Jerry Tuesday November 28th, 2006 11:16:06 AM
I'm working hard on getting this going here. Be prepared. This game will probably be posting again tonight.
JK, either Matty/Marcin or I will begin posting hopefully today or tonight.
This is now my top priority.
Arien Tuesday November 28th, 2006 11:36:14 AM
Arien waves over Jova when he sees the spellcaster enter the Inn and having made his decision for the food relays the choices to Jova as well.
Izen Wednesday November 29th, 2006 11:25:54 AM
Izen scratched the stubble on his cheeks and sat with the others. He certainly was no stranger to strong drink, which he demonstrated by drinking heartily with Monthor. From the top of his mug, he watched the room but made no move to involve himself in trouble.