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DM Kent  d20+5=18 d20+5=19 d20+5=19 d6+2=8 d6+2=6 d6=5 d20+5=16 d20+5=22 d6+2=5 d6=2 d6=3
Tuesday January 2nd, 2007 10:03:42 PM

Val's arrow goes zinging in to the undergrowth and the response is quite interesting as 3 thick projectiles come flying back at her.

The first glnces off of her bow AC 18 and she sees that the projectiles are actually snakes as the next two clamp down on her. AC 19 for 8 points and AC 19 for 6 points: 2 Fort rolls; DC 18 or lose 8 {5+3} points of strength.

Rigging heads back up and after having dropped down a bit he is now at 50 feet above the trees.

Up ahead Apollo begins to see signs of recent traffic heading the same way they are heading.

Bart moves up with Swirl towing him and joins Rigging.

Near the front Nez hears Val's comments from behind him followed qickly by the sound of a bowstring and Val's and Cosmo's cries of pain.

Mykael and Cosmo both have snakes fly out of the bushes at them as well and while Mykael's misses AC 16 Cosmo feels his snake clamp down on his leg painfully AC 22 for 5 points: Fort DC 18 or lose 2 points of strength.

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 59  d20+7=26 d20+1=18 d20+7=19 d20+7=26
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 12:25:22 AM

Mykael and Ghem take a look and listen for what Val is shooting at, and around for any more.

Spot = 26
Listen = 18

Spot = 19
Listen = 26

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2, Haste

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+13=32 d20+13=24
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 9:49:32 AM

Many curses ensure in elven. Instead of drawing another arrow, which she really wants to do, Val tears the snakes from her body and flings whem back in the brush.

ooc: fort save 32, 24

Rigging  d20+12=28 d20+7=25
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 11:35:18 AM

Rigging sees his friends under attack. He decides to try and find out what is attacking them. He says to Bart, "You might want to get back down there. Our friends are under some kind of attack and you can't do much floating around."

Rigging will activate his invisibility ring and move towards the area where the snakes are coming from.

spot 28

Swirl will also take a look around but will take a wider view, hoping to discover the enemy

spot 25

mage armor 11 hours
overland flight 11 hours
Invisiblity per ring 1/7 rounds

Spell list:
1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

* means spell has been used

Nezamil Ac 16Hp 81/81 Endure elements  d20+8=21 d20+3=23 2d8(3+4)=7 d20+3=11 2d8(2+1)=3
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 4:20:39 PM

Reacting quickly to Val's warning Nezamil expertly unslings his heavy crossbow and quickly snaps off two shots at the spot in the bushes the snake arrows came from.

"you ok Val ?"

"teamwork !!" shouts Nezamil as he edges over to the elven warrior (5'ft move)

1st shot d20+8=21 damage = 2d8(3+4)=7
2nd shot d20+3=23 crit hit!!! damage=2d6(2+1)=3
crit roll d20+3=11 (missed?)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV)
4th-Neutralize poison,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

(map coming ?? ,what about range ?? to targets , would help possible spell use)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp69 Invisible  d20+10=18 d20+8=20 d20+14=19
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 5:38:04 PM

Hearinga commotion to the rear Appolo takes a quick look around and falls back toward Valanthe.Moving silently as he does he looks for any snakes lurking about.

Spot 18 Listen 20 Move Silent 19

DM kent 
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 5:39:50 PM

(ooc, Map is made and sent. Please note that there isn't really a path here just what you are making as you move through. Each square is 5 feet.)

Chris, I NEEEEEEEED a copy of Apollo ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 58/63)  d20+16=35
Wednesday January 3rd, 2007 10:51:27 PM

Cosmo grimaces in pain from the snake bite. He quickly casts a spell, toughening his hide.

Cast Alter Self, defensively, turning into a Troglodyte.

Concentration 35

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 100/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Thursday January 4th, 2007 2:28:00 AM

Swirl bring me to the fight! (if not Bart lands and runs to the battle)

DM Kent  d20+8=22 d20+5=7 d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d20+5=18 d20+5=23 d20+5=8 d20+5=14 d20+5=25 d20+5=6 d20+5=10 d20+5=7 d3=2 d3=2 d6=4 d6=6 d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d20+5=13
Thursday January 4th, 2007 5:02:22 PM

Both Val and Cosmo fight off the poison that was injected into them (Cosmo, I rolled for you) and Val yanks the troublesome snakes from her body and throws them to the ground, where they are quickly joined by others that soon encircle Val, Mykael, and Cosmo hoods flared and swaying from side to side upright on their slender bodies.

Each of the nine snakes attack their nearest foe each sending a stream of poison jetting through the air toward their targets faces. While seven of the nine snakes miss their mark, both Cosmo and Mykael are struck in the face with the viscous fluid (two natural 20s) and take 2 points of damage and need to make fortitude saves DC 18 or lose strength points Cosmo -4, Mykael -6 points of strength

From where Nez is he can hear that something is going on and even sees something small dart of the bushes and hit Val and Cosmo but he can't really tell what they are. Trying to be helpful he sends two crossbow bolts zipping into the brush hoping to hit something.

Bart asks that Swirl take him back down through the trees toward the fighting (will take at least 3 rounds as you are over 160 ft up and you must go down through a bunch of trees.)

Rigging HEARS the sounds of what might be combat coming from down below and he too begins his descent, hoping to find out what is going on and that he is in time to help. (will take at least 3 rounds as you are over 160 ft up and you must go down through a bunch of trees.)

Appolo hears the commotion and the curses and begins to fall back to where Val and the others are looking out for snakes and the such on his way.

Cosmo takes a moment and even though he is being attacked manages to change form and there is suddenly a trogledyte looming over Val and Mykael.

Thursday January 4th, 2007 11:28:10 PM

I apologize to everyone for missing out over the holidays. I really wasn't planning on dropping out like I did. I had some things in my personal life that I had to attend to. I'm back and ready to go and just want a quick update as to what or where Ari can come in at.

Friday January 5th, 2007 8:13:44 AM

Sorry for missing out lately...took a trip to AZ and had no internet access. Will try and post tonight.

Rigging ac 19 hitpoints 74/74  d20+5=22 d20+11=19 d20+11=29 d20+11=30 4d6(1+2+5+6)=14 4d6(2+3+1+2)=8 4d6(1+6+6+6)=19 d20+14=25
Friday January 5th, 2007 8:19:55 AM

(ooc Rigging is only at 50' in the air as stated in your previous post. He then spent the round looking for the enemy. Not quite sure with this new circumstance if I can see any of the enemy but will post a couple "if" situations

Rigging swoops down and sees he snakes attacking his comrades. He has confidence they can handle the situation and decides to look to who might be coordinating the attack. He scans the area looking for foes. (spot check 22)

If he sees anything, he will attack what looks to be the strongest with a scorching ray. (ooc 3 rays hit touch ac 19,29,30 for 14,8,19 points of damage. made spell resistance check of 25 if needed)

Swirl decides to use Bart as a shield, gets behind him and pushes with all his might at full speed crashing through the trees if necessary. (Base speed 100, 200 while diving, double move is 400' Swirl really wants to get Bart into combat.)
1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

(ooc> 50' above the trees as the posts states and the previous post had the tops of the trees at about 120 feet puttuing you at rooughly 170 feet off the ground.)

Cosmo (AC 25; HP 56/63)  d20+8=14 d20+16=28 5d4(4+4+2+4+4)+5=23
Friday January 5th, 2007 12:28:03 PM

Cosmo grimaces in pain, once again, as the snake bites him. This time he is unable to resist the snakes poison and he feels himself getting weaker.

He casts another spell, hitting the pesky snake with 5 magic missles.

Cast Magic Missile, defensively, doing 23 pts of damage.

Concentration 28

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 *, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Friday January 5th, 2007 3:26:48 PM

Avoid that branch Swirl!!!

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Friday January 5th, 2007 4:17:03 PM

The 10' dwarf spots the movement in bushes " there's something there " points Nezamil as he slings his crossbow over his shoulder

Observing the snakes circle his friends the dwarf touches his anvil holy symbol "Domi strengthen my armor "(casting magic vestment)

Nezamil steps towards his encircled friends (5'ft move)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

OOc: what type of snakes ?? normal snakes or creature??monster??

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 69 Invisible  d20+14=30 d20+10=20 d20+9=22
Friday January 5th, 2007 5:22:07 PM

Appolo moves quickly and quietly toward the fighting.Retracing his steps he keeps his eyes and ears open.

Move Silently 30 Spot 20 listen 22

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+14=28 d20+9=23 d20+4=7 d8+4=12 d8+4=5
Friday January 5th, 2007 6:04:20 PM

Val looks at the ring of snakes and lets loos three arrows, all at different snakes.

ooc: ac 28 for 12, ac 23 for 5, miss ac 7

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59  d20+6=19 d100=19 6d6(3+2+2+6+6+5)=24
Friday January 5th, 2007 10:16:18 PM

Mykael closes his eyes and mouth just in time to keep the poison from affecting him,(fort save = 19).

He quickly wipes the poison from his face and opens his eyes to see the Trogledyte.

"Lets see how you fair against my magic!" He states as he casts Lightning Bolt.

Spell Failure = 19% (success)
Damage = 24
Reflex save DC 17 for half.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Sunday January 7th, 2007 10:36:05 AM

"I think we need to add some pressure in there".

Thinking of his patron, Ari asks if a wolf brother can join him today. (Summon Nature's Ally I).

DM Kent  3d3(3+3+1)+3=10 d20+5=11 d20+5=16 d20+5=9 d20+5=17 d20+5=11 d20+5=8
Sunday January 7th, 2007 3:28:17 PM

Rigging continues making his way down through the trees, moving a bit faster, very intent on locating whoever is behind or in charge of the attack he is hearing below him. (New Altitude -90 feet from the ground less than fair visibility of area below.)

Bart, being used as a shield, does his best to direct Swirl to miss the biggest of the branches in his quicker than prudent descent. And while he is mostly successful, Bart takes quite a few brances to the arms neck face and body from medium and smaller branches that swirl just ploughs straight through. 10 points damage (new altitude - 50 feet above ground fairly good visibility of the area below.)

Nez and Apollo arrives back to the others and finds his friens apparently surrounded by what appear to be a bunch of 3-4 foot long hooded cobras.

Val sends three arrows off and the first skewers her first target, leaving it daed and the second arrow also hits its target squarely, eliciting a shapr hiss.

Closing his eyes to fight the powerful poison, Mykael misses the fact that the troglodyte is actually Cosmo in a new form and blasts it with a lightening bolt.

Cosmo momentarily relishes his new form's power and strentgh and sends several bolts of energy streaking from his hand and two of his opponents are fried lifeless, only to suddenly
feel every piece of his new body go to red alert pain as Mykael's lightening bolt rips into him from close range. 24 points damage - Reflex save DC 17 NO dex bonus as you are completely flatfooted for this attack for 12 points

Ari concentrates for a moment and then tenses a bit as he remembers that all the animals seemed to have been fleeing the area from something earlier and then feels the unmistakeabe touch of another creature's mind, coming from somewhere behind him.

The six remaining snakes all sway for a moment or two and then lunge at their targets. One at Cosmo, two at Val and three at Mykael, but all six miss with their attacks.

Snake AC - AC 16

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Sunday January 7th, 2007 3:55:17 PM

Ari turns nervously to look behind him. "I've asked for some help, and something responded, but it's not what I was thinking."

Assuming it's something friendly, when Ari knows it can hear him and respond, "Thank you for answering my call. We have enemies in the somewhere over there" pointing to where the vipers have been coming from " and we need them distracted or destroyed. There vipers appearing from there, so be careful."

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59  d20+7=19 d20+11=16 d10+4=7
Sunday January 7th, 2007 4:35:40 PM

Spot = 19

Noticing the clothing on the Troglodyte, Mykael quickly realizes his fast reacting mistake.

"Damn! Sorry Cosmo, scared the hell out of me. Figured there was something bigger behind the snakes, probably still is."

Mykael draws his blade and hacks at a snake.

(ooc: only takes one attack since it took him a sec to draw and to realize the situation with Cosmo)

AC: 16
Dam: 7

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 44/63)  d20+7=27 d20+16=24 3d4(3+2+3)+3=11 2d4(3+2)+3=8
Sunday January 7th, 2007 7:34:06 PM

Cosmo smiles as two of his enemies fall to his magic Missile spell. He smile fades quickly as one of his comrades casts a lightning bolt into his back. Luckily for him he is able to dodge most of the damage (reflex natural 20). He looks around for the offender, and hears Mykaels' apology. He gives his fellow spell user a quick smile and then turns his attention back to the snakes.

Cosmo casts another Magic Missile spell, defensively; targeting 2 of the creatures, doing 11 & 8 pts of damage.

Concentration 24

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Sunday January 7th, 2007 10:51:16 PM

The ranger shakes her head as she finally emerges from the comma she strangely found herself in. Seeing several of the others surrounded by snakes, Ashira sighs. Casting Barkskin on herself, she bolts toward the frey, swords ready to dispatch some snakes. As she travels, she calls over her shoulder "John, once we finish off the snakes, I need you to play medic."

John (AC15 HP35/35) Invisible, NPC Nellie 
Sunday January 7th, 2007 10:53:07 PM

John nods his head and quickly activates his invisiblity ring. Then he follows after Ashira wondering why in the world he decided to join up with these loons after all.

Active spells
Invisibility 8/8 rounds

Appolo Ac 23 HP68 Invisible  d20+10=26 d20+8=13 d20+14=34
Monday January 8th, 2007 10:06:45 AM

Appolo comes up and sees the Cobra's,he stops and looks around.Figuring his firends can finish these creatures fairly quickly,he takes alook around.He is looking for more snakes or anything possibly coordinating the attack.

Spot 26 Listen 13 MoveSilently 34

Monday January 8th, 2007 12:02:52 PM

Bart is giving directions to his friends he has a great tactical view over the area! Put me near Val Swirl

attendence report 
Monday January 8th, 2007 1:37:22 PM

Dm Kent xxoxo
Ashira ooooo
Appolo xxoxo
Rigging xxoxo
Val xxoxo
Bart xxoxo
Nezamil xxoxo
Mykael xxoxo
Cosmo xxoxo
Ari oooxo

Remember folks amnesty is over !!!

Dm Kent - we NEED 5 posts a week !! from you , please set a good example for the rest of us !!

as you can see from the attendence report , we have a good record of posting when you do !

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment  d20+8=22 d20+3=4 2d8(7+6)=13
Monday January 8th, 2007 1:49:05 PM

Spotting the hood cobra's around hsi friends the 10' dearf again unslings his crossbow and fires a volley at the snake by Mykael

1st shot d20+8=22 hit!! damage - 2d8(7+6)=13
2nd shot 20+3=4 missed !!

Nezamil grins as the 1st bolt sqewers the hood cobra but as the 2nd bolt stikes the ground at Mykaels feet and kicks up some dirt on the elf his grin turns sheepish " oops "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+14=16 d20+9=24 d20+4=6 d8+4=6 d8+4=12
Monday January 8th, 2007 3:04:09 PM

Val lets three more arrows fly, hitting the one she wounded before, and another before her last arrow thuds into the ground.

arrows use: 7/ missed shots: 2

Monday January 8th, 2007 3:25:17 PM

Rigging keeps heading down frustrated that the jungle is impeding his view of the battle and basically anything else.

DM Kent  d3=1
Monday January 8th, 2007 9:39:21 PM

Nez and Mykael each drop a snake while Cosmo and Val each drop another pair

Rigging now has a great view of below him as he reaches a height of about 20 feet from the ground.

Swirl pushes Bart over toward Val, just as Ashira bolts into the area.

Cosmo feels the poison still rushing through his veins and takes another 1 point of strength loss.

Appolo sees nothing overt like a YT or anything living that might be directing the snakes, but he does catch the shimmer of something from the dense bushes from where the snakes emerged.

Ari gets a sense of a quiet "I'm here" just as the last snake makes to strike at Mykael. At that very second there is a flash of something and the snake is stopped mid strike and then whipped up against the nearest tree. There is another flash of movement and just ust barely visible, due to its natural camoflage is an unusual looking creature. Ari gets a sense of satisfaction and then then distase as the creature looks down at the snake.

The mottled colored beast is about 80 pounds and while currently upright appears to be very mobile on all fours as well. It has a very wolfish shape to its head, though its eyes are slightly more to the front of its head and it doesnt have an overly long nose. It is extremely lean and well muscled and also looks to have a number of simian features as well.

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59  d20+7=21 d20+7=9 d20+7=19 d20+1=16
Monday January 8th, 2007 10:45:50 PM

Noticing the new creature and its actions, Mykael steps back slightly and looks it over.

He lowers his weapon slowly and deliberately, and calmly states, "Thanks," in common.

Ghem, there is a new creature here. Do you know anything about what kind of creature it is, or its abilities, or can it speak? It just helped me. Is it normal to help humanoids?

Surveying the area slowly, Mykael comments, "That was new. Anyone see who was controlling them? They would have had to been given commands."

Ghem, you cant sense anything near that isnt us? or this creature? A Yuan-Ti that guided these snakes?

Spot = 21
Listen = 19

Spot = 9
Listen = 16

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 44/63; Str 2) 
Monday January 8th, 2007 11:56:05 PM

Cosmo is happy as the last snake is vanquished. The poison courses though his blood and he feels himself getting even weaker. He is so weak no that he can barely stand. He feels like what it must fee to be very old. Not knowing what else to do he sits down, waiting for the poison to run its course.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:53:19 AM

Nezamil freezes in his tracks as the creature makes its presence known ....his crossbow pointed at the creature he slowly lowers as it doesn't attack his friends .

"everyone ok ??.....anyone need help ??"

After amoment the 10' dwarf spins slowly in a circle looking for other movement in the bushes around them

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Bart hp 76/86 Ac27 endure elements  d20+17=37 d20+17=30 d20+12=22 d20+7=17 d10+9=17 d10+9=15 d6=2 d10+9=14 d10+9=18 d6=3 d6=6
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 2:53:12 AM

Bart attacks one of the snakes near Val
(threat ac 37 crit ac 30 for 17+15+2 shock, ac 22 for 14, ac 17+3 for 18+6)

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 6:40:10 AM

"Thank you for coming friend. I am not familiar with your kind.

Could you see if there's anything to be found in there." Pointing to where the snakes had come from.

Looking raising his voice for the others to hear, "I had thought to call an animal friend to help flush out whoever was harrassing us with the snakes. I'm not familiar with this kind."

Ashira  d20+6=21 d20+12=27 d20+11=31
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 8:15:57 AM

The ranger looks over the combat with interest...especially at the newcomer. Giving it her full attention, she tries to think back to whether she's seen anything like it before (Know. nature=21)...which is doubtful, seeing as their on a totally new island and all. Hearing Nezamil's call, Ashira points out Cosmo. "Nez, I think he needs healing from the snake's poison. Can you handle that? If not, John and I can delay the poison until you have the proper spells."

As she waits for the party to be healed, Ashira shifts around nervously, not liking being out in enemy territory for so long (Spot=27, Listen=31).

John (AC15 HP35/35) Invisible, NPC Nellie  2d8(5+2)+5=12
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 8:21:46 AM

Seeing that the party mage (Cosmo) is looking a little down, John heads over toward him. Not really willing to risk being caught up in another attack, the ranger leaves his invisibility ring active. Strange, but he's actually getting used to traveling around invisibly...their are a few nice points to having a rich patron... Pulling out his healing wand, the invisible John clears his throat as he nears Cosmo. "Would you like some healing, sir?" (12 pts. returned)

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+9=11 d20+6=21 d20+6=20
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 10:23:01 AM

With the snakes delt with Val searches for their Yuan-ti masters. They know they can't win a straight fight so trickery is all they have left.

"Anybody see anything?"

ooc: listen check 11, search check 21, spot check 20

arrows used: 7/ missed shots 2

Tuesday January 9th, 2007 12:22:23 PM

Rigging lands on the ground and sees that Cosmo is being treated. He will check on his wife to make sure she is uninjured. After he approaches the new creature cautiously. He looks around to make sure that the creature is really alone and then says slowly, "Hello. Do you speak common?"

If the creauture answers, Rigging will start a dialog with him, trying find out its intentions etc. If it doesn't, Rigging will look for signs of intelligence, and ask if anyone knows what the creature is and has a way to communicate with it."

mage armor 11 hours
overland flight 11 hours

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Invisible  d20+10=28 d20+8=15 d20+14=16
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 2:30:13 PM

Moving silently Appolo circles the area around the group looking anything dangerous.He keeps his eyes and ears open.

Spot 28 Listen 15 Move Silently 16

DM Kent 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 9:28:16 PM

Cosmo's near collapse sends worry through the rest of the swords and John pops in to heal some of the physical damage. and while cosmo is indeed weak and affect by the poison it doesn't seem to be getting any worse now.

Bart begins to smash one of the dead snakes near Val having missed out on the actual live targets.

Mykael, Nez, Ari, Ashira and Rigging along with Ghem show great interest in the newcomer, though nooen seems to know quite what he is.

Ghem reports back to Mykael that the creature seems to be quite intelligent though of a sort that he is not accustomed to communicating with. Ghem reflects that it deals alot with interpreting colors and senses that go along with emotions.

As Ari begins to try and get his new friend to inspect the bushes his first words are met with a quizical tilt of the head and a sense of puzzlement, though Ari then feels a light push in his mind as he repeats what he wants done and the critter darts into the brush and moments later, you all hear a little yip and then he comes back out holding a palm sized crystal that has a kind of sickly yellow tint to it. The creature walks up to Ari and tentatively reaches out to hand him the stone. Ari can see what appears to be a rather painful burn on what would be the palm of his paw.

The as Rigging approaches and begins to speak at the fellow, it steps behind Ari for protection and then looks quizically from one to the other. Ari gets a sense of pain and puzzlement and satisfaction eminate from the beast.

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59 
Tuesday January 9th, 2007 10:13:52 PM

"Quite an interesting creature. I would love to study it more. However, we should get moving. Ari, how long can you keep it around?"

"What is the gem?"

Mykael prepares to move out.

Ghem, we need to get moving again, just as soon as Rigging says too.

Can you communicate with it? I am not sure how long this creature that Ari summoned will stay, but I would like to learn more about it, however, we dont have time. Perhaps, if he stays a while, we will get enough time to.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Rigging  d20+12=25
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 8:02:47 AM

Rigging hears Mykael comments and says, "This might be a potential ally or at least have some information on where we are going. If we wait a few minutes in getting some information, it might save time and pain later. Ari, it seems to trust you. See if you can get some information."

Rigging looks around and says, "I am going to try and scout things out again. Please refrain from getting attacked for a couple of minutes."

Rigging launches himself into the air again trying to gain altitude to take a look around.

Swirl goes with him.

mage armor 11 hours
overland flight 11 hours

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

spot 25

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 10:40:27 AM

With no apparent enemy in sight, Val releases the tension on her bow but leaves the arrow notched.

"Captain may I suggest haste. I believe we encountered their scouts which means they won't be far behind."

arrows used: 7 missed: 2

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 2) 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 12:40:39 PM

Cosmo thanks John for the healing spell.

"Unfortunately the physical damage is the least of my worries. The snakes poison has drained my already low strength to a point where I do not think I can move very far. I feel as weak as a new born baby."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Wednesday January 10th, 2007 2:00:18 PM

Bart keeps an eye on the strange creature it looks like it isnt hostile, for now...

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 2:11:44 PM

the big 10' dwarf steps over to the diminutive Cosmo " hold still ....i think i can help ya "

touchs his anvil holy symbol and infuses Cosmo with Domi's divine power (casting neutralize poison)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 5:36:01 PM

Appolo steps out of the jungle after scouting the immediate area and finding nothing of interest.He does so just in time to see Rigging take off.He looks over the strange creature"Hello everyone.Are we having apicnic.May I suggest we get moving.Something is going down.You know outside of those snakes and this creature there's no animal or insect life in the area.We need to get moving."

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 6:20:52 PM

"I will have influence over it for only a short time.

It seems to understand me, but I'm also sensing/feeling some thing from it. So it might take some time to communicate with it."

"It seems to have found something from where the snakes were coming from." Reaching down Ari looks at the crystal and takes a hold of it if he doesn't feel threatened himself.

"Thank you"

When Riggings comes over to take a look, Ari says "friend" and feels/projects a feeling of no fear, or nothing to fear. Ari pays attention to his friends response in anticipation of whether he has to calm him even further.

Without taking his eyes of the new creature Ari will ask, "Does anything recognize this, our friend found this in the brush over yonder." Ari posture indicating where the snakes had come from.

DM kent 
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 8:17:47 PM

At Ari's reassurance, the beast comes forward and takes a turn sniffing at each of the Swords' lower legs and then sits quietly just at the edge of the path near the trees. Once away from the group it looks at its burnt paw and then starts licking it. It looks up as Ghem comes near and tentatively reaches out to touch him.

Cosmo watches as Nez approaches hoping that something will help him, other than time, and for a moment he feels the healing glow spread through him, but though he feels better, the weakness is still very much present.
While some of the party relaxes a few moments and takes care of wounds, others are chomping at the bit to get moving feeling that time is of an essence and Rigging returns to his arial scouting position and in a a few moments is back above the trees where he takes off rapidly to get even higher for a better view. (what sorts of things are you looking for and what direction are you looking N,S,E,W).

Ashira  d20+12=13 d20+11=19
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 11:05:41 PM

Ashira waits somewhat impatiently for Rigging to perform his scouting. She casts anxiously about as she scans the area, but finds the cover too concealing to gather any useful information (Spot=nat. 1, Listen=19).

John (AC15 HP35/35) NPC Nellie  2d8(8+7)+5=20
Wednesday January 10th, 2007 11:07:46 PM

Seeing the animal, the ever curious ranger drops his invisibility and moves toward the creature. "Ari, tell it that I'd like to help it if it will let me..." John calls as he fishes out his wand and waits to see if the creature will let him heal it. (20hp healed)

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 7:41:35 AM

Indicating to John that it should be safe, Ari says, "Go ahead John"

"Ghem, what do you sense from our new friend?"

Letting his friend know that John is someone safe, Ari takes some time to examine his new friend.

"Is there something you are called? We are new to the area, what have you seen while you've been here? How much of the area do you know?"

Rigging  d20+5=17
Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:42:23 AM

Rigging soars higher and higher but activates his ring of invisiblity to keep his location a secret from prying eyes. He will scan in all 4 directions looking for pyramids, clearings, trails, exploding volcanos, smoke, lava etc. When he gets enough height to clear the village, he will open the Wayfinder and use its 10x lens to even take a closer look at anything he finds of interest.

spot check 17

mage armor 11 hours
overland flight 11 hours
invisible per ring (will keep reactivating as needed.)

Swirl will use his advanced speed and better flying skills to rush even farther ahead and get better height. He will move at full speed (sprint) for one minute and see what is ahead. That should put him about 1/2 mile ahead, and then he will head back at a more leisurely pace, reporting in anything he notices. Figure his height around 250' high. Rpund trip scout should take 5 minutes

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 2:07:07 PM

Nezamil peers around keeping alert but with the newcomer seemingly friendly the threat level seems low.

Turning back to Cosmo " well if ya too weak to travel you could ride on my shoulders till ya recover your strength "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+9=10 d20+6=8 d20+6=21
Thursday January 11th, 2007 5:11:26 PM

Val stays on alert, scanning the surrounding brush for any signs of enemy movement.

ooc: listen 10, search 8, spot 21

Thursday January 11th, 2007 7:10:47 PM

"Nez I felt the spell go through my body, but the weaknesses did not go away. I am assuming that you cast neutralize poison, interesting that it did not work."

"If we need to move then yes I will ride on your shoulders."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+8=25 d20+10=22
Thursday January 11th, 2007 7:13:06 PM

Appolo looks around"Come on people.We need to get moving."He scans the area.Waiting impatiently.

Listen 25 Spot 22

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 7:55:44 PM

Mykael laughs as he hears Nezamil's comments about a gnome riding on a dwarf's shoulders. "Cosmo, I would be careful. Nezamil has been tall for a while, but still isnt that used to it. If you look closely, there is a bump on his forehead from hitting things. Imagine what it would be like for you up there on his shoulders."

"As for the poison, it was probably taken care of by the spell, however, the damage to your system has already been done. I will probably take your body a while to recover from it."

"According to Ghem, the creature communicates is quite intelligent, however, it communicates in a from of colors and emotions."

Mykael watches as John attempts to heal the wound, "Wait a second John, Nezamil, you have more healing experience than I, but a burn wound is cauterized, therefore, dont we have to cut the burn part off for magical healing to work right? Otherwise, wont it heal permanently the way it is now as scared flesh?"

"I have a Comprehend Languages scroll we can use to understand him, however, I dont have a Tongues spell avaliable. Ghem, does he seem to understand you?"

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Thursday January 11th, 2007 8:56:41 PM

The creature is reassured by Ari's communication and allows John to come forward. When inspected the wound seen is fairly minor but probably very painful as the whole palm is red and blitered over. At a touch of the wand the wound all but vanishes just leaving a slight pink area in the middle of the palm. As the healing is finished Ari is nearly overcome by the burst of color and emotion eminating from his new friend as he looks at his hand and then at John and the wand.

Ari gets the sense of the beast's name as some thing like Bluerimsaroundgreenandbrownspots.

Ghem responds that he can communicate with him after a fashion, but it is fairly slow going. It seems that she and her tribe live in the forest by the fiery rocks, but moved inland two days past to avoid the coming of the rivers of fire.

Rigging finally gets high enough to get a decent view of the island and to the northwest, in the distance, he can see what seems to be a very large clearing right up next to some mountains. The smoke seems to be coing from deeper in the mountains and perhaps from three different places.

To the north east, in the direction they were heading he sees a smaller clearing but about the same size as the last Pyramid clearing. It seems to be litterally awash with figures moving hither and thither. The distance seems to be roughly 6 more miles by ground. To the south west from where he is he can see a much smaller clearing that has smaller huts etc which he recognizes as one of the human villages. And just beyond that and slightly more south he can see the beach where the sword is undergoing repairs.

Swirls vantage point yeilds only slightly more information. That being the movement of YT and humans toward the Hooded Pyramid.

Thursday January 11th, 2007 10:09:44 PM

Ashira looks over at Appolo and winks. "Be patient little brother. Rigging's taking a look around. We'll be better able to decide what to do once he gets back."

The ranger looks over at her ward and smiles. John certainly has a way with animals... I remember when I used to have that connection with nature too. But too often now a days it's been like a non-stop killing spree. I really should find some time and get back to nature.

John (AC15 HP35/35) NPC Nellie 
Thursday January 11th, 2007 10:12:46 PM

John smiles as his healing cures the creature. It feels good being a necessary part of the team. Oh sure, he wasn't the greatest with his weapons just yet, but he didn't see any of the others complaining when he makes his round with his wand. The ranger chuckles silently. Wonder if I should start charging a per use fee or something like that. He he he...Ashira'd owe me her armor in no time flat.

Friday January 12th, 2007 1:36:10 AM

Well it seems we have a new companion Ari.

I agree Ashira lets wait for Rigging if it takes to long i will have a look for myself

Friday January 12th, 2007 8:23:38 AM

Rigging will study the pyramid more closely taking the Wayfinder from his eye and then replacing it. He is looking for landmarks and other navigation points so he can find his way to it. He tries to gauge how far it is.

He then goes down and reports in. "I think we need to hurry. I see one of the pyramids and it is alive with snakemen and humans. They seem to be moving towards the pyramid which means they could be trying to leave. I don't mind that but I don't know if we can free some slaves before they do.

Cosmo, What do you think of you and I flying ahead and causing a distraction. Maybe some of the humans can run if the snake men are dodging fireballs. We would be exposed but it might be worth it."

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Friday January 12th, 2007 3:36:57 PM

The 10'ft dwarf chuckles at Mykael's words "hehehe.....but he will get a better veiw " as Nezamil rubs his forehead

"well thats good news of them snakeheads leaving but i think what they are leaving with might be more intresting......i say we go and find out "

"wonder if our new frind can help us sneak up on the Hood's temple ?"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Friday January 12th, 2007 6:07:41 PM

Appolo waits for riggings return.Once Rigging gives his reportAppolo chimes in"Ok now can we get moving to the village."

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Friday January 12th, 2007 8:21:07 PM

Clutching feigns reeling a tid bit, "Whoa friend, that seems a bit load/overwhelming"

At the mention of what seems/feels the creature's name, Ari tries to do the same with his own name. Though trying to translate it into a color seems a bit beyond his imagination.

"I get the idea that it's not speech communication that we're doing. Because my friend has a couple of different colors? as their name?"

DM kent  d20+7=22
Sunday January 14th, 2007 9:05:02 AM

Rigging talks of moving on with he and Cosmo flying a bit ahead. Rigging believes that the trip will take around 2-3 hours more travel depending on what terrain they run into and any other distractions they might encounter along the way.

Bluerimsaroundgreenandbrownspots (Blue for short) walks up to Rigging as he returns and reaches out to him as if to touch him and them moves his hand from one place to another and then to another. Rigging realizes that Blue is pretty much pointing at each one of his magic items. It is then that everyone realizes that the "glow" is once again pretty strong.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Sunday January 14th, 2007 10:30:26 PM

The 10'ft dwarf realizes that everyone seems to be glowing brightly again " huh? well at least we'll be ok during the day but we certainly won't be able sneak up on them in the night.....but then again i think they know we're coming and soon.....so i say we move out pronto!!"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59 
Sunday January 14th, 2007 11:31:09 PM

"Lets move. Dont like standing around in the jungle... its a little warm."

"Maybe 'Blue' will stay longer than he is supposed to."

Mykael waits to move with the group.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Monday January 15th, 2007 8:22:04 AM

As Appolo gets ready to move out he turns to Ari"So Ari what did our new friend say.What's up with him and his kind."{OOC Not sure if Ari told us.}He then looks at Rigging"Boss I think we should stay together.We can't get sperated,if you get into trouble we won't be able to reach and vice versa.I say we head on to the closest village and if possible use thier teleported to teleport us to were ever we want to go."

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 9:45:44 AM

Arrows: Shot 7/ missed 2

"These pyramids suck. If I can plow the crystal in the next one then I will. Let's just reach the pyramid and kill the snakes before they can return later."

attendence report 
Monday January 15th, 2007 2:04:52 PM

DM Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxxxo
Bart xxxxo
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxo
Cosmo xxxxo
Ari xxxxo

better posting results then last time ! 86% lets push for 90% this week!! remember combat is near !!!

Monday January 15th, 2007 2:56:34 PM

I agree Val
lets crush those crystals

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 2) 
Monday January 15th, 2007 5:13:28 PM

Cosmo flies with Rigging towards the snake encampment and helps scout it out. Once back with the group he falls back in his place in line.

OOC -- did the snake poison wear off yet?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 10/10 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Rigging ac 19 hps 74/74 
Monday January 15th, 2007 6:41:52 PM

Rigging says, "Cosmo and I are going to fly ahead. We will stay a tree height and won't engage in combat unless we really have to.

Ashira, lead them in that direction.(Points out the area where they are heading which is towards where he say the snakesmen and humans)I think you still have a couple of hours marching by foot. Comso, Swirl and I will scout the path and look for ambushes and other trouble. I will send Swirl back with a note if we see any."

Rigging and Cosmo go to the tree tops and start moving towards the area. Swirl stays lower dodging trees but looking for ambushes. Since his speed is 2.5 time Rigging and Cosmo's he should be able to keep up.

DM Kent 
Monday January 15th, 2007 6:57:38 PM

The group moves out albeit a bit slowly as they are having to cut their way through some pretty heavy undergrowth and keep an eye out for surprises. Rigging and Cosmo fly ahead which seems to be easier than walking for Cosmo(2 points returned) the rest will come back at a rate of 1 point per day or double that with complete rest.)

As you head in the direction Riggin has detailed to you there is a nerve wracking screech heard from the bushes where your new friend was sitting. Ari feels a dark black and red with yellow tendrils emanate from Blue's mind to accompany the shriek.

It is then that you hear/feel the loud/strong drumming. The vibrations are so strong that the ground seems to vibrate with each strike.



Blue stops shrieking and without even looking back at you, takes off into the trees, actually swinging from branch to branch and running along limbs.

Ari feels the stone in his hand begin to grow warm, not uncomfortably yet, but if it continues.....

From above nothing untoward is seen and while you hear the dull thumps you feel no vibration.

Monday January 15th, 2007 10:51:14 PM

The ranger sighs at the screams and the noise. Yep, that's a bad sign. She signals for everyone to fan out and then looks to Rigging whether they should continue on.

Ari hp 72 AC 16 
Monday January 15th, 2007 10:56:40 PM

"I'm not sure how to interpret what Blue just screamed about. Lots of black, red and yellow. This crystal we picked up is responding to something."

(ooc sorry for missed post. Between dayoff today, and calling off engagement yesterday, I didn't do much today)(I'm fine for posting. Kent was already aware that it might happen, I just couldn't tell him when. We're still talking at this point.)

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 1:32:00 AM

Hmm typical sounds like a war drum to me. I hope there is some hidden tribe going to fight th snakes and they are not hunting us!

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 2:43:25 PM

"Lets follow the captain .......i'll take rear guard" as the big dwarf follows Ashira's lead as they head out after Ccaptain Rigging and Cosmo

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 5:16:39 PM

Noticing the glowing for the first time Appolo grimmaces,then takes the lead agian as they go after Rigging.

When their new friend screams and the thumping begins he halts the group."Well do we check that out or continue on our way."

Rigging  d20+5=19
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 5:52:57 PM

Rigging grimaces at the noise but keeps flying forward until they find something of significance.

spot 19

DM Kent  d100=31 d100=53 d100=94 d100=78 d100=47
Tuesday January 16th, 2007 8:52:17 PM

Nothing else untoward happens over the next 2 hurs of travel and Rigging stops you approximately 500 yards out from the clearing. There are no more drumming sounds no other screams from anyone, though Blue has not returned. Periodically you have felt like somethin/one was watching you but nothing is ever spotted that would support your feelings.

During Rigging's flight he sees what would seem to be several larger groups of individuals heading toward the "Hood's" clearing though through the undergrowth it is hard to say what the groups are made up of.

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 10:48:25 PM

Ashira nods at the others. She speaks in low tones. "I agree. We should try and take out the temple again. But it will probably be harder this go round. They'll have an idea of what we're up to. So we're going to have to hit hard and fast." Ashira sighs. No matter how much we plan...we're playing on their court..things were bound to get ugly once or twice.

Ari HP 72 AC 16 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 7:25:33 AM

"I wonder if these crystals maybe drive off the animal life somehow and that's what we might have picked up from Blue."

"I feel like he's still with us, all though I'm not sure."

"There's not a way to teleport into the middle of things, or set any kind of ambush on our part, is there?"

Rigging  d20+5=23
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 12:40:55 PM

OOC Kent, I had Swirl flying amongst the trees in my last post. Could he identify the other groups? Not sure I would have just have left potential enemies at my back.

When Rigging gets to the clearing, he will activate his invisiblity ring and gain height. (Two rounds going straight up, unless spotted and attacked) He will take a good look around the clearing looking for enemy sentries and potential groups to attack.

He will then dive back down, to report his findings to the others.

spot check 23

(OOC: No enemies at your back all were heading in the direction of the pyramid clearing but from areas different than yours. Swirl would tell you what you could guess on your own that the groups are a combination of YT and Humans.)

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 1:52:13 PM

Nnodding at Ashira's words " i agree.... they had many archers last time.....i can wall off the side which is shooting at us or i can just wait till their main group shows it self and split them in half with the wall .....this way we can have slightly better odds" whispers Nezamil back to the blue haired warrior

" if we have a few moments before attack we should add protective and helpful spells to ourselves"

" i'll bring up the rear guard as my size might give us away too early"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Wednesday January 17th, 2007 5:58:46 PM

Cosmo get ready for battle once again. He is glad to have some of his strength back, but he is still weakened and will have to stay out of hand-to-hand combat.

He keeps alert ready to take to the sky if the enemy approaches.

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 6:15:27 PM

ooc: arrows shot- 7

"Anybody else get the feeling that a giant monsters is going to spring up out of the jungle?" I bet they turned that giant snake that wrecked our ship is now after us."

Rigging Illegal post 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 7:34:24 PM

"Val the gods forbid! Turn around 3 times and spit or your words might come true!"

Mykael -- AC 27, HP 57/59 
Wednesday January 17th, 2007 8:40:51 PM

"Remeber why we are here. To save as many humans as possible, and to do as much damage as possible. Lets try and remember the first goal is the most important."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

OOC: Ghem has been flying along with us. With the Psuedodragon Blind Sense he hasnt noticed anything?

Thursday January 18th, 2007 3:01:49 AM

Bart uses his ring of ;evitation to pop now and then above the trees to see if they are still on course

DM Kent  d20+7=25 d20+7=16 d20+7=27 d20+7=19
Thursday January 18th, 2007 7:24:57 AM

Bart finds that not only are they on course But as he pops up out of the trees he realizes they are very close as they continue moving on.

In fact with the abnormal movement of popping out of the trees to see what is going on he realises there is a good possibility that he might be seen at this point.

Rigging turns invisible and moves closer to the clearing moving higher as he does in order to get a better look. What he sees upsets and worries him.

Below him he sees a major undertaking and amount of activity. There must be close to 300 humans in the area. The majority of them are penned up like the cattle they are and are being gaurded by 25 armed humans as well.

All over the place are Yaun Ti. It seems that there are nearly 130 that are visible and who knows how many are in the shelters and the Pyramid itself.

The Pyramid itself is the picture of a disturbed ant bed, with Yt and humans scurying all over around and in and out of it. There apears to be three humans shackled at the top with several objects lying around them. At very regular intervls the three scream very loudly as if in pain, the top of the pyramid glows brightly for several moments and then everything is quiescent for anotuer 5 minutes or so.

Ari finds that the stone he is jolding gets very hot nearly to the point of burning and then cools down again , only to begin the cycle all over again.

As you discuss your next moves the slight sound of a stick snapping can be heard from behind you.

Ari  d20=2
Thursday January 18th, 2007 7:33:07 AM

Whispering for those around him Ari asks, "How should we pair up."

"This thing we picked up is cycling between extremely warm and normal"

At the sound of the twig break Ari turns to look in the area. (2 unmodified, mouse died hard to look up and out of time. :( )

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Thursday January 18th, 2007 4:02:43 PM

"wonder if that crystal or that type of crystal helps activate the teleport device at the temple "Whispers Nezamil to Ari's inquiry

With a look at Ashira " they used fire magic at the last temple ......before we attack i'll cast protective aura's on you and another of the warrior's ....perhaps Big Bart.....he got burned at the last battle "

" lets try and gang up on the leaders and also use mass damage magic's on the lesser snakes "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Thursday January 18th, 2007 4:36:27 PM

Guys we are close i wont look anymore maybe they spot me.

Ari that stone of yours do you think it is connected to the pyramid? Maybe it turns hot when it is used. Maybe it is a device you can control the pyrmid with. Cant you get any info from your new friend?

Thursday January 18th, 2007 5:02:59 PM

Rigging hears the crack of the twig and reactivates his invisiblity ring. He starts to circle around to see what could be causing the noise and will have Swirl do a fast flyby as well.

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Appolo ac 23 HP 68  d20+14=30 d20+15=18 d20+10=12
Thursday January 18th, 2007 6:40:07 PM

Appolo moves quickly and silently forward staing hidden in the tree line he scans the area and come back.

"Ok folks.Looks like we're out numbered at least 50 to 1.The Yaunti even have armed and armoured humans warking with them.We can't luanch an attack.We just don't have the numbers.We need a small army for this job.Oh Ari that Crystal of yours is probably of the same type they use in thier pyramids.Time to head back."

He then hears the twig snap behind them in the jungle and turn toward the sound"Ok folks someone or something is behind us.We may have been spptted.Get ready."Drawing his sword he moves back further into the jungle away from th sound.

Move Silent 30 Hide 18 Spot 12

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Thursday January 18th, 2007 6:50:34 PM

"I know what we are supposed to du but I think Appolo's right. There isn't much we can do in a situation like this. Unless we could set off a magical bomb but that would take out the humans as well."

Cosmo  d20+3=18
Thursday January 18th, 2007 9:35:18 PM

Cosmo remains silent trying to determine the source of the noise.

Listen 18

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 57/59  d20+7=11 d20+7=26 d20+7=17 d20+1=4
Thursday January 18th, 2007 9:42:57 PM

Mykael gives Val a surprised look at her statement, and then looks at the rest of the group.

"Out numbered or not. We are thier betters. Quick and precise strikes could achieve some of our goals. They are most likely trying to leave, they are hurring and probably not expecting, nor are they prepared for an assault."

"A single group of 3 could most likely, handle the armed human guards and free the 300. The rest could make a quick assault on the pyramid. If its quick and quiet, they could free the 3 on top and destroy the teleporting ability in one stroke. All timing it with the freeing of the 300 humans. Then we beat a hasty retreat leaving traps and magic of our own for once, to thin out thier numbers and slow thier pursuit."

"There are other options al..."

"What was that?" Mykael whispers as he looks to the rear.

Spot = 17
Listen = 4

Spot = 11
Listen = 26

DM Kent 
Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:13:04 PM

As the sound of the snapped twig disapears a low voice calls out. "Don' go a killin me now. It's me Romeo."

As comments and thoughts are bandied about Rigging remembers something that had been bothering him. Lots of YT were entering the Pyramid, almost none were coming out.

Apollo's perusal of the situation shows the same trend but he also saw a pile of older mundane weaponry piled off to one side of the clearing.

Thursday January 18th, 2007 10:51:58 PM

Ashira listens carefully as options are tossed out. She shakes her head sadly as Mykael mentions an attack. "I don't think so. If the Yuan Ti come out, the numbers would be overwhelming. We might be able to free up the slaves, but that'd probably be about all." She looks over at Rigging. "What do you think, dear?"

OOC: Dog gone it Kent, you just barely bet me to the post.

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Friday January 19th, 2007 4:19:22 PM

With a big smile Nezamil gives a wave to Romeo " good to see you up and feeling better "

" so what say we get this party started " chuckles the 10'ft dwarf quietly

" lets try and surprise them......we need to save those people that are caged up .....we cannot allow the snakes to take them as slaves " growls Nezamil

"i'll take rearguard" as the big dwarf kneels down and picks up a small stone that he can easily conceal in his closed hand

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Darkness ,Re x2(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68 
Friday January 19th, 2007 4:56:56 PM

Appolo looks at the others"What are you guys talking about.There is just way too many of them for us to deal with.Let's head back to the ship and save whatwe can it looks like they're leaving.I think we should as well."

When Romeo shows up"Hope you brought an army with you."

Friday January 19th, 2007 11:01:29 PM

Rigging looks and listens to all the different opinions of the group. He sighs deeply for a minute and then says, "We will attack. I will not leave those humans behind to be eaten or sacrificed. This group's foundation and beginnings was the opposition of slavery. It was a different kind of slavery. The slavery of spirit...the slavery of freewill. Ga'al's slavery. Is this situation different?"

Rigging tries to make eye contact with each of his friends. "Appolo, You asked Where is the army. I see 300 possible recruits in those pens. Even if they can't fight, we will give them a chance to survive. Are you with me?"

"OK we need a plan and we need one fast. We only have one goal. To free the slaves. I don't care about the pyramid. Let the snakemen run. If we trap them here, then they will fight to the death. Let them have their escape route for now. We can always close it later.

We need a team to rescue the slaves, we need stand off fire power and a team to cover the slaves rear guard. Anyone have any ideas?"

Kent, I think a map of the area could really be helpful about now.

Saturday January 20th, 2007 4:06:30 AM

I agree Rigging, if someone cast invisibility on some of us that party cab do a rescue attempt through the air Swirl could tow me if i use my ring.

Do you have some other idears or info Romeo?

Saturday January 20th, 2007 4:04:50 PM

The ranger sighs. "Alright. But first we need to think out our attack. If we just rush in there we'll be dead quicker than you can blink..." Ashira looks over at Nezamil. "Hey big guy, anyway you can use that wall of stone of yours to seal those snakes into the temple? That would tip the odds in our favor. And we're going to need distractions...lots of them. I really don't want to get bogged down in a full blown battle. We need to make it a quick in and out kind of thing." Ashira looks around at the others, gathering suggestions.

OOC: Agreed, a map would be super helpful.

Saturday January 20th, 2007 5:23:01 PM

Appolo can't belive what he's hearing"Ok.Free the prisoners.Well we'll need to move around to where they're.Then Myself and Ashira can sneak in.The Wall of stone goes up between the slave pens and the temple.Val Bart you guys take out any guards.Mykeal you support vlanthe and bart.Swirl and Gham need to go to the otherside of the compound and make noise cuase trouble before we make our move.Cosmo if you could drop some of your friends on the otherside as well that would be helpfulRomeo you find us a back trail out of here back to the ship One we can use to move quickly on with lots of people.I doubt the prisoners are going to be in any condition to do much fghting.How does the sound We could also use some fog once we get the prisoners freed and moving Smoke would be good as well."

Ari hp 72 AC 16 
Saturday January 20th, 2007 10:21:56 PM

"I only wish there was a way we could use this connection with this stone to the temple. Have it blow up the temple or do something else drastic.

Does Ghem still sense Blue in anyway, because I wonder if he knows much about this area. I know he appears to be afraid of this crystal, or at least that's my guess."

Sunday January 21st, 2007 2:12:06 PM

"I'll take to the air and provide magical support from there. Plus it will keep me from getting in the way or from someone having to protect me."

"Romeo is your sorceror friend anywhere to be seen?"

DM kent 
Sunday January 21st, 2007 4:55:53 PM

Map is in the works.

Sunday January 21st, 2007 11:59:19 PM

I am going to be on a business trip without a computer for the next 2 days. If the hotel has a business center I might be able to post tomorrow but definitely not Tuesday. If someone can post for me those two days, you will have my thanks.

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 57/59 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 12:59:12 AM

"I think we could get the 3 on top of the pyramid also. If someone goes invisible and flys there, then we we attack, they will be able to free the 3 and fly away with them. Assuming they can carry them all, it may take two people. Not sure how we get the chains off them, picking the locks or breaking them. There doesnt appear to be a guard up there, so no one to kill. Just need to sneak up there, and use our attack as a diverson. Its risky, but should work."

"I am willing to volunteer, but I dont have fly or invisibility."

"Ghem hasnt mentioned seeing Blue. Do you sense him around? Ghem?"

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:22:37 AM

"If I find some high ground I can cover a lot of ground with my bow. Really cause some havok and chaos. WIth them leaving so fast any communication or defense mounted by them will be poor."

DM Kent 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 9:57:31 AM

In order to get a better idea of what you are facing Apollo and Rigging head out again to do one last bit of recon with the hopes perhaps sketching out what they see and formulate a plan of action.

Riggin hits the air again and Apollo makes his way with Romeo along the ground route.

Whe they get situated and take a second look they notice that the number of YT has decreased significantly and more large groups are heading toward the pyramid.

After thair last reconoiter they head back and the three of them sketch out a reasonable map of the clearing and where the inhabitants were when they last saw them.

(Map is sent.)

attendence report 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 2:14:38 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira oxxox
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxxx
Bart xxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxxx
Cosmo xoxxx
Ari oxxxx

84 % posting for the group !! lets push for 90% for next week, thats very important with combat coming soon !!

Monday January 22nd, 2007 7:59:42 PM

Ashira looks over at the spellcasters. "I don't suppose we have a few teleports?" she queries as she examines the situation. "Otherwise, I suppose it's up to invisible fliers like has been suggested."

The ranger shakes her head at Mykael's suggestion of the top of the pyramid. "I don't mind trying to rescue them, but I will not allow our force to be split like that. If the Yuan Ti come boiling out of that temple whoever is on top will be a world of trouble." She looks over at Cosmo. "I don't suppose you could summon a few of your ape friends to the top of the temple and instruct them to bring the hostages to us?"

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4) 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 8:55:42 PM

Cosmo listens as the pyramid and its surroundings are described. He thinks for a moment and decides where he will best serve the group.

"Yes, Ashira I can do that. As a matter of fact I think the top of the pyramid is a very good place for me. I can fly close to the top and summon some creatures to take care of the YT on top of the pyramid. Once it is secure I can land and start casting spells to support the Swords that are on the ground. I have multiple ways of leaving the top of the pyramid in a hurry, so I should not trapped."

"Rigging, should we soften them up with a few long range fireballs?"

OOC -- where are we on time for spells?

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment  d8+10=13
Monday January 22nd, 2007 9:28:20 PM

"Good idea about the apes " adds Nezamil approvingly

" we should use some mass damage magic on a groups of snakemen and use more targeted spells at the leader types"

" and with more of them coming towards the temple from the jungle it seems like they are fleeing.....we should hit them hard and fast "

" i'll add some protective magic to several of you ......not to mention i can put up a wall of stone to either divide the enemy or possible surround the penned up people so they would be safe from the snakes and or spell damage collateral"

" and remember stick together .....these things are deadly ...teamwork is vital "

"pick a partner and stick with em"

Nezamil quietly touches his anvil holy symbol and reaches out and touches several of his fellow warriors (casting resist energy on Ashira and Bart)(100 min duration)

With a wink at the blue haired ranger " you want to big like me " grins Nezamil

" here's a little something for you Mykael " as the 10' dwarf again invokes Domi's power (casting Aid)(d8+10=13 temp Hp's)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid) 
Monday January 22nd, 2007 11:22:40 PM

"We should work our way around to the other side. We need to show ourselves by the slaves. Free them first, and protect them. Romeo can lead them out, while we continue or cover the retreat depending out how we are doing."

"I think a stone wall running from the pens to the pyramid, or at least as much of that as you can get, would help alot. It would allow for some shielding from direct missle fire, and force them to go around. If we can get them to bunch up cause of the wall, then area effect spells get more, plus we would be able to guard our flanks easier."

"I also have a number of Web spells avaliable to slow down thier advance or even stop them cold."

"Ghem needs to stay in the trees, to alert us of any that may be re-inforcing from our rear. He can fly a constant patrol route."

"The apes are a good idea, however, there are guards up there and they will need to be dealt with. I dont think the Yuan-Ti will kill the 3 on the pyramid, until the situation is dire. Since, it appears they are using them to power the pyramid in some way."

"I am not sure how long you can keep the apes around Cosmo, so that is something you may want to think about also. You may need some bison or something to transport the 3, if you can save them. Since giving the pain they appear to be in, I am not sure if they will be able to walk on thier own."

"Battle Mistress, what do you think?"

Mykael smiles at Nezamil, "Thanks, by the way, would you shrink already! I cant pat you on the head when you are that tall."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:08:48 AM

"Since I will be standing back and firing arrows at any snakement that move, does somebody want to use the golden axe? Its very deadly to the snakemen and they know it. I'm not sure if thats a posative or a negative."

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 2:50:01 PM

Appolo looks around"First we can't go invisible.Remember we glow,secondly thse pyramids mess with our magic.So your spells won't be as effective.If we rescue the poor people on top it will interfer with what the snakes are doing,then they will all coming boilibg out of that pyramid.As i said before our safest bet is to circle around to the slave pens wall them off and rescue the prisoners.Hopefully the snakes won't care enopught to give chase."

Rigging - mage armor 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 4:46:03 PM

"ok people here's the plan of action....we need to strike fast and hard"

"1st Cosmo....use Ashira's idea of your apes on the temple ...that should keep them busy inside the temple allowing us time to close the distance .....then a few mass damage spells to thin out the troops"

"Next Ashira you lead the charge with Bart and Nezamil towards the temple.....Appolo you follow Ashira and Bart and keep their flanks safe"

"Nezamil will follow the warriors in the charge then when time is right break off and go free the prisonors......Mykael your with Nezamil....keep together.....alsouse any mass damage spells you can on the troops.....lets thin them down as much as we can so we don't get overwhelmed"

"Val shoot to keep the temple snakes inside ar first the follow a little behind Ashira and Bart and help flank any snakes trying to blindside them.....Ari your with Val keep here flanks free so she can give fire support and the help her....and also use your spells to attack any threats posed to anyone "

"i'm gonna fly invisibly and attack from above and use spells to help out attack"

" everyone take a moment to buff up on spells and lets get ready to roll"

" i'll haste everyone the moment we break cover"

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

(posted by adm Chris)

DK Kent 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 9:47:27 PM

(Each square in the map is indeed 5 ft. The pyramid here is over 75 feet tall. When you stopped you were approximately 300 yards from the clearing with a straight line to G32)

Final discussions are made and suggestions about strategies are put forth. and finally Rigging comes out with the finalized game plan.

The last decision to make is to make their way through the trees to a point near the perimeter of the temple clearing or to get to the path and use it.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both. The path would be much faster and easier to travel and probably quieter, but might lead to a earlier than wanted discovery or contact.

Going through the woods would bee slower going and possibly noisier but the chance of surprise could be a big factor.

There was also a third option brought up by Mykael about coming in from the other side. That way would definately take more time, maight increase the chance of discovery, but could also lead to surprise and an easier prisoner freeing.

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 10:46:58 PM

"If we move around to the other side, we stand a much better chance of surprise and are close to the slave immediately. Thus we can protect and free then from the start."

"The snakes know we are interested in protecting the humans, therefore, at first sight of us, may attempt to kill them."

"If we choose to go around, we need to stay away from the edge, so there is less chance of being detected and we will need swirl to stay in view of the the clearing to keep us up to date on what is happening. I suggest him, since he is the hardest to see and has direct contact with Rigging."

"I think the snakes are fleeing, and we need to be ready to rush in, no matter where we are at, if they get ready to move the slaves."

"Ghem can move ahead of us to warn us of any sentries in the woods. Since he can hide so well, while moving through the tree tops and still can sense everything around him."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 2:03:39 AM

The plan sounds good to me, it is a easy plan, and easy plans are mostly the best. If time and opportunity permits maybe we can close down this pyramid as well

Ari hp 72 AC 16 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 7:31:54 AM

"Val, I can join you with arrows to start, and then if anyone comes to engage us I can then take melee. I will of course have some spells to use too.

Cosmo I had been meaning to ask, what's the advantage of being in that form?"

(ooc we've recharged since the last battle, right? I will also add in my spell list next post.)

Ashira (AC26, HP 112/112) Woodland Stride, Resist Energy, 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 8:00:50 AM

Ashira frowns a little at Rigging's plan. That was a lot of enemy ground to cover... Still, they have to get there somehow. Readying her equipment, Ashira looks over at Val. "I'll take the axe Val. Bart would probably be the best choice, but he's much more powerful with his current sword. Unless you want it Nez..." Ashira chuckles at the big dwarf's question. "Oh, you bet...I've always wanted to know what it would be like to scrap my head across the tree tops!" She continues in a more serious tone. "Yes, Enlarge person would be nice."

Ashira looks over at John. "Ok, John. Stick close, but stay out of the action. This is going to be an ugly one." Ashira hands her ranger protoge a potion. "I want you to use this Fly potion when we charge. I really don't want you on the ground when the battle starts."

Spells in place
Resist Energy---100min.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 3:31:40 PM

Appolo clearly isn't happy."I still sauy we circle through the jungle and come out on the side with the prisoners.I can probaly get them out and moving before the snakes are even aware of what is going on>'

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 6:30:23 PM

" sound advice Mykael "

" what say you Captain ??"

With a sly grin at Ashira " ok at soon as the captain gives us the word i'll make bump ya head on some trees .....it's a great veiw "

" as for the axe it's a might small for me to use effectively"

Kneeling down Nezamil picks up a small pebble and pulls out a empty potion vial ......making sure the pebble fits in the empty vial he quickly invokes Domi divine power onto the small pebble and quickly stuffs it in the vial and stoppers it(casting deeper darkness on the pebble)(spell duration is ongoing but its effects are suppressed)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,Darkness* ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 6:54:32 PM

(OOC: You had plenty of rest since the last big pyramid battle yes, but not since the little snakes on the path.)

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 7:33:52 PM

"Luckily I hate the bow enchanted for ship to ship combat. I can shoot an arrow clear over the pyramid from here without any difficulty. Once we get to the catacombs I'm going to inquire about some goggles that help me see long distance." Val says as she hands Ashira the golden axe.

OOC: its a battle axe +3 serpent bane

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 8:02:41 PM

Cosmo waits for some more direction from Rigging on which battle tactic the group will use. He goes over his spell list, preparing his order for casting. He also checks on his Rods as they will come in handy soon."

"Ari as a Troglodyte it increases the toughness of my skin to make me harder to hit (OOC natural armor bonus of +6). Plus it helps increase my movement to keep up with you big folk (OOC movement of 30' vs. Halfling's 20').

"Rigging, with my Rod of Enlarge I can cast 3 fireballs from quite a long range. In fact the range on my fireballs using the Rod is almost 1/3 of a mile -- 1600 feet. Once you give the go ahead I can take to the air and launch a few fireballs at the massed groups near the pyramid to create a distraction. They won't even know where they came from. Then we can move in for the attack. I will try to free the chained individuals on the pyramid."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2

Wednesday January 24th, 2007 9:24:14 PM

Rigging says, "OK I want to attack in 15 minutes. I am hopeful that more of the snake men will leave and reduce our odds to more manageable numbers. I want 2 groups. The first group will contain Val, Appolo, Romeo, Mykael and Ari. Your job is to free the slaves from the pen, not the ones on the pyramid. If you can get them to fight, so much the better but in not, send them out of harms way. Then get back to us. I want you to start moving in that direction now and attack when you get the signal. The signal will be our attack on the camp.

The rest of our job is to attack and kill as many of the snakemen as possible. I want the first attacks to be on massed groups of the Yuan-ti. Hitting them with fireballs, mass spells and general destruction. I want the fighters of the group to hit the closest snake men and keep them off the spell users backs.

Cosmo, I want two summonings before the general attack. If you can enlarge them, so much the better, but the more intitial mass choas we can create the better chance the slaves have to get away. This sounds cruel but leave the slaves on the pyramids for last. If we can save them, great but if we cut off the retreat of the Snakemen, they might only fight harder.

Nezamil, you will have to use your best judgement. Still a wall of stone screening the slaves might be a good move."

Rigging looks at all of the Wildcards,"Numbers and terrain are on their side. If the slaves start fighting we might have a chance to drive them off, but if they don't realize we will most likely have to retreat. I don't want any heroic stands here today. If you are being overwhelmed, run away. We can always come back. OK lets move people. Attack starts in about 15 minutes."

DM Kent 
Wednesday January 24th, 2007 9:54:43 PM

Plans are finalized with two separate strike forces with one group circling around the clearing to came at the slave pen from the other side with another more abrupt attack happening form the opposite side, with the hopes of drawing attention from the pens and the freedom run.

Best guess makes the trip around to the other side of the clearing about a 10 minute jaunt. Final touches are prepared, spells cast weapons are checked and last minute directions given. And within 5 minutes the Harriet Tubmen group gets on its way.

(OOC: These posts should reflect the last five minutes the group is together, and your positioning frior to the launching of the attack. Please make sure to include coordinates where you are starting from. Once I have that info I will update the map and begin combat either tomorrow or Friday.)

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid) 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 1:14:25 AM

"I doubt the humans will fight, mostly because they dont have any weapons. Perhaps they will be able to get some from all the snakes we kill."

"My Group, I think if we can work around to the edge of that path by the pen, we can make a hole for them to get out of quickly."

"My suggestion is that Appolo and Romeo work on making the hole and getting the slaves moving. Romeo can lead them and Appolo can join the rest of us once thats accomplished. If some of the slaves wish to fight, then Appolo you bring them down to the rest of us. Romeo can lead the ones that dont wish to down the path and out of trouble."

"Val, Ari, and I should come out at the south corner of the pens. That way we have a full view of the area and can launch ranged attacks on those that notice the slaves escaping. I have a long bow to use and one Lightning Bolt still. I hope to draw those that come against us along the front of the pens and get as many as I can with the Lightning Bolt."

"Once melee looks inevitable, Val meet them, Ari you can flank her. I will haste us all, then join then take Val's other flank."

"Appolo, Ghem will stay with you in the corner. He can inform you if any of the snakes or humans try to come around the pen on the northern side. And he can tell me if you need help. We wont be far apart and can move to help any in our group quickly."

"One thing also, Appolo, try to stay within 30 feet of me. That way when I cast Haste, I can include you. That goes for all of us."

"I will try and slow the advance against us, with a web spell or two. That will allow us to get more arrows into them before they get to us."

"Any one disagree with my plan? or have alternatives or additions? Ari, what spells do you have that we can co-ordinate with?"

When ready, Mykael heads off with the group. Ghem will fly about 40 ahead of the lead, moving from tree to tree. This will allow him to get far enough away from the group that the noise we make shouldnt interfere with his Blind Sense. And he can alert us of any thing he notices and can guide us around them. Making it harder for us to be detected.

Mykael likes his plan, but will go with whatever Val decides, since I believe she is the senior battle officer of our group. If she goes with Mykael's plan, Romeo and Appolo would appear about (DD/4), and Val, Ari, and Mykael would appear at (CC/10).

Also, what are the walls of the pen make of? Wood?

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Thursday January 25th, 2007 1:19:19 AM

OOC: Forgot, I cant post tomorrow night. Chris if you would help me out, I would appreciate it.

Ashira (AC26, HP 112/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 11:40:29 AM

As she waits for the signal to attack, Ashira begins casting her buff spells. She casts Barkskin +2 on herself and John. Then she casts Delay Poison on herself and Bart. She taps Bart as her flanking buddy. "C'mon Bart, let's rip through these overgrown snakes and make them curse the day they sank our ship!" Shifting her position slighty, she moves over to where she has a direct line to the closest abomination (#7). As soon as Rigging gives the signal, she charges the creature hoping the element of surprise will work in her favor.

OOC: Will add Charge rolls once I know the final list of spells cast on Ashira.

Spells cast
Barkskin +2 on herself and John--49min/50min remaining
Delay poison on herself and Bart---5 hours

John (AC17 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, NPC Nellie 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 11:50:09 AM

Gladly accepting the potion, John is all to glad not to join in the combat. He too casts Delay Poison on himself, just in case. Moving in close, he asks Nezamil to cast Enlarge person on him too once the attack begins.

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---8/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Enlarge Person---XX/XXmin.

Appolo Ac 23 HP 68  d20+14=22 d20+13=26
Thursday January 25th, 2007 1:34:26 PM

Appolo looks around"Ok that sounds good.Let's move Romeo and free the prisoners.then I'll jion the party.Oh and there is a pile of weapons near by should the prisoners want in on the action."Appolo checks his gear then moves out quickly and quietly through the jungle to the coordinates indicated by Mykeal.

Hide 22 Move Silently 26

Nezamil Ac 18 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment  d8+10=16
Thursday January 25th, 2007 3:47:08 PM

" ok Captain......i'll wait to see how Val's group positions themselves before i cast the stone wall to protect them better"

with a warm smile at John's inquiry " sorry my friend i have only one of Domi's enlarge spells available.....but i do have a spell that will 'AID' you as you seek to act as a medic to our group in battle (will cast aid on john moments before we engage in battle )(d8+10=16 temp Hp's)

"Mykael this might help in covering the escape of the prisoners " as Nezamil hands him a stopped vial "inside is a small pebble with a powerful darkness spell it might come in handy....just either break the vial or unstopper it"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2*,Darkness* ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG,Dissmissal (Spell immunity)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)

(will post more spells in post before combat)(some are shorter duration then the 15 mins we are waiting to attack)

Thursday January 25th, 2007 8:20:43 PM

Rigging waits the time needed for the other group to get into position. He asks, "Who wants to be enlarged? I can tap you with my wand? Since the last pyramid, I have become more of a mage and doubt I will be standing up to much in a fight but my holy dagger is good against these creatures. Can anyone use it better than me? (+1 dagger but does 2d6 extra damage to evil creatures)

He then confers with Cosmo. Send you animals against the two closest abominations. I will concentrate my first fireball on the YT's on the eastern side of the pyramid, you get the southern side of the pyramid.

Ashira Bart Nezamil and John should attack the YT's in the south west corner guarding the path. Take them out first and then close with the abominations.

After the fireball I plan on casting an evards tentacles on the humans guarding the slaves in the pen. Should keep them busy.

Just before the attack begins, Rigging will cast haste on his portion of the group (+1 to ac, +1 to hit, +30 base movement, one extra primary weapon attack) He will then cast greater invisibilty and then get some height.

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Ari hp 72 AC 16 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 9:14:37 PM

"I like that Troglodyte idea, we might have to become twins or something.

I have Magic Missle, Shield, Burning Hands, Mage Armor and Spider CLimb, Alter Self twice, Resist Energy twice and Protection from Energy 3 times. I could use the Alter self and shield for myself and maybe the energy stuff if we know what to set up in advance?"

If no one stops him he'll cast shield, and alter self on himself before the battle.

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Shield x
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self xx
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4)  d3=2 d3=2
Thursday January 25th, 2007 9:38:51 PM

Cosmo nods at Rigging to let him know that he understands. When Rigging gives the go ahead, Cosmo casts the 2 SM IV scrolls that he has (each summoned 2 Fiendish Apes). He instructs them to attack the Abominations (I think #3 &4 on the map). Cosmo then casts Fireball at the YT on the south side of the Pyramid as instructed by Rigging. He uses his Rod of maximize when he does this.

Fireball - maximum damage 60 points; Reflex save 19

Cosmo then takes to the air. He has his Rod of Maximize in one hand and his Rod of Enlarge in the other.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours
SM IV 9/10 rounds
SM IV 10/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2 (cast both)

Fiendish Apes - 4 total 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 9:42:44 PM

Two each moving towards Abominations #3 & 4.

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ashira (AC24 for Charge, HP 112/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste  d20+20=27 d8+7=13 2d6(1+2)=3
Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:50:56 PM

Ashira nods at Rigging's change in tactics. "Okay." She lines herself up for a charge on Yuan Ti #28. Once Nezamil has cast Enlarge Person, she attacks. (Charge=27 for 13+3 damage)

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---11/11 rounds?
Enlarge Person---10min

John (AC17 HP51/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, NPC Nellie 
Thursday January 25th, 2007 10:56:43 PM

John eagerly asks Rigging for an Enlarge Person. When the Captain mentions his place in the battle plan, the invisible ranger coughs. "Ummm, actually boss, I'm more suited to the medic role for now... You'll thank me later."

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---8/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---11/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

Bart ac 27 hp 86 haste  d20+17=32 d10+9=16 d6=3
Friday January 26th, 2007 11:23:51 AM

Bart positions himself near Ashira he is ready to attack He refuses an enlarge it also has disadvantages Bart thinks he is better off with out . after the sign is given he goes forward and attacks yuanti 29 (ac 32 for 19) (+1 dodge mod on ac for this yuanti)

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Friday January 26th, 2007 3:55:26 PM

"Works for me." Came Val's simply reply. She tests the string on her bow and counts her remaining arrows once again. "Let's get this party started."

DM Kent 
Friday January 26th, 2007 9:32:50 PM

Val, Apollo, Romeo, Mykael, and Ari head out and around to free and distract, up near the north east corner of the clearing, where they take note that the pens are, while sturdy enough, they are also obviously hastily made and of wood. While the rescue squad moves, the others get into their positions near the southwestern corner and prepare for the major attack and onslaught.

As they return to the edge of the clearing they are able to see that there are quite a few less YT and Human guards then there were just 5-10 minutes ago and more are steadily moving toward the pyramid.

Final pre-combat spells are cast and Cosmo casts his two summoning spells sending his wrecking crew to the top of the Pyramid when the arrive.

As the last set of Apes arrives making their presence known to those on the Pyramid, Cosmo lets fly with a fireball and Ashira and Bart charge out attacking their respective targets.

The human guards #3,4,&7 also get caught in Cosmo's blast and fall never to rise again. The YT are all still standing, and though injured, do not look or sound happy.

Ashira and Bart both connect with their attacks and elicit loud hisses from theore now embattled opponents.

(updated Map is sent)

Rigging hps 74 ac 20  10d6(6+1+2+3+5+6+2+5+6+1)=37 d20+13=20 d20+13=33 d20+13=24 d20+13=26 d20+13=19 d20+13=30
Friday January 26th, 2007 10:40:48 PM

Rigging casts his fireball at the group near the east side of the pyramid centering it on L6. (Rolled 37 points of damage 18 if reflex save of dc 18. Made spell resistance checks for all 5 YT in the blast zone of 20, 33, 24, 26, 19)

After he casts the spell he will climb another 20' putting him at 40' in the air.

Remember that everyone in my group has haste on

Swirl darts up around 100' into the air and watches the action waiting to see where he can best help.

spells on:
greater invisibilty 1/11
mage armor first hour of 11
overland flight first hour of 11
haste 2/11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment  d20+18=26 d20+13=29 d20+18=38 d20+18=37 2d6(5+5)+10=20 2d6(2+6)+10=18 2d6(3+4)+10=17
Saturday January 27th, 2007 11:18:04 AM

Moments before they engage the snakemen Nezamil finishes casting spells on the group(list will be at the end of post)

As the 10'ft dwarf steps out of the jungle (5'ft move)(to F30) his eyes set on the abomination in from of him (#7)and unleashes a torrent of blows at the beast (10'ft reach)

1st strike - d20+18=26 damage 2d6(5+5)+10=20
2nd strike - d20+13=29 damage 2d6(2+6)+10=18
3rd strike -d20+18=39 nat 20!! hasted 2d6(3+4)=17
crit hit - d20+18=37 just missed !
total damage =55

(attack bonus-base +7 cleric,+4 str,+3 supersized,+1 haste,+2 MWG,+1 prayer,total+18)
(damage bonus 2d6 weapon lg size,+4 str , +3 supersized,+2 Mwg,+1 prayer)

The big dwarfs mace finds its mark again and again weaving it's deadly arcs as he strikes.

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal (Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

Ashira (AC26, HP 112/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+20=40 d20+20=33 2d8(8+1)+12=21 2d6(3+3)=6 d20+17=33 d8+6=9 2d6(5+3)=8 d20+10=23 d8+6=12 2d6(1+4)=5 d20+17=22 d8+4=11 d20+9=24 d20+9=13 d8+4=10 d20-1=17 d20+20=32 d8+6=13 2d6(3+1)=4
Saturday January 27th, 2007 11:14:47 PM

Ashira grins at the Yuan Ti in front of her...the glowing magical axe and her short sword are poised to strike. "Know what this is? I'll bet you do. Say hello to Gargul for me, will you?" Stepping back 5 feet (F30), Ashira launches a full attack on the creature. Doubting that it will take all of her attacks to kill the creature, Ashira is prepared to shift her attack to the abomination (#7) once the pureblood is downed.

AC 40/33 crit? for 21+6(bane)=27
AC 33 for 9+8=17
AC 23 for 12+5=17
AC 22 for 11
AC 24/13 for 10
AC 32 for 13+4=17
Total damage: 99

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---10/11 rounds
Enlarge Person---10min

John (AC17 HP51/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, Fly, Delay Poison, Aid, NPC Nellie 
Saturday January 27th, 2007 11:19:38 PM

John continues to float above the battle field about 20 feet above the ground (E30), watching to see who might need patching up.

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---8/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---11/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

Troglodyte Ari hp72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  5d4(3+2+1+4+2)=12
Sunday January 28th, 2007 8:09:43 AM

Ari tries his best to move in a Flanking position to Val that gives him a straight line on the nearest guards (ie CC:11). Ari waits for the Evards Tentacles to appear or for someone in his group to move out and upon first action available casts Burning hands on the two nearest guards. (12 Points, DC 15) (15 ft distance so I assume just the two guards)

As they get in position Ari worries about the timing of the attack and hope everything works out.

He also hopes he doesn't trip with this tail the new form has.

(ooc I hope I have everything right. I'm a litte rusty and I apologize if spells don't combine right, or work they way I think they should)

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.
Haste from Mykael

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 
Sunday January 28th, 2007 4:19:10 PM

Appolo takes up his position and waits for Mykeal to cast Haste on him then moves forward to free the prisoners.

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4)  d20+3=10
Sunday January 28th, 2007 8:44:18 PM

Cosmo takes to the air, gaining altitude. Using the additional speed from Rigging's haste spell, Cosmo is able to get to a good height and then starts moving towards the pyramid (movement is now 70'). From his lofty position he looks to see where he should cast his next spell.

Spot 10

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours
SM IV 8/10 rounds
SM IV 9/10 rounds
Haste (from Rigging)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2 (cast both)

Fiendish Apes - 4 total  d20+9=23 d20+9=14 d20+4=13 d6+7=12 d6+7=8 d6+3=4 d20+9=10 d20+9=28 d20+4=8 d6+7=9 d20+9=25 d20+9=21 d20+4=17 d6+7=13 d6+7=13 d6+3=9 d20+9=19 d20+9=16 d20+4=21 d6+7=11 d6+7=9 d6+3=6
Sunday January 28th, 2007 8:51:13 PM

OOC - not exactly sure where the apes are on the map.

Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 37/37, 37/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

The Apes use their reach to attack any nearby opponent:

Ape 1 attacks
Hit AC's 23, 14, 13
Damage 12, 8 & 4

Ape 2 attacks
Hit AC's 10, 28 & 8
Damage 0, 9 & 0

Ape 3 attacks
Hit AC's 25, 21 & 17
Damage 13, 13 & 9

Ape 4 attacks
Hit AC's 19, 16 & 21
Damage 11, 9 & 6

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)  d20+11=14 d20+6=8 d8=7
Monday January 29th, 2007 1:49:14 AM

Mykael waves for Appolo and Romeo to go ahead.

Ghem moves to BB-2 and hides in the lower folage of a tree. This way he can watch, listen, and sense for any snakes or humans moving around the north side of the pen, and can alert Appolo and Romeo, and can talk to them through telepathy.

Mykael tells Appolo through Ghem, that he will wait until they get into melee before he casts haste, since it doesnt last so long.

Taking position on Val's right flank, Mykeal pulls his longbow, he looses two arrows at the nearest untangled human by the pen.

AC: 14 (7 dam)
AC: 8 (miss for sure)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2*, Haste

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste +4  d20+14=16 d20+14=21 d20+10=26 d20+8=25 d20+9=28
Monday January 29th, 2007 4:55:16 AM

Appolo moves around and comes out of the jungle at cc2 moving to the northeast corner of the Pen inord to free the prisoners.He moves silently and swiftly to accoplish his goal.He takes a goodlook at the fence and the surrounding area.

Move Silent 21 hide 16 Spot 26 Listen 25 Search 28

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr, Haste)  d20+12=31 d20+12=18 d20+12=27 d20+7=14 d20+2=7 d8+4=10 d8+4=8 d8+4=12
Monday January 29th, 2007 10:42:03 AM

Val stood at the edge of the brush, her bow placed in such a position where it was unhindered. The magic cast upon her enhanced her speed and she was already quite quick with the bow. The bowstring sounded briefly like a strummed instrument as she fired off several arrows in a few seconds. While the abomination she targeted was quite far, for her bow it was easily within range.

ooc: hasted rapid shot, 5 arrows against #4 (abomination) 1st- ac 31 for 10, 2nd- ac 18 for 8, 3rd- ac 27 for 12, 4th ac 14- miss, 5th ac 7- miss

Bart ac 27 hp 86 haste  d20+12=24 d10+19=27 d6=3
Monday January 29th, 2007 1:05:36 PM

After his first kill Bart jumpattacks the nearest foe (poer attack +5) He hits his opponent hard (ac 24 for 27+3 shock)
sorry for late post

attendence report 
Monday January 29th, 2007 1:51:45 PM

Dm Kent xxoxx
Aashira xxoxx
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xxoxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxoxx
Nezamil xxoxx
Mykael xxoxx
Ccosmo xxoxx
Ari oxoxx

only 4 Dm posts this week !!! we need 5 !!

remember folks we are in combat , lets all survive together !! teamwork !!!

DM Kent 
Monday January 29th, 2007 8:47:30 PM

YT's - AC 22
AB's - AC 25
Human's - AC 15

As Rigging's fireball goes off and catches the YT and the other 2 human guards, bedlam begins to fill the clearing as many of the nearby YT race for the pyramid entrances.

Ashira basically decimates the Yt she is facing and even gets a strike in on #7 as Bart connects for a second blow,on his opponent, but both #28 and #7 still remain on their feet.

Val sends a flight of arrows streaking toward #4 and watches as two of them strike home.

Romeo and Apollo move toward the corner of the pen as the lunch meat sems preoccupied with what is going on near the Pyramid and the explosions.

Mykael sends Ghem into hiding and lets fly with a couple of arrow. Dissapointingly they both fall short of their target.

The Apes get into action and 3 of the four connect with a strike on their targets.

Cosmo moves upward and forward and begins to plan his next move.

Ari steps forward and fry the two human guards.

Nez steps forward and slaps a hurting on #7 but it almost seems like he isn't even hurt.

Cocmo Need two concentration checks DC 16 for each summon spell


DM kent (continued)  d20+15=28 d20+9=23 d20+9=20 d8+7=9 d20+9=16 d20+15=31 d20+15=24 d20+9=29 d20+15=27 d20+9=24 d8+7=9 d8+7=14 d6+3=7 d20+25=43 d20+17=34 d20+6=26 d8+12=13 d8+12=10 d8+12=20 d20+9=29 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d6+3=8 d6+3=5 d6+3=6 d20+13=21 d20+13=22 d20+13=15 d20+13=32 d20+8=26 d20+8=25 d20+8=25 d20+8=13 d8+7=11 d8+7=15 d20+13=23 d8+7=15 d8+7=11 d8+7=9 d8+7=10 d8+7=11 d8+7=9
Monday January 29th, 2007 9:33:36 PM

As 13 YT dash into the Pyramid as they escape the torent of fireballs raining down upon them, most of the Abominations and humans as well as a few YT that know they are too far to make it turn their attention to the two areas the attacks seem to be coming from and charge into the fray converging on Bart, Ashira and Nez in the southern part of the clearing and toward the now visible Trogladyte Ari and the area where the arrows were coming from. Of the four opponents charging Ashira (26, 6, 22 & 30) only the YT (30) connects with its attack AC 28 9 damage

Bart is also suddenly surrounded as he finds himslef facing his first opponent (28) as well as the three others (32, 25, 31) that charged him. He however does not fare as well as Ashira and finds himself the recipient of a number of well placed blows as YT 28 and 32 connect ACs 31 and 27 and human 25 connects as well AC 29 (natural 20)- 30 points damage

Nez finds himself face to face with Abomination #7 as it takes a 5 foot step and begins its attack on the large dwarf. connecting 3 times AC 43, 34,& 26 for 43 points

Over on the nothern side of the clearing Aris sees six opponents charging at him, but sees that only two will reach him this round, though that is of little consolation as the two human guards rip into him one critically. AC 29 - AC29, and Ac 23 for 19 points

Up on the Pyramid the glow is almost blinding to any who look that way and the two embattled YT and joined by their two other comrades fightin the Apes (5 foot steps)

APE #1 gets hit AC 21 & 26 for 26 points
APE #2 hets hit AC 22 & 25 for 26 points
APE #3 gets hit AC 15 & 25 for 19 points
APE #4 gets hit AC 32/23(crit) & Miss for 19 points

(New map on the way)

Ashira (AC26, HP 103/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+20=39 d8+6=13 2d6(4+1)=5 d20+17=32 d8+6=14 2d6(3+1)=4 d20+10=22 d8+6=8 2d6(2+1)=3 d20+17=20 d20+9=16 d20-1=9 d20+20=32 d8+6=13 2d6(4+2)=6
Monday January 29th, 2007 10:51:30 PM

The ranger looks over in contempt at the Yuan Ti who managed to knick her. "Ok...I was going to kill off your buddy over there first, but I guess you're next." Once more the axe and sword move in a blur, slicing deep into the monster's flesh. If she should kill her opponent (#30) before her attacks are finished, Ashira turns to number 28 with the remainder.

AC39 for 13+5
AC32 for 14+4
AC22 for 8+3
AC32 for 13+6
Total damage: 66

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---9/11 rounds
Enlarge Person---10min

John (AC17 HP51/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, Fly, Delay Poison, Aid, NPC Nellie  2d8(4+6)+5=15
Monday January 29th, 2007 11:02:01 PM

The ranger grimaces as first Bart and then Nezamil get hit hard. Weighing his options, he decides to tap Bart first, figuring that if Nezamil really needs healing he can do it himself. Scooting a little closer to Bart and directly above the abomination, John lowers his elevation enough to tap the fighter on the head with his wand (E29 about 15 feet above ground). 15 hp to Bart

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---7/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---10/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

Rigging ac 20 hps 74/74 
Monday January 29th, 2007 11:09:41 PM

Rigging remembers his duties to the other group and casts his next spell centered on Y13. Black tentacles reach out of the ground and try to grab anything they can. Rigging makes sure that his friends aren't caught in the spell.

Rigging will then move his location to H29 keeping his height at 40' up in the air
spells on:
greater invisibilty 2/11
mage armor first hour of 11
overland flight first hour of 11
haste 3/11
Evards Black tentacles 1/11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)  d100=82 6d6(2+4+5+2+1+3)=17
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:12:16 AM

Mykael steps slightly to the north and lines up humans 17 and 15, while catching Abomination 4 in the middle.

He casts lightning bolt trying to catch all 3, while making sure to miss Ari.

Spell Failure = 82% (success)
dang it - damage = 17
Reflex save, DC = 17, for half

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste

Cosmo  d20+16=35 d20+16=29
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:38:55 AM

Concentration checks 35 & 29

Fiendish Apes - 4 total  d20+9=15 d20+9=29 d20+9=25 d20+4=15 2d6(5+2)+14=21 d20+9=24 d20+9=17 d20+4=18 d6+7=9 d20+9=22 d20+9=25 d20+4=22 d6+7=12 d6+7=9 d6+3=6 d20+9=10 d20+9=29 d20+9=22 d20+4=19 2d6(5+3)+14=22
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:47:13 AM

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 11/37, 11/37, 18/37 & 18/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

The Fiendish Apes fight back after the assault from last round. Each of them get at least one good smack in against the YT.

Ape 1 attacks
Hit AC's 15, 29(25) & 15
Damage 21

Ape 2 attacks
Hit AC's 24, 17 & 18
Damage 9

Ape 3 attacks
Hit AC's 22, 25 & 22
Damage 12 + 9 + 6 = 27

Ape 4 attacks
Hit AC's 10, 29(22) & 19
Damage 22

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 1:00:46 AM

OOC -- Do the chained people on top of the pyramid look alive?

Cosmo moves so that he is about 150' above the top of the Pyramid. Cosmo casts SM IV, using his Rod of Enlarge, summoning more friends to fight. They will arrive at the beginning of next round.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours
SM IV 7/10 rounds
SM IV 8/10 rounds
SM IV (starts next round)
Haste (from Rigging)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 1/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2 (cast both)

Troglodyte Ari hp 53/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+10=22 d20+9=15 d20+9=13 d20+4=20 d6+3=7 d6=4 d6+3=8 2d6(1+5)=6 d6+3=5 2d6(2+3)=5
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 7:20:03 AM

As Ari inspects the results of his attack he gets this ominous feeling that somehow he did not stick to plan as he finds the human guards in his face and causing damage.

Not spending any time to think about it for right now, Ari pulls how his swords and begins his attack. As always he's hoping that Alemi is with him today.

Sword of Alemi - AC 15 (8 pts +6 if evil), AC 13 and AC 20 (5 pts +5 pts if evil)

Flame Burst sword - AC 22 (11 points)

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.
Haste from Mykael

Bart ac 27 hp 86 haste  d20+14=28 d20+9=29 d20+9=26 d20+4=19 d20+14=30 d20+14=30 d10+15=24 d6=4 d10+15=17 d10+15=16 d6=5 d10+15=18 d6=1 d10+15=20 d6=4 d10+15=22 d6=2
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 11:50:02 AM

The wounded Bart hacks and slashes around him he focus on a new commer hoping to slash his first opponent with a cleave attack (ac 28 for 24 + 4 shock, crit ac 26 for 17+16+5,ac 19 for 18+1, haste attack ac 30 for 20+4, cleave attack ac 30 for 22+2)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp68 Haste  d20+10=26 d20+9=25 d20+8=15
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:22:38 PM

Appolo pulls out his thieves tools which include a hand saw crow bar and ahand ax.He the stdies the enclosure carefully and goes to work."Romeo keep your eyes and ears open.I'm going to try to open this thing up."

Spot 26 Search 25 Listen 15

Val (AC 19, HP 115/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr, Haste) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 1:22:39 PM

With the snakes and humans rushing in Val's forced to abandon her bow before they got to close. In one fluid motion she slipped the bow into her enchanted quiver, which was probably running out of arrows anyway, and draws the flail from her belt.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 60/81 Endure elements,Magic vestment  d20+18=38 d20+18=27 d6+10=14 2d6(1+2)+10=13 4d8(2+7+1+2)+10=22
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 3:13:00 PM

Seeing the abomination stepping forward to attack the 10' dwarf reaches out with his mace and smashes the snakeman (AoO D20+18=38 nat 20!)(missed crit roll)(2d6(1+2)+10=13 damage)

Staggered by the Abominations savage attack Nezamil steps back(5 'ft move)(which leaves 10'ft gap and hopefully another AoO next rd )(and moves to D31)and uses his bulk to pressure John back also

"Domi grant us all courage againist these viles snakes" roars Nezamil " Heya Ashira i could use ya help on this one ....he's a might nasty"

With that said Nezamil touches his anvil holy symbol " Domi heal thy humble servant " as the anvil symbols pulses slightly as Domi's healing powers flow into the mighty dwarf(4d8+10=22 cured)(spontanously casting cure crit in place of Dismissal 4th lvl)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)
Haste - from Rigging

(remember everyone in Nezamil's group has Prayer on them )

Kent (five foot moves do not provoke attacks of opportunity if that is the only move action within the round)

DM Kent  d20+7=23 d6+4=9 d20+8=12 d20+8=27 d20+8=27 d20+8=19 d20+8=26 d20+15=31 d20+9=25 d8+5=10 d8+5=7 d20+15=25 d20+8=23 d8+5=7 d8+5=9 d20+15=17 d20+8=27 d8+5=13 d8+5=7 10d6(6+4+5+2+5+6+2+5+4+1)=40 d20+15=18 d20+15=31 d8+8=14 d20+25=29 d20+17=31 d20+6=7 d8+8=14 d8+8=15 d20+15=16 d20+8=23 d6+3=9 d20+18=25 d8+4=10 d20+18=36 d8+4=6
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 9:50:01 PM

[OOC: Please don't forget to list Spell DCs etc for spells you cast or I may ignore them altogehter. :>) *Also please remember to post which opponent you are attacking. **Also remember that five foot steps and charge attacks do not draw attacks of opportunity]

Ashira goes a chopping and sends bits of YT hither and thither.

John moves over and drops down a bit to lay a healing tap on Bart.

Rigging moves to a new location and drops his spell on the unwary opponents and even Ari needs to make a reflex save as he is so close to the edge of the flailing tentacles.

Mykael takes a five foot step and sends his lightening bolt through the tentacles striking his opponents.

The Apes continue their barrage and Cosmo moves up over the pyramid and begis to cast another spell. He notices that the three humanoid figures on the top of the Pyramid are bound and blindfolded, and while they aren't moving the sense is that they are alive.
Cosmo make spot check DC 25
Even dodging the the tentacles (reflex 23- rolled for you as you didn't know), Ari slices deeply into #17.

Bart goes into cuisinart mode and slices and dices the newcomer #25 and then returns to slice into # 28 again.

Keeping an eye out Romeo watches as Apollo begins sawing on the cage much to the consternationof some of the nearby slaves.

Val quickly switches weapons.

Nez takes a step straight backwards but can't get to far in the adjacent space as the forest comes upbehind him and casts a healing spell upon himself.

#30 falls to Ashira's onslaught but just barely.

#25 falls to Bart's attack

#17 falls to lightening and Ari's attacks

#15 falls to lightening and tentacle bashing

#s 3 & 4 are slowed to half speed and each takes 9 points of damage from the tentacles as they step out of the writhing mess (Val AoO) (Ari AoO)

#34 is slowed to half speed and takes 9 points from the tentacles

#16 takes 9 points from the tentacles and steps out of the mess. (Val AoO)

#4 takes 17 points of lightening damage.

#2 falls to the ape's barrage.

A bunch of human slaves get caught and pummeled by the tentacles sending them screaming back to the rear of the pens drawing attention to the pens and Apollo.

Ape 1 gets hit twice more AC 31& 25 for 17 points

Ape 2 gets hit twice more AC 25 & 23 for 16 points

Ape 3 gets hit twice AC 17 & 27 for 20 points

#s 8 and 5 charge into the fray but both manage to miss their intended targets, as do 6, 26 and 22.

# 28 misses Bart but #32 catches him with a single solid blow AC 31 for 14 points

# 7 decids not to pursue Nez and instead takes several swings at Ashira connecting twice AC 29 for 14 and AC 31 for 15 points

#31 wades in again after Bart but misses.

Suddenly from seemingly form out of nowhere a column of flame roars down from above catching Ashira, Bart, and John as well as #s 8,6,22,31,28,&7 everyone takes 40 points reflex DC 20 reduces it to 30 total.

#s 28, 6, 22 fall to the ground unmoving

Stepping up to Val #16 attacks hitting home once AC 23 for 9 points.

#4 attacks Val also cutting into her with a hard slash AC 25 for 10 points.

#3 leays into Ari connecting with a viscious backswing AC 36 for 6 points.

Apollo suddenly find that there are a buch of people pressing up against the fence screaming at him to get them out.

Ghem and Swirl suddenly send messages about something really evil now present.

Ashira (AC26, HP 44/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+12=30 d20+20=25 d20+17=18 d20+10=19 d20+17=30 d20+9=11 d20-1=6 d20+20=22 d8+4=7 d8+6=13 2d6(1+2)=3
Tuesday January 30th, 2007 11:54:05 PM

The ranger grunts in pain as first the abomination hits her and then the flame strike (Reflex=30). Should have seen that coming... Seeing several of the other opponents fall, she pushes the attack against the abomination until Nezamil can come help out. The burning skin causes her so much pain that her strikes are almost insubstantial.

AC25 for 13+3
AC30 for 7
Total damge: 23

OOC: Kent, does evasion further reduce the damage from the flame strike?

Evasion would drop the total if save is made to 20 total points Kent

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---8/11 rounds
Enlarge Person---10min

John (AC17 HP31/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, Fly, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  d20+7=24 2d8(3+2)+5=10
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 12:02:31 AM

What in the....whoosh" The column of flame rips by John, just barely missing the ranger (Ref.=24) Still, the pain of the strike cuts John to the bone. Quickly flicking the wand at himself, John adheres to the old adage of cleric heal thyself. As many of his wounds heal, John whispers a prayer of thanks to Domi, knowing that without the spell Nezamil had cast on him earlier he would be dead.

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---6/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---9/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)(Haste)  d100=60
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 1:02:09 AM

"Stop the Tenticles!!!" Mykael yells across the battlefield, hoping Rigging can hear him.

Mykael looks in Appolo's direction, Cant reach him, dang it.

Mykael casts Haste on Val, Ari, and himself.
(Spell Failure = 60%, success)

(Haste = 1/6 rounds)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 60/81  d20+8=16 d20+4=12 d20+18=19 d20+13=31 d20+18=31 2d6(1+4)+10=15 2d6(6+4)+10=20
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 1:18:13 AM

"whoa " as the column of flame roars down from the sky

wincing as his friends reel from its effects " John heal Ashira i'm gonna crush this thing " growls Nezamil angrily

Nezamil looks about for the source of the flamestrike (d20+8=16 spot ch)(d20+4=12 spellcraft ch)

but he has to help out Ashira .....the 10'ft dwarf uses his long reach to his advantage and pounces at the abomination(#7) that is wreaking havoc with the group......being slightly distracted for looking for the source of the blast of flame ...Nezamil 1st blow misses it's mark but his next two find it's target ....the dwarfs large mace smashes into the abomination(#7)
(1st swing d20+18=19 missed !)
(2nd swing d20+13=31 hit!! damage 2d6(1+4)+10=15
3rd swing(d20+18=31 hit!! damge 2d6(6+4)+10=20)(hasted swing)
total damage 35 !

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

( Ashira,Val,Bart have Endure elements cast upon them , 24 hr duration)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)
Haste - from Rigging

( Bart has Resist energy-Fire on , 20 pts per)
resist fire would only take effect on the second half of the damage so whether or not he saved 20 points is still taken.

Troglodyte Ari hp 47/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+9=20 d20+9=25 d6+3=8 2d6(3+2)=5 d20+10=15 d20+9=21 d20+9=20 d20+4=15
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 7:31:07 AM

AoO #3 AC 20 AoO #4 AC 25 (8pts +5 if evil) (Sword of Alemi)

Ari grunts in pain as he receives his damage. Hoping Mykael can take care of himself, Ari engages with (#4) and hopes that Val and him can take it down as quickly as possible.

Ari quickly realizes today is not his day! (no hits recorded for #4.)

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.
Haste from Mykael

Bart ac 27 hp 47 /86 haste, resist energy, prayer  d20+7=26 d20+14=27 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d20+4=18 d20+14=33 d20+14=28 d20+14=18 d20+14=34 d20+14=29 d10+17=20 d10+17=21 d10+17=21 d10+17=21 d10+17=26 d6=3 d6=5 d6=4
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:04:15 AM

People are smoking around Bart (ref save 26) luckily Nez has cast a spel on him, he smokes as well but not so hard as the rest around him. Bart attacks once more focussing in his thoughest opponent (#8)hoping he can make a cleave attack at the end of his attacks to another one(power attck+4)
1st AC 27 for 20+3
2nd Ac 29 threat ac 23 crit for 21+21 +5
3rd ac 18 miss
haste ac 33 threat ac 28 crit for 21+26+4
cleave ac 18 miss

resist energy only effects the 10 points left from the save and will not do anything to the other 20 points of the damage.

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68  d20+10=27
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 12:04:42 PM

Appolo yells back off that is what I'm doing now be quiet!!"He the goes back to work with his tools,hammering cutting chopping and chiseling away.Hoping to knock out a few of the wooden posts.

Disable Device 27{I hope it is applicable}

Fiendish Apes - 3  d3=2 d20+9=29 d20+9=28 d20+9=18 d20+4=15 2d6(4+6)+14=24 d20+9=12 d20+9=28 d20+4=9 d6+7=11 d20+9=23 d20+9=12 d20+4=23 d6+7=10 d6+3=7
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 12:42:00 PM

Two new apes join the battle where 3 have recently fallen.

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 0/37, 0/37, 0/37, 18/37, 37/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ape 1 DEAD
Ape 2 DEAD
Ape 3 DEAD

Ape 4 attacks
Hit AC's 29(28), 18 & 15
Damage 24

Ape 5 attacks
Hit AC's 12, 28 & 9
Damage 11

Ape 6 attacks
Hit AC's 23, 12 & 23
Damage 10+7 = 17

Val (AC 19, HP 97/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr, Haste)  d20+16=36 d20+16=22 d20+16=21 d20+16=23 2d10(4+3)+40=47 d10+20=29 d10+20=25 d10+16=21 d10+16=19 d10+11=17 d10+6=8 d10+20=30
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 3:48:41 PM

As the snakes and human move out of the danger from the spell, Val's flail begins a whirlwind of death. The heavy metal ball spins quickly striking over and over again.

OOC: power attack -5/ +10
1st AoO against #3- crit, ac 22 to confirm, for 47
2nd AoO agaisnt #4 ac 21 for 29
3rd AoO against #16 ac 23 for 25

1st normal attack against #4 hits ac 21 for 30.
attacks 2,3,& 4 I believe all miss with ac 19, 17, and 8

Rigging  d20+13=28 d20+9=18 d20+9=29 d20+9=16 d20+9=15 4d6(4+1+5+5)=15 4d6(2+4+3+4)=13 4d6(5+1+5+6)=17 4d6(3+4+3+4)=14
Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:34:40 PM

Rigging casts a scorching ray at abomination 8. Spell resistance check of 28 hit ac 18, 29 natural 20 and 15. Hit ac 16 on my follow up check for a critical hit.

First ray does 15 points of damage, the second critical hit does 30 and the final does 14 for a total of 49 points of damage.

"Swirl, Where is that big evil? Tell me where it is!"

If I can, not sure if it is a standard round or not, I will dismiss the Evards Tentacles.

Rigging moves to H26 still at 40' height

greater invisibilty 3/11
mage armor first hour of 11
overland flight first hour of 11
haste 4/11
Evards Black tentacles 2/11 (If not dispelled)

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3*, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

DM Kent  d20+20=31 d20+15=24 d20+9=16 d8+8=10 d20+9=13 d20+9=23 d20+9=12 d20+5=10 d20+5=21 d20+5=19 d8+5=6 d8+5=7 d8+5=10 d20+25=37 d20+15=17 d20+6=24 d8+10=11 d20+10=26 d20+10=18 d20+15=19 d20+15=19 d20+15=14 d20+9=20 d20+9=10 d20+9=20 d20+25=40 d20+15=34 d20+15=26 d20+6=21 d8+10=12 d8+10=16 d8+10=13 d8+10=17 d20+15=28 d20+9=23 d20+3=15 d20+12=18 d20+5=10 d8+5=7 d8+5=6 d8+5=6 d8+10=17
Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:34:33 AM

(sorry about no post last night, I spent much of the night going back and forth to the hospital for one of my students and her family, If everyone has posted by tonight I will post again to night to make it up.)

Mykael casts haste on Ari Val and himself and prepares himself for joining the battle.

Nez looks for the source of the flame strike but sees nothing obvious and then lights into #7 again.

Ari reacts to getting hit and attacks himself to no avail.

Bart feels the heat and then turns the heat up on #8.

Apollo's job is made harder by the crowds pushing back into the corner and all the yammering, but his yell quiets things for a moment and is rewarded for his efforts when the first post he is working on is finally cut through. This soon becomes an issue though as the people closest to the break make a push for it and even though it is not wide enough for any but a chid to squeeze through, several adults are trying to force themselves through simultaneously, getting totally stuck and soon there is blood flowing as they begin fighting and trampling each other to try and escape.

The Apes begin to fall from the onslaught of the YT and then are quickly replaced by two new ones. Cosmo, two concentration checks DC 21, DC 20

Val smashes into #4 solidly and her shot to #16 downs the last visible human guard.

With a thought Rigging dismisses the tentacles and sends three fiery streaks at #8

Cosmo floats high above the Pyramid spot check DC 20

#7 looks worse for the beating he is sustaining but still manages to attack Ashira with quite a bit of ferocity. connecting with his first attack AC 31 for 10 points.

# 5 also joins in on the attack of Ashira also connect once AC 37 for 11 points.

#26 attacks again but once again misses the Ranger.

#8 falls to the combined attacks of Bart and Rigging.

Ape 4 is missed
Ape 5 is hit 2 times AC 23 & 21 for 13 points
Ape 6 is hit once AC19 for 10 points.

#s 28, 32 & 31 each go after Bart but all three miss with their attacks.

#4 responds to Val's attacks by wading into the fray himself connecting with all three attacks once critically. Ac 40, 35(26),21 for 48 points.

#3 once again attacks Ari as does #34 and gets hit 3 times AC 28, 23, 18 for 19 points.

As the fight continues everyone in the lower corner of the clearing (blue circle) suddenly feels worse as negative enrgy spreads through causing everyone 17 points damage (inflict mass lt wnds) will save DC 21 for 8 points.

Fiendish Apes - 3  d20+9=18 d20+9=22 d20+4=24 d20+4=5 d6+7=10 d6+3=9 d20+9=18 d20+9=13 d20+4=22 d6+3=6 d20+9=26 d20+9=18 d20+4=6 d6+7=12
Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:28:03 PM

The Fiendish Apes continue their assualt. They hoot and holler as they rend the YT with their claws and bites.

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 0/37, 0/37, 0/37, 18/37, 24/37 & 27/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ape 1 DEAD
Ape 2 DEAD
Ape 3 DEAD

Ape 4 attacks
Hit AC's 18, 22 & 24(5)
Damage 10+9 = 19

Ape 5 attacks
Hit AC's 18, 13 & 22
Damage 6

Ape 6 attacks
Hit AC's 26, 18 & 6
Damage 12

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 56/63; Str 4)  d20+3=15 d20+16=34 d20+16=20
Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:38:59 PM

OOC - Sorry for the missed post that I thought I had done.

Spot 15
Concentration 34 & 20

Cosmo continues to circle about 150' above the top of the Pyramid. Cosmo casts SM III for a creature to arrive at the beginning of next round.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours
SM IV 5/10 rounds
SM IV 6/10 rounds
SM IV 8/10 rounds
SM III (starts next round)
Haste (from Rigging)

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 1/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2 (cast both)

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 68/81  d8+10=16 d20+14=23
Thursday February 1st, 2007 6:49:40 PM

Shivering as abominations spells magic washes over him.....Nezamil shakes off most of it's affects(d20+14=23 will save)

"two can play that game" growls Nezamil "Domi heal these couragous companions "(casting CLW/Mass d8+10=16 cured to Bart,Ashira,John,Nezamil,Rigging)

Pointing towards an Abomination(#5)" Bart git that vile slimy beast"

Moving forward slightly to support Ashira more(D30)

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)
Haste - from Rigging

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

(Remember Prayer +1 on saves,skills,dam,hit)(also has gives +1 on reflex saves)

Rigging 57/74  d20+7=14 d20+13=32 d20+9=29 d20+9=17 d20+9=15 d20+9=27 4d6(5+2+2+4)=13 4d6(2+3+3+6)=14 4d6(3+4+5+4)=16 4d6(4+4+6+4)=18
Thursday February 1st, 2007 7:47:56 PM

Rigging feels the pain enter his body and sees cuts upen up on his arms and legs as he nasty magic does its evil work. failed will check

Rigging casts his magic once again and three more rays lance out and strike at Abomination 5 (spell resistance check 32)

Rigging hits touch ac 29 (follow up critical check of 17) ac 15 and ac 27. Critical hit does 27 second ray if hits does 16 and final ray does 18

(ooc Kent, I had Rigging move to H26 last turn but you didn't move him on the map. Not sure I would have been in range for the mass inflict spell)

greater invisibilty 4/11
mage armor first hour of 11
overland flight first hour of 11
haste 5/11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3**, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Troglodyte Ari hp 28/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+10=17 d20+9=20 d20+9=21 d20+4=15
Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:34:26 PM

(ooc I've taken the 19 points, but I though I had an AC of 27? Does that mean there are invisible +'s to hit? ;) )

Ari is concerned with the amount of blood that he's seeing especially when he realizes it's mostly his! He considers it his punishment for not listening closely enough when they made the plans for the attack.

Doing his best to imitate the other cheese graters in the group, Ari falls woefully short of doing anything but a dismal job (ooc missed all attacks).

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.
Haste from Mykael

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)(Haste)  d100=54 d20+3=16
Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:50:10 PM

Noticing the danger in the crowd caused by fear and anxiety, Mykael silently hopes that Val and Ari can handle things a little longer.

Mykael takes a 5ft step to DD9 and casts Web covering the entire insides of the pen, anchoring it to each of the 4 walls.

"Calm down, we will get you all safe as quickly as possible. Killing each other out of fear isnt helping the situation. Some of you are born leaders, step up and take control of those you know. Help us out. When we are ready, I will remove the spell. We are hear to save you!"

Spell Failure = 54%, success
Diplomacy = 16

(Haste = 1/6 rounds)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Appolo Ac23 Hp 65 Haste+4 
Thursday February 1st, 2007 9:10:47 PM

Appolo looks at the people"Now shut up and back off or we'll leave you."He the hands the nearest person some rope."Tie this around the post and pulls I'll work on it from this side."Once the rope is tiedhe says now pull"He then goes back to work chiseling cutting hammering chopping until the next post is removed.

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