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News of the Emperor

DM Kent 
Monday July 30th, 2007 10:39:10 PM

Mykael joins his new friends at their table and after ordering a round of drinks, sets forth his questions.

Well, now that first uestion is a doosey now isn't it. You see ever since the royal family was freed from their heart seeds and the church's control, there is quite a bit more tollerance of the Jack's, so long as the line is not over stepped. This place is owned by a former Jack Captain and as long as things are kept relatively quiet here they are left alone. The church sends a quad through periodically just to make sure that there is nothing rebellious in nature going on and there is always someone watching but, when isn't life a bit dangerous?

As for our symbols, We are the Keepers of the Flame, out of Fargunia.

Drinking and listening Ari hears an interesting tidbit from a table next to him.

"You know I heard from my brother that his sister's son that helps clean the santuary told her that the head priest hasn't been himself recently. That he has been seen talking to himself as he wanders through the market."

Apollo acquires a room and heads upstairs passing by Ashira and making his proposition.

Rigging gets up from his table and makes his way over to the table that Ashira and the priest are sitting at.

The man seems overwhelmed by all the sudden attention and the amount of drink and food being thrown at him and starts nervously looking around the room as if looking for somewhere to escape to. The abrupt and pointed questions about the priesthood and his apparent loss/lack of faith have the poor man nearly white with fright. He quickly empties out his tankard and starts to push back from the table.

"Leave me 'lone. Don' wan' no comp'ny. Ain' got noth'n t'say."

Mykael  d20+3=18
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 1:23:15 AM

Mykael arches an eyebrow to the answers of the questions. More come forth.

"A good merchant and traveler learns of the places he goes to before hand. I have done some reading of this country and its religion."

"The Jack are the enemy of Ga'al, why would they allow a known place of the enemy in the city, let alone, so close to a temple? And why didnt you tell me of this? You may have risked my life recommending that I come here."

"I dont need any problems with Ga'al, I am here for trade."

"And just who ARE the Keepers of the Flame? I am well traveled and some what of a scholar. No offense intended, but I have never heard of you. And what are you doing here?"

"And even if the emperor has been freed from his seed. I thought the church held the power. What could the emperor really do?"

I dont like the looks of this, it appears to be a sort of spy ring. This is too good be to true. Still, I will probe further, to try and find some more answers. But, I must becareful.

(Diplomacy = 18)

Ari  d20+7=13
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 2:42:21 AM

Keeping the pretense up that he's deep into his spirits, Ari keeps on drinking. Letting himself get a somewhat tipsy allows everything to stay on the up and up for at least some people. He continues to listen to the different conversations going on around him. (Listen=13).

attendence report 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 2:56:27 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoxx
Appolo xooox
Rigging xxxox
Val xxxxo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxoo
Cosmo xxooo
Ari xoxox

Not very good at all people !! only one !!! person posted 5 times !!!!

thats only %65 for the group !!!

if this doesn't improve Jerry will be notified !!!

Val, old human woman 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 3:41:58 PM

Standing there in the inn Val grows very bored. The inn is full of people down on their luck. People that maybe they could have helped under different circumstances. She wished they would finish whatever they thought they were doing so the mission could actually begin.

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 5:04:08 PM

The armored dwarf remains calm as the unkempt cleric pushes his chair back.....keeping him insight from the corner of his eye .

Pouring those at his table another ale from his pitcher.....Nezamil continues to monitor the conversation in the room .

Flagging down another barmaid " we could use a refill sweetheart " remarks Nezamil in a friendly voice

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 5:49:48 PM

Keeping in his role as a merchant from their ship Cosmo orders up meals for the group and splashes some coin on the table for the tab and tip.

"keep our glasses full " smiles Cosmo to the barmaid

The halfling toys with his food and drink as he listedns to the ongoings in the taveren

(posted by adm-Chris as Matt is on vacation in Vermont)

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 6:24:56 PM

Appolo enters his room and settles down to wait and see if Ashira takes his hint and shows up.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 6:53:05 PM

Once they're spooked, it's better to let them run for a while... The plain woman looks surprised at the priest's reaction and remains seated. She offers up a "Sorry, sir" before he leaves and then heads back to Cosmo's table.

Tuesday July 31st, 2007 7:55:16 PM

Rigging sighs and holds up his hands palms outward in a soothing gesture. "I am sorry my friend. I didn't mean to frighten you. I have to admit that I am very curious on the whole religion and was wondering if I should convert to it. Sounds sort of peaceful is all, and I have been told that you can get many benefits from joining. Still if you don't want to talk about it, I can understand."

Rigging just watches the ex priests reactions without getting up yet.

DM Kent 
Tuesday July 31st, 2007 10:16:43 PM

The fighter looks a bit surprised at Mykael's reaction but then shrugs as he answers.

Well as to who the Keepers of the Flame are. We are simply an adventuring group that looks to help those who need helping. Of course should we find a little something along the way that helps also. We are mostly known in Fargunia and somewhat in Osto as the Saints over there could probably tell you.

And you are right of course about the emperor, but then he has friends in very high places. And rumor has it that one of them owns a dragon's of this establishment. Apparently it is a "Platinum" share to boot.

Ari, Val, Nez and Cosmo continue to drink as Apollo waits in the room.

Over at the priest's table, Riggin is apologetic and puts his soothing voice to work and the priest settles a bit but waits to see what Ashira is going to do before sitting down again.

turning to stare intently into Riggin's face the priest begins to speak.

"You know not what you ask. Yes it is peaceful if everything goes all right with the process and if you think giving up your personal freedom is worth it. I was a heartseeding priest for nearly 10 years and finally I couldn't do it any longer. I couldn't cut open and seed any more innocent children. So I had that horrid thing removed from my chest with a wish spell. That was when I joined the Jacks....

He sits hard onto his chair grabs The drink that Ashira bought him and downs it with one gulp.

Bart  d20+14=32
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:02:45 PM

Bart walks to the darts lane, anyone intere4sted in a game?

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 1:48:10 PM

Ari continue's to keep his nose in his drink.

It doesn't seem as if these people in here are on as much edge as the rest of the town. I wonder if the edginess is because of the rumor of someone like us coming to town, or whether it's just the emporer's town?

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 6:07:49 PM

Mykael rubs his head. Answers, some direct, some not so. Can they really be this open, and yet they still could be hiding something.

"So, how has the recent events affected trade? Is it safe in the city?"

"And do you mind if I ask who you are helping here?"

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:36:00 PM

The halfling watches Mykael interact with the group known as "keepers of the flame" and decides to try and earn some good will.

Flagging down a barmaid he orders a round of drinks for them and quickly pays the barmaid for the drinks .

Once the drinks arrive he will raise his own in toast to them .

(posted by chris as Matt is on vacation bottling maple syrup for everyone in vermont )

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 7:39:29 PM

Nezamil overhears the Ga'alian Cleric mention how he became unheartseeded .....somehow the shocked dwarf remains calm as he digests that bit of news

[i]" and they let him live?.....things have certainly changed here " whispers Nezamil to those at the table

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 9:09:47 PM

Appolo contunes to wait to see if Ashira or anyone else shows up at his room.

Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:25:22 PM

Val leaves Ashira's side and head's up to the room Appolo mention. She slips inside and closes the door behind her. Val removes the hat, taking on her normal appearence.

"It's strange. I finally get to change my form, at least in appearence, to something other than this black skinned body that was given to me, and it feels uncomfortable to be anything else. The mother put a lesson in this body she gave me. Yet I am unclear as to what it actually is. "

Val looks her body over and smiles. "Least I'm sexy."

Ashira the very plain woman 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:32:49 PM

Feeling for her part that things are getting nowhere fast, Ashira looks over at Cosmo. "Sorry, Cap'n, but it's getting late. You mind if I get me a room here or are we going back to the ship?"

DM kent 
Wednesday August 1st, 2007 10:39:24 PM

Bart heads over to the dart lanes and asks the green marked fellows there if there is any interest in a game. One of them a halfling looks over. "sure I'll toss a few with you. Name's Jordy Stone Thistle.

Val heads up stair to join Apollo while Ari continues to wtch and Cosmo sends a round of drinks over to the group where Mykael is seated. As the drinks arrive he is invited over to join them.

Nez is surprised by what he overhears from the priest.

Mykael asks a few more questions and isn't sure what to think of the answers.

Well, I guess that would depend on what you mean by recent events. The Quads, Scarves and collectors have been a lot busier than they have in the last several months and it seems like a lot more children are being seeded. possibly as many ay 30 a night. So is the city safe? again that depends on what you mean by safe. As to who we are helping now. Well that to is kind of up in the air. There are several adventuring groups met in town currently for one reason or another. We are hear because supposedly a high level group is on its way here to ummm, well just do and we are here to aid them if they need it.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 12:03:26 AM

Mykael lets his face drop at the merchant information, but his eyes perk up with curiosity at the mention of the Keepers waiting for someone.

"Who are you waiting for, perhaps I have heard of them and I can finally return the favor, by lending you some knowledge."

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 8:30:53 AM

Rigging listens to the conversations around him digesting the clerics rant. He is having trouble believing that a priest of Ga'al could just wish his heartseed away and still stay in the city.

He looks over to the hard drinking priest and says, "If you have joined the pirates, they would have marked you. Let me see your mark. I tire of the games old man and I need proof." Rigging lowers his voice into a deadly menace, his eyes turn to stone and he says, "If you can show me the mark, you might just live the rest of the night."

Rigging readies a scorching ray spell. If the cleric attacks, he will cast it.

level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

DM kent (interim post) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 11:16:36 AM

The priest roles up his left sleave to display two rows of three green dagger tattoos placed point to point. As he is rolling up his sleave he chants softly.

"Jack for freedom
Jill for truth
Stand we all
Opposed to Ga'al
Bring our people
Back to light
Holy Lem will their priests vex
And for liberty we fight"

As Rigging checks out the daggers and sees that they are in truth real, the priest makes yet another comment.

"Ye see I knew ye weren't no merchants. You all move all wrong."

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 7:08:42 PM

Rigging leans forward and says, "Please join me in my rooms. I know you feel comfortable here but this is just to open for my habits."

Rigging will say via message, "Ashira, Cosmo, Nezamil, please join me in our rooms. I want the rest of you to keep watch. We might be among friends but we can't let our guard down here"

Rigging will get up and lead the priest away. When the others have joined him, he will bow and say, "My name is Arrack Von Palin, Captain to the Sword of Redemption and leader of the Wildcards. We were recently in the pirates but are now working outside their control but along the same path as they are.

We have been given a mission to assault the temple and bring it to the ground if possible. Destroy the heartseed tree, kill the priests and generally make life miserable for the Ga'alians. If you have truly repented and left Ga'al's services than you can be of great help to us. We need a layout of the temple, where the tree is, where the priests stay, any traps, passwords, and guard strengths and patrol paths. Do you have this information?"

Rigging will pull out some parchment and ink and prepare to make notes and maps to plan with.

level: mending, message, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, overland flight
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:09:53 PM

When Valanthe enters the room she finds it dark except for two candle by the bed.Froma dorner to the right Appolo steps forward"yes are sexy.I'm glad you came.My sunshine.Now how about the two of us slip out that window and do alittle recon on the Carthedral?"

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:17:51 PM

Watching the interaction between the ex-Ga'alian Cleric and Captain Rigging closely...Nnezamil will unobtrusively follow after Rigging upin hearing the magical message

Once in the room the dwarf will stand by the door and display his Anvil holy symbol of Domi

" if you speak the truth abaout the unseeding then it is a good day for many " remarks Nezamil

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 9:22:14 PM

Cosmo joins Mykael and the keepers of the flame .......joining in the conversation a little but he listens more...letting Mykael stear the discussion.

Hearing the message spell from Rigging and wait an appropiate time and then excuse himself from his new friends ....."i'll be back shortly " he says quietly to mykael " keep making friends " smiles the halfling

(posted by Chris as matt is on vacation in Vermont)

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:31:38 PM

Ashira looks at Cosmo. "I'll just be gettin me a room then." With a casual air, she walks upstairs and joins Rigging. When the formalities are dropped, Ashira drops her disguise as well...seeing how Rigging has just let this guy in on their whole entire mission. She watches the priest carefully and listens to what he might have to say.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:43:53 PM

Ari notes the action of Rigging's conversation and briefly looks his way when he sends out the message to let him know that he got the note. As the party passes Ari continues to take light swigs on his drink and mubles 'yarsh it's all goo....'.

I hope things go well with Rigging and that we have no trouble here. Rigging is right though, it sort of feels too convienient. I promise to keep my eyes and ears open.

Thursday August 2nd, 2007 10:53:50 PM

"I am no longer sunshine. I haven't been for a long time. We are going to stay right here. This is way too important to go off against orders. We could blow the entire mission. No we best join the others." Val replies. She put on the had and takes the guise of the old human woman she was a few moments ago. Val steps out of the room and heads to join the others.

Appolo Ac33 Hp 80  d20+10=25 d20+9=22 d20+15=19
Friday August 3rd, 2007 12:12:21 AM

When Valanthe leaves Appolo just shrugs his shoulders puts out the candles.Silently opens the window drops a rope and slides down to the ground.He then goes invisible after taking alook around.Moving silently and quickly he makes his way to the Cathedral.To see what he can see.

Spot 25 Listen 22 Move Silent 19

Bart  d20+15=28
Friday August 3rd, 2007 1:39:33 AM

Hi Jordy how are you doing my name is Al. Looser pays for a drink?
Bart throws a dart (ac 28), are you from this town or from somewhere else, it is the first time i visit this town, i was wondering what the places to be are. This inn is one i like but there must be some others too

DM kent  d20+11=31 d100=26
Friday August 3rd, 2007 9:14:47 AM

Apollo takes off to do a bit of scouting as requested by Rigging, while others make their ways upstairs. Arie Mykael and Bart stay in the common room drinking chatting and dart throwing.

A bit unsure of what is going on The old priest balks a moment, but then moves upstairs with Rigging. As they enter the room and sit Rigging just flat out tells the old man what they are here to do and the priests mouth drops to his chest.

"Ye're what? Ar' ye daft? 'ave ye any idea t'what ye're doin?

After his initial outburst he goes quiet a moment as if thinking.

Beginning to chuckle a bit he looks around at the five in the room.

"I'm a hoping ye 'ave the rest of the Pirates of Jack stationed 'round the city somewher's, for ye 're goin t' need 'em.

Now as to yer question, I can answer some of yer questions tha's fer sure an I c'n prolly draw ye up a map of the sanct'ry and the rooms on the main floor, but while I know of those below I ain' nev'r been there while I was a preist.


Apollo heads out into the night and heads across the square toward the Cathedral to scout things out a bit.

While definitely not a pretty building, at least from the outside, the cathedral is built more like a fortress, with what looks like an exterior wall surrounding the inner fortress. Above the front gate and iset in front of the wall, there is a very tall bell tower and after several minutes of watching it, Apollo is rewarded with the sight of a bit of movement, revealing that the tower is manned. Walking up to the tower and wall he reaches out to feel the surface and is surprised to find that it is not only absolutely smooth, but it feels almost greasy though nothing rubs off on his hands. As he walks past the gate he spots several guards in the entry way.

Well hello.... Al. Nice throw! as he watches Al's dart settle within inches of the center.

As he walks up to the trowing line he responda to Barts question.

"Oh my friends and I are from around here in Ailsidur, if not necessasrily from the capital itself."

He settles himself a moment and then almost casually tosses his dart which streaks toward the target and strikes dead center. He genuinely looks a bit shocked and pleased.

"Well you must be my lucky charm Al, I haven't thrown a first round dart like that ever. So What brings you the center of the evil empire?"

Mykael's question and answer session isn't going quite as well as the only answer to his question is a shrug and a not so helpful answer.

"Well now that is a bit odd and I suppose that you'll be thinking us more than a bit daft, but we don't know who's coming that we are to offer our help to. We just received a brief note saying that if we wanted to help free Ailsidur we should go to the Jack's Booty in Emperor City and wait for those that come. It was sealed with a green dragon with the Letters ED in the center."

Darain - OOC 
Friday August 3rd, 2007 8:14:20 PM

OOC: no reply to Mykael's questions?

Appolo Invisible Hasted Ac 34 Hp 80  d20+12=25 d20+10=14 d20+15=27
Friday August 3rd, 2007 10:02:58 PM

Appolo clicks on his Boots of speed and continues his slint recon of the Cathedral.He makes his way all the way around it taking note of the guards fortifcations and anything else of interest.

Spot 25 Listen 14 Move slint 27

Saturday August 4th, 2007 10:48:20 AM

Rigging chuckles ruefully at the old priest's comments. No I am afraid we are all we have, so some serious scouting, planning and a lightning attack are going to be needed. This isn't a Pirate sanctioned mission, though I doubt they would mind but one given to us by all of the dragon groups.

Obviously any information on standard defensive tactics the churches use would be helpful. Any information on guard formations, standard weapons and armor would be useful. Of course any information or rumors on extra special guards or guardians like quads, special guard animals, curses, symbol spells etc would be vital for our success. Finally any information on the leaders of the church, the priests themselves would be invaluable for our planning."

Rigging looks a little sheepish with the next comments, "You realize of course, since I have been so for coming with our mission, I am going to have to insist you remain our guest for the next few days. I am a trusting soul but you can never be to careful."

Val, old human woman 
Saturday August 4th, 2007 10:28:20 PM

Unsure of what room the others went into Val returns to the common room. She takes a seat and just watched the room for suspicious activity.

Sunday August 5th, 2007 1:45:01 PM

Nice throw Jordy, how is life in this country and city i heard there are less hartseedings now

Sunday August 5th, 2007 11:02:49 PM

Cosmo listens to Rigging and the old Priest. If this guy can give the Wildcards a layout of the building that will certainly help there attack.

He keeps silent waiting for more instruction from Rigging.

Ari  d20+7=10
Monday August 6th, 2007 3:58:40 AM

Ari is not paying strong attention to the active conversations that the remaining swords are having. His attention is whether there are any nefarious type individuals who are paying too much attention to the things related to the swords. (listen = 10)

I hope there's no need for real roughness with the priest. It seems the swords are still a very zealous group. <sigh> I wonder if they'll ever be able to relax, or have a place where they can get out of this cycle of violence that they have.

Ari wistfully daydreams about being out in the forests and being able to interact with nature.

DM Kent  d20+11=25
Monday August 6th, 2007 8:42:38 AM

Jordy throws a second dart which isn't even close to the last two and then turns and looks at Bart shaking his head, though whether at his throw or Bart's comment is not readily known.

"Less heartseeding? The Cullings are coming around once a month now as opposed to once a year now. You really can't believe that there are that many mortally sick, injured or old people in the city do you? The Veiled Quads are openly patrolling again and they are seeding at least 20 thriteen year olds nightly. And the Fear sticks and stones have been brought back into use after nearly being unused in 15 years.

The old priest looks at Rigging again. You ain't been listening very well. Other than giving you a basic layout of the upper sanctuary and rooms I don't know how much use I am going to be to you. I hain't been in that building for nigh on 10 years now and I have no desire to do so now.

Apollo makes it around the building and noted two smaller but well guarded doors in the rear of the building, probably the priest and Quads private entrances. Apollo gets back to the front of the Cathedral and is just about ready to head back and make his report when a small stone hits him on the shoulder from behind. Turning he sees a shadowy figure that seesm to be staring right at him and beckoning him to follow.

Monday August 6th, 2007 3:05:09 PM

Quite different then i heard i thought it was once a year, is nothing done about it?

Valanthe, old human woman 
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:37:36 PM

Val is growing impatient as more time seems to be waisted. Eventually, hopefully soon, they will actually get down to business.

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:43:42 PM

Rigging smiles at the priest and hands him a parchment and ink. "Start sketching. A basic layout is better than no layout. Being there 10 years ago is better than anything I can say."

Rigging messages his friends and says, "Everyone join us in our rooms. We need to do some planning."

Once they are all together, Rigging will say, "OK we need to put a time table together. I must admit that I am surprised we are finding so much opposition to Ga'al in his own capital city. Not complaining but it is unexpected. First, we need to gather some information. Obviously this is going to be dangerous and we need to be careful. Cosmo can you cast a prying eyes? Maybe we can find a discrete window or arrow slit to send it through.

Appolo, what has your recon of the area told you? (Don't know the details of the rock thrower yet so just playing like it hasn't happened yet)

Mykael, what do you think about going in during the day and taking a look around. It will be dangerous but you could pose as a possible convert. We need some inside information. We need to find a less obtrusive way in than the front doors. Any sewers? Can we get in fron the roof? We needs answers people."

Monday August 6th, 2007 10:45:59 PM

Cosmo remains in the background observing the priest and Rigging as they talk. He watches as the cleric sketches out the layout of the temple. He thinks about possible creatures to summon and magical defenses they might encounter.

Appolo Haste+4 Invisible Ac 31 Hp 80  d20+12=24 d20+10=25 d20+17=29
Monday August 6th, 2007 10:59:19 PM

Appolo turns and looks at the figure.Thinking well this is interesting,he decides to quietly follow the figure.Keeping his eyes and ears open ready for anything.

Spot 24 Listen 25 Move silent 34

Monday August 6th, 2007 11:01:07 PM

Mykael takes note that all of his new friends have drank themselves past the ability to speak.

When he receives the message from Rigging, he merely stands a leaves the table, saying nothing.

In the meeting.

"I believe that by coming here, we have already marked ourselves as 'Ones to be watched'. Therefore, any of us going into the temple will be in even more danger and under more scrutiny. Also, even if one is to be believed as a wanted convert. Who saves the Ga'alians would allow a change of heart, once inside? I believe that guise to gain access is a bad one."

"How many spells or abilities do the rangers and cleric have over animals? Why not sends some harmless birds to perch up high. Use the ones that already do. Rats, mice, and maybe insects for inside? Can you see through thier eyes? Or make sense of how they explain what they see or have seen? Use what the priests and soldiers will not suspect. Normal animal life and vermin of the temple itself and her sewers."

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 12:15:01 AM

The ranger looks over at Mykael and shrugs. "I can certainly call an animal to help us...I can even speak to it, but I can't see through its eyes."

Ari  d20+7=20 d20+3=9
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 2:10:16 AM

Trying to keep a mindful eye on what's going on, Ari stops himself from jumping when Rigging passes the word to gather upstairs. When he sees the others disappear upstairs he decides to linger longer to see whether there are any others that might have put 2+2 together about who is doing what with whom. (listen 20, spot 9).

When Ari feels 'safe' enough to move, he'll stumble out of the common area and head upstairs. He'll continue to keep an eye out as he stumbles into Rigging's quarters. If he should feel anything amiss he'll report it as he enters the quarters.

As Ari gets caught up on what's going on he'll add, "Maybe the Emperor has had more of a hand in what's going on than anyone might know. We know the priesthood is moving a lot on its own at this point. We have been generally out of touch for some time, maybe."

Responding to other comments "I would have to change my spells in order to have any animals availabe, assuming there are any around the temple to be had."

When given a time to ponder his own question Ari states," The last question of course is how quickly we should rush into this. We've been able to get by in the past with that kind of philosophy, but can we do it now?"

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:04:20 AM

Apollo begins to follow the shadowy figure and gets just around the corner out of sight of the Cathedral when he nearly runs into the figure as she steps back out of the shadow. The girl is dressed in loose fitting greyish clothes and looks to be about 10 years old.

"My Mistress sent me to meet you, Orphan Apollo. She had forseen this meeting before I was born. She told me to tell you these three things."

"First she says that, Wynd is still watching. Second, That you will eventually get back that which you lost and held so dear.
And finally, that she would like to meet you and your group tomorrow at the winemellon tent called "Drake's Melons" tomorrow morning at dawn. She has some knowledge that you might find of help."

Rigging gathers all to the room and discusses the need for further info and starts the good father on sketching duty. he also offers up some thoughts on entry.

Mykael's abrupt departure raises a few eyebrows at his table but nothing is said as he leaves. Once he has heard what Rigging has to say he has some thoughts, concerns and ideas of his own.

Ari watches as the others head upstairs and keeps an eye out in the inn. He notes that members of all four of the groups take note of the Swords' departures but nothing is said or even apparently talked about. And once they are all gone it seems almost like they were never there as conversations, games and drinking goes on as before uninterupted. Finally he too makes his way upstairs and joins the others.
Once there he asks a few questions of his own and listens to the thoughts of the others.

Several others chime in about spells and such.

Towards the end of the conversation and just about the time the priest finishes his sketch Apollo arrives back at the inn and makes his way to the room.

The priest appologetically tells you that he was never able to go out of the areas he has mapped, but he knows there are at least two other levels below the sanctuary. One of which has the actual gardens and the bottom where the Heart of Ga'al is located

(Map coming via email)

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 7:38:04 PM

Appolo returns to the iNN and makes a full report. to evetone.Telling them about everything he saw and heard on his patrol.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 9:20:01 PM

As Apollo makes his report, Ari's breath catches for a second when Wynd's name is mentioned.

I haven't thought of that name for some time now. I wish we might be able to talk with her, just for comfort's sake. I hope our deeds are looked well upon by Wynd.

"Many of us departed suddenly below and it created a bit of stir, but it seems as if they've all moved on in their discussions and I don't see any that had a lingering interest in us."

Having made his report he'll also chime in, "I for one am interested in this dawn meeting."

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 10:01:29 PM

Rigging listens to the reports and says, "Well yet another group seems to know we are here. I am gonna give that Gunther fellow a tongue lashing when I see him next. Someone has a big mouth!"

Rigging looks at the old priest and asks, "Good sir, what is your name? He then goes on and says, "I know you haven't been in the temple in over 10 years but being a priest you surely have some information that can help us. Do they have a mass in the mornings? They seem to be heartseeding the children at night. Would this be a good time to attack or are their guards up then. If you were planning an assualt, when would you strike knowing their normal daily rituals. Do you understand what I am looking for. Not specific knowledge but facts that you have that could be useful in catching them off guard."

Rigging looks at the Wildcards and says, "I want guards on duty tonight. We will get a good night sleep and then go see this mistress who wants to give us some information."

Rigging will Val down to get some food and drinks to bring up to the room for the priest. He isn't going anywhere tonight.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:06:42 PM

The ranger arches an eyebrow at the mention of Wynd. Wynd....Rigging's old...hmmmm...he doesn't seem to be responding to that bit of information...interesting. Ashira volunteers to take a double shift and then sets about watching over the "priest" as she combs the map for details. It was a start. Not much of one perhaps...but a start.

Tuesday August 7th, 2007 11:15:40 PM

Cosmo studies the map the the priest has drawn.

"Well it looks like once we are the only way out will be by fighting back to the front door or by using magic. Hopefully we do not run into any areas where magic is limited."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 12:45:53 AM

After giving his report.Which includes the two guarded back door,numbers of Preists,troops and poeple moving in and out of the Temple as well the surrounding area,Appolo looks aeouns and says I think we should meet with this person the little girl mentioned.She was only a bout 10 but could see me and hit me witha small rock even though I was several yards away invisible and hasted.So if this is a trap it doesn't really matter becuase they already know we're and can apparently take us out at thier liezure.Also the rumors on the street is that the G'aalians a re preparing for heavy duty visitors.They have trained a specialized quad that can double in size and strength as well as anything else that hey can think of.I say we get bacl on our ship in the morning and run.I mean if we have any sense that is what we'll do.The enemy is ready and waiting."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 7:03:13 AM

"Well I guess I'll be the one to say it. Captain you have to plan in contingency that everything we have been told is to mislead us. Too many people know why we are here. Any surprise we had is lost because somebody couldn't keep their mouth shut. Right now it appears that everybody hastes the church, and they have reason, but we cannot for a second believe the clergy are fools. Everybody down in that common room could be genuine. They could also be plants by the clergy."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 1:18:14 PM

The dwarf listens quietly as infomation is gathered and reported.

"well seems many know we are coming here....seems certain that the Ga'alian brotherhood knows the same ......we need to be extra careful......and not to mention work as a team......working solo is just to dangerous"

"we ain't running anyway just yet Appolo......we have busuness to attend to first.....we've come too far to not try this "

attendence report 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 1:23:54 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxooo
Appolo xxoxx
Rigging xoxxx
Val xxoxx
Bart oxoxx
Nezamil xxoxo
Mykael xxxoo
Cosmo xxoxx
Ari xxoxx

Ook people we've all gotten the e-mail from Kent and Jerry about posting !!! combat is coming soon !!!! lets post and stay alive !!!! ;-)

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 2:10:30 PM

Bart throws another dart and ask about life in the city. Is nothing done about the priests I thought they only did hartseading with youngsters of 13.

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 8th, 2007 5:33:33 PM

Apollo make his report and states that the think about making the meeting with the girl's mistress.

Ari and the others add their thoughts as well as their misgivings and ready themselves for what they hope is not one great big trap.

The priest looks up at Rigging's questions and comments.

"Well now, my name be, or at least that which I go by now, is Nubs Alingie.

Well if you don't want current specifics then that do be true. I do know somewhat of their daily order of things and such.

They have two daily services one bout 2 hours after sunup and one bout two hour afor sundown. Prolly bout 4000 folks in there bout them times. Heartseeding goes on nightly, usually starting bout midnight or there abouts. There be two rooms for that one fer the boys and one fer the girls, pointing to the two rooms on the map he just drew.

There are only two ways into the cathedral. the front gate or the priest entrances in the rear. (Again showing you on the map. Now used to be they had a quad watching the front gate, the inner gate and the rear doors. and ususally they had one in the bell tower as well, though that jobs usually given to those on punishment for som'at.

I don't really know which way would be best but I certainly wouldn't want to go in during the main service times. In any case, if'n you go in the front way, yer somehow's gonna have to stop the bell tower guards from sounding the alarm when you attack.

If you go in the back way you will liekly run in to a whole lot of priests and such as that is where their quarters are. An' there be's an alarm pull in their quarters as well.

The Quads and Priests are human so they do have to sleep and such, but the place is or was very well guarded at all times, what with the Dragon Cult, The Emperor and the Jacks all working against the priesthood. There are or were also some pull chords near the entrances to the heartseeding rooms that will set off an alarm as well, so you may need to try and do something about them.

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 10:02:30 PM

Rigging listens again to the priest and nods when he hears his name and smiles, "Nice to meet you. Wish it could be under better circumstances."

He looks to the other Wildcards and says, "We will rest tonight and wake up and meet this stranger who can pick out Appolo when he is sneaking around. Possibly an ally. Maybe a way to get in.

So far I think we should tackle the priests home first. We are charged to killing as many of them as possible and catching them in bed, out of armor and unprepared seems like a good time. They also can't reinforce the quads and heal them up.

Anyway to bed. We have an early day tomorrow. Usual guard shifts and we are all sharing one room."

Wednesday August 8th, 2007 11:31:43 PM

"As for the tower bells. Could we enchant an arrow or something small and tie it to an arrow. we shoot high digging the arrow into the stone and includes the bell in a zone of silence. That way when they ring the bell nothing happens. It won't last forever but it will buy some extra time."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 12:12:35 AM

Ari takes a closer look at the priest since he's in their quarters now. He hadn't spent too much time looking while they were in the common area for fear of giving away too much interest in the local area. (ooc if there's nothing new that's fine).

Not sure if things should be said in front of the priest, Ari decides to wait until the priest is out of ear shot, or unless some other indication is given that it is okay to talk in front of him.

"Do we have the ability to cast mis-direction and non-detection? That might help us either once we get started or even now."

"If we don't find any children tomorrow, we might want to try looking around for some."

Looking at Apollo Ari states, "Remember what it was like for us, running around and knowing the short cuts and the in and outs of the town. We might be able to find those that could show us some unseen in ands outs of the temple and the town. Or whether we should keep contacting the Jacks and Jills as a last resort if we have no other way out."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 1:22:17 AM

Apperently Bart doesnt get any more info from Jordy. See you around Jordy, next time we play a longer match if u like.
Bart goes to the backroom and joins his friends who are all studying the map of the temple. Hmmm why cant we go in by daytime, hide somewhere, and during the night we go to the lower levels using the secret door

Thursday August 9th, 2007 2:20:43 AM

Mykael finds a nice spot and goes to sleep for the night.

He stands his watch and studies his spells.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 11:46:32 AM

Appolo looks at Rigging and the others"Ok sounds fine with me,Now I'm going to go get a few hours sleep in the room I purchased.I'm not worried about them.If they want to hit us they will,so I'm going get some rest.I suggest everyone else do the same.Don't worry about setting up a watch.We only havea few hours before sunrise anyways andI suggest we move out before it comes up and have the meet well scouted before hand."

Thursday August 9th, 2007 2:39:13 PM

Cosmo takes first watch so he can get a good nights sleep.

If all goes quitely then he finds a spot to sellp and in the morning studies for his spells.

Thursday August 9th, 2007 4:28:03 PM

The Cleric of Domi smiles as Rigging decides to attack the Priests quarters 1st " hit en hard and fast ....i like that "

"Any suggestions on spell use we can coordinate for the attack ??" asks Nezamil

"lets make sure we watch each others backs.....this is gonna be very dangerous "

Thursday August 9th, 2007 9:36:21 PM

"The idea about finding the street urchins. Thats a good idea. They see things nobody does. Know things that people think they don't. We could learn a lot from them. I think they will be receptive to our cause. How many of their friends get taken away only to return different?"

DM kent 
Thursday August 9th, 2007 10:45:11 PM

Short post - family emergency_

Rigging and the Swords come up with a basic plan and decide to try and get a good night's rest. Watches are set, the priest finds a corner and sleep is found to some degree for everyone.

The final watch decides that it is just about time for everyone to get up so they can meet the mystery melon woman.

Friday August 10th, 2007 11:25:30 AM

(ooc I hope things go as well as they can for your emergency Kent. Your post can be interpreted two different ways. Should we post our overnight routines, or should we expect a 2nd more lengthy post from you once the emergency is taken care of? (figured I'd ask :) ))

Friday August 10th, 2007 4:46:59 PM

The dwarf stirs as he is awakened by the last watch......taking some time to mediate to Domi the priest seats himself out of the way in a corner to pray.

Afterwards Nezamil will follow Ccaptain Riggings plan.

(spell list to follow )
(hope everything is well with you and you family kent)

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:08:08 PM

Appolo sleeps well and awakes about an hour before dawn.Once awake he gets cleaned up and suited up.Once ready he jions the others and heads for the meeting nice and quiet like.

Friday August 10th, 2007 7:36:29 PM

Cosmo finsihes studying for his spells and joins the rest of the Wildcards for breakfast.

Spell list coming!

Friday August 10th, 2007 8:40:46 PM

Rigging wakes up, tweaks his spells and gets ready for the meeting with Appolo's mysterious lady.

level: message x2, prestidigitation, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, empowered fireball, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Cone of Cold, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

Friday August 10th, 2007 10:19:01 PM

Val enjoys a lengthy reverie, awakening well rested. "So what do we do today?"

Friday August 10th, 2007 11:34:15 PM

Mykael sits in the corner drumming out a beat on Nezamil's helm, while he waits for the group to move out.

DM Kent  d100=7
Saturday August 11th, 2007 2:30:54 PM

(thanks for the well wishers etc. My dad is doing better had a major scare. Not quite out of the woods yet but looking better.)

Up early, the party makes ther way downstairs and out the front door.

Apollo remembers having seen the Melon Wine shop on their way in town, though it was further back toward the docks. Having told Rigging this, the group begins the moderate trek to their destination.

Street cleaners and gleaners are to be seen doing their things and a number of merchants and stall owners are moving about beginging to set up for they day.

The journey takes all of about 20 minutes and the Winemelon tent is seen just ahead and to the right.

Outside of the tent opening you see a small figure sitting crosslegged as if waiting. The inside of the tent behind her is totally dark as far as you can tell.

Sunday August 12th, 2007 3:47:25 AM

Bart stays in the back of the group, ready to react if necessary.

Hmm we allways could start a fire and burn the place down

Monday August 13th, 2007 8:13:42 AM

While the party moves to their meeting, Ari does his best to keep his eyes out for the various street Urchins for future contact, if they're not involved in this upcoming meeting.

As usual Ari feels apprehensive about this meeting that could either help the group, or could be a trap.

ooc my main house breaker has gone down and I'm currently trying to have the maintenance person get it fixed. posting is problematic at best! :( :)

Will drop a note when I'm in the clear.

Appolo  d20+12=27 d20+10=11
Monday August 13th, 2007 1:24:23 PM

Once they reach the tent and see the girl outside the tent Appolo stops the group"Ok folks this is it.I'm going forward first if I think everything is ok I'll wave the rest of forward if not I'll bolt and everyone else run.back to the ship.Keep your eyes and ears open."Appolo then moves quickly toward the tent and the figure on the ground watching and listening for anything suspicious.

Once he reaches the figure Appolo says "Hello good morning."With smile.

Monday August 13th, 2007 5:14:41 PM

the armored dwarf peers at the tent......using his dwarven vision to see deeper into the tent.

"is this the place? "mutters Nezamil "

Keeping to his position in the center of th group the dwarf will quietly shift from foot to foot......slightly anxious of waiting in the open

Monday August 13th, 2007 5:20:28 PM

"Rigging am I taking the lead here as the merchant or are you going to speak?"

Cosmo waits to see how Rigging wants him to act.

OOC - Spell list and active effects coming!

Ashira the very plain woman 
Monday August 13th, 2007 9:45:34 PM

The plain woman walks slowly toward the Melon Wine shop with the others. She carefully examines all of the wares along the way, as if carefully considering a future purchase. Upon arrival at the shop, Ashira adopts a very bored manner as if she is simply waiting for the more important members of her party to finish up their business.

DM Kent 
Monday August 13th, 2007 10:22:45 PM

Ari keeps a lookout for street urchins and really ees very little as it is still about 5:00 in the morning, but he does recall seeing very few children and none over the age of 11 since they arrived.

Ashira keeps an eye out on the shops they are apssing and those beginning to set up shop trying to see what it is that they might be selling.

Nez peer into the darkness of the tent and is happy to note that it is normal darkness and from the distance he s away he can see what looks to be several tables and chairs inside but little else.

Cosmo waits for Rigging to find out who and how this is going down when Appolo says his piece and heads to the door.

As he approaches the figure on the ground, Apollo realises it is the same little girl and she looks up when he addresses her.

"Good morning. My mistress awaits inside and to the right. Please make your way inside. All of you please. My mistrees told me to tell you that you should hurry inside as a Culling crew is going to be coming around the corner within seconds."

Monday August 13th, 2007 10:31:06 PM

(ooc sorry for the missed post.)

Rigging darts into the tent wondering if he is jumping into a trap. He has a scorching ray spell ready in case of trouble.

Monday August 13th, 2007 11:32:57 PM

Val stands in the back watching silently.

ooc: apologies for the missed post and the short one here. Some RL stuff is making things difficult.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 1:15:09 AM

Mykael quickly makes his way into the tent and moves to the left. Surveying then entire enclosure, he quickly finds a darker spot to observe and listen from.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 9:37:23 AM

Having heard about the Culling crews, Ari quickly moves inside with the one bit of information that might actually make him jump to get inside.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic

comprehend Languages
Feather Fall
Spider Climb

1-level Ranger


alter Self
Resist Energy
flaming sphere,
cats grace


Dispel Magic
Lightening Bolt

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 3:02:17 PM

Nezamil quickly follows the others into the tent.......following Mykael's example but goes to the rightside......so as not to all walk into the same trap incase there is one.

Tuesday August 14th, 2007 3:53:20 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo follows the group inside the tent. He remains alert for a trap.

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Appolo  d20+12=18 d20+10=23
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 7:50:10 PM

Appolo isn't worried about the culling patrol and let's all the others enter first as he isa bit miffed that they ignored his advice and didn't wait for his signal,Appolo enters last keeping his eyes and ears open.

Spot 18 Listen 23

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 14th, 2007 10:40:49 PM

The inside of the tent is unlit but with the gray of dawn you can make out the tables and chairs etc. Those with dark vision see a nicely laid out drinking establishment and just to the left of the entryway an old lady sits at a table. She doesn't appear to look up or even move as you all enter.

"Good morning Wildcards, please come in and have a seat. Let me sense your presences. If you need a light you may make one, it will not bother old Lunetta. My eyes are all past seeing anyway.

attendence report 
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 10:39:35 AM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira xxoox
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xxxxo
Val xxxxo
Bart xxxox
Nezamil oxxxx
Mykael xoxxo
Cosmo xxxxx
Ari xxxxx

a good week of posting everyone !! keep it up !! ;-)

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:44:01 AM

Bart is a bit surprised the old lady knows the name of their group.
Hello madam my name is Albarth Bart for short, nice to meet u

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 1:53:21 PM

The dwarf measures up the old lady.....and decides to comply " greetings Lunetta.......i'm called Nezamil ......a member of Domi's brotherhood" adds the dwarf respectfully

Taking a seat......Nezamil waits for the meeting to start

Cosmo  d20+5=16
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 1:56:14 PM

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Cosmo moves to one of the offered seats and sits down. He looks around the sent as his eyes get used to the darkness.

Spot 16

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Wednesday August 15th, 2007 5:20:14 PM

"I am Ari."

Ari feels comforted for some reason, when the groups name is mentioned. Curious that she seems to know a fair amount about our group. It will be interesting to see how this fares and what we shall learn

0-level - Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance

1-level - comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Spider Climb

1-level Ranger - Entangle, Jump

2-level - alter Self, Resist Energy, flaming sphere, cats grace

3-level - Dispel Magic, Lightening Bolt, Slow

Apppolo  d20+12=30 d20+10=30
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 7:39:08 PM

Appolo moves slightly to the right of the door but remains in the shadows standing quietly,he watches and listens.Om the alert for trouble.He thinks to himself.Great seems everyone know aho we are and what we're going to do.

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 15th, 2007 11:03:35 PM

Spot DC 14 to see:Highlight to display spoiler: { You notice that Lunetta is missing both of her thumbs}

Yes, Apollo many know who you are, including old Lunetta, but in truth they know not that you are who you are, or when you are coming, let alone what you truly might do.

The streams of possibilities that I see are endless, though some are stronger and less maleable than others. And several are streams of darkness. All have the possibility of being though only one will end true. Many of the streams will split or end depending on your decisions and what you do or don't do. Death is seen and overcome. Life is allowed to keep living. Darkness brings its own light and depths of despair. Swords will break and be reforged.

I foresaw this meeting four years ago while I was a "Guest" at the cathedral. By Lemtrovex's mercy I escaped, but I have been awaiting your arrival for nearly four years.

But my story is not completely what you are here for. Though I can tell you about the garden level and heart sanctum. I am allowed to answer one question about the possible futures I see, but I can not tell you what the futures hold. Think discuss and then ask your one question and then I will tell you what I know of the cathedral.

Thursday August 16th, 2007 12:05:54 AM

Mykael confers with the group about the question they should ask.

"I think we should ask... that out of all of the possible futures, what was the most consistant or biggest mistake we made or surprise that we didnt plan for."

"Or perhaps, out of all the possibilities, if there is one that shows us destroying the heartseed tree permanently, how did we do it?"

"Those two are the best I can think of right off hand like this."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 6:46:26 AM

"I don't think we should ask anything. Knowing the future may change what we do. Trying for one specific future may do more harm than good."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 2:58:50 PM

Normally i wwould agree with you Val, but knowing how to kill the hartseed tree is a big plus.

Thursday August 16th, 2007 3:06:26 PM

Appolo steps forward"Ok folks we don't need to know the future.We're not meant to.All we need to know is what she knows about the cathedral and how to kill the tree and if it's in there G'aal's heart.That's it.Let's keep it simple and let the chips fall were they may.Certian questions are best left asked let alone answered."

Rigging  d20+7=21
Thursday August 16th, 2007 3:12:22 PM

Spot roll 21 for thumbs

Rigging ponders what the old seer says as he glances at her hands and notices her missing thumbs. He looks to the others and says, "Maybe we should ask about our planned entrance and exit plans and see if they are the proper way to go.

Things are going to get to fuzzy while in the church."

Rigging frowns and looks at the old woman and asks, "How is it everyone knows we are coming? We only got this mission a short time ago."

Thursday August 16th, 2007 4:22:26 PM

The Cleric of Domi winces slightly as the old women highlights the word "guest" and shakes his head sadly

" that was indeed fortunate that you were able to escape .......the terrible things that happened to you and others you witnessed" adds Nezamil quietly

Nodding as the other Wildcards discuss the question to be asked

Thursday August 16th, 2007 6:23:10 PM

He turns to the others in the group and says, "Should we ask specific question about the which future we want to bring about, or do we want to ask a broader question that will give us the ability to better evaluate what we're going to do. A broader question I could think of would be how many futures are there where we destroy the seed and escape the city?!

I don't think knowing the future changes much. Since we are all individuals we each have a decision in this future. Since each future is a series of decisions, I don't see how we necessariy can get to the future that she might point us to"

Thursday August 16th, 2007 7:31:30 PM

"I think asking how to kill the tree is the best question."

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

for Nellie by Ken 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 10:52:18 PM

Benjamin Scott Knotts
born August 15 @ 2:31 pm
baby did very well, slid thru the canal like a water slide. Janell had a bleeding problem and had a tough recovery. Both are doing well now and looking forward to comming home. Benjamin has pointed out his displeasure by some of his captors, i mean nurses. This morning he gave such a show during a diaper change as to cause one nurse to have to shower and change clothes.

Dad, however, is more than able to sooth his cries (i've done it several times). And tonight's diaper change there was an attempted fountain spray that was quickly shut down with no damage.

DM Kent 
Thursday August 16th, 2007 11:41:29 PM

As Rigging notices the seer's lack of thumbs, he remembers that the leader of the Dragon Cult is usually thumbless.

I will assume that the question about how people know you are here is not really the "question" you want to ask.

But as I mentioned I have known a group of adventurers was coming for this purpose four years ago and others have seen this stream of possiblity as well and the rumor of it has been leaked and spread around for some time as a measure of hope. Very few people know that it pertains to the group sometimes known as the Wildcards and those that do do not likely know who you are or what you look like. I would suppose that any knew and unusual group that arrives in the city at this time is going to attract some extra attention.

While se is talking to you she is continuing to sketch out her diagram though she has yet to look down at her paper once.

Friday August 17th, 2007 11:44:53 AM

Listening to what has been said, Ari ponders more on the question that the group gets to ask. Speaking more to Rigging than anyone else Ari states, "We could ask for who is our biggest ally that will help us directly with the destruction of the heart. Or words to that effect."

0-level - Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1-level - comprehend Languages, Feather Fall, Grease, Shield, Spider Climb
1-level Ranger - Entangle, Jump
2-level - alter Self, Resist Energy, flaming sphere, cats grace
3-level - Dispel Magic, Lightening Bolt, Slow

Friday August 17th, 2007 3:48:40 PM

Val watches the woman and starts to wonder. If she found this woman during a time of peace instead of war. There are so many questions she has about her own life. Is any of her family still alive? Why did fate put her in this elven body that makes her look like a golden haired drow? She was more beautiful so Val didn't mind that much. Was her chosen path the right one? Was she right into her new devotion?

Friday August 17th, 2007 6:20:43 PM

Appolo just has a seat and relaxes.He waits patiently for someone else to ask the question.

Friday August 17th, 2007 6:25:38 PM

Glancing over at what Lunetta is drawing,Nezamil study's it,

As a follower of Domi.....Ga'als enemy......Nezamil surveys his surroundings .....and what has brought him to this very point......." this is a very important moment in Woldian history......we can help change Ga'als influence in thsi area and Wold wide ......so please lets make this one question count"

The Cleric of Domi offers a pray to Domi to help grant them courage in the upcoming saga.

Friday August 17th, 2007 10:58:08 PM

"Captain, we are good with tactics, thus we have to trust our skills for entry, and it wont matter who our allies are, since they will be our allies."

"If we cant figure out how to destroy the tree, or we have to take precious time to experiment on what works, then we could be in trouble. Likewise, finding out a dangerous surprise would be, before hand, will help us emensely. We should focus on what would help us the most."

"The future is ever changing, and has many forks depending on our choices. There is nothing wrong with taking a look, however, one does need to be careful. Asking one question about something that we do not know, but is in most or all forks will yield us the best chance for good information and the least chance of problems."

Ashira (sub-George) 
Friday August 17th, 2007 11:41:55 PM

Ashira standing quietly behind is itching for some action. Standing around posing possible questions for future events seems crazy to her. She is ready to go and carve up some priests and kill the heartseed tree.

Friday August 17th, 2007 11:44:22 PM

Rigging looks down at the woman who can multi-task so well. He looks at her and says, "I must agree with Mykael. We have all faced priests, quads and minions before but we have never taken on one of the heartseed trees. Is the tree capable of self defense....no wait! What is the best way to destroy Ga'al's heartseed tree?"

Saturday August 18th, 2007 3:45:42 AM

Bart waits to hear the answer of the old woman

DM Kent 
Saturday August 18th, 2007 3:56:01 PM

(OOC: I will assume you mean how do you destroy the Heart of Ga'al, as there is no such thing as a heart seed tree. Heartseeds are actually immature plants that grow on mature heartseed plants, You have been told there are two nurseries/gardens below the top level and then the Heart of Ga'al (the mother of all heart seed plants below that).

The seer pushes the map she sketched back over to you and then begins a little story.

"The map I have drawn you is what I remember from when I was kept as a guest of the cathedral in the heart sanctum. The heart sanctum (or Chamber of Hearts) is the room that is adjacent to the two nursery/gardens. It is where the actual hearts and heartseeds of ALL the former Ga'alian head priests for the last 400 years are kept. Each one is situated upon a stone bier that contains the body of the Priest. These heart/heartseedc are still alive and contain all of the collected knowledge and wisdom of all the previous high priests. They are arranged along the spiral staircase that descends to the room where the Heart of Ga'al resides. While there I was locked in this chamber and actually communed with one of the heartminds, a certain Ainemmos, who was head priest 360 years ago. The heart minds and the heart of Ga'al are very strong with mind control abilities."

"While connected with him I was able to learn that the gardens are tended by two powerful undead and their pets. I know little about them other than to say that one of them is a treant."

After having passed over the map and told her story, she then turs to Rigging as he asks his question.

"Ahhh, you choose the least visible of all the streams and those which are less fixed in time and place, due to the number of posible variables. But let's see what I can discover along these three particular streams."

Her white eyes roll up under her lids and after a few moments she starts speaking in a hoarse whisper.

* "Daylight, Blood sprays, thousands of people, pain, laughter, death, loss of love, strength of arms fails, torrents of blood washes away the healing water. A deck of cards cut in twain, pieces on the floor, No one left to aid the fallen."

She shudders a moment and then again begis to speak this time in a very shrill child like voice.

* "Calm, quiet darkness, children crying, run run, helping hands, fires smothered, a sharp sythe, strength of will, pain, burning, the coolness of water, A damaged incomplete deck of cards sits on the table, Allies left behind help those in need."

This time she slumps forward in her chair and then after a few moments sits back up ramrod straight and begins chanting in a male priest-like voice.

* "Silent Darkness, Moonlight, Blood Pain, comforting ice, Fog Burn soothing water, Sticky Acid helpful water, Arid wind cooling water, Ware the flowers, Make like a desert, strength of will prevails, let the water flow, Friends help where they may, a deck of cards is laying on a table."

With the last word her head falls to the table. The little girl quickly moves forward and raising her face slaps the old woman across the face twice and then lifts a glass of some sort of liquid to her lips.

The old lady sputters a bit and then starts to swallow the liquid though she does spill some of the thick golden liquid down her cheeks. A fe more sips and then sh looks up at you.

"Well, I am fairly sure that wasn't exactly what you came for, but there are always bits and pieces of things to be taken from what is seen. Remember that none of this is firmly written, but merely streams of possibility."

(ooc: Map coming in email.)

Sunday August 19th, 2007 5:24:27 AM

Listening to the seer, Ari's mouth falls further open with each pronouncement. When the seers head falls to the table, so does Ari's jaw.

I knew we were going to get a cryptic reading, but this seems almost off the cryptic scale

After his thought is done Ari will close his mouth and try to look around and see how the others fared with this pronouncement.

Ari decides to ponder what was said as he waits to see how the seers words affect the others in the party.

Sunday August 19th, 2007 6:12:25 PM

"I give them credit. They really have one hell of a set up going. Even when their best priests die what they have learned still lives on. No wonder its been so hard to get rid of them."

Sunday August 19th, 2007 10:47:27 PM

Cosmo listens to the womans prophecies. Most of it doesn't make any sense. Only one thing is mentioned in all 3.

"So what do you make of the deck of cards thing in all 3 prophecies."

Monday August 20th, 2007 12:14:39 PM

Appolo just smiles and luaghs when the old woman tells here prohecies"Ok thanks for the map and the info,but outside of the map and the undead.You really didn't tell us anything we didn't already knowOdds are agianst and theres a good chance we will fail and get wiped out,there's also a good chance we won't.Well folks Unless she ahs anything specific she wants to add,we best get going.Nice to meet you two,but we places to go and people to kill."he says the stands shaking his head and laughing as prepares to head out with merriment in his eyes.A deadly gleam as well.

Monday August 20th, 2007 2:09:49 PM

Another Riddle it must be something like this kill the tree by moonlight in the middle of the night using a burning acid cloud that moves around with a control wind spell or something like that, what do yopu think Nez you know the most about divine spells

Monday August 20th, 2007 3:49:12 PM

Nodding at the olf lady " Thank you for your help" adds Nezamil sincerely

Loooking at Bart " hmm let me think about that .....see what Domi can grant me " smiles the dwarf

Turning to Captain Rigging " so whats the first thing we do ?" as Nezamil ponders the Seer's words

With a look of distaste at Appolo the dwarf just shakes his head " very sad.....very sad " murmers Nezamil

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,ashira)(1 each)

The html close command should come after the /. Corrected posting. Todd

Monday August 20th, 2007 7:14:01 PM

Rigging ponders the words and says, "It almost seems that we aren't to go in alone. Our allies are mentioned and if I would have to guess, they will help others escape. Maybe the children being held for heartseeding. I don't understand this card thing unless it is referring to the pirates and the different suits.

Still the knowledge of the undead is helpful. Nezamil prepare yourself for them.

Lady, I thank you for your sight. Is their any other help you can offer? I believe you are associated with the dragon cult." Rigging points at her hands. "So you should have some expertise in this. Where would you send forces to attack the temple? Not asking for your sight, only your wisdom."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 12:09:42 AM

Mykael ponders on the information and then smiles at the lack of understanding of the group.

"Three different branches of the future. The first informs us that if we attack during the day, there will be quick reinforcements and we will be all cut down."

He stops with the discription and explains, "The cards refers to us, you know, cards is short for Wildcards."

Mykael continues, "The second illustrates that a night attack is best, however, if we use fire then there will be many heading in to save it and they will succeed. And I believe many will be injured from the fire. And we will lose a few of us."

"The final one appears to be the best course to follow, if I understand it right. Attack at night under a moon, use acid. Not sure about the blood, ice, or fog parts. The arid wind, flowers, and desert reference the dieing of the plants and seed, I think. Our strength of will prevails... dont know about the water part. Allies help and we all end up drinking around a tavern table exhausted."

"Perhaps its that simple or maybe its a little more involved to kill the seeds and plants. Maybe freeze them, then fiery fog... shocks the system and lowers thier defenses so the acid can do its work. Hmmm...."

Mykael turns to the seer, "Madam, can you offer up any insight to what you saw?"

DM kent 
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 5:53:15 AM

The lady listens as several of the Wildcards voice their disappointment at the cryptic seeing and then Mykael speaks his piece and she perks up listening to what he is saying.

"That is well read Mykael, not perfect perhaps but very well done. (300 experience points Mykael)

There are a few things that you might look at more closely though. There seems to be a theme even in the first negative reading, having to do with water and even perhaps your strength of will.

I also believe you are right on about the cards representing yourselves, a night attack and the part about allies helping out, though it sounds more support and relief as opposed to direct help."

Turning to Rigging she continues.

"As to advice about where to attack. Well, if I were planning this forray, I would probably go in the front door if I could insure the silence of the Bell Tower and its Guards, as at night the Priests quarters will be full with priests and quads and guarded as well.

If I were doing in during the day I would probably go for the back door as there are less likely to be fully occupied during business hours, though you run the risk of anywhere from 100 - 4000 worshippers to deal with depending on the time of day."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 11:31:35 AM

Rigging digests the seer's advice and then turns to the others, "That decides it. We will attack tonight. I don't want to deal with hundreds or thousands of worshippers. So we need a plan to take out the guards in the bell tower. Appolo, how many did you see up there during your scouting mission last night? Makes sense to use the wand to cast invisibility on maybe Bart, Ashira and Val and have them take them out covered in invisibilty and silence spells. Nezamil can get them up their with his airwalk spell.

When they are done, we go through the front gate and try to get to the heartseed plants as fast as possible. Cosmo, it will be yours and my job to kill the plants. Do you have any ideas on that score? Maybe a fire elemenal?. Or just plain fireballs. Wall of fire? Have to be careful, I am sure they will have some protections. Maybe some way to uproot them from below."

Rigging will look at the others and ask, "What exactly was our mission. I think the heartseeds are at the core of it but we were supposed to kill priests and what else? I am leery of depending on magic to much. I am sure the temple has many wards."

attendence report 
Tuesday August 21st, 2007 3:35:55 PM

Dm Kent xxxxx
Ashira *leave of absence for baby duty ;-)
Appolo xxxxx
Rigging xoxxx
Val xooxx
Bart oxxxx
Nezamil xxxxx
Mykael xoxxx
Cosmo xxxox
Ari xxxxx

another good week people !! remember combat coming !! be ready and post to keep us all alive !!!!

* permission granted by Benjamin Scott Knotts

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 3:53:15 PM

Listening to Captain Riggings plans the dwarf adds " Captain .....the airwalk spell is only for one person.....but i can cast the spell of silence on a pebble.....should get about a 20'ft radius on whoever carry's it.......the guards in the bell tower should be their strongest.....so maybe Appolo can take him out him self before joining us again.......would be a good oppurtunity to have him sneak up on anyone sneaking up on us "

"Also since Llunetta mentioned undead in there i could also protect us with a spell that helps hide us from the undead......it's not a perfect spell but could give us a nice edge ....at least in the beginiing ....before we spot the walking dead"

" I was also wondering about that new quad they have organized.......they say it is specialized in enlarging themselves.......i wonder about the size of the rooms in the temple......if they can all really fight effectivly in confined spaces.......might be helpful if we could confine them in some many......anybody have any ideas on that ??"

With a look at Mykael " you have a web spell handy ??......i have prayed for a couple of free moevement spells.....might be a good combination "

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 8:05:11 PM

Appolo just watches and listens"Well I can take out the guards in the bell tower at least keep it quiet.I also have some things to help me climb.So going over the wall won't be too difficult."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 8:35:19 PM

Hmmm, alot to think about.

"I don't know Rigging. It sounds like fire may not be the answer. They may have the whole area protected against fire."

"Let me think about it a little bit."

Tuesday August 21st, 2007 10:41:38 PM

"I still think that acid is the way to go. And I dont think the area is protected against fire. I believe that fire will draw attention faster, and many will move in to save the plants, both succeeding in saving them and also injuring many in a fire that gets out of hand. I think that is what the message was saying."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 12:19:56 AM

"OK Acid it is. Where do we get acid? Figure you will need quite a bit...Maybe a barrel. How do we get it?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:15:14 AM

"There was also a mention of being like the desert, along with the acid. Do you think that might mean some kind of dry wind, or maybe some kind of erosion or something? What comes to mind when you think of desert?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:15:18 AM

"I still think we should put the silence on an arrow and stick it in the stone outside of the tower where it still covers the bell. The guards inside would never see it and if they do figure it out have no way to remove the arrow since they cannot reach it."

DM Kent 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:33:14 AM

The Wildcards begin making plans almost immediately and the little girl begins to help the seer to her feet.

"Good luck Wildcards, I certainly hope that you are successful, though it will put a lot of my people out of work so to speak. The staff and owner of this establishment will likely be arriving momentarily. They might find it a bit odd finding you here so early. As you look after the two departing women, you realize that it is later than you realized as there is now definite predawn light beginging to brighten the outdoors.

What will our heroes do?

(OOC: you were charged with destroying the Santuary (including alter and any statues of Ga'al) and affiliated heartseeding rooms, the heart Sanctum, the greenhouses and the Heart of Ga'al)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 3:26:25 PM

"Lets get moving back to the inn. That group I was chatting with said they were sent to help. They know more than they should. And they supposedly received a letter that sounded like it was from our benefactors. Although, they could still be a quad in disquise hoping to catch us, after so much information was leaked."

"As for the acid, we are merchants. Lets wait for the shops to open, and then we can see if we can aquire any."

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 6:11:13 PM

"Thank you for all your help " remarks Nezamil to the seer and little girl

"Yeah Mykael we should seek out an alchemist shop during the course of the day.......then as Captain Rigging has said we can then rest up a little before we do what we must do at night "

The dwarf will head back to the taveren with the others to finish planning their attack

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 7:35:54 PM

Rigging will also say his thanks and make his way back to the inn. He will gather everyone in the rooms and say, "OK we attack tonight. We need to take out the tower guards and go in through the front doors. We can try and go through the walls if you think that is best, I do have a passwall.

We need ways to take down the entire church or at least do real damage to it. If we can hit support columns, we might be able to bring the whole thing down. I am going to go take a look durning services today and see if I can put my engineering talents to use.

We will need to coordinate our movements quickly and precisely, Each of use should have certain missions once we are inside the church. I and Cosmo can attack the church itself. Cosmo can summon monsters to take supports and I can cast spells to help as well.

The fighters can initially take down the guards and protect the others backs. Nezamil, Ari and Mykael will be in charge of taking down the heartseeds.

Appolo will be our backstabbing rover. Invisible with backstab should be very effective.

What does everyone think? We need to find some acid but I wonder if we can buy enough without rousing suspicions. Spellusers will have to switch their spells to accomidate the plan. We go to sleep this afternoon, wake up, make our changes and then attack around 2 am. Any questions.?

Rigging will take a real good look at the room they are staying in for his teleport spell.

Rigging will wait for any comments and then try and head over to the church for mass and check things out. Rigging will go into the church with the hat of disguise on as a normal looking citizen. He will sit in the back and listen to the sermon and check things out. He will cast detect magic, true seeing and arcane eye while in the church.

If he is at all accosted, when entering, he will just turn around and leave. If it happens in the church during services, he will try and teleport away. If that fails, he will kiss his butt goodbye. He will have message spell on to tell the group what is happening.

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing

had to change spells since I did empowered fireball in the wrong slot

Wednesday August 22nd, 2007 9:07:13 PM

Appolo slide out ahead of the others and heads back to the Inn.

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 2:31:24 AM

I can use my ring of levitation to get in the bell tower, and acid is there not an acid spell acid arrows fog cloud or something like that. Or maybe we can buy some small amounts or nick it from somewhere

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 6:04:43 AM

"If there's something we need, or feel we need, let's see if we can locate it. I can probably help to get it if needed as I have some funds that can be used for this."

Looking askance at Appolo, or the lack there of, and people wonder why I get a little upset about the how relatively violent this group is

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 8:34:33 AM

"Captain I purchased two gems of earth elemental summoning just for the destruction of the church. If anything can reduce the entire place to rubble its a couple of elementals."

Dm Kent 
Thursday August 23rd, 2007 8:09:38 PM

Plans are beginning to be firmed up as the group makes their way back to the Jack's Booty and as they get back the sun is now cresting the horizon and the dawn is definitely breaking.

Rigging suggests that he scout things out by going to the morning service while the others do some quick shopping and then all get some more sleep so as to be prepared for the oncoming night.

No patrons are yet in the main room as you re-enter the inn, but you can hear sounds coming from the kitchens as the staff gets ready for the morning meal. Taking a few seats at one of the long tables you prepare to break your fast and soon one of the tavern girls sticks her head out and sees you.

"Oy, Yer an early lot now aren't ye. Morning meal will be ready in about ten minutes, I'll have a couple of pitchers of Kava and Chai over to you in less than a wink."

Just about the time she shows up with the morning beerages there are sounds of quite a few feet coming down the stairs to the main room, for breakfat.

The first two groups down are the ones caling themselves the Keepers of the Flame, and the second group down are the green clad ones that were throwing darts the previous night.

Seceral minutes later the Osto Saints make their presence known in the room and not moments later the group of orcs make their way down as well.

Thursday August 23rd, 2007 11:35:05 PM

The dwarf smiles as the barmaid cheerily annouces when breakfast is coming .

" she's a cheery one in the morning "

When the barmaid serves them beverages Nezamil quickly serves himself a large mug of chai

As all the other groups make their way down for breakfast the armored dwarf adds " hmm four groups now.......they're all expecting something to happen and certainly don't want to miss out on all the fun "

Whispering to Rigging " i wonder which will help and which we have to be careful with ......but i wouldn't turn down the help.....this is gonna get nasty fast "

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Friday August 24th, 2007 6:58:04 AM

Once more in the guise of the old human woman, Val sat quietly. She was mentally preparing herself for the upcoming and what could be her final battle.

Friday August 24th, 2007 9:27:26 AM

Rigging will sip his morning beverages and then order a hearty breakfast. He looks over at the others coming down the stairs and wonders who they can trust if any of them.

He decides to let them start the conversations or others in the Wildcards and sits back and just listens for a few minutes.

He then contact Swirl who is playing in the clouds well above the city and out of sight. "Are you enjoying your free time my friend? See anything interesting up there? "

Friday August 24th, 2007 4:01:16 PM

Bart is going for breakfast too. He tries to listen to the conversations around him especially from the orcs. After Breakfast he goes outside for a strawl near the temple. He also goes to the market see if he can buy any acid

Friday August 24th, 2007 10:21:32 PM

Mykael smiles at the Keepers. He enjoys some breakfast and small talk. One comment is important to note.

"If the Keepers dont have any plans on this day, I would be interested in speaking to you about a job."

"You have been here longer than I, and know your way around. Plus there is safety in numbers. But we will discuss further in private after breakfast, assuming you are interested."

Friday August 24th, 2007 11:05:55 PM

Appolo sits down and eats.He watches and listens to those around him.He doesn't like all this talk about the other groups and can't believe it when Mykeal approaches the keepers.He thinks to himself man why don't we just tell everyone who we are and what we're going to do.Speaking quietly to Rigging"Our operational security is blown too many people around are expecting something.I don't think it is a good Idea for us to do this now.We should do one more scouting trip on the temple,then leave and come back ina month or so and hit it then."

Sunday August 26th, 2007 11:50:52 AM

Cosmo joins the rest of the group for breakfast. He pretty much keeps quiet, listening and watching the groups that are in the inn.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Bart Aka William OOC 
Sunday August 26th, 2007 12:34:19 PM

This is my last post for my vacation. Have a good time fighting Gaal. I did sent u all Bart's char sheet.

Monday August 27th, 2007 6:04:32 PM

With how early he got up Ari is starving by the time breakfast is served. Ari works with the staff to conjure up some grub and does his best to listen in on any conversations that might catch his interest.

Once breakfast is done Ari plans his time appropriately for sleeping and spending some time to see if he needs to study some new spells for their hastily set plan.

(ooc I got caught with being a bit busy at the start of the week).

DM Kent 
Monday August 27th, 2007 7:11:02 PM

(OOC: Do I / We have a volunteer to run bart for the next two weeks?)

All the various patrons of the inn eventually make it down to breakfast and are eating. They are all fairly subdued but occasional coments can be heard of varius parts of conversations.

**** (Osto Saints' table)"I am certainly getting tired of sitting around the is Ga'al infested town waiting for some we don't even know to show up, sounds to me like we were set up for some reason."

**** (Orc group) "I wonder if the Emeralds are just trying to establish their power base to see how far they can go with sending us hither and thither. The Golds and Plats never had us waiting this long."

**** (Keepers of the Flame)"I just wish we knew who to look for, as far as we know it could be one of these other groups that have been here and we are all spinning our wheels."

**** Green clad group) "All I can say is that I am glad this building is secure from scrying."

**** (Ost Saints)"Yeah, well I wish I new what this is all about, I hate walking into something without a plan and without having some expectations"

**** (Orc Group) "I say we give it 1 more day and we leave. here is no telling what is going on in Izen riht now."

**** (Green clad group) "I say if someone doesn't show up soon we start waylaying culling crews in the early mornings. They took my neighbor's grandfather the other week.

Rigging contacts Swirl and gets a heady response in return. "The coastal winds here are wonderful."I am having so much fun. Do you need me now?"

Mykael approaches the Flames and makes his job offer and gets a raised eyebrow in return. His "friend" looks around at his fellows and then back at Mykael.

"Well Merchant Mykael as I mentioned we are waiting for someone, so I can't guarantee that we can assist you. However we will gladly hear your proposition and if we can't aid you we might be able to point you to someone who can."

It is about this time that the Bells for morning service begin to ring, reminding Rigging that he was going to need to hurry if he was indeed going to attend as planned.

Monday August 27th, 2007 10:30:54 PM

Rigging tells Ashira and Nezamil to start feeling out these different groups and see if they are trustworthy. If they aren't then ignore them, if they are, then see if they can help. How to figure this out? No my problem. That is the good thing about being Captain, delegation.

Rigging rises to go on his scouting missing and whispers, "If I don't come back in a couple of hours, I am dead. I don't expect a rescue attempt but I do expect to be avenged. Find that acid, find out about these others and get ready for battle tonight."

Rigging will say this out of the hearing of the other groups hopefully.

Rigging will follow his above stated plan and try to get out as quickly as possible. He will assure Swirl that he is OK but Swirl can sense that his master is a bit tense.

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Ashira the very plain woman 
Tuesday August 28th, 2007 1:04:20 AM

The woman frowns at Rigging's orders, but she can't blow her cover right now...such as it is. Still, she grabs the wizard's arm before he leaves and speaks in very low tones. "If you don't return, you know what I'll do...I won't let what happened to me happen to you! If it comes to it, I'll make sure that both of us stand before Gargul together...rather than kneeling before that abomination." Ashira shudders at the thought of going before Gargul once more. The half-elf looks down at the floor as she lets go of Rigging's arm, trying to recompose herself. Though the adrenaline was beginning to pump, so too was a gut wrenching fear beginning to ball up in the pit of her stomach. Fear of losing her friends and family...fear of being captured again.

Shaking her head slightly, she moves over toward the orc group, figuring them to be one of the less outright devious groups. Evil...usually....but generally too stupid to be devious. She decides to work the dumb out of towner routine, figuring it perhaps the easiest rouse to maintain. As she heads toward their table, the plain woman gawks at the orcs. "Blimey! Orcs!! Never thought I'd see orcs in Aisildur. You boys aren't from here...even **I** know that much about this place! What in the Wold brings such (cough) exotic folk as yourselves to such a place as this??" Ashira continues to stare at the figures as if she has never seen a living orc in all of her life.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 2:09:46 AM

As he finishes his breakfast, Mykael sends a message to Ghem via his link, "Ghem please tell Nez, Val, and Appolo to follow me and these guys up to the room a few minute or two after we head up. They can watch my back. I will take them to our room. And dont let anyone notice you telling them. And make sure you let each of them know that you told the other two.

(GHEM): While chewing on some sausage and looking around the room. Ghem uses his telepath to pass on Mykael's message to Nezamil, Appolo, and Val.

Mykael sets down his mug and looks at his empty plate. Looking up at his 'friend' in the Keepers, "Shall we go? We can head up to my room for some privacy."

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 11:27:22 AM

Appolo quietly eats listens and watches.When Rigging leaves Appolo nwaits a few seconds then rises and follows him out,as passes by Ahira he whispers don't worry I'll look after him."
He recieves Mykeals's message as he heads for the door.Appolo stops and looks at MYkeal,shaking his head no and pointing toward the door.He then disappears out the door,

Appolo follows behind Rigging staying close but not to close keeping an eye out for trouble.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 2:09:06 PM

Val gets the message and heads up to the room. She's eerily calm this morning despite the task looming ahead of them. She's tired of the disguise, the hiding. It's time they kick down the door and let the streets run red with blood.

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 6:07:12 PM

As Bart enjoys a hot cup of kava he spots the friendly dart thrower Jordy.

raising his cup as if to say hello he lets them settle in first.

Taking Captain Riggings advice he waits a few minutes and walks over to the Green groups table " Good morning .....hope you slept well.....could be a busy day " smiles Bart to Jordy " Mind if i join you ??" asks the warrior as he takes a seat by the dart thrower ;-)

"So i couldn't help but over hear you say they took your grandfather in the cullings "(i know he said neighbor's grandfather but trying to get them to talk )" when i lived here as a youngster they took my family members too......so very wrong" as Bart shakes his head wistfully

Leaning in towards Jordy " so you guys are here to help someone ??......not sure who that is but.....maybe we can start some trouble together before they arrive " remarks Bart quietly " could be dangerous but you guys look like you can handle yourselves " nods bart respectfully

"I'll talk to my guys and see what trouble we can cook up " grins Bart widely " you intrested ??"

Bart will stay at the Greens table during breakfast and discuss possiblitys

(posted by adm -Chris )

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 6:25:59 PM

Nodding at Mykael as he cocks his head at Val " she can handle them ....becareful " mouths Nezamil to Mykael

Following Riggings orders he waits a few mins as Bart and Ashira aquaint themselves with their respective groups ...then heads over to another table (Ost saints) "well good morning ....your late sleepers " chuckles the dwarf playfully

"perchance we could talk ?" asks the dwarf "i think we're in similar circumstances's....we're all waiting for something big to happen " as he seats himself at the Saints table " "Ii;m Nezamil " as he absently toys with his anvil holy symbol hanging from his neck.....letting it be seen for the 1st time .

Sipping his hot cup of chai he eyeballs each in the group (how many in the group ?)" you guys wanna sit waiting or do you wanna do something?.....personally i hate waiting around...just boring...i mean what are we awaiting for anyway?? "

" Well we all know something gonna happen.....i think its best if we could plan (taking advantage of their use of the word )together on something......i mean afterall we're gonna be out numbered in the heart of Asildur anyway....might do our best to even the odds a little " inquires Nezamil " i can talk to my friends and see what we can come up with.....see who has what talents and put them to good use "

"after all we might as well have some fun while we're here " grins the dwarf wickedly ;-)

Sipping his hot cup of chai he he listens to their reply and discussion if any

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Aanti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 9:17:00 PM

Cosmo continues to keep quiet, listening and watching the groups that are in the inn along with the Wildcards that are working the room. He pulls out a spell book and pretends to be reading it to keep people from approaching him.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Tuesday August 28th, 2007 10:28:22 PM

Sitting up when Ari hears the comment free from scrying Ari thinks, Free from scrying, that would explain why these groups have been so open about their help here. I wonder if there's something else we don't know, because why wouldn't the priests have someone posted in here that would be listening?

Having received no instructions otherwise, Ari continues to chew on his food and think about what he might do for the afternoon and such. He tries to figure out what might be a successful tactic for himself with this upcoming battle. His choices are buff type spells for himself, or maybe some offensive spells that he could, especially since he picked up quite a few new ones. (ooc I'm posting this while I'm working taxi and don't have the books with me. I haven't had time to look at the books and spells with having only 7 hours sleep since Sat night/Sunday morning. I should get a chance this weekend to look.)

DM Kent 
Tuesday August 28th, 2007 10:38:24 PM

Rigging sends out his message as he sets out on his task. As he makes his way across the square he watches as literally thousands of people start moving toward the Cathedral and begin the proscess of entering the sanctuary to find their seat for the service. spot DC 18 to see Highlight to display spoiler: {As he gets closer to the front of the line and near the entrance Riggin sees the people start opening thir shirts near the top as if to show the priests their chests for some reason.}

Apollo slips out behind him in the shadows of the dawn Spot DC 18 to view. (see spoiler above)

Ashira begins her act and the orcs seem a bit amused by her antics.
" Well little lady why don't you sit down here beside me and I might think about telling you what's what."

Mykael sends his message through Ghem who delivers it as Mykael invites the Flames up to the room.

"Well, All right, but I think I will leave someone down here just in case who are looking for shows up while we are with you."

Val actually slips back upstairs to the room before Mykael and his friends and is waitng for them as they enter.

Bart goes over to Jordy and asks to join them and as he looks around he sees, in the morning light, that the entire green group is quite young perhaps in their late teens.

"Actually Bart it was my neighbor's grandfather, but I agree it is wrong. Jordy seems a bit confused as Bart continues about stirring up trouble and then just asks. "But didn't you say you were merchants? What kind of trouble do you think you can stir up?"

Nez makes his way over to the Saints' table and sets himself down among the 6 well dressed older men, letting his holy symbol show to those at the table.

Seing the holy symbol their cleric who is wearing the Symbol of Waard openly, raises an eyebrow. "And who are you, that we should trust you?" You are not evil, but ..." he lets his thought trail off.

Cosmo takes out his spell book and starts perusing it.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 2:51:57 AM

Mykael leads the Keepers up to the room. He waits for them to enter while standing by the door outside the room with the wall in between him and the room so he cant be seen. He quickly casts Detect Magic, under his breath then walks into the room.

He quickly explains Val's presence, "One can never be too careful, and she can scream really loud."

Mykael concentrates on the assembled group looking them all up and down carefully. He is looking for number of magic items and thier auras along with any whole person auras that might suggest illusions or altered forms. The amount of magic and kinds can suggest what kind of people you are looking at and thier possible power.

As he is looking them over he speaks slowly and carefully to make sure he gets his points across.

"There is a war going on between the forces of Ga'al and his enemies. You openly claim to be the latter, as well as the others that are down stairs. However, it is highly likely that at least one of the four groups here are a quad in disguise waiting for this other group you are claiming is coming."

"I am going to affiliate myself with you no matter which you are. Wars are beneficial to a merchant for both coin and political capital as long as the group you supported wins. Wars are won by the merchants, since both sides are dedicated. It's the merchant who provides the needed supplies, equipment, arms, and information that makes the difference. I am a normal merchant, I am indifferent to which cause I support, just as long as it yields power and wealth. But you have been helpful to me and you have shown me this opportunity, therefore, I will side with you. I just need to know for sure which side that is, so I can figure out how best to help and whom. And I want proof."

"If you are who you say you are, then present this letter for my inspection, bare all your chests to show no signs of heartseeding, offer a prayer to a god other than Ga'al, and/or please offer any other proof you have."

"If you are Ga'alians, then prove it, and tell me how I can help."

"You may not agree with my idiollogy, however, it would appear that the war is resting on top of a fence, ready to fall one way or the other. My contacts and trade routes can be the force that swings it full in your favor. Its your choice. I am loyal to the side choose, since the other side will consider me an enemy, you can count on it."

attendence report 
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 1:32:11 PM

Dm Kent oxxxo
Ashira *excused for baby duty ;-)
Appolo oxxxo
Rigging oxxxo
Val oxxxo
Bart ooxxo
Nezamil oxxxo
Mykael oxxxo
Cosmo oxoxo
Ari oxxxo

Kent we need 5 Dm posts per week !!

* Absence note recieved and signed by " Benjamin Scott Knotts"

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:27:33 PM

Thanks for the report. Guys, understand that this is probably Kent's first week back at school. I know it's my first week. :)

You know how consistent he is. He'll get it in next week.

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:51:19 PM

Bart smiles at Jordy "well.....we are merchants....we deal in many things ......some of it requires action "

"Your group seems capable " as Bart looks at each member of the greens "weakening the Priesthood of Ga'al is good for business for all merchants .......opening up the markets to more people and products from neighboring territory's is sound business "

"How would like to help free the markets up to all business?" adds Bart in a serious tone "break the grip of tyranny by the Priesthood "

(posted by adm -chris)

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 4:59:01 PM

" but ??......i think we're all on the same side here .....all of us sitting here in the Jack's taveren .......it's like a sanctuary againist the Priesthood of Ga'al "

"Trust you say ......well guess we can try and build trust ......how would you propose that ? " inquires the dwarf

"Afterall what are you sitting here waiting for ??......what sign are you looking for??" smiles Nezamil

"By Waard this could be your lucky day " grins the Cleric of Domi

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:20:40 PM

Rigging will stay in the line and work his way forward. He will study the guards with his improved sight to see if he can see anything magical or hidden about them. He will then search the area for spells that might reveal him if he uses magic to hide and work his way in. (true seeing and arcane sight)

Rigging is looking for invisible creatures and guardians but also spells that might inhibit his ablity to teleport away if if needed. He will stay in line and when he gets to the front, he will say, "I am a visitor to this city and have heard many good things about the worship of Ga'al. Am I permitted to attend the services or are only members of the church allowed?"

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:29:49 PM

Val stands there in the guise of the old human woman. She actually hopes this group of men give her a reason to drop the disguise. Val's actually missing the looks of fear she normally gets. Which isn't necessarily a good thing.

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