DM Post Sunday January 18th, 2009 12:59:49 PM
Donna? Go ahead and post again? Do you have priviledge still?
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance Sunday January 18th, 2009 8:52:32 PM
OOC: Sorry Jay...kinda forgot...
Looking over at Ingrge with glazed eyes, the warrior stammers "Goot do goot...Gunther help." Assuming the mage dispels the spell on him, Gunther smiles. "Alright den...lets go keep some giant butt!"
Donna (OOC) Monday January 19th, 2009 10:21:32 AM
Yes, I have posting priveleges, I just need to catch up to what the Emeralds are doing...I have a terrible cold that is kicking my butt and I work nine-hour shifts during the first half of the week--but I'll be back later today to post in character.
K'Nara 5d4+5=18 Monday January 19th, 2009 11:34:33 PM
"The problem with uppity giants..." mutters the blade singer as she plunges her free hand into her belt pouch, " that they all have an irresistible urge to flap their lips in order to prove how clever they are." She removes a scroll from the pouch and immediately begins reading the spell on it--the Magic Missile spell that Ingrge had scribed and given to her just before the Emerald Dragons went to the halfling mayor's ceremony.
OOC: The scroll allows for 5 missiles, each one is d4+1 damage; Total damage for this round: 18hp.
Lian AC 41, HPs 127/127... Stoneskin Tuesday January 20th, 2009 12:09:51 PM
"Your right Knara, but that giant is on the cliff face, down the tunnel and out of sight. He is likely waiting for an ambush. I'm ready with whatever orders I'm given."
Glandmarroc, Storm Giant Fight, Round 17 (DM Jay B) d20+18=38 ; Tuesday January 20th, 2009 12:16:02 PM
"Little dragons?! Where are you?"
Ingrge's scry pushes into a nasty barrier. There is nothing. But he sounds as if he's right near the opening of the tunnel.
The other three wait. Knara preps a scroll (I believe Magic Missile is line of sight.)
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Detect thoughts d6=1 d6=4 d6=2 Tuesday January 20th, 2009 2:00:58 PM
(OOC: Jay, how far to opening of the tunnel from where Ingrge is??) Inquiring minds need to know.
Assuming Ingrge is within 260 ft of the giant, the eldr elf begins casting a spell; his hands and staff moving in strange patterns that somehow seem to move along with the multisylabic nearly nonsensical words and sounds that emminate from his mouth. Suddenly a rush of something speeds down the tunnel towards the giant.
Phantasmal Killer: Will Save DC 26 if fail Fort save DC 26 or die, fort save take 7 points
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Tuesday January 20th, 2009 11:54:38 PM
Gunther looks over at K'nara and Ingrge. "You vant me to rush him?"
K'Nara d100=19 ; Wednesday January 21st, 2009 1:42:16 AM OOC: You're right, Kent...Magic Missile IS line of sight--for some odd reason I thought that the giant was visible to K'Nara. My bad. In that case...
K'Nara stares at the scroll she's gotten out of her pouch and chuffs an impatient breath, putting the scroll back where she got it from.
"What was I thinking???" she says out loud to nobody in particular, rummaging one-handed through her Handy Haversack, instantly removing a beaten-up brass lamp with a rune-inscribed lead stopper on it. She takes the time to pull out the stopper--immediately rewarded with a thin stream of smoke from the vessel...smoke that coalesces into the distinctive form of an efreet. OOC: rolled a 19--this is a regular efreet who will serve K'Nara for up to ten minutes before disappearing for the day.
"There's an invisible flying giant beyond this fog," she explains to the djinn, "I need you help get us safely past the fog...or get that giant from there to over here, where we are--so that we can kick his butt."
Lian AC 41, HPs 127/127... Stoneskin Wednesday January 21st, 2009 3:39:05 PM
"Gunther, you didn't do great in the fog last time. Bad idea my large friend. Maybe it would be best to let me go and draw him into the open?" The hand of Domi prepares to charge down the tunnel.
DM post OOC Wednesday January 21st, 2009 3:40:42 PM
Kent, I can assume we are all milling around the opening of the tunnel figuring out what the heck to do. :) So, 15ft, likely less. PK is fine for this range.
Glandmarroc, Storm Giant Fight, Round 18 (DM Jay B) d20+18=21 ; d20+18=25 ; Wednesday January 21st, 2009 6:33:00 PM
The party mill around the tunnel opening hoping to get a sense of what to do.
Knara summons the efreeti. Ingrge summons an illusionary killer. Lian prepares to charge the cliff. Gunther debates the same.
The giant remains out of sight at the end of the tunnel, but it is obvious that he is still there.
Suddenly, there is a gutteral sound, yelp, falling rocks and a huge crash at the entrance of the cave. Dust. Debris. One very dead storm giant lays at the entrance. There is a sound like a heart beat echoing down toward your position from the giant.
The fog is still in the tunnel.
A dazed looking wolverine scrambles from the cavern.
Combat ends.
What do you do next? There is a very perturbed looking efreeti looking at Knara. "Would you like me to blow away the fog? Or would you wish to do something else to get past the fog?"
(Magic, gold and XP will be doled out shortly. Give me a day or two.)
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Detect thoughts Wednesday January 21st, 2009 10:31:24 PM
With a little glint in his eye the elder elf turns top K'nara and bows.
"Hey Boss, I think the giant is dead, perhaps you would like to go trash the heartseed?"
K'Nara Thursday January 22nd, 2009 2:02:41 AM
"Just what I was thinking..." K'Nara agrees with the elf, then turns to the efreet, "...dispel this fog--blow it away, cast a counter-spell...whatever it takes to neutralize it, I want it done so that the Emerald Dragons can finish off whatever that giant started."
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Thursday January 22nd, 2009 12:18:20 PM
Gunther looks over at K'nara. "Could dat genie do something about protecting de town instead of dealng vith de fog? I'm still vorried about dem."
Lian AC 41, HPs 127/127... Stoneskin Thursday January 22nd, 2009 1:57:32 PM
"Gunther my friend, it took a bit longer to get here than the genie has to stick around. Though, another genie may be summoned when we're in the village." He looks Knara for confirmation.
DM POST Thursday January 22nd, 2009 1:59:09 PM
OOC: Not to hurry it along, but we need to decide what we are doing after the heartseed is finished off. That way I can post a quick travel section in the post to keep the game moving.
K'Nara Thursday January 22nd, 2009 4:45:52 PM
"Get this fog gone!" K'Nara repeats herself to the efreet. "Then scout the halfling villages that the giant was taunting us about--we need to know if he was simply toying with us or if those populations are truly in danger now."
(OOC: As far as K'Nara is concerned, the efreet can easily dispel the cloud AND use the remaining nine minutes of duty time to take a gander at what's up while the Emeralds make sure this damaged heartseed is completely destroyed and gone from the Wold. Then the Emeralds can use their ring to teleport back to the village if they're needed there.)
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Detect thoughts Thursday January 22nd, 2009 4:46:57 PM
{OOC: All Ingrge has to do is slip on the ring and they are back at the village.......}
Chaos rains.... stones.... (DM Jay B) Thursday January 22nd, 2009 7:08:56 PM
The ring is handed around and in turn used.
You appear back in the main square, where the party for the Burgomeister was, and things are MUCH different. Destruction. Disarray. Death.
Halfling bodies lie strewn about. A drow male lies dead at the feet of the fallen Burgomeister statue.
Stones, masonry and trees fall around you from the sky. You have A ROUND to find shelter or one of those stones is likely to find a Dragon shaped target.
(OOC: The genie is there too. I assume any treasure and giant body from the cavern will be dealt with later.)
K'Nara d20+1=8 ; Friday January 23rd, 2009 10:02:59 AM
Although their title from the Dragon Consortium is officially the Emerald Dragons, the air around K'Nara turns blue as she swears in a most graphic manner, her filleted head turning this way and that in order to Spot some sort of shelter that appears to be able to hold up under the hail of stones. OOC: K'Nara's Spot check is 8 (groan).
"Apparently the giant hadn't been bluffing back at the cave..." the blade singer points out the obvious, then turns to the efreet. "I need you to take to the air and get a good look at what's happening. Let me know where these missiles are being launched from, what the actual targets seems to be and whether there are any other kinds of attacks that seem to be in conjunction with this assault."
Lian AC 41, HPs 127/127... Stoneskin Friday January 23rd, 2009 2:09:02 PM
The monk turns invisibility on and says to everyone, "I'll use the ring and let you know when I've found good shelter." He disappears and is silent.
DM POST Friday January 23rd, 2009 2:10:16 PM
OOC: DM post will come after everyone has posted.
Jerry, if you are reading, post whenever you like... if your playing that is. :)
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Detect thoughts Friday January 23rd, 2009 6:34:08 PM
Geesh, I know we like to get in the middle of things, but this is rediculous! Ingrge quickly dashes to some sort of cover and then begins to look for signs of where the attack is coming from.
current spells Highlight to display spoiler: { 1st level -- Magic Missile***, True Strike, Ray of Enfeeblement**** 2nd level -- Mirror Image, Detect Thoughts, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray***, Flaming Sphere 3rd level -- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Fireball**, Lightening Bolt**, Slow 4th level -- Phantasmal Killer*, Scrying, Mass Enlarge, Evard's Black Tentacles* 5th level -- Baleful Polymorph*, False Vision, Cone of Cold**, Rock to Mud, Mud to Rock, Bigby's Interposing Hand 6th level -- True Seeing, Chain Lightening, Disintegrate** Flesh to Stone** 7th level -- Limited Wish, Mordenkainen's Sword, Finger of Death, Prismatic Spray 8th level -- Discern Location, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Polymorph any Object }
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Friday January 23rd, 2009 10:17:38 PM
Spotting the halfling bodies, Gunther growls in rage. He speaks into his communication ring, his voice full of rage. "You tell me vere does patetic rock flingers are...Delilah's going to eat vell tonight when I'm done vith dem!" If he can find any cover, Gunther will scurry to it and wait for Lian to tell him where the giants are.
Angel Springs and falls... (DM Jay B) Monday January 26th, 2009 5:05:49 PM
So the genie spins off (three rounds pass) and returns with good and bad news for Knara in her hidey hole. "For some reason the giants are staying outside the town perimeter and have not breached the horizon. That said, I saw only a handful of living townsfolk still in town. Many were dead and not one giant body inside or out. There are nearly 50 or more giants outside the town and no wagons on the roads. Upon my return, I destroyed three stone giants south of here. Was that satisfactory?"
There is suddenly a chirp on the rings. It's Lian. Southwest of our teleport site, near the general store, around back, cellar doors.
A chimney falls near Gunther.
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Detect thoughts Monday January 26th, 2009 6:47:07 PM
(OOC: Jay can the genie give us any idea where a large group of the giants are fairly close together?)
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Monday January 26th, 2009 7:01:57 PM
The warrior grins an evil grin and begins to sprint toward Lian's description of his location. "Save me some!" he growls into the ring as he heads toward the giants, eager to kill them all.
K'Nara Monday January 26th, 2009 11:05:52 PM
K'Nara frowns, wondering what in the Wold these giants are up to...and why?
"If you know the answer to our weapon mage's request, then tell him," she orders the efreet, "Meanwhile...let's all get our butts to where Lian is...we need to be able to be relatively safe enough from the boulders to think about what we can do to stop this attack." So saying, K'Nara hurries to the safe haven the Emerald Dragon monk has found.
Lian's Haven... (DM Jay B) Tuesday January 27th, 2009 11:42:23 AM
The genie states that the giants are around the town, spread evenly. Not just stone giants, all sorts. So strange to see them working together.
Lian guides the Dragons to a cellar crowded, like sardines, with halflings and other guests from the party. The mayor is nowhere to be seen. Several are wounded.
"They came!" "The Dragons didn't abandon us!" "Ah, they're just savin' their own skins." "Did ya sees da dragon mama?! Killid all dose giants! Fire and stuff! Wow!"
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Tuesday January 27th, 2009 5:25:50 PM
Joining the others in the cellar, Ingrge mulls over the info about the giants.
"Hmm, well that is certainly going to limit my usefulness, K'nara. Now I am sure that I could pretty easily break a hole in their circle by taking out several giants individually, but many of my spells are most effective with groups. Now if there were a way to gat a bunch of them together in a fairly restricted space..." However let me go ahead and cast this last stone skin on you K'nara.
(OOC: Btw, everyone's stone skin is a 150 and will last 150 minutes, some of which has been used up by Ingrge, Lian and Gunther)
current spells
Highlight to display spoiler: { 1st level -- Magic Missile***, True Strike, Ray of Enfeeblement**** 2nd level -- Mirror Image, Detect Thoughts, Spectral Hand, Scorching Ray***, Flaming Sphere 3rd level -- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Fireball**, Lightening Bolt**, Slow 4th level -- Phantasmal Killer*, Scrying, Mass Enlarge, Evard's Black Tentacles* 5th level -- Baleful Polymorph*, False Vision, Cone of Cold**, Rock to Mud, Mud to Rock, Bigby's Interposing Hand 6th level -- True Seeing, Chain Lightening, Disintegrate** Flesh to Stone** 7th level -- Limited Wish, Mordenkainen's Sword, Finger of Death, Prismatic Spray 8th level -- Discern Location, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Polymorph any Object }
K'Nara Wednesday January 28th, 2009 1:57:30 AM
K'Nara frowns as she tries to think tactically--tough to do while seeing the survivors of the giant attack.
"Ingrge..." she says slowly, " you think the giants just may stop attacking the village and make a sudden exodus towards their camp if they were told that an adventuring group got the drop on their leader, killed him and was in the midst of looting his body and lair for treasure..? I get the feeling that they would, and that such a sudden retreat will have a few of them bunched together long enough for you to get...creative...don't you..?"
Lian Wednesday January 28th, 2009 2:46:06 PM
"Well, we could go collect his head." Says the hand of Domi seriously. "Then show it to them."
K'Nara Wednesday January 28th, 2009 4:04:14 PM
"We could," K'Nara agrees with Lian, "...only I'm trying to get those giants to leave the village alone AND herd them into a formation that will be effective for Ingrge's spells. I'm not sure having them see their leader's head on a pike would do that. I was thinking that if we could get them to believe that Glam-whoever is dead...and all of his nifty treasure or whatever stuff he was carrying was up for grabs...that the others greedy enough to want to try to go and get it for themselves, thus channeling them away from the village. Hopefully any giants who possibly aren't greedy would be vindictive enough to want to get to the lair in order to kick the butts of the adventurers who killed their leader." The chestnut-maned fighter scratches her head.
"...or do you think that the giants won't be that greedy or vindictive..?"
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Wednesday January 28th, 2009 7:42:08 PM
Gunther grunts with dissatisfaction at K'nara's idea. "Or maybe I should just charge over dere and give dem someting to focus on! Let's get over dere and kill dem all!"
Lian Thursday January 29th, 2009 3:19:35 PM
"Well, your the boss. And, no, I don't think they are greedy or vindictive. Look at how things went down. Glady-whatsit was willing to stand toe to toe with us for a strange agenda. Invasion? Who does that anymore? Intrigue and diplomacy is most common... I mean look at the situation with Parnoth, and then Mop. Even that was diplomacy. This giant didn't have a clue that the Emeralds top mage would hit him with a lucky spell! I have a feeling he was more than we could have handled, unbeatible. He was distracting and toying with us." He ponders a moment. "I can only assume gold and vengence wasn't on his mind, remember what he said? He said that great green wyrm, or something, wasn't going to stop him and neither were those who killed him. He was obviously fixated on the fact he could get back into the valley and then to the EK without Parnoth around. I think Parnoth may have kept him at bay but when we killed him, he wasn't in the way to stop Glandy-somethings rampage. Parnoth wasn't about to tell us all his secrets. No, I think these giants agree with the storm giant's view. Invasion."
"He may have given them orders to stay out of town until he arrived. If they find out he's worm food, that may change. What's stopping them then from running rough-shot over the town?"
"And whats that about that dragon? That little one said something about a dragon? I don't think she was talking about us!"
Cellar (DM Jay B) Thursday January 29th, 2009 3:22:18 PM
The cellar of the general store has stores of food, wine, beer, water, pickled everything and sugered eveything else. The candy is being pilfered by the kids. Clergy administer to the wounded. And the drow female, the Burgomeister's fiance, is sitting in one corner, rocking, covered in blood that is not drow.
K'Nara d20+3=15 ; Thursday January 29th, 2009 10:12:27 PM
"Okay, so diverting the giants with the spoils of war seems to be out..." K'Nara muses, once more allowing her hazel eyes to roam the other inhabitants of the shelter. She gives Ingrge the high sign and looks pointedly over at the drow female who had been the object of the mayor's affection--perhaps the lady could should some light on the motives behind the giants' attack on the town. Then she squats down on one knee in front of the child who had made the remarks about the dragon.
"Hey, there!" K'Nara says softly to the girl, "My name is K'Nara...what's yours..?" After the introductions, K'nara goes on to prompt the child into telling the group all about the dragon she saw. (OOC: Diplomacy check is 15.)
Don't ask, don't tell (Dm Post) Friday January 30th, 2009 12:18:59 PM
The little girl clams up and hides behind her mother when Knara is friendly.
The mother looks apologetically at the bladesinger. "Doesn't talk with strangers. She says she saw a dragon attacking the giants. She likes stories. In the chaos I think she was confused."
An old halfling pipes in, puffing a pipe. "I saw that dragon." He smells of spirits and smoke.
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility d100=99 ; Friday January 30th, 2009 5:48:53 PM
Ingrge rolls his eyes at his leader as he makes his way over to the drow. He is sure that K'nara means for him to be diplomatic, and sighs as he shakes his head. Putting on what passes for a smile, the elder elf stands over the seated dark elf and speaks fairly bluntly.
"Excuse me! Do you know where the Burgomeister is, so we can report to him and find out what is going on. Or do you have any information you can share that can shed some light upon the situation."
(OOC: What do you expect when you send an elephant in to do needlepoint)
Ingrge then steps back a half a pace and raises an eyebrow as he waits for her response.
[OOC: Round robin roll. Geesh...99. I guess you should go ahead and send me whatever we are going to be running.]
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Friday January 30th, 2009 10:00:09 PM
The warrior paces the cellar anxiously. "Den vhy don't ve just go out dere and kill dem all. Den ve don't have to vorry about invasion!"
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Saturday January 31st, 2009 8:12:22 AM
That is true, if they are spread out we could take them out one at a time for a bit and then they might start coming two or three at a time, It might take a while for the ones on the other side of town to figure out what's going on, if they do at all. I would be a waste of all those stone skin spells I just cast if we arent fighting and there arent any more where those came from.
Lian Saturday January 31st, 2009 5:58:11 PM
"Killing them at this point might be more humane. This close together, in close proximity to one another, no leader to guide them, they might just exterminate each other... which is alright by me. The fire giants and frost giants might release the old frustrations... so on and so forth."
"I'll take the stone giants." The elf smiles. "Might be fun."
K'Nara Sunday February 1st, 2009 11:05:34 PM
K'Nara sighs.
"Oh, well...I guess it's safest that young children don't talk to strangers," the blade singer concedes, moving away in time to hear the elder halfling pipe up that he, too, had seen the dragon. Turning to him, K'Nara says in an urgent voice:
"Can you describe to me exactly what you witnessed? Try to be as detailed as you can, please."
Wise words (Dm post) Monday February 2nd, 2009 2:19:40 PM
"Surely pretty lady. The dragon seemed to be made of light and glissened like a pile of copper, sometimes greenish in hue. It flew over the giants without hesitation, out of the blue, and destroyed the first lines in a matter of minutes. It's protected us before from giants. The great beast is still going at it, last I saw. It flew south and was gone for a half hour then was back again, a bit beaten up by the looks of it." He pauses a moment. "There was rumor that Humble's Ford had also been attacked."
Lian Monday February 2nd, 2009 2:20:46 PM
"Terrific! That crazy giant must have been telling the truth! All three villages..." Says the elf, punching into one palm in frustration.
K'Nara Tuesday February 3rd, 2009 12:33:07 AM
"We should try to help this dragon, I think." K'Nara says. "Since it's supposed to have gone to the south and then come back to this area, perhaps the first of the giants we can take care of are the ones on the south side of town. Sound good to you all...?"
Lian Tuesday February 3rd, 2009 10:53:34 AM
"I think clearing these out and finding the Burgomeister is the best option. We might find out more about the problems if we do."
DM Post Tuesday February 3rd, 2009 10:54:37 AM
OOC: Will wait for more.
Jerry, if you like, this is a great time for you to introduce your character... if he/she is done. :) You would be in the cellar healing folks.
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Tuesday February 3rd, 2009 5:31:06 PM
Ok guys lets pop out to the south and hit the two closest and then work our way around the town. let's go.
K'Nara Wednesday February 4th, 2009 2:54:38 AM OOC: Say, didn't Ingrge question the Burgomeister's fiancee, who seems to be here, too? I don't recall reading the DM's response to Ingrge's talking to her...
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Wednesday February 4th, 2009 8:01:44 AM
(ooc maybe he scared her to death?)
DM Post Wednesday February 4th, 2009 2:22:16 PM
The drow female looks up at Ingrge after a few minutes and whispers, "If I knew, I'd be with him."
The old man is willing to talk to Knara about anything else under the sun. Sheep. Goats. Farming. Goats. Turnips. Goats. Trees. Goats.
Lian Wednesday February 4th, 2009 2:22:56 PM
The elf looks at the drow female. "Do you think he's dead?" Tactless.
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Wednesday February 4th, 2009 10:50:10 PM
Growing impatient, the warrior redoubles his pacing. "Pick a direction and lets go kill de giants already!"
K'Nara Thursday February 5th, 2009 1:38:43 AM
K'Nara backs out of the conversation about goats about as quickly as she can without running the local resident over. To the rest of the party she says:
"South, then--let's see if we can possibly hook up with this guardian dragon...and if it's greenish in color, maybe that would explain Gla-whosie-whathisface's preoccupation about 'the green one'...he may not have been referring to the late, unlamented Parnoth after all." So saying, K'Nara takes a peek outside in order to gauge the ED's chances of serpentining their way to the south end of the village.
K'Nara Thursday February 5th, 2009 11:13:01 PM
K'Nara continues with her intentions of leaving the shelter and scouting south of town to (hopefully) find the dragon...and she sure hopes she isn't all by herself when she does this.
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Friday February 6th, 2009 12:14:24 AM
The warrior merrily tags along with the love of his life, day dreams of slaughtering giants filling his mind.
Lian Friday February 6th, 2009 2:45:32 PM
The elf follows in the EDs wake, watching their back.
Here giant, giant giant... Gunther has something FOR you... Friday February 6th, 2009 2:53:23 PM
In the southern portion of town, the Dragons come upon a small band of three hill giants and its nothing short of a comical, the giants do in fact charge the Emeralds. Mere seconds from you, they stop dead, literally, when they are all spirited away by a mass of copper green scales and steely talons.
Friends, please help our innocent friends. I have this one. With Glandmarroc gone, this will be an easy extermination. I thank you. The telepathic voice fades and is gone, but not before seeing the glint of bright blue reptilian eyes turn your way. Our meeting on the bridge was quite entertaining.
K'Nara Saturday February 7th, 2009 12:31:16 AM
"Blue eyes..." murmurs the leader of the Emerald Dragons, a sort of idea forming in her head as she looks back at her party, "...say, you don't suppose that..." Then she shakes her head, her mind boggling at the idea of a dragon disguising itself as a halfling.
"We'll go help out the villagers, then," K'Nara agrees, "But...will you meet us again, so that we can try to figure out how in the Wold these giants were able to attack the villages now...and what we can do to safeguard the towns again..?"
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Sunday February 8th, 2009 2:39:52 PM
Hmmph! waste of good scrolls it seems. Ok let's go see if we can find and straighten out this burgermeister.
Relative safety... (DM post) Monday February 9th, 2009 1:30:05 PM
The dragon goes away.
After several hours of bombardment, the stones and masonry which had been falling begins to slow and then cease.
Evening begins to come as the sun lowers itself towards the hills and mountains.
The cellar slowly empties of villagers and it is soon apparent how many were actually in the hole. The village is not leveled, but has sustained heavy damage. Also, good news, there were only a half dozen slain in the attack. Looking to the perimeter of the village you see mounds that could only be giant corpses. Dozens. Clean up begins nearly right away.
Then, suddenly, a large shadow, beating wings and a mass of glinting scales lands in the middle of the town square. A reptilian voice says, "I found this wandering around one cave up north. Be kind to him, he knows not what he's done." The dragon takes to the air and is gone, leaving behind a huddled mass of Burgomeister shaking on the ground. There is a shreek and then the drow female is hugging and kissing him. He looks very confused.
Word soons arrives, Humble's Ford and Hovel were attacked by giants and have sustained damage. The docks at the Ford were destroyed. The ferry fleet was also destroyed... one ferry.
Lian Monday February 9th, 2009 1:32:22 PM
"You have got to be kidding!" He looks on as the dragon takes off.
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Monday February 9th, 2009 11:57:12 PM
Mouth opening and closing in disbelief at the identity of the dragon, Gunther sighs when he takes in all the damage. It had been like that since they became Dragons. He wondered whether it was Waard's displeasure with his friends, or did this kind of calamity always follow high level adventurers. The warrior offers his services to any villagers who might need help repairing the town. He completely ignores the Burgomeister...which is the only way that he can keep from feeding her to his.... Delilah!! While he is working of the repairs, Gunther sets about searching for where his dire lion might have gone off to in the attack.
K'Nara Tuesday February 10th, 2009 12:25:52 AM
K'Nara harrumphs as the guardian dragon takes to the air once more, then turns a level eye towards the newly-returned Burgomeister.
"Well, sir," she says simply, "What do you have to say for yourself..?"
Burgomeister.... innocent? (DM Jay B) Tuesday February 10th, 2009 6:21:49 PM
The Burgo seems genuinely confused and beside himself. "He made me, I resisted but I couldn't. My mind was muddled. No mettle! My head foggy. I couldn't tell ANYONE, if I started to, I was set to pain and would fail. He told me to pull out the defenses from the tower perimeter. Use the money to increase the towns profits. He said I would become the most famous of all Burgomeisters and be honored. I didn't expect this. I just wanted fame that being a moneylender didn't bring. So I had to frame a former friend... he's not guilty. He didn't take the money from the orphans." The female drow pulls away, dropping him to the ground.
"Your the crook? I believed you. Felt for you." She looks at the pathetic little halfling on the ground. She begins to cry. "I can't be with someone who loves fame over the innocents you were supposed to protect." She leaves with her surviving attendant with all haste.
The female commander, Commander Pipewood, comes out of the woodwork with a couple of guards. "Well men, looks like Calfast needs to be replaced by this man. He's just confessed in conspiring with the giants and using the orphan money. Arrest him."
"You Dragons! I tell you! You folks are good at what you do and trust this, you are always welcome here. I will tell Calfast... the TRUE Burgomeister... of your actions here. If you like, you can stick around and enjoy your new popularity here?" She smiles.
Lian Tuesday February 10th, 2009 6:41:38 PM
"Thank you, but we really have other things to attend to. But I'll leave the choice to the boss." He looks at Knara.
K'Nara Wednesday February 11th, 2009 12:50:13 AM
"By 'he' are you talking about that egotistical giant back at the cave..?" K'Nara asks the penitent ex-Burgomeister. After hearing the details, the leader of the Emerald Dragons turns to Lian and Commander Pipewood.
"We'll be happy to stay as long as you need us to help the survivors of the attack, Commander," she says, "We've no need to remain to bask in glory...the party before all this happened was fine enough, and I'm not sure how much celebrating folks may be in a mood for now."
Lian Wednesday February 11th, 2009 12:27:15 PM
"I'm good with whatever you choose boss." He smiles at Knara. "Yeah, clean up is more important."
Q&A (DM Jay B) Wednesday February 11th, 2009 12:29:32 PM
The ex-Burgomeister looks at Knara, almost afraid to answer. He nods. "Glandmarroc the Great, yes."
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Wednesday February 11th, 2009 3:52:11 PM
Listening in Ingrge glraes at the halfling and then growls. "Ahh you mean Glanmarroc the dead and splattered, don't you." So you were trying to get the Emeralds killed by sending us after him. I guess that means you should also suffer the same fate as you benefactor."
Ingrge stares at the halfling and awaits an answer.
K'Nara Wednesday February 11th, 2009 8:39:23 PM
"I don't know about that, Ingrge..." K'Nara counters the elder elf's logic, "The guardian dragon did confirm that ol' B.B. here was befuddled in some way--most likely some kind of spell. However, none of us here will be the ones to decide his fate--that will be up to the town's system of justice." She shrugs.
"We should probably poke around that cave headquarters of Glanmorroc's, never know what he'll have lying around there unprotected...anything from traps to loot to evidence that can support--or refute--what our good ex-Burgomeister here is telling us."
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Thursday February 12th, 2009 12:14:14 AM
After finding Delilah, Gunther links up with K'nara. He continues to actively ignore the halfling leader as he'd really like to just feed him to his kitty. Feeling tired and grumpy, Gunther nods at K'nara's suggestion. "Let's go back dere and see vhat ve can find."
K'Nara Thursday February 12th, 2009 3:20:48 AM
"Then it's agreed?" K'Nara looks to the others. "We'll help out the people here and, as soon as it looks like our aid isn't required, we can go to the cave and make sure there isn't anything there that can possibly pose a danger to the people in the area."
Argam Grimwold Thursday February 12th, 2009 2:39:12 PM
A stout looking dwarf with an oversized holy symbol of Alemi, done in High Woldian, approaches. Serious of face, he looks at K'nara and says, "Milady, I have come to help. My name is Argam Grimwold and I am a Fixer. I have plenty of Woldsblood and am ready to work on whatever structures need repairing. Command me, for a prayer to Alemi has sent me here."
He stands tall, charcoal of skin,looking as if the fires of the forge have burned soot into his pores. He looks wider than he is tall, with muscles that seem to be made of the stone he professes to work with. Then as if he thinks it will help, he flashes a smile of ultra white teeth, amidst the ashen complexion of his face.
Then as quickly as it appeared, the smile vanishes and the stern look of wanting to be about his tasks replaces it. He waits patiently, as if the whole Wold could weather away and he'd still be waiting to begin his holy work.
Lian Thursday February 12th, 2009 4:44:42 PM
"Seems we can't help but to attract dwarven clergy." He laughs. "Well, if you were sent, thank the sender for us."
Return to the cavern, if only briefly (DM Jay) Thursday February 12th, 2009 5:04:20 PM
So, as night falls, you arrive at the cavern in whatever manner you choose (likely teleportation rings) with your new tag-along, Argam the dwarf from parts unknown.
You search and discover several things. Gold. Pilfered goods from caravans. And among Glandmarroc's corpse, which has already seen predation, you find thing of great interest. You discover a partial scroll of Geas, its not viable now due to a large scorch across the bottom. Also, there is a letter from Twigrumpler the Burgomeister, to Glandmarroc, stating that he has ousted Calfast. Another saying he doesn't like doing this. And still another pleading with the giant to let him go.
Evidence? Forgeries? Possibly innocent after all?
K'Nara Thursday February 12th, 2009 8:30:53 PM
K'Nara's chestnut head bows in deference to the newly-arrived cleric.
"We need all the help we can get, priest of Alemi," the blade singer tells Argam, "Thank you for being here." She outlines that the Emerald Dragons will make sure that Glanmorroc's cave and/or body is trap-free as well as lending their aid to any in the stricken area who need it.
Gold is good, and the EDs will probably attempt to trace the proper owner of the pilfered goods. If none can be found, the loot will be utilized by the party to make sure they're properly outfitted to continue to battle for truth, justice and the Woldian Way. The documents that may or may not prove the ex-Burgomeister's innocence in the giant attack are taken from the cave in order for them to be turned over to those who will try Twigrumpler.
K'Nara does what she can for those in need, expecting the others in the party to put forth their best efforts as well.
"I can't wait until things get down to a dull roar," she comments to Gunther with a bit of a smile, "I'd love to see what Ingrge's daughter looks like." Her words remind the others in the group that the baby was born at the castle while the party was away, and that none of them save Ingrge has seen the infant yet.
Argam Grimwold Friday February 13th, 2009 10:34:58 AM
Argam nods to K'nara and gives her a stiff bow. Then he neatly pivots and begins working on repairing the closest damaged building.
Curiousity, though, causes him, almost unconsciously, to follow the Emerald Dragons a bit as they head to the cave. He remains a distance behind the famous adventurers, and fixes things as he goes.
A drop of Woldsblood there to shore up that damaged wall so it doesn't collapse, a drop there to fix the roof, healing a broken arm quickly so he can keep moving to keep up.
'Why am I so curious about these great ones? They HAVE to have a healer! He just probably isn't here right now doing important things. That must be it! I gotta stop talking to myself.'
Then aloud, "There maam, does that arm feel right now? Good."
Lian Friday February 13th, 2009 11:06:56 AM
"Master Argam, how is it you came to be in this region of the Wold?"
Gunther,AC 30, HP147/152, Charm Animal, Good Hope, Bear's Endurance, Stone Skin Friday February 13th, 2009 3:59:47 PM
The warrior nods at K'nara, a goofy grin plastered on his face. "De baby...I almost forgot!! Oooo...I gotta get back to de castle and start vorking vith Thearai. She's going to be so excited!!" Bubbling over with excitement, Gunther turns to Ingrge. "Do you tink your vife vill let me introduce de baby to her kitty right avay? It's really best to get de bonding started as soon as possible...." He taps his chin thoughtfully "...course everyvonce in a vile de kitty gets a little too frisky, don't know dere strength...and..." Gunther does his best to be thoughtful, though it is a daunting task for the cat trainer. "Naw...Thaerai's not like dat...she as gently as a daisy... I'm sure she's going to take right to de little tot. Do you tink she can sleep in de babies room? Dat vould definately speed up de bonding time..." Gunther prattles on and on about the baby and her soon to be new pet...the black panther Thearai.
Gunther watches with mild interest as the dwarf tags along behind the group. "Huh...vhat's dat funny red stuff?" Gunther scratches his snow white hair as he thinks back trying to figure out what the dwarf is working with. "Hey, is dat Voldsblood?!! Oooo nasty stuff dat! How in de Vold do you touch dat stuff?" There is a small tinge of loneliness as he remembers how his blood Brother. He wonders where the cleric of Domi has gotten off to and how he's fairing in his adventures.
OOC: Jay, where is Delilah she back in the halfling village (munch, munch, much) or did she rejoin us?
K'Nara Friday February 13th, 2009 11:29:12 PM
K'Nara looks at Argam with interest when Gunther's question about the Woldsblood comes up. She, too, is curious about what it takes to actually be able to handle such a dangerous substance.
Ingrge: AC 28, HP: 102/102, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility Sunday February 15th, 2009 7:22:47 AM
Ingrge takes his time looking over the Cave using his special vision to make sure nothing is over looked that should be checked out.
Semingly to no one he asks a question out loud asking something he has been wondering since they found out about Glandaroc.
" How do you suppose he acquired a heart seed anyway?