Draax Monday January 29th, 2007 5:36:41 AM
Draax nods his head in agreement to the other's idea, "I am willing to go with whatever idea you magic types come up with that would help us avoid and unnecessary conflicts."
Following the tree line - DM Marcin Monday January 29th, 2007 5:40:08 AM
The party turns North and starts to traverse the steppe hidden in the shadows of the frontier of Culverwood.
The journey is monotonous and soon many get the feeling it has been going on for ages. Trees to the left, endless emptiness to the horizon to the right - it feels a bit like walking on a shore of a gray ocean. All Horvis can see from his height are remnants of old camps and an occasional yellow skull.
Night comes and a full moon rises on the sky. Small creatures of the steppe leave their lairs and scurry about spooking horses every now and then, but nothing more can be heard or seen aside from thousands of crickets. Traversing on the verge of wood and hill the party seems to manage to pass unnoticed by both.
The second day of travel is a twin of the first. It is hard to judge the distances, but in the evening the sharp eyes of Horvis can eventually spot, far in front of the party, a thin brown line of the road traversing the steppe in the westernly direction. He also notices multiple columns of black smoke rising into the air from where the road enters Culverwood.
Horvis - Greater Magic Fang, Longstrider d20+15=17 Monday January 29th, 2007 8:11:23 AM
The giant eagle circles down to the ground to inform his companions of what he has seen. Horvis will provide an estimate of how long he thinks it will take the party to reach the road but his estimate is probably off the mark. Survival = 17
Horivs lisps at his companions, "Do you wish me to scout ahead and determine what is going on?"
If his companions agree that this is a good plan, the giant eagle springs into the air and flies steadily northwards. Once night comes, Horvis will shift into the form of a giant owl to better scout silently around the fires, then return to where his companions wait.
Can't access SRD right now to get flight speeds and racial modifiers to skills, will roll them tonight - JohnP
Izen Monday January 29th, 2007 6:03:26 PM
Izen clucked his tongue at Horvis's suggestion. "You know best," he said amiably. "But there's no telling what's up ahead there. Might be best to keep your distance until we can deal with it as a group. Whatever it is might even be tougher than you are."
He smiled, as if to suggest such a thing were inconceivable.
Jova kon Monday January 29th, 2007 6:27:34 PM
As Horvis lands to report the first time, Jova takes the oppurtunity to dismount and stretch his legs. He does several stretching moves as well, to limber his back. He shows the others, if they are interested. After Horvis's report, Jova speaks.
"I have one issue, before you go off scouting again. All of us are used to fighting alone. Some of us know the fighting styles of others. When we last fought the beasts in the valley, I for one, had no idea what to expect from any one. Even back at the Stone head, when asked to what decision do we chose, none of us knew anything of each others ewaponse.
"I am sure with time we will work as a team, know each others strengths and weaknesses. I also know we dont want to spend time talking this tiff out. So i would like to propose something.
"Maybe we could pair up. Have someone to look after, and them to look after you. It diesnt really matter who is with who, we can always switch partners after any battle. Even if we wemt 3, 3, 2. It would allow better offense, and noone would be left by themselves unprotected. Think on it. As we ride, we can figure things out."
Horvis (Addendum) d20+12=21 d20+11=28 Monday January 29th, 2007 8:39:57 PM
Overland Movement - about 8 mph for eagle, 7 mph for an owl when moving equivalent to walking. Double that for Hustle
Spot = 28
As an Owl: Move Silent = 21
Monthor Monday January 29th, 2007 10:33:10 PM
" Goody, goody, goody!!!... Maybe we have some goblins to go play with?
All Kidding aside, while it's likely that the smoke is coming from camp fires, it may be that someone's in trouble. Me like Jova's idea. Of you non- fighter types can be with me. "
:: Monthor kicks his pony to a gallop. ::
" Come on girls, lets go. "
Tratain Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:05:07 AM
Tratain says "I like Jova's Idea also, Its probably best we match people who have the same fighting styles."
Tratain continues "I think Horvis should go check out whats causing that and return to us, we can start heading that way, but we shouldn't get to close until we know what we are facing."
Draax Tuesday January 30th, 2007 12:08:27 AM
Draax gives his horse a little feed while they discuss what's ahead. "Both, the scouting and the teams within the team suggestions sound good to me."
He gets back on his horse shaking his head as he watches the blood-thirsty dwarf ride off.
Jova Kon-Second post Tuesday January 30th, 2007 3:09:46 AM
Jova is reassured as the others appreciate his idea. Then the raucus dwarf is off to battle, no surprise there.
"Any volunteers for that one?" He points over his shoulder at the dwarf, hanging on for dear life as the pony gallops off.
Scouting run - DM Marcin Tuesday January 30th, 2007 4:43:05 AM
The best estimate the party can make is that if they continue to ride through the night they will reach the road a few hours before dawn. Monthor expresses a desire to carry on, but no one else seems to be equally eager to investigate.
Horvis flies off to take a closer look at what lies ahead. It gets dark while he is gone, and it takes him several hours to get back to the group and report what he's seen.
A small, walled settlement sits on the road at the verge of Culverwood. Horvis didn't have much time to take a closer look at it, but it seemed to him that it could have been built on the ruins of an old fort, the old walls and ruined towers being incorporated into the defensive structures of the hamlet. Either way, these walls are being put to a test right now, for a large force has launched an attack on it.
Horvis counts about forty large sized humanoids scurrying about the farms outside the walls. Most are about 10 ft high, are dressed in furs, and carry huge clubs. The rough and savage features of their dark brown faces leave little doubt that these are giantkin of some sort. The night eyes of the owl spy some two-headed ones among them, as well as an occasional troll and ogre.
The attack seems to be more a raid than an assault, for the marauders are mostly busy looting the farmland and gathering whatever livestock they can put their hands on. Many of the homesteads have been set aflame - the source of pillars of black smoke the party has seen. The giants seldom approach the walls themselves, and are content only to throw an occasional boulder at them. Whenever one of them ventures too close the the fort it responds with a hail of arrows, bolts, and magic fire. The defenders standing on the walls are a varied bunch, some human sized, some smaller, with a sizeable share of giant sized creatures among them, too.
It is now two hours before midninght.
Izen Tuesday January 30th, 2007 8:31:24 AM
Izen nodded at Horvis's report. "Good," he said. "If we camp here, we're likely to go unnoticed, and we can slip by the battlefield tomorrow unchallenged. There's less chance of roving marauders bothering us if the local thugs already have their prey. All the better for us to get to the Dreadlands faster."
Monthor Tuesday January 30th, 2007 9:59:08 AM
Monthor looks at Izen and 'sighs.
" Camp? What do you mean 'camp'? There's a battle going on down there and we have the man power up here to make a difference. Me say we counter attack them from the rear and allow the defenders in the fort to make a 'sorti'and whipe out the lot of them! Arien and anyone else with long range fire power is first wave. Tratain, meself, Horvis and whoever else wants in on the one on one are second wave on a frontal attack. We concentrate on the biggest targets first. Me and me flaming axe get dibs on the Trolls. Are ye with me or are ye gonna let me go at them alone? "
Horvis d20+12=26 Tuesday January 30th, 2007 11:03:33 AM
The giant owl reports what he saw to his companions.As much as he can, he will identify what types of giantkin he saw in the raiding party and in the hamlet. Knowledge Nature = 26
"Fighting these monsters would be interesting. But it is the middle of the night and those of us who cast spells may not be ready for combat."
The owl preens a loose feather on his breast before continuing to speak.
"If we do not interfer, we should be careful on tomorrow's travels. The raiding party maybe from close by. If they are willing to attack a hamlet, they would probably consider a party such as ours to be easy pickings."
Then, the owl looks around at his companions.
"If we go, would it not be better to infiltrate the enemy and strike from within? I can assume the form of some of the giants that I saw."
"I would hate to see the short bearded one fight these things by himself."
Arien (Mage Armor) Tuesday January 30th, 2007 3:38:29 PM
"I would like to help the settlement if possible however I don't know if we can make that much of a difference against forty various types of giants." Arien rubs on shoulder absently where he had been hit by a giant previously.
"Still I would like to help if at all possible, we know what Izen feels best, what does everyone else think?"
Juliander Tuesday January 30th, 2007 9:01:55 PM
"I say we help out the settlement as best we can. Perhaps we can lure a sizeable force away from the settlement to deal with ourselves... divide and conquer, so to speak."
Jova d100=27 Wednesday January 31st, 2007 12:11:11 AM
Jova dismounts and pulls from his jacket a slender iron rod of about 1 foot in length. He begins to chant a few words, and motions very slowly with his arms outstretched.
"This speell I am casting is for a faster horse. One which will help me in battle. I suggest we attack the beasts in 2 groups, as Juliander suggests. Maybe run a decoy at them, to draw them out. I can summon other beasts to help in the fight as well. This spell will take about ten minutes, I can raise another, if someone else would like the faster mount."
ASF10% 27 good Cast Phantom Steed w/extend rod 26 hour duration
Draax Wednesday January 31st, 2007 1:23:46 AM
Listening as some of the others talks about their desire to help the defenders; Draax is neutral about the situation. He has no idea if the defenders deserve the group's help or even want it. Although he does not agree with the group decision to help; he also does not disagree with it either, so he remains silent and listens to what the others have to say.
To camp, or not to camp? - DM Marcin Wednesday January 31st, 2007 2:10:28 AM
The party is, once again, of divided opinions on what to do next. Some wish to ride off to challenge the small army of giants. Others would see it more fitting to cautiously move on. For now the party is at the border of Culverwood, some three hours of overland travel South from the settlement of Ogre [map of Red Hills]. It is two hours to midnight and the Wold, illuminated only by the moon, is full of shadows.
Looking at the maps the Knights should be aware that the crossing of Culverwood has been only postponed, not avoided entirely. Once past the battlefield the party will have to negotiate the enchanted wood in order to get to the Western Scab [the Lands of Dread are past the NW corner of the map of Red Hills].
[Horvis Highlight to display spoiler: {Horvis noticed that most of the giants were of the hill variety, with occasional ettins, ogres, and trolls. Most carried themselves with the confidence of seasoned warriors.}]
Horvis d20+11=13 Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:49:07 AM
The giant owl listens to his companions as they debate going to help the settlement.
"Sounds like most of you wish to help. They were mainly hill giants with some ettins, trolls and ogres mixed in. I will stay close as we approach to scout for trouble. Do you agree that I should infiltrate the giants before the rest of you attack?
Horvis will remain in the form of a giant owl to lead his companions through the dark hills towards the settlement. He will remain close enough that he is within sight while scouting for giant patrols. Unfortunately, he is distracted. Spot = 13
The shifter leads his companions to a spot that he deems close enough to the battle to spy upon the giants without being spotted. Once there, he turns to Izen and the others.
"Does anyone spot spellcasters among the giants? Or leaders of some kind?"
If the party agrees to his plan of infiltration, Horvis shifts to his natural form to remove his scimitar from his scabbard. After placing the sword on the ground, he shifts into the form of an ettin and picks up the sword.
Izen Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:56:48 AM
The halfling looked at those advocating attack. His expression was passive and professional."How does attacking these creatures serve our mission? Does it get us closer to the Dreadlands? Does it help us conceal our presence or our approach? What does this accomplish? I'm curious as to your thinking."
He gestured at the deep black of the sky. "And how does attacking at night fit into your plans? Most of us need light to see anyway--that may not be the case of your adversaries."
Monthor Wednesday January 31st, 2007 10:49:51 AM
Monthor approches Izen and places a gentle hand on the halfling's shoulder
" Our point little buddy.. is that they are giants. We are not. And that fort is being attacked. If one defender dies because we didn't do anything then we be responsible for it. If ye want to stay back and watch. So be it. Me, me be tasting some giant blood this night. Giants kind see no differently at night then the rest of ye do. Those fires will provide us all the light we will need.
Now, There's two ways of doing this."
:: Monthor holds up a finger. ::
" One, we use stealth. The hand to hand groups spit up in two's, dimension door or otherwise make our way over to the most suitable spots and start hacking. We hit, kill, run, hit, kill, run... "
:: Monthor holds up a second finger. ::
" Two, we cause a lot of noise and draw them to us. We then pelt them with spells and arrows before engaging hand to hand. Arien is our main spell dude. And should be able to cause some significant damage from afar... right? Tell me ye got some fireballs or lightning bolts or other such spells memorized? Tratain's got his blade barriers. Either way, we take out the rock throwers first. Then we don't have to worry about rock showers catching us by surprise."
Monthor pauses...
" Horvis, can ye get to the fort? Maybe we can consult with their leader and coordinate our attack with them. If we can attack from here, and the defenders make a sorti and help us out, we can catch them in a pincer. They should also know if there be any mages with the giant party. If they tell us to go to the 9 Hells then so be it. We move on. If they want our help then we skin us some giants. Agreed? "
Juliander Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:07:34 PM
In complete agreement with Monthor on how giants are to be handled, Juliander readys and loads his crossbow. Speaking directly to Monthor, "Ready to hunt giant when you are big guy."
Horvis - 2nd Illegal Post Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:41:44 PM
The giant owl looks over at Monthor when he asks about getting into the fort.
"Of course I can. I simply shift into something less noticeable and fly in."
"Did you want me to do that?"
Monthor Wednesday January 31st, 2007 8:58:20 PM
" Make it so Horvis. "
Tratain Wednesday January 31st, 2007 10:37:55 PM
Tratain agree's with Monthor and says "I like that Idea Horvis, fly in and see whats going on. If you judge its a conflict we should join in let us know, if its just one bandit Tribe Raiding another we should just leave. If you think we should get involved ask what the defenders would like us to do."
He says to the others "I have some spells I can cast on us to enhance us a little and summon some allies to our aid. When we get close enough I need enough time to cast them before we start the fight. When we get close enough we need to hunker down while we prepare and go in when ready"
ADM Joe Wednesday January 31st, 2007 10:43:06 PM
Posting Report for week ending Friday January 26th
M T W R F DM X X X X X Tratain O O X O X Jova X X O X O Monthor X X X X X Izen X X X X O Arien O X X O X Horvis X X X X X Draax X X X X X Juliander X X X X O
Draax Wednesday January 31st, 2007 11:08:32 PM
Draax half listens to everything until they mention Horvis flying inside and making sure that the defender are worthy of the group's attention. Draax head lefts at and he smiles at Tratain's words. "Finally; someone is actually talking sense. I hate to say it, but I actually agree with Izen. But if Horvis comes back with news that we should help the ones behind the wall then I am gamed."
Arien (Mage Armor) Thursday February 1st, 2007 3:10:36 AM
Arien looks at Monthor for a moment before saying, "Trust me Monthor, the spells I have prepared will work just fine if we do indeed wind up fighting these giants. I suggest that we actually start moving now since its still fairly far away and then Horvis can meet us on the way there with some updated information."
Monthor illegal 3rd Thursday February 1st, 2007 7:55:01 AM
"What Arien says works for me. Let's move down. And should we find a straggling ogre or two on the way... "
:: Monthor shrugs ::
" What happens, happens. "
Horvis - Illegal 3rd d20+14=26 d20+10=21 d20+2=14 d20+5=16 d20+10=17 Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:14:58 AM
Once the party reaches the location near the fighting, Horvis changes back into a centaur to store his Ioun stones. Then he shifts into the form of a bat and flies into the walled settlement. After circling away from the combat, since it wouldn't do to be hit by an errant arrow or spell, the shifter will find a good eave or building to hide on so that he can listen to the defenders. Per the instructions of his companions, Horvis will try to determine whether the inhabitants of the settlement are good or evil. He will do that listening to which Gods they call upon and the nature of the spells being cast. Then he will look for a commander of the defenders.
Relevant Skills, Etc. as a Bat Fly 40 ft. Hide +14 (includes +12 due to size) Listen +10 (includes +4 racial bonus) Move Silent +2 Spellcraft +5 Spot +10 (includes +4 racial bonus)
Approaching the battlefield - DM Marcin Thursday February 1st, 2007 8:39:31 AM
The party moves out and Horvis flies away to do some more recon work.
With every passing hour the glow of the fires grows brighter. Some two hours after the departure the nostrils of the horses open when gust of wind brings the smell of smoke.
The top of the ruined tower of the fort appears over the line of the trees. The party slows down, not sure if some lookout isn't watching them, but the march progresses unhindered and no giant patrols are discovered wandering about. Maybe the attackers didn't want to split their forces, or maybe simply their tacticals are lacking.
Soon after that the party arrives at the scene and can take in the whole situation.
The moon is full and the visibility is good. The dark contour of the fort stands defiant against the sky, its defenders black shadows on its walls. Four bonfires are all that remains of the farmsteads around it. The giants seem to be wrapping up their attack. Their force is right now divided into three groups, with two smaller sorting through the debris of nearby farms and one larger, near the road, guarding a herd of captured livestock which consists of eight cows, several sows, and a two horses.
Horvis' flying during the time of party's approach allowed him to identify probable leader of the group - a huge monster of a giant, dressed in crude ring mail and wearing a horned helmet. The commander is right now staying with the largest group. Horvis didn't see anyone who would look even remotely like a spellcaster.
The Kinghts themselves, dismounted, are right now at what they believe is the least safe distance that still allows them to pass unseen.
The moon is full and that, combined with the fires, makes the visibility pretty good [no Spot penalties for those with low-light vision]. Flocks of crows have already gathered on the trees of Culverwood. Two dark birds circle in the sky high over the group.
Then Horvis, as a bat, flies off to take a closer look at the defenders, leaving the rest of the Knights to watch the unfolding situation and argue on what to do next.
[Horvis Highlight to display spoiler: {The defenders are a mixed bunch of humans, half-orcs, half-giants, and ogres, with an occasional member of other race thrown in for good measure. Right now what they shout are mostly profanities directed at the looters. None bear any religious symbols Horvis can see. Judging by what they shout they will do to any giant caught, they are a pretty mean bunch. The apparent leader of the group is a particularily well-musculed ogre.}]
[Regarding multiposting: in general I don't mind if you make one or two extra second posts during the week, especially if it helps to make decisions. HOWEVER, if you do, please try to put all actions of your character in one post, leaving the other one for conversation. Also, please try to restrict yourself to one post per day when time is measured in combat rounds. Everything else should go by e-mail.]
Izen Thursday February 1st, 2007 12:43:20 PM
Izen shook his head as he gazed upon the scene. "Typical peasants, letting the strong have their way with them." His face twisted in disgust.
He pointed out the two birds circling overhead. "Don't think our presence here goes unnoticed. We're being watched--by the Fey, or someone else."
He sighed and straightened his equipment. "If we're going to do this, might as well do it right. I work best when invisible or when working with someone else to flank an opponent. Can anyone here cast an invisibility spell that stays in effect when attacking? I could use something like that. We could also stand to use a simple Message spell to allow us to communicate when separated or operating covertly. One way or the other, you might not see much of me out there."
He looked at the others, then pointed out the giant leader. "Head of the snake. Cut it off, the snake dies. I can move in invisibly while others target some artillery and the ground troops close in with infantry. Sound good?"
Once the group had agreed on a plan, Izen would find a dark spot and vanish (Activate Ring of Invisibility: DM--Highlight to display spoiler: {If someone else casts Greater Invisibility on Izen, then he will activate his Boots of Flying instead}).
Horvis d20+2=16 Thursday February 1st, 2007 3:20:41 PM
The bat has listened enough to know that he won't learn much more simply from eavesdropping. Despite his instincts, Horivs will follow the instructions of his companions and make contact with one of the settlement defenders.
To do that, he drops from the building eave where he is hiding and flutters into a dark corner of the waleld settlement. For lack of a better model, Horvis shifts into a rather generic halfling dressed in green leather armor but bearing no weapons.
Horvis then jogs in what he wants to be a confident, natural manner to the ogre leader of the settlement. WHen he is close, but not too close, he will hail the ogre.
"Hello! I was flying over and saw the fight. Who are you fighting?" Bluff = 16
Horvis' next actions depend on how the ogre and his guards react. Hopefully, Horvis will continue with an offer of aid from his companions. If, unfortunately, he is attached the shifter will try to evade as quickly as possible.
Juliander Thursday February 1st, 2007 7:50:51 PM
Juliander is somewhat dismayed at their apparent lateness to the conflict, hoping that they might rectify the situation quickly, should the giants prove to be of the evil variety indeed.
Monthor Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:14:41 PM
Monthor sits back and waits for Horvis to come back.
Monthor - oops Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:18:30 PM
" Go ahead Izen. Take my cap of the Mountbank if you need a quick getaway. "
Tratain Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:34:13 PM
Tratain waits with the others and Puts on his Goggles of Night.
He says quietly "When Horvis returns and says we should engage the enemy I'll begin preparing, everyone sit tight and remain quiet until we get a signal from him."
Draax Friday February 2nd, 2007 2:29:05 AM
Draax moves a little away from the others and ties his horse to a tree; he put down a little feed to keep it occupied. As soon as he gets back to the group, he readies his bow and arrows. While waiting for Horvis, Draax reminisces about his last dealing with giants and how easy they are to hit with arrows.
Striking up a conversation - DM Marcin d20=8 Friday February 2nd, 2007 4:31:44 AM
The party watches the giants continue with their activities. Judging by the orderly fashion in which the looting is being done this group has seen a lot of practice. One could even easily call them professionals at marauding. Various preparations among the Knights start to take place and the horses, their empathic sensibility apparently awakened by their stay in Culverwood, start to grow nervous predicting the possibility of bloodshed [note that the horses you took from Wellogy are not combat trained].
Horvis is gone. [John, feel free to post over the weekend if you can - I can reply every day. Hopefully we can be done with your recon work and have you back with the party by Monday.]
[Horvis Highlight to display spoiler: {"WHAT!" - the ogre is not too pleased to see an uninvited guest in his fort. "Flown in, have you? Gutbark!!! Hellsdamnyou, go slap your flunkies on the western wall out of sleep'fore I lop your head off!!! Malhor! I want the whole damn fort combed RIGHT NOW!"
"Now, little one" - the ogre's eyes narrow as he focuses his stare at Horvis and signals his two bodyguards to stand at Horvis' sides - "you better talk fast and talk sense. Who are you, who do you work for, and what are you doing in my fort!?" [Diplomacy check, please. Given the situation he is in the ogre is suspicious=unfriendly]}]
Izen Friday February 2nd, 2007 10:01:19 AM
Izen shook his head at Monthor's offer. "Not necessary," he said. "A spell of Greater Invisibility and a Message spell might be nice, but if not, I'll make do."
If one of the group's spellcasters can cast Message and Greater Invisibility on Izen, he would wait for it. Otherwise, he would slip off into the darkness.
Horvis (DM Only) d20+3=4 d20+5=14 Friday February 2nd, 2007 9:25:37 PM
For DM Marcin only: Highlight to display spoiler: {The halfling nods and smiles at the ogre leader of the defenders. Without having planned this, Horvis figures that the truth will have to do. Or, the essential elements of the truth. Unfortunately, Horvis isn't the best one for this type of thing.
"My companions and I were travelling and ... ahhh ... saw the fires. I flew up to see who was fighting who. Seems like you need our help. My companions will move against your attackers and retrieve the loot for you."
Diplomacy = 4, natural 1 Sense Motive (untrained) = 14}
Arien (Mage Armor) Saturday February 3rd, 2007 3:17:02 AM
Arien keeps an eye out to make sure that they don't get stumbled upon by any of the giants. As he waits for Horvis to return he mulls over possible strategies they might use if they should go to fight these giants. "I have the veil spell prepared, I could if we needed to make us appear as another group of giants, perhaps the mere appearance of a group of giants to fight them might scare off these raiders."
Horvis' expedition, part 2 - DM Marcin d20-1=5 Saturday February 3rd, 2007 7:31:25 AM
[Horvis Highlight to display spoiler: {[Dipl.4 result: Unfriendly => Hostile]"Oh yeah!!?" - bellows the ogre - "Who, you and the tooth fairy? Pull the other one, it's got bells on! Get'im!"
The hands of the two ogres on both sides of Horvis reach out for the halfling. [Make a Dex check. If you get 5 or more you get to act before the ogre guards.]}]
Horvis - DM Only d20+1=2 Saturday February 3rd, 2007 11:21:30 AM
DM Only
Highlight to display spoiler: {Horvis tries to escape the grasp of the two ogres but this frail little halfling body isn't up to the task. Dex check = 2, natural 1
"Hey! Let go of me before I hurt you! It's the truth, you big oafs!"}
Jova Kon Saturday February 3rd, 2007 8:09:53 PM
"Izen, I can cast that spell, it will allow you about 1 1/2 minutes free reign. Also I can give everyone extra strngth if you desire[Bulls str mass]. But let us wait."
Jova is very comfortable on his Phantom Steed. He had called forth the beast many times, and cherished each. The horse was like the wind, it's so called hooves never made landfall.
"So Izen expresses the need to go in alone. Anyone want to group together? I have the ability, on this steed to cover alot of territory. I could act as a messenger to each group or something like that." Z appears out of the night sky, and lands on his shoulder.
"Z reports Horvis made comtact without problem. He is talking to the settlement now." Jova removes his metal rod, from his pack incase Izen needs the spell.
Izen to Jova Kon Saturday February 3rd, 2007 11:38:29 PM
"So short a time? I hadn't realized." The halfling frowned in thought. "And do you cast it from that rod? Hm. Perhaps I should borrow the rod, then, and cast it myself when needed."
Jova kon--2nd bonus post Sunday February 4th, 2007 2:13:20 AM
"This rod will double the duration of the spell. The spell i will cast allows you to attack while invisible. I have another rod that allows one to be simply invisible for a time without attacking. Understand?" He smiles at the man.
Horvis' expedition, part 3 - DM Marcin Sunday February 4th, 2007 7:55:48 AM
[Horvis Highlight to display spoiler: {[Normally I would play out the attempt to capture Horvis by the grapple rules, but given his abilities to change shape I think I might get away with moving the action forward a bit without you feeling your character is unfairly penalized.]
Looks like around these parts an offer of unconditional and free help is something as common as a troll loremaster. The locals have proven to be unreceptive to Horvis' inquires. The halfling-Horvis is grabbed, patted down, and, once his hands and feet are tied up, thrown into a small cottage.
The inside is dark and smells of rotten cabbage and potatoes. There is no one else inside. There is no window and a guard stands by the door, but a wide chimney of a bread stove in the corner opens into the night sky and an unhindered route of return to the party.}]
Horvis Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:00:37 AM
Dm Only
Highlight to display spoiler: {Grumbling to himself about the ingratitude of the locals, Horvis changes shape back to the bat. Once free of the bonds, he flutters out the chimney and seeks out his companions. Should be easy to do, what with the fireworks that are about to start.
Up in the night air, Horvis flies to his companions and shifts back to centaur form.}
Izen to Jova Kon Sunday February 4th, 2007 12:13:59 PM
"Ah," Izen nodded in comprehension. "No need for the rod, then. And it may not make sense for you to cast the spell upon me, either--it wouldn't last long enough past the trip from here to there."
"Can anyone here cast a Message spell?" Izen repeated. "Or have some other way to communicate at a distance without being overheard?"
Juliander Sunday February 4th, 2007 2:51:59 PM
Snapping out of his brief reverie, "Indeed Izen. A message spell is a great idea." Juliander moves among the group, a light airy tune on his lips as he touches each of them briefly, allowing the message spell to take hold.
Horvis Sunday February 4th, 2007 3:30:32 PM
A small bat flaps back to where his companions await and lands upon the ground. Once he is certain that he has enough space, Horvis changes back to centaur form.
"The locals aren't very friendly. Or I said something. I'm not the best one to deal with people."
Horvis stretches and twists his human torso, making sure that all of his gear is in place. Then he releases the ioun stones to circle his head.
"The leader is an ogre. Surly, too. No spellcasters that I could see."
Izen Sunday February 4th, 2007 4:31:42 PM
Izen arched an eyebrow at Horvis's news.
"An ogre?" he repeated. "And not very friendly, either. Hm."
He shot a quick look at Monthor and some of the others. "Horvis, some here thought it necessary to get involved in all of this because the attackers were giant-kin. But if the defenders are giant-kin, too--and not very friendly, at that ...."
"Well, it gets a little harder to see how this fits into our mission, doesn't it?" Izen's smug expression would surely merit a slap in even the most genteel settings.
The halfling adjusted his equipment and sat down, waiting to see what the group would decide next.
Draax Sunday February 4th, 2007 4:55:45 PM
Draax listens to Horvis, "This does not really help us enough to get a sense of the defenders, I am not sure if I would have not given you a similar welcome if I you came uninvited and I did not know you. I wish the leader would have at least taken time to talk to you. He could have found out what you came to offer and you could have gotten a better idea of who the defenders are."
Looking over at Izen, Draax says, "This has nothing to do with our mission. If I was sure that the people behind the walls and owners of the small farms were good or innocent, I would be yelling for us to help them also. I...we just do not know."
Looking at everyone, "If you guys still want to attack the giants, you can count me in, but I say no matter what we do or no matter what the outcome, we avoid the fort. We have no idea if they want our help or will welcome us after we are done. So if you guys want stop rampaging giants from burning farms I am all for it, but lets do it with no delusions about helping those behind those walls."
Monthor Sunday February 4th, 2007 9:14:14 PM
:: The dwarf rubs his hands together. ::
" A giant is a giant is a giant. Let's take the raiders out. "
What to do with the giants? - DM Marcin Monday February 5th, 2007 10:12:12 AM
Juliander targets all party members with a Message spell. [Note that, unlike the Telepathic Bond, the Message does not bind every affected person with everyone else - it just allows communication between the caster and targets. So, as long as there is enough time, the party can converse freely with Juliander acting as a relay between them. Should we start counting time by rounds, you wouldn't know what others whispered until Juliander had a chance to repeat it.]
The razing and pillaging that has been taking place on the farmland ahead of the party has wound down. The giants have gathered together and the whole band gets ready to depart and haul their loot away in the easternly direction.
The fires are dying down. The pillars of smoke have been taken away by the wind. It will be dawn soon.
To the west looms the dark line of Culverwood.
Juliander d20+18=30 d8+3=9 2d6(6+1)=7 Monday February 5th, 2007 8:03:16 PM
"What will it be? Slay the giants... or proceed into yonder Culverwood. I'm game, either way, I'm sure that danger awaits." Thinking about it a moment longer, it is clear that Juliander is quickly growing impatient with the current decision making process, "Well enough then." Peering down at the departing giants, Juliander pulls his crossbow into sighting position, and quickly launches a bolt at the posterior of the nearest giant. (OOC: Feel free to apply whatever range modifiers are necessary. Otherwise, Juliander hit AC 30 for 16 damage, assuming the target is evil. 9 damage otherwise.)
Jova Monday February 5th, 2007 8:40:36 PM
Jova sits his horse watching as the Giants gather to leave. He relaxes. Although the dwarf wanted battle, it would be near impossible for the little man to run them down. They were grouping as well, no battle today.
The unmistakable sound of a bowstring, crossbow. Jova tenses and looks towards where the Giants are congregating, hoping the missle falls short.
Monthor Monday February 5th, 2007 9:00:31 PM
A quick look of surprise crosses Monthor's face as both hands go up to his face. He then shakes his head a few times. Did Julie really just shoot a giant in the arse to start a frey?
Monthor then chuckles loudly.
" Julie, I love you..... a frey it is then!!!"
Izen (AC 30, HP 82/82, DR 5/magic, Invisible 50% miss chance) Monday February 5th, 2007 9:55:14 PM
If anyone wanted to see Izen's reaction to Juliander's rash action, they would be disappointed.
He had vanished.
Combat Expertise +5 to AC
DM Highlight to display spoiler: { Activate Ring of Invisibility, Activate Winged Boots, Quick Draw javelin, Move 5' straight upward.}
Tratain Monday February 5th, 2007 10:10:51 PM
Tratain waits to see if the Bolt Juliander shoots hits the giants and draws thier attention. If it does Tratain will Begin Casting Summon Monster VII calling an Earth Elemental.
Horvis Monday February 5th, 2007 10:36:29 PM
The centaur looks with surprise at Juliander after he fires a bow at the retreating giants. If his giants want a fight, Horvis is still rankled from his treatment by the ogres.
"If it's a fight that you want, I should get into something more fearsome."
With that, Horvis turns into a dire bear and prepares to meet any charge from the giants.
Arien (Mage Armor) Monday February 5th, 2007 11:50:54 PM
Arien is stunned a moment when Juliander fires the crossbow and then shrugs and waits to see if the Giant's attention is drawn.
Draax Tuesday February 6th, 2007 1:04:07 AM
Draax narrows his eyes at Juliander and stares at the man as if he was trying to look through him. "Are you sure you are not a dwarf. I thought we only had one bloody-thirsty member among us. I guess I have to adjust my assessment."
Turning away to hide the smile on his face, Draax readies his bow and activates its flaming ability.
Charge of the heavy brigade - DM Marcin Tuesday February 6th, 2007 9:54:31 AM
With a loud "twhack" the bolt from Juliander's crossbow lands in a giant's arse.
It has to be said to their credit that the giants react to that sudden attack quite quickly. They must have been on the watch, being so close to the fort; they might have thought perhaps that it was a lucky shot from there, but at that moment the looming presence of Horvis as a dire bear and fire from Draax's flaming sword betray the party's presence.
Tratain conjures an earth elemental.
Izen vanishes from sight. [Note that activating a magic item is a standard action, so it's not possible to activate two regular issue magic items in one turn. Also, you can use Combat Expertise only in a round in which you are making melee attacks.]
Some 400 feet separates the group of giants from the party. From this excellent viewpoint the Knights can witness the whole tribe as it rises its greatclubs, shouts a battlecry like one man, and charges the group. Even from this distance one can already hear the shaking of the ground under their heavy boots.
[Party can take the 1st round of actions. Giants are at the distance of 400 ft.]
[Party can take the 2nd round of actions. Giants are at the distance of 280 ft.]
[Party can take the 3rd round of actions. Giants are at the distance of 160 ft.]
A guttural battlecry rises from the throats of the giants! [If you know Giant Highlight to display spoiler: {"Murderers! Fiends! The chief will be avenged!"}]
[Party can take the 4th round of actions: everyone needs to pick the square on the map where he would like to begin the fourth round - pick between rows 25 and 35, inclusive. Then take your 4th round.]
[Note that there are many more giants coming your way, what you see on the map is less than half of them. 1 denotes a giant, 2 an ogre, 3 a troll.]
[Your horses can be either with you or off the map. If you decide to keep your on the map start making appropriate handling checks - they are not combat trained.]
[IMPORTANT: Everyone needs to post AC and HP of himself and all familiars/companions/summoned creatures. Also, post what your character holds in each hand, and a list of all active magical effects.]
[Time elapsed: 4 rounds.]
Tratain AC 33; DR 15/Evil; HP 185/169; (Extended Magic Vestment; Shield of Faith; Divine Power; Divine Favor; Rightous Might; Bear's Endurance;Summon Monster VII 15d6(6+2+2+1+4+2+2+3+3+6+1+1+2+2+3)=40 Tuesday February 6th, 2007 1:21:04 PM
As the Bolt hits the Giant and the whole pack of them begins to charge, Tratains first thought is. Boy, Thats alot of Giants Then, the parctical side of him takes over and he begins casting spells to prepare for the battle.
Tratain Begins By Casting Mass Bear's Endurence on the Party including all familiars and summoned creatures.(1st Round). Tratain then Casts Divine Power on Himself and quickly follows with (Quickened) Shield of Faith.(2nd Round). He then Casts Rightous Might and Grows Large like the Giants himself.(3rd Round) Finally as the giants Near Tratain casts Blade Barrier as a wall to block some of the Giants from approaching for the moment. (Across Row 7, 320 Feet Long. The center of the wall at Column T. Any Giants attempting to Pass through the Barrier take 40 Damage Reflex DC 22 For Half)
Tratain then holds his Ground with his Elemental(Bob) On his Left, waiting for the Giants to get in range. (Tratain now has 10 Foot Reach, The Elemental has 15 Foot Reach)
(Tratain's Position: S+T-25+26; Bob's Position P+Q+R-25+26+27; Tratains Horse is Off Map)
------------------------------------------------ Mass Bears Endurence - 16 Minutes (+4 Enhancement to Con) Shield of Faith - 16 Minutes (+4 Deflection AC) Magic Vestment - 32 Hours Summon Monster VII - 4 of 16 Round (BoB:AC=18 HP=184 DR5/-) Divine Power - 3 of 16 Rounds (BAB=14, +6 Enhancement to Str, +16 Temp HP) Rightous Might - 2 of 16 Rounds (Large Size, +8 Size Bonus to Str, +4 Size Bonus to Con, DR 15/Evil, +4 Natural AC Bonus) Divine Favor - 1 of 10 Rounds (+5 Luck Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls)
------------------------------------------------ ALL SPELLS CAST AT CASTER LEVEL 16
Condensed List of Spells Memorized: 0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic 1st Level: Endure Elements; Shield of Faithx2; Divine Favor;Prot. From evilx2;Remove Fear(Sanctuary) 2nd Level: Delay Poison; Remove Paralysis; Align Weaponx2; Resist Energy, Lesser Restorationx2 (Spiritual Weapon) 3rd Level: Invisibility Purge;Magic Circle; Dispel Magic ;Magic Vestmentx3*** ;(Protection from Energy) 4th Level: Freedom of Movement;Death Ward;Dimensional Anchorx2: Magic Weapon*(Divine Power*) 5th Level: Quickened Divine Favor*; Righteous Might*;True Seeing;Quickened Shield of Faith* (Spell Resistence) 6th Level: Healx2; Mass Bears Endurence*; Greater Dispel Magic (Blade Barrier*) 7th Level: Holy Word; Summon Monster VIIx2*;(Power Word Blind)
Joe Tuesday February 6th, 2007 1:23:17 PM
Gah, and I didn't post my Quickened Divine Favor as part of the 4th round! Bah, And I reread the post like 6 times and still didn't catch those heh.
Monthor AC 29, HP 137/137 Tuesday February 6th, 2007 3:14:54 PM
AC= 29 (plate mail +3, +5 ring of protection, amulet of natural armor +2, +1 Dex bonus) Then please add, Magic Vestment (+4) from Tratain Regular Dodge bonus +1 to closest oponent +4 dodge bonus vs giant size creatures
Mass Bear's endurance ( HP becomes 137 from 124)
Magic Weapon (+4), from Tratain to flaming war axe +2 --------------------------------------------
Position: Y27. Monthor's pony is off the grid.
Round 1 " Julie, me could kiss you. "
" Me all choked up. What a beautyfull sight... "
Round 2,3,4
Monthor grippes his flaming war axe with both hands and readies an attack against the first oponent that comes within reach. Monthor, knowing how giants fight, also watches for flying rocks.
HORVIS (AC 36, HP 165/126, DR 10/Magic) -- Animal Growth, Barkskin, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace & AQUILA (AC 22, HP 55/35, DR/10 Magic) -- Animal Growth, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bull's Enduran Tuesday February 6th, 2007 9:42:13 PM
When the dire bear sees that the giants are moving to attack, he begins to further prepare himself for battle. Horvis casts Barkskin to further harden his already tough hide, then casts Mass Cat's Grace to quicken himself and his companions. Then, after quickly conferring with his companions, he casts Animal Growth on himself, Aquila and up to four other animals that wish to share in the spell.
Now that Horvis is larger than any of the giants and well protected from their weapons, he wavers between charging in and further preparations. Preparation wins out, and Horvis casts Mass Bull's Strength on the party. Now, now, he is ready to tear up some giants.
Position Horvis - U+V+W-25+26+27 Aquila - 120' above Horvis
Combat Information Attack Bonus = +9 (BAB) +16 (STR) --2 (size) = +23 Attack = Claw +23 (2d6+16) Full Attack = 2 Claws +23 (2d6+16) and Bite +23 (3d8+16) AC = 36 (touch 10, flat 34) Size = Huge (15') Reach = 10' Held Items = None
Active Spells (Effect) (Targets) Animal Growth (+1 Size category, +8 size bonus to STR, +4 size bonus to CON, -2 size penalty to DEX, DR 10/magic, +4 resistance bonus to saves) (Horvis, Aquila, and 4 other animals), 129 rounds Barkskin (+5 natural armor bonus) (Horvis), 139.7 minutes Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 130 rounds Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 128 rounds
Active Magical Effects on Horvis (Source) Animal Growth (Horvis) Barkskin (Horvis) Mass Bear's Endurance (Tratain) Mass Bull's Strength (Horvis) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis)
Spells 0 -- DC 16 -- Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Toros' Taur's Try 1 -- DC 17 -- Entangle, Entangle, Goodberry, Jump, Longstrider*, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals 2 -- DC 18 -- Barkskin*, Heat Metal, Owl's Wisdom, Soften Earth and Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Spider Climb, Warp Wood 3 -- DC 19 -- Greater Magic Fang*, Quench, Snare, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth 4 -- DC 20 -- Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Myrridan's Blackthorn, Rusting Grasp, Spike Stones 5 -- DC 21 -- Animal Growth*, Baleful Polymorph, Commune with Nature, Transmute Mud to Rock 6 -- DC 22 -- Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength*, Mass Cat's Grace* 7 -- DC 23 -- Wind Walk * = cast
Arien (HP: 88/60, AC 19 Mage Armor, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cat's Grace)Elemental1 AC 18 HP 152/152; Elemental2 AC 18 HP 152/152 Tuesday February 6th, 2007 10:50:39 PM
Arien, following Tratain's example, summons a huge Earth Elemental, then takes a moment to recall the spell from his Pearl of Power and summons a second. Afterwards, Arien, remembering another dwarf friend that fell to a party of giants casts displacement on Monthor and then retreats back saying,
"Try to stay together I'm going to cast Haste soon and I will need people to be close for it to be as effective as possible."
Meanwhile the two huge Earth Elementals move to opposite sides of Monthor and ready an attack should any creatures come within their reach.
Active Spells: Summon Monster VII - 3/15 rounds Summon Monster VII - 1/15 rounds Displacement(Monthor) - 0/15 rounds
Izen (AC 27, HP 108/82, DR 5/magic, Invisible 50% miss chance)--Mass Bull's STR, Mass Bear's END Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:22:49 PM ooc: oops. Still learning this PC and all the variables. Promise I'll get this right soon!
Round 1: Izen turned invisible. DM Highlight to display spoiler: { He moved 30' perpendicularly eastward to the line between the group and the giants--for ease of reference, let's call it c40--and drew his javelin.
Round 2: Izen activated his Winged Boots and ascended 30' straight up.
Round 3: Izen ascended another 30' (net 60' above battlefield) and withdrew a Shield of Faith +2 potion from his pack.
Round 4: Izen drank the Shield of Faith +2 potion. He drew his rapier.
Location: map coordinate c40 +60' vertical
Right hand: Magic javelin
Left hand: Magic rapier
Active effects:
Message (Juliander)
Mass Bull's STR (Horvis)
Mass Bear's END (Tratain)
Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis)
Winged Boots, 56 rounds remaining
Shield of Faith, 9 rounds remaining}
Post edited by Kup to reflect correct AC. Izen's mithril chain shirt has a max DEX AC bonus of +6, meaning that he gains no AC benefit from Cat's Grace because he already has +6 DEX from magical means and ability scores.
Draax AC32; HP: 161/161 (Mass Bear's Strength/, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace) d20+21=40 d8+2=3 d6=2 d20+16=28 d8+2=7 d6=5 d20+11=27 d8+2=8 d6=2 d20+21=22 Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:44:07 PM
Seeing the amount of giants charging towards them, Draax says "Holy.." but stops himself because he does not want to offend any of the gods.
He pulls four arrows from his quiver and sticks three of them into the ground. He then takes his shield and lodges it into the ground and stands his sword against it. Draax takes one slow long roll of his neck to loosen the muscles before places the arrows still in his hand on the drawstring of his bow and pulling the string back as he takes aim.
When the giant S19 is within 100ft, Draax fires off 4 arrows in rapid succession, then drops his bow and readies his sword and shield.
His first shot is a near perfect shot AC40 but does not do any meaningful damage (3dmg 2 fire dmg. 5 total).
Second shot hits AC 28 for 7 dmg and 5 fire dmg, 12 total.
Third shot hits AC 27 for 8 dmg and 2 fire dmg, 10 total.
AC= 32; +5 Mithral Shirt , +4 Heavy Mithral shield, +1 Helm and +6 for dex (+1 added to dex bonus from Mass Cat's Grace )
Juliander (AC 24, HP 99, Mass Bear's Endurance, See Invisible, Mislead, Inspire Courage) d20+16=26 d20+16=35 d20+13=29 d8+3=7 d8+3=4 d8+3=10 2d6(6+6)=12 2d6(3+3)=6 2d6(4+2)=6 Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:53:39 PM
Juliander follows up on the same target with three more shots, his hands are a blur as he rapid reloads his crossbow again and again. Seeing that he has successfully garnered their attention, he casts see invisibility on himself, just in case they have any tricks that he isn't aware of, and follows up with mislead, before moving away from his illusory self under the influence of greater invisibility. Lastly, just as the giants grow close he begins to sing a song of battle and victory, urging Monthor to the attack. (OOC: Hit ACs 26, 35, and 29 for 19, 10, and 16 hit points damage respectively. Moving to a position behind the blade barrier, while his illusory self remains standing in its previous position. Inspire Courage to all in the group for +2 morale bonus to hit and damage, and +2 on saves against fear and charm as well. Position T 28.)
Jova Kon 92/76 HP AC 23 [Mass Con, Str, Inspire Courage, d4+1=4 d100=35 d100=25 d100=62 Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:34:45 AM
The roar of the giants is all the answer Jova needs. The bolt had hit. He sees the others spreading out, preparing for battle. With his rod of Extending, he begins to encanty a summoning spell. As the hippogriffs arrive he notices others summoning as well.
[Rd1 Sum Mon 5. Summon 1d4+1 lvl 3 = 4 Hippogriffs. for 26 rounds]
As his summons come to the battle field, he casts polymorph spells on 2 of the summoned creatures. 2 pyrohydras begin to form. As they form they also double in size, along with the other 2 hippogriffs. Someone else must have cast animal growth. Very good, one less spell he did not need to use.
[Rd2 cast polymorph 2 times]
He then replaces his rod of extending, just hanging onto his invisibility wand.
[Rd3 secure rod in holding bag]
Jova tells Z to take flight, just as he taps himself with the wand of invisibility vanishing from view.
[Use wand of Invisibility.}
Positions Right flank of Horvis Jova on steed z29 Pyrohydra 1[PH1] Z A B27 PH2 C D E27 Hip1 A28 Hip2 D28
Hip 31 hp, AC 15, 100ft speed fly, claw +10[1d4+8], Space/Reach 10/5
Phan Steed AC 18, 20hp, 240ft Speed, Rider weight +130, Use Water Walk
ASF10% Spells 0--6-DC15--Resist +1 Save Throw, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ghost Sound, Pres 1--8-DC16--Shield +4AC-1 min lvl, Mage Armor +4AC-1hr lvl, True Strike +20 ATT, Expedious Retreat +30ftt 1 min level, Protection from Evil 2--7-DC17--Glitterdust 1-230ft/10ftradius 1 round level- Will save, Hideous Laughter 50 ft-Will Save-1 round- level-SRyes, Blind/Deaf 1-230ft-Fort Save-SRyes, Darkvision 1hr level-60ft, Knock 1-230/130sqft 3--7-DC18--Dispel Magic +10, Phantom Stedd 1hr level, Vampiric Touch Melee Touch- 1d6/2level--Gain temp hp from damage-1 hr, SRyes, Hold Person 1-230ft- 1round level- Will Save round-SRyes 4--7-DC19--Charm Monster 1day level-50ft-Will SaveSRyes, Grtr Invis 1 round level, Fear 30ft-Cone Shape Burst-1 round level-Will Save-SRyes, Polymorph 1 min level 5--7-DC20--Summon Mon 5- 1 round level, Animal Growth 1-230ft-1 per 2 levels- 1 min level-+8str+4Con- Double Size-+2AC-+4 Save Throws-DR 10/magic-Fort Save-SRyes, Telekinesis 1-900ft- 1 round level-1-325lbs round-Hurl-Will Save-SRyes 6--4-DC21--Flesh to Stone 1-230ft-Fort Save-SRyes, Bulls Str Mass 1min level-1 per level+4str-50ft
Total used= 2/7 lvl 4 1/7 lvl 5
Fighting the giants - DM MarcinRef saves vs blade barrier: d20+5=13 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+5=11 d20+5=25 d20+5=10 d20+5=12 d20+5=22 Claw swipe d20+17=23 Wednesday February 7th, 2007 6:17:22 AM
Tratain evokes his blade barrier at a strategically appropriate moment. Several of the giants can't stop the momentum of their charge and plow right through it. The rest [those currently off the map, about 20 of them] deviate from their path to go around it from both sides [and will be able to enter the map next round, unless somehow further delayed].
Draax and Juliander hit the closest of the giants (who is really a troll) with several missiles. Green ichor sprays into the air.
Jova summons four hippogriffs, and then attempts to Polymorph two of them into pyrohydras [which needs to take two rounds, you can't cast two spells in one round unless one is quickened]. The spell fails and is wasted [pyrohydras have more HD than hippogriffs; Jova can keep the second Polymorph for later]. Jova finishes by making Z invisible.
Others entrench the party with various spells.
A horn is blown close by. Three clear notes fill the night air. The charging phalanx of the giants splits smartly into two parts. Instead of ramming blindly into the waiting line of Knights they wheel off to left and right, splitting into two roughly equal groups concentrated loosely at both ends of Tratain's barrier. One can't help but be amazed to find this level of cohesion and discipline among a giant tribe.
Could it be that somebody out there understands the durations of summoning spells?...
The giants seem to be gathering some 200 ft to the left and right of the party, but for now the closest of them are still 140 ft from the group (and off the map).
The only exception is the troll wounded by Draax and Juliander who, blinded by pain and fury, crashes blindly right into the party's defenses [Tratain's elemental can take AoO against him]. His claw merely scratches Tratain's armor [missed].
HORVIS (AC 36, HP 165/126, DR 10/Magic) -- Animal Growth, Barkskin, Inspire Courage, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace & AQUILA (AC 22, HP 55/35, DR/10 Magic) -- Animal Growth, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bul d20+7=12 d20+7=13 d20+23=35 Wednesday February 7th, 2007 2:02:28 PM
The dire bear attempts to locate where the horn calls originated, thinking that the giants' cohesion and dicipline could be disrupted if their leader was eliminated. But bear senses are not adequate to the task, so Horvis cannot direct his companions. Spot = 12, Listen = 13
Instead, Horvis chooses to slow down the giants on his right. He concentrates to avoid any distraction from the troll and casts Spike Growth under their feet. Concentration (defensive casting) = 35 OOC - Spell range is 230', so the group off-map to the right should be within range. The spell creates 13 20'x20' squares with traps, so concentrate on front of giants. Any squares not needed to trap area with giants, use to create a line extending south from Blade Barrier in columns k-n.
Actions Free - Spot roll Standard - cast Spike Growth, 1d4 for every 5' of movement, DC 20 Reflex or movement rate halved
Position Horvis - U+V+W-25+26+27 Aquila - 120' above Horvis
Combat Information Attack Bonus = +9 (BAB) +16 (STR) --2 (size) = +23 Attack = Claw +23 (2d6+16) Full Attack = 2 Claws +23 (2d6+16) and Bite +23 (3d8+16) AC = 36 (touch 10, flat 34) Size = Huge (15') Reach = 10' Held Items = None
Active Spells (Effect) (Targets) Animal Growth (+1 Size category, +8 size bonus to STR, +4 size bonus to CON, -2 size penalty to DEX, DR 10/magic, +4 resistance bonus to saves) (Horvis, Aquila, and 4 other animals), 128 rounds Barkskin (+5 natural armor bonus) (Horvis), 139.6 minutes Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 129 rounds Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 127 rounds Spike Growth - 13 hours
Active Magical Effects on Horvis (Source) Animal Growth (Horvis) Barkskin (Horvis) Inspire Courage Mass Bear's Endurance (Tratain) Mass Bull's Strength (Horvis) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis)
Spells 0 -- DC 16 -- Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Toros' Taur's Try 1 -- DC 17 -- Entangle, Entangle, Goodberry, Jump, Longstrider*, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals 2 -- DC 18 -- Barkskin*, Heat Metal, Owl's Wisdom, Soften Earth and Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Spider Climb, Warp Wood 3 -- DC 19 -- Greater Magic Fang*, Quench, Snare, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth* 4 -- DC 20 -- Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Myrridan's Blackthorn, Rusting Grasp, Spike Stones 5 -- DC 21 -- Animal Growth*, Baleful Polymorph, Commune with Nature, Transmute Mud to Rock 6 -- DC 22 -- Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength*, Mass Cat's Grace* 7 -- DC 23 -- Wind Walk * = cast
Tratain AC 33; DR 15/Evil; HP 185/169; (Extended Magic Vestment; Shield of Faith; Divine Power; Divine Favor; Rightous Might; Bear's Endurance;Summon Monster VII d20+22=39 2d10(2+5)+12=19 d20+22=35 d20+22=23 2d10(10+8)+12=30 d20+30=36 d20+25=29 d20+20=30 2d6(2+5)+16=23 2d6(3+6)+16=25 2d6(5+6)+16=27 2d6(4+4)=8 2d6(4+6)=10 2d6(2+3)=5 d20+11=20 d20+11=16 Wednesday February 7th, 2007 5:04:52 PM
As the Troll Comes Crashing into the Party Bob reaches out with one of his massive arms and swats at the Troll (Bob Hits AC 39 for 19 Damage)
Bob Continues His attacks against the Troll, Making one Good attack but one Off Balanced attack. (Hits AC 35 For 30 Damage, Second attack misses Nat 1)
If the Troll is still Standing after Bob's attacks Tratain attacks it with his Warhammer also three times or until it falls. (Tratain hits AC 36 for 23 Physical Damage 8 Holy, AC 29 for 25 Physical Damage 10 Holy and AC 30 for 27 Physical 5 Holy).
Tratain calls out to his Friends "Light the Troll on Fire quickly! So it can't heal itself. Lets head for the Group on the Left, They're Split up, and We need to find out who is directing them. They are too well organized, we need to kill thier leader and scatter them or this is going to go badly."
As he is talking Tratain is scaning the Giants for the Horn used to Signal the Giants (Spot 20, Listen 16)
(Tratain's Position: S+T-25+26; Bob's Position P+Q+R-25+26+27; Tratains Horse is Off Map)
------------------------------------------------ Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement to Str) Mass Cat's Grace (+4 Enhancement to Dex) Mass Bears Endurence - 16 Minutes (+4 Enhancement to Con) Shield of Faith - 16 Minutes (+4 Deflection AC) Magic Vestment - 32 Hours Summon Monster VII - 4 of 16 Round (BoB:AC=20 HP=184 DR5/-) Divine Power - 3 of 16 Rounds (BAB=14, +6 Enhancement to Str, +16 Temp HP) Rightous Might - 2 of 16 Rounds (Large Size, +8 Size Bonus to Str, +4 Size Bonus to Con, DR 15/Evil, +4 Natural AC Bonus) Divine Favor - 1 of 10 Rounds (+5 Luck Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls)
------------------------------------------------ ALL SPELLS CAST AT CASTER LEVEL 16
Condensed List of Spells Memorized: 0 level: Cure Minor Woundsx2; Detect Magicx3; Read Magic 1st Level: Endure Elements; Shield of Faithx2; Divine Favor;Prot. From evilx2;Remove Fear(Sanctuary) 2nd Level: Delay Poison; Remove Paralysis; Align Weaponx2; Resist Energy, Lesser Restorationx2 (Spiritual Weapon) 3rd Level: Invisibility Purge;Magic Circle; Dispel Magic ;Magic Vestmentx3*** ;(Protection from Energy) 4th Level: Freedom of Movement;Death Ward;Dimensional Anchorx2: Magic Weapon*(Divine Power*) 5th Level: Quickened Divine Favor*; Righteous Might*;True Seeing;Quickened Shield of Faith* (Spell Resistence) 6th Level: Healx2; Mass Bears Endurence*; Greater Dispel Magic (Blade Barrier*) 7th Level: Holy Word; Summon Monster VIIx2*;(Power Word Blind)
Jova Kon 92/76 HP AC 23 [Mass Con, Str, Inspire Courage Wednesday February 7th, 2007 7:22:46 PM
Jova loses sight of Z immediately. He must have touched the bird and not himself. Therefore he taps himself with the wand disappearing from view.
Dave T Wednesday February 7th, 2007 8:18:31 PM
Marcin, Sorry again this game just has too many rules. I reread the polymorph spell, and it is stupid. Absolutely stupid. Absolutely no real use in my book.
You were right, ignore my ramblings.
Oh and on map my hippogriffs should have been summoned on abcd squares. Didnt notice lower case letters til just now.
Sorry again, I am just not a rules lawyer type player.
That's OK, it's a high level game, so things are complex. I make mistakes, you make mistakes, so we'll take things slowly. The location of hippogriffs can be easily fixed as the next round will be more strategic in scope. M.
Juliander (AC 24, HP 99, Mass Bear's Endurance, See Invisible, Mislead, Inspire Courage) Wednesday February 7th, 2007 8:29:01 PM
Waiting to see what the giants do next, Juliander maintains his song, hoping that it will be adequate support for his friends while he attempts to anticipate the giants' next move.
Izen (AC 27, HP 108/82, DR 5/magic, Invisible 50% miss chance)--Mass Bull's STR, Mass Bear's END Wednesday February 7th, 2007 8:44:35 PM ooc: sorry to say DM that the map is not particularly legible or useful.
[Ok, I'll skip the bells and whistles and keep the maps as simple as possible. M.]
DM and Juliander, who can see invisible if he cares to Highlight to display spoiler: { Izen decided to try to locate the giant chieftain, whom he had noticed previously. If he could tell which group contained the leader--Spot 27 with Skill Mastery--then he would fly in that direction. Otherwise, he would fly 120' toward the group toward the right.
Location: map coordinate c40 +120' east or west, depending, and +60' vertical Right hand: Magic javelin Left hand: Magic rapier
Active effects: Message (Juliander) Mass Bull's STR (Horvis) Mass Bear's END (Tratain) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis) Winged Boots, 55 rounds remaining Shield of Faith, 8 rounds remaining}
Monthor AC 29, HP 137/137 d20+23=43 d20+23=29 d6=5 d10+32=37 d10+32=35 d10+32=36 Wednesday February 7th, 2007 10:03:55 PM
AC= 29 (plate mail +3, +5 ring of protection, amulet of natural armor +2, +1 Dex bonus) Then please add, Magic Vestment (+4) from Tratain Regular Dodge bonus +1 to closest oponent +4 dodge bonus vs giant size creatures
Mass Bear's endurance ( HP becomes 137 from 124)
Magic Weapon (+4), from Tratain to flaming war axe +2
Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) 130 rounds
Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) 128 rounds
Displacement - 0/15 rounds
----------------------------------- ooc> Is the grid 5' or 10'?
Monthor hears Tratain and obeys. The dwarven killing machine advances towards the troll (U23) and power attacks two handed with his axe (-7 to hit, +14 damage).
Critical threat (43), Hits AC 29 for 5 fire and 118 physical damage.
Draax AC32; HP: 161/161 (Mass Bear's Strength/, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace) Thursday February 8th, 2007 2:54:27 AM
Somewhat disappointed when the oncoming giants deviate from their initial charge, Draax bends down and picks up his bow. In a casual manner he watches Monthor dispatch the troll. He turns in the direction of the giant that Tratain indicated, but waits for Arien to cast the haste spell before making any move.
Arien (HP: 88/60, AC 19 Mage Armor, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cat's Grace, Inspire Courage)Elemental1 AC 18 HP 152/152; Elemental2 AC 18 HP 152/152 Thursday February 8th, 2007 4:43:43 AM
Frustrated by the giants' actions Arien casts Haste, trying to get as many people in it as possible to help the party be able to catch up with the pesky giants. The 2 huge earth elementals the sink into the earth as they head towards the right group of giants.
(OOC: Having problems with the map being small but I'll center the spell on Horvis. I should be able to catch most of the group that way.)
Active Spells: Summon Monster VII - 4/15 rounds Summon Monster VII - 2/15 rounds Displacement(Monthor) - 1/15 rounds Haste - 0/15 rounds
A standoff - DM MarcinRef saves vs Spikes: d20+6=16 d20+5=14 d20+5=17 d20+5=17 d20+5=10 d20+5=16 d20+5=16 d20+5=15 d20+5=22 d20+5=9 d20+5=9 d20+5=20 d20+5=23 d20+5=21 d20+5=22 d20+5=14 d20+5=12 d20+4=7 d20+5=16 d20+5=19 Spike damage 4d4(1+3+1+3)=8 4d4(2+2+3+2)=9 4d4(2+1+1+4)=8 4d4(4+2+3+1)=10 4d4(4+1+2+4)=11 4d4(3+4+1+1)=9 4d4(2+1+4+3)=10 4d4(1+1+1+3)=6 4d4(3+1+4+3)=11 4d4(3+1+3+4)=11 4d4(4+2+4+3)=13 4d4(4+3+4+4)=15 4d4(1+2+2+3)=8 4d4(4+3+4+3)=14 4d4(1+3+3+4)=11 4d4(1+1+2+3)=7 4d4(4+1+2+3)=10 4d4(4+1+3+1)=9 4d4(1+3+2+2)=8 4d4(2+1+3+3)=9 4d4(4+1+1+4)=10 Thursday February 8th, 2007 5:28:35 AM
[Sorry for the quality of the previous map. The hosting site did some kind of compression on it that I didn't spot until today. Also, I made mistake last round; Jova targeted himself with invisibility, not Z. He could have spent the last round casting other spell, so Dave adjust your actions for last round if you like.]
All that look for the hornblower can see the leader of the giants, his head in horned helmet standing out from the crowd, in the group to the right.
Combined attacks of the party pulverize the troll into a fine pulp. Even without fire to finish him off, it looks like it would take him a better part of the day to pick himself up. It's hard to regenerate when you have to fumble around for your head.
Horvis launches a spell at the group of giants to the right. The magic is powerful enough to encompass all of them. This seems to take them by surprise, and the group to the right is thrown into chaos as the sudden attack leaves most of them with crippled feet.
Arien finishes off the activities of the party with a Haste magic. This can affect all members of the party except for Izen, who is too far away [7 party members + 3 elementals + 4 hippogriffs]. Two of his elementals vanish from sight as they approach the unaware enemy [total distance covered would be 160 ft while running, am I right?].
The left group of the giants seems to be sticking to their commander's order, which was probably to wait the spells out. They lotier, watching the unfolding situation.
The right group, suddenly attacked from below, starts to pick their way through the affected area. Not able to see how far it extends they leave bloody trails as they stumble here and there until the hurting stops [I'll assume each one had to pass through 4 squares of spikes to arrive at an area free of them].
[Map, aerial overview. Hopefully this time more legible. Izen Highlight to display spoiler: {Izen is 80 ft away from the group of giants to the right and 120 ft away from the party.}]
[Those who can cover the distance to the right group of giants with a move/charge (elementals, Izen?) can assume their move takes them to any square on the tactical map of the right group up to column O (elementals) or column Z (Izen). As strange as it sounds, it seems Arien's elementals would be affected by the Spikes as well if travelling above ground.]
[L indicates the leader. OG is ogre, T trolls. Numbers is damage already done to them.]
[Time elapsed: 6 rounds.]
Tratain AC 34; DR 15/Evil; HP 185/169; (Extended Magic Vestment; Shield of Faith; Divine Power; Divine Favor; Rightous Might; Bear's Endurance;Summon Monster VII; Haste) Thursday February 8th, 2007 6:50:52 PM
Tratain takes in the battle, seeing as the Giants on the Left are staying put, and the Leader is with the Giants on the Right, Tratain Moves as Far as he can (Full Round Action to Run, 120 Feet) Towords the Leader of the Giants Trying to Avoid Horvis's Spell if Possible. Tratain also Order Bob to Go underground Towords the Giants Leader as well.
As he moves he tells his Companions, "We need to take out thier leadership as soon as possible. The Longer this Battle goes on the Harder it will be for us, there's just too many of them fighting as a cohesive unit."
Juliander (AC 24, HP 99, Mass Bear's Endurance, See Invisible, Mislead, Haste, Inspire Courage) d20+19=38 d20+19=21 d20+19=24 d20+19=29 d20+16=27 d8+5=8 d8+5=6 d8+5=12 d8+5=10 d8+5=9 2d6(5+1)=6 2d6(1+4)=5 2d6(2+4)=6 2d6(4+5)=9 Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:01:03 PM
Juliander keeps singing, even as he keeps his eyes out for their invisible rogue. Noting the position of the giant's leader, Juliander opens fire on the creature, taking advantage of haste and rapid shot to get in some extra shots. (OOC: First shot is a crit threat [crit if AC 17 hits] his last three shots hit ACs 20, 25, and 23 for 20 [14 if not crit], 17, 16, and 18 hit points damage respectively.)
Monthor AC 29, HP 137/137 Thursday February 8th, 2007 9:18:31 PM
AC= 29 (plate mail +3, +5 ring of protection, amulet of natural armor +2, +1 Dex bonus) Then please add, Magic Vestment (+4) from Tratain Regular Dodge bonus +1 to closest oponent +4 dodge bonus vs giant size creatures
Mass Bear's endurance ( HP becomes 137 from 124)
Magic Weapon (+4), from Tratain to flaming war axe +2
Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) 124 rounds
Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) 122 rounds
Displacement - 6/15 rounds
Hast 6/15 ( add one attack/round, +1 to hit, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 Ref save)
Monthor braces himself near Arien and covers the party's left flank. Monthor's main role at this point is to cover Arien and make certain that the party doesn't get caught from behind.
HORVIS (AC 37, HP 165/126, DR 10/Magic) -- Animal Growth, Barkskin, Inspire Courage, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace & AQUILA (AC 22, HP 55/35, DR/10 Magic) -- Animal Growth, Haste, Inspire Courage, Mass Bear& d20+39=42 Thursday February 8th, 2007 9:26:49 PM
Seeing his companion take off towards the leader of the giants, Horvis follows in his wake. The deceptively slow gait of a huge bear quickly closes the distance. When Horvis gets close to where he laid down the line of spikes, he jumps up and over the area. Fortunately, with the great strength of this form and the Haste spell, he easily clears a distance of 40 feet. Jump = 42
Instead of moving his entire distance, he pulls up beside Tratain and prepares to receive a charge from the giants.
Actions Double Move (including Jump)
Position Horvis - ? Aquila - 120' above Horvis
Combat Information Attack Bonus = +9 (BAB) +16 (STR) +1 Haste -2 (size) = +24 Attack = Claw +24 (2d6+16) Full Attack = 2 Claws +24 (2d6+16) and 2 Bites +24 (3d8+16) AC = 37 (touch 10, flat 34) Size = Huge (15') Reach = 10' Held Items = None
Active Spells (Effect) (Targets) Animal Growth (+1 Size category, +8 size bonus to STR, +4 size bonus to CON, -2 size penalty to DEX, DR 10/magic, +4 resistance bonus to saves) (Horvis, Aquila, and 4 other animals), 127 rounds Barkskin (+5 natural armor bonus) (Horvis), 139.5 minutes Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 128 rounds Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 126 rounds Spike Growth - 13 hours
Active Magical Effects on Horvis (Source) Animal Growth (Horvis) Barkskin (Horvis) Haste (Arien) Inspire Courage Mass Bear's Endurance (Tratain) Mass Bull's Strength (Horvis) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis)
Spells 0 -- DC 16 -- Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Toros' Taur's Try 1 -- DC 17 -- Entangle, Entangle, Goodberry, Jump, Longstrider*, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals 2 -- DC 18 -- Barkskin*, Heat Metal, Owl's Wisdom, Soften Earth and Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Spider Climb, Warp Wood 3 -- DC 19 -- Greater Magic Fang*, Quench, Snare, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth* 4 -- DC 20 -- Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Myrridan's Blackthorn, Rusting Grasp, Spike Stones 5 -- DC 21 -- Animal Growth*, Baleful Polymorph, Commune with Nature, Transmute Mud to Rock 6 -- DC 22 -- Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength*, Mass Cat's Grace* 7 -- DC 23 -- Wind Walk * = cast
Draax AC33; HP: 161/161 (Mass Bear's Strength/, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace, Haste, Inspire Courage) d20+22=34 d20+22=41 d20+22=37 d20+17=19 d20+11=17 d8+4=10 d6=6 d8+4=10 d6=6 d8+4=8 d6=4 d8+4=11 d6=3 d8+4=6 d6=5 Thursday February 8th, 2007 9:46:09 PM
Locating the giant's leader, Draax takes a step forward and compensates for the addition range while using haste and rapid shot to send five arrows flying towards the leader.
1st hit AC 34 for 10 dmg and 6 fire dmg 16 total 2nd hit AC 41 for 10 dmg and 6 fire dmg 16 total 3rd hit AC 37 for 8 dmg and 4 fire dmg 12 total 4th hit AC 19 for 11 dmg and 3 fire dmg 14 total 5th hit AC 17 for 6 dmg and 5 fire dmg 11 total.
Izen (AC 27, HP 108/82, DR 5/magic, Invisible 50% miss chance)--Mass Bull's STR, Mass Bear's END Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:24:59 PM
DM and Juliander, Highlight to display spoiler: { With the aid of his Winged Boots, Izen closed the distance between him and the giant chieftain (Fly 80' forward, 30' down at x2 speed, net double move to W15). He was directly above the chieftain, close enough to strike with deadly accuracy ... and waited.
"I'm in position," Izen whispered to Juliander through the Message link.
Active effects: Message (Juliander) Mass Bull's STR (Horvis) Mass Bear's END (Tratain) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis) Winged Boots, 54 rounds remaining Shield of Faith, 7 rounds remaining}
Jova Kon 92/76 HP AC 23 [Mass Con, Str, Inspire Courage, Invisible 28/30rds Friday February 9th, 2007 3:29:28 AM
As the party heads off to the right, Jovais pleased to see that the hippogriffs go in that direction as well. The leader, find the leader.
Jova follows Tratain and Bob to their new position, just behind them. There he waits.
ASF10% Spells 0--6-DC15--Resist +1 Save Throw, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Ghost Sound, Pres 1--8-DC16--Shield +4AC-1 min lvl, Mage Armor +4AC-1hr lvl, True Strike +20 ATT, Expedious Retreat +30ftt 1 min level, Protection from Evil 2--7-DC17--Glitterdust 1-230ft/10ftradius 1 round level- Will save, Hideous Laughter 50 ft-Will Save-1 round- level-SRyes, Blind/Deaf 1-230ft-Fort Save-SRyes, Darkvision 1hr level-60ft, Knock 1-230/130sqft 3--7-DC18--Dispel Magic +10, Phantom Stedd 1hr level, Vampiric Touch Melee Touch- 1d6/2level--Gain temp hp from damage-1 hr, SRyes, Hold Person 1-230ft- 1round level- Will Save round-SRyes 4--7-DC19--Charm Monster 1day level-50ft-Will SaveSRyes, Grtr Invis 1 round level, Fear 30ft-Cone Shape Burst-1 round level-Will Save-SRyes, Polymorph 1 min level 5--7-DC20--Summon Mon 5- 1 round level, Animal Growth 1-230ft-1 per 2 levels- 1 min level-+8str+4Con- Double Size-+2AC-+4 Save Throws-DR 10/magic-Fort Save-SRyes, Telekinesis 1-900ft- 1 round level-1-325lbs round-Hurl-Will Save-SRyes 6--4-DC21--Flesh to Stone 1-230ft-Fort Save-SRyes, Bulls Str Mass 1min level-1 per level+4str-50ft
Total used= 2/7 lvl 4 1/7 lvl 5
Hip 31 hp, AC 15, 100ft speed fly, claw +10[1d4+8], Space/Reach 10/5 20/26 rds
Broken - DM Marcin Friday February 9th, 2007 5:09:56 AM
The combined fire from Juliander and Draax is enough to kill the leader of the giants. His massive body falls like a chopped down tree. His battle horn shatters under the weight of his dead chest.
His clansmed cry out in dismay. Attacked by strange magic, with their leader slain and elementals and barriers of blades blocking the way to their enemies, they lose their fighting spirit before such an obviously overpowering force and scatter all around like a flock of sheep. Most of them limp away at half speed, their feet still hurt from the Spikes.
The left group remains cohesive for a moment longer, but, devoid of leadership and shaken by how easily were their brethren routed, they too start to fall back to the North, trying to break off. These still keep some semblance of order, but one can easily guess that it wouldn't take much to turn their escape into a rout.
[Folks, initially I thought you were biting off more than you can chew, but, to my big surprise, I have been proven wrong. With the amount of magic protections you have erected and allies you have summoned there is almost no way for any of the giants to hurt you.
You can continue the slaughter for as long as you can sustain a speed greater than 30 ft, but I don't feel there is a need to play that out round by round. If you wish to pursue the giants just post for how many rounds and what is your damage potential for a single attack in one round. Otherwise the giant tribe is broken and the battle is effectively over.]
HORVIS (AC 37, HP 165/126, DR 10/Magic) -- Animal Growth, Barkskin, Inspire Courage, Mass Bear's Strength, Mass Bull's Endurance, Mass Cat's Grace & AQUILA (AC 22, HP 55/35, DR/10 Magic) -- Animal Growth, Haste, Inspire Courage, Mass Bear& Friday February 9th, 2007 7:43:29 AM
The huge dire bear wants to add some tokens to his Totem Bag, so he pursues the fleeing giantkin. Since Horvis easily outpaces the fleeing giants, he can pick off stragglers that have been previously wounded by his spell.
(OOC - Horvis will pursue until he has killed an ogre, hill giant and troll. An ettin, too, if there is one in the crippled group. Combat Info is below.)
Combat Information Attack Bonus = +9 (BAB) +16 (STR) +1 Haste -2 (size) = +24 Attack = Claw +24 (2d6+16) + Flaming Burst (1d6 Fire, or 1d10 on a critical) Full Attack = 2 Claws +24 (2d6+16) and 2 Bites +24 (3d8+16), each with a Bursting Tear (12d6/1d10 on critical) AC = 37 (touch 10, flat 34) Size = Huge (15') Reach = 10' Held Items = None
Active Spells (Effect) (Targets) Animal Growth (+1 Size category, +8 size bonus to STR, +4 size bonus to CON, -2 size penalty to DEX, DR 10/magic, +4 resistance bonus to saves) (Horvis, Aquila, and 4 other animals), 127 rounds Barkskin (+5 natural armor bonus) (Horvis), 139.5 minutes Mass Bull's Strength (+4 Enhancement bonus to STR) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 128 rounds Mass Cat's Grace (+4 enhancement bonus to DEX) (Party, familiars and companions, summoned creatures), 126 rounds Spike Growth - 13 hours
Active Magical Effects on Horvis (Source) Animal Growth (Horvis) Barkskin (Horvis) Haste (Arien) Inspire Courage Mass Bear's Endurance (Tratain) Mass Bull's Strength (Horvis) Mass Cat's Grace (Horvis)
Spells 0 -- DC 16 -- Detect Magic, Guidance, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Toros' Taur's Try 1 -- DC 17 -- Entangle, Entangle, Goodberry, Jump, Longstrider*, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals 2 -- DC 18 -- Barkskin*, Heat Metal, Owl's Wisdom, Soften Earth and Stone, Soften Earth and Stone, Spider Climb, Warp Wood 3 -- DC 19 -- Greater Magic Fang*, Quench, Snare, Speak with Plants, Spike Growth* 4 -- DC 20 -- Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Myrridan's Blackthorn, Rusting Grasp, Spike Stones 5 -- DC 21 -- Animal Growth*, Baleful Polymorph, Commune with Nature, Transmute Mud to Rock 6 -- DC 22 -- Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength*, Mass Cat's Grace* 7 -- DC 23 -- Wind Walk * = cast
Monthor Friday February 9th, 2007 8:09:59 AM
Monthor looks at the fleeing giants and stomps his foot on the ground.
" Well that's just PATHETIC!!! What a bunch of pansies! Run back home to your mothers you loooooosers!!!!! "
:: Monthor then sits down, crosses his arms across his chest and pouts. ::
ooc> Someone check the chief's body for loot please.
Izen Friday February 9th, 2007 10:38:40 AM
DM and Juliander Highlight to display spoiler: { The giant leader slain and his forces dispersed, Izen returned to the group and landed before reappearing.}
The halfling reappeared at Monthor's side. "We were fortunate that they weren't better organized, or equipped. That could have become dangerous if they had been stronger than they appeared."
He shot a glance toward Juliander. "We were lucky."
Monthor - illegal 2nd. Friday February 9th, 2007 10:53:18 AM
Monthor stands back and looks at Izen.
" Bull. They were lucky that they decided to break and run. Me is neither foolish or blood hungry Izen. This party could have easily taken those giants on and won. They had nothing better then hill giants and a few Ettins. No problem. It's a moot point. They turned and ran. The Grey Knights won.
Draax Friday February 9th, 2007 2:08:11 PM
Seeing the giants break, Draax casually goes over to retrieve his horse. He rubs the bridge of the horse's nose while listening to the others and watching Horvis wreak havoc among the stragglers. "For the Grey Knights first real battle together, I think that went quite well. Can we go now?"
Arien Friday February 9th, 2007 4:27:51 PM
Arien's eyebrows raise in surprise as the giants scatter and sends the Earth Elementals to harry them but to not actually cause any damamge; just to make sure that the giants kept running. Turning to the others Arien says, "Well I think perhaps the fort defenders may be more inclined to speak with us now. Should we approach and see what they have to say?"
Jova Kon d100=41 d20+10=21 Friday February 9th, 2007 9:20:47 PM
Interesting turn of events. He reappears of his own volition, and motions the hippogriffs to chase the giant kin. Word of the disaster was sure to spread.
Moving his steed to where the leader lie, he dismopunts. He begins to search the giant for any items that might be worth while. To help the process he casts Detect Magic.
Having seperated the items of importance, and the giants weapon, Jova kneels and casts a spell to turn the giant to stone.[ASF 10, 41 good] The giants body turns to stone there on the ground. Gathering the items, he places them in his bag of holding. The giants main weapon he takes out a scroll of shrink item, and casts it in the weapon. Once it is small enough he places it in the bag as well.
"Stone giant now. I figure we have marked our first battle of the The Grey Knights. I am sure Monthors granchildren will want to see where the Giant slayer did battle.."
Search 21
Searching the giant leader - DM Marcin [extra post] Saturday February 10th, 2007 2:38:20 AM
The search of the body of the giant reveals:
- one greatclub, giant sized, - one crude dagger, giant made, - one set of ring mail, giant sized, - one horned helmet, no longer magical but still retaining the tiniest traces of a transmutation aura, - two crude clay vials, both radiating a faint conjuration aura, - a human sized holy symbol depicting crossed swords, wrapped in a clean white scarf, - a total of 113 gold pieces in assorted coinage, crude jewelry, and bars of silver, - an unfinished wooden ducky.
Juliander Saturday February 10th, 2007 4:00:07 PM
Juliander dismisses his mislead spell (and the invisibility that goes along with it), smiling broadly at Izen, "Pshaw good fellow. Look at how yonder dwarf displays his disdain for the giants' apparent lack of courage. I have no doubt..." Juliander makes his way over to Monthor's seated form, "That this mighty warrior could not have taken the entire force himself, should we have chosen to stand back and watch the show." Looking to Monthor, "Despair not Monthor. I am certain that you will have plenty of opportunity to face mightier foes than these in combat before the week is out." Juliander's smile is genuine as he puts out a hand to help the dwarf warrior back up. "I'll be happy to provoke those fights as well... at your behest of course."
Izen Saturday February 10th, 2007 11:57:39 PM
Izen strolled over to where other members of the group were sorting through the giant leader's belongings and took a look.
The holy symbol caught his eye. If the others weren't nearby, he relayed its description to Juliander via Message link. "Odd to see a human-sized religious symbol on a giant. And crossed swords--I don't recognize that icon. Do you, or maybe Tratain or the others?"
Dawn - DM Marcin Monday February 12th, 2007 3:33:19 AM
The giants disperse in all directions. The stragglers are pursued by summoned creatures and Horvis, who can easily hunt down and kill the three kinds of giants whose blood he desires.
The sun rises its head to the east and for a moment the Red Hills, bathed in its light, are indeed red. But shortly after dawn the Wold takes on its usual mantle of colors.
All that remains of the battle now is a lot of trampled shrubs and grass, a few dead giants, and a large stone statue staring with empty, grey globes into the sky. Soon the Red Hills will swallow the bones of the fallen. The statue will endure longer, perhaps, marking the site of one of the countless battles that took place in the region.
To the North the fires of the farms have become nothing more but smoldering embers. The defenders of the fort emerged in large groups from behind their walls and are starting to gather the livestock that has been abandoned by the raiders.
[Examining the religious symbol: if you make a Knowledge(Religion) check DC10 click here.]
Horvis d20+2=19 Monday February 12th, 2007 1:58:56 PM
The dire baear returns to his companions after giving up the chase, shaking his head.
"No honour in killing those that are too afraid to fight. Still, I have learned something of them."
Takign a moment to confirm that no one is too close, Horvis concentrates and flows back into his normal form. He trots over to examine the now petrified body of the giant leader and what was removed. When he sees the holy symbol, the centaurs makes a gesture of reverence.
"Huh! This is a symbol of Domi! Did the giant have it in his sack, or was he wearing it?," Horvis queries. "It makes a difference, doesn't it?"
Th centaur rubs his chin while absently tappign the ground with a rear hoof. "Any of you able to determine good from evil? Or tell when someone isn't telling the truth?"
Draax Monday February 12th, 2007 5:52:16 PM
Draax sits upon his horse waiting for the others. At Arien's suggestion of approaching the fort, Draax says, "I would rather not, but I guess it could not hurt." He is intrigued when Horvis identified the symbol as Domi. "Since he had it wrapped, he probably was not wearing it. I wonder how it came into his possession."
Noticing the defenders coming out to see to their livestock, Draax watches the farmers for any negative reactions to the knights.
Juliander d20+15=28 Monday February 12th, 2007 9:52:36 PM
Passing along the information to the others, he replies, "It is odd, though it might be loot from the fallen. I don't pretend to know a great deal about religion however... beyond the more popular stories that is." (OOC: I made a DC 28 bardic knowledge check, though I don't know that it is even applicable in this situation. I'll leave it up to you to decide.)
Izen Monday February 12th, 2007 10:15:19 PM
The halfling frowned. "Probably loot, one would think," he suggested. "It didn't fit him. Then again, if he were carrying it so carefully wrapped, it might have been precious to him."
Izen shot a dark look toward Juliander, then another toward Monthor. "Yes, Horvis, it might be useful to try to sort out who was good and who was evil in this scenario ... now that we've killed the fellow. Maybe we can figure out which god to consecrate his statue to."
The morning after - DM Marcin Tuesday February 13th, 2007 4:47:14 AM
The defenders of the fort are not too eager to investigate the battlefield. Probably something to do with all that magic firepower that was brought to bear here just a moment ago. In fact, those outside the walls right now are not farmers, but men at arms. They seem to be in a great big hurry to take the livestock into the fort. These are the Red Hills, after all - mistrust and betrayal are a par for course here.
The horses and ponies are huddled together, asleep after the forced march of the last night.
The day is cold - yet another reminder that winter will be coming and that the party is entering the northern lands.
The holy symbol is definitely not giant made and in fact it would be not possible for the giant to wear it - the chain is too short. It is made of silver, though the metal is tarnished. Juliander's examination allows him to guess that it is at least two hundred years old. The fine detail that went into the depiction of the swords allows one to guess that it was crafted by a militant race.
Draax Tuesday February 13th, 2007 1:10:10 PM
"Do we want to find a spot to make camp and rest for awhile? I know the fight was not very taxing, but we can give the horses a chance to rest."
Draax waits to see what the others prefer.
Monthor Tuesday February 13th, 2007 2:09:03 PM
:: Monthor warms up his hands using the heat emminating from his flaming axe. ::
"Me'd say we move on a bit before making camp. Me not trust those ones in the fort. Let's move on a mile or two and then we can stop to camp. We'll want to carefull though. Those left over giants may find some guts and try to attack us as we rest. Me'd hate to be woken up with a boulder on me chest. "
Izen Tuesday February 13th, 2007 9:10:45 PM
If no one else claimed it, Izen offered to carry the crossed swords symbol. It still intrigued him.
He followed the others as they moved on without further comment.
Horvis Tuesday February 13th, 2007 9:26:33 PM
The centaur nods when Draax suggests a rest, then more vigourously when Monthor suggests moving.
"Aye, lets camp some distance away. The people in the settlement didn't really like me. Nor I, them. But we spellcasters do need to recover our energies."
Horvis will volunteer to scout out a good rest location.
Juliander Tuesday February 13th, 2007 9:37:23 PM
"I agree... let us be off a ways before settling in for a rest." Juliander prepares to move on with the rest of the group.
Tratain Tuesday February 13th, 2007 11:13:27 PM
Tratain moves with the others off to camp. He gets his rest that he needs and then stands watch until everyone is ready to head out.
ADM Joe Tuesday February 13th, 2007 11:26:04 PM
Posting Report for week ending Friday Feb 9th
M T W R F DM X X X X X Tratain X X X X O Jova X X X X X Monthor X X X X X Izen X X X X X Arien X X X O X Horvis X X X X X Draax X X X X X Juliander X X X X O
Very Good week last week, we want to keep this up.
Jova Wednesday February 14th, 2007 1:50:28 AM
Jovafalls in step with everyone else.
Looking for a campsite - DM Marcin Wednesday February 14th, 2007 4:17:34 AM
Horvis goes off in search of a suitable place to make camp.
The fort is surrounded by small fields. Trying to reap any kind of harvest from the ashen ground of the Red Hills seems to be a heroic effort - the sad patches of vegetables (potatoes and cabbage, mostly) look sick and drying up.
The party could camp in the open, being clearly visible by all but being able to likewise see everyone who would approach.
Another option is to go a bit into Culverwood and find a secluded spot to break camp there.
Interestingly enough, Horvis spots a strangely twisted tree that would be passed by without second thought by almost everyone else - but to him it's a signpost indicating that a druid grove is nearby, not further away than an hour into Culverwood.
Horvis d20=15 d20+17=34 Wednesday February 14th, 2007 8:34:46 AM
The centaur halts under the twisted tree, waiting for his companions to catch up. Horvis gestures towards the tree then points to the west, towards the Culverwood.
"This indicates that there is a druid grove that way. Not too far, either. About an hour's foot travel into the Wood."
Horvis pauses before continuing to speak to his companions. "I can't guarantee our erception. But it should be a safe place to camp. And we might learn something about this settlement and the giants."
"Do you want to go?"
If his companions agree, Horvis will lead them to the druid grove by following the markers. Survival = 34
(OOC - Is there a knowledge check to determine the Circle or anything about the druid circle? d20 roll = 15)
Izen Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:10:54 AM
"Druids, eh?" Izen scratched at his stubble. "Can't be any worse than the rest of the neighbors. Why not."
Monthor Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:32:56 AM
" Druids?.... Hey, they may have beer! "
:: Monthor kicks his pony to a gallop and rides in the Druid's general direction. ::
Arien (Mage Armor) Wednesday February 14th, 2007 12:14:50 PM
Arien considers a moment and then nods his agreement. Guiding his horse, Arien pulls up near Horvis and says, "Perhaps we should keep an eye on our compulsive dwarven friend just in case."
Draax Wednesday February 14th, 2007 2:07:20 PM
Draax nods his head in agreement with the others. Looking at Horvis, Draax says, "It would probably be best if we follow your lead when we get to the grove." Watching the dwarf as he gallops in the direction of the grove. "Like Arien suggested, you might want to catch up with the dwarf before someone mistakes his beer lust for an hostile act."
Jova Kon Thursday February 15th, 2007 2:58:13 AM
Jova sits his horse and allows all to go before him. As they pass he watches the backtrail for any onlookers. As the last of his party pass, he lowers himself from the steed.
The trees to where they travel seem to hide them from sight. Kneeling he grabs one hand full of dirt, inspects it, and throws it down forceibly. He is chanting now. Walking around the entrance to the Culverwood he comtinues the ritual. Continuing to chant, he remounts and backs the horse onto the trail his companions took. With great hand and arm gestures he finishes his personal oration. Calmly he watxhes the affected area, waiting..... Satisfied at last, he turns his steed into the woods.
The Crossroads - DM Marcin Thursday February 15th, 2007 3:26:41 AM
While there are ways to indicate what kind of druids abide at the place the markers are leading to, this one doesn't say a thing aside from pointing way to the grove itself.
The party soon realizes that it would be very hard to find the way to the grove without Horvis. The terrain Culverwood is growing on in this part of the Wold is rough and broken, with multiple small, overgrown canyons, steep hills, and an occasional bog. The markers guide the party along a winding path, forcing them often to change direction and pass through thick, torny bushes. The overgrowth gives way and allows passage, but it's not hard to imagine that a druid could seal off his home in times of need.
With party forced to lead their tired mounts it takes a bit longer than an hour to reach their destination. The foliage parts and the party enters a small clearing surrounded by massive oaks.
There is a cave mouth right in front of the Knights with two standing stones to its left and right resembling massive columns. A small stream trickles lazily out of a clear pond of water. A dizzying mixture of flowery aromas hangs in the air - almost every herb known by the party seems to grow somewhere in this place, and one wouldn't have to look long to find one the party has never seen before. A row of seven small mounds of stones can be seen running along the treeline - obviously a burial site. The first mound in the row appears ancient with its rocks crumbling and totally overgrown. Later graves get progressively younger. There is a slender, silver-leaved tree growning out of each one except for the newest one. The newest is instead crowned with a thorny bush. Neatly composed into the stones of that grave and serving as a centerpiece of a kind is a dwarven hammer.
The party has some time to look around and wonder if the druids are away before there is a cough from the side. Looking that way the Kinghts see somebody who was not there just a moment before.
It's a small, red haired gnome, clearly in the second half of his life. A strange green cloak is wrapped around his body, rustling in the wind as leaves would. A pair of large, blue eyes peers out from under his hood taking in the party.
"Autumn's blessings with you, strangers." - the gnome's voice is soft and warm - "Welcome to the Crossroads. I am Fox, resident keeper of the grounds. I have been watching you and know that there is one of our kind with you, therefore you are welcome here."
"May I know who are you and where are your travels taking you?"
Horvis Thursday February 15th, 2007 11:15:56 AM
The centaur mvoes from where he stands and makes agesture of greeting to the gnome who calls himself Fox. After doing so, Horvis speaks in Druidic to the Keeper of the grove.
Highlight to display spoiler: {"I am Horvis. Originally from the Taur Isles, lately given to wandering."}
Horvis then switches back to Common for the benefit of his companions.
"My companions can introduce themselves. We come from Plateau City and are venturing to a place beyond the north edge of the Culverwood. I believe the spot is called the Dreadlands."
"Is it permitted for us to camp here? What conditions do you place on our doing so?"
After speaking, Horvis will wait patiently for Fox's reply. As he does so, he will look at the graves and their markers in an attempt to determine their significance.
Izen d20+15=18 Thursday February 15th, 2007 2:24:57 PM
Izen nodded his head at the gnome. "Greetings," he said in a reasonable tone, palms facing outward in a gesture of openness.
"Tell me," he continued. "You ever visit the waterfalls of the plateaus? You remind me of someone we met there."
Izen smiled at Fox, and then at the others, in a message designed to be at least partially concealed to the gnome (Bluff to send hidden message, 18):
Tratain Thursday February 15th, 2007 9:22:03 PM
Tratain introduces himself to the gnome and then decides to listen to rest of the conversation as it unfolds.
Monthor Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:33:10 PM
" Me be Monthor of the Axe Head Clan. Now of the Grey Knights. Formaly of Monthor's Angels and the Windhorn Hamleteers. You got beer? "
Jova Friday February 16th, 2007 2:37:58 AM
The little man had welcomed them to stay. Jova knew druids, some anyway. Although he knew he would be welcome, the fact his mount was otherworldly, well was frowned upon. Dismounting, he adjusts his long coat, so the folds are less cospicuos. He takes off his hat, runs his fingers through his hair, then replaces it, hiding his features moe than usual. He then leads his mount to a spot away from thegroup.
Z appears from the sky. When the bid lands, Jova explains the red haired stranger is a Druid. The bird loves the nature loving peoples, and goes immediately over to the group. Z perches on a limb near the red haired one. Meanwhile, Jova sits on the ground, enjoying the time to relax.
Resting at Crossroads - DM Marcin Friday February 16th, 2007 2:54:12 AM
The gnome druid acknowledges Horvis' greeting with a bow.
"You want to travel to the central Scab, then? The furthest the Crossroads can take you is to the grove of Peryhann. He's been living on the border of the Dreadlands for years now. Has some personal grievances against people from there, I think. There are no circles or groves in the Dreadlands themselves."
"You can camp here for as long as you like. The Crossroads is a neutral ground - leave them as you found them and don't draw steel or invoke fire while you are here are the only rules I have ever had need for. Those who come here usually have need of my assistance, so it's very seldom that I have to forcibly remove somebody from here. I would offer you my hospitality, only I don't stock up on food. I usually eat what I can find."
Horvis recalls that it's a fairly common practice to bury previous grove keepers in a fashion similar to the in which the older graves are arranged. The newest one is probably a grave of someone from outside of the druidic order.
"Waterfalls? I can't say I've ever been there. My duties here leave me no time to wander, and I wouldn't leave the Crossroads without protection unless under most dire of circumstances."
A coincidence, then.
"Beer? What would I make beer out of, pinecones? You won't find any beer here, sorry."
Jova's mount doesn't draw a comment from the druid. Perhaps he is used to strange sights. Jova senses that Z feels at home here. In fact, all of the animals that accompany the party seem more content and relaxed.
Draax Friday February 16th, 2007 3:29:10 AM
Seeing the reaction of the animals, Draax does not bother to tie his horse. "I am Draax, it is nice to meet you and thanks for letting us stay here for a short time."
Draax pulls out his blanket and looks for a comfortable spot on the ground to rest.
Arien (Mage Armor) Friday February 16th, 2007 4:07:59 AM
Arien also lets his mount wander free, after removing the saddle and harness of course. Content to eat a simple meal of dried fruit and nuts that he brought with him the mage finds a spot near a rock or a tree to lean against and sits down crosslegged, spellbook in lap.
Horvis Friday February 16th, 2007 7:32:05 AM
The centaur calls Aquila down so that Fox can meet his companion also. Horvis settles the eagle on his torso, then makes the introductions.
"Fox, this is Aquila. He has accompanied me for some time. Is it permitted for him to hunt? For that matter, are there restrictions placed on my hunting? Or would you prefer that I not do so, because I can probably go a day without food."
As he waits for the gnome to respond, Horvis decides to try to get some more information about the Crossroads.
"We ran into a band of giant-kin attacking a settlement a short distance away. Is there anything that you can tell us about the settlement or the giants of the Red Hills?"
Regardless of how the keeper of the Crossroads responds, Horvis will ask the gnome to clarify an earlier statement.
"You mention that the Crossroads can take us to the grove of Peryhan, on the edge of the Dreadlands. Than you say that this place is the Crossroads. I haven't travelled much in these parts before, so is there a network of Crossroads or does it allow travel some other way?"
Izen Friday February 16th, 2007 9:50:59 AM
Izen nodded at Horvis's question about the potential for travel. It sounded as if the druid groves were connected somehow--could save them a lot of effort.
He found a comfortable spot and stretched out. Take your rest when you can was clearly an important rule for the halfling.
Monthor Friday February 16th, 2007 9:25:23 PM
" No beer? "
:: Monthor sulks... ::
:: Monthor points at the grave with the war hammer centerpiece. ::
" Who's the dwarf? "
Arien (Mage Armor) Saturday February 17th, 2007 12:49:31 AM
"You know Monthor, seeing you sober for a change might actually be a pleasant experience." Arien tells the sulky dwarf with a smile. "We have some nice fresh water for you right here and I won't even make you bathe." The mage struggles to hold back a chuckle as he waits for Monthor's response.
Tratain Sunday February 18th, 2007 10:47:43 PM
Tratain takes his que from Izen and finds a comforatble spot and sits down to listen to the conversation.
The nature of Crossroads - DM Marcin Monday February 19th, 2007 5:38:25 AM
"I'd rather you didn't hunt here, if it's the same with you. I frequently get visitors and some of them come as animals. There could be... misunderstandings. Besides, I have grown to use some of the animals living around here as my eyes and ears. Predator and prey and all that, but good help has been recently hard to come by and it's always a dreadful shame to see an useful ally that still had a lot of potential in him end up prematurely as somebody's meal."
"Settlement? You would be referring to either the Fort of Ogre or the Trader's Corner in Culverwood. The fort is right now occupied by a mixed bunch of roughs, ruffians, rogues, small-time bandits and their like forced to work together and do some agriculture. The Hills have their special way of forcing cooperation on people. Around these parts it's often that, or perish. The Trader's Corner is a seasonal settlement. In winter it's just an empty clearing. In autumn it's a small city of wagons and tents. When you go there you never really know whom you might come across."
"You came here but you don't know about the Crossroads?" - the druid rises his eyebrows in surprise. "Well, well. You are lucky, then. This place sits atop three ley lines, hence the name. It is a powerful nexus of travel magic. There used to be a lot of fighting for this site long ago, until us druids stepped in and took charge of it. Nowadays we make its power available to members of our order and these who are capable of finding it. You have to study it for years to understand its workings, but once you have achieved this knowledge it repays by greatly amplifying your own powers over time and distance. Come nightfall I can take you from here to any druidic grove within several hundred miles. Voluntary donations for the service are, of course, accepted."
Horvis: "Is there anything that you can tell us about the giants of the Red Hills?" Monthor: "Who's the dwarf?"
"Was, was. Thorn Steelforger was his name and he was a friend. These two questions are connected; I can tell you a bit about both the giants and Thorn if you have a mood for a long tale."
It is now early morning and the party haven't had any rest last night.
The tale of Thorn Steelforger and the giants - DM Marcin Monday February 19th, 2007 5:43:54 AM
[Long: for those who want to listen to the druid.]
Fox sits down on a small stump.
"Thorn Steelforger was a dwarf and an active member of the clergy of Domi. We met many years ago, when I was young, inexperienced, and freshly earned myself the right to serve and protect the Crossroads. He had his youth behind him even then. He would come to use the Crossroads every few months, and he always stayed a few days. We talked. He opened my eyes to a lot of what was going on in the Wold around me and of which I was previously unaware. He always had a special place in his heart for the Red Hills, caring about this desolation and people who lived in it. I think he was from the Scab, though he never wanted to share tales of his youth."
"Time and again I would ask for his help in dealing with local problems. This he was always very good at, everyone he talked to would listen. I hope some of his wisdom rubbed off on me. We became friends over the years."
"The region was never too friendly and inviting for visitors, but Thorn never gave up on it. There are a lot of elements to this puzzle, you see. Savage monsters and abominations push from the Scab into the Red Hills. There are several tribes of giants inhabiting old ruins in the northern part of the land, ogres, goblins and trolls to the South, bandits living in various fortified camps along the roads, and gods know what else. Thorn saw it as his duty to gently nudge somebody every now and then in order to preserve the delicate balance of power and keep the Hills safe for those who wanted or had to travel through it - a goal that was close to my own philosophy, as you can probably guess."
"This task grew more complicated with every passing year. The main problem were the giants, who constantly grew in power. Thorn was brought up in the Scab; he understood better than most what damage the giants could pose unchecked. I think he witnessed some of their raids with his own eyes. We considered introducing some other power into the equation, but that would only lead, as he explained to me, to an inevitable and bloody confrontation. Another way of stabilizing the region had to be found."
"Things became that much more urgent three years ago, when a new giant chief came into power. His name was Khar-ghur, and he was vile, cruel, merciless and power hungry even by giant standards. It is then when we understood that something had to be done or the Crescent Valley and settlements along the northern border of the Plateaus would be soon endangered. We considered killing the giant, but that would only postpone the need to solve the growing giant problem, not permamently get us rid of it. Besides, all his evil aside, Khar-ghur proved very efficient at keeping the dangers of the Scab at bay. In his time hardly any monster managed to rampage through the Red Hills. Those that tried to ended up as trophies on the walls of Khar-ghur's hall."
"I started to see my friend more often than ever. He would come and go several times in a month. He was planning something, that I could see. He was spying on the bandits and the giants, as well as visiting the hamlets to the East. Finally, when the situation was already very dangerous, he let me in on his plan."
"A long time ago, during his travels in the South, Thorn came across a magnificient helmet of opposite alignment. This item he recently recovered from its safekeeping place and intended to sneak it into the posession of the giant leader. A very dangerous plan, he was first to admit, but back then we were running out of time. Thorn intended to let himself be captured by the giants and then either trade the helmet for his freedom, or, if it came to worst, wait in the giant's dungeon until their leader has a change of heart."
The gnome sighs. "We both knew that the risks were very high. What we didn't know was that just a few days before Thorn set out Khar-ghur's younger brother was slain at hands of the dwarves of Scab. When the cleric was captured the chieftain had him immediately executed."
"Domi smiled on Thorn's labor, though, and his plan worked. The chieftain took the magnificient helmet as his trophy and started wearing it. Not long after he had a change of heart."
"I like to think that Khar-ghur died that day and somebody new was born. You probably know how these helms work - all his malice, greed, hatred, loathing to non-giants, evil, was turned into a pure heart, full of compassion and good intentions."
"We knew the chief was smart, otherwise we wouldn't even bothered with carrying out this plan. But none of us really anticipated the level of diplomatic savvy this giant is rising to nowadays. He became a noble leader of savage people, who care nothing for others and are prone to violence. They did respect strength and martial prowress, though, and on that he started to build, first introducing among them a simple warrior code, and then refining it with every month until it became a code of honor of a sort. Strength is only as good as the enemies it chooses to test itself against, he would say. And so the giants stopped robbing people along the roads. They still exact a very steep toll, as those who pass this way sometimes complain, but this is much better then ending up with a club in your skull and losing your life."
"Khar-ghur was quite successful in gradually changing their ways of life. Nowadays they accept among them anyone who can prove he is a match in strength to a giant warrior, and so some ogres and even trolls have joined him, and giants socializing with other species is something you almost never see. Thorn would have been proud, I think."
"The chief forced his will on all the giant clans in the region. They all answer to him right now and he forbade them to raid and pillage. He's been training his own tribe in sophisticated ways of organized combat - something to do with his shift away from the chaotic part of his nature - so he has a force to back his orders with, a force with signifficant advantage of training, strategy, and morale over other clans."
"Now the best part: I learned all of this from Khar-ghur himself! He came to me secretly and alone six weeks after Thorn's death, bringing his body for burial. I was heartbroken to see my friend dead, but I have already guessed that this was what must have happened. Besides, Thorn was already very old, even by dwarven standards. We durids understand better than most that everything must die; we see the life as the process of dying. Thorn died in the service of his god and left a huge legacy behind him. I think he was glad to end this way."
"We buried him here, in the grove." - the gnome points to the newest of mounds - "I don't care what other druids might say. I feel honored that my trees now draw their strength from his bones. Me and the giant talked all night. I told him about Thorn and our plan, and he told me about his first attempts to change his people. Whenever he asked for it, I tried to help him with advice."
"He is a regular here now, coming for a night of talking every two months." - Fox smiles - "I explained to him a lot about the Wold and other races' perception of his people. Slowly, little by little, a dream was born in his head, a dream about what the giants of Scab could become. I think Thorn outdid himself on his last quest."
"Recently he asked me what he could do to repair his reputation with the folk of Crescent Valley. I advised him that he should take things slowly, maybe start with winning back some of the livestock they lost to bandits and returning it. With time they might grow to tolerate him, though his past will always trail behind him like a shadow."
"The most surprising thing is" - the gnome has flickers of light in his eyes - "that with every visit he asks me about Domi more and more. I have already told him all I know, but his curiosity is still unsatisfied. Gods and their workings are a mystery to me, but this could be the beginning of something grand. Recently I have given him Thorn's holy symbol... I think my old friend would have liked that. I firmly believe that one day Domi will see it fit to put one of his clerics on Khar-ghur's path, and this will be a day auspicious to all indeed."
Horvis Monday February 19th, 2007 11:22:04 AM
The centaur acknowledges the gnome's request that no hunting occur near the crossroads. It doesn't matter much to Horvis, but he will try to convince Aquila not to hunt in the area. The news about the Crossroads is probably welcome to all of the party.
However, the news about the giant Khar-ghur - for that was surely who they had encountered - is sobering. Horvis doesn't immediately respond while he waits for his companions to digest the news. He tries to find a quiet way of discussing the news with his companions.
Izen d20+15=30 d20+15=30 Monday February 19th, 2007 11:53:05 AM
Izen appeared relaxed and half-asleep through Fox's story. His expression betrayed no reaction as Fox described the giant leader, his helm, and the giant's interest in Domi (Bluff, 30).
With nonchalance, he rolled over as Fox's story concluded and smiled and shrugged to his companions. The message in the movement was clear to his companions, but hidden to the gnome druid (Bluff to send hidden message, 30!):
We need to tell him the truth.
But Izen waited for his companions to draw their conclusions.
Draax Monday February 19th, 2007 6:02:36 PM
Draax lies on his blanket with his eyes closed, but it is easy to see that he is still awake and listening to the story. He does not feel bad about his actions in killing the giant leader because he did not initial the fight and they were in a kill or be killed situation. Draax does realize that as a group, the Grey Knight will have to take responsibility for the death of the giant leader and what that death will mean for the this region.
Juliander Monday February 19th, 2007 6:29:04 PM
Juliander takes in the story, memorizing every detail. Slowly however, it dawns on the human bard that he may have made a grevious error. Distraught with the news regarding the giant, and suspecting that the leader they slew...he slew... is the very same individual Juliander rises, "Nothing can excuse the actions we have taken.. I have taken.. of late. Though I know not the final repercussions of these, I submit to whatever justice would be placed upon myself, and accept responsibility for the death of this giant leader, whom we encountered a short while back. I mistook his band for a group of raiders, and attacked them."
Arien (Mage Armor) Monday February 19th, 2007 7:12:52 PM
Arien closes his eyes a moment when the nature of the giant leader they slew becomes apparent. After Juliander speaks Arien looks to Tratain and says, "Do you think there is any chance that we could petition Gargul to return to fallen giant to life? Also if we did would be revert to being the evil creature he was or would he remain as he was at the end?"
Izen (illegal second) Monday February 19th, 2007 8:28:38 PM
The halfling sniffed sardonically and half-smiled at Juliander offering himself up for "justice," but said nothing. He stood, brought forth the wrapped holy symbol of Domi, and presented to the gnome with a sad, knowing nod.
Monthor Monday February 19th, 2007 9:52:09 PM
{ Before Arien's post }
Once Monthor realizes what they have done, a wave of sorrow flouds though him. The might dwarven warrions crumbles to his knees in front of Thorn Steelforger's grave. Tears flow down his cheek. He can't help but feel that his thirst for blood has led to this tragedy. But how was he to know? They were giants. And they were attacking an outpost. It seemed the logical thing to do. But now to hear that the Knights' actions have destroyed what this holy dwarf gave his life up for. To know that they may have destroyed the one hope this region had for peace.... it breaks his heart.
" Me have a better idea Julie. Let's go back... let's go back and raze that keep to the ground. Let's kill all of the bandits and finish what Khar began. We'll kill them all and return to the Valley what belongs to them! "
:: Monthor lowers his head and places a hand on Thorn's war hammer. ::
" Me be sorry brother. So sorry."
Tratain Monday February 19th, 2007 10:08:32 PM
Tratain says "Show Fox the rest of his belongings, we need to make sure that it was indeed the same giant that was killed. If it was, the least we can do is petition Gargul to return him to the Living, though I do not know if he will remain as he was before he was killed or if the curse will be gone. Perhapse we can aquire another helm and fashion it to look like his, and get him to put it on if need be."
Tratain continues "I don't think more violence will help here Monthor, rash descision lead us to the point, going and destroying a Fort isn't going to help. Perhapse, if we can restore him to how he was we can help him make a noble jesture again. I need to think."
Jova Kon Tuesday February 20th, 2007 3:54:41 AM
Jova listened intently. As soon as the helemt was described, Jova understood. Now there was real reasoning behind the battlefield tactics. It was an odd feelingthat came over him. But it faded quickly, after all the Giant had chosen to fight first, ask questions later.
Jova was contemplating what he, or the group should do. Then Juliander jumped up and spouted out the declaration. That man needed to be silenced. Again without thought he had endangered the whole groups lives.
Jova scanned the woods, watching for the impending attack. The druid could no more stand for this betrayal, than he could to burn a tree. And yet nothing happened. Tratain had called for the items, so Jova walked over to the druid. Taking out the items one by one, he placed them at the feet of the druid. Everything except for the shrunken giant club.
"These items were taken from the chieftain that we sew. Some of my friends have suggested that we might be able to raise him. They forget I turned the giant into a stone stature on the field of battle. I do not have the ability to undo it. The only good is his body willl not return to the ground, or decay."
Heartbroken - DM Marcin Tuesday February 20th, 2007 6:12:05 AM
The little gnome does not understand what the group is trying to tell him at first. Then a horrible realization dawns. One can actually see it on his face - first it goes ghastly pale, then a grimace of anguish appears on it, finally, when the giant's belongings are spread before him, two small tears roll down his cheeks.
"Yes, this is the helm... And Thorn's holy symbol... What have you done..."
He gets a brief description of the incident from the party - at least as much as the Knights are willing to tell.
He closes his eyes and starts to sob quietly, his whole body shaking.
"No! No more killing!" - he manages. "There are women and children in the fort, families of those bandits, would you kill them too, or leave them prey to everyone who- <sob>"
"Raise him? And how will you raise his dream? The giants have seen him fall, be defeated so easily! How will you make them believe in him and his way again!"
It takes him some time to regain composure.
"I am a druid, I do not pass judgement." - he eventually says in a dead tone of voice. "I cannot look into your hearts and see if you did what you truly thought was right. If fate or whatever gods you believe in ever judge you for this, so be it. I will not. Come evening I will take you through the Crossroads to wherever you wish. It is a duty I am sworn to. Until that time leave me to my grief."
He turns around and starts to walk away into the forest: a small, broken man.
"Please, leave Thorn's holy symbol on his grave."
The party has about ten hours until dusk. How would you like to spend it?
[I would say that the alignment reversal from cursed items persists even after death.]
Horvis Tuesday February 20th, 2007 1:22:38 PM
The centaur watches as Fox retreats into the woods to reflect on his loss. Then Horvis looks around at his companions.
"Do we wish to somehow try to remedy this? Or consider it to be chance's will, that Khar-ghur should die on that field?"
Horvis waits a moment before continuing. When he does, he shrugs first.
"Me, I think that we've done enough. As Fox said, what's done is done. If you want to try to raise him, I will help. Right now, we should rest before we travel through the Crossroads."
Horvis will find a soft patch of turf to kneel upon, resting and recovering from the night's efforts. If the death of the giant bothers him, there is no obvious sign of it.
Juliander Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:04:39 PM
Looking to the other members of the group, "I would beg that we consider raising the giant. Martyrdom has been a powerful motivator, and if we can demonstrate the noble giant's will as the right, through the power of Gargul's blessing then I think his leadership can be more than salvaged. What say you?"
Izen d20+13=20 Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:43:49 PM
Izen arched an eyebrow at Juliander's plea, then made himself comfortable again. He fished his copper coin out of his pocket and twirled it across the backs of his knuckles (Sleight of Hand, 20).
"First you want to kill him, now you want to kiss him," he observed. "Bargain with Gargul himself for an enchanted giant?" The halfling sniffed dismissively. "Figure I'll have enough bargaining coming with the Eye without taking on more. No thanks."
Izen stretched out and closed his eyes. Those who had come to know the halfling might suspect that he was still listening, though--he always seemed to be listening.
Tratain Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:07:34 PM
Tratain moves over and sits next to Thorn's Grave, the events of the past day clearly distressing the Protector.
He says to the others "I want to resurect him, and I intend to help him with his vision, perhapse instead of shattering that vision I can help him make it real."
Tratain stares at Thorn's Grave and says very quietly mostly to himself "It seems we've made a mess of things here Sword Brother, I'll do my best to try and make it right again. I just have to figure out how." He then leans his chin on his hands a begins trying to think about what he can do to help restore the giant.
ADM Joe Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:17:42 PM
Posting Report for week ending Friday Feb 16th
M T W R F DM X X X X X Tratain O X O X X Jova O X X X O Monthor O X X X X Izen X X X X X Arien O O X O X Horvis X X X X X Draax X X X O X Juliander X X O O X
Draax Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:29:35 PM
Draax listens to the druid's grief and then listens to the group's suggestion of raising the giants. He opens his eyes and looks at his party members. "I do feel guilty of my part in the chief's death, but not enough to petition to have him raised. I have petitioned to have a few acquaintances raised in the past and each one of them were like brothers to me and my wanting to have them raised was a selfish act on my part because I wanted them by my side. I did not know the giant and feel nothing emotional toward him except regret for the misunderstanding that led to his death.
The guy that we could not save from the umberhulk was just as unfortunate as the giant and our actions may have resulted in his death too. He probably deserved to live as much as the giant if not more so.
Anyway, I will let everyone make their own mind up on this subject, but I will not be petitioning for the giant to be raised."
Draax rolls over to a gets a few hours of sleep before they are escorted out of the grove.
Monthor Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:45:34 PM
"Me with Julie and Tratain."
Jova Wednesday February 21st, 2007 4:47:24 AM
"I think it best if we all rest and contiplate what has happened and what is to happen in the future. So, get rest, we will talk later."
Before Jova finds a spot to lie down for a few hours, he finds each of the horses and unsaddles those that havdent been. Taking a brush from his bag he also gives each a brush down. In this grove hey should recover from most of their simpler ailments.
Finding a smaller tree he lies down next to it. With a jesture he dismisses his mount, and it fades back to the shadowrealm of where it was summoned. As he sat there and pondered what was to happen, he was ableto fall asleep.
Evening at Crossroads - DM Marcin Wednesday February 21st, 2007 6:10:16 AM
Time passes slowly as the sun marches through the sky. The day is warm for the season; golden glow delicately caresses faces of those who did not hide in the shadow of the trees. A golden leaf drifts slowly to the ground.
Noon comes and goes. The horses and ponies munch lazily at the grass. Scarcely anything can be heard but the rustle of the wind among branches of the mighty oaks and gentle snoring of those who are asleep.
The shadows lenghten and the sun sets. The moon rises - still almost full, but waning. Fox appears at the same time as the first stars on the black sky.
"If you want to use the Crossroads" - comes his voice from where he waits, near the cave - "now is the proper time. Shall I take you to Peryhann's grove?"
[Arcane spellcasters can get 8 hours of sleep and replenish their spells. Divine spellcasters can also do so provided that their praying time is during daylight.]
Izen d20+15=33 Wednesday February 21st, 2007 11:01:13 AM
Izen rolled to his feet and adjusted his equipment. His eyes darted to Juliander, then the gnome, before saying carefully, "I can't speak for everyone, but, yes, that makes sense to me. I'm sure we appreciate it, and will be glad to make a significant contribution of money or service of some kind to the grove in payment."
He smiled, and nodded at the gnome. "You know, I must say that I appreciate your willingness to help us, despite our foul-up. A lot of people would be upset with us--attacking strangers recklessly, killing a force for good in the region, destroying all that you and your friend had worked for." He inclined his head to indicate the grave of the fallen dwarf. "A lot of people. And now you're still willing to take us to the next grove, no problem, just like anyone else? That's awfully understanding of you."
What Izen was telling his companions, particularly Juliander, of course, was this: (Bluff to send hidden message, 33!)
Check this guy out. I don't trust him. What do you make of his motives?
Juliander d20+15=32 Wednesday February 21st, 2007 8:21:24 PM
Juliander listens carefully to Izen, discouraged by the halfling's willingness to simply move on, but then he picks up on his intent, turning toward Fox, "Indeed... your understanding seems to be without bounds." (OOC: Sense Motive DC 32 toward Fox)
Horvis Wednesday February 21st, 2007 8:55:12 PM
The centaur stands waiting with his companions. Horvis doesn't really understand Izen's concern ... the only thing, really, that Fox could do is deliver them to the wrong location. And, for Horvis, that simply means more opportunity to learn more of the Wold. Still, it is usually wise to be cautious when dealing with people.
Monthor Wednesday February 21st, 2007 9:46:30 PM
The dwarf moves silently ( Monthor? Silent? ) towards his pony and waves off the discussion.
" We've done enough damage here. Me chane me mind. Let's go on to the grove. "
Arien Wednesday February 21st, 2007 11:13:36 PM
"I do feel that we should at least make the attempt to raise the fellow considering what we have done. However perhaps now would not be the best time to do so. Of course there are other alternatives, we can attempt to finish what he was doing by stopping the giants though it would be the work of a lifetime." Arien shrugs in indecision as he looks at the others.
Draax Wednesday February 21st, 2007 11:31:19 PM
Draax rolls off his blanket and does an inventory check before readying his horse and gear. He has no idea what Izen is doing, but he wonders why the man is rehashing yesterday's evens and putting an even worst spin to it. Is the man trying to make the druid angry? He looks at the druid for any reaction before confirming his readiness to leave.
"I am ready to go."
Jova Kon d100=6 d100=48 Thursday February 22nd, 2007 2:13:12 AM
As the others wake and go about preparing to leave the grove, Jova decides now is as good a time as any to speak his mind.
"I have travelled many places in the Wold. Seen many lifestyles. One common theme is life must one day result in death.
"Our graciuos host, Fox takes this a few steps further. Look around you. This grove is his to take care of. He is its warden. No matter what he does, how hard he tries, life here still passes on, death is as sure as life.
"With his old companion the late dwarf, they tried to cultivate the population in these parts as well. A very noble idea, and a good one. As strong as Khar-gur was, or could have been, is ow lost. Something stronger killed him. Fox recognizes this as a fact of nature. Even though he is upset, he knows that the strongest survive. Therefore he looks to the future, to find his new 'Khar-ghur'.
"It is the Druidic way. An understanding of life that few possess. Our friend Horvis comes with the same lifestyle. If we wouldnt have killed the giant, someone else would have. At least now, Fox has the oppurtunityto find a quality replacement. Maybe a better, stronger one.
Jova stops and nods his head in revererance to the druid Fox.
"One last comment. We are a group. We shall be judged as such. We are all individuals with different pasts, and strengths. As we ride to our next destination, I would challenge all to rethink if they want to be part of the 'group'" At the last word he emphasizes it as though a quotation.
"Acts such as Julianders lack of discipline, put the whole group at risk. Risk you all ask, and I say yes. In this situation the attack resulted in an unproked attack on a Good aligned creature. Hence we have done an evil act. Are we any better than the evil people we fight? I understand we do not like to talk over decisions, which is fine. But until this is resolved, if any of you attack anything, you had best have good reason. Or if anyone disappears with out reason. I guess until we build trust in one another, we shall be ineffective as a whole." Jova walks abit to the side where he withdsraws his rod of extending and begins to summon his steed. He is within hearing range, if there is to be a discussion.
ASF spell failure on first casting of 6 48 works. Spell will take me 20 minutes to perform. Lets say i casted the spell before my longwinded speech. So i have used 2 3rd level spell slots today.
Questioning the Druid - DM Marcin Thursday February 22nd, 2007 5:55:26 AM
While the opinions on how (or whether) the incident should be amended by party differ, most seem to agree that any such action will have to wait.
Izen: "A lot of people would be upset with us-attacking strangers recklessly, killing a force for good in the region, destroying all that you and your friend had worked for. And now you're still willing to take us to the next grove, no problem, just like anyone else? That's awfully understanding of you."
The gnome shakes with every sentence, as if iron nails were driven straight into his heart. Tears appear in his eyes again, but this time he wipes them out angrily with the back of his hand.
"It is the purpose of the Crossroads to serve everyone who comes here. It is my purpose. It is a duty I am sworn to. At times like these fill your heart with sorrow, it will not leave any room for hate. Thorn taught me that. I will not desecrate his grave and his memory by acting contrary to everything he believed in."
"You are free to leave either as you came or through the Crossroads, but you will need to leave tonight. Your presence is causing me too much grief. I will not accept anything in return from you."
Those concentrating on the words of the gnome do not detect any deception or hostile intent.
Izen Thursday February 22nd, 2007 9:25:40 AM
Izen nodded at the gnome's expression of sincere grief. He stepped forward and gently laid a hand on the gnome's shoulder in a gesture of comfort.
"I am truly sorry for your loss, and for our role in it," he said gently. "And sorry, too, to bring you more pain by its memory. I promise you, when our mission is done, I will return and do my utmost to make it right. This I swear, on my honor, and on the honor of the Families." The halfling sounded serious in his oath-taking.
"I'm ready to pass to the next grove now."
Horvis d20+5=12 Thursday February 22nd, 2007 2:02:12 PM
The centaur moves forward with Izen towards the gnome. After the rogue finishes speaking, Horvis will extend a hand in a gesture of farewell.
"I pledge this also, if our actions have disrupted the natural order of things here, I will return to set things back on their path. For, as you and I both know, nature abhors a vacuum and some other power will replace Khar-ghur. Perhaps the one that rises in his place will be better or, more likely, not."
"I will return with Izen. But now I am ready to experience the magic of the Crossroads."
Horvis will then move to where Fox indicates, preparing to travel with his companions. He will study what Fox does to transport them in order to determine if it is some magic that he can perform. Spellcraft = 12
Monthor Thursday February 22nd, 2007 2:56:16 PM
" What the other two said. Me'll be back with them too. "
Draax Thursday February 22nd, 2007 3:19:57 PM
Seeing that most of the party is ready to go, Draax keeps his mouth shut and guides his horse over to the others. He then waits for the druid to lead them.
Jova Thursday February 22nd, 2007 7:19:05 PM
Jova nods his head in assent and leaps onto his horse. He moves it over near Horvis, waiting on Fox to do his thing.
Tratain Thursday February 22nd, 2007 11:35:01 PM
Tratain moves over near the group, he looks a little sullen but is clearly still thinking about something.
He says to Fox "I promise I will try and help make amends in anyway that I can. Thorne and your Giant Friend had a vision for these lands, I will figure out a way to help set that vision back on the path to reality."
Arien Friday February 23rd, 2007 4:15:35 AM
Arien gathers his belongings and stows them in his pack. Then walking over and taking the reins of his horse, Arien returns to the group. Looking at Tratain the mage says, "I too would like to do something about the situation. We are responsible for what is to come, no matter how reasonable our actions may have been."
The grove of Peryhann - DM Marcin Friday February 23rd, 2007 6:46:04 AM
The druid nods and rises a short, black branch from some exotic tree. This he lights up like a torch. The flame is small, flickering, and blue, but the smoke emanating from it is dense and starts to gather around the party like a cloud of vapor. It has a pleasant, sandalwood aroma, and feels more like a mist than campfire smoke. The horses and ponies do not seem to be startled by it.
Fox takes a few steps towards the cave.
The inside of the cavern turns out to be a long, winding passage, now completely filled with smoke. The blue light of Fox's torch can be barely made out in front of the party. The Knights feel the walls and ceiling around them, but strangely there are no echoes, as if the group was treading on a soft carpet of old leaves.
The druid starts to chant - old, strange words without melody to them, just rhytm.
[Spellcraft DC30 to understand something about this magic. You can add your Druid and/or nature related PrC levels to the check. Highlight to display spoiler: {This is a site-related Conjuration effect, powered by Fox's Tree Stride spell, but amlified by ambient magic auras of the Crossroads. It would take several months of study at the site to learn how to channel such magic effectively.}]
It is hard to figure out how long this walk lasts - it could have been anywhere between a few minutes and an hour. The feeling of being surrounded by stone slowly fades, until the party finds itself in a forset again.
But how different this forest is from Culverwood!
The trees are small, dark, and twisted, and somehow seem sick and dying. Water starts to slouch under hooves of the horses. The Knights are riding in complete silence; no insects or night birds dare to break it. The light of the moon has a greenish hue. A dark shilouette of a bat crosses its face every now and then.
Fox's torch has burnt out. The gnome leads the party on in silence, until the group arrives at the feet of a tall willow. It's bark is dark brown and seems much healthier than that of the surrounding, lesser trees. Wind plays among its leaves, which are black with a hint of silver.
There, before the tree, Fox bows with reverence and says something in the strange language of Druids.
[If you know Druidic Highlight to display spoiler: {"Ancient Father Peryhann, Fox, the keeper of Crossroads, bids you greetings. I have brought travellers seeking to pass through your lands."}]
There is no answer. The party stands for a moment looking around, but all that can be seen are the surrounding black trees. Soon it can be noticed that Fox is gone, snatched back by the magic of his site.
It is only after a long while that one can see two huge, dark green eyes open in the bark of the tree. They are as big as bowls and stare at the party without blinking.
The willow is quietly watching the Knights, patience and calm of ages in its eyes.
Horvis d20+12=25 d20+17=33 d20+18=35 Friday February 23rd, 2007 9:03:17 AM
The centaur watches intently as Fox begind the preparations to travel. Then, after a sudden realization, Horvis calls Aquial to him. He suspects that this will transport them beyond where Aquila can easily fly, so he wants to bring his companion along. With the eagle perched on his back, Horvis tries to identify what type of tree Fox has pulled the branch from. Sometimes having knowledge of these things is worthwhile. Knowledge Nature = 25, Survival = 33
His intent study is fruitful, for Horvis understands how the magic works. But it's beyond his capability now. In future, who knows but it may be worth studying. Quietly, in a whispering voice, Horvis tells his companions what Fox is doing.
"He's using a Tree Stride spell, but the magic of this place is modifying. It would take me months to learn how to do it properly."
Walking through the tunnel is an unusual experience for the shifter. Really, he should be in a different form since his head nearly scrapes the ceiling in places. But the transition to the other forest is even more interesting. Horvis hasn't been here before, he sure of that. He would remember a place so sickly and, if he ever met Peryhann before, he would know it.
Horvis studies the grove's protector before speaking. He would like to know what kind of creature Peryhann might be, or if he is one of those strnage druids who devote themselves closely to plants. Clearly, from Fox's words and manner, Peryhann is a powerful being. After consdieration, he speaks in Druidic to the protector.
Druidic - Highlight to display spoiler: {Ancient One, I am Horvis. My companions and I wish to cross these lands to reach the lands of Dread. May we do so?"}
Juliander Friday February 23rd, 2007 9:39:32 AM
Juliander is stunned by the effects of Fox's magic. He stands dazed and confused for a moment, as his eyes focus to take in the scene of their current circumstances.
Izen d20+15=22 Friday February 23rd, 2007 3:44:22 PM
Izen's expression did not betray a reaction to the extraordinary process they were witnessing (Bluff 22), nor did he react visibly to the willow's anthropomorphism. He hung back, waiting for Horvis to make introductions, and studied the surroundings (Spot, Skill Mastery, 27; Listen, Skill Mastery, 30).
Draax Friday February 23rd, 2007 7:03:12 PM
Draax follows the druid and stays calm on the outside; on the inside he has the nervousness of someone that is trying something for the first time and do not know what to expect. The nervousness escalates when the druid says a few unintelligible words and then vanishes a few seconds later. The appearance of the big eyes does not make him feel any more secure, but he feels a lot better when Horvis begins to talk in the same unintelligible language that the druid was speaking in.
As Horvis attempt to communication with the ancient tree, Draax waits to see what happens.
Arien Saturday February 24th, 2007 2:18:05 AM
Arien listens to Horvis' explanation of the magic and so does not attempt to study it himself. When they arrive a pained expression flickers across Arien's face as he surveys the woods.
Arien keeps an eye on the surroundings as Horvis addresses the tree.
Peryhann [extra post to help move things along] - DM Marcin Saturday February 24th, 2007 4:21:23 AM
[The branch was from a particularily oily variety of sandalwood. It doesn't grow around Plateau City.]
[Knowledge:Nature DC15 to figure out what kind of creature is the willow. Highlight to display spoiler: {*** A treant. ***}]
The eyes of the willow focus on Horvis and it answers in its strange language again. Its voice has a wooden quality to it. The words are slow to come out and overdrawn, and there is a creaking of wood in their background, like a ship laboring on a rough sea or a windmill at work.
[Druidic: Highlight to display spoiler: {Greetings Horvis, master of many shapes. Welcome to the graveyard of my trees.}]
Then it turns its eyes on the rest of the party and adds in Common.
"The fact that you ask for permission to pass is enough for me to grant it. Those who associate with the Defilers don't bother to stop by. I would caution you not to go there, though. Death is the ruler of these lands and undead guard the way."
[Next week my posts Mon, Tue and Wed will be about 5 h later than usual.]
Monthor Sunday February 25th, 2007 8:38:26 PM
Still recovering from this most recent tragedy, Monthor follows the others and remains quiet.
Izen Sunday February 25th, 2007 9:40:57 PM
"Many thanks," Izen said politely to the speaking tree. "Tell us, please, if you would--what is the nature of the land into which we are traveling? What are the inhabitants like? You mention the undead--are all the inhabitants like that?"
Draax Sunday February 25th, 2007 9:46:49 PM
Draax eyes widen when the treant speaks of the undead, but he remains silent as the group waits for Horvis to take the lead.
Tratain Sunday February 25th, 2007 10:57:42 PM
Tratain waits and Listens to the answers the Treant Gives to the questions asked.
Horvis d20+12=15 d20+3=23 Monday February 26th, 2007 8:56:03 AM
The centaur hasn't seen such a creature before but he does have a dim recollection from his training. A treant, an animate tree, but Horvis doesn't recall much more than that. Still, it's another interesting creature of the Wold. When the creature speaks, Horvis will reply in Druidic.
Highlight to display spoiler: {"Thank you, Ancient Peryhann. I am honoured to be in your grove."}
Horvis continues in Common for the benefit of his companions.
"We have no choice but to go into the Lands of Dread, despite the threats there. We hope to be equal to the threat."
"You mention the Defilers. Are they the ones that caused the death of your trees? What can you tell them of us, since knowledge is often the best weapon?" Diplomacy = 23, natural 20
Some answers - DM Marcin Monday February 26th, 2007 10:43:08 AM
The willow closes its eyes for a moment and then opens them again. There is some sort of movement and the tree appears to have, for lack of a better word, settled. Branches twist ever so gently. The overall impression is that of hands being folded.
"The Lands of Dread are what Wold will become when the sun burns out and death claims all. This used to be part of Culverwood, old and green, but long ago Great Evil came and settled in its midst. I know not its true nature, but I can feel its presence, even now, even from here, sitting like a spider in the middle of its web... It feeds on life - nay, it gorges itself on it, slowly poisoning the land with death and unlife. I imagine the land around its abode is as dead as stone - the trees that used to grow there are dead husks and black shadows, and no longer call to me. But I have never gone that far into the Lands of Dread."
"Outer reaches of this realm are lands of strife, where vibrant life tries to oppose the death slowly being seeped into the soil. The closer to the source, the harder the fight. What you see here" - the tree points with one of its branches around in a slow, fluid motion - "is a fight that has been lost. All that is left here are dying trees, and me to mourn their passing. The Lands of Dread are like a poisoned wound in the middle of Culverwood. The center already dead, and the flesh around it festering."
The willow goes silent for a while. It might not be comfortable talking for this long, or maybe it contemplates what to say next.
"There are no animals there, no birds, no clean water... No normal settlements I know of, no roads, no paths - save one. No sane person voluntarily makes his home there. Only undead roam the land, restless, vile spirits mourning their souls consumed by the Evil long ago."
"Such is the nature of the lands you want to travel into."
"The Defilers are servants of the Great Evil, or maybe parasites feeding off its malice, I no longer know which. They are drawn to this region like flies to a fresh carrion - mages, hedge wizards, twisted sorcerers, servants of dark gods, and their ilk. No month passes here without me witnessing some power-hungry wizard or corrupted druid enter the desolation and never come back. Most die. Some are consumed by the Evil. Others survive, and these group together and build their dark towers in the swamps. There are many such groups, sometimes working together, sometimes warring. I know not what dark business they conduct, but I can smell the stench of their malice even here."
The tree blinks.
"Forgive my ramblings, solitude affects even my kind. You asked questions. Let me answer them."
"The only live beings who settle in the Lands of Dread that I know of are whom I call the Defilers: powerful mages and their servants. I suspect they have all sworn oath of loyalty to the Great Evil and serve its needs."
"There are countless swarms of undead wandering the land, victims of the Great Evil from all the ages of its existence. Most of them are of the spectral kind and of lesser power, but there are thousands of them. It is best not to draw their attention unless you want to be constantly pestered by them."
"It is not the Defilers who have slain my trees, but their hidden master. Yet the Great Evil seems to have been dormant for years, and it is its servants who now cause most harm in the lands of the living."
"I can't tell you much more about them, for each group is different. They are wary, always on the lookout for trouble. They are crafty, masters of guile, stealth, ambush, and a blade in the back. They are ruthless. They are cruel. They are paranoid. They are powerful."
"What is your business in the Lands of Dread? If you travel to Windbourne Hills you would be much better off taking a roundabound way."
Jova Monday February 26th, 2007 6:38:17 PM
Jova listens intently to the ancient tree. Madness is what he heard. And they were going to enter into such world. Looking at each of his companions in turn, he decided that the situation could be worse.
"Horvis, ask him if there is anyone, or anything that we can trust? Ask if there is anything we can do for him, while there." He can feel the intensity of Z on his shoulder.
"I have travelled much in the Wold, but I have to admit I have always skirted the Dreadlands. I will be needing direction, on fighting and dealing with the undead." He directs this to the rest of the group.
Juliander Monday February 26th, 2007 8:18:32 PM
Looking to the willow, "We're here to investigate the activities of the Sons of Dread good tree. Any advice or direction you might give would be of great value to us."
Horvis Monday February 26th, 2007 11:00:02 PM
The centaur listens intently as Peryhann relates the story of his dying forest. He has heard of such things before but now may have a chance to witness them himself.
"As my companion says, we are tasked with investigating the Sons of Dread who reside within the Dreadlands. Is there any chance that those you call Defilers may be the Sons of Dread? What you describe sounds like what we have heard of the Sons of Dread."
Horvis looks around at the dying forest, wondering what exactly might have caused this. It is the sort of thing that should be put right.
"Is there anything that we can do for you? Perhaps to help this area recover? Or do you know of any other group that strives for nature and good in the area?"
izen Monday February 26th, 2007 11:10:25 PM
Izen nodded and listened, keen to learn what more he could. He glanced at Tratain; the chosen protector of Domi would be an important ally in the travel ahead of them.
Draax Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:16:24 AM
Draax listens as the tree speaks and then the questions asked by his teammates. He is not too happy about hearing that the group will have to deal with Defilers as well as the SoDs.