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DM Kent  d20+13=21
Wednesday August 29th, 2007 10:45:52 PM

Rigging makes it to the front of the line at the gate below the bell tower and sees a park like area on the otherside of the wall and a path that leas to steps that go up to the cathedral itself. As he stops at the guard he asks his question and is rewarded with a nod and a request that all weapons be left outside in the check area before the entry to the sanctuary itself. At this point Rigging spots nothing invisible or any likely impediments to his teleporting, but the quad at the gate and the quat at the sanctuary door both light up like christmas, with auras from threee of four different schools of magic.

Mykael casts his spell and checks his uests and apparently all the combat types have fairly strong arms and armor, though not as powerful as theirs. The others in the group also show various auras around their persons, several rings and wands, some bracers a pair of boots and a staff.

As he says his piece The leader of the group looks at him for a moment, and then speaks.

"We have no need to prove ourselves to you. You said you had a proposition for us, though if you are willing to deal with the Ga'alians, then we want nothing to do with you. So if you do not mind, we will depart and go wait for those whom we wait for."

Jordy looks at Bart and thenshakes his head.

"We six, known as Acid, are all for breaking the Tyranny of the Ga'alians but we care not for this freeing of markets for business. We are fighting for our people's true freedom, not market freedom."

Nez asks his next question and actually gets a straight answer.

To begin To trust you must needs be straight forward. And that is a two way street.

"I am Barak and we are the Osto Saints. We are here because a seer said we should be. We were told to wait for the People of the Sword, whatever that means."

"Who are you and your people and what do you seek?"

The Lead orc leans over and into Ashira and reaching over grabs hold of her arm and pulls hr into his lap. opposed grapple check AC 21

Thursday August 30th, 2007 12:51:46 AM

Frustration takes hold, he thinks of his sword as he moves to block the door with his body.

"Hold on just one minute. You have a need to prove yourselves. You openly spout off at the mouth against Ga'al and that a group is supposedly showing up. If I was in this group, I would be upset beyond belief at your openness and disdain for whatever they wish to accomplish. You take chances of jeopardizing thier plans by your actions."

"And you say you want to help them."

"You sound like a trap waiting to spring, or at least careless fools that think they are safe from prying ears."

"The Ga'alians may be weakening, however, they are still smart and are feeling the pressure. That makes them more dangerous and paranoid. Thus, they have more eyes and ears out everywhere."

"Do you actually think anyone, let alone this group would waltz in here and take you at your word in Ga'al's seat of power? Or tell you who they are?"

"No, you must prove who you are or who you aren't. You dont even know who you wait for."

"Interesting that you are so open with your words, but unwilling to prove them."

"I am sorry, that you would throw away any opportunity of help offered."

Appolo  d20+12=26 d20+10=26
Thursday August 30th, 2007 3:41:35 AM

Appolo stands in line several people behind Rigging.He watches waits and listens to everything going on around him especially the exchange between Rigging and the guards.Appolo is ready to apring into action the minute trouble rears it's beautiful head.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Thursday August 30th, 2007 1:33:10 PM

The woman stiffens as the orc grabs hold and yanks her to his lap. For a millisecond, the ranger is tempted to draw her sword and leave the creature with one less appendage. But reason catches her in time...after all, this is a good sign...they are indeed as stupid and crass as she first figured.

Adopting an awed look, the woman goes limp, allowing the orc to do what he wills...for now. "I's never new that orcs were so strong...no wonder there are so many half-orc in the Wold!" Gently pulling one of her arms free, she strokes the creatures arm (though every inch of her skin crawls). She lowers her voice to a pathetic attempt at a sultry whisper. "But surely such strong warriors such as yerselves didn't come all the way up here just to find a date?" She makes a mental note to quadruple Rigging's aerobic workout schedule the next time he orders her to gather information from strangers.

Thursday August 30th, 2007 5:46:04 PM

The 5' ft dwarf eyes Barak.......soaking in his words.......nodding slightly as he gathers his thoughts for a reply.

"Osto.......thats up by Fargunia ......an intresting place......never been there myself "as he buys time

Pausing for moment the Cleric of Domi decides to take a chance with this group

"Well Barak , it's good to meet you and your fellow Saints of Osto......i'm Nezamil of the brotherhood of Domi "sweeping his eyes from saint to saint as he speaks " and you have found who you've been waiting for .......we are the Swords of Redemption "

Letting those words sink in for a moment " what we seek is two things........first we've already found.......that is across the street......the Temple of Ga'al shall burn and it's priesthood dealt a Terrible blow hopefully they cannot recover from "

Eyes sweeping back and forth to each member of the Osto Saints catching their reaction to his words " second is help to deliever that blow "

"Are you such help as that seer spoke of ??" finishes Nezamil as his eyes lock with Barak's" i'll pray to Waard for good luck while i await you reply " grins Nezamil

Waiting for their reply... Nezamil tenses ....readying himself to defend himself and attack the Osto Saints if his trust is misplaced.....hoping for the best but readying for the worst.

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Rigging  d20+13=30 d20+13=22
Thursday August 30th, 2007 5:51:35 PM

Rigging makes mental notes of the kind of magic the quads have on. (Spellcheck 30)but passes by the table since he doens't carry any noticable weapons.

When he gets into the cathedral, he will study the architecture to look for weakness (engineering roll of 22) will find a seat and study the area and the crowd

Thursday August 30th, 2007 6:05:55 PM

Listening to Jordy as he speaks the warrior mulls his reply as he sips his hot cup of kava .

Measuring the young group as he eyes them he remembers not that many years ago he was in a similar position at a tender age of 13 [i] " i cannot be that much older then them (barts late teens/early 20's)

"Albarth Miller is my name ......i left here not so many years ago to seek the same thing you are.......to find a way to free our people of the yoke of Ga'al !!" growls Bart as he spits out Ga'als name " now i'm back " as he lets that remark hover in the air

The well armed and armored warrior shifts in his seat.....hearing the clink of chain armor and steel as he moves

" maybe you've heard of me ?" questions Bart with a hard stare at Jordy " as he awaits the reply

(posted by adm Chris)

Cosmo  d20+5=25
Thursday August 30th, 2007 8:14:34 PM

Things are getting very busy in the inn. Cosmo notices the orc grab Ashira and Mykael block the doorway to keep the one group from leaving. He contemplates casting a spell, but holds off as no spells have been cast or weapons drawn.

Spot 25

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM Kent 
Friday August 31st, 2007 12:17:19 AM

Mykael moves to the door to cut the others off from leaving and for a moment things get tense and there are several minds turning to wonder if blood is about to be spilled, When the leader stops and looks at Mykael.

"If you were a member of the group we were waiting for I would hope that you would not even jest about aiding the Ga'alians. Yes we talk openly within the inn about our dsipleasure with the Ga'alinas and the group that we have no knowledge about that were were sent to aid, precisely because we have no idea who they are, and for the fact that the inn is spelled against evil and scrying.

And if you believe the ga'alians weakening then you are again mislead. They have become more active and vocal in the last several moons than they have been since the Emperor's freedom.

As for your offer of aid, you have made a vague promise of some sort of proposition and no specifics. Who we are is not at question here. I am Baron Jeremy de Quelt. We are the Keepers of the Flame. We are from Fargunia, and we are here."

Taking in the what is going on around him Apollo sees that heart seeds are being checked and those without are being told to head to the left side of the santuary, supposedly for their safety.

The Orc leader strokes ashira's arm and shoulder in return and looks at her a moment. and then in an obvious attempt to impress her announces. "We are the Defilers of Evil and I am their leader Brekmi Nek. We are here to aid the hearoes who oppose The Blood Plant's God."

Barak Watches Nez as he speaks and a light begins to shine as he reveals who he is.
"We are indeed that help you speak of. We are here to do what we can to rid the Wold of the Ga'alian plague."

Rigging sees that the Quad them selves at the exteriaor gate radiate transmutation magic, and the interior gate quad radiates Divination.

Once in the door he moves to the left as instructed and takes in the view of the cathedral's interior.

The santuary is absolutely gorgeous. Obsidian black stone with gold, silver and mithril trim. There are red scarf like banners periodically placed to add a splash of color. The pews are of a black wood with dark red soft leather pews with Gold fringe and trim. There is a large black stone alter at the front of the sanctuary that has a huge statue of Ga'al looking down upon it. Already there seems to be upwards of 2000 worshippers seated in pews awaiting the start of the service. There are colored whisps of insence smoke curling all through the sanctuary and there is a soft baroque like music emmanating from somewhere. And there appear to be long sinewy tendrils reaching out from the walls and alter brushing each of the worshippers. Rigging and Apollo if you enter, please make a Will save DC 20 and a second will save DC 22.

Jordy listens to Bart's little speech and then raises an eyebrow. I once heard of an Analek Miller from not too far from here, maybe three days ride. It was said he had a son that joined the Pirates of Jack. It was also said that he was a friend of my big sister who died in the temple of their home town on a raid. Are you that Miller and if so what was my sister's name? Int roll DC 12Highlight to display spoiler: { Bart ould remember that Wynd was the one who died in the raid, and that she had a baby brother at the time.}

Cosmo watches the goings on nerves almost getting the best of him, but no steel has be drawn yet and so he holds his hand.

Friday August 31st, 2007 3:48:33 AM

Mykael's tension remains as thoughts race through his head. Finally, he speaks slowly, his eyes dart from one keeper to another and to thier hands.

"I am a member of the group you are waiting for. You know your information, and all my probing seems to point that you are sincerely who you say you are."

"One must be ever vigilant, if we are to defeat Ga'al and protect the innocent. Paranoia can take hold, especially behind enemy lines. However, if kept in check, it can save your life."

"We didnt have time to check the protections on this place or its staff. Nor do we know any of you. Therefore, I felt the need to make every attempt to be as sure as possible before telling you."

"Do you know if the staff can be trusted, for sure? And what of the other groups down stairs? Have you checked them out?"

Rigging  d20+11=21 d20+11=31 d20+23=25 d20+23=29 d20+23=35 d20+23=37 d20+13=24
Friday August 31st, 2007 8:40:43 AM

Rigging smiles to himself as his mind is attacked by something and he is able to rebuff it. (Did I get any feeling from it? Feel weaker? Something invading my mind?) He keeps scanning the area looking for magic spells. He will move down the aisle before taking a seat to scan more of the room as possible and then work his way back towards the back.

Rigging is also studying the architecture looking for weekspots (knowledge engineering 24, second roll. You didn't mention anything when I did it last.)

spellcraft rolls if needed: 25, 29, 35, 37

Spells cast
arcane eye 12 minutes
true seeing 12 minutes
mage armor 12 hours
comprehend languages 120 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 comprehend languages*, mage armor*, magic missile x 2, tensor's floating disk, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 polymorph, arcane eye*, dimension door x 2 Evards Black tentacles
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport, passwall, Break enchantment
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate, true seeing*

Appolo  d20+6=25 d20+6=25 d20+12=15 d20+10=29
Friday August 31st, 2007 11:54:06 AM

Appolo explains that he is not heartseeded and is looking to check things out.He walks to the table leaves his weapons all save for one dagger under his left wrist.He then moves silently to left falling behind Rigging ever on the alert for trouble.He smells the incence and feels something pull at his mind,but resists the effects.He sits down in the pew behind Rigging and to his left.

OOC:Will saves 25 and 25 Spot 15 Listen 29
Made will saves already becuase Rigging had to.So figured I would need them as well.

Friday August 31st, 2007 12:25:38 PM

"Baron Jeremy of the Keepers of the Flame. You speak proudly of who you are and yet you protest at even the smallest request to prove that your word is good. It does not take but a moment to show that you are not heartseeded and worthy of trust. But trust is a two way street."

The illusion of the old woman drops revealing an armored buxom dark elf with long red gold hair.

"Now I'm just here for muscle. So we can all take a breath and talk or we can stain these floorboards red with blood. I'm guessing that talking would make everybody's day a bit better." She says and moves her hand close to the grip of the warhammer thats strapped to her belt.

Ashira the very plain woman 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 12:39:45 AM

The ranger suddenly regrets the eggs she had for breakfast...her stomach lurching at the creatures touch. Still, she does her best to keep the rouse up. She giggles and then her face hardens as she apparently tries to concentrate. "Ain't never heard of no Defilers of Evil...matter of fact...no offense..." the plain woman playfully runs her fingers up and down the orc's chest. "I ain't never heard of no good orcs before...but you don't seem all that bad. If you don't mind me ask'n...how did ya hear about them there hero folk that's supposed to be in town...I mean...there's a lotta folk in this here room that could be considered heroes...at least that's how I see it."

Ooooh yeah...Rigging owes me big time for this one!!

DM Kent 
Saturday September 1st, 2007 11:02:25 AM

As Rigging takes a look at the architecture and construction of the cathedral, he is impressed with how well it is is made. There are areas that may be supported by a couple of collumns here and there but nothing that would cause catastophic damage were they removed. He also sees some very large and thick beams running along the cieling but they are each somewhere around 20 inches square and are supported by stone. All in all the building is impressive and in all likelihood built through a combination of dwarven skill and magic.

As Rigging and Apollo finds their seats they realize that, as they inhale the incensed air, that it is starting to effect their minds as they feel themselves becoming more and more relaxed and looking forward to hearing about the word of Ga'al. With some effort they clear their minds but relise that if they stay for long they may eventually succumb to the incense's effects.

Baron Jeremy looks at Mykael and Val for a moment and then breaks into a smile. Well met then. I was hesitant to show myself before you for the same reasons as yours, but also because I alone of my group was heartseeded at one time. I had it killed and it is still in me and spelled to look like it is still alive. I tell you this so that when I bear my chest you will know the movement for the illusion it is and see that I am telling you the truth.

As he finishes his speech, he begins to bear his chest an the other four members of his group do the same. As he reported, he does indeed have a heartseed, and a Will DC 10 indeed allows you to see that through the illusion of life like look and movement, the heartseed is indeed very dead.

Ashira continues her game and asks her question and does indeed get an answer of sorts.

"We didn't hear, Our King, soon to be the King of Izen and all orcs, had a vision. He told us to come. So we are here.

Bart ponders Jordy's question for a moment thinking back over the groups history.

Rigging  d100=45
Saturday September 1st, 2007 11:39:55 AM

Rigging sighes as he sees the usefulness of this scouting trip. He isn't surprised to find that Ga'al has to drug his worshippers into coming. Stuff is probably addictive. He looking around at the temple, also brings to conclusion that bringing down this monstrosity is going to be beyond what they can do in a single visit and they are only going to get a single visit to try.

Rigging glances around preparing for his next experiment when he spots Appolo. He sighes even deeper this time. "Why can't anyone ever follow orders?" he asks himself. He signals to Appolo to follow him and moves off to a secluded spot, behind a pillar or an alcove. He will then try to teleport back to the inn's main room bringing Appolo along for the ride.

If they get there (rolled 45 for on target roll) Rigging will see Ashira on the half-orc's lap being fondled. This doesn't improve his mood at all. He will walk over, and stand in front of the offending half orc and sternly say,
My name is Arrack Von Palin. I am the Captain of the Sword of Redemption, and leader of its Wildcards. I have been sent here by the dragon consortium to destroy as much the temple of Ga'al, kill its priests and destroy the Heart of Ga'al and its heartseeding bush, tree or plant. Right now I am going to need as much help as I can get but if you don't stop fondling my wife. I AM GOING TO GET WARMED UP ON YOU!

Rigging will look around at the rest of the group members and say, "You have been waiting for us. If you want to help, here is your chance. Just tell me what you can do and I am sure we can find a way to work you into our plans."

If Rigging can't teleport for some reason, he will caste haste on both of them, activate his invisibility ring and head out the front door. If he escapes without trouble, he will head back to the Inn and do the scene described above.

Saturday September 1st, 2007 1:46:35 PM

Appolo ignores Rigging,just shake his head no and silently watches the proceedings.Once Rigging is out of sight,he waitsa few minutes and then head quickly and silently back the way he came.He heads for the table making his Appologies,gethers his weapons and gear then leaves.He does not head straight back to the jack n Booty Inn.
Appolo instead meanders around going around a corner he activates his ring of invisibility and heads back to the Inn.Using his boots of speed.Appolo enters through the rear of the builfing and heads to the main room

Appolo sees Rigging standing next to table full of orc and Ashira sitting in an orcs lap.He appears next to Rigging laughing."You did tell her togather imformation.Well I think she's doinga wonderful job.Ok time fora meeting."

Sunday September 2nd, 2007 6:17:17 PM

Ari's eyebrows shoot up a little bit as he listens to the different discussions going on around him. Realizing that everything seems to be coming to head, Ari wonders what will come next.

(if rigging makes it to the inn) With silent fanfare Riggings shows up delivers his speech. Ari watches to see how the Orc will react. Hoping it's not in a negative way, Ari stand ready to support Rigging and the rest of the crew.

hmm. I haven't been that helpful with finding out much information. I'm going to have to see if there's much I can find that might help us with the Temple then.

Val  d20+9=28
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:54:45 AM

"Nice trick." She says as she looks at the illusionary heartseed.

"My name is Val and I am part of the Wildcards. I just heard the captain loose it downstairs so I'm guessing things are going to get interesting. Look the bottom line is this city is going to spill into Chaos real soon. Its going to be dangerous but your going to have an opportunity to strike at ga'al and earn yourself some coin too. I'm sure these ga'alian soldiers and pirests carry some valuable stuff."

Bart  d20=16
Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:28:33 PM

Upon hearing about Jordy's loss of his sister.....the warrior reflects on past events....piecing together the bits and pieces of his memories......it dawns on Bart who Jordy is(d20=16 int ch) ...." yes i remember her name (as Bart puases a moment".....your sisters name is Wynd " as the wattiors eyes moisten slightly at her name " she died in that raid on the temple......i'm sorry for your loss " adds bart with sincerity " i still think about her at times " as the warriors eyes have a faraway look as his mind wanders back in time

Focusing back on Jordy " yes ...i am that Miller." as his eyes harden " i've come back to get justice for Wynd " as his voice rings with steel

(posted by adm -Chris)

Monday September 3rd, 2007 7:39:57 PM

Nodding atBarak " well when everyone gets back i'll hafta introduce you to my friends the Wildcards " grins the dwarf " maybe then we can share some more infomation

" Gonna be intresting to see what we can all do togther ......teamwork and timing will be vital.....considering what we have in mind " adds the Cleric of Domi

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Mykael  d20+9=12 d20+12=13 d20+10=13
Monday September 3rd, 2007 9:58:55 PM

Mykael smiles slightly, then takes a long look at the heartseed.

(Will = 12)
(Spellcraft = 13 (nat 1))
(Knowledge Arcana = 13)

"Very interesting.... " Val's comment brings him around.

"We better head downstairs and see what it up. But quickly before we go, have you checked into the other groups to know if the are as legit as they claim?"

After getting his answer, Mykael leads the group back down the stairs, assured that Val will watch his back.

Monday September 3rd, 2007 11:33:14 PM

The ranger sighs at Rigging's little tirade and slides off the orc's lap. "Subtle...very subtle husband." She gives the orc a sly look as she drops her hat of disguise, adopting her extrordinary "normal" looks. "Sorry big guy...my hubby here asked me to check into your story. Normally wouldn't be so sly, but around these parts, it's hard to tell friend from foe sometimes."

Frustrated at Rigging's lack of tact, she gives the wizard a steely look. "Soooo...I suppose the fact that you are being so forth right with our identities here means that you gathered a good deal of valuable information about the temple while you were out?!"

DM Kent 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 12:05:32 AM

Rigging pops back safely enough and approaches the orc that his wife is fondling.

Surprisingly the Orc doesn't look to worried about Rigging's tirade and looks first at Ashira and then at Rigging.

"There wasn't no one holding her on my lap." You have problem it be with her not me.

Rigging continues his piece as Ashira pops off the orc's lap and officially announces their presence as the ones they are waiting for.

There is a moment of silence and then the three leaders of the downstairs groups, Acid, The Saints and the Defilers move toward or stand up to introduce themselves. The Orc having been the closest Introduces himself first.

"Me called Brekmi Nek. Am leader of the Defilers of Evil. These four are my companions. We all Fighters."

The next to stand forth is the leader of the Osto Saints.

"My name is Barak and these five fine men are my comrades in arms The Osto Saints. We are an assorted lot of men of the cloth."

The young dark haired youth that Bart has been chatting up is next. There is a fire and a sadness in his eyes. We five are known as Acid. I am Jeremy, brother of Aelwyndas, otherwise known to you as Wynd. We bring a mixed bag of talents with us.

Mykael asks his question as they head downstairs and gets a simple yes they seem to be as his reply. When they get downstairs they find the area around Rigging and Ashira a bit crowded.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 2:05:39 AM

Scanning the room from the vantage point afforded by descending the stairs, Mykael realizes that all appears to be in the open.

He pushes his way through the group, leading the Keepers and Val.

Stopping before Rigging and Ashira, he steps to the side.

"I present Baron Jeremy de Quelt of Fargunia, and the 'Keepers of the Flame."

Turning to Jeremy and the Keepers, "I present, Arrack Von Palin, Captain of the 'Sword of Redemption' and leader of the Wildcards."

Its been a while since Mykael was in a formal situation, however, he tries to add some fan-fare in the introductions of the nobles.

'Perhaps this will provide some ammusement for 'us' no-bodies.' Mykael thinks to himself.

Mykael slips back into the crowd and into a chair by the front door. His sword slides out of its sheath and sits leaning on his thigh for quick access for any that feels the need to suddenly exit the inn to give warning to thier enemies. He monitors the crowd intently and stops anyone that tries to leave or enter.

Anyone wanting to enter, he merely states, in a drunken tone, "Wha da you want?" In a necessarily loud tone to warn the groups, all while sizing the individual(s) up.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 4:58:57 PM

Rigging looks at his wife and suddenly he looks about 10 years younger. "Yeah I figured out a lot." Rigging looks down at the ground and digs his toe into the floor.

He looks back at her with a grin, "I found out some useful tactical information but taking this beast down is gonna take more than we can throw at it in a short time. I suppose if we took out some supports with well placed rock to muds and had Nezamil cast a few earthquakes we might have a shot but otherwise...

Obviously I did learn some good tactical information but not as much as I was hoping. Still we can talk about that later. Lets deal with this situation first shall we?"

Rigging will turn to the orcs first and ask, "I don't have time for niceties. I want to know what your committment to us is? Seems like all of your were waiting for us to show up? Are your ready to storm the gates of hell with us or do you plan to cover our retreat?"

Rigging turns to the cleric group and says, "Barak, you claim to be priests? Which Gods do you follow and how can you help us?"

Rigging eyes soften when his gaze falls upon Jeremy and he grabs onto the man's shoulders and stares into his eyes, "Yes I do see some of your sister in you. She was a wonderful friend who gave her life to save her comrades. Their isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her fondly. I think I know your motivations in being here but what can you add to the cause?

Rigging will look at all of the assembled groups and say, "This is most likely the toughest nut I have had to crack and I have seen some hairy adventures. The church is guarded by skilled quads who are reinforced with strong magic items. The church itself has spells cast upon it which can attack your mind. Drugs waft through the air which deaden your resolve. I haven't even thought about the priests and the magics they can bring. So I ask you again, what are your intentions? Do you wish to support us or fight at our sides?"

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 7:16:14 PM

Appolo silently drifts back to a table as the 4 other groups are introduced.As ussual he is ignored.He sits down and has something to drink.he smiles with merriment almost luaghing out loud when Rigging goes into his rant.

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 8:53:22 PM

Cosmo sits back and relaxes as the tensions eases in the inn. He listens to Rigging and to the other groups as they state their strengths.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM kent 
Tuesday September 4th, 2007 10:24:05 PM

Barak looks at Rigging with some surprise.

"I never said we were clerics good sir merely that we were all men of the cloth. In actuality only two of us are clerics. Myself and three others, indicating three of his companions, are paladins."

Barak looks around at the other group leaders and then at the group members themselves.

"While I am not exactly sure what your plans are I might suggest that Acid, at least, are used as support troops to aid any innocents that need it and the such. As they are locals they will more likely be looked upon with favor by the residents of this city. As for the rest ourselves included, I would say that we have the most experience but are a bit older, while the Saints are moderately strongr as a group than the orcs. I do not know how effective most of would be against the quads in direct confrontations, but we could surely help with the priests."

Tuesday September 4th, 2007 11:16:17 PM

The ranger smiles as strategy is batted around...and she adds her own 2 coppers. "Well, I am assuming the drugs in the air come from the incense, we used to use that stuff a lot when I was in the Qu..." Ashira's eyes flit to the ground for a couple of seconds before she pushes away the old demons. "Anyway, I would think that would be fairly easy to thrwart, depending on what defensive spells they have in place. If we could get a couple of air elementals in there, we could clean that stuff out in no time. I'd bet some well placed fireballs could take out the beams and your strategy would take down the columns...but we're getting ahead of ourselves. First we need to get in there and start cleaning house..that's where we need to start planning.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:00:05 AM

He sits quietly running words over and over in his mind as he watches the crowd and the door.

The thoughts stop for a minunte as he remembers a couple of things.

'Ghem, tell Rigging this for me please. Ask the groups if there are any that are good with interpretting premonitions. And tell him that Baron Jeremy has a dead seed in his chest. I wonder how he did that, especially against Ga'al's will.'

The little dragon swoops over Riggings head and soars up to a perch on a rafter. He turns his head down and looks at the Captain.

Telepathy to Rigging: 'Mykael says ask if there is any one that... can in - ter - pret... pre - mo - ni - tions... sorry, new words, had to ask again. He also says that Baron Jeremy has a dead seed in his chest. Whats that mean? I better ask him.

Ghem glides over and lands on the table by Mykael. Even though the dragon is looking at him intently, Mykael's gaze constantly surveys the room.

OOC: Darain 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 2:19:20 AM

OOC: George, just want to clerify, Jordy is the boy, Jeremy is the Baron. Dont need the Bossman getting confused.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 7:49:29 AM

Adding to the comments of the others, "not one of us that was there that fateful day every forget Wynd."

Ari lets Rigging take the lead and listens to the various things the groups add. I wonder if Acid had anything to do with the group .

(ooc heads up that I will be in Peru from Oct 2 to Oct 12th and right now I'm highly doubting I'll have access to the internet)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 9:36:23 AM

Wearing another's skin for a while can bring some perspective. As a human nobody looked at her twice. She could have made herself a beautiful human woman but her test wasn't for lust. Men were dogs and that didn't change what species you appeared to be. Val, back in her voluptuous dark elven form, leaned back in a chair. Her feet crossed at the ankle resting on the table.

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:55:19 AM

Appolo moves over next to Valanthe"You know.If we do this right and succeed,this whole city going go nuts.it'll be wide open for some sneeaky pirate typs to rob looy and pillage."He says witha grin.

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 11:56:55 AM

Have to take my computer ibto the shop today.Won't have access for the next couple of days.

My appologies.

attendence report 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:21:55 PM

Dm Kent xxxoxx
Ashira xoxoxx
Appolo xoxoxx
Rigging xxxoxx
Val xxooxx
Bart xxxoox
Nezamil xxxoox
Mykael xxxoxx
Cosmo xoxooo
Ari xoooox

we had a weekend post by Dm Kent thats why i added another day

Cosmo and Ari each missed 4!!! posts we need to do better then that !!!

Adm Chris is posting for Bart !!while he is on vacation

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:34:14 PM

The dwarf watches as the 3 leaders of the various groups approach Captain Rigging......taking the time while everyone is focused on the leaders the Cleric of Ddomi takes the measure of the others in the group....particularly the Cleris of Waard and the Paladins......eyeing the four holy warriors Nezamil looks for signs/symbols of which god they are Paladins of .

Nezamil starts to make the rounds of the various groups introducing himself to each member " I'm Nezamil of Domi's brotherhood....and of course the Swords of Redemption......i'm glad you have come here to help....we could use good people as yourselves....this next few days can bring big changes to Asildur and it's surrounding area's "

(besides the Orc group Defilers of Evil , are all the members human ??? men ??)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 1:38:06 PM

As Jordy goes and greets Rigging.....the warrior will order a round of drinks for the young lads of Acid " I'm Bart.....so good to see others like yourselves stand up for our people.....hopefully in the next few days we can actually strike a blow for our peoples freedom "

"how did you come to be called Acid ??" inquires Bart " an intresting name for sure "

(posted by adm -Chris)

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 6:34:43 PM

Rigging listens to the advice while his mind whirls with thoughts and plans. "We don't know of your skills or your abilities and doubt we will have time to coordinate a plan where we can work together. I think we would be better served in using all your groups as a distraction. Have you attack at various different points at the temple to tie up quads, priests and temple guards.

While you are doing this, we can enter the church proper and take out the heartseed plants and any guardians we see there. "

He stops and then recites from memory the seer final verse.

* "Silent Darkness, Moonlight, Blood Pain, comforting ice, Fog Burn soothing water, Sticky Acid helpful water, Arid wind cooling water, Ware the flowers, Make like a desert, strength of will prevails, let the water flow, Friends help where they may, a deck of cards is laying on a table."

The friends helping where they may, sounds like your groups playing a role but letting us take on the brunt of the attack. Appolo, where do you think our friends should attack and cause a diversion?"

Rigging will look back the allies and ask, "Do any of you use mage magic?"

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 9:57:39 PM

"Appolo It's Val now. I haven't been Valanthe for a long time. Once this is over and if we make it out alive go have your fun. I have found a different path in our adventures. Another purpose to fulfill. My place is with the wildcards but I must always follow my purpose when possible."

Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:07:44 PM

"We can use all the help we can get I think."

"This is going to be a big undertaking. We will need to move quickly or word will get out that we are going to storm the temple."

DM kent 
Wednesday September 5th, 2007 10:15:15 PM

The groups listen and watch, trying to judge the wildcards as the wildcards are trying to judge them. Val garners quite a few long hard looks, but then again so does Ashira for somereason.

Jordy responds to the question about their name. We call oursleves Acid for everything we do burns Ga'al and his priests and eats away at their power base.

One young man from Jordy's Acid group, steps forward at the question about mage magic and speaks, I am a mage of the 6th point, so I have some magic though probably nothing to compare to what your mages can do.

Nez does realize that other than the Orcs the other groups are all made up of Humans.

It is now all of about 8:00 in the morning.

(OOC Guys as I am leaving town on Friday morning and may or may not have internet access until I get back, Thursday night's postmay be the last for the week. If I do not go ahead and post and decide what/how you are going to do things and we will start this combat thing on Monday)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:39:54 AM

Mykael speaks up after Rigging resights the passage, "I have been thinking about that alot. Water sounds like a very prevelent savoir in the passage. Perhaps there is a way to temporarily flood some or all of the place. Or perhaps we should be sure to bring a healthy supply along with have spells for it available."

"I believe there is more to learn from the passage, we should study it for more insight. Also, if we do decide to use acid on the seeds, we still need to try and aquire it. Although, I am not completely certain my first interpretation of the passage, means for us to use it. One thing is for sure from the others, the use of fire is bad. It will draw too much attention, too fast."

Thursday September 6th, 2007 4:51:25 PM

As Rigging decides what to do the dwarf adds " Barak has a good point......somebody should be held in reserve in case something unexpected arises......which i'm sure it will "

The Ga'alians are protecting their powerbase.....home turf so to speak......so i think its best we co-ordinate our plans and also have an exit strategy.....a meeting point afterwards......not to mention how to help support the locals groups like Acid in the aftermath !!"

Pointing to Barak and his friends " the Paladin's and us Cleric's can cast magic circle spells to help keep everyone's mind clear ....won't cover everyone but could be a nice overlapping tactic if we're all together"

Surveying all the groups " I see that we have a nice group of warriors ....the Defilers of Evil , Osto Saints and keepers of the Flame seem well versed in swords.....what about ranged weapons ?? do we have bowman ?? good way to keep the enemy pinned down "

"As the young man has siad he has mage ability which will be very helpful.....what about others ??"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic shield field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 4:57:48 PM

The warrior stands quietly as he listens to the ongoing discussion amonst all the groups .

"Barak has an intresting point.....with Jordy and his friends known locally that could help us ......especially among the local population .....if we attack at night most would be asleep but i have no doubt that we will create a loud disturbance " grins Bart "and wake some people "

"also so Jordy's group Acid knows the local streets better then any of us ......they could help in planning escape and evasion routes " adds Bart to the discussion

(posted by adm-Chris)

Thursday September 6th, 2007 8:09:45 PM

"We might also want to add a flood of rumors for the day. Rumors that could distract and aid with what we are doing. Maybe something that gets everyone inside and hiding but not necessarily because of us attacking or anything. I'm not talking plague like stuff, but maybe something that is like that."

Thursday September 6th, 2007 9:23:09 PM

"Perhaps we could use the rumors to mislead the temple's guards and soldiers. Rumors to get them to send people, even if it were just a few, to search for something that isn't there." Val shifts slightly in her seat. Changing her posture so those giving her long looks had a little reason to keep looking.

Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:07:05 PM

Cosmo listens as the groups strategize on attacking the temple. He goes over his current spells to see if any of them are worth changing.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility. See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

DM Kent 
Thursday September 6th, 2007 10:37:19 PM

Discussions are begun and yet nothing is decided upon as yet. Baron Jeremy steps forward and asks a simple yet important question.

So when are you planning this assault?

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:18:54 AM

Ashira ignores the hard looks...she's used to being stared at. She chimes in with her own input. "I'd like to keep the civilian losses to a minimum...so in my mind that means a night attack. But I think Val has a good idea. What would be really nice is if we could conjure up some illusions of ourselves somewhere in the city...bet that would attract some attention!" Ashira looks over at Rigging and Cosmo. "Any way to pull that off?"

Friday September 7th, 2007 12:48:06 AM

"An interesting idea. We have the local group Acid, that knows the streets well. We have two Hats of Disguise."

"Simple illusions would work for the moment, however, as they are found out, it would put the entire city on alert and re-inforcements may be sent to the Temple."

"Now if we had some intelligent individuals that know the side streets, alleys, sewers, and hiding holes, running around making appearances and yet they can take on thier normal forms to help hide. Wow, that could cause an up roar."

"But once again, that would put the entire city on alert, thus more chance of our attack being noticed, even if its just by a normal citizen."

"It has good merits, but it could have a downside also."

Friday September 7th, 2007 8:23:42 AM

Rigging listens to the discussion and interjects, "Our escape plan and prior planning didn't take into account having local allies on the scene. I have no intention of staying in the city after our raid. In the past when we attacked a temple of Ga'al, the entire town was taken over and sent against us."

Rigging will look to Jeremy and continue, "That is how we lost your sister. She sacrificed herself so we could live. I have no intention of going through that again. After our attack, we are leaving via our teleport spells and devices.

If we have to, we can come back again when things have cooled down but I planned for and expected a one time raid.

Now having your groups here is a plus but we won't be able to protect you. You need to decide how much involvement you want to take. We can get you into the temple but I am not sure we can get you out and back to safety. This is why I was thinking of a diversion for your group. It might make some sense that you make a raid of your own on the front door to coincide with us sneaking through another entrance. Your raid can be quick and hard. I will loan you one of my fireball wands so you can toss around some quick damage, maybe start some fires and kill some lower tiered guards. You might even activate some static defenses to get them out of our way, but then you must flee. We can choice a safe house if you have one and try to meet you there, but I emphasize the word "Try".

The plan was to attack tonight. I want spelluser to get some sleep and adjust their spell lists for the attack. We just need to figure out our final plan."

Rigging turns away but quickly turns back, "Oh I am sorry but I must insist that we all stay here for the day. While I am a trusting soul and I am sure you have the best intentions but operational security demands that we all keep an eye on each other."

Saturday September 8th, 2007 12:50:38 PM

"Do you think there might be any way start a riot that could pull guards or personell away from the temple?"

DM Kent 
Saturday September 8th, 2007 3:49:51 PM

Discussion continues with some thoughts to different strategies and the announcement of the raid going on tonight, brings smiles to the faces of the other groups' members.

Jordy smiles at Rigging's rememberances of his sister and the options laid forth.
We will do what we can to aid you and we do have a few contacts in the city that could cause other distractions, but they would necessitate me leaving the building.::shrugs:: So I will leave that to you to decide. With your wand and the magics we have available we should be able to cause quite a diversion. But whatever the case you will need to silence that bell somehow or you could have all the working quads and cullers charging back to the defense of the Cathedral.

Jeremy nods as Jordy says his piece. If I were to use us all to our best abilities, I mingt take two groups inward to help with any innocents inside and perhaps two outside for diversion and additional aid with innocents or otherwise.

Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:17:47 PM

"I am not sure that diversions are a good idea. The more action that happens outside the temple, the more people that will be up and paying attention."

"I believe the quieter we are the better. I dont want help from the outside coming to hurt us. And remember, one of the premonitions said fire would draw attention and bring help. So can action outside."

"I think one group should come inside with us to help with any innocents inside and keep the upper level secure, after we take it."

"The other three groups should stay outside, one at each entrance/exit, to help the innocents out, and to stop any fleeing Ga'alian's that try and leave the temple to get help."

Mykael (extra post) 
Sunday September 9th, 2007 10:20:47 PM

"We still need to get acid to kill the seeds. Does anyone in 'Acid' have contacts in town that could get us some or all that we need, without risking suspicion?"

"If we cant get what we need to destroy them, then perhaps we can get enough bags to take the seeds and plants with us for later destruction."

"Or maybe we will have to use a combination of the two, depending on how much is there."

Rigging (a discussion on tactics) 
Monday September 10th, 2007 9:40:16 AM

Rigging will look at each of the groups and asks bluntly, "Are your individual sqads or groups capable of taking out a quad or would they over match you? I am sorry to be blunt but I don't have time to test your skills. If we need to, I will group 2 of your groups together and make them a fighting team."

Rigging looks at the Wildcards and the others and says, "This battle is going to have to be run in stages. The first stage is taking out the obvious guards. The bell tower and any roving guards will have to go first. I want a fighting team of Ashira, Bart, and Appolo to take out the Bell tower. The will go with improved invisibility, and fly spells to get them there. Nezamil will enchant a rock to with silence to keep them quiet."

The second fighting team will be Val, Ari, Mykael and Nezamil. Your jobs will be to get into the front door and eliminate any guards in the area. Again I want silence spells for the intial attack which will limit Nez as a spell user to begin with. Then I want us to regroup outside and send our allies in to cause havoc and as much destruction as possible. I will arm them with one of my fireball wands to give them some teeth. Their attack will be quick and brutal and then they will scatter and leave the area as fast as possible. If we are lucky they can draw off some of the defenders with them.

I want Cosmo, and myself invisible and in support roles to begin with. Cosmo can do his summoning and I will keep buffing you and using my dispel magic wand to try and take down existing spells. Because of this, lets be frugal in our buff spells. I might have to dispel magic you if you are caught in something and would hate to have to bring down your spells too.

We will have to deal with those mind influencing spells that I had to deal with before. Not sure who they will affect our less seasoned friends. Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with them?

The first goal is the heartseed plants. I think that is our most important objective. Instead of fighing our way through, I think we should use magic to get through the wall from the outside to the parent green house.

We will send our allies into the main chapel to act as a diversion after we help eliminate the guards and then attack the plant that is enslaving our people. I can't see beyond this. Of course we want to free the innocents and bring down as many temple priests and guards as possible but I have a feeling we won't be able to stay beyond a few minutes.

What do you think? Rigging is including his new allies in to give ideas.

Monday September 10th, 2007 1:52:29 PM

" sounds like a plan......i like the idea of the groups working togther"

" So Captain when will we start the attack ??"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Monday September 10th, 2007 1:55:10 PM

Bart Nods his head at the tactics " i'm looking forward getting this started "

With a glance over at Jordy and his fellow Acid's " time to strike a blow againist Ga'al's tyranny" smiles the warrior .

(posted by adm -Chris)

Monday September 10th, 2007 4:31:02 PM

"I want to go tonight. I know this inn is shielded but they Ga'alians are still gonna have human intelligence resources and you have to figure we are going to be watched.

I want spellusers to get some sleep and prep their spells for tonight and attack around 2 am. I am hoping most of the rituals will be over by then and we will only find enemies in the temple."

Monday September 10th, 2007 6:37:02 PM

Appolo sat quietly watched and listened.He didn't have anything to add so remained wuiet.
When Rigging is done hes tands"Ok folks everything sound good to me.Numder one thing to remember is once we start this there's no going back.Also there are no innocents friendlies in that temple.We kill everything women children dogs cats.What ever we come across we kil destroy anf burn.No holds barred.Show no mercy becuase you will recieve none.Also once we start bell tower or no bell tower it won't be long before the rest of the heaertseed figure out some thing is wrong.So when we succed and leave we mostlikely will have to fight our way out ofa confused choatic and rioting city. Agian don't play nice and show mercy.Mercy compassion and such will only get you and yours killed."

DM Kent 
Monday September 10th, 2007 8:30:27 PM

The four group leaders turn to their compatriots for a moment and a brief discussion is held about their strengths. The concensus is that the Saints and the Defilers could probably deal with the majority of the middle and lower level quads, while Acid and the Flames could probably handle the lower tier quads.

Jordy speaks up, if by mind influencing you mean the inscenses. They are only lit in the sanctuary during the services or special rites.

As Apollo speaks his piece Jordy whirls on him.

"What do you mean no innocents in the temple. Every night for the last month they have been heartseeding children. As they probably will be tonite? How are those children not innocents? If you are planning to kill them then we will sit in this Inn until you are done and will not lift a finger to help you."

There are more than one lifted eyebrow at Apollo's comments and Jordy's outburst and almost as one the groups turn to Rigging to see what he has to say on the matter.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:50:57 AM

Standing up quickly and looking at Appollo Ari bursts out, "I will never agree to actions as such as you describe! No situation is ever 100% as described.

I have never condoned those types of actions for our group and I will continue to raise objections every blessed time you try to change the intent of what we're doing. You choose to be no better than those that we fight against and that just burns me up!

I really don't see our benefactor and Wynd and all those that have come since we left the place supporting your ideas, either."

Just what needs to be said in front of these people. I see that nothing has changed in the time I've been gone.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 11:13:24 AM

Rigging stands and puts up his hands in a peaceful gesture. He starts to talk and stops, gathering his thoughts. Finally he looks up with a haunted look in his eyes, "Appolo is in a certain sense right. Every heartseeded person in that temple is our enemy. They are slave to Ga'al and could attack us. I am hoping by my timing of the attack to avoid these issues but realize we are trying to defeat a greater evil here.

Should we forgo the mission to save the children who are being heartseeded tonight. We might save them but it doesn't save the ones who will be enslaved tomorrow or the day after. We are looking at the big picture here and though it sounds harsh, it is necessary."

Rigging moves over to stand in front of Appolo, "I understand your pain because I share it as do the rest of the Wildcards. We have been fighting this injustice for years with little headway to show for it. Still we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If their are innocents in there, we first accomplish our mission and kill the heartseeds themselves but we do not willing put those innocents in danger. We don't fling spells that could catch them too, we don't knowingly put them in danger. We can't or we become like Ga'al ourselves and then we are truly lost."

Rigging looks intently at his new allies, and then says, "You two claim to be able to handle a mid to lower level quad. I want your two groups to work together to defeat a quad if it shows up quickly. I want Acid and Flame to cover the retreat and keep off any patrols that might show up on the outside. They can also provide spells and arrow to the fight on the inside. Remember that you are a diverson. You make the noise and attack the structure while we bring down the plants.

Now we need to get some more supplies for this. Do you have any contacts for acid or anything else that will chew threw stone?"

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 2:00:17 PM

"The truth is until we get inside and actually see the situation we have no idea what we will do. We can't plan for a lot of what we are going to run into. They designed that place to prevent what we are about to do. This is our only chance at this. If we mess this up then everything will just get worse."

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:36:48 PM

Having witnessed Appolo's tirades about death before the Cleric of Domi just shakes his head sadly .

Stepping up next to Ari and rests his hand on his shoulder ""I'm in agreement with you.....no need to hurt those that we don't hafta "

Looking over at the four gathered groups " please don't judge us all my Appolo's words " he's just an angry young man......who has trouble dealing with his demons...a slave to his anger.....hopefully his anger doesn't consume him"

"It takes more courage to let go of your anger then it is to hold onto it......something our angry young friend has yet to learn ......hopefully one day he will find that truth and the maturity that goes with it"

Spell list
Zero-Creare water x2,Light x2,Read magic,Mending
1st-Detect undead,Divine favor,Hide from undead,Protection f-evil x2,Shield of faith x2(Enlarge)
2nd-Aid x2,Resist energy,Darkness,Silence(Bull str)
3rd-Searing light x2,Magic circle,Blindness,Protection from energy(Magic vestments)
4th-Airwalk,Dismissal,Freedom of movement x2(Spell Immunity)
5th-True seeing,Rightous might,Flame strike(Spell Resistance)
6th-Blade barrier (Anti-magic field)

Don't forget, Nezamil passed out 3 potions of Resist energy to Val,Bart,Ashira)(1 each)

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 3:41:52 PM

The Swordsman stands up at Appolo's outburst and walks over to the Acid's " I for one will not harm the innocents .....those children our my people too ......we will save as many as we can "

"And with your help we can save even more ......this is a chance to strike a powerful blow againist the Priests of Ga'al.....we won't get many chances like the one we have now ........please help us " adds Bart sincerly

(posted by adm Chris)

attendence report 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 4:08:17 PM

Dm Kent o2xxx
Ashira oxoxo
Appolo o2oxx
Rigging o2oo2
Val oxxoo
Bart oxxox
Nezamil oxxox
Mykael oxxxx
Cosmo o2xoo
Ari oxxxo

o = no post
x = posted
2 = double post

just a reminder folks , battle is at our doorstep !!! lets be on top of posting!!! keep us all alive!! , Dm Kent has already told us this won't be an easy battle !! so please keep tabs on your posts and your fellow gamers !! we need to work together !!

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 8:06:33 PM

Appolo smiles"Just saying this is going to get real nasty.Is all.Oh I'm not angry.Either.I'm just going to do what I think needs to be done."He says it with smile as sits down and relaxes.

Tuesday September 11th, 2007 8:16:21 PM

"I will follow your plan, however, I still dont think noisy diversions outside and excessive use of fire are good ideas. They increase the chance of alerting the entire city."

"I think there is one other issue we may need to cover or clerify. The Wildcards had figured we would fight our way in and use magic to leave. Now that we have more helping, is that still our strategy? And what escape plans will our allies use? "

"Finally, I dont pretend to know exactly why, but the words of the seer said water would help us alot. I suggest everyone fill your skins, and we should bring a few buckets or barrels full, also."

DM kent 
Tuesday September 11th, 2007 10:20:54 PM

Plans are laid. Tmpers are frayed. And fears are belayed.

Riggin sets forth the duties for his allies and they nod at his requests.

Jeremy looks around one last time and asks a final question.

"So I guess the last thing we need to know is when do we meet you all back down here as it seems we are going to try and get a good days rest?"

Getting his answer he and the other groups head back upstairs to their respective rooms.

When the Wildcard head bck to theirs they find Nubs Alingie leaning back in the chair they left him in. He is lightly snoring.

The late morning and afternoon goes quickly and the evening seems to rush towards night as each ndividual makes his final preparations for the night's endevours and or gets sleep.

Sooner than perhaps they thought the time planned for arrives and it is about 1 1/2 hours before the assigned meeting time.

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 4:29:14 PM

The 5'ft dwarf follows his fellow wildcards upstairs and finds a corner spot......unrolling a couple blankets Nezamil lays down and falls asleep quickly.

As night falls the Cleric wakes and meditates quietly in his corner.

If and when they head out after Captain Riggings plan of action is laid out , the dwarf prepres himself and takes up his role in the operation.

(detailed spell will follow shortly)

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 4:31:49 PM

The armored warrior bids the Acids a good night and finds a place to sleep in the wildcards room.

Grabbing a spot by the wall behind the door he rests up for the nights activity.

Once awake Bart quickly and effiecently cleans and oils his weapons for the coming battle

(posted by adm Chris)

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 5:02:29 PM

Rigging wakes up and hits the spell books, studying for the necessary spells for the raid tonight. He is worried about his allies wondering if they are loyal and if they are, up to the challenge of tonight.

Rigging will head downstairs and if the other groups are there ask, "What are your retreat plans? We won't be able to help you in this regard. You will have to retreat before the raid is over once they discover we are in the temple. I don't want you to be overly brave and find yourselves standing before Gargul for the decision. Much rather have you live to oppose Ga'al for another day."

Rigging will hand his wand of fireballs over to the spellcaster who said he could use it. He will tell him its activation but warn him it only has 9 charges left. No need to be conservative with it, I don't expect it back."

He will also tell the new allies, "If you see a large air elemental flying around, don't attack it. It is my familiar Swirl and he might come to your aid if you need it. He might even bring you a note so don't attack him."

Rigging will let the groups get together and say, "OK lets move out and get ready to take out that bell tower and other roaming guards."

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 7:30:01 PM

Appolo comes downstairs silently.He is relaxed and ready to go."Rigging we'll need those invisibility spells and such.Nez can you put theat slince spell on a rock or something I can carry.Need to keep thing quiet in that tower."Looking around at the others"We got everything we're going to need.Everyone ready.?"

Wednesday September 12th, 2007 8:22:20 PM

"Your choice of meanings can make or break relations and continues to make problems for us."

Deciding on his spells and what he needs, Ari prepares for the evening in his room. As he gets ready to leave the room he recites a small prayer asking for protection and guidance for what the group is about to do.

(ooc will post my spell list with next post. I have things selected, ran out of time before I could post.)

DM kent 
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 10:29:13 PM

Approaching midnight the groups all meet back in the common room where Rigging hands over his fireball wand and asks about retreat plans, He is assured that should they be needed that they are in place for each group.

The groups head out of the inn, all 33 and into the deserted and dark market square and look across at the Cathedral looming above the town some 200 yards (600 feet) away. The outline of the bell tower can be distinguished and from your previous recon, you know there is a quad stationed up there, as well as one outside the gates at the Tower's base and one at the inside gates at the top of the stairs that lead to the sanctuary's main door. Also if everything is as normal then there is a quad stationed at the rear entrances as well.

Both moons have risen and are full and there are no clouds of note to be seen. There is no other discernable movement noted by any of the party's mebers.

Ashira the very plain woman (Barkskin +2) 
Wednesday September 12th, 2007 11:47:47 PM

Donning her costume one final time, Ashira heads out into the streets. The tower...that's her job...not a problem. Her hands clench in anticipation of the impending battle. As she waits for the buffing spells to begin, Ashira casts a couple of spells of her own. The ranger reaches out and taps Bart lightly on the shoulder, watching as his skin begins to harden (Barkskin +2, 60min.). Then she touches herself, repeating the spell.

Thursday September 13th, 2007 1:20:18 AM

(OOC: sorry I didnt get the post off before hand.)

IC: Before Mykael sleeps for the day, he casts a 'Vampiric Regeneration' spell into his magic sword. He then sleeps, when he awakes he studies his spells and meets the groups.

Before they leave the inn, Mykael sits down with Ghem and goes over a few things.

'Ghem, I dont want you to enter with me. This will be extremely dangerous. I want you to find a nice high perch outside where you can watch what is happening outside. Make sure you hide well.'

Mykael takes the time to carefully explain the the four different groups and how to tell who is each, and what the groups names are. This way Ghem can give good intel on what is happening outside.

He then looks over the all five groups and asks, "Who uses ranged weapons above all else?"

To the one or few that answers Mykael passes out small poison sacks to coat thier missiles with. (Poison info 4 small sacks, 2 doses per sack, Fort save DC 16 or 1d6 damage)(please note who accepts)

Just before they head into combat, Mykael casts Heroism and Stoneskin on himself.

Active Spells:
Heroism (70/70 mins)
Stoneskin (70/70 mins)

(OOC: Dont forget the potions, Mykael handed out)


Spell List:
0 lvl: Acid SplashX4
1 lvl: Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking GraspX2, Magic Missile
2 lvl: Scorching RayX2, WebX2
3 lvl: Heroism*, Lightning Bolt, Haste
4 lvl: Dimension Door, Stoneskin*

Nezamil  d8+10=14
Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:09:47 PM

Nezamil steps next to the Saints of Osto before they head into the market square " may Domi grant us all courage and Waard good luck " prays the dwarf quickly

As people head out the door Nezamil starts to infuse his fellow wildcards with magical spells....finishing with himself.....only stopping to tap Jordy and Jeremy once (hide from undead)"this will help shield you from any of the undead."

"Ashira i can enlarge you once we're inside if you like ...just let me know ...ok "

"Val and Bart don't forget about the potions i gave you earlier "(Resist energy 30 pts per attack)

Handing Appolo a stoppered vial " the silence spell is on a small pebble inside this vial....either break it or pop the cork to use"

"Captain here are two more vials with silince cast on pebbles inside them ......hand them out to whoever you thinks best"

Ashira-Resist energy (fire) 30 pts per, 110 mins,Protection from evil (+2 ac ,+2 saves) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Appolo -silence (on small stone) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Val - Protection from evil (+2 ac,+2 saves) 11 mins,Protection from energy(fire) 110 mins(120 hit pts of damage)
Mykael - Aid (1d8+10=14 hit pts) 11 mins
Nezamil -Sr 23,Spell Immunity (1.Flame strike,2.Dispel magic),Magic vestments (on shield),Sof,Magic circle vs evil,Stonekin(potion from Mykael),True seeing,Hide from undead,Detect undead,Owls wisdom

Everyone gets - Hide from undead 11 mins

Important!!! read the above for what spells you received

Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:13:46 PM

(ooc this does not constitute a post. Just for your information, I will post pertinent actions of NPCs on the board, but I will probably make all NPC related combat rolls off computer in order to slim down the dice field and to limit the amount of clutter in the daily posts. All PC combat posts will be rolled on this board as per previous combats.)

Bart - Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:19:32 PM

The agile warrior slaps Jordy and his fellow Acids on the backs as they head out the door "For Alsidur's freedom "

Double checking his equipment Bart accepts Ashira's help " thanks.....Time to send a message " as he draws his sword

Fishing a couple potions out of his belt pouch he quickly sips them down as he walks out int o the marketplace

"Full moon.....not good for us.....gives them good visibility .......but no turning back now " as he stops next Ashira and Appolo for their bell tower foray "going to need something to get up there "

"I can levitate with my ring and hold on to you Ashira as you walk up there ......so i can keep fresh and alert " grins the agile warrior to his longtime friend

(posted by adm Chris)

Thursday September 13th, 2007 6:29:34 PM

Rigging calls a halt to the group and whispers, "OK, We need to take 3 groups out almost simultaneously. The tower group will be attacked by Appolo, Ashria, Val, and Ari. They will need fly spells or air walking or something. They will need to be invisible. We can use two of the rings and spells after that. Cosmo, can you cast invisiblity? I can cast it from my wand but it doesn't last as long being the greater kind. This group should also have a silence spell

The group by the gate will be attacked by Saints and the Defilers. They will have a silence spell and I can use the wand on some of them to make them invisible. Those few can engage first and the others can rush in.

I will dimension door close to the group by the door. Bart, Mykael, Nezamil and Cosmo will be in this group. Bart will carry the silence rock and close with Nezamil and Mykeal. We wizards will stay out of the silence and attack with spells.

The timing of this will be hard but we can manage it. The quads frequently share life and spells. Find the weak link and hit that person hard and keep hitting them. Gang up if you can.

I won't dimentsion door until I see the tower group and the front group attack.

Our other two allied groups are reserve, but after we engage, they should move forward in support of the Saints and The Defilers.

Rigging will have Swirl move down to 200' above Rigging but he is staying in the dark.

OOC Can we get a map? I think I have a good feel for where the quads are but would like to see it on a map.

level: message x2, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.

Rod of Quicken lesser 0/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Cosmo (AC 19; HP 63/63) 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 9:23:49 PM

Cosmo prepares his spells. He quickly casts Mage Armor and takes his place in the middle of the group.

"Yes Rigging I studied for an Invisibility spell."

OOC - will cast it on whomever Rigging wants me to.

Active Spells or Effects:
Contingency (Invisibility; casting a Summon Monster spell ): 10/11 days
Mage Armor (extended): 22 hours

Spell List (* for cast spell):
0 Level (5): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand & Message
1st Level (7): Magic Missile x2 , Reduce Person, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Mage Armor * & Exp. Retreat
2nd Level (7): Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray x2, Web, Invisibility, See Invisibility & Alter Self
3rd Level (7): SM III x2, Fireball x2, Lightning Bolt, Slow & Haste
4th Level (5): SM IV x2, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door & Polymorph
5th Level (4): SM V x2, Animal Growth & Teleport
6th Level (3): SM VI, Chain Lightning & Scorching Ray (Quicken)

Metamagic Rod Usage:
Maximize 0/3, Extend 1/3, Enlarge 0/3 & Silent 0/3

Appolo Ac 30 Hp86 Invisible 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 9:51:17 PM

Appolo goes invisible and heads for the wall.

DM Kent 
Thursday September 13th, 2007 10:21:05 PM

As the Wildcards cast spells and prepare, the other groups prepare as well with a number of scrolls being read and potions being drunk as they make their way toward the cathedral.

Knowing that the tower is 160 ft tall and will take a little time for the assault group to make it to the top, Rigging and the others delay their short term spells a bit and wait for the tower team to get in to position before stepping up to their positions.

Acid and the Flames start making their way around the sides of the Cathedral and The Saints and defilers move a bit toward the front gates to prepare for their part of the onslaught.

Fially the Tower crew states they are ready, final spells are cast and Rigging gives the signal.

(ooc Maps are sent. Ignore the first set as I forgot a few things on them.)

Val (AC 28, HP 136/ 136, Protection from Evil, Protection from Energy- Fire) 
Friday September 14th, 2007 9:34:54 AM

Val looked up at the tower. She could probably get a shot at one of them with her bow but not all. They would have to go up there and deal with the guards up close and personal. Her body tingled with anticipation of battle.

"Let's get this started. If I dine with Gargul tonight then I do not want to be late."

Protection from Evil- 11 min
Protection from Energy-Fire- 120 min/ 120 pts

Troglodyte Ari AC 23 HP 80 (Alter self (50 min), hide from undead (11 min), comprehend languages (50 min), stoneskin (70 points), some kind of invisibiilty (proposed), Silence (proposed) 
Friday September 14th, 2007 5:48:50 PM

Taking out the potion that was given to him earlier, Ari will gulp down the stoneskin potion. Taking out the oil of keen Ari applies it to the his flaming sword and then to the sword of Alemi if there's enough oil.

Ari then casts Alter self and comprehend languages on himself.

Ari is excited about the prospect of removing the temple of Gaal from it's permanent place of influence. At the same time he's nervous about the intentions and what they may bring from others in the group.

(holding Protection from Evil and Shield in reserve for last minute cast before combat.

Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Read Magic

1-level wiz
comprehend Languages - used
Protection from Evil
Spider Climb (spell mastery)
True Strike

1-level Ranger


2-level wiz

Alter Self - used
Resist Energy
Locate Object

3-level (3)

Dispel Magic
Suggestion X 2

Rigging hps 80/80 ac 24 with haste, mage armor and sheild 
Friday September 14th, 2007 7:22:05 PM

"Cosmo, cast it on whatever one of the tower team need it. I already did Ashira and they should have two rings between them to share."

Rigging looks at his allies and says, "Change of plan, Wait until the tower attacks and then swarm them under together. Their are to many guards to keep this a surpise. We need to move fast."

As the others start to move forward, Rigging pulls out his wand of greater invisibilty and taps himself, Cosmo, Nezamil, Mykael and Bart will get them in that order. "Gang up on the 2 quad members to the right. Nezamil, Bart and Mykeal in the front with Cosmo and Me in the back." He will then cast haste on his group and then dimension door them all to the J15 (Dm please space us where it makes sense)

level: message x2**, detect magic, mage hand
1st level: 4+2 Ray of enfeeblement x 2, mage armor, magic missile x 2, shield
2nd level: 4+2 scorching rays x3, see invisible, prot from arrows*, mirror image
3rd level: 4+1 haste, fly, blink, fireball, lightning bolt
4th level: 4+1 , arcane eye, dimension door* Evards Black tentacles, enervation x2
5th level: 3+1 Empowered fireball, teleport,Cone of cold x 2,
6th level: 2+1 Greater dispel magic, distergrate x2

spells cast:
mage armor 12 hours
shield extended with rod 24 minutes
protection from arrows 12 hours
fly on Ashira 12 minutes
2 message spells getting 24 people, all the Wildcard, the leaders from each group, and at least one other from each group.
Rigging greater invisibliity 7/7
Cosmo greater invisibility 6/7
Nezamil greater invisibility 5/7
Mykael greater invisiblity 4/7
Bart greater inivisiblity 3/7

All have haste 2/12

Please remember that my group gets +1 to hit, +1 to ac +1 on reflex saves due to haste

Rod of Quicken lesser 0/3
Rod of Extend lesser 1/3
Rod of Silent lesser 0/3

Bart Ac 30 Hp 95 -Barkskin,Stoneskin,Heroism ,Greater inviso,Haste 
Friday September 14th, 2007 7:38:19 PM

Sword ready the agile warrior concentrates on his target.....waiting for Rigging's magic to dimension door them to the Quads spot for the start of the attack

Spells on Bart
Greater invisibilty

To Dm Kent
can Bart attack after DDto spot ?? i know caster cannot take another action but what about his companions?? if he can i will post Bart's attack later tonight

Nezamil Ac 34 Hp 92 
Friday September 14th, 2007 8:41:43 PM

The 5'ft dwarf appears calm on the surface but his blood is racing at the coming battle in the Temple of Ga'al.....Domi's most reviled enemy.

Waiting as Captain Rigging finalizes some final details of his attack plan.....Nezamil's eyes sweep the market place on the temple's entrance for signs of movement.

A grim smile appears on his face as the moent has come "May Domo grant us all courage......watch over my friends " prays The Cleric of Domi as suddenly they are transported to the main entrance of the Temple of Ga'al.

Ashira-Resist energy (fire) 30 pts per, 110 mins,Protection from evil (+2 ac ,+2 saves) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Appolo -silence (on small stone) 11 mins,Airwalk 110 mins
Val - Protection from evil (+2 ac,+2 saves) 11 mins,Protection from energy(fire) 110 mins(120 hit pts of damage)
Mykael - Aid (1d8+10=14 hit pts) 11 mins
Nezamil -Sr 23,Spell Immunity (1.Flame strike,2.Dispel magic),Magic vestments (on shield),Sof,Magic circle vs evil,Stonekin(potion from Mykael),True seeing,Hide from undead,Detect undead,Owls wisdom

Everyone gets - Hide from undead 11 mins

Important!!! read the above for what spells you received

Sspell list
Zero-Create water x2,light x2 ,Read magic,Mending
1st -detect undead*,Divine favor,Pro-from-evil x2**,Hide from undead*,Shield of faith x2*(enlarge))
2nd -Aid* ,Resist energy* ,Owl's wisdom*,Silence x3***
(Bull str)
3rd - Searing light x2,Magic circle* ,Blindness,Protection from energy*(Magic vestment*)
4th - Airwalk x2** Divine power,deathward(Spell imunnity*)
5th - True seeing*,Rightous might,Wall of stone(Spell resistance*)
6th - Blade barrier (anti magic field)

Active spells
Sr-23 11 mins 5th lvl
Spell Imunity 110 mins 4th lvl 1.Flame strike 2.Dispel magic
Magic vestments 11 hrs 3rd lvl (on shield)+2 ac
Shield of faith 11 min (+3 ac)
Magic circle vs evil 110 mins 3rd lvl
Stone skin (potion)7th lvl 70 pts
True seeing 11 mins 5th lvl
Hide from undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Detect undead 11 mins 1st lvl
Greater inviso 5/7 (from Riggings wand)
Haste (from Rigging)

kent can Nezamil attack after the Dimension door ?? i know spell caster cannot but what about his companions??
(if yes then i will post attacks for both Nezamil and Bart later tonight)

DM Kent 
Friday September 14th, 2007 10:36:40 PM

(OOC Dimension door passengers are allowed a single attack just as if they had move a full move)

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