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Yawn another tea meeting

Dm Jim: The Summoning  d20+20=30
Monday June 12th, 2006 3:47:44 PM

Appolo threatens the castaways that are at the beach and they are browbeaten to return to castaway village. Mike and Cindy complain, "We wanted to honeymoon on your Ship. Can we come back?" Jan & Marsha leave Kirk and move over to Hal "We will be back for your little bother later. Do not fret Kirk, anticipation can be a good thing."

Melonie comments to Val "You are right. I will give him time as he has plenty now and must learn how to deal with it."

Everyone is drenched in sweat by the time Cosmo returns. Cosmo did not feel the heat as bad as the cool breezes while fly at altitude were very comfortable.


Once at the castaway village, Appolo climbs the square pyramid and immediately all of his magic items begin to glow in intensity similar to Rigging and Bart. Rigging and David follow Appolo up the pyramid.

David explains "I need to take a vial power source from the box and place it in the small circle on the top of the pyramid. We never stay on top of the pyramid after doing this. We use the stick power sources for signaling."

David leaves Rigging and goes to the top of the pyramid and walks around Appolo. David is careful not to step in either circle. "Appolo you should leave the top now."

David does not wait for Appolo to leave but opens the box and takes out a small vial that seems to contain a liquid. As the box is opened large amounts of light escape. The vial is also glowing. David places the vial in the small circle and then hurries off the pyramid.
Just a few seconds after the vial is placed in the small circle there is a flash of light and the vial is glowing no more.

Dave descends all the way to the bottom. "Are you coming?" David comments to Rigging and Appolo as he heads down. "It won't be long now."

A crowd of castaways is forming at the bottom of the pyramid with the Wildcards and friends. Many have brought fruit and jugs of water that are passed around.

Everyone waits in anticipation........and a minute has passed.


OOC: I need to know everyone's location: off the pyramid, on top of he pyramid or on the stairs up.


A shimmering blue white half sphere of light, not blinging but translucent, appears in the large sphere. In the middle of the sphere of translucent light is a figure dressed in a cloak with the hood pulled up. The figues hands are tucked into the sleeves of the brown and green cloak as its arms are crossed over its chest. The figure is just short of six feet tall and may be on the thin side, but it is difficult to tell.

"Who hass summoned the Masters and Why?" A quite but strong voice announces.

A based DC 30 spot check to notice somthing interesting about the visitor.

Mykael  d20+5=15
Monday June 12th, 2006 10:44:23 PM

Mykael sitting in his position under the tree, watches the goings on. However, he doesnt notice anything out of the ordinary(spot=15).

When the master appears Mykael stands and keeps watch from the tree.

Ashira  d20+12=15 d20+11=22
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:18:44 PM

Standing about half-way down the pyramid, Ashira does not notice anything interesting (Spot=15, Listen=22). She watches the area and the castaways for any sign of trouble as she waits for Rigging to do the Captain thing.

John  d20+12=16
Monday June 12th, 2006 11:21:57 PM

Standing by Ashira's side, John watches as the newly acquired ring on his hand begins to glow faintly. He looks on with interest as the Masters are summoned, but other than the absolutely facinating light show, he doesn't notice anything "out of the ordinary". (Spot=16) He whispers to Ashira. "You hear that? There's just something wrong about that voice..."

Nezamil  d20+6=20
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:17:49 AM

The 10'5" dwarf starts up the stairs after Captain Rigging but halts on the bottom steps " don't think we can all fit up there ...especially me "

Nezamil squeezes to one side of the stairs as Dave passes him " a minute ? huh "

The Cleric of Domi touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi protects us " murmurs Nezamil

As the figure appears on the top of the pyramid Nezamil looks up (d20+6=20 spot ch)but nothing stands out about the shimmering figure

Witha look at Captain Rigging the dwarf just shrugs his shoulders " just an image of them ...i was hoping to meet them .....now i guess we have to trudge thru the jungle after all.....what a waste of time....so much easier if that was a teleport gate " growls Nezamil

Hal  d20+6=18
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 12:24:34 AM

The big warrior stays near Nezamil covering his back againist the growing crowd but he does grab a piece of fruit "yum tasty " as he smiles at the young lady near him

As the robed figure appears he looks up (d20+6=18 spot ch) and just nods at the high priests assement " yeah thats a long walk i ain't going to enjoy " grumbles Hal

Rigging  d20+12=31 d20+8=15
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 8:08:57 AM

Rigging will grab Appolo's arm and give him a soft yank, "I think we should get off the pyramid. Let's follow the villagers advice for now." He will gesture to the others, "Go on to the bottom. We can always come back up. Not sure what this baby is going to do."

Once Rigging gets to the bottom, he will turn and watch. When the glowing apparation appears, Rigging will give it a good looking over then step forward and say, "I asked the villagers to summon you. My name is Arrack Von Palin and I am the captain of the ship Sword of Redemption. We have recently be shipwrecked upon your island and discovered this village.

We ask your aid in repairing our ship and seek your council in making this area a base of operations for us in the future."

Rigging then pauses and continues, "In my culture, it is considered rude to shout at each other. Can I come up and we can talk more reasonably, or would you prefer to come down? I am sure we have many questions for each other."

spot check 31
diplomacy check 15

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:46:25 AM

Val holds her bow down by her legs with an arrow resting lazily against the string. Its glowing but her whole body is glowing so she hopes that it won't be noticed. She moves subtly using the people infront of her as a means to conceal her weapon. So far she was unimpressed with this robed visitor. Any wizard of minor skill could do what the Master just did.

ooc: Val would be at the base of the pyramid toward the front of the crowd but behind a row or two of people.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:09:24 AM

Cosmo joins the rest of the villagers as they move over towards the pyramid and wait the summoning. He uses his small form to blend into the crowd, trying to remain as unseen as possible.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+10=27
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:43:45 AM

Appolo steps back down the Pyramid but stops one step down and watches the being appear watching himclosely,while remaining silent and letting Rigging do the talking.
Spot 27

Dm Jim: Meeting  d20+8=18 d20+6=9
Tuesday June 13th, 2006 1:23:21 PM

Any Wildcards or friends that steps on the pyramid has his magic items start glowing. Even Bart's attempt at coating his weapons and armor with weapon black has only a limited effect.


Ooc: Any permanent magic item of at least 8000 gp in value gives off enough light to equal a light spell. The more valuable the item the more light it gives off. Temporary magic is about half the intensity.


There are Oohs and Aahs from the crowd at the bottom of the pyramid as the master arrives. None of the humans from the castaway village step on the pyramid and just watch the master.

Most of the Wildcards and friends blend into the crowd. Val has her bow drawn but attempts to conceal it (hide 18, spot 9).

Rigging notices something strange about the "master" as he appears to be hiding his features. Rigging can see into his hood and it does not appear that the "master" is human or elf for that matter. Whatever the "master" is it appears to resemble a thin human. There is something strange and different about the eyes as they survey the Wildcards.

The master listens to Rigging's words and looks down on him as he steps out of the translucent blue-white light and responds, "Welcome to the Castaway Village. It iss a fine home. We understand your plight, but we are not shipbuilders. We work to maintain the balance of life on the island and take care of our flock. You are more than welcome to join the village and partake in all the fruits and benefits of thiss island. It appears that you and your friends are powerful additions to the village. Please sample the simple pleasures and abide by the simple ceremonies of the island. We only assk that you stay in the village for your safety, but you are more than welcome to join in the upcoming hunt."

The master pulls out several necklaces and lays them on top of the pyramid. Rigging notices a thin and well-manicured hand the delicately sets down the diamonds attached to a leather thong. "One for each of your females, may they prove to be fruitful. Be well and be healthy." The master smiles at Rigging and steps back in to the light and with a "pop" the light and the master is gone.

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 9:29:46 PM

"A hunt, in this heat. Great." Mykael states quietly as he rolls his eyes.

'hmmm, babys could provide sacrifices, an increasing population, or food for larger sacred snakes... I wonder'

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:11:30 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging, a fierce scowl on her face. "If you even think about bringing one of those necklaces back for me, I'll quadruple your cardio schedule."

As the Master just disappears, Ashira looks over at Rigging. "Joining in on the "hunt" might not be a bad idea. It's a little longer than I want to wait, but it's a nice socially acceptable way to get to know the lay of the land."

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:15:36 PM

Chuckling at the exchange between Ashira and Rigging, John puts a hand on Mykael's shoulder. "Awww...c'mon...it's not all that bad. And nothing tastes better after a long hike than roasted snake."

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:24:57 PM

After the speaker leaves Nezamil notices the increased glowing from his equipment " this ain't good " grumbles the dwarf

"By Domi they expect us just be trapped here and serve them ?? " growls Nezamil intensly "Wait till we meet ....we,ll see who serves who "

Overhearing Ashira " yeah but walking thru the jungle will be troublesome in this heat....especially for those of us in armor"

Stepping near the Captain " that jungle walk will take its toll on us in this heat unless we can do something about it......i can pray for some spells to help us endure the elements but i won't be able to get all of us .....i'll have some of them ready for the snake hunt ...since that is the only way we'll get to meet these so called masters "

"More like wardens of a prison if ya ask me "

"something very strange about this arrangement on this island "

" so wonder who will carry that axe....maybe we should insist it's one of us ?"

"oh and what about the others aboard the Sword? shall we get them to journey with us ?"

Tuesday June 13th, 2006 11:28:51 PM

Hal looks over the ladies "partake in the fruits and benefits of the island ...hmm" i like the sound of that "

"we going to get Kirk to come with us ?....he wouldn't want to miss the hunt " inquires Hal of Nezamil

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 5:27:23 AM

After listening to the so called Master Appolo heads back down the Pyramid.He sees the necklaces and picks them up"Interesting.Well it seems we have some choices to make.One we can rebuild the sword.Head out to sea find the serpant and destroy it.Which we will have to do anyways if we wish to settle on this Island.Next we can enter the pyramid a see what's inside from what I gather the villagers regularly feed whatever is in there.Or we jion the hunt and try to make our way across the jungle to the next village and temple."Appolo stands ther ebegining to sweat slightly as the noon day sun approaches.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:30:08 AM

Rigging will watch the robed one disappear and silently move away from the pyramid towards the main living area of the villagers. He will pick up a fruit drink and absently say, "Mykael, please check out these necklaces. You have gem skills, can you improve upon them?"

Rigging will then ask the villagers, "So who has been on this snake hunt before? Do you hunt snakes and kill them? Or do they hunt you?" Rigging asks the last question only in half jest. "When does this hunt start again?"

After getting these questions answered, Rigging will pull the Wildcards together and say, "Appolo your right, we will eventually have to nuetralize that snake. I am beginning to wonder if it is controlled somehow. Driving us against the rocks was a smart tactic. Almost to smart for an ordinary colossal snake. They are big but not necessarily smart. Still that will have to wait. Tomas has the crew working on repairs but that will take some time.

I think we should enjoy today, get to know the villagers and pump them." Rigging takes a quick look at his wife's face and quickly adds, "For information. Then we prepare ourselves tonight and explore the pyramid tomorrow. After that, we go on the snake hunt."

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 10:21:05 AM

"Captain if your curious about the effect of the necklaces I'll try one on." Val says as she slips her bow back into the pocket on her enchanted quiver. She looked around and kept her mouth shut. These people worshipped this Master and speaking ill of it would probably be a bad thing to do.

DM Jim: The Battle 
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 1:05:41 PM

The castaways talk amongst themselves about seeing another "master" and the coming of the snake hunt in three days. The Wildcards are more perplexed by the quick meeting with the lone "master"

Several people offer insight into the snake hunt "The hunters go out and clear the path for the pregnant ladies to follow a week later. There are seven chosen hunters, but it seem that you are also invited to attend." No one can ever recall ever having ladies go on the hunt before as eyes looks to Ashira and Val.

Val offers to try on a necklace, but Ashira does not in no uncertain terms.

Mykael inspects the necklaces and see that they are rough cut a worth about 500 gp each. With time Mykael may be able to improve their quality.

Nezamil, Mykael and Rigging make some comment about the masters not necessarily looking out for the castaway's best interests.

Appolo suggests several courses of action of which Rigging agrees in most part to them all, starting with the pyramid in the morning.

Nezamil suggests spell may be in order to reduce the effects of the heat on a long hunt.


This seemed to be a big event for the village as people are still milling about and talking with one another.

After a few minutes, a bright light can be seen off to the south. This was where Bart saw the other pyramid in a raised area of the jungle. Cosmo's closer examination showed that the same pyramid seems to have several hundred inhabitants.

The light ends after about 30 seconds. David comments "That is similar to the light we use to signal the masters when we see a ship."

Another few minutes pass and Ghem contacts Mykael. "It seems to have rained fire sticks. One person on the beach is on fire. There is one big fire on the ship and several small ones. Ohh, that was close! Our humans and the like are shooting sticks back at the jungle. Ohh, we hit one twice! That big human of ours can be real loud when he wants to be. An elf of ours is now shooting at the water too, actually at a snake, a bit too big for me to eat, but apparently, not big enough to easily hit. Wow, that was a big stick we just shot! And a rock too!"

Ghem is very excited, but does not feel himself in any real danger in the crows next. "You are right Mykael, this is a good spot. We are shooting alot more sticks than they are now. Finally someone is looking at that fire, ohh that hurt our fire stopper!"

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:28:06 PM

Gathering nearby fruit, Ashira waits for the order to head out.

Should Mykael pass on Ghem's report, Ashira turns to Rigging. If we run, maybe we can get there in time to ambush them...if we're lucky. Giving John a quick nod, she runs back through the jungle toward the Sword.

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 8:30:45 PM

Bow in hand, the ranger sprints after Ashira. "Hope we don't miss all of the fight." he mumbles as his feet pound down the trail.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=13 d20+5=17 d20+5=6
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:33:59 PM

If Rigging gives the ok to head back to the ship, Cosmo will take to the air and start flying back. As he gets closer he will look for whatever is attacking the ship and its crew.

Spot checks 13, 17 & 6.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil  d20+6=8
Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:36:04 PM

Nezamil mills about as everyone in the village chit chats about the masters visit and listens)d20+6=6 listen ch) to their conversations but with everyone talking at once it all blends into noise

"Whens the snake hunt again ?"

If (and when ) he hears about Ghems report from Mykael "Captain we need to get their as fast as we can and walking thru the jungle ain't fast enough ......i can cast an Airwalk spell and carry everyone at once and reach the Sword in half the time it would take to travel on the ground ......i would suggest looping a rope around yourselves fastened tightly of course and i can lift ya all as i Airwalk to the Sword....of course maybe your sticky slippers would work also"

"we'll skim at slightly above treetop level so we won't clip any trees as the rope dangles.....and if ya want to hold onto me too just grab on and hold tight " grins the 10'5" dwarf

"we can use Swirl as a forward scout so we can land behind the attacking forces and surprise them and smash their attack and maybe grab a few prisoners to boot"

"Captain Rigging do you think that other flash of light was some type of signal for the attack on the Sword or possible transportation device to the Sword .....wonder what all the doorways do on that pryamid " comments Nezamil outloud

If this course of action is taken Nezamil hands a ring to Hal " this will prevent you from smashing to the ground as we are airborne " grins Nezamil to Hal .....and casts Airwalk and gathers what willing wildcards together and start the "as the crow flies" straightline towards the Sword with Swirl as a forward scout

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:47:24 PM

Hal grins at the thought of flying and quickly accepts Nezamil's ring " yup don't want to get quished"

The big warrior gets a rope from one of the wildcards or scrounges one from the village and ties one end around Nezamil's waist tightly and loops a safety loop around his own waist tying it securely " i'm ready when you are " as he extends the remaining rope to the next person tying up to be airlefted to the battle for the Sword

Wednesday June 14th, 2006 9:57:39 PM

Rigging will take advantage of the spell air walking spell wondering if everyone can go. He gets a good grip on Nezamil and says, "Don't fly into any tries but keep low. I don't want to be seen but I don't want to fall far either if your spells backfires." Rigging is worried about the ship and his frustration spills forth while they are heading back.

"I think we really need to rethink our mission here. I am not sure this is a very good base for us or a good site for a town and city in the future.

1. It isn't deserted. These masters aren't human or noble raced. I think they are some kind of snake creature or insect creature by their voices. They are playing some kind of game with the humans and I shudder to think what it is.

2. I am not sure a snake invested jungle is a place I would want to start a new colony. Somehow I wasn't picturing a jungle with crocs as my neighbors.

3. That giant snake is going to be a problem for shipping. Not many merchant ships are gonna even get close to this place once they find out that he is around.

4. Those pyramids effect magic in a negative way. Since I like magic and study it, I am not sure I want to live around them.

5. We seemed to have a hostile neighbor with this attack on the ship. We have only been here a couple of days and already people are trying to sink our ship.

6. The morals of these villagers isn't what I call high. Not a great place to raise a family. I know I want my kids to only have one spouse.

Now lets look on the good side of things....

Can anyone see anything? I guess the gems are intriguing. Might be a mine around here but with all these teleporters who knows where they are coming from.

I think if we have a ship to return to, we should repair it and try to find a better island. This one obviously isn't suited to our needs. That's my thinking...We stay on the beach and concentrate on fixing the ship and then get the heck out of here."

Mykael  d100=1
Thursday June 15th, 2006 2:04:43 AM

OOC: I am using a remote computer and do not have access to my character sheet. So please roll as needed for me. Thanks

"Rigging, Ghem says the ship is under attack. It sounds like they are using fire arrows from the tree line. It sounds like the crew is doing well, but the ship has caught fire, and we are taking injuries in the least."

"I am not sure which is faster, but we shall find out!"

Mykael attempts to cast mount, but spell failure from armor disrupted it. (1%, I know that fails).

"Ok, flying it is!"

Mykael readies himself with the group joining Nezamil.

'Ghem, please keep telling me what is happening. Are many of our people hurt? How big is the fire on the ship? Is it bigger than our room? Tell one of the elves about the fire and that we are on the way back as fast as we can. Tell the elf to tell that to Kirk and Thomas. Becareful, and try and see who or what is shooting the sticks at the ship.'

OOC: I am not sure if I will have access to a computer for my next post. Please post for Mykael, if I havent by midnight CST. Thanks

Thursday June 15th, 2006 2:15:40 AM

Ok, but there are alot of flying sticks.

Ghem surveys the deck below, and spies an elf. He concentrated and speaks to the elf in sylvan using his telepathy.

Mykael says that the group is on the way back. He also says for you to tell Kirk and Thomas that he is coming and about that big fire on the ship.

Ghem then watchs the flying sticks and waits for good time to take off. He takes flight quickly and keeps watch for sticks to dodge as he climbs higher than the sticks are flying. He then manuvers over the jungle and looks for a tree to land in behind the battle. He lands in a tree and moves down to where he can see below at who or what is attacking the ship and crew. He uses his natural hiding ability to move from tree to tree and to stay out of sight, while attempting spy on the attackers.

OOC: in case you havent peeked, psuedodragons have extra bonuses for hiding in the forests and/or jungle and have nice spot skills. Once again I dont have the numbers in front of me, so please roll for me. thanks

Appolo HP 68 Ac 23 Invisible  d20+14=31
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:22:11 AM

Once the word is given that the ship is under attack Appolo immediately goes invisible and sprints back to the ship.Moving Silently as he races back to the ship.

Appolo is thinking now it's time to make some one pay.He has been angry and drepressed for two days and now he is going to take it out on someone.

DM Jim: Aftermath 
Thursday June 15th, 2006 1:38:20 PM

Mykael relates Ghem's tale of the battle at the Sword and the Wildcard's jump to action.

Mykael's attempt at a mount spell fails.

Ashira and John race headlong through the jungle trail toward the beach. A sprint is not possible, but double movement is. It normally took 90 minutes to get from the beach to the village; Ashira and John can do it in half the time if they make a DC 13 fort save for fatigue for the heat (endurance feat gives +4).

Appolo goes invisible and also runs back to the beach. Ashira and John have no problem hearing him, as it is too difficult to move silent at a brisk pace. Also a DC 13 fort save for fatigue.

Cosmo uses his overland flight spell to speed back to the beach and he will be there in 35 minutes.

Nezamil suggests carrying the rest of the Wildcards back using his air walk spell. Nezamil will get back in 40 minutes. Rigging, Hal, Mykael, and Val catch a ride on the big guy. Hal comments "You really are light on your feet for such a large fellow."

To those on Nezamil's back, Rigging expresses concern about life on the island.


As everyone moves toward the Sword black smoke can be seen rising in that direction. The smoke does subside in about 15 minutes.


Ghem relates that the flying sticks from both sides have subsided. Ghem talks to Lilith using telethapy and she is intrigued by the contact and wishes John were here. Lilith quickly goes back to shoot at the retreating snake that was just a person of sorts.

Ghem flies into the jungle and looks for a place to perch and watch. Ghem relates to Mykael "I see one."


The Wildcards make it back to the beach unmolested and find that Kirk and Tomas have the Sword at battle stations. Kirk is behind the berm with 15 of the marines along with Mary, Gordon, Juno and Eli. Tomas has the balance of the marines (12) and the acrobats covering from the Sword. The forward catapult and balasti are loaded have been fired. There are a few giant bolts sticking from palms and it looks like one or rocks have knocked two down.

There are cheers from the Sword and berm as each group of Wildcards make it back.

It is obvious that the Sword has been scorched by flame arrows, but the main damage was from Alchemical fire.

Tomas reports "The came at us from the jungle, more than a dozen, very human like, but some had scales. They surprised a work group, but Kirk was able to extract them with a contingent of marines. They then start to lob fire arrows at us. When they had our attention forward we were attacked from the water by firebombs. The one on the deck was not too bad, but the one throw in the port hole too longer to control."

Kirk adds more "It seemed to be a probe as they did not press the attack once we showed a united front. Thank goodness for Lilith, as she spotted the rear attack and sounded the alarm. Lilith even said that one of the attackers turned into a snake and swam away. They were very accurate with their bows. We hit some of them but cannot confirm any kills. We think we are still being watched."

Tomas leads Rigging over to a bloody cloak covering a body. "It is Edith, one of our seamstresses. I could not save her in time. So many were hurt so fast, and then the fires."

Marc and Mark approach Rigging and the elder speaks "Captain, they burned a load of lumber we had out. Kirk would not let me put it out initially as he would not risk me, but that will set a back a bit, not to mention that we now have some more interior and deck work to repair too. No tools were damaged, thank goodness."


ooc: No followers at the Sword have any spells left.

Thursday June 15th, 2006 4:18:19 PM

Rigging is simply pissed off. It is easily seen on his face...He almost looks like Appolo on a normal day. Rigging points at his wife and says, "Time for you to do some tracking. Pick your party. I want them to be able to move fast, hit hard and be able to get away again. Most of all, I want prisoners! Don't come back without prisoners. Your in charge as it is your specialty. If you want all the Wildcards, that is fine but we now know that we have to have security on the boat as well. Get to it Battle Mistress."

Nezamil  d20+6=20
Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:11:51 PM

After dropping the four passengers off Nezamil airwalks to higher altitude and surveys the jungle looking for trails and movement from his vantage point (d20+6=20 spot ch) " maybe they'll disturb the wildlife and give away their positions and direction " mutters Nezamil to himself as he watches the jungle canopy

Landing near Kirk and Hal the 10'5" dwarf slaps the younger bash brother on his back " nice work...Domi would be proud of your effort"

Nezamil voices booms out [b] " well done all...we are all proud of your actions in defense of the Sword and your fellow shipmates " [b]

The Cleric of Domi see's to any of the wounded needs and gets them water to help hydrate them.

Later in the evening Nezamil will perform a burial ceremony for Edith and employ is strength and size to dig a deep grave to prtect and to honor her sacrifice.

Pulling the Bash brothers aside " one of you will again stay with the SWord to help defend and lead the defense with Tomas and the others....whichever one it is i will grant some of Domi's powers to so it will strengthen the defense of the Sword (imbue spell ability - will change spell list after he sleeps)

Thursday June 15th, 2006 10:14:09 PM

"Well done brother " greets Hal to his younger brother

"we'll talk about who stays and who gets to protect the big guy on the next incursion inland " grins the big warrior

Hal then returns the ring Nezamil gave him

Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:40:21 PM

Mykael makes his way to the captain, "The other pyramid flashed light and we are attacked. I am guessing tne second village is the next step of their plan, where they transform humans into snake-like beings and brain-wash them into thier religion. Perhaps that is why they need the babies. I expect that is where the hunt and the march leads."

"The second village found our ship, signaled the masters, and then mounted a small attack hoping for recognition by the masters. Or possibly even the masters appeared to them and ordered it, to attempt to define our strength. Since its obvious that we have magic."

"Waiting for the hunt may subject us to ambush and more attacks until it starts. I suggest we do our best to find the masters and take it to them. That is unless you want to turn your back on the ignorant that are in trouble. I havent ever heard or read of snake worshipers that are good."

"Ashira, Ghem says he has an eye on at least one. I cant be for sure if he really knows what he is looking at, since he knows little of humaniod ways. I am going to join him and see what he has found. I am just warning you that friendlys are in the forest also."

Mykael turns and dunks himself in water to cool off, and then makes his way off into the jungle. Being guided by Ghem. He keeps his eyes open, and moves through the jungle as quiet as possible, and using cover to his advantage. He also, concentrates on his connection to his familiar hoping to use it to help in guiding him.

'Ghem, becareful. How many do you see? I am making my way to you. Help guide me, but do not lose sight of the enemy you see. I want to capture him.'

Ashira  d20+17=23 d20+12=21
Thursday June 15th, 2006 11:57:53 PM

Ashira nods grimly. "Alright hun. I'm on it." Ashira turns to the Wildcards. "Ok. Let's roll. John, Appolo, Val you guys are with me." Ashira looks over at Mykael, appraising. Finally, she nods her head slightly. "Ok. Have Ghem guide you, but I need the rangers up front...and I need you to move as quietly as possible." Ashira turns to Appolo. "Alright, fast and light...and no killing until I order it. Got it? Alright. John and I are gonna be up in the front scouting. Val and Appolo, you guys hang back a bit and give us some firepower when we find them. Sighing as she notes the faint glow from all of her equipment, Ashira heads into the forest and starts working on making out the trail of the baddies (Survival=21, Fast Track...move at normal move rate while tracking).

OOC: Fort save is 23, so not fatigued from returning to camp.

John  d20+11=30 d20+6=21
Friday June 16th, 2006 12:11:57 AM

Not even breaking a sweat during the jog back (Fort.=30), John is relieved to see Lilith unharmed. Giving her a quick kiss, he nods eagerly at the mission presented by Ashira. "Let's roll!" he whispers to Ashira as the half-elf heads out. John fans out about 15 feet away from Ashira. Trying to keep up with his mentor, John struggles to find signs of the enemies tracks, but finds it easier than he thought it would be at such a rate of travel. (Survival=21...already applied -5 penalty for traveling at full move rate).

Val  d20+5=21
Friday June 16th, 2006 6:00:03 AM

"Captain I think the giant snake that damaged our ship is under the direct control of the Masters. I find it hard to believe that this attack was coincidentally after they learned how much magic we have. If I were a snake person I'd look at this villages like cattle pens. Why else would they want the women to stay pregnant as much as possible. Its either a food or an army. Neither of which I like." Val says as she hangs back for a moment. It doesn't take long to catch up to the others. Even though she's in the back Val still looks for signs of the serpent men's passage.

ooc: -5 penalty because of movement included, tracking check 21

Friday June 16th, 2006 8:19:11 AM

Rigging looks a little disheartened that his wife didn't pick him to go with her. Still it was her command and her choices. He turns to Bart and says, "The defenses have held up well but since we are going to be here for a while, give some thought to improving them. (OOC Jim, can we get a map of the boat area and lagoon. How far to the tree line? How deep is the lagoon?) We obviously need to give some more thought to our waterside defenses. Bart make a plan and report back to me in the morning."

Rigging will walk over to Cosmo and Nezamil. "Any ideas on protection magic for the area. I can cast alarm spell but will need to renew is almost every day. Won't work well if we need to trek across the jungle."

Rigging will then call to Swirl and say, "I want you to fly high cover for the trackers and help them locate the people who attacked us here. Keep in contact with me and let me know of the progress."

DM Jim: I already gave you all of the info on distances and depths. I will have to look them up again.

Appolo  d20+9=25 d20+6=21 d20+6=13
Friday June 16th, 2006 11:23:59 AM

Appolo becomes visble when arrives at the ship after the attack.{Fortitude 21}He is sweating but not particulairly fatigues as looks around and becomes very angry"Gods #$%.I'm going to find these fools and kill them all then I am going to kill everything they love."Looking over Ediths body Appolo beginns cusing like the pirate he is.He is livid just plain enraged.

When Ashira calls for her group he takes up hisposition in the rear as ordered going invisible in the process as he trails behind Ashiralooking for any sing of these cowards.
Spot 25,Listen 13

DM Jim: Tracking 
Friday June 16th, 2006 7:27:40 PM

Nezamil congratulates the crew on the defense of the Sword and starts preparation for Edith's eternal rest.

Rigging instructs Ashira to form a team to go after the attackers. Ashira is quick to action and take a fast hard hitting team.

Ashira, John and Val quickly find the area of battle by the jungle and where the attackers exited and returned to the jungle. There seemed to be 13 tracks that are different than the pirates. The new tracks are much thinner that normal. The tracks are the length of a human male booted print but narrower. These foes are also slightly lighter than regular humans, by the depth of the track, when not comparing to Kirk's abnormally deep prints.

Appolo shadows the tracking force invisibly, but he still stands out as a glowing orb as his magic still lights the way.

Mykael is in contact with Ghem "I am in the jungle, in the big palm tree, three wing beats and a short glide in almost directly away from the sun. Put the sun to your back and walk. I will guide you in."

As the three trackers enter the jungle the tracks begin to disperse after 30 yards. The jungle cuts the amount of sunlight that is beating down on the trackers bodies, but it keeps in the humidity more. You can almost drink the air in the jungle. Ashira finds the spot where many of the attackers watched the Sword.

DC 19 to follow an individual set of tracks, DC 18 for pair groups., DC 16 to track to Ghem, if Mykael posts to help, 19 without.

Ghem contacts Mykael "I saw the blue haired one, two wing beats away. The one I am watching is also looking at her, he has a stick thrower. Be careful, Mykael."


Kirk is still down 10 points of damage and two of the veteran pirates are down 6 hit points. One acrobat has a burn for 2 points of damage. All wounds have already been tended by Tomas.

Mark talks to Rigging again. "I think those unblinking bums just bought us another week on the beach."

Swirl is flying top cover over the trackers "Hey boss, I lost them once they entered the jungle. Thick stuff."


A few minutes go by and Ghem beams back to Mykeal "I hear you getting close." He adds excitedly. "Look at that. My guy just turned into a snake and went into the under brush. I lost him. Hurry!"


Cosmo and Bart are very subdued.

Mykael  d20+1=11 d20+7=15 d20=7
Friday June 16th, 2006 9:01:11 PM

He is just a snake now. He cant hit you with sticks. He can only get you if you get in close enough. You have fought snakes before, you know how close you can safely get. Go after him, find him. You will hear me coming. Tell me when to stop!

Mykael charges at a dead run, careful only of the ground, trees, and tree limbs. He does look for human-sized or slightly smaller snakes.

"They can shape shift!" Mykael screams. "Attack any snakes you see!"

(non-skill tracking=7)

DM Jim: Please roll a spot check for Ghem, as he has the best chance to spot the snake. DC 13 for Ghem.

Ashira  d20+12=31 d20+12=15
Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:00:46 AM

Continuing to focus on tracking down the enemy (Surv=31), Ashira starts at Mykael's yelling. "Well, at least they now where we are now." she hisses. She begins immediately scanning the area for snakes (Spot=15). "Mykael, can your friend give us some idea where the enemy is at?" Ashira asks as she follows the mage.

John  d20+6=15 d20+12=24
Saturday June 17th, 2006 1:06:12 AM

"Oh yeah...look out for snakes...that ought to narrow it down!" John grumbles as he too tries to catch sight of the enemy (Track=15, Spot=24).

Ghem  d20+7=26 d20+7=22 d20+3=14 d20+28=38
Saturday June 17th, 2006 6:51:34 PM

OOC: I didnt think the group was with me, just that they were in the area. Therefore, I was only giving away my position, not that I wouldnt have been heard anyways.

OOC: According to the information I have on Pseudodragons, they get a +7 to spot, +7 to listen, and a +3 to tracking. They also have a +20 to hide, and a hiding bonus of +4 racially, which improves to +8 in forests or overgrown areas. This if from thier chameleon-like ability.

IC: 'I am hunting it.'

(hide=38)(nat 20)

Nezamil  d8+5=10 d8+5=6 d8+5=7
Saturday June 17th, 2006 11:56:09 PM

The Cleric of Domi confers with tomas about any wounded and takes immediate action to heal the 4 wounded(Kirk,2 vet pirates,acrobat)

First healing Kirk (d8+5=10 spontanous cast Clw in place of Pro-f-evil)" that should make ya feel better "

Then the two veteren pirates (d8+5=6)(d8+5=7)are next "well down ....i'm proud of ya both "(command,entropic shield)

Finally he finds the acrobat (light,mending, for 2 pts)"now ya offically one of us " laughs Nezamil

"make sure the men get some rest and water but keep them alert "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday June 18th, 2006 12:04:21 AM

The brothers give each other a big bear hug " good to see you ok " they reply

The brothers inspect the defenses and gather a trio of sailors to scout the perimeter and gather spent arrows(and any other weapons dropped or thrown) shot by the attackers "maybe they'll give us a clue of their capability's" growls out Hal as he leads the trio

the big warrior nods at Nezamil's orders "see to it Kirk ....i'll be back shortly "

Kirk checks out the damage on the Sword and survey's the seaside of the ship to view the sneak attack tactics and how to defend againist it better

Sunday June 18th, 2006 10:12:20 AM

"As much as I would like to split up we have to stay together and focus on one set of tracks. I doubt they all converge on the same place. Hopefully we find a little luck today."

Sunday June 18th, 2006 3:47:21 PM

OOC sorry i missed a week of posting something did came up suddenly, i had to go abroad for a few days

Bart is back at the ship and thinking aboaut improvements. We have to rapair the ship as fast as we can. In the meantime we can dig a trench and make a fench with wooden poles everyone can work on that. Also we have to man the ballista and change it so that we als could fire more downwards into the water.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=20
Sunday June 18th, 2006 9:22:39 PM

"Rigging I do not have any spells for group defense like you want. Spells that may be of use are Prying Eyes, Darkvision & Clair-audience/voyance. This just occurred to me even though it does not pertain to our current problem. I have added Passwall to my spell capacity. We could use that spell to try and enter the pyramid or other buildings on this island."

Cosmo wants to go with the group that tracks the assailants, but knows he would probably just slow them down. Instead he looks around the ship area for a place he can be of best use. Nothing really sticks out until he eyes the crow's nest. Now that would be a good place for me to be if I had to start slinging some of my magic around. He approaches some of the sailors and questions them to find out who normally man's the high perch. If the man or woman is not busy, Cosmo will ask that person to join him in the crow's nest to help act as lookout.

Cosmo then makes his way onto the ship and climbs up to the crow's nest. He looks around to get his bearings and look for potential attack points.

Spot 20.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+9=12
Monday June 19th, 2006 2:45:34 AM

After a couple of minutes Appolo remembers thet magic glows and there for he probably isn't invisible so he deactivayes his ring and appears pot pf the brush next tp Mykeal,:Shape changers.That explians alot about the snajes."He stand ssilently waiting for Ashira and Val to arrive.He looks around for a signs.

Spot 12

DM Jim: Cornered! 
Monday June 19th, 2006 11:43:24 AM

Ghem's quickly finds the fleeing snake and hovers over it. Ghem beams to Mykael "I found him again and he has friends. I you all of you coming fast."

Mykael and the now visible Appolo approach from one side and Val, Ashira and John from the other.

Ashira finds the set of track that go from bipedal to slithering and is on the trail and then she spots Ghem hovering above a large broadleaf jungle plant.

Ghem attempts to communicate with Ashira telepathically using sylvan "The viper is under this plant and he has two friends, our guy is the darkest of the three." Ghem also sends the same message to Mykael.

A few moments later, Mykael and Appolo meet Ashira, John and Val at the bush. Neither group saw one another until they were 10 feet apart although it was possible to hear the other group at a much greater distance.

Ghem beams proudly to Mykael "I found him again and he went into the bush and did not come out. He found two friends along the way too, also Vipers, all more than twice my body." Ghem finds a place to land about 10 feet up to watch.


Nezamil cures those that are still injured from the battle and gets thanks all around. Tomas also thanks Nezamil "I just ran out of spell, there were so many injured. I held off using the new wand the Wildcards got for me, waiting for a dire need."

The rest of the Wildcards and crew wait for the outcome in the jungle. Nothing can be heard, but an occasional colorful bird seems to be spooked to flight and makes a terrible racket in the area that the trackers entered the jungle.

Several of the Wildcard's contemplate the defense of the Sword while beached. It is a diffilcult problem as the berm is only effective at high tide. Low time leaves a gap at the waterline. Also the stern of the Sword is always in water and there is nothing stopping someone or thing from approaching that way.

Rigging and Swirl 
Monday June 19th, 2006 9:02:30 PM

Swirl zips down under the canopies to get a better view fo the snakes causing all the commotion. He translates what he sees back to his boss he is listening carefully

Rigging has grabbed the two carpenters by the arms and says, I don't want any exucses. I want this boat fixed under the orginall schedule projecte. Make it happen maybe you guys should rig some sort of underwater net to help protect our exposed hull. Won't be perfect but might give someone a chance to see something and be able to do something about it.

Monday June 19th, 2006 9:26:35 PM

OOC: On a remote system again, dont have my character sheet for numbers.

IC: Mykael draws his bastard sword and begins to hack the bush and brush away.

He states loudly in common, "Either come out and show yourselves or I start lighting fires as you did to our friends. We the easier this is for us, the better for you."

"John, would you please start gathering some green wood and leaves. A good smoking fire should pull them out of any hole they are in. Maybe the will surrender peacefully and without pissing me off. But I want to be ready in case they are stupid."

[i]Excellent work my friend. I wouldnt have been able to do it without you.[i/]

Ashira (Delay Poison)  d20+12=26 d20+11=17
Monday June 19th, 2006 10:58:54 PM

The ranger looks over at Mykael. "Excellent work from you and Ghem!" Moving her arms in a circle, Ashira uses the well established hand signal of surrounding the bushes that the enemy are in. Once in place, Ashira nods at John. "Sounds like a good plan, John." Then she casts a spell (Delay poison) and calls out to the snakes in the bush. "My friend here is right. Surrender and you'll be shown mercy. Try anything funny and we'll be eating roasted snake for dinner tonight!" After she calls out her ultimatum, Ashira keeps an eye out for anyone else who might be trying to sneak up on them (Spot=26, Listen=17).

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

Monday June 19th, 2006 11:03:05 PM

Nezamil pats Tomas on the shoulder " you did fine young man.....the crew is lucky to have you lead them "

"So they sneak attacked us from the stern of the ship ....if i may suggest that we put up some fencing useing the fish nets ....we can cut some trees down for posts....this way they won't be able to swim right up to the ship....and we could take a dip to cool off in this heat safe from the crocs behind the fish net fencing "

"also post a watch high up in the rigging or masts to see down into the water"

Taking a few mins to confer with the Bash brothers " check on the troops and keep them upbeat and ready....also keep them in rotation so they get rest "

Over hearing Captain Rigging's orders to the carpenters he adds " i can use several spells to help in the repair of the Sword such as enlarge and bull str and maybe a few others too depending on whatcha need "

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Monday June 19th, 2006 11:08:37 PM

The brothers jump into action and get the troops organized but also inform Tomas of their actions as he is incharge of the crew

"maybe we can do a little clear cutting near the perimeter of the jungle to help expand our visibility....at least we can plan for it in the coming days " suggest Hal to Tomas

John (Delay Poison) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:38:39 AM

Nodding at Mykael and Ashira's order, John likewise casts a spell (Delay poison) and then takes out his handaxe, ready to chop up some nice green wood for smoking.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 11:53:03 AM

Appolo moves into position and waits.Anyone can tell he'd just as soon kill theses things as any thing else.They've already pissed him off."Come on Ahira just let me kill them I could usea sanke skin belt."

Cosmo  d20+5=18
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:32:55 PM

Cosmo stays in the crow's nest remaining alert. He continues to look around for attackers.

Spot 18.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 12:45:00 PM

Val pulls the heavy flail from her hip, hands gripping the shaft tightly. Her eyes scan the surrounding bushes for signs of their enemies. The brush is thick and any sign will be a split second before the attack.

"Please resist. I really want to kill something today."

DM Jim: Breakout!  d20-10=6 d20-10=6 d20-10=5
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:11:22 PM

The trackers have all met up around a jungle bush, with Ghem pearched overhead. Swirl can be heard moving through the jungle as he searches for the group. It is obvious that Swirl cannot see the trackers.

John and Ashira cast potective spells on themselves.

Val does not move, as she seems to be listening to something only she can hear.

Several of the trackers cut down green palm fronds in anticipation of a fire. The trackers are alert and watchful, but no one else seems to be in the jungle, except for the friendly whirlwind as he looks for his crewmates.


The snakes are spooked and make a run for it in the leaf litter.

One viper heads for Mykael, one for Appolo and one for John (close to Ashira), with Val 15 feet away. They are attempting at high-speed stealth and not attempting to attack.

DC 6 spot check for Mykael to see the snake slither at him.

DC 6 spot check for Appolo to see the snake slither at him.

DC 5 spot check for John and Ashira to see the snake slither at them.

DC 10, 10, 9 for Val to see any of the snakes.

OOC: All but Val can also attempt to see the snakes other than the one slithering at them,just add 2 to the DC.


Everyone at the Sword is wondering and worrying about the tracker. Melonie goes over and sits with Mary. The two share a look, but no words.

Lilith is in the crow's nest and is straining to see through the jungle canopy.

Marc and Mark look at Rigging & Nezamil and Mark comments, "You know South Harbor was not built in a day. Do you think we are miracle workers."? Marc adds "And now you want us to build a secure lattice to hold all the nets to guard the back of your boat. What is the priority? We can do it, but what is first, repair fired damage, repair snake damage, or set up netting lattice?"

Cosmo and Bart are very somber.

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 1:58:05 PM

Bart waits for the response from the wildcards who tracked the attackers. He is thinking aboit improving their site. Using nets in the sea is a good option too. Maybe the area could be warded by some spells. An alarm spell could be usefull as well

Ghem  d20+7=9 d20+7=18 d20+7=20
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 7:21:32 PM

There they GO! They are making a run for it!

Mykael  d20+7=21 d20+7=16 d20+7=26 d100=80
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 7:27:07 PM

Mykael notices all 3 snakes and starts casting(spot=21, 16, 26)

Mykael casts Slow on all 3 snakes(80% spell failure, success)(DC 17 willpower save negates).

"You cant get away, last chance to surrender!"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Tuesday June 20th, 2006 9:37:33 PM

"Rigging I still have some of my Overland Flight spell left. Do you want me to take to the air and check out the situation with the scouting party?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 20th, 2006 11:05:46 PM

Rigging glowers sternly at his two carpenters. "Of course I think you are miracle workers! I only hire miracle workers! I want this boat fixed so it is seaworthy first. Remember it isn't my boat but our boat. It is your transportation off this snake infested island too. Now stop carping and get to work. If you need additional men or supplies tell Tomas and he will do his best to get them for you."

Rigging will pull his younger henchman aside and say, "Your job is to find some way of either trapping or putting up some kind of warning system for the stern of the boat. I know it is a tough assignment but figure something out. Even if you put some canvas over the hole, so it won't be as easy for someone to throw something through it."

Rigging will then call Hal, Kirk, Nezamil and Tomas over to him. I want to make sure we have guards on the back of the boat to at all times. I know it will be tough to see a snake but we want to at least try and make things difficult for these creatures. Nez and Tomas, I want you to take some time and create some continual flame torches, rocks, whatever you think best. Maybe we can sink a couple poles and put the torches out in the lagoon a little ways to help light the stern of the ship. Then move some more onto the beach so things have a tough time sneaking up on us.

I also want the working areas on the beach protected better. Hollow out some areas in the sand and then move some driftwood to makes some walls. At least it will give our people some shelter if we get attacked again. Just make sure those areas are close enough to the ship so the enemy can't overrun them and use them against us."

When Rigging hears Cosmo's question, he will say, "Go for it. Swirl tells me they are in that direction and they have something cornered. Remember I want prisoners."


Swirl dives through the canopy and heads towards the noise hoping to help

Ashira  d20+12=23 d20+14=33 d20+10=22
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:08:08 AM

"Don't let them get away!!" bellows Ashira as she grabs at the snake headed John's way. (Spot=23) "John, I got a sack in my backpack...get it out for me, will ya?"

OOC: I am assuming that the best way to go about this is a grapple. So...touch attack=33, grapple check=22. Also, I believe the snake must take a -4 penalty for lack of feat, and a -4 penalty due to size.

John (Delay Poison) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 12:16:17 AM

"Not a problem!" calls out John as he rumages through her backpack and pulls out the sack.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:07:51 AM

Nezamil stands near Captain Rigging as he tells the carpenters to perform miracles and adds " i did not ask you two to build the seaward defenses....i spoke to Tomas about that!!" growls Nezamil " don't worry i'll take care of that personally...just concentrate on the Swords repairs"

"Captain i'll pray to Domi in the morning for a few continual flame spells....thats a great idea "

"Hal and Kirk i got work for ya both .....Hal take a work crew and start clear cutting the beaches perimeter to expand open space between the Sword and the jungle.....i'll use some of the trees as posts for a defensive wall behind the Sword.....the rest will be used to build some defensive walls near the Sword ....i don't think you need a complete wall that encircles the Sword but use them to channel the attackers to shooting zones for our bowman.....Hal you clear cut and Kirk will build the defensive obstacles and shooting zones.....each take one of the squads wihile the 3rd rests as they watch over the beach .....i'll build the seaward wall "

The Cleric of Domi will gather the acrobats together "you will take shifts keeping watch high up in the rigging and masts on both seawrd and inland...keep the shifts short maybe a couple hours so your eyes are fresh "

Nezamil will use his size and strentgh to gather some of the downed trees and use them as pilings behind the Sword(30 yards out....or what is feasable)(he will use waterwlk if needed)

Afterwards he works with the fisherwomen to install the nets between the pilings

The 10'5" dwarf works hard and late into the night to fufill his taks he has set forth

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:07:51 AM

Nezamil stands near Captain Rigging as he tells the carpenters to perform miracles and adds " i did not ask you two to build the seaward defenses....i spoke to Tomas about that!!" growls Nezamil " don't worry i'll take care of that personally...just concentrate on the Swords repairs"

"Captain i'll pray to Domi in the morning for a few continual flame spells....thats a great idea "

"Hal and Kirk i got work for ya both .....Hal take a work crew and start clear cutting the beaches perimeter to expand open space between the Sword and the jungle.....i'll use some of the trees as posts for a defensive wall behind the Sword.....the rest will be used to build some defensive walls near the Sword ....i don't think you need a complete wall that encircles the Sword but use them to channel the attackers to shooting zones for our bowman.....Hal you clear cut and Kirk will build the defensive obstacles and shooting zones.....each take one of the squads wihile the 3rd rests as they watch over the beach .....i'll build the seaward wall "

The Cleric of Domi will gather the acrobats together "you will take shifts keeping watch high up in the rigging and masts on both seawrd and inland...keep the shifts short maybe a couple hours so your eyes are fresh "

Nezamil will use his size and strentgh to gather some of the downed trees and use them as pilings behind the Sword(30 yards out....or what is feasable)(he will use waterwlk if needed)

Afterwards he works with the fisherwomen to install the nets between the pilings

The 10'5" dwarf works hard and late into the night to fufill his taks he has set forth

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

* used spells

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:11:00 AM

Hal organizes a work detail which he leads to clearcut the jungles perimter to expand the open space.

Kirk organizes another work detail to build defensive obstacles and shooting zones .

Both work hard and with great determination

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:11:00 AM

Hal organizes a work detail which he leads to clearcut the jungles perimter to expand the open space.

Kirk organizes another work detail to build defensive obstacles and shooting zones .

Both work hard and with great determination

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+12=18 d20+12=23 d20+6=12 d20+6=18 d10+4=11 d10+4=5 d8+4=6
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:18:49 AM

When the snakes make a break for Appolo does not hesitate and swings thre times at the snake moving toward him.Slcing into it with all his fury."One belt coming up."

Attack 18 23 18 Damage 11 5 6 total23 Spot 12

Ashira (extra post) 
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:40:25 AM

Ashira turns to Appolo, snarling. "Remember the orders. No killing unless I order it! Capture them. I want prisoners!"

Dm Jim:  d20+7=9 d20+7=20 d20-10=0
Wednesday June 21st, 2006 1:04:12 PM

The snakes start to slither, fast at first and then slow as Mykael's slow spell takes effect.

Mykael had to concentrate hard (DC 14 check, made) to maintain the spell. Mykael watches as his slowed snake slithers between his legs.

Appolo takes the opportunity to slice and dice the snake moving at him, slowly, but he killed it fast.

Ashira jumps in front of John and grabs the snake charging at John. The snake seems unaffected by Mykael's slow spell. Ashira has a good grip on the snake, and it hisses at her as it wraps up her arm. At Ashira's instruction, John grabs a sack from her backpack and holds it open for Ashira. Ashira stuffs the snake into the bag and closes the top.

Ghem takes off and screams in Mykael's head. "He is getting away!"

Swirl shows up and Ghem has to do everything in his power to maintain his hover. The leaf litter is blowing around, making it difficult to see.

Val watches from 15 feet away.

DC 0 spot check to spot the last fleeing snake. Apparently, Swirl has inadvertently removed most of the laf litter that the snakes were using for cover.


Cosmo leaves Lilith in the crow's nest and takes off toward the Jungle.

Marc and Mark look at Rigging with exasperated expressions. "We will do all we can."

Rigging speaks with his new followers about further warning systems. Juno suggests, "Maybe we can rig bells to the nets in the back to warn us of someone's approach?" Eli then speaks up "Hey boss, magic did not work as well as we hoped during the last battle. It was hard to cast spells and they were less effective on the bad guys."

Nezamil set in an excellent plan for the defense of the Sword in motion. The bash brothers jump to action to carry out Nezamil's plan to the best of their ability.


OOC: As suggested by other crewmates -- 250 exp for Nezamil for his well thought out plan for the defense of the Sword.


The sack that Ashira is holding suddenly get real heavy and starts to split and rip and out drops a humanoid, that was until recently a viper. The humanoid is sitting on the jungle floor looking up at Ashira and John with venom in him unblinking eyes.

The figure is wearing leather armor of high quality, has a long bow, dagger, simitar, quiver, and wooden shield. All the gear is of various shades of green and brown and of good or better quality.

The humanoid just hisses menacingly at the group as it attempts to stand, showing its narrow pointed teeth. It does not reach for any of its weapons.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 3:21:26 PM

"Now this makes more sense. You cannot run. You cannot hide. So please resist so I can crush your skull. See we can just find one of your friends. Eventually somebody will talk so we really don't need you." She says with a gleam in her eye and a smile on her face.

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 4:00:02 PM

Nezamil if you cast enlarge on me i will help you together we can make some kind of fence behind the Sword. It is easier if we do it together.

Clearing a bigger area around the sword was an good idear Nezamil. I had to think about that sooner.

Can you cast an spell to stop animals like snakes from enetering the area around the sword?

Wednesday June 21st, 2006 11:01:54 PM

Nezamil forges ahead with his defense plan for the Sword.

"sure thats a good idea Bart.....when we get to some of the heavy lifting i'll enlarge you so we can work in tandem ....only thing is the enlarge spell will only lasts about 10 minutes"

Taking a break from the work Nezamil searches out Tomas and asks him what spells he used vs the snake people and what was effective and what wasn't .

The Cleric of Domi will take a walk among the crew and encourge and praise their work and efforts as he tries to keep morale up

Ashira (Delay Poison) 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:08:13 AM

Ashira smiles at the arrival of Swirl. "Swirl, will you please tell Rigging that we've got him a captive. Might take us a little bit of time to bring him in. Might help if he and Bart came to help out."

The ranger looks over at Mykael. "You want to have Ghem trail that other one just in case? And I don't suppose you have any other spells to help with immobilizing our prisioner??"

Ashira glares at the strange creature standing before her. "Now, you have two choices. You can surrender and come with us. Or, as my friend has indicated, you can try and run or try and fight and we'll end up cutting you to bits like your friend over there. It's up to you." Hands on her swords, Ashira motions for the others to surround the creature while she waits to see how it responds.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

John (Delay Poison) 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:35:25 AM

John's jaw drops as the snake transforms before his eyes. "What in the name of Gargul's eye is that?!" Raising his axe, John takes up a position beside Ashira.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 2:02:14 AM

"No, none that I can think of, just do your best."

"Ghem! that one is yours sting him! I am right here to help you."

OOC: on a remote again, please roll for Ghem and any needed for Mykael

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+12=27 d8+4=9
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 4:25:02 AM

With an exasperated look on his face and with out saying a word Appolo walk quickly up behind the snakeman and clubs him on the back of the with the hilt of his sword.
Hoping to knock him down and out."It's to hot to discuss this out here.Let's get back to the ship."

Attack 27 9 Subdual damage.

Appolo's attack is desinged to render the creature unconcious not kill.

Rigging  d20+7=20 d20+6=16 d20+6=18 2d6(6+1)=7 2d6(1+6)=7
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 6:41:49 AM

Rigging is pleased with the work that is going on around him, glad to see others taking roles of leadership. He will walk around chatting with several but will make time to spend it with the other seamstresses and grieve with them on the loss of a friend.

Rigging will get Ahshira's message through Swirl and move over to Bart, "We are needed out in the jungle it seems. They have captured a prisoner.

Rigging will move out calling to Swirl to lead him and Bart to the others.


Swirl sees the snake that is slithering away. He is unsure if it is just a snake or something else but he decides to take a couple of whacks at it hitting ac 16 and 18 doing 14 points of total subdual damage.

Swirl will hover for a few seconds to see if the snake is still moving. It it isn't, then Swirl will move off to relay the messages and guide Rigging in. If the snake is still moving, then Swirl will stick around to whack it again next round.

(ooc Jim rolled for both attacks and damage but not sure if I was close enough. Otherwize only attack once)

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 11:25:24 AM

Well Nezz i have some strength of my own. It is only handier to be taller easier working when you are in deeper water

Cosmo  d20+5=15
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 11:33:33 AM

Cosmo flies towards where he thinks the scouting group went to. He keeps a sharp eye out for the scouting party and anything else of interest.

Spot 15.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim: Captive?  d20+5=14 d20+5=15
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 1:10:35 PM

The humanoid that just was a snake stands as he is slowly surrounded. He seems in shock that he seems to be encircled by potential unfriendlies. As the Wildcards and friends fan out to close the circle, the humanoid, brushes his dark hair out of his eyes with his left hand and draws his scimitar with his right. The humanoid is not responding to any of the commands given by the Wildcards, he either cannot hear or does not understand or is ignoring them.

Appolo leaps in and is able to give the humanoid a good whack to the head (subdual), and gets a hiss of pain from him. The humanoid whirls and slashes at Appolo, by the forces of the stroke, he is not attempting to subdue, but to kill.

AC 14, miss as the scimitar slashes where Appolo's head was before he moved it.

The humanoids unblinking eyes scan back an forth as he is now completely surrounded. He then spits at Appolo.

AC 15, miss on a ranged touch attack, but not by much.

The humanoid is hissing something at Appolo that no one can understand, but it does not appear to be complimentary.

OOC: We are now in combat rounds.


Ghem seems reluctant to attack the fleeing snake, but Mykael asked so he moves into position. Ghem never has to attack as Swirl swoops in and picks the snake up and whacks it against a tree. Swirl beams to Rigging "I think I subdued the snake too much, his head does not look too good." The snake slides down the tree trunk and does not look like it will move ever again.


Nezamil talks with Tomas and finds out that he used all of his spells for curing. It was touch and go with a few people and there were numerous people injured.

Nezamil and Bart discuss the best ways to build the new fortifications for the Sword.

Cosmo passes Rigging as they both head toward the jungle. Cosmo has a much better vantage point to see and does see an atmospheric disturbance of some sort in the jungle a 100 yards or so into the jungle.

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 8:57:59 PM

Mykael groans in frustration as he sees the snake fly against the tree.

"Back away from the creature. I have a web spell, and Ghem's sting has a sleeping poison."

"Unless you prefer to take a chance of Appolo's blade not getting turned or Val swinging with more force than intended. And killing that last one!"

"I dont believe they understand us, and I dont have the proper spells prepared to deal with it right now."

"Just be ready, magic is acting weird here and who knows how this spell will turn out, or if he is able to resist Ghem's poison."

"If you dont move you will be caught in the web as well."

Thursday June 22nd, 2006 9:41:48 PM

The Cleric of Domi keeps tabs on the various projects he has started moving in the right direction.

Taking a little time he visits the wine steward Pierre " i was wondering about the wine making process and what might be needed to make wine on this island .....there is a large variety of fruit that possibly could be distilled into spirits and such.....since we might be here awhile i would like you to investigate what could be workable "

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Thursday June 22nd, 2006 9:46:03 PM

Hal and Kirk keep their respective projects moving along efficiently.....resting the squads as need and keeping them hydrated

Hal notes " we should make a trip to the fresh water spring we found to keep our water supply full and gather some fruit too "

Ashira (AC27, HP112/112) Delay Poison 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 12:01:41 AM

Ashira nods. "Alright folks give Mykael some room. If that thing runs, I'll use my Entangle. Remember, we bring this thing back alive or we have to go track down some of his buddies! Absolutely no lethal damage!! Appolo, go invisible so that thing doesn't follow you." Looking over at Mykael, Ashira adds "I have a potion of tongues, but I'd rather use it when we have this thing back at the ship."

As she backs up, Ashira animates her shield. She watches the creature carefully, prepared to cast Entangle upon it should it try to bolt.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

John (AC 16, HP35/35) Delay Poison 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 12:08:03 AM

Needing very little encouragement to move away from the snake thing, John scoots backward but stays close to Ashira.

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo Ac 23 Ho 68 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 7:43:56 AM

Appolo snarls and steps back."Ok Mykeal do your thing,but if this thing runs I'll cut into little pieces.You can be sure of that."

Friday June 23rd, 2006 8:05:24 AM

Riggging breaks into a jog moving towards the combatants guided by Swirls instructions/ directions.

Val (AC 19 / HP 139) 
Friday June 23rd, 2006 10:25:06 AM

Val grips her flail and watches the creature intently. She backs away slowly to give Mykael some room but close enough to give the creature worry.

Dm Jim: A fly in the Web  d20+8=19 d20+2=5
Friday June 23rd, 2006 1:08:34 PM

The humanoid holds his scimitar out as the Wildcards back up and he spins as he watches each in turn. He is clearly not happy with his situation and seems to be looking for a way out. The scimitar is always pointing at one of the Wildcards chests as he makes eye contact with each. Those black unblinking eyes are just disturbing. The humanoid is speaking in a hissing dialect that no one seems to understand.

Ashira prepares her entangle spell if Mykael's plan goes awry.

Ghem was concerned about attacking the fleeing snake, and now Mykael asked him to possibly sting this human thing with the sharp metal stick. Mykael is getting uncomfortable waves of concern from his small dragon friend.

Mykael's spell goes off with out a problem as the web sticks to the humanoid and several palm trees.

The humanoid struggles wildly and hisses in fury, but it only makes his more entangled in the web.

IT looks like Ashira's entangle spell will not be needed.


Rigging starts to jog on the beach and reaches the edge of the jungle. Running in sand is not something Rigging will want to do for any length of time, that was tough. Rigging passes under the now hovering Cosmo. Swirl tells Rigging he just have 100 yards to go through some real nasty and thick jungle.


Everyone gets back to work at the beach and the Sword, but all eyes dart toward the jungle and where the Wildcards entered, hoping to see them exit soon.

Nezamil talks with Pierre and he just beams "That my good large sir is an excellent idea. We need to start sampling all of the fruits and get on barrel construction immediately. You do not think the Captain will mind if Mark and Marc take a few days to construct some wine barrels for the Sword. This could be wonderful." Pierre is clearly excited and is marching to the Jungle, straight at one of the trees that is hanging heavy with the yellow star shaped fruit.

Friday June 23rd, 2006 4:47:09 PM

Winemaking an good idear Nez but making barrels? We hace to concentrate on repairing the sword and protecting our warf first

Ashira (AC27, HP112/112) Delay Poison 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 12:00:08 AM

"Alright Mykael, use it or lose it. Either Ghem takes him down the easy way or we have to club him into unconsciousness. As much as Appolo would love that, I'd rather he come back more or less in pristine condition...considering he's the only one still alive. And I really don't feel like tracking another one of these things down."

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

Spell in place:
Delay Poison: 5 hours

DM JIM: Maybe I was not clear enough, but the humanoid is webbed and going nowhere fast.

John (AC 16, HP35/35) Delay Poison  d20+12=32 d20+9=16
Sunday June 25th, 2006 12:07:57 AM

Unnerved by the unblinking eyes and scaly skin, John gladly scans the surrounding jungle for any signs of unfriendlies sneaking up on them. (Spot=nat. 20, Listen=16)

Remaining spells
1st: Pass without a trace

Spells in place
Delay poison: 2 hours

Appolo  d20+10=27 d20+7=26
Sunday June 25th, 2006 4:08:29 PM

Appolo steps further back and hasa look around.Watching and listening for trouble."Hurry up.Let's get this thing back to the ship."

Spot 27,Listen 26

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 9:04:09 PM

Cosmo continues to fly towards the scouting party.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Sunday June 25th, 2006 10:04:54 PM

Rigging hacks his way through the jungle cursing the entire way. "Swirl couldn't you find me a better, clearer path?"

When he finally arrives at the clearing, he will take in the situation and walk up to the creature in the web. He will then look at the others and say, Lets not take any chances with him. Put him unconcious and lets get him back to the ship. I have a feeling we will need a tongues spell to talk to him."

After the snakeman is unconcious from Appolo whacking him the head a few times, he will have him carrid back. "Any ideas on how to keep him? I guess we could but him in a crate? A few small airholes should keep him inside. Then we could question him. Wonder if he breathes underwater?"

OOC If it seems I am moving ahead in the action, Jim told me that I could.

Sunday June 25th, 2006 10:54:51 PM

The big dwarf reaches out and grabs Pierre by the collar as he heads for the fruit tree " not so fast....the carpenters first priority is the repair of the Sword so no barrel making just yet ......but maybe we could let you use one of the water barrels once its empty" as he releases the wine steward " so gather some fruit and start your research ....but be careful"

Nezamil heads back to working on driving the pilings into the seafloor and build the defensive wall of nets behind the Sword

Bbash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Sunday June 25th, 2006 11:01:30 PM

Hal keeps his crew busy with tree clearing to expand the open space but keeps an eye on the wine steward as he forages for fruit

Kirk keeps his crew busy dragging the trees near the Sword and use them to build defensive postions with shooting zones for the bowman

Monday June 26th, 2006 3:06:53 AM

"He's going to be a hard one to hold. Being able to shift his shape between who knows how many forms. He doesn't seem to understand us nor we him. Interrogation will be difficult and we need to prepare for a counterattack."

Monday June 26th, 2006 6:28:30 AM

'Ghem, he is held fast. Fly in there and sting him. Put him to sleep. You can do it. Dont get in the web though, you will get stuck too.'

Mykael watches closely, ready to strike at the creature with the flat of his sword or his shield, if it gets loose enough to hit Ghem.

Ashira (Additional post) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:27:37 AM

Ashira looks up at Rigging's emergence from the jungle. She is slightly dismayed when he arrives and begins to hand out orders without so much as a pat on the back. Guessing that he is not satisfied with her work as group leader, Ashira quietly obeys Rigging's commands, carrying the unconscious creature back to the Sword. As they travel, she quietly says. "I have a potion of Tongues in my pack. I felt it would be best to do the interrogation back at the Sword. It is yours when you want it. As for holding the creature, as Val pointed out, it's going to be difficult. We may have to do what we did with the Twins...keep clubbing it to sleep." Ashira winks at Val.

OOC: Yes, I understand that he is webbed. Mykeal had said that Ghem was going to sting him and put him to sleep. I felt that was better than clubbing the thing into unconciousness. Obviously that was the wrong decision.

Dm Jim: Back at the Beach 
Monday June 26th, 2006 12:47:45 PM

The humanoid is stuck fast in Mykael's web. Ghem is building up his courage to sting the creature when Rigging bursts though the undergrowth.

Swirl is beaming in his head. "That path was the best way for an elemental to go. I have seen you fly. You are a wizard. I assumed you were also going to fly like Cosmo did."

Rigging sees Cosmo admiring Mykael's handy work, while floating a few feet off the ground.

At Riggings urging, Appolo knock out the humanoid. It does take three whacks and the humanoid is hissing and staring at him with those unblinking eyes, but the eyes do close with Appolo's help.

The Wildcards drag the unconscious humanoid back to the beach and dump him at the foot of the Sword. A crowd of crew and Wildcards forms around the humanoid as everyone watches him breath. The welts on the side of his thin face are starting to swell.

Lilith see the trackers returning and exits the crewsnest to meet them on the beach and she stops short in front of John. Lilith is almost breathless "No problems?" As her eyes scan John for signs of harm.

Melonie asks Val "What is it? It does not look Fey?"

Pierre picks fruit until the Wildcards emerge and then be brings over his bounty and stands in the circle around the humanoid.


Nezamil, Bart, Hal and Kirk do not get much work done on the defences before the Wildcards return with their prisoner and then their work crew disappers to see the humanoid.

Gordon produces a stick and start to poke the humanoid.

Monday June 26th, 2006 1:40:27 PM

Rigging trudges back to the Sword plucking out thorn from his thighs. He glances up at Ashira and shows her a particularly long one that seems to be barbed. In a somewhat whiny voice, he says to Ashira, "Can you believe a walked into a bush of these?" Rigging tosses the thorn away and says, "Nice job in catching this critter. I am sure your potion will come in handy but I wonder if Cosmo has the spell in his spell book. Somehow I don't think this thing is going to cooperate easily. Just a feeling. I do have a detect thought spell, which might work in conjunction with the tongues spell. Will have to study for it."

Once he gets back to the ship, he will allow all of the crew to take a quick look at the snake man but quickly get them back to work. He will send two crewmen down into the hold to retrieve a empty barrel big enough to hold the snake man in his humaniod form. He will the instruct Marc to drill a couple of air holes in the top.

He will whack Gordon in the arm and say, "I don't the prisoner abused. At least not yet. Get back to work"

Rigging will inspect the barrel to make sure it doesn't have any other holes in it and then have Hal and Kirk put the snakeman inside. He will then nail on the lid. "Tomas, I want a two man guard on this at all times. If someone falls asleep and gets bitten, then when their private parts fall off, they will get no sympathy from me.

Cosmo, Do you have the tongues spell in your book? Does anyone have a way to talk to this critter?

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday June 26th, 2006 10:05:37 PM

"No, Rigging I do not have the spell Tongues in my spellbook. I can however summon a creature with that ability. The creature I can summon is the same one that I sent into the Pyramid. The creature is a Lantern Archon. I can also summon a relative of it called the Hound Archon."

"I can cast a summon spell twice today that can summon the lantern Archon. I have only 1 spell today that can summon the Hound Archon."

"If we determine that the creature can speak common, then tomorrow I can dominate it with my Dominate Person spell."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight: 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:21:50 AM

Nezamil continues his work behind the Sword setting up the fencing and ignores the commotion as he knows the Captain has things well in hand .

" all that gawking just slows down the work " grumbles Nezamil quietly to himself

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light* ,Mending* ,Resistance
1st-Command* , Divine favor , Endure elements ,Entropic shield* ,Pro-f-evil*,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,searing light ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,restoration (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Wall of stone (Spell resistance )

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:31:01 AM

The brothers follow after their work crews to catch what all the noise is about " so thats the thing that attacked the Sword earlier " growls Hal " ugly things for sure "

"hehe sure is ugly " laughs Kirk " but they sure co-ordinated their attacks well " adds Kirk

After the work crews get a look at the snake-man they round up their people and get them back working " lets go and get this stuff done " growls Hal

great Jim all of the crews disipline falls apart at the 1st sight of these things which they already saw during the battle ...how can we get any of our plans going if you just scatter all of us about ???????and stop what we do ????.....jeez...

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 5:54:47 AM

Val chuckles at Ashira's comments, shaking her head at a semi-bad joke. On the way back to the sword Val watches their backs. A sneak attack to rescue a fallen comrade would not be a suprise.

Back at the sword Val makes her way over to Melonie when she sees her friend moving towards her. Melonie's faith and enthusiasm can't help but bring a smile to her face. "That I believe is a Yuan-ti or something close to it. It can shift its forms between a snake and a snake-man. I wouldn't be suprised if there were other snake like forms it could take. Be careful they spit poison or acid. I'm not sure which but I would hate to see that pretty face of yours marred."

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:17:50 AM

Bart is still helping Nezamil eith the defences but he cant stop the urge to have a look at the snakeman. I wonder if the masters are of the same kind as him. Looks like we trade one domination cult, the Ga alians for another the i love pregnant women snakes

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:22:58 AM

Appolo trudges silently past the others.As passes Vlanthe and Meloniehe gives them a sorrowful look.He is till heartbrokenHe then head back to his quarters strips down and lays in his bunk staring at the cieling.Rage filling his mins.

DM Jim: Pickle in a Barrel 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 12:50:17 PM

Rigging and Nezamil get everyone back to work in a hurry, before they stuff the "snake man" into the barrel. The crew seems reenergized as one of their antagonists was captured and seeing him up close broke a lot of the tension that had been building.

Gordon is rebuked by Rigging. "Man, this is just no fun. Rank does have it privileges. Some get to go to parties, while the rest of us slave in the hot sun."

Shortly after Hal and Kirk nail the lid on the barrel, screams can be heard from within. Tomas quickly posts two guards around the barrel. The screams die down after about 30 minutes.

Cosmo and Rigging discuss interrogation techniques. While Bart and Nezamil lead work crews to improve the Sword's beach bound defenses. The sun is hot and everyone goes though a lot of water. At least there is an afternoon rain shower to cool everyone off for a bit.

Melonie nods when Val explains to her about the "snake man" and comments. "It must be a lesser race."

Pierre complains to Nezamil "That barrel that your body guards put the beast in is now ruined. I need a clean barrel." Pierre gets dreamy again. "Maybe we can make a version of brandy with the fruit".

Appolo sulks in his bunk.

Ashira is quite.


For now the barrel is in the shade of the Sword's prow, on the beach, unless someone posts that they move it.


The day is work filled for most. Dinner is again cooked on the beach by the Sword's cooks. The old women use up the last of Ashira's fish and suppliment with stores from the Sword. The night is tense and noisy, as the jungle seems to come alive at night. Insects and frogs and other jungle creature make a chorus of noises.


ooc: What is the standard watch at night: when the Wildcards are on board and not on board.???

Rigging is awarded 250 experience points for his inventive way of keeping the shape shifer captive.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 2:18:57 PM

The ranger shakes her head at Rigging and Cosmo's discussion. Personally, she would have performed the interrogation as soon as possible. But then Rigging was Captain.

Double checking with Hal and Kirk about the watch schedule for the night, Ashira asks that a couple of extra guards be set up for the prisoner. Just to be sure, Ashira herself takes up a position by the barrel, preparing to bed down next to it for the night. Producing her everburning torch, she places it on top of the barrel to increase visibility. That gives her another idea. Turning to Hal and Kirk, she inquires "How many torches do we have? We need to line the clear cut area with torches so we can see the enemy coming if they decide to retrieve their friend." If there are not enough torches available, then Ashira instructs the cooks to work on creating some makeshift ones for the night using some of the firewood and strips of cloth as well as cooking oil. Then she has the marines put them in place and light them for the night. She also instructs the night crew. "Attack any snakes that advance on sight, but do not move from the safety of your positions. I don't want anyone charging into the jungle to get picked off. The enemy will probably attack tonight, so I want everyone on high alert. Anything suspicious should be reported immediately to myself or Rigging. Even if that means waking us."

Finally, Ashira heads to the stores and pulls out as many buckets as she can find. Lining them up, she pulls Marc and Mark aside. "If the enemy should attack tonight with their fire arrows, you are to lead the fire brigade. I want you and your crew to form a bailing line from the beach and put out any fires that the enemy should start. Don't want all your hard work to go to waist." Gathering up some of the former refugees (not any of the crew assigned to the watch or any of the marines, need about 10 to 20), she shows them the buckets and sketches out their assignment. She also points out Marc and Mark. "These gentlemen will be your leaders. Should an attack come tonight, I expect you to carry out any orders they should give. Should there be multiple fires, they will direct you as to which fires to put out first. Remember, if there is no Sword, then we are stuck on this island forever...or until you grow gills."

Satisfied with her work, Ashira bunks down for the night next to the captive in the barrel.

Memorized spells:
1st: Entangle
2nd: Cat's Grace, Barkskin

John and Mary 
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 2:31:03 PM

John smiles roguishly at Lilith. "Nothing I couldn't handle." Looking over at the snake thing in the barrel, John sighs. "I wonder if his buddies out there are gonna come looking for him? As organized as you said that attack was, I doubt their just gonna leave him with us..." John looks up at Lilith, a weary look in his eyes. "We need to be prepared for the possibility of an attack tonight. Do you think you can ask some of your archer friends to take up the night shift? Those sharp elven eyes of you and your friends would certainly help spot the enemies faster. We should probably make sure that we watch the sea too." Eating a good dinner, John positions himself in the crow's nest with Lilith, ready to pull an all nighter scanning the jungle for any signs of the snake men.

Relieved to see John and Ashira return, Mary eats a quick dinner and then quickly finishes up her evening warrior practice. Then quietly, she sets up a position on the other side of the barrel from Ashira, determined to help keep watch of the prisoner with her mentor.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 9:18:27 PM

"Rigging, so nice of you to run in and whack the snake man. You should probably lead the snake hunt this week," Mykael chuckles. "And I have Tongues and Comprehend Languages, spells. Since we can wait until tomorrow, I will ready them. If there is a dire need, I always try to have them on scroll, which I do."

After drenching himself in the water, again. Mykael makes his way to the prisoner. Along the way, he gets half a bucket of water.

"Ghem you did well today, I am proud of you. Go play if you like, but take care."

Thinking to himself, 'I am going to have to work on his courage and self-esteem. He sure was skitish for a dragon. And for one that told me of his hunts.'

Mykael walks up to the barrel, "Guards, turn the barrel on its side. I want to pour in this water through an air hole, and let it run out another to cool the prisoner. Hold it so it doesnt roll, and be ready in case he tries to shift it out of your grasp."

Once cooled somewhat by bay water, Mykael attempts to get the creatures attention. He then tips up his waterskin and takes a long slow drink. Then he puts the open end to an air hole in the barrel and pours in some drinkable water, hoping to get the prisoner to drink.

Mykael will stay with the prisoner throughout the day on guard and making sure he survives.

Tuesday June 27th, 2006 10:53:13 PM

Rigging watches his wife order everyone about and grins. Obviously she likes command. He asks her, "Ashira, you know more about snakes than I do. Do you think this thing is cold blooded? Should we leave it the sun or put it into the shade. Your a ranger, what do you think?"

He will turn to Mykael and say, "I am glad you have the spell in your book. When we get the chance I would like to copy it into mine. Useful spell to have. How many times can you learn it in the morning? We might want to have several people who can talk to the prisoner.

He will lead Mykael away and whisper, "I not sure if this thing can speak common or not but I don't want him to hear. I plan on casting detect thoughts, but I will need a tongues spell to understand I am sure. Even if it speaks common, I doubt it thinks in common. I can always study it from your book too."

He turns back to Ashira, "Your in charge of keeping our prisoner a prisoner."

He calls out to Nezamil and says, "I want you in charge of our watch. We will need a permanant guard or sentry group on all day. Work with Bart and Val to determine who is on it and the schedule. Looks like we might need some noncommissioned officers. Promote some corporals and sergeants from the crew."

Rigging will then pull Gordon aside and say to him, "I know I have been working you hard but at least you don't have to walk through the jungle with all those snakes. You should have seen the size of the thorns that stuck into me today. I swear they were the size of daggers! I appreciate your labors." Rigging will look to all of his new henchman and continue, "I appreciate all of your labors. You have done an excellent job. Now all you have to do is figure out a way to kill a really big snake!"

Ashira  d20+6=25
Tuesday June 27th, 2006 11:12:53 PM

Ashira looks over at Rigging and sighs. "I'm a ranger, dear. Not a druid." Looking over at the barrel, she thinks hard (Know. nature=25). "It sure looks like a snake... Given the temperatures, I'd say we're going to have to be careful not to fry it in the heat. I'm not too sure whether it will get too cold at night for the thing... But they live on this island, so I'm guessing it won't freeze."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:14:15 AM

OOC: illegal post

"Sure, all mages trusting mages should share knowledge. We should make a party of it. Keep them others out!" Mykael laughs. "Rigging, I can cast it 3 times, however, we probably only need one to speak to it. Everyone else that you want to hear can use comprehend languages to listen in."

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:18:48 AM

After working on his net fence idea during the day the giant dwarf breaks for dinner and listens to Captain Riggings orders " i'll set up the watch rotation with our 3 squads....we're gonna have to slow the work load down a little so we can stay fresh and alert .... especially in this heat"

" i'll make sure to mix in some of our elven warriors on each squad so they all have better night vision capabilties"

Nezamil confers with Tomas about promoting 3 of the veteren warriors to squad leaders(27 warriors split into 3 squads of nine) and the order of watch shifts "since you help command the Sword while we are away i think your imput will be very helpful in selecting squad leaders and building trust and confidence among them "

" i'll persoanlly take the night watch tonight...after dinner i'll get some sleep with the squad we pick for night watch "

"i'll stay on the beach with the night watch but we must keep one squad on the Sword as bowman and as rearguard to protect the Sword from seaward attacks since the wall i'm building is not yet finished "

The dwarf also finds the 4 acrobats and puts the elven female on night watch high up in the ships mast and rigging as a scout" watch over us " smiles Nezamil

Nezamil nods at Ashira's torch suggestion " good thinking i'll set that in motion with the brothers ......after dinner boys you'll set up torches as Ashira stated " grins the Cleric "oh and first thing in the morning we'll resupply on fresh water "(Jim you said there was a nearby fresh water stream ?)

The Cleric of Domi selects the 3rd squad as the night watch " your with me people lets get some sleep and ready for the night watch.....we'll sleep on the beach with the 2nd squad taking the evening watch and 1st squad on the sword with the crew set up as morning watch....and rotate accordingly"

Turning to the brothers " you both will be on day and evening watch and get your sleep at night....i want you working with the squads in defense and directing the work crews"

Nezamil heads to sleep on the beach with the 3rd squad.....once he and the squad are awakened for duty he sets up the squad in defensive position with himself in the center
" they fired from distance last time so crossbows at the ready and be alert ....listen to the sounds of the jungle and look for movement "

i'll post spell list in the morning

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:34:18 AM

The brothers groan at more work " we're in paradise and all we do is work " replies Kirk with sarcasm

But both brothers do as they are told and set up a line of torches at the treeline as suggested by Ashira

Afterwards they find Tomas and work out details of working withe squads " now that we have squad leaders we need tactics....each squad consists of nine warriors with one as squad leader.....they'll work in pairs.....the two shooting at the same target and when in close quarters attacking the same opponnet....so squad leaders will be responsible for implementing this tactic " remarks Hal

the brothers head aboard the Sword and settle in for the night

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 10:12:11 AM

After the evening meal, when the moonlight is ambient enough to help their vision. Val takes Melonie onto the beach for some practice. Light sparring to make her apply what Bart has taught her. To make her face opponents who use different weapons and tactics. Finally she finishes things with some archery at different ranges to test her eye. Val offers much encouragement as well as being playful enough to make things fun.

Appolo  d20+14=27 d20+13=21
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:06:52 PM

Appolo stqys in his quartwers until around midnight.He rises heads to the kitchen eats some leftovers and then moving like a ghost he heads topside.He finds a seat at the bow of the ship and sits in ths shadows staring at the lagoon.He is quite depressed.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 12:45:35 PM

OOC -- If we are wrapping up the activity before going to sleep for the night then Cosmo will cast his SM V spell. If not, then he will wait for Rigging's command.

Cosmo moves over towards the barrel. He talks to the creature in the seven different languages that he knows. He looks for a response or some form of recognition of one or more of the languages.

Languages spoken -- Halfling, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal & Elf.

If Cosmo cannot communicate with the creature through one of these languages then he will cast the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He will summon a Hound Archon. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature, trying to learn its name, where it is from and why it attacked the camp.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)
Overland Flight 4/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Overland Flight * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: The morning Inqusition 
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 2:56:25 PM

OOC: Everyone Made it through the night and all posting should be for the morning.

If you have not done so, post your spells for the morning.


The Wildcard's place a heavy guard on the pickle in the barrel. Mykael shows compassion and cools the "snake man" and gives him water; he eagerly drinks and hisses calmly at Mykael.

Ashira thinks that the "snake mans" most important need will be water and Mykael has taken care of that. People as well as reptiles can go a lot longer without food and the water will also act as a coolant for the humanoid.

Nezamil has Hal and Kirk adjust the work/guard schedule to reflect the heightened alter of the situation.

Appolo is depressed.

Melonie enjoys her practice round with Val. Val can tell that what Melonie lacks in experience she makes up with heart, as she always loses to Val in the sparring session, but always takes it as a learning experience.

Mykael and Rigging discuss studying from each other's spell books.

Ashira set up a fire brigade defense against fire arrows.


OOC: IF either of you attempt to study a spell from the others spell book, please roll the spell craft skill.


Cosmo summons his hound the next morning, but no one has taken the "snake man" out of his barrel.

OOC: Roll as DC 15 sense motive check to determine if the "snake man" recognizes any of the languages spoken. Roll for each language and you must understand the language yourself.

Cosmo can hold the summoning until after the "snake man" is removed.

The "snake man" does not attempt to communicate with anyone even if/when removed from the barrel.

Wednesday June 28th, 2006 8:15:38 PM

Mykael wakes in the morning, and prepares his spells. He then heads to the deck and gets some food. He has extra for the prisoner, when he is let out, along with water.

Mykael waits for the captain's call. Then he will cast Tongues on himself and whomever the Captain wishes. He also casts comprehend languages on whomever the captain wishes.

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Daze
1 lvl: Comprehend Languages x3, Charm Person
2 lvl: Web x2, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3 lvl: Tongues x2, Slow

Ghem  d20+7=15
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 8:17:07 PM

Ghem flys to his favorite spot on the ship, and perches on top of the mast to watch the festivities and to watch out for more flaming sticks.


Rigging  d20+16=19 d20+12=22 d20+12=24
Wednesday June 28th, 2006 11:14:02 PM

Rigging will wake in the morning and study some new spells. He will then borrow Mykaels spell book and memorize tongues just making his roll with a 19.

When the others are ready, he will ask them to gather around him and outline his plan to the Wildcards and the officers of the ship. "I want one of us to question the creature. I think either Ashira might best serve in that role. Only one person should take the role since we don't want to just spit questions at the creature. You can whisper question as they come to mind but have Ashira do the questioning.

Mykael, I want you to serve as translator for the rest. I don't think you can cast comprehend languages on anyone else, it is a personal spell so cast your tongues spells on Ashira and whomever else you choose. Then cast your comprehend languages on yourself.

I will cast both my detect thoughts spell and a tongues for myself. As the questioner asks the questions, hopefully I will be able to detect what the person is thinking. The tongues should let me understand if it is in a different language.

I also want to know if this creature is evil, so one of the clerics needs to cast detect evil on it. Nezamil if you could handle that?

I don't think we will have to resort to torture if my detect thought spells work. He might be able to resist them but I have studied many of them just in case.

Now anyone casting multiple spells, remember we have to concentrate on them. We need to come up with a list of questions. I just need him to think about answers, not give them so give Ashria some suggestions. Does anyone have any questions?

Ashira, make sure you ask him about where his village or base of operations is? How many numbers they have? If they have any spellcasters among them? Why they attacked us? Are they trying to keep us here or just kill us?"

Rigging will then ask for questions or comments and then lead the group over to the barrel

Rigging will bang on the top of the barrel to wake the creature up. "No need to open it unless he cooperates." he says. Remember it might spit poison at us. He will then step back and cast his first detect thoughts (will save 16) He has two more to cast if it doesn't work. Once he is detecting thoughts he will cast his tongues spell. (Concentration checks of 22 and 24)

He will motion for Ashria to start.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:10:39 AM

After waking for his duty on the night watch with the 3rd squad the Cleric of Domi meditates to Domi to draw his divine power.(spell list to follow)

The night watch being uneventful Nezamil oversees the changing of the watch before meeting up with Captain Rigging and the questioning of the snakeman prisoner.....staying some distance away (40 ft) he casts the desired spell (detect evil) and concentrates on the snakeman prisoner until the questioning ends.

"Hal...Kirk lets take a work crew to refresh our supply of fresh drinking water....we are consuming it quite quickly in this heat....i'll tell the Captain " as the dwarf then informs Rigging about the nearby fresh water stream they will use to resupply the fresh water.

Nezamil stops by Ashira "I prayed to Domi to expand my repertoire of spells ...i've added Continual flame and symbol of sleep....i'll cast one each day to add to our defenses.....that Symbol should surprises them if they try and attack us...spread them out along the beach closer to the Sword so they will fall asleep on the open exposed beach " grins the Cleric of Domi

Afterwards Nezamil returns to his work on the seaward defensive wall he is building

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil * ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk* ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:19:10 AM

the Brothers wake in the morning and check in Tomas about the deployment of troops and work crews so as to keep on the same page with the ongoing work and crew assignments.

"Yeah we're drinking water like we're fish " laughs Hal as they organize a work crews trip to the nearby fresh water stream at Nezamil's request

Once the water detail is done Hal returns to clear cutting the the treeline to expand the open space while Kirk helps in building fortifications on the beach with shooting zones that will be co-ordinated between bowman on the Sword and the beach for maximum firepower

Ashira  d20+8=21
Thursday June 29th, 2006 1:07:11 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's request. It would be an honor to question the captive. Just to check, Ashira casts Speak with Animals prior to questioning.

Once all needed spells are cast, Ashira begins the questioning. Speaking in a loud enough voice to be heard through the barrel, she begins. "My associates have several questions for you. If you are an intelligent, reasonable being, you will see the wisdom in speaking with me (Dipolomacy=21). Should you prove cooperative, you will find that your living conditions will improve greatly. If not...well, things will not be very comfortable over the coming days." Ashira pauses for a few minutes to let her words sink in, and then asks Rigging's questions, one at a time.

"Where is your village or base of operations? How many others of you are there? Do you have any spellcasters among you? Why did you attack us? Are you trying to keep us here or just kill us?"

Prepared spells:
1st level: Delay poison, Speak with Animals
2nd level: Wind wall, Spike growth

Thursday June 29th, 2006 1:11:00 AM

The ranger watches the questioning of the captive with interest.

1st level: Delay poison, Endure elements

Thursday June 29th, 2006 4:00:52 AM

Ashira Ask him if he is one of the masters or the same race as them If so what is the purpose with of the masters with the pregnant women
If not does he know who the masters are and where they live. Are they and the master befreinded or enemies. What can he tell us about the masters

Cosmo  d20+1=18
Thursday June 29th, 2006 7:46:04 AM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning and goes through his normal morning preparations. This involves studying for any used spells and casting the spell Mage Armor upon himself.

Cosmo will join the group as it moves to interrogate the captured snake creature. He will stand farther back than Ashira and Rigging as they are the most involved in the questioning. If need be he will try o talk to the creature in the seven different languages that he knows. He looks for a response or some form of recognition of one or more of the languages (sense motive 18).

Languages spoken -- Halfling, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal & Elf.

If he is instructed by Rigging, Cosmo will cast the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He will summon a Hound Archon. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature, asking it the questions that Rigging wants answered.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Thursday June 29th, 2006 11:35:16 AM

"I don't think he will talk. I believe there is something going on here. Something we won't like that has been going on for a very long time. This place is too isolated and to well set up."

DM Jim: The Interrogation  d20+12=29 d20+4=16 d20+4=11 d20+12=19 d20+12=30 d20+2=12 d20+2=17 d20+2=20 d20+2=14 d20+18=31 d20+18=38 d20+18=33
Thursday June 29th, 2006 12:09:59 PM

Morning comes with another glorious sunrise and the spell users recover and change their spells in anticipation of questioning the "snake man"

Rigging is able to learn tongues from Mykael's spell book, after rereading a few paragraphs.

Mykael brings food and water for the prisoner, but Rigging does not seem to want to let it out of the barrel. There seems to be a stench of some sort coming from the barrel.

Nezamil instructs Hal and Kirk to take a work crew to the little serpent for more water as the supplies are running low. Every person that is working is drinking 1.5 gallons of water per day at a minimum.

Nezamil casts his detect evil spell and after a few rounds determines that the "snake man" is evil.

Rigging casts his detect thoughts spell and is able to keep the spell (DC 11 + spell level concentration check was successful) and the same is true for the Tongues spell (DC 14 -- concentration check successful). Casting the tongues spell required Rigging to make a new concentration check on the detect thoughts spell (DC 13, because one spell active, I rolled a 29 concentration check for you).

The " snake man" resisted the first Detect thought spell (save 16), but not the second (save 11). Rigging made his new concentration checks for detect thoughts (conc. 19) and tongues (conc. 30).

Mykael casts tongues on himself, but can not maintain the spell (conc. Check 12, DC 14 required). Mykael is successful with the second spell (conc. 17). Mykael then casts comprehend languages (conc. 20, DC 13 required), but loses his tongues spell (conc. 14, DC 15 required: 11+3 for spell level+1 for another active spell).

Rigging asks Cosmo to cast his spell for the hounds help.

Cosmo casts mage armor on himself (conc. Check 31) and then his monster summon V (conc. Check 38, nat. 20!!!) and maintains his mage armor at the same time (conc. Check 33). The hound and Cosmo stand ready to assist Ashira and Rigging.

Ooc: Cosmo cannot sense motive, as the DC will be Significantly harder if he cannot see the creature. Cosmo must roll for each language used.

The "snake man" has several thoughts in his head before Ashira starts asking questions "I am hot and so thirsty. I need to use the facilities, BAD! I can't even reach my rations. I can't feel my feet! @#$*% Them!"

Rigging can tell that the "snake man" can understand common, but it is not his natural language. His natural language is one of hissing and tongue inflection, but he is able to follow.

Rigging can tell that the "snake man" stops worrying about its situation and is concentrating on those outside the barrel "What are they up to, why don't they just kill me."

When Ashira starts to talk Rigging can tell that the "snake man" is attempting to put the voice with a face and he sees Val and Ashira's faces most of all and he settles on Ashira.
Rigging can feels much hate for Ashira as he feels she was key to catching him.

Ashira asks about the base of operations and Rigging feels "Wouldn't they like to know." With a mental smirk, Rigging can tell that this is one base and there are several others very far away.

Ashira asks about numbers and Rigging can tell that the "snake man" is surprised "I thought their females could barely speak let alone form rational strategic questions. Do they think they can actually win? Foolish thought." The humanoid thinks about the three different tribes that are currently on the island and numbers running in the hundreds.

Ashira asks about spell casters and Rigging feels "They must be feeding her questions to throw me off. Do not make a sound do not give anything away. A female in the lead, this will be even easier this time. At least we have the right kind of spell casters." Another mental smirk.

Ashira Asks about the attack on the Sword "What does she expect? This is our island. They might tamper with our food supply and all of that power for the taking."

Ashira asks about keeping/killing of the group and Rigging gets a mental laugh "You are not going anywhere, sweet pants, at least not until we get you fattened (pregnant) up. Then your bones can stay here forever."

Ashira asks Bart's question and Rigging feels another mental laugh "The food must already be working on this group. We will have them in the herd soon enough, the pliable ones at least. I just love that "Masters" ruse. If I live I can not wait to dine on those delicacies." Rigging can only image what the "snake man" is referring to as delicacies when he is thinking of the pregnant females.

The "snake man" has a mental image of Nezamil and then "what to do with such a large tough thing, soup maybe or just grind it up for lizard and croc food. Human, that is the way to go, pepper, garlic and basil, uhhhmmm. Just thinking about them is making me even hungrier." Rigging get a chill up and down his spine.

The "snake man" never responds to any questions directly.


ooc: 500 experience points for all as that was a well thought out interrogation, or at least a start.

Wizards please roll your concentration checks in the future.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 4:58:55 PM

Rigging is visibly angry. His eyes are bulging and his face is very red. He restrains himself visibly and beckons to Ashira and then walks out of hearing range and then whispers all the same. "You are doing very well, but there is much to learn. We need to be careful in how we question this...this...thing. I don't want him to know I can read his mind.

I want you to try your acting. Get mad that he isn't answering. Sound frustrated, kick the barrel and threaten him if he doesn't speak. I doubt he will, but act as if your getting more angry. Still ask questions. You can repeat the ones you already did in frustration but also ask, 'Why is our magic not working? Why do our items glow? What is the snake hunt? and Does he know anything about the giant snake that attacked us? Is it controlled by the masters?

Remember that the acting is important. I want this thing to feel superior. Be careful what you say, it does speak common. It is just being difficult."

As Rigging heads back to the barrel he will gesture to the others to let Ashira do the talking.

Thursday June 29th, 2006 11:48:31 PM

The 10'3" dwarf decides to get back to carrying out his plan for the defense of the seaward side of the Sword and leaves the questioning to the others.

First he stops by to visit Tomas " i've got a nifty idea to help slow any attacks on the Sword from the beach....i've prayed to Domi to grant me the power to cast 'Symbol of sleep'.....i'll find a nice stone and set it up on one side of the beach to protect one flank" grins Nezamil " make sure you tell the Captain about it and to keep the snakeman we caught away from it so he deosn't trigger it ....i suggest transfering him aboard the Sword.

The Cleric of Domi heads out to the beach and finds a stone and sets it on the left flank of the Sword.... in front and inbetween of the defensive fortifications that Kirk is building and kneels in prayer "Domi may the evil ones not pass this stone " (Symbol of Sleep )

Stopping by Kirk he informs him of the stone and its abilities " the plan is that they will head for the gap between the two fortifications and attack the Sword to free their comrade....and tell your brother about this too .....i'm headed back to build my wall "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil * ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep* (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Friday June 30th, 2006 12:09:58 AM

Mykael remains to the side and just behind Ashira. He stays quiet, but listens and watches.

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Friday June 30th, 2006 12:28:28 AM

Kirk directs his work crew as he builds two mounds of sand(size of a 2 car garage) with a flat base at the top ....stacking several trees(about 3 ft tall walls) atop each side ....the sand is graded to have sloping on all sides so it would be an uphill climb for attackers and only with wide stones placed at the rear as steps up for access.

Kirk also plans several defensive foxholes reinforced with a few logs in front as good shooting positions in a semi circle around the Swords location

The two sand fortifications are on either side of the Sword protecting its flanks with the foxholes aligned in front..... while the gap between them is smoothed out acting as a road to and from the Sword.

The big warrior observes Nezamil place the imbued stone between the two sand forts but slight off to one side so it won't get stepped on.

Hal continues clear cutting trees... expanding the open perimeter while dragging the trees back to Kirk and Nezamil for their various defensive plans

Friday June 30th, 2006 9:16:39 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's advice. "No problem hun, I think I can pull that off."

Heading back to the barrel, Ashira sighs dramatically and looks over at Mykael. Turning her back to the barrel, she winks, indicating for him to play along. She speaks in a stage whisper to the warrior/mage (definitely loud enough to be heard by the creature). "I don't understand...you said your magic would work, but this thing hasn't said a word yet. Why isn't our magic working on this island? Get your magic working or we're all sunk! If we can't figure out when they're going to attack again, we probably won't make it a week! You know as well as I do that our supplies won't last that long and we don't have the resources to fix the ship, and now all our equipment is beginning to glow!. I have no idea what's going on, and this creature might just be the only way to find out, so don't blow it! "

Taking a deep breath, Ashira moves closer to the barrel and shakes it vigorously. "Hey, you stupid thing, wake up!! " Raising her voice slightly in frustration she speaks slowly stressing each word "Do...you...understand....me? How...many...are...you?" Pausing several minutes, she mutters loudly to herself. "This isn't working I'm not even sure if these things are intelligent enough to speak, not to mention work magic. They're certainly not smart enough to control that big snake that attacked our ship! We must have thought wrong...obviously something else must be in control here. These things must be the drones or henchmen."

Ashira takes a deep drink from her waterskin. Then she turns back to Mykael, once more speaking loud enough to be heard by the creature. "I think we're barking up the wrong tree. Obviously your spell isn't working. Either that, or this thing is too stupid to know how to talk. Maybe we can use it as a bargaining tool for later...if it's even that valuable to whoever's in charge. In any case, we should go ahead with the plan of going on the snake hunt. I think it's strange that these Masters would send the villagers off on a hunt to kill their own henchmen... But then maybe they are enemies of the Masters...or maybe these things are just expendable. Maybe we shouldn't even bother keeping this one alive..."

Friday June 30th, 2006 10:47:14 AM

Val eagerly walks up to the snake man, cracking her knuckles loudly. "Ashira let me have a crack at him for a while. I want to see if his bones break the way ours do. Perhaps I could tie him to the mast and just hit him for a while. He might not understand what we say but he would understand that. If it gets to bad we can just heal him." She picks up a thick board and holds it close to the barrel and snaps it.

"Hear that snake man. That's going to be one of your arms when they get tired of holding you."

Cosmo  d20+15=21 d20+15=28 d20+9=21
Friday June 30th, 2006 11:09:29 AM

Cosmo completes casting the spell Summon Monster V using his Rod of Extend. He summons the Hound Archon. Speaking in Halfling, Cosmo will tell the Hound Archon that the creature speaks a language of hissing & tongue inflection. Cosmo will instruct the Hound Archon to communicate with the creature in its native tongue, trying to find out the creature's name and where it comes from and any other information that he can get out of the snake man.

Cosmo is also happy that the creature understands common. This means that Cosmo can cast the spell Dominate Person on it and have it obey all his commands not just rudimentary ones. After Cosmo's SM spell ends, he will cast the spell Dominate Person on the snake creature (will save DC 21; spell resistance check 21). If the spell is successful, Cosmo will instruct Ashira and Val to let his new "friend" out of the barrel.

Concentration checks: 21 (for Dominate Person) & 28 (to maintain Mage Armor).

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)
SM V: 18/18 rounds (extended)
Dominate Person: 9/9 days

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person * & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo  d20+10=30 d20+6=16
Friday June 30th, 2006 11:52:37 AM

After waking Appolo hasa breakfast,then wonders down and watches the interrogation for awhileHe then heads for the jungle stops at the treeline.Just watching and listening.Hoping to spot another snakeman.He stands there silently in ful battle dress,watching and listening.

Spot 30 natural 20 Listen 16

Dm Jim: Interogation continued 
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:23:26 PM

Ooc: Three and a half minute have elapsed since the start of the detect thoughts spell.

I made a slight error in my last post as Mykael cast his first tongues spell on Ashira (failed), but was successful with the second on Ashira (successful).


Rigging and Ashira set up a plan of action to deceive the "snake man" and Ashira brings Mykael into the ruse with a wink and a smile.

Nezamil seems to get bored of the interrogation and goes back to work and his example get many of those of the crew that were watching and staring back to work too. Nezamil casts his symbol of sleep as another defense for the Sword.

When Ashira complains to Mykael about magic, Rigging picks up the "snake mans" thoughts "They have too many wizards, so make them easy pickings."

When Ashira talks of supplies and the next attack the "snake man" thought are on a similar vein "No need to worry about supplies as my brethren will take a thorough inventory."

When Ashira shakes the barrel the "snake man" hisses at her and thinks "Human females are just way to moody. This one might not be all human, the food make take longer to work on her."

When Ashira mentions the giant snake Rigging picks up thoughts of reverence "The priests called the deliverer again and what a haul this time. I hope I live long enough, to make this female stop prattling on so."

When Ashira talks of trading the "snake man" Rigging picks up thoughts of hope, humiliation, and despair "Will my squad take me back, will they accept me, oh to have been captured by the flock. The other tribes may try to kill me for my failure. I have little hope."

When Val blusters Rigging picks up hope for a quick death and confusion "Why are all the cows in charge?"

Cosmo's Hound Archon goes through several languages before finding the correct one, one he calls Yuan Ti. The "snake man" only levels curses upon the Hound before going silent again, but does think his name "S'Marsshams"


OOC: I am going to assume that Dominate person is at least a line of sight spell and Cosmo will have to have a good look at the creature to cast it. We will keep your concentration rolls.

two and a half more minutes go by.


Appolo is ready for action at the edge of the jungle and seems to see something at down about 100 yards from him. It could be a person of some sort attempting to hide at the jungles edge.

Dm Jim: Interogation continued 
Friday June 30th, 2006 1:26:01 PM

Ooc: Three and a half minute have elapsed since the start of the detect thoughts spell.

I made a slight error in my last post as Mykael cast his first tongues spell on Ashira (failed), but was successful with the second on Ashira (successful).


Rigging and Ashira set up a plan of action to deceive the "snake man" and Ashira brings Mykael into the ruse with a wink and a smile.

Nezamil seems to get bored of the interrogation and goes back to work and his example get many of those of the crew that were watching and staring back to work too. Nezamil casts his symbol of sleep as another defense for the Sword.

When Ashira complains to Mykael about magic, Rigging picks up the "snake mans" thoughts "They have too many wizards, so make them easy pickings."

When Ashira talks of supplies and the next attack the "snake man" thought are on a similar vein "No need to worry about supplies as my brethren will take a thorough inventory."

When Ashira shakes the barrel the "snake man" hisses at her and thinks "Human females are just way to moody. This one might not be all human, the food make take longer to work on her."

When Ashira mentions the giant snake Rigging picks up thoughts of reverence "The priests called the deliverer again and what a haul this time. I hope I live long enough, to make this female stop prattling on so."

When Ashira talks of trading the "snake man" Rigging picks up thoughts of hope, humiliation, and despair "Will my squad take me back, will they accept me, oh to have been captured by the flock. The other tribes may try to kill me for my failure. I have little hope."

When Val blusters Rigging picks up hope for a quick death and confusion "Why are all the cows in charge?" The "snake man" yells at Val in frustration "Go make some delacacies", but only those with tongues or comperhend languages understands.

Cosmo's Hound Archon goes through several languages before finding the correct one, one he calls Yuan Ti. The "snake man" only levels curses upon the Hound before going silent again, but does think his name "S'Marsshams"


OOC: I am going to assume that Dominate person is at least a line of sight spell and Cosmo will have to have a good look at the creature to cast it. We will keep your concentration rolls.

two and a half more minutes go by.


Appolo is ready for action at the edge of the jungle and seems to see something at down about 100 yards from him. It could be a person of some sort attempting to hide at the jungles edge.

Friday June 30th, 2006 2:00:30 PM

Rigging gleams a few more nuggets from this miserable creature and then speaks up, "This isn't working. Please join up on me."

Rigging will lead the Wildcards and officers up onto the ship and down into his cabin. He looks grim faced.

"Here is what I was able to determine from this beast. First, they are called Yuan ti. I have heard of them, part snake and part humanoid. The can have many abilities and they are evil.

It seems that the villagers are livestock and the pregnant woman are carrying delicacies. Obviously they think of us as food. We need to be cautious of what we eat. Something about the food seems to make us more pliable. I did detect poison on the first feast but came up with nothing. We might want to limit ourselves to our own food and water until we figure out what this threat is. It could be some natural phenominom in the water or fruit for all I know.

It does seem that the giant snake is under their control at least in part. He was called the deliverer and almost seems a holy object to them. This island seems to be only one of their
bases and they have hundreds of their brethern on the island though broken up into different tribes.

It seems that it must be a male dominated society as he has thought several demeaning remarks about both Ashira and Val. Seems he is a bit embarrassed to have been captured by a female cow.

I didn't get any thoughts on this snake hunt but I get the feeling it is just a way to have the pregnant females delivered. A ruse to have them all walk into their deaths.

Finally there is a source of power on the island that they seem to like. It must be the pyramids but I didn't get much on how it works.
If Cosmo can dominate the creature, we should be able to get more precise information. We also should use it to show the villagers what is going on. How they are being used, fattened up and slaughtered. They might be able to shake off the effects of whatever is influencing them.

Before you cast your spells Cosmo, wait until we get some of the villagers here to listen to its story. Then maybe we should go on this snake hunt while moving the village to the ship. Mutual protection for us and them. I get the feeling they want to destroy the Sword to keep us from leaving.

Ashira, take a well armed party to the village and see if we can't get some of them to come back here. Call it a feast in their honor, we want to show off our ship, whatever but they need to see this."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+7=22 d20+7=22
Friday June 30th, 2006 9:58:40 PM

"Ok Rigging I will hold off on casting the Dominate Person spell until after the villagers have been brought out to witness. Do you think we should try to feed and water this creature? We do not want it dying on us until we are done with it.."

Cosmo tries to remember all he has learned in his studies about the Yuan-Ti. In his studies he learned about many of the creatures in the region. He is pretty sure he remembers some pertinent info about them, but he sorts it through before he tells the rest of the Wildcards..

Knowledge checks 22 & 22.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 13/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Sunday July 2nd, 2006 4:15:05 PM

My thoughts where right then, trading the dominating Ga'alians for these also dominanting Yuan Ti. Burn them out of there holes i would say. We need some snake repellant. Can we some some eagles that prefer snakes on their menu

Monday July 3rd, 2006 12:09:27 AM

The 10'3" dwarf heeds Captain Riggings call but grimaces as he see's them head down to his cabin " i ain't gonna squeeze down there " growls Nezamil as he climbs aboard the Sword and restlessly paces the deck while observing the works crews and the squad on watch .

The Cleric of Domi waits till the others come back topside to fill him in on what transpired in the Captains cabin

Monday July 3rd, 2006 12:18:17 AM

After spotting what he thinks is one of the snake men Appolo heads casually back to the others and follows them back aboard the ship.Once in the cabin he speaks up"Well we are being watched.There's at least one of them at the jungles edge watching us.I think we maybe attacked if we head for the village.Especially if we bring back the villagers with us."

Monday July 3rd, 2006 9:31:01 AM

Ashira nods at Rigging's command. "Will do. Val, Bart, Mykael, you guys are with me. I'll be bringing Mary and John with me, so Val, if you want to bring Melonie, go ahead. Nezamil will also go with us, if he wants...don't want to interrupt his work too badly. I'll let him know once I head back up top. Rigging, we need a few Wildcards here in case those things attack again. Do you think you can have Swirl tag along with us? That way we can stay in communication. If you guys have a problem, just have Swirl give me a little buzz." Looking at Appolo, Ashira shrugs. "We're always being watched...and it's always an ambush. Anything else would be boring." she winks at Appolo.

Waiting until everyone leaves, Ashira pulls Rigging aside. "While we're gone, I want you to talk to Appolo. He's more depressed than usual. See if you can talk some sense into him."

Once back on the beach, Ashira asks Nezamil whether he would like to go on the expedition. He also extends the invitation to Hal and Kirk, though he realizes that the trio has lots of work to do around the Sword.

Before heading into the jungle, Ashira turns to John. "Alright, plan A. Don't reveal yourself unless you need to."

John (Invisible) and Mary 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 9:36:12 AM

Suiting up, John grins and nods at Ashira. "Yeah, I got it. Not a problem." Just before they head into the forest, John activates his ring of invisibility and disappears from sight.

Ecstatic, Mary quickly dons her gear and takes up a position right next to Ashira. "We're going back to the village? Wonderful! It'll be fun to see David and the guys again." Fluffing her hair, Mary giggles. "At least it shouldn't be too hard to get the boys over here." Her face hardens at the thought of her pregnant cousin. "Though it could prove more difficult to get the women over here..."

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:51:11 AM

"I knew that village was a livestock pen. All the food and the feasting. Fattening up the harvest. Captain you mentioned something about food. Does it work on everybody? Also any idea why they seem to have this human only vibe going?"

After the meeting Val gathers her gear and goes through her checklist to make sure everything is in order.

"Melonie get your gear. Prepare for battle." Val says when she walks into their room.

Monday July 3rd, 2006 10:57:24 AM

She almost jumped for joy when she heard those words. The words she has been waiting to hear. The reason that she trained so hard every day. The reason she smiled when she felt her body ache and hurt each night. Now she would get a chance to prove herself. Melonie quickly put her smile away and gathered her gear. She might be happy but this was a serious time. She was preparing for battle. Preparing to take life. Regardless of what happened she had to show the superiority of the elven race.

Rigging "illegal post" 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 4:29:27 PM

Rigging listens to the preperations and calls down Swirl, "My friend, I want you to go with Ashira and Val. Protect them and keep in contact with me. Let me know if anything bad happens. We have enemies in those jungles who are trying to hurt us."

Rigging will nod at Val's questions and say, "I don't have a perfect understanding of everything. Only impressions I have gotten from its horrible mind. I know they like the taste of humans better and I have a feeling the food is slow acting and doesn't work on all. Still be careful what you eat.

I would think the pregnant women are going to be appalled once they hear what is going on. Just get the villagers back here. Tell them we are going to give them a feast in exchange for all of the nice things they are doing for us."

Rigging will answer Cosmo, "I am not worried about food but we can water the creature again. I sensed it was hungry and thirsty and need to go to the bathroom. Tell it we are going to pour water through its airholes." He then pauses and says, "I have changed my mind. Cast your dominate person now. Let's see if we ensnare this creature before we put on a show. The spell has a long duration, just make sure you concentrate on it."(Finally read the spell)

Ashira, if it is getting dark before you can get eveyone back, then spend the night at the temple. No sense walking up into an ambush in the dark by the enemy. I trust your judgement but be careful. These are horrible and evil creatures who will fight for their food."

Dm Jim: Talks on both sides 
Monday July 3rd, 2006 8:52:02 PM

Rigging, Mykael and Ashira finish interrogating the "snake man" for now and call a meeting aboard ship. Nezamil complains that he will not be able to participate and paces the deck, waiting to be informed.

Rigging formulates a plan and Ashira goes to carry it out, hand picking her team to visit the village.

Melonie is ecstatic to be going on an adventure.

Everyone prepares for the journey that was picked to go.

Lilith give John and arrow "This will never miss for you." and she gives him a big hug.

Rigging dispatches Swirl to shadow the group traveling to the village. "But I can not see them when they are in the Jungle, only when they cross the small river?" The elemental complains. "Do you want me in the Jungle too?"

John goes in visible and a more than faint outline of light is still visible where the young ranger is.

Rigging suggest water for the prisoner, but no more.

Cosmo prepares to dominate the "snake man" but he must be first brought out of the barrel.


Ashira leads her group through the jungle and feels eyes upon her. Every snake and lizard seems to be watching her and there are just so many of them.

The liaison group makes it to the Castaway village but are all drenched in sweat by the time they arrive, but they are well met. "Ready for that dinner Red." David throws at Mary along with a water bottle. David seems barely able to contain himself, only Ashira seems to.

The young attractive men are even more pressing and so are the women. Bart is feeling the pinch, literally, by three women. The blond croons in Bart's ear "The snake hunt is only two days away. I hear you are going. The three of us have a send off for you."

John also has two women to contend with.

Val and Melonie are almost completly ignored by the villagers.

The women without child are resting under the stone pavilion. Most are very heavy with child.

Tuesday July 4th, 2006 3:44:17 AM

"Swirl should stay, and so will Ghem. Ghem and I will be our communication."

Making his way through the jungle, Mykael sighs inward, 'Finally we are getting some answers'.

Once at the village, Mykael makes his way straight toward a jug of water and dumps it over him.

He waits for Ashira's lead.

Nezamil Endure elements 
Tuesday July 4th, 2006 11:29:46 PM

"by all means i'll come along " grins Nezamil" i'll bring Kirk with us too "

"git your gear Kirk we're off to the village .....Hal stay here and keep clearing the treeline.....just pile up the logs so we can use them later.....and keep the watch on alert...they might make a move when they see us split forces"

Taking a moment Nezamil and says a quick prayer "Domi protect your humble follower from this heat "(casting endure elements)

The Cleric of Domi takes rear guard with Kirk in front of him during the walk to castaway village .

Arriving at the village " kirk lets to a quick perimeter sweep" as he takes the big warrior with him as he circles the village at its perimeter

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 6:08:47 AM

Rigging will walk up to the barrel and say in a conversational voice, "I don't know if you can understand me or not but you are going to be here for a few days. I apologize for the inconvience, but I don't have a better way of keeping you in one place. I don't know what kind of food your kind eats and I am afraid I might just poison you. If you wanted to talk and tell me, then we might be able to come to an accomidation. Here comes some water." Rigging will pour it into the holes for a couple fo minutes trying to make sure that the beast is at least watered and is getting some of the fluids. He will use the last of his spells gathering what thoughts he can.

Rigging will then have the prisoner's cell hauled up into the rigging via pulleys. He will try to keep it out of the sun.

"Tomas, I want a 3 man guard on this thing 24 hours a day. Make sure it is watered every couple of hours. We don't want a dead prisoner."

Rigging will watch the others prepare and then march off into the jungle. He will then call Appolo over and start a conversation, forcing the thief to talk even if he seems reluctant to do so. He will try to gather his opinions on the current situation but pry around trying to see what has the young thief so upset.

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 7:14:04 AM

Rigging finds Appolo sitting under amast in the shade watching the others move down the path into the jungle,heading for the village.

When Rigging approaches him Appolo smiles at him."You know we can't stay here.We need to repair the sword as soon as possible then leave We don't have enough strength to take this Island from those snakemenWe should also leave the villagers alone.until we are ready to leave."

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 7:37:30 AM

Val sits with Melonie off to the side of the excited villagers. The mroe she watches the more she sees that this place just isn't right. All the villagers seem to be focused on is sex and feasting. Where are the workers? Where are the children?

"Excuse me," Val asks a pregnant woman, "with so many blessing on the way where are the children? There should be tons of the little tykes getting in the way and causing trouble."

Ashira  d20+8=9
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:30:49 AM

Ashira is drenched in sweat and mildly grumpy by the time she arrives at the village. Gathering up whoever she recalls as being the leaders from her previous encounters, she makes her announcement. "The Captain of our vessel would like to invite all of the villagers to a feast in your honor at our ship. Everyone is invited, even those women who are with child. My friends and I will provide safe passage through the jungle for anyone interested." The heat and the idea of being so far into enemy territory help make Ashira about as undiplomatic as possible (Dip.=nat. 1).

Mary and John (invisible)  d20+7=25 d20+12=29 d20+9=26
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 9:53:20 AM

Watching her mentor drop the ball, Mary tries to recover. Rubbing David's shoulders, she chuckles and then preens herself (Looking good=25). "We really would love for you to come! We're making a big feast, and all the other girls are so excited about it. The Captain would be so upset if you couldn't come. He said to make sure that some of the women with child come so that we can get an idea of how they travel, which we'll need to know to help out with the snake hunt..." Mary pouts a little. "Actually, he was pretty insistent about that...he said we had to bring back one of the pregnant ones, or there won't be a party."

John is a little confused as to how the women can flirt with him while he's invisible. He scans the environment as he ponders the invisibility issue (Spot=29, Listen=26).

Wednesday July 5th, 2006 1:02:51 PM

Cosmo responds to Riggings request to try to Dominate the captured snake creature.

"Rigging, I need to have the creature removed from the barrel to cast my spell on it. Do you want to do that now or wait?"

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V * , Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Dm Jim: Rescue?  d20+17=31 d20+3=9 d20+3=14 d20+3=6 d20+3=11 d20+3=22 d20+3=12 d20+3=20 2d6(3+2)+3=8 d8=8 d8=2 d8=7
Wednesday July 5th, 2006 1:15:43 PM

Mykael suggests that Swirl stays with Rigging as he will be in communication with Ghem.

Nezamil arrives at the village in better shape than the rest due to his protection spell, although on a general note he still sweats buckets, maybe it his new form?

Ashira and the others reach the village and she makes her grumpy announcement. The pregnant females mostly ignore Ashira and one comments to Val as she Melonie approach "I am not going anywhere until the way is cleared of snakes. It is too dangerous until after the snake hunt." The very uncomfortable woman arches her back as she tries to get comfortable on the stone bench and the heat. Another pregnant woman answers Val "Food is so plentiful here it is never a problem and there is not need for workers as there is not much that needs to be made. There are no kids as they are not born here, but at the Masters village."

Mary seems to get a better response from some of the young men. David smiles "A party, I am up for that." Many of the men are interested in coming along with more than a few of the non-pregnant females.

John is surprised to be surrounded by a few women while invisible, but remembers that he is still glowing and then the invisibility runs out. John can reactivate the ring, but he does have a blond on one arm and a brunette on the other. These human female are defiantly different than Lilith.


Rigging has water brought to the "snake man" and he attempts conversation, but get nothing. The detect thought does get images of the "snake man" collecting Ashira's blood from a nasty neck wound and then drinking deeply from a gold chalice. Ashira is strapped upside down on a cross and allowed to bleed out into a trough.

Rigging can feel that the prisoner is getting weaker from lack of food.

Tomas start to set up Riggings new orders for the prisoner. Three marines start to attach a rope to the barrel and they start to haul the barrel into the shade of the Rigging.

Appolo appeals to Rigging to leave this snake infested island.


Once the barrel is about 20 feet up, arrows start to rain down. Seven "snake men" step from various spots in the jungle. All are approximately 50 yards from the Sword.

A flight of three arrows comes from a nasty looking fellow with a snake head. In fact, there is one other with a snake head too.

One of the three arrows cuts the rope holding the prisoner and the barrel drops to the deck of the Sword and breaks. The prisoner is now visible and unconcious and bleeding.

Each of the three prisoner guards are hit by one arrow.

The seven Yuan Ti each get ready to bend their bows again. No two of the Yuan Ti are closer than 20 feet to one another.

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:22:46 AM

The big warrior jumps into action " get back to the fortifications " as he herds his work crew to safety......he stands between the workers and the bowman ready to challenge anything that attempts to attack

" fire in teams " hollers Hal to the squad leader

Nezamil -Endure elements  d20+13=26
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:37:36 AM

The Cleric of Domi finishes a quick sweep of the perimeter with Kirk and stops by the blue haired warrior and shows his support

" i understand not all of you will come but we and we appreaciate those who will come.....think of it as something new and exciting....after all you don't get too many new visitors(d20+13=26 diplomacy ch)

"Ashira found something very intresting in the jungle and i hope many of you come and see what see it for yourselves" with a wink at the sea elf " don't tell them what it is just yet let them experience it for them selves " grins the 10'3" dwarf as he towers over everyone

Kirk stands near his charge and eyes the ladies

Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:40:44 AM

The ranger smiles at Nezamil's diplomacy, which is certainly more than she can muster currently, though she tries. "Our tall friend here is correct. I think you would be very interested in our surprise."

Ashira turns wearily to the men. "However, Mary's right. I'm afraid that the Captain specifically said that one of the pregnant women must come with us or there is no party. Though we of course will provide safe journey through the forest. We will make absolutely sure that there are no snakes or other threats." Ashira wipes her brow as she waits for the villager's response.

John and Mary 
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:52:21 AM

As he rematerializes, John makes a note that Ashira did tell him that if he wanted to stay invisible, he would have to remember to reactivate his ring regularly...something that he will not forget on his return trip. Internally cursing his lousy luck, John gently removes the women from his arms. "I'm sorry ladies, but I'm spoken for." he almost grumbles.

Mary positively beams at David. "Oh, I just know you're going to have such a great time. Please tell me that you'll find a way to get one of those ladies (she motions toward the pregnant women) to come. I would absolutely hate it if you had to miss the party!"

Thursday July 6th, 2006 4:45:54 AM

Bart asks the ladys that are around him what they think about the proposal of a feast on the beach. To honour the men that are going for the snakehunt and to have some fun in the moonlight

Thursday July 6th, 2006 5:16:56 AM

[i] All this making nice is only getting us part way and these fools are beginning to piss me off. Food or no Food, how can they be this stupid and blind? This better work soon, or I am going to go off. I will drag the idiots back to the boat, if I have too. Its for thier own good.[i/]

Thinking too himself, Mykael is in a somewhat foul mood. And is losing his patience quickly.

Cursing, Mykael states somewhat cryptically, "Ashira, Ghem just informed me that a second wave is buffeting the ship now. Unfortunately, I believe the hour is getting too late for us to attempt to get back safely tonight. Especially, if we have charges to protect."

Thursday July 6th, 2006 5:19:23 AM

OOC: I should have posted this one first, however, you all get the idea.

IC: [i]Mykael more of those snake things are throwing sharp wooden sticks at us again. I am back up in the safe place and will tell you what happens.[i/]

Rigging AC 18, hps 77  d20+12=20 d6+4=10
Thursday July 6th, 2006 8:40:26 AM

Rigging will see the arrows fly and immediately start to summon some magic to counter the threat. He centers it on the large snake head who is good with his bow and releases the magic. Suddenly large rubbery tentacles spring forth from the ground entwining around him and whoever else they might catch.

OOC Jim the grapple roll is 16, taking 10 they would need +6. If they failed there roll, they take 10 points of damage. I am also assuming they won't be able to hold on to their bows while fighting the grapple. Made concentration check of 20

Rigging will then move to the side of the boat to use it as cover and look over to the bleeding snakeman. "Tomas look after our captive. I don't want him to die. We need more answers.

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Tomas and others  d20+7=18
Thursday July 6th, 2006 8:45:15 AM

Tomas will loudly cast a prayer spell giving everyone in a 40' radius +1 to hit, skills check, saves and damage.

He will then make his way over to the snakeman.

The other 3 henchmen will head to the back of the ship to guard against another sneak attack.

Concentration roll of 18

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:34:29 AM

"You just give away your children to these Masters? What's wrong with you? I'll never understand humans. Such a lower race." She replies disgusted

Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:37:59 AM

"Mel be nice." Val says with a smile. "She couldn't really argue with her friends statement. They were influenced somehow though Val didn't understand how these women could make these choices with a smile.

"What my friend meant to say was, if they are born in another village why are you not raising your children? Do you not wish to see them grow as the years pass? Who prepares all this wonderful food if there are no workers?"

Appolo  d20+10=22 d20+10=25 d8=7 d8=6
Thursday July 6th, 2006 11:21:00 AM

AT the sit of the Snakemen Appolo smiles wickedly"Well boss it seemd we have guest I think I'll go welcome them to our humble abode"OH Thomas don't worry about that creature take care of our wounded first."

Appolo then unslings his bow and fire back.At the same target as Rigging he waits a few seconds for Riggings magic to take efect then fires twice.

Atack 22,25 Damage 13

Cosmo (AC 19; 57/57 Hp's)  d20+15=31 d20+15=27 d20+9=20
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:34:50 PM

Cosmo chuckles to himself as the snake man is finally in position for him to Dominate, but is unconscious and maybe even dead. Cosmo sees the tentacles spring up and grapple one of the snake-headed creatures. He sees the other snake-headed creature and concentrates on it.

Cosmo casts the spell Magic Missile while holding onto his Rod of Maximize (targeting the second snake-head).

Damage 25
Spell Resistance 20

Concentration check - 31 (Mage Armor)
Concentration check - 27 (Magic Missile, if needed)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 * , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V * , Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Rescue Complete?  d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20+3=8 d20+3=21 d20+3=13 d20+3=10 d8=6 d20+3=22 d20+3=17 d20+3=13 d20+3=15 d20+3=21 d20+3=10 d20+3=8 d8=7 d8=5
Thursday July 6th, 2006 12:56:10 PM

The Wildcards and crew at the Sword move into action as they are attacked. Hal call all people back the fortifications and they gladly run to them.

Tomas casts prayer, while Gordon, Eli and Juno head back to the Sword and attempt to climb aboard.

Appolo suggests that Tomas attend to the three wounded marines and Tomas replies, "They are next." Appolo fires two arrows at what seems to be the leader of the "snake men" and nicks it twice.

Rigging catches the same snake headed "snake man" in his tentacles and he struggles and does not fire his bow.

Hal has the six marines on duty fire at various "snake men". The other six on duty were guarding the barrel snake and are all injured.

Cosmo unleashes a magic missile spell at the second snake headed creature and strikes it solid, but does not put it down. The creature bends its bow again.

ooc: no need for a new concentraction check on mage armor as it was an instantaneous spell.

Val attempts to calm Melonie as she gets exuberant. The pregnant women ignore her and start to give the group the cold shoulder. "We humans will stick together then."

Val speaks with the pregnant women again and a new one responds "There is so much fruit and fish there is no need for workers to prepare much. We make cloths and baskets out of the plant life, but life is easy." Another women speaks up. "We are first time mothers, the others that left are with they children."

Mykael starts to relate the course of the battle to the Wildcards in the village.

Nezamil and Kirk make their sweep and then Nezamil speaks some soothing words to the village. At Ashira's insistence one of the pregnant females speaks up. "I am not moving until after the snake hunt, and bring back our men after you party so they can clear the way."

When Bart talks of honoring their men one of the pregnant women gets upset "I am not making two long walks in this condition. It is your fault anyway. Off to have fun and not worry about the consequences. You try being pregnant! Go have your party!" Many of the pregnant women shake their heads in agreement.

David leans in close to Mary and casually points at the pregnant women "They will just slow us down. We have a good group here for a party. We can bring some supplies and hit the road in 5 minutes. Don't worry about them they will be fine, just a bit grumpy right now."


The six marines return fire is very hasty and only one hits a Yuan Ti.

6 damage

The leader "snake man" does not like his situation and seems to slide by all the tentacles and on to sandy ground even closer to the jungle. grapple check 22

The six active Yuan Ti rain more arrows down on the sword and two strike their comrade.

Damage 8 and 6, The prisoner expires.

The Yuan Ti are heading back into the jungle.

George  d100=48 d100=79
Thursday July 6th, 2006 2:34:45 PM

OOC Jim, can the archers even see the captured snake man? He fell from the rigging on to the ship. The ship is beached prow forward. Lots of stuff would be in the way including walls. He should be getting cover and concealment bonuses at worse. At best they shouldn't be able to hit him at all since they can see him.

DM Jim: The ship is down the beach so the snake men do have some elevation, and I did increase the prisoners AC, that is why only 2 hits. I will give you some concelement 30%, that is reasonable, unfortunately I rolled 48 and 79%.

Your Snake Man prisoner will never regain conciousness.

Ashira  d20+12=27 d20+11=13
Thursday July 6th, 2006 10:54:19 PM

Tired, hot and grumpy, Ashira pulls Valanthe aside. "I know we can't all be as pure and proud of our heritage as you and Melonie, but you need to put a lid on that kind of talk. You either have Melonie stow the high and mighty elven crap or I will."

Sighing, Ashira turns to Nezamil, throwing her hands in the air. "The Captain's not going to like this." She mutters as she contemplates just taking all of the fodder by force. The half-elven ranger sighs, letting her breath out in small puffs and calming herself. Greatly disturbed by Mykael's report, and knowing that she cannot possibly make it back to the village in order to help, Ashira heaves another sigh. She calls out loudly so that everyone can here. "Alright. Anyone who wants to come to the party, I need you to be ready in the next few minutes. Since we won't be taking any of the women with children, we'll need to move quickly so we can get to the surprise. I strongly advice everyone who's going to the party to stay the night with us at the ship tonight."

As the villagers prepare, Ashira pulls the Wilcards and followers aside and whispers to them. "Alright folks, those things are moving against the Sword as we speak. We need to be ready to meet any resistance that we might encounter when we head back. So, I want the heavy hitters up front. Val and Bart, you guys take the lead. I want Melonie and Mary to guard one flank and John and Kirk will watch the other one. Nezamil and Mykael, you guys watch out backs. I'll scout out in front of the group about 15 feet or so, so if you hear any screaming, feel free to come to the rescue." Ashira chuckles mirthlessly.

Once the villagers are ready, Ashira heads out into the jungle, her eyes and ears scanning every leaf and branch (Spot=27, Listen=13).

John and Mary  d20+12=30 d20+9=26
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:02:08 AM

John nods at Ashira's instruction and pulls out his hand axe. He keeps visible for now, wanting to provide a more visible force. With a small wave at the women who were attending him previously, he takes up his position once the villagers are ready. (Spot=30, Listen=26)

Staring at Melonie as though she has a rather ugly spider dangling from the tip of her nose, Mary rolls her eyes. I wonder if all elves are so arrogant? Just because they live so long, do they really think they're that much better than us? But Ashira's not so stuck up...wonder if that's 'cus of her human side..

Huffing, Mary grumbles when assigned duty with Melonie. She thinks about making a disparaging remark to the bigoted elf, but keeps her mouth shut figuring that Ashira would be displeased. Still, when the time is right, she vows to show the elf just how much a "lower race" can do.

Nezamil Endure elements  d20+13=32
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:15:23 AM

Nezamil grins at Ashira " does the Captain like anything we do ?"

"Ok people lets get your party hats on and lets get ready to roll outa here(d20+13=32 diplomacy ch)just make sure you stay in the middle of our formation and you'll be fine " barks out the 10'3" dwarf

"Ready when you are Ashira "

With a nod to Kirk " let John take the front of your flank.....his scouting skills will come in handy.....you stay behind him so you can keep an eye on me " laughs Nezamil

Friday July 7th, 2006 12:20:46 AM

"Hehehe very funny " laughs the big warrior

Swinging his hand over his head " gather up over here everyone and then we'll move out to the beach party by the ship " laughs Kirk

He moves to the rear flanking position " i've got your back John" as he slaps him on his back as a fellow brother in arms

Once Ashira starts the march "stay alert folks "

William OOC 
Friday July 7th, 2006 7:16:59 AM

Sorry Jim,
have you ever been to an beach? There is not much elevation. Not so much that you can look onto the deck of an beached vessel. In our fight agains the sea snake you said or deck was so much elevated that we couldnt reach the snake even with polearms

DM JIM: Just went to the beach last weekend. There was tremendous elevation difference. All beaches are different. This was in Rhode Island.

Friday July 7th, 2006 7:31:58 AM

Common ladys lets follow the big guy says bart with an smile

Rigging  4d4(2+2+4+1)+4=13 d20+8=18
Friday July 7th, 2006 9:19:19 AM

Rigging calls to the archers, "All shots at the same target. Shoot at the wounded one. We will take one down! Cosmo, take down the smaller of the snake heads. The one you injured before."

Rigging points a hand and shoots 4 globes, striking the same snakehead that Cosmo hit last round. Spell resistance roll 18

OOC Not sure of the range anymore. Last round they were around 150'. Not sure how far they moved. If I can, I will magic missile the snake head Cosmo hit before.

If they moved out of range then I will caste haste on the archers shooting at the others. Jim, please remember Tomas cast prayer last round giving the +1's.

OOC Jim, I am also not sure if the head snake man would be able to grapple, move and then change forms. Is changing form a standard action?

Swirl, swoops down in whirlwind form and flys through the snakeman's space trying to pick him up. OOC the snake man must make a reflex save vs strength to avoid being picked up. Can't figure out what the DC is though. You will have to judge it.

If Swirl is successful, he will carry the new prisoner back to the ship.

Appolo Ac 23 HP68 +1 Prayer  d20+11=14 d20+11=23
Friday July 7th, 2006 11:36:47 AM

Appolo looks around"You acrobats get the forward catapult read,Some one get to the rear catapult and get it ready."Appolo yells."Boss I could use a Haste spell."

He then looks at Rigging"The Captian and I will deal with these punks."Appolo then fires 2 more times at the fleeing Snakeman.After firring he driops his bow and quiver preparing to do some sloes order fighting. Appolo moves quickly forward.

Cosmo  d20+9=27 d20+9=20 d20+9=29
Friday July 7th, 2006 12:05:00 PM

Cosmo keeps track of the snake creature he hit with his magic missile spell. He gauges the distance to the creature as it will decide the spell he will cast. He decides to play it safe and cast his long range fireball spell.

Cosmo casts the spell Fireball while holding onto his Rod of Maximize (targeting the second snake-head). The spell is an area spell so it will probably damage 1 or 2 more of the Yuan-ti.

Damage 27/54 (reflex DC 19)
Spell Resistance 27
Spell Resistances 20 & 29 (if able to get more creatures)

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Friday July 7th, 2006 1:33:19 PM

Having been quiet this whole time, Mykael swallows down some impatience and speaks to the pregnant women, "Ladies, I hope you will be alright here alone. With all the men, and most or all of the non-pregnant women going with us, that leaves you pretty short handed to fight off snakes or anything else that may be here."

Mykael dumps more water on himself, drinks full again, refills his waterskins.

Walking toward the hanging axe, Mykael comments, "Especially since we are going to take this axe with us. I will help keep the snakes away from our group in the jungle. The larger portion of the population is going with us and should get the benefit of the axe. Besides, we accepted your hospitality and you ignore ours."

Mykael waits for comments, while looking the axe over as it is hanging. And drawing out a pair of gloves.

DM Jim: Retreating on all Fronts  d100=14 d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+2=17 d20+2=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=12 d20+2=13 d20+2=16 d100=22 d8=6 d100=68 d100=70
Saturday July 8th, 2006 8:37:23 AM

Ooc: Swirls whirlwind save DC will be 8 +HD or in this case DC 15. Please put it on Swirl's sheet and send it to me. Update Rigging's strenght to 9 also.

The leader never changed form; I just used the adjective "slithered" for his ability to get out of the tentacles.

Marine bowmen (6) +3 to hit +1 for prayer (I am being generous that Tomas got them all, since they are on the beach and he on the Sword) and -2 for range and 20% concelment for a total of +2 to hit.


Ashira and Mary express concern over Melonie's comments about non elves.

Ashira give marching order instructions and Nezamil makes it so.

Mykael starts to get frustrated and none of the pregnant females decide to leave with the group. About 80 % of the men (25) and all of the non pregnant females (15) have decided to come to the party at the beach. Those villagers that were planning on coming are loading up with water, food and jammba juice (fermented). Those men staying back, including Marcos and Camino, are disappointed, but someone has to get ready for the hunt. Still the mood is very festive, given Nezamil's proper encouragement.

When Mykael talks of taking the magic glowing battle axe, the mood of the village changes drastically. David speaks up "You can not take the villages protect." Marcos grabs the battle axe off the wall while Mykael gets his gloves. "No way! We need this to practice." Everyone starts to put down their party supplies as the mood seems spoiled. Most of the former party goers are moving back to the stone pavilion. The Wildcards are left with David and three other males and five females that now want to go to the Sword.
There are grumbles of "We can have fun here. That wasn't nice. Let's have the party here, that way everyone can party."

Events are not going as planned as there are almost more guards than party goers. David and those that are still with the Wildcards attempt to persuade the others but to no avail.


Rigging calls out order to Hal and his marines and Swirl.

Appolo shoots again (full round action) and then moves 5 feet. Appolo watches several of the Yuan Ti disappear into the jungle, even the one he just shot twice (concelment 68 and 70).

Rigging sends his own magic missile, although one less missile than Cosmo, at the second snake headed man. Rigging staggers the snake head as he moves deeper in the jungle.

Cosmo sends a massive fireball into the jungle and he envelopes three snake men, his target and two others (16% for each for a total of 48% - rolled 14%).

All three caught in the fireball vanish along with parts of the jungle. Leaves and branches rain down. No bodies are seen from this distance.

Swirl was able to just avoid the blast.

Swirl is distracted by the blast as his quarry dives into the bushes (DC 18 save). Swirl needs a DC 19 spot check to find him again.

The marines fire at the retreating snake men, but only get one confirmed hit. The jungle was just too thick and the distance too great.

damage 6+1 for prayer for 7

Saturday July 8th, 2006 1:19:41 PM

Maybe I should just be constantly forceful... cause when I try to be nice, this crap happens

"I wasnt trying to insult you or take your axe," states to all. "I was merely thinking of your safety. The majority of you wanted to go to our party through the jungle and this axe could help protect you. Also, you could trade off weilding it to gain your practice, so that you are ready for the hunt. What better way is there to practice then in a real situation, similar to the hunt you will be going on? Not only would you be practicing with the axe, but you would be practicing on group tactics to defend the prenant ladies for the hunt."

Mykael does his best to try and be nice one last time.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 
Sunday July 9th, 2006 6:39:35 AM

Appolo looks at the devastation wrought my Cosmo and Riggings magic and sheaths his sword"Well boss we definately need to fix the Sword and get out of here." He the piicks up his bow and quiver.

Nezamil Endure elements  d20+6=16
Sunday July 9th, 2006 11:21:57 PM

Looking about at those willing to go " ok lets get a move on we don't want all the strong drink gone before we get there " laughs Nezamil

As they trek towards the Sword the big dwarf chats with Kirk and guests " actually leaving some of the strong fighters to defend the women is better then leaving all the pregnant women alone.....and more drink for us " chuckles the big dwarf

Nezamil treks along as rear guard his eyes sweeping his surroundings(d20+6=16 spot ch) and listening for any screams from Ashira ;-)

Kirk  d20+5=11
Sunday July 9th, 2006 11:25:19 PM

The big warrior marches on the right rear flank behind the ranger John......his eyes peeled (d20+5=11 spot ch) protecting the rangers back and his charges in the middle of the groups formation

Monday July 10th, 2006 1:55:30 AM

Val takes her position up front and hopes some snake men show themselves. She thought about pointing out the total BS that the villagers preach but if Ashira buys into it then thats her problem. Truthfully she's tired of trying to help people that don't want to be helped. This whole situation gets worse by the day and they do nothing to stop it.

"It's time to leave this stupid island. There is no sense in trying to help those that don't want help. If they want to be cattle then so be it." Val says as the frustration and futility of everything sets in.

Monday July 10th, 2006 4:14:18 AM

I agree with you Val, as soon as we have the Sword seaworthy again we must leave

Rigging  d20+7=13 d20+12=24 d20+12=18 d20+12=20 d20+12=28
Monday July 10th, 2006 8:54:38 AM

Swirl loses sight of his quarry and zips up into the air trying to avoid any more close calls.

Rigging calls a halt and signals for Appolo and himself to go forward to scout for bodies. "We do it invisible. Everyone else get back to work on fixing this boat. Obviously the sooner we get it done, the quicker we can get off this accursed island.

Cosmo, think about animals you can summon that can track by smell. They have to be intelligent enough to understand about shapeshifting."

Rigging will cast mage armor (concentration check 24) will then go invisible and scout the fireballed area with Appolo, looking for more bodies. If they find any, they will bring them back to the Sword.

After that, Rigging will check out the equipment of the snakeman they captured and detect magic on it.

OOC not sure if I need to roll concentration checks for items but I did (dc roll of 18) and concentration check for detect magic dc 20 and another one just in case dc 28

Appolo Secomd post 
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:18:32 AM

Appolo replies to Rigging"Boss we can't go invisible our magic makes us gflow.We still stick out like sore thumbs.Besides most snakes have a superior sense of smell anyways."

Dm Jim: Jungle Ruin 
Monday July 10th, 2006 5:35:03 PM

Mykael is frustrated by the behavior of the castaways. Nezamil takes what he can get, sets Ashira plan for guarding and starts the train back to the beach. Val is just frustrated that the "snake men" will not stand in front of her and die quickly. Bart is looking forward to repairing the Sword and leaving and hoping the latest attack, as related through Mykael & Ghem, does not set them back too far.

The few castaways the are planning on making the journey pack up food, water and some instruments for the trip.

Ghem contacts Mykael "I think Cosmo burned up a bunch of the bad people, very nasty."

Ashira is very quite as the group takes up their positions and begins the trek through the jungle.


Rigging gives instructions to Cosmo to find tracking animals.

Appolo explains the futility of turning invisible to the Captain as the space that held Rigging glows nice and bright, as he turns invisible.

Appolo and Rigging go and inspect Cosmo's devastation. Palms and low-lying bushes are scorched and one palm is still burning as its oil ignited. Rigging and Appolo find three very badly burned bodies along with that of several snakes, two monkeys and numerous birds. There is almost no usable equipment on their bodies after the fireball. What may have been leather armor has fused with the smoking blacken bodies. It is only possible to determine that the three bodies were humanoid and not much else. One scimitar and one long bow are recovered that must have been dropped or protected from the fireball somehow.


Nezamil leads the group with the reduced number of castaways back to the beach. The smoke from the burning palm can seen when the group crosses the little serpent river. The smell of chared flesh can be smelled as the group approaches the beach. The group makes it back to the Sword, surprisingly unmolested.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Monday July 10th, 2006 9:39:36 PM

Cosmo joins Rigging and Apollo as they survey the fireball damage. A small smile forms on his face when he sees the three dead creatures. Cosmo is pleased that his magic is able to damage and kill the snake beasts.

"Rigging, we have shown them that we are a force not to be trifled with. They will not underestimate our power in the future. It will probably not be so easy going forward."

Cosmo moves off to the side and lets Apollo and Rigging continue the examination of the area and the dead. He ponders Riggings request on tracking and searching for the shape-shifting snake creatures.

"Rigging I do not think my summoning ability will be of much use. The duration of the spell is too short. I can, at most, have the spell last just short of 2 minutes. That will probably not be enough time for any summoned creature to track the snake creatures. The one creature I can summon that would be the best tracker is the Yeth Hound."

Cosmo retrieves a dog-eared book from his backpack and flips through it until he finds his notes on the Yeth Hound. He reads through the passage relating all the pertinent information on the Yeth Hound to Rigging. When he is done he stows the book back into his backpack. As he does this Rigging catches the title of the journal. It appears to be hand-written and says:

Conjured Monster Details
(as found in the legendary tome Monster Manual)

"Rigging, I think my best spell for this situation is the one that I thought would be useful for the pyramid. The spell Prying Eyes. It has a long duration and is a great searching spell. Also it will be hard for the snake creatures to detect it being used. Here are the details of the spell."

Cosmo reaches again into his backpack. This time he retrieves a book that is obviously very well cared for.

Prying Eyes
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: One mile
Effect: Ten or more levitating eyes
Duration: 1 hour/level; see text (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You create a number of semi-tangible, visible magical orbs (called "eyes") equal to 1d4 + your caster level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return as you direct them when casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions.
While the individual eyes are quite fragile, they're small and difficult to spot. Each eye is a Fine construct, about the size of a small apple, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 bonus for its size), flies at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, and has a +16 Hide modifier. It has a Spot modifier equal to your caster level (maximum +15) and is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that would affect your ability to receive visual information about your surroundings. An eye traveling through darkness must find its way by touch.
When you create the eyes, you specify instructions you want them to follow in a command of no more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is known by the eyes as well.
In order to report their findings, the eyes must return to your hand. Each replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying its findings, an eye disappears.
If an eye ever gets more than 1 mile away from you, it instantly ceases to exist. However, your link with the eye is such that you won't know if the eye was destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some other event.
The eyes exist for up to 1 hour per caster level or until they return to you. Dispel magic can destroy eyes. Roll separately for each eye caught in an area dispel. Of course, if an eye is sent into darkness, it could hit a wall or similar obstacle and destroy itself.
Material Component: A handful of crystal marbles.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 18/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Monday July 10th, 2006 10:25:20 PM

Tired, grumpy and finding herself agreeing heartily with Val's assessment of the situation, Ashira leads her ragged group to Rigging. Bowing before him, the ranger clears her throat. "Captain, here are all the party goers we could arrange for. The pregnant women refused to come, and after a small diplomatic disagreement, several of the others refused too. And now as you prepare the feast for the villagers, I take my leave!" With another mock bow, Ashira heads toward the lagoon and strips off, taking a quick, refreshing swim...cooling off in more ways than one.

John and Mary 
Monday July 10th, 2006 10:35:24 PM

Sprinting to the beach, John checks to make sure Lilith is ok. Upon finding her, John embraces her, hugging her close. "Those snake people are beginning to get annoying. I'm glad you're ok. I can't wait to get out of here!"

Mary is greatly relieved to be rid of her flanking partner. Loosening her armor in an effort to cool down, she wanders over toward the lagoon. Ashira has been overly temperamental lately, and Mary is becoming concerned.

Rigging  d20+12=27
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:04:40 PM

Rigging calls some of the crew over to the bodies and directs them to gingerly take the pieces back to the ship. He will lay them out with the other dead snake man and again try to detect magic on any of the stuff including the intact stuff found at the fire sight. (Didn't get a response last time, concentration check 27)

When Ashira arrives with her pathetic small group, Rigging thinks, "What happened...I kept Appolo with me?" Ashira does her little speech and then her strip act. He watches with appreciation and then reachs over and shuts the mouth of one of the young studs from the beach. "She is all mine. You can look but if you touch, I warn you, you better be able to hold your breath for at least 20 minutes. She only mates underwater and being a creature from the sea, she can stay down for a long time."

Rigging then calls the others over and sits them in a circle around the fire. "Bring them food and drink please! They are our guests!" Once their needs are attended to, Rigging will start pacing with his hands clamped behind his back. Ashira knows the look and knows what is coming. A speech!

"My friends, I have grave and scary news. I know this island seems like a paradise but you are being deceived. Your so called masters are a race of snake man called the Yuan-ti. We know this because they have attacked us here twice now. During their raids, we were able to capture one of them. Using my magic, I was able to read his mind before his own comrades killed him. Why would his own comrades kill him you are thinking? I will tell you why. They were fearful of us finding this information. They know if the truth comes out, their way of life will become harder. What is the truth..."

Rigging pauses with a dramatic pause, "The truth is you are cattle to them. They fatten you up and slaughter you like hogs. Just like the farmers back home. The worse part is the pregnant women. They consider the babies delicacies. Simular to veal back home, babies are tender and succulent. They have no hard muscles to chew through. They are killing the babies, you boys think you are fathering?"

Rigging will look around at the young men and woman. "Can I prove this? Partially." Rigging will signal to Tomas who then drags over the dead unburned Yuan-ti. This is the captive who was killed by his own kin. See the arrow wounds? They were more concerned with killing him then us. They didn't want this truth to come out. Examine him for yourself. Notice the ears and strangly shaped head. Look at his fangs. This is one of your masters. A master who raises you for food!"

Rigging will pause to observe the reactions.

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:21:27 PM

Slightly annoyed with his great diplomatic ability to screw things up, Mykael decides to scout the area around the ship.

First a quick dump of water over himself to cool off, then he calls to Ghem.

I want to scout the forest line for those snake people. I want you to move from tree to tree above me, but stay hidden. You have a better chance of spotting them than I do. If you can tell the difference between regular snakes and the shape-shifted bad snake-men all the better. Can you? Either way, if you notice a snake, I want to know. All snakes near the tree line will die this night.

Mykael informs the watch that he will be in the tree line and to keep an eye on him and Ghem, but not to point them out, unless they get into trouble.

Mykael makes his way to the tree line and walks along it killing every snake he and Ghem find.

OOC: Using infravision should make it easier to spot them, and I would think the shape-shifters would give off a larger than snake heat signature.

Ghem  d20+7=16 d20+7=19 d20+7=21 d20+7=26 d20+7=18 d20+20=38 d20+20=32 d20+20=28 d20+20=22 d20+20=36
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:28:30 PM

Ok, but those things are dangerous and can sense us too.

Spot = 16, 19, 21, 26, 18

Hide = 38, 32, 28, ......

OOC: couldnt figure out how to read the last two... will re-roll and post in another

Monday July 10th, 2006 11:29:37 PM

Hide = 22, 36

OOC: just in case you didnt know

Blindsense (Ex): A pseudodragon can locate creatures within 60 feet by nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by noticing vibration and other environmental clues). Opponents the pseudodragon can't actually see still have total concealment against the pseudodragon.

Mykael  d20+7=22 d20+7=10 d20+7=22 d20+7=12 d20+7=15
Monday July 10th, 2006 11:31:01 PM

OOC: forgot to post his spot checks

Spot = 22, 10, 22, 12, 15

Nezamil - Endure elements 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 12:23:40 AM

The big dwarf herds the villagers behind Ashira so none of them stray.

Nezamil then checks in with Hal and discusses the snakemens attack " yup good thing we started clearing the treeline.......their pretty good archers......so lets keep extending the clear cutting to make it as difficult as possible for them "

Afterwards he walks over and listens to Captain Riggings speech and just nods as he drives his points home to the villagers.

"Captain if i may add something .....we are just not making any headway in finding anything about these snakemen.....personally i'm tired of traveling back and forth to the village.... it just doesn't serve any purpose but split our forces up and tire us out and expose the Sword to attacks......we need for these fine people to step up and help ...if they don't then i suggest we repair the Sword and depart and take our chances with the big snake......we're working hard to accomplish things but it seems like we can't make progress in any capacity......some hero's of the wold we are .....i'd rather die fighting the big snake then run around in circles on this twisted island....at least then i'll be doing something worthwhile"

Walking away from the villagers Nezamil decides to return to building the seaward defenses he has been doing his best to build but knows its a wasted effort but he must keep up its appearance for the crews sake

Bash brothers Hal and kirk 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 12:31:50 AM

Hal gathers his work crew and follows Nezamil example and returns to work clearing the treeline.

Kirk also returns to help building shoreline fortifcations on the beach and warns the squad on watch to keep a discreet eye on Mykael

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:21:10 AM

"Captain you might as well be talking to a wall. They are fanatic in their devotion to these monsters. They give away their children without hesitation to others they believe are raising the children. We would be doing them a favor if he burnt this island tot he ground."

Appolo Ac23 Hp 68 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:59:21 AM

Appolo examines the bodies then picks up the scimitar and bow.Once the bosies are collected he heads back to the ship.Appolo places the Scimitar and bow on deck so they can be examined.

He is up on the prow when Ahira and the others arrive.He watches them come in and then on board.He listens quietly while watching Valanthe and moving next to her"Actually sunshine.The pregnant woman and thier children are eaten.Mostlikely at the same time.Oh and the hunter that clears the way is also killed."He whispers into her ear.Then goes silent

DM Jim: Party Ruined  d20+10=19 d20+10=19 d20+10=15 d20+6=17 d20+6=8 d20+6=24 d20+6=26 d20+6=21 d8=4 d8=6 d8=3 d8=1 d20+14=28 d20+14=29 d20+14=34 d8+7=12 d8+7=12 d8+7=11 d20=11 d8+7=9 d8+7=11 d20+6=12 d20+6=9 d20+6=21 d8=8 d20+3=4
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 2:08:24 PM

Rigging does not see any items from the "snake men" that have magical auras.

Cosmo is pleased with his handiwork after reviewing the damage wrought by his fireball. Cosmo also suggest several courses of action that his special talents can provide.

The party train arrives all hot and sweaty. All of them except Nezamil, thanks to Domi's blessing.

Ashira reports to her husband and heads off for a "cooling" swim. Mary watches Ashira from the beach.

John and Lilith have a heartfelt reunion.

The men and women from the castaway village are in a good mood and mingle with the crew of the Sword. All that is, except David that stay at Mary's side. A few of the men actually pull out their simple drums and begin to play. The women dance and pull in some of the men from the work crews.

Rigging gathers the castaways together for a speech. All faces are bright and happy, but quickly downturn as Rigging continues. "That can not be." Exclaims David. "I have seen the masters and they look just as you do. I do not know what foul creatures you burned, but they do not look like the masters from what I can tell." David finishes. One woman also speaks up, finally removing her hands from her open mouth. "Not so fast David, we at least have to consider the possibility."

The castaways talk among themselves. Rigging has effectively ruined the mood of the party.

Val seems to have given up on the castaways.

Appolo tries a new approach with Val.

Nezamil and Kirk go and work on the Seaside defenses.

Mykael and Ghem go and scout the tree line as Hal brings a work crew to clear more jungle and replace some of the lumber burned in the first attack. The work crew is 60 yards from the Sword. Mykael is 70 yards from the Sword and 30 yards from the work crew.

Oc: Ghem cannot effectively hide while searching and flying and moving with you.

An hour has passed after the arrival of the Wildcards from the village and a total of 2.5 hours since the last attack.


Ghem contacts Mykael "I can feel more of them out there. Ohh, there is one, no two."

Mykael looks in the direction that Ghem indicates with his stinger and sees bent bows pointing at him. Once the "snake men" are discovered they let loose.

AC 17 -- miss, if it is a hit please roll damage D8+1
AC 8 - miss
AC 24, hit, damage, damage 5
AC 26, hit, critical 21, damage 13

The two Yuan Ti spotted by Mykael and Ghem are 15 feet into the jungle and 10 feet apart. The other to shots came not too far away one on either flank of the two spotted Yuan Ti.

Hal looks up to see a snake headed humanoid, the leader of the previous attack, as he apparently materialized from the jungle. His bow is bent and he sends three arrows at the crew chief.

All three arrows land home with devastating effectiveness.

AC 28, 12 damage
AC 29, 12 damage
AC 34, critical confirmed for 31 damage

Total damage 55

The creature knew just where to hit Hal to do the most damage. He smiles and in a strange voice calls out Hal and those around him "Come to thes Jungles meatssacks."

Appearing around the leader are several other Yuan Ti as they step out of the jungle and they attack one of the guards with bows.

AC 12
AC 9
AC 21, hit for 9 damage -- a serious wound

A large snake with two muscular arms and evil glint in its eye also appears and makes several hand gestures and one of Hal's guards falls to the ground and turns into a snake (Save 4, rolled a 1).

All five Yuan Ti took a 5 foot step or slither out of the Jungle for a clear shot at Hal and his crew.

OOC: Very little of this can be seen by those on the beach, because of the slope.

DC 7 spot check by Mykael to notice that Hal and his group are being attacked in addition to him.

DC 14 spot check by Val and Appolo to spot the disturbance, but cannot see any combatants.

Please continue to post spells and hit points.

George please tell me if an how Tomas cured the three injured marines 2.5 hours ago? Post Tomas's spells.

General description:

The beach is at least 50 yards to the jungle and slopes up at least 25 feet over that distance. Hal and his crew are in the area directly in front of the Sword, but in the area of the Jungle they they have been clearing for lumber. To replace the lumber that was burned in the first attack.

Hal and his group are 60 yards from the Sword were the majority of the Wildcards are. Ashira is swimming and Nazamil and Kirk and their work crew are at the back of the Sword.

Hal an his crew are on the level portion of the land an not on the beach.

Mykael is scanning the edges of the jungle and is at the edge of the beach. Mykael is 70 Yards from the Sword and 20 yards from Hal.

The three groups for a triangle of sorts: The Sword, Hal, and Mykael.

Bart  d20=15
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 3:21:07 PM

I have some idears to defend the sword against the seasnake long polearms that can reach is body when he is just underneath the ship. What do i hear ...?? (listen 15)

DM Jim: Bart hears Hal's call of alarm with no roll required.

Hal Ac ?? Hp 7/62  d20+5=7 d20+5=9 d20+5=14 d20+5=24
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 4:30:26 PM

" Back to the ship.....we're under attack.....run....run...everyone retreat " as Hal herds the work crew to safety

The big warrior stops for a moment .,....reaching down he grabs the crewman turned snake and trails after the work crew ....covering their retreat

" we're under attack.....we're under attack " shouts out Hal towards the Sword

Jim what about those aboard the Sword?? can they see over the rise of the beach ?? especially the acrobats that were assigned watch duty in the height of the ships rigging and masts ??


DM JIM: THose on the Sword have a DC 14 chance to see what is going on to Mykael and Hal. Please post for the acrobats as two of them noticed the attack. The rolls are above.

I assumed that only Appolo and Val (half of the Wildcards that did not post exact positions) were on the Sword and only gave them the spot checks.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 4:38:45 PM

Jim can we get a map ?? would be helpful for spells distance's and tactics of troops.

DM JIM: I have not had time to create a map and it may not matter at this point. I added greater detail to the post.

Tuesday July 11th, 2006 5:45:41 PM

will post soon... Mykaels AC is 27... so only the nat 20 would hit him, and the crit wouldnt have been confirmed.

DM JIM: Just post the damage taken then.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d20+5=7
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 10:59:30 PM

Cosmo only spends a short time with the people from the island village. Their lack of interest in him and overt sexual interest in all things human bores him rather quickly.

He finds a quiet place, nearby, on the beach to study his various books. He watches the villagers' faces as Rigging explains what he thinks is happening on the island.

He stands up and stows his books in his backpack as the people around the ship start to look towards the work crew.

He looks too, but does not see much.

Spot 7.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC24, HP112/112) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:31:25 PM

Grunting as she hears Hal's cries, Ashira grabs up her weapons and activates her shield. She begins sprinting toward the beach.

OOC: You stated that it's been an hour since the Wildcards arrived. There's no way Ashira needed to cool down that long. I'm going to go forward and say that she has her armor on and is in the general area of Rigging.

DM Jim: Reasonable - I only indicated that you were not on the Sword and not subject to a spot check, but your hearing is fine.

John (AC16, HP35/35) Invisible, Mary (AC19, HP 20/20) 
Tuesday July 11th, 2006 11:46:08 PM

Noting Ashira's mad dash, John quickly activates his invisibility ring and follows her, axe in hand.

Grabbing up her shield and spear, Mary dashes after the couple, intent on keeping Ashira safe from those horrid snake creatures.

Acrobats - Chex and Hailli  d20=16 d20=6
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 12:37:47 AM

The two human female acrobats turn at the sounds of the yelling and spot (d20=16 spot ch...haven't defined all skills on them yet)

"Hey there is trouble out their cries Chex

"Captain.....Captain......snake monsters at the jungles edge " screams Hailli as she points in that direction

Others aboard the Sword ( d20=6 spot ch)

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d20+5=15
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 12:56:05 AM

The big fella stops and stands up and raises his hand for silence " whats that ?" (d20+5=15 listen check) as he looks up at the two acrobats high in the rigging and their frantic warnings

With a salute of acknowledgement to the two women " watch the seaward side too "[b]

[b] " all the workers aboard the Sword ...pronto!!!
barks out Nezamil

"Kirk with me ...lets get a better veiw of what is happening up on the beach ....them workers could be in trouble......By Domi i'm gonna git me a pair of snake skin boots if its da last thing i do " growls the big dwarf as he gathers up his weapons and shield he positioned incase of an attack and makes his way to a position by the ships prow

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d20+6=15
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:05:53 AM

The big warrior's head snaps around at the shouting(d20+15= listen ch) and with a nod at Nezamil's orders " you got it big guy.....about time we got some action " grins Kirk as he sprints towards his gear ....beating the hugh dwarf by a few steps " try not to hold me back " laughs Kirk as he flanks Nezamil as they move forward his heavy flail twirling in anticipation

"there's Ashira " as he points Ashira sprinting forward to Nezamil " lets form up on her "

OOC : maps are always handy ;-)

Mykael -- 49/56, AC=27,  d20+7=8 d100=64
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:25:03 AM

Ghem hide in a tree and watch my back. Keep me informed of where they all are.

(Spot = 8)

Mykael feels the sting of an arrow from one of the two in front of him, then he notices the attack on the crew.

"I will be back for you two! Count on it" Mykael yells as he turns toward the 5 that have engaged the work crew.

He takes a 5 foot step to get a good view and angle, then he looses his 'WEB' spell on all 5 with plenty of room to cover the whole group, and the tree-line to get any others that maybe there.

(made spell failure roll = 64%)

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:30:47 AM

OOC: forgot spell list

0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Daze
1 lvl: Comprehend Languages x3***, Charm Person
2 lvl: Web x2*, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3 lvl: Tongues x2**, Slow

* = used spells

Wednesday July 12th, 2006 4:02:47 AM

After Bart hears the warning he rushes forward, his sword appears in his hand. The quick fighter is ready to kick some ***. (* to protect the fragile eyes of our readers)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=19 d20+9=12
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:37:51 AM

Appolo turns at the sound and sees the disturbance"Battle stations everyone.Man those catapults.Archers ready bows."Appolo readies his weapons and heads over the side of the ship.Once on land he looks around and heads for the wooden paliade being built to protect the sword.

Spot 19

Rigging, mage armor  d20+12=27
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 1:14:35 PM

Rigging breaks off his speech when he hears the screams of pain from the sneak attack. "Looks like your 'masters' are back again...killing my people."

Rigging will sprint towards the confusion stopping short of the treeline and look for any kind of trouble (spot check 27. He will pull his weapons and be ready to engage something next round. Swirl moves besides Rigging to his right ready to defend as well.

Thomas moves to the ships deck and directs the sailors to retrieve bows and tries to get noncombatants out of the way. He will have cured the injured guards with his cure light wounds wand. (Don't have his spell list avaiable at work)

MO, Curly and Larry will assume their combat positions on the back of the ship watching for an attack coming in that direction.

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