7=22 d20+4=13 d20+1=19 d4+2=5 d4=4 d20+10=30 d20+10=19 d20+10=19 d8+7=10 d8=6 d20+13=20 d20+13=15 d20+13=32 2d8(1+7)+7=15 d20+6=22 d20+6=23 d20+6=9 6d6(4+2+5+6+4+5)=26 d20+9=23 d4=3 d100=77 d100=100
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 8:38:02 PM

OOC: Bart is down 20 more hit points for the -4 con. Ashira took 6 damage from the bolt last round.

Ashira's wind wall encircles most of the combatants and works just as she had hoped, Mother must be smiling on her now.

The enemy monk performs some wonderful maneuvers and follows Rigging into the inn, by finishing his tumble and launching himself through the open window one of his cross bow people were using.

OOC: Because of my misintrepretation of Riggings post, I will have Jager also fly through the window in pursuit and still strike the monk, no roll required.

The sight of the new entries into the inn sends the two waiters who were cowering in the back out the back door in a flash, leaving two monks an assassin and Quinn.

The frustrated monk curses his luck "Slimy Codfish, I will get my hooks in you yet." The Monk looks at Jager and adds. "You are now my whipping boy." and he launches into a furious attack with feet and hand (still holding the hand axe).

AC 20, miss
AC 16, miss
AC 27, hit for 17 damage
AC 22, ?? for 17 damage

The monk is AC 31 to Jager.

The assassin drops her crossbow (free action) and pulls two daggers to meet Quinn.

OOC: Jager to roll a DC 15 spot check to notice one dagger as an assassin daggers similar to Appolo's

The female assassin draws blood twice, but they are not major wounds (9 total damage). Quinn swings at the assassin and lands a solid blow with his long sword (almost critical) for 10 damage and it hurt, but misses with the backswing. The assassin is wearing gloves.

Val and Appolo fell the retreating warriors with Melonie is hot pursuit.

Bart wreaks havoc on the elemental, but it still stands. John even knocks some rocks off of it.

Mary does get the elemental attention( AID ANOTHER SUCESSFUL), but the rocky stare holds much malice for Bart.

AoO on Ashira

AC 20, the hastilly thrown fist crushes air over Ashria's head.

Bart in not so lucky

AC 15, miss
AC 32, hit for 15 damage.

Nezamil administers the cou de grace to the half orc warrior and Kirk claims his great axe and holds it over his head. "We got him big guy!"

The cleric sees the fireball heading toward him and makes a small ball out of himself as it explodes (save 22)and takes only minor damage (4 hp).

The ga'allian priest scans the battlefield and concentrates on Mykael and yells flee. (Command DC 15 will save.)

The Harpy seems very concerned with the giant that just bashed his friends brains in and casts empowered scorching ray.

Ac 23 solid hit for 26 damage. (77% for wind wall)
AC 9 miss as it burns a hole in the street at Nezamil's feet.

Cantera yells at Hal and Kirk "Quit celebrating and get moving." as he throws another dagger at the cleric.

AC 23, hit for 5 damage

Rigging hits the assassin across the street with a magic missile and she retreats back into the room and out of sight.

Swirl reaches out to Rigging and asks again. "What do you want me to do?"

The one surviving warrior that engaged Bart can be heard running down the street still.

The assassin on the rooftop just looks at the windwall in disgust after firing a bolt that is sent skyward and moves back over the peak and out of sight. The female assassins long blond hair can be seen whipping in the wind.

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+13=23 d20+8=20 d20+13=22 d20+5=11 d20+13=26 d8+5=7 d8+5=11 d6+3=5 d8+5=10
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 11:11:26 PM

Smiling at the success of her spell, Ashira once more thanks Mother. Then she turns to business...anxious to get this mound of earth out of here so they can finish up business with the Quad. Her arms moving in a blur, Ashira dishes out a full attack, hacking furiously at the wannabe mountain (AC23 for 7, AC20 for 11, AC22 for 5, AC26 for 10--- 33dam. total). "Hey, ugly...over here!!" she taunts as she attempts to relieve the pressure on Bart.

Mary (AC19, HP14/14, Barkskin +3, Combat Expertise +2) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+2=22 d20+3=17 d20+3=6
Wednesday January 18th, 2006 11:36:33 PM

Mary watches Bart and Ashira's attacks with amazement. "Yeah, go get him!!" she shouts enthusiastically. The success of her last effort bolsters her confidence, and she thrusts toward the elemental once more trying to distract him from Ashira (Aid Another=22--success, so +2AC to Ashira on next attack from elemental). She smiles as John dings the elemental and laughs "What are you trying to do...dust that thing??"

John frowns at Mary's comment. In an effort to prove his worth, he fires off two arrows at the creature in rapid succession...and both bounce harmlessly off the walking rock. "Yeah, like you're doing a whole lot over there...I haven't seen you hit that thing once!" he retorts as he reaches for more arrows.

Nezamil Ac 19 Hp 63/71 Haste  d20+5=10 3d8(8+1+7)+9=25
Thursday January 19th, 2006 12:55:56 AM

Nezamil staggers under the force of the fiery ray and looks about for the culprit (d20+5=10 spot ch) " come on down ya mangy mutt " growls the giant dwarf to the harpy " i got something for ya " as Nezamil raises his bloodied mace high over his head [b]

With a look around for the two brothers " good work guys " adds the dwarf with a grin "lets go help the others"

Nezamil leads the trio over to near Bart and Ashira " be careful fellows that earthy beast can crush ya with a single blow ....just cover my back ....teamwork fellas"

Eyeing the large earthy beast the giant dwarf takes its measure " that must hurt " grimaces Nezamil as he watches it strike Bart and with that thought the Cleric touches his anvil holy symbol " Domi heal thy disciple " prays Nezamil as he casts CSW spontanously (3d8+9=25 cured) on himself(replacing waterwalk)

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43  d20+4=24
Thursday January 19th, 2006 1:02:14 AM

"Good going bro " cheers Hal to Kirk " stay close "

Kirk follows Nezamil with a big grin as he walks with a weapon in each hand while his brother Hal walsk a step behind and looking backwards(d20+4=24 spot ch nat 20!!!) covering the trio's backside as they head towards the battle with the earth elemental

Jagar Ac 28(29vs monk) Hp 37/71 combat expertise +5  d20+6=26 d20+6=10 d10+3=12
Thursday January 19th, 2006 1:13:48 AM

" this guy is lightning quick " that thought runs thru the monks head " gotta be defensive here and hold him off the Captain "

Fighting defensivly(+2 ac) the fleetfooted monk throws a round house kick hoping to back off the axe wielding monk and surprises himself by landing a solid blow (d20+6=26 nat 20!!)(thats two in a row !!)(no crit)(d10+3=12 damage)

"ha! we'll see who the whipping boy is " taunts Jagar with a smirk

Bart Ac24 hp 24/71 (hasted)  d20+15=32 d20+15=16 d20+15=35 d20+15=34 d20+10=24 d10+9=14 d6=1 d10+9=13 d10+9=19 d6=5 d10+9=17 d6=1 2d8(6+1)+6=13
Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:48:33 AM

The heavily bruised fighter makes an series of attacks on the piece of dirt before him "GET THIS AND GO BACK WHERE YOU BELONG" (threat ac32 crit? ac 16 for 14+1 another threat (nat 20) crit ac 34 for 13+19+5 his final blow hits the elemental as well (ac 24 for 17+1) = 70 dam total)
(in case the elemental is finished earlier by the attack of ashira and/or his first attack he retrieves an potion of cure moderate and gulps it down heal 13)

Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:57:31 AM

Appolo looks at Valanthe"Ok vome on sunshine let's go help Rigging he's over there in that building."Appolo the activates his tatto{Haste}Suddenly feeling faster he goes invisible and takes off toward the building he saw Rigging and Jager head into."Cpme."he says as vanishes and rushes off.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible Haste 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 3:58:44 AM

Sorry forgot to do this in last post.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 5:28:52 AM

Seeing how this double Quad is fairing, Val wonders when the real trap will spring. Never have they been so easy to handle. Normally Val was all for rushing off into the middle of combat but now she had Melonie to look after. The girl was spirited and reckless. She reminded Val much of herself and that's why she worried.

"Melonie stay put." Val said and saw the look in her eyes and the way she held her spear. "I mean it. I will be fine. Just trust me." Val adds and runs off after Appolo

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 15 (total defense) 
Thursday January 19th, 2006 5:32:05 AM

Melonie wanted to follow Val and almost did. There was danger all around and if she was there she might see something that Val doesn't. While not happy about being left behind Melonie stays put and concentrates on defense.

"This sucks." she says to nobody in particular.

Rigging ac 19 hps 49/70  2d8(5+7)+3=15 d20-2=15
Thursday January 19th, 2006 7:40:37 AM

Rigging pulls out a potion and drinks it down feeling some of his wounds close over.

He says to Swirl, try and knock one of the quad members off the roof if possible.

Swirl darts on the angle to get behind the QR1 and then tries to bullrush him off the roof. He hits him in the back pushing him off the roof.

Gave Swirl +2 on his str of 14 and took 10 for the defender. Unless the rogue has 20 str he should go off the roof.

Bull Rush
You can make a bull rush as a standard action (an attack) or as part of a charge. When you make a bull rush, you attempt to push an opponent straight back instead of damaging him. You can only bull rush an opponent who is one size category larger than you, the same size, or smaller.

Initiating a Bull Rush
First, you move into the defenderšs space. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Second, you make a Strength check against the defender's Bull Rush DC.

Add a -4 non-prof penalty unless you are a Duelist, Hand of Domi, or a Monk.
Add a +4 bonus instead of the -4 non-prof penalty if you have the Improved Bull Rush feat
Add a +4 bonus for each size category you are larger than Medium or a -4 penalty for each size category you are smaller than Medium.
Add a +2 bonus if you are charging.
The defenderšs DC is 10 plus Str bonus plus the size modifier listed above. The defender also gains a +4 bonus to the DC if he has more than two legs or is otherwise exceptionally stable.

Bull Rush Results
Note that your bull rush attack fails on a roll of a natural 1, 2, or 3. If you beat (not tie) the defenderšs Bull Rush DC, you push him back 5 feet. If you wish to move with the defender, you can push him back an additional 5 feet for each 5 points by which your check result is greater than the defenderšs DC. You canšt, however, exceed your normal movement limit. (Note: The defender provokes attacks of opportunity if he is moved. So do you, if you move with him. The two of you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other, however.)

If you fail to roll above the defenderšs DC, you move 5 feet straight back to where you were before you moved into his space (defender wins ties). If that space is occupied, you fall prone in that space.

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20=13
Thursday January 19th, 2006 10:36:11 AM

Mykael shakes off the Cleric's magical attack (d20=13)(i don't know Mykaels bonus's but i'm sure he gets at least +2 ) with a grin up at the floating Cleric " thats all you got " replies Mykael as he moves up the street trailing the rest of the Wildcards keeping their rearguard protected

posted by Chris

DM Jim: Falling Down in different ways  d20+15=33 d20+15=34 d20+15=19 d20+11=30 2d6(4+4)+6=14 2d6(2+3)+6=11 2d6(6+2)+6=14 d20+11=18 d20+5=15 d20+15=17 d100=59 d20+6=21 d20+6=17 4d6(1+5+5+3)=14 4d6(5+2+1+1)=9
Thursday January 19th, 2006 4:13:23 PM

The monk sees his female assassin take a nasty hit from Quinn and sees Appolo and Val racing for the doorway and yells out. "Take off, I can easily handle these four. Plan C, Action 3, Go!"

The rouge withdraws from Quinn as the monk lashes out at Jager, but moves 5 feet to block pursuit of the assassin.

The monk lands three solid blows, two kicks and a punch.

AC 33, hit for 14
AC 34, hit for 11
AC 19, miss
AC 30, hit for 14

THe monk is AC 31 to Jager and 30 to all others and is still holding his hand axe.

Quinn steps up to engage the monk and help the slumping Jager. Jager falls to the floor at the monks feet. "Next!" the monk calls out.

AC 18, miss - Quinn leaps in with a slash, but the monk easily sidesteps.

OOC: Val and Appolo can enter and engage the monk, but only one attack, not counting haste.

Ashira pounds the earth elemental and rock flies in all directions. John's arrows bounce off the earthen monster. Barts first slash sends the beast back to its plane and rubble falls down around the heros. Bart takes a much needed potion and feels a bit better.

Mykael enters the wind wall and approaches Ashria and Bart.

Swirl moves to knock off the assassin attempting to get off the roof. There is a rope ladder hanging off the back side of the building. Swirl pushes her off the roof, but she is able to react and attempt to grab onto the rope and is sucessful afer a short fall, thank goodness she is wearing gloves. The assassin drops down to the street in the back of the building and it is not pretty (tumble 17).

Swirl comes around the roof and for another target and feels a nasty pull to go home.

Dismissal DC 20 save or be forced back to the elemental plane of air (59). Swirl is resisting the pull as it will leave Rigging alone with Ashria, but the pull of home is great.

OOC: George you can roll his save. Unfortunately, Swirl has no hero points.

The Cleric scrambles ontop of the roof across the street. The one he was levetating next to.

The Harpy flys next to the wind wall and launches two scorching rays at Bart.

AC 21 for 14
AC 17 for 9

Bart is smoking and barely on his feet. The harpy seems disgusted that Bart is still standing. "Will you just die already!" It screams.

Amazingly, after the initial attack, Rigging is left alone. Rigging can only see the cleric on the opposite roof as his only opponent.

Rigging ac 19  d20+5=25 7d6(5+5+3+4+6+3+6)+5=37 d100=82 2d6(3+6)=9
Thursday January 19th, 2006 8:33:18 PM

OOC Jim, I am really confused to where everyone is. Would it be possible to update the map?

Swirl feels the dismissal and then feels his connection to Rigging. He feels the love and respect and decides that this puny spell can not sever thier tie. He easily makes his saving throw. (Natural 20! wooo hooo)

Since Rigging can only see one opponent and feels that this very bad man has attacked his friend and familiar, he decides to chastise him a little. He throws a lightning bolt at the pesky man. DC 17 reflex save take 32 or 16 points of damage. (ooc had the plus 5 left over from the fort save. Made the blink.

Swirl is also upset with this attack and decides to make someone pay. He turns into a whirlwind and darts over to the cleric his master just bolted. He hits the cleric and tries to pick him up. Cleric needs to make 2 Reflex saves dc 16. If it fails the first, it takes 9 points of damage. If it fails the second, it is in the whirlwind. If it is caught in the whirlwind, Swirl will fly straight up gaining 40' of height. (Jim not really sure how tall the whirlwind is but would guess around 20')

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d100=49 3d4(2+3+3)+3=11
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:27:36 AM

OOC: not sure why the Cleric only took 4 of 24 damage from my Fireball, should have been half with the save.

Mykael sees the rays coming from the Harpy, he turns and looses Magic Missles his way.

(made spell failure = 49%)
(11 damage)

DM Jim: Very interesting on why he took much less damaging, isnt it.......

Jagar Ac 21 Hp -2/71 
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:53:58 AM

The Monk falls to the floor of the inn , his body battered and bruised from the axe wielding monks onslaught stains the floor red as blood flows from his wounds

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+12=30 d20+11=30 d8+7=8
Friday January 20th, 2006 1:18:46 AM

Ashira takes a quick look around the battlefield and spots the fleeing cowards (Spot=30). Looking over at Mary and John, Ashira murmurs hold tight...I think this is going to get their attention. "Look...look at the splender of Ga'al!" she screams out to the townspeople hiding in the nearby buildings. "Look at how his mighty Quad's masterwork ambush has worked out. Watch as Ga'al's pride and joy cowardly slink back into the rat holes that they came from!!" Sheathing her swords, she pulls a bow from her back and notches an arrow. She holds the action, carefully watching the cleric (hold action). As soon as he begins to cast, or should he continue his retreat, she lets it fly toward the cleric, smiling as it flies true (AC30 for 8...an additional +4 for favored enemy).

OOC: If cleric casts, they need a Concentration check DC 18 or lose spell.

Mary (AC21, HP14/14, Barkskin +3, Total Defense +4) and John (AC16, HP24/24)  d20+3=12 d20+3=13
Friday January 20th, 2006 1:31:28 AM

Mary looks over at Ashira with fear in her eyes. "I sure hope you know what your doing..."she whispers as she goes back on total defense.

John, however, chuckles at Ashira's tirade. "Women...so much talk..." He levels his bow in the direction of the fighter down at the other end of the combat and fires off a few arrows. Once more, the arrows do little good, skittering harmlessly past the retreating warrior.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 59 Invisible Haste  d20+14=32 d20+14=23 d10+4=6 d10+15=18
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:07:39 AM

Appolo rushes in and swings twice at the ax weilder.Connecting once with his longsword,He then steps back going invisible once again.Continuing to move as silent as possible.

DM Jim: Appolo can not go invisible or move silent until next round. Appolo can not attack and move silent at the same time either.

Bart Ac24 hp 37/71 (hasted) 
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:36:36 AM

Bart pulls one of the orbs from his necklace and throws it at the harpy when he is in sight

Bart  d20+13=30 3d6(2+5+3)=10
Friday January 20th, 2006 4:42:23 AM

ooc to early

(necklace of missiles) didn't know if i must made a to hit roll (hit ac 30) for 10
Luckily enough the rays didn't get a grip on Bart

DM Jim: Bart was hit by both rays as they are range touch attacks. Bart is at 1 hp.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+12=27 d10+26=30
Friday January 20th, 2006 9:58:57 AM

With her advanced speed Val quickly closed on the hand axe assassin (QM). Her incredible strength allows her to handle the heavy flail with an ease that one of her size should not be able to manage. Her feet dig into the floor stopping her momentum just before she would have barrelled into the assassin. Using the momentum Val whips the flail around and into the assassin with a thunderous crash.

ooc: power attack -8 to hit/ +16 to damange. Hit ac 27 for 30 damage.

Melonie HP 14/ 14 AC 15 (total defense) 
Friday January 20th, 2006 10:01:37 AM

Melonie looks at the Quad member before her and wants to strike out with her spear. In her mind she plays out the scenario. One in which left her victorious but her body didn't move. She stood there, spear poised and ready to defend herself if need be.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 63/71  3d8(8+6+7)+9=30
Friday January 20th, 2006 11:40:06 AM

The 14 ft dwarf smiles as the earthy beast shatters from the blows of Bart and Ashira

" yeah " shouts Nezamil

His smiles fades a little as he see's how hurt the big warrior is " hold on Bart let me help ya feel a little better "

Stepping next to Bart the giant sized dwarf touches his friends shoulder " Domi heal this couragous soul " prays Nezamil

Suddenly Bart feels the flow of healing energy surge thru his body (3d8(8+6+7)+9=30)

(sponatanously casting CSW in place of blindness/deafness)
Bart gains 30 life

DM Jim: Consolidation of Forces  d20+5=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=17 d20+6=13 6d4(4+4+2+4+2+2)=18 d20+10=25 d20+10=12 d20+10=29 d20+7=23 2d6(3+3)+6=12 2d6(3+3)+6=12 d6+8=14 d20+13=25 d20+7=23
Friday January 20th, 2006 12:46:47 PM

Swirl maintains his bond to Rigging with great effort and is not sent back to the elemental plane of air. Rigging retaliates and send a lighting bolt at the cleric. The cleric instintivly doges most of the bolt and the rest is absorbed by some form of magic. "The cleric laughs. "That tickled." but has to busy himself with ducking the Whirlwind that is Swirl. Ashira nails the cleric with an arrow and he cleric retreats over the peak of the roof and out of sight and can be heard saying "I will be back for my artifact." Swirl beams back to Rigging. "He jumped."

People screaming in anger can ge heard from the street that Swirl is hovering over and light objects can be seen to be sucked up and through Swirl.

The three female crossbow assassins are nowhere to be seen. Roll DC 15 int check to remember something familiar about them.

Cantera shouts curses at the cleric as he is out of view and kicks the ground and then scans the area for his friend Quinn. Cantera picks up his daggers and forces his way through the wind wall to meet the Wildcards and comments "Where is everyone else?".

Nezamil cures the much damaged Bart as he hurls the fireball bead at the harpy and it takes the full brunt of the blast. The Harpy flys back from the group and starts to lose altitude, by design, and launches an empowered magic missile at Bart. Six missiles strike Bart and do 18 points of damage. The Harpy sinks out of sight and behind the building.

Rigging can see no foes from his window, but does see Bart throw the bead and it explosion, followed by the six missiles streaking in to strike Bart. Rigging could reach out and touch Ashira's wind wall from his window perch.

Val made a mighty swing but missed the monk (AC 30 last round) and smashed floorboards instead, sending splinters flying.

The monk seems very unhappy being stabbed by the now visible Appolo and takes a deep breath and most of his wounds heal and then launches into an attack on Appolo, but is much more defensive (combat expertise +5 to AC/-5 to hit).

Monk AC 35 to Appolo/Quinn and 36 to Val.

AC 25, hit with a side kick to the ribs for 12 damage
AC 12, miss with a punch to the face
AC 29, hit with a round house kick to the leg for 12 damage
AC 23, hit with hand axe for 14 damage a nasty swipe across the midsection.

total damage 38

The monk looks at Val and comments in a very even tone. "Be with you in a second sweetcheeks."

Quinn slashes with his long sword and get close to the monk, but he ducks both blows.

AC 25, miss
AC 23, miss

Bart ooc 
Friday January 20th, 2006 2:13:08 PM

Jim how can Bart be hit by a range touch attack when his ac = 24 and the attack rolls are 21 and 17
bart hp 37+30 (thanks nez)= 51 max (due to temp con loss) -17 (harpy)=34
or 37-23(harpy)+30=44-17=27

DM Jim: Range touch attack does not count armor, just 10 + Dex + deflection bonus if any.
10 + 3 (dex) + less than 5 defelction bonus = two hits.

Jagar -2/71  d100=1
Friday January 20th, 2006 6:30:16 PM

Jagar's battered body lies motionless blood slowly seeping onto the floor from the axe wielding Monks fists

d100=1% wow made his stablizing roll!!

Ashira AC28 (HP97/103, Barkskin +5, Haste)  d20+2=8
Saturday January 21st, 2006 6:23:18 AM

Ashira watches as the cowards of Ga'al slink away, licking their wounds. "Run cowards run!" she yells at their retreating forms. "And next time we won't take it easy on you."

Ashira looks over at Mary and John and smiles. "You guys did great!! What do you say we go check in on Rigging?" She check in on Bart and sees that he's injured but ok. "Bart, Nezamil would you guys cover our backs? I'm going to check on Rigging, but I want to make sure that no one sneaks up on us..." she looks up at the giagantic dwarf and chuckles. "Though I can't imagine anyone sneaking up on you..."

Ashira heads over to the Inn and spots Apollo and the others around some monk. Moving into the building, Ashira moves in trying to move into an attacking position for next round...Mary and John hot on her heels.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 9:22:32 AM

OOC Jim, please explain the clerics moves. I understood him to be levitating 20' above the ground. Was this the case? Also can Swirl see him?

DM Jim: Two rounds ago the cleric levtated. Last round he climbed on the roof. This round he moved across the peak of the roof and jumped. The cleric is out of Swirls sight, barely. Swirl just needs to move forward 10 feet to see into the street below as he is over the house right now.

Val Ac 19 Hp 127/ 127 Hasted  d20+20=39 d20+20=36 d20+20=24 d20+15=21 2d10(5+1)+20=26
Saturday January 21st, 2006 11:12:55 AM

Val watched the agile monk dance away from her vicious attack. This was a different opponent for her, a more dangerous one. Most opponents misjudged the strength she had or the damage she could do. It was one of her biggest advantages. Gripping the heavy flail tightly in both hands, Val measures her opponent carefully this time. Waiting for an opening, her arms move in a blur thanks to the magic enhancing her movements. The flail whips quickly and with devistating effect.

ooc: crit hit ac 36 to confirm for 26 damage

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 21 Invisible Haste  3d8(5+3+7)+4=19
Saturday January 21st, 2006 6:39:37 PM

Appolo looks at Quin.'QUIN get Jager out od here.We'll cover you."Seeing Ashira arrive,he takes a step back spitting some blood"This appears to be the leader and thier not running jus reforming for another attack some where.Heard him mention something about another plan."He then goes invisible and takes a cure moderate wounds potion from his pack.His last one and drinks it.{19 points healed.}He continues to move silently and away from the ax weilding monk.LOoking to flank him and back stab him.

Saturday January 21st, 2006 10:15:18 PM

ooc Jim, I posted the question on the rules board and the response I got was the monk ablitiy to cure himself is a supernatural ablility. That is a standard action. You can't both cure and attack at the same time.

It would have been sweet if you could but I don't play my monk that way.

DM Jim: We posted the question months ago for Jager and it came back as a free action and that is the way Jager has been playing it and will continue to do so.

Bart Ac 24 (=1 to Monk) hp 27/71(haste)  d20+16=36 d20+16=33 d10+9=19 d10+9=13 d6=4
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 4:54:16 PM

Bart sees the Monk fighting before him he is amazed by his skill this is a very good fighter not sure if he can make a good fight directly to this foe Bart makes an springattack towards him making sure he is in the back or flank of the monk he hits the monk with al his might and yes Domi is with him again (threat ac 36 crit ac 32 for 19+13+4=36) after this hit he jumps away from him making sure there is a big gap between them

Mykael - HP 45/45 - AC 24  d20+4=8 d20+1=15
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 8:26:55 PM

Mykael takes off around to the south of the building that the cleric when behind, he moves quickly through the alley, stopping short before the opening.

He peeks around the corner to take a look at who, what, when, and where.

(Spot = 8, Listen = 15)

OOC: Last round Mykael sent Magic Missles at the Harpy for 11 damage, that wasnt noted in the DM post.

Rigging  d20+7=20 d20+12=31
Sunday January 22nd, 2006 10:33:14 PM

Swirl transforms back to his normal form and zips over to the cleric and attacks trying to grapple the cleric. He rolls a touch attack of 20 and his grapple roll is a 31. (not sure how to calculate his damage)

Rigging casts polymorph on himself and also transforms into a air elemental. He quickly joins his friend and is pleased to see Swirl causing the cleric such trouble. He lands nearby and resumes his own form but with slightly longer ears.

Nezamil Ac 22 Hp 63/71 haste  d20+5=19 d20+1=18
Monday January 23rd, 2006 12:45:53 AM

After healing Bart the giant sized dwarf watches as he heads into the inn after the axe wielding monk " take a healing potion if ya have one " barks Nezamil after Bart

"hahaha yeah i'm hoping one of them sneak up on me " grins Nezamil savagely " right i'll stay here on cover ya backs here "

"Hal.....Kirk gather up any of their gear and search the bodies growls Nezamil to the brothers " i want as much info as we can get on them "

Out of a corner of his eye Nezamil spots (d20+5=19 spot ch) Mykael ducking into the alley " he shouldn't be heading out alone"

With a look around the street for signs of danger the dwarf strides confidently over to the entrance of the alley(but doesn't enter)and does double duty on watching the street and door of the inn while following Mykaels progress down the alley

All the while the dwarf has a nagging suspicion (d20+1=18 Int Dc check) about the snipers

remember Mykael hasted several members please peek back and check if your on his list

Bash brothers Hal Ac 20 Hp 52/52 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 43/43 
Monday January 23rd, 2006 12:50:45 AM

" you got it big guy " replies Hal

" c'mon bro lets go "

Hal and Kirk confiscate any weapons from the dead and search their bodies and pockets throughly for anything of value

All the while Hal and Kirk go about their business they stay alert for another ambush

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