DM Carl: What next? d20=18 Sunday April 30th, 2006 7:33:58 AM
The final lock falls to Rose's skills, and the stragglers urge the released captives to follow them as quietly as possible. They hurry after Zeoll and the others, and catch up with them a short distance from the entrance to the lair. Khuun groans when he sees the rearguard catching up.
"Watchya bringin' all dem for?" He snarls at the freed Fey, who by turns cower or scowl back.
So far no-one has seen any sign of foes. There are plenty of tracks near the gates, but they are either old or those of the humans you released earlier. From the looks of things they have made their way into the woods ahead.
The party makes its way into the cover of the treeline, to face the next decision.
Do you return to the cave where you arrived, hoping to be somehow transported you back to your own time?
Do you visit Queen Maab, seeking advice or information about how best to proceed?
Do you return the Feystone to its unpredictable creator, the Fae King?
Do you heed the pleas of Alemi, and bring the Feystone back to him at Oshirr House?
Or do you embark upon a different course of action?
Theodore and Macaw Sunday April 30th, 2006 12:05:31 PM
"I think our best bet might be to head for Queen Maab," suggests Theodore, when they are all together again. "She is the one who defeated the Fey King in our time. I'm sure she'd be sympathetic to our current situation."
Zeoll Sunday April 30th, 2006 3:38:31 PM
That sounds good to me, too.
Brahmah Sunday April 30th, 2006 4:29:25 PM
"Our mission was to return the stone to Alemi. Wasn't it?"
Zeoll Sunday April 30th, 2006 7:45:14 PM
Zeoll tries to remember the mission. "I'm prretty surre we have to rreturrn the arrtifact to ourr own place. Therre it will be used to check the powerr of the Fey King."
loretta Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:01:58 PM "What exactly does the stone do?" The little halfling pants as she keeps up with the others.
Ashira Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:51:25 PM
Happy to be reunited with the party, Ashira shrugs. "I guess Maab would be the best place to start."
Tratain Sunday April 30th, 2006 10:52:56 PM
Though sorely tempted to return the stone to Alemi and Domi, Tratain consents to go to Queen Maab for advice.
Vorelle Monday May 1st, 2006 12:45:01 AM
Vorelle, too, would prefer to take the stone to Alemi. But she joined the others late, and didn't hear their initial instructions. She's willing to go along to the Fae Queen.
Brahmah Monday May 1st, 2006 10:41:46 AM
"Who cares what the bloody thing does. Lets finish the mission. Return it."
DM Carl: A Path Chosen Monday May 1st, 2006 5:47:12 PM
Although some of the party seem to think that they should return to Oshirr House, the eventuak decision is almost unanimous. The party will take the stone to Queen Maab, in the hope that she might aid them in their quest to curtail the Fae King's power in their own time.
The Fae creatures you rescued take no part in your discussion. In fact you are sure that there were more of them a moment ago. It seems at least some have vanished into the forest.
Khuun shrugs again. "Khuun go with kitty. If kitty want to see fairy Queen, Khuun come. But Khuun not like it. Fairy Queen dangerous, Khuun knows."
The swaggering braggart of earlier seems altogether diminished, severely shaken by his earlier encounter with the Feystone. As the party set out towards the castle of Queen Maab he stomps along behind, looking sullen and put out.
Theodore and Macaw Monday May 1st, 2006 9:58:44 PM
Theodore nods his head resolutely. "Our task is to get back to..." he pauses and glances at Khuun. "Where we originally came from. Perhaps Maab can help us."
Ashira d20+12=25 d20+11=21 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 12:27:16 AM
Traveling along at the back of the group, Ashira offers to carry Rose while she checks to make sure no one is tailing them (Spot=25, Listen=21).
OOC: If it's all the same, I'd like to just have Tratain trail along silently while we're out of combat. I'm a little too busy to post for him daily right now.
Brahmah Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:47:08 AM
"Whatever is decided, I'll follow. I will protect all of my friends, even the smelly ogre." He waits for the ogre to start to get upset, then he smiles and winks at the mage. "Actually Khuun, I think you're a great fighter."
Zeoll Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:07:53 AM
Zeoll is just glad to be out of the keep without meeting its master!
He depends on the rangers to guide them to the Queen's residence.
He talks quietly with each of his comrades in turn, and Khuun too, praising their heroism and great deeds.
Rose Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 12:23:35 PM
Rose accepts Ashira's offer of a lift as she doesnt want to slow the group down. She could use a scroll to make her faster, but it would only last a minute and then she would be slowing everybody down again.
"I think we should find out exactly what the stone does, maybe instead of giving it to anybody it should be destroyed."
DM Carl: A moment of respite Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 6:41:11 PM
As the party discuss their options they continue through the woods, heading northeast towards the palace of Queen Maab. Ashira notices no signs of pursuit.
Khuun must be really out of sorts. He doesn't even register the minotaur's gentle teasing, stomping along in silence. Even Zeoll is able to get little more than noncomittal grunts out of the creature. If such a thing is possible for ogres, Khuun seems to be deeply depressed.
A little more than half an hour into the journey you notice that the last of the Fey have vanished into the trees. It is midmorning, and the bright sunlight dapples the woodland floor with warmth. There is a peaceful air about the woods, as birds sing and small creatures rustle about in the fallen leaves. An intangible air of optimism pervades the group (with the exception of Khuun): you have succeeded in achieving the impossible, stealing the Feystone from the mountain fortress of Lord Gargul. Surely Queen Maab will be able to assist you in the remainder of your quest and help to send you home.
Vorelle d20+14=29 d20+14=30 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 8:13:56 PM
As they travel, Vorelle looks and listens for signs of anything threatening or unusual.
[Spot 29, Listen 30]
Theodore and Macaw Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 9:37:19 PM
Theodore can't help but feel the optimism floating around the group. At the very least, they are out of the belly of the beast. He allows himself a smile.
Ashira d20+12=31 d20+11=30 Tuesday May 2nd, 2006 11:36:41 PM
Feeling better than she has in a long time, Ashira jogs happily along with Rose on her back. Tempted to whistle, Ashira remains on her guard and scouts out the area as she enjoys the sunshine (Spot=31, Listen=30).
Zeoll (heroism) d20+7=25 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 7:21:12 AM
Lost in his own thoughts, Zeoll continues with the group to Maab's home. He tries to talk to the ogre and draw him out. (Chr check 25)
Brahmah d20+11=21 d20+11=15 d20+14=25 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 10:39:36 AM
He is vigilant. (Spot 21, Listen 15, Survival 27 to avoid natural traps)
DM Carl: Crossroads d100=68 d100=78 d100=48 d100=67 d100=36 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 3:32:21 PM
The party remain vigilant as they press on through the woodland known as the monster sanctuary. In that time they encounter nothing that gives cause for alarm.
It is midday by the time the party leave the woods and reach the crossroads at the heart of the Valley of the Dawn. One path leads north to Oshirr House. Gazing into the distance you can see a tall column of smoke rising from that direction. Has Oshirr House been destroyed? Could yonder destruction indicate the death of Alemi and Domi? Could your inaction in the battle of Oshirr House have changed history, leading to the death of the Gods before they were ever deified? If so what Wold might you return to? Or perhaps Oshirr House stands still, bravely holding out against the next inevitable attack.
Another path heads east, back towards Fort Gargulus. What events transpire back in that direction? Has Gargulus returned to his fortress and discovered his loss? Has he fallen in the battle of Oshirr House? Where are his army now?
To the west lies another path, this one leading on to even greater unknowns. The Fey King's sanctuary lies in this direction, a true unknown. What are his motives? And what of Maab? What will the Queen make of your quest? Will she aid you or simply use you? Can she be trusted to assist in your quest?
Zeoll Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:02:01 PM
Zeoll knows that the choices are not as obvious as the leading paths of the intersection would suggest.
"We cannot go back, forr we cannot face Garrgul. If we did, we would prrobably lose, and even if we won, who knows how that would change things back home."
"Alemi's challenge is not ourrs to face. We know that, and we made ourr choice on that count alrready."
"We must go forrwarrd."
"This evening, let us camp and rrecoverr ourr strrength, beforre we apprroach the Queen's home. I will trry to see if therre is any trruth about Queen Maab to be found in drreams."
[OOC: Any word on Zeoll's interaction with the ogre mage from last post?]
Theodore and Macaw Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 6:08:17 PM
Theodore's smile vanishes at sight of the smoke. He gives his friends an uncertain look. "There's no way it's fallen, right?"
Rose Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 7:29:11 PM
Rose quickly pipes up from her place on Ashira's back "I agree we need to stop somewhere to stay the night, but not so near the crossroad. How about we move a little ways down road and find a hidden place to spend the night that has lots of fresh water. I'm thirsty."
Ashira may or may not realize that Rose has been braiding her hair into patterns.
Ashira d20+9=19 d20+9=14 Wednesday May 3rd, 2006 11:39:12 PM
The ranger nods at Rose's idea and smiles at her freshly braided hair. "Yeah, let's move out a little further. I think I can find a little better place for us." Finding a secure off the cross roads spot, Ashira places Rose on the ground and scouts the surrounding area for a nice, secluded place to spend the night (Survival=19). After guiding the party to the campsite, Ashira takes a look around for edible fruits and berries (Survival=14) for the group. Not wanting to anger any woodland life, Ashira makes sure that no game is gathered and no fires are started. After distributing her meager dinner, Ashira sets up a watch schedule between the three rangers (4 hour watch shifts each), making sure that the magic users get a full night's sleep.
Vorelle Thursday May 4th, 2006 12:57:11 AM
"It's a b-b-b-battle," Vorelle whispers, attempting to reassure Theo. "Th-there's often s-s-smoke in b-b-b-battles."
She helps Ashira find a campsite and food.
[Automatically succeed on an Aid Another check to give Ashira +2 on her checks.]
Rose Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:53:47 AM
Rose will help with the camp chores. She helps set up tents, gets water, eagerly picks berries (and eats a few), and warms up the breads she got from the giggling ghost. She will give the people on watch her everburning hair ribbon to help them see.
As she sleeps she starts moving about and talking in her sleep..."Junior you got to get well.....dont leave me Junior....Junior! She wakes up crying just before it's time to get up for the day.
Brahmah Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:50:43 AM
"I smell wood and hot stone. But I don't hear the weapons." Says the minotaur.
DM Carl: Sanctuary Thursday May 4th, 2006 4:11:12 PM
The party decide to make camp before heading on to Queen Maab. Given the trials you have faced without pause it will be good to recover lost spells and catch up on sleep.
Some ten minutes walk from the crossroads Ashira and Vorelle find a secluded, defensible spot in a hollow beneath a large fallen tree. Even in the midday sun there is sufficient shade here to get cool and to sleep.
Zeoll is able to eventually draw the ogre mage out of his introspection. "Dat stone, dat stone... it was suckin' me dry, like dem stoopid fairies was sucked... I could feel Khuun gettin' sucked into dis green that went down forever..."
The ogre mage shudders in horror, hugging his knees as he sits in the shade of your hiding place.
Not long after Zeoll falls into a troubled sleep, filled with dreams and portents (dream to follow shortly).
Please let me know how long you intend to stay camped, and what defensive preparations you make.
Theo, Highlight to display spoiler: {Make a Will save please.}
DM Carl: Zeoll's dream Thursday May 4th, 2006 4:57:34 PM You have the strangest feeling that you have dreamed this dream before. But this time something is profoundly different.
It begins with soft, peaceful, endless green.
From that blissful verdant immensity sparks of power begin to emerge, and from the rapidly circling sparks a bright pink power grows. The pink and green circle one another quickly at first, then slower and slower, until the pink force begins to coalesce into the form of a blissfully happy fae female, beautiful beyond description and young.
A sudden change occurs in the regal fae, her joy transmuted to rage as she breaks away from the green in sudden fury.
The green transmutes into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "Benign? Or Key?"
Swirls of light sweep around this figure and into an orb, that pulses with power. Now it is held by another, and with growing fear you hear his laughter.
In his hand he clutches the orb, held beneath a cloth. Swirling patterns of translucent light surround it, and a beam of blinding green light seems to be infusing something into a horde far below. As it does so they seem to grow, expand and improve. And so, it seems, does the figure holding the orb.
He is bearded, dressed in black. He seems impossibly tall, towering over you, over the creatures, over the land itself, his laughter ringing in your ears.
Now the horde is approaching, expanding, moving towards you. You back away, and as you do a rising sense of dread grips you. You try to resist, but you are pushed inexorably backwards from the darkness ahead, your terror mounting.
A serene voice reaches your ears from out of the rapidly diminishing light. "Go in peace, my friends... discover Gargul's means for infusing souls into monsters... please return and tell me, for without some major breakthrough this war has only one inevitable outcome..."
The horde, far below you, are a sea of orcs, goblins, all manner of foul monsters, as far as the eye can see. An overwhelming martial roar buffets you like a physical thing as the creatures surge forward like a tide of maggots overwhelming the land.
But now the dream changes: instead of sweeping all before them , engulfing the Wold with their darkness, (as you vaguely remember happened before, long ago, perhaps though through some mirrored memory you cannot quite place) they stop. The orb is gone, hanging in the balance. The darkness stands at a crossroads, and though it threatens to engulf everything you sense there is still hope, however faint.
DM Carl Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:02:36 PM
You might want to take a look at Zeoll's previous dream, posted December 8th, if there are references this time around that are not making any sense.
Zeoll Thursday May 4th, 2006 5:22:44 PM
Zeoll wakes, and tells everyone his dream. He also reminds his friends of the dream he had just a day or two ago, though now it seems months in the past:
All is still, silent, dark. You feel strange, disorientated, as if you have been turned somehow inside out or back to front.
But is the darkness you percieve really so still? No, it is moving, moving as if it were alive! A writhing, squirming mass, as if the very void itself were made of countless shivering maggots...
Not maggots, you realise. They are creatures,, certainly, but far below you. A sea of orcs, goblins, all manner of foul monsters, as far as the eye can see. An overwheming martial roar buffets you like a physical thing.
Now the horde is receding, shrinking, moving away. You follow, and as you do a rising sense of dread grips you. You try to resist, but you are pulled inexorably onwards into the darkness ahead, your terror mounting.
From out of the darkness a bearded figure dressed in black swims into view. He seems impossibly tall, towering over you, over the creatures, over the land itself, his laughter ringing in your ears. It sounds wrong, somehow, twisted.
In his hand he clutches an object, an orb of some sort, held beneath a cloth. Swirling patterns of translucent light surround it, and a beam of blinding green light seems to be extracting something from the horde below. As it does so they seem to shrink, diminish and recede still further. And so, it seems, does the figure in black.
The images come faster now, tumbling one over the next, becoming confused. Your fear is forgotten. The laughing figure recedes until all that is left is the orb, pulsing with power. The swirls of light around it sweep away and into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "?yeK rO ?ngineB"
The images come faster still; a beautiful young fae female, terrible in her fury, a sudden change and the same woman blissfully happy, a pink force spinning about a green force, the two colours merging, spinning faster and faster, bright sparks of power being sucked into the fiery hot glow, until finally only green remains.
Soft, peaceful, endless green.
The liontaur invites his friends to comment on what they think these dreams could mean.
Theodore and Macaw Thursday May 4th, 2006 6:51:23 PM
Theodore doesn't have a problem falling asleep. The day's numerous escapades have taken their toll on the frail wizard.
Upon waking, and hearing about Zeoll's dreams, Theodore muses for a couple moments. "I think the second dream, the one with the changes, respresents we now have the potential to change the tide of this battle." Theodore now looks at Zeoll. "And I think it is necessary for us to utilize such potential if we can. You must take into consideration that it is quite possible us coming back in time is a necessary part of our past. Perhaps, we play a part in how the future is shaped. Perhaps, we might end up delivering the orb to Alemi..."
Ashira d20+2=18 Thursday May 4th, 2006 11:42:56 PM
Ashira carefully considers the two dreams, turning them over in her mind (Wisdom=18). She thinks for a long time, and then speaks. "Zeoll, I don't like to admit it, but I think Theo might be right. It seems to me that perhaps we are meant to turn the tide of the battle. As much as it kills me, I think we have to go back to Oshirr as soon as possible."
Zeoll Friday May 5th, 2006 12:51:33 AM
Zeoll expresses his opinion that sometimes dreams can be very difficult to interpret. "So it is naturral forr us to disagrree," he says. "I do not see Alemi in this drream."
"Herre is how I see it. The firrst drream was backwards, as we know from the backwarrds talking in it. The second time I had the drream, last night, was in the corrrect dirrection. Herre is my take on it all."
It begins with soft, peaceful, endless green.
"The Grreen is Naturre, I think."
From that blissful verdant immensity sparks of power begin to emerge, and from the rapidly circling sparks a bright pink power grows. The pink and green circle one another quickly at first, then slower and slower, until the pink force begins to coalesce into the form of a blissfully happy fae female, beautiful beyond description and young.
"Orr maybe the grreen is the Fae King. But the pink can only be the Queen."
"A sudden change occurs in the regal fae, her joy transmuted to rage as she breaks away from the green in sudden fury. [/i]
"Queen Maab became estranged from the King."
The green transmutes into a new figure, a flickering image that is one minute blue skinned and horned, the next clothed in moss and flowers, the next regal and bearded. He looks at you and his musical words fill your mind: "Benign? Or Key?"
Swirls of light sweep around this figure and into an orb, that pulses with power. Now it is held by another, and with growing fear you hear his laughter.
"The King and his Orrb that we now have. In the drream at this point, the Orrb is in Garrgul's hand. But we know that it no longer is. Skip on, to this ..."
A serene voice reaches your ears from out of the rapidly diminishing light. "Go in peace, my friends... discover Gargul's means for infusing souls into monsters... please return and tell me, for without some major breakthrough this war has only one inevitable outcome..."
"And this is the Queen's voice! Our path is clearr. We must go to the Queen. She will know how to use the Orrb correctly. It is not forr us. And maybe she will know how to rreturrn us home."
Brahmah Friday May 5th, 2006 8:49:03 AM
"Maybe uniting the Queen and The King will bring balance and they'll both decide to sleep again or something?" Suggests the confused minotaur. "You know know me Z, I can't puzzle this sort of thing out very well."
Rose Friday May 5th, 2006 1:37:58 PM
Rose is busily studying her spell book and ignoring her friends. While she would like to join in the discussion she knows it is more important to be ready for whatever happens later in the day than to discuss who they would give the orb to. Rose thinks that it might be best to just destroy the thing, while an object isnt evil in and of itself it is the uses put to it that are and the greater damage an object can do the less it should exist.
level 2 spectral hand, touch of idiocy, see invisible
level 3 heroisim, magic circle against evil
DM Carl: Discussion and Insight Sunday May 7th, 2006 3:54:22 PM
Zeoll's dream seems to raise more questions than answers. Zeoll believes it to be a clear indication that they must seek out the Queen. Though thinking back he can only rememnber the words themselves, not the voice that spoke them. Ashira and Theo not so sure. Brahmah is not sure what the dream means, and Rose is busy learning her spells (Theo, if you want to memorize new spells now's a good time to do it: please list your spells for the day when you're done).
Ashira thinks deeply about the dream, letting its meaning and content seep into her subconcious. Something nags at her about Zeoll's reading of it, but she can't quite...
Wait! That's it! Those words, spoken at the end, they surely cannot be the words of the Queen! She knows those words! Those were the very words that Alemi spoke to the party as they left Oshirr House!
Ashira Monday May 8th, 2006 1:08:47 AM
Her eyes wide in disbelief, Ashira spins on Zeoll. "No Zeoll, you're wrong!" she says with a conviction not previously seen. "Those weren't the Queen's words...those were Alemi's words!!" Spinning on her heels, Ashira faces Oshirr house. "You know my feelings toward Alemi, but we're going back there...and we need to do it now!"
Rose Monday May 8th, 2006 2:37:56 AM
Rose looks up from her spellbook "I agree with Ashira." She says before resuming her study.
Zeoll Monday May 8th, 2006 8:19:40 PM
The liontaur grins, abashedly. "I was wrrong. Let us go to Alemi."
He then says to Khuun, "I can't wait to see what happens to him when we give him the orrb!" He smiles a wicked grin.
A mile or two from Alemi's home, Zeoll asks Khuun to wait for them here invisibly and silently until his return. "No need to rrisk yourr skin, my frriend!"
Theodore and Macaw Monday May 8th, 2006 8:34:28 PM
"I agree," says Theodore. "I think we should head back to the fort."
Then the wizard sits to perform his studies for the day.
Spells memorized: Level 0: Acid Splash, Ghost Sound, Ray of Frost x2 Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Magic Missile x2 Level 2: Alter Self, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Web Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fly, Lightning Bolt, Stinking Cloud Level 4: Dimension Door, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Solid Fog Level 5: Wall of Stone
Vorelle d20+14=23 d20+14=30 Monday May 8th, 2006 9:51:59 PM
With a sense of relief, Vorelle follows her friends. She doesn't know for sure which course of action is right, but it feels right to be giving the stone to Alemi.
As always, she keeps her eyes and ears open.
[Spot 23, Listen 30]
Brahmah Tuesday May 9th, 2006 6:42:19 AM
The minotaur won't say I told you so.
"Yes, to Alemi." He smiles.
DM Carl: Back to Oshirr House Tuesday May 9th, 2006 2:44:25 PM
The party are decided. They will return the stone to Alemi. Khuun can scarcely believe his ears.
"You're going to give the stone... to the enemy?" he exclaims, completely confused. But why?" He is comforted though at Zeoll's grin, remembering what happened to his own arm.
He dutifully stops at the designated spot, and vanishes from sight. "Give 'im one from Khuun, kitty!" he growls.
You have travelled a few hours, and the sun is is high in the mid-afternoon sky as you approach Oshirr House. Ahead you can just make out the dark wall, and figures moving about outside. The smoke continues to curl into the sky in several tall columns.
Zeoll Tuesday May 9th, 2006 5:18:49 PM
Zeoll suggests that they send out a scout. He offers to summon an air elemental, commanding it to fly over and report back. If no one objects, he will do so.
[OOC: Carl, are we all healed up? Both arcane and divine spells renewed?]
Carl: Yup, everyone is back at full HP, all arcane spells memorized. As we said divine spells were renewed at dawn, those that were cast within Gargul's lair are gone.
Theodore and Macaw Tuesday May 9th, 2006 7:31:32 PM
Theodore agrees with Vauhwyt's suggestion of a scout. "I'm no military strategist, but it looks like the enemy's still at the wall. If that's the case, we will need to find a way through them."
Ashira d20+12=16 d20+11=22 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 10:59:19 PM
The ranger nods at Zeoll's idea, and waits to see what the air elemental finds out. In the meantime, she stays alert to any closer threats (Spot=16, Listen=22).
Vorelle d20+14=16 d20+14=28 Tuesday May 9th, 2006 11:16:16 PM
Vorelle is no slouch at scouting, but has to admit that an air elemental would be even better. She joins Ashira in keeping a watch over their current position.
[Spot 16, Listen 28]
Rose Wednesday May 10th, 2006 1:02:34 AM
Rose gets a bit excited when the air elemental appears "Oh! Have it carry me to scout!" Rose squeals as she runs over and lets the air elemental start playing with her.
If (as is possible) Zeoll doesnt like the idea of Rose playing with the air elemental Rose will go over to Ashira and pout saying "I wish Rigging were here, he'd let me play with Swirl."
Zeoll Wednesday May 10th, 2006 5:50:26 AM
Zeoll explains that he is summoning a small air elemental who will not be able to carry Rose, nor last long enough to both play and scout.
He casts the Summon Nature's Ally II spell, and commands the elemental in its own tongue to fly over and return with news. Especially, is there fighting going on, and are there humans to be seen.
Brahmah d20+11=15 d20+11=12 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:11:02 AM
Spells: Resist Energy acid, Resist Energy sonic Bears Endurance
Brahmah keeps close to the group. (Spot 15, Listen 12)
DM Carl: Elemental News d20=13 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 7:35:10 PM
Zeoll casts his spell, issues his commands, and sends his servant forth.
Whilst the creature is gone the party hunker down, waiting for it to return. All is silent. The keenest eared among you hear the faint cackles of fires, but no telltale sounds of battle.
A short while later the elemental returns and confirms this.
"I see no fighting, master. A great battle has been fought, but it is over now. Humans burn corpses outside the walls."
Theodore and Macaw Wednesday May 10th, 2006 8:24:33 PM
Theodore is hopeful about the news the elemental brings. "Should we proceed then?"
If they do, Theodore sends Macaw ahead to scout out any hidden enemies or traps.
Vorelle d20+14=19 d20+14=31 Wednesday May 10th, 2006 11:54:23 PM
Relieved by the elemental's news, Vorelle helps scout as the party makes its way to Oshirr House.
[Spot 19, Listen 31]
Ashira d20+12=13 d20+11=17 Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:04:53 AM
Although relieved that Oshirr has apparently made it through the attack, Ashira is anxious about meeting with Alemi once more. She knows it's the right thing, but she is still more than uncomfortable with seeing him face to face again. (Spot=13, Listen=17)
Brahmah Thursday May 11th, 2006 7:41:39 AM
Brahmah stays near the females.
Rose Thursday May 11th, 2006 1:19:30 PM
Rose goes over to zeoll, "can I play now, just for a minute while we get ready to leave?"
DM Carl: The Field of Battle Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:26:14 PM
The party approach Oshirr House with lighter step now, in the knowledge that the valiant defenders have survived the night's battle.
But as you draw closer you realise that victory has come at a terrible price. Much of the outer wall has been destroyed, seemingly blown inward by explosions of tremendous force. A handful of wounded students are outside the walls, burning the bodies of the dead. They seem numb with shock, some weeping openly, oblivious of their surroundings. All bear signs of battle.
Unburned bodies of the dead, friend and foe alike, still litter the ground within the compound, crows feasting unhindered upon burst and bloodied meat. The air is filled with the terrible stench of the charnel house, a nauseatingly sweet stink of roasted flesh.
As you draw near one of the students, a gnome, looks up in fear, then turns and runs back towards Oshirr House itself.
"Master! Master! The travellers have returned!" he cries. It is only from his voice that you realise this bloodied and battered creature is Paxx, one of the brave students of Domi who guided you to this place.
Zeoll Thursday May 11th, 2006 4:42:09 PM
Zeoll follows the boy, hoping to meet Alemi or Domi.
Theodore and Macaw Thursday May 11th, 2006 9:17:40 PM
Theodore follows along, looking at the carnage with sad eyes. "How bad is, do you think?" he asks Ashira.
Ashira Friday May 12th, 2006 12:40:52 AM
Ashira stares down at the ground, desperate not to make eye contact with Theo. "Bad, Theo...real bad." Is all she can manage to choke out. The bodies still evident in her peripheral vision, Ashira tries to reassure herself that their original decision to not help defend Oshirr had been the right choice...that her own self-righteous anger toward Alemi hadn't clouded her decision. Plodding along with Zeoll, Ashira is anxious to see the state of the inside of the compound...and the condition of its masters.
Rose Friday May 12th, 2006 3:04:26 AM
Rose starts lagging behind as they approach the compound, you can tell she doesnt really want to see the aftermath of the battle. but she stays with the group and stays closest to her friends.
Vorelle Friday May 12th, 2006 3:43:43 AM
Vorelle's expression is solemn as she surveys the carnage. She has never seen the aftermath of a battle this size, and she doesn't like what she sees. Tears prick her eyes as she reaches for her healer's kit--then, abashed, she puts it away. There are too many hurts her for her to even begin healing.
Brahmah Friday May 12th, 2006 8:06:19 AM
The taur looks around somberly.
DM Carl: Hope Amidst the Carnage Saturday May 13th, 2006 6:13:01 AM
If anything things inside are worse than outside the walls. Outside most of the bodies were of monsters. Within, most are those of students. You recognize many familiar faces among the fallen; big boned Faiyth and freckle-faced Tharpeia lie with a pile of other bodies, awaiting cremation. The dwarf Qwar, who befriended Mad Jack and wished to ride his steed, has been beheaded, his wispy-bearded head a grisly capstone on a cairn of corpses. Now more than ever the youth of these students hits home. Some of the dead are little more than children.
As you step through congealing puddles of blood and gore the stench of death washes over you. Your minds reel at the scale of the carnage. (Make a Fort check DC 12 or be Nauseated by what you see.)
Those with a mind for tactical considerations take in the scene with no less horror. With the outer wall breached in multiple locations, and with the already meagre defenders reduced to a mere handful of walking wounded, there is absolutely no way this place will be able to survive another assault. If Gargulus is able to gather even the smallest of forces and return, he is sure to overrun this place at his next attempt.
Paxx's cries are answered. The door of Oshirr House opens, and two figures emerge. It takes several moments to realise who they are. Gone is the serene, white-clad figure of Alemi who first greeted you. Now he is stooped in pain, caked in blood and filth, and clearly badly wounded. His face speaks of terrible grief, unspeakable horror. You wonder if it is the physical pain that bows him, or the mental torment at seeing so many of his beloved students cut down before his eyes. Whatever the cause, you cannot help feeling pain of your own, seeing so strong a man in such torment.
Domi supports his master, but the brave warrior is no less battered. His bared torso is streaked with blood and covered with a multitude of wounds that would fell a lesser man. It is amazing he is still on his feet, yet his eyes still blaze with defiance.
Alemi's face lights up in hope as he sees you. "You have returned to us! This can only mean... you were successful in your quest? You have leaned the secret of Gagulus' hordes? Of a way we might yet be victorious, though all seemed lost?"
Zeoll d20+8=27 Saturday May 13th, 2006 7:25:13 AM
Saddened though he is by the carnage, Zeoll is in no danger of shaming himself with physical illness. (Fort save 27)
Seeing Alemi and Domi, Zeoll bows low. He answers, "Yes, while Garrgullus was distrracted herre, we discoverred his secrret tool for crreating monsterrs, and we took it frrom him. We also discoverred that cold irron is a potent weapon that cuts thrrough the thick skins of his monsterrs."
"So his arrmy will not grrow, and you will be betterr able to attack those who rremain in it."
"Now, let us help heal yourr wounded, rrestorre yourr morrale, and shore up yourr defenses. Then it will be time for us to rreturrn home. We arre not surre of the way back, but, Masterr Alemi, perrhaps you have some guidance forr us on that."
Brahmah d20+10=18 Saturday May 13th, 2006 7:57:13 AM
Carnage about them, Brahmah seems almost unphased.
DM Carl: You forgot to make your Fort save Jay. Made it for you; you succeeded.
Theodore and Macaw d20+9=16 Saturday May 13th, 2006 5:55:44 PM
Theodore manages to keep his lunch down, but only by focusing on Alemi and Domi. (Fortitude 16) "We should show him the stone, Zeoll," says Theodore.
Vorelle d20+9=22 Sunday May 14th, 2006 2:02:21 AM
The carnage bothers Vorelle, but not enough to make her sick [Fort 22]. As the others talk with Domi and Alemi, she begins helping the students in whatever way she can, whether that means pulling out her healer's kit and patching them up, or helping to reinforce the walls in case of a second attack.
Rose d20+5=11 Sunday May 14th, 2006 11:49:16 AM
The sight of so much blood and gore make Rose feel sad and sick. She moves towards an empty area and starts throwing up.
Ashira d20+10=27 Sunday May 14th, 2006 11:19:01 PM
Though sickened by the gore around her, Ashira is no stranger to the battlefield, and the contents of her stomach are not threatened (Fort.=27). She looks over at Zeoll, suddenly tired, and whispers to him. "Zeoll, I think we were meant to give this thing to him. Look at these people...they can't take another assault, no matter how small. Maybe this is what we were brought here for."
Zeoll Monday May 15th, 2006 4:53:53 AM
Zeoll whispers back, "But Ashirra! We need the Orrb back home to defeat the Fae King! That's why we came herre! We could let him use it, but we need to brring it home!"
Brahmah Monday May 15th, 2006 10:54:30 AM
Looking at Ashira. "If another one comes, we'll be here!" Says the ranger firmly.
DM Carl: The Request Monday May 15th, 2006 4:25:18 PM
Poor Rose is overcome by the horror of your surroundings, and leans against a wall blinking tears from her eyes as her stomach heaves. Vorelle moves away from the party, offering to lend the students a hand. A gangly youth points to a body lying sprawled on the ground, a swarm of flies buzzing about his exposed intestines. "You can help carry Hornace to the next pyre" he suggests bleakly.
Zeoll explains that the party have stolen the Feystone, and that Gargul's threat is gone. Whilst Theo and Ashira urge him to show the stone to Alemi, Zeoll is reticent, wanting to keep the Feystone. However it is Theo who is carrying the stone, and his decision as to whether he shows it to Alemi.
Brahmah pledges his prowess to the defense of Oshirr House.
Alemi steps forward and speaks to the minotaur. "You have my thanks, brave one. Who knows, with courage like yours perhaps we could hold on. But you are not from... this place, are you? Your stay here cannot last. Soon you will leave us, though you will it or no."
Addressing the party he says "My friends, understand that although your actions have no doubt caused Gargulus a grave inconvenience, they will not have ceased his threat. He is more than capable of raising an army of monsters by mundane means rather than magical. He has powerful allies.
We stand at a precipice. We final few, the survivors of the Dark Nights, have clung on to life, beaten back the hordes one final time. But rest assured, noble travellers, those hordes will rise again. And when they come, no matter how we patch our walls or our survivors, we will fall."
Domi stiffens at his side, a retort on his lips, but Alemi continues "You know it to be true my friend. Look around you. Our brave students have given everything, but they have no more to give. Too many have fallen. This was our final action here." Though Domi says nothing you see by the slump of his shoulders that even he cannot deny the impossibility of their position.
He turns back to the party, his voice calm and solemn. "Only one chance remains to us. Please, show me the stone."
Theodore and Macaw Monday May 15th, 2006 4:41:20 PM
"He is Alemi," Theodore says, simply. Stepping forward, the mage unwraps the stone, taking care to keep the cloth between his flesh and the stone.
"Take care," he cautions the elder man. "Touching the stone saps your energy. Of course, I haven't had the proper time to study it. Given enough time though, I could... Ow!" Macaw pecks him hard on the head.
Vorelle Monday May 15th, 2006 9:46:03 PM
As directed, Vorelle helps move the body of the student. She tries not to look too much at the still form, or to wonder what kind of person Hornace was. Would anyone have time to mourn Hornace? And when her time came, would anyone have the time--or the inclination--to mourn Vorelle?
Zeoll Tuesday May 16th, 2006 7:30:07 AM
The liontaur does not object to showing the orb to Alemi.
Brahmah Tuesday May 16th, 2006 12:43:22 PM
"If I could, I would stay." He says, disappointed.
Rose Tuesday May 16th, 2006 3:35:02 PM
rose is still being sick. she looks and feels awful.
DM Carl: A Tale of Two Quests Tuesday May 16th, 2006 4:47:27 PM
As Vorelle helps out and Rose slowly begins to feel the wave of nausea pass Theo carefully fishes out the stone and shows it to Alemi.
The great man cradles the stone carefully in its cloth wrapping, brining it close to his face and closing his eyes in concentration. A look of mild surprise crosses his face, and then his brow furrows in concentration once more.
Then his eyes snap open, hope and excitement rekindled. Very carefully he brushes the stone with a finger, and you see his fingertip turn grey. He draws it back and studies it until it reverts to its normal colour, nodding as he does so. "Yes, yes this makes sense... unfocused it drains the holder. Directed it drains and redirects from a target. Now what if..."
This time he grips the stone unprotected in one hand and closes his eyes. He holds the stone aloft. He is suddenly bathed in green light, and in a moment his wounded body is healed, his back straight and his eyes clear. When he speaks his voice is deep and strong, and filled with barely suppressed excitement.
"It is as I thought! This stone, this Faestone, it is a creation of Eberyon, the Fae King. In a way it is a part of him. Held unfocused the stone drains the soul of the holder. Targeted at another it can draw out their soul and redirect it. It is in this way that Gragulus has built his army of empowered creatures; he has been binding the souls of innocent creatures, fae it would seem, into his minions.
But this stone holds a greater power still. If one turns the focus inward, upon the stone itself, one can tap into the power of Eberyon himself! Do you see, Domi? This is the answer! These travellers from afar have saved us, saved all of us, both from the forces of Gargulus and the indifference of the Gods themselves!
Students! Students, to Oshirr House at once, all of you!"
As Domi and the students make their way towards the white house at the center of the compound Alemi turns towards the party, seized by an urgency you have not seen in him before. "My friends, you may have saved us all. There is little time, for in using the stone in this way I may have alerted Gargulus to its location.
I know you have seen great hardships to get this far, but I must ask one final boon of you. As my students and I invoke the power of the stone within Oshirr House I must ask that you protect us, keeping us safe from whatever foes Gargulus may yet throw at us. Will you do this thing? Once this task is done the stone will be yours to do with as you will, but before you fulfil your quest, will you help us fulfil ours?"
Theodore and Macaw Tuesday May 16th, 2006 9:59:23 PM
Theodore is surprised by the sudden urgency in Alemi's voice. ""
The idea of protecting a future deity is more emotions than Theodore can quantify.
"I will stay," he says firmly.
Vorelle Tuesday May 16th, 2006 10:58:29 PM
Vorelle is certainly willing to do what she can, but it would be easier if....
"S-s-s-s-sir," she says, scarecly believing her own temerity. "D-d-d-do you h-h-have any c-c-c-c-cold i-iron ar-arrows?"
Ashira Tuesday May 16th, 2006 11:19:19 PM
Alemi's request hits the aquatic ranger like a dagger in the gut. Protect him? Where was he when she needed protecting?! Waves of anger cold and terrible surge within her. But then, looking around at the calamity around her, Ashira is cut to the soul with guilt. This devastation was the direct result of her previous self righteous response. How dare she allow her own petty feelings toward this future god get in the way of the greater good of all humanity?! Looking Alemi full in the face, Ashira speaks with conviction. "Though my heart tells me otherwise, I will stay and protect you and the others with my life."
Zeoll Wednesday May 17th, 2006 7:42:55 AM
Zeoll agrees and is more than willing to try to stand their ground in defense of Alemi's folk.
"Should we rrest, then, in prreparration forr the assault?" The liontaur seems ready to bunk out.
Brahmah Wednesday May 17th, 2006 12:20:08 PM
"I have already said I'll stay." He smiles.
DM Carl: Something Wicked This Way Comes... Wednesday May 17th, 2006 6:14:35 PM
"My heartfelt thanks, brave travellers." says Alemi, his eyes resting longest upon Ashira. Perhaps he is aware of the conflict she feels, even if he cannot know of its cause. "I owe you all a debt I can never repay."
"Sadly our weapons are all but spent, used in last night's battle and those that preceded it. You must stand alone with the arms you bear. I fear that if an attack is to come it will come swiftly."
As if in answer to his words a cry comes up from the last of the students to enter the house.
"Look! to the south!"
All eyes follow his pointing finger. There in the sky is a dark spot, very distant but growing larger at an alarming rate. Whatever it is must be travelling at a fantastic speed.
"I must go at once! Good luck my friends!" says Alemi, turning and running up the steps to Oshirr House. With a final backward glance he closes the door behind him, leaving you alone in the corpse-strewn courtyard, standing in a line before the porch steps. Behind you that spot in the sky grows ever larger, though with the sun where it is in the sky it is hard to make out clearly.
Spot check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of flying creature}
Spot check DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of red flying creature}
Spot check DC 30 Highlight to display spoiler: {It looks like some sort of enormous red reptilian flying creature, with huge leathery bat-like wings}
Spot check DC 35 Highlight to display spoiler: {Oh dear. It looks like a red dragon.}
Rose d20+10=25 Wednesday May 17th, 2006 6:44:44 PM
Rose still feels a bit queasy but knowing she has responsibilities she looks around. "Guy! There's some sort of red creature flying this way!" she says as she quickly pulls out her rod and casts a spell.
cast mage armor on Rose (shared with piper, extended to 10 hours)
if she has time she'll cast a few more spells on herself (not sure if we're in rounds yet)
2. false life from scroll, lasts 3 hrs 3. making sure everyone is within range rose will cast magic circle against evil, lasts 50 min
Vorelle d20+14=30 Wednesday May 17th, 2006 8:14:06 PM
"D-d-d-d-d-dragon?" Vorelle chokes out. "I-is th-th-th-that a d-d-d-d-dragon?"
She thinks of her pitiful axes, her pathetic arrows. Nothing she has will make a dent against such a foe. She begins to tremble, knowing that she will die, knowing that her body will soon lie alongside those of the hopelessly overmatched students, will bloat and rot in the sun...
She swallows hard, fights down the rising panic. To die for Alemi and Domi. It is not such a bad fate.
Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) d20+5=25 Wednesday May 17th, 2006 9:14:04 PM
(Spot 25)
Theodore's eyes go wide as he sees the coming creature and hears Vorelle's exclamation. Like Rose, Theodore quickly casts mage armor on himself. (9 hours)
"Friends..." he says, staring at the oncoming threat. "If there was ever a time we needed to be of one mind, this is it."
The normally timid wizard slowly rolls up first one sleeve, and then the other. It is apparent the death and pain he has seen over the last couple of days has changed him.
"Spells that I have available that might be effective in our coming fight are resist energy, fly, stinking cloud, lesser globe of invulnerability, and solid fog."
"My proposed strategy would be to cast fly and resist energy on someone brave enough to do battle with the dragon in the air. I would put up a stinking cloud in his path, hoping to weaken him and save the solid fog and lesser globe of invulnerabily as defensive measures."
Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism) d20+10=23 d20+10=20 Wednesday May 17th, 2006 9:48:35 PM
Zeoll's heart tells him what is coming, and he casts Heroism immediately. Then he looks into the distance. That, and Vorelle's and Rose's words, trigger a memory [Bard lore 20]. Gargul was of old the creator of the dragons!
He tells his friends that he suspects Gargul himself is riding on the dragon.
Zeoll snaps into action. "Quick! Split up! No two people should be close enough to brreathe on! Get underr coverr forr prrotection!"
[OOC: keep in mind that improved cover really helps against area attacks.]
"Now, if we can get underr coverr and if I can get within 90 feet, I will trry to Fascinate Garrgul and the drragon. If I do, do not attack. Use the time to buff and prrep and position yourrselves!"
Brahmah (AC22 HP97, longstrider) d20+11=29 Thursday May 18th, 2006 10:44:26 AM
(Spot 29)
"Could be!" He doesn't like dragons, especially red ones. He and his friends had to kill a brood of baby reds once while a gold was fighting the mother. Red dragons suck.
He breaks away from the group so not to present a better target for it to hit. (The breath hurts!)
He retrieves a scroll and reads it. (Longstrider 1 hour)
Ashira d20+12=16 Thursday May 18th, 2006 1:35:00 PM
The ranger scans the sky, but can't make anything out (Spot=16). "Can't be..." But the others seem so confident. She reaches into her pack, pulling out potions before the group breaks up. She hands two to Brahmah (Shield of Faith (+3 to AC), Barkskin (+3 to AC)), another to Tratain (Levitate), one to Rose (Bear's Endurance +4), and one final one to Zeoll (Bear's Endurance +4). Then, seeing the wisdom of Zeoll's advice, Ashira breaks off in search of cover. She gulps down as many potions as possible as she waits for the creature to get closer (Barkskin+3, Shield of Faith +3, Bear's Endurance +4, then Fly...should she have the time). She listens to Theodore and chimes in. "If we stand any chance against a dragon, it will take all of us to do it. The fighters will need to gang up on it and keep the spellcasters safe."
Tratain (AC25, HP58/58) Divine Favor d20+9=10 Thursday May 18th, 2006 1:58:35 PM
Looking up, Tratain is blinded by the sun (Spot=nat. 1). Still, with all the others clamoring and running about, Tratain decides it's time for action. He quickly reaches out an murmuring a few words he reaches out and touches Ashira (Protection from Energy (Fire). Then he casts a spell on Brahmah (Resist Energy (Fire)). Finally, he casts a spell on himself (Divine Favor).
DM Carl: Countdown... Thursday May 18th, 2006 4:27:13 PM Folks, we are back into combat rounds now, so I'll take the first action you posted for last round. I won't be able to post tomorrow or over the weekend, so please post your next three rounds of actions as the dragon flies towards you.
Please make sure you include all spell effects in your posts titles, as well as your current HP and AC, or I'll assume they are the default ones on your character sheets..
Regarding movement, this map is too big for me to get into cells refs, so you'll need to specify the number and direction of cells you wish to move from your current location.
A dragon! A big one! And it's a red! The party spring into action, casting spells as quickly as they can.
Rose casts Mage Armor.
Vorelle battles with her fear, horrified at the scale of the threat. ;-)
Theo casts Mage Armor and proposes a battle strategy.
Zeoll casts Heroism and tries to see if Gargul is riding the big red (If anyone can make a Spot check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {you are pretty sure there is no rider on the dragon})
Brahmah casts Longstrider and moves to the relative cover of a large mound of bodies.
Ashira digs out a number of scrolls and is able to hand one to Rose (Bear's Endurance) and one to Tratain (Levitate).
Tratain casts Protection from Energy (Fire) on Ashira.
So, let's have your next three rounds of action. Please feel free to post as many times as you wish until the next DM post (Monday) in order to prepare your strategy.
Rose d10+3=12 Thursday May 18th, 2006 5:50:56 PM
Round 1
Rose calls out "Everybody get over here so I can cast this spell!" and if necessary moves so that as many people as possible are within range of the spell she's going to cast.
As soon as everybody is within range Rose will make a circle of powdered silver around herself and start casting.
cast magic circle against evil. everyone within 10' of rose gain protection from evil. Lasts 50 minutes
Round 2 Rose casts Heroism on Ashira and heads off to a relatively sheltered area.
Ashira gain +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Round 3 Rose casts false life on herself from a scroll. gain 12 temporary hit points.
ooc: on that bears endurance potion when you get +4 to con does that mean you get +2 hp for all of your levels totalling 18 or do you get +2 hp for only your current level?
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 20 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left Magic circle against evil: 50 minutes, everyone within 10' of Rose gets protection from evil spell. +2 deflection bonus to ac & +2 resistance bonus on save which apply to attacks made or effects created by evil creaturs. Protection against being possesed or mentally controled. Prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures, which ends if you attack the summoned creature or attempt to force the barrier against the summoned creature. False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks.
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x5 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
loretta Thursday May 18th, 2006 5:52:10 PM
um in the first line could someone fix the to a
DM Carl Thursday May 18th, 2006 6:48:06 PM
Loretta, please note that only people within the circle are effected by it. If they move out of the circle the effect upon them ends.
Given that any dragon worth his salt will take one look at a little huddle of adventurers within a magic circle and say to himself "Target!", you may choose to cast another spell in place of the one you cast if you wish.
Regarding Bear's Endurance, the Con bonus will give you a HP bonus for each of your levels, so +18 for a level 9 character.
Another important point: everyone with a familiar, please let me know where it is located. If it is flying, how high is it, what cell is it in etc. Thanks!
Zeoll (AC12 HP69 Heroism) Thursday May 18th, 2006 11:28:33 PM
Zeoll reminds his friends that their goal is not to kill Gargul or his dragon -- just to delay them long enough for Alemi to do his thing. So if they can get Gargul talking, so much the better.
So, PLEASE do not attack until Zeoll has a chance to try his Fascinate, Suggestion, and Charm.
That means we HAVE to try to get Gargul within 90 feet of Zeoll. Zeoll suggests that everyone hide in broken buildings with total or near-total cover. Put a decoy or illusion or bait within 90 feet of where Zeoll is hiding. With any luck, Zeoll will be able to step out and sing away. That could be seven rounds of delay. During that time. buff up and move into position, but do NOT pose a threat.
Seven rounds of delay could be all the time Alemi needs!
Rose, your Message cantrip is just what we need! Ready your spell so that when Gargul is within 150 feet or whatever your range is, tell him that we want to talk, that we are no threat to him, that if he kills us he will never get it back, and that we are willing to negotiate.
I'll Ready my bardic music to use as soon as he is in range.
Round One: Zeoll hands Vorelle a quiver with 20 cold iron arrows and then casts Heroism on her.
Round Two: Cast Heroism on Brahmah. Move to the building to the west -- take cover in it or under its eaves.
Round Three: Finish moving. Ready Fascinate to use the moment Gargul is in range.
Druid spells Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits, Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal
Bard Spells 3 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18) 5 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19) 2 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20) 1 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)
Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts.) Thursday May 18th, 2006 11:45:28 PM
Ashira thanks Rose and Tratain for their spells and continues to hand out potions.
Round 1 To Brahmah(Shield of Faith (+3 to AC), Barkskin (+3 to AC))
Round 2 To Zeoll (Bear's Endurance +4)
Round 3 Having distributed all of the potions she can, Ashira gulps down her Barkskin potion and readies her Shield of Faith to be drunk next round. She heads for cover, wanting to get away from the others before the dragon arrives.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage)[/i]
OOC: The Barkskin potions last for 60min, the Sheild of Faith for 6min, Bear's Endurance for 3min, and the Levitate for 3min.
Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) extra d20+10=27 Friday May 19th, 2006 6:00:35 AM
Ooh! Ooh! The guy with the AC12 is in no position to say no to more hit points! Please change Zeoll's Round three action to Drink Potion Under Total (or near total if he can find it) Cover.
Unfortunately, it does not stack with his amulet, so the net bonus is +9 hp, not +18.
He'll have to hope that Round 4 (which is only Round 4 if he cast Heroism on himself in Round 0 -- LOL) is soon enough to try his fascinate -- or to ready it.
ALSO -- Zeoll forgot to roll his spot check. Okay, actually *I* forgot to roll it for him. My bad. Oh, the roll is a 27! Sweet.
Zeoll tells his friends that he sees no rider on the dragon -- but that does not change anything. He could be invisible on that Dragon. Delay is our duty, not defeat!
Location: In a doorway or under an eave or in a building near a hole. Zeoll wants to have total cover, and to be able to step out of total cover into improved or regular or partial cover, then cast a spell, then use a move action to move to a new place with total cover! If possible.
rose d20+10=25 Friday May 19th, 2006 6:29:37 AM
per dm, correction to round 1
rose doesnt call everyone together or cast magic circle against evil but instead casts see invisible. Also every round she moves as far as possible to get under cover away from the others, she can move 30'/round.
Piper is going to hide away from Rose, probably she'll just act like any other ravens in the area. If there are no ravens in the area then she'll probably wiggle under all the bodies in one of the piles (the one that nobody else is hiding by)
Cayzle I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ignore Zeoll asking Rose to use the message spell. Because there is no way that Zeoll knows that Rose has the message spell. Player info is not character info. Now if Zeoll had discussed what spells Rose had prepared earlier in the day, then he would have known.
ooc: Ashira how long will the potion last?
ooc2: dm carl if you want us to list grid markings then they will need to be on the map.
loretta Friday May 19th, 2006 6:30:40 AM
oops per last post rose's spot is 25, does she see anyone on the dragon after using see invisible spell?
Vorelle d20+14=30 d20+20=34 Friday May 19th, 2006 9:20:57 AM
[Spot 30]
Vorelle sees no rider on the dragon, but the dragon by itself is bad enough.
Round 1 - Vorelle accepts the quiver from Zeoll with a grateful look, then begins moving east.
Round 2 - Vorelle continues moving east (double move), and puts the building between herself and the dragon. She pulls out her bow as she moves.
Round 3 - Vorelle continues moving (if necessary to put the building between herself and the dragon), and hides (Hide check 34).
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) Friday May 19th, 2006 10:50:35 AM OOC: Thanks friends for the spells! :)
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min)
Brahmah retrieves yet another scroll and casts it. (Cat's Grace) He then ducks lower, finally drawing his falchion and ready to draw the kukri.
Tratain (AC25, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance Friday May 19th, 2006 4:34:05 PM
Tratain continues to cast defensive spells, hoping Zeoll's plan will work out, but suspecting that it will probably come down to fighting.
Round 1 Casts Shield of Faith on Zeoll (+3 deflection to AC...lasts 9 min)
Round 2 Cast Resist Energy (Fire)) on Brahmah (20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
Round 3 Cast Bear's Endurance on self and like the others, seeks a sheltered spot away from the others to await the dragon's arrival.
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) Friday May 19th, 2006 6:26:49 PM
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
"Thanks friend Trataine. I'll need that I think!" He laughs.
Theodore and Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21(dodge & mage armor) d20+5=18 9d6(6+2+1+4+3+6+2+1+5)=30 Sunday May 21st, 2006 1:57:41 PM
Theodore thinks Zeoll's plan risky and resolves to act quickly if things turn sour.
Round 1: Theodore seeks out a place to conceal himself from direct attacks from the oncoming dragon. (Hide 18)
Round 2: Casts resist energy (fire) on himself. (First 20 points of fire damage disregarded. 90 minutes)
Round 3: Readies a lightning bolt spell if the dragon attacks any of his friends. (30 damage; half if Reflex save vs 17)
DM Carl: Sorry! Monday May 22nd, 2006 5:54:52 PM
Hi folks,
I'd like everyone to confirm they are happy with their location on the map before we continue.
This appalling transparent delaying tactic is entirely in the interest of ensuring players are satisfied that I have put them where they wish to be, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that your DM's preparations for this battle have overrun horribly.
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) Monday May 22nd, 2006 6:46:48 PM
OOC: Behind rubble is great.
The minotaur prepares for pain, serious, agonizing pain.
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins54secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
rose Monday May 22nd, 2006 8:29:18 PM
under a tree is ok, not great but Rose wouldnt have wanted to be to close to the others or in the pile of bodies.
Where's piper?
Vorelle Monday May 22nd, 2006 9:07:31 PM
[OOC: I'm pretty sure I said east. But Vorelle is fine where she is.]
Theodore Monday May 22nd, 2006 9:08:56 PM
(OOC - Fine with me.)
Zeoll Monday May 22nd, 2006 10:45:20 PM
Carl, Zeoll's plan is to ready his bardic music to use the moment that the dragon gets within 90 feet. So it is crucial that Zeoll be on the edge of the compound in the dragon's incoming path. Obviously, the dragon might fly around and approach from a different angle, but assuming that the beast just flies right in, Zeoll wants to be in its path.
And for the plan to work, he has to be able to use his Bardic Music optimally.
Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts.) Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 12:03:21 AM
OOC: Sure I don't mind Ashira or Tratain's placement...roast away. ;)
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace) Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 10:10:37 AM
***Waits patiently behind the rubble for The Red DEATH on wings!***
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins48secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
DM Carl: Know Who You Face d20+20=32 d20+6=25 Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:26:53 PM
Brahmah and Theo huddle behind a large pile of bodies (not rubble!), as everyone else spreads out and casts as many spells as they are able.
Tratain hugs the side of Oshirr House, Rose takes cover behind a tree whilst Piper flies north to get away from the approaching horror. With the benefit of her spell she is unable to detect the presence of any invisible creatures.
Vorelle thinks about moving east, then heads west (whoops! Sorry!), and hides in shadow of a barracks building. Ashira makes it to a mound of bodies and hunkers down behind it.
Zeoll distributes spells and then moves forwards so that he is lurking beneath the walkway near the compound gate (OOC: apologies Cayzle, I'm unclear as to exactly where you want to be (you said west to a building before, though I in my rush I moved you east! This time I've moved you south. Hope current location is OK). He is in total cover, and from his current location cannot see the approaching dragon.
With languid strokes of mighty leather wings the red dragon draws ever closer. It is a hoorific sight. Talons and thick armoured scale glint in the sunlight. Flames lick around its fangs, and a fiendish intelligence blazes in its wicked green eyes. And yet for all the impending sense of dread you cannot help admire the sheer physical poetry of the creature. The vast muscles moving effortlessly beneath the skin, the sheer power of those wing strokes, the whole creature moving far faster and more gracefully than you would think possible for a creature of such a size. It is a truly magnificent sight.
Then it is upon you, nearing the gate some 40 feet up. Awe gives way to horror as the true scale of the task ahead of you dawns upon you for the first time. This thing is surely unbeatable!
Those within 150 feet of the dragon (Zeoll, Ashira, Theo and Brahmah, within the orange circle marked on the map) must make a Will save DC 22 or be Shaken
It speaks in a voice like sibilant thunder, a voice dripping with amused malice.
"I see you, little meat! Are you hiding from me? Come out to play, little meat! My Lord Gargulus has bid me retrieve his property from you. Return to me what was stolen and you shall all go free, this I swear. Resist me and you shall die screaming as you boil in your own blood!"
Sense Motive DC 25 Highlight to display spoiler: {Funnily enough, you get the impression he's not being strictly honest about the whole "going free" thing.}
"Come now, return the stone to me. You know you cannot hope to defeat me, for you face not some paltry band of orcs, nor witless ogres. Now you face the mightiest champion of Lord Gargulus, the Scourge of the Derwen Downs, the Ruin of House Oshirr..."
The dragon's mighty voice rises in pitch and volume until the very ground beneath your feet trembles, as if in fear of the young adult dragon's name;
Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) d20+15=24 d20+20=24 d20+10=27 d20+25=45 [WOO HOO!! HOLY SMOKES! THAT's A NAT 20 ON MY PERFORM CHECK!!!] d20+13=20 Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 5:50:51 PM
Zeoll makes his save and is not shaen by the dragon's presence (Will save 24).
He listens tot he dragon and thinks he hears something in its voice ... (sense motive 24 darn it!) ... but it just eludes him!
On the other hand, the name that the Dragon gives is not unknown to the bard (bard lore check 27). This is Flame when he was young! Flame who would bear a more dire name in the future! Flame who would defeat many adventurers of the Wold!
But Zeoll steps out into view, nonetheless! His hands beat a hypnotic rhythm on his finely crafted drum, and he lifts his voice in song to the Dragon:
Oh grreatest of the grreat and strrong! Oh cunning wit and mightly spell! Please listen to this humble song And we, no fools, will serve you well!
(Perform check = Will save DC = 45! Nat 20!) (Didn't even need to blow a hero point!)
Zeoll prays that the dragon will be fascinated and listen to the other verses he has in mind over the next seven rounds.
Zeoll also puts a secret message in the last line of his song -- (bluff check 20 to pass a secret message): DO NOT FOOLISHLY FIGHT THE DRAGON! (He does not even mind if the dragon understands his secret message!)
NOTE: If Zeoll sees any other enemy, he will try to include that person in the song as well. Hopefully with the same save DC! LOL!
Druid spells Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits, Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal
Bard Spells used 0 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18) used 0 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19) used 3 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20) used 0 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)
Vorelle Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 11:33:39 PM
Vorelle nocks an arrow, but she has no intention of firing on the dragon until some sort of signal is given. She wishes there was some way to help Zeoll, but she knows that keeping quiet and out of sight is her best contribution at this point.
Ashira (AC24, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3) d20+5=23 d20+2=13 Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:21:22 AM
Ashira shudders at the arrival of the dragon as every single, every single fiber in her body screams out to get as far away from that horrible roasting machine on wings. But somehow, the importance of this moment seeps through her horror and she moves her hands to her swords (Will=23, Sense Motive=13). Yet again, she waits patiently to see whether Zeoll's actions prove fruitful. Trying to look nonchalant, Ashira drinks down the potion in her hand (Shield of Faith), and pulls another one out of her pack.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min.
Tratain (AC25, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance d20+13=19 d20+13=27 Wednesday May 24th, 2006 12:38:08 AM
Tratain begins to tremble as the dragon speaks...what was he thinking?! There is no possible way to defeat this creature! Turning, Tratain briefly considers running away when something inside of him snaps him out of it (Will=19, HP reroll=27). No! He was going to stand here with his comrades and if he should die, then so be it! His hands near his holy symbol, Tratain prepares to cast a couple of spells should the dragon attack (Quickened Divine Favor and Righteous Might).
rose Wednesday May 24th, 2006 3:01:18 AM
<i>I'm to far away, I wont be able to help the others I have to be able to get closer</i>
Rose is worried that she's to far away to help her friends if they end up fighting. She quickly casts a spell upon herself.
cast expeditious retreat on herslef
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 20 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 50/50 rounds left
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message level 1: magic missile, shield level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x5 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions Bears endurance +4 from ashira (adds +2 to con for ? min) clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
ooc: I still need to know how long the bears endurance potion will last when I use it.
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) d20+9=22 Wednesday May 24th, 2006 10:54:17 AM
(Will Save 22! THANK YOU ZEOLL!!!!!!!!)
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins48secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
Brahmah knows NOT to go to the dragon. Allow it to come into our arena on OUR terms.
He takes out a scroll and reads it. (Owl's Wisdom)
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) d20+12=22 d20+3=7 9d6(2+4+2+3+2+3+4+3+6)=29 Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:27:01 AM
A surge of fear passes over Theodore, but is quickly replaced by excitement. Wow! A real, live dragon! This is amazing! (Will 22)
He waits for the dragon to make a hostile move before firing off a lightning bolt. (Damage 29, Reflex vs 17 for half damage)
Spells Active: Mage Armor - 9 hours Resist Energy (fire) - 89 min 8 rounds
DM Carl: Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail d20+15=29 Wednesday May 24th, 2006 4:23:23 PM
The party holds its collective breath as Zeoll steps out and launches into his song. Even his own companions are nearly caught up in his spell, so finely is it crafted. The dragon, despite its formidable mental strength, cannot help but be drawn into the wemic's hypnotic verse.
Flame's eyes widen, and its head, which had been casting about urgently from side to side as if hunting for something, begins to sway gently in time with complex rhythms of Zeoll's drum. Small puffs of smoke are emitted in time with the upbeat.
Huge wings beat the air in time to the tune as the great dragon Flame hovers in place, captivated by the liontaur before it.
You can scarcely believe this period of grace. Could Flame be faking? Is he truly lost in the song? And if so, what can you do to turn this temporary reprieve to your advantage?
Rose Wednesday May 24th, 2006 9:24:50 PM
Rose quickly casts another spell on herself and quietly starts moving closer to the others staying right along the wall of the building Vorelle is at. When she gets close enough to include everyone in a message spell (150') she will stop and be ready to cast it next round.
Piper will remain in the tree.
cast shield & move up to 60'
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 24 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 49/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 50/50 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message level 1: magic missile level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x5 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions Bears endurance +4 from ashira (adds +2 to con for 3 min) clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) extra Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:34:46 PM
Zeoll says a silent prayer to the future God of Courage and continues his song::
We bow beforre you, glorried Flame! We shake with fearr! We hope to serrve! Yourr majesty all folk proclaim! Yourr edicts we must all obserrve!
"Rreturrn that which you stole!" you rroarr, And now, of courrse, to you we yield. Yourr merrcy we must now implorre. Ourr secrrets now to you rrevealed!
As he sings, Zeoll thinks about what he will do after seven rounds of song, when the Fascinate ends. He has some ideas.
DM, Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Zeoll is thinking about using the suggestion in R6 and Charm Monster in R7. Or maybe Confusion.}
Vorelle Wednesday May 24th, 2006 11:43:01 PM
Still holding her arrow nocked, Vorelle hopes Zeoll had some sort of plan beyond "fascinate the dragon."
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+2=16 Thursday May 25th, 2006 12:03:46 AM A few seconds...we only have a few seconds, at most! Ashira slurps down the potion in her hand (Fly) and eyes the dragon warily (Sense Motive=16). She briefly thinks about moving in closer, but hesitates, thinking that it will probably interfere with Zeoll's plan. So she stands, and she waits...hands on hilts, ready to engage the dragon when the magic wears off.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 3/3min.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3 Thursday May 25th, 2006 1:09:35 AM When that thing snaps out of it, it's going to be mighty angry! Time to get ready. thinks Tratain as he begins to cast a spell on himself (Shield of Faith). Then he edges forward closer toward Zeoll and the dragon, though he is sure not to act menacing (move 30 feet).
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) Thursday May 25th, 2006 7:43:52 AM
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
"He's waiting. For what?! By Domi, I hate dragons!"
DM Carl: Countdown is progressing (6) Thursday May 25th, 2006 3:32:36 PM
As the party inch forward and continue buffing up, Flame remains transfixed. A proud smirk spreads across his maw as Zeoll flatters and praises the great beast.
As spells are cast the dragon reacts, his head darting in the direction of the caster, but seeing nothing directly threatening he is drawn inexorably back towards the singer, his eyes dreamy and unfocused.
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Thursday May 25th, 2006 9:43:48 PM
Theodore remains where he is, glad for the reprieve.
Spells Active: Mage Armor 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) 89 min 7 rounds
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) Friday May 26th, 2006 1:14:38 AM
Having no more buffing to do, Ashira waits with baited breath for the spell to wear off or the Alemi to pull their butts out of the fire... On second thought... Ashira hedges closer in toward the dragon so that she doesn't have to fly so far when it's time to attack. She is excruciatingly careful to move in a non-threatening manner.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 3/3min.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil Friday May 26th, 2006 1:26:29 AM
Smiling, the cleric casts another spell upon himself (Protection from Evil), making sure his body language and actions reflect a peaceful manner.
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Vorelle Friday May 26th, 2006 1:27:36 AM
Vorelle holds, arrow still pointed at the dragon.
Rose Friday May 26th, 2006 2:38:51 AM
Rose pops down the potion Ashira gave her and moves forward another 60' or until everyone is within range of the message spell.
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 24 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 48/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 49/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 30/30 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, resistance, mage hand, message level 1: magic missile level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x5 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
dm carl please let me know where rose is in relation to the others now.
Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) Friday May 26th, 2006 6:28:56 AM
Zeoll watches his friends out of the corner of his eye, and he hopes that no one will threaten the dragon. He is especially worried about Vorelle's pointed arrow.
Well, maybe he can mitigate that threat. Still singing:
Behold the hide imprregnable! Immune to puny bolts and darrts. Behold the forrce unstoppable! That strrikes such fearr in morrtal hearrts.
It is no wonderr then, you see, That those who thought they might rresist Instead at once do all agrree -- Theirr plan to fight has been dismissed!
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) Friday May 26th, 2006 8:41:55 AM
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins36secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
As the party inches up, Brahmah stays put, knowing that the dragon is likely bluffing and the minotaur will have to pull someone out of the flame or out of Flame!
Carl Saturday May 27th, 2006 6:17:58 AM
Hi folks, just to let you know I'm going to be taking a short break from the wold, a month or so, to recharge the batteries and free up some time. The Powers That Be are sorting out a replacement DM to take you through this battle, so hopefully there should be limited disruption.
Good luck!
Countdown is progressing (5) (Quickie Sub DM Cayzle) Monday May 29th, 2006 7:54:31 AM
[OOC: Friends, with Carl taking a break, we are seeking a new DFR1 DM. Until then (since Carl didn't post Friday), let me offer this easy countdown post so that we all can write a turn. Carl, if you are planning to post but I jumped the gun, please accept my apologies and feel free to delete this. -- Cayzle]
PC actions
Theo and Brahmah stand pat.
Ashira nudges a smidge closer, trying to seem non-threatening.
Rose drinks a potion and moves.
Tratain casts a spell on himself and stays put.
Vorelle keeps her weapon ready and also stays put.
Zeoll continues his song, trying to keep the dragon's attention on himself, and to convince it that the party is no threat.
DMish Note: Friends, keep in mind the rules for bardic fascinate: Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.
Clearly, Vorelle's aiming an arrow should break the fascination effect. But she has been doing so already for two rounds, so we see that DM Carl is being generous. Here subbing for Carl, if only for a post or two, I suggest that future action take the above into consideration. If Vorelle keeps aiming her weapon, for example, don't be surprised if the fascinate ends.
I also rule that if you are within 100 feet of the Dragon and you move directly towards it, that will also require a new Perform check and save.
[Carl, if you are planning to post but I jumped the gun, please accept my apologies and feel free to delete this.]
Dragon actions
The Dragon rouses, staring at Vorelle and glancing at Rose. But Zeoll's song lulls him, and his gaze returns to the liontaur.
Vorelle Monday May 29th, 2006 11:38:37 AM
[OOC: I hate to get all rules lawyer-y, but Vorelle hid before she pointed her arrow, and got a 34. In my opinion, anything that requires a DC 34 Spot check is not an "obvious" anything. :) ]
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) Monday May 29th, 2006 11:43:16 AM
OOC: Is that a break in the front wall just West of Flame?
Brahmah attempts to move up, move through the wall, and position behind the pile of bodies just outside the wall. (Longstrider makes his movement 40)
Brahmah ADDENDUM Monday May 29th, 2006 11:44:59 AM
OOC: His intention is to move between Vorelle and Rose and skirt the back wall of the building and move down the wall to the break.
Cayzle to Vorelle Monday May 29th, 2006 2:44:25 PM
LOL! You are exactly right! I looked at your most recent post for a hide check, but I didn't look at your post before that! My bad! Sorry!
loretta d20+7=9 d20+10=27 d20+10=29 d20+10=23 Tuesday May 30th, 2006 3:03:36 AM
rose is somewhere along the wall Vorelle is listed by, maybe about halfway between her and ashira no matter what she's close enough to get everyone in her message spell (if there were numbers and letters on the map it would be easier) she is supposed to have cast a message spell on everyone in the group (not the dragon) as soon as she's in range. she's been moving silently and hiding
hide: 9, ok she's not doing a good job listen: 27 move silently: 29 spot: 23
Brahmah Tuesday May 30th, 2006 2:02:36 PM
Brahmah continues his movement until he reaches his goal or dies in the process.
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (Dodge & mage armor) Tuesday May 30th, 2006 4:03:45 PM
Theodore stays where he is, content to let things play out. This might actually work... he thinks to himself.
Spells Active: Mage Armor 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) 89 min 6 rounds
Cayzle Tuesday May 30th, 2006 10:15:44 PM
Friends, Jamie has agreed to take over the game! Yay! Thanks Jamie! Please e-mail him your PC sheets:
DM Jamie Tuesday May 30th, 2006 11:33:44 PM One and all. All I ask is that you give me until Wednesday late afternoon to post. I will then do another post early on Thursday because I will be getting on an airplane later in the morning tio travel back to Turkey. I will get off the plane in enough time to read your posts when I get there and make my Friday post. Just like last time if I make a mistake because of something that might have happened while I was away just remind me :) I am glad to be back.
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:14:53 AM
From her new position of just outside the wall, Ashira watches and waits.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 3/3min.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon Wednesday May 31st, 2006 12:31:30 AM
Freezing in position, Tratain whispers a prayer and litely touches his warhammer (Align Weapon-Good).
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Zeoll (AC12 HP78 Heroism, Bears End) Wednesday May 31st, 2006 4:09:40 AM
Zeoll continues his song, holding the dragon's concentration and fascinating it.
[OOC: Sorry, no time to write a verse for this post.]
[OOC: This is the fourth round of seven rounds that the fascinate will last. On the sixth round, Zeoll plans to weave a suggestion (per the bardic music ability) into the song. If that does not work, on the seventh round he plans to stop singing and use Charm Monster on the dragon. If that works, maybe Zeoll can end the encounter right there! If not, we'll see if he's toast!]
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) Wednesday May 31st, 2006 1:16:48 PM
The rangers continues on his psth, the few moments lasting forever, it seems. :)
Vorelle Wednesday May 31st, 2006 10:46:58 PM
Vorelle remains hidden and keeps her arrow nocked.
DM Jamie Thursday June 1st, 2006 4:52:40 AM Disclaimer: If I miss something just bring it to my attention. Also, keep in mind I am leaving my family for 10 months in a few hours. Also, sorry for the late post, my network went down last night. I will try to find a wi-fi spot in my travels otherwise I will post again on Friday.
As Flame becomes transfixed it is almost as if time slows. The flap of Flame's great wings slows... Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh. The smoke puffs rising slowly; being taken by the breeze up into the air to slowly dissipate.
There seems to be an almost calming silence permeating the area and all you can hear is the chant by Zeoll flowing through the air and seeming to weave with the very air surrounding the leviathan.
You can each hear your own heartbeats and can feel your blood pumping through your veins. If there ever was a perfect moment this is it. No matter your current situation you feel as if you have control over every inch of your being.
You all get to your respective spots. (I apologize for no map. I have reviewed the one from an earlier post and I will try to get something together for my Friday post. For right now just be as descriptive as possible for my sanity and yours.
It seems as if Flame's eyes are beginning to slit.
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Thursday June 1st, 2006 7:35:17 PM
Theodore remains where he is, but tenses as the creature's eyes begin to narrow.
Something bad's gonna happen.
Brahmah Thursday June 1st, 2006 10:14:52 PM
Brahmah continues to move.
(OOC: How far has he gotten please.)
DM Jamie - The lull before the storm Friday June 2nd, 2006 10:52:51 AM
The battleground strewn with bodies of the students, some of which were your friends, and the bodies of your fallen enemies lie before you. The sweet smell of charred flesh intermingles with that of blood to create a pungent odor which seems to fill every pore in your being. This will not be something that you forget anytime soon and is a life changing event for anyone. You have met gods in flesh and possibly some of your idols in roles you had never imagined. You have seen the tenacity that your forefather heros have fought with and it brings some glimmer of hope to your soul. This is it, you tell yourself. This is where we save the world or die trying.
Zeoll, Highlight to display spoiler: {It feels as if something is fighting for contention with you over Flame. You can feel a will trying to impress itself upon Flame to counter your bardic song. Please give me a perform check with a DC 29. You don't think you have lost control right now, but it could happen soon.} Sweat beads across your face as you send out your song.
Brahmah, you have made it to the break in the wall. The pile of bodies outside the wall is worse than you could have imagined. They are strewn about, most of them missing something. A head here and a leg there, some of them appear to have been gnawed on. No doubt if you all fail here they will become a snack for Flame.
Vorelle, it does not look as if Flame has even paid any attention to you. Concealed so well you are you are able to stand ready, with what you think will be a clean shot. Highlight to display spoiler: {Since you have been hiding unseen by the dragon you will get a +10 to your first shot to take into account that you will be blindsiding him with it.}
Rose, you are able to position yourself to the point most beneficial for the message spell and you believe you have not been spotted, but when you tripped over that dead student you don't remember if you let out a little cry or not. Something about tripping into the hollowed out chest cavity of another humanoid just has that effect on people.
Theodore, as you wait you can't help but have your attention drawn to the bodies. Already flies have begun to infest the piles of rotting flesh. Soon this mound will be covered with maggots who will chew their way through this meat feast in their small attempt at life. You see a student that you recognize from your last visit to the Oshirr compound. His name seems to fail you right now, but what were his aspirations? Did he have a family? These are all thoughts that help to temper the feelings inside of you into a weapon that will surely be able to bring down this awful force now.
Tratain, it feels good to have the familiar magic flow through your hands into your weapon. It has always been there, reliable and safe. Like an old friend. It seems to have a calming effect on you as you ready yourself for battle.
Ashira, you are watching Flame intently as you sit there. Looking at the bodies here makes you wonder if all this is worth it. Then you think to the future, your future. What would it be like if you fail here? What would happen to your family and friends still in the future? You shrug off this thought with determination knowing that in your heart you are exactly where you need to be. You have some concealment, but could still be hit if things go poorly. Highlight to display spoiler: {When Flame looks your way and then back at Zeoll you think that for a moment you see some type of conflict in his eyes. }
Suddenly Flame's wings begin to beat a bit more. He lifts himself into the air about another 10 feet and orientates his body into more of a prone position, but takes no action to inhale or do anything other that beat his wings. The breeze begins to pick up and you begin to see small objects move across the ground. Dust is beginning to pick up. Those of you watching think that you see a smile creep along Flame's face.
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) Friday June 2nd, 2006 12:45:26 PM
Brahmah takes up a position behind the bodies and prepares for whatever is to happen next. He expects death, but chances are just as good that they will proveil... what was he was doing here again!?
Zeoll d20+25=37 Friday June 2nd, 2006 10:45:14 PM
Zeoll senses a mental force trying to distract the dragon, but Zeoll continues to make his music as enthralling as he can (Perform Check 37 is plenty high enough).
This round, Zeoll weaves a subtle suggestion into his music. He suggests to the dragon that the desired object is not here, but that if he is willing to take Zeoll away, it is hidden no more than a few hours' flight from here, and why not let Zeoll guide Flame to the hiding place?
Note that per the rules, "Using this ability does not break the bard's concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect."
Suggestion Will save DC is 18.
rose d20+7=8 d20+7=22 d20+10=19 d20+10=20 d20+10=18 Saturday June 3rd, 2006 12:55:42 AM
Rose cast the message spell last round (per previous posts) and now whispers to the others "Now we can talk, does anybody have a plan?"
She pulls a miniture cloak out of her component pouch and quickly whispers a spell. She will then carefully move another 10-20 feet trying to make sure that Flame cant see or hear her.
hide: 8, use hero point 22 listen: 19 move silently: 20 spot: 18
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 24 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 47/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 48/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 29/30 rounds Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 10/10 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x5 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Vorelle Sunday June 4th, 2006 12:52:31 PM
Their mission was to delay the dragon. So far, it was an outstanding success. Vorelle tries to draw encouragement from that, picturing those within Oshirr House quickly making their preparations.
She keeps her arrow pointed at Flame, waiting for the signal to fire.
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+12=31 Sunday June 4th, 2006 10:51:34 PM
Every fiber of her being is taut...waiting for the moment to strike...because she has absolutely no doubt that it will eventually come down to a fight. He hands down at her side, Ashira waits patiently for the moment to attack (Spot=31)...though she casts an anxious glance at Zeoll's last verse of his song. I sure hope he knows what he's doing...because that dragon's going to be pretty peeved when the spell wears off, and I don't think a liontaur snack will last very long...
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 27/30 rds.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon Sunday June 4th, 2006 11:35:45 PM
Having done just about all he can do to prepare for the fight he knows will come, Tratain waits. He has more spells to cast, but they would probably upset the dragon, so for now he waits...
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Brahmah Monday June 5th, 2006 9:41:23 PM
He waits.
DM Jamie d20+13=33 d20+39=57 d20=13 Tuesday June 6th, 2006 12:52:01 AM
Time seems to teeter on the head of a pin. Nerves are on end and everyone waits for the stalemate to end.
The only person who has moved as of yet is Rose. I have her to the west of Ashira behind some rubble. I will have a new map out with the Tuesday post. I am working extended hours and this will be may last post from work so I will have a small window after getting off work in order to post. My next post will be sometime around 10 am Wold time on Tuesday.
Flame shakes his head a bit as if to clear the cobwebs and speaks. His voice like thunder, "I know that which I seek is here and located in that building," as he points towards the Oshirr house. "Your parlor tricks have amused me for long enough. I will now take what is mine."
Flame draws in a great amount of air.
Since everyone has been waiting and watching intently I am going to give everyone time to perform one action prior to Flame attacking. Good luck.
I will have a map with my next post
Vorelle d20+21=32 d20+11=26 d20+6=19 d8+1=4 d8+1=8 d8+1=7 Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:03:36 AM
When she sees the dragon break Zeoll's enchantment, Vorelle fires the arrow she's been holding, followed quickly by two more.
[Hit AC 32 for 4 damage; Hit AC 26 for 8 damage; Hit AC 19 for 7 damage]
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+16=29 d8+4=7 Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:45:50 AM Yep...that would be the signal! Ashira takes flight and moves toward the dragon, engaging on his flank if possible. If close enough, she takes a wack at the dragon (AC29 for 7).
OOC: I really don't remember anymore how far Ashira is from the dragon.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 26/30 rds.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon 9d6(5+4+4+2+6+3+2+4+4)=34 Tuesday June 6th, 2006 11:58:27 AM
Noting that the time has come, Tratain casts an offensive spell (Flame Strike). He watches as the column of fire explodes into the dragon, knowing that the fire will do him no damage, but the divine attributes will. (34 dam....17 dam. from divine power). After the strike, the Protector moves toward the dragon readying himself to engage in more one on one tactics.
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 54secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
Positioned nearest the dragon, Brahmah charges the dragon. (AC 34, for 12 damage)
Rose Tuesday June 6th, 2006 5:51:11 PM
Rose quickly grabs a scroll and reads it off. suddenly a ray of darkness hits Flame's eyes. Hopefully it will work.
Cast from scroll blindness/deafness using blind.
Rose HP: 64/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 24 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 47/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 48/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 29/30 rounds Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 10/10 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2: spectral hand, touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) 9d6(5+6+3+2+1+2+6+4+5)=34 Tuesday June 6th, 2006 9:26:13 PM
Theodore stands and unleashes a lightning bolt at Flame, and quickly ducks back behind his cover.
(Reflex vs 17 for half of 34 damage)
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith) Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:53:56 AM
Zeoll stops singing and casts Confusion on the dragon. Will save DC 21.
Then, whether it works or not, Zeoll dives for cover (40 foot move) into the nearest building.
Druid spells (in brackets = [cast] Lvl 0: Det Magic, Det Pois, Guide, Know Dir, Read Magic Lvl 1: Det Animals/Plants, Det Snares/Pits, Speak with Animals, Calm Animals, Charm Animal Lvl 2: Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Hold Animal Lvl 3: Speak with Plants, Dominate Animal
Bard Spells available 3 of 3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 16 (18) 5 of 5 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 17 (19) 2 of 4 Level 2 spells; Difficulty Class 18 (20) 0 of 1 Level 3 spell; Difficulty Class 19 (21)
DM Jamie - End Game d100=13 d100=59 d20+11=17 d100=52 d20+13=30 Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:44:42 AM
Flame rears back as all of the attacks converge on him.
Tratain A flame seems to drop from the heavens as another rises from the ground and converge on the creature Flame. You can all hear the scream as Flame moves his hands over his face from the burn of the divine power touching his courupt flesh. You can see a scorches piece of flesh now covering his face.
Rose is able to cast her scroll and as the negative energies fly from her hand they speeed towards the mighty beast. The energies dissipate as they hit Fame (Made SR role).
Theodore you fire off your bolt of lightning and like a night in shining armor it flies straight and true towards the great beast striking him in the center of his mighty chest, althoughit looks as if he is able to shake offa portion of the damage.
Zeoll staring death in the face he fires of one last spell before making his strategic retreat. The spell does not seem to have any effect, though, other than further enraging the beast. He does make it down off the wall and a ways away from what could be a nasty burn.
Brahamah you are able to charge the great beast and can feel the evil exude off of it as you cut into his soft underbelly. The creature lets out a scream and rises another 5 feet.
Ashira moves to flank the great beast. Making just above the wall.
Vorelle you feelas if everything slows down as you find your shot. As Flame makes a turn you see your chance and take it. Two of the arrows fly true finding their marks between his scales, imbedding themselves deep into the creature.
Flame rears back and screams. It is more a scream of unbelief and despiration at these small creatures who are hurting him so. He quickly sees that his is no longer in a position to unleash fire so he begins to hover at about 15 feet bringing up a cloud of dust around him.
The cloud is hemispherical and is 60 feet in radius. Clear vision within the cloud is limited to 10'. Creature have concealment at 15 and 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents canot use sight to locate the creature.) Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check of (DC 10 + 11) to cast a spell
You can all hear him, but Brahmah is the only one who can see him.
Map will be emailed... Kathy I do not have a good email address for you.
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) d20+13=18 d20+15=26 d20+15=34 d20+8=18 d20+10=16 2d6(5+3)+8=16 Wednesday June 7th, 2006 3:06:25 PM
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 42secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 1 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
Brahmah attacks again, if the dragon is low enough. (AC 18, 26(crit threat 34), 18 and 16, for 9 damage, 16 damage if crit)
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Wednesday June 7th, 2006 6:35:42 PM
Theodore pulls forth his lesser rod of metamagic, enlarge. Standing quickly, he shoots off another spell. A noxious cloud appears above where Flame was.
(Cast stinking cloud 10 feet above where Flame last was. Fortitude save vs 17 to negate)
Vorelle d20+20=24 Wednesday June 7th, 2006 10:08:47 PM
Approach closer to the dangerous creature, or stand here unable to make a shot? It isn't an ideal choice.
Cautiously, Vorelle starts forward, trying to move without making a sound.
[Move Silently 24]
[The kice6 at comcast dot net email address should work just fine. I know there was a period of time when Comcast and Yahoo were being snippy with each other and their servers weren't talking, but I think that's all been resolved.]
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:09:39 PM
Ashira grunts in frustration. She needs to get closer to be useful. So that's exactly what she does. She flies 60 feet toward the dragon.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 25/30 rds.
Tratain (AC28, HP76/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon Wednesday June 7th, 2006 11:30:25 PM
Knowing that he is absolutely no use so far away, the Protector sprints toward the dragon. (Run 4x=120 feet).
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
rose d4=2 Thursday June 8th, 2006 6:39:05 AM
Rose quickly (but carefully) moves towards the dragon "Hey guys what was the use of having us all be apart if we have to be near eachother and the dragon to attack it?" She whispers to the others.
As soon as she thinks she's close enough (within 150' of dragon, probably a bit closer) She'll cast another spell.
cast spectral hand, lose 2 hp get hand with 2 hp.
dm sanity info Rose HP: 62/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from spell) Rose AC: 24 Hand: 2/2 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 46/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 47/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 28/30 rounds Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 9/10 rounds Spectral hand: hand can deliver melee touch spells up to 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2:touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x5 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
DM Jamie Thursday June 8th, 2006 11:58:04 AM Awaiting some posts. Kathy, I still had some problems sending. I am going to try one more time. Can someone forward the map to her? Also, what did you think of the map? Thanks
One quick thing. Is the Ogre still with you guys and if so where is he?
Shegger Thursday June 8th, 2006 4:44:30 PM
(OOC - D'oh! A regenerating ogre would have been nice! Unfortunately, he was told to wait a ways back. As far as I know, he obeyed.)
Zeoll Thursday June 8th, 2006 4:53:25 PM
Zeoll stays hidden and casts a Summon Nature's Ally III. He will be occupied casting it all this turn.
Yup, the ogre was left a couple miles from Alemi's place.
Brahmah Thursday June 8th, 2006 7:40:27 PM
DM Jamie d20+16=29 10d10(4+2+4+6+8+8+7+9+7+7)=62 Friday June 9th, 2006 12:26:55 PM My appologies. The internet in Turkey is older than dirt and runs that way. The network went out and I had to run all over the base in order to find a dialup I could use.
Those of you outside the cloud can still hear the beating of leathery wings, but as to seeing anything you can only make out the dirt and dust flying through the air. Although, the top of the dust appears to be darker than the rest of it.
Tratain in an effort to get into the battle and protect his friends sprints the last of the distance, but once he gets there he wonders what he has gotten himself into. Highlight to display spoiler: {Inside the dust cloud is like standing in a stong wind. The dust whips around you, embracing you in a great swirl of dirt and abrasiveness. You can barely make out a large shape in the air in front of you. Roughly 20' in the air.}
Vorelle moves forward along the side of the building she has been hiding next too.
Ashira you cross into the dust cloud. Highlight to display spoiler: {Once inside the vortex the outside world almost doesn't exist. The sun is blotted out and everything takes on a hazy look. The winds buffet you, but you easily maintain control while in the air. The sand and dirt in the air is very abrasive against you. It seems to be crying out to you its frustration for being picked up and flung around. You can see a darker cloud slightly higher than you and over the flying shape of Flame.}
Rose moves to where she thinks she is within 150 feet of where Flame last was and casts her spell. A hand appears in front of her.
Theodore you easily fire off your spell. It goes off successfully bypassing Flames spell resistance because it was not directed at him. Only time will tell if it affects his mighty lungs.
Brahmah Highlight to display spoiler: {The winds rise up around you and buffet your hair and loose belongings around. The dirt and sand seem to rise to meet the sky and the outside world no longer exists for you. The wind seems to quite all of the outside distractions. You can barely make out Flame roughly 20 feet above you. Blast, he is too far away to strike, but while you are looking up you can see it grow darker above Flame. You can barely make out that someone has approached from the ground and someone seems to be in the air.}
Zeoll concentrates on completing Summon Nature's Ally III.
Flame rises another 30 feet into the air (now 50'). He makes it through the darker cloud with no problem (Fort save 29). As he rises through the air the dust cloud and the darker patch of cloud begin to dissipate. You can see blood dripping from him from several places on his body. He inhales and exhales turning his head below him.
Ashira needs to roll even/odd. And even roll means you are just outside of the cone. An odd role means you are just inside the cone.
Brahmah, Tratain, and possibly Ashira are caught in the torret from above. 62 hp with a reflex DC 24 for half (31).
Map will be emailed out.
rose Friday June 9th, 2006 2:48:27 PM
Rose quickly casts another spell off of a scroll on herself and then moves even closer to the dragon while sending the hand out even closer (rose will go as far as she needs to to get the spectral hand to where it can touch the dragon and be behind any of its breath weapons).
ooc: corrected hp as I forgot to add in the extra from bears endurance.
dm sanity info Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance) Rose AC: 24 Hand: 2/2 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 45/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 46/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 28/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired) Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 8/10 rounds Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 49/50 rounds Blur: 20% miss chance 30/30 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2:touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x4 touch of idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperature control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x4
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Brahmah (AC22(30)HP86/97, Longstrider, Heroism, Barkskin, Cat's Grace, Owl's Wisdom) d20+8=26 Friday June 9th, 2006 5:53:26 PM
(Save 30, for 31 damage, reduced further by Protection from Fire?, for a total of 11 damage.)
Active Spells: Longstrider (scroll, 59mins42secs:)) Heroism (via Zeoll, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Shield of Faith (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Barkskin (via Ashira, +3 to AC) Cat's Grace (scroll, 36secs) Owl's Wisdom (scroll, 48 min) Cast Resist Energy (Fire)(via Trataine, 20pts. of protection from fire each attack...lasts 90 min)
The ranger can't do anything until the beast lands, but once he does, Brahmah will surely attack with vengence.
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith) d3=2 Friday June 9th, 2006 10:31:17 PM
Zeoll finishes casting SNAIII and calls forth 1d3 small air elementals ... 2 appear! He commands one to go make a whirlwind to blind the dragon this round. He commands the other to make a whirlwind next round. After that, they are to Aid any creature fighting the dragon (Aid Another to add +2 to hit) or just fight the dragon if no one else is. (Zeoll speaks Auran).
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d6=1 d20+11=30 d20+12=24 d20+16=17 d20+16=21 Saturday June 10th, 2006 12:46:13 PM
Caught in Flame's cone of fire, Ashira flies quickly to the side and avoids the fiery attack altogether (Refl=30, damage). She flies up through the cloud, and though she notices the noxious vapors, they do not bother her (Fort.=24). Ashira flies to the underbelly of the great dragon and takes a swipe, but just can't manage to connect with the tough dragon (AC 21).
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 24/30 rds.
Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)
Tratain (AC28, HP45/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation d20+8=25 Sunday June 11th, 2006 12:07:12 AM
Even with all dirt and debris, Tratain spots the incoming wall of flame and manages to roll away from the worst of the damage (Refl=25). Smacking his head, Tratain suddenly remembers the potion that Ashira gave to him only a few moments ago. Reaching into his pack, he pulls it out and downs it (Levitation).
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min. Levitate: 3/3min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Brahmah Sunday June 11th, 2006 9:13:30 AM
The ranger keeps watching the dragon for signs of landing.
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:15:02 PM
Theodore rises up and darts southwest to hide behind another pile of bodies.
Spells Active: Mage Armor - 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 4 rounds
Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] d20+11=29 d20+11=17 d20+6=13 d8+1=6 Sunday June 11th, 2006 2:22:20 PM
Now that she can see a target, Vorelle fires three more shots at the dragon. Only one if them manages to find its way through the beast's scales.
[Hit AC 29 for 6 damage. Hit AC 17 and AC 13]
Brahmah Monday June 12th, 2006 11:00:11 AM
Watches the dragon with some trepodation.
DM Jamie d20-11=-9 d20+11=28 2d6(4+2)=6 Monday June 12th, 2006 12:26:40 PM
The whirlwind elemental flies forth from Zeoll in an attempt to blind the dragon, but it is not big enough to go that high (50'). So it tries to trap the great beast in its whirlwind.
Flame escaes the small elemental easily and flies towards the Oshirr house. At 30 feet he turns and casts DC 20 to detect what he castHighlight to display spoiler: {Acid Fog}.
Brahmah and Tratain, Highlight to display spoiler: {a fog developes around you each. Becoming quite thick. As you stand there you begin to feel your skin burn. You and your objects take 6 points of acid damage.}
Ashira, the dragon flies past you towards the Oshirr house and then turns to cast.
Theodore, you make it to your new pile of bodies.
Rose, you make it to your new pile of bodies.
Vorelle, you see the great beast fly owards the Oshirr house and then turn to cast.
rose d20+9=19 5d6(6+3+5+6+5)=25 Monday June 12th, 2006 6:33:11 PM
ooc: assuming that spectral hand is close enought to touch flame, since last post I said I'd get close enough to do that.
Rose carefully pulls out a scroll and reads it as her spectral hand touchs flame (preferably on any metal flame may have or be wearing). Suddenly a shock ripples through flame.
cast shocking grasp from scroll using spectral hnad to deliver melee touch attack: 19, +2 hand = 21 +3 if flame is wearing metal. damage: 25
dm sanity info Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance) Rose AC: 24 Hand: 2/2 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 44/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 45/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 27/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired) Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 7/10 rounds Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 48/50 rounds Blur: 20% miss chance 29/30 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2:touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x4 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x3
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) d20+18=37 Monday June 12th, 2006 7:29:11 PM
Theodore notices what Flame casts (spellcraft 37), but doesn't yell it out for fear of calling attention to himself.
Instead, he summons forth his powers to cast another spell. A cloud of solid fog appears about the red dragon, hampering his movement.
Spells Active: Mage Armor - 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 4 rounds Stinking Cloud - 7 rounds Solid Fog - 9 minutes
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+16=33 d20+16=29 2d8(5+5)+12=22 Monday June 12th, 2006 11:36:54 PM
Ashira looks over at the retreating dragon. "Hey big fellow, where you going? I'm not done with you!" Flying over to the side of the great beast, she lashes out with her longsword (AC33/29 crit? for 22 dam).
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 23/30 rds.
Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)
Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] Monday June 12th, 2006 11:36:57 PM
Vorelle's first thought is to disrupt the spell's casting by wounding the creature.
Then Theo surrounds it with a dense fog, which she's pretty sure her arrows won't penetrate. She pauses, waiting to see what will happen next.
Tratain (AC28, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation d20+9=20 d20+14=34 Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:08:15 AM
The Protector yelps as the cloud around him burn his skin and eyes and mouth. Frowning, he puts himself into a deep concentration (Con.=nat. 20) and begins to slowly attempt to unweave the spell that has him and his brother at arms trapped (Targeted Dispel Magic Check=20...So will dispel as long as the Flame's caster level is less than 9). He then moves 5 feet out of the cloud just in case he is unable to dispel the spell.
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min. Levitate: 3/3min.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith) d3=1 Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:24:54 AM
Zeoll summons another set of air elementals ... but this time only one creature answers his call. He orders this one to also go out and fight the dragon. Now there are three air elementals fighting Flame.
Zeoll begins casting SNAII.
Three elemetnal attacks -- should I roll them, or the DM??
DM Jamie Tuesday June 13th, 2006 10:30:59 AM OOC: Cayzle, sorry I flaked on the attacks of the elementals. Would you roll them for me please. Also, today I had to play in some war games and I am on a quick break to a computer. I will not get a real post in until around noon on Thursday. I appologize for slowing down play. Thanks.
Brahmah Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:08:27 PM
Moves out of the fog.
(OOC: 6 damage to which objects. That is quite vague.)
DM Jamie Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:22:49 AM I was vague on the 6 damage to objects and to move play along disreguard that. We were supposed to roll saves and place damage against all items on your person. No worries.
DM Jamie 4d6(3+1+5+4)=13 Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:12:33 AM
Flame is enraged when he is shocked by magical powers and when he is sliced open along his side. The blood drops from the wound onto the ground as he hovers in the air. Then he can no longer be seen by anyone other than Ashira. You can all hear his labored sounds and see his blood dripping from the cloud. Soon he begins to droop through the bottom of the cloud and then comes crashing down onto the section of wall bordering the path, rock chunks go spiraling out as he hits and then tumbles to the ground.
Rose, your attack is successful. You feel a sense of accomplishment at causing damage to the great creature.
Theo, your spell goes off without any problem and you can soon hear the frustration in the voice of the great dragon.
Ashira, Highlight to display spoiler: {Your blade runs deep into the creature. You can feel your sword cutting through bone and sinew. Rolled to see where you crited him and it was in the muscles allowing him to fly. You see him continue to try to stay elevated, but his left wing begins to fail him and he goes crashing down to the ground.}
Vorelle, you wait and see the above happen.
Tratain, Your dispel is unsuccessful and you easily move out of the fog.
Zeoll, your three elementals attack the dragon without mercy. Right now he looks to be in no position to defend himself. Please roll for the two elementals I missed the last round and roll for the attacks this round of the three. Thanks
Brahmah, You step from the fog in time to see the spectacle above.
Brahmah Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:54:38 AM
Brahmah wishes that he could help more.
He retrieves several scrolls and moves to the nearest party member able to reach the dragons.
He casts Summon Nature's Ally II, Dire Bat.
DM Jamie addon: Brahmah since he is on the ground if you wanted to attack you can now. Just making sure that you saw the map first.
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith) d20+1=17 d20+1=3 d20+1=18 d20+1=14 d20+1=5 Wednesday June 14th, 2006 2:00:20 PM
Attacks from two elementals, then from another three. Assuming they all need a 20 to hit, all miss.
In the coming round, Zeoll calls a hippogriff (with SNAII) to join the fight. Then Zeoll steps out to survey the battle and will direct the elementals to Aid Another to help Ashira, Brahmah, and the Hippogriff.
rose d20+9=21 5d6(4+3+2+4+6)=19 Wednesday June 14th, 2006 3:10:24 PM
Rose pulls out another scroll and has her spectral hand deliver again (if necessary she'll move closer).
attack: 21, +2 hand = 21 +3 if flame is wearing metal
damage: 19
dm sanity info Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance) Rose AC: 24 Hand: 2/2 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 43/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 44/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 26/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired) Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 6/10 rounds Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 47/50 rounds Blur: 20% miss chance 28/30 rounds
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2:touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x4 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x2
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:57:00 PM
Theodore raises up again to summon a large web beneath the now grounded dragon. (Refelx vs 17 (+1 for spell focus conjuration))
Spells Active: Mage Armor - 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 3 rounds Stinking Cloud - 6 rounds Solid Fog - 8 min 9 rounds Web - 90 minutes
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+14=18 d20+9=19 d20+13=28 d20+5=19 d6+5=8 Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:26:56 PM
Making sure she flies well above the level of the sticky web, Ashira launches into the dragon with a full attack, but her shortsword only strikes a glancing blow (AC28 for 8). The rest of the strikes bounce harmlessly off the dragon's scales.
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 22/30 rds.
Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)
Tratain (AC28, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:48:31 PM
Giving a hoot at the hobbling of the dragon, Tratain prepares for the ground battle to come. With the briefest of thought, The Protector fires off a quick spell (Quickened Divine Favor) and then another (Righteous Might). The cleric smiles as he begins to grow to enormous proportions.
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min. Levitate: 3/3min. Divine Favor: 1/1min. Righteous Might: 9/9 rds.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Brahmah d20+17=29 2d4(1+1)+7=9 Thursday June 15th, 2006 5:06:18 AM
(OOC: Oops! Didn't realize he was on the ground. Scratch the scroll thing.)
Brahmah charges the dragon. (AC 29 for 9 damage, with falchion)
Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] Thursday June 15th, 2006 8:32:35 AM
When the beast goes down, Vorelle puts away her bow and approaches it, drawing her axes as she moves.
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+9=20 d4+5=7 d20+7=14 d20+2=21 d8+3=10 Thursday June 15th, 2006 9:57:16 PM
Zeoll summons his hippogriff right next to the dragon, orders it to attack the dragon, and steps 20 feet closer himself. Speaking the elementals' language, he orders the air elementals to help Ashira, Brahmah, and the Hippogriff.
Then he uses his Inspire Courage to give EVERYONE a +1 to hit and damage.
Elemental 1 gives Ahira a +2 to hit.
Elemental 2 gives Brahmah a +2 to hit.
Elemental 3 gives the Hippogriff a +2 to hit.
The Hippogriff has these attacks: 2 claws +6 melee (1d4+4) and bite +1 melee (1d8+2). The first claw gets the +2. All attacks are Inspired with Courage. The Hippogriff hits AC20 for 7, AC14 a miss, and AC21 for 10 hp damage.
DM Jamie d20+11=14 d20+10=13 Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:55:29 PM Cayzle, thanks for rolling for the extra creatures. I would have gone insane:)
Flame roars with anger as he lays on the ground. How is it that these insignificant creatures could even dream of matching might with he who is a dragon? He is even further humiliated when he becomes covered and entangled in Theodores web Failed Rflex save with 14.
Next he jumps a little when Rose's shocking grasp hits him like a bolt of lightning.
Zeoll is ableto orchestrate his new summoned creatured to help the party with their attacks. His Hippogriff gets in a few hits as well.
Brahmah and Ashira close and attack. Able to get in a few good hits.
Tratain, with a grin of satisfaction across his now proportionately larger face, walks towards Flame.
Vorelle, axes drawn, moves towards the great beast with, no dought, thoughts of what she will do.
Flame is even further infuriated when he tries to stand and make his way out of the web only to find himself become more entangled [i]Failed Strength roll 13[/b].
Vorelle [AC 20; HP 76/76] d20+13=28 d20+13=25 d20+8=18 d20+8=26 d6+4=7 d6+3=5 d6+4=9 d6+3=4 Friday June 16th, 2006 1:05:16 AM
Vorelle's little hand axes don't do much damage, but as quick as she is she makes up for it in the sheer number of blows.
[Hit AC 28 for 7 damage; hit AC 25 for 5 damage; hit AC 18 for 9 damage; hit AC 26 for 4 damage]
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly, Inspire Courage) d20+17=26 d20+10=22 d20+14=22 d20+6=20 d8+5=11 d8+5=9 d6+4=8 d6+4=9 Friday June 16th, 2006 11:12:40 AM
Knowing that this is the chance in a lifetime, Ashira presses the attack, her swords a blur of action (AC26 for 11, AC22 for 9, AC22 for 8, AC20 for 9).
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 22/30 rds. Inspire Courage: +1 to hit and damage
Brahmah makes a full attack. "Beast! Fall. Leave this place!" (AC 22, 36(crit19), 30(crit 31) and 25, for 12, 7(14 if crit), 15(29 if crit) and 8 damage)
Tratain (AC31, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might, Damage Reduction 5/evil d20+21=33 d20+14=30 2d6(1+5)+12=18 2d6(4+1)+12=17 Friday June 16th, 2006 11:51:17 AM
The giant sized cleric steps toward the dragon and brings his huge warhammer down twice on the dragon's side. He smiles grimly as he hears the crackle of breaking bones from the force of the blows (AC33 for 18, AC30 for 17).
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min. Levitate: 3/3min. Divine Favor: 1/1min. Righteous Might: 8/9 rds.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
OOC: The aligned warhammer bypasses any damage reduction if the dragon is evil.
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) d20+2=5 d20+2=18 d20+2=17 d20+13=28 d8+2=8 d8+7=13 d8+7=13 d8+2=5 Friday June 16th, 2006 1:08:44 PM
Zeoll shouts for his air elementals to help him! Then he charges the dragon himself, swinging his staff!
Elementals Aid Another ... 2 help for a total +4.
Charge attack adds another +2.
Zeoll's attack: hits AC28 for 8 damage.
The hippogriff attacks again with beak and claws: all three miss.
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Friday June 16th, 2006 9:30:34 PM
Theodore holds his actions, letting his friends take advantage of the downed dragon.
Spells Active: Mage Armor - 9 hours Resist Energy (Fire) - 89 min 3 rounds Stinking Cloud - 6 rounds Solid Fog - 8 min 8 rounds Web - 89 min 9 rounds
rose d20+9=25 d6=2 d6=4 d6=1 Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:14:44 AM
rose quickly moves forward, she's running out of scrolls and is worried that she'll need some later. She moves as close to Flame as she can get this round and draws out a different scroll which she quickly casts upon him.
cast touch of idiocy from scroll
attack: 25, +2 hand, +1 inspire courage = +28 damage: 2 int, 4 wis, 1 cha (i think you roll each stat seperatly if not then 2 damage to all three)
dm sanity info Rose HP: 80/52 (64, add 12 temp hit points from false life & 18 from bears endurance) Rose AC: 24 Hand: 2/2 Piper hp: 26/26 ac: 16
Active spells Mage armor: +4 ac for 10 hours, 10 hrs left See invisible: 50 minutes False life: gain 12 temporary hit point for 3 hr or till discharged. Heroism on Ashira: 50 minutes +2 morale bonus on attack rolles, saves, and skill checks. Expeditious retreat: +30'/round. 42/50 rounds left Shield: +4 ac for 43/50 rounds Bear's endurance potion: +4 to con for 25/30 rounds (remember to change hp when expired) Message: on everyone in party 50 min Resistance: +1 to all saves 5/10 rounds Spectral hand: delivers melee touch spells 150' away with a +2 bonus to the attack 46/50 rounds Blur: 20% miss chance 27/30 rounds Inspire courage from zeoll: +1 to hit & damage, no idea how long it lasts
Remaining spells cantrips: detect magic, mage hand, level 1: magic missile level 2:touch of idiocy level 3: magic circle against evil
Remaining scrolls false life x4 blur x4 touch idiocy x10 blindness/deafness x4 see invisible x4 temperture control x4 expeditious retreat x4 shocking grasp level 5 x2
Remaining potions clw x10: 1d8+1 cmw x4: 2d8+3
DM Jamie 10d10(6+6+7+6+3+7+10+6+9+6)=66 Saturday June 17th, 2006 7:16:21 AM Unless I missed something your combined damage was just short of his total HP.
Everyone closes in for the kill. Each blow causing more and more damage to the great beast. Vorelle, Ashira, and Brahmah close in and Flames blood drips from their blades.
Flames breathing becomes raspy and shallow as Tratain closes in. He brings down his great warhammer and the sickly sound of bone breaking echoes off the walls surrounding you. Flame makes one last attempt at spewing flame at his attackers and shoots wildly up into the air. (66 HP of damage worth of fireworks that hit no one) The webs burn away.
And then his head drops to the ground and the last amount of air in his lungs is expelled.
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) Saturday June 17th, 2006 12:48:09 PM
Zeoll is stunned at the party's luck! "Fate must be on ourr side, frriends, with this turrn of events!"
Then he punches the dragon repeatedly to inflict lots of nonlethal damage. That will keep Flame unconscious until the group figures out what to do with him.
He also cuts a scale off the dragon and puts it in his totem bag.
Rose Saturday June 17th, 2006 2:23:03 PM
Rose runs up to look at the dead dragon. "I cant believe we actually won!" she says excitedly.
ooc: dm jamie did rose actually use that scroll I mentioned in my last post or did flame die before she could?
DM Jamie supplement: No you didn't. Sorry, I forgot to add it to the post.
Ashira (AC27, HP87/87) Heroism, Barkskin, Protection from Fire108/108 pts., Shield of Faith +3, Fly) d20+12=29 d20+11=25 Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:04:21 AM
Ashira breathes a sigh of relief at the fall of the dragon, but she remains wary. "Don't get too comfortable. There may be more on the way." she calls out to her companions as she searches for signs of danger (Spot=29, Listen=25).
Spells in place Heroism: 50/50 minutes (+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks) Barkskin: 60/60 min. (+3 to AC) Protection from Fire: 90/90 min. (absorbs 108 pts. of fire damage) Sheild of Faith: 6/6min. Fly: 21/30 rds.
Hero points: 3 (used on to reroll attack)
Tratain (AC31, HP39/76) Bear's Endurance, Shield of Faith +3, Protection from Evil, Good Weapon, Levitation, Divine Favor, Righteous Might, Damage Reduction 5/evil Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:09:02 AM
Grinning from ear to ear at the downfall of the dragon, the Protector looks over at Zeoll. "So, should we remove this vile creature from the Wold permanently?" As he savors the victory, Tratain looks up at where Alemi and Domi fled to, wondering how successful their efforts have been.
Spells in place Bear's Endurance: 9/9 min Shield of Faith: 9/9 min. Protection from Evil: 9/9min Align Weapon: 9/9 min. Levitate: 3/3min. Divine Favor: 1/1min. Righteous Might: 7/9 rds.
Hero points:3 (1 used to reroll Will save)
Zeoll (AC15 HP78 Heroism, Bears End, Shld of Faith, Inspired) Sunday June 18th, 2006 9:09:56 AM
Looking around to see if Alemi is listening, Zeoll says to Tratain, "Well, we know that Flame lived for thrree ages of the Wold. So he did not die -- at least not perrmanently -- herre on this battlefield."
"Or maybe this one will die, and Garrgul will make a new, strrongerr Flame -- and that is the drragon we know. It is a puzzle my poorr brrain cannot solve. But I am rreluctant to kill it."
Theodore & Macaw HP 38/38 AC 21 (dodge & mage armor) Sunday June 18th, 2006 3:01:16 PM
Theodore is glad the battle is over. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"I'll check on Alemi and Domi," he shouts to the others before heading off to find what they're up to.
Vorelle Sunday June 18th, 2006 10:53:27 PM
Vorelle cleans and sheathes her axes, not terribly surprised to find that she is shaking all over.
DM Jamie Monday June 19th, 2006 11:39:28 AM
Alemi and Domi exit the building and come towards the group. Alemi gathers all the remaining students before him and pauses for a second. He looks over the remaining students and the group. When he looks at the group he pauses on each of you for a second as if he were peering into your very souls. His voice, filled with emotion, says "This is the learning opportunity of many lifetimes. Meet the creator. He has heard our plea. He will help us use the Feystone to defeat Gargul and his monsters once and for all." A figure steps out from the building and approaches.
Eac of you are able to recognize who it is. It is The Jericho. You all stare intently at his features and his manerisms, but as you look you feel the knowledge flow out of your brain. Years from now when you speak of this you will remember that you met him and that you felt the glory of his presence, but you can not remember what he looked like.
Alemi continues, "Then we will at The Jericho's bidding, attack the Gods themselves as they have disobeyed him seeking to usurp him."
Then a huge sound is heard. That of hundreds of wings: Gold Dragons. They arrive and sit on the wall all around the Oshirr House.
"The Dragons have heard our call and agreed to the Jericho's command. We will move our souls into the Gold Dragons. In these powerful forms, nothing will be able to stop us."
"I, Alemi, will undergo the process first."
The Jericho nods, and a gold dragon comes forward. The Jericho holds out the Feystone and Alemi merges with the dragon, and roars. Now with the dragon voice, "Now, who will be first!" If any of you step forward The Jericho stops you and with a voice that seems to fill you entire being with peace says, "This battle is not for you. You have what you came for. See us off, take the Feystone, and return to your time. You must then decide how to save the Wold in your time using what you have learned here as well as other information that other questers have discovered."
The Jericho continues to take volunteers and many join with dragons. Where did all of the volunteer some from? As you begin to look around you realize that alot of the students bodies that were piled up are not there anymore. In fact you see some of the students, whose bodies you saw, standing up and waiting to partake.
When done, The Jericho turns to you all. "All here thank you for your help. You have given them hope. Now take this hope to the people of your time. Farewell." He hands Zeoll the Feystone.
The Jericho waves his hand and the party disappears, reappearing in the inner sanctum of the temple that you began your time travel in. There are gold and jewels all around you.
Father Farkus is standing there with his arms crossed as if expecting you. He has a little smile on his face as you appear and he seems to let out a sigh of relief.
"I am glad you have returned, but there is not time for any questions right now. You must all return to where you came from."
With that he begins to murmer under his breath and he closes his eyes. His hands begin to glow a light blue and slowly the light expands out and begins to fill the room. It becomes more and more intense until there is a flash and then darkness. Soon you feel the ground falll away from your feet and you begin to fall.
You all land into a heap on the floor of the Giggling Ghost.
Let me confir with the rest of the DFR DM's and with Jerry to find out what is going on next. I am going to post your arrival in the GG on the GG page. I had a blast with this game I hope you all did as well.
Brahmah Monday June 19th, 2006 1:08:38 PM
"I will!" The minotaur steps forward, looks at Domi, than at Alemi. "Lets do this thing." He smiles.
Zeoll Monday June 19th, 2006 8:01:50 PM
Although events move awfully fast, Zeoll manages to find the time to stammer best wishes to Alemi and Domi ... and to bow his head and whisper that it is an honor to meet The Gericko. Then he is whisked away.
Ashira Monday June 19th, 2006 11:57:19 PM
Absolutely awestruck by the rapid events unfolding around her...Alemi changing into a gold dragon...the Geriko. Thankfully, Ashira has enough sense to cut off one of Flame's scales before they are transported back to the temple. ;) (Please oh pretty please!)
Back at the temple, Ashira smiles at Father Farkus. And then, with a flash, she is gone again.
Tratain Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:05:11 AM
Watching is absolute awe as the transformation takes place before his eyes, Tratain is dumbstruck. "We did it..." is all he manages to whisper before he appears in the Giggling Ghost.
Vorelle Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:00:07 AM
Vorelle is nearly overcome by fatigue and her emotions. She is awestruck by what is happening before her, terrified that she might be asked to do more, and profoundly relieved that nobody expects her to talk. She watches everything with huge gray eyes--forgetting, for once in her life, to look at the ground.