Combat for Control - Round 3 Redux and FINAL (DM Cayzle) d100=8 ; d100=75 ; d100=18 ; d100=28 ; d100=6 ; Monday February 16th, 2009 9:02:40 PM The Heros
Horace draws his wand of magic missiles, then moves to Z37.
Brahmah and Wynn continue to hack at the inert machine. They have hacked away a five-foot section of it. See map. Small PCs can move through as a move action from 35AA to 34Z. Wynn and other medium PCs can now squeak through as a standard action. A large size PC will need an Escape Artist (or Dex) check vs DC15 and a full round action. Or you can just keep hacking to enlarge the hole.
Syr is unaffected by the Woldsblood splashing around him. He attacks Undead B, destroying it as he takes a five foot step to the left.
DM NOTE REGARDING THE MIST: From the spell description for Obscuring Mist: "A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). "
So that means Syr's attacks had a 20% miss chance. Rolling for his five hits: d100=8 ; d100=75 ; d100=18 ; d100=28 ; d100=6 ... That means Syr's first, third, and fifth hits were really misses. So Syr only inflicts 22+17 = 39 damage to Undead B.
Florin mounts his holy steed and moves up a little, but is not sure how to get to the front line. If Brahmah and Wynn can hack away at that hole a bit more ...
Belkior activates his Celestial Armor and then flies over to Mac in the mist. The cleric stays on the edge of the mist, next to Mac, but five feet up. That puts him at eye level with the Taur! More to the point, it puts Mac inside the Magic Circle, and he does not feel compelled any more.
Mac, shielded from the effect of the Dominate by the Magic Circle, is not compelled to run. The taur bends to pick up his axe, provoking three AoOs on him as he bends to pick it up. Three bites, two of them with a +2 flanking bonus: AC32, AC21, and AC30, so two bites for 24 damage total to Mac.
Then Mac whacks Undead V -- who rolls a 16 save and is disrupted into dust. However! The Cleave Feat states, "If you deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach." Mac did not "deal enough damage to drop" the undead, so he does not get to Cleave on.
Harley strides forward and attempts to turn undead. He cannot see the undead, but he does not have to -- all he needs is line of effect, not line of sight. His Turning Check is a 13 and he turns up to 25 hit dice. The undead are seven hit dice each, so three of them flee back.
The Enemies
The enemy step back, concealed totally by the mists. You do not know what they are doing.
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - unwounded Undead B - 39 damage AND TURNED Undead C - unwounded Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - unwounded Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 29 dam and blind Undead P - 29 dam and blind Undead Q - 29 dam and blind Undead R - 29 dam and blind Undead S - 29 dam and blind Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) Monday February 16th, 2009 9:05:37 PM
Continues to hack away. (I will roll attacks/damage if necessary)
[Post moved by Cayzle.]
Wynn [AC=26; HP=66/75] Blinking d20+15=22 ; d20+15=32 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=11 ; d8+5=6 ; Monday February 16th, 2009 10:50:41 PM
Encouraged by even the small progress made against the machinary, Wynn once again lets loose with his adamantine blade in an attempt to widen the passage [Hit AC=22,32,15 for 7, 11, and 6 HP damage respectively].
Belkior - (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste d20+10=24 ; Monday February 16th, 2009 10:52:05 PM
The halfling cleric decides to clear the air, so to speak. Belkior lifts his wand of Dispel Magic and triggers it once more to get rid of the Obscuring Mist spell.
Once that is done, the Paragon realizes that Mac might go charging off after some of the undead or the clerics. He remains ready to move with Mac so that the minotaur remains within the protection of his spell.
Position ?
Actions Standard - Activate Wand of Dispel Magic, level check = 24 (sufficient to remove spell cast by 13th level caster) Move - Held, to move with Mac like a shadow so that the minotaur remains within the circle
Turning Attempts Used - 2
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charges Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charge Wand of Dispel Magic, 10th lvl - 4 charge
Active Effects Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC, +2 saves vs. Evil Status - Brahmah, Florin, Syr, Xenia (12 hours) Disrupting Weapon - Mac (8 rounds) - Undead <12 HD must make Will save vs. DC 21 or be destroyed
Spells 0 - DC 16 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic 1 - DC 17 - Bless(x2), Detect Undead, Hide from Undead(x2), Sanctuary (D - Protection from Evil) 2 - DC 18 - Augury, Remove Paralysis(x3), Spiritual Weapon, Status* (D - Aid) 3 - DC 19 - Dispel Magic*(x2), Prayer*, Remove Disease*(x2) (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*) 4 - DC 20 - Death Ward***(x3) (D - Holy Smite*) 5 - DC 21 - Commune*, Disrupting Weapon* (D - Dispel Evil) 6 - DC 22 - Heal*(x2) (D - Heal) * = cast
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:125/134 d20+18=35 ; d20+13=19 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=10 ; Monday February 16th, 2009 10:59:40 PM
Active effects: Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
(OOC:Did Harley's teleport spell work? If so then Florin will have him teleport him for one and he will try and attack on of the clerics. Also, would that be this round or last round action?)
Cayzle: Harley turned undead last round and TALKED about Teleporting, but has not done so yet.
If Florin is teleported then he will take a stab at one of the clerics with his lance since that is what he had armed himself with at the moment. It also giveing him some reach.
(Can hit AC:36/20 (forgot to add the haste bonus) Damage:7/10=17)
(Quick question a lance is a large weapon and most large weapons require two hands to be used. However is it that way when useing a lance? Not sure if the books says or not. Personally doesn't make much sense if it requires two hands though but anyway.)
Cayzle: If mounted, you can use the lance one handed. You can also use it two handed.
Harley Monday February 16th, 2009 11:23:31 PM
Will be teleporting, assuming that he can see where he is going. From the way things look, it will probably be Florin and his horse going.
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) Tuesday February 17th, 2009 7:23:28 PM
Encouraged by Wynn's enthusiasm and his own success, Brahmah continues hacking away.
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 AA29 d20+20=30 ; 3d6+8=15 ; Tuesday February 17th, 2009 7:54:13 PM
Assuming Syr still can't quite make out the enemy, he whispers to Max, "I'll go right, you either heal or go left." So, with a below he charges off along the east wall until he breaks through the mist or finds an opponent. (Attack 30 Damage 15)
(OOC: Charge until he sees/contacts the enemy, row 27 approximately column AD)
Harley (AC 35 (37 vs. evil); HP 132/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Shield of Faith, Aid, Spell Resistance, Resist Energy (Fire), Death Wa d20+16=29 ; 2d6+23=27 ; Tuesday February 17th, 2009 10:18:26 PM
Once Harley can see, he settles his weapons and armor before beginning to cast. Once he is ready, Harley reaches over to touch Florin and his mount. After a moment of brief vertigo, Harley and Florin appear adjacent to as many of the opposing clerics as possible, the aim being that the clerics would either have to cast defensively to avoid being attacked or move and allow themselves to be attacked.
Even though Harley cannot act after the teleport, he is ready to strike one of the clerics.
AoO = hit AC 29 (Power Attack -9 to hit), 27 damage (weapon is Good aligned)
Position ?
Actions Standard - Cast Dimension Door to a visible point adjacent to several clerics, bringing
Metamagic Rod Usage: Extend (1-3): 1/3; Extend (1-6): 3/3
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 d20=2 ; d20=5 ; Wednesday February 18th, 2009 5:12:11 AM
Horace attempts to clamber up the side of the machinery laid out in front of him.
Move action - climb on top of Z 36 and move to Z 35 and climb down again. DC Check: d20=2 ; d20=5 ;
Combat for Control - Round 4 Halfway Done (DM Cayzle) d100=100 ; d100=73 ; d100=49 ; d100=52 ; d100=52 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+14=31 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+14=25 ; d20+14=17 ; Wednesday February 18th, 2009 7:19:39 AM Correction from last turn: Syr's Blind Fighting Feat means he killed one that had been turned (status updated below)
The Heros
Brahmah and Wynn continue to hack at the obstacle in their way. They succeed in creating an opening that even a Taur can squeeze through. Result: Small and Medium creatures can pass the gap with no problem; Large creatures can move through but at a cost of ten feet of movement, not five.
Belkior lifts the mists by dispelling them. As soon as he does, you and your enemy can see each other, and the readied actions of eight undead go off!
Enemy Readied Actions
Eight undead hurl vials of Woldsblood at Syr and Mac. Five are blind and suffer a 50% miss chance.
Five miss chances: d100=100 ; d100=73 ; d100=49 ; d100=52 ; d100=52. One misses completely. That means three at Syr and four on Mac.
Four Woldsblood Vials at Mac: Ranged touch attacks hit ACs: 28, 23, 31, 25.
Three Woldsblood Vials at Syr: Ranged touch attacks hit ACs: 24, 25, 17.
On a miss, Will save vs. DC 10 or dazed for one round (splash damage); On a hit, Will save vs. DC 15 or dazed for 1d20 minutes plus 1d20 Wisdom ability damage.
That means you both need to make 8 saves. For vials that hit you out of the 8, make DC15 saves for full effect. For the ones that did not hit you, make DC10 saves for the splash effect.
Once the mists lift, you see that the clerics and the rest of the undead have retreated to the pool of Woldsblood.
Hero actions resume
Florin delays his action, awaiting teleport.
Harley Dimension Doors himself, Florin, and Florin's warhorse. Harley, where will you go? Florin, what will you do when you get there?
Syr -- unless he is dazed by Woldsblood -- steps up and attacks blind and damaged Undead S, who had been at 27AC, destroying it.
Horace wants to move forward, and contemplates climbing, but he sees that Wynn and Brahmah have cleared a path. So he moves forward. Please move as a move action and then do a standard action (you can see those clerics now if you want to use your wand, fr example) or make two moves.
Things I need before the enemy can act --
SYR - eight saves vs Woldsblood, some vs DC10, some vs DC15.
MAC -- eight saves vs Woldsblood, some vs DC10, some vs DC15. PLUS a post and round's action.
HARLEY -- Coordinate of Dim Door destination.
FLORIN -- Full round's action after Dim Door.
HORACE -- Move destination and possible standard action.
BELKIOR, BRAHMAH, and WYNN -- You guys are done; please don't post yet.
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - unwounded Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - unwounded Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - unwounded Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 29 dam and blind Undead P - 29 dam and blind Undead Q - 29 dam and blind Undead R - 29 dam and blind Undead S - Destroyed Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC32 with two Aid Anothers) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unwounded Cleric 4 - unwounded Cleric 5 - unwounded Cleric 6 - unwounded
ALL Animated Objects are inert again!
Combat for Control - Round 4 Halfway Done EXTRA (DM Cayzle) Wednesday February 18th, 2009 6:26:24 PM
Syr seems temporarily dazed by Woldsblood, and therefore does not kill Undead S, at 27AC.
Still waiting for answers to questions.
Harley (AC 35 (37 vs. evil); HP 132/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Shield of Faith, Aid, Spell Resistance, Resist Energy (Fire), Death Wa Wednesday February 18th, 2009 10:11:58 PM
Rather than teleporting blind into the mist, Harley will arrive at W21 / X 22.
Florin and his horse would probably south of that so that he can move and act.
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) Wednesday February 18th, 2009 11:30:04 PM
OOC Will wait for DM to say its okay to post again. :)
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:125/134 d20+18=30 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+18=30 ; d8+5=8 ; d8+5=10 ; d8+5=6 ; Thursday February 19th, 2009 12:41:13 AM
Active effects: Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
(Cayzle, looked at the map and not sure where Florin was teleported too? Was Harley able to teleport near to the clerics?)
If Florin is teleported near to one of the clerics then he will attack on, useing the reach of his lance to give him alittle space between him and the enemy and also hopeing the weapons reach might help if any undead charge him.
(Can hit AC:30/27/*30 if haste allowed attack* Damage:8/10/*6 is haste allowed*=18 or 25)
(If Florin wasn't able to get close enough to a cleric then I will redo this post or DM can just change target to a undead.)
Mac AC:30 (31 vs opponent I), HP: 37/119 d20+4=14 ; d3=1 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+4=18 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+4=16 ; d20+4=9 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+4=14 ; d20=16 ; d20=18 ; Thursday February 19th, 2009 3:31:20 AM
Hit saves: 14, 23, 18 & 15 - 1 failure Miss saves: 16, 9, 15 & 14 - 1 failure Net Effect: dazed for 16 minutes (plus 1 round) = 161 rounds, and Wisdom reduced by 18... hitting the 0 minimum. So Mac is helpless - any utterances he makes being the intrusions into reality of the nightmare into which he has now plunged.
Actions: fall down, drool, mutter
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 3d4+3=8 ; Thursday February 19th, 2009 4:06:53 AM
Horace moves forward through the gap hacked by Brahmah and Wynn attempting to provide some support for Mac where he lies prone in a drooling heap.
Move Action - Walk to AA 32 Standard Action - activate wand of magic missiles targetted at Cleric number 4 or which ever Cleric I can see. Damage is 8 (3d4+3=8)
Brahmah and Wynn continue to hack at the obstacle in their way. They succeed in creating an opening that even a Taur can squeeze through. Result: Small and Medium creatures can pass the gap with no problem; Large creatures can move through but at a cost of ten feet of movement, not five.
Belkior lifts the mists by dispelling them. As soon as he does, you and your enemy can see each other, and the readied actions of eight undead go off!
Enemy Readied Actions
Eight undead hurl vials of Woldsblood at Syr and Mac. Five are blind and suffer a 50% miss chance.
Five miss chances: d100=100 ; d100=73 ; d100=49 ; d100=52 ; d100=52. One misses completely. That means three at Syr and four on Mac.
Four Woldsblood Vials at Mac: Ranged touch attacks hit ACs: 28, 23, 31, 25.
Three Woldsblood Vials at Syr: Ranged touch attacks hit ACs: 24, 25, 17.
On a miss, Will save vs. DC 10 or dazed for one round (splash damage); On a hit, Will save vs. DC 15 or dazed for 1d20 minutes plus 1d20 Wisdom ability damage.
That means you both need to make 8 saves. For vials that hit you out of the 8, make DC15 saves for full effect. For the ones that did not hit you, make DC10 saves for the splash effect.
Once the mists lift, you see that the clerics and the rest of the undead have retreated to the pool of Woldsblood.
RESULT: Syr is dazed for one round, and Mac is reduced to a drooling helpless prone lump.
Hero actions resume
Florin delays his action, awaiting teleport.
Harley Dimension Doors himself, Florin, and Florin's warhorse. Harley places himself right in front of a line of undead, with Florin behind him.
Florin then takes a five foot step and hits Undead E for 25 damage.
Syr is dazed.
Horace wants to move forward, and contemplates climbing, but he sees that Wynn and Brahmah have cleared a path. So he moves forward. He stands guard over the prone form of the minotaur, and hits Cleric 4 for 8 hp magic missile damage.
The Enemies
Eight undead near the entrance, having taken their readied actions, can do no more.
Undead A moves 15 feet around Harley, setting up for a flank, and provoking an AoO as it does so. If Harley wants to take his AoO (I assume he will), then Harley hits it for 27 damage.
Then Cleric 2 casts Dispel Magic on Harley. The cleric's Ring of Counterspells immediately kicks in, saving the cleric.
So Cleric 1 steps up, casting Dispel Magic on Harley.
FIrst, the Dispel has to punch through the Spell Resistance. The enemy cleric rolls 1d20 +12 (level) +4 (feats) and gets a 28, so that works!
Since Harley is 11th level, the DC to dispel is 21, except that he cast some of his spells with the Karma Bead -- longstrider, magic vestment, and greater magic weapon -- so the dispel DC on those spells is DC25.
Longstrider: 16 = intact. Magic Vestment: 16 = intact. Magic Vestment: 20 = intact. Greater Magic Weapon: 13 = intact. Magic Circle against Evil: 17 = intact. Shield of Faith: 24 = Dispelled. Resist Energy Fire (30): 12 = intact. Spell Resistance (23): 26 = Dispelled. Aid: 31 = Dispelled. Death Ward: 27 = Dispelled. Align Weapon (good): 17 = Intact. Divine Favor: 18 = Intact. Divine Power: 20 = Intact. Righteous Might: 25 = Dispelled. Later -- OH! Also the Haste on Harley -- a 19 is enough to dispel Wynn's spell!
Harley loses his Shield of Faith, Spell Resistance, Aid, Death Ward, and Righteous Might. And Haste. He shrinks down to normal size. D4 to see which square he ends up in. Please recalculate Harley's AC and Attacks.
Undead A, L, and G attack Harley. That's three bites (at +15) and six claws (at +13). Bites: Two misses and a potential hit vs AC27 for 16 damage. Claws: six misses due to poor rolling!
Cleric 3 comes out of the mist to flank Harley and try to touch him. He hits a Touch AC 22 (24 with flank) and Inflicts 11 points to Harley.
Cleric 4 casts a spell (Inflict Moderate Wounds) and tries to touch. He hits with a nat 20! Damage is 12 more.
So far Harley has taken 16+11+12 = 39 damage this round, depending on his adjusted AC.
Undead F, N, and E step up to attack Florin -- or rather, his horse! Undead N charges, and Florin gets an AoO on the undead as it approaches.
Undead F and E get two bites (at +15) and four claws (at +13) on the horse. The horse is AC22, but it is half in the Magic Circle, so lets call it 23 vs evil. Bites: one hits. Claws: one hit. Damage to the mount is 22 damage.
Then Undead N charges the horse (assuming it survives the AoO). Its bite is a hit and its claws yeild one hit, for damage of 21 more.
Florin's mount has taken 43 hp damage this round.
Finally, Cleric 5 shouts a Command at Florin -- FALL! Will DC15 or falls to the ground and remain prone for 1 round. You may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties. Note: Falling off your horse will inflict 1d6 nonlethal damage.
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - 27 dam Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - unwounded Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - 25 dam Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 29 dam and blind Undead P - 29 dam and blind Undead Q - 29 dam and blind Undead R - 29 dam and blind Undead S - Destroyed Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC28) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unwounded Cleric 4 - 8 hp damage Cleric 5 - unwounded Cleric 6 - unwounded
ALL Animated Objects are inert again!
Wynn [AC=26; HP=66/75] Blinking d4=3 ; Thursday February 19th, 2009 5:27:38 PM
Wynn races forward through the gap in the machinery, pulling a potion of lesser restoration as he moves. On arriving by Mac's side, he pours the liquid down the taur's throat.
[OOC: some confusion re. effect of the potion, the PHB p. 272 suggests that this would dispel any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores, or it cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage. Two different examples, ray of enfeeblement versus a poison. I'm not sure which applies her. I hope the dispel magical effect which would remove all ability damage and the daze effect, or just the 1d4 ability score...I'll roll the ability score if you need it (3).]
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) Thursday February 19th, 2009 6:40:49 PM
Brahmah will attempt to squeeze through the opening.
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 73/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power, d4=2 ; d20+3=19 2d6(5+6)+14=25 d20+22=32 2d6(1+1)+10=12 Thursday February 19th, 2009 9:57:19 PM
Harley wants to open up some space so that he and Florin can concentrate on the clerics, the important threats. He once again concentrates on his holy symbol and focuses his divine energy. Three of the closest undead flee away from him, clearing some space to get at the cleric that Harley believes is the leader. Hoping to get an opportunity later, Harley does not attack the fleeing undead.
Harley steps five feet closer to cleric 1 and readies himself to beat on the opponent.
Position Y21
Actions Standard - Turn Undead, turning maximum 14 HD, and a total of 25 HD of undead Free - 5 foot step
Active Spells or Effects: Ring of Counter-spells: (empty) Ring of Counter-spells: Greater Dispel Magic Magic Circle against Evil: 103+/110 minutes Blade Barrier: 8+/11 minutes Silence (cell M9): 8+/11 minutes Resist Energy Fire (30): 107+/110 minutes Align Weapon (good): 24/30 rounds Divine Favor: 17/22 rounds Divine Power: 18/22 rounds
Metamagic Rod Usage: Extend (1-3): 1/3; Extend (1-6): 3/3
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste Thursday February 19th, 2009 10:24:34 PM
The halfling cleric descends so that he can reach the prone minotaur. Belkior recites a prayer to Alemi and casts one of his most powerful healing spells.
"Up and at 'em, big guy. This is no time for napping!"
Position Z32
Actions Free - 5 ft downwards Standard - cast Heal, 130 pts of healing, remove the Daze and repair any Wisdom damage Move - Held, to move with Mac like a shadow so that the minotaur remains within the circle
Turning Attempts Used - 2
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charges Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charge Wand of Dispel Magic, 10th lvl - 4 charge
Active Effects Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC, +2 saves vs. Evil Status - Brahmah, Florin, Syr, Xenia (12 hours) Disrupting Weapon - Mac (9 rounds) - Undead <12 HD must make Will save vs. DC 21 or be destroyed
Spells 0 - DC 16 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic 1 - DC 17 - Bless(x2), Detect Undead, Hide from Undead(x2), Sanctuary (D - Protection from Evil) 2 - DC 18 - Augury, Remove Paralysis(x3), Spiritual Weapon, Status* (D - Aid) 3 - DC 19 - Dispel Magic*(x2), Prayer*, Remove Disease*(x2) (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*) 4 - DC 20 - Death Ward***(x3) (D - Holy Smite*) 5 - DC 21 - Commune*, Disrupting Weapon* (D - Dispel Evil) 6 - DC 22 - Heal*(x2) (D - Heal*) * = cast
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 d20+17=18 ; d20+11=24 ; d8+8=16 ; d8+8=14 ; Friday February 20th, 2009 5:10:49 AM
"PREPARE FOR A HORRIBLE DEATH...AGAIN!" yells Horace as he steps past the prone body of his companion Mac and stalks forward preparing to chop down some undead with his unsheathed sword.
Move action - Walk to Y 27 Standard action - Attack Undead C - AC 18 for 16 Dam (Miss) and then AC 24 for 14 Dam.
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 Y22 d20+8=17 ; Friday February 20th, 2009 5:36:51 AM
Syr shakes the cobwebs from his head and mutters to himself, "Gotta remember to stay away from those vials!" Seeing his partners pop into place behind the enemy, a suprised yell of hope escapes him. Looking back once at the blathering new guy, he then proceeds to overrun (Q, Overrun DC 17) one of the foes in front of him to get at the clerics.
Combat for Control - Extra Notes (DM Cayzle) Friday February 20th, 2009 10:52:54 AM
Brahmah, you can squeeze through at a cost of only an extra 5 feet of movement. That lets you go, what, 55 feet on a double move, or 25 feet on a move and attack. Where do you want to go? Double move? Maybe an attack?
Friends, you can heal the Wis damage and get Mac on his feet with stuff like Lesser Restoration, but I don't think anything less than a Wish or Heal would restore your soul to normal after it had been bruised by Woldsblood. Fortunately, you have that Heal. Woldsblood is nasty stuff; the effects are strong. Like Syr says, watch out for those vials!
Combat for Control - Round Five In Progress (Need 3 Player Actions) (DM Cayzle) Friday February 20th, 2009 6:40:59 PM
The Heros
Wynn runs to Mac's side, giving the Taur a potion. That helps, but does not do the whole job.
Brahmah squeezes through after Wynn and moves up. To where, and then what?
Harley uses his divine power to Turn Undead. Only two are affected, seeing as they had previously been bolstered.
Belkior casts Heal on Mac, and that does the trick. Mac, I need a full round of actions from you. Remember that you are prone, and you have dropped your axe.
Horace moves and attacks Undead C, inflicting 14 damage.
Syr attempts to move through Undead Q, but the undead's Overrun DC is 20. He fails to knock through it.
A full round of action from Florin, from Mac, and most of a round's action from Brahmah!
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - 27 dam AND TURNED Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - 14 dam Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - 25 dam Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded AND TURNED Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 29 dam and blind Undead P - 29 dam and blind Undead Q - 29 dam and blind Undead R - 29 dam and blind Undead S - Destroyed Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC28) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unwounded Cleric 4 - 8 hp damage Cleric 5 - unwounded Cleric 6 - unwounded
ALL Animated Objects are inert again!
Mac AC:25 (26 vs opponent P), HP: 119/119 Saturday February 21st, 2009 12:08:22 AM
Thanking those around him Mac reaches for his great axe, and using it to prop himself up, takes a step forward. Actions: Pick up weapon(Move Eq. - AoO), Stand up from prone(Move Eq. - AoO), 5' step. Final Position: Z29(where his axe was if memory serves - finally made that step!)
OOC:sorry for the delay - had 20hours awake and mostly on my feet yesterday, and then a bad night with the toddler. Also, is there a spare Resistance spell available? Mac's last two failed rolls were by 1 point each... And, did Brahmah lose his haste, or is his hasted speed only 30'?
AC this round not effected by combat expertise (not actually attacking).
Combat for Control - Round Five Extra (Need 3 Player Actions) (DM Cayzle) Saturday February 21st, 2009 12:41:57 AM
Oh, yeah, haste. I forgot. That will let Brahmah go a lot farther.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:125/134 d20+21=28 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+13=31 ; d8+5=6 ; d8+5=8 ; d20+7=25 ; Sunday February 22nd, 2009 3:49:28 PM
Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
(OOC:Sorry for the delay. I'm alittle confused on the rules for mounted combat. If Florin makes a ride check does that become the AC for a single attack or all attacks done by a single enemy?)
Florin takes a stab at the incomeing undead with his lance in hopes of dropping the one. (Can hit AC:30/31 Damage:6/8=14 not sure if haste will give him a extra attack for a AoA.)
Florin tries to get Ajax to survive alittle longer so uses his mounted combat training to try and help Ajax out. (Ride:28)
Florin doesn't follow the cleric's command either (Will:25) however Florin knows that he may end up haveing to tumble from Ajax since his horse is about done in.
Combat for Control - Round Five Extra (Need 3 Player Actions) (DM Cayzle) Monday February 23rd, 2009 10:40:11 AM
I'll be posting later today -- last chance for Brahmah to act this round!
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) d20+18=21 ; 2d4+7=15 ; Monday February 23rd, 2009 12:18:17 PM
Moves to 28y and hacks at Letter 'p'. (hits AC 21, for 15 damage)
Combat for Control - Round Five Redux and Final (DM Cayzle) d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; Monday February 23rd, 2009 5:22:18 PM
Revision: With Mounted Combat, Florin protects his mount, who takes 15 hp less damage. At the start of the round, the horse is only down 28 hp. Note that Mounted Combat applies to the first attack that would otherwise hit the mount. Florin, please preroll me a Ride check each round to use if needed.
The Heros
Wynn runs to Mac's side, giving the Taur a potion. That helps, but does not do the whole job.
Brahmah squeezes through after Wynn and moves up. See below for more.
Harley uses his divine power to Turn Undead. Only two are affected, seeing as they had previously been bolstered.
Belkior casts Heal on Mac, and that does the trick.
Horace moves and attacks Undead C, inflicting 14 damage.
Syr attempts to move through Undead Q, but the undead's Overrun DC is 20. He fails to knock through it.
Mac picks up his axe, stands from prone, and takes a five foot step forward.
Florin wants to stab at an undead with his lance, but the weapon is a reach weapon, so he has to take a five foot step back first to do so. He hits twice, striking at Undead E (DM Pick, because it is the most wounded). It does not drop, but now it is very wounded.
Brahmah crowds up to the line and attacks Undead P, striking for 15 damage. It is very wounded.
The Enemies
Cleric 1 casts Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, targetting 12 creatures. Rerolling a 1, the damage/curing from the spell is 21 hp. He cures 4 undead, and then targets 8 of the party -- Everyone, including Florin's Mount, but excluding Belkior, please make a Will save vs DC21 for 21 or 10 damage.
Then the undead attack.
Undead F, N, and E attack Florin's mount.
Undead L attacks Harley.
Undead O, W, C, Q, and P attack Horace.
Undead R, K, and S attack Syr.
Then Clerics 2-5 attack and/or cast spells.
DM Note: The map below is updated. The enemy attacks must wait for this evening for me to resolve them. Sorry.
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - 27 dam AND TURNED Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - 14 dam Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - 18 dam Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded AND TURNED Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 8 dam and blind Undead P - 44 dam and blind Undead Q - 8 dam and blind Undead R - 8 dam and blind Undead S - Destroyed Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC28) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unwounded Cleric 4 - 8 hp damage Cleric 5 - unwounded Cleric 6 - unwounded
ALL Animated Objects are inert again!
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Blinking d20+8=13 ; Monday February 23rd, 2009 5:41:23 PM
Wynn fails will save
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 132/142 Y22 d20+18=26 ; d20+19=25 ; Monday February 23rd, 2009 9:28:55 PM
Syr rubs his head but does not fall (Reflex 25) and looks at the undead in front of him (Q). "Man, I must be losing a step when a blind undead can block me!"
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 63/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power d20+19=25 ; Monday February 23rd, 2009 9:56:25 PM
Harley makes the Will save, taking only 10 hps
Mac AC:25 (26 vs opponent P), HP: 98/119 d20+4=19 ; Tuesday February 24th, 2009 2:19:42 AM
Will Save:No (19), taking 21 damage (it was nice to be briefly uninjured again). :)
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 Tuesday February 24th, 2009 8:05:11 AM
This isn't going as well as I thought it would, thought Horace to himself as the undead gathered around him, attacking in a vicious flurry of fangs and claws.
Revision: With Mounted Combat, Florin protects his mount, who takes 15 hp less damage. At the start of the round, the horse is only down 28 hp. Note that Mounted Combat applies to the first attack that would otherwise hit the mount. Florin, please preroll me a Ride check each round to use if needed.
The Heros
Wynn runs to Mac's side, giving the Taur a potion. That helps, but does not do the whole job.
Brahmah squeezes through after Wynn and moves up. See below for more.
Harley uses his divine power to Turn Undead. Only two are affected, seeing as they had previously been bolstered.
Belkior casts Heal on Mac, and that does the trick.
Horace moves and attacks Undead C, inflicting 14 damage.
Syr attempts to move through Undead Q, but the undead's Overrun DC is 20. He fails to knock through it.
Mac picks up his axe, stands from prone, and takes a five foot step forward.
Florin wants to stab at an undead with his lance, but the weapon is a reach weapon, so he has to take a five foot step back first to do so. He hits twice, striking at Undead E (DM Pick, because it is the most wounded). It does not drop, but now it is very wounded.
Brahmah crowds up to the line and attacks Undead P, striking for 15 damage. It is very wounded.
The Enemies
Cleric 1 casts Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, targetting 12 creatures. Rerolling a 1, the damage/curing from the spell is 21 hp. He cures 4 undead, and then targets 8 of the party -- Everyone, including Florin's Mount, but excluding Belkior, please make a Will save vs DC21 for 21 or 10 damage.
From posts above: Syr and Harley take half damage. Mac and Wynn take full. Florin, Florin's Mount, Horace, and Brahmah still have to save. Belkior does not have to save.
Then the undead attack.
Undead F, N, and E attack Florin's mount. These are three bites at +15 and six claws at +13. One bite hits unlesss Florin can roll a Ride check of 33. The claws are deadly! They hit AC26, 27, and 28; a crit vs AC33; and hit vs 31. That's 41 in claw damage and (depending on Ride check) a potential 17 more from a bite to Florin's mount.
Undead L attacks Harley. A bite and two claws, with a flanking bonus from cleric 3: Bite vs AC33, Claws hit AC26 and 19. Given Harley's AC30 vs evil, only the bite gets through. Harley takes 14 damage.
Undead O, W, C, Q, and P attack Horace. -- Undead O has flanking bonuses: AC18 on the bite (a nat 1) and two misses on the claws (AC21 and 20). It does not matter than O is blind! -- Undead W is not blind, and attacks with claw and bite. Three misses. -- Undead C is not blind, and attacks with claw and bite. At last! A claw hits AC25 for 6 hp damage to Horace -- Undead Q and P are blind. They attack, with claws and teeth. One bite may hit AC24. Claws flash and three may hit. Rolling miss chances for the four potential hits: One claw misses cue to blindness, so one bite and two claws land. Horace takes 17+8+9 = 34 more damage. That's 40 total from undead attacks, plus either 10 or 21 from the Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds.
Undead R, K, and S attack Syr. Two are blind. On all those attacks, one lands a lucky claw and inflicts 9 damage to Syr.
Then Clerics 2-5 attack and/or cast spells.
Cleric 2 steps back five feet to 20AA, takes out a scroll, and reads it. His level check to do so is a 13; but the mists prevent discernment of what he casts.
Cleric 3 takes out a wand, activates it, and tries to touch Harley. His touch attack does not hit Harley.
Clerics 4 and 5 cast Command on Harley: DROP first, then FLEE. The will saves are DC15.
DM Note: The map below is updated. The map is valid except that Cleric 2 is reading a scroll at 20AA in the mist.
ALL UNDEAD are AC20, 18 after a charge Undead A - 27 dam AND TURNED Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - 14 dam Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - 18 dam Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded AND TURNED Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - 14 dam Undead L - 14 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 8 dam and blind Undead P - 44 dam and blind Undead Q - 8 dam and blind Undead R - 8 dam and blind Undead S - 29 dam and blind Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - unwounded Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC28) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unwounded Cleric 4 - 8 hp damage Cleric 5 - unwounded Cleric 6 - unwounded
Starting with 'p', then moving on to the next damaged one when its toast.
Hits AC 33, 33, 25, 24, 29, 22 and 6, for 12,12,8,14,10,13,miss... damage
Post moved by Cayzle since these are the actions for Round 6, if I understand correctly.
DM Cayzle OOC Tuesday February 24th, 2009 5:35:08 PM
Just to clarify, we are now entering Round 6, and everyone may post. Brahmah's orders are above, but feel free to issue new ones if desired.
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 d20+3=10 ; d20+17=36 ; d8+8=14 ; d20+11=22 ; d8+8=14 ; d8+8=10 ; d20+11=29 ; d8+8=14 ; Tuesday February 24th, 2009 6:58:31 PM
Horace is in a pretty pickle and no mistake. Surrounded on all sides, sorely wounded by claws, fang and spell, it's not looking good. Just the way he likes it!
"HAVE AT YOU BOUNDER! PREPARE FOR A STABBING THE LIKES OF WHICH YOU HAVE NEVER ENCOUNTERED!" yells Horace as he swings his sword furiously at the undead he attacked before.
Stadard Action - Attack Undead C Hit AC 36 (Critical I think), 22 for 14(if Crit+10)+14 = 28(or 38 if Crit) Dam, if it dies I Cleave attack the next enemy Undead W for Hit AC 28 for 14 Dam
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 Tuesday February 24th, 2009 9:46:18 PM
Unable to reach the enemy past his larger companions, the bard can only cheer them on with song. He stops blinking and begins to sing. His voice rings clear and vibrant across the battleground before him.
A blade so keen and hand so quick, it's all I really wanted To stand against the evil ones and remain undaunted No wizard's staff or wand for me, no godly interventions Only friends, with hearts of steel, filled with good intentions.
Wynn only hopes that wherever Xenia is, she can hear his voice and that it will bring her hope. [All allies in hearing distance gain a +2 on atk and dmg rolls and on saves vs fear]
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 63/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power d20+19=23 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+24=37 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+24=30 ; 2d6+10=14 ; d20+19=28 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+19=30 ; 2d6+10=16 ; d20+24=26 ; d8+10=15 ; d8+10=14 ; d8+12=19 ; Tuesday February 24th, 2009 10:17:54 PM
Harley barely notices the feeble spells cast by the two opposing clerics. Will saves = 23,27
Harely steps forward into the gap left by the retreating cleric. His flail whips out at the lead cleric, hitting the evil opponent squarely. A quick tug on the flail is enough to send the cleric to the ground. Harley immediately follows up with a smash of the flail to the prone cleric. Trip - hits Touch AC 37, STR check = 15, cleric 1 falls Prone. Using Improved Trip feat - Attack 1 - hits AC 30 (vs. AC 23), 17 damage (rolled damage as if large, forgot Wynn's song)
Harley then turns and attacks the cleric with the wand, also trying to trip and take advantage of a fallen opponent. Again, he is able to trip the cleric and then hit him on the ground. Trip - hits Touch AC 28, STR check = 17, cleric 4 falls Prone. Using Improved Trip feat - Attack 2 - hits AC 30 (vs. AC 14), 16 damage (rolled damage as if still large, forgot Wynn's song)
Harley then stands ready to strike one of the clerics, preferably one of the fallen ones. AoO - hits AC 26, 19 damage
Position Y21
Actions Free - 5 foot step Full - two melee attacks (see above)
Active Spells or Effects: Ring of Counter-spells: (empty) Ring of Counter-spells: Greater Dispel Magic Magic Circle against Evil: 103+/110 minutes Blade Barrier: 8+/11 minutes Silence (cell M9): 8+/11 minutes Resist Energy Fire (30): 107+/110 minutes Align Weapon (good): 23/30 rounds Divine Favor: 16/22 rounds Divine Power: 17/22 rounds
Metamagic Rod Usage: Extend (1-3): 1/3; Extend (1-6): 3/3
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste d8=4 ; d8=8 ; Tuesday February 24th, 2009 10:30:05 PM
The halfling cleric witnesses the unholy injuries inflicted upon his companions and winces in sympathy. Moving forward slightly, Belkior points and shouts at the cleric who is now laying on the floor.
"Two can play that game!"
Belkior intones a prayer to Alemi and more than repairs the damage inflicted upon his companions.
8 undead still standing - take 25 hps healing damage, Will save vs. DC 22 for half (12 hps)
Position Z30
Actions Move Standard - cast Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (using Heal), 25 pts of healing,
Turning Attempts Used - 2
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charges Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charge Wand of Dispel Magic, 10th lvl - 4 charge
Active Effects Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC, +2 saves vs. Evil Status - Brahmah, Florin, Syr, Xenia (12 hours) Disrupting Weapon - Mac (8 rounds) - Undead <12 HD must make Will save vs. DC 21 or be destroyed
Spells 0 - DC 16 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic 1 - DC 17 - Bless(x2), Detect Undead, Hide from Undead(x2), Sanctuary (D - Protection from Evil) 2 - DC 18 - Augury, Remove Paralysis(x3), Spiritual Weapon, Status* (D - Aid) 3 - DC 19 - Dispel Magic*(x2), Prayer*, Remove Disease*(x2) (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*) 4 - DC 20 - Death Ward***(x3) (D - Holy Smite*) 5 - DC 21 - Commune*, Disrupting Weapon* (D - Dispel Evil) 6 - DC 22 - Heal**(x2) (D - Heal*) * = cast
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 123/142 y23 d20+18=22 ; d20+16=27 ; d20+16=30 ; 3d6+9=22 ; d20+20=38 ; Tuesday February 24th, 2009 11:45:37 PM
Syr jerks his shoulder back as one of the undead catches him off guard (save 22). "Nice one Belk!" Assuming there is now a hole to step through, he charges cleric #3 and takes a leap at cleric #3.
If he is allowed to initiate a grapple then his touch attack (actually 31) succeeds and he hits the cleric around the legs holding on (Grapple check 30). If he can then make one attack, (attack 38, damage 22)
If Syr can not move and start the grapple then he simply charges cleric #3 and takes a flying leap (attack 38, damage 22)
If there is no hole created for him to charge, then he uses his full attack on Undead Q stepping through the line of undead assuming the creature falls.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:129/134 d20+7=15 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+3=4 ; d20+7=22 ; Wednesday February 25th, 2009 1:21:14 AM
Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
Florin does his best to try and keep Ajax alive alittle longer (Ride:35) frowns and tries to tumble from the saddle as Ajax takes enough damage to send him back to his plain. However Florin is rather lacking on those type of skills and lands pretty hard on the ground. (Tumble:4 (nat:1) DM, please remind me of what falling damage is.)
Florin is thankful for the healing spell from Belkior but now wonders at his new problem. On the ground, standing would open him to attacks, as will changeing his weapon to his sword. He calls out as he tries to get to his feet, dropping his lance so he can get his sword as soon as possible, "Anyone that might have a few moments, I could use alittle support for a couple moments here."
Roll over view: Florin Will check VS inflict moderate wounds: 15 Ride: 35 Tumble: 4
Ajax Will check VS inflict moderate wounds: 22
Mac [AC:25 (30Combat Expertise, 31Dodge vs opponent S), HP:98/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon d20+16=35 ; 3d6+16=25 ; d20+16=35 ; 3d6+16=26 ; d20+16=18 ; 3d6+16=24 ; d20+16=23 ; 3d6+16=27 ; d20+16=31 ; 3d6+16=25 ; d20+16=27 ; 3d6+16=29 ; d20+16=24 ; 3d6+16=24 ; d20+16=25 ; 3d6+16=28 ; d20+16=26 ; 3d6+16=32 ; d20+16=31 ; 3d6+16=27 ; Wednesday February 25th, 2009 3:33:07 AM
Mac takes a step forward to be shoulder to shoulder with Brahmah and Wynn's song hits the mark. There he swings his adamantine great axe at all opponents within reach, again!
Start Position: AA29 -> End Position: AA28 with a 5' step Actions: Step and have at the undead... Whirlwind Attack. Attacks: P: AC35 for 25 damage. (Disrupting Weapon] S: AC35 for 26 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) K: AC18 for 24 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) R: AC23 for 27 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) Q: AC31 for 25 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) C: AC27 for 29 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) AoOs(next round): 1 AC24 for 24 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) 2 AC25 for 28 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) 3 AC26 for 32 damage. (Disrupting Weapon) 4 AC31 for [3d6+16] damage. (Disrupting Weapon) Spell Effects: Disrupting Weapon - from Belkior (8 rounds remaining) - Undead <12 HD must make Will save vs. DC 21 or be destroyed. Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds remaining) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action Wynn's song - +2 BAB, +2 Damage, and +2 on fear saves (nice!) Combat Notes: Dodge (opponent S), Mobility, Combat Expertise (-5 BAB, +5 Dodge), Combat Reflexes (make up to 4 AoOs/round), 10' Reach & Power Attack (-2 BAB, +4 Damage for 2HW) Whirlwind Attack.
Correction from last round: I meant to roll Concentration checks for casting on the defensive for the two clerics who Commanded Harley. Since he saved vs both, no prob, but I have damaged one for the 12 damage Harley's AoO inflicted.
The Heros
Brahmah starts slicing. He downs Undead P and Q this round.
Horace, badly wounded, gains some help as Brahmah destroys two of the undead attacking him. Then Horace attacks. NOTE: AS a full round action, you can make multiple attacks. There are no crits for undead, but I'll use your second roll as a second attack, and it hits! So Horace hits twice, inflicting 28 damage on the undead.
Wynn breaks into bardsong, inspiring his friends with courage. (+2)
Harley trips the lead cleric, Cleric 1, then pounds him for 17 damage. Only 9 of that hit the cleric. Then he turns and trips Cleric 3, and bashes him for 16 damage.
Belkior casts a mass cure, and 8 undead are hurt -- one of those is destroyed.
Syr charges and tackles Cleric 3, who is now prone. Doing so provokes an AoO from two undead as Syr leaps between them ... those AoOs are a miss and a hit, a bite for 14 damage to Syr. Syr tackles the cleric and squeezes -- and he's severely wounded.
Florin's mount goes down and out -- out of the Wold entirely. Florin falls, taking 4 hp nonlethal damage. Florin lands in one of the mount's four squares -- a DM's random roll puts Florin in 23V, next to two undead. So when Florin stands and draws a weapon, the standing up provokes two AoOs. One of those hits, for 12 damage to Florin.
Mac steps forward and whirlwinds, and the three remaining undead in reach (C, R, K) are hit ... and all three are destroyed.
The Enemies
Cleric 5 steps back five feet and cures Cleric 1, healing all his damage.
Cleric 1 stands from prone. This provokes an AoO that Harley can take advantage of -- but you cannot trip a prone foe, and the AoO comes just before the cleric stands up.
Then Cleric 1 takes a five foot step back and casts a Wall of Stone spell. The ten-foot-tall wall is shown as a heavy black line on the map. One end fo the Wall disappears into the mist.
Cleric 2 withdraws into the mist.
Cleric 3 tries to touch Syr -- his touch attack is at -4, and he rolls a natural one.
Cleric 4 casts a spell on the defensive -- Inflict Moderate Wounds -- and then tries to touch Harley. He hits Touch AC 17 (is that a hit?) -- Harley may take 17 damage
Undead N and E flank Florin and attack him. One hits for 5 hp damage.
Undead F and L fall back. L tumbles past Harley and into the mist.
Undead W, C, and O move around and take defensive postures, trying to buy their master a round or two. They use Tumble to avoid AoOs from the Taurs. Using Total Defense, their AC is now 26. W moves into the mist.
And the Map! Note: Both Syr and Cleric 3 are grappling in 22Y.
Enemy Status (END of Round 6)
UNDEAD N and E are AC20, others are AC26 Undead A - 27 dam AND TURNED Undead B - Destroyed Undead C - Destroyed Undead D - Destroyed Undead E - 30 dam Undead F - unwounded Undead G - unwounded AND TURNED Undead H - Destroyed Undead I - 21 dam AND TURNED Undead J - 29 dam and blind AND TURNED Undead K - Destroyed Undead L - 26 dam Undead M - 14 dam AND TURNED Undead N - 14 dam Undead O - 33 dam and blind Undead P - Destroyed Undead Q - Destroyed Undead R - Destroyed Undead S - Destroyed Undead T - Destroyed Undead U - Destroyed Undead V - Destroyed Undead W - 25 dam Undead X - Destroyed Undead Y - Destroyed Undead Z - Destroyed
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 3 (AC28) and Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - 38 dam Cleric 4 - 8 dam Cleric 5 - 12 dam Cleric 6 - 8 damage
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 80/80 d20+17=18 ; Wednesday February 25th, 2009 7:58:21 PM
OOC: Sorry Cayzle but isn't Undead C destroyed? Do you mean that it is another Undead?
Horace takes stock of the situation. Most, but not all, of the undead blighters have been finished off but the mad clerics who started all this hoohah still present a threat to him and his fellow adventurers. Moving forward Horace attacks the undead attacking Florin, attempting to even the odds somewhat.
Move action - move to X 24, avoiding Undead C if necessary. Standard action - attack Undead E Hitting AC 18 a miss.
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 Wednesday February 25th, 2009 8:43:16 PM
Still stymied by the two Taurs blocking his way, Wynn slips by Bramah and to the left of Horace while continuing his song [double move to W-25]
A poem, a song, a hero's tale, to what end to they serve When told aloud in battle, they sooth the ragged nerve A battle cry sung loud and hale, a hero's charge requested And now we press upon our foes and see them sorely tested.
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste d20+10=24 ; Wednesday February 25th, 2009 10:06:42 PM
The halfling cleric moves ahead so that he can see the mist that hides some of the clerics and undead. Belkior raises the wand once more and attempts to remove the mist.
Position Z30
Actions Move Standard - activate Dispel Magic wand, removing Mist effect cast by 13th caster
Turning Attempts Used - 2
Items Used Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 3 charges Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 8 charge Wand of Dispel Magic, 10th lvl - 5 charge
Active Effects Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 AC, +2 saves vs. Evil Status - Brahmah, Florin, Syr, Xenia (12 hours) Disrupting Weapon - Mac (7 rounds) - Undead <12 HD must make Will save vs. DC 21 or be destroyed
Spells 0 - DC 16 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic 1 - DC 17 - Bless(x2), Detect Undead, Hide from Undead(x2), Sanctuary (D - Protection from Evil) 2 - DC 18 - Augury, Remove Paralysis(x3), Spiritual Weapon, Status* (D - Aid) 3 - DC 19 - Dispel Magic*(x2), Prayer*, Remove Disease*(x2) (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*) 4 - DC 20 - Death Ward***(x3) (D - Holy Smite*) 5 - DC 21 - Commune*, Disrupting Weapon* (D - Dispel Evil) 6 - DC 22 - Heal**(x2) (D - Heal*) * = cast
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 85/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power d20+16=23 ; d8=8 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+24=27 ; d8+10=14 ; Wednesday February 25th, 2009 10:24:17 PM
Harley withstands the worst of the magical spell and then continues on. Will save = 25, half damage from Inflict Wounds
Harley concentrates to avoid being attacked by either of the clerics standing next to him. He manages to cast the spell without being attacked. Using one of few remaining high level spells, Harley casts Mass Cure Light Wounds to both heal his companions and damage the undead.
After that, Harley turns his back on the two clerics and moves around the stone wall so that he threatens the two clerics.
Position Z18 (unless wall is longer than shown)
Actions Standard - Cast Mass Cure Light Wounds, Concentration = 23 to avoid AoO, healing 19 damage to Harley, Florin, Syr, Brahmah and Mac [b]and inflicting 19 damage to undead C, E, F, N, O (will save DC 22 for half) Move - 30 feet to Z18
Active Spells or Effects: Ring of Counter-spells: (empty) Ring of Counter-spells: Greater Dispel Magic Magic Circle against Evil: 103+/110 minutes Blade Barrier: 8+/11 minutes Silence (cell M9): 8+/11 minutes Resist Energy Fire (30): 107+/110 minutes Align Weapon (good): 22/30 rounds Divine Favor: 15/22 rounds Divine Power: 16/22 rounds
Metamagic Rod Usage: Extend (1-3): 1/3; Extend (1-6): 3/3
Mac [AC:25 (30Combat Expertise, 31Dodge vs opponent S), HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon d20+18=36 ; 3d6+12=23 ; d20+18=23 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+18=27 ; 3d6+12=28 ; d20+18=36 ; 3d6+12=27 ; d20+18=27 ; 3d6+12=18 ; d20+18=22 ; 3d6+12=24 ; Thursday February 26th, 2009 6:42:11 AM
OOC: Lots of 'if's coming up. Am going ahead with the assumption that Undead C is no longer there, given that the only undestroyed and unturned undead are E, F, L, N, O, & W.
Action: Mac takes a swing at O (AC36 for 23 damage and DW save). If it is disrupted, then Mac follows after Belkior (up to 60', and hopefully positioning tactically for next round. I'd like to be more specific, but I don't know where Belkior ended up.), otherwise he continues to swing at O (AC:23 - miss, AC:18 - miss, and AC:19 - miss), and then takes a 5' step away fromO. AoOs: 1-AC:27{26d} 2-AC:36{27d} 3-AC:27{18d} 4-AC:22{24d}
Notes: Same Magic and Combat features as last round except no Power Attack and no Whirlwind Attack.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:127/134 (2points of it subdual) d20+18=29 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=23 ; d10+8=12 ; d10+8=15 ; d10+8=17 ; Thursday February 26th, 2009 3:27:52 PM
Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
Florin flinches some with the attacks specially since he does get hit not to mention the bruise from hitting the ground. However the mass healing spell takes some of the edge off of the damage.
Now that he is standing and has his weapon at the ready he speaks to Horace, "Thanks for the help my friend. I think I can handle this now if there is anyone else needing of assistance." Florin grins lightly which can't be seen through the vizor helmet but killing undead was what he does best so to speak. With this he brings his longsword to attack at the undead infront of him.
(Can hit AC:29/28/23 Damage:12/15/17)
(Cayzle:Florin will aim his attacks at a single undead. However if he drops one of the undead then he will either use his last attack on the other one close or cleave the thing.)
Florin thinks a moment and nods about a thought and calls out to Syr, "Hey Syr, your the leader but just a small comment. You think we should take one of those clerics alife just for questioning, etc? There might be more to this picture too and we might not get the whole idea inless we keep one alife. Knocked out of course but breathing. What do you think?"
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) d20+18=21 ; 2d4+7=11 ; Thursday February 26th, 2009 4:59:30 PM
Moves to 24V and attacks N. HE draws whatever attacks he can from the others. (Hits AC 21, 11 damage)
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 123/142 y23 d20+16=34 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+20=40 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=21 ; 3d6+9=21 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=18 ; 2d6+9=13 ; Thursday February 26th, 2009 6:34:40 PM
Syr hears Florin's comments but doesn't respond since he is entangled with the priest. (Grapple check 34)
He maintans his hold on the cleric and switches to using the palm of his hand (non-lethal damage) to pummel the priest (Attack 26,30,crit, not confirmed, 33, crit, not confirmed Damage 21,17, 18, 13)
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 123/142 y23 Friday February 27th, 2009 4:04:25 PM
checking in... Hey Cayzle, I think we need a house rule for combat...
Each 24 hour period that a player doesn't post, that character takes 1 point of damage.
Each 24 hour period the DM doesn't post, all players healed 1 pt.
(and yes, I'm as guilty as anyone) What do ya'll think?
OOC (DM Cayzle) Friday February 27th, 2009 4:10:34 PM
Ouch! if we applied that rule to the DM, I would be dead, seeing as I have few hp and have taken too many!
Post to follow in a moment or ten.
Combat for Control - Round Seven (DM Cayzle) d8+3=11 ; d8+3=8 ; d8+3=8 ; Friday February 27th, 2009 4:47:15 PM Correction: Sorry, my bad about Undead C. Yes, it was destroyed. See below for more.
Question for Horace: Did I miss something, or are you at 19 hp? Are you really pressing the attack while so wounded? Or did I miss something?
The Heros
If Horace chooses, he moves up, to X24, swings, and misses. Please confirm your hp and action.
Wynn moves to W25, singing.
Belkior moves to Z30 and then to dispel the mists, and does so. He sees that the stone wall bends around toward the Woldsblood pool, and that the enemy has taken a stand in the space between the pool and the end of the wall.
Harley casts a mass cure on the defensive and then walks along the wall. For final position see map. Harley sees, now that he is against the wall, that it is pierced every five feet with a tiny hole, enough to give improved cover and line of sight to anyone standing next to it.
Note that the mass cure affects 11 people, since Harley is 11th level IIRC. Please pick 11 friends and undead within 30 feet of each other to affect, and what is your save DC vs the cure?
Harley, look at the map -- I don't think you can get Line Of Sight on all the undead unless you back way up. Please keep that in mind when you figure out who has to save.
Mac attacks Undead O. It rolls a 16 and is disrupted (rolled off screen since I have no Web access as I type this). Then Mac looks to Belkior for direction. But Belkior is still behind him at Z30. Mac, where do you want to go?
Florin puts down Undead E and swings hard at Undead N.
Brahmah finishes the job, putting the kibosh on Undead N.
Syr knocks Cleric 3 deep into slumberland. He won't be back to the Wold for a while. His wand drops to the floor.
The Enemies
The three remaining Undead hold their ground using Total Defense. There may be some adjustment after the Mass Cure to their hit point totals.
Cleric 2 - Casts CLW.
Cleric 3 - Unconscious.
Cleric 4 - Withdraws, ending his move next to Undead F, putting his back to the Woldsblood pool, and drawing a vial -- probably of Woldsblood. He seems prepped to throw or shatter it.
Cleric 5 - Casts CLW.
Cleric 6 - Casts Inflict Light Wounds on Undead W.
Cleric 1 - For the first time in this so-far silent fight, a cleric speaks. Lead Cleric 1 laughs like a madman and shouts, "You may have defeated us, but I'll take you all with us! We can all die here together, doing Ga'al's work!"
Harley sees him doing something with some magic item. Suddenly the machines in the walls start to activate. Lights start flashing, and from every inanimate object -- even floors and ceilings -- comes a vast loud shrieking and grating sound. It sounds as if the machinery and the floor and the columns are being forced into motion. This can't be good.
Do you stick around? Try to fight? Or is it time to run away before the place comes crashing down?
All UNDEAD are AC26 using Total Defense Undead F - unwounded Undead L - 26 dam Undead W - 17 dam (All others turned or destroyed)
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - unwounded Cleric 2 - unwounded Cleric 3 - unconscious Cleric 4 - 8 dam Cleric 5 - 1 dam Cleric 6 - unwounded
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 103/126) d20+18=28 ; 2d4+7=13 ; Friday February 27th, 2009 5:55:46 PM
Moves to TU20. Hits cleric 4. (Hits 28, for 13 damage)
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 85/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power Friday February 27th, 2009 9:48:21 PM
Targetted PC's were in original post - Harley, Florin, Syr, Brahmah, Mac
Undead - Don't have to be in line of sight. The Spell Description merely requires that all be within 30 feet. I was treating it like a "spread" area of effect which can violate line of sight and effect.
As originally stated - Undead C, E, F, N, O
Mac [AC:25 (30Combat Expertise, 31Dodge vs opponent S), HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon Friday February 27th, 2009 10:18:30 PM
Last round: Mac looks to Belkior and nods in the direction of the wall before moving 45' to be at AB19 - next to Harley. "Wait for me."he says to the cleric.
OOC: Can we get more details about the wall (thickness, height, etc) and height of the room/cavern, please?
Will post again as soon as I have info. }(; :]
Combat for Control - Round Seven Extra (DM Cayzle) Friday February 27th, 2009 10:32:42 PM
Wall is 1o feet high. Ceiling is 20 feet high. More tomorrow am re undead and such.
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 44/80 d20+17=31 ; d8+8=15 ; Saturday February 28th, 2009 3:34:50 AM
OOC: Cayzle yep I should be 19 but Belkior cast a Mass Cure Spell in Round 6 healing me of 25 Hp and taking me up to 44 Hp. I keep changing my HP total in my Post Name but for some reason it keeps reverting back to 80/80, I'm not sure why.
"Not a problem Florin!" responds Horace after he misses his attack against the undead pressing the Elf.
Horace hears the grinding of the machines and looks around warily.
"Do we run chaps or stay and finish this?" he asks as he stalks towards the cleric and undead standing next to the pool of Woldsblood.
Move Action - Walk to U 19 Standard Action - attack Cleric 4 Hit AC 31 Dam 15
Mac [AC:25 (26 Dodge vs 6), HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon, Inspire Courage d20+23=39 ; 3d6+12=22 ; d20+23=36 ; 3d6+12=22 ; d20+18=20 ; 3d6+12=23 ; d20+13=14 ; 3d6+12=22 ; d20+23=37 ; d3=2 ; d20+23=36 ; d20+23=33 ; d20+23=26 ; 3d6+12=22 ; 3d6+12=23 ; 3d6+12=19 ; 3d6+12=26 ; Saturday February 28th, 2009 8:27:53 AM
Mac swings at the two undead... then he has an idea (read on).
Start Position: AB19 End Position: Same Actions: Hit the two nearby undead (W&L), and then... an idea strikes the taur. He smashed his greataxe into his end of the front wall (bordering Z20). If that isn't enough to bring it down he does it again. If the first wall shot was enough then rather than attacking again he braces his axe against the side wall (Over Harvey) and tries to topple it over onto clerics 2, 6, & 5. Attacks:: W: AC39{22}[DW]L: AC[36]{22}[DW] AC:26 Wall bordering Z20 AC[20]{23 - breaches 1.5" thick wall}Wall bordering Z20 AC[14]{22 - breaches 3" thick wall} AoOs(next round): 1 AC[37]{22}[DW]2 AC[36]{23}[DW]3 AC[33]{19}[DW]4 AC[26]{26}[DW] Spell Effects: Disrupting Weapon - from Belkior (8 rounds left) - Undead <12HD must save Will(DC21) or be destroyed. Haste - from Wynn (6 rounds left) - +1BAB, +1Dodge, +1Reflex, +30'Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action. Inspire Courage - from Wynn (4 rounds left) - +2BAB, +2Damage, and +2 on fear saves Combat Notes: Dodge (vs 6), Mobility, Combat Reflexes (4), 10' Reach, Adamantine weapon bypasses Hardness.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:127/134 (2points of it subdual) d20+13=15 ; d20+14=29 ; d10+6=12 ; d6=3 ; d20+15=19 ; Saturday February 28th, 2009 10:18:36 PM
Cloak of Displacement (minor: 20% miss chance) Aura of Courage (Immune to fear and +4 morale bonus to everyone in 10ft against fear effects.) Divine Health (Immune to diseases, even super natural ones) Life Shield+2 (Bonus to AC vs Undead) Magic Circle vs Evil *From Belkior* Haste - from Wynn (7 rounds) - +1 BAB, +1 Dodge, +1 Reflex, +30' Speed, and gain one extra attack at your highest bonus in a full attack action
Florin moves forward to stand infront of the same cleric that Brahmah attacked and swings hard at the cleric.
(Can hit AC:15/29 Damage:0/12 Shocking:3)
(Cayzle: If Florin happen to land the finishing blow on the cleric I will roll a cleave attack on the undead next to him. Hit AC:19 Damage:0)
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 d20+20=21 ; Sunday March 1st, 2009 2:31:32 AM
Looking up from the unconscious priest, "We were called upon to finish it and we will. Somebody get that thing he used to start this. It might stop it. Besides, if we flee, we walk out into traps and might even get lost while trying to escape. We need to save the Float and ourselves too."
Depending on what happens with Mac's attack, Syr will postion himself to hit undead W or cleric #6. (nevermind a natural 1).
Mac [AC:25 (26 Dodge vs 6), HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon, Inspire Courage Monday March 2nd, 2009 3:07:24 PM
OOC: Likewise
Combat for Control - Round Seven Extra (DM Cayzle) Monday March 2nd, 2009 8:02:55 PM
Turn to come before midnight, I promise!
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 Monday March 2nd, 2009 10:00:38 PM
The bard continues his song and begins making for the undead guarding the left side of the wall.
So raise your voices to the sky, let loose a thunderous sound For hearts let loose in battle cry will win the hallowed ground So steel your nerves and gird you loins against a foe tremendous The shields are here and they will die those who stand against us.
New Position = W20
Combat for Control - Round Eight and Last (DM Cayzle) d20+7=21 ; d20+7=23 ; d20+7=15 d20+7=15 ; d20+7=22 ; 12d6=46 ; Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 2:43:42 AM The Heros
From last round: Will saves vs Mass Cure: one save, two fail. All three undead are injured; all remain standing. Also, Mac moves to AB19.
Brahmah moves forward, swings, and strikes the wounded Cleric 4.
Horace moves up next to Brahmah and also swings.
So does Florin, for that matter. With the three attackers, Cleric 4 and undead F are both dropped.
Mac attacks two undead -- W fails and is disrupted; L saves but 22 dam is enough to take it down anyway. Then Mac attacks the stone wall. Each five foot by five foot by three inch section of wall has 45 hit points and hardness 8. The hardness does not matter versus adamantine. With two blows, Mac breaches the wall. He breaches either the upper five feet of that section, or the lower five feet.
Syr has to get up from prone after grappling the now-unconscious cleric. He moves to AA17. He does not have an attack left, but if he did it would not matter seeing as he missed anyway.
Wynn stands back, singing. Belkior does too, but not so much with the singing.
Syr is unaffected by the Woldsblood splashing around him. He attacks Undead B, destroying it as he takes a five foot step to the left.
The Enemies
The last three undead are down. So too are two clerics. You have ignored the lead cleric's bluff about bringing the place down on you.
The lead cleric casts Flame Strike, centered on 20-21-W-X. That is good to hit Brahmah, Horace, Florin, and both unconscious clerics (if you did not kill Cleric 4).
The damage is 46 or 23, Reflex save DC20 for half.
Behind the stone wall, all four Clerics survive it. On your side, Clerics 3 and 4 are now dead.
There are only the four clerics left. They step off into the Woldsblood pool and sink under its surface.
The room stops shaking. Combat is over (Although there are some turned undead in the northeast corner of the room).
Enemy Status (END of Round 8)
All UNDEAD are AC26 using Total Defense Undead F - destroyed Undead L - destroyed Undead W - destroyed (All others turned or destroyed)
ALL CLERICS are AC19 except Cleric 1 (AC27) Cleric 1 - fled Cleric 2 - fled Cleric 3 - dead Cleric 4 - dead Cleric 5 - fled Cleric 6 - fled
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon, Inspire Courage Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 6:34:43 AM
Mac says, "No point leaving them here..." as he heads off towards the remaining undead. He gets into position this round to take a step in to pick them off delete, delete, delete relieve them of the burden of their continued existence in the next round(s). He gives voice to the few thoughts that run through his mind as he moves towards the corner, such as "How can they just walk off like that, into the Woldsblood!?", and "I thought this was a rescue mission.", and "I'm not feeling well.", and "Thanks for watching my back.", and "What do those machines do when they're not being used for... you know.".
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 d20+3=13 ; Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 6:37:35 PM
When the last of the clerics slips beneath the pool, Wynn rapidly scours the room looking for signs of Xenia [search=13]. Assuming he finds no signs of the comely rogue he kneels down and pulls a scroll from his pack. On the scroll he writes..."I seek to know the whereabouts and fate of one Alexandria Merryman Next. What has become of her?"
Xenia (from far away) Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 7:03:07 PM
... wynn? ... Faint and far away, familiar thoughts touch the mind of the bard. ... wyyyynnnnnn ... nia, can .. ear me ... mus doin ... scryi ... gic on ... Chaos Guys on som ... tinent ... portrap ... love ... tryin ... bac ...
The words fall away, fading into an unknowable distance.
Harley (AC 28 (30 vs. evil); HP 85/85) - Longstrider, Magic Vestment(x2), Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy (Fire), Align Weapon (Good), Divine Favor, Divine Power Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 10:53:42 PM
Is taking a breather now that the combat is over.
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste d20+15=25 ; d20+10=30 ; Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 10:58:34 PM
The halfling cleric busies himself with tending to his wounded companions. Belkior considers the implications of how the clerics left as he does, however. Knowledge Religion = 25, Spellcraft = 30 (natural 20)
"Some of my brethren in the Temple of Alemi can do wondrous things with Woldsblood, like that pool over there. Maybe they could tell us how this happened?"
"For that matter, have we made the Float safe? Or do we have to deal with this Woldsblood, too?"
Combat for Control - Aftermath (DM Cayzle) Tuesday March 3rd, 2009 11:46:08 PM
Mac makes short work of the remaining cowering undead.
Wynn gets a sense through his mental link that Xenia is not in danger, and misses him. But it is hard to decipher the jumbled message. Does he still use the scroll?
Brahmah and Harley rest for a moment after the fight.
Belkior dishes some healing and wonders about this pool of Woldsblood. The cleric knows much about Woldsblood [OOC: everything here, for example] As for this in particualar ... well, he knows that Woldsblood should not even exist in the Wold proper. Those clerics should not have been able to step into it. Woldsblood should flow, not pool. Altogether, this seems like an abomination.
His insight that this is Fixers' business strikes him as right on target.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:104/134 (2points of it subdual) d20+10=22 ; Wednesday March 4th, 2009 1:11:02 AM
Florin is happy to see that the battle is over and is atleast lucky enough to miss some of the damage from the flame strike spell. With the battle over he sheathes his weapon and frowns as he looks to the pool of Woldsblood, wondering about it, "I don't like that thing sitting there really. Something about it just gives me the creeps."
Florin looks over to Syr and thinks before smileing some, "Well, we took care of this but did it solve anything really? I mean, I see no cure and those of us who were infected don't seem to be better. We better hurry and get moveing. I mean, gather whats here and get out of here."
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP -2/80 d20+2=13 ; Wednesday March 4th, 2009 2:20:50 AM
The flamestrike spell strikes hard at Horace and he drops to the ground burnt to a crisp, slowly dying.
(OOC: Failed the DC roll and that means I'm on -2 HP)
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 d8+3=8 ; d8+3=4 ; d8+3=11 ; d8+3=11 ; Wednesday March 4th, 2009 12:00:18 PM
Seeing Horace fall, he rushes over to see if he can help. Asking for Domi's blessing, he feels the healing magic flow from him to the man. "You aren't going anywhere yet. After all, you just joined us." (CLW 8, 11,11). "That's all I've got for now." Standing up, "Spread out and see if they left anything behind that will give us a clue? And while you are at it, can someone detect magic? I think that priest that I was fighting was a bit tougher than he should have been."
"What do you think 'Cap?" Having seen the minotaur in battle now, the title seems deserved. "Do ya think the pool is what keeps the city afloat? and if not, how do we get rid of it?"
Looking over at the bard, "Wynn.... Wynn.. C'mon guy we need you to focus now." He walks over to the bard and peers over his shoulder to see what the man is writing and his face softens, "How is she?" He waits for the man's reply before continuing, "Can you do your blink thingie and tell us if there are any more cords and where they might lead?"
(OOC: I seem to recall a house rule to reroll all 'ones' on heals, or is that just hps?)
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 80/126) Wednesday March 4th, 2009 12:37:16 PM
The ranger takes in his surroundings and is vigilant... just in case.
Combat for Control - OOC (DM Cayzle) Wednesday March 4th, 2009 5:39:44 PM
Yup, reroll 1s on cures and hit dice, please.
I've also been rerolling 1s on Inflicts. Fair's fair, after all.
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 Wednesday March 4th, 2009 8:37:26 PM
Wynn finishes his question on the Scroll of Answers and puts it away, hoping to get a response soon. "She is still out there somewhere" he replies. "She must be either far away, or pulled into the Woldsblood and the land of shadows. I could barely make out her voice". The bards voice trembles slightly as he speaks. In the meantime he reactivates the ring of blinking as requested by Syr and scans the great room.
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste Wednesday March 4th, 2009 10:04:57 PM
The halfling cleric looks around at his companions before speaking.
"Let's get everyone patched up and then head back. I think that this is something that we need to report to the Underlord because it's beyond our ability to fix."
"Woldsblood shouldn't be doing this, acting this way. I don't know if this is something that the clerics did or if this was always here, down in the bottom levels of the Float. It's potentially dangerous, too."
"Maybe the Underlord can arrange for some Fixers to come down here to set things right."
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:104/134 (2points of it subdual) Thursday March 5th, 2009 12:10:13 AM
Florin waits and watches the others before makeing a comment to Syr, "I don't think Brahmah is use to being called Cap." Florin does glance to the Woldblood and frowns as he still doesn't like the thing and shakes his head as he still really doesn't feel like they killed the root of the disease, the group didn't seem to find any cure or anything either so what was going to happen now.
Florin glances towards the others once more and wonders what the others might be thinking on all this also. Florin does take the time to move over by Wynn and speaks to him also, "Xenia is a very good friend to all of us and even more so to you. I'm sure that you two will find each other once again and I will help you in any way I can also Wynn. Please do not forget you have friends and where there is hope."
Horace. AC:24 (23 +1 Haste) HP 28/80 d100=35 ; Thursday March 5th, 2009 8:32:10 AM
The healing power of Syr flows into Horaces body bringing him back from the brink of death. Horace takes this opportunity to lie on the floor for a while until the rest of the world stops spinning. Eventually it does and the stocky man gingerly gets to his feet, his body may be healed but the mental exhaustion from almost dying will affect him for a while longer.
"My thanks Syr, that fire spell almost proved more than a match for me! I'm able to cast detect magic so I can see if there is anything magical in this room, apart from the Woldblood, is there anything in particular you wish for me to keep an eye out for?" Horace asks Syr.
Turning to the rest of his new companions he says "Well fought everybody! Almost dying horribly always give you an appreciation for the life the gods have granted you. Now I'm going to loot the bodies!" says Horace with a cheerful grin as he attempts to cast his detect magic spell.
What remains (DM Cayzle) Thursday March 5th, 2009 6:45:59 PM
Horace is hit hard by the final flamestrike, but the healing attentions of Syr soon get him back on his feet.
Florin recognizes that the problem of the Woldsblood is not one that can be ignored. He wonders how to cure the disease. He reassures Wynn about Xenia.
Belkior urges the party to return to the Underlord as soon as possible. Of course, the Underlord is dead. The Acting Underlord, you recall, is your old adversary, Jonas.
Wynn uses his scroll but gets no response, at least not immediately. He blinks, looking for clues. He sees no grey cords. He sees that the empty spaces in the room are occupied in the Realm of Shadows by strange machines. He sees that the walls and floors of this room exist on both planes. But it seems to Wynn that the crater filled with Woldsblood is not part of the intended overall mechanism. It is damage, not design.
Horace, back on his feet, casts Detect Magic and looks around, not least on the bodies of the slain. The undead have nothing, but the two slain clerics have magic armor, magic shields, and a wand.
Horace also notes that part of the room has been set up with cots and two tables. There are several tomes and notes there -- one of the tomes is magical.
And the machinery is overwhelmingly magic -- with no one school, or maybe with all schools.
Horace also finds six undamaged vials of Woldsblood that had not been thrown at you.
Wynn [AC=26; HP=45/75] Inspire Courage +2 Friday March 6th, 2009 7:36:02 AM
"There are no more chords!" the bard declares. "And this pool of Woldsblood is not part of the mechanism of the undercity. All of these machines exist both here and in the realm of shadows, but the Woldsblood is foreign to this spot. Is there anyway to seal it off?"
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 80/126) Friday March 6th, 2009 2:52:52 PM
"Can we shut the door to the shadow? Maybe a bright light spell? I'm jus a ranger, but doesn't the sun cancel out shadow on a plain. If there is nothing to cast a shadow, light reigns."
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 Friday March 6th, 2009 3:58:57 PM
"First thing first, take care of yourselves. Anyone that has any lingering wounds needs to get them tended immediately. Belkior has the wand. Which reminds me, if we get out of here, we should probably sell this armor and buy him a new one. We don't want these guys coming back and catching us at half strength." The elf follows that by heading over to Brahmah and offering several cure light potions.
"Since Wynn says the cords are now gone, I can't help wondering what happened to the people that were infected. If they reverted to normal, then we could use someone that has knowledge of this place. Florin, why don't you and Mac stick your head out the door real fast and see if you can't find a dead body or a live person but don't go too far, remember the traps?"
Turning his attention to the pool. "I'm thinking we need to seal this somehow. It just makes me a bit nervous to give Jonas access to something like this." Turning to the smallest member of the group, "Hey, Belk, since this stuff is of the Realm of Shadow, can you... like... send it back there like you do undead?"We need to resolve this before leaving. Besides, I'm betting Gargul would appreciate it if we sent it back to him and I'd rather not meet him again. Horace, check out those books for anything about our pool here."
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste d20+4=16 ; 2d6+15=21 ; Friday March 6th, 2009 9:50:53 PM
The halfling cleric listens to Syr and his other companion as they discuss how to deal with the danger of the Woldsblood.
"I can try. Trying to channel holy energy, that is. I don't know if it will work but it might do something."
"But before I go, I should heal as many people as possible. Just in case something bad happens."
Belkior moves around his companions, using his Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds to repair any wounds that they have suffered.
Once the healing is completed, Belkior moves as close to the Woldsblood as he feels is safe. Once he starts feeling the tug of the Woldsblood, the Paragon stops and concentrates on channeling holy energy. Once he has done so, Belkior directs the energy at the pool of Woldsblood.
OOC - Anyone who wants healing, roll as if a Cure Moderate Wounds spell was being cast (2d8+3).
Turning Attempt - Maximum 13 HD, turning a total of 21 HD
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:104/134 (2points of it subdual) d20+5=7 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+3=12 ; d20+3=9 ; Saturday March 7th, 2009 12:03:40 AM
Florin tries to think over something before he will head to see if he can spot any undead around or see if they might of changed in anyway like Syr commented about.
(Knowledge Religion:7 *seeing if there is any healing or such qualities to Woldblood considering the vials) Knowledge Undead; 22 *seeing if he can think of any way Woldblood could be used to make undead*)
Spot:12 Listen: 9 for look and listening outside the door.
Wynn [AC=26; HP=68/75] Inspire Courage +2 2d8+3=13 ; 2d8+3=10 ; d20+12=17 ; Saturday March 7th, 2009 8:25:41 AM
Wynn accepts two cures from the clerics wand. "Thank you Belkior." He then circles the pool of Woldsblood, trying to remember what if anything he has learned in his travels [Bardic Knowledge=17]
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon, Inspire Courage d20+6=23 ; d20+1=13 ; Saturday March 7th, 2009 9:05:16 AM
Mac leaves the conversation for the most part, except to decline any further healing but thanking Belkior for his help, and heads down to the end of the first corridor, all the while trying to be aware of the sorts of dangers he is already to aware of. [Spot:23, Listen:13]
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 80/126) Monday March 9th, 2009 11:26:33 AM
"Syr, thanks, but I think Horace need them more now. I'll take healing after everyone else."
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119], Haste, Disrupting Weapon, Inspire Courage Tuesday March 10th, 2009 7:35:35 AM
OOC: Checking in.
A Scene Reset (DM Cayzle) Tuesday March 10th, 2009 7:59:22 PM [OOC: Apologies for the delay of game. Real life, blah blah. Anyway, to get us back into it, here is a recap and a few more details, then a response to the latest PC actions, and then we'll see.]
The party has won through to the central command room of the Undercity of the Float. It is an ancient work of the lost Teucri art, and it -- the whole room, the machines lining the walls, the mechanisms that connect from here throughout the Floating City -- is a wonder of an age gone by. But there are recent signs of desecration, starting with the intrusion of a crater in the floor filled with Woldsblood. There are other signs too -- the stinking undead corpses. makeshift camp of beds and tables set up in the northwest corner of the room, the disease that right now is rooting in some of our heroes' hearts and veins.
Wynn recognizes that the Woldsblood has to be shut off or out or away.
Brahmah asks if bright light might work. Wynn's bardic lore suggests that light will counter Shadow, maybe, but the Woldsblood flows through the Realm of Shadows, but is not make of shadow. The brightest light does not cause the 'blood to go away.
Belkior tries to channel divine energy in an attempt to shut off or seal the crater. His attempt does not work -- but the experience, and his own deep knowledge, suggests that the idea is a good one, if only he had the right tool through which to channel the might of a god.
Florin wonders how Woldsblood can make an undead. He thinks of what undead are souls that have not gone on to the afterlife. The rivulets of Woldsblood draw dead souls away into the Shadows. Maybe a separate source of Woldsblood can oppose that pull, and keep the soul in the Wold proper.
But that's mere speculation. Maybe the books on the table over there have more answers?
Mac, Florin, and Syr look around the nearby corridors. They do not find any undead -- but they hear the sounds of a large party of people approaching. It sound like a somewhat happy sound, of people who are celebrating.
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:104/134 (2points of it subdual) Tuesday March 10th, 2009 9:17:29 PM
Florin glances to those looking out with him and speaks to them, "A party going on? I know we drove off the clerics but still, I have seen no sign yet that the disease is gone from anyone, let alone a cure. I guess one way to find out is have someone that was infected see if any signs of it leaveing is evident for one."
Florin still is alittle weary of all this and speaks to Belkior when he regroups with them, "Hey Belkior, why don't we offer a vial of that Wold's blood to our temples. Maybe they can pull some research on it. I mean inless you think that the temple of Alemi or Domi would be offended by such actions. You could ask your god if the idea would be ok, couldn't you?"
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste Tuesday March 10th, 2009 9:48:36 PM
The halfling cleric listens to the Undead Hunter's question, nodding as he does. Belkior thinks that Florin might be on to something.
"Florin, it very likely wouldn't offend Alemi since some members of His clergy are known as Fixers, and they regularly handle Woldsblood. We don't have a lot of time until whoever that is arrives, but we can see what we can do. It might be some of the people serving the Underlord, but we don't know."
"What I'd really like to figure out is whether we need to deal with this pool of Woldsblood now, or try to get a message to the Temple of Alemi to send some Fixers down here. If we leave, we'll forget that this is here."
While waiting, Belkior moves over to the table and peruses the books. He will first examine the one book that has been identified as magic. If it seems harmless, he will open the book and determine if the book should be examined by a divine or arcane spellcaster. If divine, Belkior will read it himself, but not right away. Before spending the time reading, Belkior will examine the mundane books hoping to find a journal or similar record that describes how the Ga'alian clerics perverted the flow of Woldsblood and created these new undead.
All the while, the Paragon is wracking his brain in an attempt to figure out how best to channel his divine healing energy. Does he need ot rest and pray for a specific spell? Or does he need to use a magic item or focus to empower his attempt?
Wynn [AC=26; HP=68/75] Tuesday March 10th, 2009 10:58:39 PM
The bard also examines the books, looking for clues as to how the pool of Woldsblood arrived in the control room, and how it might be returned to the Realm of Shadows. "Seems like a job for Gargul. He can't be very happy that Ga'al is fooling around with his domain."
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 80/126) Wednesday March 11th, 2009 1:52:28 PM
"I've met Gargul I think. Grey man, likes dead people. Good bloke."
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 d20+11=16 ; Wednesday March 11th, 2009 6:13:38 PM
Syr watches as Belkior's attempt fails to banish the pool. Sighing, he moves on to the makeshift living space and searches it for anything of value. (Spot 16) "Like Florin said, make it quick folks, we have company coming most likely led by a weasel." He moves to the door to greet the newcomers.
Secrets Revealed (DM Cayzle) Thursday March 12th, 2009 12:11:27 AM
Wynn and Belkior look at the books.
The nonmagic ones deal with a range of subjects, but they are all clearly by Ga'alian authors. Three are philosophical texts, printed on the primitive printing presses known in the Wold in a few places. Those three are esoteric and might be of value to collectors or to enemies of Ga'al.
Two more books are hand-written volumes of notes.
One handwritten volume deals with the undead, and how they are made. There is a lot about how to plant a heartseed, and how to create a heartseeded undead. A variation on the undead creation spell, combined with a traditional Heartseed ritual and a sample of Woldsblood, is enough to create undead, But once created, they can spawn insofar as their touch is contagious. So humans are needed only to make the first couple.
The second handwritten volume talks about Woldsblood more generally. It seems that Ga'al found a vast reservoir of Woldsblood in the Southern Continent, and has been coming up with ways to use it to usurp Gargul's prerogatives. One idea was to use it to manipulate Teucri artifacts, of which the Float clearly has the greatest collection. But here the Ga'alian's success has been limited. Frankly, it has been a failure. The clerics here failed to learn how to use Woldsblood -- or cannot -- do so. But one success -- erupting a crater of Woldsblood and using the resulting pool to do magic -- has not been as helpful as you might think.
Wynn has the insight that talking with clerics and fixers of Alemi may help get to an answer.
The magic book is on the topic of divinity. You'll need an identify to find out more.
The oncoming party is coming up fast.
Syr hears that the oncoming party is approaching near.
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119] d20+6=11 ; d20+1=10 ; Thursday March 12th, 2009 3:05:49 AM
Mac looks back and forth between Syr and Florin and whispers "Maybe you'd both be better off in front if you think the voices are familiar weasels. Shame they weren't here a few minutes ago." Mac supports the elves and blocks much of the view of the room from the outer corridor.
More Spot:11 and more Listen:10.
Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 25, Hps 80/126) Thursday March 12th, 2009 8:16:26 PM
The minotaur places himself in between his party and the incoming group as much as possible.
The Undercrats Arrive (DM Cayzle) Thursday March 12th, 2009 9:10:58 PM
Mac and Brahmah are the first to see the approaching party of Undercrats, led by Jonas. As he gets closer, you see that the disease has progressed to a visible stage -- thin dark lines trace the veins in his skin.
He comes forward with both hands empty and open in greeting. His mouth is twisted in a satisfied sneer. "Congratulations, heroes! Our seer has told us of your victory. Have you learned yet about a cure for this pestilence?" He seems eager to hear your answer, for obvious reasons.
Syr Ac 35/34 HP 142 Thursday March 12th, 2009 10:12:56 PM
Syr faces the approaching group, careful to keep some distance away from them, "Cure? Not as of yet but we are looking at what they abandoned for answers. Are there any fixers amoung you? Their insight might be needed. For that matter, your use of these strange machines may also help. What do they do exactly?"
A bit later, he whispers to Belkior, "If no cure is found, we may have to isolate those infected for safety reasons. Keep searching."
Florin Jadenth AC:28/30 vs Undead HP:104/134 (2points of it subdual) Friday March 13th, 2009 12:08:47 AM
Florin watches and still is unsure of the whole cure thing and glances towards the pool of Woldsblood in thought, "I believe Jonas Woldsblood might have something to do with your problem and that is beyond my ability, As Syr said, we need someone with knowledge of it and able to work with it down here and the sooner the better from the looks."
Florin looks to the group and moves over to Wynn after a moment and speaks to him, "Wynn, you were infected weren't you? Can i try something if you were?" If Wynn agrees then Florin will touch him gently and call on his ability to remove disease, hopeing that the powers granted him by his god may help in this.
Wynn [AC=26; HP=68/75] Friday March 13th, 2009 7:51:54 AM
Wynn keeps a wary eye on Jonas, for he has much experience with the man's treachery on the trash level of the Floating City. "This is a Ga'alian disease Jonas. They have discovered how to heartseed the undead and that vile curse has been passed to us through their bite. They used Woldsblood to make this work in the first place, know we need a Fixer of Alemi to help sort it out."
Wynn kistens to Florin's question. "Yes, I am infected Florin, I don't know whether it will help, but I accept your assistance, just be careful to not infect yourself!"
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119] Friday March 13th, 2009 6:08:28 PM
"Odd, yes - like all magic." Mac utters in reply. Keeping Brahmah's attention and gesturing (with some subtlety) towards the premature congratulator he asks, "Is this what we have to look forward to?"
Belkior (AC 25 (27 vs. evil); HP 89/91) - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Purifying Aura, Haste Friday March 13th, 2009 10:08:17 PM
The halfling cleric turns with his companions when the Undercrats enter the chamber. Belkior's dealings with Jonas were few, compared to his companions, but his opinion of the acting Undercrat is no better. When he speaks, Belkior is blunt and to the point.
"As my companions have said, we need the services of Fixers from the Temple of Alemi to deal with this Woldsblood. Of course, given the conditions that we agreed to when we accepted this mission, you will have to be ones to summon the Fixers. And I suggest that you do it quickly since it very likely has something to do with the virulence and persistence of the illness that affects both you and our companion."
Mac [AC:25 HP:117/119] Monday March 16th, 2009 3:12:51 AM
OOC: Checking in.
Fixers are Sent For (DM Cayzle) Tuesday March 17th, 2009 1:22:38 AM
The party makes it clear that Fixers will be needed. The acting Underlord nods, and sends word to the Overlord.
"While we wait," Jonas says, "Tell me what you have accomplished."
What will you tell him?
While waiting for the Fixers to arrive, you have time to further peruse the notes and books the Gaalians left behind. The paladin's touch does not cure the disease. It seems likely that only Heal spells will work, or maybe other similar and more esoteric magics, like Wish. Witches have some cleansing spells that might do the trick.
As for one who is actually undead? The only choice is to destroy the undead, cast Heal on the corpse, and then Raise Dead. If all that is done immediately, if might be possible that you would not even have to bargain with Great Gargul. But if the undead has been destroyed for a time, then you would.
In about three hours, the Fixers will arrive. Any other action before then?