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Dm Jim: Here and Gone Again  d20+1=5 d20+2=3 Web saves d20+12=23 d20+7=18 d20+5=24 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+3=16 d20+6=19 d20+2=21 d20+2=20 d20+2=14
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 8:27:36 PM

Hal, even though grievously wounded, call out the alarm and rally the work crew to beat feet back to the Sword. On the way, Hal pick up the marine turned snake. Upon closer inspection the snake appears to be an adder and seems to be wrestling with the decision to bite Hal(failed will save).

The Two acrobats in the rigging echo Hal's alarm.

Rigging calls out orders and runs forward. Rigging's indentured servants, Juno, Eli, and Gordon, complain about being left out of the fun again and plans for what to do when their year of service is complete.

Mykael coolly (difficult in this heat) steps back from the archers and casts his web spell at the Yuan Ti attacking the work crew. It appears that he got most of them, but it difficult to tell from the distance and the amount of webs (total concealment due to the webs). Mykael did see several of the Yuan Ti get a jump on his spell and start to move out of the area (made saves).

Mykael can feel Ghem's fear and concern. "There are more out there." The dragon beams to the new elf.

Mykael can see several of the more human like Yuan Ti, and they look to rush him, but the source of an unseen hiss seems to forestall their charge and they quickly melt into the Jungle.

Ashira grabs her weapons and shield and quickly moves up the beach and is followed by John and Mary.

Appolo climbs down from the Sword.

Bart moves up the Beach.

Nezamil and Kirk are the farthest away, being at the back of the Sword and they move to the front of the Sword (50 -- 70 yards from the action)

OOC: I will give everyone X3 movement in the sand, or 90 feet or 30 yards. The closest Wildcards are 20 yards or 60 feet from the Jungle; 30 yards from Mykael and 30 Yards from the Web spell (not at the same location as Mykael). All distances are approximate (fog of War).


The seriously injured marine next to Hal collapses at the beach. The rest of Hal's crew runs down the beach to the Sword.

The viper trys to bite Hal (AC 3), but Hal has a good hold on the critter.

It gets very dark around Mykael's web spell.

Mykael DC 18 spellcraft check to find out why.

OOC: Only Mykael can observe the Web spell as it is set back from the beach and a

Mykael -- 49/56, AC = 27  d20+12=21 d20+7=11
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:05:47 PM

(Spellcraft for the darkness = 21)

"Thats right you cowards! I am here now. You attacked when I am here. Not so easy now is it! You are not the superior race! Come back and face me!" Mykael challenges in somewhat mock frustration as he scans the tree-line.

(spot = 11)

Stay hidden and let me know if they are coming back or waiting for another ambush.

Mykael brazenly walks the forest-line toward his web spell in the darkness. He constantly scans the forest for any signs.

Bash brother Hal Ac 17 Hp 7/62  d8+3=5
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:30:25 PM

The big warrior gets a better grip on the adder so it won't bite " hey pal i'm on your side " yells at the adder

Reacting quickly to the marines fall Hal kneels down and fishes out a vial and forces it down his throat (1d8+3=5 clw potion) then lifts him to his feet and stumbles closer to the safety of the Swords defenses

Dm Jim: Hal notices that the marine has died and does not use his potion. The arrow wound, while serious should not have been fatal????

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d20+6=9
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:40:50 PM

The 10'3" dwarf walks up the beach with his crossbow in hand trying to get a better veiw and understanding of the battlefield (he's 10+ foot tall does he get a beter chance to see over the beaches slope ?)

Turning to look up at the Sword " make sure the backside is guarded they tried to sneak attack us last time " growls Nezamil up to Tomas

Swiveling his head back to face the danger from the jungle he looks for Hal and the work crew (if he spots them he moves towards Hal)

"Everyone away from the treeline they just want to force us into the open and shoot us with ranged weapons

Bash brother Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d20+6=24
Wednesday July 12th, 2006 11:44:07 PM

The big badyguard moves with Nezamil flanking him on the right side and looks forward to the sounds of battle (d20+6=24) as he looks for his brother and his work crew .

If he spots Hal "i'm coming bro...hold on " as he sprints towards his brother and the marine

Ashira (AC24, HP112/112)  d20+12=18 d20+11=15
Thursday July 13th, 2006 1:20:14 AM

Ashira, John and Mary head down the beach toward Mykael, waiting for him to catch them up to speed on the situation (Spot=18, Listen=15). "I'm getting really tired of this!" Ashira complains to Nezamil when he links up.

Val (AC 19, HP 139/139) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:50:50 AM

Val stays up on the deck once the attack is confirmed. There are enough Wildcards on the beach to handle things and if the snake men attack from the ocean at least she'll be here to take the brunt of the assault.

Melonie (AC 18, HP 26/ 26) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:54:42 AM

Her heart pounds as the battle begins. She hears the calls of the wounded and dying. Melonie holds her spear so tightly that her knuckles are white. Should she go down to the beach with the others? No her place was by Val's side, helping anyway she could.

"Will these attacks ever stop?"

Cosmo  d20+5=25 d4=3 d20+9=22
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:20:51 AM

Cosmo moves forward, trailing Rigging by about 25-30 feet. Once he gets about 60 or so feet away from where the action was he will stop. From there he will keep an eye on the forward group and the ship.

Spot 25; natural 20.

Cosmo thinks it may be time to plan a real assault on these snake creatures. The group is just sitting ducks sitting here by the ship that is too close to the tree-line. He does not think that the snake creatures will ever let them completely fix the boat. They will probably just keep harassing them, trying to pick off a crew member or 2 and never really exposing themselves. Or they may just decide to destroy the ship.

Maybe in the morning after the spell users adjust their spell selection they can set out and take the attack to them. Just getting away from the ship may help keep it from getting attacked.

Cosmo casts Prying Eyes (12 total): "Spread out equally and search for 1 mile and then come back and report."

General spot for 12 Eyes - 22.

OOC - What are the dimensions of the island again?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)
Prying Eyes: 9/9 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Appolo Hp 23 Hp 68  d20+10=23 d20+8=17 d20+6=16
Thursday July 13th, 2006 11:18:12 AM

Appolo sprints forward toward the disturbance.Seeing Hal is wounded he calls out"Nezamil we got wounded Hal looks to be hurt pretty bad and one of his men is down."

Appolo continues to move forward toward were the marines and hall were working.He thinks ok the snakes want to play let's play.As passes a marine or Hal"Where's Mykeal?"he asks Once he gets an answer he will head in that direction weapons drawn and ready for action.He keeps an eye on the jungle and an ear open.

Spot 23 Listen 17 Fortitude 16 for the heat.

DM Jim: Information is Power 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:02:53 PM

The Wildcard's are again frustrated by the sniping attacks of the Yuan Ti. Will they ever get enough time to repair the Sword? Cosmo voices the opinion that the group will not.

The newest Wildcard, Cosmo, finally takes some initiative and sends out his prying eyes.

The forward front of the beach is now crawling with the Sword's offices, but Val remains on deck watching, waiting and hoping for the counter attack. It does not come.

Mykael taunts the Yuan Ti in the jungle, but receives no response. Appolo links up with him in support.

Melonie comments to Val after hearing Mykael shout to the Yuan Ti "I think Mykael is finally coming around and understanding elves better. These snake men are definitely inferior to elves." Melonie scans the rest of the crew also.

Kirk rushes to his big brother and sees all the blood from the three arrow wounds. Kirk looks to Nezamil "Please help him." as he supports his slumping brother. The three arrows are still in Hal.

Hal was more concerned for the injured marine, but hold using the potion as the marine has unexpectedly died.

Cosmo finds his voice and suggests a new plan of action. Cosmo thinks back to his flight over the island and approximates that the island is about 12 miles by 15 miles, but with very difficult terrain, at least for those that have to walk.


Only 10 prying eyes return to Cosmo's hand. Each eye reveals two to three Yuan Ti on its journey. A total of one snake bodied, six snake headed and the like, and 21 human looking Yuan Ti are recorded. The Yuan Ti groups observed were either watching toward the beach, setting a snare, resting, eating, talking to snakes, or chasing prying eyes. All of the Yuan Ti were spread out over a large and deep area in the jungle between the Sword and the Castaway Village. Cosmo doubts that he saw all the Yuan Ti, as several were only recognizable as they moved when the eyes went past.

Cosmo relishes the idea of new information.

The crew is getting concerned about the attacks and their ability to stop them moral seems to be falling. Marc grumble "There is no way we can work under these conditions. We are just going to be picked off one by one."

David rushes up the beach to keep pace with Mary. "Did they catch another one?"

Rigging mage armor  d20+12=32 d20=13 d20=13
Thursday July 13th, 2006 2:23:14 PM

Rigging is frustrated. These hit and run tactics were going to eat them up. Anger course through his veins as he moves along the tree line trying to get closer to the combat.

He peers into the gloom of the jungle looking for something to attack, something to kill. Rigging tired of being ineffective and harrassed.

Spot check 32 (natural 20)

If Rigging hasn't moved to far and sees something, he will cast his scorching rays at it. I am at work and don't have my books so just rolled two touch attacks without modifiers for now.

Rigging hears Cosmo and snarls, "Fine my little friend. Come up with a plan that keeps our ship safe, I don't want to be stranded here, tell me where we are going and what you want done. This is your mission."

Zero Level: Detect magic, read magic, dancing lights, detect poison, daze.
First level spells: magic missile x 2, , mage armor, shield, Monster summoning 1, unseen servant, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2, Alarm
Second level spells: Scorching rays, detect thoughts x3
Third level spells: Haste, Dispel magic, Tongues, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Polymorph, Greater Invisiblity , Evard's Black Tentacles

Dm Jim: Supplimental  d100=70 d100=42 d100=29 d100=90 d20+8=28 d20+8=15 8d6(2+6+4+2+4+4+4+6)=32
Thursday July 13th, 2006 5:09:51 PM

OOC: In order to move things along I have added this post.

Please mark off the spells cast by Rigging


Rigging spies something moving in the web (total concelment) and greater darkness spell with his keen eyes. Rigging sends two scorching rays at his unknown quarry.

greater darkness concelment 70% 42% (20% sucess)

Web concelment 29% and 90 % (10% - sucess)

SR 28 & 15 (sucess)

Damge 32

The chared humanoid form is hanging limply in the burning webs. It slowly slumps down to the jungle floor, smoking badly.


OOC: In the future, if anyone casts a spell that requires a SR roll, please roll it. It will speed play.

Thursday July 13th, 2006 9:16:06 PM

Mykael makes his way to the web and notices it burning away full flame now. Rigging should have known WEBs are highly flammable. "So much for prisoners, too bad too, I believe this on was a spell-caster of some sort."

Mykael checks the web as it burns away for survivors, and pulls out any bodies, to be sure.

Mykael picks up the tools left by the work crew and makes his way back to the ship.

Ghem, come on out of there, I think they are done for now. Why dont you take your spot on top of the mast again. Great job by the way, you kept two pointy sticks from hitting me by letting me know in time. Thanks alot. And the pointy sticks that they were using are called arrows. The are thrown by the wooden weapons they were holding, which are called bows.

"Rigging, we need to find thier villages and take the fight to them. All work crews should stay away from the tree-line. I suggest only officers be sent on water runs. And the one work detail that needs to be by the trees, the one to get the wood, should be of officers and marines only, with an officer guard."

"Perhaps a few of the right spells could down some trees quickly and push back the tree-line, thus getting us the wood we need and helping in the defense at the same time."

"And I will volunteer for tree-line duty."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) 
Thursday July 13th, 2006 10:08:45 PM

Cosmo hears the exasperation in Rigging's voice. He can sense the anger and frustration throughout the party, himself included.

"I am not the leader of this group. I cannot accept the leadership position at this time as my ties to the members of this group are not strong enough yet. I doubt that all would follow me. I can, however advise you as leader on a course of action that you may or may not find feasible."

"We are not in a good position. Our transportation is crippled. Our location is not very defendable. Our knowledge of enemy and surroundings is limited. And we cannot expect any real help from the villagers."

"In my opinion we have 3 options:"

1. We all stay here at the ship to defend it and get it fixed.
2. Some of us leave and the rest stay and defend the ship.
3. We all abandon the ship and hope it is repairable when we come back for it.

"Option #1 is good in that we do not split up the group and all our firepower can be used against any attacks against the ship and/or its crew. It is bad in that I do not think our position here on the beach is defendable against any significant raid from the snake-men. I do not think anyone here thinks option #3 has any merit, myself included."

"So that leaves option #2. I think that the 8 Wildcards plus possibly a few of the crew set out and start take on some of these small scouting parties I saw with my Prying Eyes spell. The rest stay here at the ship and defend it 100% of the time. We pick one of the areas on this island and see if it is their lair. If it isn't then we move on. As we go along we destroy these small parties. If we cannot take on a whole party we kill its leaders and retreat. After we have done this a few times the snake creatures will have to put more firepower towards us. This will keep less of them from attacking the ship. We need to draw attention away from the ship, not to it."

"I think we hole up for the rest of the day. Cure ourselves up and leave at first light after the spell casters have changed their spells."

Cosmo steps back from Rigging and goes silent. He seems to be thinking on something and appears to be hesitant to bring it up.

"There is one other option, but I am not sure we can or would want to pull it off. We do something that will absolutely make the snake creatures attack us. We know what these snake creatures like. We know that they take the villagers during the hunt. We stop the hunt plain and simple. Snake creatures do not get their meat - snakes coming looking for their meat. Snake creatures find the Wildcards between them and their food. The downside to this option is we may need to harm or kill some of the villagers to keep them from going on the hunt. It would also mean bringing many of the crew to the village to help us stop the hunt."

Cosmo once again goes quiet.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 2/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  4d8(4+6+4+2)+10=26 d20+6=7
Friday July 14th, 2006 12:56:22 AM

The Big Cleric charges after Kirk towards Hal as Appolo calls for help for Hal....reaching the big warrior "By Domi you been hurt ....stand still while we pull the arrows out before i call upon Domi's healing touch " as he and Kirk deftly but delicately remove the arrows (spontanously cast CCW inplace of imbue wspell ability for 26 points)

"Kirk take your brother aboard the Sword .....i'll be back shortly to complete Domi's healing touch.

The 10'3" dwarf moves after Ashira towards the Captain " aye me to but thats gonna hafta change....time to do something about it "

Meeting up with Captain Rigging and the diminutive conjuror he scans(d20+6=7 spot ch) the treeline for movement as he overhears Cosmo's idea's "aye at least we'll be able to strike back at these walking boots "

Eyeing the mage he nods " yeah preventing the castaways from leaving would be an intresting option....that would break the ritual od the so-called snake hunt which the snakemen look forward too.....not to mention with all the snake eyes watching us they would follow and see what were up too "

" leaving at 1st light would be best cuz we light up the night with all our magical glow"

Pausing a moment he looks back as the Bash broters make their way aboard the ship " we should just bring ourselves and leave our trusted friends to help the marines protect the Sword....hopefully we will draw the them away from the Sword "

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability* (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Bash brothers Hal Ac 17 Hp 40/61 Kirk Ac 18 Hp 51/51  d8+3=7
Friday July 14th, 2006 1:05:43 AM

Hal stumbles as Appolo edges near and calls for help for him " thanks " taking afew more steps ahe spots his brother and the Cleric of Domi's big frame charge towards him he sinks to his knees ...waits for Domi's healing touch to be adminstered

With a nod to Nezamil he stands up with Kirks assiatnce and heads towards the Sword and pops open the vial he was going to adminster to the fallen marine (clw potion 1d8+3=7)

"Them snakeheads going to pay for that " grunts Hal to Kirk

Kirk rushes to his brothers side and deftly removes the arrows as the big dwarf applies Domi's healing touch to his wounded brother....helping him to his feet he practilly drags his brother to the safety of the SWords protection " i hear that bro....we'll make a pair of boots out that one " laughs Kirk to cheer up Hal

Friday July 14th, 2006 1:51:30 AM

The ranger sighs...none of the options presented to them were very pretty. "I'm as frustrated with this situation as the rest of us... But, we can't possibly just leave these villagers to be eaten. It looks like we don't have much choice but to bring the fight to them...turn the tables. They might know the terrain, but our fighters are better. That's why the cowards keep running away. They know that they can't stand up to us in a real fight, so they keep doing hit and runs. I don't suppose we could use those prying eye thingies of yours Cosmo as a defensive measure for now and scout out the area are soon as we're rested?"

Friday July 14th, 2006 9:09:53 AM

Rigging heads back to the ship and orders everyone aboard, including the young party goers. He looks sternly at them and says, "I know you are under the influence of some kind of drug. I have learned this from the mind of the snakeman we captured. It dulls your ambition and makes you more pliable. You will just have to throw off its effects. You have a choice to make. Either you believe me or you don't. If you don't then you can go back to your lives of feasting and fornication knowing that you might be sending your lovers and unborn children to the mouths of these snakemen.

If you do believe me, then we will bring you back to your village and you can convince the others. They will be welcomed back here and my crew will do their best to keep them comfortable and safe. As you can see we are under attack here but my ships officers will be conducting a raid against the snakemen's home base. Make your decision. I have no more time to deal with you now."

Rigging will turn to Tomas and say, "I want you to prepare pitch balls for the catapult. I want to start a fire out there. At best we can burn off a couple of hundred yards of the jungle to make it more difficult for them to surpise us. Who knows, a couple might even perish if we are lucky. Should be lots of smoke.

Spellusers, I want any kind of fire spell you have committed to memory ready to go. Cosmo, I want you to summon fire elementals. As many as you can, enlarge them if you wish but they will be the main spreaders of the fire. I know the jungle is wet but they were able to burn our green woods without problem, so I think we should be able to return the favor."

Rigging will turn to Hal and Kirk, "Hal good to see you can take a couple of arrows. I want you to fortify the crows nest. Shields, wood planking whatever you can come up with to make it as safe as possible up there. Then I want your best archers up there. It should put close to the same level as them and maybe we will see them coming. Who ever is up there will need to be alert as we know they have one hell of an archer.

I also want shields or a wall built on the front of the prow. Try to reduce how much of the ship is exposed to their sight and arrow fire. Even if you can just nail up some 10' planks around the prow, it will provide cover and concealment.

Once everyone is ready, Rigging will order the pitch balls shot into the jungle and the fire spells to go off. If Cosmo with his prying eyes can tell him where to shoot his fireball to get some snake, he will. He will also look for reactions to the pitch balls and use that as a target. He will fire off his fireball, and if needed will use a charge or two from his wand to get the fire started.

Friday July 14th, 2006 11:23:38 AM

Appolo checks over the dead charred bodies of the snakemen and then follows Myhael back and listens to the others.After awhile he slips below and takes off his gear wearing his skivies Appolo gets some water to dibk the settles into his bunk for a rest.

DM Jim: Suggestions & Orders 
Friday July 14th, 2006 1:02:52 PM

Mykael and Appolo find one badly charred and very dead "snake man" is the remnants of Mykael's web. Mykael and Appolo perform the search while in the deeper darkness spell.

Kirk get is brother back to the Sword after Nezamil gets him cured.

The newest Wildcard, Cosmo, does not want to take the lead as offered by Rigging, but does offer some suggestions for possible courses of action against the "snake men".

Rigging has other plans, he brings everyone back on board the Sword and talks of more fortifications and ways to burn down parts of the jungle. Rigging sets his orders and asks for fire spells to be made available.

The smoldering palm tree from Cosmo's fireball is a testament to it effectiveness.

Several crewmen go down to the armory and bring up the pitch and start to prepare the forward catapult.

The castaways are somewhat shaken by all of the events. David comments to Mary "Things are going so fast. Everything made sense just a few days ago."

After Rigging's speach David comments "I am not sure we want to go back to the village, but you do have to warn them. Are those things you burned up Orc's?"

The crew starts to get busy, by fortifying the Sword of Redemption. While pounding nails Mark asks Nezamil "What happens to us when they send those fire spells and fire creatures at the Sword like you plan on sending at them? Can they do that?"


OOC: 45 minutes have passed and it is now 3 PM.

Mark off spells used.


It looks like rain, as it normally does each afternoon. The crew of the forward catapult asks Bart "Do we fire now or wait sir?"

DC 8 survival roll to determine that the expected rain is not expected to be intense or long, based on the amount of thunderheads seen to the west.

Several sailors are positioning the rain barrels as instructed previously by Nezamil.


Chex, while balancing on one of the mast beams, notices a "snake man" next to the jungle line about 100 yards away from the Sword. He just appears to be watching the Sword. Chex call down the alarm to the deck of the Sword.

Friday July 14th, 2006 2:59:00 PM

We have to defend the ship, burn the jungle the enlarge our perimeter. Also we can build some defended watch and arrow points on top of the beach, one at each side of the sword around 100 yards from each other

Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:53:19 AM

"Rigging, I want to talk to you about your underlings. They were eager to learn from me, and they appear to be interested in helping. I would like to suggest that they work with the ballista and catapult crews to start. I believe two of them have mage abilities. If this is true I have made some scrolls of True Strike. I would like to offer them to them. Once they learn the spell and can fire the seige weapons, this would provide a serious bonus to the capabilities of the Sword's most powerful weapons."

Mykael offers 3 scrolls of 'True Strike' to Rigging.

Turning to David, "It took you seeing the dead and the attacks on us, to even consider the possibility that we are telling the truth and trying to help you. And you saw how the other villager acted when I thought to take and extra weapon for one of you to wield to help protect yourselves. They are not going to believe us. It will take one of you from the village, someone they know, someone they trust, to get them to at least listen to the possibility. It may take more than one. At least one of you will have to step up and help."

"Nez, I still have an arrow in me. I dont suppose you would do me a favor and remove it."

Ashira  d20+12=27
Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:56:30 AM

Nodding, Ashira readies herself for any snakeman attack. She waits impatiently to slice into the elusive enemy. (Spot=27)

Saturday July 15th, 2006 1:02:01 AM

Mary looks over at David, sympathy clearly written on her face. "I understand, but you've got to trust the Captain. All of the Wildcards. They know what they're doing. And if anyone can save us, they can."

Appolo  d20+6=23
Saturday July 15th, 2006 9:57:14 AM

Appolo emerges on deck after resting for a couple of hours>He is dressed in light clothing.He walks around and notices the mood of the creww"Hey people don't sweat it.This is the life we all chose.Always out numbered deep in enemy territory and surrounded.We do what we always do kill or be killed.That's it.So relax get some rest."appolo also has apair of daggers on his hips.He takes of his shirt walks to the back off the ship and dives into the water,

Swim 26

Saturday July 15th, 2006 12:41:57 PM

Val takes Melonie with her as they walk the front of the sword, looking at the junlge for possible snake men. They probably won't be back but their keen elven eyes are much sharper in the limited light.

"Even if we get the ship fixed we still can't leave. The giant snake will smash the ship to pieces."

Sunday July 16th, 2006 12:39:55 PM

Val I have some idears to protect the ship against the big sea snake. We make long spears, long enough to reach the snake just before he hits the hull.

Sunday July 16th, 2006 8:29:22 PM

Rigging shakes his head grimly at David, "I wish these were just orcs. I wouldn't be worried about orcs, no these are Yuan-ti. A humanoid race that has snake in their bloodlines somewhere. They can shape shift, have magic and generally are much tougher than orcs.

Realize that here might not be much safer than your village, but I think once the lunch ladies don't make an appearance, the snakes are going to come after them. You have some safety in numbers here.

How do you think we should get the rest to come back? How do we convince them of the danger?"

After that conversation, Rigging pulls Cosmo aside and says, "I don't expect you to lead the expedition but I do expect you to plan it. It is time for us to test your tactical skills at least. Coordinate with Ashira. She is the battle mistress after all and will be in charge of the attack. Tell me what spells you think I should memorize and when you want to go. Do we try and clear out the local Yuan-ti first, or lead them away. What do you think about my fire plan? Can you summon the fire elementals?"

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d3=2
Monday July 17th, 2006 12:04:58 AM

"Rigging, I can summon 1 medium size Elemental and 1 to 3 small Elementals with the spells I have remaining today. They are not the largest I can summon, as I can summon a large size Elemental with my 5th level spells. Yes, they are quite effective at setting things on fire. When I spent some time on board another ship, they were a great creature to summon and have attack other ships."

"I think given enough time we can clear a substantial area near the ship using the fire sources you have stated. My concern is that it will take some time and that it will draw attention to this area of the island. We can probably defend the ship and keep our losses to a minimum. But I do not think we can defend the ship, protect our crew and repair the ship all at the same time. That is why I suggest the core Wildcards leave and strike out."

Cosmo summons the 1 medium Elemental and 2 small Elementals and sends them to the forest line to burn.

'Rigging, in regards to tactics for fighting these snake creatures, I do not think they are very strong from an individual stand point, except maybe the Abominations. There are 3 different types of Yuan Ti, the pure breeds, half breeds and abominations. The abomination was the one that looked all snake except for the 2 arms. They all can change into snakes at will and all are resistant to magic too some degree, so spells that bypass that ability will be best. I personally am going to load up on summoning spells as spell resistance is not a factor with those spells. I do not think they are spell users as we know spell users. They just have spell-like abilities as an innate ability. Unfortunately, I do not know much about what those abilities are. The last thing that I remember from my studies is that as a race they are extremely intelligent."

OOC - not sure how much I know about the Yuan-Ti from my studies so correct me if I went too far on my knowledge of them.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 15+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III *, Fireball *, Lightning Bolt, Haste, Shrink & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV *, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V *, Dominate Person & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 3/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post 
Monday July 17th, 2006 12:24:16 AM

Prying Eyes ends when the eyes return and report in. I will have to study for the spell tomorrow if you want me to use it again.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d8+5=10 3d8(5+5+8)+10=28
Monday July 17th, 2006 10:05:40 AM

The big Cleric smiles at Mykael " of my friend i'll help you .....this might hurt a little as i extract the arrow but i will impart Domi's healing touch afterwards to heal the wound "

Once Nezamil removes the arrow he touches his anvil holy symbol then Mykaels wound (1d8+5=10 sured 10 pts)(spontanously casting clw in place of detect evil)

heading back to the Sword The cleric of Domi seeks out Hal " you had a close one their.....very serious wounds but Domi will heal them for your bravery in defending those with you....you did well " (3d8+10=28 pts healed on Hal)(spontanously casting csw in place of continual flame )

Once the healing is done he makes his way over to the assmebled wildvards and listens to the conversation "you seem to have a better understanding of these creatures then i ....the infomation is good but what tactics are useful againsit these elusive fiends ?.....do we just charge into the jungle after them to disrupt them ?? then make our way to the castaway village hoping they follow us and hopefully leave the Sword alone ?? i liked your suggestion of disrupting the snake hunt ...that would hopefully make them react to us instead of us reacting to them .....but io'm very worried about leaving the Sword....they have already attacked it while we were away at the village the first time....the only way to help defend it stronger is to leave a solid defending force of our loyal friends (followers) and us Wildcards become a strike force to attack and draw them after us .....so again Cosmo what does your book advise as good tactivs versus these elusive fiends??" growls the 10'3" dwarf to the diminutive Mage

Spell List
Zero-Create water x2,Detect poison , Light ,Mending ,Resistance
1st-Command , Divine favor , Endure elements ,detect evil* ,Pro-f-evil,Shield of faith (Enlarge)
2nd-Aid , Owls wisdom ,Resist energy ,Spiritual weapon ,Delay poison (Bull str)
3rd-Inviso purge ,continual flame* ,Waterwalk ,Windwall (Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk ,Divine power ,Neutralize poison ,imbue w/spell ability* (Spell immunity)
5th- Command greater ,CLW mass ,Symbol of sleep (Spell resistance )

Spell used *

Monday July 17th, 2006 10:07:46 AM

The ranger sighs. It was a bad situation no matter what they choose. Still, she'd rather know what they were fighting than be slowly picked off. She moves over by the ship with Cosmo. "Well, if we're going to draw them to us, then I suppose we ought to prepare a few surprises for them...if you know what I mean. I can cast alarm but that's about it. Well, actually, I can cast spike growth and entangle, but they don't last long, so I'd have to do it right before they attack. As far as the villagers are concerned...I'm beginning to lean toward a night attack. I hate to say it, but I think the only way we're going to get them out is to take them by force... That doesn't mean we have to be rough...maybe a bunch of sleep spells. Then if we have to, I suppose we can confine them to the ship, though I'm hoping they can start to see some reason once we get them here."

DM Jim: Strategy & Tactics 
Monday July 17th, 2006 1:16:59 PM

Cosmo takes Rigging's advice and summons three fire elemental and has them head up the beach and into the jungle. The fire elementals leave smoking glass trails up the beach. Bart and his crew adds several shots of burning pitch to the mix and the fire elemental head to them. The fire elementals stay is brief, but they do some damage as the burn away the undergrowth and start several palm tree fires in three acres. They also finish clearing the acre that Hal had started with his work crew.

Once the Fire elementals go back to their home plane, the jungle in front of the Sword looks ravaged and smoldering, but the fires, besides the palms do not seem to want to spread with out further assistance. The fires that raged with the elementals were smoky as the elementals boiled off the moisture in the plant life before setting it alight.

About and hour after the fire elementals do their worst, it rains, which further puts a damper on things. There is very little green left in the burnt and charred areas. All that is left is burnt tree trunks and scattered and scorched branches.

The wood in these areas does not look like it is salvageable for ship repair.


Rigging asks Cosmo to set up the tactical arrangements for tomorrow, the day before the "official" snake hunt.

Mykael offers guidance and training for Rigging's indentured servants. Mykael also offers a plan to greatly improve the ballista crew.

Mykael approaches Nezamil for a cure for the damage he took.

Ashira is anxious to find herself some snake men.

Mary asks David to trust the Captain and David pleads, "You have to believe me, we have never seen anything like this before."

Appolo is non-chalant about the current plight of the group and takes a leisurely swim.

Val worries about the colossal snake that the group will have to deal with, but Bart attempts to comfort her by tell Val he has a plan for the big snake once the Sword is repaired.

Rigging horrifies David and the rest of the castaways with his tales of the Yuan Ti and he seems to believe him with no reservations at this point. "It will be hard to convince the others, unless they too see the violence and aggression of the foul creatures." David, along with the other castaways are clearly shaken, but David is putting on a brave face for Mary.

Cosmo relates what he knows of Yuan Ti and tell Rigging what he plans for the morning.


OOC: Roll a DC K. Nature or the like over 20 and you have more (All MM data) information. If you roll less than a 20 you have already provided all your information.


Nezamil cures Mykael and Hal and expresses his reservations about leaving the Sword. Nezamil likes the idea of disrupting the snake hunt.

Ashira takes Rigging's advice and goes to see Cosmo to tell him what she can offer.


The marines and crew set up large sets of planking to act as shield from arrows in the front of the Sword.

Night settles on the group.

Arrows are shot at the Sword, but it seems mostly to keep the crew awake or to test reactions. No one is hit, but it does tend to fray the nerves of the crew.

Lilith seeks comfort in John. "Why do they not attack? What are they waiting for?"

Morning comes and dawn in glorious again.

It is now the day before the Snake Hunt.

Attendence report (for last week) - adm Chris 
Monday July 17th, 2006 5:14:13 PM

Player name MTWTF

Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxoxx
Val xoxox
Bart oxoxo
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx

X= posted O=missed post

DM Jim: Nice job, add DM posts next time. Thanks for the effort.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 2:57:19 AM

Cosmo Rigging Nezamil, you are all spellusers, can yo place an alarm on the perimeter and if it is disturbed light our foes like dancing lights or so. Our bowman can hit back then. I will start to dig 2 foxholes for a threeman post

Rigging  d20+12=25
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 5:40:27 AM

Rigging will cast his alarm spell that Bart requires putting it on an area that is covered by vegetation as well and looks to be a good sniping point. (concentration check 25)

Rigging will then check in on his henchmen checking their morale. He will have dinner with them discussing their plans for the future and just getting to know them better.

Finally he orders double the guards for the night, "Spellusers need a good night sleep so try not to wake us if possible so we can recharge our spells.

He will pull aside the Wildcards before going to sleep and say, "We need to come up with a plan to get the rest of the village back to the ship. Do we do it? Do we get some of the crew backed by some of those oversexed brainless boys? Or do we tag along with the hunt to get us to the village and snakemen? Give me your recommendations in the morning."

Rigging goes to sleep and after some tossing and turning drifts away. When he awakens, he will crack open his spell books and start studying so new spells for the day.

OOC Gotta fly to work, will give spells tonight

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 8:04:30 AM

Appolo comes back from his wim.It takes about 2 mhours to dry off as he lounges around in the sun.He eats dinner listens to Rigging.

Appolo speaks up"i say we bait these bozos into attacking.Myself and Bart can go get the villagers if that is what you want to do.Myself Bart and perhaps one other.Have Cosmo follow us with one of his scrying spells or use Ghem and Swirl to watch us and reort back.If the Yuanti attack then you can bring up the others catch them from behind and put a hurt on them with out getting to far away from the sword.The plan has the added advantage that we will be fighting on familiar ground at place of our choosing.If they attack us on the trail."

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:44:11 AM

Nezamil listens to the discussion and chimes in " do you think its best to get all the villagers to the sword ??...not sure the Sword is capable of holding that many people ....plus all the pregnant women do not travel well in my opinion....maybe its best if we go to the village.....which brings me to another question....if the pregnant women don't travel well how do they travel during the snake hunt ?" as he stares down the villagers aboard the Sword " that would be helpful to know"

Turning back to Captain Rigging "Captain i think its best if we take the fight to the snakemen.....we must break thru their seige of the Sword to get to the village anyway so might as well attack them on the way their to stir them up " grins Nezamil " lets give them a wake up call as early as we can "

"Appolo point is a good one that is the only ground we have knowledge of and that would equalize that aspect of a battle somewhat "

Nezamil then heads to sleep and prepares to tomorrows actions

The 10'2" dwarf wakes at first light and climbs up from his sleeping quarters to the deck .....finding a quiet spot at the stern of the Sword he settles down and mediates to Domi.
(spell list to follow)

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 12:58:40 PM

Cosmo wakes up in the morning fairly refreshed from the sleep. His sleep, however, does not make him remember anything more about the Yuan Ti (Knowledge check - 18). Cosmo retrieves his spellbook from his backpack and studies his spells. After he is done he casts Mage Armor upon himself (concentration check 26).

"Rigging here are the spells I have studied for today. Heavily offense oriented with a little bit of utility thrown in for good measure."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

DM Jim: Preparing for action 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 1:14:52 PM

Rigging spends the evening with his attention starved indentured servants. Eli, Gordon and Juno are pleased with the personal attention. Rigging comes away from dinner with the impression that the three are bored and just want to be productive and part of the team.

In the morning Rigging studies for his spells and asks for suggestion on how to proceed from his officers.

Bart wants the perimeter alarmed and wants to start digging foxholes. After breakfast, Bart digs one hole in the sand and gets a small amount of seawater seepage, but due to the slope of the beach he does not have to move far to dig an effective one.

OOC: You can either dig foxhole in front or behind the sand berm, but not in the immediate area of the Sword.

Appolo suggest baiting or trapping the snake men in some way and even offers himself and Bart as bait.

Nezamil questions the wisdom of moving all of the villagers to the Sword and wonders if they would all fit.

OOC: It would be standing room only.

Nezamil suggest taking the fight to the snake men, either through a plan similar to Appolo's or even move to the village, anything to take pressure off the Sword.

When Nezamil questions the castaways David speaks up "None of us were around for the last snake hunt. I think there is a dark reason for that." David smiles weakly at Mary, but is very melancholy given the recent events he has witnessed.

Cosmo wakes and prepares for battle and reviews his choices with the Captain.

The crew is anxious, as the Wildcards seem to be preparing for action. The crew mostly stays on the Sword while the Wildcards get ready.


ooc: Please post spell lists

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 6:21:27 PM

Feeling helpless Val spends a lot of time brooding over the situation she does not want to be in. Dealing with the villagers has reduced her patience for stupidity to nil. She knows that if she's around them too much she'll hurt one or more of them. Then the captain will be angry. Sighing Val throws another dagger into the wall before walking across the room to retrieve it.

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 7:19:44 PM

Rigging is disappointed that Cosmo came up with no plan. He was hoping for more from the little halfling but halflings are reputed to be peaceful creatures so maybe that was the problem.

Rigging will call a morning council of war to tell the people his plans. He will include some of the villagers also since they are going to be involved. He will include Dave and the woman who spoke out against the snakeman on the first day.

"Thank you all for coming. First I want to take care of some personal business. As you know, I have lately been given some indentured servants by the govenors. I haven't been treating them fairly or giving them enough training. I would like to apprentice them to some of you for training. They are all rascals, womanizers, lazy and been know to shirk their duties. I will be a burden for you to take this reponsibility but I would like you to try your best.

The first is Juno. He is a fair wizard but needs alot of help. Cosmo if you could take him under your wing. I would be grateful.

The next is Gordon. His is a mixture of wizard and thief. Mykael, you have expressed an interest in helping and I want him to be your apprentice. If you need help with his thieving skills, I should be able to help you.

Finally there is Eli. He was able to fool the wizard school into thinking he was a wizard for awhile but he is really a thief. Appolo, I think he has promise but his skills already rival mine in that department. I want you to teach him.

Will you accept them as your charges. I give you total authority over them and leave their training in your hands. Of course they would still have ship duties but they would be yours to train and torture after that." Rigging grins evilly.

OOC Jim has given these folks to me as henchmen along with Tomas. Between Tomas, Swirl,and Rigging being Captain, I feel that I can't do them justice. If your interested in running them, let me know and I will send their stats.

"Now onto the business at hand. I feel that it is time for us to be a little more proactive in our situation. Here is what I want to do.

Cosmo, first I want you to send your prying eyes out to scout for our raiders. Then I want you to send out some more fire elementals to burn the jungle. Burning the jungle will be a good thing adding to the cleared area, but it will also be a distraction. During the smoke and confusion, I want us to strike. We will circle around with the information your prying eyes is providing, strike at this raiding party hard and fast. We will need to close quickly to prevent them from transforming into snakes and get into hand to hand.

I will cast a haste spell to help us move more quickly to them and Cosmo can suppliment it with his own when we are engaged. I don't expect to kill them all but thin their ranks enough to keep them from attacking the ship in force for a while.

We then use that time to take the battle to them. Cosmo, you have seen their village in the overland flight. We do a forced march to it, look it over and then kill as many of the vile beings as possible. I won't tell you to not bring your followers with you but I want to move quickly and we are taking the fight to them. I understand that there are hundreds and I doubt they would survive the counterstrike. I would prefer they stay here and help guard the Sword.

Finally we have to decide what to do with the villagers still at the village. The are planning to go on the snake hunt tommorrow." Rigging will look hard at the villagers he invited and say, "After our raid, I want you to come with us to the village. I will give them one last chance to come under the protection of the Sword. You will have to guide them here. Hal and Kirk will go along and help you move them back but if they won't come, then they are on their own. I won't take responsibility for them. You will have to convince them or face the fact that they are heading to their deaths and to their unborn children being eaten alive."

Rigging will look to his wife, "Come up with the tactics to tackle these raiders. I want maximum casualties. Should we split up into a pincer movement or all stick together? I think I prefer together for a harder hit but talk it over with Val and Bart for your recommendation.

Anyone have any questions or ideas? If not, then lets get started. Remember I can haste only 8 people and it doesn't last long so we need to find them, and move fast."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3 , mage armor, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows, Fly, Fireball
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:14:07 PM

"I will see to Gordon's training, Captain."

"Cosmo depending on abilities, I still like the idea of having Gordon and Juno working with the siege weapons crew, until they are of sufficient skills to be a siege weapon themselves. At least while in combat on the ship, and as just one of thier duties."

Mykael will sit quietly during the meeting. Once Rigging has finished, Mykael offers up an ammendment to the plan away from earshot of the crew, "Captain, we have been all too familiar with casualties when, an officer hasnt been left to help with the Sword. I think one officer should stay with the Sword. Thier experience and abilities would enhance the defense greatly. I am not in anyway, complaining about the excellent work of the crew or thier leaders. I believe its a skill and experience issue."

"I will volunteer for this job, if you like. I have the combination of magic and brute force. Also, I can send Ghem with the villagers, if they run into trouble, a mount spell would get me there quick."

"I understand about not spliting the forces, but I think it may be necessary."

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Rigging (illegal post) 
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 9:50:13 PM

"Mykael, thankyou for the offer but I will need your sword, your magic and your keen mind in the up coming battle. Plan on going."

(OOC I think everyone has to come player wise since we could be gone for weeks of real time posting. Unless you are having a personal problem and are looking to step away from the game, you should come.)

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57)  d4+9=11 d20+9=18 d20+9=21 d20+9=15 d20+16=36 d20+16=30 d20+16=30 d3=3
Tuesday July 18th, 2006 10:43:47 PM

"Sure Rigging I will take Juno as my apprentice. Perhaps splitting the three of them up will help stop some of there shenanigans. They all have a lot of energy, let's put it to some use. Mykael has some good ideas that he and I can talk about."

Cosmo then listens to Rigging's plan of attack for the day. Prying Eyes to search for the snake men and some more fire elementals to burn the tree line.

"Rigging how large a group do you want me to have the Eyes search for? Their range is only 1 mile so keep that in mind. Also, I saw a group of humanoid creatures near the Pyramid to the north. I do not know for sure that it is the snake men's village. Perhaps I should scout out that temple again."

OOC - talked offline and got answers.

"Ok Rigging I will look for a sizable group or one of the snake men leaders. I will hold off scouting for now and concentrate on the other tasks."

Cosmo casts Prying Eyes (11) - Spread out, stay hidden and search for a snakemen group of at least 6 or one with an Abomination. Then come back and report.

Spot checks - 18, 21 & 15
Hide checks - 36, 30 & 30

If the Prying Eyes report back with a sighting then Cosmo will inform Rigging. He then starts to cast his Summon Monster spells to create the diversion.

Cast SM III - 1 small elemental
Cast SM IV - 3 small elementals

OOC - Jim could you update the map for the village location, ship location, pyramid location and anything else we have found. I am getting a little confused on where we are in relation to the other areas of interest.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 17+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:16:19 AM

The ranger listens in to the planning, and then a spark glints in her eye. "You know, hun...since these things think they're so smart...why don't we hit them in their weak spot...
If we can pretend like we're not interested in this little hunt of theirs...and find some way to sneak off into the jungle in the middle of the night...maybe using something like my hide from animals spell to sneak out and then hide. Anyway...if we could position ourselves behind them...then I would say we could have a chance of inflicting major damage. The problem is, I can only memorize it two times...and it would only last 50 minutes.

Spell List
1st level: Hide from Animals (2)
2nd level: Spike Growth, Barkskin

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 1:19:08 AM

John smiles at Ashira. "Actually, I can cast that spell too...though mine will only last for 20 minutes."

1st level:
Hide from Animals

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 9:54:40 AM

The big dwarf smiles at Captain Riggings words " i'm for hitting back .....if we are attacking the snakemen we can do a pincer attack on them ....we split our forces in two groups to sweep in on each side...we should include our close friends (followers) in this intial attack so we can mass numbers on them....but once we smash the snakemen our friends will fall back to protect the Sword while we advance towards the village....this way they can "as he points to the followers " contribute in payback on the snakemen too "

The Cleric of Domi nods at Davids dark words " the truth will be revealed about their dark conspiracy "

Before they leave for the attack the Cleric of Domi will cast a Glyph of warding(electricty) on the stern of the ship "Tomas this will help protect againist a sneak attack"(snakemen)

As Captain Rigging ready's everyone for battle Nezamil will cast Endure elements on the warriors (Val,Ashira,Bart and himself) and a few other spells on himself

Taking the bash brothers aside " you both will join us in the attack on the forces seiging the Sword but after that you will fall back and help protect the Sword with Tomas....its a very important job as as of right now its our only way off this island if we need to leave"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid,Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

ooc: Jim Nezamil had previously cast a symbol of sleep in front of the Sword between two sand forts he was attempting to have built and landscaped to funnel forces to the middle towards the symbol of sleep,now their should be a symbol and a warding to help protect the Sword

Bash brothers Hal and Kirk 
Wednesday July 19th, 2006 10:05:49 AM

"Woohoo about time we smacked them snakes ...give them a taste of their own blood " laughs Hal with glee

"I hear that bro " chimes in Kirk with agrin

Both brothers look a little downcast as they find out they won't accompany the Wildcards on the mission "well we will have to take our frustrations out on those snakes around the Sword " as the brothers high five each other at the thought

Hal and Kirk both seek out the squad leaders and discuss tactics " once you hear the first sounds of battle as we pincer attack the snakes i want all the crossbowmen to fire a few volleys of bolts at the center to slow down their reactions and hopefully pin them down....i know that it is not that accurate but i just want to distract them and throw as much tactics at them at once to confuse them "orders Hal

"Yeah and we'll be back shortly afterwards "adds Kirk

The brothers then ready themselves and stay near Nezamil

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 11:44:42 AM

After listening to everyone"Sure Rigging I'll take Eli,Make a good killer out of him."He then listens some more.

Appolo puts in"A this plan won't work we can't doa pincer movement thropugh this dense ofa jungle.It's to easy to get lost and pincermovement require timing.Another thing I don't like the idea of fighting them in the jungle,we can't use our magic to go invisible,becuase it makes us glow.We stand out like sore thumbs.I like my plan movea light force on the village draw them out and then trap them in the open.Smash them hard then use magic and out tracking skills to pursue them and hopefully find their headquarters.The other pyramid is a long way away.Remember what happened the last time we were away from the sword to long.It's crew was slaughteredOnce we get to the village we either kill the villagers or they come with us either way we be depriving our enemies of thier food and that should make them angry enough to come out and attack. Their better off dead then as food for snakes.I know this sounds harsh but it is areality.If they don't come with us they're dead already.We must cominate and impose our will on our enemies make them attack us where and when we please."

Wednesday July 19th, 2006 12:10:11 PM

I will finish the defence of the sword i will put some stakes around the foxholes. That will help us to defend our position.

No for our attack plan. I was thinking about a direct assault of their camp. We could us the wayfinder as well for scouting, if there is something we can focus on, you have seen their village Cosmo give it a try

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