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Ashira (AC26, HP 32/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+8=16 d20+20=24 d20+17=21 d20+10=14 d20+17=23 d20+9=24 d20-1=19 d20+20=32 d8+6=8 2d6(5+3)=8
Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:17:57 PM

Her shoulders slump after the attacks from the abomination, but the ranger is determined to press the fight. Then vile magic rips through her body opening even more wounds (Will=16). Staggered, Ashira struggle to keep her feet under her when Nezamil's spell washes over her. Very tempted to withdraw, Ashira knows that Bart and Nezamil are counting on her. Still, no need to get hit on two fronts...Ashira takes a sidestep (C30) using the human guard in front of her as a shield from Abomination #5. She continues to focus on her former abomination #7, but the pain from her wounds throws off her attacks.

AC32 for 16

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---7/11 rounds
Enlarge Person---10min

John (AC17 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, Fly, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  d20+6=23 2d8(3+6)+5=14
Thursday February 1st, 2007 10:27:58 PM

The ranger shudders as the spell attempts to reach out and touch him. Still, he easily shrugs off of the aura (Will=23). So...this is what the big leagues are like eh? Hmmmm....maybe I'll just find a nice forest to settle down in... Feeling a little guilty for healing himself, John turns his attention to Ashira. Using his supernatural reach, John taps his mentor with the wand bring some much needed healing to the Mistress of the Swords.

14 hp to Ashira

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---5/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---8/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

DM Kent (round 4)  d20+25=35 d20+9=18 d20+17=26 d8+10=17 d8+10=12 d20+9=11 d20+13=28 d6+4=10 5d6(5+3+1+3+2)=14 d20+15=19 d20+6=15 d20+3=7 d20+12=26 d20+5=15 d20+17=25 d20+11=26 2d8(8+8)+4=20 d20+15=23 d20+7=26 d8+6=13 d8+6=7 d20+12=27 d20+6=9 d8+6=13 d20+12=16 d20+6=20 2d8(4+2)+12=18 d20+12=17 d20+12=26 d20+7=26
Friday February 2nd, 2007 12:06:47 AM

(ooc: Please make sure all active spells are listed in the name field. Ari last round should have only been 10 points damage total. Rigging placement is fixed but as you are still within 30 feet of the others no change on damage.)

The apes continue their attack on the YT on top of the pyramid.

Cosmo continues to circle and begins yet another spell.

Nez casts a healing spell and Bart, Ashira, John, Nezamil, & Rigging recieve a bit of help.

Rigging sends another scorching ray at #5 and watches two of them strike home.

Ari's weapons go cold as he continues to wave them in his opponents' faces.

Ashira moves to separate herself from being surrounded and then attacks #7 connecting oly once.

John sends additional healing Ashira's way.

Bart attacks and drops #34 and then turns and drops #28 as well.

Apollo gets some ropes tied in and with romeo's and a couple of prisoners help a second post is soon down.

Mykael's web does the trick and everyone quickly calms down and order is restored for the time being any way.

Val continues her attack and drops #4.


#7 takes some swings at Nez as he steps forward connecting with 2 of the strikes AC 35 AC 26 for 29 points

#26 tries to hit Ashira but misses once again and decides enough is enough and turns to run. (AoO Ashira)

#23 having snuck up behind Nez take a try at catching the dwarf by surprise and flat footed. AC 28 for 10 points plus 14 sneak attack damage.

#3 and 34 attack Ari again but miss with all 5 attacks.

All of a sudden Cosmo sees movement from about half way up the west side of the Pyramid as something uncoiles itself and launches itself into the air right at him. It is exactly the color of the pyramid stone and looks to be about 60 feet long. Has a snake like body with a very human head and wings. As it whips by him it tries to take a bite out of him and then whis his tail at him as it passes. The tail misses by just a hair's breadth, but the massive jaws reach back and take a chunk out of Cosmo's side. AC 26 for 20 points

Ape 4 takes two hits AC 23 & 26 for 20 points
Ape 5 takes one hit AC 27 for 13 points
Ape 6 takes 2 hits AC 16 & AC 20 for 18 points

Having made his way quietly through the woods #20 tries to attack Mykael from behind using his skills at blind fighting. But he misses badly having misjudged where his opponent was.

#31 attacks Bart and both strikes trim some hair from Barts head but otherwise miss Ac 26 & 26

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)(Haste)  d20+11=20 d20+11=24 d10+4=12 d20+5=12 d20+5=12 d10+4=11
Friday February 2nd, 2007 12:45:36 AM

"Val, help Ari, I will handle this one and be with you in a second."

Turning on the newly arrived #20, Mykael pulls his sword and swings twice.

AC 20 - 11 damage
AC 24 - 12 damage
23 damage total

Concentration checks if needed
(12 and 12, add +4 combat casting bonus if applicable)

(Web = 60 mins)
(Haste = 3/6 rounds)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Bart ac 27 hp 55/86 haste, resist energy, prayer  d20+7=20 d20+13=25 d20+8=27 d20+8=20 d20+3=23 d20+3=23 d20+13=23 d20+13=27 d10+15=23 d6=1 d10+15=19 d6=2 d10+15=22 d10+15=20 d6=1 d10+15=22 d6=5 d10+15=16 d6=2 d10+15=20
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:21:32 AM

(made a save for previous round Dc 20 couldnt post in between dm post sorry wrong time zone)

Bart has only 2 direct opponents left he decides to attack the abonimation (#7) first and if domi is with him a cleave attack on #31
(im in the back of the abonimation didnt count any modifiers for that
1st ac 27 for 23+1 shock
2nd threat ac 28 crit ac 21? for 19+2 +20??
3 rd threat ac 24 (nat 20) crit ac 24 (nat 20)for 22+20+1
haste ac 24 for 22+5
cleave attack on #31 (if app)ac 28 for 16+2

Bart keeps an eye on #31 giving him a+1 dodge mod on ac (feat)

(forgot to add+1 mod in the rolls on att from hasteenchantment)

Ashira (AC26, HP 46/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Haste, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+20=36 d8+6=13 2d6(5+1)=6 d20+17=37 d20+17=22 d8+6=7 2d6(6+1)=7 d20+10=20 d20+17=32 d8+4=11 d20+9=26 d20+9=11 d8+4=12 d20-1=19 d20+20=39 d8+6=12 2d6(2+5)=7
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:22:22 AM

Feeling her strength return, Ashira lashes out at the abomination attacking Nezamil (#7) with a vengence. "Don't count me out just quite yet you slime ball!" Once more the glowing axe extracts a terrible vengence on it's favorite prey.

AC36 for 13+6
AC37/22 (no crit.) for 7+7
AC32 for 11
AC26/11 (no. crit.) for 12
AC39 for 12+7
Total damage=75

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Haste---6/11 rounds
Enlarge Person---10min

OOC: Did Rigging kill Abomination #5? He's not on the map and you didn't mention what happened to him in the post.

John (AC17 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Enlarge Person, Fly, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  2d8(3+1)+5=9 d8=6
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:28:01 AM

Happy to see Ashira back in the fight, John sighs as he sees Nezamil get hit hard. Figuring he might need the healing more, John turns his magic touch over to the gigantic dwarf.

14 pts. to Nezamil

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---4/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Aid---10/10 min.
Haste---7/11 rds.
Enlarge Person---5/5 min.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 25/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments,Prayer,Magic weapon greater,SR 22,Sof,Spell immunity,Haste  d20+18=32 d20+13=31 d20+18=22 2d6(5+1)+10=16 2d6(3+4)+10=17 2d6(3+5)+10=18
Friday February 2nd, 2007 3:25:01 PM

"Grrr"as the ambushers weapon finds it's mark

Turning quickly to face the the ambushing snakeman " lets see ya try that again ya cowardly worm!"

Wavering slightly whether to atttack or heal himself the 10'ft dwarf gets his answer when Ranger John taps him with his healing wand.

""My turn " as grins Nezamil savagely at snakeman(#23) as he unleashes a rain of blows on the ambusher !! his big mace smashes the snakeman

1st swing- d20+18=32 !damage 2d6(5+1)+10=16
2nd swing- d20+13=31 !damage 2d6(3+4)+10=17
3rd swing- d20+18=22(hasted)damage 2d6(3+5)+10=18

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)
Haste - from Rigging

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Appolo Ac 23 Hp 68 Haste 
Friday February 2nd, 2007 7:32:57 PM

Appolo moves on to the next post"Ok folks as oon as this post is gone everyone follow my friend here.Romeo take thse people to the ship.I'll go jion the others."Appolo then continues to work on the post.

Val (AC 19, HP 52/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr, Haste)  d20+16=33 d20+16=36 d20+16=22 d20+11=22 d20+6=21 d10+20=30 2d10(5+7)+40=52 d10+20=22 d10+20=27
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:29:01 PM

Val ignores the pain from her grievous wound and the blood running down her body beneath her armor. She moves forward (5ft step) and brings her flail against the last abomination.

ooc: Power Attack -5/ +10 1st attack- AC 33 for 30, 2nd attack crit, acc 22 to confirm for 52, 3rd attack ac 22 for 22, 4th attack ac 21 for 27

Rigging ac 20 hps 73/74 mage armor, greater invisibility, overland flight, haste  d20+13=28 d20+9=23 d20+9=19 d20+9=29 d20+9=28 4d6(1+2+2+6)=11 4d6(3+6+4+6)=19 4d6(5+5+1+3)=14 4d6(3+2+4+2)=11
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:34:03 PM

OOC Added in Nezamil's cure from last round.

Rigging flies to H14 utilizing his flying spell and his haste improved movement. He will then cast his last scorching ray at the flying creature attacking Cosmo.

Spell resistance 28 hit touch ac 23, 19, and 29 natural 20 (three critical hits this combat. Die rolling gods favor me this combat!) Follow up roll for critical hit hits ac 28

First ray does 11, second ray does 19 and third ray does 25

greater invisibilty 5/11
mage armor first hour of 11
overland flight first hour of 11
haste 6/11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Troglodyte Ari hp 37/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+10=20 d20+9=22 d20+9=23 d20+4=16
Friday February 2nd, 2007 8:53:26 PM

Somehow this battle reminds Ari of a pair cats he once saw that were swiping their claws at each other, but nothing was connecting. Ari tries once again to see if he can do anything more than look like a blade barrier.

But with so much effort, all he can do is come away with sweaty clothes.

I hope things are going well with freeing the prisoners. At least I haven't fallen yet.

Fiendish Apes - 3  d20+9=23 d20+9=28 d20+4=12 d6+7=10 d6+7=13 d20+9=22 d20+9=22 d20+4=7 d6+7=10 d6+7=10 d20+9=18 d20+9=22 d20+4=15 d6+7=13
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:30:14 AM

Ape #4 falls under the attacks of the YT, but it is soon replaced from the SM III spell (#7, cell G6, by YT #4).

The remaining 2 Fiendish Apes continue their assualt on #3. Their desire to attack the new creature can be seen as most of their claws and bites damage the YT. The new ape lands a solid claw swipe on YT #4.

Fiendish Apes:
Size: Large (tall)
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
AC 14
HP's 0, 0, 0, 0, 11/37, 9/37 & 37/37
Full attack: 2 claws +9 & 1 bite +4
Damage claws: 1d6+7
Damage bite: 1d6+3

Ape 1 DEAD
Ape 2 DEAD
Ape 3 DEAD
Ape 4 DEAD

Ape 5 attacks
Hit AC's 23, 28 & 12
Damage 10+13 = 23

Ape 6 attacks
Hit AC's 22, 22 & 7
Damage 10+10 = 20

Ape 7 attacks
Hit AC's 18, 22 & 15
Damage 13

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 36/63; Str 4)  d20+7=20
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 9:42:31 AM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
Overland Flight 9+/10 hours
SM IV ends all dead
SM IV ends all dead
SM IV 7/10 rounds
SM III 9/10 rounds
SM V (new starts next round)
Haste (from Rigging)

Cosmo tries to fly back and get out of range from the new, large creature's attack. He is unsuccessful as the snake-like creature bites him pretty deeply. Cosmo flies straight up from his position, tying to get out of range of the creature (70 more feet up from the pyramid). He tries to determine what the creature is (Knowledge check 20). Cosmo casts another spell using his Rod of Enlarge, calling forth more of his friends (cast SM V).

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Scrolls from Rigging:
Summon Monster IV x2 (cast both)

DM Kent (round 5)  d4=3 d20+25=44 d20+25=26 d20+15=29 d20+7=15 3d8(7+6+1)+30=40 d20+20=21 d20+13=30 d20+6=23 d8+8=14 d20+12=32 d20+12=28 d20+7=26 2d8(6+4)+6=16 d20+12=26 12d6(6+1+1+1+2+1+1+6+4+1+5+4)=33
Saturday February 3rd, 2007 10:05:58 AM

Caught in Bart's and Ashira's cusinart-like blades, #7 literally falls to pieces before their eyes, leaving Bart a chance to attack # 31 connecting solidly.

Nez and Mykael easily dispatch their sneaky human attackers.

Rigging moves to aid Cosmo fight the Flying Yuanaga and sends three fiery streaks at the creature, only to see them splash along the beast's sides and dissipate leaving no apparent sign of damage.

Ari continues his combat pantomime, hoping that his opponent does likewise.

Val moves around to Ari's side and lights into #3 carving away small pieces of the beast.

Apollo and Romeo finally get enough room to allow two people to move through at a time and the 6 or so that are closest and have managed to free them selves from the web push forward to get out.

John continues to heal and the Apes continue to batter and #3 falls to their attacks.

Cosmo manages to complete his summoning spell as he is chomped upon by his new huge mosterous opponent and flies higher hoping to get out of reach of the flying beast. He begins casting yet again.


As the combat continues there is a seriously bright flash of light that engulfs the top of the pyramid and extends 100 feet above it as well and over the next ten seconds fills the entire clearing and then dissipates. Accompanying the light is a high pitched whine that just hurts the ears. The sound lasts for about 6 second longer than the flash of light which lasts for about 10 seconds.

Caught in the flash the two remaining fiendish apes vanish as does the newest creature summoned by Cosmo. And Cosmo while not blind is having a herd time seeing right now as huge spots are dancing in front of his eyes. However that is not what is worrying him at the moment as he suddenly finds himself slowly falling fron the air as his overland flight spell seems to have been disrupted. Cosmo also gets the sense that he is no longer hasted as well. Cosmo role dispel saves for the rods in your hands DC 18

Rigging nearest to the event center is also seeing spots but not to the extent that Cosmo is and realises that he is no longer invisible and no longer feels hasted either. But as he realizes this he also realises that he too is slowly falling toward the ground.

Mykael feels the sudden shift to normal movement as the light reaches and overtakes the group at the far side of the clearing.

Both Bart and Ashira also find them selves moving slower and Ashira finds herself now looking up at the suddenly visible #5 who has now reappeared at her side.

John finds himself beginning to float to the ground as the fly spell dissapates as well as the haste and enlarge.

Nez, Val, Apollo, and Ari all feel their hast spells cease functioning after the light reaches them.

His surprise attack ruined by his invisibility wearing off before he had planned, #5 leaps forward attacking Ashira connecting with two of his three attacks once critically AC 44 (26) Ac 29 for 40 points

Now faced with a new opponent #3 switches focus and attacks Val connecting only one of his three attacks AC 30 for 14 points.

# 34 continues his attacks on Ari a loud hiss accompanying each strike and connects critically with his first attack AC 32(28)for 16 points. His second attack takes a few hairs off of Ari's head but otherwise misses.

Up in the air the Yuanaga looks around to find Cosmo and sees that he is falling turns his attention to the newly visible pest that just attack him and sends a spell his way as well. A bolt of lightening streaks out to hit rigging and then almost seems to bounce off and head toward Cosmo as well. Chain lightning - Riggin 33 points - Cosmo 16 points - SR 26 - negates; Relfex DC 28 for 1/2 damage

Saturday February 3rd, 2007 1:06:52 PM

OOC - Are all active spells dispelled or only the ones you wrote about (such as Mage armor)?

Is the dispel check for my Rods a caster level check (1d20 + 10)?

I guess the pretty bright lights didn't affect the Yuanaga :(

DM Kent OOC:

* Just the spells I mentioned are affected.

** LOL! Yuanaga is not using magical flight but his own wings.

*** No the rods are caster level 17, so it would be (1d20 +17)

Bart ac 27 hp 55/86 resist energy, prayer  d20+13=26 d20+8=14 d20+3=18 d10+15=19 d6=5 d10+15=20 d6=2
Sunday February 4th, 2007 8:18:03 AM

Bart attacks the lost opponent in front of him and makes sure he can attack the abonimation next round stepping back 5 ft
ac 26 for 24
ac 14 miss
ac 18 for 22

Appolo ac 23 Hp 68 
Sunday February 4th, 2007 11:21:28 AM

Once the post is removed"Ok peopl quickly and orderly follow Romeo here.He'll take you to our ship.Remember be quiet and move together in quick and orderly fashion.Romeo take these people to the ship."

Appolo then turns and sprints down to support Ari and moves to flank Ari's opponent.{Ending up on BB 11}

Troglodyte Ari hp 21/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+10=11 d20+9=12 d20+9=29 d20+9=17 d20+4=5 d6+3=9 2d6(1+6)=7
Sunday February 4th, 2007 12:08:45 PM

Ari shifts his focus to #34 as he notes Appolo joining the fray and takes the hit from #34.

"I'm hoping to make you regret those words."

Ari feels better when he feels the Sword of Alemi bite into the enemy.

AC 29 with a regular hit for 9+7 (if evil) points.

0-level (5)
*Resistance, Ray of Frost, *Detect Poison, *Daze, Flare, Light, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, *Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, *Read Magic

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.
Haste from Mykael

John (AC19 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  2d8(8+7)+5=20
Sunday February 4th, 2007 2:17:21 PM

Ranger John sighs as he floats back down to the ground and shrinks to his normal size. Easy come...easy go. At least he's still invisible. Scooting behind Nezamil, John takes up a spot behind Ashira and taps her gently with his wand.

20hp to Ashira

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---5/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours

Ashira (AC26, HP 26/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Prayer, Enlarge Person  d20+20=22 d20+17=33 d8+6=14 2d6(6+6)=12 d20+10=26 d8+6=7 2d6(4+4)=8 d20+17=20 d20+9=19 d20-1=4
Sunday February 4th, 2007 2:29:25 PM

Her blood flowing freely from her new wounds, Ashira is seriously considering retreating. John's healing reassures her a little, but she knows that one more hit like that and she'll soon be back to the Shadow Lands...a reunion that she'd really like to avoid. Still, she knows that Nezamil isn't that much better off than she is. Shuddering, she stays her ground until Bart can make his way over.

AC33 for 14+12
AC26 for 7+8
Total damage: 41

Spells in place
Resist Energy (Acid)---100min.
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Delay Poison---2 hours
Enlarge Person---10min

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid) 
Sunday February 4th, 2007 7:56:40 PM

Dispatching the human, Mykael notes the flash and the loss of his haste. He looks and sees the situation Cosmo is in, then the lightning bolt hitting Rigging and him.

Also, seeing Appolo finishing up with the fence, Mykael dismisses the Web spell.

"People! Move quickly, but in order. Help others out! We are protecting you. Romeo will lead you to safety. We have a ship."

Seeing Appolo moving to support Val and Ari, Mykael makes a decision.

"Val, Cosmo is in trouble, Appolo is on his way to support you and Ari. I am going to help Cosmo...." Mykael yells as he full out runs to G9(quad move, x4 run, 120ft max).

"I am here Cosmo, get behind me."

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 28/63; Str 4)  d20+17=34 d20+17=18 d20+17=28 d20+11=31 d20+16=27 d3=3
Sunday February 4th, 2007 10:45:52 PM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
SM V 10/10 rounds

Rod saves 34 & 28 (18; natural 1 of course when I only need a 1 to fail; re-rolled burning hero point)
Reflex save 31 (natural 20)

The creatures Cosmo summoned last round arrive as all his apes disappear as if hit by a dispel magic. Cosmo summons 3 Lantern Archons this time. He summons them behind and above the Yuanaga (they fly 60' perfect). Cosmo has his own problems to deal with. Bitten, electrified and partially blinded are the least of his worries as his flight spell is dispelled and he starts to fall. He needs to get out of this creatures and the pyramids range. He casts Dimension Door and moves back into the woods (I came out of the woods through cell G32 so I will DD about 30' into the woods from that point; G38 I imagine).

Cast defensively 27

Once in the woods, Cosmo pulls his Figurine.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door * & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Lantern Archons - 3  d20+2=21 d20+2=12 d20+2=10 d20+2=14 d20+2=21 d20+2=13 d6=4 d6=5 d6=2 d6=5 d6=3 d6=6
Sunday February 4th, 2007 10:52:57 PM

Fly - 60' perfect
AC 15
HP's 4, 4 & 4
Attack - 2 light Rays +2 (range touch attack)
Damage - 1d6 (bypasses any damage reduction)

The 3 summoned Lantern Archons hover about 30' above and behind the Yuanaga and begin to blast away at it with their Light Ray attacks.

OOC - need a Touch armor class. I am assuming it is under 10 as this creature is huge or bigger sized.

LA 1
Hit TAC's 21 & 12
Damage 4+5 = 9

LA 2
Hit TAC's 10 & 14
Damage 2+5 = 7

LA 3
Hit TAC's 21 & 13
Damage 3+6 = 9

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 25/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments,Prayer,Magic weapon greater,SR 22,Sof,Spell immunity  3d8(7+5+6)+10=28 d20+8=9
Monday February 5th, 2007 12:02:38 AM

Feeling the magical haste dissipate ....the 10'ft dwarf surveys the battlefield...(d20+8=9 spot ch)...still looking for the source of the flamestrike but alas the chaos of battle hides its source still

With a quick look at Ashira taking the battle to the snakemen and her battered state Nezamil reaches out and taps her quickly on her shoulder "Domi heal this couragous soul" prays the Cleric of Domi (casting cure crit spontanously in place of windwall 3rd lvl)(3d8(7+5+6)+10=28 cured to Ashira)

"keep going i've got ya back " growls Nezamil to the blue haired Ranger

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Val (AC 19, HP 39/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+16=29 d20+11=19 d20+6=23 d10+20=26 d10+20=23 d10+20=29
Monday February 5th, 2007 9:52:57 AM

Hoping to end this yuan-ti, and give gargul another soul to sort through, Val whips her flail around, smashing it into the snake mans body.

ooc: power attack -5/ +10. 1st attack ac 29 for 26, 2nd attack 19 for 23, 3rd attack ac 23 for 29

attendence report 
Monday February 5th, 2007 3:46:38 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Aashira xxxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart xxoxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xxxxx

Good work folks !! excellant week of posts !!!

DM Kent  d20+15=28 d20+7=25 d20+7=27 d20+7=25 d4+5=9 d4+3=4 d6=3
Monday February 5th, 2007 6:50:13 PM

Not being a stupid creature, but realizing that he is the only YT of his kind left alive in the area #34 drops his weapons and throws himself with great fury upon Aritrog with no thought about defense at all just pure unadulterated hatred. The first set of claws rakes his side and second set comes close, btu the beast's fnged mouth bites hard into the rangermage's leathery hide. AC 28, AC 25 AC 27 (nat 20 threat AC25) for 13 points damage + Fort save Dc 17 -3 points strength poison

Nez streaks to Cosmo's rescue only to arrive and find absolutely no sign of him at all, only a few of what appears to be fresh blood splotches.

Apollo's commands and urgings do the trick and soon the flow of human fodder is moving quickly through the gp and following Romeo, though you can tell by his look toward the Pyramd that he would rather be heading there than helping these sheep. As Apollo rushes off he hears Romeo call out. "Find my friend and bring him if you can."


The three Lantern Archons begin some fancy flying which surprisingly is match by the yuanaga (120 perfect) and are actually soon chasing the memory of it as it swings once around the clearing and heads off to the northwest, but not before raining a storm of fire in the form of a fireball in to the middle of the fleeing slaves.

Last remaining visible YT is currently atacking ARI and surrounded by Ari, Val and Apollo. In its current state it's AC 17.

Rigging ac19 40/74  d20+7=16
Monday February 5th, 2007 6:58:51 PM

Lightning lances into Rigging and he crys out in pain. (failed saving throw. If it was chain lightning by the spell, I don't think Cosmo can be effected. He is to far away from me at the time but in distance lateral and also in height.) Rigging lands on the ground looking at the strange flying snake, upset that his previous spells had no effect on the creature. Rigging decides to move 30 back towards the others and readies a dispel magic to be used as a counter spell if the creature casts another spell.

Rigging moves to H20

mage armor first hour of 11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 70/59 (Aid)  d20+5=10
Monday February 5th, 2007 8:03:26 PM

Mykael looks around the pyramid, seeing no more enemies he get to work.

(Spot = 10)

Pulling a vial from his pack, he states, "I am Mykael, we are here to rescue you. Lay still while I use this acid to free you."

Mykael drips a little acid on a couple of chain links of each of the 3 slaves to free them from the pyramid.

"We can get you fully out of the chains once we are out of the open and in a safer situation. Can any of you walk?"

Mykael helps them to thier feet and supports all who need it. He begins the trek down the pyramid, taking a corner path to avoid the entrances.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

OOC: Which direction is the ship, Did we get a map of the islands?

You also said that the yuanti fighting Ari was the only one left. Correct? So Mykael doesnt see any?

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 25/81 Endure elements,Magic vestments,Prayer,Magic weapon greater,SR 22,Sof,Spell immunity  3d10(4+2+4)+10=20
Monday February 5th, 2007 11:43:47 PM

"looks like they are fleeing.....wormy cowards" growls Nezamil

"lets get to the temple and see if we can save those chained to it"

Quickly reaching out and tapping Ashira on the shoulder again "Domi heal this couragous soul "(spontanously casting cure crit (3d8(4+2+4)+10=20 cured to Ashira)in place of protection from energy 3rd lvl)

After healing the Aquatic Ranger the 10'ft dwarf follows after her (moves 30')

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Bart ac 27 hp 55/86 resist energy, prayer 
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 2:03:05 AM

Ashira, Nez John are you all okay, Nez and John see if you can do something for the slaves lets go

John (AC19 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  2d8(4+7)+5=16
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 8:05:00 AM

Seeing that Nezamil has Ashira well taken care of, John turns his attention to the giant dwarf. "Here you go big guy." A light tap of his healing wand announces the invisible ranger's presence. Hearing Bart ask about his condition, John chuckles. "Hehehehe...never been better. Yourself?"

16 hp to Nezamil

Spells in place
Barkskin +2---49/50 min.
Invisibility---6/8 rounds
Shield of Faith---3/3min.
Delay Poison---2 hours

Lantern Archons - 3  d20-2=1 d20-2=14 d6=2 d20-2=16 d20-2=10 d6=5 d20-2=17 d20-2=13 d6=6 d6=4
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 8:21:19 AM

Fly - 60' perfect
AC 15
HP's 4, 4 & 4
Attack - 2 light Rays +2 (range touch attack)
Damage - 1d6 (bypasses any damage reduction)

The 3 summoned Lantern Archons move over and attack the last remaining YT (with -4 for firing into combat).

LA 1
Hit TAC's 1 & 14
Damage 2

LA 2
Hit TAC's 16 & 10
Damage 5

LA 3
Hit TAC's 17 & 13
Damage 6+4 = 10

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 28/63; Str 4) 
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 8:27:52 AM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
SM V 9/10 rounds

Cosmo carefully moves back into the clearing looking for Nezamil.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door * & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Val (AC 19, HP 39/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20+16=33 d20+11=12 d20+6=16 d10+20=22
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 10:30:37 AM

Fighting off the dizzyness that normally accompanies massive blood loss, Val raises her flail once more. Each swing of the heavy flail wracks her body with pain. While her attack is sloppy and off its mark, she managed to connect once.

ooc: power attack -5/ +10. hit ac 33 for 22

Tuesday February 6th, 2007 5:51:44 PM

(OOC: Geesh, I wrote that #34 was the last YT left alive. Thats what I get for having to be 3 places at once I had to cut something short and I didn't post everyone's actions. I also however did not send out a new map, hint hint. Ah well< sorry for the confusion everyone.)

Ashira (AC26, HP 54/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Prayer, Enlarge Person 
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 9:48:54 PM

The ranger smiles in relief as her opponent falls. She puts an arm on Nezamil's back since she can no longer reach his back. "Thanks big guy, I owe you one!" Then she calls out "John, make sure you touch up Nezamil some more...he's a mess."

Surveying the battlefield, Ashira decides that it's time to link up again. "C'mon folks, let's check what the others are up too."

Troglodyte Ari hp 8/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield)  d20+8=11 3d4(3+2+1)+1=7 d20+14=15
Tuesday February 6th, 2007 11:03:16 PM

Feeling the effects of the poison kick in, Are feels his strength sapped from him. He quickly holsters his swords before he becomes too week and casts defensively Magic Missle at the frenzied enemy. The suddenness of the frenzied attack seems to have caught Ari off guard, for as he goes to cast the spell, he seems like an actor caught up in stage fright.. ' ahh ahh ' (concentration check 15 for 16 needed).

How else can I be useful today!

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Shield 5 minutes
Alter Self 50 minutes.

DM kent 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 6:41:56 AM

Between The Archons and Val The final YT falls leaving a batterered and frustrated Aritrog staggering to lean against a tree. Then they begin moving into the center of the clearing.

John begins using the wand on people starting with Ashira and moves over to Nez.

Cosmo begins a slow limping back to the clearing staying as hidden as possible.

Mykael heads to the top of the Pyramid to check on the three bodies laid in chains. As he takes a look he is truly disgusted. In reality they no longer even look human. While they have no apparent physical wounds their bodies look desicated and shiveled up and if all the life was being drained from within them. As he checks them out more closely he finds that only one of them is still alive and only just barely. Mykael isn't even sure he can be moved without finishing the job the Yts started. The shackles disintigrate easily enough and as the last one falls off the man's body actually relaxes and settles on to the pyramids stones with a sigh.

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 10:27:12 AM

After the last Yt falls Appolo looks around and norices the r fire behind him in the jungle about where the former prisoners should be."Looks like the flying monstrousity got some of escaping prisoners."He then heads for the pyramid.Once he reaches the top and finds the barely alive man and Mykeal.He calls down"Hey we got a;live one here.Needs some help though.Let's get everyone as healed up as possible then head back to the ship.The way the flying beast lit out of here I don't think we have much time besides that thing could circle around back to the ship."

Bart ac 27 hp 55/86 resist energy, prayer 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 1:21:08 PM

When Bart sees MYkeal moving to the pyramid he changes dire4ction and goes to the top of the pyramid as well.

"Mykael dont destroy the pyramid yet, we wait for the others. Hmmm can you do anything for thos poor people? I have a p[otion of cure light wounds here if Domi wants it it will help the poor soul

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 3:48:17 PM

"Uh..... We are here to help. Just relax. Stay with me. We have a skilled priest of Domi. He is a 10ft tall dwarf right now, so dont be startled by the sight of him. He is truly a good soul and will help you."

Mykael quickly takes off his cloak and uses it to prop up the mans head. He does his best to make him comfortable without endangering him.

"NEZAMIL!!! Hurry!" Mykael screams after standing up and backing away from the man.

All that come to the top of the pyramid, Mykael puts out a restraining hand and cautions them, "This is beyond torture. He is beyond my meager abilities and probably minor healing potions. His only chance is Nezamil. Dont crowd him, he has been through alot, he needs support, but not to be shaken by alot of attention."

Once Nezamil arrives, Mykael will play nurse role and help him however he needs.

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 41/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 4:41:26 PM

"Good thing Ashira.....lets regroup by the temple"
The 10'ft dwarf starts towards the temple walking but breaks into a run(full rd action,run x4) at Mykael's call for help [b]"on my way"[b]

Arriving at Mykael's side Nezamil kneels down next to the shiveled person and assess's the mans condition "not sure what i can do ....he doesn't look wounded in anyway i can see .

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Wednesday February 7th, 2007 5:02:18 PM

Rigging is startled by the quick end of the battle. "Swirl, Keep your distance to that flying monster but let me know where he is going and if it looks like he is going to come back! Do not engage it!"

Swirl takes off after the creature staying well away and much higher than the creature.

Rigging starts to move towards the temple at a sprint. When he gets to the base, he will start climbing.

"Let's help these poor souls and then we will explore the inside and see if we can shut it down."

Troglodyte Ari hp 8/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:00:33 PM

A little exhausted by everything, Ari continues leaning against the tree. Ari watches as the freed people cycle out of the cage. Making sure that everything is okay and at least not panicky.

DM Kent 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:42:06 PM

Swirl follows for a bit and then stops to watch as the large Yuanaga seems to be leisurly making its way toward the area that is under all the heavy smoke, and reports such back to Rigging.

Apollo looks back over at the remains of the burning fence and score of dead humans and then heads to the pyramid to help out where he can.

Mykael tries to make the fellow comfrtable and calls for Nez. While Bart sesm to think Mykael is about to single handedly bring down the Pyramid.

Nez makes his assesment and knows that only rest or restoration type spells will be the only help to the weakened man, as well as Cosmo's and Ari's poison problems.

Ari leans back against the tree and steady's himself taking in the fact that they seem to have managed to come out of yet another combat all alive.

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 28/63; Str 4) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2007 11:54:11 PM

Cosmo is glad to be back in the protection of the group.

"Hey Nez, I could use a healing spell or two."

u]Active Spells:[/u]
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes
SM V 9/10 rounds

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door * & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 57/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI  d8+10=16
Thursday February 8th, 2007 6:53:14 PM

Kneeling over the weakened man " you need rest.....unfortunutly i do not have the proper healing magics at the ready ....but i will in the morning.....that i promise you!"

" somebody should search the temple to make sure its safe"

As the Wildcards gather together (Nezamil will wait till they are together)With a ouch to his anvil holy symbol "Domi heal these couragous souls "(spontanously casting 'cure light mass')(in place of flame strike 5th lvl(d8+10=16 HP's cure to all in the group)(10 targets will include weakened humans)

" more of that to follow "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

(16 hp's cured to all in the group that gather together by Nezamil)

Thursday February 8th, 2007 7:20:02 PM

Rigging will look to Ashira and make sure that she is alright and then check on everyone else. "Swirl is reporting that that flying thing is still moving away. I want everyone off this pyramid. We need to all go in and check it to make sure the enemy is gone and then disable it as well."

Rigging will aid in carrying down the injured man once Nezamil is finsshed with him.

"Appolo, you will have pyramid destructuion duty. I suggest you take off all your magic for it but wait until we check it out as a team."

Appolo Ac 23 Np 68 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 8:06:12 PM

Appolo looks around"Ok let's make this quick.Once we reach the map room everyone else leave.Some one needs to carry my gear for me as well."Appolo then strips out of his armour and anything magical."This going to be all about speed."

Ashira (AC26, HP 70/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Prayer, Enlarge Person 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:18:55 PM

Ashira is disgusted by the state of the person on the pyramid and steers clear as he is tended to. When talk turns to distruction of the pyramid, Ashira chimes in. "Couldn't we at least try to use some unseen servants to do the job? Even if we failed a couple of times, it would be a lot safer than one of us trying to move the crystal."

John (AC19 HP35/35) Invisible, Barkskin +2, Shield of Faith +2, Delay Poison, NPC Nellie  2d8(2+6)+5=13
Thursday February 8th, 2007 10:19:59 PM

Continuing his roll as medic, John taps Nezamil once more with his wand.

13 hp to Nezamil.

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 11:09:30 PM

"We should try and save the crystal. I am not sure how, but would be nice. If its in our possession, then they cant use the pyramid anymore. Who knows, perhaps we may wish to use it in the future," Mykael comments to the group.

Mykael stops anyone that trys to move the man.

"He is too weak, we have to becareful about moving him. Someone needs to go down the to fence and use parts of it to make a stretcher to carry him on. I can do it, and I can watch the outside, while the rest of you check out the pyramid," Mykael states as he carefully feeds the man some water, if he is conscious, and wipes down the mans head to cool him.


Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

DM Kent 
Thursday February 8th, 2007 11:21:30 PM

Cosmo rejoins the group.

Rigging makes sure everyone nearby seems to be basically still in one piece.

The patient is checked out and Mykael offers to go and make a stretcher for use in moving him, after suggesting that they try and not destroy the main map crystal.

Nez does some spontaneous healing.

John in turn heals a nit of Nez's wounds.

Apollo makes plans like he is planning oin sacrificing himself.

Ashira askes about using unseen servants.

The day approaching mid afternoon and the sun is getting hot but everything has a slighty dusty and fuzzy look about it. There has been no sounds heard from the pyramid, though Cosmo is pretty sure there was at least one YT left on top after the big glow and the loss of the Apes.

Ari is still relaxing over near the trees.

Friday February 9th, 2007 1:21:41 AM

Well Appollo if you want to risk your life i will cary your things but maybe there is an easier way to destroy the crystal then brute force. MAybe we could propel a brach or something from a safer distance

Troglodyte Ari hp 8/72 AC 27 (Hasted, Alter Self, Shield) 
Friday February 9th, 2007 7:31:04 AM

With everyone over at the temple, Ari feels a little exposed. So he works his way over with the rest of the group. While he walks he thinks about all the death and destruction. What was this all for?

Once at the top of the pyramid Ari will catch up with what the group has found and discussed.

Friday February 9th, 2007 3:24:44 PM

Cosmo feels a lot better after the cure spell washes over him. He is still injured, but he still has a fair amount of his spell capacity left.

"What should we do next? We need to be a little bit more organized if we go inside the pyramid. Maybe only a few go in without a lot of magic. Do we want to try and find out where the snake thing went?"

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI  d8+10=17
Friday February 9th, 2007 3:34:57 PM

Still towering over those standing nearby as he kneels down " i agree with Mykael ......disabling the temple's teleport device is better then destroying it....unless of course we have no choice in the matter.....ya never know if we could use it ourselves ....not to mention the maps the stones have on them could be heplful in some manner"

"well looks like the Yuanti have fled....there might be some still left sneaking around on the island but we should be ok for the time being.....i say we rest here for the night and discuss what we're gonna do next on the island ....i personally think the island has great potentional as a base.....it certainly has an abundance of resources "

The 10'ft dwarf quiets down to let others talk but he again heals the group nearby (spontanously cast cure light mass in place of wall of stone(d8+10=17 cured to all )

putting alarge hand on John's shoulder "thank you my friend.... you are handy to have around...glad your with us "

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone*(SR22*)

spells cast *

(16 hp's cured to all in the group that gather together by Nezamil)

(17 hp's cured to all in the group that gather nearby Nezamil)

(thats 33 total !!)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Friday February 9th, 2007 5:45:30 PM

Val hooks her flail onto her belt and draws her bow once more. She stays close to the group but keeps an eye out for lingering yuan-ti.

ooc: sorry about my absence. I've been busy with work and I got a new desktop a couple days ago which required a few trips to the store for the correct video card.

Friday February 9th, 2007 7:44:41 PM

Appolo looks around"Look I'm just going to do a snatch and rab.I need some one to clear the hall of that slime.I'm removing magicical gear becuase it reacts badly with those stones.Anothe r the last time we did this we snathed the stone while the machine was being activated and the Yaunti were in mid teleportation.Hopefully that won't happrn this time.Oh and remember the rumbling,the smoke and our strange friend blue.This Island could be ready to explode and that is why the snakes are leaving."

Friday February 9th, 2007 10:14:16 PM

Rigging looks at Appolo and says, "OK go do a recon but be careful. Use your invisiblity ring and look out for oozes. Doubt there are any since this temple was getting used more.

Ashira (AC26, HP 87/112) Woodland Stride, Endure Elements, Resist Energy (Acid), Barkskin +2, Delay Poison, Prayer, Enlarge Person 
Friday February 9th, 2007 11:02:46 PM

The ranger shrugs. "Fine, but I still think the unseen servants are worth a shot."

Saturday February 10th, 2007 5:21:04 AM

Go with Domis help Apollo

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59  d20+5=18 d20+5=8
Saturday February 10th, 2007 2:04:49 PM

Mykael moves down the pyramid to the fence. He uses whatever material he can find scavenging from the fence to make a stretcher. He has rope he can lash things together with, and will use extra clothing he has as padding.

Engineering = 18
Rope Use = 8

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

"We need to finish here with the pyramid, however we do it, quickly. Then try and catch up with the slaves we freed. There could still be yuanti out there and/or traps. And I would rather be back at the ship, than here."

Saturday February 10th, 2007 2:58:15 PM

I think Unseen servant would work to but I don't have the spell ready. Does anyone? I know I don't want to sleep here and try to get it in the morning."

Cosmo (2nd post) 
Saturday February 10th, 2007 4:59:49 PM

"I have a Wand of Unseen Servant that has full charges. Remember last time I sent in summoned animals and they did not come back."

Sunday February 11th, 2007 11:30:39 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging"You know I am probably going to need alittle help.Who really knows what's in there.I'll go in and havea look around,though if some one could hurl a fireball down the tunnel it would be nice.Oh and remember we still have that fly monster out there."With that said Appolo heads down to the entrance and waits.

Sunday February 11th, 2007 2:00:25 PM

if you want i will go in with you Apollo but let me get another sword first

DM Kent 
Sunday February 11th, 2007 9:38:49 PM

Apollo gears down and gets ready to go with a snatch and grab plan of sorts, and then startts getting a small case of cold feet and begins to think he might need some help after all.

Mykael begins making his litter to caary the noe freed prisoner, but while down by the slave pen nearly gets ill several times from the charnel house smell beginning to inundate the area.

Bart volunteers to go with Apollo

Ashira is still promoting the unseen servant option and rigging thinks about it, but doesn't have the spell.

Cosmo reminds everyone of his wand and reminds them what happened the last time summoned animals were sent on such a trip.

Troglodyte Ari hp 8/72 (-3 Str) 
Monday February 12th, 2007 7:28:38 AM

"I think we should disable everything first. We want to stop them cold in their tracks.

Once we have time to see whether we can use the stuff will come later. If we leave it active, we'll have to put guards on it and since our guard pool disappeared' pointing his thumb towards the charnel house, " I would think this might stretch us thin for the time being."

Watching Appollo get ready Ari comments, "Can we afford to get separated?" and asking no one in general "Do we assume that all pyramids and magic are the same?"

Ashira (AC26, HP 87/112)  d20+12=21 d20+11=28
Monday February 12th, 2007 9:50:05 AM

Ashira sets up a guard as Appolo and Bart ready themselves to enter the temple. Wouldn't want to be ambushed... (Spot=21, Listen=28)

Appolo Ac 15 Hp 68  d20+14=21 d20+13=29 d20+10=24 d20+9=15 d20+8=10
Monday February 12th, 2007 12:13:28 PM

Appolo tells Bart to stay at entrance.He enters with his nonmagigical equipment.Moving silently and quickly while sticking to the shadows.He lights a torch,then hurls it as far as he can down the hall.Readying his bow he creeps forward watching and listening.

Hide 21 Move Silently 29 Spot 24 Search 15 Listen 10

attendence report 
Monday February 12th, 2007 2:01:05 PM

Dm Kent xxxxo
Ashira xoxxo
Appolo oxxxo
Rigging oxxxo
Val xooxo
Bart xxoxo
Nezamil xxxxo
Mykael xxxxo
Cosmo xxoxo
Ari xxxxo

we can do better then this !!! only 77% posting for the group !! not counting fridays missed post by Kent!!

Kent we need 5 !! posts a week !!! please !!! thats 2 out of last 3 weeks you only did 4 posts !!

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI 
Monday February 12th, 2007 2:17:27 PM

Feeling healthy again the 10'ft dwarf moves the weakened people off to the side and away from the entrance of the temple " just moving ya to a safer spot"

with a nod to Ashira " i'll stay outside and cover your backs if ya hafta dash inside .....tough for me to move around in that tunnel"

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone*(SR22*)

spells cast *

(16 hp's cured to all in the group that gather together by Nezamil)

(17 hp's cured to all in the group that gather nearby Nezamil)

(thats 33 total !!)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 61/63; Str 4) 
Monday February 12th, 2007 3:58:15 PM

Cosmo feels almost full health after the second cure by Nezamil. The big dwarf is a good guy to have on your side!

"I think I will stay outside and guard. These pyramids are not conducive to arcane spellcasters, such as myself."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door * & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Monday February 12th, 2007 4:57:32 PM

Rigging comes down and says, "Cosmo you can try your wand if you wish but I think spells fail quickly in the tunnels. Still it might be worth the effort.

Appolo, I doubt there is any real monsters in this pyramid since it was getting so much traffic but you never know. If you see anything, come back and report and we will come up with a plan to defeat it.

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Monday February 12th, 2007 5:03:24 PM

"Just remember that disabling stuff is how we nearly died the last time. Sometimes its best to just let stuff be."

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59  d20+5=24 d20+5=9
Monday February 12th, 2007 6:01:15 PM

Mykael gathers the materials he needs and moves away from the stench in the pens.

He sets to work again, on the carrier. Only stopping to get more materials, if needed.

Engineering = 24
Rope Use = 9

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

DM Kent  d100=30
Monday February 12th, 2007 7:45:25 PM

Still feeling a bit wobbly and not looking so hot Ari Questions the wisdom of splitting the group as Apollo gets ready for his Pyramid sojourn.

Asira gets up and begins to keep a look out watching for any possible mischief.

Nez continues to heal his group.

Cosmo joins Ashira on watch.

Val sets out her warning.

Mykael gets enough materials for his litter and moves back toward the Pyramid and away from the smell of Pittsburgh style humans.

Rigging chats with Cosmo and Apolo.

Apollo sends a torch tumbling into the pyramid and as it lands he hears the tell tale sound of a spring-loaded dart trap go off up ahead of him as he moves in.

As he moves inward he notices that these walls too are covered with pictograms and glyphs depicting life in the YT society. They seems to get more graphic and dark as they move inward showing more sacrifices and blood ceremonies the further he goes in. After the first trap he triggered, Apollo slows down a bit and easily finds another 20-30 feet further inward just at the end of the area lit by the torch. As he looks up he does not see anything blue that might suggest more of that blue slime, but this pyramid is quite a bit larger than the last one and it is quite a bit higher as well leaving a very dark unviewable area reaching far above Apollo's head.

Apollo believes he has about 20 more feet to the Inner Chamber when he hears the unmistakeable hiss of some sort of snakelike creature from up ahead.

Ashira (AC26, HP 87/112)  d20+12=14 d20+11=19
Monday February 12th, 2007 10:12:32 PM

Ashira continues her watch, mindful of how long Appolo has been in the temple. (Spot=14, Listen=19) She nods at Nezamil. "Thanks, Nezamil. I don't want to go in if I don't have to, but then again, I'd hate to lose my little brother in there...Ashira shuffles from foot to foot uncomfortable with the way the situation is playing out.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI  d20+8=18
Monday February 12th, 2007 11:45:11 PM

From his position high up on the temple Nezamil looks(d20+8=18 spot ch) over at the slave pen and tries to determine the extent of the damage "wonder how Romeo is fareing? "

The 10'ft dwarf stays alert watching the jungle for signs of activity

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone*(SR22*)

spells cast *

(16 hp's cured to all in the group that gather together by Nezamil)

(17 hp's cured to all in the group that gather nearby Nezamil)

(thats 33 total !!)

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Bart  d20=19
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 1:17:13 AM

Bart waits at the entrance of the pyramid ready to rush in when he hears something

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 7:30:24 AM

Seeing that there are no other ideas, Ari puts on his patience cap and waits for the next thing to happen.

(ooc I missed the 17 hp once Ari arrived. By Kent's post he did not get the 16 hp's previous to that.)

Cosmo  d20+3=21 d20+3=12
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 12:52:12 PM

Cosmo hangs tight with Ashira, keeping his eyes and ears peeled.

Spot 21

Lsiten 12

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 1:58:25 PM

Val waits outside the pyramid, her bow strung and ready to fire.

"This last battle was too easy. Something else has to happen."

Rigging ac19 54/74  2d8(8+3)+3=14
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 4:13:35 PM

Rigging waits for Appolo's report decides to take advantage of the time to quaff down a healing potion restoring 14 points of damage.

"Make ready to get in there in support. I am hoping they all left but you never know."

mage armor first hour of 11

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Appolo Ac 15 Hp 68  d20+13=24 d20+14=29 d20+10=17 d20+9=19 d20+8=21
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 7:27:55 PM

Appolo hears the his and creaps silently forward keeping his eyes and ears open.

Hide 24 Move Silent 29 Spot 17,Search 19,Listen 21

DM kent 
Tuesday February 13th, 2007 9:27:58 PM

Things outside go on as before.

Nez figures that about 55 of the 165 prisoners were caught by the fireball and probably another 6 or so were pummeled by the tentacles.

Apollo moves forward to the opening of the chamber and sees two YT and two humans trying to do something near where the large crystal if floating and glowing.

Wednesday February 14th, 2007 1:24:58 AM

Hmm i dont hear anything whispers bart do you Val?

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:04:42 AM

Val waits patiently for a sign. Either from inside of the temple or outside.

"Nope. Which means that something is about to blow up. Probably Appolo."

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 9:28:14 AM

Pulling out the gem that Blue had given him, Ari takes some time to examine it further.

Appolo Ac15 Hp 68  d20+14=20 d20+14=17 d20+14=34
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 10:30:25 AM

Appolo seeing the crystal Appolo pulls out his bow and fire it quickly three times at the Crystal hoping to cause it to fall and break.He doesn't even wait to see the result as he turrns a runs as fast as he can back to the others.He is careful to avid the dart raps.

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 10:31:35 AM

Forgot this Attack 20 17 34 natural 20

Cosmo  d20+3=17 d20+3=18
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 10:49:21 AM

Cosmo takes to the air and looks around the compound.

Spot 17

He also flies over to the prisoners and sees if he can spot Romeo and to see how many are injured and alive from the fireball.

Spot 18

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 1:12:29 PM

Waiting outside Nezamil waits patiently tilll Appolo burts back out of the tunnel

" what's a matter ?.....what are you running from ??"

"get back in there and disable that thing !!!!" roars Nezamil " we need it disabled !!"

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Rigging ac 19 hps 54/74 
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 6:52:49 PM

Rigging sees Appolo burst out of the tunnel and prepares himself for the worse readying the spell lightning bolt to cast at anything chasing the rogue.

"What did you see! Report!"

DM kent  d20+10=16
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 7:37:46 PM

Apollo fires and runs not waiting to try and see what the two Yt were doing.

Cosmo takes to the air to try and see if there is any sight of Romeo and the prisoners he was escorting back to the ship.

Aritrog takes out the gem and after looking at it for about two seconds drops it to the ground with a scream of pain as it suddenly gets so hot it takes a layer of skin off of both of his hands.

Several things happen nearly simultaneously.

1) Apollo comes streaking out of the temple past Bart as fast as he can humanly run.

2) The entire area for 30 feet around the temple suddenly glows with a flash that nearly blinds all within 35 feet of the Pyramid.

3) there is a very large rumble/boom and the entire area shakes.

I need Bart, Rigging, John, Apollo, Val and Nez to make Dispell magic for any exposed non permanent magic items or items with less than a +2 (scrolls, wands, rods, staves, potions, etc.) DC 13 (divine items dont need to save)

Nez I need you to make saves for all "Magical" items (divine magic don't need to save)DC 15

When everyone gets settled once again and is able to see, Rigging does a verbal roll call and when Nez's name is called silence is the only answer.

(Email coming Chris)

Rigging saves  d20=20 d20=5 d20=4 d20=2 d20=6 d20=4 d20=10 d20=20 d20=14 d20=12 d20=15 d20=18 d20=15 d20=7 d20=11 d20=17 d20=7 d20=14
Wednesday February 14th, 2007 11:23:28 PM

Saves will post again later

+1 short sword of spell storing (shocking grasp) N/A
+1 holy dagger N/A
+2 bracers of armor (present from Ashira)N/A
+1 ring of protection (present from Ashira, wedding band)saved rolls 20

3 cure moderate (2 from lotto) failed 5,4 2 Divine magic so it didn't need to save


Wand of detect magic: 37 charges failed rolled 6
Wand of fireballs (6th level) 9 charges failed rolled 4
Wand of hold person 24 charges failed rolled 10
Wand of Light (made) 48 charges Saved rolled 20
Wand of enlarge person (made) 46 charges Saved rolled 14

Misc. magic:
Cloth of cleaning (magically polishes items and cleans messes) with caster level of +1 saved rolled 12
Slippers of spider climbing saved rolled 15
Ring of blinking * saved rolled 18
Ring of linked invisibility (has a mate and only one ring can be used at a time)* saved rolled 15
Belt of sustenance (just like ring)failed rolled 7 +5 caster level fails
Quails feather token (anchor)rolled 7 +12 caster level = 19 saved
Hand of Glory (Ring of protection. Worn inside clothing)Save rolled 17

Spellbooks made one save, had to use a hero point but saved

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59  d20+7=24
Thursday February 15th, 2007 1:03:12 AM

"Wow! Everyone ok? Nez...?"

Spot = 24 (making sure everyone is ok, and looking for the noted missing Nezamil)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Thursday February 15th, 2007 7:37:22 AM

The only thing that registers with Ari is the pain in his hands. When Rigging ask for a report Ari sounds off, and add "Whatever Appollo did, the gem that Blue found registered what happened. It lit up in my hands and I may not be holding stuff for a little bit"

ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow

Thursday February 15th, 2007 9:13:15 AM

OOC: Saves for John to come later.

Ashira growls as she notices the disappearance of Nezamil. "Ok, that's it. We've got to figure out where they got off to and go after them." she states hotly.

Bart  d20=15 d20=3 d20=10 d20=13 d20=8
Thursday February 15th, 2007 11:37:42 AM

potion of endurance save
potion cure light fail
1 potion of cure moderate fail
potion of bull strength save
Goblin Seal of the Biting Sand Fly: fail

Wo a big bang lets move awy from the pyramid what did you do appolo

Cosmo  d20+3=13
Thursday February 15th, 2007 1:32:18 PM

The flash of light interrupts Cosmo's search for Romeo. He looks back towards the group and the pyrmid and notices the big dwarf missing (spot 13). Cosmo wonders if he went inside the structure. He continues to look for Romeo.

OOC - not leaving the area, just looking for Romeo by the pens.

Thursday February 15th, 2007 7:19:07 PM

Rigging feels the wave of magic wash over him and sighs, "Guess we weren't far enough away. Let's get in there and see what is happening."

Rigging looks around and asks, "Where is Nezamil? Did anyone see what happened to him. Let's check out the pyramid and see if he is in there.

Bart and Ashira up front and Val in the back. Lets go people!"

Thursday February 15th, 2007 7:34:51 PM

Appolo comes out out the tunnel fast and hits the ground rolling to the side.He stands up"Has some trouble in there ran into some snakes.Took care of them though.Dropped the crystal,had to make dast exit.No use going inside not much left in there.It's been disabled to say the least.."He looks around"Hey where Nezamil at?"

DM kent 
Thursday February 15th, 2007 8:32:54 PM

The search of the area finds no sign of Nez at all.

His patient for some reason though is still atop the pyramid.

Apollo can make a navigation check to see if he could understand what he saw the YT doing before he shot and ran.


Highlight to display spoiler: {As Nez looks around, grabs his crossbow and then realizes what he sees is a prety goo distance away still. (chris, I think you forgot to include you the caster levels of your magic items in regards to your saves.)}

Ashira (AC26, HP 87/112)  d20+12=23 d20+11=21
Thursday February 15th, 2007 10:22:26 PM

Readying her equipment, Ashira nods. "Let's make sure the temple's out of order before we give up on that avenue." Ashira heads into the temple, checking for any signs of danger. (Spot=23, Listen=21)

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Friday February 16th, 2007 7:33:16 AM

Feeling his hands start to crust up from the fresh burns he just received. "If we want to examine this crystal I suggest we find something that cannot be burned to carry it in.

Does anyone have some light healing for my hands. I'm not going to be much good to anything if I cannot flex my hands, or hold anything in them?"

Friday February 16th, 2007 9:07:00 AM

Cosmo quickly flies back towards the pyramid hen he sees all the activity/running around that the wild cards are doing.

"What is going on? Where is Nezamil?"

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr)  d20=19 d20=20 d20=3 d20=2 d20=12 d20=13 d20=7 d20=19
Friday February 16th, 2007 9:55:44 AM

Val stands there and tries to get her wits about her as the effect from the magical flash fades.

Heavy Flail +1 (Saved)
Elven Chain +2 (N/A)
Ring of Water Walking (Saved)
Potion of CLW (Failed)
Potion of CSW (Failed)
Potion of Barkskin +2 (Failed)
Ring of Partner Invisibility (Saved)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (Failed)
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (N/A)
Mighty (Str+3) Composite Longbow of Alemi +1 Distance (N/A)
Quiver of Ehlonna (Saved)

OOC: I was not able to post yesterday morning when I got home from work. Also I'm noticing a pattern here. We loose magical items a lot faster than we gain them (or gold).

Friday February 16th, 2007 10:29:20 AM

Appolo gathers his stuff.Puts his gear back on."Believe me that thing is destroyed."
He the follows Ashira inside as she is insistant upon vhacking things out.

Mykael -- AC: 27, HP: 59/59  d20+1=3 d20+7=11 d20+12=17 d20+10=14 d20+6=7
Friday February 16th, 2007 8:03:15 PM

"I will stay outside with the injured. And try and look for Nez. Becareful."

Mykael takes his newly constructed stretcher to the top of the pyramid and checks on the injured man.

Healing roll = 3 (at least it wasnt a 1)

Once he has checked on the man and calmed him if needed, Mykael moves back down the pyramid.

He looks over the area where he last saw Nezamil for any signs of him, equipment, or clues.

Spot = 11
Spellcraft = 17
Know. Arcana = 14
Know. Planes = 7 (nat 1)

(Dice roller hates me! lol)

Memorized Spells:
0 lvl: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblementx3, MM
2 lvl: Webx4*
3 lvl: Lightning Boltx2**, Haste*

DM kent 
Friday February 16th, 2007 9:13:26 PM

(ooc: ladies and gentlemen, I do not see where you included the magic items caster level in any of your saves. Example say for instance you had a ring of xray vision. It is a caster level 6 ring so would add +6 to its save. if it was a Qual's feather token, it is a caster level 12, so it would get a +12 for its save. You will find the caster levels listed at the end of the item description in the DMG. If you do not have a DMG ask me what you want to know and I will give you the info you need. So check your rolls see if any thing changes and then make the necessary corrections.

Apollo - I need your navigation roll asked for in last post(map reading) before I can post, so I am holding of a post until Saturday 10 AM, unless it is posted tonight. At which time if nt posted I will roll for your PC and let the chips lay where they fall.)

Appolo  d20+4=11
Saturday February 17th, 2007 12:04:35 AM

Navigation Roll 11 {Sorry about missing that Forgot.}

Saturday February 17th, 2007 6:47:22 AM

Hmm where is Nez? Dont say he is minimized! Hmmm that gives me in idea for the next time! lets Nez do the trick maybe he will be at normal length again! But first we have to find him

DM Kent 
Saturday February 17th, 2007 9:00:22 AM

Because of his previous study of the map from the other pyramid, Apollo is 85% sure that the map was being keyed for the largest of the YT compounds on the map, which Romeo had said was the mining compound, when he sent his arrows flying at the diamond.

Ashira heads inside to see what is what and when she gets to the center chamber finds only a few bloody scraps of the four that Apolo said were here. There are quarter sized pices of diamond embedded within the walls and floors from the explosion and the map above is basically trashed. Where the diamond for the mining compoud was there is a small crater and NO sign of any diamond. The other three large diamonds are intact and could be salvaged.

Mykael goes and checks on his patient and gets the litter ready for him when he notices that the man has much better color than before and his eyes are open and looking at him curiously.

Cosmo saw what was obviously a trail left by a number of people lkeaving and gets the impression that Romeo got away with the prisoners safely.

Highlight to display spoiler: { Nez takes a quick peek around the pyramid that he is on and the compound in general and is pretty sure that it is deserted although as large as it is, it is hard to know for sure. As for the approaching beast, Nez realizes that with all the firey magic that it used, it might indeed be heading back to its home in or near the volccanoes. }

Mykael  d20+7=8 d20+7=15
Sunday February 18th, 2007 10:21:21 PM

"You are looking better," Mykael comments to the injured man. "Just lie there resting while my friends and I finish up with a few things. Then we can get going back to our ship, where you will be safe."

"Do you feel strong enough to talk yet? I am Mykael. Are you a friend of Romeo?"

Mykael is busy tending to the man, and doesnt notice anything around him. Hope Ghem is watching.

Spot Checks
Mykael = 8 (nat 1)
Ghem = 15

Monday February 19th, 2007 3:21:32 AM

Bart also gets back into the temple, he hopes to see any sign of Nez, and maybe there is some loot too

Monday February 19th, 2007 10:12:34 AM

Appolo follows Ashira in and looks around "I told ya.Wipe out."He then moves forward grabbing up the three remaining diamonds and poitns to the crater"See I net that's where Nezanil went.To the mines."He then pulls out his map and studies it comparing the two."Yep since they were activating it I am quite sure that's where he got sent.The mines.We best get a move on.He could be ins erious trouble."

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str)  d2=2 d20+12=30
Monday February 19th, 2007 12:12:16 PM

(die roll accidental)
Ari decides to look around the local area to see if there are any natural remedies to help with burns (Knowledge Nature=30)

Monday February 19th, 2007 1:17:30 PM

Ashira looks over at Appolo in frustration. "Please promise me that one day you won't destroy everthing you lay eyes on."

Leaving the temple, she heads over to Rigging. "Appolo destroyed the temple, but he's almost positive that Nezamil's been teleported over to the mines. Let's go and quick! I don't want Nezamil out there all alone." Her eyes hardened, Ashira does not leave Rigging any choice in the matter.

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Monday February 19th, 2007 5:36:27 PM

"How did he get teleported to the mines?" Val asked as she switched her bow for her flail, which luckily survived the magical wave.

Monday February 19th, 2007 6:28:04 PM

Following Ashira out side"Now you know big sister I can't make that promise."

DM kent  d100=52 d100=57 d100=31 d100=8 d100=38 d100=84 d100=27 d100=62 d100=99 d100=65 d100=1 d100=64 d100=26 d100=74 d100=11 d100=57 d100=44 d100=22 d100=55 d100=23
Monday February 19th, 2007 9:03:20 PM

Ashira and Apollo take a look back around inside the pyramid (Apollo is pretty sure the three diamonds are worth about 5000 gp each?) and where apollo said the four were there is a small floor panel slightly shifted to one side that was obviously either open or being opened prior to Apollo's actions. Inside they find what appears to have been quite a stash of wands. A closer look shows that they are all but one burnt out and powerless, however there is one in the exact middle of the bound wands that seems to have been spared most or possible all of the power suck that occured here.

Bart joins the party inside and watches as Apollo removes the large diamond. He also sees quite a few chunks (about 15) of diamonds that would be worth 100-200 gps lying around on the floor.

Outside Ari fuming a bit from still being injured and now having blistered hands looks around and is preety sure he sees several Aloe plants near the fringe of the woods.

Mykael looks down at his patient and begins to question him a bit. He definitely reacts to Romeo's name and then manages to croak out "Wa-aaa-tttt-eerr!

Highlight to display spoiler: {Nez is truly impressed by the size of this pyramid. It is nearly twice the size of the last two he has seen and been on or in. Where as the other two were roughly 50 foot square at the base and were about 40 feet tall this one has about an 80 foot square base and is nearly 100 feet high. This pyramid actually has two enrty openings on each side as opposed to one and the space on top looks like it was built to hold 8-10 people as a power source. The alter like box is also quite a bit larger.}

Monday February 19th, 2007 10:56:24 PM

Pulling his waterskin from his pack, Mykael gently splashs some water on the man's lips first, then helps the man drink.

"Careful, not too fast. Take it easy. I have some food also, but not sure you are up to that yet."

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 6:20:59 AM

Rigging watches the looting of the gems and will pick up anything of value he sees if the others do not. He seems distracted though from his normal money grubbing ways with the loss of Nezamil. He calls out to Cosmo, "Cosmo, fly over to Romeo and have him come back with a few of the freed slaves to pick up his injured friend. They will need to get him back to the ship so we can move forward and try and find Nezamil."

He will look to the others and say, "While we are waiting for Cosmo to come back, lets take a quick look around the village for other surviviors. Mykael, you stay with your patient but I don't want anyone checking things alone. Pairs of 2 at least in case we run into any surprises. Teams will be Bart and Ari, Ashira and myself, Val and Appolo. Lets do it quickly, because we need to get to Nezamil but I would hate to leave a survivior behind to this vicious snakes.

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:25:27 AM

Ari collects as much of the Aloe as he can, not knowing how much he may need. His first application is very generous and is done very gingerly.

Once he has the Aloe on his hands he'll flex his hands a little and see whether he'll be able to cast spells. He'll hold off trying to hold his weapons for as long as he can.

When Rigging gives the order, Ari will combine up with Bart to see what they can find.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 8:02:32 AM

Bart picks up the diamond shrapnels, always good to make diamond dust from, i think some wizzards use it in a spell

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 9:47:00 AM

"Quick and thorough coming up." Val says and sprints off toward one end of the village. She has a feeling that any survivors fled into the jungle or would be hiding from them.

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 12:52:31 PM

"Rigging, I did not see Romeo when I flew over there a short while ago. I will try to find him in the forest with the ex-prisoners."

Cosmo flies back over to where the prisoners escapes and tries to find Romeo and/or someone willing to come back and get the injured man.

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 2:06:52 PM

The big dwarf keeps tabs on the big flying snake to make sure it doesn't pose a threat .....then Nezamil explores the temple and the teleportation device to see if he can figure out how ity works .

Nezamil checks out if thi teleport device also has a stone map with co-ordinates for travel

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone*(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

(caster level of magic items ??)

attendence report 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 3:03:22 PM

Dm Kent xxxxxx
Ashira xxoxxx
Appolo xxxxxx
Rigging xxxxoo
Val xxxoxx
Bart oxxxox
Nezamil xxxxxo
Mykael xooxxx
Cosmo xxxxxo
Ari xxxxxx

excellant work !! we got 6 posts in this week !!!
i counted the late sun(feb 11th) post as mon post

Appolo  d20+10=30 d20+9=29 d20+8=18
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:15:32 PM

Appolo sprints off with Valanthe to have alook around.he is quiet sure they are alone,but you never know.He keeps his eyes and ears open.

Spot 30 Search 29 Listen 18

DM Kent 
Tuesday February 20th, 2007 7:52:06 PM

Mykael gives his patient some water who then manages to express his thanks, and then asks. "So Romeo is still alive? Then perhaps my sacrifice wasn't in vain." He then stops, listening a moment and then takes a good look at Mykael. "Who are you all?"

Rigging watches and then gives out some orders for a quick search, contact Romeo and prepare to move out.

While Cosmo didn't see Romeo and the others from above the trees, it was very clear which way they went and their path shouldn't be too hard to follow, so sets off to catch up to romeo and bring him back. After flying as quickly as was safe, Cosmo catches up to the rear trailers after about 20 minutes and is soon dropping down to talk with Romeo.

Romeo delegates the leadership of the group to one of the female humans and sends them on their way to the Sword. Then he and four others return to the compound to pick up his friend. Cosmo heads back to the compound ahead of them arriving about the same time the search groups complete their searches.

Val and Apollo, Ashira and Rigging and Bart and Ari set out in the other three directions around the camp huts and the outskirts of the forested edges and after about a 45 minute search truly decide there is noone else around here.

Highlight to display spoiler: {Nez takes a look in the direction of his flying friend and estimates that the beast won't be here for another 10-15 minutes or so, if his destination is the mine compound, and heads downward and inward to explore this much larger structure. Entering through one of the openings, Nez finds that this time there is another difference from the other pyramids. The walls in this one are not covered with YT scenes and history but rather are covered with graphic details of other snage like beings indcluding the flying beast that is nearing the mines. In addition, the passages are separated and apparently each lead to a different room as Nez never encounters another path ot opening along his chosen route. After winding about for a bit the path empties into a samller room with a single door that Nez guesses leads into the center chamber. In this room there is a large central woven rug and three, two foot tall covered, potbellied, woven, reed baskets. }

Tuesday February 20th, 2007 10:31:58 PM

Ashira looks over impatiently at Rigging. "Now can we go to the mines to find Nezamil?"

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 11:40:05 AM

"Rigging, I was able to get in contact with Romeo. He is coming back with some people to get the injured man and take him back to the sword."

Cosmo checks his gear, getting ready track down Nezamil.

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 1:29:10 PM

Appolo arrives back at Rigging and looks over at Ari"Art my friend.You go back with Cosmo,Thomas the Firstmate might be able to heal you somewhat.Ifwe have to fight you won't last long.Ok let's go gods only know what kind o trouble Nezamil is in."

Troglodyte Ari hp 25/72 (-3 Str) 
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 4:37:33 PM

Ari continues to massage the Aloe through his hands as Bart and him look through the compound.

"We'll have to see what Rigging decides. But I have been wondering how helpful I can be if I cannot do much with my hands."

Nezamil Ac 23 Hp 81/81 EE,MV,Prayer,Mwg,Sr22,Sof,SI 
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 5:55:37 PM

The big dwarf stops and looks about the small room and looks down to inspect the woven rug.....slowly he takes out a wand and activates it (wand of detect magic)scanning the room and the baskets [i] " hmm wonder whats in those baskets ....snakes?.....lets see what the wand detects " thinks Nezamil

Spell list
Zero- Create water,Detect poison,Light,Mending,Read magic x2
1st-Endure elements x4****,Remove fear,Sof*(Enlarge*)
2nd-Aid x2**,Darkness ,Re x2**(Bull str)
3rd-Deeper darkness*,Pro-f-energy*,Searing light,Windwall*(MV*)
4th-Neutralize poison*,MWG*,Dissmissal *(Spell immunity*)
5th-Flame strike*,CLW/mass*,Wall of stone*(SR22*)

spells cast *

Endure elements 24 hr
Magic vestments 1 hr level (10 hrs)(+2 ac)
Resist energy 10 min lvl (100 mins) lvl (Ashira-Acid)(Bart-Fire)
Deeper darkness (one day a lvl)(10 days)(Mykael)
Aid 1 min lvl (10 mins)(Mykael)
Aid ( on John-d8+10=16 temp Hp's)
Prayer 1 rd lvl (10/10)(on Nezamil's group)(+1 attack,damage,skill,saves)
Magic weapon greater (on mace)(+2)(1 hr lvl)(10 hrs)
Spell resistance 22(1 min lvl)(10 mins)
Shield of faith (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(+3 ac)
Enlarge (1 min lvl)(10 mins)(om ashira)
Spell immunity (baleful polymorph,flamestrike)

(Nezamil has Spell resistance 22)

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 5:56:34 PM

"Yes, Romeo is alive. He has been harrassing the snakes. Trying to get you back."

"I am Mykael. Our group is called the Wildcards. We were searching the area, and our ship was damaged. We had to set here for repairs. We figured out what the Yuan Ti are doing and are putting them out of business and rescuing all who we can."

"The one barking orders is Rigging. He is our leader and Captain of the Sword."

"It sounds as if Romeo and some others are on thier way back to take you to the safety of our ship. Make use of this stretcher, I hurriedly put together. I appologize that we dont have anything better at this time."

"May I inquire as to what sacrifice you are speaking of? And do you know how the pyramids work? And if there is a way to disable them without destroying them?"

Wednesday February 21st, 2007 7:58:22 PM

Rigging walks over to Ari and gruffly takes a look at his hands. He will then pull out a couple of potions and hand them to his old friend. "These are cure moderate potions. I doubt they will fix you up entirely but they should help."

Rigging will then wait to hear the reports for the others and when everyone gets back say, "Well it looks like we are taking another walk in the woods. I doubt that oversized dwarf can get back on his own. Probably will fall into so quicksand or stumble into a lava pit. Guess we need to retrieve him.

Cosmo, my overland flight was dispelled so you are our eyes for now. Find us the best path to the the pyramid near the mines.

DM Kent 
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 9:51:21 PM

Romeo returns with his men and picks his friend up after quite the tearful greeting between friends. Before leaving he gives general directions for finding the mines from where the wildcards currently are.

Mykael finds out that the sacrifice he was talking about was that he is a sorcerer and was being used as a focus for powering the pyramid and that it was sucking his magical force right from his body along with his constitution wich was down to 1 when you rescued him.

Cosmo coats his hands in Aloe and almost immediately they begin to feel better though they are quite sore and puffy to the touch. Rigging then gives him a couple of potions and things get much better, and his hands are nearly perfect again.

Ashira and Val are itching to head out and finally rigging sets Cosmo out to find a possible trail and the group heads out.

Nez Highlight to display spoiler: { there doesnt appear to be anything magical in the rugged room.The rug appears to be hand woven and consisits of a spiral pattern}

Ashira  d20+12=14
Wednesday February 21st, 2007 11:16:48 PM

The ranger grins. "Alright, let's get going. But remember, there's probably going to be some snake skin boots out there, so be sure to give them your warmest welcome!" Taking Appolo with her, Ashira begins to blaze a trail for the rest of the group, making sure it is easy to follow and that, of course there are no traps (Survival=14).

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 8:35:21 AM

Rigging assumes his place somewhere in the middle of the line and sighs at his lost overland flight spell. He is in a bad mood since this adventure has definitely put him in the negative for loot and treasure. First the Sword is badly damaged, then he loses his ring of wizardry, now a bunch of potions, wands and his belt of sustenance have been destroyed. For the first time in a long time, Rigging feels some hunger pains. Not to mention that Rigging has somehow been changed. Yes his magic seems stronger but his thief skills are gone. With them, his ability to get in close and fight. He has to rethink how he does things now.

Now that pesky dwarf is whisked off somewhere and needs rescuing. Hasn't been the Wildcard's best adventure by any means.

Swirl keeps up with Cosmo flitting around him and helping spot the trail and look for any other enemies.

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 1:42:52 PM

Bart senses Riggings bad mood, no worries mate things will be different then you think . We have done a lot of dammage to the snakes. I think we can repair the sword very fast now, we dont have to worry about the snakes and no new dammage will be done to the sword.

I will have a look above the tree line and see if i can spot the mine withh the nauticoulos what direction is it?

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 3:13:30 PM

The big dwarf knowing the snakes devious ways will not touch anything so as not to set off any traps

" gonna explore the other corridors before that big snake lands here " muses Nezamil

Nezamil explores the the other corridors quickly but times it so he can be back up top when the flying snake might arrive.

Peeking out of the temple tunnel the 10'ft dwarf peers skyward looking for the snake

Appolo  d20+10=26 d20+9=10 d20+8=25
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 5:42:00 PM

Appolo heads quickly into the jungle with Ashira"Relax big sister.Situation's normal.All fouled UP."He keeps his eyes and ears open,as he moves.

Spot 26 Search 10 Listen 25

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 5:57:58 PM

Val keeps her flail in hand and ready despite the appearence that everything is calm. Who knows what traps were set before and never set off.

Cosmo  d20+3=13
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 9:00:17 PM

Cosmo takes to the air and fflies above the group as it makes its way towards the other pyramid. Cosmo tries to stay on the course that Romeo told them. He remains alert and watches Swirl for any signs of danger.

Spot 13

Thursday February 22nd, 2007 10:48:06 PM

Mykael moves along with the group. He takes rear guard and has Ghem flying just in front of the lead, but in the trees to avoid detection, however, still close enough to detect on the ground.

<I>Its been a long tough day. I know. But the 8000th wonder of the world, the first dwarf over 4 foot tall, you know... Nezamil. We need to go find him. I always thought dwarves had some natural resistance to magic. Nezamil must be a weirdo among his race. Just keep a look out for anything. And report something out of the ordinary. Your doing a great job, Ghem. I appreciate your help, and your friendship.</I>

DM Kent 
Thursday February 22nd, 2007 10:51:42 PM

Ghem and swirl both seem a bit confused as to why everyone seems to be in a hurry to go to where that big flying snake was/is heading and aren't terribly bashful about telling their rspective masters that they are crazy.

There actually seeme to be a fairly well used path heading the way you're going and so far it seems to be trap free and snake free.

Your best guess, from Romeo's information is that you are about 45 more minutes of forced march speed away from the Mines, if you use the path that is obviously the main thoroughfare.

Cosmo has a farily good view of the direction from above and can easily follow the trail.

Rigging wories about whats been going on, Val frets about possible ambushes, Apollo comments on how everything that is happening seems to be about par for the course for the group, Bart tries to keep things positive, Ashira takes the lead moving as quickly and safely as possible, and Ari limps along with the others.

Nez Highlight to display spoiler: {checking out the other passages Nez finds that each of the eight passages lead to a smaller room each with a hand woven rug, with a different geometric design, in the middle of the floor and each with three closed containers sitting on the rug. Each of the rooms has a different typ of container in it. In addition, each room has a single door in the wall opposite the entry that Nez assumes leads to the Pyramid's main center chamber. Nez finishes his perusal of the passages and heads upward to see if the Yaunaga has arrived yet and finds that it is indeed approaching the clearing and is probably 5 minutes away.}

Friday February 23rd, 2007 8:48:57 AM

Rigging decides that speed is more important then stealth at this time and says, "Lets move down the path. We might run into an ambush but I doubt we will run into a mechanical trap on their main road. Cosmo, Swirl and Ghem will keep a good look out on our flanks and ahead but I fear for Nezamil and we must hurry.

Rigging start moving down the trail.

He communicates with Swirl, "Yes I know that this is dangerous but most things in the Wildcard's life seem to be and we have indications that Nezamil has been transported to that pyramid all alone. We need to get to him and make sure he is alright."

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Troglodyte Ari hp 51/72 (-3 Str)  2d8(8+4)=12 2d8(7+7)=14
Friday February 23rd, 2007 12:29:15 PM

Imbibing the two potions that Rigging gave him, Ari feels immediate relief in his hands. Looking down at his hands and flexing, he takes big breath as the pain and tension has lessoned.

"At least I can feel usable again. I will try to do my best to follow the plan a little more closely this time"

(ooc sorry for my missed post. I'm currently getting used to a different schedule since I got unexpectedly fired on Tues)(I should be fine because I see this as a huge opportunity for me to change some things in my life. I expect much and will gain something similar! :) )
1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Alter Self x
Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Alter Self 50 minutes.

Appolo  d20+10=30 d20+9=17 d20+8=22
Friday February 23rd, 2007 2:54:57 PM

Appolo moves quickly forward.Eyes and ears open.Keeping and eye for trouble.

Spot 30 Search 17 Listen 22

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Friday February 23rd, 2007 4:57:10 PM

Val hopes that things are going to remain calm. She hurt, bleeding, sore, and dirty. What she really needs is a nice hot bath and a quiet evening.

"I hope that things are going to remain calm for the rest of the day. I'm tired."

Friday February 23rd, 2007 6:41:40 PM

Cosmo reports in to Rigging and the group that nothing appears to be out of the ordinary. He checks in half an hour or so.

Friday February 23rd, 2007 7:15:42 PM

Nezamil stays in the cover of the tunnel but makes sure he can keep his eyes on the incoming flying snake.

Patting his repeating heavy crossbow the dwarf double checks to make sure a fully loaded clip is in place and readied for action

DM kent 
Saturday February 24th, 2007 8:16:42 AM

Nez Highlight to display spoiler: {Coming back to the exterior exit, nex realizes that the smoke is getting quite a bit thicker though it isnt making breathing of visibility at ground level overly difficult at this time. Watching from cover and looking upward the thickest smoke seems to be above the level where his adversary is flying, and the oversized dwarf is not suprised to see the Yuanaga seemingly head toward the pyramid, though it doesn't seem to be decreasing its altitude any, which seems a little odd. And then something else strikes him momentarily, as he realizes he didn't have to stoops quite as much to make it through and maneuver through the passages of this pyramid as he had before, and while the pyramid if quite a bit larger, the passages don't appear to be.

Movement again catches his eye and he turns back to watch his adversary as it banks over and starts to cirle the clearing.

Cosmo moving a bit faster and a bit easier through the air is begining to run into quite a bit of sulfuric smoke, but it isn't horrible just quite yet, but it is limiting his distance vision considerably. The smoke gets thicker when Cosmo figures they have been moving about thirty minutes. Ahead and at ground level while not clear, it does look that there is an area of no trees about 15-20 more minutes straight ahead. At this point arial visibility straight ahead is limited to about 30 feet while if you are looking down toward the ground you can see indistinct shapes and such it is more a shadows vs lighter spaces. as he descends there is a definite visibility level increase the lower he gets and the clearing becomes more visible as a clearing at just above tree level.

The ground crew keeps trudging along and after about 30 minutes more Cosmo comes back to report.

Sunday February 25th, 2007 11:19:40 AM

This going to take to long, Rigging can you cast the fly spell. I will activate my ring of levitation. Maybe Swirl can tug me to the mines

Sunday February 25th, 2007 8:16:46 PM

Rigging hears Bart's complaints and says, "I don't have a fly spell. Stupid pyramid sucked it away. Swirl can to you if you want, but not sure if we should split up any more. We know that that flying giant snake went that way but we really don't know where Nezamil is. We are making a guess but you could be flying into real trouble alone if you follow your plan."

Rigging orders everyone into a jog to get to their destination faster.

Sunday February 25th, 2007 8:46:12 PM

Staying in the shadows of the tunnel....crossbow ready for action....Nezamil keeps his eyes on the flying snake trying to acertain it's motives

Ashira  d20+12=16 d20+11=25
Sunday February 25th, 2007 11:12:06 PM

The ranger continues to wade easily through the undergrowth, mildly frustrated at the progress of the other, slower Wildcards. (Spot=16, Listen=25)

Troglodyte Ari hp 51/72 (-3 Str) 
Monday February 26th, 2007 12:18:07 AM

"This is just going to be a retrieval mission, is not? Does anyone have a way to talk to Nez if we're close to him? Or do we have anyway to get him out from behind enemy lines if there's no easy way for us to get to him?"

Monday February 26th, 2007 12:26:37 AM

"Visibility and air conditions are starting to get poor."

"The clearing is getting close."

Appolo  d20+10=15 d20+9=29 d20+8=20
Monday February 26th, 2007 1:36:55 PM

Appolo sees looks up and sees the haze of smoke.He continues to move quickly forward alongside Ashira."Shouldn't be long now.Hope Nez keeps his head down and is alright when we get there."

Spot 15, Search 29,Listen 20

Monday February 26th, 2007 4:26:33 PM

Well we stay together then

attendence report 
Monday February 26th, 2007 7:43:21 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira oxxox
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxxx
Bart xoxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxxo?
Cosmo xxxxx
Aari xxoxx

? = still has time to post before next Dm post

DM kent 
Monday February 26th, 2007 11:31:25 PM

Nez Highlight to display spoiler: { Nez continues to watch and see the Yuan nage begin another circle around the clearing as if it was looking for something. He is able to watch his for a few moments before he disapears into the smoke.}

Cosmo is just getting back out on point when he sees the Yuanaga emerge from the smoke for an instance seemingly heading right toward him and then he looses him in the smoke once again.

The ground crew, after a quick discussion continues moving as quickly as possible. The smoke is gettign thicher but the path has also widened quite a bit at this point.

After about 15 minutes of travel time the edge of the clearing can just be seen ahead through the thick smoke. Cosmo has not seen any further sight of the the flying terror, but neither has he seen anything of Nez.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:08:20 AM

"As If it isnt hot enough, we have a volcano. And we are running through a jungle towards it. Dang it, this is the point that Nez would make some funny comment...."

"Move it!"

[i]Ghem, you notice anything? Stay down out of the smoke, and use what you can to hide."

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 10:40:32 AM

Reaching the edge of the clearing, the ranger smiles. At least for now the smoke would work in their favor. "Nezamil! You out here?! Let's get out of here!"

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 12:05:23 PM

"I hope he's in there. I mean how hard is it to find a giant dwarf. Such things shouldn't even be possible."

Nezamil  d20+7=24
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 1:42:49 PM

Peering thru the smoky haze Nezamil slowly edges forward to get a better veiw out of his tunnel hiding spot " where's all that smoke coming from?" murmers the dwarf

Cocking his head from side to side trying to hear the sound of the flying snake whooshing thru the smoky air " whats that?" (d20+7=24 listen ch) " is that a voice ?" ....edgeing further out of the tunnel....the 10'ft dwarf keeps his eyes skyward looking for signs of the flying snake " if they keep yelling it will alert the beast...but i cannot let her go unanswered "

"Ashira!!.....over here !! ....up on the temple !!!.....becareful that flying snake is circling overhead"

Appolo  d20+10=25 d20+9=19 d20+8=24 d20+14=33 d20+13=19
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 6:42:24 PM

Appolo moves down the trail and into the clearing.When Ahira yells for Nezamil he looks at her"Ashira don't do that.You'll give out position away."He then separates himself from her moving forward through the thickening smoke,wrapping a sarf around his face as he does so.When Nez yells back he just shakes his head and moves quickly and silently forward.Keeping low trying to use the smake to cover his movement.

Spot 25 Search 19 Listen 24 Move Silent 33 hide 19

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 7:51:36 PM

Cosmo hurries back to the group after briefly seeing the snake creature.

"Beware the snake creature is up ahead flying in the smoke."

Cosmo lands near the group and stays with them as they move forward.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 8:36:18 PM

Rigging will say, "Everyone spread out a little. I think this thing has spells and it doesn't make sense to give it mass targets.

Rigging hears Nezamil and will start off in his direction. "Lets knock out this pyramid too."

1st level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

DM Kent 
Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:29:21 PM

It takes a few minutes in all the smoke and skulking around but eventually the swords all meet up with Nez just inside one of the passage ways. No further sound or sight is to be had of the Yuanaga as yet.

Tuesday February 27th, 2007 11:44:21 PM

The ranger smiles once the party is reunited, though she keeps her voice low. "Well, since we're here...I guess Rigging is right. That thing is pretty big, and the best possible situation for us would be for it to attack us while we're inside. So we might as well clean out the temple before we take that thing out."

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 1:20:03 AM

I dont like to be around here too long lets go back to the sword. Maybe cast some spell or two to the flying snake see what it does, maybe we can kill it if not we go back as soon as possible

Troglodyte Ari hp 51/72 (-3 Str) 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 9:28:40 AM

Not wanting to get caught with his Guard down Ari casts the alter self again in order to keep the Troglodyte form.

1-level (5) wiz
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Mage Armor x
Spider Climb x

2-level (4)

Resist Energy xx

3-level (3)

Protection from Energy xxx

Cast spells

Alter Self 50 minutes.

Appolo  d20+10=11
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 10:18:00 AM

Appolo enters the temple quickly"Come on let's check this place over destroy it and get back to the ship."
Spot 11

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 10:51:42 AM

Appolo, slow up for a second. Nezamil did you have a chance to do any exploring? Did you find a control room like the last one with maps and diamonds? I really don't want to see any more of my magic just crumble away so we need to come up with a better plan this time."

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 5:18:17 PM

Waving to his fellow wildcards upon spotting them " up here quicjkly before that flying beast comes back......it's safer inside i think"

As Rigging reaches him " yeah i explored the temple before you arrived.....it seems deserted.....there are several rooms with some stuff in them but i didnt touch them mainly because i didnt know if they were trapped....but i did do a detect magic on them and it showed no magic ....come on i'll show ya .....the tunnels are quite a bit bigger in this temple then the others we were at "

Leading Rigging and the others the 10'ft dwarf shows his past exporation to his friends .

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 9:03:58 PM

Cosmo is glad to see Nezamil. He gives the big dwarf a quick hug.

"Show us what you have found. Let's not disturb anything while we are in there."

Wednesday February 28th, 2007 9:51:38 PM

"Well, well, well. If it isnt the randomly teleporting 10 foot tall dwarf. Any other out of the ordinary things you would like to disclose to us?"

"Good to see you are whole and still kicking."

"I agree, Rigging, would be nice to actually be able to just disable it. Then we can study it at a later time."

Dm Kent 
Wednesday February 28th, 2007 10:47:57 PM

Nez tells the group about the eight entries and the eight antechambers with the rugs and baskets in each and then says that he is pretty sure that the inner doors in each room open up into the inner chamber, but he is not totally sure. As the group enters the Pyramid they SHINE SHINE SHINE from their magics.

The passages are all 7.5 feet wide and have twelve foot high ceilings, hinting perhaps at a second level of passages and rooms above this as the Pyramyd is over 60 feet tall.

Appolo takes the lead as Nez guides him through the passage that opens up from the pyramid entry that they found him near.

The passage winds about a little bit and ends at a 5 foot wide door.

(OOC: Map positions at this point are not accurate)

Thursday March 1st, 2007 8:54:03 AM

Rigging looks at the tall dwarf and says, "Next time don't go wandering off but I am glad to see you. Why don't you lead us to those rooms you mentioned. Do you see anyway to go up? Stairs or anything?"

Rigging will talk to Swirl and say, Stay outdoors and keep a look out. Watch out for that flying snake. Keep a low profile."

Val (AC 19, HP 72/ 127 Endure Elements 24hr) 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 10:43:10 AM

"Nobody touch those darn crystals. I don't want to get blown up by magic again today. Its getting old." Val growls.

Troglodyte Ari hp 51/72 (-3 Str) 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 4:05:03 PM

"I wonder why this temple has to be so much bigger?"

Ari unconsciously flexes his fingers as he looks around in the temple. Wanting to make sure they are still limber enough in case the group runs into the trouble that Nez hasn't been able to find.

Thursday March 1st, 2007 6:38:47 PM

The 10'ft dwarf smirks at Riggings comment " wandering off ?....heh ...by Domi your funny"

"Yeah good to see ya all too" smiles Neamil warmly to his friends

"Yeah i did some exploring....c'mon i'll show ya" as he leads them thru the temple.

Appolo  d20+10=27 d20+9=29 d20+8=25 d20+10=14
Thursday March 1st, 2007 7:29:16 PM

Appolo searches the rooms and baskets surveys the doors.Looking for traps and if he finds any he will attempt to disable them.

Spot 27, Search 29, Listen 25, Disable Device 14

Cosmo (as Troglodyte; AC 25; HP 61/63; Str 4) 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 8:38:46 PM

"Rigging let me know if you want a Detect magic spell cast."

Cosmo helps in the search. He is very careful not to disturb anything that may set off another magic drain.

Active Spells:
Mage Armor 9+/10 hours
Alter Self 99+/100 minutes

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 **, Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x3, Web x2 & Alter Self *
3rd Level (6): SM III x2 *, Fireball x3 *, & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x3 *, Dimension Door * & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2 *, Animal Growth & Overland Flight *

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 1/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 2/3

Thursday March 1st, 2007 11:05:28 PM

Glad that the group is all together, the ranger is still warry of the temple. It's really a question of whether they get killed outside by the flying thing or have all their magic destroyed while they're in the temple. Oh well...for now this is the best decision...I hope. She tags along with the others as they explore the temple.

DM kent 
Thursday March 1st, 2007 11:08:07 PM

Nez leads the swords to the antechamber and opens the door showing them the room with the hand woven geometric rug and the three hand made baskets evenly spaced sitting in the middleof the rug. Each basket is about 3 feet in height with a narrow six inch neck that opens into a larger base of about 2 feet in diameter.

Apollo checks the baskets and as far as he can tell there are no magical or mechanical traps associated with them, though they all do have closed lids, so there is really no telling what is inside of them, but he is sure that the lids have no trapps associated with them either. From gentle prodding and slight adjusting Apollo judges that each basket and its contents weighs in around 8 - 10 pounds.

Friday March 2nd, 2007 9:18:35 AM

"Cosmo, go ahead and check for magic. Since all of ours is already glowing, I doubt you will find anything but it never hurts to be careful." Rigging will pull out his now almost useless sword and gingerly open one of the baskets and take a look inside.

"See if you can locate a way up. This pyramid looks like it has another level. We might have to go outside and climb it but it would be nice to find a way up from here.

level: ray of enfeeblement, magic missile x 2, mage armor*, burning hands.
2nd level: scorching rays x3***, mirror image, resist elements
3rd level: Haste*, dispel magic x 2, fireball x 2*
4th level: Greater Invisibility x2*, Evard tenacles*, Polymorph
5th Cone of cold x 2 Overland flight*
6th Disenegrate

Appolo  d20+10=15 d20+9=24 d20+8=20
Friday March 2nd, 2007 1:27:44 PM

Apolo says"Ah boss.I wouldn't do that might be snakes in those thingsOk becareful I'll look around for away up."Appolo walk over to one of the nner doors and opens it.He will go through it and search for a way up.

Spot 15 Search 34 Listen 20

Friday March 2nd, 2007 7:55:23 PM

"Captain i already did a detect magic while i explored earlier...nothing glowed at all"

Still i would like to know what happened to our flying friend " adds the 10'ft dwarf

Ashira  d20+12=14 d20+11=29
Friday March 2nd, 2007 8:50:57 PM

As the others look around, Ashira keeps her wits about her. Those other Yuan Ti went somewhere and are probably somewhere close. Wouldn't want to get caught in a nasty sneak attack (Spot=14, Listen=29).

Dm Kent  d100=96
Saturday March 3rd, 2007 9:04:25 AM

Nez wonders about the flying Yuanaga.

Ashira Goes on point keeping an eye and an ear out for possible enemy infiltration.

Rigging suggests that Apollo head out and see if he can find out if there is a second floor to this pyramid, and then begins poking at the left basket with his sword in order to remove the lid and take a peek inside.

Apollo ggoes over to the inner door which nez supposed leads to the main central chamber and then throws a cautionary warning to Rigging about messing with the baskets.

The others stand around the room looking at the pictures on the walls of rivers of fire coming out a mountain that all seem to have snake like heads.


Rigging flips the lid off on his chosen basket but can't see into it without being right over it, as the neck is so long and narrow.

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