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Ari  10d20(8+19+9+18+7+2+11+6+20+11)+14=125 15d20(1+12+11+8+17+12+14+4+7+12+9+15+5+1+6)+14=148 19d20(7+14+20+1+15+5+16+17+18+15+4+6+6+9+6+9+14+1+12)+14=209
Sunday June 24th, 2007 1:12:31 PM

Gaieed all first level spells

Cause fear
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Feather Fall
Floating Disk
Ray of Enfeeblement
True Strike

Bear's Endurance - failed
Continual flame
Detect Invisibility
Locate Object
M. Acid Arrow
Resist Elements
Scorching Ray
Sum. Monster II
Touch of Idiocy
Web -failed
Whispering Wind


Arcane Sight
Clair-audience / voyance
Dispel Magic +2
Fireball -failed
Hold Person -- failed
Lightening bolt
Keen Edge
Phantom Steed
Tiny Hut
Shrink Item
Sum. Monster III
Vampiric Touch - failed
Water Breathing

Sunday June 24th, 2007 9:33:29 PM

"I have teleport as a spell and am willing to help people get around while we do our equipping."

"None of the magic items are beneficial to me. I will just take my share in gold."

Cosmo heads back to the catacombs with his share of the treasure and purchases his new equipment.

Monday June 25th, 2007 5:32:07 AM

"Since we're doing a major equippage before we go out, I think I'd like to take all my stuff in gold"

"Should we contact the Jacks and maybe work our way to the temple that way, or at least a nearby town where we could come together?! I think the issue is getting there, or whether we want to make the sword sail the coast in such a way that they might think we're somewhere else."

(ooc I haven't had time to look back when we last came into Adorus when we saw the doppleganger. I know for sure my Dad was killed, I'm not sure about Mom and I cannot remember how many people of the town were killed.)

Monday June 25th, 2007 2:43:15 PM

Appolo looks around says "Ok we'll sell it.I'm taking my share and heading for the catacombs."
With that said Appolo heads out.

OOC:Remember The consortium gave us 100,000 as well.That's and additional 12,500 a piece.I'm going to be working on Appolo sheet as well.He's going to be spending close to 100,000 gold and he has moved up 10 level 12

Monday June 25th, 2007 3:22:38 PM

Well it looks like i can do some major shopping now

Monday June 25th, 2007 3:23:19 PM

Chris, Don't count on the 100K from the consortium. We are spending some of it in making some wands (dispel magic and greater invisibility) I am also looking at buying some human slaying arrows, 2 necklaces of fire, heal scrolls, restorations scrolls etc. I am also getting a braclet of friends so we can teleport away when we need to.

I have been looking for input on things to buy so if you have any good group item ideas, speak up. In the catacombs now.

Monday June 25th, 2007 10:45:02 PM

The ranger continues her logistical planning as well as taknig a trip to the Catacombs.

ADM Nellie 
Monday June 25th, 2007 10:46:30 PM

Ok guys, I have been trying to get in touch with Jerry since Thursday now and he has not written me yet. I have no module. I may need to wing a fill in adventure. I will let you know.

Monday June 25th, 2007 11:04:10 PM

"Besides the items, we may want to co-ordinate the spell casters too. Either getting different type of spells with different people, or cover as many spell types with each caster.

I could have all fire based attacks, or I could be a mix of fire, cold, sonic, etc...

I wonder if we want some of the higher castors to cast alter self, or the next spell up for best natural defenses. We could also use this to somewhat disguise ourselves as we travel. But we'd have to be carefull with our numbers, because that could give us away to.

With this much gold do we want to invest in mis-detection and mis-direction? We couldn't do it a couple of years ago, but maybe we can get those amulets now, or any other divination spell blocking?!"

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 12:12:25 AM

Group items I am thinking about with the 100K

Group Purchase:
Materials needed to make a greater invisiblity wand 10500gp
Materials needed to make a dispel magic 10th level wand 11250gp
Braclet of friends 19000gp
2 type 7 necklaces of fire 17400gp
4 scrolls of restoration 3200gp
4 scrolls of heal 6600gp
4 scrolls of cure serious mass 1500gp
Group purchase total: 69450gp

We can also buy some greater slaying arrows against humans 3 would cost 12,171 gps. Target hit would need fort save of 23 or die. Good way to take out some mid level npcs quickly

We might also consider a ship. Gonna need another one soon and a cargo ship costs 10 K. Could be a way to get us into the city without exposing the Sword. Have it drop us off and then join up with the Sword for a supply run.

couple scrolls of passwall might come in handy.

Any other ideas?

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 1:14:19 AM

I posted some about an hour before you George, not sure if you saw them or not.

Tuesday June 26th, 2007 11:47:52 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging"Some mass teleport scrolls would help with the infilitration and the exit.Long range would be good."

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 12:08:59 AM

Ashira nods. "You're right Appolo. I can provide a couple of Barkskin spells to boot. I like the idea of disguising ourselves as well. I for one stick out like a sore thumb...though I could just get a hat of disguise for myself." Ashira thinks for a minute. "So I guess the big question is whether we go overland or get ourselves another boat. Whatever we do, we've got to find a place to hole up so we can gather some information and not go into this thing flatfooted."

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 4:54:52 AM

"I wonder if there could be a way to make it look like we've been captured and someone, an ally, is taking us to the temple for questioning?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2007 6:46:24 PM

Is very bored in the catacombs waiting for service.

Moving Forward (ADM Nellie) 
Thursday June 28th, 2007 1:03:08 AM

Plans are made and provisions are acquired.

OOC: Please let me know whether we are traveling over land or sea.

Thursday June 28th, 2007 11:21:38 PM

Rigging comes out of the Catacombs with bunches of new stuff. He sticks most of it in his new haversack and then heads down to the docks to see if he can purchase a ship. They will need one for this next adventure and they will need another ship besides the Sword to make regular supply runs to the new island.

He will take Tomas with him after presenting him with his new chain mail shirt that he upgraded to +3 and get his opinions on the different ships they might purchase. "We will need to hire a good crew and find a Captain for her as well."

Friday June 29th, 2007 2:32:10 PM

"What about pooling our resources and maybe getting some extra good magic items, maybe a ring of freedom of movement?"

Friday June 29th, 2007 9:41:54 PM

Val waits patiently in the catacombs, hoping the others don't leave without her.

Friday June 29th, 2007 10:54:18 PM

Spends her dwindling free time looking over nautical maps and continuing to hone her combat skills.

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