Monthor Monday October 30th, 2006 12:50:33 PM
:: Monthor pauses from his drinking long enough to listen to Arrak's proposal. Monthor likes to have people think he's dumb but the dwarf is actually fairly intelligent. His lack of wisdom and charisma sometimes gets him in trouble but he's certainly not think headed where it counts. ::
" Bottom line Arrak me bud, me goes where Draax, Tratain and Arien goes. If they choose to do this for ye, me will do me best to keep them alive. Me would know more about the "Dreadlands". What are we likely to encounter there? Sounds like undead territory to me.
Arrak (DMJK) Monday October 30th, 2006 5:53:12 PM
Arrak looks about the group as they speak. He looks as if he's about to speak on a couple of occassions, but he decides to address Monthor first, "The Dreadlands is the just the name of the headquarters of the Sons of Dread. It was a portion of the Culverwood until the Dread settled in it. The forest has slowly been dying since he came to it. I had hoped to find a druid to go with you to see how any being could destroy the magical forest. I'm afraid the Sons are somehow leaching its magic to strengthen the Dread. Perhaps you can discern how this is happening, but a druid would be of some help, I imagine."
He addresses Arien next, "Go in disguise if you wish." He smiles knowingly, "Concealing your identity can be useful for a variety of reasons. However, most disguises won't likely protect you in the Dreadlands. I suspect that they'd kill those who don't belong. So, if you disguise yourself, it should be as someone who belongs. As to a means of contacting me. I can provide something suitable that will allow the group to return to me, or at least to a nearby location. If the matter is important, I prefer to discuss it in person. If it isn't important, you don't need a magic mirror or some such to talk to me."
Finally he turns to Izen, "It's a simple matter to come by coin. You could murder people in their sleep and rob them of everything they own. You could become a pickpocket and snatch the purses of the wealthy as they walk by. You could steal innocent babes and sell them into slavery. You could flaunt your talent and perform in a travelling troupe, or you could pick up a hammer and learn to smith."
He pauses a moment, "There are a myriad of other possibilities. However, you don't seem to have taken to any of these paths to earn your coin. Instead, you've choosen the route of the adventurer. This profession leads to piles of coin, the adoration of fair maidens, and lasting fame in song. It can also lead to an early death."
"So what do I intend when I say that I'll sponsor you? I can provide you with the means to become adventurers of reknown. I once helped turn an amateurish band of adventurers known as the Three into the famed Storm Dragons. Now, members of that band are part of the legendary Platinum Dragons. They break bread with Valdor the Dragonstone and fight by his side. Their wealth is sufficient to make lords weep and kings envy. If you serve me in this and future tasks, I can similarly elevate you. I can provide with with contacts in the world, quests for adventure, and even the shiny magic items that can make you great."
He grows quiet for a moment, "But if that isn't to your liking, you're free to go." Once again, he nods to the door everyone used to enter this room.
Monthor Monday October 30th, 2006 7:19:09 PM
" Shiny magic items is it? Fine Arrak old sock. Ye talked me into it. The rest of you girls coming along too? Come now? Monthor's Angels needs to start making a name for themselves! "
Draax Monday October 30th, 2006 9:37:05 PM
Draax thinks for a moment, "I also like the sound of wealth and magic items, I never really thought about fame. Like my friend Monthor, you can count me in too, on one condition and that is, (smiling) you do not refer to us now or in the future as Monthor's Angels."
Arien Monday October 30th, 2006 11:59:52 PM
Arien smiles a moment at Draax's comment before adding, "Perhaps one day, not so long ago by an elf's reconing, the thought of fame and fortune would have motivated me. Now I feel less entranced with these things and instead simply seek to thwart evil where evil may be found. I have lost too many friends to those of evil intent and too often they are not brought to task for the evil that they work. A chance to do so is all that I ask for. So yes I will go, perhaps I can disguise myself as one of the Sons and the rest or most as servants. We need to know more about the Sons though. Would you perchance know someone or somewhere we could gain this information?"
Juliander Tuesday October 31st, 2006 1:11:46 AM
Becoming quietly serious, "I know nothing of 'adventure' as you speak. However, I will do what is right. Tell me Arrak, what manner of creature that we might disguise ourselves, calls the Dreadlands home? Describe these denizens to me, that I may know them better. Please don't be lax with the details."
Izen d2=1 Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:13:26 AM
Izen listened carefully to Lord Arrak's words. If he registered the scorn and sarcasm in the Lord's words, he did not acknowledge it--nor did he rise to the bait of the repeated suggestion to leave.
He pocketed the string tied with loops and snares and retrieved the copper coin once more. He flipped it in the air and examined the results. (1, heads) then he addressed the lord.
"You seem to have powerful allies," the halfling acknowledged. "Present company included. These fine folk seem willing enough to trust you. And I ..." He trailed off and frowned, looking at the coin. "Maybe I'm a bit cautious about accepting employment. I want to make sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I ... wouldn't want to disappoint anyone."
He looked at the others, and then Arrak again. "But all right. I'll go with these others. Go find out what we can, and report back."
Still deadpanned, he added, "And maybe we'll find some babies to murder in their sleep on the way."
Monthor add on.... Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:54:07 AM
Monthor looks at Izen with a " I'm not happy with you " look.
" Me trust friend Izen that ye gest about the babies. Me like humor like the next dwarf... "
:: The burley dwarf taps the head of his axe on his oversized gloved hand ::
" But touch a youngling and your head will soon be seperated from your shoulders. "
:: Monthor picks up his mug and takes a deep drink before looking away from Izen. ::
" No threats implied friend Izen... just a friendly warning. "
:: To punctuate the matter, Monthor squeezes the mug with all of his strenth and shatters it. ::
:: With a whipe of his hand, Monthor clears the mug pieces away from him. ::
" Sorry about the mess Arrak. "
Izen (illegal second) Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:16:09 AM
The halfling's brows arched in genuine admiration at Monthor's show of strength. "All right--I'll be sure to check in with you before murdering any sleeping babies!"
He smiled--his first in this company--and then, with a swallow and a scratch of the head, returned his attention to his coin.
Monthor - additional, part 2 Tuesday October 31st, 2006 10:28:09 AM
Monthor cracks a smile at Izen.
" You do that Izen and we'll be getting along just fine. Welcome to Monthor's Angels. "
" In fact, me thinks me will start calling ye 'Farrah'.... "
ooc> that last part's a joke. Happy Halloween folks.
Arrak (DMJK) Tuesday October 31st, 2006 6:57:34 PM
Arrak says, "There's no money to be had in killing babies." There's not the slightest bit of humor in his voice.
"Now to the other questions, I can point out the Dreadlands on the map, and most of the Sons of Dread are human. There are villages within the Dread's domain, at least none that I know about. There are some towns in nearby Culverwood. Parnoth the Green rules his Emerald kingdom nearby. I suspect he does not like that the Dread settled so close to him. Perhaps he would give you assistance, but he's not exactly a benevolent saint either. Speaking with him could prove perilous."
Jova Kon Tuesday October 31st, 2006 7:14:27 PM
"I will travel with the 'Angels if they wiull have me. He does not suppress the yawn that comes after.
Draax Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:08:34 PM
Draax ignores the banter between Izen and Monthor, he looks at Jova Kon with an exasperate impression on his face, "You can travel with the angels if you want, but I have no idea who they are because for the last time, we are not, have never been, and will never be Monthor's Angels." He goes from looking like he is about to cry to a good open bellow of laughter. Looking at Monthor he says, "Will everyone stop encouraging him."
After getting the good laugh out of his system, Draax turns to Arrak and says, "The way the green treats his so-called subjects, I would rather have nothing to do with him if I could help it. Like Arien suggested, I would prefer going in some type of disguise because we can move around more freely and not bring them back to our door step when the task is completed."
Izen Tuesday October 31st, 2006 9:45:16 PM
Izen chuckled quietly to himself. "Maybe we should call ourselves the Dreadnoughts," he said quietly, not having actually intended to be heard by the others.
But Izen nodded at Draax's words. "Agreed that we should steer clear of Parnoth. Treating with dragons can be ... treacherous." He looked thoughtfully at Arrak.
"As to magic, perhaps something that could mask our coming and going would be helpful. Would you have something like that? Anything to assist us in accomplishing this mission would be ... helpful."
Juliander Wednesday November 1st, 2006 1:29:30 AM
"I'm fairly good at blending in, though I don't know that my abilities extend to others very well, in that regard. Either way, I'm comfortable with the idea that we could infiltrate such a place relatively undetected."
CDM Jerry Wednesday November 1st, 2006 10:56:53 AM
I need for the ADM of this game to please add the report for last week's posting. Thanks.
Please email me when this is done.
Monthor Wednesday November 1st, 2006 5:29:59 PM
ooc> Where the heck's Tratain anyway?
:: Monthor looks at Draax::
" Oh come on 'Sabrina', you know you love being called one of me Angels. "
:: To the others ::
" Which ever way we decide to go, me suggest we go pick up some gear first. Me not getting caught in one of those damn cubes again like last time without a way out. Also, me no good a this stealth stuff. Me make a lot of noise and me be big. "
" What dragon? Who said anything about a dragon? Is there a dragon for me to kill? "
Draax Wednesday November 1st, 2006 7:31:29 PM
Looking at Monthor, Draax smiles and says, "OK Bosley, lets try to stay focused on the task at hand, you can go play with your dragons later."
Jova Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:26:20 PM
Surprise knit all over his facxe, he looks to Draax for help
"Did the little hairy fellow, monthor right? Did he say he was big and noisy? I find that well, umm, not believable. I can make him ten times his size if we ever really need noisy. Hmm, i do wonder though if we could handle him that large. Imagine how scary and ugly...." He shudders at the thought.
"Disguises? Not too many people know me, I will be fine the way I am. And isnt that the purpose to be seen, to gather information?"
Tratain Wednesday November 1st, 2006 8:52:13 PM
Tratain looks up in thought, Gather information about the Lord of Dread? Tratain says "Sounds like a worthy cause, though we're not calling ourselves Monthors Angels."
OOC: sorry I'll post the ADM report when I can, Work has been very hectic lately, I've got almost no free time bleh.
Izen d20+5=14 Thursday November 2nd, 2006 9:43:23 PM
Seeing that their host was immersed deeply in thought, Izen examined some of the pastries that the gnomes had brought with the refreshments. (Profession Chef, 14) He bit off a corner of one and chewed appraisingly.
"Light and flaky," he murmured appreciatively between chews. "Not too oily."
He looked at the others, and, after a moment's hesitation, offered the plate. "You should try these."
He looked to their host. "Good quality. Who is your chef? I would like to give him my compliments."
Juliander Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:35:48 AM
"Seen yes... though it is always best to blend in with the locals whenever possible. It keeps them at ease, and off their guard. We'll be more likely to get the information that we require that way. That has been my experience at any rate." Juliander sits back in his chair, the tips of his fingers lightly touching in front of his face as he ruminates.
Arrak (DMJK) Friday November 3rd, 2006 9:18:16 AM
Arrak listens to the chatter, but raises his eyebrows when Monthor mentions slaying dragons, "Dragons are not so easy to slay my small friend, and except for Maab, Parnoth is the oldest and most powerful of us all."
He pauses a moment to let that sink in and says, "I think Izen is going to pop a vein in his temple if I don't give him something shiny very soon. So, if you'd be so good as to follow me."
He turns and heads to the door opposite from the ones the gnomes used to leave the chamber.
Izen Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:39:15 PM
Izen arched an eyebrow at their host's--and erstwhile employer's--disparaging remark, but said nothing. Placing the pastry he was eating down on an unused tray, he rose to follow Arrak to the door.
Draax Friday November 3rd, 2006 1:54:38 PM
Because of his previous experiences of using disguises, Draax agrees with Juliander statement about information gathering. He gets ready to add to the conversation but he stops to listen to Arrak's comments. Seeing Izen following Arrak, Draax gets up and walks behind Izen.
Jova Friday November 3rd, 2006 7:58:46 PM
Odd lot of characters he thinks to himself. He stands, brushes off his back side, and follows Draax. Motioning to Z to follow, the bird waddles behind him.
Arien Saturday November 4th, 2006 12:40:59 AM
Arien also follows Arrak, walking beside the spellcaster Jova. Arien says as they walk, "If we are to work together I suggest we coordinate our spells, as best we can. I specialize in the shaping and using of magical energies and do not use spells that involve necromancy or the beguilement or charming of others. What sort of spells do you use, Sorceror?"
Jova Saturday November 4th, 2006 1:54:26 AM
The voice beside him startles him at first. As he listens he is pleased. Pleased that he will be able to act with someone, tired of working aone.
"Ah yes. Well, it seems the ability that resides in me, would mostly be to transform things. Changing one thing to do another. Charming, a little knowledge there, of course it fits in with the changing of things. For the most part people don't pay attention. So I like to lead them one way, while doing something else. Oh, and I do have some practice with summoning. Z, the friendly hawk there, has travelled sith me for a long time, and is a great help. He understands the use of magic, and he is a fantastic showman."
Monthor Saturday November 4th, 2006 9:26:37 AM
The dwarf purks up at the mention of "something shiny".
" Let' go then me Angels. "
Juliander Monday November 6th, 2006 12:18:36 AM
Juliander takes up the rear of the group, thoughtfully observing the rest as he strides easily behind them.
Izen Monday November 6th, 2006 10:10:04 AM
As they walked, Izen nodded at Monthor's ribbon. He scratched at the three-day growth of stubble on his chin and eyed Monthor carefully.
"Axe Clan, isn't that?" he asked. "Dirt City House of Knives. I've done some work with them. Tough set of characters."
Tratain Tuesday November 7th, 2006 12:07:13 PM
Tratain walks along with the others, lost in his thoughts.
Arrak (DMJK) Tuesday November 7th, 2006 5:06:08 PM
Arrak leads the way down a hallway that seems to be descending some distance below the earth. As the group goes down, Arrak says casually, "You all do just realize that I said I'm a dragon, right?"
[sorry for the missed posts. work and such. I'll endeavor to do better.]
Juliander Tuesday November 7th, 2006 5:51:45 PM
Juliander remarks wryly, "Sure... isn't everybody these days? Its the latest fashion." The human snorts, "Though I don't doubt your claims, the frequency with which dragons seem to interject themselves into society, not to mention the political world, seems to be on the rise again. I don't say that as if it were a bad thing... merely an observation."
Monthor Tuesday November 7th, 2006 7:37:55 PM
:: To Izan. ::
" The Axe Head clan is tough.. and me Dah be the toughest of them all. He be Warleader. Though, truth be told, me Mah can still kick his arse when the need be there. "
--------------- The dwarf seems stunned. He hadn't caught on that Arrak ment that he was a dragon (ooc> And neither did I for that matter). Monthor's face turns red from the flow of adrenaline coursing through his body. Monthor's been seeking an oppertunity to battle a dragon. A dragon kill would bring glory to his clan and maybe, just maybe, make his father proud of him. Monthor however, not being as dumb as people think he is, remembers the dragon lore taught to him...
" And what color dragon might ye be Arrak? "
Izen Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:03:52 PM ooc: oh, what's really going to blow your mind is when you go back and read the DM post from Thursday July 13th, 2006 at 11:05:18 AM, and then reread Arrak's posts since then.
Izen nodded, as if this made all of the sense in the world. His reaction is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to read (Bluff, Skill Mastery, 25).
"I imagine that you haven't gone through all of this trouble just to eat us," the halfling observed. "Of course, if you have, then might I recommend that you wait for my older brother to come along. He is bigger and fatter than me, and would make a much better meal."
Under his breath, he added, "... or you could just eat the dwarf ...."
Monthor Tuesday November 7th, 2006 10:28:31 PM
Monthor laughs loudly at Izen's comment and pats the little dude on the back.
" Good one Izen... me sur would have more meat on me bones then you. "
Draax Tuesday November 7th, 2006 11:32:04 PM
At first Draax takes the Arrak's comments to mean he is something similar to the Platinum Dragons, but hearing the others comments Draax finally gets Arrak's true meaning. "Well that explains a lot. As long as your dragon name is not Parnoth, I do not have a problem; if it is Parnoth, I will have a hard time working for you on a continuous basis."
Jova Wednesday November 8th, 2006 3:49:28 AM
Dragon, ya right he thinks to himself. Looking over his shoulder he motions for Z to earch on his shoulder. In hushed tones, in a foreign language they discuss the validity of such a claim. Jova gives Z the order to keep his ees and ears open, if it were so, then maybe this man would demonstrate his shapechanging ability. Alas, they both agree that would be to good to be true.
Tratain Wednesday November 8th, 2006 4:41:06 PM
Tratain looks up startled a little, he says "Dragon, as in real Dragon? I had assumed that you ment you were affiliated with one of the adventuring party's that take those titles, your prowes in battle was great and you mentioned the Platnum Dragons, I didn't realize you ment it literally."
Tratain continues to follow Lord Arrak down the hallway listening to the others and thier questions. The gnomes seemed to hold him in high regard, so they should be safe the Protector thinks to himself.
Patrark (DMJK) Wednesday November 8th, 2006 6:38:42 PM
"The Platinum Dragons are associated with a number of real dragons. The dragon consortiuum consists of a number of real dragons. I am not a member of the consortium, but I am most assuredly a real dragon. My name is actually Patrark, but I find it inconvenient to use this name when posing as a human. I confess that I share Juliander's reservations about dragons interacting in the world of men. I do not involve myself in politics. This plateau is my home, and it has been for centuries. I don't mean to move because people encroach upon my territory. I also don't see the need to drive humans away. There's plenty of room for everyone. I do my part to provide order to this plateau, but I have no other ambitions. However, I do value information, especially about those who may come to threaten me. The Dread is such a threat."
"As to the question of what color I am, I think you would find that I am blue. However, I believe that you actually meant to ask what kind of dragon I am. We have our own name for it of course, but humans generally refer to my race as the saphire dragons."
[Kup figured out he was a dragon. :) ]
Jova Wednesday November 8th, 2006 11:24:32 PM
Spying Monthor in the procession, Jova asks.
"Monthor, can you tell us if this person speaks the truth. I figure a mighty warrior such as yourself would know a play dragon from a real one. What ya think?"
Draax Wednesday November 8th, 2006 11:47:54 PM
Draax continues to follow Arrak with the others; he does not know how he feels about the revelation of Arrak actually being a dragon. He shrugs his shoulders as he remembers that working for Marcus was no picnic.
Arien Thursday November 9th, 2006 2:07:14 AM
Arien remains reserved about the revealed fact that Arrak was, in fact, a dragon. He didn't mind working with dragons but he doubted that if they were to perish it would mean much to the dragon.
Izen d20+5=23 Thursday November 9th, 2006 8:49:31 AM
"All right ... Patrark," Izen said measuredly. "I'm glad that you decided to be straight with us. Deception has its place--but not when offering a job."
He eyed the man-dragon carefully. (Sense Motive 23) "You have any other surprises for us? Anything else you not sharing?"
Monthor Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:29:32 AM
Monthor looks at Jova and responds::
" Saphire dragons are unknown to me but me do know that blue dragons are no friend to dwarves. Me daddy always said that he best predictor of futur behavior is past behavior. Patty's done nothing so far to threaten us and has actually been welcoming and a generous host. If Feng were here he could tell us if our new friend is evil or not. Me... cannot but me instincts tell me to trust him. "
Monthor- sense motive role d20+4=18 Thursday November 9th, 2006 9:30:51 AM
Sense Patty's motive role = 18
Juliander d20+15=35 Thursday November 9th, 2006 7:05:55 PM
Taking Patrark's words at face value would be foolish, though it would be even more foolish to call any dragon a liar to their face. Speaking with complete candor, "Assuming what you say is correct, I would be more then happy to assist you against this threat. Consider me your man good dragon." (OOC: Sense Motive DC 35)
Patrark (DMJK) Thursday November 9th, 2006 8:47:59 PM
Patrark stops before a door and turns. He eyes the group for a moment and then laughs, "Ha! You don't believe it's true. Well, that's why I brought you down here isn't it."
He swings open the door. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness beyond, but you feel the immensity of the room. You feel the air and the darkness and know that the room is vast. Then Patrark speaks a word in an unknown tongue, "zdaknaasdl," and the chamber slowly fills with light.
It's a large underground cavern but the thing that catches your eyes are the piles of precious treasure. Stacks and stacks of gold coins. Mountains of jewels. So much silver that it literally washes over the floor in a flood. Tapestries, works of art, and enough magic items to make a Catacombs salesman look on in wonder.
Patrark lets the group take in the room for a moment, and then he walks into the space of the room. He shifts as he moves and grows into the space. An immense dragon with scales of a deep, yet sparkling, blue fills the chamber, and the radiance and dragon fear that eminates from him leaves no doubt to anyone about whether or not he is really a dragon.
After another moment the dragon speaks with a fearsome booming voice, "I've told you the truth in all things save my name, and I think it should be obvious why I don't go parading my true identity around. I suppose before we go any further, I should ask if you mean to try to kill me and steal my treasures, but I should warn you that I would have never brought you down here if I wasn't certain that you couldn't."
Monthor Thursday November 9th, 2006 8:55:34 PM
Monthor crosses his massive arms across his chest.
" Well me Angels that be a dragon hoard all right. And that be a dragon."
" We're good Patty. No one's gonna try to harm ye. "
Draax Friday November 10th, 2006 12:20:30 AM
Draax chuckles at Patrark's remarks, "Even if we could kill you; you have not given us a reason to. Killing someone, even a dragon just for its treasure is not something that I will be a part of. Killing a dragon for other reasons and taking its treasure afterward is something that I would do. Looking at this treasure does taking away any qualms I had about whether you could pay us an amount that is equal to the risk we will take.
It does seem that the only dragons that I have met that I did not have a conflict with were the ones that I met in their human guise first."
Jova and Z Friday November 10th, 2006 1:45:37 AM
Z begins chattering at the first movement of change. Jova listens intently while he watches the transformation. Speaking in an odd tune, Jova speaks back to the bird. As if noone else exists in the room, the two walk up to the newly transformed figure. The conversation, as all can tell that is, continues with out pretense. Both of them, reach out to touch the dragon. Satisfied with what they see, they retreat to where the treasure lies. It is the magic items that atract the 2.
Placing his left arm across his chest, he cups it with his right hand. He scratches his heads, under the wide brimmed leather hat. Z goes silent and looks apraisingly over the goods.
Speaking to noone, and everyone, he says, "So, information on the sons of Dread? Dread himself as well i imagine. Hmmm, sounds to me to be a worthy task. "For he who recives much, much is required'. Now that we have witnessed this, we are stuck. Me and Z are in. Hopefully the other ankles will join as well."
Izen d20+7=20 Friday November 10th, 2006 11:14:43 AM Just for RP purposes, WILL save v. Dragon's fearful presence, 20 +1 or +2 racial? In any event, 21 or 22--decent, but against a dragon of these apparent HD???
Izen's eyes gazed around the room at the treasure hoard with calm appraisal, despite what should have been shock and awe (Bluff, skill mastery, 25). But all that panache quickly dissolved in the face of the awesome dragon's presence.
He took an involuntary step backward, and then another. Steadying himself against one of his companions, he quickly drew his hand back, as if burned. His eyes were wide and wild with shock and disbelief.
"I--I don't--I mean, you said--you said you were--but I never--I didn't--" the halfling stammered.
Quicker than an eye could blink, Izen's rapier was in one hand, and his javelin was in the other. (Quick Draw) He stepped forward and looked at the dragon, but then, almost as quickly, he knelt and laid the weapons at the dragon's feet. He unlimbered his backpack, as well, and laid that alongside the wepons.
"Your servant humbly offers his inadequate services in fealty to his lordship. His lordship is no doubt aware of his servant's abilities, and the manner in which he performs them. Although his lordship's servant is aware that his services are meager and inadequate, still, his lordship's servant humbly requests that his lordship accept his services and allow him to serve his lordship in the manner that his lordship sees fit."
He added in a low voice. "From the families and of the families, for the families that they might live."
It sounded like an oath.
Monthor Friday November 10th, 2006 12:02:05 PM
Monthor shakes his head in a "tisk, tisk, tisk" motion.
"Izen, duuuuude. Show some pride and get off your knees little brother. It's just Patty after all. "
Tratain Friday November 10th, 2006 4:41:37 PM
Tratain says "I agree with Draax, we just don't go around attacking anyone, it seems you have lived here on the Plataue peacefully for a long time, and will still be here long after we are gone. It is good that you wish to keep order here, so that people may live in peace. I for one have no intention of fighting you."
Arien Friday November 10th, 2006 5:53:25 PM
Arien rises an eyebrow, impressed at the display and the other's response to it and a little bemused as being refered to as one Monthor's Angels. Then Arien looks at the dragon and says, "Patrark I wish to ask you something, from my understanding dragons frequently view the other races as lesser than dragons and expendable. I have said that I will make this journey and will not break that but I would like to know what your view of us really is, would we be expendable fodder to you?"
Juliander Sunday November 12th, 2006 11:13:42 PM
Juliander steps forward, "Fascinating indeed that you would be so trusting as to lead a band of adventurers such as this down into your lair in order to provide them with proof of your existence. I for one, required no such proof, nor do I misplace aggression wantonly. I have the same concern as friend Arien here however, and would have you speak to the point. Keep in mind that I do recognize the need to deal with the Dread regardless, though I imagine our association might last a bit longer then this one investigatory foray. So it is pertinent nonetheless."
Jerry Tuesday November 14th, 2006 12:45:26 PM
I need the weekly report here please from yesterday for last week. Email me when done.
Patrark - DMJK Tuesday November 14th, 2006 6:55:45 PM
"I do love the varied reactions I get when I do that, but I don't transform before many people. It's no suprise that you've found dragons who assume human form to be easier to get along with than others. Posturing yourself as a human implies some sort of respect for the race. Personally, I prefer gnomes... I think it's their inquisitive nature, but humans, elves, dwarves, and so forth have their value as well. I could go on at length about my views of mankind, but suffice it to say I do not think you are fodder."
"In any case, it pleases me that you're willing to accept my proposal. I have but one magical item to give you at this time. No matter where you are in this world, it will recall all of you to a place on this plateau not too distant from my home. You may return instantly when you are either finished with your task or when you are in danger or simply need to communicate with me quickly. I prefer to always communicate in person. I set no faith in magical communication devices. They are too easily tampered with and subject to magical eavesdropping. On your return, I will outfit you with other items as your needs require. Once I give a gift it will be yours regardless of present or future service."
Gem dragons don't exude as much dragon fear as other types. They're more awe inspiring than fearsome.
[ack my last post didn't post.]
Izen d20+13=17 d2=2 Tuesday November 14th, 2006 9:26:00 PM
Izen paused, his gaze still lowered. His new master had not accepted his proffered services ... but neither had he denied them, either.
Gathering his things and standing, Izen sheathed his weapons and shouldered his pack. The awe-struck expression had vanished. A studied slouch returned.
The halfling fished the copper coin from his pocket and spun it in the air. (Sleight of Hand 17, results tails)
"So, when do we start?"
Draax Tuesday November 14th, 2006 10:18:27 PM
Unable to think of any new to add to the conversation, Draax waits for the answer to Izen's question.
Tratain Wednesday November 15th, 2006 12:09:40 AM
Tratain waits for Patrark to finish explaining where the party is to go and to see what his response is to Izens question.
Jova Wednesday November 15th, 2006 12:27:51 AM
Jova still stands off to the side. He listens intently to the dragons simple reasoning. Tossing the idea over and over in his head, he finally shrugs his shoulders.
Juliander Wednesday November 15th, 2006 2:28:19 AM
"I'm honored to be of service... noble Patrark."
Monthor Wednesday November 15th, 2006 8:01:52 AM
" Give the magic thingy to Arien Patty. May as well have the magic user carry the magic item. Me and Arien need to teleport to the Plateau before we go for supplies. We'll need to do the quick trip and the night to rest and plan before we go. We'll appreciate any intelligence you have on the Dread and their lands as well. "
Patrark (DMJK) Wednesday November 15th, 2006 5:47:50 PM
"You may begin immediately. I can teleport to a location near the Culverwood to speed your journey. However, if you wish to go in disguise, you may prefer to travel overland. The overland trip offers the side benefit that it may bring you to your tree. My gnomes can provide you with maps of the region in case you need them."
He reaches a large claw into a nearby stack of treasure and pulls out a red cylinder about 1 inch in diameter and 8 inches long. The thing seems to small for the dragon to grip properly, but he still manages to hand it rather nimbly to Arien. He gives the mage instructions on its use, "This is the teleportation device. To ready it you need to say, 'Zfimfim.' Then pass it to each person in your group and have them say, 'Brinkwater.' The rod will then be ready to teleport everyone who grasped the rod to Brinkwater Lake when someone grasps the rod and says, 'Fizmzim.' You may ready the rod at any time, and it will be ready to function until someone says either the first or final command word while holding it. The device has a rather large range and will teleport anyone within several hundred yards who has touched it. Also, be prepared to get wet when you use the item. I've ensured that you won't teleport into a passing wagon or a wandering deer, but the landing can be a bit tricky."
One of the gnomes enters into the chamber carrying a few rolled up scrolls. Patrark explains, "These are the maps that I mentioned."
"Also, Master Izen, let us delay discussion of your oath until we know one another better. You might find that I am more demanding of vassals than you might currently expect."
Izen d20+13=21 d2=1 Wednesday November 15th, 2006 10:26:27 PM
The halfling raised his eyebrows at Patrark's comments. He nodded curtly and adjusted his equipment, then looked expectantly at the others.
He flipped his coin. (Sleight of Hand 21, result heads)
Juliander Wednesday November 15th, 2006 11:14:10 PM
Juliander nods, "The overland trip is probably the wisest course of action. How far is the trip from here? Give or take?"
Draax Thursday November 16th, 2006 4:53:30 AM
Draax sits calmly, "I agree, I prefer the overland route too. I will also need to make a shopping trip before we depart."
Monthor Thursday November 16th, 2006 7:31:27 AM
ooc> I don't have anything to add. DM, can we make a Catacombs run before we go? Monthor already did the trip as you know and completed his trade. Also, Monthor earned a seal in the Black Tap. Does he have it now?
Jova Thursday November 16th, 2006 12:39:28 PM
Jova is standing in thought. Out of the blue, and to noone in particular he asks, "Who is in charge of the Ankles anyway. Sure they carry Monthors illustrious name, but he doesnt seem to be the leader. Just wondering, in case we have a future dec ision we dont al agree on. Overland is ok with us."
Arien Thursday November 16th, 2006 12:58:06 PM
Arien concentrates on Patrark's instructions and when Arien is confident that he has memorized the instructions he nods at the dragon and begins to stow the rod in his pack.
Monthor Thursday November 16th, 2006 1:28:57 PM
Monthor laughs at Jova's comment.
" Me don't think that there is a leader in the party at this time me friend. And Monthor's Angels is no dictatorship anyway. Usually we settle disagreements by arm wrestling. Yes, that's it, arm wrestling... We could always change that to a gnome tossing contest? "
" All kidding aside, we should settle on a group representative. Me not have the charaaaasma to be the talker. Anyone want the job? "
Tratain Thursday November 16th, 2006 4:33:13 PM
Tratain Sigh and says "We're not the Angles, we do need to choose a name for our merry band now, we used to just call ourselves the Hamleteer's, but most of us aren't from Windhorn hamlet anymore."
He continues "Most of our decisions are made by group concensus, we've never really had a leader to speak of, everyone has a voice here."
Kup ooc Thursday November 16th, 2006 4:41:48 PM Ooc: Izen had proposed the "Dreadnoughts" as a name earlier, although he's not the type to repeat himself on such a thing. Don't have much else on which to base a name suggestion as yet!
Dave T Thursday November 16th, 2006 5:44:12 PM Umm dont know if anyone noticed, but jova refers to the group as the 'ankles', not angels.
Patrark - dmjk Thursday November 16th, 2006 6:12:00 PM
"Call yourselves what you like. It makes no difference to me. I suspect the overland route will take you a week or so."
[see map: dreadlands are between Culverwood and izen]
Juliander Friday November 17th, 2006 12:53:15 AM
"Like Monthor said, I like the idea that we settle things by either consensus or majority vote... or some such method that doesn't put the decision making power in one person's hands. However, that said, I have plenty of skill at negotiations, both formal and casual. I'd be happy to be the face-man for the group." (OOC: To note... Juliander is a bard with a 24 Charisma and max ranks in Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive.)
Izen Friday November 17th, 2006 7:54:52 AM
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Izen growled. He nodded at the dragon. "My lord."
"Let's go."
Monthor Friday November 17th, 2006 8:14:52 AM
ooc> What about the Catacomb's trip?
DMJK Friday November 17th, 2006 5:54:20 PM
Patrark adds, "You should pick up some horses." No sooner has he said this than one of the gnomes brings in a document and hands it to Arien, "Take that slip to the stables in Wellogy, and they'll provide you with horses. Good luck on your journey."
Assuming there are no further questions for Patrark, the helping gnome leads the group out of the caves and back to the Dragonridge Hills. Night isn't too far away. The gnome points west and says, "Town is that way."
[stop in a town after leaving the dragon and you can pick up any catacombs purchases]
Arien Friday November 17th, 2006 6:47:04 PM
Arien looks over the document a moment before also stowing that along with the rod. Arien thanks the gnome and looks at the others, "Well we should be going, it wouldn't be wise to be caught out here at night."
Draax Friday November 17th, 2006 9:30:11 PM
Draax listens to everyone and adds a few comments before leaving. "Like Tain stated 'The Hamleteers' is no longer an option, for now I suggest we go with Izen's proposal of 'The Dreadnoughts' unless or until someone thinks of something better. It fits for the moment with our involvement with the Lord and Sons of Dread.
As far as a team spokesman goes, we can use Juliander's skills until we get to know each other well enough to know who should handle each situation. I have confidence in Arien on magical and Tain on religion matters. Some of you may have more experience in those areas than them, but as we get to know each other we will find out which areas we each have expertise in."
Draax gets up and departs with the others.
(OOC: I suggest we go with Dreadnoughts for now for game play purposes and make any other suggestions via email.)
Izen Saturday November 18th, 2006 11:24:22 PM
Izen looked taken aback for a moment at Draax's having taken his suggestion seriously, then shrugged. He followed the others to the door and toward the road to Wellogy.
Juliander Monday November 20th, 2006 1:47:51 AM
Realizing at times, that the most prudent thing to do is simply remain silent and follow along, Juliander does just that, accompanying the group to retrieve the horses.
DMJK Monday November 20th, 2006 6:19:09 PM
It's full dark by the time the group reaches Wellogy. There appear to be three inns in town. Two seem to be well lit, friendly establishments. One has a sign that features a blue fish, and the other has a sign featuring a red sword and something that looks like a pumpkin. The third is either seedy or cheap, if not both. It's hard to tell from the outside. It's sign features a large black pot.
Of course, continuing down the road is another option.
DMJK Monday November 20th, 2006 6:20:22 PM
[I won't be about Thursday or Friday this week due to Thanksgiving travelling. Any objection to a couple of days off for the holiday?]
Jova Monday November 20th, 2006 6:33:29 PM
Jova upon reaching the town goes directly to the stable. He wanted to inspect the animals they were to buy for the trip. It was an odd thing for him, but he did not seek out himan company. Much more seemed to be on his mind.
Izen d2=2 Monday November 20th, 2006 10:23:14 PM
Izen stayed with the others and waited to see what their decision was regarding accommodations. His copper coin spun in the air (Sleight of Hand, skill mastery, 23, result tails).
ooc: no problem with me to take a break! Starting Wednesday I will be traveling until next Tuesday anyway!
Arien Monday November 20th, 2006 11:17:52 PM
Arien looks at Jova as he heads off with a mildly curious look and then with a shrug gestures to the inn featuring the blue fish and heads that way.
Draax Tuesday November 21st, 2006 2:18:44 AM
Draax decides to follow Arien into the inn and see about a horse after they are settled in.
OOC: no problem here, one less thing to worry about over the holiday.
Monthor Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:31:27 AM
Monthor rubs his hands and licks his lips in anticipation of beer. (!!!!)
Jogging more so then walking, Monthor follows Arien and Draax to the Inn.
ooc> This holiday must be an American thing? Just kidding guys. Happy turkey weekend from the " brother from up over".
Tratain Tuesday November 21st, 2006 10:02:13 AM
Tratain follows the others to the inn.
DMJK Tuesday November 21st, 2006 4:47:08 PM
Everyone but Jova follows Arien into the Blue Fish. It's a typical inn and tavern with food and entertainment and rooms up above. The entertainment features a singer who plays his harp. He sings passably well, but his playing is amateurish. Nevertheless, people seem to be enjoying it. About 30 people are eating inside and watching the show. The tavern only has a few small tables, which are already taken. What is left are some long tables where small groups and individuals sit with whomever happens along.
The tavernkeeper comes out to greet Arien, "Dinner's 50 silver. You can have ham or roast goose." He eyes Monthor, "Drinks aren't included in the dinner price. And we have rooms too if you need them. Common sleeping room is 10 silver a head. Private room is 1 gold. Each private room has a bed that will sleep two. Course, there's space on the floor. Only have two privates left. Plenty of bunks in the common room."
Meanwhile Jova checks on the stable. He discovers that there's a stable boy who can put up horses for the night, but the stable master has already gone home and won't be back til the morning. The boy doesn't want any part of giving away horses for a slip of paper that he can't read.
Izen d20+5=24 d20+4=22 Tuesday November 21st, 2006 8:45:23 PM
Izen waited for the others to express a preference as to the accommodations, but silently tipped his eyes upward to the others to indicate his preference for the private rooms, should they choose to stay at this inn (Bluff to send secret message, Skill Mastery, 25).
He sniffed the air appraisingly (Profession, Chef, 24! Appraise if necessary, 22!). He pursed his lips. "The food seems passable. I'd skip the ham, and try the roast goose instead. But it smells as if the chef is failing to rotate the spit evenly, and so I'd be sure to ask for the pieces nearer the fire." His eyes failed to acknowledge any surprise registered by his companions or the innkeeper.
He smiled at Monthor. "Sounds like you'll be paying for your own beverages--although I'll gladly pay for the first pint."
Draax Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 12:13:11 AM
Draax laughs at Monthor's comments about the drinks. At the inn, he listens to the tavernkeeper and if he interpreted Izen's signal correctly, Draax would also like the private rooms. Although Draax has no idea what Izen was talking about with the food, but he shows no reaction to the comment. Draax does not mind sleeping on the floor, so he has no objections to sharing a room. He speaks up to ensure that no newcomers to the inn get the rooms. "Thanks you good sir, we will take both of the private rooms for two nights maybe more. For dinner I will take the ham and an Ale."
Draax looks around and heads towards any large table that has enough open spaces to accommodate all of them. If no table has enough open spots, Draax will look for a group of open seats in the same area.
Juliander Wednesday November 22nd, 2006 2:05:38 AM
Putting a single platinum coin on the table, "I'll take the goose and your best ale." Holding his finger on the coin for a moment, Juliander's eye glints merrily, "Plus a round or two for the room." Looking about the inn, Juliander appraises their minstrel, as well as looks for a suitable evening companion, should one be present for the having. He then slaps the coin into the innkeeper's hand, and gives it a warm shake.
Monthor Thursday November 23rd, 2006 8:03:16 AM
ooc> Quicky on the fly.... been sick, sorry.
Monthor drinks and drinks some more. He tries to get everyone to sing old war songs and challenges the strongest looking patron to an arm wrestling contest. If things get rowdy he'll be more then willing to "take things outside". He still refers to the group as his "Angels" and ignores any attempts to correct him (especially from Draax). Monthor's fine with sleeping in a common room but with his snoring, the rest of the patrons may be better off chipping in and getting him a private room. Any unwanted "fanny pinching" on the serving wenches by patrons will be quickly delt with by a dwarven atomic wedgy and an expectation that the offender will apolagies to the offended.
Tratain Monday November 27th, 2006 10:30:15 AM
Tratain sits with the others and eats a little, he talks with whomever is sociable in the inn trying to get a sense for the town.
Jova Tuesday November 28th, 2006 3:29:46 AM
Jova leaves the stable and enters the establishment where the others had gone.