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Gunther AC 33, HP133/137, SR13 Stoneskin 70/70, Freedom of Movement 
Monday July 14th, 2008 10:59:37 PM

The warrior walks over to Borden's mage and bluntly asks him what he has. "So, what is that ting?"

When Borden talks about heading home, he grows somber. "Don't forget about your uncle sir. Ve vill need to tend vith dat problem ven ve get back."

Monday July 14th, 2008 11:31:04 PM

Waiting for something official to happen...

DM Jan 
Tuesday July 15th, 2008 12:40:49 AM

And so!

Our heroes set off along the tunnel. This particular exit proves to be an easy one, and in the space of a couple of hours along a gradual incline, the group emerges onto the eastern flank of the mountain.
Outside it's beginning to go dark, and Borden suggests a camp. "After all," he says with a big toothy grin, "it should be safe enough, for now, providing those monsters and that crazy creature lover have kept their promise."

He sends off four of his men.
Two return a sort while later with two slaughtered deer.
A campfire is built.

After a rough count up and appraisal, there appears to be :

(( XPs = 7,000))

Enough gold in the sacks for 15,000 GP each, and it is divided out.

Ring of Invisibility
Ring of Wizardry 1
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Lightning Resistance, major
Ring of Blinking
Ring of Wizardry 2

4 Daze Monster scrolls
3 Magic Circle against Good scrolls
3 Shrink Item scrolls

1 staff of Swarming Insects
1 staff of Necromancy that exudes E V I L in a sickening wave.

2 Amulets of Health +4

Cloak of resistance +5

All the above in the hands of the Emeralds.

1 egg - crystal, amethyst coloured. (approx 1 ft long), in the hands of the orcs.

The orc mage regards Gunther for a second, and then pats the bag containing the strange egg. "A good question," is his answer. "A creature egg of some kind, might be a dragon's egg."

While the meat cooks, Borden lights a pipe. "It seems I need to go and talk with my uncle," he says to K'nara. "Harrassing your borders, you say?"

The seven boys are still following Athalorn around. Although the meat roasting over a spit has them somewhat distracted. It'll be a two day hike to get these boys home.

At some point, the other two orcs return and tell of Kernorn and his crowd of creatures, heading north toward the dark mass of Blackbird Forest.

Decisions required:
How to get the boys home.
How to divide up the non-monetary loot.

Tuesday July 15th, 2008 11:46:43 AM

"Don't we have two teleport rings? Can't we accompany the boys one at a time via a teleport, might take awhile though. Or Ingrge might have a teleport circle ready?"

(Lian shows interest in the Ring of Blinking)

OOC: DM, is the XP and gold okay to add to our sheets?

~~DM Jan~~ Oh, heck yes :)

Tuesday July 15th, 2008 12:37:48 PM

The shifter nods at Lian's suggestion. "Aye, let us get these lads back as soon as we can. Do any of you have family?" His question is directed to the boys.

Lian  d8=3 d8=8
Wednesday July 16th, 2008 10:47:38 AM

Lian looks expectantly at Ingrge and Knara.

DM Highlight to display spoiler: {rolled 3 for hit points... if I remember, you can spend a hero point to re-roll but have to keep what was rolled, Right? Re-roll 8}

Brother Bertram 
Wednesday July 16th, 2008 3:21:02 PM

Bertram marches along with the others, glad they were leaving but still troubled by what had possed that warren of evil.

(OOC Back all Vacation was great, Had surgery when I got back, turned out to be nothing major. Bert is ready to get back in the saddle!)

Wednesday July 16th, 2008 6:52:24 PM

K'Nara nods at Borden's words.

"It would seem so, Borden." she confirms. "As you know, the Emerald Kingdom is now reorganizing its government--I would like to be able to propose a joint venture between the Kingdom and Izen to maintain the Trade Road...this way the resources of neither of our countries will bear the complete burden of making the route safe for the merchants that both Izen and the Kingdom need. What do you think..?"

The blade singer has something to say on the strange egg-like crystal:

"I have to wonder whether or not that crystal egg thing is actually a creature of some kind." K'Nara muses out loud. "Kernorn is a very dedicated man--I doubt he would have abandoned that egg without sticking around long enough to take it back into his care...at the very least, he would have said something to us if he knew there was the egg of some creature still in the quarters of the necros." The chestnut-maned leader of the Emerald Dragons tilts her head to one side as she thinks the situation over.

"We really ought to investigate exactly what that crystal is." She glances at Lian, who is obviously eying the ring of blinking and grins.

"Sure you couldn't use a boost to your health...?" K'Nara asks in a sly sort of tone, her hazel eyes sparkling with humor.

Thursday July 17th, 2008 12:17:48 AM

Once out of the mountain and back into open countryside, Olana breathes a sigh of relief. And as they set up camp, her thoughts turn to her beloved Milo. Was he still in Osto? Was he safe?

Gunther AC 33, HP133/137, SR13 Stoneskin 70/70, Freedom of Movement 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 12:36:33 AM

The warrior shrugs, knowing that K'nara can make sure that everything is safe and spilt up fairly. Once back in the open, the cat trainer takes a deep breath of the fresh air, never more happy to be out in the countryside once more. His dire lion roars cheerfully as he pats her on the mane before snuggling up toward K'nara. He nods at her suggestion. "Yes Borden, sir. If you need somevon to help your represent de orc Nation in any upcoming talks, I vould love to help in any vay possible."

DM Jan 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 12:37:26 AM

The boys answer Athalorn a little too readily.
"Sure we've got family."
"We don't belong at the poorhouse!"
Which is probably exactly where they belong, doomed to a life of drudgery - at one of the Houses, on board one of the passing ships. Out of the fryng pan, into the fire.

Borden picks a sliver of venison from between his teeth while talking to K'Nara and Gunther. "I think an alliance would be a good idea," he says. "Nothing more contentious than a border road."
As for the egg, the orc leader raises a thick eyebrow and regards his mage lieutenant. "What's so special about that thing, and what were you intending to do with it?"
"Sell it," answers the mage, his expression even, giving nothing away. "It's a dragons egg. It'll fetch a good price." he points toward K'Nara. "They can take a good look at it, but they stripped our enemy of their magic trinkets. There they have things of equivalent value."

One or two of the orcs are wandering around asking if anyone wants to wrestle - the Emeralds included.

Another hour or two and it'll be getting quite late.
Wolves can be heard, howling in the wilds, although the campfire is likely to keep them away.

Thursday July 17th, 2008 1:51:24 AM

Athalorn muses over the boys. He leaves the boys alone for a moment and speaks to the rest of the Dragons. "I think these lads have no home at Dirt City, though I may be wrong. If they do not, and their families are gone, shall we take them to our Tower?"

Brother Bertram 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 8:01:55 AM

Bertram listens quietly. He finds rock candy in his pouch, passing it out to the children after they are fed. For no other reason than to keep them quiet for a few minutes. He muses over what gold he has wondering how best to take care of the children. He is proud and happy when he hears Athalorn mention bringing them home. After the dragon attacks at the tower, there were plenty of people still grieving over the loss of loved ones. He was sure they could find each of them a home.

Thursday July 17th, 2008 11:16:43 AM

"Health?" He looks at Knara. "I thought this 36K gold piece belt did that?" He pokes his finger on the thick leather belt around his waist. "You know, I thought that vampire clerk at the Catacombs was sniggering about it." He looks aggrevated. "I'll have to put my foot right up his..."

"Wrestling you say?" He says, glancing at the orc who suggested it. "What are the rules?"

Ingrge: AC 28, HP102/102, stoneskin 70/70, SR 18, freedom of movement, Bull's strength 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 2:24:37 PM

Umm, I think that if you try and sell that dragon's egg, if that is what it is I might have to let Maab know about that. In fact, if you want we could perhaps call her when we exit the mountain and perhaps she herself will reward you for the egg, if that is what it is.

Lian (ADM JAY) 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 6:40:41 PM

OOC: I'll be needing to know a few things... Is Olana DEFINITELY leaving for a time? And what are Gunthers and Bertrams levels (after updating) for the up coming module?

I am DMing us for a few months and need to know so I can slaught... murd.... brutal...... provide a fun enviroment for the DM.... I mean players.

Bertram and Gunther should also, please, consider posting their sheet in the header.

Brother Bertram OOC 
Thursday July 17th, 2008 8:27:04 PM

Bert's current level is 15, his sheet is updated in the woldepedia, minus any treasure from this module. I will start posting it.

Jay B ~ Thanks Mark!

Thursday July 17th, 2008 11:53:40 PM

"We took the items that radiated magic from the bodies of our enemies." K'Nara concedes to the mage. "That doesn't mean we have to keep them for only our group...after all, your brethren collected the gold they found and yet all of us have gotten shares. So it is with the items that we won in battle. Is there anything in particular you wanted..?" She gives the mage a level look, more than willing to be fair about the orc getting his fair share of the magic items as well as the Emerald Dragons.

Friday July 18th, 2008 12:20:48 AM

((OOC - yes, Jay. I need to step out for a while.))

At some point during the night, Olana approaches K'Nara.

"With your permission, I'd like to set off for Osto. I'm worried about Milo, and I thought I could scout the north western edges of Culverwood while I'm at it. It's not like I'm stranger to the forest."

DM Jan - OOC 
Friday July 18th, 2008 12:24:10 AM

((Folks, I'm taking three months leave. Just something I need to concentrate on for a little while. You're in Jay's capable hands. Have fun!))

Friday July 18th, 2008 1:55:36 AM

As the party and the orcs settle into their camp, Athalorn steps over to Olana. "Take care on your journey my friend, and if you ever need anything, just call for us. He embraces her, then turns back to the camp, making sure the lads are settled.

Lian (ADM JAY) 
Friday July 18th, 2008 6:40:23 AM

Lian hugs Olana. "And give Milo our greetings! DON'T BE GONE TOO LONG!!"

Friday July 18th, 2008 11:06:59 PM

post pending!

DM Jan 
Monday July 21st, 2008 11:29:55 AM

Final offer. The mage offers to trade the dragon's egg for 1 staff, 2 rings and 1 amulet (take your pick amongst the loot.) Will the Emerald Dragons choose to become part of the egg's destiny or not? Will it matter?

An agreement on the Izen/Emerald border - equally shared revenues, costs and protection - seems agreeable to the orcs, and should provide a fairly solid, guarded route for those traveling east and west.

The following morning, it's time to break camp. Borden shakes hands with K'Nara - a rather stimulating, bone-crushing affair - nods at Gunther, and sets off with his men. Maybe it's time to go home. The boys need delivering, and who knows what might be waiting? An adventurer's work is never done, after all.

((Jay takes over from here.))
As soon as all posts are accounted for. ;) Jay B

Monday July 21st, 2008 11:59:45 AM

"Well, the egg should go to someone able to control and tame the creature. Maab is an option. A trade is agreeable to me. However, I'd say give our new friends the nice looking staff. We wouldn't want them to have to deal with the evil nasty staff, which will be destroyed regardless, I'm sure. The amulets look identical and as for the rings, I suggest the rop, one of the wizardish ones and either the invis or blinking." The hand looks KNara. "But it up to you in the end."

Ingrge: AC 28, HP102/102, stoneskin 70/70, SR 18, freedom of movement, Bull's strength 
Monday July 21st, 2008 5:48:10 PM

It matters not to me what the trade is, nodding to the orc mage. I just want to make sure the dragongets to where it needs to get to. No offense.

Brother Bertram 
Monday July 21st, 2008 7:10:29 PM

Bertram is gladdened to see the children's future being cared for as well as the trade road issue being settled. He hopes to see the egg fall into good hands but that isnt his first concern. He is still very troubled by whatever that foul creature was that disappeared early on. Sooner or later it would be back and he wanted to be much, much more prepared. He lets the others dally over the treasure. He would be content to get back home and perhaps consider how best to spend the gold.

Monday July 21st, 2008 11:30:13 PM

"If that is your price, mage," K'Nara says, "Then you can go back to your brothers and tell them that you were able to drive a bargain with the leader of the Emerald Dragons." She grins at the mage and then speaks to Ingrge a bit privately:

"As you are the resident mage of our group, I leave it to you to pick the items to give to the mage." As soon as the deal is done, K'Nara makes sure that the egg is secured.

"You're probably right, Lian." she agrees with the monk. "We will need to find a way to get in touch with Maab and find out what this egg is and whether she wishes to take it into her care."

And speaking of taking people into their care...

"We can take the boys back to Madyrn...the facilities there will be considerably less crowded than anything that Dirt City might have." K'Nara points out. "If Madyrn doesn't have some kind of orphanage, then we can put them up at the castle and...uh...train them as pages or the like." Her canny hazel eyes swept over the youngsters. "Unless you'd rather go back to Dirt City..?"

Monday July 21st, 2008 11:53:49 PM

The warrior sighs as talk of splitting paths with the orcs comes up. It had been nice, despite the environment to be with his brethren for a short time. Now it was back to "civilization" and niceties. Before they leave, Gunther makes sure he gives the orc who he had struck on the jaw earlier a chance at a sparring match, just to clear the air. Then, after all the treasure is divvied up, Gunther nods back to Borden and gets Delilah ready for the trip back home.

OOC: Been awful busy lately. Will probably be Wed. before I can get my sheet updated.

Tuesday July 22nd, 2008 1:40:43 AM

Athalorn waits to see where the boys would rather go. Perhaps they would come to the tower?

As for the treasure, he has no need of any of the items, and so he waits while the others discuss the finds with the orcs. But the dragon egg was of more concern. Was it of a normal dragon?

Ingrge: AC 28, HP102/102, stoneskin 70/70, SR 18, freedom of movement, Bull's strength 
Tuesday July 22nd, 2008 10:34:52 AM

Looking at K'nara for a moment and then at the Orc mage, The elder elf nods and then quickly selects the 4 items.

Ring of wizardry 1
Ring of protection +3
Staff of Insects
Amulet of health +4

Perusing the scrolls he also includes 2 daze monster scrolls to the pile.

Tuesday July 22nd, 2008 4:08:20 PM

The monk is happy with the trade and then seeks out the necromancers staff. Holding it in his gloved hands, he says, "I'd really like to break this in two and use it to start the camp fire tonight." He looks at Knara.

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