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Parting of Company (Nellie)  2d8+3=17 ; d20+15=35 ;
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 1:12:50 AM

Regrouping seems to be the plan of the day...
With legs like a whirling dervish, Julian shoots up the staircase and into the fogged area. Like the others previously discovered, once in the fog it is very difficult to determine direction or see anything (vis. Reduced to 5 foot). Arm makes it to the top of the staircase this round and watches Julian head into the fog. Wynum is still hesitant and calls out a warning to his fellow adventurers. He parks himself in the door frame, making sure no one gets in or out. Right now he doesn't see anything headed his way.

Up top, things are happening fast. Thar, Ruby and Kirsten head toward the doorway, though they do not head into the fog. Shadow makes one last jab at his fleeing foe and cuts into him, but he can't stop his progress. Then the fog rolls in, but he still sees the guard headed his way (go ahead and keep the healing since it was hard to tell where everyone was without a map). Edmund steps into the room well out of fog range and looks around. He's pretty sure he sees something through the fog, but is that the baddy or Shadow??

Meanwhile, Shadow looses track of his original foe, but he does hear and ominous click like a door being opened, and the sounds of footsteps headed into a room further down the hallway. Then, as if out of nowhere, a figure tumbles past Shadow in the same direction as his original foe. The fog seems to cling tightly to the figure as he twists out of Shadows range (no AoO from Shadow). Thar, Kirsten and Ruby notice the fog roll out of the room and further into the hallway, while Edmund loses track of the figure in the doorway. Julian also finds the fog lifted from his position.

OOC: I've got a very rough map here,...if you guys post a private post with your google docs addies, then I can add you as editors to the document and you can move your character on the map. :)

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless 
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 6:07:11 AM

Arm does his best to make his way to Julian to see if he can aid his friends in any way.

OOC: sorry, but the google docs thing never worked right for me, and I'm not even sure I know how to access it anymore...lol

In the long term that's not really good. Any changes to your CS should be made on the google doc. It would be best if you could find your account so that you can update your CS. You could always create another google account and transfer your CS there. If you can figure out your password, I can probably help you with anything you need to know. Just send me an email. :)---Nellie

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 26/47]  d20+14=27 ; d6+2=6 ;
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 9:32:21 AM

Shadow will call out, "They are headed down the hallway and into another room." He will head towards the direction he saw both of them go.

IF he gets within range of one of them he will attack, but if he does not he will try and get close enough to the wall to be able to see doors/doorways.

IF he gets an attack in:
to hit=27

Tuesday February 17th, 2009 10:11:12 AM

Looking very lonely and very useless in the vast empty room, Wynum mumbles to himself (and coincidentally to everyone).
"Well. These sneaky shapechanging freaks don't use doors anyways."

He moves towards the back of the building (80') where the windows are, resheats his dagger and readies his bow.
"Everybody, I'll be in the back. Warn me if any tries to escapes."

Tuesday February 17th, 2009 12:14:34 PM

After telling the others of his plan (e.g. follow Shadow, find the others too) Thar hustles out after Shadow, trying to remain close to him. His goal is to stay w/in ~ 10' of Shadow, so he'll be protected by the Prot from Evil Spell (Shadow - remember the bonus for your AC, as well as other mods )

Once in the hall, he'll look down both sides of the hallway, trying to see if he recognizes either friend for foe...

Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 16) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste 
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 3:54:36 PM

Edmund looks to Ruby, Thar, and Kirsten, and shrugs his shoulders.

"After them, I suppose?" he says. "But first, this."

Edmund will cast Haste on the four of them, aware that it will now be easier for them to catch the fleeing foes.

"Off you go," he adds. "Should find it easier to keep up with the enemy now!"

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 31+14 Raging (Mage Armour)  d20+8=9 ; d100=95 ; d20+3=11 ;
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 4:18:36 PM

Julian wants a piece of the action. Hearing Shadow announce "down the hallway" the little halfling puts his right shoulder forward and charges headlong into the fog.

Improved Overrun (http://www.woldiangames.com/Woldipedia/index.php/Combat_Rules#Overrun)
Str Check 9 = natural 1 (would only be +4 if against a Medium character, but a nat 1 is a nat 1)
Reflex save = 11
guessing here: 50% miss chance 95

OOC this suggests that IF Julian does run into someone Julian will fall back 5' landing prone. With that Reflex save this will probably happen even if he hits a wall.

Tuesday February 17th, 2009 4:49:55 PM

Folks, if you could please, please, please put your email addy in a private post, I will add you to the google doc for the map. That way you can place your character exactly where you want him/her on the map. This should reduce confusion on my behalf and also speed up combat. I've already got Florian and Ken added. I see that Ken has already moved Thar (Thanks Ken!!). If this works, it should really help out with combat.

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 24(25)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Tuesday February 17th, 2009 7:40:10 PM

Trying to be as careful as possible but not lose Thar, she races off after him. She tries to keep him in sight and as close as possible, without causing problems, so that she can continue to guard his back. This was one messed up situation, but she had to admit that she was having fun.

Prep Time (Nellie)  2d8+3=13 ; d20+9=27 ; 2d8+3=11 ;
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 12:06:56 AM

The Order links up once more and prepares to put the smack down on evil.

Shadow scouts ahead and finds what he was looking for (Spot=18). Stepping forward, he cuts into the younger guard.

Edmund gives Thar, Ruby, Kirsten and himself a nice boost.

Julian, in typical form charges in and barely makes out a figure before he smashes into it and bounces back 5 feet to land on his keister (-4 for melee attacks made from the prone position or take a move equivalent action to get up from prone).

The hastened Thar moves out to keep track of Shadow, while Arm comes up from the stairway and heads into the fog. It's amazing how dense the fog is, and Arm finds something at his feet...could that be...yep...it's Julian! Meanwhile Ruby takes up a position to guard Thar's back.

Down on the bottom floor, Wynum moves away from the door and toward where the windows are on the 2nd floor. He keeps an eye out, but he still doesn't see anything suspicious.

And for the bad guys...
The elder guard looks to be on his last leg, he is bleeding massively. Snarling, he hustles away from Shadow (withdraw...no AoO from Shadow). The fog surrounding him begins to dissipate quickly as he ducks into the room that the younger guard disappeared into (Bleh..forgot the mist was supposed to be stationary in the room...oh well...we'll just remove it from the equation). There is a muffled sobbing from further down the hall, and then a bellowed command. "I'm warning you...if you set foot in this room, I'll slice the councilwoman's throat!

OOC: If you don't already have access to the google doc (BTW, apparently I can allow access from *any* email addy, not just a google one..yay!!), then you can see the map here. Thanks to those who have already given me there addies. I think this will definitely be the way to go with the maps. If there are any problems, just drop me a line.

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless 
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 5:59:51 AM

Arm tries to help Julian to an upright position so that they may all continue the fight or whatever they decide to do.

OOC: Not sure if assisting him will allow him to regain his footing faster, but I thought I'd try ;) I'm going to send you my email, Nellie and try the google doc thing again...if I have any problems, I'll let you know :)

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 26/47]  d20+17=32 ; d20+9=27 ;
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 10:00:17 AM

Shadow will move quietly to the doorway and see if can peer in to see what is going on in the room.

Move Silently=32

Thar  d4=3 ; d20+13=24 ;
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 2:03:21 PM

Thar greets his other companions who are coming up the hall, and ask he walks away, calls "Let me know if you need healing!" As they go past the first empty room, Thar pauses and looks in briefly. He doesn't stand in the doorway, but stands to the side and peeks his head in and looks around to see if anyone of anything is there. If not, he'll try to close the door and hopefully secure the room...

Spot = 24

Wynum  d20-2=2 ; d20+6=17 ;
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 7:35:01 PM

Wynum moves to position himself beneath the windows. He shifts so as to have the best position to peer into the windows and tries to look inside. [Spot 17 just in case]

Meanwhile, he whispers, with forlorn emphasis to the others:
"Why are you still inside? Get out of this trap, I am *certain* the councilmen are not here. Can you still see some ennemies?"

(I put Wynum on the map, though its exact position would depend on the 3-D geometry of things... Also, I am assuming Wynum did not hear the ennemy's shouted warning through the window with a brilliant listen check of 2, assuming a DC of about 5 {-5 for the shout,+5 for the window, +5 for the distance})

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 31+14 Raging (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 7:54:36 PM

"Thanks Arm. Fancy meeting you here..." Julian hastily accepts Arm's offer to help get up. "What? Now the fog lifts?!"

Julian is almost a blur in his movements, he really wants to get his sword into whoever he should.
"Where to? Who to hit?"

"Wynum, sure they're here - they just said they are. And Thar is here to help."

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 24(25)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 9:39:10 PM

I can flip a couple daggers at the one doing the threatening and maybe distract him. But that will only give a few seconds if you wish to try and save her life? Her voice is calm even through the message spell as she pulls up closer to Thar, still guarding him from attacks from behind. She will hold off on whatever she is to do till she is given some sort of orders, as she does not want to put anyone's life in danger.

Her thinking does not lead to the conclusion that the one they might be attempting to save could be a doppleganger in disguise. Maybe she might consider it later, but right now she is focused on saving people.

Promises, Promises (Nellie)  2d6=10 ; d2=2 ; 2d8+3=13 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+6=14 ; d20+6=25 ;
Wednesday February 18th, 2009 11:43:39 PM

2nd Story
Arm helps Julian to his feet and of course, the warrior is eager to get at the baddies!

Thar heads toward the combat area, but stops to check out the middle room. He doesn't spot anything and goes ahead and shuts the door behind him. No sense in undo surprises!

Shadow zips around and positions himself so that he can get a good look at the room with the guards. He's got a great view of the elder guard, and sees the elbow of the younger guard. Peering around the corner, he sees the younger guard reach out and touch the elder guard. Many of the elder guards wounds start to close up. Out of the corner of his eye, Shadow spots a flicker of movement as the young guard shifts position...he's pretty sure he spots a feminine figure held close against the young guard! She's bound and gagged and looks scared. Of course, she probably has good reason, seeing as there's a shortsword held to her throat!

Through the message spell, Ruby queries whether it would be feasible for her to wing off a couple of attacks. It is more than a little unnerving knowing that there might well be captives in the room.

1st Floor
From his guard position on the first floor, Wynum continues to advise the group to get out. Finding that there are no windows to look through, he looks about the room, always on the watch for anything out of the ordinary. He still doesn't see or hear anything suspicious.

OOC: Ok Florian, I confess that I'm really confused by your post... You're on the first floor of the building on the window side of the warehouse, right? There really aren't any windows on the first floor, but that really doesn't matter. Also, please note that there is a 1st Floor tab on the map. I've put Wynum on there, so he really doesn't need to be on the 2nd story map. :)

OOC: I'll continue to post the Map, but please go ahead and edit the google document to reflect your moves. This is a really big help to me. Thanks guys!!

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 6:02:42 AM

Arm moves to a point behind Shadow, gripping his sword tightly in anticipation of attacking, but holding back at the thought that he may endanger hostages.

OOC: Nellie, I actually got the google docs to work...yay! I updated my position on the map, but I'll have to check later to see if it actually updated. :)

Thursday February 19th, 2009 12:02:52 PM

[Wynum actually ran *outside* (map updated, didn't notice the tab!). He's standing roughly beneath the 2nd floor windows and trying to peer up through them. Judging from the map, he could see something. How much does he sees of the hostage situation?]

Whispering through the message spell:
"I'm out below the windows. I think I see someone to the right. Can I shoot?"

(Further actions depending on what he sees!)

Thursday February 19th, 2009 12:24:34 PM

Nellie update....my little guy has the stomach virus (again!!). I'm still going to try and post tonight, but if I don't that's what's going on.

Florian, I'm really sorry, but the windows on the other two windows are boarded up (finally figured out how to merge cells on the google map, so now you can read that). I didn't understand previously that you wanted to go *outside* of the building. Now that I understand, feel free to place yourself wherever you want to be (including someplace on the 2nd story if that's where you want to be...**know** I understand what you were intending to do ). I just didn't understand what your intentions were. I don't want you to lose any actions, so you are free to place yourself wherever you need to be. :)

Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 16) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 1:42:56 PM

Edmund follows along behind everyone else and finally arrives near the hostage situation.

"Do you want me to try to incapacitate him with a spell," Edmund asks. "I can possibly put him to sleep or fascinate him. Or, barring that, I may be able to kill him outright. Of course, if it fails . . ."

Edmund watches the situation with grave concern and wonders whether he will really be able to pull it off if requested to do so.

((Waiting until I see what everyone else has to say before I finish my action this round. Don't want to start chucking spells without some sort of agreement.))

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 26/47] 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 2:01:17 PM

Shadow motions to trade places with Arm and he says quietly, "stay here for a second" and he moves back towards Edmund. Once he is a few steps away from the door he says quietly to Ed, "Do you have the ability left to turn one of us invisible again? If you do Arm or I could go in and try to grab the hostage before they know what is going on and the rest could rush in for the rescue." Shadow hopefully lays out a decent plan for the rescue of the councilwoman.

Thar  d20+13=24 ; 2d8+6=17 ;
Thursday February 19th, 2009 4:34:41 PM

Confident that the middle room is safe, Thar moves toward Shadow. (Assuming they all still have the message spell), Thar says, "That's a good idea Shadow. We could charge in and one of you could get her free. Let me know what you exactly want us to do... Is there anyway that someone could charge in through the window, sort of how the Plateau City SWAT teams enter buildings?"

Deciding that he's got a moment, Thar looks at everyone's condition and since Shadow is still the most grievously wounded, he'll use up another second level spell and heal some more points.

Healed 17 more points so Shadow should be up to 43...

Con = 14 but no hps lost, at least for now...
Spells Cast = MCvE, SM3
2nd level = Burned up 2 spells for CMW, Less Restoration

Wynum - The Plateau City's WHAT team 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 7:37:43 PM

[Nellie thanks for the quick update.]

Wynum stays where he is, below the barred windows. He tries to check very carefully for any crack, disjointed or poorly fitted planks - any gap, even small - (I know the window's quite far away but...).

Having pieced together what's happening inside, he chimes in again.
"I don't want to repeat myself too much, but the councilmen are not here. By that I mean, neither councilman Lynom, nor councilman Mobec, nor councilman Saisset. Now, will you either rush in and finish them before they vanish again - or maybe just leave this trap?"

Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 16) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 8:06:24 PM

Edmund nods and casts Greater Invisibility on Shadow, indicating to Arm that he's next.

((Just an FYI: Shadow will get Greater Invisiblity allowing him to attack and such without losing the spell effects. Arm will only get Invisiblity proper, as Edmund didn't have enough spell slots to memorise more than one of each.))

Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 16) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste 
Thursday February 19th, 2009 8:08:15 PM

((Update to post above.))

Edmund will add into the message spell, "If there are no councilwomen, then that one's an impostor. All the better that Shadow is invisible to finish them off using the element of surprise!"

Thursday February 19th, 2009 8:51:45 PM

LOL...ummmm...councilman Saisset is actually a girl...shrug...symantics have never been my thing.

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 31+14 Raging (Mage Armour)  d20=14 ;
Thursday February 19th, 2009 9:42:49 PM

Julian is very agitated - waiting is not his thing, not even for 6 seconds.

He moves into the middle room, not closing the door behind. He walks to the far wall to inspect, tapping around with his knuckles looking for beams within the structure (or is it a brick wall?)

Search? +0
Wis? +1
Int? +0
unmodified roll: 14

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless 
Friday February 20th, 2009 6:07:11 AM

Arm switches places with Shadow (OOC: hope you don't mind but I updated YOUR position on the map as well ;) ). While he's waiting for Ed to make him invisible, he yells into the room, "You realize that if you continue to resist, you'll never leave this building alive...whether or not you kill the hostage. Your best course of action is to surrender and let the authorities decide your fate.".

Once he is invisible, he will move in with Shadow and attempt to grab the hostage.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 43/47]  d20+15=31 ; d20+14=16 ; d6+2=8 ;
Friday February 20th, 2009 9:36:10 AM

"Thanks Thar" Shadow says as he is healed once again. "On the count of 5 after Edmund is done we move into the room, and then count to 15 silently and we will go for it. You try to get the woman and I will try and take out the elder guard holding her." Shadow quietly says to Arm. "Now you all will need to rush in once you hear us go for it, at about a 15 count."

"5..4..3..2..1.." Shadow will move in as quietly as he can, and position himself behind the elder guard all the while counting to himself, "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15" and as soon as he sees the woman move from being grabbed by Arm he will step forward trying to shove his rapier through the elder guard.

Move Silently=31
to hit=16 (not sure of what bonuses I should get from being invisible and attacking from behind, but I will use a heroic point to make sure I hit)
dmg=8 (not sure of what I truly get from attacking from behind with surprise - used to be at least double damage for thieves but i don't have my PHB at work so I can't look it up)

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps  d20+13=18 ; d20+13=21 ; d6+4=10 ; d6+4=5 ; d6=3 ;
Friday February 20th, 2009 12:27:32 PM

Thar listens to Shadow's plan and nods his understanding. Before the fun begins, he'll cast Magic Weapon on his fire sword to boost it's ability...

Once the silent count is done and Arm and Shadow make their moves, he'll charge in towards the nearest enemy with both swords blazing...

Attack 1 = AC 18 for 10 pts + 3 fire
Attack 2 = AC 20 for 4 pts +

(MW lasts for 6 mins ..))

Con = 14 but no hps lost, at least for now...
Spells Cast =
3rd level = MCvE, SM3
2nd level = Burned up 2 spells for CMW, Less Restoration
1st level = MWeapon

(Nellie)  d20+6=8 ;
Friday February 20th, 2009 12:35:26 PM

Whoa guys, let's just get one rounds actions at a time. I don't mind if you want to add some flavor now that you've got a plan, but just stick to one action for this round please. I am hoping to get a DM post in this afternoon.

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 24(25)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Friday February 20th, 2009 7:18:19 PM

Ruby listens with great interest to the ideas that are being thrown around. With a nod of her head, she places herself near the door but so that those invisible can go in first. When it is time, she will lunge through the door herself and go for the guard that is not grappling with the councilwoman.

Seems to her that the other one will be handled rather nicely by the two invisible people anyways. If nothing else she can place her own body inbetween this one and the councilwoman, meaning that he will need to go through her first.

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless) 
Friday February 20th, 2009 10:08:51 PM

She will move up to stand near Ruby and listen to the plans of the others. The paladin nods, and prays that it will work. Once the others make their moves to save the captive, she will rush in with the others and hope for the best.

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 31+14 Raging (Mage Armour) 
Saturday February 21st, 2009 12:35:06 AM

Julian is looking to kick his way through the wall. He wonders to himself how soon after ten does fifteen come...

Best Laid Plans (Nellie)  d20+17=37 ; d20+17=23 ; 2d6+4=14 ; 5d6=15 ;
Saturday February 21st, 2009 12:49:45 AM

A plan of attack is formulated and instituted. In the meantime, Thar takes the time to heal Shadow some more. Edmund casts his spell and Shadow disappears from view... (OK, the plan is that Shadow waits until Arm has his invisibility spell, right?! I'll amend the post after I know the answer to that question.) Ruby and Kirsten stand by, ready to assist once Shadow and Arm are in.

Julian can't stand the inactively and bursts into the room that Thar just secured. Throwing aside a couple of moldy bags, he begins tapping at the wall looking for weak spots. After a couple of seconds he finds a promising area. Still, he anticipates that it will take him several rounds (we'll say about 5) before he could cause enough damage to the wall to get through to the other side. Suddenly there is a searing pain in Julian's back! Spinning around, who should he see but his very on dance partner from before! Julian feels a large gush of blood flowing from the expertly placed wound. (29 damage and 1 Con. Pt. lost. I show that Julian is now at a Con score of 14.) Julian feels the blade get pushed deeper. His limbs begin to tingle frighteningly as the blade nears his spine (Fort. DC19 or be paralyzed).

Outside, Wynum examines the window closely, there are a couple of small holes, but really not anything he can snipe through. (Good idea, though Florian!!)

Inside the hostage room, Arm's comment is met with laughter. "Yeah, like you stopped us in the streets?! Are you really willing to risk these good peoples lives? You really have no idea what you're up against, do you? Pathetic!" Arm notices that one of the guards disappears from view!

OOC: If possible, I'd like to post this weekend to make up for the lost post.


Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 2 +14 Raging (Mage Armour)  d20+13=31 ; d20+13=29 ; d10+6=7 ; d6=6 ; d12+6=10 ;
Saturday February 21st, 2009 2:47:50 AM

Julian shakes the sword out from his shoulder and faces the woman. He carefully aims his blow, swinging with carefully trained precision, with unstoppable strength, with the natural killing power of the barbarian.
"You look tired. Why don't you lie down for a while?"
Hit AC 31 / 10
damage 7+6 =13 NON LETHAL damage
"Hey Ruby, why don't you join me here?"

Julian has suffered 25 + 29 = 54 points damage, + 2 Con loss (7 hp lost): total 61 down
63 hp originally
Fort Save 29 :)
Raging second time today (different encounter, right? Having left the fight downstairs, had a moment to catch my breath again...)

Saturday February 21st, 2009 12:59:13 PM

Wynum thinks for a second then puts back his bow in its sheath, then draws and loads his sling, moving a bit {map updated}.

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 24(25)] [message, magic circle, haste]  d20+10=20 ; d6+3=5 ;
Saturday February 21st, 2009 6:36:56 PM

Hearing the call for assistance and seeing how she is close to the door anyways, she moves in that direction. What she finds, is not what she was expecting and she says nothing as she nods to Julian. Without any extra thought on her part she brings her rapier lancing in at the lady that is harrassing Julian, trying to find some opening in her armor.

[Ruby vs. Lady - hit: 20 and damage: 5]

[Figured could get out one attack at least if she moved into the room. Not sure if she would get any flanking bonuses with Julian or not so not going to apply them.]

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps 
Sunday February 22nd, 2009 5:39:57 PM

Thar waits for the action to begin in the hostage room...

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless 
Monday February 23rd, 2009 6:00:13 AM

As Arm awaits Ed's invisibility spell (I would imagine Shadow will wait for me until I am invisible as well), Arm retorts, "We shall see who is pathetic when this is over. For us to leave here would not be any worse than their deaths.".

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 43/47]  d20+15=33 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+5=15 ;
Monday February 23rd, 2009 2:11:25 PM

Shadow will wait for Arm to disappear, and then he will head into the room. He will position himself behind the guard holding the captive. He will try and see any other advantages that he might make use of.

Move Silently=33

OOC: Sorry for the multi-turn post, but thought we might have that much time because of the hostage situation.

Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 16) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste 
Monday February 23rd, 2009 3:15:10 PM

Edmund follows up by casting Invisibility on Arm. (Reminder: Shadow has Greater Invisibility.)

"Alright guys," he whispers. "That's no councilwoman. If you can take her... or it... alive, we can probably squeeze more than a little information out of her... or it. Good luck!"

Arm AC 22 HP 33/33 Message Bless  d20=13 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 5:58:50 AM

Once he is invisible, Arm follows Shadow into the room, this time standing in front of the guard, providing a flanking opportunity for Shadow, should he decide to attack (move silently=13).

Ok, On Three...One, Two, Thr... (Nellie)  2d6=8 ; 2d6=10 ; d20+15=26 ; d6+2=8 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+15=23 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+12=21 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 8:04:15 AM

Everyone anxiously awaits the shock and awe...

Edmund casts his Invisibility spell on Arm, while Shadow, already endowed with Greater Invisibility mentally goes through his plan of attack. As soon as Arm is ready, he heads into the room. (Since Shadow and Arm are both invisible, I'm emailing what happens to them so that they can have fun RPing it.) As Shadow contemplates his new position, he feels a burning from one of his old wounds (Fort. save DC17 or 9 pts. Con. Damage!). Meanwhile, Thar and Kirsten wait for the signal to head into the hostage room. Outside the door, they hear a couple of thuds and the sounds of spell casting. Th en there is a terrible laughter from one of the guards. "Play games with me, will you?! Let's see how you like this..." Shadow and Arm watch in horror as the younger guard (at least, I think that's the one with the hostage....LOL!) runs his shortsword across the dark haired captives throat! There is a muffled scream and then terrible silence as the hostage slumps to the ground bleeding profusely!

In the other room, Julian suddenly figures out where the lady has gone. With heroic effort, he brings his falchion down full force on her and slices a big gash on her arm. There is a rugged determined look on her face as Ruby shows up. Ruby finds that no matter how she tries, she can't flank the pesky lady. Ruby takes a slice at her, but she barely misses. Julian also experiences the uncomfortable burning as the poison attempts to invade his body (Fort. save DC11 or 2 pt. Dex. Damage from the previous poison). Meanwhile, the raven haired shapechanger grins as she plundges her shortsword into Julian once more (8pts. dam., 1 pt. Con loss). With amazing grace she tumbles out of Ruby and Julian's reach and melts into the shadows (17 and up on Spot, you know where she is, otherwise Listen DC21 gives 50% chance of hit).

Outside, Wynum switches weapons and waits. It's pretty clear outside. Apparently after the priest incident, nobody cares to play neighborhood watch.

OOC: I apologize for not posting last night, but the internet went down in the hotel I was at. :(

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 33/47]  d20+5=24 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+9=24 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 12:09:43 PM

Shadows post is via email.

Fort save=24

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 2 +14 Raging (Mage Armour)  d20+13=21 ; d20+3=14 ; d20+5=6 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 7:22:33 PM

Fort save 21
Con down to 13 ( no extra hp loss at the moment)
Spot 14
Listen 6

Julian swings his pack off his shoulders, and quickly rummages through for his tanglefoot bags.

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps  d20+13=27 ; d20+7=15 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 8:19:15 PM

Since it sounds like the game is afoot, Thar looks at Kirsten and says, "Ready?" He then kicks in the door (or opens it, but I wanted it to sound cooler) and tumbles to the left, trying to gain an idea of who is where in the room, while clearing the way for Kirsten to enter...

Spot = 27
Tumble = 15

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste]  d20+6=14 ; d20+6=14 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=17 ; d6+3=9 ; 2d6+3=10 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 10:45:47 PM

With little recourse open to her as she is not even sure where the lady tumbled to, she moves to put her back near Julian. If by chance she should happen to bump into something hidden as she is moving back, she will dive forward into a roll. This should give her distance and maybe put her out of reach of whatever it is.

As she does move she glances to Julian to see what he is going to do. She cannot really figure out anything of her own to do. Her only idea would involve something that would be useless at this point. The ony thing that she knows she can do is set up her little ruse, though she has used it before...that was against a different opponent.

[listen 14 and spot 14, tumble 16]
[held attack - hit: 32*crit17* and damage: 9*crit10*]

Tuesday February 24th, 2009 10:47:08 PM

Julian, please don't forget that 8pts. of damage from the woman.

Wynum  d20+19=37 ; d6+4=7 ; d20+3=8 ;
Tuesday February 24th, 2009 11:47:43 PM

This time Wynum shouts loud and clear, trying to get heard from up there in a oh-so clever ruse:

"Tell me if they get out! I stay here!"

Then he shoots a slingshot at the rightmost window, banging the planks hard enough to dent one - but most important to make some serious affirmation of his presence. (sunder hit 37, 7dmg - though it's irrelevant)

He then moves away, stealthily (half speed, map updated), and whispers:
"I'll move to the front and come up."
[Move silently 8]

[OOC: Btw Nellie if I'm correct the dopplegangers Tumble out of combat to avoid AoOs. Is that a special Feat/ability of theirs, or is that a game specific use of the skill that we can also use? If yes, is the DC higher than going past/through? Very much important for Shadow and Wynum!]

Great question Florian!! I'm using the standard rules in the PHB. The dopples are very skilled at performing the tumbles, but they don't have any special feats. Tumble can be used with a half move to avoid AoO's. The DC is 15, but you add +2 to the check for each opponent you have. Very handy if you can acquire the skill!!---Nellie

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 2 +8 Raging (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday February 25th, 2009 2:19:40 AM

OOC: Sorry - it took me all day to write that, so I had to refresh a few times to see if others had updated. You can see that I have amended the header in this post.

Rage round 3 of 7

Hey, don't worry about it...just wanted to make sure you knew where you were at as far as HP. I forget things all the time...LOL!! Love the tanglefoot bag idea!!---Nellie

Arm AC 22 HP 25/33  d20+9=22 ; d20+4=21 ; d8+6=10 ; d8+6=9 ;
Wednesday February 25th, 2009 6:05:40 AM

rolls for email post.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 33/47]  d20+14=30 ; d6+2=5 ;
Wednesday February 25th, 2009 9:26:21 AM

email post

to hit=30
dmg=5 (not sure if Shadow will get a crit - attacks from behind?)

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 33/47]  d20=11 ;
Wednesday February 25th, 2009 12:07:59 PM


Edmund (HP: 44/44, AC 20) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield 
Wednesday February 25th, 2009 6:20:41 PM

Edmund takes advantage of the assault by Arm and Shadow to cast Shield on himself.

"Alright," he whispers into the Message spell. "I'm ready. They'll not get past my fireballs!"

Dancing on the Ceiling (Nellie)  2d6=8 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+15=28 ; d6+2=5 ; d20+15=33 ; d6+2=7 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 1:30:44 AM

With the hostage down, the Mithril Order determine to press in on the shape shifters.

Ready for action, Thar kicks at the already open door and tumbles toward the left. As soon as he enters the room, something bizarre happens. Suddenly Thar feels the floor slip from underneath his feet as he is pulled toward the ceiling. His stomach turns and threatens to empty its contents as gravity itself seems to have reversed itself! Before he knows it, Thar finds himself lying flat on his back on the ceiling (8pts. of damage)! Somewhere nearby he feels something brush up against him and then move away. (Even though Thar was tumbling, I'm ruling that it doesn't reduce the fall damage, since Thar wasn't aware that he was going to be falling. Thar is prone on the ceiling. It takes a move action to get to his feet.) From his interesting new position, Thar sees the room clearly. There is the former hostage lying on the floor in a large pool of blood. The younger guard is just behind her and has a cocky smirk on his face. Over on the left side of the room there are four chests. One is empty, the other has something squirming in it, and the remaining two are closed. Thar also hears something hit the ground near the hostage.

Falling from the ceiling, the invisible Shadow lands very close to the hostage. The smell of blood is nausiating, and rage boils up inside him like a snake ready to strike. Wait...what was that...could it be that he just saw the woman's finger twitch?! Could it possibly be that the hostage is not dead yet?! Arm watches the guard step toward the open chest and then he casts a spell. As the young guard disappears from view, he calls out. "How sad! Such bloodshed just because you are too stuborn to negotiate. Will you make me kill this hostage as well?! Leave the room, give me the vials and I will release the remaining three hostages alive. If not, I will be forced to kill the one called Lynom."

In the hallway, Kirsten hears a thud as something falls to the floor in front of the door (the invisible Arm! 5pts of fall damage). Edmund spots Arm's rather ungraceful arrival as he casts a prep spell. Then Edmund sees something more disturbing! The older guard peaks his head out of the doorway and crawls along the wall toward him! Crawling off the wall, he moves right in front of Edmund and spears him with his shortsword. As he does, he pops into the view of Arm and Kirsten. The guard looks frustrated at the mage, as if he expected the strike to do much more damage (5pts. damage and 1 pt. Con loss).

In the other room...

Julian and Ruby face their own problems as the pesky female warrior does the disappearing trick. Julian starts rooting around in his pack...a strip of beef jerky...some matches...ahhh...there's the tanglefoot bag! Meanwhile, Ruby falls back on her previous tactics...back to back with Julian, waiting for the opportunity to pounce on the unsuspecting. Her shortsword in his side, the woman suddenly appears next to Julian. She smiles as the halfling warrior slumps to the ground (7 pts. dam. and 1 pt. Con loss), but is caught off guard by Ruby's immediate counter attack.

OOC: Julian, you took 8 pts. of damage last round...shouldn't that be 4 temp. HP left, not 8???

Down on the ground...

Wynum fires off a round and cracks a board...just a ruse for the enemy as he begins working his way around the building to link up with his friends!


Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp -7 (Mage Armour) 
Thursday February 26th, 2009 2:20:11 AM

OOC yes, I ended up rushing. Sorry. 14 - 8 = 6 though, plus the 2 normal hitpoints takes me to 0. The extra Con loss is more hp draining away...

Julian, caught off guard by the dance partner from hell, slumps forward onto his knees. His momentum carries him forward and he lands solidly on his face. With his arms beside him he has one hand still gripping his sword, the other still holding 4 small bags.

Goodnight, brave halfling. Sleep well, little fool.

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1  3d6=10 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 4:04:01 AM

((Forgot my Haste bonus. Edmund's AC is 21--and 23 vs. Evil when within range of Thar's MCvE effect.))

Letting out a howl of pain, the half-elf mage flies five feet diagonally up and backwards away from the guard and conjures up his most fearsome spell.

Uttering the words darkly, a scowl on his face, Edmund works something of pure devilry, directing it upon the guard who has wounded him. What Edmund creates, no one else can see--in fact, even Edmund only sees a vague shadow--but the guard's view of the situation is far, far more terrifying. It is, in fact, a Phantasmal Killer. (Will Save DC 21; if failed, Fort Save DC 21. If Fort save failed, target dies from fear. If Fort save succeeds, target takes 10 damage)

"One of those guards is out here!" he shouts into the Message spell. "He's stabbed me with a sword!"

Arm AC 22 HP 20/33  d20+7=24 ; d20+4=5 ; d8+6=13 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 7:20:52 AM

Arm lets loose with several curses that would make even the most rowdy sailor blanch, and picks himself up off of the floor.

OOC: Sorry, didn't take into account my getting up off of the floor...I'll save my attack on E1 until tomorrow. :)

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless)  d20+10=13 ; d8+4=6 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 10:41:59 AM

Kirsten will turn and step forward to attack E1 after it attacks Edmund. She seems distracted, however, wondering what the mage could be up to.

Attack E1: AC 13, for 6 DMG

Thursday February 26th, 2009 11:33:48 AM

Wynum moves quickly around the building (160', mapped).

[OCC: I drew the stairs on the first floor. Is that how you meant it to be? Also (this will have some importance) is the area right above the stair open on its whole length (as suggested by the 2nd floor plan)?]
[OOC: Also... what I meant is that the PHB's rule covers tumbling "past" or "through" opponents, not "away from". Hence my question!]

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20=11 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 2:02:51 PM

Shadow is not sure what he could do for the hostage that appears still alive. He suddenly thinks, I might be able to staunch the flow of blood to give her a little more time. He hurries over to her and tries to use her own clothing (stretching but ripping if he must) to try and bandage the wound.

bandage (DC=11) - but I think I will use one of Shadows Heroic Points to try and stop this from happening

OOC: Next round he will try and track down the guard in the room.

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps 
Thursday February 26th, 2009 3:22:16 PM

Thar takes a moment to get his bearings, since literally, his world has been upside down.

He tries to quickly decipher what is going on (Arcane = ) too and says "Ed, can you identify this affect???"

Moving quickly while talking, he goes to ....

(OOC = I'm a little unclear re: if E2 is against the floor or the ceiling. If he's on the floor, can I reach him with my swords? If not, I was going to cast dispel magic to try to eliminate this wierd affect. If I can reach him, I was going to move to Y22 and then attack...)

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste]  d20+15=27 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+11=25 ; d6+3=9 ; d6+3=8 ; d20+11=19 ; d4+2=5 ;
Thursday February 26th, 2009 9:29:04 PM

Ruby watches as Julian goes down, but has no choice but to try and take out the pesky woman before she can turn her attention to that matter. Then a thought that maybe someone else can help enters her mind and she calls out through the message spell. "Julian is down and I have a problem in here still alive and kicking...assistance would be good." The first flick of her rapier is an attempt to flick the weapon out of the woman's hand, before she turns the rest of her uses of the rapier into strikes at vulnerable spots. Not to be taken lightly she brings the longdagger in her other hand to snake strike at the woman from the other side.

[improved disarm vs. woman - hit: 27]
[rapier vs. woman - hit: 16*hero point*/25 and damage: 9/8]
[longdagger vs. woman - hit: 19 and damage: 5]

Dancing on the Ceiling II (Nellie)  d20+9=13 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+5=19 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+20=40 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=20 ; d100=61 ;
Friday February 27th, 2009 1:22:47 AM

In the hostage room...
Shadow struggles to close the woman's wounds Removing a cloth from his belt, he stauches most of the blood and notices that the woman's breathing is no longer ragged, though she is still unconcious. (No hero points needed here).

Thar gets up on his feet to stand on the ceiling. It's odd, but the rest of the room isn't upside down. His enemy, the younger guard, and the chests are firmly on the floor. Since he can't attack the guard (who is inivisible anyway!), Thar sees if he can't dispel the strange spell he finds himself in. He casts his spell, but remains firmly glued on the ceiling (Thar's caster level for cleric spells is 5th, right?). Just after he finishes casting, there is a strange burning from his old wound (Fort. DC 24 or 8 pts. Str. damage from previous poison).

Thar and Shadow hear the invisible guard sigh. "Very well then, if this is how it must be. I must say, I am disappointed..." (taking E2 off the map since he's invisible and no one can see him).

In the hall...
Skewered, the bleeding Edmund has had enough of this little game. He floats up and out of range. A shadowy figure appears behind the elder guard who very uncharacteristically screams like a girl at the sight! A small gash appears in his side seemingly out of nowhere. Kirsten follows up with a hasty attack that doesn't connect, while Arm picks himself up off the floor and readies himself for next round. Looking more than a little shaken, the elder guard tumbles out of Kirsten and Arm's reach and disappears into the shadows (ummm...he got a nat. 20 for the hide and the listen, so pretty much nobody can see him this round).

In the other room...
Ruby watches as Julian falls. He's bleeding massively (Julian does not stabilize this round, and is at -7 this round), but she has other pressing matters. With expert skill, she swats aside the warrior woman's shortsword, which goes skittering across the room. Continuing her onslaught, she strikes out repeatedly, but only manages to get past the woman's defenses once. Brused and battered, the woman tumbles away from Ruby (no AoO) and heads toward her dropped weapon. She picks it up and blends into the shadows once again (Spot 17 and up...Moves Silently was a nat. 1, so you pretty well know where she is...50% chance of miss, however).

Wynum moves quickly across the outer perimeter, ready to join up with his brothers in arms. (Well, the stairs would be angled, of course. And yes, there is a open space in front of the staircase. As far as the tumbling out of combat to avoid AoO's, obviously if the baddies can do it, then the PC's can to.)


Arm AC 22 HP 20/33 
Friday February 27th, 2009 6:02:46 AM

Frustrated, Arm brushes past Kirsten in the general direction that his foes took, calling out "If you are so confident, why do you hide so much from us? You are lower than the weakest washerwoman, and we all laugh at your fright!".

Wynum  d20+34=43 ; d20+34=48 ; d20+34=50 ; d20+6=20 ;
Friday February 27th, 2009 10:23:24 AM

Moving towards the stairs, Wynum hops up on the first third then makes two standing long jumps above the stairs. He fittingly appears at the second floor landing, sling in hand.

"Where are the corpses? And the enemy?", he whispers, with short breath.

(Jump 34 for hop up, then 48 and 50. I assumed each 5' "stair-square" to be about 1,5' high. I have written the movement points on the map to clarify.)
[Spot:.. trying out my luck with a nat 20... nope]

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste]  2d8+3=14 ;
Friday February 27th, 2009 8:18:00 PM

With the woman dashing away to get to her weapon and then slipping into the shadows, Ruby makes a decision that might cost here in the longrun. Kneeling by Julian, she lays both her weapons upon the floor and then pulls out a potion from her haversack. "You had better not die on me." Keeping one eye upon Julian and at the same time trying to watch for the woman, he feeds the potion to Julian.

[Julian - 14 HP healed]

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps  d20+11=29 ; d20+13=19 ;
Friday February 27th, 2009 9:56:33 PM

Thar feels the poison try to work its way through his system, but he luckily resists its affects (Fort = 29). Sadly, he doesn't have the same luck with his spell and he's still stuck to the ceiling.

Since his enemy is still invisible, Thar tries to see if he can get an idea of where he is... (Spot = 19...) It seems for now, at least, he can't find him.

(OOC = Am I glued to the ceiling or merely upside down?....)

If Thar can move, he yells at Shadow (loud enough for hopefully all of the invisible guys to hear), "Get the wench and let's get out of here... We've got hurt people everywhere and these guys aren't worth our trouble... They want the damn vails and we've already sold them... Let the catacombs worry about them, not us!!! He'll try to begin moving out of the room if he can move... If he can't, he'll try his best to break free of the magic...

(OOC = Does haste and magic circle against evil help me at all in this case????)

Thar is not glued to the ceiling. It's reverse gravity. If you want Thar to enter the hostage room, you can. Either way, once you leave the reverse gravity area, you will fall.---Nellie

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless) 
Saturday February 28th, 2009 9:39:08 AM

The paladin looks thoroughly frustrated when their foe once again disappears. Kirsten curses faintly and then turns to the others.

"Thar's right," she agrees. "We need to get out of here and stop playing around with these people."

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps  d20+7=23 ;
Saturday February 28th, 2009 12:31:54 PM

Since Thar can move, he'll try his best to move out of the reverse gravity area. He'll leave the room and using his Tumble skill, he'll try to fall gracefully to the floor when he leaves the effected room...

Tumble = 23
(DC 15= Treat a fall as if it were 10 feet shorter than it really is when determining damage.)

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1 
Saturday February 28th, 2009 1:55:19 PM

Edmund flies towards the hostage room door, ready to start throwing fireballs at the vicinity of any disappearing foes.

"I've had enough of this," he announces to the enemies. "Either show yourselves, or my fireballs will set you on fire and we'll find you by the light of your burning flesh."

"The time for surrender is now." he adds, firmly. "I suggest you take advantage of it before it passes."

Jay, Nellies assistant 
Saturday February 28th, 2009 2:03:15 PM

Hello folks. We need to ask you to post your PC sheets this week, please. It helps you, us and your co-players in the long run. Thanks for your cooperation. :)

LOL...Jay is too humble! Folks, Jay is my new co-DM. We need to have a look at everyone's sheets, and I haven't had the time to do it. If you could please post a link to your google docs copy of your sheet, that would be most appreciated! Oh, and make sure your sheet is up to date. :) Thanks folks!---Nellie

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Saturday February 28th, 2009 10:28:33 PM

Character sheet is updated after the use of a potion and hero point. You should be able to get to it just by clicking on her name in the Post Field. :)

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Saturday February 28th, 2009 11:26:13 PM


Julian's eyes open and he almost chokes on the potion.
"Yes, Domi, ready to serve you.
"What?! Here again?

Julian crawls to his feet, sword in hand, looks Ruby in the eyes and says humbly, "Thank you."

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1 
Sunday March 1st, 2009 1:49:24 PM

(Character sheet at : http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dgf47fxt_5ftj5vrc7 -- also available via the Woldipedia Plateau City page, link at bottom)

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 12:02:43 AM

testing the html in the title bar

Arm AC 22 HP 20/33 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 6:00:15 AM

Mine's at http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc6mf9qf_0dg93tb8g&hl=en...sorry, don't know how to do the name-link thingy :)

Jay, Nellies assistant 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 11:39:35 AM

OOC: Thanks all, this will help tons. ~Jay

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20+9=16 ; d20+5=22 ;
Monday March 2nd, 2009 1:54:40 PM

OOC: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfnk5hq_0hk7sz7fv&hl=en, and I would like to know how you put as a link in your name (I would do that if I knew how - I tried to inspect and it was garbage :)

IC: Shadow is relieved to have stabilized the woman and tries to locate his foe.


Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 1:55:25 PM

I hope it is up to date (It is as far as I can tell, but it seems so long ago that I actually updated it)

Thar AC 26/25, 62/70 hps 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 2:19:34 PM

Here is Thar's....

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Monday March 2nd, 2009 7:30:00 PM

Shadow, just use the following and add in the bracket at the end of the [/link and it will work.

[link href="http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfnk5hq_0hk7sz7fv&hl=en"]Shadow[/link

Once you paste this into your field it will be there everytime for you.

Slippery Shadows (Nellie)  d6=4 ; d20+15=30 ; d6=3 ; d20+15=25 ; d6=1 ; d20+15=17 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 1:17:39 AM

Wynum moves quickly across the outer perimeter, ready to join up with his brothers in arms. (Well, the stairs would be angled, of course. And yes, there is a open space in front of the staircase. As far as the tumbling out of combat to avoid AoO's, obviously if the baddies can do it, then the PC's can to.)

In the hostage room...
Shadow does his best to spot the younger guard, but he can't see the slippery fellow.

In the other room...
Knowing that time is of the essence, Ruby gives Julian a life saving potion. Wounds close, and the grateful halfling finds his way to his feet.

In the hall..
Unable to locate his foe, Arm calls out insults to his unseen foes. Meanwhile, Wynum comes tearing back into the building and bounding up the stairs. Out of breath, he searches for the unseen foes.

Meanwhile, Thar tumbles from the ceiling (4 pts. fall damage) and narrowly avoids hitting Edmund who has positioned himself outside the door. As soon as he takes his spot, he sees one of the guards clinging to the side of the wall.

Things suddenly liven up as the older guard and female warrior suddenly appear and shoot down the hall and into the first room. They tumble out the window and land with a soft thud outside.

Edmund sees the young guard land in the doorway under him and then withdraws down the hallway. Arm and Kirsten both hear the distinctive sounds of footfall nearby. (AoO from Arm and Kirsten, since the fellow was being so loud (roll 50% miss chance..1-50 fails).


Arm AC 22 HP 20/33  d100=5 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 6:01:14 AM

Arm tries in vain to swing at the area that he thought he heard something, but fears he only hit the air (chance to miss: 5...DOH!!!).

Arm AC 22 HP 20/33 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 6:01:34 AM

WOOHOO, the link worked :)

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20+10=30 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 9:39:30 AM

Shadow will check the open chest to see if the figure in it is still alive. He hesitates to cross the 'anti-gravity' area, so stays in the room to check the chests for traps.

Search=30 (nat. 20)

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 9:39:58 AM

OOC: Thank you so much (it works).

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless)  d100=4 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 10:00:10 AM

Kirsten, hearing footsteps, moves to strike out with her warhammer but finds that her ears are not quite as reliable as she might have hoped. (miss = 4)

Wynum AC18/23 vs. E2 (mobility+dodge)  d20=9 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 10:17:56 AM

Important: Wynum would like to act after Edmund (don't want to spoil his fireballing fun) but before the others.

Quickly, Wynum touches the magical hand on his chest, then moves in pursuit to the leftmost room. He rushes towards the window and positions himself in front of it, then whispers:

"Block the door! Grab him if he gets through."

[OOC: Arm/Kirsten, free one hand if needed. Stand just outside the door on row 20 and Ready an action to Grapple him if your hear him get through it. If it fails and you get an AoO as he tries to tumble past, always use Trip instead of an attack. I don't see another way to get him.]

[OOC: Use See Invisibility from the Hand.
I don't know where the door is.
If it's on column Q or R, Wynum will only suffer an AoO (if the ganger chooses to reveal himself) passing by.
If the door's on column S or T, we're in a mess as I can't Overrun. If Wynum can squeeze through colum R that's what he'll do (he has enough speed for that). Otherwise he'll do a standing 15' long jump from row 20 (7.5' high over the changer. I'm rolling the d20 only to check for a nat 1, no need to roll as my jump score is more than 30)
Sorry for the complications - don't want to let them bugger off once more.]

Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 10:31:24 AM

(Sorry I realize it's very much likely the reason I don't see the doors on the map is because of a display bug with my browser. In that case, please enlighten me with their location!)

(Also Edmund, if you've got a Dispel Magic left, please by all means forget the fireball, and target the changer's Bracelet of Friends if he has one: That'll buy us a couple rounds of time to get rid of it physically!)

Thar AC 26/25, 58/70 hps 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 2:32:24 PM

Since his companions are pursuing the fleeing "baddies," Thar moves quickly to the hostage. He checks her wounds (Heal check =

Thar AC 26/25, 58/70 hps  d20+11=20 ; d20+8=10 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 2:34:00 PM

(Sorry, here is the heal check = 20). Thar checks her wounds and attempts to stablize her. However, he doesn't trust her, so while checking her wounds, he'll surreptitiously remove any weapons she might be carrying (Search? = 10)

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1  8d6=30 ;
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 7:05:11 PM

((No more Dispel Magic left for the day. Sorry!))

Edmund watches the young man run off down the hall past Kirsten and Arm. Flying up near the ceiling, he has a fine vantage point and, following, targets the young fellow with a Fireball.

((Edmund will move where necessary to make this shot. He has a 60ft. fly radius thanks to Haste, can make the shot at ranges up to 720ft., and needs line of sight. I do not know if E2 is the guard Edmund saw withdrawing, but I should like to add that Edmund will do everything he can to target a location that can hit the guard but not Wynum (or any other of his friends). If necessary, Edmund will target the ceiling directly above or near the fellow, so that Wynum is not caught in the blast (given a three-dimensional 20 ft. radius as indicated in the spell description).))

"You were warned," he says blandly as the spell sails towards its intended target, detonating with a fiery roar. (Fire Damage=30, Reflex DC 20 for half damage.)

"Now, let's see about your friends," the mage adds. "Perhaps they might now realise I wasn't joking."

"Surrender, you lot!" he shouts. "You'll be treated well and not harmed. Or, you can burn. Your decision, really. I'm not picky!"

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 8:23:59 PM

Ruby just shrugs as Julian slowly stands. "Don't mention it." She was more than happy to make sure that he survived, if for no other reason than it proved her loyalties. As she grabbed back up her two weapons she was also moving towards the door, but slowly as she is not sure if their attacker is still in the room. She had been distracted with healing someone and not paying as much attention as she should have.

Have the gotten away? She cannot help but ask through the link that they are sharing right now about this. Then her thoughts turn to the hostages and she shivers. What about the hostages?

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 9:04:21 PM

"Where's she gone? Darn it!" and in frustration Julian throws one of his tanglefoot bags across the room, striking the wall next to the window.

"What now Ruby?"

Going..Going...Gone (Nellie)  d20+12=25 ; d20+7=10 ; 2d6=5 ; d20+7=26 ; d6=5 ; d20+6=26 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 1:01:26 AM

With two of the guards outside, the Mithril Order split up in order to do the mop up...

Thar heads back into the hostage room. He tries to tumble gracefully back into the reverse gravity area, but isn't very successful. Crawling to the edge, he is able to do a much better job as he tumbles to the hostage's side (10 pts. of damage from the fall up then down). Checking out her wounds, he is further able to stop the flow of blood from the wound on her neck. Still wary, he checks her body over....she is still bound and gagged, but there are no signs of weapons on her body.

Shadow moves over to the chests. He sees a middle aged gentleman bound and gagged in the open chest. From the way he's squirming, he doesn't look too bad off. Moving over to the locked chest, Shadow discovers that surprise, surprise...there's a trap. He doubts that he'll have much problem getting around the simple trap (Disable Device DC17).

In the hall...
Arm and Kirsten are stunned by their foes cowardice. Unable to hit as the invisible thing that passes by, they take a good look around them. No foes to be seen.

In the second room...
Ruby is glad to see Julian up and moving, but is worried about the enemy and the hostages. She asks the fate of both, but it would seem that her comrades are busy. She looks anxiously around the room, but finds no sign of the disappearing woman. Frustrated, Julian throws this bag against the wall, where it splatters and covers a section in gooey ick.

In room numero uno...
Edmund flies over and decides to give the little runt a good fireball...floating just below the doorframe, he fires one off. Looking a little startled, the young guard spins out of the way of the ball of fire. Twisting with amazing agilty, he manages to avoid the deluge of fire entirely! Then Wynum activates his hand and shoves his way through the room, blocking off the little twerp's exit. Raising an eyebrow, the guard smiles at the Edmund. "I'm afraid it's time for me to take my leave...another time, perhaps." The fellow's smile is annoying to say the least. "Watch your back...you never know when you'll find my sword sticking out of it!" That being said, he brings his fingers to his lips and lets out a shrill whistle and disappears from sight! Spinning around and looking out the window, Wynum finds that the elder guard and the woman are nowhere to be found.

OOC: This ends the combat. Everyone did very, very well!! I'm awarding one hero point to all combatants. I'll notify you of XP and other hero pts. in the next couple of days. Great job everyone!

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20+10=16 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 9:19:17 AM

Shadow will try and disable the simple device, but fails at his first attempt. He realizes that there is no hurry to get into the chest, so will take a full turn to study it and get it disabled.

Disable Device=16 (then afterwards take 20)

Wynum [See invis. 3 temp hp]  d20+34=40 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 10:12:37 AM

Right after the Guard's whistle, Wynum immediately calls out for everyone to follow, then he squeezes out through the window and down, then activate his Daylight ability. If he can't squeeze (He'll use Escape Artist as needed), he gives his Hand of Glory to Edmund instead, and runs out through the stairs.

If they just ran they can't be further than 120' away at this point. If they hid in shadows, the Daylight would dispel any shadow they're hiding in, and if they used mundane hiding, they can't be further than 60': we're a party of 8 to search and wait them out. Also Kirsten didn't act this round and can immediately use Detect Evil, while Edmund can get a bird's eye view of the situation.

Once spotted, they can hardly flee: both Wynum (80') and Edmund (60'+30') are three times as fast as them. We can gain at least 200' of ground on them every round if they run, and if they're forced to hustle, we can gain ground AND fireball/Staple them to walls at the same time.

Now of course if they all teleported we're bust, but until now only smirk-face used the whistle trick, so Wynum is assuming something can be done. And the only way to be certain of their teleporting abilities for future fights is to do the above!

[Jump down for 3 non-lethal.]

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1  8d6=37 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 12:39:42 PM

Edmund flies straight out the window and after the foes, with no intention of letting them get away. The moment he is within range of them, he will let fly with another Fireball--which he can do at ranges up to 720ft. (Additionally Edmund can fly 60ft. per round, and can fly 120ft. if he doesn't act) (Fire Damage=37, Reflex DC 20 for half--Also, I'm not sure how the guy Reflex DCed his way out of all the damage yesterday, as even a Nat. 20 on a saving throw should still only halve damage--is this a Woldian house rule?)

If Edmund cannot reach the people this round, he'll cast Expeditious Retreat on himself, increasing his speed still further to 90ft./150ft. He will continue to pursue them, with Wynum, and will verbally warn the enemies, if they get within hearing range, that there is no escape and they must surrender.

"Resistance is futile!"

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 12:44:17 PM

((Correction to Edmund's move distances: currently 60/90ft. without Expeditious Retreat; 90/150ft. if he should cast it. Haste doesn't modify base move distances; Expeditious Retreat does. Sorry for any confusion.))

Wednesday March 4th, 2009 2:30:14 PM

Shaking his head, Arm moves back into the room with the hostages. Sighing with relief that the woman is still alive, he begins untying her and removes the gag from her mouth. He then inquires about her well-being, other than the wound to her neck.

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 3:21:30 PM

Feeling like a pinball, Thar bounces up and down on the ceiling. Now that the woman is stabalized, he'll say gently, "Madam, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you bound up. I can't have you getting up and hurting yourself some more. If you move around, you could break open some of your wounds and this is for your own good." With that, he'll use whatever rope or strips of clothing he can find to bind her up so that she can't get away. He'll be gentle, but he still doesn't trust her...

Then, he'll move over to the bound and gagged man and check him for any injuries. He'll remove his gag, but not his bindings. He'll say, "Can you tell me who you are sir? How did you get here?"

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless) 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 6:13:00 PM

At Wynum's call, the paladin will move quickly to the window to climb down after Wynum and Edmund. Once on the ground she will use her Detect Evil ability to see if she can sense where the baddies ran off to and direct the others to follow.

This done, she will begin summoning her trust warhorse, Wolfgang, to help in the pursuit.

(Nellie)  d20+15=17 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=24 ;
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 7:11:18 PM

The young guard has evasion. A successful Reflex save means no damage. Sorry.

DM note, you guys are free to try and pursue the baddies. I do want to remind you that you are in the middle of the city once more. There are lots of alley ways and buildings to hide in. Further, remember, you are in the Nightmare Quarter, which is the nasty, nasty, NASTY part of town. The guards are not the only bad guys in this part of town, and if you go poking around too many of the buildings at this hour of the day (before everyone has slept off their hangovers!), it's likely to get unwanted attention.

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 7:38:07 PM

Worn out, angry, and bleeding Julian is exasperated at this turn of events.
"Darn those cowards."

Watching some of the party give chase Julian calls out "Wait, we can't... they'll just keep... we should stick together. Some other time."

Julian wanders round to the other room where he can hear his friends talking.

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 7:46:24 PM

((Evasion! Well I'm dashed! Blasted rogues!))

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Wednesday March 4th, 2009 8:52:06 PM

Ruby slips both weapons back into their sheaths and sighs. Glancing to Julian she shrugs, as she follows him towards the next room. Leaning against the doorframe she watches the others as they attend to the hostages or at least she hopes they are hostages.

"What is our next move?" She is not sure if they should talk about it outloud here, but she figures that if that is the case someone will tell her. It has been awhile since she has had to do any fighting like this and she is starting to feel it. "Have to get back into shape." Still there is a smile upon her face, though she is not sure how she escaped harm. Then a thought comes to her and she puts her fingers to her lips, giving a three toned whistle.

From the room that she had began in comes the sounds of wings and then a small owl is once again seated upon her shoulder. "I am sorry about leaving you there Hermes...but thought it would be safer." She reaches up and scratches the chest and head of the owl with obvious delight, for both of them.

Flitting Shadows and Other Wrap Up(Nellie) 
Thursday March 5th, 2009 12:30:25 AM

Wynum, Edmund and Kirsten head out the window in search of the fleeing guards. Wynum jumps, Edmund flies, and Kirsten has to settle for shimming down the rope (takes one round...being really nice here). Activating her Detect Evil spell, Kirsten is sent reeling. Once more her paladin senses scream at her to get out of here! The place is practically oozing with evil, and she feels the beginning of a pounding headache. As Edmund hovers in the air, he cannot spot any signs of their prey in the nearby streets. Wynum's hand begins to emanate bright light from around his neck, but he still can't spot the baddies. He does notice what appears to be fresh tracks. (Survival DC14 to follow the tracks).

DM note...you are certainly welcome to continue to pursue the bad guys, but as noted before, there are potential negative consequences. Just want to let you know that ahead of time.

Back in the building...
Shadow's first efforts with the lock are in vain, but he takes his time and works it loose without setting off the trap. As he opens the chest, he sees a finely dressed half-elf bound and gagged and unconscious.

Arm and Thar continue to tend to the wounded hostage. Arm removes her gag, and is about to remove her bonds when Thar suggest leaving them in place. The woman whimpers and tries to speak, but she is extremely weak. The effort is apparently too much and she falls unconscious once more.

Turning to the bound man in the first chest, Thar finds that other than a few bumps on his head, the gentlemen appears to be in relatively good condition. Once the gag is removed, the man looks up at Thar in obvious relief. "Thank goodness you came! I am councilman Lynom. I'm not exactly sure how I got here. I was in my garden, watering my flowerbeds...I remember hearing a brief scuffle nearby and then something hit me in the back of the head. The next thing I knew, I was dressed up like a turkey and stuffed in a chest!"

Ruby and Julian head outside the hostage room. Thankfully, there companions warn them about the reverse gravity inside the room before Julian finds out the hard way.

Thursday March 5th, 2009 6:00:40 AM

Nodding at Thar's sage advice, he moves to Lynom, and gives him a partial explanation of what is going on...not the whole story, just the part about them wanting ot take the place of the councilmembers, as he figures that will spur him to the most action.

Thursday March 5th, 2009 10:17:25 AM

The centaur stomps his hoof on the pavement in further frustration, listening to a little voice of wisdom in his head. He continues to whisper.

"They had their escape well-planned.... we might fall into one more of their traps if we try to pursue in these buildings. They might just as well be in hiding, waiting for us to reveal more information or to strike us down cowardly once more. I think we should regroup and set up another trap of our own, maybe directly at the Manor, as the vial plan is dead now. Kirsten, we should go see Rabbitsfoot with due speed and set up another plan while the rest prepares for another fight with them."

Jay, Nellies assistant 
Thursday March 5th, 2009 11:47:02 AM

OOC: Checking in

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps  d8+5=12 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2009 12:45:40 PM

Thar moves to the latest hostage (1/2 elf that Shadow found) and checks him out for any injuries. If he appears OK, he'll remove the gag and ask the man the same questions as he did with the other hostages.

Then, he'll move back to the young woman and seeing that she's in serious trouble, will case a CLW's upon her, curing 12 pts of dmg...

To the three people, he'll say "Have you seen anyone else that needs rescuing? What do you know about this building?"

Spells used

1st level = 2 used up (Bane, Bless, Shield of Faith left...)
2nd level = burned up 3 spells (only Hold Person left)
3rd level = all gone...

Edmund (HP: 31/36(44), AC 21/23) Message, Mage Armour, Fly, See Invisibility, Bless, Haste, Shield, CON-1  d20=4 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2009 3:21:05 PM

Edmund comes to a stop next to Wynum, and slowly floats down to the ground below.

"Lost them," he says to the centaur. "Very tricky, very adroit, flipping out of the way of my spells. I'll have to remember that one for next time. I think I know how to take care of that."

"All right, chaps," Edmund says into the Message spell. "They seem to have made off. Everything all right up there?"


Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20+10=13 ;
Thursday March 5th, 2009 6:08:59 PM

Shadow moves to the last chest and checks it for anything that might cause them trouble.

Search=13 (but again he will take his time to make sure)

Kirsten (AC 22, HP 81, Bless) 
Thursday March 5th, 2009 8:58:27 PM

Kirsten visibly shudders at the feeling of evil coming from everywhere in this place. She looks rather pale as she brings a hand to her head, as if to rub the feeling away.

She nods at Wynum's suggestion.

"You're right," she mutters. "This place makes me nervous. Too much evil here."

She looks up to Edmund and asks, "Is everyone okay up there?"

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Thursday March 5th, 2009 10:54:10 PM

With Hermes still perched upon her shoulder she listens to the play-by-play through the message spell and smiles. It might not have been a total waste since they saved the councilmen and councilwoman, but the enemy got away. Shaking her head she does not voice any thoughts at this time as she is thinking over a few things and planning a few ideas. "Have to see about a new weapon." With a last sigh she turns her attention back to the room that she is looking into and waits to see what they will be doing next.

Seems that they might just be going home, wherever that is and she feels a pang of regret that she cannot return to her true home anytime soon. A hurt expression passes across her face and the sign of tears can be seen glistening just at the edge of her eyes. She wipes them away, only to have them replaced by new one, while her other hand continues to scratch the head of her friend.

The Councilmembers (Nellie)  d20=10 ;
Friday March 6th, 2009 12:45:55 AM

Wynum, Edmund and Kirsten return to the others. Though they have not defeated the enemy today, the heros know that they have learned many things about their foes Doubtless that the next time the Order runs into the shapechangers, the shoe will be on the other foot!

Meanwhile, Thar and Arm tend to the various Councilmembers. Thar finds the half-elf in the chest unconscious. He looks to have a rather nasty blow to the base of the skull, but is breathing. Returning his attention to the woman, Thar casts his spell and watches as the wound at the woman's neck completely closes, leaving only a thin scab to mark the death dealing blow. The color returns to her cheeks, and she looks up at Thar. "Thank you! Thank Alemi that you came! Oh, it was so dreadful! I don't remember much about how I got here, but they kept locked up in those chests. They would sometimes give us food and water, but we've haven't been outside this room for a long time. Days, I think, but it's hard to tell..." The woman pauses, the stress of the situation obviously wearing on her. From outside the room, Julian and Ruby see Thar apparently tending to their recent opponent (DM note to set off potential player confusion.... Except of course, this woman is the actual Councilman!)!

Arm fills in Lynom in broad terms about the shapshifters. The Concilman frowns, his fine features obviously unused to the motion. "That is very troublesome news! At first I thought that we were probably being held for ransom. Not that unusual for a person of my stature. But...take our places..." the man gasps. "Perhaps they had a more permanent idea in mind all along. Several times I heard them mention something about trying to locate the vials so they could use some Dagger to swap the souls. Then there was a big fight between a couple of them. One of them said that they should just get another shipment of vials from their pirate connections. The other was convinced that if they offered up a reward they could probably get them back. I'm not sure what happened after that." Lynom looks up at Arm. "I don't suppose you can get me out of this chest and take off the ropes? I'm dying to stretch my legs!"

Shadow works on the next lock. At first he doesn't see anything wrong, but he double checks, just to make sure. Yep...definitely trapped. Taking his time, he works at the lock and is able to bypass the trap. Inside the chest he sees a young man in silk pajamas. He's bound and gagged like the others, and thrashing about quite a bit!

Friday March 6th, 2009 6:04:37 AM

Arm smiles at Lynom and releases him from his bonds. Helping him out of the chest, he adds, "There is a much larger plot at work here, as if they'd assume your identities, who knows where they would go after that..I am no councilman, but I strongly suggest that you call a secret meeting among you to discuss the matter...also, you all need to get a gem of true seeing if you're able to use it, as that is the easiest way to tell the imposters from the real people. Until then, trust no one..they can assume anyone's identity at any time.". He then lets him know where they are staying and offers the council their assistance. Looking around appraisingly, he is anxious to get the group together privately so that they can discuss the recent events and how to procure the dagger that Lynom mentioned.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47]  d20+10=30 ;
Friday March 6th, 2009 9:19:22 AM

Shadow will remove the gag and the bindings from the gentleman in the pajamas. He will then move around the rest of the room making sure there is nothing else the group is missing.


Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Friday March 6th, 2009 9:20:04 AM

OOC: The roll was a search roll (forgot to put it in the post - natural 20 btw :) )

Wynum [See invis. Dayligh. 4 temp hp] 
Friday March 6th, 2009 12:32:48 PM

Leaving, Wynum leaves further comments with Edmund outside.

"There is a remote possibility that they will attempt on Rabbitsfoot's life, now that they didn't manage to kill us. Plus, the transfer must be canceled anyways. If for some reason they still believe it to be real, that would lead to unecessary deaths. I suppose we meet at the Manor..."

Wynum's plan (in case we want to play it fast) is to go with Kirsten and see Rabbitsfoot. If he's here, we'd use the signs then tell of the events, making sure no-one can overhear. The idea would be to cancel the transfer and leak to the guards in charge of that transfer that the vials are in fact secured at the Manor. Surely the changers already have searched the Manor thorughly but hopefully that would draw attacks away from civilians and unto the Order.

Edmund  d20+12=16 ;
Friday March 6th, 2009 6:36:20 PM

After Edmund talks to Wynum, he heads up to meet with the rest of the Order and to see the newly released captives. Edmund will try to identify them based on sight when he arrives. (Know. Nobility=16)

"Once we take care of things, it might be a good idea to return to the Manor," he opines. "Not to press the matter, but it might be best if we got ourselves in order before sallying forth again."

Having said this, Edmund heads back down to join up with Wynum.

"Where to, my fine, four-footed fellow?" he enquires. "A visit to the constable?"

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps 
Friday March 6th, 2009 8:13:52 PM

Thar continues tending to the wounds of the various people that Shadow keeps discovering. Convinced now that he's dealing with real people rather than dupes, he'll untie them and allow each to get up and stretch their muscles. He'll also take food out of his pack and give each of them food and water to quench their hunger and thirst.

To the councilman, he says, "A shipment of vials, you say? Did he say much more about these pirates and where they would come from? And what about this "Dagger" thing to switch souls?"

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Friday March 6th, 2009 8:42:44 PM

Ruby has very little that she can add to the conversation or the plans for what to do next. She knows the rough details and has not had time to get the full story...though a lot of it is falling into place rather quickly from the hints she has gotten so far.

Glancing around one last time she tries to figure out if there is anything else that she could be doing. "Who owns this warehouse?" She is curious if the person that owned it was part of this plot or not.

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Friday March 6th, 2009 9:07:34 PM

through the message spell, to noone in particular
"It would be good to catch up with them before they could heal and all that, except that we need it too..."

Escape from Nightmare Quarter and a Date with the Constable (Nellie) 
Monday March 9th, 2009 12:39:22 AM

Convinced that the hostages are who they are supposed to be, they are release from their bonds and filled in on the situation. All of the Councilmembers take the news in different strides. Lynom is very interested in what the Order has learned, and is very appreciative of the help they have provided so far. Saisset is very, very anxious to leave the Quarter and all the bad luck that the place exudes. The sooner they get back to Rabbitsfoot the better! Once revived, Gibbard seems very initated that the group has taken so long to find them. "If you two morons had just passed that initiative forming the citizens watchgroup none of this would have happened!" he grumbles as his bonds are loosened. "Now we've had to drag a bunch of "adventurers" in, trapsing around the city, doubtless doing all kinds of damage..." (grumble, grumble, grumble). Mobec seems to be in shock and though he seems appreciative, says very little.

Though questioned by Thar and others, the councilmembers are unable to provide much more information.

After everyone is ready to depart, the trip back to Constable Rabbitsfoot's office is uneventful. You are met at the door by two new guards who provide the appropriate handsignals and salute smartly when they see the Councilmembers. More than one furtive glance is cast toward Saisset, but the guards are too well trained to speak the questions that are obviously percilating in their minds. Leaning forward at his desk, Rabbitsfoot's grin spreads from ear to ear when the Councilmembers are ushered in. "By Waard, you did it! How in the world did you find them?!" a shadow clouds the halfling's face. "These are the real ones, right? After that mishap with the guards..."

OOC: Still working on the XP and hero points.

Monday March 9th, 2009 6:00:14 AM

Arm grimaces at the coucilman's remarks, thinking "Better to be an 'adventurer' than mired in hypocracy. So much for gratitude..".

Once they reach Rabbitsfoot, Arm assures him that these are in fact the real articles, and fills him in on the rescue.

Wynum [See invis. Daylight. 4 temp hp] 
Monday March 9th, 2009 11:22:47 AM

[OOC: We did Detect Evil AND Detect Magic (for that pesky undetectable alignment) on them guys?]

The centaur seems surprised to see everyone here, and eager to talk:

"Well, he explains, that's the strange part. We had a tip on their location, in the Nightmare quarter ; it came from the guild. But we have little reason to believe it was not a lure, because Shadow had been followed to the guild just a couple hours before and the tip was received in the most uncustomary way. But you see, despite this, it was actually quite exact. I think they actually have much more limited resources that we might presume and they couldn't reliably safehold the hostage and set up a trap at the same time."

"So it's quite clear they knew we knew about the councilmen since yesterday, so to set up the vial transfer plan is useless. In fact we know they know everything, so you might as well inform the council and, well, everyone about that threat. Also I suggest you tell the guards to cancel the transfer and that the vials have been secured at the Manor instead. This way we can wait for them there. What do you think?"

ADM Jay B 
Monday March 9th, 2009 11:32:18 AM

Hi all. Just as soon as some information is checked with Nellie, I'll be stepping in.

If you have concerns, doubts or questions.... or just want to know wh the answer is 42, email is axemaster1010 AT yahoo DOT com.

Glad to be on board.

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps 
Monday March 9th, 2009 2:04:23 PM

(OOC = Glad to have you aboard Jay ;-) Also, from what I remember, Kirsten did check them out for evil and I checked them out for magic...)

Now at Rabbitsfoot, Thar listens to Arm describe the situation and events of the last encounter. At a suitable time, Thar pulls Wynum outside and reminds him (and anyone else that needs to know) that the vials are actually at a temple that only Thar and Kirsten know of. The vials are being purified so they can be sold. He also reminds everyone that they were planning on selling the vials ASAP if the vial transfer idea was scrapped, since the group has had no income at all during the last several adventures and desperately needs the funds.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Monday March 9th, 2009 2:25:46 PM

Shadow is on high alert as the group makes its way to Rabbitsfoot. He is relieved when they arrive there and are able to get the correct hand signals from the guards. He takes note of the questioning looks the guards give councilman Saisset.

He will hang back as some members relate the events of the night. He cringes a little as Wynum is so open about the reference to his Guild, and shutters as he quickly shrugs off the resources of the Guild. He thinks, 'I will have to have a long chat with our new member about his openness with our sources of information.'

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Monday March 9th, 2009 8:17:34 PM

Julian is glad to see the sensible halfling constable, though he has little to add to the discussion.

Ruby [HP: 74/74 - AC: 25(26)] [message, magic circle, haste] 
Monday March 9th, 2009 9:37:32 PM

Ruby hangs back a little as she trails the group. It is something that she has become accustom to, living by herself and being on the paranoid side. To be honest she does not fully trust the Mithril Order as of yet but they have no reason to suspect who she really is and that is good enough for her.

Unconsciously, she rubs the ring on the rawhide necklace that lays under her armor and shirt. Stepping inside she leans against a wall to listen to what is said, though she has very little to add. Her eyes catch a number of odd things and she will mention them when she has the chance.

That chance comes when Thar pulls them outside to have a little talk with them. She listens and then moves close enough that only he will hear her. "I have to ask about the hand signal that was passed earlier." She had gotten some strange looks from the guards when she did not return it, but had been allowed inside anyways. Still it appeared that they still watched her with maybe a touch of hostility. "When we get back to this home of yours, you will have to fill me in fully. I fear that I am missing a lot here and I hate to be in the dark." Her eyes have been watching the darkness for as long as you can remember being with her, though during battle she was occupied with other things. Still she seemed to miss nothing and note a lot of details with her eyes.

Monday March 9th, 2009 9:50:20 PM

Edmund regards the councilors icily as they argue with each other and talk about the Order as if they were not present--and not in a positive way. He thinks they might have been better off left tied up, but has enough sense not to say so.

The half-elf mage also saves some attention for Ruby, whom, he continues to treat with a degree of caution, having had enough unpleasant experiences with dopplegangers. As for the constable, he has nothing to say to him this time, content to let everyone else sum up the situation.

"Time for dinner yet?" he asks of no one in particular.

Tuesday March 10th, 2009 5:58:00 AM

OOC: Welcome, Jay! I look forward to gaming with you :)

IC: As Arm waits for Rabbitsfoot's reply his mind wanders to thoughts of taking a vacation, but then realizes that once you choose the path he has, you can NEVER be on vacation.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Tuesday March 10th, 2009 9:59:27 AM

OOC: Yes, welcome Jay!

IC: While waiting for the constable to answer Shadow struggles with how he will broach the subject of keeping the Guild kinda hush hush, especially with the agents of law.

Lucky Rabbitsfoot (Nellie) 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 12:44:34 AM

Rabbitsfoot bobs his head in agreement as he is filled in. Thankfully, the mention of Shadow's Guild reference seems to slide mostly under the radar as many people are contributing to the discussion at mostly the same time.

Putting all the pieces together from the Order and the Councilmembers, Rabbitsfoot's face pales. He nods at Wynum. "You're right, there's no sense in going through with the trade. You seem capable of dealing with the vials..." He taps his diminutive chin "I will leave them in your protection, but please notify the council and myself should something untoward occur. All this talk of "swapping souls" makes me distinctly uncomfortable!" The halfling fidgets nervously behind his desk as he looks up at the Councilmembers. "I will of course dispatch the town guard to search for the shape changers, but I doubt it will prove fruitful. We could notify the Dragon Consortium, but they seem taxed with more Wold shaking projects of late." A thin frown mars the Constable's face. "This will definitely require further thought." Rabbitsfoot chuckles merrily at Edmund's comment. "I suppose a good meal would do everyone well. It's a bit early for dinner (it's about midday by now). Tell you what...let's head down to the Dragon's Breath. I'll buy lunch."

And so, the Councilmembers are escorted to their homes under heavy protection from the town guard (as well as a few personal bodyguards!!). Lunch with Rabbitsfoot is fulfilling and enjoyable as the Constable regals the Order with stories of some of the stranger encounters he had when he was in the town guard. Like all good times, the lunch is soon over, and the Constable and Order head their separate ways.

OOC: Okay folks, XP is going to be 2750 for this module. The vials are purified. Please let me know if you are going to sell them, so I can notify the Catacombs. Please update your sheets. We'll be having a few days of down time, so if scrolls need to be scribed or your PC needs to work on anything, let me know. :) Jay will be taking over soon, and I need to address some issues with sheets, so I'll be around. I'll also go ahead and take submissions for hero points until 3/20/09. So take a look at the battle, and let me know who you think went the extra mile. :)

Also want to let you know that a reward from the Councilmembers is coming soon. :)

Wednesday March 11th, 2009 6:02:58 AM

After they leave the tavern, Arm is overcome by a weariness he has not known in a while. Leaning against a wall, he says to the rest, "I for one could use a short nap at the least..THEN we need to discuss what to do with the vials..although it would profit us greatly to sell them, it would be FAR to easy for the dopplegangers to buy them back and again use them for their nefarious purposes. I think it best that we hang on to them for now...at least until we can permanently eradicate this threat. If we are in dire need of coins, I can always perform a few songs.".

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 6:46:32 AM

Hero Point for Ruby who risked being attacked to save Julian from early retirement. It could well have ended her life as well.

I will spend a day or two or three updating Julian's character sheet. I've found a few things that I missed on the previous level up. And I need to decide between another point into Dex (currently 15) and Con (16)...

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 9:51:23 AM

After a great lunch, Shadow agrees with Arm that he needs some time with his bed to recover from this last encounter. "I agree, that we should hold onto those vials at the very least until we have gotten past this threat." He will head back to the manor in hopes to spend an uneventful afternoon and night in his bed (snoring loudly).

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 9:54:06 AM

OOC: Does anyone have any online resources like the PHB (or at least the experience tables)? I don't have my PHB with me at work and I usually forget to check it at home. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday March 11th, 2009 3:14:15 PM

Wynum is sorry for his mistake about the guild and goes into some more explanation while they eat.

"Well... I though.. because it was a guild, it would be well-known and not secret, so...

And I still fear that tip did not came from your friends. You said your first visit was unsuccessful, and also that you were followed. Then, very shortly afterwards the guild would suddenly procure that information?
Because we know we have been followed most of the time, it stands to reason that it was a trap.
This is why I was quite convinced the counclimen were not there. In fact even if it wasn't a trap, there was little reason to keep them here, except if they're only the three of them. Anyways... we've lost the advantage, but we saved them."

To which he suggests a toast, even if the hostages' reactions were, shall we say, mixed.

[OOC: Here's the best online SRD I know of:

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 3:26:00 PM

Thar enjoys the time for relaxing and attends to everyone's wounds while they're healing up to full.

He listens to Arm's and Shadow's comments and replies, "I must say that I vote for selling them to the catacombs. We know that now that the evil is cleansed from them, they are useless for the doppleganger's to use. Also, remember that they mentioned they were going to get other vials from their own sources so ours are now merely expensive pieces of jewelry. Lastly, I think we should assume that the Catacombs is a pretty secure location."

(OOC = And also on a personal note for those of you who may not track it, we haven't got any treasure back since Feb of 2008. Since then, we've not received much of anything in spite of our efforts....

(With the 2750 xp, Thar is 200 xp short of next level... Ouch....)

Wednesday March 11th, 2009 7:37:25 PM

Edmund is only too happy to take the constable up on his offer of a free lunch.

"The sooner we're rid of those vials, the better. And, we could use the money, to be sure. Or at least I could."

Edmund considers the potential purchase of more spells to be a very exciting proposition.

Wednesday March 11th, 2009 7:55:55 PM

Ruby was more than happy to allow the Constable to treat her to a little bit of lunch. Making it a point to order a single glass of a nice wine to go with her lunch she enjoys herself for the first time in a long while.

Not bothering with the others for now, she makes it a point to test out the wine to see how it would have held up against the ones of her own vineyard. The wine was not bad, a nice fruity flavor that she enjoyed rather well.

When at last they are on their way back to this home of the Order she pulls up alongside Thar once again. "I would ask that you indulge me a couple of little things. Tonight you set a guard at the door of whatever room you put me into. Tomorrow could you put me under a truth spell and I will leave all my magical gear in my room." Her eyes are searching as he asks this and she will not take no for an answer, unless there is noone that can perform the spell.

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Wednesday March 11th, 2009 9:10:32 PM

Oops, forgot the In Character stuff.

Julian was near to falling asleep at the conversation in Rabbitfoot's office, till food was mentioned.

He eats like he hasn't been fed for days, almost rivalling those ravenous male teenage humans.
"Surely the Catacombs is as secure as it gets, right? Otherwise every thief and mage would be throwing everything they've got at getting in. Sell the vials."

Julian secrets some food to his two badgers and riding dog. He sits slumped within his armour, feeling around the back of his neck where there is considerable damage. He sighs, then gulps half a pint of ale.

"Ruby, thanks for saving my neck. Literally. I owe you."

Standing up Julian tries to attract the attention of the Mithril Order. Quickly flustered by the height of the table he jumps up, standing on his chair, flapping his arms and calling out.
"Err, okay, that wasn't as subtle as I'd have liked...
"I am sorry that I let you lot down today. I am meant to be protecting you as Domi has had me trained. He sent me back with the reminder that I should be protecting. He taught me some more as I stood with him in the Land of Shadows, and I will working harder keeping you from harm."

OOC Thar, did you include the level x 50xp for the Hero Point?

After Lunch (Nellie) 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 12:46:36 AM

The Order enjoys a well deserved free lunch and discuss various options regarding the vials. Some think it best to keep them in safe keeping, others would prefer to sell them at the Catacombs. There is the off chance that the vials could be used as a lure to try and capture the shape changers, but there is no assurance. Though the Catacombs are a very secure location, it is also possible that the enemy may purchase them back. It is a difficult decision, and one that the Order discusses once they are back at the Manor.

OOC: Alright folks, let's take the next few days to work on a couple of days worth of RP stuff you'd like to take care of. Update the sheets and get them on google docs. We'll be moving on to the next module on Monday.

Thursday March 12th, 2009 1:06:00 AM

((Updated my sheet yesterday, it should be visible on Google Docs already. Also, I'm not familiar with what Julian is talking about regarding Level x XP for Hero Points. Another Woldian Rule? Someone care to explain? Thanks!))

Once the group returns to the manor, Edmund tries to get everyone to come to some sort of agreement on the vials.

"We really could use the funds," he puts in. "And if we're worried about them being bought and reused, why not have them cut down first? Granted, we might lose some of the value, but then they can't be reused as vials. It's a good compromise, don't you think?"

"Anyway," he continues, "The sooner we sell them, the sooner I can investigate getting some new magic to protect us from the machinations of the doppleganger brigade."

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 4:03:15 AM


When a PC performs an action that is heroic according to his class etc. during a session, the DM will award a hero point when experience is given out. The number of hero points a PC has cannot exceed his current level. These may be spent to re-roll any roll once, or combined to add 10% per hero point to percentile roles and +2 to d20 roles. Once used, they are gone until more are earned. Other role-playing points of various types may be given which aid in role-playing only. Each Hero Point also comes with an automatic (30xp X character level) bonus.

More In Character stuff to come later, back to work for me now..

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 4:04:43 AM

Sorry, I think I said it was 50xp X Character Level - it is only 30xp per level.

Thursday March 12th, 2009 6:01:30 AM

Arm nods as he changes his mind, "You are correct...I suppose they COULD get replacement vials, so it's best that we sell them and try to stop them once and for all before they can acquire new ones.".

Thar AC 26/25, 48/70 hps 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 11:23:18 AM

(OOC - Bless you for reminding me about the Xp bonus!!!! I totally forgot that and finally I can make the level up... The bonus gets me barely into the next level and that's great news!!! I owe you one!)

To Ruby, Thar nods his agreement and in a comforting and friendly tone says, "I will personally serve as the guard for your room Madam, and none shall pass, including you, until the morning. In regards to a truth spell, I will memorize it and cast a zone of truth around you to prevent any falsehoods. Are there any specific questions that I should ask? Also, do you want to keep this between you and I, or should I include others in our conversation? If you need it to remain private, then I will consider it as a conversation between you and your priest and vow that it will remain so."

To Arm and Ed, he says, "Great point. They can always buy new ones if they want to move ahead with their plans. I'm not fond of cutting them down, since I'd assume crystal vials aren't hard to find and these dopplegangers have proved that they are resourceful. If we cut them, we'll lose a lot of their value..."

To the rest of the group, he says, "Should we put this up to a vote and try to decide? We've got a few days free and if we're going to sell them and use the proceeds, we should get moving now and as Ed wisely mentioned, we need to get some magic to catch them next time and stop their ability to become invisible and avoid us."

Lastly, to Julian, in a reassuring voice, he adds, "My friend, we all fell short today and let the enemy get away. However, remember that we did free some innocents and that's something to celebrate. We'll do better next time and I personally was reassured to have you with us in our battle. Also, knowing you'll be with us next time makes me comforted too."

Thar AC 26/25, 70/70 hps 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 11:24:00 AM

(Sorry, need to change my header, since I assume Thar is at max hps since we're resting...

Thar AC 26/25, 70/70 hps  d8=1 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday March 12th, 2009 11:42:36 AM

Rolled for Thar's hps...

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Thursday March 12th, 2009 1:49:33 PM

Shadow nods in agreement at Thar's statement to the group, "I agree we all did our best, but fell a little short in regards to those nasties. We did get the councilmen out alive and even if they did not all show it they will realize how grateful they really are. As for the vials I think we keep them secure until at least our little group of nasties has been dealt with."

Shadow will take the first night to rest himself and get recouped from the ordeal. Once he gets done it will be a matter of repairing his gear (or having it repaired) depending on which piece of gear.

Thursday March 12th, 2009 2:58:30 PM

((I had no idea about that Hero Point rule! I will have to try and figure out at what levels I got the points I have, and then work out what my actual XP is. Perhaps during American Lit. class tonight . . .))

Edmund considers the matter a bit before adding another line of thought.

"Arm makes a good point. Crystal vials are not impossible to get ahold of. If we don't sell the ones we have, they will just buy them somewhere else. They appear to have vast resources. I doubt the cost of some crystal vials will be a problem for them, nor would it even delay them much. Whereas, in our case, that money could be used here, immediately, to combat them before they have a chance to recover, regroup, and hatch a new plan."

"Let's sell them and go after them at once," he concludes. "Even if they wanted to buy the ones we sell to the shoppe, if we attack them immediately they won't have time to get them purified anyway. And if we don't sell them, they'll just get them somewhere else. So let's get to it. The job soonest started is the job soonest ended, after all!"

Thursday March 12th, 2009 9:10:58 PM

With a smile to Thar she nods her head. "I would much rather have all those present that want to be. That way noone can say that I used my womanly ways to get into your good graces. This will also allow for the detection of evil and magic as well...that way there will be no doubt of the full effects." She stops only once to look into your eyes, maybe searching for something there and then sighs. "Be aware that I will not be able to answer all the questions that maybe asked. I have far more powerful enemies than dopplegangers after me and I would rather keep all of you out of that if possible. Otherwise you will be able to ask whatever you want." She has not bothered to say anything about the vials as she was not there for that and did not have a say...at least as far as she was concerned.

"I am sure that I will be well protected and that the rest of your group will be as well. At least after this is over, most of you can rest a little easier about my allegiances to the group." Her hand once again strays to the head of the little owl that is perched upon her shoulder and she gives a sad smile. It has been a long time for her; either being on the run or being so suspicious of people that she has never gotten that close.

[Nellie:Highlight to display spoiler: {Not how sure how much over the base level of experience for 7th I was suppose to have as noone said. I will just assume for right now that I have what is printed on my CS. Just did not want to fall too far behind the rest of the group, though if only one has leveled up than I don't have to worry too much.]}

Friday March 13th, 2009 6:01:39 AM

Arm nods, grateful that he has such friends that will stick up for each other. To the conversation, he adds, "Um, I think I need to remind you that the vials are DIAMOND and not merely crystal, though I still think they'll have enough resources to procure others. What we need to do is make sure that that does NOT happen.".

Friday March 13th, 2009 12:25:28 PM

Back at the Manor, Wynum keeps pacing about in anticipation of a future confrontation. It is quite clear he has become obsessed with these elusive ennemies, or maybe compensating for his lack of clairvoyance at the warehouse. Nightly pacing about of his bedroom produces considerable sleep disturbance in the manor.

"We really need to understand what they are about, he repeats, sometimes with a slight hint of recent wine consumption. We have to. What led you to these vials? Edmund, we need to know more about that dagger, and the soul transfer, can you do that? Maybe Thar can help, it's about souls after all... We need to know if they're after the blood or just the vials, if they can hold souls. They didn't talk about the blood."

"Meanwhile we must set up another trap, and we know how. We have the advantage again, thanks to Lynom! Ruby and Shadow you seem to know the city, what about those pirates? Arm, I'm sure you can get to know more about that, asking the right questions. We need to know what's their contact, and then pose as sellers of vials, this way we'll trap them. I'm not too good about inquiries, but I can go about equipping ourselves adequately for the confrontation."

Thar AC 26/25, 70/70 hps 
Friday March 13th, 2009 3:28:22 PM

Thar listens carefully to Ruby and in a friendly, pastoral response, gives her a shoulder hug. "Don't worry about your womanly ways, as I've gotten pretty good at ministering to beautiful women such as you. We will care for you while you sleep and make sure no harm comes to you or us. Once you wake, we'll ask you a set of questions."

"And don't worry about keeping us out of your problems from the past. You're part of our team now and your enemies are our enemies and if they come after you, they come after us. And remember, you've fought next to us in battle and bled for us. That's means a great deal to me and others."

Finally, he listens to the continued conversation and waits to hear if there is a consensus on the vials.

(OOC = Here is how it seems the votes stack up:
Thar = Sell
Shadow = Sell
Ruby = Abstain
Ed = Sell
Wynum = ???
Arm = Sell (I think?)
Julian = ???
Waiting on the rest of the votes...

Julian (Small size) AC 22 hp 7 (Mage Armour) 
Saturday March 14th, 2009 8:00:49 AM

Sell - they've been cleansed, right? They are no more evil than a glass for whisky... ;)

Saturday March 14th, 2009 11:23:41 AM

If asked, Wynum states his position on the vials:

"I was not in your party when you risked your lives for those vials, so I don't feel I have rights or voice on those vials, so do as you please.
However, I want to point out that it might be the vials, and not their contents they were after. I don't know how these soul transfer work, or what would be the use of the blood for that. Any idea?"

Thar AC 26/25, 70/70 hps 
Saturday March 14th, 2009 2:27:45 PM

Thar answers Julian's question, "Yes, they've been totally cleansed and all traces of evil are gone. As a result, they are ordinary diamond vials."

While the group is discussing things, Thar will ask Shadow if he'll join him in going to the Catacombs and getting their value estimated...

DM's Nellie/Jay = Do we need to go through the whole Catacombs posting thing to get the value estimated or can you give us the appx value?

Monday March 16th, 2009 5:57:39 AM

Once back at the manor, Arm excuses himself to his room, and slumps down on the bed. Rubbing his eyes fiercely as if to remove offending particles, he tries to figure out a plan to stop their foes, but his mind seems to flit constantly from one thought to another, and he comes up with nothing. Going over to a basin, he splashes some water on his face, though he doesn't feel clean afterward.

Shadow [AC 24/19 HP 27/47] 
Monday March 16th, 2009 1:35:18 PM

"I will go with you to the Catacombs, Thar. Is that what we all agreed upon though? I thought we were going to hang onto them or put them in a secure place and wait until after the shapechangers have been dealt with." Shadow looks questioning at Thar and then the rest of the group.

Monday March 16th, 2009 2:27:16 PM

Edmund looks to Shadow and shakes his head, saying, "Frankly, we could use the money to prepare for fighting them, and they could easily get their hands on another set of plain diamond vials. There's no real purpose in holding onto these. Nearly everyone has agreed to sell them now, so please, let's just get on with it. The sooner this is done, the sooner we can use the money to prepare, the sooner we can go smash them up."

"Anyway," Edmund adds, "I'll come to the Catacombs with you. I want to see what sort of scrolls they have. I might be able to find some of those things I looked up in the library before. If so, we can put an end to their hiding all the time, and maybe I can do something about their rolling around on the floor when we're trying to fight them."

Monday March 16th, 2009 2:54:42 PM

"If you go to the catacombs, remember to get defenses against poison. And magical light. And poison, too. But what about the soul thing? And what about the plan I have suggested? Does it sounds right?"

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