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Wednesday June 7th, 2006 1:52:31 PM

Rigging what to do next investigate the other pyramids we have seen or try to visit and speak with the masters. I prefer to talk with the masters first

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:31:28 PM

Mykael makes his way on board, and to his room. He spends the rest of the day chatting it up with Ghem, continuing to get him more humanoid savy. Mykael also starts working on teaching Ghem the common tongue.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 7:27:25 PM

Rigging smiles at the young couple and says, "I appreciate what you are saying but we have a priest of Domi here. He looks a little scary but I can assure you he has a kind heart. Go to him and see what he thinks. If he thinks you are prepared for the committment of marriage, I will stand as the young lady's guardian and he can marry you."

Rigging points out the tall dwarf and pushes the couple towards him.

Later Rigging sits down with his wife and says, I don't know what to do. Nothing seems like the right choice. Going into the pyramid seems dangerous but wandering around a jungle filled with snakes doesn't seem to be the best choice either. It could take weeks to find this a village in a jungle that dense. Maybe we should try and summon the masters to us?"

Rigging will call the rest of the Wildcards together and tells them of his doubts. "Nezamil, see if you can find out from our young couple how long it takes for the "masters" to respond to the summons?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:57:53 PM

The ranger nods. "I understand. It's not an easy choice, and I don't really know what's best either. If we summon the Masters, it will tip them off to our presence." Ashira looks over at Bart's new night light. "But I have a feeling that they probably already know we're here. So maybe it would be best if we summon them...at least that way we'll be able to see what we're up against." Ashira grins. "And if it comes to hacking through the jungles and the snakes...don't worry...I'll protect you honey." Ashira squeezes Rigging's shoulders playfully.

DM Jim: Choices 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 12:41:16 AM

Rigging talks to Mike and Cindy and suggests they talk to Nezamil. Rigging offers to stand up in the Wedding for Cindy. Rigging then goes to seek his wife's council.

Bart thinks it may be best to see the Masters.

Mykael goes and talks with his new friend Ghem.

Appolo gives his two new friends, Jan and Marsha, the slip and beds down with his own dark thoughts.

Val goes to see Melonie, who is glad to see her return in one piece. "I was worried for you." Melonie also seems to feel a bit left out, but is glad to spend time with Val.

Ashira offers several suggestions to her husband and as usuall offers to protect him.


Jan and Marsha after being abandoned by Appolo start to appraise all the potential "husbands" at the Sword camp. The decide none too quite that Hal and Kirk are their next target. Each girl sways over to the big bouncers. "Looks like you have everything under control. I'm Marsha and this is my friend Jan. Who are you two and how long have you been running this show?"

Mike and Cindy cautiously approach Nezamil and Mike speaks "Priest of Domi. It would be our honor if you would marry us. We have little to offer Domi for your services but our humble thanks."

When asked about summoning the masters David speaks up. "It usually only takes a few minutes for the masters to arrive at the top of the pyramid once we summon them. We leave the top of the pyramid just in case more than one shows up. It can get crowded up there."

Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:51:31 AM

Val takes Melonie to the meeting. Eventually the girl will be a regular at these discussions. "Captain how do we know these Masters are real? They could be magical illusions created from inside the pyramid. They may be elaborate and complex illusions, but illusions none the less.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 3:40:56 PM

Instead of summonning the Masters we could visit them if we join the snake hunt, thats the way the villagers are going to after or while they are hunting if i remember correct.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 6:25:33 PM

Appolo shows up for the meeting and just stands in the back quiet and surly.He just listens,thinking this just great why couldn't we find a deserted island.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:41:42 PM

The Cleric of Domi smiles widely as the couple ask for him to marry them " i'll be honered to do the vows for you "

" no need to offer anything for this ....i would suggest only that you help others follow your example from castaway village ....encourage them whenever possible to settle down as you are together "

Seeing that Hal and Kirk have their hands full " have fun boys i'm off to the meeting with the Captain " and Nezamil makes his way and joins the meeting .....listening first to what Rigging has to say

" I would think we activate the pyramid to either call the so called masters or use it to visit them ourselves...its quickist way in my opinion .....i would not like to wander thru the thick jungle in search of the masters village or other villages that might be around ....after all this might just be one castaway village among many.....this island seems to be hide many secrets "

" i would suggest we check out the power box...it could be the key or major piece in the pryamids powers and ability's"

"but if you decide we have time we could just join in the snake hunt in a couple days and walk to the masters all the while we map the route and use our flying friends to help in that regard "

Aafter the meeting Nezamil will again chat with the young couple " how long does the snake hunt last? days ?? hours ?? how many poeople usually join in the hunt ??"

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:47:54 PM

The brothers grin widely at Marsha and Jan and give a knowing wink to each other " ok chief have fun at your meeting " remarks Hal to Nezamil

the brothers enjoy the attention from the women and spend time bantering back and forth with the two seductressess " this might be paradise " chuckles Kirk to his older brother

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:19:24 PM

Rigging smiles at Val's words and says to her, "It might make our life more simple if they were some kind of illusion but I have my doubts. Just don't try to stick them with your sword to find out."

Rigging will say to the others, "OK in the morning, we will head back to the village...again and summon the masters. We might be able to figure out how the pyramids work when it is activated. Cosmo that will be your job.

Hopefully we will be more successful in dealing with just a few of the masters. If things get ugly we can always eliminate them but I want to try negotiating first. They could be strong allies in trying to settle this island and making it our base.

Cosmo, I want you to study your overland fly in the morning and take advantage of the time we are travelling to do some scouting. Bart loan him Wayfinder for his journey. Cosmo should be able to see a lot while flying with its aid. Try and scout one of the other temples if you can make it there and back during the duration of the spell. Remember magic is not as reliable so give yourself wide safety margins."

He then hands the halfling his invisibility ring, "Use this while you are using Wayfinder. Don't want you to show up like a comet in the sky with Wayfinders glow."

Rigging will look around at the others, "Nezamil, you can bring whichever follower you want this time but I want one behind for ship security. Ashira, your choice but only bring one as well. Val, Melonie can come this time but I don't want to bring everyone. The ships location is known and less friendly types might be showing up. We can't afford to lose the Sword."

Rigging will end the meeting and go check on the repairs of the Sword checking in with the carpenters and his young henchmen. He will then take time to talk to Tomas to find out how he is handling the responsibility of first mate.

He will then hit the rack and get some sleep, wake up and study his spells.

Spells normally carried: Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic x 2, dancing lights , detect poison.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, Detect secret doors, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce person, Mount
Second level spells: Scorching rays, Resist elements, Whispering wind, Mirror Image
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:41:19 PM

Mykael and Ghem listen in at the meeting. Not having much to offer, waits for orders, then heads to take a walk with Ghem in the dust around the beach.

He makes sure to stay clear of the crocs, since he doesnt need new shoes.

Finally, he returns to the ship and beds for the night.

"Your going to be on guard duty again tomorrow, Ghem. I am sorry. I really want you to come, but having contact with the ship is important. Also, the elves on board will be able to explain any questions you may have to you."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:38:05 PM

Cosmo listens to spell selection suggestions from Rigging. He thinks over his spells and decides versatility might not be a bad idea.

He also accepts the ring from Rigging. Cosmo puts it on and tests using it to make sure he can activate the ring.

Cosmo will have dinner and will take first watch if a guard is called. He will head off to his room for sleep after that. In the morning he will study for his spells and cast Mage Armor upon himself.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1 & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:31:22 PM

The ranger nods sadly at Rigging's decision. She has tactical plans for her companions, but she won't over ride Rigging...at least not right now. She invites John to come along with her and waits for the group to get ready to return to the pyramid.

DM Jim: Preparations 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:54:56 PM

Rigging calls a meeting of the Wildcards and plans out the next day's exploration of the pyramid and the island.

Rigging check in on Tomas who is very busy organizing the watches and work details. Gordon, Juno and Eli comment to their benefactor "This Island has great looking women. Wise choice for a port Captain" comments Juno. Eli adds "Did you get a look at that pair over there. How many more at the village?" Gordon is shocked "What we do not get to go and frolic? Rank has too many prilvages." As he kicks the sand on the beach.

Val is concerned about illusions, but Rigging thinks that may not be the master's ploy.

Bart suggests going on the snake hunt with the villagers.

Appolo sulks, wishing for a deserted island with fewer complications.

Hal and Kirk find Jan and Marsha very distraction and entertaining. Each lady is soon sitting on a brothers lap; Marsha on Hal and Jan on Kirk. The ladies hands feel so hot on the brothers skin "Look Jan, there are just muscles everywhere on these two." As Marsha's hands roam over Hal's arms and shoulders.

Mike and Cindy and ecstatic that Nezamil married them. Cindy even hugs Nezamil's leg. Mike answers Nezamil's question about the snake hunt. "It is hard to say how long they last. The axe shows back up in a few day and we know it is over and the women can travel to the master's village."

Mykael spends time with Ghem before heading off to bed.

Cosmo tests Rigging very bright invisibility ring and hold Wayfinder. The ring and Wayfinder easily overpower the invisibility. Cosmo is invisible, but there is light escaping everywhere.


Ooc: Cosmo must roll a DC 12 concentration check to keep his mage armor spell for than 2 combat rounds.


All others, except Bart and Rigging (already glowing magic items), with magic items are starting to notice a faint glow coming from them. The more powerful the item the stronger the glow. Temporary magic does not glow as strong (wands, potions, scrolls, etc.).


Ooc: If magic items are being left behind on the Sword, please not it in your post: potions, scrolls, spell books, swords, etc.

If you have not already (Rigging & Mykael) listed your spells you will be stuck with those you last posted and will not have replenished your spells.

I need to know which followers are coming.


The group wakes and has left over croc soup and local fruit for breakfast. The trip is hot on the way back to the castaway village. Everyone refills their water containers and refreshes themselves at the Little Serpent.

Ashira notes that if the trip was much longer it would start to take a toll on the group, especially those in armor or encumbered.

David escorts Mary back to the village or stays at the beach with her.

Jan and Marsha stay with whichever brother stays at the beach and eagerly eyes the other men left in attendance.


Camino greets the group as the appear out of the jungle. "Are you ready for an early lunch?" The man asks with open arms.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:32:43 AM

Melonie was overjoyed when she heard that she would finally be able to get off the ship and prove her worth. It was hard being patient. Keeping her mouth shut despite her complaints on those chosen to leave the ship. She knew she could contribute, to be useful. Now she had a chance to show Val and everybody else.

Friday June 9th, 2006 7:37:47 AM

Val tried to hold back a smile but failed. She remembered a time when she showed such emotion. Before the world showed her how ugly it really was.

"Stay alert Melonie," Val said softly in elvish as they walked through the jungle, "These people smile but we know not their intentions. They seem to prefer their own kind so be careful what you say and do around the villagers."

"It is quite hot out today. Perhaps something to satisfy our thirst before lunch." Val replies in Common. She didn't like the fact that she was beginning to glow all over. Like the other Wildcards she had numerous magical items about her person. She really didn't want these people to know that.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Friday June 9th, 2006 7:40:59 AM

Like all good husbands, Rigging can sense when his wife is annoyed with him and thinks he knows the reasons why. He will engage in some pillow talk that night and say, "OK Mistress of Battle, you can come up with a plan that rotates everyone around and gets everyone some experience, I will allow you to make the roster of which new friends join the Wildcards on these excursions and who stays. Just remember, I want the ship adequately protected when we aren't here. Learned my lession at Safeport."

DM Jim: Next Post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 8:41:04 AM

Hi All,

I will post Saturday around 8 am, just to let everyone know.


Friday June 9th, 2006 4:40:26 PM

Appolo eats breakfast stretches,then jions the others>He looks around and sees Jan and Marsha"Jan Marsha you're coming with us,you too David.Back to the village,come on you're not staying here."He is a rather surly mood agian and they can tell he won't take no for answer.

ONce David,Jan and MArsha move out he will bring up the rear.Making sure those three don't head back to the ship.During the trip he remains silent and sullen.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+15=33 d20+15=24 d20+15=34 d20+15=20 d20+15=24 d20+15=30 d20+15=16
Friday June 9th, 2006 9:39:28 PM

Concentration check 33.

Cosmo begins to be real concerned about the glowing magic items. The long-term affects from the Pyramids power may not be beneficial to the magic items.

"Rigging when we get back in the village we should ask the villagers if anything happens to the glowing items after they have been glowing for a period of time."

"Rigging do you want me to cast my Overland Flight spell and scout out the area and island as the rest of the group walks to the village?"

If the answer is yes, Cosmo will cast his spell and scout. He will use the invisibility ring and wayfinder.

Concentration checks, if needed: 24, 34, 20, 24, 30 & 16 - fail natural 1

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: ?/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: ?/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash x1, Detect Magic x1, Read Magic x1, Mage Hand x1 & Message x1
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person x1, True Strike x1, Enlarge Person x1, Mage Armor x1 * & Feather Fall x1
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x1, Scorching Ray x2, Web x1, Invisibility x1, See Invisibility x1 & Alter Self x1
3rd Level (6): SM III x1, Fireball x1, Lightning Bolt x1, Haste x1, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance x1
4th Level (4): SM IV x1, Greater Invisibility x1, Dimension Door x1 & Polymorph x1
5th Level (3): SM V x1, Overland Flight x1* & Prying Eyes x1

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging "illegal post 
Friday June 9th, 2006 10:27:54 PM

"Yes Cosmo, why don't you get up early, study whatever spells you need and then leave before us. You can then either meet us on the trail or at Castaway village. Just be careful with your concentration and don't fly to high. Your sort of usefel to have around and I don't want to explain to the Mayors why you became a pink stain on the jungle below."

Rigging will hold the group back until midmorning to give Cosmo a chance to do his scouting. Cosmo will know the time Rigging plans to leave.

Friday June 9th, 2006 10:39:11 PM

Ashira looks at Rigging. "I understand what you're trying to do, but tell me...what good would Hal and Kirk have been against that Quad? For that matter, I doubt that even the whole lot of our followers would have lasted long against a fully powered up Quad. I will consider what you have asked, but I think you should reconsider the defenses of the Sword. Maybe we need to invest in some mercenaries. It's just a thought."

After traveling to the village, Ashira smiles at the young man. "Nope. Think we'll skip lunch. We wanna talk with the Masters."

Here's Ashira's list of memorized spells that I posted on Tuesday.

1st level: Delay poison, Entangle
2nd level: Barkskin, Cat's Grace

Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:51:57 AM

Nezamil nods at Riggings memory of the Safeport disaster " good point.....we cannot afford to have something happen to the Sword....especially out here"

" this warping of magic continues.....the Fae kings magic warped our spells and now the masters magic warps magic on this island.....might not be paradise after all " growls Nezamil "the Fae king haunts us still "

The Cleric of Domi finds the brothers "well its Hal's turn to help us explore....so Kirk you stay and help out Tomas and keep everyone in line "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:57:43 AM

"guess your the lucky one "laughs Kirk to Hal as he eyes the two women " i'll do my best not to get bored "

Hal Laughs heartily " hehehe i feel like i was setup "

The big warrior winks at the girls "i'll be back " as he gathers his gear and follows the dwarf

Saturday June 10th, 2006 1:52:28 AM

Mykael readies himself for the trip and walks up behind Nezamil, "Hey, I heard the shrinking is a sign of old age. Not to mention a problem that the ladies dont care for. Whatever will you do?"

While on the trail, Mykael sticks near Val and Melonie, "Seems this body has made me an outcast. Perhaps you will tell me about what I have inherited and raise my spirits as to the good things about our elven kind. It would be appreciated."

DM Jim: Lay of the Land 
Saturday June 10th, 2006 7:50:44 AM

Ooc: Everyone is bringing all of their magic items, since none were listed as being left behind on the Sword or anywhere else.

Mykael did not list a new spell list so he keeps the spells from the previous day.

Rigging did not list a new spell list so he keep the spells from the previous day, minus his comprehend languages, magic missile and dancing lights spell, which he has not recovered.


There is some discussion on how is to go to the castaway village between Ashira, Rigging and Nezamil. Hal and Kirk are trading places and Melonie is coming for a visit for the first time.

Appolo glowers at Marsha, Jan and David and strongly recommends that they accompany the group back to the castaway village.

David pipes up "I am going wherever this beautiful red head goes. I am her protector." David puffs out his bare chest and looks around and finally at Mary as he smiles at her.

Jan and Marsha look at each other and Jan speaks to Appolo "You had your chance bad boy. We like are odds just fine right here." Jan and Marsha each take hold of one of Kirk's large arms, all the while checking out the work detail on the sand berm.

Hal rolls his eyes and mutters, "I got the short end of the stick again."


Melonie is very happy to have Mykael to talk with on the 90 minute trip to the castaway village. "There are just not enough elves in our crew. "The dark haired beauty remarks to Mykael. "The Fey King made a very nice image of you. There are so many benefits to being an elf, it will take years to enumerate, and the beauty of it is that you have the years to learn. Remember you are not an outcast, but are just part of a better caste." Melonie places a gentle hand on Val's arm "Val is the one who can teach you the most about elves. She is wise and has been deeply touched by the Fey King."

Mykael comments to Nezamil about his shrinking and aging, as it is becoming more noticeable as he approaches a more normal size. The 10 foot 5 inch Nezamil is still an imposing site.


Cosmo casts his overland flight spell as the sun is rising and is able to maintain his concentration on it, but he finds that he must then also reconcentrate on his mage armor spell, but is able to maintain it as well.

DC 12 for first mage armor concentration check.
DC 16 for first overland flight concentration check.
DC 13 for the second mage armor concentration check.
All successful.


OOC: 250 exp. To Cosmo for determining that it becomes more difficult to concentrate on spells the more you cast, at least for him......


Cosmo goes invisible as he takes Rigging's ring and Bart's wayfinder, but everyone can see an outline of light easily, but not tell that there is a halfling at the center of the light.

Cosmo flies over miles of trackless jungle, only seeing birds and monkeys in the canopy. Cosmo first flies to the misty delta of the Big Serpent River and where the river divides. It is a very swampy area with several ruins, on a small pyramid. Cosmo originally though the place deserted and went in closer, but he did see a 25-foot snake of alternating red and black bands.

DC 25 spot check to determine what is strange about the snake.

The snake did seem to notice the ball of light.

Cosmo then flies to the raised area that Bart had described, but he does not approach. Cosmo sees the same square pyramid and many other stone structures, but what really catches his eye and the reason he does not approach is the hundreds of people that are milling about.

DC 30 spot check to determine other tidbits of information.

Finally Cosmo rushes to the low mountain, as he knows he is short on time. On a plateau on the mountain Cosmo sees another square pyramid by a lake. The area seems deserted, but is in a well maintained condition. There are less stone out buildings than those that surround the two lower pyramids.

DC 25 spot check to determine other information.


Ooc: Cosmo can provide the rough map of the island to the rest of the Wildcards.


Cosmo joins up with the group just as lunch is being served, but a large group of pregnant humans. Camino is overseeing the pampering of the Wildcards. Ashira does not partake in the food or drink.

The square pyramid is looming off to the groups right about 100 yards away. Two archways are clearly visible going into the interior of the structure.

The glowing battle axe is still visible hanging on the pillar of the stone pavilion.

Everyone's magic items are starting to glow, but still not as strongly as Bart's and Rigging's, which look like they have had several light spells cast upon them.

Hal keeps close to Nezamil, but marvels at the pyramid and all the pretty women.

John follows Ashira's lead and does not eat or drink and whispers to his mistress "What now?" as he leans on his longbow.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=11 d20+5=21 d20+5=9
Saturday June 10th, 2006 9:13:46 AM

Supplemental spot checks:



DM Jim: Cosmo does not have any luck in finding out any more information as he is too worried about being seen and getting back to the Wildcards. Cosmo is gone five hours.

Saturday June 10th, 2006 3:25:01 PM

Bart is happy the ladies arent clunging to him as with the bashbrothers. Bart gets some weaponblack and starts to smear it on his chain. Giving light as an firefly is not the way he wants to enter the jungle. He suggest the others to treat thear weaopons simular

Saturday June 10th, 2006 4:04:19 PM

Mykael smiles at Melonies enthusiam, "I am a human, in an elven form. And I dont look down upon any race. To say that an elf is better caste than another is to be as bad as the humans act here towards elves."

"Lets not get into the Fey King ordeal again. Its over. I dont view him well. I asked about elven life, heritage, and customs. I have already studies with elves and know a little, but now... well, I should know more."

"I will be around for chats whenever yourself or Val wishes to, and I think you."

Mykael makes his way into the town. He grabs two jugs of water and heads for a shade tree. Taking a long slow drink from one, he dumps the other over himself.

He watches the surroundings and waits for the captain.

OOC: yes the plan was to keep my spell list as it was, and I have all my magic.

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:23:46 AM

The big fella eats a hearty breakfast " that hits the spot " chuckles the dwarf as he rubs his tummy

After the meal he sidles up next to Rigging " hmm maybe we should take the axe with us .....its a snake slayer after all or so they call it ......if it truely is wonder if it will have any effect on that big one we faced when we showed up here " mentions Nezamil quietly

Nezamil looks down at his boots and ponders them as they are slowly growing brighter " well we better do this during the day cuz they'll see us easily at night "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Aairwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

ooc : when do we ever leave magic items behind ??

Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:27:00 AM

The big warrior stays near the large dwarf and also enjoys a hearty meal " ready when you are big guy " remarks Hal as he looks about castaway village after his meal

Ashira  d20+2=11
Sunday June 11th, 2006 8:15:41 PM

Ashira looks over at John. "Well...I suppose we just sit here and glow until we finally call the Masters." Cracking a smile, Ashira waits to see what Rigging has in mind. She idly looks down at her glowing gear as she mulls over the problem at hand (Wisdom=11).

Rigging and Swirl 
Sunday June 11th, 2006 9:21:44 PM

Rigging will wait for Cosmo to catch up and here his report. He will then inquire into the glowing magic items. "David, does all magic glow around here? Does it always glow or eventually fade if you move away from the pyramid." If David doesn't know, then Rigging will inquire the same question to all the villagers in a loud voice.

Rigging then pulls David aside and asks. "Can you summon the Masters for us? We would like to meet them."

If David agrees, Rigging will follow him up the pyramid beckoning to the other Wildcards and followers, "Its your choice, we are summoning the Masters. Your magic will glow if you come on to the pyramid but I think we should be on it to greet them."

Appolo Hp68 Ac 23 
Monday June 12th, 2006 4:38:53 AM

Appolo walk over to David"Oh know you don't you're coming with us.Don't test my patience for I have none.Mary can take care of herself very well she has a fine teacher.I fact you might just need protection from.Now head back to the village." turning and heading for Jan and Marsha"That goes for you two as well,back to the village."He says all this a a very threatening manner,he is ina foul mood.He knows what's coming.Another battle and doesn't want any villagers at the boat he also rounds up the newlyweds and prods them rather forcfully back toward the village.

When he head back to the village after the villagers get the point one way or another he is fully armed and ready for battle.

Once at the village he heads straight for the top of the pyramid and waits silently for the others.

Monday June 12th, 2006 4:58:15 AM

She watched Mykael leave without saying a word. When he's out of earshot she says to Melonie, "Don't push him too hard. He still thinks like a human. I'm guessing it will take a few decades for things to really sink in. He didn't change bodies like I did, he became a different race. He's just now seing the difference in the way people treat him. Its not an easy thing to deal with."

Monday June 12th, 2006 10:44:44 AM

Cosmo enters the village and makes his way over to Rigging and reports on his findings, trying to let only Rigging know. Under his breath he says, "Maybe you can probe on this other group of people and find out who they are."

Cosmo hands back to Rigging the invisibility ring. He then finds Bart and hands to him the Wayfinder.

He then finds a place to sit and eat, while contemplating on these new developments.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

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