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Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+2=12 d20+10=27 d20+5=15 d10+3=7 d10+3=7
Friday August 18th, 2006 3:43:42 PM

Mykael feeling the possibility of his mount spell slipping away, dismounts and moves to K8 to engage PB2.

(1st attack: AC=28, 7 dam)
(2nd attack: AC=16, 7 dam)
(add in Aid bonus after roll, forgot again)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Death and Distruction----ADM Nellie  d20+8=27 d20+4=8
Saturday August 19th, 2006 12:34:32 AM

Val lashes into her opponent with a fury...ooooh no...they aint getting her again with that old spell. Time and time again, her flail smashes into the Yuan Ti's body, ripping scales and rending muscle. By the end of her assault, the creature is still standing, but its breathing is ragged. It won't take much more to send him to Gargul. And then, Appolo steps forward and slices into the creature, literally taking it's breath away as he punctures its lung. It slumps to the ground very dead.

Meanwhile, Bart moves in for the assist. Yep, won't be long now.

Rigging and Cosmo head out to find the kidnappers, but Ashira advises that they wait for the others. What to do...stay or go?

Cosmo flies above the jungle and scans the floor. But try as he might, he just can't see anything down there. However, he does think he hears some faint muffled crying further off in the jungle (how far can the gryphon fly per round?).

Mykael hops off his mount and moves into the battle. Things are definitely looking not so good for the Yuan Ti about now!
Nezamil sets to the task of healing the wounded. His spell goes off without a hitch, and the mortally wounded rise to their feet, praising the giant. At his suggestion that they fetch the other villagers, the young men look down at the ground in grief. "They took them into the jungle. They killed most of us, but the others they knocked out and took with them. There's nobody left but us." Looking around, the teens grab whatever make shift weapons they can find...now that the warriors are here, they look ready to extract a little vengeance. "Don't make us go into the jungle alone." They almost plead "We feel safer traveling with you."

The sole remaining Yuan Ti (PB2) on the battlefield looks very uneasy. This isn't exactly the kind of game he had in mind! He promptly tucks tale and heads into the jungle, intent on escape (Mykael, you get an AoO on PB2 for the action).

OOC: I apologize for the missed post. I will post either tomorrow or Sunday night to make it up.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+10=19 d20+10=28 d4=3 d4=4 12d6(1+1+4+4+2+4+1+4+4+6+4+1)=36
Saturday August 19th, 2006 9:26:45 AM

Appolo sees the snakeman make a break for it"Oh no you don't."He says and hurls two of his many daggers after it's back as it turns to run.Appolo then goes in pursuit.

Attack 19 28 Damage 3,4, Backstab 18 18 for a total of 43

Matt C. 
Saturday August 19th, 2006 11:42:37 AM

OOC - Griffons have a base fly speed of 80' (average)

Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:42:47 AM

Rigging stops and yells, "Well hurry up! They are dragging off the pregnant women so they can rip the babies from their wombs and your Dilly Dallying!"

He turns to Val and yells, "Val, grab that axe. Might be useful agaisnt these critters!"

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86  d8+3=11
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:43:29 AM

Bart quickly extracts a vila from apouch and kneels down next to the wounded villager (mv)(whats his situation ?) if he can be saved bart will help him drink a clw potion)(1d8+3=11 cured)

"lets stick together " barks Bart to Val,Mykael and Appolo " don'''t want to let them split us up and pick us off one by one "

The big warrior turns and looks backwards and waves those behoind him forward " hurry up "

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:49:49 AM

"stay here or head to our ship " growls Nezamil to the armed villagers "we'll take care of the snakey's"

The 10'2" dwarf then rumbles after Captain Rigging as he shouts for them to hurry and follow him

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+10=12 d10+3=10 d20+7=8 d20+1=15 d20+7=10
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:27:19 PM

Mykael takes a parting swipe at the running Yuan Ti, (AoO: AC= 13, dam = 10)

[i]Ghem, fly off and find the snake men that have the captive villagers. Stay above the trees to make better time and just use your extra senses to find them, please. And guide me too them.[i/]

"Let that one go! We have people to rescue, and that is the most important task at hand, now. Follow me." Mykael states as he takes a full movement toward Rigging and Ashira in the direction the Yuan Ti ran off with the captives.

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 15)

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 10)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 9:45:55 PM

Cosmo circles back towards Rigging and the group. When he gets close he yells down to them.

"I can't see them, but I can hear them moving off into the jungle."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Sunday August 20th, 2006 10:49:39 PM

Ashira blushes, looking mildly frustrated at her husband. "Yes Captain...lead on. Do what you think is right."

Seeing that the last snakeman just ran off, Ashira makes sure that the Wildcards are regrouped. "Alright, folks Appolo and I are going to scout ahead to make sure there's no more traps. You know the drill. No soloing. Get a partner and gang up on them." The ranger looks over at Rigging. "Captain. If you could please have Cosmo and Mykael update us on the status of the enemy, that would be useful." she states cooly before heading into the jungle after the kidnapping Yuan Ti.

Into the Jungle----ADM Nellie  d20+8=22
Sunday August 20th, 2006 11:32:15 PM

Determined to down the fleeing enemy Appolo flings his dagger, pegging the sucker right in his back. But it doesn't do enough damage to down the creature. Mykael tries to polish it off, but his swing goes wide and the pureblood slips into the jungle.

Bart cures the wounded villager (who he recognizes as the one called Marcos). Marcos smiles up at his savior. "I knew you would come for us. Somehow I just knew!" Looking over at Val, Marcos hands her the axe. "Here...you take this. I tried, I really tried, but I'm sure you'd be able to wield it better." Marcos spots the other healed villagers and smiles with relief. "You saved them too. We owe you our lives! If you want us to, we will go..." Marcos lets the statement linger, waiting to see what the Wildcards have to say.

In the meantime, the Wildcards link up and ready themselves for another trip into the jungle. Cosmo reports back and gives Rigging a very good indication of where the enemy is located. In addition, Mykael sends Ghem into the jungle to scout. The little dragon flits off above the trees (though he is sure to stay within the range of communication) and reports a normal amount of jungle wildlife encountered so far (60 feet into the jungle).

OOC: I need a marching order and spot checks, please.

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Monday August 21st, 2006 1:35:29 PM

Val takes the axe. She was hesitant at first but it was probably much better than her flail. She held the axe tightly in both hands and runs for the jungle.

"I'm going first. I get first dibs on them snakes."

ooc: what are the stats of the axe?

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:13:31 PM

The stout warrior grins at Marcos " keep your people together....and pick up the snakemens weapons "as he points to the dead bodies "

"Stay here or seek the ship out....but i fear its too dangerous for you to follow us"

The big warrior turns and runs after the faster elven warrior " wait up Val " shouts Bart

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:23:52 PM

Nezamil smiles at the healed villagers "gather your weapons to help defend yourselves....i'll say again stay here or head back to our ship...it will be safer for you.,....we'll take care of these snakebeasts for ya ....by Domi we'll make dem pay for their vile deception" growls Nezamil

"i'm with ya Captain "growls the dwarf

"lets get after them before they can setup another ambush..,....they've shown that they favor that tactic.....sneaky snakes....bah!"

"i wanna hit them before they have time to organize againist us "

The 10'2" dwarf follows Rigging into the jungle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

attendence report 
Monday August 21st, 2006 2:55:47 PM

waiting till tonight so others can finish posting today

delete this later

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=13 d20+8=18 d20+9=13
Monday August 21st, 2006 5:57:52 PM

Appolo smiles when he sees his dagger stick the snakeman as he retreats.Heading over to Ashira"Well we have a blood trail.I wounded the one that ran away."

He then sees Val sprint off into the jungle"Valanthe get back here.You should know better."He says as moves after her passing Bart,moving into the jungle with eyes and ears open as he chases Valanthe.

Spot 13 Searh 18 listen 13

Mykael -- HP 55/70, AC 27 (Aid)  d20+7=19 d20+1=2 d20+7=8 d20+7=26
Monday August 21st, 2006 8:20:10 PM

Mykael moves as quickly as possible to stay with the group and near the front making sure they stay on track of the snakes.

Keep it up, my friend your doing great. I suggest you fly ahead of us and find them, then fly back and report. Keep using that tactic until we are close enough. We shouldnt be hard to find with all the noise we make and size of our group. Plus Cosmo is up there and you can keep him in sight to help locate us. Use the trees for cover staying above them. And watch out for arrows.

Mykael's rolls
(Spot = 19)
(Listen = 2, nat 1)

Ghem's rolls
(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 26)

AID = ?/10 mins

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ghem -- HP 28/28, AC 18 
Monday August 21st, 2006 8:28:08 PM

Cosmo hears in his head in common and see the tiny dragon looking at him as he hovers close, Cosmo, I am going to fly ahead and find them, see how many, and look for what you call ambushes. If you stay by the group, I can see you, and Mykael says we can guide them.

Ghem then turns and flys off to scout ahead and find the kidnappers.

(Spot = 8, nat 1)
(Listen = 26)

OOC: rolls are the same as in Mykael's post, decided to make a seperate post for Ghem after I posted for Mykael.

Monday August 21st, 2006 9:41:07 PM

Rigging gathers the Wildcards together and gets tries to get them organized. "We need a plan. Can anyone detect traps or are we going to have to rely upon Appolo to do our scouting. I have faith in him but it is slower."

Rigging will call out to the other villagers, "I don't want you coming with us into the jungle. We are trained in these things and you would only slow us down and that could cost your lady friends their lives along with their unborn children. I think you should hole up in one of these buildings and wait. We will bring any surviviors we can back here and then you all can make your way back to the ship together."

Rigging will then call up to Swirl sensing his fears. "Hey buddy, come back down. I will protect you."

Rigging will organize the others, Cosmo, you are flying high cover and will lead us to them. Appolo up front to look for traps, followed by Ashira, Val, Mykael, Nezamil, Bart and then myself. I will watch that back. Ghem can try and watch our flanks. Lets go people, lives are at stake."

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=22
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:07:39 AM

Having said fill and feeling more than a little miffed at her husband, Ashira lets him organize things. When the group is ready, she takes up the second place position and starts to track the Yuan Ti (track=22).

Into the Jungle 2----ADM Nellie  d100=80 d20+18=24 d20+13=18 d20+8=28
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 12:37:20 AM

Rigging queries the group on their ability to detect traps, and formulates a battle plan. Then he tries to reconnect with Swirl, which is met with a large degree of resistance... Nooooo way...I'm not going back down there with those slimy things...unuh. (OOC: George, roll another Will save DC17 for Swirl. If he succeeds, then he manages to shake off part of the spell, but takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity as long as he is 20 feet close to a snake)

Rigging, Bart and Nezamil all suggest that the villagers stay behind or head to the ship. The teens look relieved at the suggestion, as they have apparently had more than enough "adventure" with the creatures for one day. They quickly strip the dead Yuan Ti of its equipment and give it to Marcos. "Don't worry, Captain. I'll look after the others until you get back." Though young and inexperienced, the boy seems sincere enough and he sets up watch outside of one of the huts, looking very strange in the bulky leather armor of the Yuan Ti.

Val takes the axe and finds it incredibly light...and more than a little distracting, considering it could make a fantastic night light with the way it glows! (OOC: For now, just treat it as a battle axe...I'll supply you with the stats once you use it in combat. :) )

Gathering the needed supplies, the group heads out into the overgrown and steamy jungle. Once more, they find travel very difficult and the progress is slow (1/2 speed for those on the jungle floor, excluding Ashira and possibly Nezamil, no double movement or running).

Ghem heads out ahead of the party, and after traveling about 100 feet into the jungle he contacts Mykeal. "Hey boss, got a group of about 4 of them about 50 feet away, but I can't pin them down. What do you want me to do?"

OOC: I assume Ghem is flying at 60 ft/round. So, Ghem's report would come to Mykeal after the group has spent approximately 2 rounds in the jungle (or roughly 30 feet into the jungle).

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 10:56:57 AM

Val takes a few swings with the axe, finding it pleasingly light. Her strength is great but the axe feels nearly weightless in her hand. Hopefully its as sharp as it is light.

"With the way we are all glowing they will see us coming a mile away."

attendence report 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 3:54:19 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxox
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo oxoxo

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:01:45 PM

The big warrior brings up the rear of the marching group with only the Captain behind him.

Bart is alert as his eyes sweep the jungle for danger ...his hands empty of weapons ....for the moment.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=17
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 4:11:10 PM

Nezamil trots after Mykael into the jungle "heh for some reason i always get the feeling i'm walking maw of some giant beast " laughs the 10'2" dwarf to Mykael.

With a peek behind him to make sure Bart and Rigging are following them.....Nezamil surveys the left side of the trail (d20+6=17 spot ch)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=30 d20+8=22 d20+9=27 d20+14=30 d20+13=25
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:12:45 PM

Appolo smiles "no problem boss."He then moves forward on point taking about a 50 ft lead on the rest of the party,as they head into the jungle.He is ever on the lookout for trouble.

As he moves Appolo sticks to the shadows and moves silently as possible.

Spot 30 Listen 22 Search 27 Move silently 30 hide 25

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57)  d20+5=24 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 5:52:53 PM

Cosmo follow Riggings orders and scouts ahead. He also "hears" the dragon's message in his head. Since Cosmo's speed is faster than the group on the ground, he will fly in a circle around the group as it moves through the jungle. If he spots or hears anything he will report back to Rigging and the rest of the Wildcards.

Spot 24
Listen 17

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging  d20+11=28
Tuesday August 22nd, 2006 9:12:28 PM

Rigging will move along with the group watching for any kinds of activity behind them. When he hears about the group of 4, he will gather the Wildcards and say, "OK, we need to hit this group hard and fast. I want our fighting groups put together. Val Mykeal and Appolo in one and Ashira, Bart and Nezamil in the other. Cosmo and Myself are the reserves. Cosmo summon some of your animal friends and have them concentrate on one of them. I will spell cast on the fourth to keep him busy. The plan is the 2 groups of 3 take on one each, take them down fast and then move onto the others. If one is an abomination, I want Val's group to attack it. Let's see what that axe will do."

Swirl makes his saving throw and comes back down to Rigging's level.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:12:22 AM

Ghem, keep looking. We will handle these 4. Find the group of kidnappers and then report back.

"More delaying tactics. We dont have time for this. Not that we are going to make up any ground in this dang jungle." Mykael thinks aloud.

"Good idea Rigging, however, I think we just hit all 4 at once. If we can. Watch for traps, but none of them have proven too formidable. We cant afford to be too careful, people's lives are in danger."

Mykael (extra post) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:15:53 AM

"Rigging, the 4 will probably just use traps and missile fire like the last ones. Better to just move past them, unless they directly engage us. We cant wast time."

OOC: forgot to post my spell list

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 12:40:21 AM

The ranger watches as the group crawls through the jungle, while she, on the other hand moves quickly and easily. "This just doesn't feel right..." she mutters. When the enemy is reported, Ashira forms up with her group, but nods at Mykael's thoughts. "Appolo, you keep a sharp eye out for traps...I don't want to be hanging from a tree anytime soon!"

Pay Dirt---ADM Nellie  d20+18=23 d100=99 d20+18=33 d20+13=30 d20+8=23 d20+18=20 d100=76 d20+17=30 d100=86
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 1:23:04 AM

The enemy is detected, and the Wildcards regroup on Rigging's orders, with Ghem guiding them to the enemy's position. Ghem prepares to head out, but he is suddenly inundated with a magical assault. (Two Will saves DC 17 or the pseudodragon becomes petrified of snakes and must stay 20 feet away from them).

Swirl returns hesitantly back to Rigging, though his master can still sense a large amount of grief when the whirlwind passes too close to any snake.

From his aerial view, Cosmo scans the jungle, looking for signs of the encumbered Yuan Ti. It's hard going with all those vines in the way, but finally his hard work pays off. About 300 feet into the jungle, or 270 feet from the current position of the rest of the party is a group of approximately 9 Yuan Ti and they look to be loaded down, and they're not moving right now. From the report that Ghem has giving, Cosmo figures that the four Yuan Ti previously spotted are in a position in line with the kidnappers. As he is about to circle back toward the Wildcards, Cosmo feels the tingle of magic attempting to control his body. Several of the snake creatures look up toward the sky and hiss menacingly at the griffon. (Gryphon needs to make 2 Fort. Saves DC18 or be turned into a snake...he gets an additional +4 bonus to his Fort save. It also needs to make 2 Will saves DC17 or is terrified of snakes and must stay at least 20 feet away).

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:03:27 AM

Val can barely resist the urge to charge forward at full speed. They seem to be distracted and she can cover the distance quickly.

"Let me take them on Captain. There's only 9 of them." Val says eagerly.

Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 4:08:16 PM

I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't make myself clear. Unless you have Woodland Stride or Freedom of Movement, travel through the jungle is restricted to 1/2 your normal move rate with no double moves, charging or running.

Here is some more useful information regarding combat in the jungle...

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+10=21 d20+9=20 d20+8=19 d20+14=31 d20+13=29
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 5:41:55 PM

Appolo listens to the plan and nods"Ok Sunshine let's go collect us some more belts."He turns to Rigging"Boss I think you should l et My group handle these four on our own,while the rest of you move on and run down the group carrying the women.Val,Bart and I can handle four of them on our own.Best catch up ot that group before they start moving agian."

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+12=23 d20+12=21 d20+5=8 d20+5=23 d20+9=18 d20+9=12 4d6(3+5+3+3)=14 4d6(4+5+2+3)=14
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:20:53 PM

Just as Cosmo spots the snake creatures they attack his magical mount. The creature is able to shake off the baleful polymorphs (Fort saves 23 & 21), but not the fear effects (Will saves 8 & 23).

OOC - These 2 spell like abilities have a pretty short range so I am assuming I am only about 30'-50' away from them.

Cosmo's mount starts to fly away from the snake creatures, but not before Cosmo launches his own attack. He casts Scorching Ray at one of the Yuan-ti Abominations. The 2 rays slam into the evil creature.

Hit TAC's 18 & 12
Damage 14 + 14 = 28

Cosmo flies back to Rigging and the Wildcards at a height of 120'.

"Rigging there are 9 more Yuan-Ti about 300' in that direction. Two of them are Abominations. They are not moving and appear to be loaded down with prisoners."

OOC - What is the make-up of the 9?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 57) - Add'l post  d20+9=21 d20+9=17
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:22:06 PM

Spell Resistance rolls 21 & 17.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:24:54 PM

The big warrior nods at Captain riggings words and moves closer to his fighting group Ashira and Nezamil " it's going to be tough moving thru the jungle"

Bart waits for the word to move out and engage

(post by adm-Chris)

Rigging mage armor, protection from arrows 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:32:06 PM

Rigging says, "Take the four first. Lets whittle them down. Then we can take on the larger group. Don't want the four coming behind us and surprising us."

OOC Nellie, I am getting confused on where everything is? How close are we to the four? How long until we can attack with our reduced movement?

My appologies...somehow this part of my post got chopped off...
So, with 70 feet separating them from the first group of Yuan Ti located (or 5 rounds of movement) and 270 feet (or 18 rounds), the Wildcards find the need to decide which front to attack first...the lone group of four or the kidnappers.---Nellie

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:41:42 PM

"Captain.....we're going to rescue the women right ?"

Looking up as Cosmo fly's by and informs them of what he scouted " two Abominations !!...Bart's right ...trekking thru the jungle will be difficult....but possible....if it's slow going for us its got to be slow for them too....if we can get Cosmo and Swirl to keep them pinned down we should be able to advance to their position"

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 8:49:58 PM

Spot 21 Search 20 Listen 19 Move Sikent 31 Hide 29 Forgot to include in post.

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=18
Wednesday August 23rd, 2006 10:43:42 PM

The ranger smiles. Finally!! Her swords out and her shield in place, Ashira moves swiftly through the jungle. Still, she is mindful of the traps from before and keeps an eye out for any traps that might lie before them. (Spot=18)

Prep Time---ADM Nellie  d100=95
Thursday August 24th, 2006 12:25:00 AM

Makeup of nine Yuan Ti spotted by Cosmo
All purebloods, and all carrying large sacks. Sorry, no abominations yet.
Makeup of four Yuan Ti located by Ghem. Unknown as of yet since Ghem hasn't actually seen them, just noted them with his blindsense.

Cosmo's mount is able to shake off some of the magic assaulting him, but not all. Suddenly terrified, it rears off, but not before Cosmo can fire a parting shot. The rays shoot from Cosmo's hand and weave throught the jungle (cover=95) before finally ripping into the creature, disintegrating it before it can even draw a breath to scream in pain. The sack drops to the ground with a heavy thud. And then there were eight. (OOC: I am going to be nice in this one instance and assume that Cosmo is able to aim the ray precisely at the Yuan Ti and not hit the sack it is holding. However, in the future, be mindful that further attacks could lead to casualties among the hostages.)

Using the information that he's gathered, Rigging decides to hit the problem head on. Fearful of being flanked, the Captain orders that the Wildcards move on the first four Yuan Ti. (OOC: you have 4 rounds of travel remaining if you want any buff spells, or anything. Feel free to post them, as I will be moving things on next round)

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:54:52 AM

"Should we split up? These snakes aren't that tough. It's possible to save both the captives and kill them all. Do we have any immobilizing magic to prevent them from killing the hostages?"

Rigging mage armor protection from arrows 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 1:57:40 PM

Rigging will look at Val and say, "Punching our way through this jungle is to slow.Lets kill these four first. We know the others are there but we can't see them. As we get closer, maybe some web spells or something. I don't have anything memorized myself that won't hurt the hostages.

(ooc Remember how far away we are. We are only moving 15' a round. The second group is around 13 rounds away. If they want to kill the hostages, we can't do much about it.)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:06:28 PM

The big warrior nods at Riggings words " i'm ready"

Sword in hand ....Bart heads into the jungle ....using his sword to help clear the way (not clear cutting but am doing a little hacking)

The warrior keeps close to his friends as they advance towards the four nearby snakemen

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+6=19
Thursday August 24th, 2006 8:09:27 PM

The 10'2" dwarf follows after Bart and uses his bulk to add to Barts handiwork....his crossbow ready for battle he peers thru the dense jungle(d20+6=19 spot ch)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=25 d20+9=21 d20+8=28 d20+14=33 d20+13=21
Thursday August 24th, 2006 9:02:10 PM

Appolo heads back into the jungle,adian taking poit.Eyes and ears open as he closes with his prey.

Spot 25,Search 21,Listen 28.Move silently 33,Hide 21

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+16=30 d20+12=21
Thursday August 24th, 2006 11:00:58 PM

The ranger moves with Appolo, allowing him to search for traps, but not letting him get too far ahead. (Move Silently=30, Spot=21)

Ghem  d20+5=12 d20+5=21
Friday August 25th, 2006 12:27:28 AM

[i]SNAKES!!! they are too big. They have seen me! Mykael, they are just too big. I cant get... I wont get any closer! I.. i... can still find them for you from a ways away. But DONT ask me to get close to them.[i/]

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Friday August 25th, 2006 12:30:29 AM

Mykael moves as fast as he can after the 9 that Cosmo pointed out.

Ok.. ok. Calm down Ghem. I know they are scary, especially since they are so much bigger. Just track them all for me. We need to find the nine.

And....there off.... ADM Nellie  d20+18=35 d20+18=23 d20+18=29 d20+18=21 d20+15=26
Friday August 25th, 2006 1:16:52 AM

The Wildcards move swiftly and easily toward the grouping of four purebloods in the jungle once again with the help of Ghem and Cosmo (?). Having a pretty good bead on the group, the warriors march forward into the jungle. In the lead, Appolo sneaks forward slipping silently from tree to tree. Although he knows he's getting close (they should be about 40 feet away), Scanning the undergrowth carefully, Appolo finally finds what he was looking for...two Yuan Ti about 40 feet away, well camoflagued and almost impossible to see. (OOC: I'm moving this on in the interest of fun. Technically speaking, though visibility is reduced to 30 feet. Just FYI). It looks like for now, the Yuan Ti are unaware of Appolo's presence, though the noise made by the rest of the party causes the two Yuan Ti to notch arrows as they wait for the Wildcards to emerge from the jungle.

In the meantime, Ghem struggles with his fears. Those things are just soooo big and scary. Good thing he can stay away from them and still "see" them! Ghem reports that once more, the snakey things don't seem to be moving...it's more like they're just milling around at the moment, but it's hard to know without actually being able to see them. (OOC: Darain, give me a rough idea of how far Ghem is going to stay away from the 9 kidnappers...20 feet...30 feet...50 feet?)

Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No double moves, and no running or charging or the like.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location M20) 
Friday August 25th, 2006 11:53:54 AM

Val moves forward through the jungle, cutting away foliage with the glowing battle axe. She wonders what the snake men are up to but doesn't actually care all that much.

"Just wait til I get close to them."

Appolo ac 23 HP:68  d20+10=13 d20+9=16 d20+8=21 d20+14=25 d20+13=23 d20+13=20 d20+13=30 d8=1 d8=3 12d6(5+6+4+3+3+4+2+6+1+3+6+4)=47 d100=45 d100=100
Friday August 25th, 2006 7:10:40 PM

Appolo spots the snakemen and closes on PB4.Moving silently and sticking to the shadows Appolo tries to circle behind and flamk his target.He readies his bow.Once he is with in 20 fy and behind his opponent he will fire twice.

Spot 13 Search 16 Listen 21 Move Silent 25 Hide 23

Attack 20,30 Damage 1 3 Backstab 23 24+47

%45 100 to miss

Ghem -- HP 28/28, AC 18  d20+24=36 d20+7=16 d20+7=27
Friday August 25th, 2006 8:28:59 PM

'It would be much safer for me to fly down to that tall tree and hide. I can still watch them since they are not moving. Maybe I will even be able to see them,' the scared dragon thinks to himself.

OOC: Ghem will try and stay about 40 feet away, this will give him enough room to feel safe and still keep a good eye on the prey.

(Hide = 36)
(Spot = 16)
(Listen = 27, nat 20)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Friday August 25th, 2006 8:34:24 PM

Mykael can almost feel the shiver that runs down the back of his familiar as he hides.

They are just humanoid snakemen. Its a spell that has you. We have been dealing with them for days now. Keep and eye on them, hide for safety, and relax. I will kill them for you. Remember, they are evil and have captured some humans that didnt want to go with them.

Mykael continues to move forward as quickly as possible. If arrows come, he uses his shield to block them as he presses on toward the kidnappers.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Saturday August 26th, 2006 1:08:21 AM

Cosmo continues to circle around the group and the snake creatures, but at a much higher altitude (120'). Hopefully this will keep him out of their range for their spell-like abilities.

Rigging  d20+12=32
Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:02:55 PM

Rigging will pick his way through the jungle towards the enemy. He moves to K28 and looks to make sure that nothing is hiding around him. He says to Mykael, "Careful, there should be more of them. They like traps."

spot check natural 20

Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:09:57 PM

The big warrior moves forward thru the jungle ahead of the big dwarf...slashing at the foiliage.....he keeps heading toward the direction that Rigging gave.

(post by adm chris)

Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:12:12 PM

Nezamil crashes thru the jungle after Bart.....keeping pace with the hacking warrior as the slowly close in on the snakemens position.

The 10'2" dwarf scans the jungle as he holds his crossbow ready to fire ...searching for targets

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112)  d20+12=18
Sunday August 27th, 2006 11:27:08 PM

The ranger grins. "Alright...time to blow through these guys." Her swords at the ready, Ashira makes a double move forward to engage the Yuan Ti(I10, Spot=18).

Resistance is Futile----ADM Nellie  d20+18=34 d20+18=30 d20+18=26 d6=2 d6=1 d20+10=15 d20+6=19 d20+6=17 d20+4=11 d20+13=26
Monday August 28th, 2006 12:32:58 AM

The enemy is sighted, and the fight begins. With the Wildcards springing into action, there is little doubt that this fight will last long.

Being one of the closer ones, Appolo moves over to within 20 feet and open fires...unfortunately as he's pulling off the shot, the very grasses underneath his feet begin to twist and wind around his legs. (OOC: Appolo is now in an entangled area...Ref. DC 12 or become entangled. Another note...you cannot sneak attack unless the target is denied it's Dex. Bonus or is flanked. Right now the pureblood is not under either of those conditions). Appolo zips off a couple of arrows which stick in the side of the snakeman but they don't appear to be terribly bothersome.

Rigging and the others move forward, ready for the time to strike. Knowing his enemy likes sneaky tactics, Rigging looks around the battlefield, but can't see anything menacing other than the two Yuan Ti up in front. Ashira moves easily forward, her ranger talents allowing her unrestricted movement through the jungle. However, she fails to see the trap in front of her until it is almost too late (Ref. DC25 or 3 pts. damage...ending in I13, or I12 depending on Reflex).

Seeing the arrival of the enemy, the Yuan Ti hiss in anticipation. Bows at the ready, they fire at the nearest targets...namely Appolo and Ashira. The well armored Wildcards don't even notice the attacks as the arrows ping harmlessly off the metal.

Meanwhile, further in the jungle...
Cosmo circles the area. Having learned his lesson, he stay far out of reach of the ranged spells. However, it is pretty difficult to spot much of what's happening on the ground from this altitude. (OOC: Ok, Matt...I'm confused. Sounds like you might be too. There are 4 purebloods where the Wildcards are at and 9 about 200 feet away from the Wildcards. The group of 9 were the Yuan Ti that attacked Cosmo previously. Is Cosmo and his mount sticking around them or are they flying back toward the Wildcards?)

Though he is petrified, Ghem continues his watch on the 9 Pureblood kidnappers...from a much higher vantage point. For the moment, the Yuan Ti look surprisingly sedate, considering one of their number was just turned into charcoal a few minutes ago. Lowering their sacks to the ground, they pull out waterskins and begin drinking...though they appear to be continually scanning the jungle.

Unless you have Woodland Stride...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Monday August 28th, 2006 1:43:22 AM

Mykael continues double moves towards the 9 kidnappers. He will move off toward thier right flank, thus moving to his left.

'Most traps and spells coming from them will be in the middle, need to move toward thier flank,' Mykael considers his tactics to himself.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Monday August 28th, 2006 1:46:05 AM

OOC: Chris, I cant post for Mykael tomorrow night, please keep him moving at double moves towards the nine. Unless something major happens. He is concerned for those captured, thus the Yuan-Ti attempting to delay us are of no concern to him unless, one of the group is in dire peril and he can help.


Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location M16) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 9:46:02 AM

All the thick vegitation is starting to frustrate the barbarian. The snakes have to be around here somewhere but the jungle wants to aggrivate her.

"Can't somebody just fireball the jungle so we can see something?"

Appolo Ac 23 Ho 68  d20+9=14 d20+10=14 d20+8=10
Monday August 28th, 2006 4:08:27 PM

Appolo drops his bow, draws his swords and closes with his opponent.While keeping a sharp eye out for traps and what not.

Spot 14,Search 14 Listen 10

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Monday August 28th, 2006 8:07:09 PM

OOC - The Griffon flies 80', so I am assuming I can move at least 160' a round at a "walking" type speed. I am going to fly between our group and the group of 9 at a high level. Trying to keep tabs on both groups.

Cosmo continues his surviellance as best he can.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging L21  d20+12=32
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:07:28 PM

Rigging keeps moving forward cursing this thick jungle. He move forward his eyes scanning for the enemy and any traps or possible ambushes.

Swirl flies by his side, flinching from any snakes he might see.

spot check 32

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+12=18
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:27:23 PM

Watching the ground open up before her, Ashira tries to avoid the trap, but it is too late (Refl.=18). She falls down into the pit, falling on several spikes which scrape harmlessly against her armor. Shaken and a little dazed, she looks up from the 20 foot deep pit she is now in. Aw crap!! Should have seen that coming!! She spits in frustration as she gets to her feet and sheathes her weapons. Should have never given John those slippers!! she thinks as she examines the climb ahead of her.

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:50:57 PM

The big warrior keeps pushing his way thru the jungle following in Ashira's footsteps "Whoa" yells Bart in surprise at the rangers cursing as he stops short of the trap " you ok ?......Nez....over here "

Bart quickly looks about as his weapon disappears back into his glove

(post by adm - Chris )

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Monday August 28th, 2006 10:58:45 PM

The 10'2" dwarf moves(moves 20') with ease thru the jungle...gaining on Bart as he chases after him

At Bart's call for assistance " coming....what is it ?"

Nezamil catches a glimpse of Bart and steps over by his side " heh what have you caught here ?" as he laughs at Ashira's situation

"here let me help ya up" as he quickly kneels down and extends his arm down to her (15' reach-hugh size) " grab my hand i'll hual yuot butt outa your little hiding spot " chuckles Nezamil

when the blue haired ranger grabs his hand Nezamil pulls her out of the pit

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Ho Hum----ADM Nellie  d20+18=33 d20+18=29 d20+18=30 d6=4 d6=2 d20+10=27 d6=3 d20+5=11 d20+7=27 d20+6=10 d20+6=20
Monday August 28th, 2006 11:52:28 PM

Mykael moves forward, not worried about the obvious diversion in front of him. Scooting around to the left, Mykael finds the roots grabbing at his boots and trying to pull him to the jungle floor (OOC: Mykeal is now in an entangled area...Ref. DC 12 or become entangled).

Val is getting more than feed up with the encroaching jungle she whacks at some nearby vines to relieve her mounting tension.

Appolo, on the other hand, springs into action. Taking a look around, he doesn't see anything threatening so he moves forward...only to find his own pit trap in front of him. (Ref. DC25 or 6 pts. damage plus Fort save DC11 or 3 pts. Con damage...ending in 014, or 015 depending on Reflex...also, please remember the Refl. Roll vs the entangle at DC12 if you miss the pit). Hissing in laughter, the pureblood in front of him lets loose with another arrow which comes very close to hitting Appolo.

Ashira heads forward to take down her opponent and falls head over heal for the old covered pit trap. With a loud thump, she hits bottom...and begins looking for a way up.

Seeing the ranger's plight, Bart and Nezamil pull short. Using his long reach, Nezamil gives Ashira a helping hand and fishes her out of the hole. The pureblood in front of them (PB2) fires off a quick arrow as Nemamil tries to rescue Ashira, but it gets stuck in a nearby vine.

Continuing to move forward, Rigging takes a look see...and lo and behold...what does he spot but a pureblood Yuan Ti hiding behind a tree nearby (M9) (OOC: 2 nat. 20's in a row!!! Way to go!!)

Meanwhile, further in the jungle...
Cosmo continues to scan the jungle (roll your own spot next time, please) but he's too high up to notice anything in particular (Spot=11).

On the other hand, Ghem, despite his tail shaking fear of the snakey things gets a real good look at the 9 Purebloods. They have put down their sacks, and appear to be pulling several small vials out of pouches and laying them down on the ground in front of them.

Unless you have Woodland Stride...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19, 139/ 139 (Location O13) 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 12:13:35 PM

Val keeps forcing her way through the jungle vowing to purchase some magical item at the earliest possible moment to make sure the problems of a thick jungle never happen again.

attendence report 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 1:48:53 PM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxox

good week people !!

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+14=32 d20+14=32 d20+10=28 d20+9=22 d20+8=25 d20+14=25 d20+13=29
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:49:40 PM

Appolo easily avids the trap and dances through the wiggling vines to close with his opponent{PB4}.Swords drawn and ready for business.He continues move silent and use the shadows for cover.

Reflex vs Vines 32 Reflex vs.Pit Trap 32

Spot 28 Search 22 Listen 25

Move Silently 25 Hide 29

Rigging  d20+12=24 d4+1=4 2d6(1+6)=7
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 7:57:59 PM

Rigging sees the hiding enemy and he glides forward and stabs at him with his holy dagger. He hits ac 24 doing 11 points of damage.

(ooc I am not sure where I am. You say this Yuan-ti is close by but you list him in a square that isn't even in sight of me. Wasn't sure what to do, so I attacked. :-)

Bart Ac 27 hp 86/86 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:07:26 PM

Bart moves towards the snake bowman ....his sword appears instantly in his hand as he closes in the shooter (not able to spring attack according to Jim)

(post by adm-Chris)

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 9:22:30 PM

With a nod at the snake bowman " he's all yours " grins Nezamil at ashira

" you take one flank i'll take the " as he watches Bart move straight at the snakeman " i got left......lets cut off his escape routes" "

Nezamil moves to a flanking position on the shooter (move 20' w/freedom of movement)

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=26 d20+7=23 d20+1=11
Tuesday August 29th, 2006 10:07:10 PM

Mykael says not this time, as he dodges the entangle and moves on toward the nine. He continues to double move at an angle in an attempt to avoid traps. He also decides to pull his sword. He uses it to stab at the ground every so often looking pit traps. He will not sacrifice movement speed for trap searching, so he just checks the ground periodically, hoping for some luck.

(Reflex save = 26)
(Spot = 23)
(Listen = 11)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+18=30 d8+3=8 d20+12=13
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 10:23:12 AM

Thanking Nezamil for his help with the pit, Ashira moves over and takes a swipe at the pureblood (AC28 for 8). Looking over at Bart, she comments "Ok, big guy, he's all yours next time. Shouldn't be too hard for you. Ghem told us their were four. I'm gonna see if I can spot the other one. Then I'm gonna move to engage...Nezamil you come with me, ok?" (Spot=nat. 1..geez).

Blood shed and Surprises----ADM Nellie  2d6(3+2)=5 d20+10=14 d100=40 d100=45 d20+7=27 2d8(7+7)=14 d20+5=8 d20+5=7 d20+5=6 d20+5=17
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:12:27 AM

{OOC: The map I sent out Monday night was all messed up. I am going to assume that everyone gets roughly where they stated they wanted to be, even though that would be more movement than allowed. Because of this, however, please read the post carefully as several things are happening).

Rigging, Mykael, Val, Bart and Nezamil have crossed across pit traps as they moved.
Need a Reflex save DC25 from Rigging
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Mykael (DC halfed since he's using his sword to look for traps.
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Val (DC halfed since Appolo tripped the trap for her in a previous round)
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Nezamil (DC halfed since Ashira tripped the trap for him in a previous round)
Need a Reflex save DC13 from Bart (DC halfed since Ashira tripped the trap for him in a previous round)

Another DM note...All of the following actions are dependant on you not falling into the pits that you passed across. Obviously, if you fail your Reflex save then you have fallen into the 20 feet deep pit and are located on the black square closest to you character on the map.and take 5 points of damage from the fall

Bart, Nezamil and Ashira team up on the pathetic archer in front of them, readying themselves to cut him down quickly. Ashira takes a swipe and slices deeply into the Yuan Ti (miss=45). The creature appears amazed at the speed with which the Wildcards moved forward and quickly drops its bow. Hastily drawing its scimitar, the pureblood's following strike misses Ashira by a mile.

Rigging moves forward with amazing speed. He makes it about half way to the Yuan Ti when there is a sudden flash of light and a crackling. There is a surge of energy and Rigging is wracked with pain (14 pts. electric damage. Ref. DC18 for half)
Moving forward in spite of the trap, Rigging takes his frustration out on the Yuan Ti he just found There is a satisfying dribble of blood on his dagger as he sinks it into the pureblood's side (miss=40). Hissing in anger, the pureblood turns and tries to strike Rigging with his scimitar. The blow is hastily placed, and the creature ends up burying the blade in a nearby palm tree. Now clearly frustrated, the Yuan Ti tugs desperately at its weapon.

Val and Appolo move in and surround the pureblood in front of them. It's only a matter of time now. Val feels the plants around her attempting to pull her down. (Ref. DC12 or become entangled) The snakeman drops its bow hastily and takes a swipe at Val with his scimitar, but the blow bounces harmlessly off her armor.

Not at all concerned about the puny purebloods in front of him, Mykael forges his way forward., intent on making it to the kidnappers. He gets a very unpleasant surprise as a scimitar flashes out of nowhere and slices by his ear, missing by a mile. Looking over his shoulder, Mykael sees another pureblood right beside him. That answers the question of the missing pureblood. Meanwhile, Ghem reports that the kidnappers still have not moved and seem to be drinking water from some waterskins.

Rigging 63/77 hps ac 19 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=29 d20+12=15 d20+12=21 d20+12=31 d6=2 d4=4 2d6(5+5)=10
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:31:39 AM

Rigging sees the pit open up in front of him and nimbly avoids the trap but then stumbles into the shock taking full damage.

Rigging smiles when he sees the sword stuck in the tree and says, "Don't you hate it when that happens?"

Rigging lashes out with sword and dagger hitting twice. The sword only nicks the snakeman but the dagger sinks in deeply and drinks at its life blood. (ooc 2 for sword, 14 points for holy dagger)

Rigging will look down at the dying Yuan-ti and banter, "This snake hunt isn't quite what you expected eh?"

Rigging will move 5' closer to his next victim.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86  d20+9=23 d20+12=27 d20+7=20 d20+2=12 d10+19=26 d10+19=27
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 2:17:27 PM

Bart did avoid the pit and in full attack using a big part of his strength and skill ( powerattack +5) he slashes at the bowmen who is currently wielding a scimitar, slash 1 (ac 27 for 26) slash 2 (ac 20 for 27) and slash 3 misses
(good to be back)

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+7=17 d20+5=22 d20+7=15 d20+1=12
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 8:07:03 PM

Side-stepping the pit(Reflex = 17), Mykael is clearly annoyed by the Yuan Ti that appears next to him.

Mykael turns and uses force and skill to overrun the bastard that is delaying him.

(Improved Overrun = Str check = 22)

Knocking the Yuan Ti prone, Mykael hollers, "Here is another one! I am leaving him to you." Mykael continues his full movement, as allowed by the special attack, to D12.

(Spot = 15)
(Listen = 12)

Ghem, Cosmo is keeping track of the nine kidnappers. Fly at your safe distance in a bigger and bigger circle around the nine kidnappers looking for more snake-men.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+4=20 d20+6=21
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 8:27:57 PM

Nezamil follows in Ashira's footsteps to avoid the pit(d20+4=20 reflex save)

"i'm right behind ya " growls Nezamil as he deftly moves thru the jungle after the ranger (freedom of movement spell)(move 20')

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

[welcome back Bart ;-) ]

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=22
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 9:08:18 PM

Cosmo continues monitoring the movement of the 9 Yuan-Ti. Or in this case their lack of movement as they remain in their current location.

Spot 22.

He looks back at the Wildcards trying to estimate when they will encounter these snake creatures.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112)  d20+14=25 d20+9=23 d20+4=14 d20+14=22 d20+6=24 d20+6=23 d20-4=16 d8+5=9 d8+5=8 d6+3=4 2d6(1+6)+6=13
Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:00:19 PM

Feeling that Bart is more than capable of dispatching the Yuan Ti nearby, Ashira decides to focus on the pureblood freshly discovered by Mykael. She stands above the prone figure, and calls to her husband. "Hey honey, you want a hostage or you prefer I just kill it?" Ashira watches the creature carefully and will attack it should it attempt to get up or change form.

Wednesday August 30th, 2006 11:02:32 PM

Rigging looks down at his own dead snakeman and says, "Just kill it dear. I don't want to drag hostages through the jungle."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=34 d20+14=29 d20+6=17 d10+4=10 d8+4=6 d10+4=13
Thursday August 31st, 2006 1:10:20 AM

Finally reaching his target and quite annoyed at the jungle and the whole situation,Appolo unloads a full attack on PB4.

Atack 34 Critcal hit Damage x2 =20 Attack 29 Attack 17 Damage 6 13 Total Damage 37.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139 (Location O13)  d20+11=17 d20+17=25 d20+12=18 d20+7=12
Thursday August 31st, 2006 10:47:39 AM

ooc: reflex save 17. Trap sense gave a +3 bonus to the roll. It also gives a +2ac against attacks made by traps.

Val effortlessly lifts the glowing battle axe. It was almost weightless in her powerful arm. Quickly it slashes down and across the pure blood.

ooc: three normal attacks. Without magic weapon bonus hit ac 25, 18, and 12. Her str bonus to dmg is +6

End of Combat...for now----ADM Nellie 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:16:19 AM

The one sided fight continues to rage.

Bart easily dissects his opponent with his first blow.

Mykael knocks the new pureblood over and keeps on trucking. Nothing's going to stop him from his mission of taking out the kidnappers!! (With double moves, it will take Mykael approximately 9 rounds to reach the kidnappers).

Ashira plays clean up for Mykael and cuts down the prone opponent.

Rigging like the rest of the Wildcards makes short work of his foe, his dagger puncturing the Yuan Ti's lung. It collapses to the jungle floor with a rattle gasping last breath.

Not to be outdone, Appolo and Val slice up the last remaining Yuan Ti. The glowing axe feels incredibly good in Val's hands...light and powerful. The pureblood's face falls as it sees Val approach. Death is in her hands and he knows it. With ease, Val swings the axe and ends it's life with one blow (+3 Snake bane battle axe. Effectively +5 vs. snakes or Yuan Ti and does an additional 2d6 of damage).

It is oddly quiet in the jungle after the combat. A few birds resume singing and Mykael can be heard hiking steadfastly deeper in the jungle.

Ghem hesitantly begins to fly a perimeter around the kidnappers. He reports back to Mykael that for the moment he doesn't sense or see any new snakemen. "When are you going to get here and kill them??"

Cosmo flies back and forth between the kidnappers and the Wildcards. Still no real movement from the 9 Yuan Ti. They look like their settling in...waiting for something maybe. Cosmo estimates that it will take the Wildcards about 9 rounds to reach the kidnappers.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+5=12
Thursday August 31st, 2006 9:59:33 PM

" no mercy " growls Nezamil to Ashira as she debates her actions

The Cleric of Domi hears (d20+5=12 listen ch) Mykael wade thru the jungle "Hey....wait up "

With a nod at the blue haired ranger " i'm going after Mykael....too many traps to caught alone in the jungle "

The 10'2" dwarf quickly heads in Mykael's direction....as he makes his way to catch up to fearless mage....Nezamil will snap off pieces of brush as to mark his trail

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging 63/77 ac 19 protection from arrows and mage armor. 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:09:54 PM

Rigging gathers the others and says, "Lets get to the others. I want a single file line. Appolo. Are you injured? Nez, heal him if he is. I wouldn't mind a quick cure either. I ran into some kind of glyph or something. Sorry Appolo but you make the most sense to be in the front. I want you in sight though. No sense rushing. If they wanted to kill the hostages, they could have done so by now. I don't want you falling into a pit."

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Marching order: Appolo, 10' space, Bart, Nezamil, Mykael, Ashira, Rigging, and then Val.

Ashira (AC27, HP 112/112) 
Thursday August 31st, 2006 11:55:01 PM

The ranger sighs. In the middle of the line...sheesh...I could run circles around everyone and he puts me in the middle. Shifting her load, Ashira takes her place in the line and heads out.

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27  d20+1=6 d20+7=12
Friday September 1st, 2006 1:14:46 AM

Mykael has a lead on the group, and will play trail-blazer until someone is able to catch him and take his place. Otherwise, he doesnt slow one bit.

(Listen = 6, I doubt he hears Rigging)

If he does hear Rigging...

Hollering back a response, "Captain, they will kill them. Perhaps later rather than sooner. But the are still captives, and the Yuan Ti could change thier mind at any moment. Not to mention, they appear to be waiting on something. It could be a travel spell, reinforcements, or who knows what. Either way, I plan to get there before they get what they waiting on."

Mykael continues his double moves and still uses his sword to try and spot traps before he gets to them.

(Spot = 12)

Friday September 1st, 2006 1:23:58 AM

Bart follows to others towards the other captives

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139 
Friday September 1st, 2006 9:39:28 AM

Val grumbles as she moves to the back of the line. Thats exactly the last place she should be. Besides being adept at dealing with traps she should be first to smash through the yuan-ti.

Friday September 1st, 2006 11:52:00 AM

ooc Hearing some grumbling. My main goal was to get us all organized and back together. Trying to keep the trap springing to a minimum. Put Ashira in the middle so she can react to either direction if conflict arises since she has better mobility. I needed one good fighter in the back for when we get surprised from the rear. Suppose it could have been Bart but just picked Val. Upon further reflection, Val is probably better suited up front with the axe and if Bart wants to go to the back, so be it.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday September 1st, 2006 7:18:37 PM

Appolo looks at Rigging"I'm okI would like Valanthe with me.She can deal with traps and has the speed to stay with me."

Trail Blazers----ADM Nellie 
Saturday September 2nd, 2006 12:14:15 AM

Rigging does his best to reorganize the Wildcards, but Mykael either can't hear or chooses not to hear the Captain. Either way, while the reorganization is going on, Mykael continues into the jungle, giving himself a 60 foot lead in front of the rest of the Wildcards.

Rigging sets up a marching order, which, after much grumbling is changed. Appolo takes point with a 10 foot lead and then Val, Nezamil, Ashira, Rigging, and Bart follow single file.

The trip through the jungle begins to take its toll as the day approaches midday. It's not just hot, it's oppressive...almost unbearable. Those wearing armor are quickly drenched in sweat that is absolutely useless considering there is enough water in the air to fill a small pond. And all the fighting and marching doesn't help. One would think that the considerable plant life would provide a small measure of comfort by blocking out the searing sun, but it just amplifies the humidity...and apparently provides a nice comfortable home for insects. Mosquitoes and leeches abound as the Wildcards follow after the airborne Cosmo.

After a few minutes of marching, Mykael gets a message from Ghem. "Hey, they've gathered their stuff and are moving. It's weird, though because they don't look like they're in a rush. They haven't moved far." (Mykael is now 60 feet from the position of the kidnappers.)

OOC: Due to his 60 foot lead,. Mykael is currently the only Wildcard close to striking range of the Yuan Ti. Moving at a double move, it will take the Wildcards two rounds to reach where Mykael is currently and four rounds to make it to the current location of the Yuan Ti. Also, please feel free to post any actions you have taken in the past 9 rounds)

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Mykael -- HP 41/56, AC 27 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 3:05:54 PM

Mykael feels the heat, but is resolute in his task. He is worried that the Yuan Ti chose to rest so they can move faster, while tiring the Wildcards out. However, he is at a serious disadvantage at current range to do much. Therefore, Mykael grits his teeth, thinking of the captives and keeps moving towards his targets as fast as the jungle will allow, another double move.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement 
Sunday September 3rd, 2006 9:21:54 PM

Nezamil falls into his marching position as Captain Rigging orders " we better hurry cuz Mykael is up ahead along"

" C'mon Appolo let's move quickly " urges the 10'2" dwarf as he trails behind Val and the Rogue

(Val, Ashira, Bart, Nezamil) all have endure elements on !!

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=21 d20+9=29 d20+8=22 d20+14=18 d20+15=16 d20+6=9
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:15:17 AM

Appolo abian take point moving as fast as he can through the jungle,while keeping his eyes and ears open for any sing of trouble,He also does his best to move silently and not be seen.

Spot 21 Search 29{For Traps} Listen 22 Move silently 18 Hide 16 Please disregard last roll.

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements 
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:15:44 AM

Bart follows Mykeal into the bush, Bart increases his speed so he keeps him insight

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Monday September 4th, 2006 2:35:51 PM

Thanks to Nezamil's magic things are a bit more bearable. She moves as quickly as she can though its not fast enough for her liking. The jungle seems to grip her feet as she tries to take a single step.

ooc: I don't care where Val is but she would.

Rigging  d20+12=18
Monday September 4th, 2006 4:06:18 PM

Rigging tries to keep an eye on his friends and look out for the enemy. "Remember they might have hostages but they are also sneaky and if you see one, he is standing behind a pit and he has a friend hiding behind a tree."

He contacts Swirl to see how his familiar is doing? Is he still afraid of the snakes or has that worn off?

Rigging keeps his place in line wondering if Mykael was going to pay for his recklessness.

OOC I am assuming the whole party is making double moves towards the enemy if we don't encounter anything.

spot check 18

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=25
Monday September 4th, 2006 5:32:54 PM

Cosmo spots the group making double time towards Mykael and the 9 snake creatures.

Spot 25; natural 20

He flies above the group keeping pace with them.

attendence report 
Monday September 4th, 2006 6:09:09 PM

adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxx?
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xoxox

?? = still has time to post before Dm post

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) 
Monday September 4th, 2006 10:16:03 PM

Ashira moves slowly through the jungle trying to accommodate the other, slower members of the party. Still, she knows the importance of staying together. She shakes her head at Mykael's tactics. It's not that she doubts his sincerity...but it's more experience. True these things looked like push overs, but experience has taught her that bad things happen to those that go it alone.

The Trap is Sprung---ADM Nellie  d100=32
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 12:35:45 AM

Rigging and the Wildcards travel as quickly through the jungle as they can, trying to catch up with Mykael and the kidnappers. Nezamil's spell makes life much more bearable for some, but the wildlife still makes the trip less than a walk in the park. Rigging makes contact with Swirl who is still very much terrified of snakes (spell lasts 10 minutes...roughly 20 rounds or 2 minutes have passed).

From his bird's eye position, Cosmo sees nothing interesting, but then again, it's pretty hard to see many details when you're 120 feet above the battle.

Mykael scoots through the forest, wary of traps, but wanting to catch up to the bad guys before they have a chance to do anything with the hostages. It doesn't take long. As he moves forward, he catches sight of two of the Yuan Ti purebloods moving toward him. They no longer carry sacks and they have scimitars at the ready. He can also hear movement behind them. And then...more surprises. There is a crashing noise in the nearby bushes, and three Yuan Ti purebloods suddenly wriggle into being about 10 feet away from Mykael (Strange that...Mykael is positive there was nothing there just a few minutes ago..). Scimitars in hand, the trio converges on Mykael, though they don't attack. Due to the thick undergrowth, none of the Wildcards with the exception of Cosmo and Swirl spot Mykael's predicament as of yet, though there is definitely a lot of noise going on up front.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 10:01:56 AM

The golden axe sweeps out before her, dropping a chunk of vegitation onto the ground only to be stepped a second later.

"After this experience the first thing I buy the next time we hit catacombs is a freedom of movement item of some sort. This jungle is really agrivating me."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+5=8
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 5:54:19 PM

" keep moving forward " growls Nezamil as he follows behind Val and Appolo "

"Mykael.....where are ya ?" yells the 10'2" dwarf as he peers up into the jungle canopy as he wonders " where's our flying recon?? "

The big fella keeps pushing forward thru the jungle as he listens (d20+5=8 listen ch )but he can't hear anything over the sounds of the jungle and his fellow crashing thru the jungle undergrowth

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=30 d20+9=26 d20+8=9 d20+14=19 d20+13=15
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 7:32:58 PM

Appolo keeps moving as quickly and silently as possible while keeping and eye out and an ear open for trouble.

Spot 30 Search 26 Listen 9 Move silently 19 Hide 15

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=22 d20+5=10
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:03:07 PM

Hearing the noises coming from Mykaels position, Cosmo swoops down to the Wildcards to give warning.

Listen 22
Spot 10

"Hurry up. I think Mykael might be in some trouble, but I cannot see what is going on through the trees."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Rigging hps 64/77 ac 19 protection from arrows, mage armor 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:27:00 PM

Rigging gets Swirls ariel report and growls, "Mykael has sprung the trap! We need to get to him before they carve him to pieces. Keep moving!"

Rigging will keep moving as fast as he can towards Mykael.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

George to Chris (Appolo) 
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 9:28:13 PM

Chris you do realize that you can't move quickly and hide and move silently. Move silently really slows your movement. Since we are crawling in this jungle as is, you will barely move at all.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+11=31 d20+12=13
Tuesday September 5th, 2006 11:06:06 PM

Ashira hears the battle going on up ahead (Listen= nat. 20) and glances at her husband. "Sorry dear can't let Mykael go like that..." she calls over her shoulder as she sprints easily through the jungle. She catches up with Appolo (J33) and checks for any further signs of the enemy but finds a big palm tree in the way (Spot=nat. 1).

Come Into My Parlor---ADM Nellie  d20+10=26 d20+3=16 d20+10=18 d20+3=22 d20+10=20 d20+3=8
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 12:06:41 AM

Aware of Mykael's plight, the Wildcards get moving. But the jungle is indeed hampering. Still, Appolo and the fleet footed Ashira now have sight of him and his attackers....and it doesn't look good. Already surrounded on three fronts, things go from bad to worse as four more purebloods from the north come down to join the party (interesting...no sacks). In striking range, the three first purebloods attack their surrounded enemy, but all of the attacks ping harmlessly off his armor.

Appolo knows that next round he and Ashira will be able to close with the snake men while it will take the other Wildcards another round if they so choose. As he takes a look around, Appolo is sure he spotted some movement to the right of his current position. Whatever it was, it was small.

Bart  d20+3=19
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 3:46:37 AM

Bart increases his speed, taking risks if necassery to reach Mykael and the pure bloods as soon as possible (dex check 19)

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:59:17 AM

Now aware of the ambush Val moves forward as fast as she can (I 32).

"I'll give the snakes one thing. They sure are sneaky."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste rd 6  d20+5=23 d20+15=34 2d6(2+1)+6=9 d20+13=18
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:07:33 PM

Nezamil clicks his heels together (re-activate boots of speed , free action)and surges forward(move 40')to the left of Val (moving up H-file to H-29)......the 10'2" dwarf deftly moves the the jungle undergrowth with surprising ease.....(d20+5=23 listen ch) he homes in on sounds of battle ahead.....just as the snakemen appeared seemingly out of nowhere....the Cleric of Domi suddenly springs forth and whacks the snakeman(pb11) with his mace (d20+15=34 only swing cuz of move)......with a solid blow (2d6(2+1)+6=9 dam)

" who says ya gotta be short to be sneaky " growls Nezamil

" way to trap'em for us Mykael " laughs the dwarf as he hopes to plant seeds of doubt in the snakesmens minds

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68  d20+10=27 d20+9=24 d20+8=12
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:45:48 PM

Appolo looks right scanning the jungle hard for the enemy.He gets Ashira's attention"I think theres more of them moving ot the right of us just out of sight."He raides his hand indicating the party should stop and wait."Ashira can you get to Mykeal and fall back to us Rigging have cosmo lay down some covering fire about 100 yards to my right.They are trying to encircle us."

Mykael -- HP 30/56, AC 27  d100=64 6d6(5+6+1+5+1+3)=21 d20+7=19
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 4:49:56 PM

OOC: Sorry, on vacation, cant read the maps, and have limited internet access. Didnt mean to miss the last post.

I am assuming that Mykael is in battle with at least 3, therefore any movement out would provoke serious attacks of opporntunity.

IC: Mykael looks his enemies it their reptilian eyes, grits his teeth, "I owe you all, and you are not going to delay me!"

Mykael cast fireball encompassing area almost centered on himself, aiming to get all the Yuan Ti that he can see, hear, or knows about.

(made Spell Failure = 64%)
(Fireball = 21 damage)
(Reflex save vs DC: 17, for half)

(Mykael's Reflex save = 19, thus 11 damage, as added in already)

"Did that light the way for you all enough back there?!? Lets MOVE!" Mykael yells back to the group.

Ghem? Many have appeared suddenly. I dont see any of the kidnapped people. Please get to looking for more. This group led us away from the real group most likely.

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+12=31 d20+12=23 d20+12=22 d3=2
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 7:01:36 PM

Rigging winces when he sees the fireball go off wondering if that was the best tactic. When he hears Appolo's warning he yells, "Keep moving forward. I have a surprise for them."

Rigging moves 15' forward and then casts a summon monster 4 spell getting 2 fiendish apes next round. Made all my concentration checks for my spells.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4, greater invisbility

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 9:46:48 PM

Ashira looks over at Appolo. "Sure thi..." The fireball goes off, and Ashira flinches in surprise. "Hope he doesn't plan on firing off any more of those anytime soon." Ashira mutters as she moves into striking range (J28), swords drawn.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Wednesday September 6th, 2006 10:40:19 PM

Cosmo continues his ariel scouting. He sees the fireball go ff and heads in that direction.

He hopes Mykael is ok.

The Spider or The Fly??---ADM Nellie  d20+10=30 d20+10=14 d20+10=26 d20+10=17 d20+10=27 d20+10=21 d20+10=24 d20+6=24 d20+6=8 d20+6=11 d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d20+6=23 d20+6=25 d20+11=18 d20+11=25 d20+11=29 d6+3=6 d6+3=6 d100=89 d100=80 d100=97 d20+10=19 d20+9=16 d20+8=9 d20+8=9 d100=2 d20+10=29 d20+10=23 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 d20+10=17 d100=73 d20+10=14 d20+5=19 d100=31 d20+10=12 d20+5=15
Thursday September 7th, 2006 1:10:59 AM

Backed into a corner with nowhere to go, Mykael makes a gutsy move. Drawing several attacks of opportunity from the foes surrounding him, Mykael steels himself to fire off his deadly spell...and the purebloods respond in kind by taking their attacks of opportunity on the mage. Fortunately, only two of the beasts are able to penetrate Mykael's armor doing a minimal amount of damage (12 pts. total damage). (DM note: normally if you take damage while trying to cast a spell you need to make a concentration check DC 10+ damage taken + spell level. I'll let it slide this round.) There is a flash and then the searing waves wash over Mykael and the Yuan Ti. Even though he's able to side step most of the flames, the smell of burning flesh fills the air as Mykael's hair and eyebrows are burned from his flesh. The Yuan Ti, curiously weather the flames far better. Several of them look to be completely unharmed (PB3, 4, 9 &10). The others (PB8, 11 &12) duck out of the way of the flames and look only mildly annoyed at the attack. (OOC: Please roll spell resistance checks for each opponent next time)

Mykael can feel the struggle going on inside of his familiar. "Boss, be careful out there..those icky snakes are everywhere...big ones, small ones...on the ground, in the trees...everywhere....everywhere!!" Still, Ghem screws up enough strength to take a look around. "There are some bags lying on the ground behind those snake thingies that have you surrounded. Is that what you're looking for? And past the bags are some more snake thingies...three of them."

The cavalry arrives in force. Deciding to turn the tables, Nezamil activates his boots and bolts toward the fray. (OOC: I'm sorry, I misspoke about the Freedom of Movement... it will not increase your movement in the jungle, but does help with Entangle spells. Spoke with Chris and he decided to change his move. He wished to take a 20 foot move to H33.) Val and Ashira likewise make double moves and ready themselves for some butt kicking next round. Not one for the up close and personal stuff, Rigging fires off a spell for reinforcements (please post for apes next round and remember, Rigging cannot see the battle, so he will have to place his apes by approximation.). Meanwhile, Appolo guestimates the Yuan Ti's tactics and makes some suggestions of his own.

The snakemen hiss at one another. One of the creatures springs toward Mykael and wraps his arms around him (touch attack AC19) and makes a grab for him (Grapple=16 Mykael's opposed check is 10+ his base attack+ strength) but can't quite get ahold. Two of the other purebloods follow suit, but can't even reach out and touch Mykael (touch= nat. 1's). The other three decide to play it safe and stick with using their scimitars. One Yuan Ti makes what would have been a devastating attack...if those pesky vines hadn't been hanging in his eyes and obscuring his vision (Miss=2). The other two just find it flat out impossible to get past the elf's armor.

As the battle rages, a new player emerges. The bushes wiggle and shake nearby and what should pop up, but a big ol Halfbreed (HB1) with large black diamonds running down his scaly hide. The creature pulls out a bow and takes in the battle.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Thursday September 7th, 2006 2:00:16 PM

Bart tries to go as fast as he can

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:50:43 PM

Appolo moves forward to engage the snakemen.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste rd 7  d20+16=28 d20+11=26 d20+16=21 2d6(5+5)+6=16 2d6(1+4)+6=11 2d6(5+3)+6=14
Thursday September 7th, 2006 7:52:59 PM

Closing in on the snakemen attacking Mykael... the 10'2" dwarf eyes a target... stepping(5'ft move) towards (pb11)his chosen victim nezamil unleashes a devastating series of blows... using his long reach to his advantage... the 1st overhead smash lands solidly (d20+16=28)(2d6+6=16 dam) followed with a quick backhand (d20+11=26)(2d6+6=11 dam) and finally landing a crushing finishing blow (d20+16=21)(2d6+6=14 dam)(total 41 damage)

"Grrr... feel Domi's power " roars the Cleric of Domi

"try and tackle me ya weak slimy worms "

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

(no hb1 on the map ??)

Rigging ac 19 hps 64/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+7=16 d20+7=19 d20+2=8 d20+7=24 d20+7=23 d20+2=17 d6+5=8 d6+5=11 d100=37 d100=89 d20+12=32 d20+7=10
Thursday September 7th, 2006 8:02:58 PM

(Apes)Rigging summons his two fiendish apes and has them attack the halfbreed. They appear at N29 and N30 Ape 1 misses with his attacks but Ape 2 has more success hitting 2 times with his claws doing 19 points of damage (made miss chances.

Rigging smiles as he sees the attack and decides that half blood should be kept busy for a while. He checks on his crew and yells, "Cosmo get into the fight!"

Rigging will move forward to I30 using a double move. He will look around closely as moves expecting more ambushes. (rolled another natural 20 on spot check. This is getting freaky)

Swirl will gain some altitude both to get away from the snakes and to help keep an eye on things. (spot check 10)

Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 1/8 rounds

Mykael -- HP 18/56, AC 27  d20+10=17 d20+5=21 d10+3=6 d10+3=13
Thursday September 7th, 2006 9:19:32 PM

Mykael switches tactics, seeing the less than hoped for effects of his fireball. He swings his Bastard sword twice at the Yuan Ti in front of him. (cant read map yet, dont have software on vacation for it).

(1st attack = AC 17 for 6 dam)
(2nd attack = AC 21 for 13 dam)

Ghem look for humans in the jungle besides us, please

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=7
Thursday September 7th, 2006 10:25:15 PM

Cosmo flies over to the fireball/battle area. He looks down through the tree tops, but he cannot determine which combatants are snake creatures and which are Wildcards.

Spot 7

He circles around again looking for the enemy or looking for a place to land.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+14=26 d20+9=12 d20+4=17 d20+14=20 d20+6=12 d20-4=-3 d8+5=7
Thursday September 7th, 2006 11:25:49 PM

Ashira looks over at the creature in front of her in disgust. "Hey slimey, over here!!" She brings her swords down time and time again, but is less than satified with the results (AC26 for 7).

Dire Straights----ADM Nellie  d100=31 d100=78 d20+28=35 d20+18=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d8+11=12 2d8(2+4)+22=28 d100=60 d20+12=17 d20+5=8 d100=8 d20+12=16 d20+7=19 d100=62 d20+12=28 d20+7=23 d100=40 d20+17=20 d20+12=27 d6+4=9 d100=50 d20+10=29 d20+3=20 d6+3=5 d100=37 d20+10=21 d20+3=7
Friday September 8th, 2006 12:49:51 AM

Mykeal switches tactics and tries to take down the pureblood in front of him. His first strike goes short, but the second strike hammers home drawing a good deal of blood. Unfortunately, the pureblood blocking his way is still very much alive. And so are most of the other purebloods who are encompassing him. They strike out at the warrior, intent on bringing down their prey, but Warrd does not seem to be with them. Two of the attacks gets through (AC27 for 9, AC29 for 5) and Mykael is definitely looking quite a bit worse for the wear.

Ghem flits around, trying desperately to follow his masters order without getting too near those horrifying snakes. I don't see any humans...not anywhere. Just snakes, those snakemen and some bags on the ground. Even Rigging's sharp eyes don't catch sight of any other enemies for the time being.

Seeing their friend in dire straights, the Wildcards move into position. Bart, Rigging and Appolo surge forward, ready to kick some serious tail next round.

With his sneaky plan falling in place, Nezamil moves forward and pulverizes his opponent, leaving only a bloody mangled skeleton collapsed on the ground before him.

Ashira has much worse luck merely scratching the Yuan Ti in front of her.

Rigging's apes appear and begin doing what they do best...bite and scratch. Unfortunately, their attacks are repelled by the creature's armor and tough hide. Ignoring the pesky creatures for now, the ugly snake monster slithers forward five feet and quickly fires off three glowing arrows at Val. Two of them strike home, punching through Val's armor and cutting deep into the muscle beneath (AC35 for 12, AC29/23 crit. for 28, total damage 40).

Cosmo makes a search for any further hostiles, but he just can't locate any. He does, however find a nice landing spot nearby that is far enough away from the Yuan Ti and the abundant jungle snakes for the likings of his gryphon.

Jungle properties...
Only ½ movement allowed while in the jungle. (So for most a normal movement is 15 feet...a "double move" would be 30 feet) No running or charging or the like...though double movement will be allowed.

The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Friday September 8th, 2006 1:00:21 AM

Friendly DM note for Mykael. Sorry you can't read the maps of yet. Just to let you know...if you take a 5 foot step into the space occupied by the Yuan Ti that Nezamil just killed, you will no longer be completely surrounded by the enemy.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=22 d20+14=17 d10+4=7 d10+4=9 12d6(6+5+2+1+5+1+6+4+1+1+1+5)=38
Friday September 8th, 2006 11:31:31 AM

Appolo moves quickly arounf Ashira flanking and back stabbing PB9 with both his swords.
Hoping to destroy the creature as quickly as possible.

Attack 22,17 Damamage 7 and 9 for 19 and 19 poinTs of backstab damage Creature also takes a crippling strike for 1or two pints of Strength. fro 16+ 38 for a total of 54 points damage.

Chris, you need to roll your sneak attack damage seperately for each attack. Please do not make one roll and then just divide the results.---Nellie

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 103/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+12=29 d8+21=26 2d6(1+3)=4
Friday September 8th, 2006 12:46:06 PM

Closing the distance between her and HB1 (normal move of 20' to L29). This is the first serious threat she has faced and her blood burns with excitement. She raises the golden axe, bringing it down hard upon the strange half breed.

"Come on snake man. Show me your strength."

ooc: power attack -10/ +10. If I remember what enchantments the axe has she hit ac 29 for 26 normal and 4 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+16=25 d20+11=31 d20+11=16 2d6(2+5)+6=13 2d6(1+6)+6=13 2d6(3+2)+6=11
Friday September 8th, 2006 1:59:07 PM

De-activating his magical boots Nezamil steps (5'ft move) forward (to H30) and continues to use his reach to its fullest advantage with a sweeping blow from the right side at the next snakeman(pb10) (d20+16=25 1st swing)(2d6(2+5)+6=13 dam) "how's that feel ? " growls Nezamil as his backhand sweep of his mace lands a crushing blow(2nd swing) (d20+11=31 nat 20!!)(crit hit d20+11=16 hit??)(2nd swing dam 2d6(1+6)+6=13 dam)(crit hit if succesful 2d6(3+2)+6=11 dam bonus)(total of 26 dam w/o crit , 37 dam with crit hit bonus)

"your gonna make a nice pair of boots " taunts the 10'2" dwarf

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging ac 19 hps 63/77 protection from arrows and mage armor  d20+10=30 d20+10=13 d20+10=29 d6+1=4 d4+1=5 2d6(1+6)=7 d100=44 d100=81
Friday September 8th, 2006 6:12:18 PM

Rigging slides next to Bart and attacks the snakeman in front of him. He hits with his shortsword (almost critical but missed critical swing) and then with his holy dagger. (hit ac 30 and 29 Made miss chances) Total of 16 points of damage to PB12

Location H29

Holding off on Apes moves until AOO is resolved

Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 2/8 rounds

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements  d20+17=37 d20+17=25 d10+9=16 d10+9=12 d6=6 d100=45 d20+12=26 d10+9=17 d6=1 d20+7=24 d20+7=22 d10+9=14 d10+9=19 d6=1 d100=25 d100=63
Saturday September 9th, 2006 2:54:02 AM

Bart hits sthe snakeman in front of him (pb12) hard (threat 27 crit 25 for 16 +12 +6 shock=34) His second attack hits as wel ac26 for 18, his third (another threat24 and crit 22 for 14+19 +1) In case the snak dies befor the end of his attacks bart steps in the empty spot and makes an cleave attack to another one

Mykael -- HP 4/56, AC 27  d20+9=28 d100=68 d100=40 d100=80 d20+6=22 3d6(2+4+1)=7
Saturday September 9th, 2006 3:23:06 AM

Mykael notices the fall of PB11 and takes a 5ft step back to H-28, and stays low to not interfere with Nezamil's attacks. He turns and casts Vampiric Touch on PB12.

(Touch Attack = AC 28)
(Concealment chance = 68%, success)
(Armor check = 40%, success)
(Magic Resistance = 80%)
(Concentration check = 22)
(Spell does 7 hps damage and heals Mykael the same)
(Havent added in the healing, since not sure if the spell succeeded yet)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch*, Fireball x2*

Rigging's apes  d20+12=28 d20+7=15 d20+2=15 d20+7=15 d20+7=20 d20+2=11
Saturday September 9th, 2006 10:14:11 PM

Ape number 1 trys to pin the halfblood with his first attack. Rolled another grapple check and got a 28. Taking the 10 rule, I am assuming he is pinned. He then tries to attack the snake man with his other attacks but fails.

Ape number 2 also sitting on the snakes legs just attacks. Since the first ape pinned the Yuan-ti its ac goes down by 4. Even with the added advantage the ape misses with all of his attacks.

Ashira (AC27, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride  d20+14=30 d8+5=8 d20+9=25 d8+5=11 d20+4=16 d20+14=16 d20+6=10 d20-4=14 d100=14 d100=11
Sunday September 10th, 2006 11:29:41 PM

Smiling at the success of the others, Ashira takes a stab at the pureblood in front of her (PB9), not wanting to let the others have all the fun. (AC28 for 8, AC25 for 11)

Slaughter and Reinforcements----ADM Nellie  d100=15 d100=32 d100=39 d100=54 5d6(3+6+3+4+3)=19
Monday September 11th, 2006 12:19:57 AM

DM Note: Rigging has had his apes initiate a grapple on the Halfblood (HB1) who was attacking Val. The grapple was a success, so the Yuan Ti was not able to perform his attack. Val you should add back the 40 Hp from last round.

Arriving on the scene after being hampered by the jungle, the Wildcards snap into action to try and save their friend.

Val easily closes with that stupid Halfblood that was pointing the bow at her before the apes grabbed a hold of it. It's not too much of a challenge for her to hit the mostly stationary target, but at least it looks like she's found a worthy opponent. She can see the flicker of fear in his unblinking eyes as she brings up the axe to strike. With a bright flash, the axe cuts cleanly through the snakeman's side, causing blood to flow freely. Still, it looks to be in good fighting shape.

Nezamil steps forward and finishes up the pureblood that dares to stand before him. Crunch, crunch, snap. It's head hanging at a sickening angle on its shoulders, the creature falls to the ground lifeless.

Moving in place to help out, Rigging cuts at the pureblood in front of Ashira. It hisses in anger that it never has a chance to vent. In place, Bart rains death and destruction. He kills the Yuan Ti in front of him (PB12) with one well placed blow. Stepping forward he slashes at the pureblood paired against Ashira (PB9) and hack into the thing with two very powerful slices. Blood oozes out of its deep wounds, and the creature looks like it is near death's doorstep. Then in comes Ashira with the death blows. Scratch another one.

Appolo takes a step forward but finds no one to engage.

Wanting to get a quick heal, Mykael readies himself to tap some of the lifesource of the nearest Yuan Ti. Unfortunately, there are none alive that are nearby. So Mykael settles for moving out of the combat (moved you to H31 with 4 Hp, let me know if you want something else).

Cosmo continues to fly recon, as of yet not landing or attacking.

Ghem reports to Mykael that the four snake things in the jungle are moving toward the bags laying on the ground.

Meanwhile, Rigging's apes tighten their grip on the halfblood (Hb1). It ain't going anywhere any time soon. (DM note: When an opponent has pinned you, you are held immobile (but not helpless) for 1 round. While you¹re pinned, you take a -4 penalty to your AC against opponents other than the one pinning you. Treat your Dexterity as 0 (-5 modifier). I do not see in the description where a pinned creature is prone. Looking annoyed, the creature concentrates for a moment, and a thin layer of acid forms around his body, burning the apes that are holding him (19 damage).

Seeing the arrival of the heavy hitters, it looks like the back lines of Yuan Ti (PB 3,4,8) have had enough. They backpeddle quickly back into the forest from whence they came...the same direction that Ghem indicated that the sacks were laying.

In the meantime, there is more movement from the nearby bushes. Four more half-bloods appear in the jungle nearby the first half-blood. Scimitars in hand, they close in with Val and the apes, a hungry look in their eyes.

Please remember to roll your own d100 for the 10% chance of missing in the jungle.

Mykael -- HP 6/56, AC 27  d8+1=2
Monday September 11th, 2006 2:11:50 AM

OOC: Since the target of his spell was taken down by his allies, Mykael drinks a CLW potions last round after his movement. And heals 2 points.

IC: "They are trying to get away, we have to press the attack," Mykael states as he takes a double move to G25.

Ghem, thanks for letting me know, your doing great. Your bravery is inspiring me.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 139/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+17=27 d20+12=29 d20+7=20 d8+16=18 2d6(6+3)=9 d8+16=19 2d6(4+1)=5 d8+16=18 2d6(2+4)=6
Monday September 11th, 2006 4:03:34 PM

"I'm going to turn you into a new pair of boots." Val said with an excited grin. Now that it was 3 on 1 perhaps she would be properly challenged. She adjusted her grip on the handle and brought the enchanted axe down upon the snake man (HB1) in three quick strikes.

ooc: power attack -5/ +5. hit ac 27 for 18 normal and 9 bane. hit ac 29 for 19 normal and 5 bane. hit ac 20 for 18 normal and 6 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement  d20+15=27 d20+10=15 2d6(4+5)+6=15 2d6(1+2)+6=9 d20+5=16
Monday September 11th, 2006 6:09:20 PM

The 10'2" dwarf edges forward another few steps (5'ft move)....bringing another snakeman(pb3) within range of his bloodstained mace......" your turn " grins Nezamil as he brings his mace down in an overhand smash (d20+15=27 1st swing) on the snakewarrior(pb3)(2d6(4+5)+6=15 dam)

"I ain't done yet " growls the dwarf as he tries to land the finishing blow on the snakeman(pb3)(d20+10=15 2nd swing )(hit ??)(2d6(1+2)+6=9 dam if blow found its mark)" stand still i say " barks Nezamil

Feeling movement behind him ....Nezamil peeks over his shoulder (d20+5=16 spot ch) "you ok Mykael ??.......hey wait up !!!" growls Nezamilk after the hard charging Mykael

"don't go alone " as Nezamil looks about at the snakeman (pb3) in front of him.....trying to decide his next action ...whether to finish off the snakeman or go assist Mykael .... as he see's the warrior/mage pick his way away into the jungle

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Rigging AC 20 hps 64/77 mage armor, protection from arrows  d20+12=30 d20+12=22 d20+12=20 d20+12=22 d20+7=17 d20+7=11 d100=68 d20+12=20 d100=78 d20+12=22
Monday September 11th, 2006 9:31:14 PM

The apes recoil in pain from the acid and decide to attack some of the newcomers instead the nasty and painful thing they are on. Ape 1 attacks HB4 grappling him. (touch attack 17 miss chance 68. Grapple roll 22. Taking 10, he should be successful)

Ape 2 attacks HB5 with a grapple and hits ac 11. miss chance 78. His grapple check is 20. Taking 10 he should be successful as well.

Rigging sees the newcomers and decides to buff the party up, casting haste on everyone but Cosmo who is too far away. Everyone gets +1 AC +1 to hit, +1 to save, +1 on AC and 1 extra attack with primary weapon during a full attack. Everyone also gets +30 base to their movement or 15' in the jungle

OOC made all four concentration checks

Swirl is hovering above Rigging still scared enough not to attack anything.
Ape stats; Hp 29 ac 14 +7 claw, +2 bite damage 1d6+5 claw, 1d6+2 bite

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
summon monster 4 2/8 rounds
haste 1/8

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+17=21 d8+5=12
Monday September 11th, 2006 10:19:11 PM

Ashira grins at her husband. "Thanks dear!" She scoots over next to Val wanting to lend a hand (L27). Feeling the magic flowing in her veins, she slices at the halfblood (AC21 for 12).

Spells in place
Haste: 1/8 rounds

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=23
Monday September 11th, 2006 10:28:25 PM

Cosmo spots the newcomers to the battle. He decides to land. He picks a spot near the group, behind them and making sure they are between him and the enemy.

OOC -- I do not have the map at my home address. Can you add it to your list WLCMLC@SBCGLOBAL.NET

Spot 23

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Web: 90/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

attendence report 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 12:26:25 AM

Adm-Nellie xxxxx
Ashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxo
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxxxo
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo xxxox

Decisions, Decisions----ADM Nellie  d8=2 5d6(1+6+5+3+2)=17 5d6(2+3+4+3+6)=18 d20+17=22 2d8(8+1)+6=15 3d8(4+8+8)+5=25 d20+12=32 d20+12=27 2d6(1+5)+4=10 d20+7=9 d20+12=16 d20+7=18 d100=71
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 12:35:14 AM

Determined to save the hostages, Mykael presses forward in spite of his life threatening injuries. (OOC: Rerolled the healing for you. House rules says you reroll 1's. Add one more hit point to your total.)

Making full use of her tactical advantage over the Halfblood, Val lights into him with the magical axe. There are two more burst of magical energy (third strike misses) and the pinned halfblood droops. It looks angrily at the apes holding it still, and it hisses something to its newly arrived brethren.

Nezamil looks up again to see that the pureblood he intended to attack has moved on. He moves forward chasing after Mykael. (Chris, if this isn't what you wanted to do, just let me know next post).

Rigging's apes move away from the painful halfblood they have a hold of and move on to less promising targets. They grab onto the new arrivals and put the big squeeze on them.

Meanwhile, Rigging gives the group a little boost by firing off his spell. (Move rate is now 30 feet standard and 60 feet double move for most).

Taking advantage of the newly cast magic, Ashira takes a stab at one of the new arrivals around Val. The magic tipping the attack in her favor, Ashira is rewarded by watching a ribbon of blood form down the creature's back.

Bart and Appolo take a short break after all their hard work killing Yuan Ti.

The former rear guard (PB3, 4, 8) continue to fall back as Mykael watches them fade into the jungle. Then he and Nezamil hear a shouting. "Kill the hostages before the meatsacks can get here."

Mykael receives another message from Ghem. Lookout, those snakey things are headed right for you.

Cosmo moves in and lands, taking a good look at the battlefield but seeing nothing extraordinary right now. His mount paws the ground nervously and absolutely refuses to go anywhere near any of the living or dead Yuan Ti.

The grappled halfbloods (HB4 &5) follow their brother in arm's tactics and are soon covered in a layer of acid which burns at the apes skin. (17 damage to ape 1, 18 to ape2). Unable to take the damage, the apes return to their natural plane.

Finally free of the encumbering apes, the diamond backed halfblood (HB1) moves very quickly away from Val and back toward the enemy lines (drawing an AoO from Val and Ashira...rolled for Ashira, she missed). With a quick hissing, it casts a spell and many of its wounds heal up. Then, rising out of the jungle, Ashira spots the sudden arrival of an abomination (AB3). Mykeal and Nezamil also take note of the arrival of an Abomination nearby them (AB1). Please note that only Mykael and Nezamil are aware of the current location of AB1.

Things heat up a tad nearby Ashira and Val. An ugly smile on it's lipless face, a cobra hooded halfblood (HB2) plunges its scimitar into Val's back (AC32/27 for 10) but misses with its second attack. It's partner (HB3) has a harder go of it and just can't tag the pesky elf.

Jungle properties
The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+14=32 d20+14=17 d20+14=32 d10+4=8 d8+4=11 d10+4=13 6d6(6+1+2+2+4+5)=20 6d6(1+3+4+4+5+3)=20 6d6(6+6+2+6+1+6)=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 1:03:01 AM

After taking a short break Appolo steps forward and slices three times into the back of {HB2} the snake head that attacked Valanthe.{Should get AoO in order to attack Valanthe it had to move between us and turn it's back on Appolo.}

Attack 32 17 32 Damage 8 11 13 Backstab damage 20,20,27 total 99 or 79 if the second strike misses.

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+12=31 d8+21=24 2d6(1+5)=6 d20+22=29 d20+17=31 d20+12=30 d8+11=13 2d6(1+1)=2 d8+11=19 2d6(3+5)=8 d8+11=19 2d6(3+5)=8
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 3:08:52 AM

As HB1 slithers away into the dense jungle Val takes a chunk out of its back as a price for its cowardice. (AoO power attack -10/+10, hit ac 31 for 24 and 6 bane). She flinched briefly from the scimitar slicing into it but the barbarian only gave that half blood a brief glance. She turned to HB3 and raised the golden axe.

"I hope your tougher than that diamond scaled coward that ran away." She said with a grin and brought the axe down upon the snake man several times.

ooc: hit ac 29 for 13 and 2 bane, ac 31 for 19 and 8 bane, ac 30 for 19 and 8 bane

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/73 mage armor, protection from arrows, haste  d20+10=17 d20+8=17 d100=45 4d6(4+3+4+5)=16 d20+10=20 d100=67 4d6(3+1+3+3)=10 d20+7=27
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 7:41:36 AM

Rigging moves up to J23 using his haste and murmers, "Not so fast buddy." He casts a spell and a scorching rays fly from his fingers. Both hit the fleeing HB1 (hit touch ac 17 and 20, made miss rolls of 45 and 67. Made spell resistance of 17.) They independently do 16 adn 10 points of damage for a total of 26. No saving throw allowed.

Swirl follows and keeps an eye out from his slightly higher elevation. (Here we go again, Swirl rolled a spot check of a natural 20)

Swirl is hovering above Rigging still scared enough not to attack anything.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 2/8

Bart ac 27 hp 86/86 endure elements, haste 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:56:39 AM

Bart speeds up and goes forward following Mykeal

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste1/?  d20+16=27 2d6(3+1)+6=10
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 2:36:27 PM

Chasing after wounded Mykael... Nezamil keeps pace and reaches into a pouch as he moves.....fishing out a vial he uses his long reach (15')and tries to hand it to Mykael " this should help heal ya " growls the Cleric of Domi "

"i'll take on our new visitor " as he points to Ab1 " once your healed up you can flank it......teamwork "adds Nezamil

Nezamil aggressivily moves towards the snakeman(ab1) but maintains his reach advantage (square E-23)
(Diagonals: When measuring distance, the first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on.)
As the abomination comes within the 10'2" dwarfs long reach(15') he lashes out with his mace(d20+16=27 1st swing)(only swing since he made a 20'move action) and it finds it's mark (2d6(3+1)+6=10 dam)as it thuds into the snakeman

"C'mon ya cowardly worm....you'll make a fine set of boots " taunts Nezamil as he tries to hold it's attention away from Mykael

Nezamil keeps the snakeman at arms length(15') as he looks for an opening to smash the beast

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Mykael -- HP 7/56, AC 28 (Haste) 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 5:51:14 PM

Mykael smiles through gritted teeth at the giant dwarf and accepts the potion. "Thanks, more are on the way. Towards us, and I am not sure if there are even hostages in those sacks, I think this was all a trick to draw us in and allow another group to possibly escape with hostages. Most likely, those sacks had other Yuan-Ti in them, thus concealling thier overall numbers. And now they scream in Common to kill the hostages? Why would they do that? But we still have to be sure and do all that we can until we know for sure."

Mykael sucks down the healing potion from Nezamil. (Chris, you didnt specific what type it was. Please advise.)

Mykael then moves forward to E23, base move.

Thanks for the warning Ghem. Can you tell what is in the sacks? Please go and look if there are any humans there and let me know what is happening. And how far away they are. And how many snakemen are between me and them.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Mykael - healing potion  2d8(2+3)+5=10
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 7:48:28 PM

OOC: Mykael's hit points are now at 17.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:11:48 PM

Cosmo urges his mount to move forward, but is unsuccessful in overcoming the creatures fear of the snake creatures.

He hesitates in getting off the creature as it is his only way of moving around quickly.

Cosmo looks around to see if any enemies are approaching his position.

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+15=20 d20+10=29 d20+10=14 d20+5=23 d20+15=18 d20+7=11 d20-3=8 d20+15=28 d8+5=8 d6+3=6 d8+5=12
Tuesday September 12th, 2006 10:58:23 PM

Ashira looks over at the battlefield. Spotting the halfbloods on the right, Ashira moves in, determined not to get surrounded. Taking a 5 foot step, Ashira cuts and stabs at the beast, taking it down a notch or two (AC20 for 8, AC29 for 6, AC28 for 12).

More Blood hed and Surprises----ADM Nellie  3d8(4+6+1)+5=16 d20+10=22 d20+10=11 d100=63 d100=57 d20+10=16 d20+5=13 d20+4=14 d20+10=22 d20+5=18 d20+4=21
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 12:39:13 AM

Appolo gets down to his grisly business and promptly stabs the halfblood that has worked its way to him. But it's not enough to bring the creature down. (Appolo, you may not backstab unless you are flanking. Please look at the diagram on PHB 152 for examples of flanking)

Val takes a huge chunk out of the fleeing halfblood (HB1) but it keeps on going. She turns her focus onto the new challenger and brings the axe down again and again on its scaly body. Coughing a bloody froth, the creature's limp dead body collapses on Val, smearing her armor with blood.

Angered at the spinelessness of the diamond backed halfblood (HB1), Rigging fires off two very well placed rays. They rip through the jungle and straight toward the coward's back. Strangely, though they seem to just disappear as they connect with the Yuan Ti (Spell Resistance not met). Swirl heads away from the undergrowth but doesn't see anything too exciting.

Bart heads off toward the retreating purebloods, knowing that Mykael will be headed that way soon. (OOC: William, are you getting the maps??)

Nezamil moves in and takes a bite, so to speak, out of the newly arrived abomination (AB1). His crushing blow definitely connects, but the abomination looks to be in tip top fighting condition.

Cosmo looks around the battlefield, but doesn't see anybody other than the Yuan Ti the others are already engaged with.

Ashira moves forward a little and cuts open the halfblood to her right (HB4). It's not dead yet, but it sure doesn't look amused either.

Mykael muses whether the bags even contain hostages...whether this whole thing has been a ruse. Still, only one way to find out. Mykael moves forward to a position near Nezamil and downs his healing potion. Feeling much better, Mykael asks Ghem to scout out the bags to check on his suspicions. Mykael can almost feel the little dragon's mind numbing terror. No way!! Those things are right next to the bags. I'm not going anywhere near them!! But the bags seem to be moving a little. It shouldn't take you long to get to the bags, but be careful, because those other horrible snake things will make it to you soon.

Mykael's suspicions are soon put to rest as female screaming is heard over the din of battle. Ghem chimes in. They stuck one of their sharp pointy things into the bag. There's blood coming out.

Spotting the arrival of Bart, the purebloods nearest the sacks (PB3, 4, 8) stall. Scimitars in hand, they glare at Bart. "Come any further and we kill the cows!" they hiss at the fighter. Bart can confirm that the bags do indeed seem to be wiggling, and that there is a large amount of blood flowing out of one of the bags...as well as a low moaning. Bart also sees several unwounded purebloods

The diamond backed halfblood stops long enough to allow the abomination to touch him. As more of his wounds heal, the Yuan Ti makes good his escape back into the jungle.

Two purebloods (PB5&6) note the arrival of Mykael and Nezamil and fire off a couple of arrows, but they bounce harmlessly off their armor.

Seeing a brother in need, one half breed (HB5)shifts over to flank with his dying companion (HB2). He waves his sword at Val but can't damage her. Likewise, the snakeman confronting Ashira (HB4) has poor luck as well.

The abomination on the right side of the battlefield (AB3) stays were it's at. Its cousin (AB1) definitely doesn't like where its at, and it takes a 5 foot step out of Nezamil's reach. Then it fires off a spell aimed at the massive dwarf. (Fort. DC18 or become infected with Blinding sickness and lose 1d 4Str. If you fail your save, roll another Fort save DC16 or be blinded).

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements  d20+22=39 d20+17=24 d20+12=23 d8+11=18 2d6(5+1)=6 d8+11=17 2d6(3+5)=8 d8+11=19 2d6(2+4)=6
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 2:55:08 PM

"By the time I'm through here I'll have a dozen pair of boots." Val says with a grin. She's waiting for the right moment to unleash her anger and really show these snakemen what they have gotten themselves into. The golden axe comes in low, stopping just after the snakeman's body and coming up with a viscious backhanded swipe.

ooc: attacking HB5. hit ac 39 for 18 and 6 bane, hit ac 24 for 17 and 8 bane, hit ac 23 for 19 and 6 bane.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste2/?  d20+10=27 d20+16=27 d20+11=30 d20+16=29 2d6(3+3)+6=12 2d6(3+6)+6=15 2d6(2+1)+6=9
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:16:20 PM

Smiling at the snakeman(ab1) as he steps back " where ya going ?? gonna slink away ??" taunts Nezamil

The 10'2" dwarf grits his teeth as the abominations magic washes over him " ah......sneaky tricks ain't gonna help ya "but Nezamil feels no ill effects "(d20+10=27 fort save)

Stepping towards the spellcasting snake (5'ft move)"i've got something for ya.....just hold still for a sec" laughs Nezamil

The Cleric of Domi swiftly attacks the spellcasting snakeman(ab1)...his hugh mace pounding the snakeman with 3 crushing blows(1st swing d20+16=27)(2d6(3+3)+6=12 dam)(2nd swing d20+11=30)(2d6(3+6)+6=15 dam)(3rd swing hasted d20+16=29)(2d6(2+1)+6=9 dam)(total dam =36!!)

"how ya like that trick??" adds the dwarf sarcasticly [/b]" your days of deceit are over "[/b]growls Nezamil

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+14=33 d20+14=16 d20+14=30 d10+4=7 d8+4=11
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:26:46 PM

Appolo concentrates on {HB2} unleashinga full attack.Hitting twice."Hurry up sunshine.We need to move up and support the others."

Attack 33 crittical Attack 30 11 Damage 7x2=14
11 Total 25

Rigging ac 20 hps 64/77  d20+14=32 d100=23 d4+1=4 2d6(6+4)=10 d20+6=21 2d6(1+6)=7
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 8:54:01 PM

Rigging will move over to N27 and tries and help his wife take down one of these half breeds HB4. He sticks his dagger into the Yuan-ti and the dagger drinks 14 points of its life.

Swirl puts his fear aside and moves to M28 and attacks hitting ac 21 doing 7 points of damage to it.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 3/8

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste)  d100=69 d100=57 d20+2=11
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:39:21 PM

Upon hearing the screams, Mykael steps 5 ft forward to F22 and casts Web. Centered between PB2 and PB8.

(Spell Failure = 69%, success)
(Spell resistance = N/A)
(PB2, PB3, PB4, PB7, PB8, AB3, all in area of effect)
(Reflex save vs DC: 16 or cant move at all)
(area effect spell, but rolled concealment miss chance anyways = 57%, success)
(Concentration check = 11, if needed, will use hero point if necessary, cant let any of them die)

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Wednesday September 13th, 2006 9:43:08 PM

OOC: Mykael's concentration check for the web spell is 15, forgot to add in Combat Casting bonus.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 53/57); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=23
Wednesday September 13th, 2006 10:33:44 PM

Cosmo walks his Griffon towards Mykael and Nezamil. He takes up position behind them.

Ending in cell E25

It is at this time that Cosmo sees AB1 and PB5 & PB6.

Spot 23

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)
Web: 90/90 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3 *, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Bart  d20+17=32 d20+12=21 d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d10+9=17 d6=4 d10+9=16 d6=2 d10+9=14 d6=1
Thursday September 14th, 2006 1:19:09 AM

Does it matter if i come closer or not, will their lives be spared, their fate is dead. Bart goes forward and attacks, no they have a change! (i dont get the map) (ac 32 for 17 +4, ac 21 for 16+2 ac 25 (threat crit 14) for 14+1)

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste  d20+11=21
Thursday September 14th, 2006 10:10:13 AM

Ashira smiles at her husband as he downs her foe. "Thanks!" Hearing the sounds of a struggle further in the jungle, Ashira heads that way to see what's going on (E26).

Who's the Spider Now!!---ADM Nellie  d100=91 d100=32 d100=82 d20+2=11 d20+17=24 d20+11=28 d20+11=15 d20+11=14 d20+11=23 d20+11=22 d20+7=11 d20+5=23 d20+3=5 d20+3=12 d20+3=19 d20+3=4 d20+3=10 d20+3=21 d20+18=32
Thursday September 14th, 2006 10:41:51 AM

Val turns her attention to the new player (HB5) and quickly cuts it to ribbons. Ho hum. No challenge here. The warrior can only hope that somewhere out there there's a challenger worthy of her skills.

Having no problems shrugging off the spell aim his way, Nezamil closes the distance and puts his reach to good use. All of his blows connect, but he is unable to fell the foul beast.

Appolo turns on the nearest Yuan Ti and quickly stabs him in the lung. The creature collapses on the ground thrashing in the violent throws of death.

Always willing to help out on the front lines, Rigging moves in and easily takes down Ashira's halfblood (HB4). Swirl tries to move in, but just can't overcome his phobia of snakes and so hangs back a bit. (George, Swirl must stay at least 20 feet away from any Yuan Ti or snake until the spell wears off. Spell lasts 10 minutes).

Trying desperately to save the lives of the hostages, Mykael weaves a spell, willing the enemy to be stuck in place. But as hard as he tries, he feels the magic being sucked away. The web appears around the enemy, but in his heart, Mykael knows it won't last long. (Can't apply Combat Casting unless you're on the defensive. Concen. Failed. Hero point used, gives another 11---failure. Web will last for 2 rounds and then disappear. Sorry. :( ) All of the purebloods manage to escape getting caught in the web (as well as the halfblood HB1), but the abomination (AB3) hisses angrily as the sticky strands glue it firmly in place.

Cosmo tries to maneuver himself and his mount to a better place on the battlefield, but it's difficult with the gryphon being not only terrified of the live Yuan Ti, but also the dead. (OOC: Matt, you've got to take the dead PB10 into consideration too. I put you at D27, which according to my calculations is the closest you can get right now considering a move rate of 30 feet. Unfortunately, it's not within 30 feet of AB1. Let me know if I missed anything)

Bart moves forward to kill the purebloods that are threatening the hostages. Sadly, Mykael's web is between himself and them (20 feet of web provides total cover). The closest enemies are the newly arrived purebloods (PB5 &6) and the abomination that Nezamil is engaged with. Bart moves over toward the purebloods (F19) in anticipation of cutting them down to size next round (William, just let me know if this isn't where you wanted to be placed.)

There is a good deal of noise coming out of the webbed area...hissing and thrashing. Doesn't sound like the Yuan Ti are too happy being entangled in the giant spider web. But then, the gut wrenching sounds of a woman's scream, followed shortly by painful moaning.

Looking very daunted by the idea of having that menacing meatsack (Bart) approaching, the two unwebbed purebloods (PB5&6) retreat.

The abomination paired up with Nezamil looks a little less smug as he spots Bart turning the corner. (OOC: I made an error last round. The abomination should have been in touch range of Nezamil. Have adjusted for this round). Moving his fingers, he begins to cast a spell (Casting defensively (PHB pg. 140) made check. No AoO from Nezamil for casting the spell). Nezamil feels the urge to lay down on the ground (Will DC16 or lay prone on the ground for 1 round). Then the abomination tucks tail and tries to put a good distance between himself and the Wildcards. (If Nezamil passes his save he gets an AoO on the Yuan Ti)

William, what's your email address?

Jungle properties...
The maximum visual range in the Jungle is 30 feet.

10 % miss chance in the Jungle

At 40 feet distance the miss chance increases to 40%

At 50 feet distance the miss chance increase to 70%

Range spells and weapons can not target beyond 50 feet

Val AC 19 (21 vs traps), 131/ 139, Endure Elements 
Thursday September 14th, 2006 6:41:21 PM

location: L25

"Get this infernal web down now! It makes it very hard to kill them and it sounds like hostages need healing." Val shouts as she moves toward the wall of web.

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment+2Ac,Freedom of movement ,haste3/?  d20+13=21 d20+16=31 2d6(1+6)+6=13 d20+16=31 d20+11=12 d20+16=30 2d6(4+6)+6=16 2d6(1+1)+6=8
Thursday September 14th, 2006 7:45:43 PM

Nezamil shivers again as magical energy assaults him (d20+13=21 will save) but shakes it off " yeah more tricks.....it ain't gonna save ya you cowardly worm "

As the spellcaster attempts to escape the coming retribution from the 10'2" dwarf .....Nezamil lashes out quickly (d20+16=31 AoO)(2d6(1+6)+6=13 dam)his mace finding the snakeman's backside

" hey i said stand still ya shifty worm " as he steps forward (5'ft move)

(does Nezamil still get a chance to attack Ab1 ??.....gonna roll his attacks and i'll await your decision)

The powerful Cleric of Domi uses his long reach(15') to continue his bashing of the spellcasting snakeman(ab1).....Nezamil leads with a overhead smash (d20+16=31 1st swing)(2d6(4+6)+6=16 dam)....followed up by a quick backhand which goes wide .....but again the overhead smash lands solidly(d20+16=30 hasted swing)(2d6(1+1)+6=8 dam)

( ab1 cast a spell...can he make a full move when he does that ??)

If no attacks are allowed Nezamil will move towards Bart and rescue the villagers

Spell List
Zero-Create waterx2,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic
1st-Endure elements****x4,Pro-f-evil,Sof(enlarge)
2nd-Aid*Bears endurance,Owls wisdom,Resist energy,Spiritual weapon,(bull str)
3rd-Daylight,Glyph of warding*,Water walk,Windwall(Magic vestment)
4th-Airwalk,Divine power,Neutralize poison,Freedom of movement*,(spell immunity)
5th-Command greater,CLW Mass*,Wall of stone (spell resistance)

Spells cast *

Thursday September 14th, 2006 9:41:32 PM

Rigging not knowing what else to do yells to Appollo and Val, "Val, Appolo come with me. We need to get to the other side."

Rigging will move to o21

Swirl sticks with Rigging (Nellie, I thought you earlier told me that Swirl conquered his fear enough to perform but he got minus 4 on his dexterity.)

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile x 3* , mage armor*, shield, Comprehend languages, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 2*, dark vision, fog cloud
Third level spells: Haste*, protection from arrows*, Fly*, Fireball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles, SM 4*, greater invisbility

mage armor (hours)
protection from arrows (Hours)
haste 4/8

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Friday September 15th, 2006 3:56:59 AM

Appolo forms up on Rigging and follows him."Ok boss be right there."

Bart ac 28 hp 86/86 endure elements haste  d20+17=31 d10+9=12 d6=2
Friday September 15th, 2006 6:20:29 AM

Knowing he cant to a lot in the webbed area Bart follows the Pure Bloods and attacks (spring attack) (ac 31 for 14

Cosmo  d20+5=15
Friday September 15th, 2006 9:48:39 AM

Cosmo continues ride his Griffon closer to Nezamil. He can hear his friend fighting something, but cannot see the creature yet.

End in cell D23

Spot 15.

OOC -- how does the aversion work if you cannot see the Yuan-ti?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 16+/18 hours (extended)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash *, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message *
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 **, Fireball x2, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (4): SM IV x2 **, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (3): SM V, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC28, HP 108/112) Woodland Stride, Haste 
Friday September 15th, 2006 12:21:13 PM

Ashira moves over to where she hears Nezamil. Spotting the abomination, she closes (D19), ready to do some snake killing next round.

Mykael -- HP 17/56, AC 28 (Haste) 
Saturday September 16th, 2006 4:39:43 PM

"Listen! we all need to get on the edge of my web spell now. It wont delay them long. We need to be ready to move in as soon as it falls and engage all Yuan Ti caught in it now, to keep them from killing the hostages." Mykael states clearly.

"Nez, you seems to have the ability to move freely, therefore, should be able to move in now and help as needed and guide us to were we need to be. Ignore all others outside the web! We are here for the hostages, first and foremost."

Mykael uses a double move to advance to J21.

0 lvl -- Mage Hand, Message, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
1 lvl -- Mount x2**, Magic Missle x2
2 lvl -- See Invis, Scorching Ray, Web x2*
3 lvl -- Vampiric Touch, Fireball x2*

Haste 3/8

Nowhere to Run to...Baby----ADM Nellie  d100=8 d100=60 d100=85 d100=3 d20+5=23 d20+3=11 d20+3=4 d20+3=4 d20+3=20 d20+3=23 3d8(2+3+4)+5=14
Saturday September 16th, 2006 11:56:55 PM

Nezamil presses the attack. As the abomination tries to run like the coward it is, Nezamil gives a quick bash which unfortunately is deflected by a palm branch (Miss=8...Chris, please roll a d100 per attack for the 10% miss). That's ok though, because he steps back in range and drops the hammer so to speak on the abomination. His first blow thuds against the scaly head of the thing. Missing with his second blow, Nezamil recalibrates his aim and places a expertly aimed third shot. Sadly, his mace catches on a vine pulling off mark (Miss=3)

Rigging scoots over to the edge of the webbed area and calls for a regroup. As he moves to the side he catches sight of one of the abominations caught in the webbed area (AB3). It looks to be highly agitated and is not thrilled by the arrival of Rigging. Rigging moves over to the side of the web where he knows he can attack next round if he wishes (OOC: assumed you'd like to close since you can see him. Let me know if that's not what you want).

Appolo forms up with Rigging he scoots around to the edge of the web but can't close with the Yuan Ti just yet. Val is frustrated with the web that has sprung up between her and her victims...er opponents. (Walter, I'm going to assume that you form up with Rigging after he orders it. If that is not what you want, just let me know). Hearing Rigging's order, Val heads over to where he is...and then spots the abomination and moves over to teach the snake a painful lesson next round.

Bart moves against the closest pureblood (PB6) and slices it. Ever the agile one, Bart dashes back out of the creature's range before it can think about retribution.

His phobic mount slowing him down a bit, Cosmo continues to move forward toward the battle. Ooooo....looky looky there's a big ol Abomination over there that Nezamil's fighting (Cosmo's within 30 feet of the abomination and can now see him). Aversion does not apply if you cannot see them. :)

Knowing full well that any moment now that web is going to disappear, Mykael urges his comrades to focus on the hostages. That is, after all, what everyone is here for isn't it?

Ashira moves in for the kill, making sure not to get in the way of Nezamil's huge arms. She can't strike yet, but it's just a matter of time. The abomination (AB1) seems to sense it. His unblinking eyes cast around the battle field...there's that huge grotesque thing that's been chasing him, and now that faster than normal grey freak cow with the blue hair. His cold calculating eyes shift over to the purebloods that he spots behind him. There could be safety there...if it wasn't for that big hulking flesh bag with the huge sword. Looking resigned, the huge snake creature make a hasty retreat, knowing that he can't stay here but that he can't possibly outrun his pursuers (Drawing AoO's from Nezamil and Ashira). It hisses out an order in it's strange snake language as it cowers behind the purebloods.

Knowing their place, the purebloods take a 5 foot step backward and wait...wait for death. Death in his strange metal wrapping and huge sword covered in the blood of their cousins.

In the web
More hissing and thrashing..but no more screaming. And then action. The abomination (AB3) whom Rigging, Val, and Appolo can now see breaks free from the web and begins to retreat (drawing an AoO from Rigging).

Further in the jungle
Faint hissing. Ghem senses that there are three snakemen out in front of the Wildcards. One is a new arrival and the other two are retreaters.

Please remember to roll a d100 for each attack that you make 1-10 fails, everything else succeeds. Thanks!!---Nellie

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