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Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59)  d20+5=10
Thursday May 17th, 2007 9:53:52 PM

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: 10 hours
Griffon: 6 hours

Cosmo flies on his Griffon towards the island. He slowly flies around the island trying to determine its size and if it has any inhabitants or structures.

Spot 10

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x2, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Hold Monster

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

Friday May 18th, 2007 4:28:42 AM

It feels good to be back on sea, and the dolphins swimming around the ship is a good sign. Can none of you spellcasters talk to them? Maybe they have seen something?

DM Kent 
Friday May 18th, 2007 6:27:28 AM

Cosmo's inspection of the smaller island reveals that it is inhabited by several groups od goat like animals and othe furry creatures. There is no sign of humanoid life. The island itself sits in the mouth of a large, kind of double bay making two channels that lead in/out of the bay. The bay itself is large and calmer than the one where the sword was beached with no reef ot shore rocks and a very gentle shore break.

Rigging is fairly sure that going around the island will take atleaset three complete days.

As the journey continues the ship and crew head west and then begin to curve northward around the island. The wind changes quite a bit and the gowing gets much slower and choppier. By mid afternoon you come across a beautiful sight as a 150-200 foot waterfall pours into the ocean off the steep cliffs that suddenly break from the normal forested shoreline. As evening comes you can see what you think to be the edge of the mountains where you will be making ans eastward course change. So far though nothing larger than the porpoises has been sighted.

Friday May 18th, 2007 2:32:43 PM

When evening come Appolo climbs down from the crows nest and makes his way down below to the galley.Where he grabs a bite to eat.

Friday May 18th, 2007 2:35:22 PM

"Maybe the creature is gone. There is that possability that with the yuan-ti gone the snake went back to whatever place it called home."

Friday May 18th, 2007 6:26:22 PM

"Our history has been that we should always look to the worst"

Then on another thought, " Should we be watching for other things that might clear up some of that prophesy stuff?!"

0-level (5)

Resistance x
Detect Poison x
Daze x
Detect Magic x
Read Magic x


Shield x
Magic Missile x
Burning Hands x
Grease x
Spider Climb x

1-level Ranger

Speak with Animals x


Alter Self x
Resist Energy x
cats grace x
bulls strength xx


Protection from Energy xxx

Friday May 18th, 2007 6:34:23 PM

As the skeptics discuss the lack of the giant sea snakes appearance " it's out there some place.....just a matter of time......with all those ship wrecks we saw it proves this is one of it's hunting grounds "

"Captain that Bay we passed looks like a good place for a harbor.....we should take a better look when we have time"

"thats an amazing waterfall.....further proof of the islands beauty .......possibly a good site for a temple " grins Nezamil

Spell list
0-Light x2,Create water x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Shield of faith,Bless,Endure elements,Divine power,Command,Protection-from-evil(Enlarge person)
2nd-Aid,Spiritual weapon,Mkae whole x2,Darkness(Bull str)
3rd-Water breathing x3,Waterwalk(MV)
4th-Air walk,Freedom of movement x3(SI)
5th-Flame strike,break enchanment,Slay Living(SR)

Friday May 18th, 2007 7:40:02 PM

Mykael stays on deck and keeps watch. He makes mental notes of the island.

"I wonder if there is anything behind the waterfall."

Friday May 18th, 2007 8:50:43 PM

The ranger paces. "I just can't believe that thing is gone. Ari's right. It's out there waiting for us... Everybody keep a close eye out."

Saturday May 19th, 2007 8:43:54 AM

Nez i agree it looks better as the area where we have stayed before. It could be a nice harbor. If we have time we could launch a longboot for closer inspection.

Saturday May 19th, 2007 11:51:14 AM

Rigging keeps his chart making up, drawing in the islands, reefs and noting good beaches, waterfalls and other notable facts.

Hearing the question, he will send his halfling airforce over to check out behind the waterfall. He will send Swirl over as well. ooc How big is the island, is it that big? or is it taking that long because we are mapping.

Rigging will keep double watches out at night and set the anchor since they might miss something in the dark. He seems to be pleased that his fingers are stained with ink instead of blood for a change.

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63); Griffon (AC 17; HP 59/59) 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 2:39:19 PM

Cosmo continues his aerial recon of the island and the waterfall. He notes anything interesting and relays it back the group.

Once it gets close to 6 hours of flying he will head back to the ship and de-activate his griffon figurine.

DM Kent 
Saturday May 19th, 2007 3:43:18 PM

(ooc. The island is fairly nice sized, think Kauai and you are trying to map.)

Cosmo and Swirl go check out the water fall and there is indeed what appears to be a fairly large cave behind it and the cave extens into the water as well though hard to tell how far.

Darkness is falling anf the crew is going to continue sailing or hove to for the night.

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:16:16 AM

" do we have time to explore this area of the island ??......exactly what is our next mission ?" questions Nezamil to Captain Rigging

Monday May 21st, 2007 1:43:35 AM

"Captain, I suggest we anchor in as shallow water as possible, preferably in that bay. Staying out here for the night, could make us sitting ducks for a snake attack, whether we are anchored or not. We dont know for sure of all the snakes sensory capabilities, but we must assume the worse and plan for the possibility that night wont impair it at all."

Monday May 21st, 2007 8:21:46 AM

The ranger nods at Mykael's assesment. "Besides, gods forbid, but if we are forced to abandon ship in the dark, I'd rather do it in shallow water. Not that it's a problem for me...it's just that the rest of you don't breathe water too well..."

Monday May 21st, 2007 9:39:30 AM

Holding her bow, Val sits in the crow's nest looking for any sign of the creature.

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:17:26 PM

Good thinking, if we see some dolpins try to talk to them maybe they know something about the whereabouts of the snake

Monday May 21st, 2007 12:28:07 PM

"Do we know whether the snake attacks in deep water or shallow water? We might be able bring the ship in to a cove or protected area. We might have to sound out the depth of the water, to find out."

0-level -Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1-level - Shield, Magic Missile, Burning Hands,
Grease, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Speak with Animals
2-level - Alter Self, Resist Energy, cats grace,
bulls strength x2
3-level - Protection from Energy x3

Monday May 21st, 2007 2:49:41 PM

Appolo is wondering around not doing muchmwhen he over hears the others."I would say deep water.Based onit's size and tha fact that it hasonly attacked ships approaching the Island from deep water.Remember it chased the Sword into the bay,but turned and left once the sword was in the bay."

Monday May 21st, 2007 6:18:01 PM

Rigging listens to all the advice and sighs, "The truth is we really don't know much about this creature. For all we know, the creature lives behind the waterfall. Sounds like a possiblity anyhow. I would think it prefers deeper water due to its size but normal sized sea snakes can go on land. Not sure if this one can.

Cosmo, do you have a prying eye spell? If you do, why don't you send into the cave and see what we can see. Might be a way to pass the time.

We will drop anchor close to shore and ride out the night and resume our survey in the morning."

Monday May 21st, 2007 9:54:34 PM

"Sorry Rigging, no Prying Eyes spell today. Didn't think I would need it."

"I could summon some creatures and have them look behind the waterfall."

Active Spells:
Mage Armor: ?/10 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Feather Fall
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow x2, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (6): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Hold Monster

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 0/3 & Enlarge 0/3

attendence report 
Monday May 21st, 2007 10:25:20 PM

Dm kent xxxxx
Ashira xoxxx
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxx
Val xoxxx
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xxoxx
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xxxxx

good week of posts !!

Bart thats 4 straight weeks of at least 2 missed posts , lets get back on track !!!

posted by adm - chris

DM Kent 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 6:19:57 AM

There is much talk and speculation over the snake and where it may live and whether it is still around.

Bart sugests asking some dolphins whether the snake is around.

Rigging ponders the possibility of the snake living in the cave and suggests checking out the cave behind the waterfall, but finds they don't have the means to do it the quick way right now.

Thoughts are put forth about what to for the night and the concensus seems to be to take it into the shallows and drop anchor until morning.

Whiole no real "Bays" are to be found on this point of the island, there are a few small inlets and coves that should allow anchorage for the night. Rigging and the rest of the crew decide on the best one and drop anchor for the night.

When morning comes the Sword sets off to hopefully complete the rest of the journey around the island.

Just about two ours after sunrise the sword is cruising along when the crows nest lookout calls down.

"Capt'n ther's a major change'n water color ahead. Looks t'be a bright green instead of blue grey. Covers as far as I can see ahead."

The area in question is about 1 mile ahead.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 5:07:40 PM

Bart gets the wayfinder climbs up the crownest and looks through it maybe he can see something more. Maybe it is the outlet of a underground river or the blood of the snake!

Ashira  d20+6=20
Tuesday May 22nd, 2007 11:35:04 PM

Looking out over the stern, Ashira concentrates on the water ahead, trying to determine whether she's seen this phenomena before (Know. nat.=20).

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:45:58 AM

Mykael stays alert and waits. He looks at the surrounding area of the color change, curious if he can see a reason for the change.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:55:35 AM

Sleeping late the 9'6" dwarf awakens at the lookout calls down his news

Quickly dressing Nezamil heads towards the bow of the Sword and looks in the direction of discoloration of the seas

Ari  d20+12=15 d20+9=24 d20+9=28
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 8:31:13 AM

Ari joins the rest of the crew at looking at the disturbance.

Knowledge Nature (15)
Knowledge Geography (24)
Knowledge Arcana (28)

0-level -Resistance, Detect Poison, Daze, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1-level - Shield, Magic Missile, Burning Hands,
Grease, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Speak with Animals
2-level - Alter Self, Resist Energy, cats grace,
bulls strength x2
3-level - Protection from Energy x3

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 12:45:47 PM

Cosmo heads over to the group and tries to figure out what everyone is looking at.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 2:39:22 PM

"Captain I recomend a full stop while we take a longboat out to investigate. It could be something dangerous. Acid to eat away the hull or something similar."

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 5:07:11 PM

Rigging will cast his overland flight spell and then say, "I will go check it out with Swirl. Keep the ship away until I have given the OK. Just might be shallow water giving off a different color but never hurts to play it safe."

Rigging picks up one of the sounding ropes and then gains around 50' of altitude before heading over to the area in question. He will fly around the area first looking for danger. If things look OK, he will get closer to the water and take a sounding.

DM Kent 
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 6:45:31 PM

Once checked over the area seems to be relatively normal, except that the water here seems to be at least 75 degrees and there is an over abundance of green and green-blue algea and other sea plantlife growing in the area.

If sailed through, there could be a chance of fouled rudder etc., but then again maybe not.

The sword easily gets around the area and spend the rest of the morning sailing past muntains and visible live volcanoes. By mid afternoon they are back with a wooded shoreline and are soon passing a small little beached cove on the north east corner of the island. By late afternoon they are turning southward again and are soon in sight of the original bay and beach and by the fall of the evening they are back in their safe anchorage.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 7:22:05 PM

Rigging will smile at his crew, friends and extended family. He will then shout up at the crew and say, "Enjoy your last night on shoreleave boys because in the morning we are heading back to civilization. Rigging will lead the Wildcards ashore, call the council together and discuss the findings of the survey, mention the waterfall as a possible source of waterpower, and moving the harbor and intial settlement to the other harbor. That is the leeward side of the island, seems safer and a better natural harbor. Send a land party to scout it out and see if it makes sense. There is a nice island protecting it as well from the weather and a possible location for outer fortifications."

Rigging will spend the evening going over final instructions with the council and anyone else interested. Walk the settlements collecting mail or other items to send home and get final lists needed for supplies both material and manpower.

Come the next morning, The Sword sails with the tide. During the sail, Rigging will sit down with Cosmo and see about sharing some of his spells in each others spell book.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2007 8:06:28 PM

Appolo spends his time aboard ship continueing to intensely train Eli in the thiving arts.Once they arrive back at the camp he goes ashore and finds some wine ale and some female companion ship for the hight.he spends the night enjoying himself with the women and brings to of them aboard to his cabin as is aslep with them when the ship sails.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 1:40:58 AM

"Ashira, you probably still should ask any of the sea life around that you can converse with about any knowledge they may have of the snake and/or its where abouts."

Mykael will continue working on the uncut gems, both the party's and his.

He will take a break to join Rigging and any other mages in the spell swapping get together.

Once finished swapping spells, Mykael returns to the gems. Before bed time he will pay the gem-cutters that assisted him a fair price with a tip, along with a hearty thanks.

OOC: Need a price on fee for the other gem-cutters and a total list of diamonds. Along with numbers of cut and uncut and values. Please.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 2:55:47 AM

My father was a miller, i do know something about mills. Maybe the waterfall can be used to drive a mill.
But we must set up some farms first wothout any cereal it wont give flour!

Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:12:24 AM

Despite the normal scowl she wears, Val's thoughts lie elsewhere. Ever since she lost her original body Val has felt lost. Her previous self was defined. She knew who she was. Since she woke in the body of the mother of elves, she hasn't been so sure. Val believes that the mother could change her appearence with thought, since she didn't appear as Val does now, but Val was stuck. not that she cared much. Once people got to know her they looked upon her with fear and distrust. The jet black skin just speeds that up. Once she gets back to civilization she can slip off and take care of some buisness. But until then some sparring on the beach with Melonie will have to do.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 4:38:59 PM

After arriving back at the safe anchorage the 9'6" dwarf will visit those on the beach and put together a list of helpful things that could be brought back to help build the island .

Then Nezamil will return to the Sword and prepare for the moring sail

Thursday May 24th, 2007 9:36:54 PM

Cosmo welcomes Mykael and Rigging in sharing spell books.

"Unfortunately, I do not have any of the necessary writing materials to permanently add any spells from your spell books. Rigging if there is any spell from your spell book that you want me to study, let me know and I will try. Just remember I cannot learn any Necromancy or Abjuration spells."

"My spell book is quite thin after getting zapped in one of the pyramids. I cannot wait to get back to town as I need to visit the Star Mages guild and get all those missing spells back."

"Here is a list of my spells."

OOC - It is quite long. If there is anything in particular you are looking for let me know and I will tell you if I have it.

In the morning, Cosmo studies for his spells, and he is pleased to find that his daily spell capacity has increased.

Ashira, Speak with Animals 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:18:23 PM

The ranger nods at Mykael's request. "I will do that." Casting her spell, Ashira strips down and heads into the water. Approaching the nearest wildlife, she queries them about whether they have seen a large snake recently...and if so, where.

After she has finished up her questioning session, Ashira towels off and suits up again. She finds whoever is in charge of the defenses and approaches them. Reaching across her back, she hands the snake bane axe to him. "I almost forgot...I think you should have this since the snakes rightfully fear it. Use this in defense of the colony." Leaving it at that simple explaination, Ashira heads back to the ship and spends the night there...comforted by just being back on the ship.

Thursday May 24th, 2007 10:20:33 PM

Ari walks around the area and takes one final look around to see if there are any more clues he can pick up about the island, before departing for awhile.

DM Kent 
Thursday May 24th, 2007 11:44:06 PM

Spells are shared, plans are amde with the council for the move and settlement of the other bay.

Mykael places the value of the gems he has cut at 109,000 of various sizes and cuts. Pay for the other gem cutters work 8 gold.

The night passes quietly and it is soon morning once again.

Friday May 25th, 2007 12:05:32 AM

Mykael smiles at Cosmo and Rigging, "I am looking for ANY spell that I dont have. You never know when one may be of use. I have some materials. We can use them all for transfering spells, and making scrolls on the way back. I can replenish my supplies on the mainland. I will also need to visit the Star Mages guild. I am not sure how much longer the rest of the uncut gems are going to take me, therefore, I wont be able to do much scroll work. But since I am donating some of the supplies, perhaps you more talented types couple make me a couple?"


OOC: My less than stellar spell list:

1 lvl: Shocking Grasp, Comprehend Languages, True Strike, Magic Missle, Feather Fall, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Floating Disk, Animate Rope, Ray of Enfeeblement

2 lvl: Web, Spider Climb, Knock, Scorching Ray, Bull's Strength

3 lvl: Fireball, Haste, Water Breathing, Tongues, Major Image, Summon Monster III, Vampiric Touch, Slow, Lightning Bolt

Also, Mykael can cast above what he has, his book just hasnt caught up to his ability.

Matt C. - OOC 
Friday May 25th, 2007 12:16:07 AM

My spells:

1st Level Spells
Magic Missile
Reduce Person
True Strike
Enlarge Person
Mage Armor
Feather Fall
Unseen Servant

2nd Level Spells
Sum. Monster II
M. Acid Arrow
Scorching Ray
Alter Self

3rd Level Spells
Sum. Monster III
L. Tiny Hut
Shrink Item
Clair-audience / voyance

4th Level Spells
Sum. Monster IV
Invisibility, Greater
Dimension Door
Ice Storm

5th Level Spells
Sum. Monster V
Dominate Person
Cone of Cold
Animal Growth
Overland Flight
Prying Eyes
Hold Monster

George ooc 
Friday May 25th, 2007 7:54:31 AM

Spell list:

Zero level. Have all in book
First level Cause fear, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Mage armor, Magic missile, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Animate Rope, True strike, Burning hands, Shield, Identify, Alarm, Shocking grasp, Reduce person, Tensors Floating Disc, Unseen Servant, Detect Secret doors, Comprehend Languages
Second level Fog cloud, Flaming sphere, Invisibility, Detect Invisibility, Bull strength, Resist Elements, Protection from Arrows, Mirror image, Cat's Grace, Touch of Idiocy, Glitterdust, Continual flame, Dark vision, Scorching rays, Whispering Wind
Third level Haste, Lightning bolt, Invisibility sphere, Fireball, Dispel magic, Suggestion, Fly
Fourth level: Polymorph, Rary's Menomic Enhancer*, Greater Invisibilty, Lesser Globe of invulnerability, Dimension Door, Mass Enlarge person,Evards Black Tentacles, Locate Creature
Fifth Level Teleport, Cone of Cold,, Overland Flight
Sixth Level , Chain Lightning, Shadow Walk, Disintegrate
Seventh Level Morenkainen's Magnigicent Mansion, Power Word Blind
Eighth Level Power word stun

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