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Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=15
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 10:14:01 PM

(Listen 15)

Invisible Theodore continues with the party.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+6=17 d20+13=16
Thursday March 23rd, 2006 10:30:41 PM

Zeoll worries that more enemies will be piling in soon, and he wants to enchant Snotguzzle before that. So he urges the group to go down the stairs post haste.

"Come my frriends!" Zeoll exhorts, "Snotguzzle awaits! Let's get down therre!" He leads the group down, staff in hand.

By the way, what is his fix on the stone orb revealing?

As he heads down stairs, Zeoll says to his comrades, "Afterr we get what we came forr, I hope we will meet the masterr of this place. I have a special song I have been composing just forr him. I think he will be interrested in hearring it. No doubt you slaves will flee at the sight of the grreat lorrd, but I will sing my entirre song forr him."

Zeoll is in this way passing a secret simple message to his friends [Bluff check 16 is just enough]: If we meet Gargul after we get the orb, Zeoll will fascinate him with bardic music and give you all a head start in escaping.

Brahmah  d20+11=27
Friday March 24th, 2006 1:43:26 AM

(Listen 27)

"Something large is asleep."

Friday March 24th, 2006 5:36:30 AM

Rose continues working on the locks.

use previous rolls

Vorelle  d20+14=27 d20+20=27
Friday March 24th, 2006 9:13:03 AM

[Listen 27]

Vorelle agrees with Bramah's assessment--something very large is sleeping down there. The kobolds are worrisome, too.

Vorelle's hand drifts toward her axe, and she continues to move as quietly as she can. No point in waking up whatever's asleep.

[Move Silently 27]

DM Carl: 
Friday March 24th, 2006 6:29:03 PM

The front party: Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll and Brahmah lead the party down the stone steps. Zeoll can still feel the presence of the stone, at a steep downward angle. Steeper than that at which the steps descend, down into the darkness.

Behind them come Khuun, Patch and Bungo, then seven terrified kobolds and one happy one, and then Vorelle, Tratain and an invisible Theo. (OOC: I need posts for Tratain please. Nellie, are you OK to continue doing the honours?)

The sound of snoring that some of you heard now becomes apparent to all. It echoes off the rocky walls, and draws chuckles from Khunn and the orcs. "That be Snotguzzle, workin' as usual!" grins the ogre mage.

Then, without warning, the snoring stops.

The team at the cages: Highlight to display spoiler: { Rose works as fast as she can. The rusty old lock is proving stubborn, but she thinks she almost has it. Not quite yet though...

Ashira glances nervously about, but apart from the continuing wails of the prisoners, all is quiet. The others have disappeared down the stone steps to the far end of the throne room.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Saturday March 25th, 2006 2:21:11 PM

Zeoll says to his friends softly, "Now you slaves be polite! Let me have a worrd with this fellow. No need to starrt a fight!"

He continues down the stairs at a brisk pace.

Ashira  d20+12=32 d20+11=27
Saturday March 25th, 2006 8:19:17 PM

Ashira keeps a watch as Rose continues to work. Geez, what the heck are we going to do with these people...can't take them down with us...can't let them just walk out the front door alone. Hmmmmm... she ponders as her eyes and ears probe the tunnel (Spot=nat.20, Listen=27).

OOC: Carl, yeah, I'm sorry I dropped the ball on Tratain. I'll keep posting for him.

Tratain  d20+7=12 d20+7=14
Saturday March 25th, 2006 8:23:38 PM

The cleric shifts his feet nervously as the snoring stops. His hand inches from his war hammer, Tratain waits to see if Zeoll can pull off another miracle.

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Saturday March 25th, 2006 10:48:51 PM

"Come on, everrybody!"

The liontaur readies a Charm Monster to use on Snotty as soon as he sees him. He wonders what he is, given that he snored so loud.

Sunday March 26th, 2006 3:17:19 AM

"Stupid stubborn lock, just give why dont you!" Rose mutters under her breath "Ashira can you see a key?"

rose continued 
Sunday March 26th, 2006 3:18:58 AM

as rose is muttering she is still working on the lock. use rolls made on the 23rd.

Vorelle  d20+20=21
Sunday March 26th, 2006 10:50:27 PM

Vorelle tries to move quietly and act meek at the same time, and somehow the combination is a bit much for her. Still, even at her clumsiest, she is pretty quiet.

[Move Silently 21, natural 1]

Monday March 27th, 2006 10:13:43 AM

He follows.

DM Carl:  d20+12=23
Monday March 27th, 2006 4:18:40 PM

The party above: Highlight to display spoiler: {Rose's battle with the rusty lock is finally won. With a satisfying click the iron door springs open, and the imprisoned folk stagger out. At repeated prompting from their leader they continue their howls and wails, and in fairness do a pretty good job of sounding as if they are dying in unspeakable agony. They have obviously had plenty of practice.

Ashira keeps a keen eye out for danger, but sees no sign of trouble yet. However she is well aware that opening the cage door for these people is not the same thing as setting them safely free.
The bearded fellow who defied you before whispers urgently "Bless you, friends! A thousand thank yous! Now do you have means to transport us? Many of us are too weak to walk."

Looking at this sorry bunch you see the truth in his words. Some of these wretches are being held upright by their companions, but all of them are near starved to death. They will not get far by foot.

The party below: Highlight to display spoiler: { You continue down through the gloom. The slow-burning torches bracketed to the walls are few and far between.
Zeoll can feel that you have passed over the stone and past it. Now the steps turn 180 degrees, continuing down, and a faint light is visible at their base. From behind you you hear screams of agony, as if folk up there are being painfully butchered.

You also hear sounds from down below, growing ever clearer as you descend. Along with the yapping and snarling of kobolds two brutish voices can be clearly heard echoing up the rocky passage.

Voice 1 "Yoomans!? Yoomans here?"
Voice 2 "An wif Khuun an' Patch an' Bungo all magicked up? An' a lion fing and bull fing an all?
Voice 1 "Dey got some nerve! Comin' in here? Magickin' up our boys? We's gonna shows 'em, ain't we Snot?"
Voice 2 "Too right Guzzle, too right!"

The thud of mighty footsteps can be felt through the stone steps. Dust falls from the roughly carved stone above you as a bellow from below rattles the teeth in your heads.

"Khuun? Boys? You lissen' to Snotguzzle an' you lissen' right good! You pull out yer weapons an' cut dem mates o' yers down, or I's be suckin' da meat from yer bones when I's done wif dem!"

Zeoll's newfound friends look at one another nervously. All around you, weapons are drawn. But are these monsters siding with you, or against you?

Vorelle  d20+20=40
Monday March 27th, 2006 10:37:48 PM

All Vorelle can think to do is keep as quiet as she can--and keep her hands close to her weapons.

[Move Silently 40. Natural 20 today.]

Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+24=33 d20+11=15 d20+18=26
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 12:46:40 AM

Zeoll calmly continues to walk downstairs, getting closer to Snotguzzle.

The liontaur calms the situation with a few carefully chosen words. "Snotguzzle, you dog! Stop this nonsense rright away! I'm a frriend! These humans arre my slaves. We'rre herre to do the Masterr's worrk! You gonna believe a few stupid kobolds? I know you arre smarrterr than that!"

He listens to try to gauge the monster's state of mind

"I suggest that you calm down and listen beforre you end up in trrouble with the guys upstairrs!"

Diplomacy check: 33. Bluff check: 15. Sense Motive check: 26.

Casting Suggestion spell: Will DC 20, maybe even harder depending on circumstance.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 1:01:21 AM

Ashira sighs in relieve when Rose gets the cage open, but the sight of the captives state sends her mind reeling. This was more than she'd bargained for. "Hmmmm...can't walk, you say?" The ranger thinks long and hard. "Well, you can't very well just march out the front gate. And, I can't take you down with the others that think you're dead. So, you really only have one option...lay down and play dead until we get back. Hopefully we'll be back soon. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can offer you right now." Looking sad, but resolute, Ashira turns to Rose. "Rose, we have to join the others. We'll come back for these guys once we've taken care of the other." Ashira looks briefly at the captives. "I'm sorry. Good luck." and then she heads toward the stairs heading downward.

Tratain AC25, HP58/58 (via Nellie) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 1:07:57 AM

With the monsters drawing their weapons, that's enough to convince Tratain that the time for trickery is over. He begins to cast Divine Favor on himself.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 10:42:19 AM

Having drawn his weapons on the stairs, Brahmah stares back, waiting and wondering.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday March 28th, 2006 9:36:52 PM

Theodore remains unseen, tensed for action.

Tuesday March 28th, 2006 10:02:00 PM

Rose quickly follows Ashira, wishing she could do more to help.

Wednesday March 29th, 2006 10:58:57 AM

He remains vigilant.

OOC: Carl 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:04:22 AM

Apologies gang, RL has given me a proper beating over the last few days. I'll do my best to post tonight.

DM Carl: And it was all going so well...  d20+12=19 d20+7=25 d20=11 d20=16 d20-1=13 d20+6=16 2d4(2+1)+4=7 d20+6=7 d20+1=3 d20+1=6 d20+1=13 d20+1=8
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 4:29:13 PM

Party below: Highlight to display spoiler: { The party subtly shifts into a state of readiness. The tension is palpable. Zeoll attempts to defuse the situation with another spell, but Snotguzzle's next words, reverberating up the stairs, leave him in little doubt as to its outcome.

"You not trick Snot with yer clever tricks, wizard!"
"Nor Guzzle! Not Guzzle niever!"
"S'right! Boys, ATTACK!"

"Sorry boys, nuffin personal, but orders is orders" shrugs Patch as he swings a heavy falchion at Zeoll's hindquarters and connects with a jarring thud of metal against flesh (7 hp).

"Yes boss! Yes boss!" squeaks Bungo as he takes a swing at Brahmah. He may be mates with the lion thing, but if Snotguzzle tells him to attack, attack he will. You don't mess with Snotguzzle if you like your gizzards where they are. But Snotguzzle's threats have him too shaken to do anything. His swing comes closer to hitting Patch than the big minotaur.

The kobolds, sandwiched between the orcs and the the rearguard, cannot all make an attack. But one takes a nervous stab at Vorelle with its spear, and another two try the same trick on Tratain. Even the charmed kobold moves to attack. None connect, their weapons easily knocked aside by the experienced warriors.

Only Khuun does nothing. He finds himself unable to reach anyone but Zeoll, and he cannot bring himself to attack kitty. He stands there, gripping his greatsword, looking torn. If only he could reach that accursed cowhead! Kill him, yes, but not kitty, kitty friend!

Party above: Highlight to display spoiler: {Ashira tries to persuade the prisoners to remain in their cage. Hope turns to horror as they look back into their cage.

"No! Never!" Cries the leader. I'd rather die than go back in there! We're leaving, with you or without you! We'll crawl if we have to! If we are to die let it be with the sun on our backs rather than starved to death for the amusement of those horrors!"

And so saying he leads his companions shakily towards the entrance.

If you wish to argue or prevent them leaving. Otherwise I'll assume you are heading towards the stairs. With a listen check DC 17 you hear cries from down below, and the clash of steel.

Map is here: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/wold/stairs1.jpg

Zeoll (AC12 HP62 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=10 d20+14=24
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 6:22:15 PM

Zeoll shouts out, with all the force of command in his voice, "You all stop this attack rright now!" [Chr check 10 to command, oh well]

To his friends, he shouts, "Total Defense! This rround at least, please!"

He takes a move action down the stairs.

If he sees the two-headed SnotGuzzle, then he casts Charm Monster on the creature.

If he does not see the monster, then he shouts, "SNOTGUZZLE! COME HERRE! I HAVE BUSINESS WITH YOU!" Then he readies an action to cast the Charm Monster as soon as he sees the monster. [Charm Monster save is a Will DC22.]

Either way, he casts on the Defensive to make sure he provokes no AoOs [Con check 24].

If the charm takes, he shouts to SnotGuzzle, "Tell them to stop the attack rright now, my frriend!"

Vorelle [AC 24; HP 76/76] 
Wednesday March 29th, 2006 11:40:14 PM

Heeding Zeoll's instructions, Vorelle pulls her handaxes (a free action with Quick Draw) and concentrates only on defending herself.

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=17
Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:52:47 AM

Ashira sighs. She completely understands the poor people's plight, but their decision will only lead them to their death. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish I could give you something to help you fight with the guards at the gate, but I'm sorry...I can't. If you change your mind, we'll be back in a few minutes..." Ashira's ears catch the faint sounds of a scuffle down below. "We'll that's our cue Rose..." Ashira begins to sprint down the stairs (Running...4x movement=120 feet this round).

Tratain AC25, HP58/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor 
Thursday March 30th, 2006 12:58:08 AM

The Protector grunts at Zeoll's order. Doesn't he know that the game is up? Oh well. Pulling out his war hammer, Tratain swings it defensively, keeping the kobolds at bay, but not trying to hurt them....for now.

Thursday March 30th, 2006 3:50:32 AM

Rose quickly reads a scroll then runs after Ashira, hoping they wont be to late.

cast expeditious retreat from scroll. run down stairs 60'x4=120'

Brahmah (97hps, AC22)  d20+13=23 d20+15=27 d20+8=16 d20+10=14 2d4(2+2)+7=11 2d4(2+3)+7=12 d6+4=8 d6+4=7
Thursday March 30th, 2006 6:10:08 AM

Brahmah sighs deeply, having really taking a liking to Bungo. 'It's a shame, I really did like him.' He thinks.

He returns the attack from Bungo. (hits AC 23, 27, 16 and 14 for 11, 8, 12 and 7 damage)

DM Carl: Battle beneath the mountain round 2  d20+6=8 d20+1=20 d20+1=18 d20+1=21 d20+1=15 d20+1=10 d6-1=5 d20+6=24 d20+6=13 d20+7=13 2d4(1+1)+4=6
Thursday March 30th, 2006 3:58:12 PM

Zeoll moves forward, attempting to draw Snotguzzle out into the open. But the creature is too wily for that, and remains out of sight. Patch takes a swing as Zeoll moves away, but can't hit the fleet-footed Wemic.

He may not find Snotguzzle, but a lone kobold, looking rather nervous, is shoved into the tunnel entrance. It stands there blinking, holding its spear like a comfort blanket in the face of the savage-looking liontaur. From around the left hand corner comes Snotguzzle's mocking voice:

"You no magic us! You fight, wizard!"

Tratain and Vorelle defend themselves valiantly, hoping Zeoll tactics might yet pay off. But one kobold gets through. Springing forward it jabs its spear into Tratain's thigh with a hiss of victory (5hp).

Theo remains invisible, not sure what to do.

Brahmah is less inclined to heed Zeoll's advice. He lets rip with a hail of blows at Bungo, but to his dismay finds that only two strikes draw blood, and even those are only the slightest of wounds. Bungo laughs. "Is dat all ya got?"

Now Brahmah find himself surrounded by foes. Patch lands a solid blow (6 hp), but both Bungo and Khuun miss, much to the ogre's annoyance.

"Cowhead gonna pay now!" grins the ogre mage with a look of grim satisfaction.

Ashira and Rose abandon the prisoners to their fate and race down the steps. Judging from the sounds of battle ahead you should reach the combatants next round.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+2=14
Thursday March 30th, 2006 9:26:02 PM

"Nod your head if you want to come with me to Zeoll," Theodore whispers to Vorelle.

With or without her, Theodore casts dimension door to take him (and Vorelle, if willing) to Zeoll's side. Once there, he attempts to move past the lone kobold. (Still invisible, move silently 14)

Rose  d10+3=6
Thursday March 30th, 2006 10:18:21 PM

As Rose races towards the combat she pulls out a scroll. As soon as she's come to a stop (within 30' of combat, and can see it) she'll read the scroll.

cast false life from scroll, gained 6 additional hp

ooc: did rose get healed up after last combat?
DM Carl: Yes, Rose is fully healed
ooc2: is rose's mage armor still active? what about spectral hand from last combat?
DM Carl: Yes to both. 15 rounds remain on spectral hand, over 2 1/2 hrs on the mage armor.

Zeoll  d20+7=15
Thursday March 30th, 2006 10:23:37 PM

Zeoll once again tries to control his "friends" -- both those charmed and otherwise!

"Frriends! Frriends! Ourr enemies laugh when we fight each otherr! At least use the flats of yourr weapons! Do not strrike with killing blows!"

Chr check 15 to convince the charmed enemies to do as he asks.

He then says to the kobold, "I am yourr frriend! Do not be afrraid!" Then he charms it, or trries to. [Charm monster save DC22, with the kobold getting a +5 if it feels threatened.]

If the spell works, he walks 40 feet closer, hoping to see SnotGuzzle. He says, "Hey SnotGuzzle! Do not be afrraid! I am yourr frriend too!"

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76]  d20+12=24 d20+12=16 d20+7=17 d20+7=10 d6+3=7 d6+3=4 d6+3=7
Friday March 31st, 2006 2:06:42 AM

Vorelle shakes her head slightly at Theo's question. She wants to stay where she is, because she has a chance of actually doing damage to the kobolds. She lashes out with her handaxes.

[Hit AC 24 for 7 damage; hit AC 16 for 4 damage; hit AC 17 for 7 damage; hit AC 10]

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=24 d20+7=23 d8+9=11 2d6(2+1)=3 d8+9=13 2d6(1+5)=6
Friday March 31st, 2006 9:57:20 AM

Tratain shakes his head at Zeoll's order. Can't he see the game is up? No matter...they will soon have this sorted out. With a brief glance over at Vorelle, the Protector decides to lend her a little assistance (Take Under Wing...Vorelle gains +5 to AC). Tratain's war hammer slams into the kobold (k2) in front of him with a little less accuracy than he could normally provide, but it is still a good hit (AC24 for 11+3). The hammer smashes down once more with lethal force (AC23 for 13+6). Should the first blow kill the first kobold, Tratain uses his second strike against k3.

Ashira AC21, HP87/87 
Friday March 31st, 2006 10:07:25 AM

Slowing her pace a little, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out a potion (Shield of Faith). She can't drink it now, but at least she'll be able to before she jumps into things.

Brahmah (91/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=26 d20+13=21 d20+8=28 d20+8=16 d20+10=24 2d4(1+4)+7=12 2d4(1+4)+7=12 d6+4=8 d6+4=10
Friday March 31st, 2006 10:12:29 AM

The minotaur sighs when he hears the plea from Zeoll. He doesn't wish to heed the suggestion, now that the 'jig is up'.
He turns his focus to Khuun, who seems to want the full bore of the minotaur's attacks. (hitting AC 26, 21, 24, and 28(possible crit on 16), for 12, 8, 12 and 10 damage)


DM Carl: Round 3: Enter Snotguzzle  d20+4=6 d20+3=12 d20+1=7 d20+1=3 d20+1=13 d20+7=16 d20+6=21 d20+15=22 d20+10=11 d20+15=24 d20+10=17 d10+8=14 d10+8=14 d10+8=10
Saturday April 1st, 2006 10:19:16 AM

Rose and Ashira follow the stairs down. They make a 180 degree turn and there, 30 feet or so ahead, you see the battle in progress. Rose casts False Life, Ashira has time to down her potion.

Vorelle and Tratain lay into the kobolds. Vorelle connects once (Kobolds are AC 18), and that blow nearly finishes her opponent. Tratain's blows hammer down as if the very power of Domi himself were behind them. Both of his enemies are smashed aside, gouts of blood pumping from their crushed skulls. The terrified kobolds prod feebly at you with their spears, but have no impact.

Brahmah focuses on the sneering ogre mage. Although four blows strike their target, only two do any damage, and that is limited (AC 18, DR 10). Khuun grins swings back, but both he and Bungo cannot penetrate the big minotaur's armor.

Zeoll tries to call a halt to the fighting, but things are too far gone. Most of your charmed monster allies are allies no longer. (OOC: Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell). Only Patch pulls back, torn between the command of his friend and the orders of his boss.

Zeoll casts his spell at the kobold in front of him and a relieved smile spreads across the creature's face. "Hey boss, dis guy ain't our enemy!" grins the kobold, relaxing his defensive posture.

Zeoll presses onward and rounds the corner. At the same time Theo is able to dimension door his way past the kobold, and also peek around the corner of the stairwell.

Zeoll and Theo Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll and Theo find themselves face to face with an astonishing creature. Fully fourteen feet tall and covered in thick, matted hair, a two-headed giant stands before you, whirling a heavy flail in each gigantic hand. From the way it is swinging those things you get the impression he has had plenty of practice at using them. He wears some sort of armoured skin as armor, and gives every impression of being a seriously unpleasant and dangerous fellow.

Taking a stomping step forward with twin grins the creature hammers a rain of mighty blows down on the unsuspecting wemic. One head seems amazed when a blow made with its arm misses, but every other strike is true. Zeoll is rocked by the ferocity of the three blows (total 34 hp).

Brahmah may make a Spot check DC 15 to read the above. Everyone else can see Zeoll take a series of very heavy blows.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs3.jpg

Brahmah (OOC) 
Saturday April 1st, 2006 12:09:39 PM

How is it that only two strikes hit if his AC is 18? Hmmm... this suggests spell usage at some point. Which suggests that his AC ISN'T 18. :)

DM Carl: AC is indeed 18. However his Damage Reduction (DR) is 10, so only 2 of Brahmah's blows do enough to get through it, and even then only for a total of 4 hp damage. The orcs share this unusual feature, although the kobolds do not. They seem to have picked up wings from Gargulus' process. So far the only thing to bypass the damage reduction has been magic spells, cold iron arrows and Tratain's cold iron warhammers.

Vorelle [AC 25; HP 76/76]  d20+12=25 d20+12=25 d20+7=23 d20+7=20 d6+1=5 d6+1=5 d6+1=3 d6+1=6
Saturday April 1st, 2006 9:19:47 PM

Encouraged that the kobolds seem easier to hit, Vorelle attacks again. She starts with the wounded one, and moves on to the non-wounded one if that one goes down.

[Hit AC 25 for 5; hit AC 25 for 5; hit AC 23 for 3; hit AC 20 for 6]

Sunday April 2nd, 2006 2:42:21 PM

OOC: I misunderstood. Perhaps the post was intended to be clearer.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Sunday April 2nd, 2006 8:17:20 PM

Invisible Theodore bends down to pick up a pebble from the floor. He whispers some arcane language and darkness blooms from his position, extending out 20'.

(Cast darkness for 90 minutes on his pebble, providing concealment (20% miss chance) to everyone within 20' radius)

Zeoll (AC12 HP35 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+14=27
Monday April 3rd, 2006 4:37:10 AM

Zeoll casts on the defensive (Concentration check 27), lifting his staff and trying to charm the head farthest from the stair (on Zeoll's left, that is, on the giant's right, that is, on the south). The save DC is a 22, reduced to a 17 most likely with the -5 penalty.

He then walks southeast by east 40 feet, likely taking an AoO as he does. Maybe he will be lucky and the giant will be slower than him, Zeoll thinks, so that he will have to charge to attack, and maybe this kobold will interfere with that.

If the charm works, he tells the giant, "We have to stop fighting! This is all a terrrible mistake! I am yourr frriend." As he walks away, he tells the kobold, "Follow me!"

Brahmah (91/97hps, AC26)
Monday April 3rd, 2006 12:56:14 PM

Brahmah pauses briefly to think. Then moves away toward Zeoll. (Total Defense)

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=31 d20+7=25 d8+9=13 2d6(5+6)=11 d8+9=15 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday April 3rd, 2006 2:53:03 PM

Looking grim, the Protector moves with Vorelle, ready to remove the kobold resistance one swing at a time. First he moves against the kobold closest to Vorelle (k4, AC31 for 13+11). Once satisfied that it is dead, he slams his warhammer into the kobold in front of himself (AC25 for 15+6). Scanning the battlefield, Tratain looks over at Vorelle. "Looks like the others could use some help. Let's push past these things and help out our friend Brahmah."

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3)  d20+14=21 d8+4=7
Monday April 3rd, 2006 3:00:59 PM

As the magic tingles through her body, Ashira looks at the battle in front of her. Knew Zeoll's plan was too good to be true. she ruses as she rushes forward to take up a position to the left of Vorelle. Her arms tight, Ashira thrusts her longsword at the kobold in front of her (k1, AC21 for 7dam).

DM Carl: Round 4: Snot vs Guzzle?  d20+1=11 d20+1=6 d20+4=12 d20+7=17 d20+6=12 d20+15=28 d10+8=14
Monday April 3rd, 2006 5:33:13 PM

The kobolds don't have time to curse their fortune as the heroes tear into them. Vorelle puts down one kobold with her first blow, another with her next two, and wounds a third with her last attack. Tratain finishes off the job in style, smashing that wounded creature into a hideous mess of flesh and bone. Then he steps forward and caves in the skull of yet another enemy. Finally Ashira steps past Vorelle and lands a blow on one of the two remaining creatures.

Both he and his companion strike back, but they are hopelessly outclassed. They cannot get close to these deadly invaders.

Brahmah figures Zeoll is in need of aid, and moves to help him. His opponents try to take advantage of his distraction, but the big minotaur is too quick for them.

Theo casts his spell, and the air around him becomes thick with wafting shadows.

Zeoll casts at Snot, trying to charm him. The spell is a success, and Snot beams at his new buddy.

Snot: "Hey, is'OK, Guzzle! He's a good guy, see?"
Guzzle (rolling his eyes): "Aw you moron! Dat cat's done magicked yer stoopid head!"

One head smiling, one grimacing, the ettin lumbers after the retreating Zeoll, but finds Brahmah blocking his path. Blinking through the magical darkness Guzzle swings his left arm as Snot nods cheerfully. The massive flail connects with a heavy crunch (14 hp).

Now that Zeoll and Theo a moment away from combat he can take stock of his surroundings. Zeoll can feel the stone, directly south of his current position! Anyone else can also make spot checks, but you need to add 10 to the DCs listed below due to the darkness.

Spot 10: Highlight to display spoiler: {You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter.}

Spot 15: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. You see metal cages hanging from its distant roof. }

Spot 20: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. Up on theses gantries you can see the faces of several creatures, goblins by the look of them. They are circling round to the scene of the battle. You see metal cages hanging from the distant roof. At the centre of the vast chamber is a stone island, which seems to be surrounded by lava, if that soft orange glow is anything to go by. Actually, now you think about it, it is rather warm down here. }

Spot 25: Highlight to display spoiler: { You are in a cave, perhaps 70 feet wide, which opens out into a vast underground cavern. It must be hundreds of feet in diameter You can see wooden walkways crossing the cavern, both at this level and high above. Up on theses gantries you can see the faces of several creatures, goblins by the look of them. They are circling round to the scene of the battle. You see metal cages hanging from the distant roof. At the centre of the vast chamber is a stone island, which seems to be surrounded by lava, if that soft orange glow is anything to go by. Actually, now you think about it, it is rather warm down here. To the south, on the far side of the island, you see what looks like some holding area. And there, on a pedestal, is a domed glass jar, and within it an object shrouded by a cloth.}.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs4.jpg

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor)  d20+5=21
Monday April 3rd, 2006 8:29:26 PM

Theodore moves slowly south, carrying the pebble with darkness cast upon it.

Vorelle  d20+4=18 d20+8=10 d20+8=28 d20+8=15 d20+3=21 d20+3=12 d6+1=7 d6+1=3
Monday April 3rd, 2006 10:51:01 PM

Without darkvision, Vorelle can't make out much of the room, but she can see a bit of it [Spot 18 with the penalty]. She is concerned that the party is so separated, and at the same time she feels a little sorry for the kobolds.

She turns her axe so that she is striking with the blunt side, hoping to put the remaining kobolds down rather than kill them outright.

[With the -4 penalty for trying to do non-lethal damage, hit AC 10; hit AC 28 (natural 20, confirmed to AC 15 so no crit) for 7; hit AC 21 for 3; hit AC 12]

Zeoll  d20+11=31
Monday April 3rd, 2006 11:32:36 PM

Zeoll shouts, Brahmah, step back! This is my good friend!" Then he charms the other head.

Spot DC 31! Nat 20! Woo Hoo!

OOC for Carl: Highlight to display spoiler: { Don't see any d100 rolls for concealment miss chance on our good pal Brahmah!}

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3)  d20+12=22 d20+12=26 d20+7=17 d20+11=27 d20+3=15 d8+4=5 d6+3=7
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:07:06 AM

Pressing the attack, Ashira finds it increasingly more difficult to connect with the kobold (k6), though she does manage to land a couple of good attacks (AC26 for 5, AC27 for 7). Unlike Vorelle, Ashira does not try to soften her blows, preferring to end the fight for good.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Vorelle gains +5 to AC)  d20+7=15 d20+12=21 d20+7=19 d8+9=12 2d6(4+6)=10 d8+9=15 2d6(6+5)=11
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 12:15:11 AM

Too busy smashing kobolds to notice anything important about the surrounding area, Tratain makes what is most likely his last attack against the kobolds. His attacks smash into the kobold (k8) with brute force (AC21 for 12+10, AC19 for 15+11). Blood soaked, he sets his eyes on the combatants facing Brahmah.

Rose  d20+10=18 d20+10=23 d4+4=7 2d6(6+4)+4=14
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 3:01:20 AM

rose paused a moment to take a look then fires an arrow at the kobolds (either k6 or k8). before moving to a better position. (rose will move 70' to 4 squares above bu, why dont you give letters & #'s to the grid?)

spot: 18
attack: 23
damage: 7
sneak attack: 10 (ignore the +4, accidently hit when trying to change to +0)

Brahmah (77/97hps, AC26) 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 7:51:07 AM

The minotaur moves, stepping in front of Zeoll. (Total Defense)

DM Carl: Round 5: Guzzle vs Snot?  d100=81 d20+6=9 d20+6=20 2d4(2+1)+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+15=33 d20+15=30 d20+10=18 2d10(7+4)+16=27 d20+7=23
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 5:06:14 PM

Theo creeps south, leaving Brahmah and Snotguzzle free of the darkness. (OOC: BTW, apologies, I missed Snotty's miss chance vs Brahmah last turn. Oops! Rolled it this time and he hit, so no foul. Bad DM!)

Despite Vorelle's restraint the combined effect of her blows and those of Ashira, Tratain and Rose leave the two remaining kobolds looking like they've been shredded and then mashed. Bits of kobold innard drip from the ceiling as the adventurers batter aside their feeble opponents.

Rose darts forward, only to find Bungo and Patch reel around and face her! Both lash out, and Patch's falchion draws blood, connecting for 7 hp.

Brahmah tries to ward off the ettin's blows as Zeoll weaves his magic once more. Guzzle's eyes light up with newfound bonhomie, but Snot has just seen his wee kobolds reduced to a fine red mist. This sight rather sullies his cheerful disposition towards Zeoll and his companions, and his smile turns to a snarl.

Guzzle: "Hey, Snots, youse right, dis cat's OK!"
Snot: "Whut are ya, stoopid? He's magicked yer dumb head, ya moron! Look, him an' his buddies is choppin' our boys inta bits!"

The arm controlled by Snot batters at Brahmah, and one blow completely evades the minotaur's defences, catching him squarely on the side of the head. The blow leaves Brahmah's teeth rattling, but does not put him down (Crit for 27 hp).

Then Khuun moves in with a vile grin. "So long cowhead! Time ta get turned inta steak!" He hammers away with his greatsword, but Brahmah rallies and is able to knock the attack aside. Khuun looks furious at failing, yet again, to cause the minotaur harm.

And a map, grids included :-) http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs5.jpg

Zeoll (AC12 HP35 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=19 d20+11=25
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 5:12:41 PM

Zeoll shouts, "Frriends, new and old! Stop fighting! Orr use non-lethal damage! No need to kill each otherr!"

Chr check 17 on that one.

Then another Charm on Snot.

Zeoll also tries to keep an eye on the foes on the catwalks -- Spot 25 -- how long until they arrive?

Stuff Used:

20 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
0 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

List of charm charges used:

9-10 = Patch
11-12 = Bungo
13-14 = Kobold K9
15-16 = Snot
17-18 = Guzzle
19-20 = Snot again

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 9:30:10 PM

Seeing Brahmah in trouble, Theodore moves north 5' so that he is within the darkness sphere.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Tuesday April 4th, 2006 10:46:03 PM

Seeing Rose beset, Vorelle wastes no time in moving up, trying to get into a position where she can flank the opponents.

[Double move to P-16, staying close to that wall to avoid AoOs.]

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:07:00 AM

Also noting Rose's prediciment, Ashira likewise charges into the fray.

OOC: From looking at the map, looks like a 40 foot move for Ashira. Sorry, but no time to put coords. in. Please move her appropriately.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 12:23:01 AM

A look of frustration on his handsome face, the cleric moves forward to engage with the two creatures facing little Rose (50 foot double move to R15). "Not today ugly ones...not today." He growls through gritted teeth.

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26) 
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 10:28:26 AM

Still defending himself (Total Defense), Brahmah moves straight back into the darkness 30ft.

DM Carl: Round 6: Snotguzzle charmed!  d20+4=10 d20+6=20 d20+6=10 2d4(1+2)+4=7 d100=45
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 3:54:59 PM

Zeoll manages to get his companions to back off. Though they move into threatening positions they hold their attacks this round. As a result he is able to cast his spell and succeed in charming the ettin's second head. The two heads gaze upon the wemic in adoration.

Patch and Bungo are not so well disposed. Patch swings at Tratain and misses, whilst Bungo lands another blow on poor Rose (7hp).

Khuun moves to pursue Brahmah but bumps into the invisible Theo on his travels. He takes a blind swing at the mage but misses.

Zeoll notices the goblins up on the gantry drawing closer. They are still a couple of hundred of feet away, and at least 60 feet up.

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs6.jpg

Zeoll  d20+7=25
Wednesday April 5th, 2006 6:15:38 PM

Zeoll asks his new friend loudly, "Hey Snotguzzle old pal! Tell this motley crrew that we'rre all frriends, rright? No need to fight!"

Chr check 25.

He shouts up to his friends on the stairs, "Hey! Hold yourr attacks! Let peace be the orrderr of the day!"

Meanwhile, he casts his charm spell on Khuun.
"Khuun old frriend, calm down!"

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) Q15  d20+8=9 d20+3=13 d20+7=9 d20-1=18
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:00:04 AM

Grumbling under her breath, Ashira tries her best to inflict non-lethal damage to Patch, but she's not used to fighting in this manner, and her blows don't even come close to hitting.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Rose gains +5 to AC)  d20+8=17 d20+3=14 d8+9=10 2d6(2+6)=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:03:57 AM

Trying to be patient with Zeoll, Tratain aims primarily for the creatures heads, trying to knock them out rather than kill them. As he does so, he extends protection to the nearby Rose(AC17 for 10+8??? not sure what to do with numbers on non-lethal attack).

Vorelle  d20+12=28 d6+3=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 12:45:30 AM

Avoiding possible attacks, Vorelle moves to flank Bungo with Rose. She swings her handaxe, still trying for non-lethal damage, and manages to strike a decent blow.

[Move as follows: P-17, Q-18, R-18, S-18, S-17. Hit AC 28 for 8 nonlethal damage.]

Rose  d20+11=29 d8+6=8 2d6(6+2)=8
Thursday April 6th, 2006 3:37:06 AM

After the shock of getting hit wears off Rose draws her sword and swiftly attacks Bungo. She ignores Zeoll's ideas on not killing as stupid and idiotic.

attack: 29
damage: 8
sneak attack: 8 (flanking?)

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac
Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


ooc: Tratain how long does take under wing last?

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC22)
Thursday April 6th, 2006 5:36:16 AM

Brahmah stays put until Zeoll can ge things under control. Meanwhile, he bleeds heavily.

DM Carl: Round 7: Everybody's friends again... or maybe not  d20+9=15 d20+7=13 d20+6=20 d100=15 d100=49
Thursday April 6th, 2006 4:56:28 PM

Zeoll does his best to calm things down, and looks to be succeeding. Both Snot and Guzzle fall under his spell, and yell "Hey! Stop fightin' youse lads!"

His attempt to charm Khuun is less successful. He fails to beat the ogre mage's formidable spell resistance.

Ashira and Tratain both miss, put off perhaps at having to use their deadly weapons to stun instead of maim. (OOC:Tratain, I've posed that non-lethal damage question on the Rules board, I'll let you know what the outcome is). Vorelle lands a solid blow, but it is doesn't slow Bungo down.

Then Rose wades in low, and her sneaky strike is enough to send Bungo tumbling down the stone steps, blood pumping from the wound ti his hamstring. The combined attack is too much for the orc, and he passes out. Patch swings back at her, but his blow is parried by Tratain.

Unfortunately Rose's attack instantly snaps Snot and Guzzle out of their reverie. "Hoy! Youse is tryin' ta tricks us!" they roar, and race towards the hapless minotaur. However the discover an invisible Theo in their path, and take a swing at him instead. The heavy flail whistles high above Theo's head. So far the mighty ettin has not picked up so much as a scratch.

Khuun's grin grows wider than ever as he ignores Theo and moves towards the minotaur (Theo, you may take an Attack of Opportunity if you wish). "See cowhead? See whut happens to dem dat diss Khuun?" He winds up for a killing blow... and misses again! "Stand still, stoopid cowhead!" bellows Khuun in frustration.

Up on the gantry the goblins draw closer. Another round or two before they are in missile range, at a guess.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs7.jpg

Apologies, map should show Snotty in red.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25(dodge, mage armor, & total defense) 
Thursday April 6th, 2006 9:13:52 PM

Theodore senses himself in a predicament and focuses on protecting himself (total defense). The wizard then moves west to get away from the ettin.

Zeoll  d20+7=25
Thursday April 6th, 2006 10:05:16 PM

Zeoll gives up on the charms. The liontaur asks his friend k9 to please go tell the oncoming goblins that we are friends, and they should not attack. Chr check 25 to get him to do that.

Then Zeoll casts Summon Nature's Ally III, calling 1d3 small air elementals. The casting time is a full round.

[OOC: I'll roll for how many, and give them instructions, at the start of my next turn.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Ashira and Rose gains +5 to AC)  d20+12=30 d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d8+9=14 2d6(3+5)=8 3d8(3+5+8)+27=43 2d6(1+3)=4
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:17:29 AM

Tratain's face lightens a bit as he sees that it is indeed to be a fight at last. Taking out his pent up frustrations on Patch. Slamming down his warhammer, the Protector clocks Patch a solid blow (AC30 for 14+8) and then flows up with a second strike to the temple that promises to do some lethal damage (AC27/27 crit. for 43+4).

OOC: Rose, Take Under Wing lasts as long as a) Tratain continues to take a -5 on his attacks and b) Rose is within 5 feet of Tratain. :)

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) Q15  d20+12=16 d20+7=23 d20+11=27 d20+3=8 d8+4=8 d6+3=9
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:23:12 AM

Grinning, Ashira stops pulling the punches. Still, Patch proves to be a tricker opponent than she first believed, and Ashira is only able to land a couple of blows on the hardy fellow (AC 23 for 8, AC27 for 9).

rose  d20+11=29 2d6(5+3)=8 d8+6=13
Friday April 7th, 2006 12:28:31 AM

Rose quickly attacks the only enemy remaining near her. She will move if Tratain does and stay near him.

attack: 29
damage: 13
sneak attack: 8

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26)
Friday April 7th, 2006 6:50:19 AM

Brahmah jockies around in the dark to avoid Khuun. The ranger stifles laughter.

(Total Defense)

DM Carl: Round 8: Boggle  d6=2 d20+15=27 d10+8=9 d10+7=17
Friday April 7th, 2006 5:24:08 PM

Tratain, Ashira, Rose and Vorelle surround Patch and attack in a mind-boggling display of martial prowess. Patch's mind is certainly boggled, along with most of the rest of him. The orc makes a smooth transition from a solid to liquid state.

Theo moves out of Snotguzzle's path, but the ettin doesn't seem greatly interested in the invisible mage. He looks between the wemic and the minotaur, and opts for Zeoll. Striding forward he belts the liontaur once with his huge flail (9hp).

Snot: "You no mess with Snot's head, cat!"
Guzzle: "Yer! Wot he said!"

Brahmah stands there and invites Khuun to try again. The ogre mage obliges, and misses yet again. "AAAARRGGH! Stoopid cowhead! Die! Die!" Rages an incandescent Khuun.

The sole remaining kobold races forward waving his arms. "Hold yer fire! Hold yer fire!" he yaps to the goblins far above. "These is friends! Friends!"

You suspect that the pitched battle raging around him may cause the approaching goblins to take his comments under advisement.

Map http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs8.jpg

Map now working!

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC26) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 11:06:57 AM

Brahmah continues to distract the ogre. "Is that all ya got Stinky!" He laughs.

Brahmah (Addendum) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 11:07:32 AM

oh yeah, Total Defense as well.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 4:13:11 PM

With Patch out of the picture, Vorelle continues down the stairs toward the ettin and the ogre, intent on helping her friends.

[Can't see the new map, so I can't give exact coordinates. Double move, stopping short wherever continuing would provoke an AoO.]

DM Carl: Apologies for the inconvenience, the map is now up. Please feel free to repost if you wish if the map shows you something you were not aware of.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (mage armor & dodge) 
Sunday April 9th, 2006 8:17:04 PM

Having free reign again, Theodore takes a double move south, keeping an eye out for anything that might hold the stone they're looking for.

Rose  d20+10=20 d4+4=6
Monday April 10th, 2006 2:10:06 AM

Rose will stay near Traitan (she likes his help) and start shooting at Khuun. If Traitan moves so does she, she can move 60'/round.

notes using precise shot, if within 30' then add +1 attack & damage for point blank shot, if more than 70' away after any moving (depends on traitan) than -2 range increment on attack.
attack: 20
damage: 6

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Expeditious retreat: +30' 2/10 rounds
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Monday April 10th, 2006 10:31:16 AM

OOC: I posted Sunday.

Tratain AC25, HP53/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Rose gains +5 to AC) 
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:48:45 PM

Tratain smiles at his new friend Rose. "Come, friend...let us go show these monsters some manners." Making a double move, the Protector moves over to where he will be in a good position to help out Zeoll next round (R27).

Ashira AC24, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) 
Monday April 10th, 2006 12:52:03 PM

Grinning at Tratain's pluck, Ashira follows his lead and moves down the steps as well...ready to carve into Snotguzzle when she gets a chance. (Q27)

Vorelle supplemental 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:00:07 AM

[I think I can get to S-27 without provoking.]

DM Carl: You Stew  d6=2 d6=5 d6=4 d6=6 d6=4 d20+15=17 d20+15=31 d20+10=29 d20+10=11 d10+8=9 d10+8=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 3:37:57 AM

Snot and Guzzle continue their dualog as their twin flails whir and spin around them, a hypnotic dance of death.

"Ever 'ad cat stew, Snot?"

"Yers, we 'ad dat tiger inna pot dat time, 'member? And dat sack o' kittens?"

"So's we did Snot, so's we did. Stringy buggers, eh? Dis time let's leave thissen cookin' nice 'n slow fer a couple a days afores da eatin, eh?"

(OOC: Executive DM decision. Cayzle hasn't posted, but if Zeoll doesn't act this round he is very likely to be killed. So I'm controlling Zeoll for this round. Isn't it lucky you have such a kindly DM? ;-) Don't expect to be bailed out like this too often!)

Zeoll backs carefully away from the ettin, calling out to his companions "He's all yours!" (Withdraw action).

Snotguzzle notices the threat behind him and double grins. "More meat fer da pot!" notes Guzzle to Snot, and he steps towards his new opponents with a footfall that you feel through the soles of your boots. Twin flails spin, circle, then descend with deadly accuracy and fearsome power. The ettin decides to split his attacks between Tratain and Vorelle, catching each once. Tratain manages to roll with the blow (9hp), but is still amazed at the power behind it. Vorelle takes even more punishment (13hp).

Brahmah continues to torment Khuun, who's fury turns cold. "Cowhead gonna be sorry" growls the ogre mage as Rose's arrow pings off his backside. He promptly vanishes from sight.

Theo moves south, his darkness globe continues to move with him, making his search all the harder (OOC: As does his lack of a Spot or Search roll!).

Up on the gantry four goblins arrive at a run. They look to one another, uncertain of what to do next. What their kobold ally is patently at odds with the conflict playing out before them. From this height their spears have as much chance of hitting their master as these invaders, a prospect they do not relish. They decide to wait for orders, and content themselves with cheering Snotguzzle's attacks.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/stairs9.jpg

Brahmah (50/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=27 d20+10=18 2d4(2+1)+7=10 2d4(4+2)+7=13
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 7:10:42 AM

"Theo! Get you butt to the group! Or go cover Zeoll! But help us!"

The Minotaur, his cover gone, moves toward Snot, assuming Khuun isn't still in the way. (hitting AC 27 and 18 for 10 and 13 damage)

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+16=30 d3=2
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 12:24:16 PM

[OOC: Thank you for not killing me, Carl!]

[OOC: Last round if allowed ...]

Zeoll is still casting his spell when he is hit for 9 hp damage. That means he has to make a concentration check of 19 or lose the spell. His check is a 30, so no problem.

At the start of his turn, his spell takes effect, and 2 air elementals appear (rolled 1d3 for how many). With a free action, he tells them in Auran to go harass the goblins on the catwalks -- throw them off with whirlwinds and bull rush, stay between them and Zeoll. They will last for five rounds.

Then with his full action, he retreats (withdraw action).

This Round

Zeoll takes a five foot step back and once again casts Summon Nature's Ally III.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Tuesday April 11th, 2006 9:43:07 PM

Oops, Theodore thinks to himself when Brahmah hollers for him. Not having any spells that would help the current situation, he simply moves 30' east, bringing his darkness sphere with him.

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 63/76]  d20+12=14
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:18:34 AM

Vorelle hisses in pain when the ettin smashes her, but it doesn't slow her down much. She realizes that she has but little chance of hurting this thing, but she can still be useful to her friends.

She shifts a bit closer to the beast (5-foot step) and swings her axes not to hit the ettin, but to make it easier for Tratain to do so.

[Attack defensively, use Aid Another action to aid Tratain's attack. Tratain gets +2 on his next attack.]

Tratain AC25, HP44/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+14=34 d20+14=18 d8+9=13 2d6(3+6)=9 d20+7=23 d8+9=11 2d6(4+1)=5
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:20:34 AM

Taking the blow in stride, Tratain steps up to bat. As Vorelle moves in closer to help out, Tratain smiles at her. Twisting and straining to deflect any blows to his friends nearby, the cleric still manages enough accuracy to inflict a good amount of damage on the creature (AC32/16..assuming no crit. for 13+9, and AC23 for 11+5).

Thinking that his attack will probably do a good job of attracting the creature's attention, Tratain smiles. "If you continue your attack, I doubt you will be eating anything come the end of the day!"

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=30 d20+12=24 d20+7=24 d20+11=17 d20+3=12 2d8(3+2)+8=13 d8+4=12 d6+3=8 d6+3=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 12:30:12 AM

Chuckling at Tratain's comment, Ashira moves in closer to help out the only way she knows how...by swinging her swords. Her arms a blur, Ashira catches the ettin with a wicked first strike (AC3/24 for crit? for 13) and her second hammers home as well (AC24 for 12), though she can't help but think that she could have timed her third and forth swings better (AC17 for 8?, AC12). She watches to see how succesful her and Tratain's attack have been in order to plan her next strikes better.

Rose  d20+9=24 5d6(5+1+4+6+5)=21
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 4:17:51 AM

Rose quickly pulls out a scroll and begins reading it. Suddenly a force reaches out and touches Khuun.

Cast Shocking Grasp from scroll. Spectral hand delivered.
attack: 24, +3 if target is wearing metal
damage: 21

DM Carl: Fry, Khuun, Fry!  d20+9=13 d20+15=28 d10+8=15 d20+3=19 d20+3=21 d20+3=21 d20+3=22 d4=2 d4=2 d4=3 d4=4 d20+11=13 d20+7=10
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:17:06 AM

"Ha HAA!" Bellows Khuun as Brahmah moves away, provoking an attack of opportunity from the invisible ogre. Brahmah is not able to see the attack coming, but it doesn't matter. Even invisible the ogre cannot hit Brahmah. His howl of fury echoes around the cavern.

As Brahmah moves within range of Snotguzzle's mighty flails he takes another attack of opportunity, this time from the ettin. This one slams home (15 hp damage). Then Brahmah strikes back (only once! Only one attack allowed with a move).

Theo, keeping his own council, moves east.

Zeoll sends his elementals up towards the gantry and begins summoning more. The goblins stop their cheering and start to hurl javelins, to deadly effect. All four hit their target, and although the elementals are not destroyed, they are both wounded.

The remainder of the party team up on Snotguzzle. Tratain and Ashira lay into the ettin with enchanted warhammers and swords. The power of the blows rocks the ettin back on his heels. (FYI, Snotty's AC is 23).

"Why I aughta...!" yells Snot.

"Dat hurt! You two is first inna pot fer that!" roars Guzzle.

The ettin winds up for a truly awesome blow against Tratain, but the protector is easily able to sidestep the clumsy blow. The flail crashes into the ground with an almighty crash, causing small stones to dislodge from the ceiling.

Then Khuun moves up, and is just about to hit Brahmah when Rose's spell slams into him, causing him to miss. "Waaagghh!!" shrieks the ogre mage, in pain and frustration.

No map today, sorry!

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+13=26 d20+15=18 d20+8=13 d20+10=20 2d4(3+3)+7=13 2d4(2+2)+7=11 d6+4=7 d6+4=7
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 10:48:14 AM

(OOC: I may have misread, the 15 damage was done to Brahmah? Correct?)

Brahmah presses on, attacking Snot furiously.[If Brahmah is flanking, his first attack would be a crit threat] (AC 26,18,13,and 20, for 13,7,11,and 7 damage)

(DM Carl: Correct, 15 hp damage to Brahmah inflicted by Snotty's AoO.)

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+7=12
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 7:11:47 PM

[OOC: Assume you are handling Air Elemental hp and attacks, Carl?]

Zeoll finishes his summoning and calls forth a Thoqqua, an elemental of earth and fire. He tells it in Terran to run over to the isle in the lava, grab the round stone under the cloth, and bring it back to him.

Then Zeoll moves up to 20 feet so that he is in Theo's Darkness and about 40 feet from Khuun (or as close to that as possible). He casts Hideous Laughter on Khuun. His caster level check to get past the spell resist is 12. Oh well.

Stuff Used:

20 staff charges
1 of 3 zero level bard spells
1 of 5 first level bard spells
4 of 4 second level bard spell
1 of 1 third level bard spells
1 of 7 bardic musics

Druid spells (in [brackets] = cast):
Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Guidance x3, Know Direction
Lvl 1: Speak with Animals (x2), Calm Animals, Charm Animal
Lvl 2: Animal Trance, Animal Trance, Hold Animal
Lvl 3: [Speak with Plants], [Dominate Animal]

Hero Points: 3 of 5 used.

List of charm charges used:

9-10 = Patch
11-12 = Bungo
13-14 = Kobold K9
15-16 = Snot
17-18 = Guzzle
19-20 = Snot again
21-22 = Khuun again

rose  d20+9=11 d20+9=19 d6=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 7:40:54 PM

Rose quickly pulls out another scroll and reads it. Suddenly the force touches Khuun again.

cast touch of idiocy from scroll, delivered by spectral hand, duration 30 min.

attack: 19 (used hero point to reroll the 11)
penalty to int, wis, cha: 6

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
Touch of idiocy: on khuun 6 pts damage to int, wis, cha for 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 9:45:20 PM

Theodore stays where he is as Zeoll moves into the sphere of darkness. He holds his staff in front of him in a protective manner.

Tratain AC25, HP44/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+12=16 d20+9=21
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 11:10:38 PM

Smirking, Tratain lashes out once more at the two headed creature in front of him. Unfortunately, he's so preoccupied with warding off any blows that might be headed Ashira's way that he can't quite connect with the pesky ettin (AC16 and 21).

Ashira AC29, HP87/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=25 d20+7=25 d20+7=15 d20+11=25 d20+3=10 d8+4=6 d8+4=6 d6+3=6
Wednesday April 12th, 2006 11:18:34 PM

The ranger looks over at Tratain with concern...it wasn't like him to miss like that. Oh well...guess I gotta step up to bat for him. Her swords whirling once more, Ashira follows up with another battery of attacks. Unfortunately, they prove not quite as powerful this go round (AC25 for 6, AC25/15 for 6, AC25 for 6...that's just weird!).

Vorelle [AC 22; HP 63/76]  d20+12=19
Thursday April 13th, 2006 12:53:30 AM

Encouraged by its effectiveness the first time, Vorelle once again attacks to aid Tratain.

[Still attacking defensively, succeed in the Aid Another action. Tratain gets +2 on his next attack.]

DM Carl: Who will be first to fall?  d20-6=4 d20-6=2 d20+2=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=6 d20+2=12 d6=6 d6=2 d20+2=10 d4=4 d4=2 d20+15=25 d20+10=14 d20+15=32 d20+10=26 d10+8=14 d10+8=9 d10+8=18 d20+7=14
Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:43:12 PM

Brahmah flanks and hacks into snot's arm. Ashira's assault also pays dividends, but Tratain has less luck. Still, the ettin is looking quite badly wounded now, and a glimmer of desperation enters the eyes of Snot and Guzzle.

Zeoll sends an elemental off to retrieve the object on the far side of the cavern, then moves into the darkness. The elemental has a fair distance to cover: it will take some time to reach the glass jar on the far side of the cavern.

Zeoll's remaining two air elementals swoop into battle, slamming into two of the goblins in an attempt to knock them from the gantry. Perhaps it is their wounds that diminish their power, but the attacks are ineffectual. Then the goblins press forward, slamming at the insubstantial creatures with their morningstars. Imploding with a rush of wind, the two creatures are destroyed under the cruel blows.

Rose casts another spell at the ogre mage. She needs to overcome a spell resistance of 19 (forgot that with your shocking grasp, lucky you!): this time the spell fizzles out (Caster check 10).

Now Snotguzzle strikes back. Snot hammers a blow into Tratain (14 hp), then Guzzle follows up with a brutal assault on Ashira (9 hp and 18 hp). The ettin licks his lips.

Khuun remains as ineffectual as ever, clumsily bouncing his greatsword of Brahmah's back.

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+15=31 d20+15=24 d20+13=14 d20+8=24 d20+8=27 d20+10=27 d20+10=11 d4+7=9 d4+7=10 d4=4 d4=1 d6+4=5 2d4(4+2)+7=13 2d4(1+3)+7=11 d6+4=6 d6+4=9
Thursday April 13th, 2006 2:55:36 PM

Brahmah pushes on, bleeding all over.
(AC 31(crit 24), miss, 24(crit 27) and 27(crit 11), for 13(20 if crit), miss, 13(24 if crit) and 6(15 if crit) damage)

Thursday April 13th, 2006 6:22:46 PM

um what do I roll to do the spell resistance? i forgot.

Where's the map?

DM Carl: Spell resistance is your caster level + 1d20. This must at least equal the Spell resistance, in this case a DC of 19.

As for maps, apaologies, but things have been very busy of late, less time for DM posts, and no time at all for maps!

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 25 (mage armor, dodge, & full defense) 
Thursday April 13th, 2006 9:39:28 PM

Theodore stays where he is, prepared to defend himself.

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20-2=9 d20+7=14
Thursday April 13th, 2006 10:04:58 PM

Zeoll does his best to hide in Theo's darkness (untrained Hide check is 9 -- but that means others still have to make a Spot DC9 check to see him!)

He casts Hideous Laughter again on Khuun. Spell Penetration check is 14 (ugh). The Will save DC is 15.

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC)  d20+14=31 d20+9=15 d8+9=15 2d6(2+1)=3
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:08:36 AM

Tratain grunts under the ettin's blow, but is determined to see it fall. Lashing out once more, Tratain slams his hammer into Snot (AC31 for 15+3). His second blow, however falls short and the cleric wonders how much longer he will be able to afford protection to his comrades.

Ashira AC29, HP60/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=16 d20+7=12 d20+11=15 d20+3=10
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:17:12 AM

Rocked by the solid blows, Ashira's head whips back. Spitting blood, Ashira grimaces. Shaking her head, she tries to focus her attacks on Guzzle. Unfortunately, the double images of the ettin make it hard to aim precisely, and Ashira misses the creature badly with all of her strikes.

DM Carl: Victory! But where did that pesky ogre go? 
Friday April 14th, 2006 12:37:10 PM

Now Brahmah and Tratain team up to devastating effect. The sounds of bones cracking beneath the power of their blows rings out across the cavern. Blood gushes from countless wounds and the flails drop drop to the ground. The ettin's heads turn to face one another, looks of confusion on their faces.

"Snot, wass' happenin? I -- I don' feel so good..."
"Juss a scratch, Guzzle, juss a scratch..."

And with that the mighty ettin topples over backwards stone dead, landing on his back with a terrific crash. By the time the dust has settled, Khuun is no-where to be seen.

Up on the gantry the four goblins (who had been readying a new set of javelins), stand and gape at the sight of their invincible leader laid low. Then, as one, they turn and flee as fast as their legs will carry them.

The party stand surrounded by the carcasses of their foes, and take stock.

Zeoll's elemental continues its trip across the cavern floor. As it can fly it does not need to concern itself about the rope bridges that connect your cave to the central island and then to the merging area. It sails onwards towards its goal, a domed glass container set on a pedestal amidst the chains, cages and shackles. It will reach its goal in perhaps another round.

You notice that beyond the merging area are another two sets of steps leading upwards. Perhaps they are the sets of stone steps you passed in the corridor up above.

Friday April 14th, 2006 3:44:27 PM

"That bloody ogre is invisible again! Someone needs to use that spell to see him."

Saturday April 15th, 2006 12:47:46 AM

Rose pulls out another scroll and starts to cast a spell.

Cast see invisible on rose from scroll.

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
See invisible: 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Take under Wing (Anyone within 5 feet gain +5 to AC) 
Saturday April 15th, 2006 9:20:10 AM

Wiping the blood from his face, Tratain smiles at Brahmah. "I believe I can help with that." Moving his hands in ellaborate movements, Tratain begins to cast (Invisibility Purge).

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Saturday April 15th, 2006 9:50:51 AM

He smiles at Tratain. "No need. I can upset him enough to get him to attack, then he'll appear!"

He begins talking outloud. "Where did stupid ogre go... I should be able to smell him! But I can't. He said I was going to DIE this time! Is he a lier or just scared or embarrassed that he couldn't even scratch me!!" The minotaur bellows on.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 64/76]  d20+14=22
Sunday April 16th, 2006 5:39:17 PM

Vorelle moves cautiously forward to near where the ogre was last seen. She stops and listens intently, trying to hear where her foe has gone.

[Move to S-30 (I think; I'm looking at an old map); active Listen check 22]

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28 
Sunday April 16th, 2006 10:37:49 PM

Pumping her fist at the fall of the ettin. Her smile widens at the fleeing goblins. She looks over at Zeoll. "Now what boss?"

Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) 
Monday April 17th, 2006 2:03:40 PM

Theodore puts the pebble with darkness cast on it into his pocket, and the shadows disappear.

"Have you found the stone?" he asks of Zeoll, eager to get out of the belly of the beast.

Monday April 17th, 2006 4:01:26 PM

He continues to taunt the ogre mage.

"Letseee ALL those fancy spells Stinky!"

DM Carl: Deep breath and relax... and PANIC! 
Monday April 17th, 2006 6:26:06 PM

Basking in the glow of their victory the party look around for the ogre mage. Tratain's spell does not reveal him, and neither do Vorelle's sharp ears nor Brahmah's barbed taunts.

It is Rose who finally spots the invisible ogre mage.

"Oh no, he's going after the stone!" she cries, pointing, though only she can see him.

Khuun is already halfway across the cavern, flying out over central island in hot pursuit of Zeoll's summoned elemental.

The elemental creature has reached the domed glass container within which Zeoll has already spotted some sort of object, covered by a cloth. The glass container would seem to be locked closed, if the struggles of the elemental are anything to go by.

Beyond the joining platform are twin sets of steps leading up. If Khuun should sieze the stone, if he is able to get it back to his master Gargulus and his returning army... that outcome doesn't bear thinking about.

Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) 
Monday April 17th, 2006 8:25:19 PM

Theodore quickly casts see invisibility on himself as well and sees Khuun heading for the stone. The mage then rushes 30' towards Khuun.

"He's going after the stone!" he exclaims.

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+11=20
Monday April 17th, 2006 9:59:15 PM

Zeoll races towards the stone under glass on the pedastal on the island in the pond of lava in the cavern under the keep of the being who will be the God of Life and Death.

He makes a run (up to 160 feet) but will stop short of the point at which the heat will cause him damage. He shouts to the elemental to melt or break the glass.

He tries his best to see the ogre. (Spot check 20)

Rose  5d6(1+2+3+2+3)=11 5d6(6+4+5+5+1)=21 2d20(7+6)+9=22
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:20:51 PM

Rose quickly casts another spell and moves towards the stone.

rose casts shocking grasp from scroll delivered by spectral hand.

damage: 21 (11 rerolled using hero point)
attack: 22 (+3 if khuun is wearing metal)

Monday April 17th, 2006 11:22:51 PM

oops, hit enter to soon here's rose's info & can you at least say how far from khuun we are?

Rose hp: 45/52 ac: 25
Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Hand hp: 2/2

Active spells
Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 2:30+ hrs left
Spectral hand: 150' 15 rounds, delivers melee touch spells with +2 to melee attack
Take under wing, from tratain: +5 ac, must stay within 5' of him
See invisible: 30 min

Remaining spells
cantrips: detect magic, detect poison, mage hand, message
level 1: none
level 2: none
level 3: none


Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76] 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:42:45 PM

Vorelle, too, races as quickly as she can toward the Feystone.

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:42:59 PM

Hearing the cries of the others, Ashira reaches into her pack and pulls out a small vial. Handing it over to Tratain, she smiles at the cleric. "I can't do anything about that guy in time...but I'll be you can. Take this potion of fly and take him down."

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Invisibility Purge 30ft, Fly 
Monday April 17th, 2006 11:47:36 PM

Smiling warmly at the sea-elf, Tratain takes the offered potion and gulps it down. As soon as he feels the effects take place, the cleric begins flying toward the Feystone. Though the thought of killing the ogre doesn't give him any particular joy he knows the importance of the mission.

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 8:57:21 AM

The ranger begins pelting along behind the others, suddenly realizes his leg isn't working right, and notices the gash in it dripping blood.
"Damn. I'll be along. Give me a minute." He finds some filthy rag somewhere and wraps his leg hastily with it. Then he continues on.

DM Carl: Butterfingers!  d20+8=18 d6+1=7 d20+7=20 d20+9=13 d20+1=16 d12=1 d6=5
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 4:33:47 PM

The party scramble to catch up with Khuun. Rose is unable to cast her spell, as Khuun is a good 300 feet away. Led by Zeoll they race across the rickety rope bridge that is suspended some 40 feet above the central island and the lava that surrounds it. The alarming swinging of the bridge slows your progress somewhat.

In order to reach the stone you will have to either jump or fly down to the island, or run to the far platform, then back down the next rope bridge.

The elemental, oblivious to the threat behind it, swings at the glass case. It smashes into pieces, and the entire chamber is filled with the sudden ringing of the alarm bell you heard earlier. The elemental reaches out to grab the cloth-covered object, just as Khuun goes barrelling into its back, reappearing in the process. The ogre mage sends the elemental flying, and both of them scrabble for the stone as they crash into the pedestal. Khuun comes closest, but the stone flies out of the cloth and out of his grasping fingers, rolling five feet due north.

Map: http://www.zen22251.zen.co.uk/cavern.jpg

Rose  d20+6=14 d20+6=11
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 7:29:27 PM

last round if allowed
since rose would have known that khuun was to far away she would have cast expeditious retreat and then moved her full 60' with spell. with khuun 300' away by last post that means he would now be 240' away

this round, if change to last round is allowed
Rose will move another 60' and fire her bow at him. Khuun should be 180' away by then.

attack: 14, miss (ignore the 11, accidently double clicked)

this round, if change to last round is not allowed
Rose will cast expditious retreat & move 60' Khuun should be 180' away.

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76] 
Tuesday April 18th, 2006 10:49:58 PM

The one thing Vorelle doesn't want to do is hold up the rest of the party. She continues forward with as much speed as she thinks is safe.

[Do we need to make Balance checks?]

[DM Carl: I'll allow Balance checks to move at full speed, otherwise you move at 2/3 speed.]

Zeoll (AC12 HP26 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object)  d20+2=11 d20+7=22
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 7:23:48 AM

Zeoll moves up to 40 feet closer to the visible ogre mage. If he has to jump down as part of that 40 feet of movement, he does so with a check result of 11 (if that means taking 4d6 falling damage to get close enough, so be it. That's max 24 hp damage, and Zeoll has 26!)

When he is in range, Zeoll casts Charm Monster on the ogre mage. His spell penetration roll is a 22. The save DC is 22.

If it works, Zeoll says, "Khuun, my frriend! You have come thrrough forr me afterr all! I am so glad to see you!"

If it does not work, Zeoll tells the elemental, "Grrab the orrb and burrrow to me!"

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22) 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:57:04 AM

Brahmah retrieves a scroll from his pocket and reads it(move action). (Casts Jump) Then he reaches for another scroll. He continues moving(move action).

(OOC: I assume my animal companion is still here, or no?)

Prepared Spells: (* cast)
1)entangle x2**
2)bear's endurance*

[DM Carl: Animal companions are still around, just busy keeping out of the way.]

DM Carl: Not fade away  4d6(2+5+1+4)=12 d20+8=19
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 3:31:33 PM

Rose casts her spell last round, moves out onto the bridge and shoots an arrow at Khuun. It misses by a fair distance.

The others continue acros the rope bridge.

Zeoll decides he has only one chance at this. Disregarding personal safety he leaps from the brdge, crashing down to the rocky ground far below (12 HP falling damage). Then he casts, and once again catches Khuun in his thrall. The ogre's fist closes over the Feystone just as a huge grin spreads over his face.


The grin fades, replaced by a look of mounting terror. First Khuun's hand begins to grow grey, then his arm, then his chest. The huge muscled arm begins to wither, as around the stone a nimbus of light begins to gather, seemingly sucked straight from the ogre mage. Khuun, looks down at the stone in dumb horror, then back up at Zeoll.

"Kitty? Kitty, help Khuun! Wass' happenin'?"

A pattern of dark veins begins to grow up his arm and across his neck and chest as the draining effect spreads.

Zeoll (AC12 HP14 of 69 Heroism, Locate Object) 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 4:46:50 PM

"Drrop it, Khuun! Drrop it!" shouts Zeoll. He thinks, well, there go any doubts I might have had about whether we have the correct item.

He looks around for his friends. "Don't attack my good frriend Khuun!" he shouts. "Rrose, stop firring!"

He adds, "Does anybody have a Mage Hand spell or even tongs?"

Zeoll says, maybe this is why it is always shown in a cloth -- because the cloth protects the holder from the effect of the thing. The liontaur looks for the cloth that had draped the orb.

Wednesday April 19th, 2006 7:22:40 PM

Rose looks on in horror as Khuun seems to be turning to stone or something. Hearing Zeoll call for someone with mage hand she continues running. However she needs to be within 40' to use it.

at end of round rose should be 160' away

Theodore and Macaw 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 9:09:13 PM

Theodore continues moving towards the stone, thinking of ways to properly carry the stone.

Tratain AC25, HP30/58 (via Nellie) Divine Favor, Invisibility Purge 30ft, Fly 
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:20:17 PM

The cleric continues to fly toward the Fae Stone, unsure of what he'll do once he gets there. Certainly not touch the blasted thing.

Ashira AC24, HP78/87 (Shield of Faith +3) R28  d20+12=15 d20+11=24
Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:41:12 PM

Figuring that there enough people crowding over that rickety rope bridge that someone really ought keep a look out. Scanning the area, Ashira checks to see if that alarm is going to result in company. (Spot=15, Listen=24)

Vorelle [AC 20; HP 63/76]  d20+3=19
Thursday April 20th, 2006 1:15:18 AM

Vorelle continues to move across the bridge.

[Balance check 19. Of course, I don't know what the DC is. :) ]

Brahmah (35/97hps, AC22)  d20+16=17
Thursday April 20th, 2006 10:44:41 AM

"IF FOR SOME REASON HE CAN'T LET GO, CHOP OFF HIS BLASTED ARM!" Says the minotaur seriously, jumping from the bridge as well, attempting to break his fall, but failing miserably. (Jump of 17, Nat 1)

DM Carl: Success! 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 6:13:11 PM

Zeoll commands Khuun to drop the stone. With evident effort the ogre mage opens his fingers slowly, until the stone falls from his numb grasp to the stone floor.

Within a matter of moments the draining effect leaves the ogre mage, his flesh returning to normal. The light around the stone fades.

Khuun looks at Zeoll, his eyes wide with fear and gratitude.

"Kitty save Khuun! Khuun almost sucked dry, like the flappy thing the master used to make Khuun!"

The others gather around (Brahmah decides at the last moment that there is no urgent need to jump off the rope bridge, and follows the bridges down instead).

Zeoll finds the cloth that was draped over the stone.

With the last defenders of Gargulus' stronghold defeated it seems the party have won the Feystone. The question before you now: what to do next?

Theodore and Macaw 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 10:19:48 PM

"So," Theodore scratches his nose. "What now?"

Zeoll (HP14 of 69) 
Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:25:36 PM

Zeoll takes the cloth and drops it over the orb without touching it at all.

He looks at the ogre's hand and pronounces it fine. "You stay close to me, old frriend," he tells Khuun.

He turns to the party mages and asks if anyone can cast Mage Hand.

Zeoll suggests that a mage cast Mage Hand and use it to carry the orb. He asks Brahmah to carry the mage so that the party won;t be slowed down.

If the group encounters anyone especially powerful on the way out, Zeoll plans to distract Him with a special song. If that works, the rest of the group should flee while Zeoll (and Khuun) create the distraction.

"Now we have to go home," says Zeoll. "Let's trry going back to that caverrn. Or let's go to the Queen. She may help."

But short term, the liontaur shepherds the group over the bridges and out.

As they go, he turns to Tratain and asks if the priest might be able to cure the wounded.

Thursday April 20th, 2006 11:53:27 PM

Vorelle is somewhat startled--and more than a little suspicious--at the apparent ease of the group's victory. She looks around uneasily.

"W-we sh-should g-g-g-go," she says to nobody in particular.

Friday April 21st, 2006 5:24:55 AM

"Sure I'll do it." He answers Zeoll.

Tratain (via Nellie)  3d8(6+6+7)+6=25 3d8(7+4+7)+6=24 2d8(6+6)+6=18 2d8(1+4)+6=11 d8=4 2d8(8+1)+6=15 d8=1 d8=1 d8=6 2d8(5+4)+6=15
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:30:19 AM

The cleric nods at Zeoll's request, working first with the most gravely wounded and ending up with himself. Looking very tired, Tratain says "Let us try the cave first, then the Queen.

Healing results:
25 pts. to Zeoll (Spont. in place of Searing Light)
24 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Dispel Magic)
18 pts. to Zeoll (Spont. in place of Bear's Endurance)
11 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Bear's Endurance)
14 pts. to Brahmah (Spont. in place of Bull's Strength)
20 pts. to Tratain (Spont. in place of Resist Energy)
15 pts. to Rose (Spont. in place of Align Weapon)

Ashira HP87/87  2d8(7+5)+3=15
Friday April 21st, 2006 10:35:24 AM

Seeing that Tratain has almost exhausted himself healing the party, Ashira grabs a healing potion from out of her bag and gulps it down (15 hp. healed). She holds out 3 other potions. "I've got 3 more of these if anybody else needs any. Otherwise I'll save them for later." Agreeing with Tratain, Ashira gets ready to head out feeling excited and yet very weary. "I'd like to stop to check on the slaves that we freed before we leave." she comments.

Brahmah (59/97hps, AC22) 
Friday April 21st, 2006 4:30:14 PM

Brahmah thanks Tratain.

rose  d20+11=24
Friday April 21st, 2006 6:43:35 PM

Once Rose reaches the stone she says she will be glad to use mage hand (and although she doesnt say it you realize she will be glad not to have to run to keep up)

Rose thanks Tratain for healing her and as soon as the group is ready to go she'll cast mage hand.

concentration: 24

Friday April 21st, 2006 6:45:16 PM

"Um, you guys know that mage hand doesnt move things very fast dont you?"

mage hand: duration is concentration, move action to move 15' range 40' can lift 5lb

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 5:56:30 AM

"How 'bout using that disc thing mages have? You know, the floating thing?!"

DM Carl: More decisions 
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:32:19 AM

Rose casts Mage Hand and is able to lift the stone with ease. However the halfling is correct. Even being carried she needs to mentally push the stone to keep it moving along with her. And at the rate she can push it is going to be a very long journey home.

Does anyone else try to carry the stone in another way?

The party very slowly make their way up the stairs and back to the upper floor. You soon realise from the desperate cries coming from the throne room that there are still a large number of captives in this place. Some are animals, but others are Fae: you recall seeing pixies and dryads in those cages. Should they be set free? Or should you flee this place at once, in case Lord Gargalus' army returns?

Saturday April 22nd, 2006 3:14:35 PM

Zeoll is very greatful to Tratain for the healing. "Trruly you do prrotect us, in Domi's name," he tells Tratain.

Then he ponders the stone.

"It is clearr," says Zeoll "that a momentarry touch will not cause perrmanent damage. So someone could trry to handle it wrrapped in its cloth. The cloth may offerr prrotection."

If no one else volunteers, Zeoll will give that a try.

Vorelle [HP 63/76] 
Saturday April 22nd, 2006 8:57:19 PM

Vorelle is still injured, but not much, and she has more important things on her mind.

She is very much in favor of freeing the captives. "I-if the a-a-army c-comes b-back, I can h-h-hide and sn-sneak out," she says. "B-b-but we c-c-an't just l-l-leave them."

Theodore and Macaw 
Sunday April 23rd, 2006 7:22:33 PM

"I can offer you a blanket that I carry with me," Theodore says to Zeoll, concerning carrying the stone. "Perhaps even more padding between you and the stone would help."

When Vorelle suggests freeing the prisoners, Theodore agrees. "It's the right thing to do. Plus, we can use the escaping prisoners as a distraction. We shouldn't have a problem blending in."

Sunday April 23rd, 2006 10:26:35 PM

Seeing the animals and Fae, Ashira's face hardens. "I won't leave them here. Even if you guys leave I'm going to free them." She begins heading toward where she hears the cries intent on doing her best to free the captives.

Rose  d20=1
Monday April 24th, 2006 12:35:44 AM

Rose will maintain concentration, just in case nobody else can carry the stone.

ooc: dont have sheet on new comp could you add modifiers...oh well I rolled a 1 so I guess it doesnt matter.

Monday April 24th, 2006 10:15:05 AM

"I don't like repeating myself... do we have that disc spell that floats? We can pick up the stone with a blanket..." He pauses. "... or we just use an empty pack?!"

DM Carl: Tick tock tick tock... 
Monday April 24th, 2006 5:38:41 PM

Seeing as no-one else volunteers, Zeoll wraps the stone in the cloth, then Theo's blanket, then tentatively picks it up. Khuun looks on anxiously for a few moments...

...but nothing happens. It seems it is safe to carry the stone in this manner.

The others are intent on freeing the captives, though you realise that every moment spent here brings the enemy army a step closer. With no keys in evidence it looks like you'll have to break these cage doors or pick the locks. Inside the cages the captures creatures clamour for freedom.

Theodore and Macaw 
Monday April 24th, 2006 9:36:04 PM

"I do not have that spell currently memorized, Brahmah," Theodore replies to his friend.

At the cages, (how many cages?) Theodore pauses to pull out a scroll and begins to read from the parchment.

(Casts knock on one of the cages.)

Monday April 24th, 2006 11:21:05 PM

Zeoll cautions everybody to consider the effects of their actions. "Rrememberr, frriends, that we did not come herre to change things. Morre I will not say forr the sake of discrretion. But it will help us not at all, and otherrs even less, if we arre found lingerring when the masterr of this place rreturrns."

So he urges the group to depart immediately.

Moreover, he is not happy carrying the orb. "If we do meet the masterr of this house, my job will be to delay him while the rrest of you flee. So I cannot carrry the orrb. Theo? Arre you still invisible? Maybe you should carrry it. Orr Ashirra, if you still have that potion of fly, you could escape with it."

"I think ourr best courrse is to rreturrn to the cave of ourr arrival. Failing that, the Queen may be able to help."

He asks his good friend Khuun to go invisible, peek out the main door, and come right back to tell Zeoll what he sees.

Ashira  d20+14=18 d8+4=6
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 12:39:50 AM

Urging Rose to come and help, Ashira begins bashing on the locks hoping to bust some (AC 18 for 6).

Rose  d20=15
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 2:24:48 AM

Rose starts picking some locks.

[ooc: having trouble with word documents (at least some of the time) it tries to open with 2003 which i have a 3 month trial and didnt install. I installed 2000 but when trying to open my documents with 2000 (instead of just clicking) i get blank pages.]

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:08:31 AM

"Z-Z-Zeoll, c-c-can y-you ask your f-f-f-f-friend wh-who had the k-k-k-k-keys to th-the c-c-c-cells?" Vorelle asks in a low tone.

If Zeoll can't get the information, Vorelle begins searching the bodies of the foes they defeated. Somebody should have keys to these things.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:51:43 AM

Brahmah waits patiently.

DM Carl: Two down, four to go 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 5:19:28 PM

Rose and Theo succeed in opening a cage each. Two dryads sweep Rose up in their spindly arms, kiss her, then join in the effort to get the cage doors open. Ashira's efforts seem to have little effect so far.

Zeoll urges the party to leave at once, but those with softer hearts cannot bear to leave the occupants of the four remaining cages, who are weeping openly at the prospect of freedom so close.

Khuun, who claims to have no idea where Snotguzzle or the Master may have kept they key, shrugs at this display of sentimentality. At Zeoll's behest he lopes off to scout an escape route, flicking out of sight as he does so.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 6:59:07 PM

Zeoll hates to leave these folk behind, but if the Quest for Ebryon's Orb fails, more innocents thatn these will suffer.

"Come, my frriends! We must away! Rrose, if you wish to stay and frree them, then do so. Maybe Ashirra will let you drink herr potion of flight so that you can catch up with us when you arre done."

"And again I ask, who will carrry the orrb? I am rreluctant because I do not want to be holding it if we meet the masterr of this foul place, since I will be the one staying behind to delay him."

Theodore and Macaw 
Tuesday April 25th, 2006 9:32:33 PM

"I will take it, Zeoll," Theodore says, not turning towards the liontaur as he takes out another scroll. "Just lay it there on the floor and I'll pick it up in a minute."

It is quite obvious the wizard is more concerned with freeing the prisoners than the stone. He quickly reads from the second scroll, again casting knock.

Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:21:13 PM

Rose will keep picking on locks, trusting her spell of expeditious retreat to help her leave quickly.

[ooc: still having trouble with word documents, see loot & booty if you want to help me.]

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:00:33 AM

Ashira looks over at the captives and then Zeoll...her face hardened with determination. "Zeoll, you know I trust you completely... but I'm staying here and trying to get the captives out. You're right, it's risky, and if someone wants to go with you to flee with the stone, then I won't grudge you that. But I'm staying here, even if it cost me my life. Sorry, but that's my answer."

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might  d20+7=10
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:21:28 AM

Tratain smiles at Ashira's little tirade...perhaps there was hope for her after all. Looking up at Zeoll he smiles. "What kind of a Protector would I be if I just left these people here to die. No I'm sorry...I must stay too." As he whispers a prayer to Domi, his muscles ripple and grow (Righteous Might). Grabbing the bars to the nearest cage, he give it a mighty tug...and prompty twists his wrist (Str. Check=10).

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 12:49:58 AM

Vorelle sighs. She has no skill with locks, no strength to speak of, no magic to wield, and she can't find the keys.

She would like to help free the prisoners, but her practical side is asserting itself, telling her that others are better suited to the task and that Zeoll has a point.

"I-I've g-g-g-got it," she says, picking up the bundle containing the stone. She starts after the liontaur.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 1:27:19 PM

Brahmah trusts Zeoll's judgement and decides to follow.
"Come on friend." He says to Vorelle.

DM Carl: The breaking of the fellowship?  d20=13
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:02:35 PM

Zeoll is eager to leave. He heads after Khuun towards the entrance with Brahmah and Vorelle tagging along. Khuun has not yet returned from his scouting.

The others (including Theo who volunteers to carry the stone) remain behind to attempt to free the last few pitiful sould from the lair of Lord Gargulus. Rose and Theo succeed in opening two more cages. For all his rippling musculature, Tratain has no luck with the iron bars. Now only two cages remain locked.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:51:11 PM

Zeoll is visably unhappy at splitting up. He whispers to his Vorelle and Brahmah that he hopes they will catch up soon .

He says that he is worried that some enemy is outside and has got Khuun. He asks Vorelle if she would consider sneaking up and peeking out without going outside. If she goes, Zeoll follows, keeping about 40 feet back.

Wednesday April 26th, 2006 9:55:12 PM

Rose quickly opens another cage.

[ooc: hmm having less trouble with word, but it wont open my dark fae stuff. I may have to delete and resave from my email.]

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+11=17
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:11:05 PM

Ashira bids Zeoll and the others goodbye, vowing to join them as soon as possible.

Knowing that bashing the locks around isn't working, Ashira decides to just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble...or even better maybe the keys or something (Spot=31, Listen=17).

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might  d20+7=9
Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:36:15 PM

Tratain works on the cage that is available, tugging once more...and once more doing precious little more than torq out his shoulder (Str. check=9). Blushing, he encourages Rose in her work as he thumbs his warhammer.

Vorelle  d20+20=29 d20+20=29 d20+14=22 d20+14=32
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:07:19 AM

Vorelle agrees to scout, and slips ahead of Zeoll and Bramah. If she thinks the weight of the feystone will make the sneaking more difficult, she hands it off before she leaves.

[Hide 29, Move Silently 29, Spot 22, Listen 32]

Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:30:54 AM

The ranger continues, unconcerned with the amount of noise that he might be making.

He watches Vorelle ahead of him and wonders where the ogre really went.

Theodore and Macaw  d20=1
Thursday April 27th, 2006 1:12:23 PM

"That was my last knock scroll," Theodore informs those who stayed with the cages. "We must rely on Rose's skill with the locks."

That said, the wizard moves to assist Rose in picking the locks. (Rolled 1 to assist) He is utterly at a loss with the lock, though. "Sorry. It's not my forte."

DM Carl: The party divided  d20=18
Thursday April 27th, 2006 6:09:11 PM

The party leaving Highlight to display spoiler: {Vorelle creeps out towards the stone arch blocking the great gates and looks around. There is no sign of anything untoward that she can make out. Nor, for that matter, is there any sign of Khuun.

"Boo!" says a voice from just behind her, followed by Khuun's disturbing laugh. "Nothing to see, but it don't mean nothing's there, right, little slave?"

Zeoll and Brahmah move slowly towards the entrance.

The party staying Highlight to display spoiler: {Another cage springs open under Rose's delicate touch. Fey are joyously reunited, weeping and hugging. Only one cage to go, but is there enough time remaining?}

Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:24:06 PM

[Unfortunately my dark fae documents are blank for some reason. I tried to download from the email I sent myself before I hooked up my new computer, but something must have went wrong with the email as that's no help. I will download from the email that I sent myself about a month ago when I tried rebooting my old computer, but it wont be accurate (ie it will still have all the scrolls & stuff that I used on it).]

Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:27:46 PM

Rose goes to work on the next lock.
"Ashira, get them out of here quietly, Theo can you cast expeditious retreat on yourself and be ready to grab me and go. You're alot faster. If you need it take this scroll."

Vorelle  d20+20=36 d20+20=32 d20+14=27 d20+14=30
Thursday April 27th, 2006 11:43:13 PM

At the sound of Khuun's voice, Vorelle jumps a little and sidles away. She hopes that if she looks meek and subservient enough he'll do no more than tease her.

And she hopes Zeoll can talk him out of it if he decides to eat her.

Meanwhile, she continues scouting.

[Hide 36, Move Silently 32, Spot 27, Listen 30]

Friday April 28th, 2006 12:37:25 AM

The ranger looks over at Rose and Theo...they wouldn't stand much of a chance in a fight by themselves. She shakes her head. "No, I'm staying till we all get them out of here."

Tratain (Str.=24) Righteous Might 
Friday April 28th, 2006 12:43:19 AM

Seeing that Rose is busy, Tratain sets to quieting the freed Fae. "Everyone, please calm down. Let our friend work on setting the rest of you free. Be quiet so we don't draw attention to ourselves!"

Brahmah  d20+11=23 d20+11=17 d20+16=19 d20+4=16
Friday April 28th, 2006 7:13:58 AM

Brahmah keeps an eye and ear out. (spot 23, listen 17) He also looks for tracks that aren't the groups or Khuun's. (survival 19, search 16... bad rolls)

Theodore and Macaw 
Friday April 28th, 2006 12:33:53 PM

"I don't have that spell memorized, Rose. And I wouldn't be able to carry you, anyway. I'm pretty weak." Theodore shrugs. "I have fly prepared. I also have a couple of scrolls I could use if it comes to it. We'll worry about that when the time comes."

Friday April 28th, 2006 7:45:54 PM

Zeoll says that if the coast is clear, then let's get moving.

He follows Vorelle, and leaves the Stronghold of Mortal Gargul.

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