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Friday November 24th, 2006 11:45:05 PM

Rigging sighs as this half blood yet again escapes from them. He will grab Ashira's arm and say, "He either turned invisible or changed shape or something but he is gone for now. Let's get back and help the others. I am sure we will see him again. You can kill him then dear, I promise."

Rigging turns around and starts running back towards the pyramid and the others.

Zero Level: dancing lights x 2, resistance, message x 2.
First level spells: magic missile* , mage armor, Ray of Enfeeblement x 2*, true strike,
Second level spells: Scorching rays x 3***, dark vision
Third level spells: Haste x 2*, dispel magic*, fire ball*
Fourth Level spells: Evards tentacles*, Lesser globe , Mass enlarge*

haste 10/11 rounds
mass enlarge 8/110 rounds
Evards 8/11
ray of enfeeblement 4/110

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge  d20+9=22 d20+17=29 d20+12=14 d20+7=12 d20+17=26 2d8(2+1)+10=13 d6=6
Saturday November 25th, 2006 2:09:50 PM

Bart attacks the hydra but only manages tohit the beast once (ac 29 for 13+6 shock)

Sunday November 26th, 2006 2:28:14 PM

OOC im going away for a short diving trip to Egypte last post will be on monday evening back december the 6th plz take over Bart

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 26 -- Enlarge, Haste, Prayer  d20+13=16 d20+8=9 d20+13=25
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:33:39 PM

With a quick glance around, Mykael notes all the dead Yuan-Ti, "Quick everyone surround and pound this thing!"

Unfortunately, his slight attention to the rest of the battle-field causes significant distraction from his attacks and he is unable to wound the creature.

Enlarge - 8/110
Haste - 10/11
Prayer -8/10

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic*, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx3*, Invisibility
3 lvl: Slow, Lightning Bolt, Haste

Cosmo (AC 16; HP 47/63)  d3=1 d20+9=15 d20+9=27 d20+9=27 d6+7=9 d6+7=9
Sunday November 26th, 2006 7:45:14 PM

Cosmo directs his apes (1 from SM IV) to move and attack the hydra. They surround the creature and attack with a claw swipe.

Ape 1 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 17
Damage none

Ape 2 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 29
Damage 9

Ape 3 attacks "C"; add +2 to above for flanking
Hit AC's 29
Damage 9

Ape 1: near creature C
Ape 2: near creature C
Ape3: near creature C

Cosmo remains where he is alert for any more enemies.

Location: L11 about 40' in the air.

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 6/10 rounds
SM IV: 8/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37, & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ashira (AC26, HP 101/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:58:07 PM

Spitting on the ground in disgust, Ashira turns and follows Rigging back to the battle proper. Next time I'll kill him...you got that right...

Spells in place
Haste: 9/11
Enlarge: 8/110
Prayer: 7/10

Haste: +1 to AC, +1 to attack, extra attack on full attack, move rate of 60
Enlarge: -1 to AC, -2 to Dex. (-1 to AC), -1 to attack, +2 to Str., 10 foot reach, Longsword=2d6, Shortsword=1d8

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  d20+10=19 d20+5=9 d20+10=12
Sunday November 26th, 2006 11:59:04 PM

Feeling slightly better Nezamil drops his mace and grabs his heavy crossbow and quickly aims and fires at the creature but somehow misses the large beast.
1st shot - d20+10=19 missed
2nd shot - d20+5=9 missed
3rd shot - d20+10=12 missed (hasted shot)

With a look of disgust " how do i miss that thing " growls Nezamil as he kicks the dirt in anger

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3*Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 8/10 rds
Windwall 7/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 9/11

John (AC15 HP35/35) Enlarged, Prayer Invisible NPC Nellie 
Monday November 27th, 2006 12:02:11 AM

Popping back into view momentarily, John quickly reactivates his invisibility ring and shifts his position. He makes sure he stays near the new archer since he intends to heal him next round, but no need to remain a stationary target.

Spells in place
Enlarged 8/110
Invisible 1/7
Prayer 7/10

Val AC 22 , HP 57/ 127 (Enlarge, Haste  d20+17=18 d20+17=21 d20+12=25 d20+7=21
Monday November 27th, 2006 12:02:22 AM

ooc: combat expertise -5 to hit/ +5 ac

Disoriented from the poison that's making her blood burn, Val sways on shaky legs and looks upon the beast with blurring vision. She lashes out but her arm trembles and aim is off.

ooc2: I believe the hydra had a listed ac 28. Val got an 18, 21, 25, and 21. All misses I believe.

Ari 31/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste  d20+7=25 d20+7=10 d20+7=27 d20+4=10 d20+7=26 d8+2=3 d8+2=10
Monday November 27th, 2006 6:20:09 AM

With no other target Ari turns towards the fighting on the Pyramid. If he has a shot he'll add 4 more arrows to the fray.

AC 25 for 3, and crit (with AC 26) 10x3 for 30 points.

Ari then looks at the creature to assess how much damage has been done.

0-level (5)
Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Spider Climb (spell mastery)

2-level (4)
(2) Alter Self (spell mastery), (2) Resist Energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic),

3-level (3)
(3)Protection from Energy

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste+4 Bles +1  d20+18=35 d20+18=38 d20+18=37 d20+18=37 d10+5=11 d8+5=9 d10+5=9 d8+5=8 d6=2 d6=4
Monday November 27th, 2006 10:14:09 AM

Appolo luaunches a full attack on the Hydra creature."Hang on sunshine I'll cut this thing up good for you."Skicing into the thing four times.

Attack 35 38 Crtitcal 37 Critical 37 Critical
Damage 11 9x2=18 9x2=18 8x2=16 2 electrcial hits 6 electrical Total of 69

attendence report 
Monday November 27th, 2006 1:32:51 PM

Dm Kent xoxox
Ashira xoxox
Appolo xoxox
Rigging xoxox
Val xooox
Bart xoxox
Nezamil xoxox
Mmykael xoxox
Cosmo xooox
Ari xoxox

This was Thanksgiving week with many people traveling

DM Kent 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 5:23:23 PM

(ooc: soory about the missed ost yesterday. Real life reared up and bit us on the arse. My next door neighbor and friend had a heart attack and died, so I was dealing with traumatized kids all evening.)

As the major brunt of the Swords' force is brought to bear and focused upon the injured Hydra, it looks like it might do a good bit more damage to the party as they whittle it down until Ari and Appolo add their expertise into the attack and strike with some near perfect shots that bring the beast to its knees and then prone on the pyramid as it dies sending blood spraying all around as it struggles to lift itself and then succumbs to its many wounds. [Geesh, 136 points damage done in one round. Next time you get four of these guys.. :>) ]

Ashira and Rigging reapear in the clearing from the woods as the beast falls and as they all look around they realize that once again they are still alive and standing with a number of corpses lying around, and the remains of the temple and little village to look through.

Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:16:03 PM

Rigging will call out, "Nice job guys! Anyone hurt? Check the enemy and make sure they are all dead. Search the bodies and lets get out of here before anything else happens!"

Rigging then pulls out a wand and activates a detect magic. He will look around for any signs of magic.

He contacts Swirl saying, "Everyone is OK here. How is everything at the ship?"

Ashira (AC26, HP 81/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Tuesday November 28th, 2006 10:56:13 PM

Sighing, Ashira sets about the process of looting, moving the equipment off of the dead bodies and laying them out so that Rigging can cast detect magic. As she labors she calls over her back. You know honey...maybe we should track down the one that got away."

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 27 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 12:07:11 AM

Ghem, its safe. Come to me. Lets have a look at you.

Mykael helps bandage the wounds on all that need it.

Then he moves over to the hydra, and starts to cut into it carefully. He will attempt to extract the poison glands and tie them off. He is careful not to get any poison into his open wounds.

"When we get the Yuan-Ti handled, there sure is going to be a mess for us to clean up." Mykael comments as he surveys another battlefield full of dead Yuan-Ti.

Ari 31/72 HP AC 19 (shield) , enlarge, haste 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 7:35:20 AM

Ari takes a second to look around and confirm there are no more enemies alive or otherwise. Ari then turns towards the hawk, "Thank you for your help friend hawk."

"I'm not feeling so hot but I don't know if there's anyone worse off or not."

Ari then works on retrieving the arrows he had shot off. (ooc I think around 16)

Val AC 22 , HP 57/ 127 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 11:58:37 AM

"Let that last one go. He won't tell them anything they won't figure out anyway. Let's go back to the ship and relax. I'm hurt, sweaty, and exhausted." Val says as she slowly sits on a large rock."

Wednesday November 29th, 2006 1:10:12 PM

Appolo moves over to Val"Hey Nezamil we could use some healing over here."

Looking down at Val"Well sunshine another day another pile of bodies.I hope Gargul appreciate all the business we send his way."

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  4d8(2+4+7+1)+10=24
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 3:31:29 PM

Watching as the creature slumps to the ground brings a grin to the big dwarfs face " yeah " shouts Nezamil as he pumps his fist in the air

Appolo's call for healing help catches his attention " sure thing be right there"

The 10'1" dwarf steps over to the elven warrior and touches her shoulder " this should lift ya spirits " (4d8(2+4+7+1)+10=24 cured to VAL)(spontanously casting Cure crit in place of freedom of movement 4th level)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3**,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 9/10 rds
Windwall 8/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 10/11

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 6:34:28 PM

The big warrior steps away from the creature and cleans his weapon before helping gather their foes equipment

(post by adm- Chris)

DM Kent  d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+5=16
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 7:00:11 PM

***Please keep posting HPs until totalyy healed.

Ari goes off looking for what arrows he thinks he might retrieve.

Arrows and Bolts that hit their target are destroyed. Any arrow that missed has a 50% chance of being found or destroyed. Roll d2: 1 being destroyed, 2 being recovered

As Mykeal gets to work on the hydra. It is an extrmely messy and painstaking jod but after a bout 30 minutes he is able to recover 4 small poison sacks (approximately 8 dosings - poison info: fort save DC 16 1d6 damage)

Rigging activates his wand as Ashira and Bart go about stripping bodies. Three times they are nearly bitten by small adders as they remove armor, boots or when they rolled a YT over, They quickly and efficiently dispatch the small snakes and continues about their business.

Bart and Ashira pull a number of interesting things out or off of bodies and lay about 9 plain scimitars and a dozen plain daggers on the ground. Nearby they lays out 3 nicer looking scimitars and three nice looking bows as well as a decent set of chain armor and a medium shield. In a third area they lay what looks like a scepter, several rolled pieces of parchment and vellum, 6 wrapped arrows. There are also 8 small vials found in a small box on one of the YT. Finally in a nother pile they drop three small pouches, after looking inside and whistling at their contents.

Riggings wand shows that the six arrows, one scimitar the scepter the scrolls and the vials all radiate magic. Ashira knows through her knowledge of weaponry that the three scimitars and bows as well as the chain and shield, while not magic, are of extremely good quality.

Val and Apollo move near to each other and lean up against a rock and ask Nez for a bit of healing, which he immediately provides to Val who receives 24 points back for the spell.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 47/63) 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 9:01:08 PM

Cosmo moves over to Rigging.

"Well what do we do now? Head to the boat and regroup? Or keep moving towards their base camp?"

Active Spells:
Detect Magic: 9+/10 minutes
Polymorph (Sprite-Pixie): 19+/20 minutes (extended)
Haste: from Rigging
SM V: 6/10 rounds
SM IV: 8/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Ashira (AC26, HP 81/112) Woodland Stride, Haste, Enlarged, Prayer 
Wednesday November 29th, 2006 10:20:04 PM

Ashira gathers all the equipment and divides it out amoung the Wildcards to carry. She looks over at Rigging. "Well hun, what are we going to do now. I'm still not sure I recommend going back to the ship, but then again, maybe we killed off all the guys hunting us...maybe."

Ari 31/72 HP 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 7:39:12 AM

"Guys hunting you? The ship is nearby? What's been going on since I left? Do you think there's anything more to look at inside the temple? Does anyone have any spare paper so we can sketch out what we saw and analyze it later?"

Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:20:10 AM

Appolo looks around then heads over to Rigging."I think we should get that map out of the Pyramid and loomk it over.At least we'll know were they're major poitns of concentration.Also I thinkwe broke them up pretty good in this general area and wouldn't suggest chasing any of the remaoning snakemen through the jungle.They have alot of well made prepared traps set out there.Looking at the map and trying to figure which Pyramid to hit next might be a good Idea."

Mykael -- HPs: 26/59, AC: 27  d20+1=8
Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:26:57 AM

Mykael looks Ghem over to see where he is wounded and how bad.

(Healing = 8)

Mykael moves to the village. He takes off his armor. While in the shade, he uses bucket after bucket of water to wash and cool himself. Then he cleans his equipment.

"I think we should wait for the weird human with all the wives. Have him lead us towards thier city. We find a good place to use as a base and just hit them over and over again. If we take the fight to thier turf, they should leave the ship alone. And dont we want to drive them from these islands?"

Nezamil Ac 21 Hp 35/81 Endure elements,Magic Vestments+2 ac,haste,Prayer,SR22  4d8(1+8+4+1)+10=24
Thursday November 30th, 2006 2:25:32 PM

The big dwarf continues his healing of the elven warrior " gonna make sure your in top health since you take the brunt of the battledamage for us " as he again touches Val on her shoulder infusing Domi's healing power (4d8(1+8+4+1)+10=24 cured to Val)(spontanously casting CCW in place of freedom of movement)

" i agree with Appolo .....that map has me intrigued....it could answer many of our questions about this place and the snakemen "

"there is an aboundance of resources on this island ....it has great potential as a base of operations for us "adds Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,darkness,RE x2,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
Prayer 10/10 rds
Windwall 9/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)
Haste 11/11

Bart ac 27 hp 54/86 haste enlarge 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 2:33:17 PM

The big warrior listens to the conversations of his friends and ponders the various options.

" we should be careful in investigating the pyramids as those were guarded by those gooey creatures"

(posted by adm-Chris)

Thursday November 30th, 2006 6:16:43 PM

Rigging looks at his wounded companions and at the battlefield. He examines all the dead snakemen and listens to his comrades opinions.

"Nezamil, use the rest of your spells to try and get everyone healed up. Appolo and Cosmo, take another look at that map. Trace it if you have to but get the information down. After we do that, I think we should head back to the ship for some rest and resupply. We can carry on with our plan after our spellusers have recharged.

Since this pyramid is out of commission and we have killed so many of the minions, it should be safe enough to rest for one night."

Rigging will have the loot gathered, maps made and healing commenced. He will then start leading the others towards the ship.

DM kent 
Thursday November 30th, 2006 10:40:03 PM

(ooc: Thanks for your patience.)

Ashira starts gathering the obvious magical things and the apparent master work stuff and begind to distribute it for carrying. While putting forth her opinion about where they should go.

Cosmo puts for what seem to be the best two options of return to the boat or keep hunting snakes.

Appolo wants a better look at the map as does Nez and they both go back inside despite Barts warning and mention of the need for caution, but not before Nez casts yet another healing spell for another 24 points.

Mykael checks out Ghem and finds his friend is in good shape and strutting around abit like he personally defeated the YT. He themn moves off from the others checks himself over finding that while he will live he doesnt feel to awfully good and could really do with a rest. so he removes his armor and starts cleaning up.

Swirl reports back that basicaly everything is ok at the ship but that there are the occasional 1/2 dozen to dozen arrows that come from the tree line to harry the group so repairs are going slowly and a couple arrows have found their mark though no one has died.

Rigging calls out for Nez to use his spells for healing and then realizes that Nez went into the pyramid with Appolo. He mutters a under his breat about something and waits for them to come back out.

Appolo and Nez go back inside and find that things are retty much the way they left them and find that the map itself is quite an interesting device. For device it is. It seems to actually have been paced in such a way that the entire map rotated according to which of the pyramids needed to be activated. The map is sketchable but will take a Craft skill roll of DC 12 to ensure it is done accurately.

As Nez and Appolo lookat it closely and attempt to recreate it, they begin to notice a few things. Knoledge Geography DC16 (can add 1/2 your ranks in seamanship as a bonus) 30 - 40 minute later the two re-emerge from inside.

Friday December 1st, 2006 12:13:24 AM

The ranger shifts about restlessly as Nezamil and Appolo scout the temple. Yeah, they'd won this battle, but they were still out in the open with an enemy that could set up an ambush in the jungle at any time. She is relieved when Rigging orders the withdrawl to the ship, but worries that the crew will be attacked with the arrival of the Wildcards. The fact that this "temple"...or more honestly teleportation device is now non-functioning calms her nerves a little. She heads over to Rigging. "When those two get back, I'd like to scout a trail back. I really don't like the idea of using the path...too easy for ambushes and booby traps like we've seen in the past. Why don't you let me cut a trail for the return trip?"

Val AC 22 , HP 105/ 127 
Friday December 1st, 2006 5:13:28 AM

"Thanks Nez. Now it doesn't hurt so much." She says after the dwarf healed her for the 2nd time. Grudgingly Val rises to her feet and starts heading for the trail that will send them back to the ship.

"They aren't done. I bet they aren't trying to win yet. They are sending their shock troops to wear down our magic, supplies, and strength. They are going to keep hitting us until we are so exhausted to fight effectively. So far its working."

Ari 31/72 HP 
Friday December 1st, 2006 6:41:37 AM

Ari does what he can to help clean up the area and wait for the other to return.

(ooc Rigging's post said Cosmo and Appolo)

Friday December 1st, 2006 8:52:57 AM

While Rigging is waiting for the mapping party he will take a look at the scrolls he detected earlier. He will carefully open them up and see if he can read anything on them.

When Ashira comes to him with her question, he ponders for a minute or two. "Your plan has merit but I think we should try to use the normal path. Hacking a new one out of the jungle will take a long time and we need to rest, heal up and respell. Once we leave the ship, we will stay off the normal paths and hopefully our friend Romeo will be able to guide us to there village.

I will have Swirl fly back to us and check the path for ambush as best as he can. I have a feeling we have earned a small reprieve before the next storm. We have killed a lot of them including some of their leaders. We can do a quick attack on the harrassing force tonight and see if we can eliminate them. Might be a good chance for some of our younger members to show their stuff.

I am concerned now that the stakes have been raised. I almost get the feeling the YT didn't really respect us. I bet they do now or at least respect our battle prowness, so things are going to get tougher. We need to change tactics and bring it to them."

Rigging summons Swirl and tells him to take a highspeed run down the trail to see if he can find anything. He isn't supposed to really look hard but hope to surprise things by coming fast and silently.

Rigging will hurry the others along and when all are ready start them down the trail at a trot.

"Nez Please make sure we get everyone healed up incase we run into some surprise along the way."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 81/55 Mmagic vestments ,SR22,Endure elements  4d8(4+2+4+5)+10=25 3d8(3+2+2)+10=17 3d8(3+6+7)+10=26 3d8(1+1+5)+10=17 2d8(6+4)+10=20 2d8(1+1)+10=12 2d8(8+4)+10=22 2d8(3+7)+10=20 d8+5=13 d20+4=7
Friday December 1st, 2006 3:33:09 PM

following Captain Riggings orders of healing the group quickly ....Nezamil works on the groups warriors first ....finishing Val's healing .
(4d8(4+2+4+5)+10=25 cured to Val)(in place of Dismissal 4th lvl)
(3d8(3+2+2)+10=17 cured to Ashira)(in place of deeper darkness 3rd lvl)
(3d8(3+6+7)+10=26 cured to Bart)(in place of dispel magic 3rd lvl)
(3d8(1+1+5)+10=17 cured to Mykael)(in place of dispel magic 3rd lvl)
(2d8(6+4)+10=20 cured to Ari )(in place of darkness 2nd lvl)
(2d8(1+1)+10=12 cured to Cosmo)(in place of RE 2nd lvl)
(2d8(8+4)+10=22 cured to Ari)(in place of RE 2nd lvl)
(2d8(3+7)+10=20 cured to Nezamil)(in place of Aid 2nd lvl)
(1d8+5=13 cured to Mykael)(in place of remove fear 1st lvl)

(all cure spells cast spontanously)

Nezamil tries to help Appolo copy the map but the poor lighting affects his attempt (d20+4=7 dc geo know ch)

After his poor attempt he notifies Captain Rigging " Captain this map is very important ....i feel we need to copy it or secure it some how.....i can cast a wall of stone on the inside of the temple to hopefully seal it off till we can make it back here sometime "

"Hopefully Appolo has better luck in copying it....it could hold many clues about the island and our enemy"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)

Windwall 10/10 rds
SR 1 min level (10 mins)

(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

DM Kent 
Friday December 1st, 2006 11:45:37 PM

The talk continues as does the healing after Nez leaves Appolo to take care of the map stuff.

Appolo eventually emerges with what seems to be a fairly good representation of the map you all saw.

Rigging calls for Swirl and he gets a "Sure thing Boss" response and then he sirts down to look at the scrolls and parchments they found. As he opens them for a quick glance he gets fairly excited.

scroll 1 - Monster summon IV (x2)
Scroll 2 - Telport, cone of cold, Overland flight
Scroll 3 - Chain lightening, Shadow walk, Disintegrate
Scroll 4 - Power word Blind Mordenkainen's mansion
Scroll 5 - can't read
Scroll 6 - can't read
Scroll 7 - Power word stun
Scroll 8 can't read

As cosmo studies the map he is pretty sure he recognizes some of the landmarks NOT associated with where they currently are and he begins to worry a great deal more than he had before.

About 45 minutes later Swirl arrives and Rigging is finished looking at scrolls and everyone seems to be ready to go, much to Ashira's and Val's relief.

Cosmo (AC 15; HP 59/63)  d20+7=24 d20+6=8
Friday December 1st, 2006 11:52:12 PM

Cosmo ends his polymorph spell. He is happy when Nezamil heals him of most of his wound. Cosmo follows them back into the pyramid when they say they want to check out the map some more. He views the map carefully, pointing out the information that he finds.

Knowledge Geography 24

Cosmo attempts to draw a diagram of the map, but gives up when the chalk he is using just cannot show the detail that is needed for accuracy.

Craft 8

Active Spells:

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic *, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow *, Scorching Ray x3 **, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x2 *, Haste, & Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph *
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Prying Eyes

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 2/3, Extend 1/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Nezamil A c 20 Hp 75/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac,SR22, 
Sunday December 3rd, 2006 11:53:10 PM

Walking over to Captain Rigging as he study's the some of the snakemens stuff .

"Captain ....everyone is healthy enough to move out ......so whats the plan ?? ....hole up back at the ship for the night? and then head out to investiagte the snakemens other camps ??"

"maybe the new guy .....whats his name .....Romeo... yeah thats it ......he might be able to guide us to their other encampments"

With a quick peek at Appolo's handy work " hey good job.... you might have a future in map making " laughs the 10'1" dwarf

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
SR 1 min level (10 mins)

(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

Ashira (AC26, HP 112/112)  2d8(8+4)+5=17
Monday December 4th, 2006 7:48:54 AM

Ashira looks a little flustered at her husband's decsion, but then again, she knows that there's no way that the rest of these slow pokes could keep up with her in the jungle. And begrudingly, those Yuan Ti could be dangerous when you go off all on your own. As she heads out, she asks John to tap her once more with the wand, putting her back up to full strength.

Monday December 4th, 2006 10:15:28 AM

Appolo heads inside draws his map mwith the help of Cosmo and Nezamil.When they leave he finishes up and comes out with his copy.He shows the copy to Rigging and the others"Ok we got this copy of the map it shows where the rest of their pyramids and villages are locatedj.I think we should head back to the ship and get some rest.We've hurt them real bad during the last couple of weeks and destroyed one of thier teleportation sites.Unless I'm wrong it should be at least two more days before another large enemwy force can arrive here from the nearest village.What do the rest of you think?"

Monday December 4th, 2006 11:38:21 AM

Rigging agrees saying, "Yes I want to go back to the ship as well. These scrolls are interesting and I might be able to quickly copy a spell or two into my spellbook which will be benifical down the road.

Something changed in me in that pyramid. Whatever it was that destroyed my ring also changed me. I feel magic better now and I know I can now cast more powerful spells. My thieving skills have been stripped from me. It is going to change my tactics quite a bit in battle I believe.

Still if I can incorporate this shadowwalk spell and some others, we might be able to really surprise the snakemen."

I want to head back to the ship and see if we can kill off the harrassment force left behind. While you are doing this, I can work on my spellbook. Then in a day or two, we can move on to the village led by Romeo."

Rigging seeing that the group is ready to go, leads the way down the path back towards the ship.

OOC Rigging is now a 11th level straight mage losing his 3 thief levels.

Mykael -- HPs: 56/59, AC: 27 
Monday December 4th, 2006 4:13:11 PM

Mykael prepares to head out.

Ghem, fly from tree to tree above me. Let me know if you notice anything.

"Rigging, we need to push them as much as we can. Lets not rest too long at the ship. They havent earned a reprieve from us, and lets not forget that there are supposed to be captives that could use our help."

Bart Ac 27 Hp 80/86 endure elements 
Monday December 4th, 2006 4:22:28 PM

The big warrior falls in step next to Ari and claps his old friend on the back heartily

" i'll fill you on a few things since you've been gone .....we no longer work for the Pirates of Jack.....we're independant now.....striking out to build our own base.....this island might be it....a good base of operations.....a freeport of sorts "

"well its good to have you back...we could use the help "

(posted by adm-Chris)

DM Kent 
Monday December 4th, 2006 5:46:56 PM

Surprisingly the 1 1/2 hour journey back to the ship actually takes place without incident though Ashira does locate another pit trap and uncovers it so it is visible to any who come across it.

Ghem also spots a couple of small adders periodically but they actually seem to be just adders and merely hunting small rodents.

You arrive back at the at the lagoon to what appears from this didstance to be a HOLEY mess. The Sword, if anything, actually looks worse than it did when you left, with a large gaping hole where the previous a damage had been.

As you get closer you realize that it is only by look as the damaged wood has already been cut away, squared off and smoothed in prepatartion for the new planks to go in. The second thing you notice however are the nearly 36 broken arrows either sticking in or on the ground nearby the two worksites. It is obvious to anyone that repairs have been difficult.

Over on the more proteted side of the ship you see what appears to be two new graves, and you hear the sounds of sawing coming from within the ship. Surprisingly you also see quite a lot of blackish smoke rising from what appeard to be the stern hatch.

As you break the treeline you hear a call from halfway up the starboard ratlines. "Woods Ho!!" and the sudden cessation of hammers and saws and a rush of feet and clanking of steal. By the time you are all out of the trees the slanted deck and ends of the ship are manned with armed sailors ready to defend the Sword.

attendence report 
Monday December 4th, 2006 6:30:07 PM

Dm Kent oxxxx
Ashira oxxxx
Appolo oxxox
Rigging oxxxx
Val oxoxo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil oxxxx
Mykael oxxox
Cosmo ooxox
Ari oxxxo

we can do better people , 7 people missed a post !!!!

DM Kent 
Monday December 4th, 2006 9:39:43 PM

(ooc - Does anyone have stats and info on the Sword? Like what kind of ship it is, how many masts, how many oar locks how many crew are needed? armament? what kind, if any smaller boats does it carry, etc? If so Can someone send it to me. It will become very important to know in the not so distant future.)

Ari AC 16 (fully healed) 
Monday December 4th, 2006 10:15:29 PM

"Thanks Bart. We've been separated for a long time and I was not sure if I would ever come back to you guys again."

"Did you guys do so much damage that the Pirates had to distance themselves from you?" Ari chuckles and watches to see if his friend took the jest or not.

Hearing Rigging and his comments about becoming a mage, "Does that mean you'll also be co-ordinating the spell casters then? I'm a little light on spells myself, though I'm probably not a similar power level like most of you. I even lost some when I went through this Teleport stuff."

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 5:41:44 AM

The sight of the sword never looked so good. The small bunk she shared with Melonie was cramped but that was the first place she was headed. Val couldn't wait to get this armor off and lie down.

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 9:05:07 AM

Appolo looked the Sword and the surrounding area over"Looks like they've hada bit of action as well,but work seems to be progressing. So boss Iguess I'm the only thief left around here.Have to start raining my pupil."

Nezamil Ac 20 Hp 75/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments +2 ac 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:06:04 PM

The big dwarf smiles as they reach the Sword.....his smile broadens even more at the quick reaction by the defenders "home sweet home "

With a wave of his big hand the 10'1" dwarf walks towards the ship and stops momentarily at a strategic spot and fishes out a small granite stone and quickly touches his anvil holy symbol
"Domi shield us from the vile and evil snake creatures (casting Wall of Stone)(10 ft high with 3 ft' of it under the surface leaving a 7 ft' high wall)(built in a semi-circle on the beach side of the ship)(200' in length )

"that should help ward off the attackers better...just gotta build up the backside some so we can have the high ground "

Finished with the defensive wall Nezamil greets the crew of the ship and seeks out Hal and Kirk (bash brothers)to see how they are faring

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Mending,read magic,resistance,light*
1st-Endure elemnts x4****,Sof,remove fear*(enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2**,darkness*,RE x2**,(bull str)
3rd-Dispel magic x2**,Windwall*,Deeper Darkness*(magic vestment*)
4th-Fom x3***,Dismissal*,(spell immunity)
5th-True seeing*,CLW-mass*,Wall of stone*(,Sr)*

Spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hour duration
Mv 1 hour level (10 hours)
(everyone tally up you cured hit pts!!)

Bart Ac 27 Hp 80/86 endure elements 
Tuesday December 5th, 2006 3:15:37 PM

Bart trudges along the jungle trail with his friends ....as the ship and smoke comes into veiw he quickly draws his weapon but moments later resheaths it as the crew shouts out their greetings .

The warrior checks out the damage and the ongoing construction as he ambles about the camp.

(posted by adm-Chris)

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 7:23:34 PM

Rigging sees the ship and his heart swells with pride at his crew and their bravery. He leads the Wildcards in and grins as Swirl darts around in excitement.

His smile turns to a frown when he sees the graves and the arrows and he points to Ashira and says formally, "Battle Mistress, the spell users will be taking a break and recharging our batteries. While we do this, I want you to organize our own snake hunt. It is time to clean up those harrassing forces."

Rigging will then break into a run and climb up on to the ship greeting the crew, slapping some backs and giving so "Attaboys"

Tuesday December 5th, 2006 7:29:39 PM

Cosmo is glad to get back to the ship. He checks in on his apprentice to see how he has been doing.

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