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Jova 104/104 HP AC 30 
Sunday July 20th, 2008 4:15:38 PM

Upon arriving back on board Jova sees the items that were literally otherworldly.

"So lets just shrink the shi[. with the org inside it. Then hVEW aRIEN SWIM IT TO AN UNDERWATER CAAVE. tHAT WAY ANYTHING SUMMONED FROM THE ORB WOULD DROWN, AND ALSO THE THING IN THE COFFIN WQOULD AS well. It seems those people frpom the other plane hae left this as a surprise. Or maybe they did not want to deal wioth it on thier plane.:

ooc- sorry bout the caps lock, wrote it 3 times wont change.

Sunday July 20th, 2008 8:00:42 PM

Dwight looks to Jova and wonders if all of him made the teleport as he sounds slightly off. :)

"I suspect the magic keeping it afloat won't let us shrink the ship and hide it. And I'd be against putting a curse coffin with the orb. If a lich or something got out, only to find the orb next to him, it would likely mean big trouble for someone because of us. We will have to find something else to do with the orb."

Tratain Current Spells 
Sunday July 20th, 2008 9:08:25 PM

When Vedik and Jova return from Lord Arrak's Tratain says "How was the trip? Did Lord Arrak have any useful advice for us?"

When Jova makes his suggestion Tratain says "I agree with Dwight, If it was as simple as sinking this ship it would be done already, theres a giant hole in the bottom of the ship and it shows no signs of sinking yet. Also, you are assuming that anything coming out of the Orb requires Air Like we do, since they come from another plane of existence trying to drown them may not work as well as you would like, and besides any moderately powerful spell caster can make a person able to breath in water."

He continues "I think we should return to the Shrine and see what is going on there, the orb right now is as safe as we can make it. And this ship has been floating out here undisturbed for who knows how long. After we finish with our task from the consortium and deal with the orb we can always teleport back here and deal with the curse as well. If there aren't any big objections Jova could you transport us back to the shrine?"

Draax HP 166, AC35 
Sunday July 20th, 2008 10:17:40 PM

Draax smiles, "I agree, we should take care of each threat to the existence of the wold, one at a time."

Monthor Hit Points:155 AC32 Monthor 
Monday July 21st, 2008 6:27:13 AM

Monthor somehow has found some food to eat...
In between bites...
" Yes... one at a time... or better yet... get them all in one room and me'll bash them all at once... saves time that way... "

ooc> We splitting the loot now or later?

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