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DM Donna  d20=8 ; d20=11 ; d20=15 ; d20=18 ; d20=14 ;
Friday July 31st, 2009 12:57:25 AM

Getting Ready...

Falin manages to get down from the roof of the building without falling and hurting himself (though only just). K'Nara takes the scrolls that Ingrge gives her and casts Stoneskin on Ingrge, Lian and Falin (again only just). Argam is, indeed, accompanying the group, as he is keen to discover exactly what the fate of his dwarven brothers happens to be.

Delilah reaches the open gate to Area #1, her body definitely crouched in a hunting stance.

DM OOC: final call to Gunther's player: PLEASE post your Climb checks!

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Friday July 31st, 2009 6:10:43 AM

ooc: checking

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 10:21:39 AM

OOC: Checking in

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Monday August 3rd, 2009 7:19:30 PM

OOC: helloooooo

DM Donna  d20=10 ; d20=16 ;
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 12:52:42 AM

Moving Ahead

Gunther manages to make his way to the ground after Falin leaves the roof. Everyone in the party now has a Stoneskin spell cast on them.

And Delilah is still intensely interested in whatever might be inside Area #1.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 4:26:13 AM

Lian continues, invisible.

Spells in effect;
Status - Gunther and Knara, 8 hours
Bull's Strength - Gunther

Prepared Spells:
Zero Level: Detect Magic*, Detect Poison, Guidance x4
First Level: Bless, Divine Favor x2, Entropic Shield, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Sanctuary, Enlarge Person
Second Level: Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength x2*, Darkness, Restoration (Lesser), Status*
Third Level: Daylight, Prayer, Searing Light, Speak with Dead*, Summon Monster III, Pro from Energy
Fourth Level : Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Spell Immunityx2

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 8:16:48 AM

Taking a moment to concentrate, Ingrge checks to see what his arcane eye has found inside building 4.

Gunther(AC33.145/145 HP, Stoneskin, Bull's Strength) and Delilah (AC18, 72/72 HP)  d20+8=25 ; d20+1=6 ;
Tuesday August 4th, 2009 11:26:43 PM

OOC: Geez, I'm sorry guys, had a lot of RL crap with Benjamin's health, and then no internet at the hotel. Sorry to disappear on you.

Sword in hand, the warrior continues to stalk toward his cat, wondering what she might have found. As he travels, he pulls out an Enlarge Person Potion...just in case.


DM Donna 
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 1:10:44 AM

Lian needs to roll a Listen check...if he beats DC25, then he may Highlight to display spoiler: { The sharp-eared monk can hear the sounds of malevolent laughter and greedy glee from within the building. Unfortunately, there seems to be no visible doors into the building, which is connected to Building #4 by an enclosed passageway. Perhaps there is a door into the passageway inside Building #4..?}

Ingrge Highlight to display spoiler: { The Arcane Eye spell can be (and is, I wager!) directed through a small window in the wall of the round, mini-tower structure in the heart of the outpost. Inside the tower, Ingrge can see: The room (about twenty-five feet in diameter) stands in disarray. Overturned desks and weapons racks cover papers and other debris on the floor. A taut, heavy chain runs from a bolt in the floor up to the ceiling and then back down into the middle of a ten-foot-by-ten foot hole in the western quadrant of the floor. There are two doors in the room: one on the south side of the tower, and another directly opposite it on the northern side of the tower.}

Gunther, the smells of death and decay coming from the stable yard (Area #1) are practically delicious--to an orc.

Here are the latest positions of the party.

LianAC 41, hps 134  d20+25=42 ;
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 11:29:53 AM

(Listen 42)

The monk signals the group with the ring, whispering that he plans on heading into the building using the potion of Gaseous form he took from the Lord Mayors stores. "KNara, do I have your approval? I hear something like laughing inside but there is no door here."

Spells in effect;
Status - Gunther and Knara, 8 hours
Bull's Strength - Gunther

Prepared Spells:
Zero Level: Detect Magic*, Detect Poison, Guidance x4
First Level: Bless, Divine Favor x2, Entropic Shield, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Sanctuary, Enlarge Person
Second Level: Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength x2*, Darkness, Restoration (Lesser), Status*
Third Level: Daylight, Prayer, Searing Light, Speak with Dead*, Summon Monster III, Pro from Energy
Fourth Level : Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Spell Immunityx2

Gunther(AC33.145/145 HP, Stoneskin, Bull's Strength) and Delilah (AC18, 72/72 HP)  d20+8=22 ; d20+1=13 ;
Wednesday August 5th, 2009 11:10:11 PM

As he continues to creep forward, Gunther calls out quietly to Delilah. "What is it...what do you see?"


LianAC 41, hps 134 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 3:11:32 AM

OOC: Checking in

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 8:52:26 AM

Sending the eye toward building 3, ingrge tries to find a way into the building for the eye.

DM Donna 
Thursday August 6th, 2009 11:07:34 PM

Eenie, Meenie, Mynie...

"If you're going to try to scout around as a cloud, Lian," K'Nara tells the monk, "Be really careful...you won't be able to communicate with us until you've turned back into yourself."

Delilah's answer to Gunther: "I smell potential prey--a horse wounded and near death...it should make a great meal..."

Ingrge's spell and his sense of orientation determine that the door in the north wall of the tower room is the most likely to lead to that enclosed passageway which, in turn, should lead into Building #3.

Gunther(AC33.145/145 HP, Stoneskin, Bull's Strength) and Delilah (AC18, 72/72 HP) 
Friday August 7th, 2009 12:21:14 AM

Clue bells begin ringing ever so painfully slowly in the orc boy's mind. Trap....hey, I'll bet that might be a trap! He calls out to the lioness urgently. "Wait, don't go in there yet. Let us check it out for more of those horrible things first!"

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Friday August 7th, 2009 4:33:16 AM

"I hear some laughter or something."

DM Donna 
Monday August 10th, 2009 3:55:29 AM

And Then...?

Delilah halts at Gunther's insistence, but she makes it pretty clear that she's looking forward to a nice haunch of horse meat for dinner. She remains crouched at the open gate to Area #1.

"Laughter?" echoes K'Nara, frowning. "Not a good sign in the middle of a deserted outpost. However, it's up to you: do you want to transform into a gaseous cloud and see about it yourself...or come back here and hope that Ingrge has found a way for all of us to get into that building together..?"

Meanwhile, the weapon mage's spell still appears to confirm that the northern door of the tower room leads to the enclosed passageway between Building 4 and Building 3.

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Monday August 10th, 2009 11:10:39 AM

Ingrge ponders a moment and retrieves out of the building and sends it over to building 3 to look for any open way in.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Monday August 10th, 2009 11:49:14 PM

"What now Knara?"

DM Donna 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 12:40:14 AM

DM OOC to Lian's player: K'Nara can't directly order Lian to do or not do something, because she is being NPC'ed until such time as the current DM is no longer the DM for the game. Lian is going to have to decide how he is going to proceed from this point. As an NPC, K'Nara has the ability to point out the obvious: should Lian go into Building #3 (or any other place) in Gaseous form, he won't be able to communicate using his ring until he's back in his normal corporeal self. Now all the monk needs to do is pick his course of action.

More Exploring

Ingrge, having discovered that there is a door inside the ground floor of Building #4 that likely leads to the enclosed corridor between it and Building #3, redirects his Arcane Eye spell so that Building #3 may be examined on its exterior. He will need to roll three Spot checks, please. (So will Lian if he chooses to try exploring the exterior of Building #3, as well.)

Delilah is still crouched at the open gate that leads into Area #1, licking her chops.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 4:54:12 AM

Swallows a potion of Gaseous Form and moves through the walls and into the rafters, simply drifts like smoke.

Spells in effect;
Status - Gunther and Knara, 8 hours
Bull's Strength - Gunther
Gaseous Form - potion

Prepared Spells:
Zero Level: Detect Magic*, Detect Poison, Guidance x4
First Level: Bless, Divine Favor x2, Entropic Shield, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Sanctuary, Enlarge Person
Second Level: Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength x2*, Darkness, Restoration (Lesser), Status*
Third Level: Daylight, Prayer, Searing Light, Speak with Dead*, Summon Monster III, Pro from Energy
Fourth Level : Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Spell Immunityx2

Gunther(AC33.145/145 HP, Stoneskin, Bull's Strength) and Delilah (AC18, 72/72 HP) 
Tuesday August 11th, 2009 11:57:24 AM

The warrior waits nearby Delilah, waiting for the report from Ingrge and Lian.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 2:42:47 AM

Floats there doing nothing interesting.

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility,  d20+15=34 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+15=25 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 9:04:36 AM

spot 34, 17, 25

conentrating on his eye, ingrge continues to access the eye's info.

Gunther(AC33.145/145 HP, Stoneskin, Bull's Strength) and Delilah (AC18, 72/72 HP)  d20+1=16 ; d20+8=11 ;
Wednesday August 12th, 2009 11:59:22 PM

The warrior continues to watch and wait while he tries to keep his lioness from bolting in.

Spot=11...I think

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 1:03:50 PM

Lian floats there, as gas, looking at the inhabitants of the building. What is happening within?

DM Donna 
Thursday August 13th, 2009 4:33:41 PM

DM OOC: my apologies, players, Real Life hung me up a bit. On with the game..!

The gas cloud that is Lian swirls across the exterior of Building 3, seeking out any opening that will allow him inside. As he is naught but mist, he easily infiltrates the half-inch gap in one of the windows, As he coelesces into a central mass of mist, Lian is able to notice the following: Highlight to display spoiler: {The dimly-lit interior of the fifty-square-foot building has many rows of stacked containers--crates, boxes and pallets of goods. Lian finds himself in an upper loft-like area that runs along the south wall of the building. The loft is about twenty feet wide...and the noises of people talking and even laughing come from the area that makes up the ground floor of the building.}

Ingrge's spell reveals there are four rectangular windows on the second level of Building 3...one of which appears to have a gap big enough to admit the gas cloud that is Lian, though it isn't big enough to allow the Arcane Eye to squeeze through. However, the air recon also reveals that there is a large entry door on the ground floor of Building 3, in its southwest corner, connecting the Building to Area #1--the Stable yard.

Delilah remains in place and Gunther neither sees nor hears anything out of the ordinary.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Friday August 14th, 2009 3:05:44 PM

Lian will drift below to see what is to be seen.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Monday August 17th, 2009 4:13:01 AM

OOC: Checking in

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Monday August 17th, 2009 7:17:40 AM

Ingrge looks around at the others, starts walking toward Bldg 3's door and asks. Well are we just going to sit here and waste my scrolls or are we going to get inside and do what we came here to do?

DM Donna  d20=5 ;
Monday August 17th, 2009 10:56:41 PM

Lian--Highlight to display spoiler: {your Gaseous Form spills down the wall, unnoticed by the beings making the guttural grunts and laughter as they root through various boxes, cases and crates that were very likely at some point in time once stacked as neatly and orderly as the ones in the loft. Moving amongst the wreckage of busted containers and the goods that used to be in them are about a dozen or so goblinoids, each of them wearing what appears to be studded leather armor and chattering to each other as they poke through the contents of the building (but Lian doesn't speak their language, so he can't tell what they're saying).}

"C'mon, guys," K'Nara tells the others as she follows Ingrge's suggested lead, "Everyone follow the elf." She grins at the weapon mage with a wink of her hazel eye.

LianAC 41, hps 134  d20+11=26 ; d20+27=30 ;
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 1:41:20 PM

He observes all of the goblinoids for several minutes, finding all the spellcasters, if any.

Then the monk drifts to just behind some containers large enough to hide his natural form nearest the dozen gobs, dismisses the gaseous form (if he can) and activates his ring of invisibility.

(Spot 26, Move Silently 30)

DM Donna 
Tuesday August 18th, 2009 11:26:00 PM

DM OOC: ooooo...I'll be back after I find out if Lian can dismiss his Gaseous Form or not...

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 4:27:25 AM

OOC: Checking in

DM Donna 
Wednesday August 19th, 2009 3:17:13 PM

DM OOC: Lian cannot dismiss his Gaseous Form; he'll be a bunch of mist for a total of twelve minutes. I'm ruling that about three minutes have gone by so far.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Thursday August 20th, 2009 4:18:34 AM

He drifts out slowly toward the goblins from between the crates, like smoke.

DM Donna 
Thursday August 20th, 2009 9:05:06 PM

DM OOC: K'Nara cannot actively direct the group, as she is being NPC'ed. Ingrge will have to post which way the group will be attempting to enter Building #3. The choices are:

1. Entering Building #4 and taking the northern door that appears to lead into the enclosed passageway between Buildings #3 and #4.
2. Entering Area #1 and going through the only visible door on Building #3's exterior.
3. Some other (as yet undescribed) method of entry.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Friday August 21st, 2009 4:27:53 AM

Lian would guide the group in, but is waiting for the mist to dismiss itself. He still lingers near the floor until he is about to reappear, when he will move behind the boxes.

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Friday August 21st, 2009 6:06:25 AM

Ingrge leads the way to building 4s door, wondering where Lian could be and how they can communicate with his whilw he is gassy.

Ok Guys and Gals shall we do this the dirty way or the more dangerous way?

DM Donna  d20=9 ;
Friday August 21st, 2009 8:43:52 PM

Choices, Choices...

"Dirty or dangerous..?" Falin quips with a half-smile. "Since when has that been an 'either/or' option for us..?" The sharpshooter's brand of humor elicits a roll of the eyes from K'Nara and a bemused blink from Argam.

"We're at the door, Ingrge," K'Nara says, "What's the difference between 'dirty' and 'dangerous'..?"

WITHIN BUILDING #3...Lian Highlight to display spoiler: { As he continues to wait out his time as a cloud of gas, Lian remains unnoticed by the beefy goblinoids ransacking the contents of the place. One of them--perhaps the biggest of the lot--is grumbling and grunting at the others as he (at least, Lian's pretty sure it's a "he") points to different places to pilfer. Another of the goblins stops what he (again, the gender is a guess on the monk's part) is doing and suddenly crosses his arms over his chest, his tone and pose petulant as he addresses the boss goblinoid. The Boss scowls at this show of mutiny, barking at the Mutineer and shaking a threatening fist at him.}

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Monday August 24th, 2009 4:17:54 AM

DM Highlight to display spoiler: {The monk floats out toward the goblinoids and begins circling starting at their feet, circles the group, in a corkscrew type manner, feet to heads and back to the floor. (He does this when he is relatively sure he has about a minute before transforming) When he has their attention, be slowly moves towards the front of the building.}

Ingrge: AC 32, HP: 123/123, SR 18, Arcane Sight, See Invisibility, 
Monday August 24th, 2009 7:24:01 AM

Dangerous is we just pound it open. Dirty is I send a delayed blast fireball under that door crack send it to the middle of the room and set it off and then we walk in. I suppose if you want both we could enter before set it off, though I would prefer not......

DM Donna  d20=7 ;
Monday August 24th, 2009 9:57:18 AM

Getting It Just Right

Lian: Once the misty monk is on the ground floor, he notes that there are two obvious doors that lead out of the vast warehouse space: a door in the middle of the south wall of the building, and larger, wider door in the southwest corner (it's on the west wall itself, actually.) Which one of these will Lian consider "the front"?

"I prefer the direct approach myself," K'Nara states her opinion, "If only because we still haven't heard back from Lian and so we don't know where he might be when that delayed fireball would go off."

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 2:44:33 AM

Having not solidified and hearing nothing from the group, Lian moves outside and finds the group. He circles the Emeralds and guides them to the side which the goblinoids are. They should know he is the mist.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Wednesday August 26th, 2009 2:50:39 AM

OOC: Checking in.

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Thursday August 27th, 2009 5:11:08 AM

OOC: Checking in

LianAC 41, hps 134 
Friday August 28th, 2009 1:22:34 AM

OOC: As I suspected. I assume no one is posting because there is only me and other now, right? What is going to happen to the Emerald Dragons? Lian can skip off to another epic game if need be.

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