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Friday October 17th, 2008 3:59:56 AM

Plyf too wipes her eyes after taking a long drag off her bottle. She looks over at the dwarf and the way he man handles some of the other patrons and it seems, it is the first time she has smiled in a long time. She bows her head and looks back to her harp, then sharply looks back to the dwarf and his friends that entered shortly after. With a strum of her wooden harp she announces those she recognizes, "You must be Monthor, Monthor of the Grey knights, your companions likely Arien, Tratain, Vedik and last but not least, Dwight. It's an honor to receive such approval from those with renown. For you, I will take requests and you won't even have to buy me a drink."

She wears on her feet, boots meant for travel, yet delicate and small, she shoves the chair toward the applauding dwarf as if to invite them to her table. With that, her next piece is a bit more lively and he can tell, it is a dwarven war song. Not to bad, but it likely sounds much better played with drums and the sounds of marching dwarves in accouterment.

"Goblins, orcs, trolls and giants, all one in the same, with our weapons in our fist they fall and is fair game.
We smash them, bash them, make them crawl no mercy will they have, origins of evil, no ground shall they gain

Let us march together
Let us kill them all
Our clans kin will not be beaten
Our blood lust shant be filled

An never ending battle, no remorse in times of war, we drink to spirits of our past no sacrifice forgotten
Only time to sharpen blades, clean gore from off our armor, an never ending battle yet it's not a chore"

She finishes the tune and says, "From what I understand, it rhymes better in the dwarven language, but I haven't got around to learning that yet."

She reaches across to her rapier, sheathes it completely, replacing the peace binding and stands it in the corner next to her bow.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Friday October 17th, 2008 8:48:30 AM

Vedik watches the bard perform, suitably impressed, although he suspects Monthor will react better to the song. He claps vigorously at the end of the song.

"It does sound better in the dwarven tongue. I am Vedik, well met." The old dwarf walks over and extends his hand.

Saturday October 18th, 2008 3:27:33 AM

Without getting up, she reaches over and shakes his hand. Vedik can tell, her small delicate fingers do not hold much strength, but they are calloused and used to work of some type or another.

"The pleasure is mine Lord Vedik." she replies with a bow.

Tratain Current Spells 
Sunday October 19th, 2008 3:53:13 PM

Tratain nods at Plyf and says "My Name is Tratain, Pleased to meet you. What brings you here to the city?"

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Sunday October 19th, 2008 7:31:10 PM

"Good workin hands there." the old dwarf comments as he shakes her hand, his own hand calloused and stained red. He chuckles a bit at the lord comment. "Lord's a bit much. Just Vedik please. Fixer Talutah if ya feel a need for formality, but I haven't been called that since the temple, an usually only when I was in trouble for working too late."

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Sunday October 19th, 2008 7:32:23 PM

Dressed in white, the figure before you wears the colors of Alemi. Of average height for a Dwarf, his greying brown hair is close cut, and he wears his beard short. Steel Grey eyes watch you, and you can sense quite wisdom and calculation behind them. Over his silvery plate armor is a full length vestment, white with
red-brown trim. In the center of the vestment is an open hand, also red-brown as if stained by long hours working with the earth. His left arm carries a shield and a dark metal mace is attached to his belt. You notice that his hands are dirty, as if he has just come in from the field.

OOC: Forgot to include Vedik's description.

Sunday October 19th, 2008 8:37:10 PM

"Lord Traitin" she bows in return at his introduction. "What brings me to this city?" she quotes his question, "It's a bit difficult to earn a living off of rabbits, elk and wolves, don't you think? Unless one is of course a tanner, which I'm not." She answers him with a friendly smile and continues, "They are not the easiest of creatures to teach a game of dice to as well."

Back to Vedik she remarks "Do you consider, that with all you have been through, your feats of glory and fame, that you are still a Lord's lesser, or perhaps you are modest in your own mind and feel unworthy of such titles?" She raises an eyebrow and plucks a descending tune of speculation. "If the title has insulted you, I take it back just the same." her hands move rapidly as fingers strum the strings of a beautiful melody.

"Please, feel free to join me at my table. I'm not usually very good company these days, but perhaps with some tales of your great and exotic feats, I might once again be inspired to partake of this game called life."

She reaches across and this time, sips from her wine glass before adding, "Unless of course, there is something I may do for hero's of these lands, such as the group of you?"

ooc: Sorry to all, especially the DM's but today was the day for me to finish this character and the SRD is down. I will get it done ASAP, I promise.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Monday October 20th, 2008 8:01:58 AM

OOC: Try this one: http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/home.html I find it the most accurate and reliable.

Monday October 20th, 2008 3:27:22 PM

OOC: Just tried the link and it didn't work, is there a coma or dot missing somewhere?

With one last flourish, she reaches behind her to the haversack and slips it into the top flap of the item. It does not seem to bulge more or less then it had before she did so.

"Now then, what types of mysteries, puzzles or queries are you looking to solve, discover or find?" She almost seems nosey at this time, perhaps she is looking for new material for her acts?

"To be honest with you, I'm not much of a bard, but more of a troubleshooter. My father is a master crafter and carpenter and I would install traps within those structures to keep out the unwanted or uninvited. I earned quite a living at that. Also, I have been payed well to break into the homes of the wealthy and discover the weakness their abode may have, so that those more nefarious then myself may not have such an easy mark upon those that work for a living, but alas, my fathers side of the family has also left me with the lust to wander and find new things, while collecting gold and magic from those less deserving then myself., but please, call me a thief not, for I will never take from one that carry all that they own, as well, the love of music has recently entered my spirit, so I practice more of that while earning much less then I used to."

Finishing her glass of wine, she orders another bottle, plus a round for her guests, "As well as an assortment of meats my dear. Add fruits and breads and put it on my room tab. I can perhaps pay it off this evening if the pace of the patrons increase."

She enfolds her small, thin pale fingers together and rest them under her chin, waiting.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Monday October 20th, 2008 5:29:39 PM

OOC: A straight copy/paste works fine for me. Odd...

Plyf ooc 
Monday October 20th, 2008 6:21:02 PM

ooc: I got it now. I must have cut a bit to soon.
Thanks again.

Tratain Current Spells 
Monday October 20th, 2008 8:21:09 PM

Tratain listens to what Plyf says and replies "Heard any good stories lately? Something that thosel ike us would be interested in? If you know anything about the Son's of Dread we'd like to hear about them."

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Monday October 20th, 2008 8:49:55 PM

Dwight seems to finally wake from his daze, either from the nice ditty or the 1 to 3 ales that he is drinking compared to Monthor. Never had much of a stomach for this stuff, and they come in such big glasses.

Finally getting the best of control of himself he introduces himself, "I am Dwight Leafwin Twiggebundler from Crescent Valley, seventh son of Sammie Twiggebundler a proud and great arborist known throughout the valley. [OOC: If your character knows anything about halfling geneology, then he/she may pick up on the shortness of his.]

"My adventures have taken me there and here and various unknown places between. Perhaps not the most damaging in combat, I shoot a fair shot."

The room begins to spin, and Dwight decides it best to not continue speaking. He quickly nods and heads outside to get some fresh air, next time I stick to my cran-apple spice

Dwight is obviously a halfling, who uses a bow. Despite the ability to wear fine clothing, he seems to always repair the same tattered patchwork of cloths. The clothing doesn't look bad, but just well broken in. His sacks are extremely light looking, with the bow being the obvious weapon of choice and perhaps the need to clean up whereever he goes as the end of a broom stick can also be seen.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Monday October 20th, 2008 9:13:01 PM

ooc> catching up...

She finishes the tune and says, "From what I understand, it rhymes better in the dwarven language, but I haven't got around to learning that yet."

Monthor walks up to the pretty lady. A tear in his eye Monthor clutches Fred close to his chest.

" That... was... BEAUTYFULL!!!! "

The dwarf then starts singing the same song only this time in dwarvish. Monthor bangs an empty ale stein on a table to keep the tempo.

" 'sniff, Me Ma used to sing the song to me when me was a wee lad. "
" Monthor me be me lass and this here..."
[pointing at his dwarven war axe]
" be Fred. He doesn't talks much but he be goods in a frey. And this bunch of ragamuffins be MONTHOR's ANGELS!!!!... what Fred?... oh.... yes, well, We're ALSO known as Monthor's Angels... but most people knows us at the Gray Knights. "

ooc> Moving along...

" Sounds like the lassy wants to join up boys... we could use someone that smells perty since the paladin left us.... "


Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Monday October 20th, 2008 10:01:07 PM

"Wants ta join us?" the old dwarf strokes his chin and frowns. He turns to Plyf. "Do ya?"

"Don't take this tha wrong way, but I've seen a few friends fall an die cause they didn't have the staying power ta handle the things we face. So I gotta ask ya, if ya do want to join us, do ya have a heavily enchanted item that makes ya hardier, an Amulet of Health or the like?"

DM Matt 
Tuesday October 21st, 2008 12:09:32 PM

The Knights meet a new friend and share a few mugs of ale over introductions. Vedik and Monthor talk about taking Plyf into the fold. Vedik, for one, questions Plyf to make sure she fully anticipates the dangers that may lie ahead.

Conversation continues for awhile longer. Soon, the Knights will be traveling to visit their friend Lord Arrak.

[doesn't seem like the conversation is done. let me know when you are ready to move on and how you are getting to Arrak, and we'll keep going then]

Plyf  d20+4=8 ;
Tuesday October 21st, 2008 6:45:00 PM

ooc: Roleplaying only, she is still going to join.

If Plyfs half elven heritage wasn't pale enough, it gets even more pale. She looks up at the barmaid and snaps her fingers, "Uh, could we have those drinks on the double please?"

She shakes her head and laughs out loud, "What on earth are you guys talking about? Your, your, you're the Grey Knights! What do you want with me? Sure, I can pick a few locks and discover some traps, maybe pick a tune or two on a harp but, but a Grey Knight? I really don't even know how to respond. The last group of adventurers I was with were wiped out, killed, destroyed by fire giants. I was the only one to escape."

Then as if slapped in the face by an unseen hand she looks to each, "And sons of Dread? Are they celestial suns? Are there places other then Jericho Space to explore, or all they all male?" With that she looks a little upset, "Chauvinists".

Slowly, her senses seem to return as her mind returns to a normal form of function, "My bardic lore (8) tells me nothing of these villains, but I suppose what I would want to know are, be there Daughters of Dread as well? Are they in league with each other or perhaps enemies? Are there others besides your...er ourselves that wish to thwart their plans?"

Then with an excited look upon her face she asks, "What are their plans and why have they earned your enmity? Really, with a name like that, it sounds like a group of goblins from Dirt City, but somehow, I get the feeling that is long from the mark."

"Well, I must be honest with you all, I'm a fair shot with a bow myself and I can get around quite easily, but if you need me in a toe to toe fight, I'm not the girl for you. I've taken care of myself till now though and I've scars enough here and there to prove my words are true."

"I would also suggest perhaps looking for more enemies of your enemies. Perhaps a diversion from one side would allow another to strike a crucial blow to their organization."

She takes a sip of wine, her eyes wander toward the beams of the ceiling as if attempting to come up with more knowledge on their chosen prey.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Tuesday October 21st, 2008 8:06:56 PM

Dwight returns having gotten some fresh air, catching the main points of Plyf's last statements. He chuckles slightly, still a bit light headed and awkwardly hands Plyf a flower just a little past its prime and partially close. "Of there is nothing celestial about the sons of dread that I know of, and I'm not convince they are all male either, some would likely pass as neither male or female given that they aren't exactly living anymore."

"As for enemies of our enemies, few of good character support the Sons of Dread and many fear them as their network seems to be quite vast, enough to catch the attention and wraith of Gargul himself, though the details of that shouldn't be discussed here. With that said, and the potential problems that may arise, if we can gather enough intel, we might be able to get some additional groups to aid us. Or at least that is my hope."

Aside from his non-linear walk, and glazed eyes, Dwight seems to keep steady thoughts and speech, aside from the slight drool which he doesn't seem to notice.

Arien(HP 67/67: AC: 14 (touch:14) Fly 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 12:47:23 AM

Arien chuckles a bit at the questions and says, "I would put forth that this might not be the best time and place to discuss the dread, perhaps if you wished to know more of our enemies we might retire to a less crowded area?"

Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 3:04:02 PM

Plyf watches Dwight hand her the unopend flower and says, "Oh, that's so sweet of you." Then with the hand she accepts the flower with, she puts it up against his cheek and slides it behind Dwight's left ear, allowing him to wear it, bud forward. She then pats his cheek three times and looks to Arien, then around the room. "If we were to go somewhere less crowded, it would have to be in a temple to Marteus. Besides, I just ordered lunch, so let us speak about things which we can speak about here, have another bottle of wine, then if you wish to leave somewhere else, I will gladly follow your lead."

She smiles with beautiful elven features as she finishes her glass of wine and waits for a new bottle and that plate of food she ordered. "Drinking always makes me hungry, I could sure use an elk steak about now. Preferably without the horns and fur"

So she looks to each in turn, "So, tell me about yourselves? Where you from? Why do you adventure? Leave loved ones at home worrrying about you?"

DM Matt 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 5:36:43 PM

Plyf and Dwight discuss the Sons of Dread to some length, Plyf never having heard the name and becoming quite confused. Arien worries about strangers overhearing, though a look around confirms that the two men are still playing dice, and the lone drunk is now lonelier (Plyf having stopped singing) and drunker (his mug being empty). The bartender, meanwhile, studiously scrubs the bar down, making a point not to get too close to what appear to be heavily armed drinkers, with a dwarf in their midst, no less.

A bell rings, and Plyf's meal is handed to the bartender, who brings the food over, takes any other orders, and drops off the wine and ale.

Talk of each other's exploits ensues. After much food and drink, the group decides it is high time to visit Arrak, and the final question is put to Plyf: come, or not?

[ooc: by all means, keep talking, but to move things along, I'd like to get everyone moving by tomorrow's post, if not earlier.]

Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 5:38:52 PM

Plyf wipes her delicate mouth. Recorks the bottle and says, "Ready when you are. Where are we going?"

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 5:39:12 PM

Vedik raises an eyebrow. "And why then, would it hafta be in a Temple of Marteaus?"

Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 7:54:44 PM

Plyf raises her eyebrows and rolls her eyes in that manner women have of making men seem like fools, "Because there would be LESS people there." She shakes her head, uncorks the bottle and drinks from it again before recorking it. "Gees, if your guys are going to take everything I say as the words of Domi, you might as well shave your heads and become monks of Pantheon." She laughs, but then looks back to see if the group too are taking her seriously again. "Helllloooooo, it's a joke. Lighten up, a little, if your lucky, I'll get killed the first battle we come to and you won't have to tolerate them any more."

She grabs her rapier and slides it through her belt harness. Throws her haversack over her shoulder and walks out of the inn with unstrung bow in hand, "So, where to now?"

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Wednesday October 22nd, 2008 10:19:24 PM

Dwight sits in the chair until its obvious the group is finally leaving, and aren't just changing tables or such, then he follows. Once outside and away from others, he asks, in response to Plyf's question, "Have you ever met a dragon before? If not, your in for a treat, though I'd caution against jokes early on. This dragon has had a bad run of luck recently so its best to figure his mood first. Catching him in a bad mood would be bad for the best of us; and worse for the rest."

As he finishes he seems to realize the flower he brought in is in his hair. He tries to focus how it got there, but the thought quickly drifts away.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Thursday October 23rd, 2008 10:43:13 AM

Vedik snorts slightly at the halfling. "We're getting ahead o ourselves here. There's a bit more discussion to have before we let Plyf in on all our secrets." There's no mistaking his emphasis on the last word, though there's no anger in his voice towards the halfling.

"An, now that the specter o its been raised, we're going ta have to verify yer intent as well as your skill Plyf, before we go much further. But we lack a proper mansion at the moment....Arien, I don't suppose ya have one of those mansion spells handy do ya?"

Thursday October 23rd, 2008 4:24:57 PM

Plyf, standing outside in the street places one solid fist on her left hip as her right hand places her bow in the case.

"Look guys, I don't know what you know about women, but I'm one of the impatient types, so if we are going to go see one of the dragon members, lets just head over there and have a chat with them. I've only seen them at an occasion or two, but they seem simple enough to get along with and perhaps we could convince them to come out of retirement to lend us a hand, if they can't take a joke, perhaps I can sell them a sense of humor?"

"As for tests, do your best, but make sure it involves a bit of a challenge. If I can make it work better and you want me to, I'll charge you my Troubleshooting rates. I don't work for free. So, if your still in wonder as to my intent, I want magic, money and power"

"I swear to Wardd and Ffloy the most. Likely cause I need as much luck as I can get and I sell a service to those in need of protecting their essentials."

"Gargul, I hope to meet only once, and it is on that day I hope my love is waiting for me."

"Alemi is a nice guy and all and I appreciate his healing powers, but I respect Domi more then him, just because, every once in a while, someone needs to have the crap beat out of them."

"Pantheon is for the weak and a bit judgmental, but I don't hold it against him."

"I prefer passion over love, since my heart has been broken, but someday, that may change."

"I like to watch a good fist fight, but I don't want to partake of one,"

"Ga'al has the right ideas about strength and courage, but it seems hypocritical to infuse people with those attributes with a seed instead of words or deeds. Typical cowards, lead from behind."

"Marteus, well, he keeps the population of the Wold steady or the plane would be like a giant berry patch with no where to grow, but his followers are such jerks. I don't know, it just seems disease should come natural like aging or love, not spread about like mustard on a slice of bread."

She continues to ramble on as the group leads her to where ever it is they are intending to go. You find though she doesn't talk about the latest dress or foot wear in fad these days, nor is she snide on others appearance excepting people as they are

DM Matt  d100=94 ;
Thursday October 23rd, 2008 6:29:29 PM

The Knights, along with Plyf, depart the tavern and find a quiet, secluded alley from which to depart, so as not to cause a sensation among the already-testy commonfolk of Plateau City. THey have, after all, suffered through alot lately . . . .

Once ready, Arien has everyone join hands in a circle, and begins chanting the arcane words that will transport the group to Arrak's lair. The now-familiar tugging sensation overcomes everyone, as reality fades momentarily.

When the world reforms, the Knights find themselves in a familiar spot of grass. Plyf looks around to see a well-lit, grassy area, lightly wooded in spots, with a large cave mouth nearby. The cave has obviously been worked by skilled hands. A few gnomes wander about, running errands, carrying wood, linens, and a variety of other things. Others are cleaning up after what appears to have been some sort of explosion.

Also nearby sits the remains of a large manorhouse, which looks to have collapsed on itself recently.

Before anyone has a chance to act, you hear a deep, bellowing voice voice coming from the cave:

"Silvi! SILVI! Listen to me, girl. I don't care how you do it, but do it! Get me the information I need! And by Gargul's everlasting soul and all that you hold dear, STOP KILLING PEOPLE!"

A moment later, a lithe female gnome exits the cavern, slipping a pair of kukris into her belt. Tratain, Arien and Monthor recognize her from one of their meetings with Arrak from before the journey to Fae Skiemir.

Clearly fuming with anger, she barely takes note of the Knights as she stalks off through the trees. Another moment, and an imposing figure in gold and white robes emerges from the entrance: tall, thin and muscular, with a handsome middle-aged face and dark hair, he has the bearing of a king. At the moment, though, he appears ready to wrestle a lion.

"We're not monsters, Silvi!" he bellows after the gnome. As he yells, he appears almost to grow a few inches in size before settling back to his former self. Turning, the Knights look after the female gnome, though she's already disappeared. Odd, given the distance one can see in this open terrain.

Noticing the knights, Arrak (or, to Plyf, the stranger) walks over, sighing and composing himself. "Hello again, friends," he says with a far calmer voice, deep baritone but almost hypnotizing. "I'm sorry you had to witness that. You'd think age would subdue one's temper, but that girl . . . well, it's not your problem. Let's just say she knows how to push my buttons.

"So! What news bring you? And a newcomer?" He offers a slight head bow to Plyf. "A pleasure, child. I am Arrak, of the Dragon Council. I fear you meet me on a stressful day, though if you travel with these here, those days are far more common, I'd wager."

He is back to his pleasant, polite self, though it is clear he is straining to maintain the pleasantries.

"Come, let's go inside. I'm sure you all could use a strong drink while you update me."

He ushers everyone toward the cave.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Thursday October 23rd, 2008 8:51:02 PM

Dwight feels the spin much worse than before, and has the lingering headache that happens when one drinks just a little and then spins in a circle. Perhaps to keep his stomach from spiling out, or perhaps to not annoy Arrak since its obvious his day has not begun well, Dwight remains silent.

He does check to see that everyone made the transition, and what the gnomes have begun to do with the collapsed house given two weeks time.

While he appreciates the hospitality from Arrak, Dwight steers clear of anything other than water.

Friday October 24th, 2008 4:27:03 AM

Plyf looks about in wonder at what they are doing. Holding hands in a circle. "Couldn't we just rent a coach or something? I'm sure there is a dragon level character residing somewhere in this city. She begins to worry though as some form of magic takes over from this little ritual, and then, they are somewhere else.

She listens to someone yelling at someone else about getting information without killing anyone and thinks to herself It is rather hard to get info from dead people, but if the person watching the death had information, that could be useful.

Plyf curtseys to the man that approches in a majestic fashion and with bright eyes, she grins, "I'm aware and have heard of the Dragon Consortium, but I have yet, until now, had the pleasure of partaking of their comapany. I can assure, I feel it is a privilidge."

A drink? I could use another drink. I'm just three wooden steps from being drunk as it is, but who am I to turn down a host. she thinks to herself.

She does look around as they walk through, in wonder of where they are and in her mind continues to turn over and over again the name of the one called Silvi.

DM Matt 
Friday October 24th, 2008 6:53:49 AM

Edit: I initially said "dragon consortium" above. Just changed it to "dragon council." Sorry for the mixup.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Saturday October 25th, 2008 12:13:15 PM

"... 'Sup Lord Arrak... 'a' strong drink??? Surrely ye ment 'many' strong drinks me hopes??? "

" The new little one sur sings perty like... maybe she'll sing some more for us while we partake in a few refreshments? "

Dwight hp 99, ac 16  d20+2=7 ;
Sunday October 26th, 2008 7:27:06 PM

As Dwight moves inward, he tries to focus on the name that was being yelled, perhaps he is another ruler, replacement of the dead dragon?

Knowledge (geography): 7 {No geography comes to mind with a ruler by that name at this time.}

Tuesday October 28th, 2008 12:54:18 AM

Every sensory organ she has been blessed with, is even now operating at 100% capacity.

Her eyes, wide, taking in the scene. She some how resembles an owl, just not quite able to fully turn her head as far to one side or another as she would like.

Her nose, smelling to see if danger is in the air, or the after effects of what may have caused the damage that appears to be recent. Any type of fuel that may have caused the explosion, or perhaps a spell gone awry?

Her ears, listen to talk of others in the back ground as well as her guest, for some clue as to the nature of this area

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Tuesday October 28th, 2008 9:30:58 AM

Vedik nods in thanks to Lord Arrak. "Thank you. We've had an interesting day, and have met a new associate. Lord Arrak, this is Plyf. Plyf, Lord Arrak."

Arien(HP 67/67: AC: 14 (touch:14) Fly 
Tuesday October 28th, 2008 3:05:12 PM

"I thank you for your hospitality once more, Lord Arrak, however I fear I must decline the strong drink." Arien continues with a slight smile on his face, "I find it unwise to drink and teleport."

DM Matt 
Tuesday October 28th, 2008 5:00:35 PM

Dwight stands silently by, looking around for any signs of progress. The manor house is certainly . . . neater. Cleared away, no. But it is a far more orderly mess than before. A passing gnome sees Dwight's curious gaze and comments, "Gon' be awhile afore that there wreck gets gone. We's gonna use the timber for some other projects, what parts be usable. But we's gotta find someplace ta store it afirst. Master don' like magically shrinkin' stuff when it ain't needed, tho that's what I say we outta do."

Arrak smiles at Plyf and nods at Vedik, thanking him for the introduction. "You, my dear, are still young, so you are likely to meet more dragons than I, and stronger ones too, in your travels. Though some might not look forward to such meetings. That's why I keep to myself here, aside from my faithful helpers, and some choice friends such as your new companions."

"Yes, Monthor," he says with a sigh. "Many drinks it shall be. But do please try to keep it quiet. It's been quite a day."

"As for Master Elf, I seem to recall you declining liquors on more than one occasion, no? A wise elf you are. Or maybe a foolish one? Your dwarven friend here might debate that better than I."

Arrak heads inside, his gait still regal, though possibly somewhat tired.

Dwight Highlight to display spoiler: {by "name being yelled," did you mean "silvi?" If it wasn't clear, Silvi was the gnome that stalked off. The others met her before going to Fae Skiemir}

On the way in, Plyf looks around a bit more. The large pile of rubble that someone referred to as a manor house looks like it collapsed for no good reason. As for the other signs of trouble nearby, there are no signs of a fuel explosion or other natural cause. Plyf spellcraft check DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {the areas of scorched earth are more or less uniform, and storngly resemble those you've seen in past battles. Fireballs, lightning blasts? You aren't sure what did it, but it was most definitely a magical attack of some sort}

Once inside, Arrak leads you to a finely appointed sitting room with plush red velvet couches and gold embroidered pillows. A gnome enters in a moment, bearing a large tray full of ale mugs. Moments later, after dropping the first tray off, the gnome returns with a second full of breads, pastries, and fruits.

Arrak takes a seat in an oversized chair. Made of ornately carved, though worn, oak, the chair seems a bit out of place among the finer furniture, though the dragon appears quite comfortable in it. Crossing his legs, he arranges his robes and waits quietly while the Knights take what they may.

Once everyone has taken what they like and found a comfortable seat, Arrak clears his throat. "So . . . while I always enjoy these visits, I can't imagine you've returned so soon just to introduce me to your new friend - not to belittle you, dear. To what do I owe the honor?"

Plyf  d20=18 ;
Wednesday October 29th, 2008 6:41:25 PM

Even without a dress, but traveling clothes, Plyf again curtseys to her guest with the response, "It is truly a pleasure to meet such a magical being on such friendly terms for the frst time, then to gain a fear for all after meeting one which is malevolent in my first introduction.

Plyf has a pretty good idea of what has happened under the current circumstances but feels no more should be said on the subject. (Spellcraft 18)

When the gnome first enters with the mugs of ale, she will prompt a clearing of her throat to get his attention before adding, "I beg your pardon most noble one, but I prefer a dark red wine if one is available. If not, water too, will be fine, thank you."

Plyf smiles at the thought of being belittled. She is still quite taken aback by her recent events. although nothing this extraordinary in such a short amount of time of meeting people has ever taken place in her life, she is confident that Wardd likely rents her out to the gods of good on occasion for them to use until it is again time to move on.

Instead of sitting though, she wanders through the room, looking at everything she can see. Picking it up, touching, experiencing this moment and what it means for her future.

DM's Still working on Plyf; Drug meds I'm on allow me about six hours a day of lucidity, but she is almost finished and will be done this weekend for certain.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Wednesday October 29th, 2008 7:45:29 PM

"Yes, Monthor," he says with a sigh. "Many drinks it shall be. But do please try to keep it quiet. It's been quite a day."

Monthor pasts a big grin on his face at the mention of "many drinks" and starts rubbing his hands.
" Me'll be quiet as a tongless pixie in a pillow factory.... "

"Your dwarven friend here might debate that better than I."

Monthor shrugs

" To each their own... more for me."

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Wednesday October 29th, 2008 10:15:35 PM

Dwight considers filling Arrak in on what was found about the orb, due decides he best hold his tongue and let Tratain do it; though a halfling's patience is very limited so if Tratain doesn't begin quickly Dwight's knowledge gets the best of him and the orb story is unleashed with inquisitive questions about Arrak's search on the armor (if he has found out more) and the current whereabouts of the Sons of Dread.

Whether, Tratain tells the tale/details or not, Dwight passes on the ale.

OOC: Dwight wasn't quite with the group before Fae Skimir, so he wasn't fully aware of who Silvi was. Misread whether Arrak was yelling at gnome regarding Silvi, or if Arrak was yelling at Silvi. It's all good now. Thanks.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings)  d20+8=17 ;
Thursday October 30th, 2008 7:36:38 AM

Vedik enjoys the ale offered, but lets Tratain or another explain their purpose here. He keeps his eye on the newcomer Plyf, somewhat amused by travel across the room. He also watches her closely, to make absolutely sure none of Lord Arrak's things get 'misplaced'.

Spot 17

Friday October 31st, 2008 3:01:12 PM

She is very intrigued by the abode. She had visions of dark caverns with evil minions one must hack through until finally, sitting on a pile of "MY" treasure would be the dragon her and her companions would defeat.

Delusions of grandeur clearly occupy the mind of peasants as well as adventurers as she clearly believes that would be her first encounter with a dragon. Still, she appreciates the place, and would have liked to have seen the rest of the dwelling before it became a battle ground.

"Sons of Dread, I hear, is the topic in hand." She places a beautiful little nick knack back on the counter before she continues. "It seems to me, being a professional Troubleshooter, some one must find the problem before it can be solved. Now, my past employers would look at me and say, 'My house is the problem! It's been broke into three times.' then she turns to the group with an easy smile and reply, "No sir, they could care less about your house, it's the items within the house which thieves are interested in. My job, for you, is to, keep your items inside or deter them from entering your house, so that the items within remain safe."

She finds a chair where the red wine was brought and with elegance, sits and crosses her legs, picking up the drink. "I have not heard much from any of you about anything, except there are a group of things called the Sons of Dread. What needs to be determined is, are they the house, or merely the contents of the house?"

She takes a sip raises an eyebrow in approval of the contents and continues, "See if they are just the house, we need to bypass them and get to the contents within that is worth our while. If on the other hand, they are the contents of the house of our analogy, then we need to figure out a way to bring them out of the abode therefore making the house useless and the contents will no longer have a safe haven."

She takes another sip before she finishes, "Now unless one or all of you want to tell me what in the Jericho Space you are all talking about, my other skills will have little to no use to you and I will just sit here and enjoy the refreshments."

She finishes by placing a piece of cheese on a cracker and nibbles on it quite lady like while waiting for an intelligent response.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Sunday November 2nd, 2008 9:33:12 PM

Dwight having held his tongue well beyond a typical halfling's ability, partially because he was watching to see how much trouble if any Plyf got in for touching Arrak's things, fills Arrak in.

"I hope its safe to talk here, if not please let me know. We have learned a lot in the past two weeks. Well, a lot might be just a bit of an overstatement, but we learned a bit about the orb and enough to know we don't know much about anything." He stops wondering where he was going with this.

And then starts again as if there hadn't been a pause. "It seems your beagonia's got messed up because someone centuries ago perhaps created the orb to allow the travel we saw. More recently it seems some demon re-activated its magic and messed it up. Thus our current probem."

"However our more immediate threat, which Plyf here can hopefully help with, we didn't find out anything, but hope that you did," finishing with a questioningly hopeful look.

Dwight then stops and thinks through everything he just said to see if covered everything thoroughly; and considers it a job well done and awaits an answer.

Monday November 3rd, 2008 3:22:45 PM

Plyf, finally able to receive some information, is slightly taken aback at the words of Dwights confidence in Plyf's ability to discover information they might need.

Her composure steadies quickly as she crosses her legs, in a very lady like fashion in the other direction, and listens carefully to what others might be sharing.

In her mind, she thinks that they may have taken her as some powerful all knowing bard that could charm a dragon out of their scales, but in fact, her skill as a bard is a very recent one, only applying it by trade for a year or so as her sorrow passes like a leaf drifting upon the chaotic wind of life.

She washes down her cheese and cracker with the last of the wine in the glass and waves away any offers of more with a smile.

A Conversation with Lord Arrak - ADM Joe 
Monday November 3rd, 2008 4:32:42 PM

Arrack sits back and sips his wine while Dwight tells what the group has learned about the Orb. He listens intently when the City of Erythtrain is Mentioned.

When Dwight Finishes Arrak speaks "I remember the City of Erythtrain. It was around when I was very young. I remember when it sank into the Ocean as well, I never did have a chance to visit. I have heard however that the Fishermen in the Vague Lands can still see the Tops of the Towers. It seems from what you're hired sage friend has discovered for you that there doesn't seem to be very much time left for the Orb. It seems it will just grow more and more unstable until the Legion has a permanent foothold upon the Wold once again. That my friends would bode poorly for the Wold at Large."

OOC: I'll be picking up the DM posts for a week or so, Matt and Marcin both have been extremely busy, we apologize for the Delay.

Tuesday November 4th, 2008 11:56:03 AM

Plyf is intrigued by the conversation and waits patiently for others input on the subject.

Tuesday November 4th, 2008 7:17:29 PM

Tratain sits and thinks for a moment. He says "The Orb seems like its getting to be more and more of a problem. We also came here to see if you have found out anything new on the Son's of Dread. They need to be dealt with as well."

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Tuesday November 4th, 2008 8:14:59 PM

Monthor listens intently and enjoys his ales...

" Well then... it still sounds like we have to go there. Any idea on how we can function underwater? "

Arien(HP 67/67: AC: 14 (touch:14) Fly 
Tuesday November 4th, 2008 11:10:57 PM

"There are several spells, Monthor, that could aid one's efforts underwater, as well as magical items. Why one my first adventures, and the first one with the Knights...Hamleteers as they were known as then, was underwater. I wound up using a talisman that allowed for underwater breathing as well as a transformation of the lower part of the body into that of a dolphin. So if we do wind up needing to go underwater we have numerous options open to us."

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Wednesday November 5th, 2008 11:25:14 AM

The problem with spells, is that they can be dispelled.... then what?? Mees for one, sinks.....

(ooc..... I could REALLY use some hacking and slashing... anyway we can move this along? )

ADM Joe 
Wednesday November 5th, 2008 6:21:10 PM

Lord Arrak listens to the Discussion and chimes in when necessary.

He says "The Son's of Dread seem to have gone quiet. I have Silvi out looking for information about them but we have been unable to learn anything new about them as of yet." He continues "If you are going to search the underwater ruins you will need to make sure you take the appropriate measures so that you may function underwater."

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Wednesday November 5th, 2008 7:26:56 PM

"If the Sons of Dread have gone to ground, and we have allies searching for them, it may be wise to deal with the orb. You are right that it is a problem, and one we cannot have weighing us down in our next confrontation with our enemy."

"Where do we begin?"

Wednesday November 5th, 2008 9:10:47 PM

ooc: Since no one has taken the time in character to tell Plyf more about this orb, could someone give me an idea where I need to go back in the archives to read up on it please?

"Perhaps there is a map somewhere of this city somewhere that can lead us to the orb easier once we get there? Is there someting we can do to stop it's effects without destroying it? Is there any way we can use it against the Sons od Dread themselves?"

The half elf seems to have many more questions but will begin some of the basics.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Wednesday November 5th, 2008 9:54:30 PM

Dwight looks around seeing that the focus seems to have quickly changed from general issues, Dread and Orb, to more the orb in detail. He sees Plyf a bit lost in the conversation, because he understands the look of confusion having been in his seat fairly recently.

OOC: The Gray knights found the orb when Dwight started posting, during the big Wold shakedown and revamp. Feb.? Essentially the group took the orb from a demon who was trying to control it. Since then it has sporatically spit out "Legion" monsters which are quite powerful and typically attack with anti-magic shields up. The Legion then tries to return through a portal back to their realm.

"We spoke with a scholar back in Plateau City just before we met up with you Plyf and tried to get as much information as possible. They could barely tell us where the city was, so I doubt a map exists around here unless Arrak remembers." Dwight looks hopefully at Arrak.

"If its possible to 'fix it' the information again isn't available anywhere except maybe the forge area from what we gathered. And again, what could have survived underwater for all these years? Likely not much. In the end, it appears we have to go towards this forge on the hope we can find more answers than questions. The proximity of the orb and forge might even cue us in somehow...." he finishes worrying himself.

He pauses, not wanting to be hasty, but nods to Monthor about progress. "Two weeks and we haven't done much and I'm ready to test out my newly fixed bow. Do we need a Catacombs run to get underwater back-ups?"

"I'd suggest we try to find the forge without the orb first."

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Thursday November 6th, 2008 10:38:51 PM

The Cats sound like a good idea... anyone have any money?

DM Matt 
Sunday November 9th, 2008 5:10:44 PM

[Back everyone. Joe, thanks for subbing, and everyone, thanks for the patience/sorry for the slow movement. Here is the Monday DM post]

Arrak lounges in his chair - a seemingly difficult task given its severely straight and uncomfortable appearance, though he seems quite at ease - and listens to the Knights talk.

"Ah, to be young and impetuous again. Ever ready for the good fight. Nowadays, there isn't nearly as much that frightens one like me, though I'm far less likely to pine for battle. Eh . . . such is old age."

Standing, he continues, "You are, of course, welcome to stay. But as I have nothing helpful to tell you, and you have a job that could be done, I am happy to provide the means of your travel if you like. Not that I doubt Arien's prowess, though I'd wager you've never been to the Vague Islands? No? I think I recall enough to teleport the lot of you.

"Somewhere quiet, though. Those fisher-folk do be superstitious . . . ." He seems to be talking to himself. After pondering a moment, he snaps his fingers. "I know just the place. Quiet, secluded, but close to civilization. Near to the shore that faced old Erythrain, too, if I'm not mistaken.

"I can provide numerous potions for your trip, they will help you breath underwater. I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer."

He waits on the Knights to say what they want and when (or if) they want to go.

Monday November 10th, 2008 12:02:36 AM

Plyf, intrigued now by the fact that they have the orb in their presence asks simple questions.

"Have any of you studied it yourselves? Perhaps there is an activator or deactivator on it?

She looks around "What of the creatures that appear from it? Do they attack you or are they defeatable, or do they just disappear? Has anyone sttempted communication or subdual of one of these things?

"Has anyone timed their occurances or have we any divine casters to offer suggestions on what must be done with these creatures or this object?"

She looks about the room as if she can not believe these questions have not been mentioned or discussed.

"Come, pull it out, please allow me to look upon it." she says urging whoever is the bearer of the orb to bring it forth.

Monday November 10th, 2008 7:43:13 PM

Tratain says to Lord Arrak "We would gladly accept your offer to teleport us to the Vague Lands, as none of us have ever been there before. We may need to make a quick trip to the Catacombs first, I think there is a thing or two that we will need."

To answer Plyf's question Tratain says "We do not keep the Orb with us anymore. The creatures that come out of it are Evil and seek to kill and destroy whomever is around when they come through the Portal. The Orb has no Activators or Deactivators on it that we could ever find. It is just a mechanism that controls a planar gate and it is failing. The Legion soldiers that appear out of the gate are defeatable but very tough. We have no idea what Triggers the portal now, as the Demon we took the Orb from was experimenting on it and Broke it. He haven't tried to communicate with them. They were too busy trying to kill or kidnap people and we were to busy trying to stop them, although even with my tongues spell I am unable to understand what they say."

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Monday November 10th, 2008 9:07:08 PM

Dwight smiles, finally having a comrade who asks as many questions as he, well nearly as many. "By chance we carried it with us before and well, the remanents of what you saw of Lord Arrak's begonia's was the result and Tratain house now resides only as a pile of rumble. As for the pattern of occurrence, as Tratain said, its broken and unstable. Occurrences are sporatic, but will become increasingly more common as time goes along until the portal remains open and the legion can flood into the Wold." Dwight stops and thinks back to what the scholar said, hoping he phrased it correctly. Content, he sits back ready to go to the Catacombs first then to this new land.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Monday November 10th, 2008 9:23:28 PM

Mees has a necklace of adaptation. That'll keep me breathing. We'll need spells to portect us from the coldness. Don't forget, the pressure of the water can harm us as well if we go to deep.

Arien(HP 67/67: AC: 14 (touch:14) Fly 
Tuesday November 11th, 2008 11:22:18 PM

"Indeed Monthor, there are many aspects of underwater travel that will need to be accounted for, most I believe will be able to be handled by spells." Arien looks around at the others and continues, "Whatever we decide to do I suggest we do it quickly, our foes do not wait upon us."

Wednesday November 12th, 2008 6:38:50 AM

"I have a few items, from past adventures and a few coins I earn from time to time, but nothing so grand as an item or the funds for something to take me under the water, especially very deep."

She pulls out her harp and plucks a few notes as she thinks, "Perhaps we could start a fund raiser? There are Dragon Groups that have retired, and perhaps their items are sitting on shelves dusty and unused. We could search them out and see if they would loan us their items? Some call it begging, but if they were to know or our need, they may be interested. It's not as though we will keep them when we are done."

ooc: Almost done with CS. I'm very limited as to my sitting time, so getting done what I can.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Wednesday November 12th, 2008 8:04:38 AM

The old dwarf chuckles. "I'm not sure the Dragon groups are too happy with us at the moment. There have been words changed with the Emerald Dragons." He looks serious for a moment. "And our recent failure may not put us on good terms as well."

He pauses a moment. "Before we go, does everyone have an item that increases their health? If you don't, speak up now please."

DM Matt 
Wednesday November 12th, 2008 12:26:50 PM

Arrak sighs. "Well . . . I do hate to travel. As alluded to, I have some begonias that may need my attention. But this thing . . . it must be done.

"Let's be about it. To Plateau City, then the Vague Islands." He leaves the room, snapping his fingers for the attendant to follow. A short while later, he reappears, wearing a smart traveler's outfit of dark leather and fine wool.

"It would be most efficient for me to accompany you to the City. Please, draw as little attention to me as possible. I have no desire for attention. In fact, Arien, if you'll bring us to some spot just outside the City, I can relax there while you take care of your business. Then off we go. Yes?" He looks around to be sure everyone assents.

When ready, Arien can bring everyone back to Plateau City. We will assume you take care of business and meet Arrak outside the city limits the following day to leave.

Wednesday November 12th, 2008 5:17:13 PM

Plyf looks at Arrak in wonderment, "One day? You think we can get this figured out in one day? I need to go to the library and pour over ancient tombs of this place...." She snaps her fingers trying to remember. "Whatever you called it. Then we need to figure out how we are going to get there. If I'm lucky I'll find some evidence or information on these orbs you speak of. How the gods allowed them them to come into existance still leaves me gasping for air." She looks around the room as if lost, with so much to do and no where to start before focusing back in on their host, "And you say we have a day?"

She looks, as if she thought she could, she would smack him up side his head, as noble and regal as it may appear, but instead appears as if an absurdity had just been witnessed.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Wednesday November 12th, 2008 6:21:43 PM

Dwight chuckles as Plyf lets off the rant of no time. "Sorry, I don't mean anything, but each day we wait puts everyone in the wold in jeopardy. We spent considerable coin hiring a scholar to pour over what limited details there are for this sunken city. I'd be more than happy to introduce you to him during our one day stop. He'll likely have nothing new to add that he hasn't already told us, but it certainly can't hurt."

OOC: Dwight does not have an item that increases his health, which he does need. What would you suggest? Dwight has the coin to buy it, just don't know what I should buy.

Wednesday November 12th, 2008 6:32:48 PM

Tratain says "A day should be more than enough. While I do not doubt your Information Gathering Skills, we hired several of Plataue City's Finest scholars to find out what they could about the orb for us and they spent weeks looking into it for us. The only way we will be able to further the knowledge they have given us already is to actually travel to the Vague Lands and learn what we can there. As Lord Arrak has volunteered to Transport us there actually finding out where we need to go has been taken care of and there is where we will need you to use your skills to find out about what the Locals know about the sunken City, if you are still up for Traveling with us after learning what you have." He finishes with a smile.

He continues "We spent most of our Money on the Scrolls after our last battle, we still have quite a bit left, but we need to save alot of it to put towards building a castle. We need to decide what we really need for the Trip. We can handle the Water Breathing no problem, but there are other issues with exploring under water and possibly fighting underwater if it comes to that. Perhaps a Freedom of Movement Ring for Monthor, Arien or Lord Arrak do you have any idea if a fly spell would allow us to maneuver underwater? I for one don't swim very well, and Not at all in Armor. And another thing, while the Water Breathing spell will let us breath under the water It won't do anything for us communicating under water. Arien do you know the telepathic Bond spell? or could you learn it tomorrow? I could probably ask for Domi's Aid(Miracle) and make it permanent on all of us if we want."

Wednesday November 12th, 2008 8:30:15 PM

"Well, why do we not just buy a wish to get us all there safely, or buy a Cube of Force and position ourselves somewhere above where we believe we need to go. Enter the cube and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean?"

Plyf throwing out ideas, even as they begin to go to the city. She puts her harp away, back in her haversack, before they leave.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Thursday November 13th, 2008 6:03:46 AM

ooc> No health items. No money.

Monthor completes his preparation and is looking forward to bashing something.

Vedik Current Spells AC 31 (13 touch) HP 214/214 (Wings) 
Thursday November 13th, 2008 9:11:14 AM

Vedik ponders for a moment. "Dwight, an Amulet of Health is the easiest option. If you have something around your neck already, there are other items you can get to do the same thing. For example my belt is enchanted to bolster my health."

An amulet of health +4/+6 would help alot, thats an extra 30/45 hit points at our level. For 10% extra, you can get the +Con enchantment in another item slot, but you have to make sure it matches the 'affinity'. If you have any questions shoot me an email. Also, Joe and I work the catacombs. There's a bit of a backlog at this moment, but it should clear out by the weekend and we can probably have the purchases done by then.

Thursday November 13th, 2008 6:19:09 PM

"I have an amulet that adds a large bonus to health. In fact, nearly all my magic is devoted to defense and being able to get out of trouble. I might not be that valuable to you in causing damage to others. But if I can keep my bow out use it steady, I can make a hole where there shouldn't be, if it's deserved that is. Up close and personal, it might take me some time to whittle something down, but that's a last resort and it's far easier for things to harm me, then it is for me to harm others. Especially the creatures you all chase after."

She finishes her wine and stands, waiting for them to the city.

"Also, I am broke, but I do what I can to defeat the powers of evil and if that demands a sacrifice of an item, I'll keep an open mind."

DM Matt 
Thursday November 13th, 2008 7:24:37 PM

Arrak's face quickly turns to a scowl. "Young one, you haven't known me long, so I will assume accident in your hasty words. I have offered to take you to the Vague Islands in but a moment of magical travel. You want to stop and obtain items needed for your trip. I have graciously agreed to wait a day in or around Plateau City while you do this.

"Do you think I am some porter, here to see to your needs?" His voice becomes a bit deeper, louder, and more harsh. "We can do this the way I say, girl, or you are free to do it yourselves. Now I have already had quite a stressful day, and I need not top it off with such impertinence!"

His gnome helper starts to inch from the room, a fearful look on his face. "Stand in place!" Arrak barks, pointing a finger at the gnome but not bothering to look in his direction.

As Dwight, then Tratain, deal with the discussion more calmly, he relaxes again. "Excuse me. It has been quite a harrowing afternoon. I should not erupt like that." This appears to be all Arrak is going to offer.

Once Arien takes the group back to the fields outside Plateau City, Arrak points to a cropping of trees in the distance. "There. Shall we say mid-morning?" He walks off slowly and aimlessly, surveying the landscape around him.

[do any shopping, and meet Arrak. If the cats take longer than 1 RL day, we will assume the purchases are retroactively applied]

Tratain/Joe OOC 
Thursday November 13th, 2008 7:44:34 PM

Can someone send an E-mail to the group for the Cats discussion? I had to format my PC last week and lost almost all of my contacts so I don't have a group listing right now.

Dwight hp 99, ac 16 
Thursday November 13th, 2008 9:31:54 PM

Dwight is a bit fearful as Arrak erupts, not necessarily for his own safety, but for Plyf's. As the group departs Arrak outside of Plateau City, he inquires if Arrak would like anything from the city. "Anything you miss or would enjoy. My treat," smiles the halfling using the childish charm. "Fresh bread, some Plateau City wine?"

Despite the expected rejection Dwight heads off to purchase an Amulet of Health from the Catacombs and help with other items the group may need.

While in town, Dwight stops at whereever food-stations have been set up for those devastated by the quakes and are still struggling. He blesses the area and bestows Ebryron's blessing of Food & Drink to the community. A small contribution, but something Dwight does.(feeds 3).

He also makes a quick stop to a flower shop, to purchase either living begonia's or seeds/bulbs for begonia's. Obviously this is intended to be given to Arrak after all the trouble we have caused him.

Plyf  d20+15=28 ;
Friday November 14th, 2008 7:41:40 AM

Plyf is a bit taken aback by Arrack's harsh words but adds, "No sir, not a porter, but one who would be willing to help in any manner they could to insure the deed was done, whatever that deed may be, I apologize for being presumptuous." She whips a lock of hair from out from in front of her face, "Please excuse my inability to read the minds of those around me as the information I receive from you all comes in the shapes of torn chapters from a book, read in different order. I do so wonder, where chapter one is?"

She curtsies once again though, in a manner of respect, but in her mind wonders how a dragon, full of years can spare only one day of it's existence on such an important matter, but all creatures have their own will and some more free then others. If this group is willing to trust the words and knowledge of this creature, who is she to question their methods.

Once at the city as Arrak walks off, she looks to the group and shrugs her shoulders, as if now what?

Diplomacy: 28

ooc: Of course, I know a lot more about what is going on then my character does and I am role playing her the that effect.

MonthorHit Points:(152 of 155) AC 25 
Friday November 14th, 2008 8:54:23 AM

ooc> Monthor's good to go. He has no cash anyway to shop.

"The rest of ye go on. Me and Fred, we'll go get us some ale and meet ye back here. "

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