DM Matt C. d20+13=19 d20+8=12 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 9:37:37 AM
End CR #25:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Ashlan moves and swings at the chains holding the girl g2. It also breaks under his swings.
Xenia and Wynn grab the girl and haul her outside. She remains unconscious, but does moan slightly.
Famina moves into the kitchen and to the top of the stairs. She sees the stairs lead into darkness and spends some time lighting a torch.
Belkior has his Spiritual Weapon strike zombie Z3 again (5 damage). He is pretty sure the Vampire has gone invisible and is lurking around. He listens and looks for signs of her but does not find any. He gropes above him and into the square where girl g1 is laying but does not feel anything. He shouts out to her, attempting to get the Vampire to reveal herself.
OOC - Belkior is your wand set for 8th level? Shouldn't it be CL3 for 2d8+3?
Angus fires a magic missile at the last remaining zombie. It is enough to end the creatures existence.
Lang looks for the Vampire (see below).
Syr tries to move to the double window on the west wall. He cannot get close enough as the man and Ashlan are standing in front of it. He does see an open spot on the north window and moves there instead (figured you would want to move to this window; let me know if not). It resists his attempt to open it this round.
DM -- I am having a hard time determining if Lang & Angus's natural 20's would spot the invisible Vampire. More so for other factors than that her hide was way above there rolls. She is in the cover of the Darkness spell and has people blocking her from their view. And in Angus's case he already performed an action this round. If a natural 20 eliminates all these factors then:
Both Angus and Lang spot something strange in the bottom left corner of the Vampire's lair. Maybe it is just shadows or maybe it is how the man is edging away from the square. Lang is not able to reach that square as there are people in his way.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 22+5=27/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 37+2=38/38) Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Ashlan (AC19, HP 39/63) Sub/Al d20+11=24 d8+10=18 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:35:00 AM
"Are you people stupid or just hard of hearing?"
Ashlan brings his mithril sword down upon the chain of the last captive girl. The links part with a single stroke.
"The windows are trapped. If you open them now, you risk the lives of these girls. Get them out first. They're free! Take them. If you open that window, we'll all be caught in the blast."
"Holy word of Jancassius ... "
Ashlan draws a potion from a pouch at his belt.
Rolls and Actions Hit Chain on g1 AC24 Damage 8hp after hardness (Note 1.5 x STR bonus to damage for wielding a 1 handed weapon in two hands.)
(If this is a Chain per PHB then Hardness 10, 5 hp. AC = 5 /+10, +2 Tiny Size, -5 Dex, -2 Per PHB)
Position and Movement B17 Draw Potion of CMW as move equivalent.
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/42) d20+18=38 d20+13=31 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 10:43:31 AM "With you all the way, Wynn."
The dark rogue charges back into the house behind her beau. Eyes and ears are peeled for the tattooed vampies. Where did they get themselves to? And don't look at their faces. Feet. Look for feet.
Once in the hall, she takes stock of the melee. There's Angus and Lang and more girls. And on the other side is Scorpion Boy shouting something about traps.
Rolls and Actions Spot 38 (Nat 20) Listen 31
Position and Movement Double Move to I18
Active Effects Bless
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) d20+6=9 d20+5=23 d20+4=18 d20+5=13 d4=4 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 11:19:20 AM
The halfling cleric is certain that the vampire is somewhere nearby. Probably hiding in the shadows like a spider. But he can't find her ... and those poor girls are whimpering in fear. Listen = 9 Spot = 23
Belkior turns his attentions to the captives who are now free. He can't lift or carry them, so he can only persuade them to move.
"We'll take you to safety, girls. Out into the sunlight where they can't get at you. How about coming wth me back out into the light?" Diplomacy = 18
If the girls will follow them, Belkior will lead them out of the room. OPTION 1: Single move to get them near remains of zombies Z1 and Z2.
If they can't walk, Belkior will move to girl g1 and lift her to her feet. OPTION 2: 5' step, pick her up.
And if the girls start fighting, Belkior will draw his mace and try to knock them unconcious. OPTION 3: Draw Weapon, Attack Hit AC 13 (should hit prone), 4 non-lethal (no penalty for non-lethal due to class feature)
Position Whereever
Actions See above, because of the conditional movement and actions
Active Effects None
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charge used Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charges Pearl of Power Potion of Lesser Restoration 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Lang Hp 42/80 & Sunshine d20+10=27 d20+6=26 d20+10=13 d20+7=14 d20+12=24 d6+3=5 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:11:38 PM
ooc: Not that Lang is no longer enlarged, so the map is incorrect.
Lang will see if he can track the Vampire by the scent of her death and calls to Sunshine "Go find her boy." Scent track for Lang 23 and 26 for Sunshine.
IF Lang and Sunshine can pin point the Vampire they will attempt to attack.
Lang touch attack with wand
AC 13, miss
Sunshine bite
AC 14, miss
IF they can not scent track then Lang will attempt to break the last chain holding a girl.
AC 24 for 5 damage
Angus AC 18 Hp 25/28 d20+8=25 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:20:40 PM
Angus call out to the vampire in frustration "Get ready to have your coffin blessed and your house burned down around you, if you do not show yourself now. Lets discuss your recent actions." Angus bluffs 25
Angus waits for a response, hoping for something to target.
Angus will cast his laughter spell on the dominated human male. DC 17 will save.
Angus calls out to the vampire "No more minions left for us to kill!?!"
Famina (hp 43/78, AC 19) d20=13 Wednesday April 19th, 2006 12:38:35 PM
Using the torch to guide her way, Famina heads down the stairs swiftly, then moves into the basement. begins to sift through the items itn hte room, looking for a coffin. (Search 13) Or three...
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 34/62 dex -1) Wednesday April 19th, 2006 9:53:34 PM
Hearing Ashland speak finally, he grins. "Stupid AND hard of hearing... Sir! What's the plan then, wait her out? Keep in mind that I'm guessing she can hear us. Should we get the others up here with some long poles or maybe weighted ropes to toss around the room?"
Wynn [AC=21; HP=40/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4 Thursday April 20th, 2006 7:49:33 AM
Wynn darts back into the house and left down the corridor towards the vampire's lair. (Ends in H18). He has his longsword drawn and ready as he runs.
DM Matt C. d20=17 Saturday April 22nd, 2006 12:02:30 PM
End CR #26:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Ashlan moves and swings at the chains holding the last girl captive (g1). Once again the strength of his sword breaks the chain.
Xenia moves back towards the lair.
Belkior is able to convince two of the girls to leave the lair. They do so with a lot of hesitancy.
Lang is fairly confident that the Vampire is hiding in the lower left corner of the room. He moves into the square where the dead Zombie is and tries to touch her with his wand. Sunshine follows behind and whimpers softly.
Angus casts a laughter spell at the dominated human male. He does not seem to be affected by it (will save 17+).
Famina moves into the basement and sees a storage room. There is shelving lining most of the walls and broken and intact casks, barrels and sacks on the shelving and floor. Housewares can also be seen on the shelving. No coffins are visible.
Syr tops attempting to open the window when Ashlan reminds him it is booby-trapped. He calls out a questions the group members in the room.
Wynn moves inside next to Xenia.
Start CR #27:
If there was any question of where the Vampire is it is soon dismissed as the Spiritual Flail hovers over the corner where Lang is attacking.
Two gaseous forms can be seen drifting down from the ceiling. They form into the two Vampire Spawn as they land on the floor. They look around as if wondering where their mistress is.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 27+5=32/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38/38) Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
JimF Saturday April 22nd, 2006 2:49:22 PM
Does Lang touch the Vampire with the wand?
Ashlan (AC19, HP 39/63) Sub/Al d20+7=25 d100=86 2d8(8+5)+3=16 Saturday April 22nd, 2006 5:04:51 PM
"You really haven't been listening, have you?" Ashlan quips back. "Get the girls out first *THEN* open the windows, Syr. We can take the blast. They can't."
He moves to grab the last remaining girl by the arm, but then notices Lang's unusual behavior. When the translucent flail returns to a place in the corner, his suspicion is confirmed.
"Angus, grab the girl and get her out. I've got an idea to convince the one in the corner to move."
"Then we'll open the windows. If we get caught in the blast, so will the vampires. I just hope this man can take the blast too. Hey, Halfling! What's the range on these traps? How far away do we have to get the girls?"
Instead of drinking the potion, he throws it into the corner using the position of the flail as a guide. It breaks against something. Something invisible.
"Alright, lets see if someone can take the kind of pain that Jancassius dishes out." Ashlan draws another potion.
Rolls and Actions Range Touch Attack Hit Vampire in Corner AC26 (Per rules for Throwing a Splash Weapon) Miss Chance Less than 51 is a Miss = 86 Hit Damage 16hp
Position and Movement B17 Draw Another Potion of CMW as move equivalent.
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/42) d20+18=31 d20+13=20 Saturday April 22nd, 2006 5:24:53 PM "Go on. It's alright. You're friend is just outside." The dark rogue shoes the wimpy girls toward the front hall. "She's all passed out. See if you can take her further away from the house."
Doesn't look like vampies in this room either. Xenia charges down the hall past Angus.
Here's where the tattooed vampies got themselves to. Xenia fetches up just in front of Angus and brandishes her mirror at the nearest one.
"Those two tattooed guys are in here, Wynn!" she calls out. With the mirror pointed at the nearest vampire spawn, Xenia spares a glance over her shoulder at what Lang and Scorpion Boy are up to.
"What you guys doing over there? The vampies are over here."
Rolls and Actions Brandish Mirror at VS2 (A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item for the rest of the encounter. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action."
Spot 31 Listen 20
Position and Movement Move to E18
Active Effects Bless
Lang HP 42/80 & Sunshine d20+10=25 d20+11=30 d100=10 Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:23:09 PM
Lang concentrates on the invisible vampire in front of him, he knows he brushed up against something, it has to be her.
Lang takes a big whif in through his over size nose, smelling for the burning dead flesh from Ashlan's potion. (Scent track 25)
Lang lashes out with his wand again.
AC 30, 10% - Lang knows what to smell for now, but the vampire must have moved and he missed with his lunge.
Lang call back to Sunshine "Out boy!" and then thinks to himself, lets get you safe.
Sunshine runs out of the room.
Angus Hp 25/28 & AC 18 d20+15=24 d20+15=35 4d4(1+3+1+1)+4=10 Saturday April 22nd, 2006 11:32:11 PM
Angus is sweating now, running low on spells and too many opponents left. Upon hearing Xenia, Angus responds "Do not set off the Inflict Glyph, I think it will heal the Vampire! We have got to clear the room first." (Spellcraft 24)
Angus is waiting to hear from Balkior about the range of Glyph (Spellcraft 35, natural 20), but he has a real good idea himself.
"Syr! You and I concentrate on the Spawn." Angus call to his Shield mate as he launches four more balls of force at the Spawn closest to Syr.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) - Sub/Al d20+3=22 d20+6=22 Sunday April 23rd, 2006 9:31:15 AM
"Yes, please do as Xenia says," Belkior says to the two girls who had followed him from the room. "Alemi's will be granted, we will be out to care for your wounds and the vampires will have been vanquished. Hurry, we'll be along. Have faith."
Then the halfling turns and runs back into the room. The spawn have returned to roost, and Belkior braves an attack by the nearest one as he slips past Xenia and into the room. (Take AoO from VS2 as pass through square E18)
"I'm not sure we can tell from the inside, Ashlan," he replies. There were glyphs on the outside, but I'm not sure we will be able to tell from the inside. I'll try."
"But before we do that, you must leave the room, Little One." Belkior smiles at the last remaining girl. "The man behind you, he is your father, isn't he? Take his hand and lead him from the room. We're here to rescue you, but you must be brave and help us in this one small thing." (Cha of 22 to persuade.)
With a flick of his eyes to both windows, Belkior sizes up the spells that he knows must be on the windows. Angus had said that the window to the left of the door had been a Blast Glyph with an Acid rune. But, if these guard the Throne Room, it stands to reason that they just might be different.
Position F19
Actions Charisma Check 22 Spellcraft 22
Active Effects None
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charge used Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charges Pearl of Power Potion of Lesser Restoration 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Wynn [AC=21; HP=40/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired Sunday April 23rd, 2006 11:06:17 AM
Wynn slips past Angus and into the room to survey the situation [E19]. The presence of the two spawn is immediately apparent, and he can guess where the vampire herself is. While they outnumber their foe, it seems clear to the bard that any advantage to be gained by the Shields might prove critical as the battle unfolds. With that in mind he draws a deep breath and begins to sing in a clear resonating voice.
"A blade so keen and hand so quick, it's all I really wanted To stand against the evil ones and remain undaunted No wizard's staff or wand for me, no godly interventions Only friends, with hearts of steel, filled with good intentions.
A poem, a song, a hero's tale, to what end do they serve When told aloud in battle, they sooth the ragged nerve A battle cry sung loud and hale, a hero's charge requested And now we press upon our foes and see them sorely tested."
[OOC Bardic Music to inspire courage - +1 on atk and damage rolls and +1 vs fear and charm effects for all allies]
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 54/62 dex -1) Inspire d20+11=17 d20+11=19 d20+6=18 d20+11=14 Sunday April 23rd, 2006 5:56:50 PM
Growling at Ashlan, "What has gotten into you? First you get charmed by the enemy and now you've taken it upon yourself to usurp Angus. Calm down buddy. I make mistakes too in the heat of the moment."
Ignoring the mercenary's orders totally, he attacks the spawn materializing by his side, missing all 3 times.
Famina d20=19 Monday April 24th, 2006 1:05:48 AM
Famina makes another quick search of the rest of the basement, pushing aside stuff and such if necessary. There has to be a coffin somewhere! If not, she then starts heading back upstairs, torch in hand. Has to be hidden somewhere, it just has to be...
DM Matt C. d20+12=32 d100=15 d100=56 d20+6=11 d20+13=22 d20+8=16 d100=60 d8+3=10 d20+6=20 d20+37=43 d20+15=18 d20+14=16 Monday April 24th, 2006 10:10:01 PM
End CR #27:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Ashlan throws his potion of healing into the corner square. It breaks on something besides the wall (will save 32).
OOC - Please see rules board on using CL potions as splash weapons. I will not change the above, but it will not work going forward.
Xenia moves into the vampire's lair. She brandishes her mirror against the Vampire Spawn. Vampire Spawn 1 does not appear to see the mirror, but Vampire Spawn 2 recoils from it (miss chance 15 & 56).
Lang tries to touch the Vampire with his CLW, but is thwarted by the Vampire's invisibility. He orders Sunshine out of the room.
Angus focuses his attention on the Vampire Spawn. Hoping to lessen their opponents he attacks the VS nearest Syr with his dependable magic missile spell.
OOC - Angus roll a SR 17 to see if the MM failed.
Belkior tries to coax the two girls to leave the building and check on their friend. They look terrified at being left alone, but eventually they slowly make their way towards the front door, all the while holding onto each other. Belkior moves back into the lair and moves towards the last girl. VS2 takes a swipe at him as he moves past (hit AC 11; no damage). He starts to persuade the last girl to leave, but all her attention remains on the man.
Wynn also slips back into the room, and takes position behind Belkior and Xenia. Hoping to aid the Shields battle, he launches into song, inspiring them for greatness.
Syr launches into attack against VS1. The undead's armor proves to strong for the monk this round..
Famina does a quick search of the basement. She looks around the shelving and the items on the floor. She does not find any casket or any other door.
Start CR #28:
The Spiritual Flail (ends CR 30) attacks Lang. It pounds the Bugbear in the head.
Hit AC's 22 & 16; 10 damage (miss chance 60).
Vampire Spawn 1 attacks Syr. Syr dodges the creatures blow at the last moment.
Hit AC 20; no damage.
The singing by the bard draws the attention of Vampire Spawn 2. He looks at Wynn and Wynn feels the undead's will enter his brain. The creature moves into the corner to get some walls to its back.
Will save DC 14 or be dominated. If fail, immediately make another will save DC 12 or attack Belkior.
The invisible Vampire (ends CR 33) moves and strikes Belkior. All can hear her move as she tries to squeeze past the man and the girl to get to the cleric.
Spot DC 23 to "see" the Vampire in its new square. Hit AC 16; no damage
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 32-8+5+5=29/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38-10=28/38) Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Angus HP 25/28 AC 18 d20+7=26 d20+4=20 d6=6 d100=88 Monday April 24th, 2006 11:27:30 PM
SR 26 for last round.
Angus looks at the battle before him, it seems to tetter before him, which way will it fall. Angus holds his last first level spell as more Shields arrive in the room.
Angus casts an orb of acid at the vampire spawn 2.
AC 20 for 3 damage
Angus calls out to his fellow. "Attempt to finish off the vampires while we get the innocents out. Then we can bath the vampire in fire, it it does not come out to play." Angus chides the master vampire, hoping to draw it out.
Lang Hp 42/80 & Sunshine d20+6=26 d20+10=25 d20+11=22 d100=79 d8+1=9 Monday April 24th, 2006 11:36:49 PM
Lang is truely frustrated as he can not find the vampire to kill it or even scratch it. Lang hears the vampire move and tries to follow the sound (spot 26, nat. 20) and takes a big inhale, to follow the stench of death (sent track 25).
Lang is zeroing in on the vampire when he has to duck the flail and then he lunges forward with the CLW wand.
AC 22, 79%, as Lang makes solid contact for 9 damage.
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 54/62 dex -1) Inspire d20+11=28 d20+11=28 d20+6=11 d100=82 d100=41 d10+5=6 d10+5=15 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 6:48:29 AM
Getting an idea of where the spawn is in the darkness, Syr resumes his attack, connecting solidly twice. (attack 28*2,11 darkness 82,41 damage 6,15=11 after DR 5)
Hearing the sizzle of the vampire's flesh, he looks over in the dim light and picks out Lang. "Stay after her!" he urges the bugbear on.
Ashlan (AC19, HP 39/63) Sub/Al d20+3=19 d20+13=19 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:01:32 AM Outside chance at best, that potion. But it got her to move.
Can't see her. But her footsteps are pretty loud.
"She's here!" As the Bugbear reaches with his wand, Ashland swings a double handed cut through the air. "C'mon baby, eats some Mithril!"
The blow lacks the satisfying bite of flesh. But, then again, it had only been designed to get her attention.
Rolls and Actions Spot 19 Aide Another against Vampire Hit AC19 - +2 to Belkior to Hit (+12/+7, -2 Shaken, +1 Bless, +2 Flanking)
Position and Movement No move. Still B17
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 35/42) d20+18=35 d100=73 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:15:32 AM "THERE SHE IS!"
The keen eye of the dark rogue spots the Vampire and she brandishes the mirror in her direction to keep her at bay.
"I'll hold the door. But I don't know if I can keep 'em in the room if they turn all gassy again."
Rolls and Actions Spot 35 Brandish mirror at Vampire. BTW, I don't think brandishing a mirror is an attack. It just takes a standard action. But if you need a miss chance.
Miss Chance 73. No miss.
Position and Movement I18 Note on VS2: A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the mirror or holy symbol and cannot touch or make melee attacks against the creature holding the item for the rest of the encounter."
Active Effects Bless
DM - Al, did Xenia move out of the room to I18 or is she still in E18? Since you took the mirror away from VS2 does that mean it is free to act against Xenia?
Sorry, I must have copied that from a previous post. She should not have moved. She should still be right in front of the door. As to the second question, it says that the recoiling vampire cannot touch or make melee attacks agains the holder of the mirror or holy symbol for the rest of the encounter. -- Al
DM - I'm not sure I agree with that. I will re-read and/or ask the rules board. My disagreement involves the part where it says standard action to keep at bay.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) - Sub/Al d20+10=24 2d8(5+8)+8=21 d100=92 d20+13=30 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:35:02 AM
The attack against him. Lang, Ashlan, and Xenia, all of them point to the place in which the vampire stands.
"Unclean Thing, let the Light of Alemi send your soul back to Gargul for Judgement!"
Belkior forms his hands into the symbol of Alemi and reaches out into the air next to him. His hands encounter something, and the Healing Light of Blessed Alemi flows from the halfling's body.
Position F19 /No move.
Actions Touch Attack AC24 (+5, +1 Inspire, +2 Flanking, +2 Aide from Ashlan) CMW Damage 21hp (Burn Concecrate /Cast at 1 level higher for Healing Domain) Miss Chance 50 or less is Miss = 92 Concentration Check 30 to Cast Defensively
Active Effects None
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charge used Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charges Pearl of Power Potion of Lesser Restoration 1 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Famina Tuesday April 25th, 2006 4:18:14 PM
Unable to find anything in the basement, Famina curses and spends this town rushing back up the stairs and to the hall. Back to the fight. "The damned coffins aren't in the basement, where could they be???"
Wynn [AC=21; HP=40/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+6=24 d20+6=13 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 8:58:50 PM
Sensing the tentacles of some evil magic trying to wrap around his brain, the bard raises his clear voice all the louder to show the creatures he can not be dominated by their wretched spells (Will Save=25). The bard casts about, looking for the evil creature amongst them (Spot=13), but he is unable to locate it.
[OOC Bardic Music to inspire courage - +1 on atk and damage rolls and +1 vs fear and charm effects for all allies]
DM - Matt C. d20+12=18 d20+12=29 d20+13=24 d20+8=25 d100=36 d100=94 d8+3=8 d8+3=5 d20+6=7 2d4(1+2)+2=5 d20+14=26 d20+8=23 d100=1 d100=79 d8+6=11 d20+37=57 d20+15=31 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 10:53:47 PM
End CR #28:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Angus casts Acid Orb at VS2 for 3 damage. He tries to instigate the Vampire.
Lang touches the Vampire with his CLW damaging her for 4 points (will save 18).
Syr attacks VS1 and a smile comes across the elf's face as he lands two solid blows for a total of 11 damage.
Ashlan feints at the Vampire trying to draw her attention to him. He is not sure he was successful as was not able to get a good read on where she was (spot 19 vs. 23; attempt aid another - Belkior).
Xenia brandishes her mirror in the direction of the Vampire. She is not sure if it successful as the vampire is invisible.
Belkior reaches in and touches the Vampire as he casts a healing spell damaging her for 10 (will save 29).
Frustration comes over Famina as she is not able to find anything in the basement. She rushes back upstairs towards the battle.
Wynn resists the power of the VS. He sings on louder and stronger, while looking for the main vampire.
The girl seems to come out of her daze as she realizes she is free from being chained. She grabs the man and tries to pull him out of the room. He does not really resist her, but she is unable to move him as he stands still.
Start CR #29:
The Spiritual Flail (ends CR 30) continues its assault on Lang. The magic weapon slams into the Ranger, hitting him twice.
OOC - The Vampire moved 5' so you will need to roll new listen and spot DC's.
Listen DC: 31-20 = 11. Spot DC: 57-20 = 37 (natural 20; can a natural 20 spot roll still see her?)
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 29-4-10+5= 20/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 28-11+2= 19/38) Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38-3+2= 37/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Lang Hp 29/80 & Sunshine d20+6=20 d20+6=16 d20+10=27 d20+11=24 d100=23 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:17:34 PM
Lang is not pleased with this flaating flail that is rain blows on his head. At this point, in his weaked strenght state he momentarally longs for his quick and dextrous human form.
Lang listens for the foul creature and sniffs the air, attempting to sense the smell of death in the air.
listen 20 - Lang hear the vampires boot scrape the ground.
spot 16 - a fantasy in the darkness
smell/track 27 - Lang now thanks his new Bugbear nose, as it is keeping him in the fight.
Lang once again lunges at where he thinks the master vampire moved to.
AC 24 Lang brushes up against the vampire once again, but the combination of the darkness and invisibility are too much to overcome.
Lang calls out to his fellows "Lets box this B@#$% in and finish her off."
Lang looks up at the swinging flail "Belkior how long do the floating weapons last." finishes Lang clearly concerned for his long tern health prospects if the battle lasts too much longer.
Angus AC 18, HP 25/28 d20+4=6 Tuesday April 25th, 2006 11:31:30 PM
Angus is not feeling good about his prospects in helping the battle. Angus concentrates on vampire spawn 1 and cast an acid orb in an effort to help Syr.
AC 6 - Angus curses the darkness even though he know his aim was WAY off.
Angus is considering the horrible possibility that he make have to take out his sling or worse yet his dagger, at least he has a few silver bullets. Angus thinks to himself, when was the last time he used either of his weapons????
Angus tries to rally his troops after his scary thought of hand to hand combat with a vampire. "Lets go Shields, this is where we turn the corner." Angus yells is a strong voice that belies his inner fears. Thank goodness for Wynn's strong voice.
Angus grumbles to himself in a low voice "My kingdom for a dispel magic...."
Belkior (AC 22; HP 10/48) - Inspire d20+6=24 d20+6=19 d20+6=24 d100=98 d20+6=18 d100=67 d20+13=33 2d8(8+7)+8=23 d20+6=16 d100=54 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:42:59 AM JohnP - Al, thanks for subbing.
The halfling cleric winces under the impact of the vampire's flail and the magic spell. Still, he can't think of himself right now - they have to defeat this monster. Kill her and the spawn can be easily dealt with. She's invisble, though, so he needs to find her first. Belkior knows that the vampire is still close since he can hear her feet scuffing on the floor. Still, he can't pinpoint her. Listen = 24, not quite enough to pinpoint Spot = 19
So the Healer reaches out, groping through the area where he thinks the vampire is. And he finds the loathsome flesh of the vampire. He concentrates once more and channels the pure energy from Alemi into the vampire. Square C18 - Touch AC 24, 98% Square D18 - Touch AC 19, 67% Defensive Casting Concentration = 33, natural 20 Cure Moderate Wounds (burn Spiritual Hammer) = 23 damage (Will DC 16 for half), touch AC 16, 54%
"You'll soon see the sun one last time, bloodsucker!"
Position D19
Actions Grope to Touch Invisible Opponent Cast Cure Moderate Wounds
OOC - Matt, I rolled as if the vampire moved after attacking Belkior.
Ashlan (AC19, HP 39/63) Sub/Al d20+3=18 d20+3=21 d8+13=28 d8+8=17 d8+10=11 d100=79 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:14:52 AM
Ashlan hears the vampire move away. But what can he do? The halfling is taking a beating. Maybe he can do something about that.
He steps to the nearest vampire spawn, swings twice, hits once.
Rolls and Actions Spot 18 Listen 21 Hit VS1 AC28, AC17, Damage 11hp /6 after DR
Ooop. Almost forgot miss chance. (20 or less misses.) 79
Position and Movement 5-foot step to C17
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 34/42) d20+18=34 d20+13=26 d20+11=19 d100=83 d6=6 d6=4 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:28:38 AM
Belkie looks really bad. But what can they do? Shoulda backed off and burned the house down. Shoulda done that. Now they're gonna die instead.
Unless ... Burn.
Xenia drops the mace in her hand and reaches behind for a flask of alchemist's fire. Now where is vampie girl? A footstep comes from directly ahead.
"FIRE COMIN' AT YOU!" Xenia shouts a warning and throws the flask at the place from which the sound had come.
Rolls and Actions Spot 34 (Not quite) Listen 26 Range Touch AC19 Miss Chance (50 or less is Miss) 83 Fire Damage 6hp, Secondary Fire Damage 4hp 1 hp splash damage to Lang, Belkior, Wynn, Ashlan, and Xenia.
Position and Movement E18
Active Effects Bless Inspire Courage
Famina Wednesday April 26th, 2006 6:44:53 PM
The tired, and still bleeding from that cursed wound, barbarian rushes towards the battle. By the end of this round she should be in the main hall next to where the action is all taking place... "The coffin isn't downstairs, it must be somewhere nearby the vampire!
Wynn [AC=21; HP=39/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+6=15 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 7:50:57 PM
Belkior moves forward, and then Lang lunges at...something. The bard can not tell what(Spot=15), however he uses the opportunity to spring behind the duo and move in front of the girl and the catatonic man.
Can they break through the window? They are on the ground floor after all! Wynn hisses when he is splashed by the acid flung at...what? He wraps his cloak around his arm and prepares to break down whatever is baring the window.
Position: 18D
[OOC Bardic Music to inspire courage - +1 on atk and damage rolls and +1 vs fear and charm effects for all allies]
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 54/62 dex -1) Inspire d20+11=19 d20+11=25 d20+6=12 d10+5=15 d100=78 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 8:36:43 PM
Seeing Ashlan finally doing some damage, he urges him on, "About time you start backing up your words." Syr bounces around on the balls of his feet, feeling much more comfortable attacking the darkness. He slides in/out of the artifically created area and misses the vampire with two jabs but lands a vicious kick to the creature's chest (attack 19,25,12 dam 15).
DM Matt C. d20+12=20 d20+13=23 d20+8=26 d100=6 d100=77 d8+3=11 d20+6=15 d20+6=18 d8+11=17 d20+14=20 Wednesday April 26th, 2006 11:24:39 PM
End CR #29:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Angus casts another Acid Orb at VS1, but misses.
Lang is able to keep track of the Vampire through sound and scent. He tries to touch her again, but her being invisible thwarts his efforts.
Belkior hears the vampire move. Just to be sure he reaches into the square where the vampire just was and feels nothing. He then reaches into the next square where he thinks she moved to and feels her. He quickly casts his spell damaging her for 11 (will save 20).
Ashlan moves and swings at VS1, hitting once for 6 damage.
Xenia throws a flask of alchemist fire into the square where the vampire is. It breaks on something and the fire outlines a body briefly (damage 6; Lang, Belkior, Wynn, Ashlan & Xenia take 1).
Syr attacks VS1 landing a solid kick for 10 damage.
Famina moves closer to the battle room, ending up behind Angus.
Wynn slips behind the combative Shields and past the girl and her father ending up next to the window. He prepares to try to break the window and shutter (Wynn I think you meant B18 not D18 for your square).
The girl continues to pull on the man trying to get him to leave. She softly pleads with him to come with her.
Start CR #30:
The thrashing of the Ranger by the Spiritual Flail continues (ends CR 30). The magic weapon smashes the Ranger once, and the shadows once. At the end of the round the weapon disappears.
Vampire Spawn 1 attacks Syr again and is getting very frustrated at his lack of success. Hit AC 15; no damage.
Vampire Spawn 2 claws at Xenia with the same outcome as his buddy. Hit AC 18; no damage.
All hear the invisible Vampire (ends CR 33) cast a spell (defensive casting 20). A wave of negative energy washes over everyone in the room (Vampire, VS1, VS2, Xenia, Lang, Belkior, Wynn, Famina, Syr, Ashlan & Angus).
Inflict Light Wounds Mass - Will save DC 21 for 17/8 points of damage.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 20-11-6+17+5= 25/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 28-6-10+17+2= 31/38) Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38+17+2= 38/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Belkior (AC 22; HP 17/48) - Inspire Courage d20+13=31 d20+6=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=21 d100=10 2d8(6+6)+3=15 Thursday April 27th, 2006 8:12:30 AM
The halfling cleric winces when the negative energy of the vampire's spell washes over him. But he's still standing and able to fight, albeit badly. Will Save = 31
Belkior thinks the vampire is right beside him still, but he can't be certain. He reaches out and can't find anything, however. Listen = 16 Spot = 12 Touch Attack hits AC 21, 10%
"Where did you go, bloodsucker? Still skulking like a little girl?"
Since he can't locate the vampire, Belkior turns his wand on himself, healing himself for 15 hitpoints. Then he steps into the corner beside the door.
Position E19
Actions Grope to Touch Invisible Opponent Use Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
Lang Hp 1/80 & Sunshine d20+4=20 d20+11=29 d8+1=5 d100=53 Thursday April 27th, 2006 8:45:24 AM
Lang feels the last of the magiccal flaoting flail pounding and is happy to see it go. Then the inflict spell wracks his body. Lang can barely stand, but know he has to keep after the vampire or it will just keep healing itself.
Lang heard the vampire cast the spell and know where it is and lunges forward again with his wand. Lang is just lucky to hit the invisible vampire and gets a satisfying sizzile.
AC 29, 53% and 5 damage
Lang staggers under his wounds, hoping not to go unconcious again.
Angus HP 17/28, AC 18 d20+7=24 d20+4=20 d100=73 d6=5 Thursday April 27th, 2006 8:51:11 AM
Angus resists most of the inflict spell and call back to the vampire as he sees the flail wink out. "Is that all you got! Running low on spells are we......" Angus taunts.
Not having much to do, Angus conjours another acid orb and tosses it at the master vampire, as he pinpoints her location from her spellcasting.
AC 20, 73% for 3 damage, Angus is finally statisfied with some sucesses with the acid.
Angus yells in the direction of the vampire "Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide!"
Angus will press to the side to let Famina charge into the room. "Pick a foe Famina, there are plenty to choose from. Glad to have you back."
Ashlan (AC19, HP 20/63) Sub/Al d20+4=5 d20+13=27 d20+8=21 d8+10=16 d8+10=18 d100=37 d100=78 Thursday April 27th, 2006 10:32:02 AM
"Yeah, and if we survive this, maybe we can talk about putting innocent lives first, Syr," Ashlan quips and winks at the elf.
Then his skin boils, ripping wounds open across the surface of his flesh. Flecks of fire fall on him from the crazy drow girl's attack. But pain to a follower of Jancassius is a reminder of one's faith. Pain is strength, and with two handed strokes, Ashlan rips the tattooed vampire with solid cuts of the mithril sword.
Rolls and Actions Will Save 5 (Nat 1) Hit VS1 AC27, AC21 Damage 16+18 /11+13 after DR = 24hp Miss Chance 37, 78
Position and Movement No Move C17
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 16/42) d20+4=17 d20+18=30 d20+13=28 d20+11=21 d6=5 d100=97 Thursday April 27th, 2006 11:02:10 AM
The dark rogue grits her teeth as the spell flays her entire body. Her eyes squint shut, but when they open, an interesting fact comes to light. All of her buds, Belkie, Lang, Wynn, Syr, and even the Scorpion Guy look to be hurt by the spell. But ...
"The man and the girl!" she shouts. "They don't look like they were hurt by the spell! They're not what the seem to be!"
Figure that out later. Gotta keep the vampie down. Xenia plucks an oil from her haversack. She listens for the vampie and targets that spot, looking to ignite off the lingering flames from the alchemist's fire.
Rolls and Actions Will Save 17 Spot 30 Listen 28 Range Touch AC21 Miss Chance (50 or less is Miss) 97 Fire Damage 4hp from Oil, Secondary Fire Damage 4hp from Alechemist's fire. Total this round 8hp 1 hp splash damage to Lang, Belkior, Ashlan, and Xenia.
Position and Movement E18
Active Effects Bless Inspire Courage
Lang Hp 0/80 (supplimental post) Thursday April 27th, 2006 11:53:39 AM
The lingering effects of Xenia's attack start to register on the big Bugbear. Lang looks at his arm as some of the oil burns his flesh. A minor wound, but they just catch up with the big ranger and he falls to his knees and then falls over to his side, unconcious.
Xenia - Note on Zero HP Thursday April 27th, 2006 12:21:00 PM Disabled
A character with 0 hit points, or one who has negative hit points but has become stable and conscious, is disabled. A disabled character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can she take full-round actions). She moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesn't risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the game master deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a quickened spell) deals 1 point of damage after the completion of the act. Unless the action increased the disabled character's hit points, she is now in negative hit points and dying.
A disabled character with negative hit points recovers hit points naturally if she is being helped. Otherwise, each day she has a 10% chance to start recovering hit points naturally (starting with that day); otherwise, she loses 1 hit point. Once an unaided character starts recovering hit points naturally, she is no longer in danger of losing hit points (even if her current hit points are negative).
Wynn [AC=21; HP=22/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+6=13 d8+4=9 Thursday April 27th, 2006 4:51:18 PM
Wynn braces himself as the pain washes over his body. He scans the room for the vampire, who he knows to be the source of the spell, but instead sees Lang staggered and reeling. The bard slides by the man and his daughter and lays a healing touch on the bugbear. "Tanka harwar mellonamin" he sings [CLW=9 HP].
Lang Hp 9/80 Thursday April 27th, 2006 4:58:41 PM
Lang catches himself on the way to the floor as Wynn's healing touch infuses him with a bit of health. "Thanks man, I need that. I am taking a beating this battle." Lang exhales with a snort.
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 46/62 dex -1) Inspire d20+8=22 d20+11=28 d20+11=31 d20+6=18 d100=23 d100=79 d10+5=7 d10+5=11 Thursday April 27th, 2006 7:09:40 PM
Stopping his bouncing, Syr feels his energy leaving his body and settles down to a methodical fighting style. (Will save 22 although I must double check the modifier when I get home.) Unable to see Lang slump, he continues fighting his own personal battle versus the spawn. His focus is such that he has little knowledge of events around him. Moving into the darkness he once again lands a combination of blows on the spawn (attack 28,31,18 damage 7,11).
Famina d20+9=28 d6=5 d6=6 Friday April 28th, 2006 2:11:48 AM
Famina moves into the room and tries to maneuver into a position whereby she can attack somebody. But she probably can't get an attack off this round if she does so... if she does, though she swings, using her torch to try to flame the vampire/spawn. (Hit AC 28, did 8 damage plus 6 fire damage with the torch.)
DM Matt C. d100=76 d20+8=19 d20+6=17 d20+13=28 d20+8=22 d100=53 d100=49 d8+4=5 d8+4=10 Friday April 28th, 2006 1:03:43 PM
End CR #30:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area). OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supersedes the darkness
Belkior tries to locate the Vampire by touch, but is unsuccessful. He then cures himself and moves.
Lang touches the Vampire with the CLW wand for 5 damage. He slumps to the floor from the effects of all the damage he has taken. He feels Wynn's hand upon his body and is slightly rejuvenated by the Bard's cure spell.
Angus casts another Acid Orb, this time at the main Vampire for 3 damage.
Ashlan doubles his efforts and slices VS1 twice for a total of 24 damage..
Xenia throws a flask of regular oil into the square where the vampire is. It burst into flames as it contacts the already burning alchemist fire (damage 4; Lang, Belkior, Ashlan & Xenia take 1).
Syr continues his onslaught on VS1. He is pleased to see his last blow cause the Vampire Spawn to go gaseous.
Wynn sees Lang slump and moves over to him and casts a cure spell on the Ranger.
Famina squeezes by he comrades into the Belkior's recently vacated spot. She swings at the Vampire with her burning torch (miss chance 76%) and connects. The club did not do too much damage after DR and the Vampire is able to twist out of way of some of the fire damage (reflex 19; 3 damage).
The girl continues to pull on the man trying to get him to leave. She softly pleads with him to come with her.
Start CR #31:
Vampire Spawn 2 claws at Xenia. Hit AC 17; no damage.
The Vampire swings at Belkior & Xenia.
Belkior Hit AC 28; 5 damage (miss chance 53). Xenia Hit AC 22; 10 damage (miss chance 49).
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 25-4-5-3-4-3+5= 11/81) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+13=18 d20+8=26 d100=93 d100=5 d8+10=13 Friday April 28th, 2006 1:50:52 PM
The vampire drops and Ashlan steps in to attack the next one. Silent, with gritted teeth, specks of flame dotting his armor, he swings.
Only one cut bites vampire flesh. Curse this darkness in which a sure shot can trick the eye.
Rolls and Actions Hit VS2 AC18, AC26 Miss Chance 93, 5 Damage 13 after DR = 8hp
Position and Movement 5-Foot Step to D17
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 5/42) d20+11=22 d100=65 d6=6 d6=4 Friday April 28th, 2006 2:17:21 PM
There is a thud that Xenia hears more than she feels. Flames lick at her arms, but the pain leaves her warm. The Wold is warm, and she is enfolded in the warm Wold.
"It's nice, Wynn."
With part of her mind, the dark rogue knows that she is close to dying. But the part the feels the warmth doesn't want to listen anymore. It's all she can do to draw another flask from her haversack and throw it into the dancing flames before her.
Splash. Such pretty orange and red spots of warmth.
"Wynn, I love you," she says from far far away.
Rolls and Actions Range Touch AC22 Miss Chance (50 or less is Miss) 65 Fire Damage 6hp from Alchemist Fire, Secondary Fire Damage 4hp from Alechemist's fire next round. Total this round 6hp 1 hp splash damage to Lang, Belkior, Ashlan, and Xenia.
Position and Movement E18
Active Effects Bless Inspire Courage
Lang Hp 8/80 & Sunshine d20+11=27 d100=70 d8+1=6 Friday April 28th, 2006 3:00:51 PM
Lang feels the burning warmth of more flaming oil and it bring his mind back to the battle. Lang lashes out with his one useful weapon, his wand.
AC 27 (-4 to hit from prone) miss chance 70%
Lang mentally thanks Xenia for outlining the vampire in flame as he stabs the CLW wand into her leg for 6 damage.
Lang stands and prepares to defend himself from the undead beast.
OOC: Matt keep in mind that Lang is only enfeebled for 4 minutes and we are approaching that mark.
Angus Hp 17/28 AC 18 d20+3=17 d20+4=17 d100=23 d20+7=26 Friday April 28th, 2006 3:08:29 PM
Angus's attention is drawn to Syr and Ashlan as the vampire spawn dissipates. Angus tries to watch where the gas goes as he survey the melee before him. (spot 17)
Angus pulls another orb of acid out of thin air and lobs it in the direction of the master vampire's burning outline.
AC 17, miss chance 23%, but the orb smashes in the back wall as the vampire must have moved.
Angus thinks to himself as he takes inventory, only 2 spells left...this better end fast,.
Angus calls out in triumph "GREAT JOB Shields! Only two more to go, they should fall easy now!" Angus bluffs 26, hoping to elicit some reaction from the vampires.
Famina (37/78, AC 17, -2 hp/round) d20+9=27 d100=62 d6=6 Friday April 28th, 2006 3:53:08 PM
(Made some missrolls, forgot what I had.) Famina, still bleeding from the devilish wound she'd been given earlier, has not much she can do. She drops her useless long sword and wields the torch in two hands, like a battle club, and gives the vampire a hard swing! (hit AC 27, 62 on the 50 or less miss chance, I can't really figure out how to calculate this; I do 1 fire damage, according to others, only. But from the clubbing I do 6 base plus 3 str + +1 from my two handed bonus, so I still can't get past his DR of 10.)
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 46/62 dex -1) Inspire d20+11=24 d20+11=27 d20+6=25 d100=85 d100=41 d100=62 d10+5=12 d10+5=15 d10+5=14 Friday April 28th, 2006 7:41:33 PM
Grinning like a maniac as the spawn goes to gaseous form, he edges forward into the darkness to attack the other one. Once again, he feels the wonderful balance that is combat. This is his element and he is moving gracefully and poised in all attacks. he lands all of his powerful blows on the spawn (att 24,27,25 dam 12,15,14). Following Angus' lead, "Soon to be just one vamp left..."
Wynn [AC=21; HP=22/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+12=26 d20+7=26 d100=62 d100=58 d8+5=11 d8+5=7 Friday April 28th, 2006 7:43:16 PM
Wynn senses the tide is turning and that one final push may be enough to finish off the vampire. He steps forward and slashes out at the faint outline of the burning vampire with his sword. The pulling sensation of the blade against the undead flesh of his foe reveals to the bard that he has indeed hit his target [Hit AC=26 & 26 for 11 and 7 points of damage - +1 magic sword - miss chance rolls = 62 and 58% respectively]
"Move back Xenia" the bard urges. "Let the rest of us finish off this cursed creature".
Belkior (AC 22; 14/48 HP) - Inspire Courage d20+5=23 2d8(8+3)+3=14 d20+5=15 d100=63 Friday April 28th, 2006 10:33:02 PM
The halfling cleric is heartened to see the flames clinging to the vampire drop to the floor when it goes insubstantial.
Belkior keeps an eye on the misty forms of the vampire and the spawn, trying to determine where the things are going. Spot = 23
"Xenia, I've got to keep you in the fight!"
The Healer reaches over and triggers his wand to heal the rogue. The magic restores 14 hitpoints, returning Xenia to fighting form.
Then Belkior moves back towards Lang, ready to heal him.
(OOC - If Belkior is wrong about the vampire going gaseous, he'll use the wand on the vampire instead.)
Position D19
Actions Standard - Use Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds on Xenia, 14 hps Free - 5' shift
Active Effects None
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 2 charges
DM Matt C. d20+6=25 d6+5=9 d100=37 Sunday April 30th, 2006 9:52:37 PM
End CR #31:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area). OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Ashlan moves closer to VS2 and swings for 8 damage (VS2 is AC 21 so only one hit; used first miss chance roll of 93).
Xenia throws a second flask of alchemist fire into the vampire's square. It also breaks on something invisible and the resulting fire outlines the vampire's body briefly (damage 6; Lang, Belkior, Ashlan & Xenia take 1).
Lang burns another charge off his wand as he touches the Vampire for 6 damage.
Angus misses with the Vampire with his Acid Orb spell. He tries to track the gaseous form of VS1, but its gaseous form disappears from sight almost immediately.
Famina swings her torch two-handed through the Vampire's square. She does not make contact with anything though.
Syr steps forward and attacks VS2. The wall provides some cover for the undead though and it impedes one of Syr's attacks (from your spot VS2 has AC 25; used 1st 2 damage rolls). He hits for a total of 17 after DR.
Wynn steps forward 5' towards the Vampire. He swings mightily with his longsword. His weapon, like Famina's, meets no resistance as it swings through the Vampire's square.
Belkior cures Xenia with his wand. He also loses track of VS1 as its gaseous form disappears almost immediately. He sees no sign of the invisible vampire.
The girl and the man remain where they are.
Start CR #32:
Vampire Spawn 2 takes on last swipe at Xenia (Hit AC 25; 9 damage; miss chance 37; Fort save DC 14 or gain 1 negative level). The creature goes gaseous and disappears from sight. Ashlan and Syr are both pretty sure the gaseous form seeped between the space of the door and the wall that is near them.
The invisible Vampire (ends CR 33) is quiet and does not attack this round.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for unknown minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 11-6-6= 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 38-8-7-10+2 = 15/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Lang Hp 13/80 & Sunshine d20+6=8 d20+6=15 d20+10=25 d8+1=5 Monday May 1st, 2006 9:17:23 AM
Lang attempts to locate the master vampire again in an effort to finish her off.
Spot 8 Listen 15 Scent Track 25
Lang exclaims to the Shields "I do not hear or smell the vampire?!?" as he reaches out with his CLW wand. Once he finds nothing to connect with, he will tap himself with the wand.
5 HP cured
Lang whistles for Sunshine as two noses are better than one to sniff out the vampires coffins.
Angus HP 17/25 AC 18 4d4(2+2+4+1)+4=13 d20+3=9 Monday May 1st, 2006 9:23:39 AM
Angus is relieved and worried that Lang can not find the master vampire. Angus is also concerned that he could not follow the spawns gaseous retreat to its coffin. Not wanting the battle to last any longer, Angus takes a risk and casts his last remaining spell. Four balls of force strike the last visible spawn.
13 damage
Angus scans the room for a secret door or someplace that could hide coffins. Spot 9
Angus calls to the Shields "Lets finish off the last Spawn and find their coffins. We need to let some sunlight in them." Angus ends with a tired grin.
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+11=16 d20+1=16 Monday May 1st, 2006 9:33:53 AM
"Gotcha you ... " The rest of Ashlan's curse is swallowed as he turns from the gasified vampire to the man standing unmoving in the corner.
"Somebody help me get this guy out of here." He strides across the room, empty now save for the captives and this marginally competent group of adventurers who's lot he'd become entangled with.
"C'mon old man. Listen to the girl." He reaches for the man's arm. "Lets go, alright. Out into the nice sunshine. It's still not necessarily safe in here."
Rolls and Actions Grapple the Man Touch Attack 16 Grapple 16
Position and Movement Move to B18
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 10/42) d20+3=14 d20+18=23 Monday May 1st, 2006 10:26:34 AM
Through a blind mist of red, Xenia feels her skin knit together, becoming whole once again. Nerves quest like living roots, restoring, regrowing ... and bringing back a Wold of Pain.
"I don't see it! I don't see it!" The rogue clamps down on the pain and the rising panic. Something hits her from the side, and maybe it is that slim grip that she already has on the pain and fear that allow her to fight off the hand of evil that reaches in and attempts to steal part of her soul. (Just barely made that save.)
"I don't see it! Where'd she go?!?" With Angus behind her, she has no where to go. From a well of desperation, she does the only thing left to her, holding the mirror straight out, a frail bumbershoot in the path of a hurricane gale.
Rolls and Actions Fort Save 14 Spot 23 Brandish Mirror in general direction of D18 (Mainly an RP thing.)
Position and Movement E18
Active Effects Bless Inspire Courage
Belkior (AC 22; 14/48 HP) d8+5=10 d20+8=22 Monday May 1st, 2006 3:47:38 PM
The halfling cleric looks around for the vampires, having lost sight of the vampire spawn and the master. Belkior knows that the vampire was invisible, but the spawn should still be visible even if gaseous. But these things have been acting weird all along, what with their spellcasting ability and everything else.
"Did anyone see where those things went?"
Seeing that Famina is still hurting from the wounds of the devil, Belkior will move to beside her and invoke a prayer to Alemi. The healing energy knits together the wound from the devil's weapon. Cure Light Wounds = 10 hps, level check = 22 (OOC - Famina was close enough to hit the vampire, so Belkior will move to her.)
Position ?
Actions Move - to whether Famina is Standard - Cast Cure Light Wounds, 10 hps
Active Effects None
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 2 charges
Syr d20+15=26 Monday May 1st, 2006 4:10:02 PM
Calming down from the addrenaline rush of combat, the elf takes a deep breath. Syr frowns and looks around, "Not sure where SHE went but the little ones went this away." He points to their exit route. "Do we canvass this room again looking for her? All of this may be for naught unless we find their coffins? I know I saw some stairs down in the kitchen, Shall we try there?" Stopping abruptly, he turns to the man and his daughter and softens his stance and tone, "You sir, you've been here a while, any guess as to where these creature's sleep?" (Diplomacy 26)
Famina d20+3=20 Monday May 1st, 2006 6:02:30 PM
Famina spends this round not seeing anything and decides to give a different action a try. She diverts her attention over to the wall and looks for a window or door. Then she tries to rip it off with her hands... "Hey, someone give me a hand here?" ((20 on attempt to force door or window))
DM Matt C. - A coffin is found. 5d8(4+3+1+7+5)=20 Monday May 1st, 2006 9:58:23 PM
End CR #32:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area). OOC- Invisibility has 1-50% miss chance. Supercedes the darkness
Lang cures himself with the wand as he unable to locate the Vampire.
Angus directs his attention to VS2 to cast a spell at it. At the last moment he stops as VS2 is no longer in the lair. He looks around the room for a door, secret or out in the open, but from his vantage point does not see any.
Ashlan moves towards the man and the girl. He also tries to convince the man to leave. The man remains standing where he is, obviously still under the vampire's domination. He has the same absent look that Lang had when Lang stood in the doorway of the barn (when no one was approaching the barn door that is).
Xenia resists the energy drain of the vampire spawn. She holds out her mirror, hoping it keeps the undead at bay. Xenia also does not spot any doors from her vantage point.
Belkior cures Famina and questions where the undead disappeared to (ooc - I had the map wrong for Belkior and Famina last round; I think I have it right for this round).
The battle end abruptly for Syr as VS2 goes gaseous and disappears through the gap between the door and the wall. He glances around for an active opponent to engage, but finds none. He sees and hears his comrades trying to locate the vampire and its spawn. He points to the door directly in front of him and tells everyone that the last VS disappeared behind it. He also attempts to coax the man and his daughter out of the room.
Famina quickly looks about the room for doors and windows. She sees a door and a double window near Syr. She also sees a double window behind Ashlan and the man and his daughter. Out of the corner of her eye she can make out another door near her (C/D20). She moves to it, grabs the handle and yanks the door. Her muscles bulge as the door resists her, but at the last possible moment the door jamb snaps and the door swings open, releasing a blast of acid that strikes Famina in the chest. Through the pain of the acid Famina can see a coffin.
Famina reflex save 18 for 20/10 damage from an acid blast glyph.
Wynn ???.
Start CR #33:
The room is quiet as the undead have left the main part of the room.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 15+2= 17/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Wynn [AC=21; HP=22/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+2=18 Monday May 1st, 2006 11:12:30 PM
Wynn charges over to the door opened by Famina, ready to attack anything that springs out, but only a coffin rests inside.
"One coffin in here, let's drag it outside!" he shouts and begins trying to move the box through the door. [STR=18]
Lang Hp 13/80 & Sunshine d20+6=7 d20+6=22 d20+10=15 d20+2=10 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 8:47:28 AM
Lang looks, listens and sniffs around again for undead flesh to kill, but can find not active undead.
Spot 6 Listen 22 Track (scent) 15
Lang puts his CLW wand in his belt as he sees Wynn jump to action. Lang goes to assist the Bard and grabs hold of the other side of the coffin. "I can not wait to see the sun and their expession when we open the lid."
Str roll 10 - Lang is still feeling weakened, but hopefully the spell is coming to an end.
Lang has Sunshine come outside also.
Angus HP 17/29 AC 18 d20+15=18 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 8:56:41 AM
Angus holds off on sending his magic missiles at the last vampire spawn as it goes gaseous.
Angus sees Famina go to the window and he cries out a warning too late "No! The windows are trapped!"
Angus sees Syr talking to the captive and comments to the elven monk "Great Idea Syr. Get them outside so we can deal with the vampires." To the room Angus adds "Be careful everyone, just in case the vampires are bluffing; they are smart and tough."
ANgus looks to Belkior "I hope you brought a gallon of holy water as we will need more of Alemi's blessings."
Angus looks to Xenia "We need your beautiful eyes. Can you search this place for traps and such? I will look for more glyphs." spellcraft 18
Angus starts to scan the area since he still has read magic active.
Belkior (AC 22; 14/48 HP) d20+19=39 d20+19=31 d20+4=16 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:32:27 AM
The halfling cleric looks around the room and sees that Syr is talking to the man and girl. Knowing that his companions are still standing, Belkior goes to examine the man and girl. He kneels to examine the girl and then looks at the man. Girl - Heal = 39 (natural 20) Man - Heal = 31
After doing so, he will help in persuading the two to leave the mansion. If he and Syr are unsuccessful, he will whisper to the monk.
"I think that we might have to drag them out. And probably bind them to keep them from acting for the vampire."
Position ?
Actions Move - to man & girl
Active Effectsp/u] None
[u]Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 2 charges
Syr d20+4=18 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:59:32 AM
Seeing what happened to Famina, Syr is not about to open the door without more controlled conditions. Following Belkior's lead, he moves to the man's side and speaks softly, "C'mon it's time to go, follow me." If the man resists, then he simply slides up next to him and physically lifts the mage by grasping his arms from behind (str 18, not sure if a grapple check is necessary).
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+1=16 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:49:06 AM
It's hard to know if he's got a hold of the man. Must be the light. But with the elf's help, maybe he can drag this comatose man out of the room.
Still holding onto the man, he drags him across the room. But the doorway is blocked.
"Please move," he says to the drow girl holding the mirror. "You're standing in the way."
Rolls and Actions Grapple the Man Grapple check 16 (to move at 1/2 speed with the Man)
Position and Movement Move to E18 with the Man.
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 10/42) d20+18=23 d20+13=29 d20+16=24 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:54:22 AM
Xenia steps out of the way.
She looks around, listens, then begins searching anywhere she can to find traps per Angus' request.
Rolls and Actions Spot 23 Listen 29 Search 24
Position and Movement E17
Active Effects Bless
DM Matt C. Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:02:32 PM
End CR #33:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Wynn & Lang grab a hold of the coffin and start to lift/drag it towards the front door.
Angus moves out of the way of the coffin carriers and inspects one of the windows for glyphs. He gets the same glyph reading that he got when he looked at the window from the outside.
Belkior moves over to the man and his daughter after Wynn and Lang move by with the coffin. His healing inspection does not reveal any injuries worth noting. The man's glazed looked does go away when Belkior examines the girl, but he does not attempt to harm the cleric.
Syr & Ashlan grab the man and starts to drag/carry him towards the doorway. The man partially resists their attempts. The girl pleads with Ashlan & Syr not to hurt her father, and follows them. The man moves more willingly when he sees his daughter following them.
Xenia looks around the room for the likely places that will have traps. She sees the two windows, one unopened door, one now empty closet and 1 coffin. She moves slightly to get out of the way of Lang & Wynn trying to decide where to start.
Famina ???.
Start CR #34:
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 17+2= 19/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Wynn [AC=21; HP=22/52] Cat's Grace, Prayer, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, Inspired d20+2=22 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:15:52 PM
Sensing that victory is near, the bard redoubles his efforts and continues to drag the coffin towards the front door and the sunlight [Strength=22]. "C'mon Lang, it's not far now."
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 9:28:50 AM
"That's right, Sweetheart. We're going to get you and your Dad out of here. Why don't you lead," Ashlan suggests. "I think your Dad would be happier that way. Don't worry. We'll make sure he won't get lost. " Ashlan relaxes his grip on the man.
"Lets go. We're here to help you. Your friends are waiting just outside." He gives Syr a look filled with relief and continues on his way out.
Rolls and Actions
Position and Movement Move to N20 if Man is uncooperative. M23 if he is cooperative.
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 10/42) d20+12=26 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 9:33:09 AM
"Alright. So they got the coffin's stashed. I've seen the traps. They're big stuff, Angus. If the doors are trapped, then there ain't nothing for it but to bring it on."
"Clear some space. Shouldn't be more than five feet of spray. It's a risk. But I should be able to dodge it."
Xenia opens the closet door.
Rolls and Actions Reflex Save 26 (+2 from Trap Sense)
Position and Movement E17
Active Effects Bless
Angus HP 17/25 AC 18 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:01:48 AM
Angus smiles at Xenia "We are not taking any risks just yet. We cure you a bit before you go springing any potential traps." Angus looks over at Belkior "Belkior can you patch Xenia up a bit before our lovely one tries any dangerous stuff."
Angus will go look at the door to the other closet and see if his read magic detects any glyphs.
Lang Hp 13/80 & Sunshine d20+2=22 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:57:09 AM
Lang gives a mighty pull on the coffin (str.22, natural 20!!) in an effort to get it into the sun. Lang also whistles for Sunshine.
Sunshine is happily barking and running circles around the girls already outside.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 14/48) 2d8(8+2)+3=13 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 11:24:36 AM
The halfling cleric looks up when Xenia mentions that all of the areas are trapped.
"Hold up, Xenia! You mean that all of these things are trapped? Like Angus says, let me heal you some before you take any chances."
(OOC - The DM post mentions that those places could be trapped, not that they are.)
Before the rogue opens the other closet, Belkior will trigger his wand to heal Xenia. A rush of healing energy restores some life to her. CMW = 13 hps
"Let's get that closet open and finish off the last of the spawn."
Position ?
Actions Move - to Xenia Standard - trigger Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, 13 hps for Xenia
Active Effectsp/u] None
[u]Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 3 charges
Famina (23/84, -2 a round) d20+5=17 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 12:51:03 PM
(With my save bonus vs. traps I actually make it! Woo!) Still bleeding from that infernal wond, and struggling with the weariness after er rage, Famina iets Wynn and Lang take out the coffin. Hopefully that's it, but just in case se stays back. Two other doors, andb oth could have more things behind them... "We need to prepare in case we have to open those other doors..."
Belkior - 2nd Illegal Post Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 2:09:55 PM
The halfling cleric looks over at the tall barbarian and notes that she's acting as if the devil's wound was still bothering.
"Stop playacting Famina! I cured you just seconds ago!"
{OOC - Belkior healed Famina and sealed her wound two rounds ago)
Xenia (2nd Illegal Post) Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 3:11:16 PM
"Might as well be trapped, Belkie," the rogue replies as she draws her focus together in preparation to open the door and dodge another spray of acid. "If it's like the trap outside, there's a good chance that foobling with it will set it off anyway."
"And we gotta look to see if those coffins are in here anyway, so I might as well just cut to the chase and open it."
The rogue feels her skin knit back together, this time bringing relief from the burn. She turns and puts her hands on the shoulders of the halfling healer, moving him back out of range.
"We gotta do it. Don't get caught in the blast, 'kay?"
Then she catches Belkior's eyes with her own and flashes a look at Famina. "She catch a blow to head or sump'in?" she asks.
Syr Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 3:27:53 PM
The elf lays a hand on the small of the man's back and gently guides him to the exit. Still trying to get information he continues prodding, "Look, I know things must have been confusing, but what can you tell us about what happened over the last few days?"
DM Matt C. Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:59:15 AM
End CR #34:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Wynn & Lang continue to move towards the front door with the coffin.
Syr , Ashlan, the man and the girl all make it outside to the other girls.
Angus does spot another glyph on the door.
Xenia tries to open the door but it is locked. Angus and Belkior caution her to get healed.
Belkior cures Xenia.
Famina cautions the Shields on what may be behind the remaining door.
Start CR #35:
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Skeletons have DR 5/bludgeoning. Zombies have DR 5/slashing. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 19+2= 21/38) Wolf Skeleton #1 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #2 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Wolf Skeleton #3 (AC 17; TAC 15; HP's 0/20) - Returned to death Human Zombie #1 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #2 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 0/23) - Returned to death Human Zombie #3 (AC 16; TAC 11; HP's 13/23) - Returned to death Bearded Devil (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/45) - Gone to hell
Wynn [AC=21; HP=22/52] Cat's Grace, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, d20+2=22 Thursday May 4th, 2006 7:41:18 AM
Wynn continues to encourage Lang as they muscle the coffin towards the front door [STR=22; Nat 20]
Lang Hp 13/80 & Sunshine d20+2=19 d8+1=2 d8+1=8 Thursday May 4th, 2006 8:34:55 AM
Lang hangs onto the heavy coffin and drangs and pushes it into the sunlight. Lang lets the warming rays of the sun caress his body. "It is great to be out of that house." Lang comments to Wynn.
"Lets get cured a bit before we open this up." Lang cautions as he takes out his want and touches Wynn.
Cured Wynn for 8 (rerolled the 1)
Lang smiles at Sunshine and he wags he tail and sits waiting for instructions or ready to play.
Angus HP 17/28 AC 18 d20+15=22 Thursday May 4th, 2006 8:43:26 AM
Angus backs up out of the blast radius of the glyph and warns "Be careful, I do see another glyph."
OOC: Did Angus dtermine what type of glyph? Spellcraft 22
Angus readies his last spell, magic missile, just in case the vampires are still frisky.
Angus warns Xenia "Be real careful girl, we want you in one piece. bob and weave girl, bob and weave." Angus finishes excitedly as he is anxious to finish the vampires for good.
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:28:40 AM
"Look, you take care of your Dad, alright?" Ashlan leans in and whispers into the girl's ear. "I think he's been hexed by the vampires and he might try and go back inside. Don't let him. Alright?"
"I'm going back into the house," he announces, jerking a thumb back in the direction of the shaded doorway. "They may need help with the other coffins."
Rolls and Actions
Position and Movement G18
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 23/42) d20+11=28 Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:41:22 AM
"It's locked." The statement is terse, flat and without emotion.
"Hang on. Let me see if I can fooble this thing." The rogue drops both mace and mirror and brings out her tool kit. Kneeling in front of the door, she goes to work.
Rolls and Actions Open Lock 28 (Should be 30 with Masterwork tools)
Position and Movement E16 (Alright, I'll move her here if you insist.)
Active Effects Bless
Belkior (AC 22; HP 14/48) 2d8(8+1)+3=12 d8=7 Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:01:45 AM
The halfling cleric looks over Xenia, trying to see how injured she still is. Considering how injured she might be, Belkior thinks that additional healing is probably a good idea.
He triggers his wand once more and heals the rogue for 18 points of damage.
Then, caution being second nature to the little cleric, he steps back and away from the door. No point getting in her way, after all. He finishes standing on the other side of Angus.
Position D18
Actions Standard - trigger Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, 18 hps for Xenia Move - to D18
Active Effects None
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 4 charges
Syr Thursday May 4th, 2006 7:30:20 PM
Giving the man a hard look, Syr is frustrated at his lack of response. Shrugging his shoulders, he leaves the man and returns to darkness inside the house. "I know there was a cellar, I saw the stairs in the kitchen. Did anyone check there yet?"
DM Matt C. Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:43:28 PM
End CR #35:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Wynn & Lang are able to get the coffin outside. It is extremely heavy, but the two were very motivated to (nat 20's). Now just to get it open.
Syr & Ashlan head back inside after getting the man and the girl outside. The girls, and the man move off to one side as the coffin is carried outside. All Syr hears is the girls whimpering and crying with what appears to be happiness. The man is quiet.
Angus moves back away from the glyphed door. He determines it is another blast glyph.
Xenia pulls out her tools and goes to work. She is successful in unlocking the door (the door is still closed).
Belkior cures Xenia and moves away from the door.
Famina stands ready.
Start CR #36:
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Wynn [AC=21; HP=30/52] Cat's Grace, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4, d20+3=17 d20+2=15 Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:54:01 PM
Wynn's shoulders relax as the healing energy from Lang's wand begin to heal his wounds. "Thanks friend, now lets see about getting this thing open" he says as he carefully examines the coffin to see if there is any kind of lock or catch that can be worked[Search=17].
"Stand back everybody" he warns before trying to open it.
If the bard finds a catch he will try to pry it open with his dagger, otherwise he will simply try to pry the lid off with his hands [STR=15]
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al Thursday May 4th, 2006 10:59:18 PM
"Alright, what do we have here?" Ashlan comes in through the door just in time to see the drow girl messing with what's sure to splash her right across the floor. He goes to the other side of the room and settles in to watch.
Rolls and Actions
Position and Movement Move to B19
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 41/42) d20+12=18 Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:05:05 PM
Xenia tips her head back and takes a deep breath. The pain is all but gone, and she feels almost normal again.
"Thanks, Belkie."
Count one. Breath two. Count three ...
Her hand flashes out, and Xenia opens the door.
Rolls and Actions Reflex Save 18 (Reflex +10 +2 Trap Sense.)
Position and Movement E16
Active Effects Bless
Famina (31/84, fatigued) Friday May 5th, 2006 12:59:55 AM
((Sorry guys for the lack of posting! Most apologetic about it. Been a bit frazzled due to my tests.)) Famina looks abashedly at Belkior. "Oh, you're right.. They do sting though, most wickedly. I guess it's because I'm so tired, too... But don't worry, I can still wrestle a tiger or two." Famina stands back from Xenia, as she readies to open the door. "Good luck, girl..." she mutters to the half-drow, eagerly holding her torch ready. The moment the door opens, she peers in with torch before her, ready to swing if it's anything particularly nasty!
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) 2d8(4+5)+3=12 Friday May 5th, 2006 8:27:48 AM
The halfling cleric looks around the room, trying to determine how injured everyone is. And it seems that Belkior himself is the most injured at present.
Still watching and waiting for ... something ... to come from the closet that Xenia is opening, Belkior triggers his wand once more and directs the healing energy at himself.
Belkior then prepares to dispel or harm any undead by retrieving some holy water from his pack.
Position D18
Actions Standard - trigger Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, 12 hps for Belkior Move Equivalent - retrieve holy water from pouch
Active Effects None
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 5 charges
Lang Hp 21/80 & Sunshine d8+1=2 d8+1=8 Friday May 5th, 2006 9:17:11 AM
Lang breaths a sigh of relief and moves away from the coffin as Wynn goes to work on opening it. Lang calls Sunshine over to get him away from any potential blast radius and cures himself.
Cured 8 points (rerolled the 1)
Lang looks to Wynn with concern "Be careful with the lock, we have run into too many traps already."
Lang then looks to the girls and the man. "Everyone step back, the coffin could be trapped." Lang will then herd everyone away from Wynn and the coffin.
ooc: Is the enfeeblement done on Lang?
Angus HP 17/28 AC 18 Friday May 5th, 2006 9:20:11 AM
Angus is worried for Xenia, but she seems to have everything under control. Angus whispers to those Shields still in the darkness "Everyone be ready and be careful. Lets finish this."
Syr Friday May 5th, 2006 9:14:54 PM
As they make their way back into the building, Syr takes the time to look around. "Think this place will ever be a home someday? I mean, can you picture the kids running around here safely?" He sighs and shakes his head, imagining a different sort of life for this building.
Remembering the glyphs on the doors and windows, the elf whispers to Ashlan, "I think I will stay here and come running if ya'll need help." He moves back to the last area in the corridor where there is normal light.
Ashlan (2nd Illegal Post) Friday May 5th, 2006 10:08:31 PM
"Children will grow up anywhere they can, Syr," Ashlan replies before heading up the hall. "Don't expect them to play nice when they grow up," he adds, "if you raise them in the bad places."
"We'll call you if we need you."
DM Matt C. - More coffins! 2d4(4+3)+2=9 Sunday May 7th, 2006 9:43:31 PM
End CR #36:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Wynn probes around the coffin and is able to find the lock/latch. The coffin is locked and Wynn's attempt at breaking the lock open is unsuccessful.
Lang cures himself and cautions Wynn and the rescued captives on the dangers of the coffin.
Xenia opens the door to the small closet. She is able to avoid the acid blast glyph that she activates when she opens the door. Inside the closet she sees 2 coffins and the remaining Vampire Spawn (#2). The Spawn cast a spell at Xenia hitting her with 2 magic missiles (damage 9). The creature is standing on top of one of the coffins.
Famina cautions Xenia and prepares for another fight She wants to attack , but is not able to with Xenia in the way and the door opening to small.
Angus also cautions Xenia and remains prepared.
Syr & Ashlan move closer or into the room.
Belkior cures himself and prepares for what may lie behind the door.
Start CR #37:
VS2 cast the above spell.
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 23+2= 25/38) - in the small closet
Xenia (AC20, HP 32/42) d20+12=28 Sunday May 7th, 2006 10:53:36 PM "Wah!" Xenia back pedals and throws open the door.
"There's another one in here!" she shouts. The missiles burn. "Alright you! That's enough of that. Lets get some light in here!"
Xenia throws open the windows next to her, ready for the resulting spray of acid.
"Lets toss the coffins out the window!" she shouts.
Rolls and Actions Open the Windows at C16&D16 Reflex 28
Position and Movement C16
Active Effects Bless
Angus HP 17/28 AC 18 4d4(3+3+3+3)+4=16 d20+7=21 Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:03:54 PM
Angus sees Xenia deftly avoid the acid blast and smiles, but it quickly turns to a frown as he sees the two missiles strike her. Angus rushes to action and moves to B16 to get a straight shot at the spawn.
"Try these on for size!" Angus taunts as he unleashes his own magic missile spell on the spawn.
Damage 16
Angus looks to Famina "I tenderized it for you. Please chop it to pieces."
Angus smiles and comments off handedly "Belkior you will get to clense this house very soon."
Lang 21/80 hp & Sunshine Sunday May 7th, 2006 11:06:47 PM
Lang sees that Wynn will need help and fishes for his crowbar and tosses it to the Bard. "Music man see if this will strike the right tune."
Lang continues to herd the man and the three girls away from the coffin. "I still have your back Wynn, lets finish this."
Wynn [AC=21; HP=30/52] Cat's Grace, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4 d20+2=17 Monday May 8th, 2006 7:44:40 AM
Wynn grins at Lang's play on words and deftly catches the crowbar. The bard inserts it near the latch, hoping that the latch mechanism is the weakest part of the coffin, and pries with all of his might [STR=17 +2? for the crowbar = 19]
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) d20+13=17 d20+5=13 Monday May 8th, 2006 8:54:44 AM
The halfling cleric dashes in, hopefully before Xenia has a chance to open the windows and set off whatever glyph is there. Once he is in the doorway, Belkior intones a prayer to Alemi and reaches in to touch the spawn. He misses the thing but the healing energy is still active. Defensive Casting = 17 vs. DC 16, no AoO Touch Attack = 13
Standing there, Belkior threatens the spawn with his spell. If the creature does anything provoking an attack, Belkior will reach in to touch it again.
Position D16
Actions Move - to D16 Standard - cast Cure Light Wounds (using Hide from Undead)
Active Effects Cure Light Wounds - ready to be discharged
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 5 charges
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+12=26 d8+10=18 Monday May 8th, 2006 10:42:16 AM
Shouldn't be shocked. But Ashlan had thought he had taken care of all of the vampires along with the elf monk.
"What's it take?" he mutters to himself as he strides across the room.
"What does this take! Hey, Syr, you want to jump in and grab the cursed thing? Keep it from wiggling around. I'm going to cut through this wall and rip it out of there if I have to."
With a two handed grip, Ashlan swings his mithral sword cutting a huge gash in the wall of the closet.
Rolls and Actions Hit Wall AC26 Damage 18hp. Maybe 13hp after DR.
Position and Movement Move to E17
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Famina (AC 18, fatigued, hp 31/84) d20+9=21 d6=5 Monday May 8th, 2006 6:20:46 PM
As Xenia has stepped out of the way and Angus prepped the vampire with a few little missiles, it's time for the barbarian to move in. She gives a yell and jumps forward, bringing the torch crashing down on its head. The shock of it nearly jars the impromptu weapon from her hand. (Hit AC 21, did 1 fire damage plus 9 melee damage).
DM Matt C. Monday May 8th, 2006 9:41:56 PM
End CR #37:
OOC- Remember 1-20% miss chance in the darkness spell (yellow area).
Wynn takes the offered crowbar from Lang. He jams it under the lock/latch and gives a heave. It resists his attempt, but Wynn thinks with a little more effort it will break (need a 20).
Lang watches Wynn and guards his back.
Angus hits VS2 with his own magic missile spell.
Xenia steps back 5'. She reaches out and pushes up the 2 windows on the north wall. Neither are locked so they slide up quite easily. Behind them she sees the shutters that have the glyph spell on them. They have simple locking mechanisms (no roll needed) that are in place.
Ashlan moves to the closet wall and smashes it with his longsword. He knocks a few planks loose and can see the VS and the coffins through the resulting crack.
Belkior steps forward and tries to touch the creature and release his touch spell. He misses and holds the spell's charge.
Famina also steps forward and takes a swipe at the VS. She connects with a blow for 5 damage after DR.
Syr ?.
Start CR #38:
The Vampire Spawn looks desperate. It really looks like it wants to leave, but knows it cannot. It stares into Belkior's face willing him under control (will save DC 14).
Status: Ashlan is Shaken for 11 minutes (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws). Lang -5 strength for 4 minutes. Wynn -4 strength for 4 minutes. Famina - Infernal Wound 2 HP's a round until special cure. Vampire Spawn have DR 5/silver and SR 17. Vampire has DR 10/silver and magic and SR 23. *** SR DISPELLED ***
Vampire (AC 31; TAC 15; HP's 0/81) - Gaseous (not known by characters) Vampire Spawn #1 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 0/38) - Gaseous Vampire Spawn #2 (AC 21; TAC 14; HP's 25-16-5+2= 6/38) - in the small closet
Wynn [AC=21; HP=30/52] Cat's Grace, Bless, Bull's Strength +4, Enfeebled -4 d20+2=12 Monday May 8th, 2006 11:14:31 PM
"Lang, I need your strength to open this. Use the crowbar and I will assist you" Wynn hands the crowbar to his muscular friend and tries heaving at the lid in time with the bugbears efforts [Aid another=12 - +2 to Lang's effort]
Lang 21/80 hp & Sunshine d20+6=20 d20+10=17 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 12:03:57 AM
Lang still feels weakened, but is bolsted by Wynn's encouragement and steps forward and takes the crowbar. "On the count of three. One..Two..Three!" Lang leans in with all of his bulk and Wynn's help.
Str roll of 20: 14 +2 for str +2 for aid another and +2 for crowbar.
The latch breaks and Lang looks at Wynn. "Get your weapons ready." Lang takes out one short Sword and puts one hand on the coffin lid ready to lift it, but waits for Wynn to be ready.
Lang looks at the girls and the man. "Step back, this will get ugly."
Lang then looks to Sunshine for support from his friend. "Here boy, lets hope this goes easy. Defend." Animal Handle 17
Angus 17/25 Hp AC 18 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 12:10:06 AM
Angus leaves the corner and feels less than usefull as he does not like the feeling of not having any spells left, not even a cantrip. Angus decides to add his voice to the battle and cheer on his friends.
"We have them now. No mercy. They are dead already. For the kids and for the Shields!" Angus shouts excitedly as he ends up by the corridor where he spent most of the battle.
Seeing Xenia playing with the windows. "Be careful girly, we like the way you look. Do not do anything that will spoil your appearance," Angus cautions the red headed dark elf.
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) d20+13=33 d20+5=22 d20+8=22 d8+5=12 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 7:47:11 AM
The halfling cleric shrugs off the spawn's feeble attempt to control him. Belkior's will and faith in Alemi is so resolute that he doesn't even notice the vampire's eyes. Will save = 33 (natural 20)
"Here's something from Alemi!"
Belkior reaches in once more and touches the spawn. The healing light flows from Belkior's palm onto the spawn, gradually spreading until it is entirely covered in a pale glow. Then it flashes into a gaseous state. Touch attack hits AC 22 Spell Resistance = 22 Cure Light Wounds = 12 hps, DC 15 for half
Belkior then looks down at the coffins, trying to determine if he could help move them outside into the light. Deciding that he's too small, he instead decides to head outside and help Wynn and Lang with the master vampire.
Position G18
Actions Standard - Touch attack spawn (information above) Move - to G18
Active Effects None
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 5 charges
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+12=25 d8+10=18 d20+7=22 d8+10=18 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:50:49 AM
Ashlan chops away the remains of the wall with a single two handed stroke. Then, as the halfling backs away, he swings his mithril sword through the Vampire Spawn. If the little cleric didn't get it, then this should put it down the old fashion way.
Rolls and Actions Hit Wall AC26 Damage 18hp. Maybe 13hp after DR. Hit Vampire Spawn 2 AC22 Damage 18hp, 13 after DR.
Position and Movement No move E17 (Full Attack)
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 32/42) d20+12=14 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:58:54 AM
"Thanks, Angus." Xenia leans back against the window sill doing nothing but watching for now. "Wouldn't worry 'bout me too much. But if I open the window now, it's gonna probs spray all over Fammie."
"Tell you what. Why not drag the coffins over by the window? When the acid sprays out, it'll weaken the wood. Then we can push 'em out the window and the drop down 15 feet could probs break 'em open."
"Whaddya think?"
Rolls and Actions Reflex 14
Position and Movement C16
Active Effects Bless
DM Matt C. - Combat is over! Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:23:31 PM OOC - sorry for the short post, but really busy.
The combined efforts of the Shields in the Vampires lair are able to defeat the last Vampire Spawn. It goes gaseous and seeps into one of the coffins in the now mostly destroyed closet. All that is in the small closet is the 2 coffins.
Wynn and Lang together heave on the crowbar and are able to snap the lock off. They look at each other with a little apprehension. Lang grabs the lid and opens the coffin lid. The two Shields briefly see the female vampire in the coffin before the suns rays vaporize her. After she is destroyed, Lang and Wynn can see some armor and her weapon.
OOC - combat is over. Posts/actions can be longer, but try to keep to 10-15 minutes at most.
Wynn d20+7=23 d20+7=18 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 9:50:43 PM
Wynn breathes a sigh of relief when the sun's rays deal the final blow to the vampire. Gingerly he reaches into the coffin and removes the weapon and armor, laying them out on the grass. Once they are arranged, the bard sings a short verse in elven and waves his hands over the items. [Detect Magic; Spellcraft= 23 and 18 to determine the school of magic if any on the weapon and armour respectively]
"Perhaps you should help out with the other coffins Lang" Wynn suggests to the bugbear. "I can look after the girls and their father! And tell the others the vampire is dead."
Lang Hp 21/80 & Sunshine d20+2=6 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 9:36:51 AM
Lang is overjoyed once he watches the vampire burn to ashes in the sunlight and takes a few moments to help Wynn remove any valuables in the coffin. Lang does his best to search the coffin for secret compartments (search 6, untrained) and looks to Wynn. "All right you finish searching the coffin and I will check on the others and report back on their progress. Check on that guy and make sure he is himself again." Lang points at the father.
Lang will enter the house with Sunshine. "Here boy, let's go see how everyone else is doing?"
Lang and Sunshine trot into the house and find the group where he left them, but in a much better situation. "How can we help." Lang askes before adding "The master vampire is now dust," and Lang just gives a big toothy grin.
Before long Lang feels his old strength return and looks forward to using it.
Angus HP 17/28 d20+15=35 d20+15=24 d20+15=26 d20+15=29 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 9:46:37 AM
Angus pumps his skinny arm as the spawn goes gaseous and exclaims "We got'em!"
Angus composes himself and continues "I like Xenia's idea. Lets pull the coffin in front of the window and let their glyph do some of the damage."
Angus will scan all other doors and windows for glyphs.
Spellcraft:35, 24, 26, and 29 as needed
When Lang enters Angus adds "Lang help Xenia with her plan to open the coffins and kill the spawn permanently. I will go check on Wynn as we do not want to keep anyone alone, just in case." Angus goes out into the sunshine and watches Wynn. "How goes it Wynn?"
Spell Slots used: TAPPED OUT!!!!
0 level 6/6 1 level 8/8 2 level 7/7 3 level 5/5
Mage Armor 5 hours left Read Magic 99/700 rounds
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al d20+3=22 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:29:33 AM
"Yeah, alright." Ashlan shrugs. He helps muscle the coffins out of the wrecked closet and out under the windows.
After the acid blast, he helps push the things out the open window as well.
Rolls and Actions STR 22
Position and Movement
Active Effects Shaken (-2 on attacks, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws) Bless
Xenia (AC20, HP 32/42) d20+12=18 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 10:34:38 AM
When the coffins are under the window and everyone's clear, Xenia throws the shutters open.
Tempting fate, girl. She just narrowly dodges this one. But now the windows are open and the sunlight from outside streams in.
Rolls and Actions Reflex 18
Active Effects Bless
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) 2d8(7+8)+3=18 d8+1=7 d8+1=6 d8+1=2 d8+1=9 d20+5=7 d20+3=14 d20+8=16 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:59:17 AM
The halfling cleric was about to go outside and assist with the destruction of the master vampire. When Belkior sees Lang enter the mansion, he guesses that it's all over out front.
So he turns around and returns to the room where Xenia is preparing to open the window. Belkior would like to investigate and learn what they can of where the vmapire came from. Destroying these undead is useful, but not the same as destroying the source of corruption.
Still, his first duty is to heal his companions as much as he can. He has also used almost all of his spells for the day and he's already seriously depleted his healing wands. But his companions need to be ready for more fighting in case this vampire isn't the only source of corruption here.
So removes his other wand and starts healing people. First he heals the most seriously wounded, starting with the big ranger. Then he tries to heal as many of the others as possible. Except for that new guy, the one who froze during the fight. Belkior still doesn't think that he's with the Shields for the long haul.
After doing that bit of healing, Belkior will examine the room, including the closets, to determine what he can of the vampire. Particularly what God or Power she worshipped since the Cathedral of Light should hear of any evil deity connected with undead. Spot = 5 Search = 14 Knowledge Religion = 16
Items Used Pearl of Power Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 6 charges Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 2 charges
Famina (44/84) Wednesday May 10th, 2006 5:24:25 PM
Famina's feeling a lot better as Belkior gives her some healing aid. This makes the task of tugging out the coffins into the sunlight most satisfying. Then she stands back, letting Xenia pick the lock, then watching the vampires burn. "Phew, that sounds like everything's done. But just in case, I'm going to check all the rest of the rooms in the house... Umm, but not anything oging outside." Famina makes a careful inspection of the house, hoping she doesn't get burned whenever she tries a closet door or bittenw henever she peers under a table...
Syr (AC 21/20 hp 46/62 dex -1) Wednesday May 10th, 2006 8:06:31 PM
Waving Belkior off, he says, "Save it for a rainy day. I'll be fine in the long run. Nothing a good night's rest won't cure." The elf puts on a brave face for the halfling. After hearing Famina, he also volunteers, "I'll join you, that's what partners are for. Besides one never knows what surprises are out there."
Before he leaves the room, he approaches Angus alone and whispers, "You did say something about a 'probationary' period for the two new recruits? It seems one isn't quite cutting it. I'd say we sever ties now before we start hurting later."
(OOC: Sorry guys, work called me out of town again. Also, I never heard did we have any plans of finding a replacement for Justin?)
JimF Thursday May 11th, 2006 8:14:02 AM
Hi Shields,
I have suggested an old friend of mine who is a veteran player in game 5, but it was nixed by Jerry as he want the new recruits to fill in games. Although Cayzle tells me that new recruits are few and far between now that recruitment efforts have fallen off.
We will be losing Ashlan and Lang, as Matt does not want to play his character and DM. I have been playing Lang to finish the senario.
If anyone can mention to Jerry that we have a willing veteran player, Chris Jensen: AKA Nezamil, ready to enter our game, maybe we can convince him to relent with a group effort.
Matt is up for the idea of Chris Jensen entering our game as he is familiar with him. Chris Jensen is willing to play anything that will help balance the party and I suggested a fighter type, he is ready to roll once he gets the OK.
Al Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:21:58 PM
I'm sure you've all noticed that I've been playing Ashlan. I intend to march him into the sunset as soon as things settle down. Not hard to do with an ex-loner with a CHA of 8.
DM - Matt C. Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:36:25 PM Wynn and Lang give each other a high five after they see the Vampire destroyed. Wynn removes her chain shirt armor, large steel shield and flail from the coffin. As he does this Lang searches the dirt filled coffin and finds a necklace, a rod, a wand, a sack containing some money and gems, and a sack containing 2 books. When Lang looks into the sack with the books, he feels an overwhelming wave of evil wash over him. Wynn casts detect magic and looks at the armor and weapons, and finds out that none of them are magic. He sees the items that Lang has found and his spells reveals that the rod, wand and 2 books are magic. Lang moves back inside the plantation house.
The rest of the Shields tug, pull and lift the coffins over to the window. Xenia unlocks and throws open the shutter, releasing the glyph magic. A spray of acid shoots out, but does not hit her as it shoots away from her (I am assuming the glyph blast only goes one direction, the way the item is opened). Lang arrives back in the room and he and Xenia climb out the window and start to work on getting the 2 coffins opened. After a short time they do and the 2 tattooed vampire spawn are soon dust. The search the 2 coffins and find a necklace and a sack of money in each.
OOC - took some liberties here to move things along.
Famina and Syr leave Xenia and Lang to the task of opening the coffins and search the house from top to bottom. Outside of the dead undead, all they find is a rather large, abandoned farmhouse and the normal things one might find in it.
The spell-less Angus studies the glyphs on a few of the windows on the first floor and does not find out anything new. They all appear to be blast glyphs. He then moves outside the building to see how Wynn is doing.
Belkior goes back to the basics after a battle has concluded and starts healing the most injured Shields. He then examines around the room for any markings or religious objects that might reveal the evil god the vampire worshipped. His search does not expose anything though.
Angus makes his way over to Wynn and Angus knows from Wynn's big smile that everything must be going well. Angus sees the pile of items that they collected from the Vampire. Both Angus and Wynn can hear the girls and the man talking. A few sniffles can be heard also.
OOC - Matt C. - Character Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:42:06 PM
Yes, Ashlan will be leaving the group shortly to pursue other interests. Lang & Sunshine will also be leaving the group (perhaps only temporary). He will become the first legitimate Bugbear farmer and step-father to many, many children.
This will leave us with 6 characters. As Jim said I am open to having Chris Jensen join the game if we can get it passed by the powers that be.
OOC - Matt C. - Treasure and Exp. Pts. Thursday May 11th, 2006 12:52:10 PM Treasure: I am putting together the total treasure from this adventure. I need to know how you are planning to split it up with the new characters and the exiting characters. As Lang may move on to another game within the Wold he would like his fair share. As for Ashlan I am not against leaving him out of the treasure calculation.
Experience Points: From looking at the character sheets I think that the remaining characters except Syr are all around 21-22k xp's. I would like everyone except Syr to move their experience points to 28,500 (8th level). Syr move your experience points to 38,500 (9th level). Going forward I will award extra xp's like the previous DM's have done. Please start working on your character update.
Ashlan (AC19, HP 19/63) Sub/Al Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:07:46 PM
Silver spurs go jingle jangle jingle as Ashlan makes his way to the front of the house. The elf and the barbarian woman rush from room to room while the drow and the bugbear throw coffins out the back window.
Busy bees.
Ashlan pulls the harmonica from his pouch. Out front the man is talking with the three girls. Pain can be rough. But, if you live, it makes you stronger. He blows a quick scale on the mouth organ, low to high, trilling on an upper note.
"You folks need to be getting somewhere?" he asks the man. "This here group, the Crimson Shields they call themselves, they have a deal with an outfit in Plateau City to prepare this farm for a group of orphans. Meaning that I think they're going to be here for a while."
"If you need an escort, I might be going just the same direction you are."
He looks around at the Crimson Shields. With a languid twist of his mouth, Ashlan makes a sucking sound through his teeth.
"Never been much for groups anyway. This just reminds me why."
"The name's Ashlan." He does not offer his hand to the man. What's a hand worth anyway? "Ashlan Sinclair."
Xenia (HP 32/42) d20+6=15 Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:41:08 PM
Xenia stands next to the two coffins hands on hips. She looks up at the house. Just looming there. Looming. Yup. Looming.
One of her fists is wrapped around the two necklaces, the other holds the sacks of coins.
Was it worth it? Is this place going to be safe? They still don't know how the vampires came to be here. How do they know more won't be back? Maybe Belkie will know. He knows this kinda stuff.
She sighs, then gives one of the coffins a little kick before turning and heading around to the other side of the house. In the back of her mind, Xenia hopes that she didn't breath in any of that vampire stuff when the sunlight hit 'em and the turned to dust.
First thing her eye falls upon when rounding the corner is Wynn. Going to him, she wraps her arms around his chest, burying her face in the crook of his arm.
"I thought ... thought maybe we were gonna die there," she says. Somehow, just holding him makes things better. Even the burns still left on her arm from the magic missiles.
Another sigh, (This one's a better sigh, though.) and the second thing she sees is the third sack. Sparklies! Inside are sparklies. hehe The dark rogue collects all the gold and jewels, taking them to the front porch to be counted and appraised.
She pulls a magnifying glass from her bag, then stops. She eyes the Scorpion guy as he talks with the man and the three girls. Where are they from that they come here to play? Must not be too far away. Maybe they'd know where the vamps came from. Or at least have a better idea than the Shields did.
She pulls a gem from one of the bags and lifts it up to the glass. With half an ear, she listens to Jancassius Boy talking with the ex-hostages.
Rolls and Actions Appraise 15
Wynn d6+1=7 d20+9=14 Thursday May 11th, 2006 7:22:23 PM
Wynn continues his concentration on the magical items to determine the strength of the auras and the nature of the magic [Spellcraft=14]. When he is finished he lets Angus know what he has found and cautions him about the books.
The bard squeezes Xenia reassuringly as she embraces him and holds her in his arms until she is ready to let go. He wrinkles his nose slightly at the acrid smell of acid, singed hair and sweat emanating from the rogue and hopes that she does not notice his own need of a bath.
Once Xenia is engrossed in the gems, the bard wanders over to Ashalan. "Sounds like you're heading out on your own...probably for the best. You and I will never see eye to eye, and truth be told, I doubt I could ever fully trust you, but I don't wish you harm. I don't know where you will end up, but I hope you find a path that does not require the blood of others to mark the way." Wynn turns his back to the avenger and returns to Xenia and the others.
[OOC New HP for Wynn at 8th Level =7]
Syr d8=6 Thursday May 11th, 2006 7:32:40 PM
Syr moves through the house efficiently with his partner. Finding nothing, he reports back to Angus, "S'all clear. Looks like we may have ourselves a farmhouse."
Syr watches the mercenary leave without comment. Shrugging his shoulders, he tends to his wounds on the front porch muttering, "Easy come... Easy Go... that makes 13 now."
Belkior (AC 22; HP 26/48) d20+20=34 d20+4=5 Thursday May 11th, 2006 10:22:43 PM
The halfling cleric looks around at his companions. The battle is over and the pall over the mansion is lifted somewhat. When the follower of Jancassis prepares to leave, Belkior will walk over and extend his hand.
"Go in Peace. You and I, we follow different gods. But they have their place in the Wold."
"When whatever is eating at you is burned away, remember that you can always turn to Alemi for healing."
After Belkior watches the Avenger walk away, he turns to his companions. "We've beaten the vampire. But we may still need to burn out the source of the problem. Maybe the people here will help."
Since he has healed his companions, Belkior will take the time now to tend to the man and children. After tending their wounds, Belkior will engage them in conversation. Specifically he will try to learn where they came from and anything that they might know about the vampire. However, he's a little brusque and short-tempered after the day's events. Heal = 34 Diplomacy = 5, natural 1
Lang & Sunshine Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:41:20 PM
Lang spends some time with Sunshine, it was a tough few minute, being knocked down twice, and he finds solace in his four footed friend.
Lang is not a man, or bugbear, of many words and lets his former battle partner go without a good bye.
Lang is mulling over his own future plans, this farm has some potential, remembering back to a time when he worked the land and could not wait to escape that life. How times change.
Angus d20+7=22 Thursday May 11th, 2006 11:49:28 PM
Angus sits on the edge of the master vampire's coffin and refects on how things change so fast in just a few minutes.
Angus does not rise, but waves to Ashlan. "Sorry partner, it does not look like it will work out. I wish you well in your travels, be safe."
Angus turns back and watches Wynn and Xenia with a smile and thinks, now that is good.
Angus finally moves over to the three girls and the father as Belkior struggles to find his words. (Diplomacy 22) "Looks like you four had a rough go of it. I am Angus and I am pleased to meet you. Who are you and how did you fall under the influence of the vampire? No need to worry she and her fellows are now dust in the wind." Angus waits for a reply all the while holding a friendly smile.
Famina Friday May 12th, 2006 6:42:03 AM
Famina is also quite interested in the story of the four. "Perhaps we can discuss this over some food?" She suggests hopefully. "Perhaps one of you can cook, I hope? Later we can head back to the city with news of this things' It will make quite a story. I'm honored to be part of a group that destroyed such an evil being as she must have been. Shes eemed not only to be a vampire,b ut a powerful sorceress in her own right..."
DM Matt C. - aftermath Saturday May 13th, 2006 11:00:50 AM
The Crimson Shields gather in front of the plantation home near the vampire's coffin. The adrenaline rush from the battle is quickly fading. All contemplate on the battle and their future.
It is at this point that whoever was affected by the thorns in the fields notices that their abilities are back to normal. In fact, all notice that the overall "bad" feeling of the place is gone. Even the normal critter and bird noises seem to be at the right level.
Ashlan approaches the man and the girls and offers them his protection to get back to their home. The man, obviously not under the vampire's domination anymore, studies Ashlan carefully.
"Yes, we could use your company to help us get back to our town. It is a half a days march in that direction." (he looks in the opposite direction of Plateau City).
The man then turns his attention to the rest of the Shields. He and the girls move towards the group.
"I want to thank you for rescuing my daughter, her friends and me, as well as destroying that foul creature and her minions. I tried to rescue them by myself but they were too strong and too many for me. If I had known what I was going to find here I would not have come alone. If it was just her I may have had a chance to free them. But as I was too busy fighting the Troll and Ogre I could not stop her from eventually subduing me. I was never able to figure it out, but she had some connection with them that made them extremely difficult to harm."
The man continues on in the story. He basically repeats what the girls said earlier about the girls sneaking off to this abandoned farm house and he trying to rescue them. He does not go into detail how the one girl was killed, but the pain of her death is obvious on his face.
The Shields question the man about the Vampire and he responds.
"No, I do not think there is any more evil here. She was very arrogant and dominating of her minions. I do not think she was working for anyone else. It is my understanding that she was going to use this farmhouse as a staging ground for raids into Plateau City to feed herself and grow her undead army. She also needed to find a wizard for her grand scheme."
In response to questions about what he did.
"She was ecstatic after she captured me and these girls. We fell into her lap and filled part of what she needed. Since she was a cleric, she needed me to "change" those Vampire Spawn into spell users and she was going to use the girls for food when she was done with me. She had me tell her the spells in my spellbook. I had to destroy all my spells that did not suit her needs. After that she handed me a book. The evil that poured out of this book almost knocked me senseless. I had to study from that foul book. The horrors that I was going to create almost drove me insane, but I had no choice. I had to do it on the slim chance I would be able to break free from her grasp and save my daughter and her friends. The book gave instructions on how to tattoo certain spells onto undead creatures. Those tattoos would let the undead cast those spells."
The man finishes up his story.
"I do not know how we could ever repay you for freeing us from the Vampire's grasp. Did you search the house thoroughly? Did you by chance find my spell book? I do not know where she kept it hidden while I was captive, but I need to find it before I leave."
Some of the Shields say their good-byes to Ashlan. Ashlan, the man and the girls depart leaving the Shields on the front lawn deciding their next course of action.
Treasure found: 1 Necklace - Vampire 2 Necklaces - Tattooed Vampire Spawn 4 Necklaces - Regular Vampire Spawn 20 small Diamonds - Vampire sack 10 medium Diamonds - Vampire sack 1,700 gp's - total 220 pp's - total
Magic found: 1 Rod (stong; no school) 1 Wand (necromancy) 1 Book (evil) 1 Book (strong; no school)
Xenia - OoC Saturday May 13th, 2006 12:47:47 PM
Any GP figures from Xenia's Appraise Roll?
DM - Yes, will update by tomorrow night.
Angus d4=4 Saturday May 13th, 2006 1:06:18 PM
Angus smiles big and bright and he feels his charisma return. Angus listens to the wizards story and nods in agreement. "We need to do a very complete search of the house. Xenia are you up to the task, maybe Wynn can give you a hand."
Angus looks to the wizard. "Can you tell us anything about these items we found?" Angus show the wizard the magic items.
Angus adds "We are not heading your way. We will eventually be going back to plateau City to move some friends out here. Go luck in your travels and the rest of your life."
Lang & Sunshine Saturday May 13th, 2006 1:10:59 PM
Lang starts to collect all of the newly dead undead and toss them into the Ghoul pits at the front of the house. Lang does keep one large ogre bone and uses it to play fetch with Sunshine. Lang comments "We can not bring the children to the farm with all the dead lying about."
Lang checks the out buildings for a proper shovel and starts to cover the redead.
Later Lang will tend to the horse and cart and brings them into the compound.
Lang asks the group "Do we all go back to get the children or should some of us stay and clean up?" Lang looks to Belkior "I think Alemi needs to bless this place before we bring anyone back."
Wynn Saturday May 13th, 2006 5:56:26 PM
The bard opens the sac and reveals the two books. "Is this one yours?" he asks while pointing to the book that does not emanate evil from it's pages.
Once the matter of the book has been settled, Wynn offers his hand to Xenia. "Shall we see just what else is in there?"
[OOC are any of the weapons or armour masterwork?]
Xenia (HP 32/42) Saturday May 13th, 2006 8:50:07 PM
"Yeah, sure. Search." Xenia quickly stows loot. Coins go in one bag. Gems of different sizes each go into their own separate bags. The necklace-undead-gang-wear things go into their own bag too.
She stands and takes Wynn's hand. Xenia pauses a moment, watching the man and the three girls as they go off with Jancassius Boy. She waves in silence as they walk up the road.
Then, hand in hand with Wynn she enters the house again. Time to strap on the Goggles and go to work.
Rolls and Actions Search 27 (Taking 10) Search all rooms and closets from basement to second floor. Look for traps, secret doors and other otherwise anomalies. Also, open all windows and shutters. As DM mentioned that they blast outwards, I don't expect this to be a problem. Unless someone else is standing around on the outside. ^_^
Syr Sunday May 14th, 2006 12:41:44 PM
From his spot on the porch, Syr begins flexing his knee, extending it one out and rubbing his hamstring. "Hmmm, much better," he mutters to himself.
Bouncing up, he heads over to the barn, "I seem to recall a roof and wall that need mending. If the kids are coming here, we'd best get started."
(OOC: not sure what everyone else thinks but I'm of the opinion that we need at least 1 more spell caster, maybe a druid of wizard added to the group.)
DM Matt C. - More loot. Sunday May 14th, 2006 10:19:09 PM
The man moves over to Wynn when Wynn holds out the bag with the 2 books. The man reaches in and takes the non-evil book out, being careful not to touch the other book.
"Yes, this is my spellbook. Thank you. That other book is the one I was talking about. The one that creates the spell using undead. You should destroy it. Or at least give it to someone who can be trusted not to let it fall into the wrong hands."
To Angus he replies, "I think the rod is a Rod of Extend. I saw her use it a couple of time when casting Magic Weapon on her flail. I am not sure what the other items are."
The Shields watch as the group leaves the plantation.
After that they decide to start working on the plantation, gathering the bodies or searching the buildings.
While dragging/carrying the bodies outside to the graves they discover some more items. The bodies they gather to be disposed in the graves are as follows: 3 Wolf skeletons 4 Human skeletons; studded leather, light crossbow and short sword 1 Ogre Zombie; large studded leather, great club & ring 1 Troll Skeleton; large studded leather, amulet & ring 3 Human Zombies; studded leather
OOC - please let me know what you are taking off the bodies before you bury them.
The rest of the search of the household does not find anymore items of note. All the doors and windows have been opened, activating the glyphs. The only remaining sign of the undead is her throne like seat and the darkness area.
Magic found: 1 Rod (stong; no school) 1 Wand (necromancy) 1 Book (evil) - spellstitch undead instructions 1 Book (strong; no school) - spellbook; given back to the man
Wynn Monday May 15th, 2006 12:45:07 AM
Wynn hands the bag with the bad book in it to Belkior, and tells the cleric with the cat's feet what the man said. He then mostly follows Xenia around, admiring the shapely rogue at work. He'll collect whatever she finds, and hands off to him...hauling it over to where the group is congregating.
Xenia (HP 32/42) d20=17 Monday May 15th, 2006 12:37:13 PM
Fresh air enters the house with every single window that opens. Tension drains from the rogue's slim frame. The place still feels, like, yuck, you know. But things are getting better. A big part of Better is having Wynn around. Just hearing his footsteps as she works, smelling him, feeling his presence, it all just makes the Wold warmer and nicer. Xenia's mind wanders in the direction of cuddling under some nice clean sheets.
"Where we gonna go next, Wynn?" she asks while feeling across the underside of a shelving unit. "We got no place to go home to. I mean, the Apartments are wrecked. There's no point in going back to it either, 'cause we don't own the land. I feel kind of weird going to Lady Firiona and ask for her to build us another one. I mean, I think Syr's the only one who knows her well at all."
"So where we gonna go?"
"Hey Wynn, gimme a hand with this chair thing, huh?" Xenia grabs the edge of the throne when they come around to the room in which they had finally defeated the Would-Be-Vampire-Queen-Of-Plateau-City. She drags it a few feet into position and the tips it back toward the large open window. "I'm wanna push this thing over and shove it out the window."
Rolls and Actions STR 17 (Not bad for a skinny girl.)
Belkior Monday May 15th, 2006 1:47:45 PM
The halfling cleric gingerly accepts the sack from Wynn.
"Thank you. I'll see that this is delivered to the Cathedral of Light. Surely someone there is able to destroy or neutralize this foul thing."
Belkior then suggests that they drag all the remains outside and destroy them. If need be, he can consecrate the site on the following day.
"Since we've got the cart, why don't we cart up as much as possible and take it back to Plateau City. This place will need a lot of fixing before the orphans can live here."
Famina Monday May 15th, 2006 7:59:04 PM
Famina ponders the man's story of the evil book, and is glad that they happened along. When Belkior makes his suggestion she nods and starts to fill the cart with any possible items. When Xenia makes her suggestion, Famina quietly listens, thinking it better to reserve her own input until she sees what sort of answers the other things give. As to her own things, she can't help but wander over to the barn, somewhat tentatively. She makes sure to put the door back up as much as she can and shutter it. She returns to the house and looks to the others. "I'm going to shutter all the windows back shut and close the doors when we leave. It's better not to let any more creatures wander in while we're away..."
Angus Monday May 15th, 2006 11:25:11 PM
Angus wishes the man and the girls well and thanks him for the information on the rod. "Be well."
Angus waits patiently for Xenia's report from her search of the house as he liked her report on the values of the items found so far.
Angus comments to Belkior "Before we destroy the book, we should visit the Catacomb's and have them evaluate it to see if it is usable by anyone not evil. It may have value of some kind."
Lang & Sunshine Monday May 15th, 2006 11:26:32 PM
Lang only throws the bones and carcasses into the ghoul pit and keeps th armor and weapons. Lang does not while he carries out the grim task.
Wynn (illegal 2nd post) d20+9=29 d20+2=22 Monday May 15th, 2006 11:53:42 PM
The bard sneaks up behind the rogue while she investigates under the shelf (Move Silently=29, nat. 20!) and wraps his arms around her waist. The half-elf nuzzles the dark girl's ear.
"When things get sorted out, lets see if the others want to go in to town," he says, his lips against her copper hair. "I want to take you to the best restaurant in Plateau City..."and spend the night in the best room, in the best inn!" he thinks, but doesn't say. "Will you wear the velvet?" he continues a little whistfully, "the shirt with the fringes? The one you wore at the Solstice?"
Wynn relases Xenia, then, when she starts to tug at the throne-like chair, he lends her his strength. (Strength Check=22, another nat. 20!)
Syr Tuesday May 16th, 2006 12:22:04 AM
The elf comes back from the barn shaking his head. "Tools would be helpful." With a shrug, he looks at those gathered near the front of the house. "That brings up an interesting point. Is anyone else willing to donate a portion of the loot to the orphans? They are going to need something to get started in this new world. Anyway, just tossing it out there."
With that he moves back inside the house and starts clearing out bodies until the rest of the group is ready to leave.
Xenia (2nd Illegal Post) Tuesday May 16th, 2006 9:49:52 AM
A soft purr tickles the rogue's dark full lips and she leans back as Wynn's arms come around her.
"You are a very evil man, Mister Wynn Brightsong," she whispers while reaching back to run her fingers through his hair and turn his face toward her cheek. "The things you make me want to do. And right here where we can't do them now."
She presses herself back into his warmth, feeling all of him against all of her. And then she pulls away with a laugh, taking up one side of the throne.
"I'll wear anything you want." She winks. "As long as you wear something I can take off with just my teeth."
Matt C. Tuesday May 16th, 2006 7:42:28 PM
I have to make an emergency trip to see my father who is ill. I will be gone until Sunday, so there will not be any posts until that time.
Here is a complete list of the Vampire's treasure found at the plantation. I am basing this amount on an equal split among the 7 remaining characters. Please update your characters and visit the catacomb's (if you want) while I am gone. Hopefully this treasure lode will get us closer to the rest of the Wold games.
Magic (total 31,105 gp): Rod of Extend, levels 1-6 (11,000 gp) Wand of Inflict Moderate Wounds @ 40% (1,850 gp) +1 Amulet of the Mighty Fist (6,000 gp) +1 Studded Leather (large) (1,350 gp) +1 Great Club (large) (2,605 gp) +1 Studded Leather (large) (1,350 gp) 1 Book (evil) - spellstitch undead instructions (7,000 gp reward when turned over to a good temple; this is my price not a DMG amount)
Necklaces (total 14,000 gp): Vampires' - 5,000 gp 2 Spellstitched Vampire Spawn - 2,000 gp each 4 Regular Vampire Spawn - 1,000 gp each 1 Ogre Zombie - 500 gp 1 Troll Skeleton - 500 gp
Grand Total - 53,205 gp's (before trade-in/appraisal cost)
Other items not included in the above amounts: Masterwork Chain Shirt - Vampire Masterwork Flail - Vampire Masterwork Large Steel Shield - Vampire 4 Studded leathers, light crossbows and short swords - Human Skeletons 3 Studded leathers - Human Zombies
Wynn Wednesday May 17th, 2006 12:43:51 AM
The bard watches as the vampire-witch's throne gets tossed.
"You know," the bard says rubbing the stubble on his chin, "with some fixing up, this could be a pretty good place for the orphans." He continues, "if a little farming gets started, the place could become self sufficient, and any excess could be sold in town."
Famina Wednesday May 17th, 2006 4:18:29 AM
Famina decides to use the opportunity to head to the Catacombs. (I guess that means we go back to the city...but I dunno, so I'll hold off on posting movements/whatever.)
Xenia (HP 32/42) Wednesday May 17th, 2006 11:38:20 AM
Cleaning up. Shutting down. Then ... shipping out.
Xenia leans into Wynn and taps him gently on the tip of his nose.
"Wheels turning?" she asks with a smile. "Sure you don't wanna throw in together and start some sorta business?"
"You know what I wanna buy once we get back?" she says, whirling away on the wings of a new topic before hoping up for a seat on the tail of the wagon. "I hear they got a tiara type thing that lets you talk better and stuff. I think I wanna get me one of those. And some magic stuff. I wanna try working some of that magic stuff too." The rogue kicks her feet in idle arcs.
"How about you guys?"
Angus Wednesday May 17th, 2006 8:55:27 PM
Angus has visions of magic items dancing in his head.
Angus hops on the back of the wagon and prepares to go back to Plateau City. "I need to stop by the library to research my new spell." Angus adds dreamily.
Wynn Wednesday May 17th, 2006 9:37:10 PM
Wynn squeezes past Angus and Xenia sitting on the tail of the wagon. He finds a place near the front and sits with his back against the rough wooden dash, one leg extended, the other foot planted, knee bent. Running a hand through his hair, he tries to push the dirty blonde mess off his face. He stops and stares at the still foreign webs that join his fingers together, and with a sigh, drops his hands in his lap.
"First stop, the bath house!" he calls out.
Xenia (HP 32/42) Thursday May 18th, 2006 10:13:38 AM
Xenia leaps into a crouch on the tail of the wagon then scrambles over the bones and parts that litter the wagon's bed to reach the Wynn's side.
"C'mon." She grabs his hand, pulling him up and then over the side of the wagon. "Lets go!" she shouts, laughing as she dashes through the cotton field with the bard in tow. "We got a stream right here!"
She lets go his hand as they break from the cotton and begins undoing her things as she closes with the water. An armored shirt, a boot for the left foot, soft dark leggings, a thin cotton shirt. Xenia leaves a trail of clothes and equipment on the ground behind her as she skins down to just the barest of her skivvies.
"Wooooooo!" Xenia splashes into the water laughing at the same time she gasps from the cold.