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Wynn  d20+9=28
Thursday May 18th, 2006 11:16:22 PM

One hand on the sideboard, Wynn leaps (Jump=28) over...and out of the wagon. With a shrug he apologizes to the skinny magicker: "Sorry Angus!"

"Xenia! Wait!" he calls, running after the half-drow.

The bard pants, hands on thighs, looking at the ground, and trying to catch his breath. He looks up, and there's Xenia, clinging wet undergarments revealing her slender form. Slowly... methodically... the bard removes his gear, folding each item and placing it neatly in a pile on a flat rock. When the last item of clothing has been removed, he strides purposefully into the bracing cold of the stream.

Friday May 19th, 2006 4:13:44 PM

The halfling cleric looks away from Wynn and Xenia. It's good to see joy again after the deep gloom of the last several days. Turning back to Angus, Belkior continues to debate the disposition of the materials recovered from the vampires.

"There are a lot of gems and jewels here, enough for most of us to better equip ourselves. Myself, I know that I need to replace most of the healing devices that I used."

"What do you think, Angus? Are there other magics that could benefit all of us? Perhaps some protective or communication magics?"

Friday May 19th, 2006 10:45:15 PM

After he is done getting the bodies out of the house, Syr ambles over to the pile of loot. "This amulet looks interesting, who one was wearing it again?"

Adding to Belkior's thought, "After that last fight, I wouldn't object to a share going to healing items..."

Saturday May 20th, 2006 11:51:28 AM

OOC: Hi All, Matt is still attending to his Father as he is gravely ill. Matt will have to take a sabbatical to attend to family matters. I have alerted Jerry. Our ADM or maybe our former DM, George Nemeth, can take over until we find a more permanent replacement.


Angus is happy to see Wynn and Xenia having fun, they deserve it. Angus just smiles.

When Belkior and Syr speak up about the magic he adds "I see no magic that I want. The amulet looks interesting for you Syr." At Syr suggestion of healing magic Angus adds "Yes healing magic is always helpful, but I was also thinking of other ways to make the group more versitile. Our group is very quick and a cats grace wand could go along way to help our strenght even more. What do you think."

Lang (still played by Jim) 
Saturday May 20th, 2006 11:54:04 AM

Lang happily guides the cart back to Plateau City and only adds a small tidbit tot he discussion on the magic. "I see nothing that will help me greatly. I will take my cut and find somthing to help me more. I like the idea of putting some money away for group magic, as long as it is not too much."

Xenia (HP 32/42) 
Sunday May 21st, 2006 12:12:13 AM


White teeth flash in a wide grin. Xenia splashes the cold stream water up at Wynn as he takes the slow steady way in. She giggles, waist deep, then links arms with the bard.

"This isn't such a bad place," she says. Green eyes survey the grassy bank with the manor house in the distance. "They got stables for riding. You know, with a little fixing up this could be kind of a get away place for folks from Plateau City. You know, like, sorta rich people who want to get out of the city."

She turns into him, and her arms lock around the back of his neck as she falls away pulling him into deeper water.

"Whacha think, huh?"

Then she draws in close, pressing her body tight against his. "Water's cold," she breathes the words close against his lips. "Hold me."

Wynn Brightsong 
Sunday May 21st, 2006 7:42:23 PM

The bard follows Xenia into the deeper water until she is standing on her tip-toes.

Silently he slips beneath the surface and takes his first breath of water since being transformed by the 'Knot of Druiss'. The cool water running across the delicate folded membranes of his gills enriches his blood with life-giving oxygen as he sinks to the bottom of the pool. The half-elf remains on the bottom for a moment, experiencing the new sensation.

Looking up, he admires the lithe form of the rogue before rising behind her. He holds her close and kisses the back of her neck. "I'm still indepted to the Clan Corregan, and must finish Bralin's quest. If we can get the orphans settled here in Plateau City I would seek guidance on how to best fullfill that life quest. I hoped we might see it through together."

Xenia (HP 32/42) 
Sunday May 21st, 2006 8:29:01 PM

"Hey! Hey, where'd you go?"

"Oh! ... Oh ... " Xenia closes her eyes and her head lolls to one side as Wynn's lips explore the skin of her neck and shoulders. "I'll follow wherever you go, Wynn. You know that."

"I love you," she whispers.

Later, cleaner, cooler and muchly refreshed, Xenia contemplates her towel after having dried off. Tionel's towel, actually. He had lent it to her long ago on the beach of the Crying Woods. It was after that first Turtle ride. He lent her the towel, and she had just kept it. Weird little guy, Tionel. Nice enough. But kinda all over the place. Fastening the last of the leather buckles on her Mithril shirt, the rogue snatches the towel up off the ground. She frowns at it, then shrugs. Might as well keep it for now. If she ever sees him again, she can return it at that time.

"Whew! That feels much better." Xenia vaults onto the cart and picks her way through the bones and stuff. "When we get back, I'll take the stuff into the Catacombs and get it priced. Look it over on the way back, 'kay? See what things you want. Once I get a price, we can see where we go from there."

Monday May 22nd, 2006 8:56:49 AM

Angus puts on his big floppy leather hat and mostly naps during the trip back to Plateau City.

To Lang he comments "Remember we have to return the horse and cart and get our deposit back."

When Xenia says she is going to the catacombs Angus adds "I want to go to the magical library as I have a bit a research to do. I will try to met you at the Catacombs. We also need to see Kay and the kids and organize them to visit the plantation."

Monday May 22nd, 2006 10:26:30 AM

The bard hops back aboard the wagon after his refreshing swim. Once they are on the main track back to Plateau City he finds his journal and begins recording the events of the last several days. Periodically he looks up at one or another of the 'Shields' as if recalling their actions and then once again puts pen to paper.

Monday May 22nd, 2006 7:11:53 PM

Famina enjoys watching the others at play, and slips out of her armor and into the water at the edge. She spends a bit of time un-braiding and untangling her hair, but most of her time washing out her hair, then picking out a little bag to apply certain seeds to produce a lather. At last, she emerges again, brushing her hair. It assumes its usual magnificence; golden curls that at first damply glitter, then spread out across her back.
She takes much pride in her hair, which when pulled out of the various braids and ties, reaches down to her knees. She quickly does it up again, and soon it's but a single shoulder-length mass teeming down her back. She seems more concerned with her hair than with her armor or weapons, even.
When Wynn pulls out the book and starts writing in it, she can't help but wander over and peer over his journal curiously. But, she's unable to make any sense out of his writing, a skill she never bothered to pick up.
Then she's up and heading along...She stops off at the Catacombs to make a quick purcahse, and soon is lugging along different gear...

Monday May 22nd, 2006 10:00:23 PM

Looking at his companions, the halfling cleric gingerly pats the sack containing the evil book recovered from the vampire's lair.

"I'm off to the Cathedral of Light so that they can destroy this thing. Frankly, I'd prefer that someone accompany me considering the evil that this thing represents. Who wants to come with me?"

Lang & Sunshine 
Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:47:55 PM

Lang drops off the rent a cart and collects the 100 gp deposit for the Shields. Upon hearing Belkior's request Lang large ears perk up. "I am interest in seeing how the evil is destroyed. I will come with you."

Lang whistles for Sunshine. "Ready for a walk boy. Lets follow Belkior."

Monday May 22nd, 2006 11:54:34 PM

Raising his hand, the elf strolls over to Belkior's side, "I'm not doing anything, mind if I join ya? I may stop by the Catacombs sometime later when we figure out what the shares are. Besides, I could use the exercise."

As they walk, "So, whatcha think? Plants or the not quite so dead? Personally, I prefer the last group. Those plants just never seemed to stop, the vampires at least knew when to run... Of course, they should have run a bit further." The elf continues to ramble, obviously relieved that the entire situation was resolved.

Angus  d20+9=16 d20+15=30
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 12:36:42 PM

Angus waves to the Shields "I off to the lobrary to do some magical study. I will meet up with everyone at the Catacombs. Tomorrow or the next day we have to take the kids out to the farm." Angus walks away and goes and talks to some of the locals about where the library is (gather info 16).

spellcraft for polymorph 30

Xenia (HP 32/42) 
Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 8:48:34 PM

The dark rogue clambers into the driver's seat and urges the horse through the streets to the front door of the Catacombs. Leaving the rig outside, she bops in.

"BRALIN!" Her cry of excitement drifts out the door.

Not a few moments later, she pops back out the door, and armload by armload, Xenia drags the contents of the cart into the store.

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 10:15:31 PM

The halfling cleric looks up at both Lang and Syr as they accompany him. The evil thing that he is carrying is worth a lot of money to the wrong people so it's best to be careful.

"Ahhh, I think we need to go this way. Whatever happens, once we get to the river we can take a water-taxi down to the Cathedral of Light."

Belkior leads the trio through the streets of Plateau City. It soon becomes evident that he doesn't really know where he's going.

"Umm, this seems to have changed since I was attending seminary. But we can surely find the river."

After a bit more wandering, Belkior leads the trio to the embankment of the river.

"Now we just have to get the attention of a water-taxi."

Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:17:19 PM

By the time they reach Plateau City, the bard has finished recording his recollection of events and he stores his journal and writing implements safely in his pack.

Wynn helps Xenia as she unloads the cargo and carries it into the Catacombs.

"What do you think you will buy with your share?" he asks her.

Xenia (HP 32/42) 
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:10:00 AM

Shopping's hard work. Sure it is. Xenia pauses at the tailgate of the wagon for a chat with her Hon.

"They got this Circlet, Wynn. It can help you talk better and stuff. It'll also help me do some magic too. I wanna try using some magic."

[ OoC: Catacombs Staffer has said that she won't be able to get to Xenia's order till tomorrow. That means all purchases are held pending a solid monetary figure from the trade for the loot. ]

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:34:36 PM

Angus comes back from the library and finds Xenia and Wynn, "Hi you two." Angus gets the low down on the money and decides to wait with his Shield Mates.

Angus adds excitedly "Look what I learned." Angus promptly turns himself into a crow and fly about. After a bit the crow lands and becomes Angus once more. "Want to try?" Angus asks expectantly.

Xenia (HP 32/42)
Wednesday May 24th, 2006 4:20:09 PM

"That's pretty neat, Angus. Hey! Can you turn me into, like, a Griffon?" Xenia hooks her fingers into claws and makes as though to rear up and paw the air.

"Then I could fly. And, and then hey, Wynn, you could get up top and ... " The sentence drops away, incomplete as a hot blush flood's the rogue's dark skin. "Um, well, yeah ... " is all she says.

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 7:46:17 PM

Angus concentrates real hard and furrows his brow and poof, Xenia is a beautiful Griffon with red fur with black highlights. Angus steps back and says "Have fun, but be back on the ground in eight minutes or you will be sorry."

OOC: Xenia will gain 8 HP when the spell ends.

Once Xenia attempts flight, Angus will turn to Wynn "What do you want to try, an Ogre, a troll, you name it." In lower tones Angus adds "I can remove your curse for at least a little time, unfortunately I can do nothing for my own."

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 7:47:37 PM

Lang looks down at his small seemingly lost friend "Do you want me to pick you up so you have a better view to get your bearings?" Lang finishes with a toothy grin.

Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:08:21 PM

"No...no thank you Angus" the bard replies solemnly. "I'll stay as I am." Wynn has had enough of transformations for the present.

Xenia (HP 40/42) 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 9:39:50 AM

Xenia the Griffon extends the broad expanse of her crimson tinted wings. (Pretty much clearing the street.)

"EEeeee!" she shrieks.

She springs from the street to the roof of a low building, then from there to a building higher still. With keen eagle eyes, she looks out over Plateau City. The sky is so high, and not, to her eye, enclosed like the Level ceilings in Floating City. Xenia spreads her wings again, and leaps into the air. With but a few strokes she catches the wind and soars into a banking turn. Flying. This is even better than the Turtle Ride.

Not too far away is this really beautiful temple with delicate crystal spires. In the air, it takes but a moment to draw closer for a look. Down below, she spots three figures making their way toward the building. Belkie! And Lang and Syr!

"EEeeee!" Xenia dives down toward them, swooping and pulling up at the last second. "EEeeee!" She screams in triumphant laughter. Then she heads back to the shop.

The Red Griffon spends a few minutes preening in the street before reverting back to a half-drow girl.

"Hehe. That was fun. Hey! I like flying." She grabs hold of Wynn's arm in her excitement. "You should try it sometime." *sigh* "Well, back to more shopping." The dark rogue grins and bops back into the Catacombs.

Xenia comes out a bit later with a piece of paper and her Figuring-The-Numbers face on.

"Alright, here's the list of magic items they identified. With the Necklaces, the diamonds, the skeletons and all the other stuff, I figure it all comes out to about 50,618 after the Identification costs. If we cash everything in, that is. That's ... 7,231.14 gp for each of us."

"Those are the prelim figures. I'm waiting on a final confirmation of the number from the guy in the Catacombs."

"Afore I go and sell all this stuff, is there anything in the pile that anyone wants? Aside from the Rod, there shouldn't be anything that wouldn't be covered in your cut."

Rod of Extend, levels 1-6...value 11,000 gp
Wand of Inflict Moderate Wounds (40% charges remaining)...value 1,850 gp
+1 Amulet of the Mighty Fist...value 6,000 gp
+1 Studded Leather (large) ...value 1,350 gp
+1 Great Club (large) ...value 2,605 gp
+1 Studded Leather (large) ...value 1,350 gp

[ OoC: Syr, you want that Amulet of Mighty Fist? ]

Thursday May 25th, 2006 11:40:37 AM

The halfling cleric ducks and covers when the large predator swoops down at him. Belkior then throws himself to the ground and rolls towards the gutter where he can shelter from the griffon and fight for his life.

When he looks upwards and seeing that the griffon is flying away, Belkior looks a little ashamed. After rising to his feet, the Healer dusts himself off. Then he grins sheepishly at Lang and Syr.

"Ahhh, sorry. Instinctive reaction, I guess. When I was young, in the Scablands near here, we always had to watch out for eagles and other predators."

Once he has regained his composure, Belkior steps to the edge of the embankment and waves at a passing water-taxi. Despite himself, he can't help but glance skywards every so often.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:22:37 PM

(I'm in Canada, and finding it hard to post...so I'll post here a longer post when I get the chance)

Xenia - OoC 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 2:15:03 PM

50,618 is confirmed. Syr, do you want that Amulet? I need to know that before going ahead with the sale.

Thursday May 25th, 2006 2:28:38 PM

Greetings Shields!

Your new DM will be Adam Schilling!

The next module is already approved and ready to go.

Adam will be reading it tomorrow and we'll have him in the saddle ASAP.

You can email him and let him know how much you appreciate him being willing to DM this great game and start some character conversations with him so he knows what you like in a game, etc.

Good luck and may your characters live well!!!

Thursday May 25th, 2006 2:29:32 PM

Flinching slightly but remaining calm, "Why the heck is that creature following us? Is not that Fey King again is it?"

Before Xenia can take off, he stops her, "Woah there! If I may take this off your hands then you can sell the rest. That vamp woman was one of the tougher foes we faced because of this." Taking the amulet from the rogue's pile, he places it on his neck and admires it in the sun.

OOC: DM Adam 
Thursday May 25th, 2006 9:25:15 PM

I'm looking forward to getting things underway. At this stage I'm aiming for Monday (this gives me the weekend to read through the archives and get a feel for your characters, and your preferred style of play). However, in the meantime, I'd love to hear about your character's plans for the future (or anything else you wish to share):

adam {at} designstorm.com.au

Thursday May 25th, 2006 10:28:07 PM

Wynn smiles to himself when he hears of Xenia's final calculations. "Thats quite a bit of money" he says to no one in particular, "quiet a bit of money."

"I think I'll go inside and have a look around, care to join me?" he asks the lithesome rogue.

Friday May 26th, 2006 8:50:34 AM

Famina is still busy in the catacombs, at the moment. (While Mikey is on vacation till Sunday)

Xenia (HP 40/42) 
Friday May 26th, 2006 10:38:45 AM

"Why thank you, Handsome Mister Brightsong." Xenia smiles wide and takes Wynn's arm. "I'd be glad to be spending some money with you." hehe

Women and shopping.

"Hey, you know, they got cherry pie in there at the snack bar," Xenia says as they walk in through the door. "With ice cream."

Friday May 26th, 2006 1:31:46 PM

The halfling cleric succeeds in attracting the attention of a water-taxi. As it pulls alongside the embankment, Belkior gets the attention of his companions and motions towards the narrow craft. Before he enters the boat, Belkior will look at the boatman. He's heard tales about some of the younger ones. About how they'll intentionally steer their boat over the Falls to scare their passengers and make a quick trip to the north part of the city.

Belkior is satisfied that this boatman looks like a staid, boring family man. He will step into the boat and squeeze to the front in order to be out of the way of Lang and Syr. Once his companions are seated, Belkior calls back to the boatman.

"The Cathedral of Light, if you please. Slow and steady, too."

The boatman pushes off into the current and starts sculling downstream. Maybe Belkior wasn't too far off the mark when he was leading his companions.

Lang & Sunshine 
Sunday May 28th, 2006 9:16:54 AM

Lang makes sure no one give his dog a problem when then all pile into the water taxi. Lang does not say much on the ride over, wondering how well is new form will allow him to swim.

One off the taxi Lang says to the halfling healer. "Lets see if we can get that balck book destroyed, and maybe they will thank us for our troubles."

Sunday May 28th, 2006 9:18:42 AM

Angus is pleased with the deal Xenia got for the group at the Catacombs. "Now we just need Lang, Syr and Belkior to meet us here and we can all go shopping." Angus says with a big grin, knowing that this is the most money the group has ever seen. It will be fun to see what everyone buys.

Monday May 29th, 2006 10:08:00 PM

The halfling cleric gingerly steps from the water taxi, then turns and tosses the coin to the boatman. After waiting for his companions, Belkior leads the way into the Cathedral of Light.

He looks upwards at the tall towers and around at the gardens that surround the Cathedral. If he went around to the north side, he could go back into the seminary. Back to his old classroom. A smile comes to his face ... it might be nice to visit with some of the new acolytes and amuse them with tales of what being a wandering Healer is really like.

But there's a job to be done so Belkior heads into the main part of the prime temple to Alemi. Once inside, he nods to the gatekeepers and pauses. He never went much to the parts of the library devoted to subjects other than healing. And especially not to the parts devoted to books like this.

He approaches the doorkeeper and asks where he can find the head librarian. The doorkeeper motions to a hallway to the south. After walking through the hallway and avoiding some groups of scholars conversing in the hallway, Belkior enters the library.

Cautiously, Belkior waits for the librarian to look up. When the elderly human does, Belkior walks up the imposing desk. Something about this is making him think of his seminary days.

"Excuse me. My companions and I recently defeated a foul undead that was in possession of an evil book. A foul thing, describing how to strengthen and enhance undead. This sort of thing should be kept under lock and key, or else destroyed? Have I brought it to the correct place?"

The Librarian (Al-Just Playing) 
Monday May 29th, 2006 10:49:10 PM

"What? What, what?" The aged Librarian looks up from his tome. "Foul undead? Evil book ... " The old man stops the fingers of one hand pinched at the corner of one leg of his spectacles.

" ... a ... a bugbear ... "

There is a moment within which both parties in this casual everyday exchange eye the peculiarities possessed by the other side. But, at last, the Librarian speaks again.

"Well ... You don't appear immediately threatening. One might well assume that you may not be. Er ... what was that you said again? A book? An Evil Book? Oh. No ... " The Librarian's gaze drifts downward. "It was you, was it not? Say? Don't I know you from somewhere? No. No, I think I'd remember the cat feet. Used to know a lad ... But no." He shakes his head.

"We have facilities for the assessment and disposal of such tomes." The Librarian strides to a drawer set into the far wall. He strides quite firmly for someone of his apparent age. When he returns, he bears a red velvet cloth with gold fringe and a box made of a material so white that it appears to glow with a divine essence.

"We'll place it in here for now." With care, he takes the book within the red velvet cloth. Wrapping it up in the four corners, he places the lot into the bright white box and slides a lid closed with a satisfying snap. "Safe keeping, you understand. Until it can be transported to our lab."

"Thank you. You've done the Wold a great service. Though you'd be surprised at how many of these things pop up for each one we destroy."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." He turns to go.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Almost forgot. There's something of a reward for the capture of one of these things." Sweeping a piece of parchment from his desk, he commences to write with dark ink and quill pen. "Alright, please sign your names at the top."

The Librarian pushes across parchment and pen. On the parchment is written ... "To the bearer present 7000 gold pieces." And below is signed a scrawl which you assume is the Librarian's name. Atop is space for three names.

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 8:30:40 AM

The halfling cleric bows towards the librarian.

"Thank you, sir. Both for dealing with this foul thing and for the reward. My companions and I will appreciate this and use it wisely. At least I will use it wisely."

Realizing that he is beginning to run on at the mouth, Belkior stops speaking and bows once more to the librarian. He turns and exits the library through it's wide door. Once he is back in the corridor, Belkior will turn to his companions and hold up the parchment.

"We need to take this to the provost's office. Lang, can you come with to carry the money? If it comes in gold coins it will be too much to carry."

Belkior leads his companions down the corridor, across the apse leading into the main sanctuary and then down a sereis of stairs. Despite being in the lower floors of the Cathedral the air is still fresh and light. Finally, Belkior leads them into a room where several other people are waiting in front of a window. As they join the queue, Belkior and his companions see that everyone else is either giving or receiving coin and valuables. FInally, when his turn comes, Belkior walks to the head of the line and reaches up to place the parchment into the window. Then he pulls over the stool placed in the room for this purpose and climbs up so that he can look at the provost's assistant.

"Would it be possible to get this in something other than gold? Platinum or gems, possibly?"

The tall elf on the other side of the window nods and goes away for a little while. He returns and places seven small sacks on the counter. Each is marked "100 platinum pieces" and is made from tightly woven silk.

"Thank you so much. Bless you."

Belkior then hops down and motions to his companions.

OOC: DM Adam 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 8:49:39 AM

{ OOC: You guys are fantastic! ;-) Here's my update: I moved this weekend - and it's a mad-house here. I still have some great e-mails to read from Bob, John and Michael (thaks!). I should be back on track in next day, or two. Sorry for the delay. }

Lang & Sunshine 
Tuesday May 30th, 2006 8:59:16 AM

Lang smiles at the librarian, showing his many pointy teeth, but is not threatening in any way.

Tuesday May 30th, 2006 8:28:37 PM

Angus follows his fellow shield memebers into the Catacombs for a bit of window shopping. "I am sure the other will be soon for a bit of shopping of the own." Angus ponders the possiblities as he sees all four types of rings of wizardry. "Some day." The sorcerer mutters to himself.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 9:58:32 AM

The halfling cleric walks briskly out of the provost's office, trying not to constantly check that the sacks of coin are still in place. After ensuring that Lang and Syr are still with him, Belkior leads the way out of the Cathedral of Light.

"Let's get going and distribute this to the others. Somehow I expect that we'll find them in the Catacombs right now. If I remember correctly, if we take that bridge there we will find an outlet not too far from the other side."

Belkior walks towards one of the bridges spanning the eastern section of the river, heading towards Merchant Quarter on the other side. As the trio reach the peak of the bridge, they do see the flashing magical sign that indicates a Plateau City outlet of the Wold-famous Catacombs.

"Don't ask me how, but if we go in here we can find out companions quiet easily. Even if they went into a different outlet."

Belkior strides purposefully down the street, ducking under and around the throngs of people in the streets. When he reaches the Catacombs outlet, he enters and looks around for his companions.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:05:52 AM

Since all of his companions are assembled here in the Catacombs, the halfling cleric thinks that this is a good time to broach a possibly difficult topic.

"Hmm, ahhh. What are we doing about healing magics? Should I buy what I expect to use?"

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:01:15 PM

"Hi, Belkie!" Xenia waves. "Didja see me? When I was diving on you? The Griffon. That was me. Angus has got these spells that can turn you into stuff. Hehe That was fun."

Then the halfling cleric brings up a serious topic.

"Well, you know, Belkie, I been thinking about that and I think you should buy just whatever you want to with your cut. I mean, you got powers, right? And if you use them, that's great. But you shouldn't oughta have to be healing everyone up all the time. Sometimes you gotta learn not to be hit. And, well, to be prepared and bring your own stuff."

"'Sides, everyone needs to buy their own stuff that's, you know, gonna be used up. I'm buying a bunch of that now. I mean, Fammie still owes me an Oil of Magic Weapon. You think I'm gonna get that back? Try, 'No'."

"So I think you should buy stuff that you want. Stuff for yourself, you know? I think you should."

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:36:27 PM

Famina, too, is in the catacombs... and she HAS indeed, forgotten about the magic weapon oil. Unless Xenia brings it up, that is.

Right now she's testing around with a huuuuuge great handed sword, taking imaginary chops at enemies. This is only a little dangerous to those nearby.

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 3:52:46 PM

Angus is happy to see that everyone has arrived at the Catacombs. "If anyone wants to purchase scrolls that they want cast on them, be my guest. I would suggest Enlarge, Bulls strenght, Cats grace, Mirror Image and the like. I can cast them on you when you request."

Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:20:51 PM

Syr heads into the catacombs for the first time and seems deflated upon seeing the place. To Belkior he mentions, "I know Xenia has been in here alot and really seems to look forward to visiting but I can't really see why... It's a shop with a counter ... Although some of the staff seems a bit wierd."

He nods at Angus' suggestion, "Anyway, I hear what you are saying Angus but I got this item that I heard about. (OOC: I'm still awaiting approval of the Tears from the BGC). I really want to wait just a bit longer before making my first purchase. Also, I was leaning toward's getting a tattoo depending upon my finances after this big purchase."

At Famina's mention of the oil, he frowns slightly, "One should always pay one's debts especially a debt to a teammate. It can cause trouble later." He admonishes her gently.

Leaning against the wall, he watches as the other's shop.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 12:05:18 PM

"That's 'acause you don't understand girls at all, Syrdeth Redfern," Xenia says, kinda sorta butting in on the conversation. "Girls like nice stuff. Part of that's just, like, being pampered, you know. But part of it's 'cause good stuff can make your life better. And 'cause it makes your life better, it can, like, make lives better for everyone around you, you know?"

"That's the way it is," the dark rogue says emphatically. "Girls got sense that way."

"But ... " Xenia drops her voice to a whisper. " ... I know what you mean by the folks who work here being sort of ... weird."

There is a very studied and deliberate non-mention of anything regarding Famina. Not a word. Not a look. Despite Syr's admonition to the barbarian, Xenia remains completely silent on the matter. Nothing is said now. But, payback can be hell. And, as the girl rogue has proven in the past, she has a very long memory.

Let's Go Shopping! -- DM Adam 
Thursday June 1st, 2006 12:10:33 PM

Waiting by the counter, Angus notes a dwarven woman peering into the Catacombs from the entrance. Her face is mostly concealed by a dark-grey hooded robe. When she realises she has the sorcerer's attention she first glances in the direction of the clerks behind the counter before gesturing he should follow her. She then withdraws from view.

Leaning against the wall, Syr watches the curious dwarf and Angus with interest.

Famina swings the great sword around in a wide arc and decapitates an imaginary vampire. She only narrowly misses the counter. Turning, Vladimere the vampiric clerk frowns in her direction.

The rest of the group finalises their transactions.

{ OOC: Let's finish up and head out. Now would be a good time for your characters to verbalise any loose-ends they may wish to attend to. }

Thursday June 1st, 2006 1:07:06 PM

Angus is happy to see that things are moving along. "Here is my list. Please check to make sure you have all the items. I ned to part with some gold. The stuff is just much too heavy" Angus hands over his list.

Rod of Extend lessor
Ring of resistance +2
Scroll Ray of enfeeblement
Scroll Reduce
Scroll Mirror Image
Scroll See Invisibility x2
Scroll Resist Energy
Potion of healing x2

Angus calls over Lang, Wynn, Famina, and Syr. "If any of you purchase scroll I can cast. I will hold them and cast them on you in preparation of battle. Some good ones are bulls strenght, cats grace, bears endurance, mirror image, enlarge. We may even want to purchase a haste scroll for the group to use?" Angus looks at each Shield memeber and waits for an answer.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 3:09:26 PM

The halfling cleric is getting impatient. What, exactly, does a halfling have to do to get service here?, Belkior wonders.

Fortunately, he's nice and close to the counter that is taller than he is. That at least provides some protection from Famina's sword work.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:40:24 PM

The girl rogue folds her skinny arms across her chest and stares at the vampire clerk. Her foot begins to tap against the floor.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:01:36 PM

Lang heads off to the catacombs to make some purchases. Once in the catacombs he is amazed at how many of his friends are in there. He greets them all and takes a ticket.

OOC - Adam thanks for taking over as DM for me during this time when I need to take a break. I will update my character by Sunday night.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:20:25 PM

The bard gives Xenia a gentle slap on the backside as he readies to leave. "I'm all finished, you coming?" he asks. He begins humming an elven folk tune as he walks towards the door.

Thursday June 1st, 2006 11:32:45 PM

"Hey! You!" Xenia takes a playful swipe at Wynn as he walks away.

"Wait up! This vampire is, like, broken or sumpin." The red-headed rogue waves a hand in front of the vampie's glassy eyes. "I'm gonna try and get someone else to help me."

OOC -- DM Adam 
Saturday June 3rd, 2006 2:55:04 AM

{ OOC: I'll assume the group completed any Catacombs purchases - even if they are technically still underway. }

Post in progress ...

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 5:50:10 AM

[To clarify, Famina didn't remember In Character that she owed Xenia a potion. A gal with an intelligence of 9 isn't exactly too great on memory stuff. So, someone else apparently read my post and assumed that I was saying she was ignoring that she owed it, and taking advantage of Xenia, and then Xenia did the same thing, so now Famina is a creep for stealing money from her. Here is the sequence of events as I saw them:

Xenia talks to Syr, while Famina is swinging her great sword about with great delight. The barbarian obviously does NOT overhear a comment about her.

Syr turns to Famina and comments in a scathing voice, "One should always pay one's debts especially a debt to a teammate. It can cause trouble later."

[I'm confused at the interpretive RP, so I'll just go on pretending that people do not hear my character's thoughts and are just randomly speaking to my character reprimandingly. Famina STILL has no clue why others are mad at her. She's plum forgot that she owes Xenia anything, and till she either realizes it on her own (I decide that ooc wise) or someone actually tells her directly and causes the realization, it will simply not occur.]

Famina opens her mouth to respond "I always do repay my friends." She looks at him confusedly, then shrugs and goes over to the bar. She obviously still has not remembered the potion.

She continues to ignore the others scathing remarks at her, choosing instead to happily practice and play with her new toys! What a magnificent sword this is, she thinks to herself, admiring the magical steel. And how she could have used the javelin against those vampires! She definitely also needs all those little pieces too. She casually stands next to Xenia, waiting her turn in line, ignoring any glare from the half-elf's direciton. Actually, if anything, Famina has come to expect this sort of behavior to be the standard for Crimson Shields newcomers; scathing remarks for any mistakes she makes, a dismissive glance or glare whenever she chooses to give her own opinion, and yet a lighthearted laughter and love with each other. Maybe she will never be a member of the true inner circle, she realizes...but just as suddenly realizes she doesn't care how they treat her. She's having a great time anyways.

Saturday June 3rd, 2006 8:58:50 AM

The dark girl's copper brows come together in a small frown of annoyance. She scans the air around her head as though in search of a nearby flying insect, the source of an annoying buzz.

"Hey ... You hear something, Fammie? Like a voice. Some guy talking up high like he's a girl." Xenia shakes it off. And her attention is drawn to the new barbarian girl. Off in her own Wold, chopping at invisible monsters. The girl rogue rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"Weirdo," she mutters under her breath.

Monday June 5th, 2006 5:44:11 PM

"Leave her be Alexandria" Wynn scolds Xenia gently. "Besides, this is far more important!" He allows Xenia a quick peek at the brown wrapped package in his sack. "A little surprise for you...if you behave that is!"

Monday June 5th, 2006 9:31:07 PM

"Well she is, Wynn." Then Xenia's all eyes for the mysterious brown wrapped package that Wynn is holding in secret. A wicked eager grin spreads across her dark face.

"For me? You bought sum'pin for me?" hehehe "I'm wondering what you coulda bought me, Mister Sneaky Wynn Brightsong." She takes his arm and lifts up on her toes to nibble the lobe of his ear with her full dark lips.

"Good, huh? How good you *want* me? she whispers into the handsome bard's ear.

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 7:36:54 AM

The little halfling cleric looks up at his companions.

"Well? What are we going to do while we're still here in Plateau City? Should we go back and visit the merchant who suggested that undead-filled mansion to us? Do you think that he might have known something about it?"

"What about visiting Florin and the kids? They might like to see us and it would be good to see some familiar faces, too."

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 8:53:28 AM

Angus looks to Belkior "I agree. Lets report our results to the merchant and get the deed to the plantation for the kids. We then have to move the kids to the plantation. We should see if we can find Florin and check on his and Jella's condition. Maybe the two of them want to move to the plantation also?"

Angus looks to the group. "I just need a few minutes to finish up my purchases at the Catacombs. Where can I meet everyone for dinner? We can discuss the order of our future plans for Plateau City and when we want to return and Check up on the Floating City."

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:23:08 PM

"Mmmmm." Xenia gives Wynn's ear a last little nibble.

"Maybe we could meet you at that inn where we had breakfast with the Ashbeard guy. Wazzat? The Broken Wagon."

"And what you guys think about trying to talk Kay and maybe that Ensign Buckle guy into maybe going out there to help run things, huh? I mean, I trust Kay. And the kids know her. Whaja think, huh?"

Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:45:20 PM

Purposefully ignoring the foreplay of his two teammates the elf focuses in on Angus. "I'm ready to see the orphans bedded down. The poor kids have experienced alot of upheaval. Hopefully, we have ended the threat there and their life can move on."

Moving next to Lang on the way out he mentions, "Whatcha thinking big guy, any urges to return to the 'Big Float'? I kinda wish I was back there to help with the rebuilding process... I mean, we did alot for that place and it really seems we are just abandoning it now. Don't get me wrong, the kids are the priority but do you wonder what we are missing?" He lapses into silence as he contemplates the effort required to rebuild the city.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 8:02:19 AM

"It all sounds good to me Xenia" the bard replies. "I think those two might be sweet on each other and they both seem to like kids."

When Syr speaks of the 'Big Float' Wynn can't help but reflect on his 'life quest' inherited from the dwarf, Bralin. "You are right Syr, there is alot to do in Floating City, we should wrap up business here and get back. I'd like to see if Prionel of the elves of the Crying Woods has found his way home. I can only imagine what that idiot Lord Perimon has started in our absence."

He gives Xenia's hand a squeeze, "but first a nice relaxing night at the inn" he whispers with a conspiritorial grin.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:17:47 AM

"Yump." hehe Xenia wraps her arms around Wynn and gives him an excited squeeze. She whirls away, stalking around in a circle while she takes in the buildings of Plateau City.

"And I bet Happy needs our help fixing his place up. What a mess. Hey, didn't Happy say those Chaos guys broke Prionel free or something?"

The rogue paces to a stop.

"I got friends back there," she says, her mood turned pensive. "Don't even know if they made it out alive."

"Why don't we head down to that Ashbeard guy's office? What is it, um ... " Her finger leads the way as the rogue orients herself on the Plateau City grid. " ... this way?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 3:46:03 PM

Angus looks at Syr and answers the elven monk. "Hey, Why don't you and I go check on the kids and see if we can get them and Kay organized to move to the plantation." Angus looks up at Lang "We should bring the teddy bear, as the kids like to play with him." Angus finishes with a smile.

Angus looks around at the others still in attendance. "Anyone else want to come along?"

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 9:05:44 PM

Lang listens to Syr and ponders where the group may go next.

"Yea Syr, I wouldn't mind going back and seeing how Happy is doing. Plus we need to see if Prionel ever made it back to his forest. And the Anvil Hearts need checking on also."

"But I think we have some more work to do here before we can entertain thoughts of going back to the Floating City."

Lang follows Angus out the door.

Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:50:26 PM

The halfling cleric looks up when people mention various plans.

"Before we leave Plateau City, we really need to speak to Ashbeard about the estate. Maybe he knows more about it, maybe not. Then we need to settle the children out there."

After Xenia mentions Kay and Buckle, Belkior nods in agreement.

"Certainly, we should see if they're willing to take on that responsibility. Then run everyone out to the mansion and determine what they need to get the place up and running."

Belkior has a bemused look on his face for a moment.

"Besides, as long as the teleportal is working, it's only a short trip back and forth between the Float and here."

Stumbling through the Streets (DM JohnP) 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:10:55 PM

Since everyone seems to agree about going to check on the kids, the Shields head out in the direction indicated by Xenia. Syr turns from his patient wait at the counter within the Catacombs outlet, shrugging and agreeing to go. Seems to be some sort of holdup in the back room with his order.

Belkior moves to take the lead but the Healer's sense of direction is less than perfect. In a short while, the halfling can be heard mumbling, "It's that river, twisting and looping about like that. I was sure we could cross over in that direction."

Eventually, after asking directions several times, the party is able to find their way to the part of Plateau City where the merchant concern had their offices. Things are looking familiar now and it's not long before they're standing in front of the door.

Someone takes the initiative of knocking and the door is opened by a large minotaur.

"What you want?"

Belkior speaks up, "We're here to speak to Ashbeard. We were here just a little while ago, about the orphans that the Van Ottens have been sheltering."

The minotaur shuffles aside and holds the door for the Shields to enter. The same attractive female dwarf is behind the desk and she looks up as they enter. The minotaur mumbles, "They want to see Ashbeard." Then he exits through a door into a rear part of the building.

The female dwarf slides down from her stool and moves to stand beside her desk. She tugs at the hem of her blouse, then looks across at Belkior.

"Ashbeard is .... ahh ... very busy this morning. Something happened to one of his family yesterday, he says. But he did want to hear from you when you got back. I'll see how soon he can speak to you."

She opens a door beside her desk and enters Ashbeard's office. Everyone looks around at the benches against the walls, trying to identify the most comfortable. They don't have to wait long, though, because the dwarf returns and motions the Shields forward.

Everyone but Belkior feels a little cramped in Ashbeard's office. While the room was originally built on human scale, it has subsequently been modified for it's dwarven owner. The desk and most of the furniture is short, but there are three chairs suitable for small humans. The walls are lined with books, scrolls and what look like bound ledgers. A raised platform has been built so that Ashbeard doesn't need to use a ladder to reach the highest shelves. Lang, certainly, has to duck carefully to avoid hitting his head. And none of the furniture would hold his new bugbear body.

Ashbeard is sitting behind the desk, moving a stack of papers and ledgers to one side. After carefully marking his place with a golden ruler, he closes the topmost ledger.

"Sorry, sorry. A lot of things have happened in the last several days while you've been out of the City. How did things go at the plantation?"

DM JohnP - Intermission 
Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:14:02 PM

In Adam's absence, I've volunteered to help tie up some loose ends and lead into the next module. The next module happens to be a crossover with Plateau City, so Adam and I will be running it together.

Could everyone send character sheets to me at - petherick AT personainternet DOT com

If you want to wait until Catacombs purchases are completed, feel free.

Angus  d20+2=14 d20+8=26
Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:02:13 AM

Angus will squeeze his thin frame into the room and take one of the chairs.

Angus takes a careful look at Ashbeard (sense motive 14). "We walked into a real tough spot. I really wish we had had more information before going. We ran into a mess of vampires and ghouls. It was a nasty scene and be barely escaped with our lives. In fact it was too much for one of our number and he has left our group." Angus take a deep breath before continuing. "We expect to be able to move the orphans to the plantation now, but as we agreed, we will need the deed to the plantation. It will take alot of cleaning up out there. The expense will be tremendous. Any further assisstance you can afford would be appreciated to get the new orphanage started."

Diplomancy 26

Angus waits for Ashbeard to reply and then changes the subject. "Any word on the happenings in the Floating City? Also has that monk assassin been aprehended yet?"

Xenia  d20+7=26
Thursday June 8th, 2006 9:55:51 AM

Xenia strolls into the office wishing they all had time to put themselves together more presentable like. But, at least she had time for a bit of a wash off after the battle.

"I been thinking, Angus," the rogue paces a bit to one side of the small room, "keeping a deed may not be the best thing here. Owning stuff is good. But it means you're all alone with it. I'm thinking what we need here is maybe a Contract."

"I'm guessing that with the last guy out at the plantation, your company was getting something from the proceeds. Am I right Mister Ashbeard? Nothing wrong with that. It's, like, an incentive for your company to protect your interest. Like, giving them out there information on markets. Negotiating tax rates with folks in the city government. And sending folks like us out there when stuff goes wrong."

"That's all stuff a small operation like the orphans can't get at easily. Especially out where they're at. And it'll help the kids get the farm off the ground that much faster, doncha think?"

"I think also part of the contract should be maybe a teacher. Whacha think guys? Someone who could teach the kids both figures and managing stuff, like a farm. That sound reasonable, Mister Ashbeard? You want this thing to give you a return from your investment, right? And so far, you've gotten our work, plus Danger Pay, basically for free."

"One thing that you might not like, but I'm thinking we want, is something in the contract that's giving the Orphans an option to buy the plantation from you. Whatcha think, huh?"

Rolls and Actions
Diplomacy 26

Wynn Brightsong 
Thursday June 8th, 2006 8:44:46 PM

Wynn accompanies Xenia and Angus to Ashbeard's office and listensa as they try to close the deal on the orphanage. He smiles when Xenia proposes her contractual arrangement. "A real head for business" he thinks to himself.

Thursday June 8th, 2006 10:36:08 PM

The halfling cleric perches on the small chair that seems ready-made for someone his size. Belkior nods when Angus tells his story. And looks thoughtful when Xenia is making her pitch.

His companions really seem to be carrying this interview with Ashbeard. But he thinks of something that the dwarf needs to know.

"The vampire was not just undead, but also a pretty powerful cleric of some evil god. We didn't have to the time to learn very much, but the people she had dominated said that she was planning on turning the place into a sanctuary and then raiding Plateau City here. Supposedly acting alone but, of course, who can really trust the words of a vampire."

"Has anything else like that been going on her in Plateau City?"

Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:40:55 PM

Walking into the room he asks Ashbeard, "Everything okay? Your assistant said you had some family troubles?" He peers down at the dwarf with concern from his lofty 4'10" height.

Syr looks on in shock as the dark elf rattles off a sound business arrangement. Nudging Wyunn and whispering, "You better hold on to that one. She's FULL of surprises."

Friday June 9th, 2006 12:40:01 AM

Famina is still excited about her new sword, and along the way she switches it from a scabbard on her back to a belt scabbard, and back and forth, testing it each way. Both ways have such advantages, she tells herself, and one can almost hear the debate. Unfortunately, she's not exactly a great debater, and it consists of long starings, musings, and caresses of the new blade.
In the back of the group, she's listening to the dwarf and pondering his words, when inspiration strikes. Suddenly, she mumbles a name... "Wringer. That's what your name is..." Then she realizes she spoke out loud in the middle of the conversation with the dwarf and looks a bit mortified. She steps back, a little, hoping nobody's glaring at her.
She, too, wants to ask the dwarf what bad condition he's had. As to the money matters, it sounds like another notion that might not work out too well. This poor guy just had some bad luck... Will he be in the mood to negotiate, or get angry? She hopes he will negotiate, and Xenia might be able to wring some money out of him. Merchants, she thinks to herself hopefully. FULL of money to give away to people like us.

Lang & Sunshine 
Friday June 9th, 2006 9:27:01 PM

Lang does not look for a chair that will fit his new size. He stands patiently scratching Sunshine behinds his ears while listening to the conversation.

"Ashbeard would you like to tell us what happened to your family? Perhaps we can help you with what happened. Maybe our services can help you and you in turn can help us with getting the new orphange underway. A mutually beneficial arrangement."

Lang waits to see if Ashbeard will talk about his family and its problem.

Ashbeard's Response (DM JohnP) 
Friday June 9th, 2006 10:25:49 PM

Ashbeard lowers his head into his hands behind the desk, then starts tugging on his beard when Angus relates the tale of what awaited the Shields at the mansion.

"More undead," the dwarf mutters. "Do you have any idea how long this vampire had been lairing in the mansion?"

Belkior replies that it didn't seem to be too long, certainly not more than a couple weeks. "At least long enough for her to enslave some neighbours and force them to help her. We never did find out if she brought the spawn with her, or made them there."

Ashbeard looks back and forth at the Shields. He sighs and then starts shuffling some papers.

"Look. The coming of the Fey-King was bad for everyone here in Plateau City. My business contacts tell me that things in Floating City were as bad, if not worse. Our family business relies mainly on moving goods back and forth between the major cities. You know, buy low, sell high. Find something unique and make a market for it. Mainly high-end things."

As Ashbeard speaks, it becomes evident that he actually is a member of the Von Otten trading family. Obviously, when the party last spoke to him, he simply gave the impression of working for them.

"The Troubles, that's what it's often called here in Plateau City, hit the family pretty hard. We lost some warehouses here and in other cities. Not to mention the family members who ... well ... are missing. And, on top of that, people are either not spending money or spending it on rebuilding."

"Really, what I'd really like is to sell the plantation off. But the family owes you for rescuing my second-cousin Thunir back in Floating City."

"That's on top of what happened here in town. Turns out one of the crazy religious groups that have started up since the Troubles was some kind of death cult. The kind that raises undead. Not only were they based in a mansion close to our family's, but my second-cousin's silly twit of a daughter-in-law was seen going to the cult."

Ashbeard paws through some papers and glances at them.

"And the City's in turmoil because of a bunch of stupid humans stirring up trouble with the elves. They blame them for the Troubles, I understand. To top it off, the high priest of the Temple of Flower was murdered day before yesterday."

"Look. I know that you probably can't pay for the plantation straight out. But I don't want to run the place down. And my family owes you for How about some kind of share arrangement? My family provides the land, maybe some seed money, and you and your orphans provide the labour? My family can sell the crops. Over time, any excess money can go towards paying for the plantation. Really, it's good land and they should have no problem making a go of it with a little work. From what you've said, the neighbours already owe you some favours."

"My legal people can draw up the papers, if you like."

"What do you think?"
Ashbeard directs his question to the group but he is looking at Xenia.

When Angus and the others press him about the assassin, Ashbeard looks exasperated.

""That was family business. The big merchant houses, we're all pretty competitive to stay in business. But it's mainly pretty friendly because you never know when you might need to partner with someone. But the Shigott's ... they're just a bunch of ... I can't say it in your presence, my dear," Ashbeard says looking at Xenia.

"They skirt the edge of the law all the time. And they'd sooner deal you a dirty deal even if it hurts them too. They blamed me for a tip going to the Guards working the teleportal that uncovered some contraband. Like the assassin said, if he hasn't been paid for your death, you're pretty safe."

Saturday June 10th, 2006 8:00:23 AM

Angus considers Ashbeard's words "How ever we set up the plantation orphanage, it must be self sufficent. Kay and Buckle will need farming training. The plantation will need livestock and seed for planting. We will also require the services of a work crew to get the plantation, barn, house in working order."

Angus takes off his leather hat and scratches his head. "After we determine what it costs to run the plantation, that is when we can set a split of the profits. The plantation will most likley run at a lost the first year. Can your family pick up the expenses for the first year?"

Angus then considers Ashbeards talk of family "I am assuming you are talking of family in a general way, because if I am not mistaken the lab we rescued was human."

Angus speaks in dwarfish "I hope your troubleease my friend for you and your family."

Angus continues in common. " I can not speak for all of my fellows, but once the kids are set up, we may be looking for a quick job before heading back to the Floating City. Does your family need as assisstance and how well do you pay?"

Wynn  d20+6=7
Saturday June 10th, 2006 8:31:13 AM

Wynn listens to Ashbeard's explanation of events and the troubles of his family business. While the affairs of the company and the deal he offers for the plantation seem on the up and up to the bard [Sense Motive=7], Wynn is concerned about the racial turmoil being described by the dwarf. "Sounds like Plateau City may need us as much as anywhere" he muses aloud.

Sunday June 11th, 2006 11:12:23 PM

His face takes on a worried look as the dwarf mentions more 'undead'. He muses aloud to Angus, "Vampires and undead just don't seem to agree with the word 'quick'. However, it does seem like help is needed."

Monday June 12th, 2006 2:28:14 PM

"Sounds good," the girl rogue replies. "But, the devilish bit is the details, you know."

Xenia gives the dwarf a wink.

"We'll look the contract over and hash it out with your legal people. I'm sure we can come up with something that will be good for both sides. No point in being in it if it's not good for both sides, right?"

Xenia looks over at Angus. "Right?" she asks.

"Meantime, we got some folks to round up. Tell the kids we got a place for them. Get folks ready to move out and all. We might be around for a while longer getting stuff done."

She pauses and a confident sort of smile spreads across her face. She looks around at her companions as though inviting Ashbeard to look at the same time as she's taking them all in.

"We do that, you know. Get stuff done. We've proved that, by taking out the vampire. You know we can get stuff done. And if need someone to rely on ... " The rogue winks at the dwarf again. "Well, you're taking care of our kids right? Lets just say that it's in our best interest to make sure you and your Family succeed too. No point being in it if it's not good for both sides."

Monday June 12th, 2006 9:24:56 PM

Wynn cocks an eye at Syr when Xenia and Ashbeard conclude their arrangements. "Full of surprises!" he whispers to the monk.

Monday June 12th, 2006 10:04:42 PM

The children are the most important thing Lang thinks to himself. If we need to help Ashbeard out to help the children, then so be it.

Appearances (DM JohnP) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 8:18:39 AM

The dwarf nods in agreement when Angus and Xenia suggest options for the arrangement.

"As I said, my family will pay the expenses for the farm and you will provide the labour. Or, rather, your orphans and their minders will."

"We'll pay for things like seed, equipment and maintenance. And, I suppose, that includes hiring a labour crew to set the place to rights."

"Basically, you'll be running the farm for our family. But instead of paying you wages, we'll work it out that it's a payment towards the farm. If your orphans make a good harvest, the surplus can go towards purchasing the farm. And, I guess, any extra cash you have can also go towards the farm."

Ashbeard then calls out "Drina, can you come in here?"

While he is waiting for the assistant to enter, Ashbeard picks up a pen and scratches some lines on a paper. He looks it over and then hands it to Angus or Xenia, whoever is closest. Glancing at the paper, you see that it reflects what he has just discussed with you. As he does so, the female dwarf enters the room.

"Do you think this looks right?," Ashbeard asks. When people nod, he hands the paper to Drina.

"Drina, can you get a runner to take this to Greenbottle and Blackknee? Make sure that the runner takes it to Ebenezer Greenbottle Senior, not any of his brothers, the children or grandchildren. And definitely not Blackknee."

Ashbeard cocks his head and looks at Angus when the sorcerer mentions that the person the Shields rescued in Floating City was a human.

"You mean Thunir looked like this?," Ashbeard asks. He puts his hands to his face and seems to rub at his eyes. When he takes his hands away, a short bearded human is sitting behind the desk.

"Well, it's good to know that Thunir takes some basic precautions when travelling."

Ashbeard then rubs at his face again and the dwarven face everyone remembers is there. The mystically inclined sense that some sort of illusion magic occurred.

"Surprising really, how easily people overlook you sometimes. My family often takes precautions like this when travelling."

"I'm sure that you want to check in with your charges at the warehouse and make preparations for moving them to the mansion. I expect that it will take a couple days for Greenbottle to draw up the papers. At least he'll probably charge me for a couple days work. But you can go ahead and start moving them out there."

"Steve - you remember Steve, don't you? He can look after arranging a labour crew and anything else you need. If you need a some long-term hired help, talk to Steve and he can help you find someone. There's lots of people who sheltered here in the City during the Troubles who really don't have any place to go back to."

"After you've made a trip back and forth to the plantation, drop by here and I can tell you when the papers will be ready. Then why don't you come by the family townhouse for a banquet? Thunir or his father will foot the bill, I guess."

Character Sheets (DM JohnP) 
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:36:07 AM

Anyone who has attempted to send character sheets to me and had failure notices, please try again. My ISP went on one of its periodic vendettas against Yahoo, Hotmail, and other services but it seems to be corrected now.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:51:34 AM

The girl rogue examines the document when it comes around to her. She reads through it three times, the first time quickly scanning down the page, the second time taking longer, the third time skipping directly to specific sections for a good hard look.

"Looks good to me. What do you think, Angus? Though I think we also need to have, like, a contact in the Family. Someone to go to when there's a problem or maybe when there's something the Family really needs to know. Would that be you, Mister Ashbeard? Or maybe Steve?"

"Oh yeah," Xenia turns after the Thank-you's and the Agreements and such, "the Banquet. What's the dress for that?" She whirls away and takes Wynn's arm with a grin. "I might just have to buy me some new clothes."

Even later still, out on the street, Xenia looks about herself, putting on her Getting-Stuff-Done face. "You know," she says, "we gotta return that horse and cart and get our deposit back." She turns to Angus. "Or, do you think we still need it?"

Angus  d20+15=31
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 2:49:33 PM

Angus smiles as Ashbeard displays his magic. "Very nice trick."

Spellcraft 31 to discern what he can about the magic.

"and and excellent precaution. It is a wonder how your families enemies could ever find you." Angus just ponders the deep pockets of the family as he waits for Xenia to read the document.

Angus takes the document and also reads through it. "It seems reasonable." Angus comments.

To Xenia Angus adds. "Let keep the cart as we may need it to carry supplies and some of the younger kids."

Angus turns back to Ashbeard. "We will see you in at your town house in three days time. That should give us enough time to get things moving at the plantation. Can you give us directions to your home?"

Once outside Angus pulls Lang, Syr and Famina aside. "Anyone want to try out being a troll or ogre for eight minutes? I can be fun." Angus turns himself into a sprite and flies around for a minute to demonstrate.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 3:26:58 PM

Famina bows to the merchant guy in agreement, thinking to herself about how merchants should always hire adventurers like herself to guard them on long trips... Otherwise, evil guys will rob 'em. Just part of the code of how things work.
As to running the farm...well, as long as it isn't HER that's doing it, Famina doesn't mind the orphans sharing in the profits. Farming is for peasants, though, not properly trained huntresses/warriors like herself.
Angus asks a question that catches Famina offguard, then does a little spell. The barbarian stares at Angus as he zips around, somewhat amazed. "Wow! You became a cute fairy!" she exclaims, grinning and holding up her hand for him to fly and land on so she can look at him closer. "Your wings look like butterflies..."
She lets him fly away, and decides she'd rather not become a troll or ogre. "It's too dangerous, someone could mistake me and attack or something... We shouldn't pull that sort of trick here in the city."

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:41:29 PM

"Angus let's wait until we are out of town. I already draw a lot of attention to myself in this form."

Lang heads back with the group to the children.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 10:30:42 PM

"Perhaps we should wait until tomorrow morning before moving everybody out. I could use a bath and a nights rest" Wynn looks over to Xenia hoping for her agreement.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:01:24 AM

The halfling cleric listens as his companions endorse the proposal.

"You're probably right, Wynn. Waiting until morning, I mean. This recent adventure makes me a bit nervous about travelling at night. Why don't we go and check on the children? We might be able to stay there, or maybe find a place close by like we did before."

Xenia (2nd Illegal Post) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 11:23:27 AM

The rogue hugs Wynn's arm to her and grins a hehehe sort of grin up at him.

"Rest?" she whispers. Clean sheets. A big soft bed feather. And Wynn.

"Do I get to see my prezzie?" she asks out of the blue.

Off to the Warehouse (DM JohnP) 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:59:26 PM

The Shields have reached an agreement with Ashbeard about the plantation. Surely there will be some problems that have to be resolved before everything is signed, but neither Xenia nor Angus foresee anything significant. Both, in fact, feel that a continued association with the Von Otten family may be beneficial to the party.

Angus is quite interested in whatever magics Ashbeard used to change his appearance. He guesses that a low-level illusion spell, Disguise Self, was used but he couldn't see any signs of a spell actually being cast.

Once everyone is out on the street, Angus shows off one of his newfound spells. His display of spellcasting initially draws no more than interested glances from most but a few people do speed up to get out of the area. When he turns into a fey-creature, however, people who initially didn't see the magic appear frightened.

Everyone walks with the horse and cart towards the warehouse. It's not too far from the Von Otten business in Merchant Quarter, just a couple quarters east in what is known as Trade Quarter. Not the best neighbourhood, but not the worst either. The warehouse is near the river, not too far off Open Palm Market. As the party crosses the Market, Syr gets some dirty looks from some human men idling near a stall. But the monk looks too imposing for the humans to do more than glare.

After a few twists and turns, the warehouse comes into sight. Actually, everyone could hear the sound of children playing before they could actually see the warehouse. When the cart comes into sight, a boy looks up towards them.

"Lang! Wynn! Auntie Xenia! They're back!"

The other children all stop playing and look towards the party. After a moment of stillness, they all run towards the party. Fortunately Belkior has been riding in the cart so he isn't trampled by the rush but everyone else is nearly knocked from their feet.

Syr looks up to see Buckle and Kay emerge from the warehouse. The two stand close to one another, Buckle relaxing after he sees that it is the Shields' return that has so excited the children.

The children bustle about, nearly knocking everyone over. Belkior looks from his vantage point for the children that he had looked after during that long, horrendous time in the Giggling Ghost. He sees them clustered with the other children.

"We're so glad to see you back!"

"Are you gonna stay?"

"Did you find a place to stay?"

"Did you kill some scary monsters, Furry Lang?"

"Miss Kay is making supper! Eat with us!"

Certainly, all the children are glad to see the return of the Shields. After this excitement, the party will have to organize the trip out to the farm. Maybe visit Steve first thing to order supplies and whatnot, too.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 11:45:22 PM

After being swamped by the kids, Syr looks up at their guardians, "These guys give you any trouble?"

After everything settles down, the elf leads the older kids into a separate room and begins speaking to them. Anyone that listens in can hear him relating the story of their plantation trip. At the close of the story he describes the situation that the children will be placed in and presses upon the older generation the responisbility of the plantation and the wee ones. After receiving numerous 'yes sirs' he guides them out of the room with a smile upon his face, "Things like that... I miss Florin..."

Famina  d20+10=16
Thursday June 15th, 2006 12:38:21 AM

When the rough men eye Syr, looking like they might cause trouble, Famina automatically steps between them and scowls at them fearsomely. Obviously, if they are gonna even say a bad word to Syr, they're gonna have to deal with her, and she seems ready to smack a few of them down at will. (Intimidate 16) When they back down, she rolls her eyes then favors them with a look of utter disdain.

Famina watches the little orphans swarm around the Shields and smiles. They are awfully cute. She ruffles one's hair and grins at the little boy as he smiles happily. Still, she's not exactly a 'kid' person, and seems willing to let the other Shields take the lead in dealing and talking with them.

Thursday June 15th, 2006 1:42:09 AM

"You'll have to wait a little bit longer, Miss Next," laughs Wynn, as soon after arriving at the warehouse, the party is swarmed by the orphans.

Though he would far rather slip away with the red-headed half-drow, Wynn sticks around with the rest of the Crimson Shields as Buckle and Kay are provided with an update on the status of the negotiations over the plantation. The bard is pretty sure that Xenia will want to check on the kids, too.
Wynn finds a comfortable spot where he can lean against a wall, and watch the goings on. With a sigh, he settles in for the wait.

Angus  d20+8=19 d20+9=14
Thursday June 15th, 2006 9:07:50 AM

Angus is glad to see the kids are adapting so well to their new city and it seems that Kay and Buckle are getting on well also.

Angus provides a light show for the kids using his new cantrip, Dancing Lights. (Perform 19)

To end the light show Angus brings out the flute that Florin had given him and begins to play. (Perform 14) Not Angus's best flute performance as his thought drift to his new spells.

Angus slips some of the kids chocolate, when Ms. Kay is not looking.

Xenia  d20+9=28
Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:44:56 AM

... Auntie Xenia ...

Something sort of really blue and beautiful tugs at the girl rogue's heart.

"Woooooo!" Xenia catches up little blonde Kyria and whirls her around. "Wynn, this is Kyria. Kyria, this is Wynn. He's the bestest guy in the whole wide Wold. If you're lucky, you'll meet someone like him when you grow up."

"Hi, Kay!" Xenia hugs the other woman. She gives her a little nudge, woman to woman, then a little shared glance in the direction of Ensign Buckle. "Hello, Ensign Buckle," she croons in a little sing-song voice. "Getting a long pretty good here, huh? Coming with us when we move out to the plantation?" she asks all coy and suggestive.

And when Angus begins playing the flute, Xenia dances. She bounds through a lively jig, hands clapping and feet kicking, until happy and exhausted, she collapses by Wynn's side. (Perform, Dance 28)

Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:49:46 PM

The halfling cleric hops down from the cart and wades into the press of children. Belkior smiles warmly as the children press about him. He dips a hand into a pocket of his robes and removes some dried twists of fruit, nuts and honey.

"Here! Here, I've been saving these for a while. Don't spoil your supper!"

Belkior escapes the crowd of hands and moves over to speak to Buckle and Kay.

"Has everything gone well? Did Steve bring by all the things that he was supposed to?"

After hearing what the two have to say, Belkior heads inside to check the cooking area. When Kay follows him inside, he starts speaking to the woman.

"Kay, it looks like we've secured a place for the children. It's out in the country a ways, not here in town. Would you be interested in moving out there? It's a large house with farmland. Probably not what you're used to."

Supper at the Warehouse (DM JohnP) 
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:09:41 PM

With all the excitement over the return of the Shields, it's some time before the children can be brought inside and ready for supper. From the glances that Kay and Buckle give to each other and the Shields, they seem both appreciative of the help provided by the party and patient with the disruption of routine.

Finally, all of the children are washed and seated at the trestle table that has been set up inside the warehouse. Everyone looks to Belkior and the halfling cleric stands to recite a grace for the meal. He's barely getting into his prayer when one of the youngest children starts to fidget. Kay tries to shush the boy but his whisper is still clearly heard.

"But I'm hungry!"

Taking that as a hint, Belkior shortens his grace and concludes with an invocation of Alemi's blessing.

Everyone then digs into the meal and not much besides the clattering of cutlery is heard for a while. It cheers everyone to see how the children have adjusted to their situation. Hopefully it won't be too upsetting when they all move to the plantation.

After the meal, Kay organizes some of the older children to gather the dirty dishes and start washing them. The other older children take charge of the youngest one under Buckle's direction in what seems like established routine. Still, the presence of the Shields means that Wynn and Xenia are repeatedly requested to tell stories of their adventures. Still, in a short while Kay is able to join Buckle at the table with the Shields.

After the move is discussed with them, the two look back and forth. Kay begins to speak to the Shields.

"We're willing to give it a try. I suppose I could organize the house and get in shape, especially since some of the oldest ones are quite helpful."

Buckle takes over after glancing at Kay.

"I'm interested, too. But there's a couple things. I don't know anything about farming. I'm good with horses and other animals but I would probably plant the wrong things at the wrong time. And, more importantly, I'm still in the Floating City Guard. At the minimum, I'd have to go back to resign my commission. With your assistance, it shouldn't take too long to do that."

The two look at one another before Kay speaks for them both.

"We'll do it. Ahhh, you would be paying us, wouldn't you?"

After the details are discussed and settled, Kay asks another question.

"Are you staying here tonight? If you do, could Buckle and I go out after the children are settled?"

Friday June 16th, 2006 12:21:50 PM

Telling stories, eating food, with all the kids bustling around. It's like a party.

"Well, we're arranging for folks who know stuff about farming to help you out there, Buckle," Xenia replies. "While you're learning 'bout farming, so will the kids. We want them to be learning stuff. If you could teach them 'bout horses and such that would be great. And accounts and all that. Think about what you know that you want to be teaching them. I mean, that's where the future is, right? In learning so that you can do."

"And, far as the resigning and stuff goes, you got nothing but time. In fact, in addition to getting paid, I think it's probs a good idea if you got a owner share in the plantation along with the kids." She lays out the contract details including the clause that talks about all surplus that goes toward ownership. "I mean, what we're building here really is a future. I mean, like, a future for all of you. No sense living if you don't make stuff better, right?"

When Kay asks for a night off, Xenia kind of sort of takes Wynn's arm. They'd had an evening planned themselves.

"Um ... " She looks up into his face. "Whaddya think, Wynn?" she asks.

Angus  d20+9=20 d20+9=28
Friday June 16th, 2006 7:34:23 PM

Angus comes to the rescue of the couples. "I have plans for the kids tonight. We have games and singing and dancing. Go have fun. I got them and maybe a Shield or two will help uncle Angus."

After the dishes are done and everything is put away Angus gets ready for a quick concert befor some games. (perform 20) Angus will entice as many of the kids to dance with him while he plays his flute. The Shields have not seen the sorcerer expend this much energy, ever.

Angus will then organize games of tag and running contests, to get the kids tired and ready for bed.

Angus will then play several lulabys to get the kids to sleep. (perform 28)

Angus will then attempt to stay awake until Kay and Buckle return. Angus will spend the night and talk to Kay and buckle in the morning about some farming basics as he grew up on a farm, but it did help to have a mother that was a druid and took care of the plants.

Saturday June 17th, 2006 12:01:12 AM

Syr helps Angus by supervising the children before they go to bed. Patiently, herding the children to their rooms, he describes what their new home will look like as they drift off to sleep.

As Angus waits up for Kay and Buckle to return he mentions, "Whatcha think Tionel is up to now?"

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