Lenoir Saturday October 7th, 2006 7:27:23 AM
"Alright heplp me in there and we'll see what is there to see?" Lenoir prepares to go into the dumb waiter Shaft, but not untill he puts a dagger between his white teeth.
Calor Sunday October 8th, 2006 9:08:32 PM
The brown haired wizard waits with interest this latest of Lenoir's excursions.
Posting Reports for Monday October 9th, 2006 4:54:25 AM
The Mithril Tapestry Game For the Week of Oct 2,2006
The warrior and the dumbwaiter Monday October 9th, 2006 9:37:56 AM
Lenoir gets onto the top of the dumbwaiter easily enough. The chain creaks menacingly but doesn't snap, yet. The small chamber is roughly two by three is size, and there is is about six feet to stand in above the dumbwaiter. Without light, it is hard to see the spider webs, but they are easy to feel... thick and sticky. However, it is nothing special. *Creak... rattle... creak* Shifting your weight makes the whole thing shake.
Gentian suggests stairs. [EDITTED]
Calor watches intently.
Toothache sits back chewing a hangnail.
Eclip makes a small side excursion and finds nothing else of interest.
Breanna suggests another way down. Highlight to display spoiler: {She may also realize that she is losing what control she had over the group.}
Spirit and Eclip Monday October 9th, 2006 11:51:28 AM
Eclip stands around watching and waiting for Lenoir to finish exploring the dumbwaiter shaft.
Spirit stands next to Eclip as Eclip scratches Spirit's head.
Gentian Monday October 9th, 2006 2:51:17 PM
Actually, Gentian was suggesting downstairs!
Gentian keeps an eye on Lenoir. He readies an action -- feather fall if Lenoir is in trouble.
Lenoir d20+6=23 Monday October 9th, 2006 6:17:18 PM
Lenoir is not worried about small spiders, it's the big one he does not like, He will now try to let the dumb waiter down. Hesreches the wall for a lever or something to twist to make the platform go down.
Serch 26
Calor Monday October 9th, 2006 8:30:10 PM This is going to end in a loud crash, the wizard decides silently as he watches the proceedings. A mental review of his spells follows, and Calor decides there is very little he's going to be able to do either before or after the catastrophic event.
He leans against the far wall, folds his arms across his chest, props his right foot up against the wall so that he's perched on his left leg, and awaits the inevitable.
Breanna Tuesday October 10th, 2006 1:06:28 AM "Lenoir get out of there before it breaks!" Breanna seems very worried. "This is just the dumbwaiter, there has to be stairs around here if we just look for them!"
Breanna will get close to the dumbwaiter and is prepared to either help Lenoir out or to try and catch him when the very old rope breaks.
DM to Breanna ~ its not a rope, its a small chain, as I stated in a former post. Re-read a few of the dumbwaiter posts.
Toothache Tuesday October 10th, 2006 6:46:53 AM
"Ah, he'll be fine, I checked the chain myself. Its oiled and more or less untarnished. Stop worrying."
Dumbwaiter continues... Tuesday October 10th, 2006 6:53:51 AM
Lenoir finds nothing of importants in the shaft. It definately only goes down, there is no up.
Breanna continues to concern herself with Lenoir and the dumbwaiter.
Calor is certain that Lenoir's escapade will end in a loud noise at the bottom of the shaft.
Gentian readies a spell.
Eclip waits.
Nothing happens to Lenoir while in the dumbwaiter shaft, in fact, it grows boring very quickly. Menacing sounds of creaking wood, nothing more. Though, you all know now that it only moves down and that it stands to reason that there MUST be a basement entrance somewhere.
Lenoir, please make a Wisdom check.
Eclip and Spirit Tuesday October 10th, 2006 7:59:04 AM
While waiting, Eclip comments, "You know the dumbwaiter is probably blocking the lower exit if it's not boarded up too."
Spirit scratches at an itchy spot behind his ear.
Lenoir d20+1=3 Tuesday October 10th, 2006 7:59:33 AM
Wisdom check is 3 I don't think he's using his head!!
"Now, Now, Breenna! Give me a chance here!" he mumbles (because if the dagger in his teeth). He will fumble with the chain to see if he can make the Dran thing go down? He'll even try to do small jumps, to see if the platform is stuck up here??
Toothache d20+11=26 Tuesday October 10th, 2006 11:34:44 AM
The dwarf stops chewing his hangnail and looks curiously upon the dark warrior. This guy is losing it! This house must be effecting him. No one is this slow. He thinks. "Um, Lenoir, I'm starting to think the little lady's right. You should get out of there. Come out. Please."
He swiftly jams a crowbar and wedges it inbetween the frame of the shaft and the dumbwaiter, barring it from going anywhere. (Disable Device 26)
The rogue then turns to Gentian and whispers, "I have manicles in my bag if we need them."
Gentian Tuesday October 10th, 2006 12:32:37 PM
Gentian calls down to Lenoir, "Come on back up, friend!"
He suggests removing the dumbwaiter completely from the shaft, then going down and out. He'll do that himself if Lenoir will come back.
The dumbwaiter will have to be dissassembled or bashed to get ti out of the shaft. But then Gentian and his dog can feater fall down there and see what to do.
Calor Tuesday October 10th, 2006 6:04:11 PM
"How 'bout we go back into the kitchens and see if we can find us some stairs?" the wizard suggests.
Breanna Wednesday October 11th, 2006 7:11:27 AM "Please Lenoir come out."
Toothache Wednesday October 11th, 2006 11:08:41 AM
"Hey, Lenoir, I see your horse!!" The dwarf rushes out of sight of the dumbwaiter.
Slow going... Wednesday October 11th, 2006 11:10:58 AM
The dumbwaiter shifts to one side, then jams. No one is going anywhere. Lenoir is ontop of the waiter about 6 feet from the door.
Eclip and Spirit Wednesday October 11th, 2006 12:30:10 PM
Eclip continues to wait patently for Lenoir to give up.
Spirit looks at Eclip, wondering what they are waiting for.
Lenoir Wednesday October 11th, 2006 5:03:02 PM
Lenoir tells the leader, "Just one more try at this Meal Box" then Lenoir starts to jump up and down (Hopeing to unstick the box).
That is untill Tooth ache Yells that he has seen his horse, Lenoir dives out of the bumb waiter asking' Where is my horse Where?"
Breanna Wednesday October 11th, 2006 7:50:21 PM
Breanna swiftly blocks the way back so Lenoir cant get back in the DUMBwaiter. "Lenoir you know it's called a dumbwaiter because people who try to go in side it are dumb dont you?"
Toothache Thursday October 12th, 2006 8:10:50 AM
"Sorry, must have been mistaken. It was just a shadow.
To the kitchens then?"
Where to now? Thursday October 12th, 2006 8:15:40 AM
Toothache's little joke has the results he wanted, with one additional unforseen consequence, now the dark warrior is a little upset.
The group waits as Breanna chastizes Lenoir.
Lenoir Thursday October 12th, 2006 11:55:33 AM
Lenoir sits on his heels, "Breenna, I'm was going to come out any way, that shaft will not let the Platform down, It's frosen in place! That was the last jump to disloge the platform." Them he looks a toothache, tells him "I was hoping tha your little rouse was real, Now I know you really like me!" Lenoir smiles at Toothache. But will follow the leader any way she goes.
Toothache Thursday October 12th, 2006 1:17:36 PM
"I don't like you, I'm just worried about the horse." Says the dwarf.
Calor Thursday October 12th, 2006 8:29:49 PM
"Kitchens are that way," the brown haired wizard says helpfully. "We only went as far as the middle one yesterday." He glances over at the fighter. "Someone couldn't just leave them stove rats alone."
Breanna d20+3=16 d20+5=13 d20+5=20 Friday October 13th, 2006 4:49:44 AM
Breanna pulls out the map. "How about we give the kitchens, pantries, and ervant quarters a thorough search. Then we can go onto the other rooms."
Breanna will start off towards the back kitchen searching it and the pantry, the servants quarters across the hall and then the other kitchens, pantries, and rooms.
search: 16 spot: 13 listen: 20
Lenoir Friday October 13th, 2006 8:54:02 AM
Lenoir smiles at the back of Thoothache, Then get's to his feet, replies to Calor "Well Tell me Calor, What would you do if You Privet Parts was being Roasted? Just Tell them 'Tsk! Tsk! Not Nice??"
Lenoir follwos the leader.
Repeat performance Friday October 13th, 2006 10:04:50 AM
They return to the kitchens to search, but this time, decide to check out the servant quarters too.
I need a search check for each room you check and please specify what search checks are for which rooms. Also, if you move beyond the kitchens or pantries, let me know.
Breanna d20=19 d20=14 d20=18 d20=5 d20=16 d20=11 d20=17 d20=2 d20=16 d20=15 d20=16 d20=19 d20=9 d20=11 d20=17 d20=17 d20=10 d20=13 d20=9 d20=3 d20=3 d20=1 d20=11 d20=11 d20=1 d20=5 d20=9 Saturday October 14th, 2006 7:47:39 PM
Breanna looks around each of the rooms.
listen +5 search +3 spot +5
back kitchen listen: 19+5=24 search: 14+3=17 spot: 18+5=23
back kitchen pantry listen: 5+5=10 search: 16+3=10 spot: 11+5=16
Lenoir Sunday October 15th, 2006 7:25:25 AM
Lenoir is behind The Leader, he has to be quick, because she is one fast going female "WoW! Breenna! Slow down! I Cannot protect you if your running in and out of every room you come to!"
Posting Report for Monday October 16th, 2006 7:41:01 AM
The Mithril Tapestry Game For the Week of Oct 9,2006
Spirit follows Eclip around as the group goes to search.
Toothache d20+7=17 d20+7=18 d20+7=14 d20+7=25 d20+7=14 d20+7=8 d20+7=18 d20+7=15 d20+7=16 d20+7=21 d20+7=10 d20+7=10 d20+7=8 d20+7=17 d20+7=9 d20+7=24 d20+7=21 d20+7=25 d20+17=31 d20+17=30 d20+17=25 d20+17=31 d20+17=28 d20+17=18 d20+17=26 d20+17=20 d20+17=32 Monday October 16th, 2006 10:58:44 AM
Toothache follows up after the others. He hums as he goes and when they are finished he will tell them what he found. His cross bow is out, just in case.
DISCOVERY! Monday October 16th, 2006 11:06:02 AM
Several people discover plain ordinary rats, the few ash rats still in the stove and nothing else.
The odd sound makes several people jump. A pot crashes, a bag of floor falls... etc.
The search finds nothing else of signicance.
As they all meet up in Servant #4, Toothache has something to report in the rear most kitchen pantry. "I found a stone door in the floor in the corner kitchen. Its hidden under some barrels."
Gentian searchs diligently with his friends, hoping for something to turn up. His senses are on edge.
Lenoir d20+6=12 d20+6=25 d20+6=14 d20+6=12 d20+6=13 d20+6=15 d20+6=17 d20+6=24 d20+6=22 d20+6=22 d20+6=15 d20+6=19 d20+6=12 d20+6=16 d20+6=17 d20+6=22 d20+6=24 d20+6=16 d20+6=16 d20+6=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d20+5=20 d20+5=24 d20+5=13 d20+5=14 d20+5=19 Monday October 16th, 2006 2:47:40 PM
Lenoir is running behind the Leader, She is very quick and they move from room to Room. But Toothache said something about meeting in Servant #4.
So Lenoir will Listen, Serch and Spot in this rooms him self!
Rediscovery... Tuesday October 17th, 2006 7:04:51 AM
Lenoir also finds the door in the floor of the rear pantry. In the same pantry he also finds a barrel of mead.
The stone door in the pantry is the only thing of interest that was found.
You all know that the conservatory, ballroom and dining hall haven't been searched thoroughly, neither has the other wing of the house or upstairs.
Its the middle of the day, there are 8 days remaining until the blue moon.
Toothache looks at Breanna. "So, pantry or what?"
Lenoir Tuesday October 17th, 2006 9:31:23 AM
Lenoir Look down at the Stone Door, Then the barrel of Mead?? "Leader! I wonder if we can open this door at all?? You know just like the Dumb Waiter! I think these door is for entering into this house!"
Then thinks a few minutes "But why take my horse?"
Calor Tuesday October 17th, 2006 9:42:17 AM
Calor nods toward the stone door in the floor of the pantry, "Let's open 'er up," he says. Although he makes no move to do the actual opening. That looks like a good task for one of these strong, heavily armored folks.
------------- [OOC - which pantry is the "rear pantry".] [OOC2 - Is it possible to repost the introduction from the Giggling Ghost? I can't remember what the smoke mephit told us, and am having trouble locating the post.]
DM non post Tuesday October 17th, 2006 10:32:14 AM
rear = back
The mephit's hook... (taken right from the module...) "I have been instructed by my elemental overlords to seek six heroes to enter the world of Tol. It is a beautiful place with many terrible secrets.
If you are brave of heart and sharp of wit, you are the ones we are looking for. The village of Little Notting is in need of help, whether it knows it or not. Seek the one that is called Swiftly."
The mephit retrieves a small black book and opens it, placing it on a pedestal. "You need only place your mark and step through the wall hanging. You will do this now."
Eclip and Spirit Tuesday October 17th, 2006 10:51:34 AM
Eclip joins the others in the pantry, in examining the stone door.
(DM: does it look like it will be difficult to open?)
Spirit stays at Eclip's side.
Message from DM Highlight to display spoiler: {It is about a 4x4 flagstone made of marble. There is no apparent visible hand-hold. The barrel of mead has not been moved.}
Gentian Wednesday October 18th, 2006 12:09:59 AM
"Oh, go on! Let's not be a-scairt! Bring on the Haints! Open the door!"
Gentian is impatient to be advancing.
If no one else is brave enough, he'll dismount and try to reach up and open the door.
Breanna Wednesday October 18th, 2006 12:37:56 AM "How about we leave take a quick look and then go look for more passage ways on this floor before exploring the floor below us?"
ooc: I have a bad cold or something and am trying to post but dont always make it. sorry.
Lenoir d20+4=19 Wednesday October 18th, 2006 6:43:59 AM
Lenoir ask the leader, "Wait a minutee! I would like to try something first??"
Lenoir will try to roll the barrel (On it's bottom edge) next to the side wall. Now looks for a ring to lift the stone door.
Strenth check 19
Eclip and Spirit d20+1=11 Wednesday October 18th, 2006 12:36:44 PM
Eclip nods in agreement to Breanna plan "Right, Take a quick look see, then finish exploring this floor first." Seeing Lenoir trying to move the barrel, Eclip lends a hand to aid him (str+1: 11 )
Spirit stands out of the way.
Barrels of monkeys Wednesday October 18th, 2006 2:50:27 PM
The two easily move the barrel.
Toothache steps forward and looks at the trap door. "It looks okay to open."
Lenoir d20+4=8 d20+4=9 Thursday October 19th, 2006 4:32:07 AM
OOC:Str. Checks 8 & 9(somebody give this guy some Wheetiees)
Lenoir bends to grab the iron ring on the floor, and gives it a good pull! the door does not budge. Lenoir spits in both hands, grab the ring again, pulls with all his might, The door did not move?? Lenoir lets go of the rong "Well I gave it a go, could some one see if the door is magicly seal or lock?"
Toothache Thursday October 19th, 2006 8:53:44 AM
The dwarf looks at the warrior. "Here." Handing him a crowbar. (+2 to Strength checks)
Calor Thursday October 19th, 2006 11:19:00 AM
Calor absentmindedly scratches at the two day old goatee he's thinking about growing.
Eclip and Spirit Thursday October 19th, 2006 11:28:46 AM
Eclip stands next to the barrel he and Lenoir just moved, and looks at the stone door for the best way to open it. Spirit moves back to Eclip's side.
Toothache d20=14 Thursday October 19th, 2006 1:06:33 PM
"I'll assist." (str 14, successful assist, total of +4 to Lenoirs roll!! including crowbar)
Gentain d20+13=31 Thursday October 19th, 2006 10:49:25 PM
Seeing that stronger bigger folk are busy on the task, Gentian just stays on watch and tries to be alert.
"Put yer back into it, giant friends!" he calls.
Listen 31.
Breanna Friday October 20th, 2006 5:17:29 AM
Breanna stands out of the way, three people should be more than enough to open the thing.
Lenoir d20+8=16 Friday October 20th, 2006 7:26:24 AM
OOC Str Check 16 (+4&+4=+8)
Lenoir takes the crowbar , putting the tool into all four sides of the Stone Door, now he stands to one side of the door, plants his feet, lowers his wide belt to protecy his groins (so not to get a Hyrnier!), grabs the ring and pulls for all his might! His muscles bulges, Sweat starts to bees around his brow.
"I think it's moving!!" grunts the Big Black One.
The door Friday October 20th, 2006 9:55:51 AM
The stone hatch easily opens reveals a set of about 15 stairs descending into the dark. It is so dark that the kitchen only illuminates the first six or seven stairs.
Lenoir Saturday October 21st, 2006 8:49:10 AM
Lenoir stands there (with door in hands) "PEE UEE! Dusty down there and Dark! If I go first I'll disapere from veiw, So does any body here have a torch?"
Eclip and Spirit Saturday October 21st, 2006 8:39:02 PM
Eclip looks down into the hole using his darkvision, he will describe what he sees.
Spirit sits patiently.
Visions... Sunday October 22nd, 2006 2:29:18 PM
Eclips describes a room lined with shelving along three walls and a space to the left of the stairs which can not be seen from his position. The shelved room is directly ahead of the stairs. The stairs are enclosed in mortar and wood walls.
Calor Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:02:43 AM
The wizard looks unbelievingly at the fighters for a moment before sighing audibly.
Calor slips off his backpack, and places it on the ground. Crouching down over the bag, he rummages around, finally removing a lantern, a flask of oil, and his flint and steel. Before continuing, he gives Breanna a questioning glance. "We are going down, right? I don't want to light this for nothing."
Assuming he gets a positive response, Calor fills the lantern with oil, and lights the wick. He bows extravagantly to the armored folks.
"After you."
The wizard will be the third or fourth one down, holding the lantern out in front of him.
Lenoir Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:08:14 AM
The big fighter look to short stuss holding the lantern, "I hope I don't block out too much of your light!"
Lenoir will be the first one down.
Posting Reports for Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:15:53 AM
The Mithril Tapestry Game Foe the Week of Oct 16,2006
Descending... Monday October 23rd, 2006 9:20:51 AM
They begin to move down the dark, now lit, stairs.
Gentian Monday October 23rd, 2006 11:35:38 AM
Gentian guides his riding dog Companion down the stairs.
Once down, he looks at the shelves to see what is on them.
(Sorry for missing a couple posts ... was on vacation and dropped the ball!)
Eclip and Spirit Monday October 23rd, 2006 2:11:25 PM
Eclip shrugs then he and Spirit follow Gentian and Lenoir down the stairs.
Spirit carefully negotiates the stairs down.
Breanna Tuesday October 24th, 2006 3:16:36 AM
Breanna looks at everyone strangely when they ask about a light, hasn't anybody noticed the glowing hair ribbon that she wears? (hair ribbon has continual flame on it)
Since everyone wants to check out the down stairs Breanna will lead with her ribbon lighting the way. The others can follow with their lights.
Lenoir d20+6=23 d20+6=13 Tuesday October 24th, 2006 6:23:55 AM
The Fighter anawers the Leader, "No! Breenna! I though your hair was a natural Flame color!!"
the fighter is looking for anything odd, besides themselves.
Listens 23 Spot 13
Calor d20+1=21 d20+3=5 Tuesday October 24th, 2006 8:08:53 AM
With Breanna and her light in the lead, Calor happily lets most of the troupe clomp on down ahead of him. He treads down behind Eclip and his pooch, holding the lantern in front of him like a...well, like a lantern.
The light pretty much in his face makes it difficult to see much, so the wizard compensates by carefully listening to the sounds in the dark.
[Listen 21 (nat 20)] [Spot 5]
Wine cellar... Tuesday October 24th, 2006 10:03:36 AM
As the group moves into the cellar, the air is noticably cooler than upstairs with a hint of moisture and mildew/mold. The shelves are filled with wine, lining every wall and rack of the room immediately infront of the stairs. The room to the left has crates on crates or wine stacked to the Ceiling, supplies of all kinds and several badly worn antiques. There rare vintages of wine that are nearly 300 years old and would fetch a pretty sum (no need for a Appraisal, its one of those obvious things).
Spirit doesn't like this place, either because it will reak havok on his nose, or for some other reason.
Lenoir seems to notice the ambient noises of the room grow louder with echoes of the party's footsteps, as does Calor.
[Map to follow...]
Toothache d20+10=23 d20+17=21 d20+10=13 Tuesday October 24th, 2006 10:22:00 AM
(Appraisal 23, Search 19, Knowledge local 13)
"WOW! This guy is hoarding alot of old wine! Kolpis would go spare if he saw this place!" He then points a finger at a bottle above him and it slowly floats down to his waiting hands. As he smoothly pockets it.
"This stonework is different than the rest of the house." The dwarf feels the moist walls next to the wine room. "Older even." He then points a finger at a bottle above him and it slowly floats down to his waiting hands.
Eclip and Spirit d20+2=5 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 d20+2=16 Tuesday October 24th, 2006 2:00:58 PM
Eclip glances around at the stacks of bottles. Spirit brushes up against Eclip nudging him back towards the stairs. Eclip scratches Spirits head reassuringly, "Yea it's too damp for my liking too."
Upon seeing Toothache pocketing a bottle, Eclip comments "Toothache, our host asked up specify not to mess with the wine collection, so kindly put the bottles back." Not waiting, Eclip starts to search for concealed doors. (Search+2=5, 16, 16, 16)
Spirit stays close to Eclip.
Gentian d20+11=13 d20=20 Tuesday October 24th, 2006 2:32:53 PM
The halfling listens (13) and searches (nat 20!). He looks for any hidden spaces, fake bottles, crates with false bottoms, etc. He moves the crates and looks behind them.
Breanna Wednesday October 25th, 2006 2:15:34 AM
Breanna doesnt see what the big deal is, of course she doesnt drink either.
Lenoir d20+6=23 d20+6=22 Wednesday October 25th, 2006 7:23:42 AM
Lenoir touches only to move around the bottles, "I don't know as to why this stuff is so valued? their are hundred of years old! They must have turned to Viniger by now??"
Listens - 23 Spot - 22
Calor Wednesday October 25th, 2006 8:30:08 AM
Calor watches Toothache with interest. "Should we be echoing this much?" the brown haired man asks no one in particular.
Shouldn't the dwarf be a little surprised at bottles of wine floating into his hand on command?
The wizard decides to experiment, and points to a bottle. If the wine comes to his hand, he puts it back. If it doesn't, he turns to Toothache and asks with genuine interest, "How did you do that?"
Rats, no luck... d20+17=36 d20+3=10 Wednesday October 25th, 2006 11:42:21 AM
Toothache looks at Eclip. "I've never met 'our host' and he never asked me not to touch the collection. As it is, I'm not getting paid, I'm repaying a favor to Kolpis. This Doloff fellow is a stranger to me. I'm a fair fellow besides, I will leave a generous portion of booty in place of the spirits as well as a note explaining myself. No harm done! I'm a rogue, not a thief!"
He then turns to Calor. "Trade secret friend." He then winks. (Calor and Calor only, Spot check please.)
Then his expression goes strange and he begins staring at something with curiousity. He is looking, perhaps the southern most wall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are Searching, please specify exactly where, how and which 10ft sections of teh cellar your searching. Details maybe important.
Gentian moves a rather heavy crate(the scraping of the crate on the floor is all you hear, thats all anyone can hear, its like fingernails on a chalkboard) and is instantly swarmed with rats. Rats chitter around the dogs legs and face and run around Gentians face which is almost nauseating. (takes up 10ft space around your, I need two Fort saves from Gentian and his dog each, hits AC 10 missing for damage)
At the same time Gentian is attacked, Lenoir sees the rats near the crate he is about to move, but it is too late.
The wizard nods along with Toothache's wink. "Uh huh", he replies without conviction.
The dwarf is up to all kinds of interesting stuff it turns out. His fascination with the southern wall is enough to peak Calor's curiousity, and he moves to the boxes to take a look.
But, before he can move past/through/around any boxes, Gentian loudly discovers a mess of rats.
Calor turns at the yelling, and is only able to come up with one way to separate the good guys from the bad guys. His voice confidently intones a bunch of mumbo jumbo as his hands weave a complex pattern in the air.
[Cast Sleep, centered on Gentian. Will DC 14 negates. Effects 4HD worth of creatures, starting with those with the least amount of HD.]
Breanna d20+10=28 d6+4=10 Wednesday October 25th, 2006 5:51:03 PM
Breanna immediatly starts slinging bullets at the rats, while trying not to break any bottles of wine.
attack: 28, +1 if within 30' damage: 10, +1 if within 30'
Dm sanity info
Hp: 38/38 ac: 19 Dodge +1 against nearest rat
Active spells: none
Toothache d20+3=22 d4=1 Thursday October 26th, 2006 7:00:28 AM
Losing track of the south wall, the dwarf pops a shot at the cloud of rats that are in melee with Gentian. (hand xbow, swarm takes 1 damage)
Eclip and Spirit Thursday October 26th, 2006 11:03:53 AM
Eclip shrugs unconcerned for Touthache's rationalization of his own actions, but he does comment back "So if Doloff was to take your beard and leave a gold piece in its place, would you consider it fairly traded?"
When the swarm attacks, Eclip directs Spirit to stay at his side then he begins to cast a spell. The magical energies start to coalesce into a swirling mass of wind.
(Casting summons nature ally II using spell energy from Hold Animal spell. Full Round. Summing a Small Air Elemental)
Current memorized spells: 0: Create Water, 3xDetect Magic, Read Magic 1:Speak with Animals, Endure Elements, Magic Fang. 2: Cat's Grace, Hold Animal, Spider Climb.
Gentian rolls a 19 and a 15 for his saves. Andergon rolls a 25 and a 15.
If he can do anything, Gentian and his dog back off (Withdraw action).
Toothache Thursday October 26th, 2006 4:13:25 PM
The dwarf turns with a grin to Eclip. "Personally, I would consider that a great business deal. My beard will grow back, as will the grapes that produced this wine and the wood that made the barrels. I'm sure Doloff wouldn't mind one of a dozen of the 25 year old vintage. Its not expensive, just good."
Lenoir d20+4=21 d6+4=6 Thursday October 26th, 2006 6:32:21 PM
Lenoir yell! "Rats! back here! any body have a torch?" As the fighter look for something to fighi off the rats, Lenoir grabs a bottle of wine and will try to club anything trying to jump at him. "Rats! I hate Rats!".
Allack with Bottle of wine AC 21 - Damage 6hp
Lenoir d20+4=15 d6+4=10 Friday October 27th, 2006 6:31:02 AM
Lenoir not taking any chance, hit's the rats again!
attach ac 15 dabages 10 hp.
Rodents residence d20+2=9 Friday October 27th, 2006 9:08:47 AM
Many rats lay dead or dying at Gentian's feet from the varies blows the swarm has taken. As suddenly as the attack began, Calor ends it with a very simple spell. The halfling rider and mount suffer no ill effects from the rat swarm.
An air elemental pops into being, which looks curiously around.
Lenoir manages to break a bottle of wine. (Lenoir, roll a d4 and a d6 please)
The sounds of combat seem to awaken the residents of the basement. Its an infestation. Rats, lots of them, from of corner, crack, cranny or rotten crate.
Toothache decides fleeing is the best course of action and makes for the stairs. He begins to dig in his pack for something while he moves toward the stairs.
Calor (AC 13, 28/28 hp) Friday October 27th, 2006 9:56:18 AM
Calor glances around. Thats a lot of rats.
The wizard takes his cue from the dwarf.
"Time to go, everybody," he sings out, and sprints to and up the stairs.
Gentian Friday October 27th, 2006 12:30:01 PM
As he flees with his friends, Gentian suggests that if it is important to check this place out, he can pray for Invisibility to Animals tomorrow.
Lenoir d4=4 d6=6 Friday October 27th, 2006 5:23:53 PM
OOC; The rolls you wanted - A natural 4 and a natural 6 ;)
Lenoir hight step it to the stairs. With a bottle of wine in each hands.
Eclip and Spirit Saturday October 28th, 2006 12:22:17 PM
Eclip nods in agreement to retreating. He directs the air elemental to attack the swarming rats as he and Spirit make there way back up the stairs.
The small air elemental turns into a whirlwind and moves back and forth into the wave of rodents for the round. Tinny rodents are sucked up into the whirlwind and flung about.
[Small Air Elemental HD 2d8 (9hp), fly 100ft., AC 17, Attack Slam +5 melee (1d4) Special Attacks: Air mastery, whirlwind]
(Whirlwind all creatures of one size small that touches or if the elemental moves into or through the creatures space must save DC 11 or take Damage 1d4. )
Spirit follows Eclip up the steps.
Dm note to players... Sunday October 29th, 2006 4:58:39 PM
This tap was supposed to be over by November something. I'll do my best to stretch it out. Thanks for your patronage. :)
Breanna d20+10=29 d6+4=8 Monday October 30th, 2006 2:14:45 AM
Breanna slings another bullet towards a rat as she backs towards the stairs.
attack: 29, +1 if within 30' damage: 8, +1 if within 30'
Posting Reports for Monday October 30th, 2006 4:30:17 AM
The Mithril Tapestry Game The Week of Oct 23,2006
Name.....MTWTF DM Jay B..XXXOX Lenoir....XXXX2 Breanna...OX2XO Gentian...XXOXX Carlo.....XX2XX Eclip.....XXOXOS
Adm Ceil, Very good play here, they are hitting RATS with wine Bottles.
Toothache Monday October 30th, 2006 1:25:36 PM
Having made it to the top of the stairs, the dwarf shouts down to the group. "Make haste, I think their angry."
When everyone returns to the kitchen, "The basement is very old. Older than the house. You folks have been here longer than I have, what have you seen? Clues I mean. What do you make of it so far? Lots of rats, I know that much!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explored Rooms so far...
All the kitchens All the pantries All the servant quarters Foyer Cobblers shop Library brief glimpse of the cellar (Toothache and Eclip know that the cellar contains more than just bottles)
Eclip and Spirit Monday October 30th, 2006 3:14:35 PM
Once back in the kitchen, Eclip helps everyone else climb out of the basement hole before pushing the stone door back into place.
In response to Toothache's request for clues, "Well there are lots of rats, but none on the second floor. There is lots of magic here. The walls and floor beneath the foyer are too thick to detect through. A long time ago a High Priest McKagen gave his life for the Tol (world?). Something about 'He is gone forever, to history's end and evil will never rise.' Also, the waxing moon will be full in about 8 days. A blue moon to boot and some how connected to this mystery. Things run close to nature here in Notting."
Spirit stands guard next to Eclip.
Gentian Monday October 30th, 2006 4:58:57 PM
Gentian looks around for where the dumb waiter would have come out. He follows the group when they leave, but if he does not see the dumbwaiter, then he knows that there is still something else down here that the group probably needs to find.
He tells everyone his thoughts.
Breanna Tuesday October 31st, 2006 2:56:08 AM
Breanna is a bit shocked when she's shut in the cellar. She decides not to waste another bullet and starts up the stairs where hopefully someone will let her out.
loretta ooc Tuesday October 31st, 2006 3:39:08 AM
What happened to making this game permanent? I think you should get permission to make it permanent BEFORE it ends, then we just keep on playing. :)
Lenoir d20+4=18 Tuesday October 31st, 2006 6:36:33 AM
"Move over Leader, and I'll help you out" lenoir tell her, He puts his back to the heave trao door and pushes with all his might.
Now If I made my strenth Check?? and he push open the door. then this happens.
Trap door opens Lenoie helps Breanna out, "Friends! You forgot two down there, All i seen is the wine most of them are very old, But nothing newer than 100 years old? and more rats than up here?? there's a few barrols?? Stone Floor and Walls? No place for a dum-waiter to go down? either one of those walls are false? or the Dum-waite was never ment to go down?"
Eclip and Spirit Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:00:00 AM
Eclip shakes his head as the last few stragglers start to panic thinking they may be sealed in. "Calm yourselfs, the door is not closing until everyone is out!'
The air elemental continues to battle the rats and Spirit sits by Eclip's side.
Calor Tuesday October 31st, 2006 11:02:41 AM
The wizard is out of the basement in a flash. He stands beside the dwarf and nods along with the halfling.
"What he said. Plus there's magic tomes on the second floor of the library that we ain't looked at yet."
No solid evidence... yet... Tuesday October 31st, 2006 2:35:32 PM
The elemental battles the rats in a the cellar, meanwhile, the remaining group members are extracted from the room. The door is now closed.
Debate continues about the next destination.
Toothache speaks up. "Folks, this wing still has rooms that are unexplored, correct? Lets finish off this wing then move on to the other. I believe that the gallery or bedroom might shed more light on this whole thing. We should avoid going upstairs since there isn't even a clear map of it, though, the second floor portion of the library might serve us well."
Loretta, perhaps the players should look into that. I have a schedule to meet until it is decided.
Eclip and Spirit Tuesday October 31st, 2006 3:55:13 PM
In response to Tothache's suggestion, Eclip shugs "The gallery and bed room sounds as good as anywhere else. I assume you mean Doloff's bedroom, from looking at the map there may be a concealed door in the southwest corner. We can take the gallery to on the way to the bedroom."
(Take 20 search = DC22 for gallery if the group goes there.)
Spirit follows Eclip wherever his goes.
Lenoir Wednesday November 1st, 2006 6:22:52 AM
Tell all with in hearing "I'll Drink To That!" then follow the others. (Beside he is thirsty from holdin the Trap door open.)
Gentian Wednesday November 1st, 2006 9:52:38 AM
With no reason to think anything is amiss with the dumbwaiter -- "I saw it down there in the wine celler, I think," Gentian murmurs -- Gentian agrees that a continued exploration of the mansion is a good idea.
"Let's explore!" he says.
Calor Wednesday November 1st, 2006 11:12:06 AM
Calor shrugs, and follows the party.
The other wing... Wednesday November 1st, 2006 6:24:51 PM
The dumbwaiter was not apparent in the cellar. It is possible that it was behind a pile of crates.
Calor follows the group, but where to.
A decision is made, by Eclip, to go to the other wing of the house.
"Finally!" Says Toothache. "Maybe something will be found."
Moving along the hall, through the conservatory (Wisdom checks please), to the gallery doors. Toothache opens the gallery door leading from the conservatory and the lights come on.
Toothache and Eclip move the group into the curved gallery, the paintings are faded and peeling, save one. This painting is of a very attractive young woman.
Eclip and Spirit d20+3=13 Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:57:38 PM
Eclip and Spirit move through the conservatory (Wisdom Check+3: DC13) Eclip glances around and stops for a moment but continues on to the gallery. Upon seeing the un-faded painting, Eclip examines it closer trying to determine if it is just newer than the rest of the paintings or if there are any clues to the young woman's identity. "Wonder who she is? Doloff wife maybe?"
Spirit follows along side of Eclip.
Lenoir d20+1=13 Thursday November 2nd, 2006 5:06:26 AM
The fighter goes from painting to painting, looking at the faded and peeling painting, Lenoir stops behind Toothache and Eclips, "Hmmm! Pretty Woman!"
Wisdom check 13(barely made it>?
Gentian d20+2=12 Thursday November 2nd, 2006 1:13:02 PM
Wis check 12 oh well.
Gentian enters the room without a care or hint of trouble.
The conservatory Thursday November 2nd, 2006 1:49:15 PM
Moving through the conservatory reveals nothing of interest again. (Eclip, check email please)
The sounds of wind and rain cutting through the broke glass is faint and a little spooky. Time has passed so smoothly that it is hard to know exactly how much time has passed today.
Eclip and Spirit d20=11 Thursday November 2nd, 2006 3:45:20 PM
[OOC: email check DC 11 failed {no message received yet}]
After examining the undamaged painting, Eclip cast a detect magic spells in order to scan the lady's painting and the rest of the gallery.
Spirit sniffs at some interesting scent on the ground he has found.
Gentian Thursday November 2nd, 2006 3:54:43 PM
Gentian says, "Look!" He points out some tiny footprints on the floor.
"Can anyone track these? Can anyone look for invisible creatures?"
Gentian tries to rememebr if he saw any flour in the kitchen, or of there is any ash in fireplaces herabouts. Flour or ash might work as low-tech ways to highlight the unseen.
Tracks Thursday November 2nd, 2006 7:11:03 PM
(OOC Gentian recieved Eclips email by mistake. My bad.)
The two can't actually find a source of the tracks, but know that there are a signifant number of fey about.
Breanna d20=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=12 Thursday November 2nd, 2006 8:35:56 PM
Breanna spends some time looking around as she munches on some dried fruit.
wis: 12 listen: 10 spot: 12
loretta ooc Thursday November 2nd, 2006 8:41:26 PM
ok, how should I go about making this permanent?
Calor takes the news of the fey thoughtfully. "OK, so there are a bunch of little folk about. Maybe they can help tell us what is up with this place."
The wizard calls out, "Hello? We're just trying to help. Maybe you can show us the way?"
The brown haired wizard waits for an answer, but doesn't really expect one.
Lenoir Friday November 3rd, 2006 6:33:30 AM
"Fays!" Lenoir questions Calor, "You say Little people? If I remember anything about Fays, is they love to play trick on BIG people!"
Lenoir start to look around, muttering"Don't be afraid of big people like Me? I love little Fays! I just want my Horse Back!!"
Gentian Friday November 3rd, 2006 9:33:06 AM
The more that they spend time here, the firmer Gentian is that the only problem with this house is not ghosts or undead, but an infestation of fey.
"What can we do to make it so unpleasant for Fey that they will want to leave?"
Toothache d20+7=16 d20+7=23 d20+8=24 Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:18:51 PM
The dwarf scratches his ample beard in thought. "Maybe this man, Doloff, did something he shouldn't have? Or maybe something foul happened here that the fey still remember." He thinks a moment. "I remember a rumor that this town wasn't more than a small camp of sorts about 400 years ago. Its said that when they decided to build permanent structures here, nature hindered progress."
(Spot 16, Listen 23, Knowledge Local 24)
The game is afoot Friday November 3rd, 2006 2:33:12 PM
Something new has been added to the mystery; fey. Perhaps some more clues can be found in the other unexplored rooms.
(Please roll me a d20 twice)
Calor d20=16 d20=4 Friday November 3rd, 2006 3:11:57 PM
"Nature hindered progress? Great, the Fae King all over again," Calor responds sourly. "The good news Lenoir, is fey would be nice to your horse. So, its probably around here somewhere."
The wizard thinks a moment. "So, our best bet is probably find a way to talk with these guys, or find out some other way what has got 'em ticked off."
"Which I'm thinking might be back in them books in the library. Let's keep looking for the stairs going up. That'd be a big help here."
The wizard pushes on to the next room.
Eclip and Spirit d20=8 d20=15 d20+11=31 Friday November 3rd, 2006 4:15:25 PM
With the talk of Fey, Eclip thinks back to what nature lore he knows about Fey and how to deal with them (Nature knowledge check+11: DC 31). Just on the off chance eclip calls out to the Fey in Druid and then Sylvan, "Fey, we wish to talks about any grievances you may have with this house or the people who have lived here!" Once they move on to the gallery, Eclip will examining the lady's picture that is un-faded and also cast detect magic to search for magic effects in the gallery.
Spirit tags along at Eclips side.
breanna d20+3=9 d20+5=21 d20+5=11 Friday November 3rd, 2006 4:32:06 PM
ooc: how should we go about making this game permanent?
Breanna will help the others try to find the fey, but she doesnt know much about them.
untrained knowledge check: 9 listen: 21 spot: 11
Gentian d20+2=19 Saturday November 4th, 2006 7:55:02 AM
Gentian bows to Eclip. The halfling knows just enough about fey lore to know that he is out of his league. Maybe Eclip CAN get them to talk.
He tries to help Eclip's diplomacy: Aid Another roll is 19 to give Eclip a +2.
(OOC: I'm enjoying it very much, but no way do I have time to add a third permanent game, sorry.)
(Cayzle, thanks for the consideration. Currently, I am still writing the world anyway. Out of curiousity, what permanent games are there? Jay B)