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Entwining's Eve

Arrival in Elvenguard - DMAl 
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 9:00:38 PM

Daytime in the Crying Woods is as full of noise as is the nighttime. Steam rises from the decaying vegetation that litters the ground. The air is heavy with moisture. And the ever present sense of dark malevolence never abates.

The group marches along at a quick pace. The captive dwarf is bound and hooded with a spare sack. With two minotaurs in the group, it isn't difficult to simply carry the dwarf like a limp bag of fruit. The hour goes by quickly.

The area does not appear substantially different from anything else that the Crimson Shields have seen in the Crying Woods. But, suddenly the demeanors of the Trueflight twins change. They run forward. Elves appear from nowhere, dropping from hiding places in the trees. They shout out greetings and clap both Starminder and Finbrush on the back.

The elves guide the group to the base of a giant tree, and, at the base, they find cleverly hidden stairs grown by the tree itself into the bole. It is here where the memories of Syr, Florin, Wynn and Belkior return. They had come this way before on their first visit. They climb up, up and up.

All around the group appears the town built into the trees. From small flower decked homes to large multi-family dwellings, all are suspended above the ground. Some are no more than twenty feet up while others are over seventy five feet in the air. The buildings celebrate nature at the same time that they are embraced by nature.

Once again, the quick and easy climb ends at the same large meeting room they had come to before. Waiting there is Prillana. Next to her is a tall, handsome elf, his dark hair falling to his shoulders. And between them is a dark haired elfish child.

"Greetings," Prillana begins, her Common is immaculate, "all of Elvenguard is honored to welcome the Crimson Shields. This is my husband, Evendale Starlight, and our daughter Challa. My father will be along shortly, but perhaps I could answer any questions that you may have now."

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 10:53:14 PM

The halfling cleric waits patiently with his companions. The Paragon of Alemi is somewhat uncomfortable with what the Entwining ceremony entails but it is the practice of the elves of the Crying Woods. In all of his past contact, Belkior has never sensed or felt that the elves were in any way evil. It's simply that the practice of so closely joining with nature is alien to his background and learning.

"Is there any way that a Paragon of Alemi can assist the people here? Do any need healing, or would you like me to assist anyone tending your plants or animals?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Wednesday September 2nd, 2009 11:37:37 PM

Whether his suggestions are being heard or not, Brahmah doesn't know, but its growing harder to follow the conversation. The ranger wanders off about 50 feet ahead of the group to clear his head.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Thursday September 3rd, 2009 9:52:51 AM

Walking through the Crying Woods is a trying time. What with plants watching him, even Jass feels a little uncomfortable. He's quite glad that Finbrush, Starminder, and Tionel are with the Crimson Shields (though he'll never admit it)

Once the elves appear, Jass breathes easier. Furball sits on the sorcerer's shoulder to see around better. And the ascent to the trees is facinating. Amazing. Beautiful. "It's like Dre Moria", he breathes with wonder.

When meeting Prillana, Jass feels like some of the Crimson Shields have met her before, so the charismatic man keeps in the background. Besides, doing the diplomacy dance feels too much like work!

cast Mage Armor

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/2/2/4/3/2/4

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Thursday September 3rd, 2009 7:11:32 PM

Syr smiles warmly when he sees Prillana, "Tionel told us about the ceremony and we had to join you." He stops and bows formally to the couple before continuing. "I see you have some additions here as well. May I present some new friends we made since last meeting." He takes the time to introduce the new Shields.

The elf's eyes rise and meet hers slowly tightening at the corners with worry, "How is your mother?"

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Thursday September 3rd, 2009 7:33:23 PM

Florin glances around when the group arrives finally and glances really quick at the dwarf they are keeping captive so to speak for now before looking to Syr, letting him or one of the others do the talking.

When time permits and he feels the more serious matters have been attended too, he will offer up the question about the silver amulet he crafted as a present for the ceremony and see what would be best done with it. Pretty much handing it over to the elder to do with in his best judgement.

Prionell Comes - DMAl 
Thursday September 3rd, 2009 9:06:49 PM

"A healer is always welcome amongst the people of Elvenguard, Belkior Orvisson. We are a healthy people, but feel free to wander the bridges and byways in search of whomever you feel might be in need of your gift."

As they are named by Syr, Prillana greets each of the new Crimson Shields with a smile. But that smile grows ever so slightly sad as Syr mentions Sabara. "My mother nearing the end of her life. She is weak, and in her weakness, my people suffer. But I am prepared to take up her mantle." As she says this, her hand reaches out to that of her husband. He takes it, lending support through his touch.

The gesture escapes the notice of the little dark-haired elven girl. She, instead, points at the ferret standing upon Jass' shoulder. She looks up at her mother and father, her eyes aglow with delight.

"Thank you, Florin Jadenth." Prillana accepts the silver bracelet. "You honor us with the gift of your skill. I will present this to my father when he arrives."

Prionell does not leave the Crimson Shields waiting long. An excited look and a wave from Challa's hand, alerts the group to the elder elf's approach. Elves age gracefully. Even the very old do not appear so by human standards. And yet, Prionell carries all of the trappings of age about his body. A coil of long white braided hair, rests upon one shoulder. Prionell walks slowly, but with dignity, his hand grasping a staff.

The elder elf comes from a tree that is separated from the meeting room in which the Crimson Shields currently wait by a short bridge and a set of stairs. As he makes his way across the bridge, a party of five elves appears from around the bole of another great tree and make their way to intercept him. From their appearance, the elves appear as though they may have been in the water at some time within the past few hours. They carry with them what appears to be a small shark and a bulb with a long tail that Brahmah recognizes as sea kelp. Prionell stops and raises a hand in greeting, and the five elves speak with him, gesturing at the items that they carry.

After that brief delay, the elves move on, and Prionell ascends the stairs to the meeting hall.

"Welcome." Prionell's smile is warm. "May you bask in the light of the sun. You have my utmost gratitude for taking this trip to attend the ceremony of the Entwining. I trust that your journey was quiet and uneventful. Now that you are here, you may rest. You are our guests."

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday September 3rd, 2009 10:49:04 PM

The halfling cleric is about to walk away from the platform as Prillana had suggested. However, before Belkior goes, he turns to his companions to ask about their dwarf prisoner.

"Prionell, Prillana ... what should we do with this dwarf who attacked us? From the note that he was carrying, some person or group within the Floating City hired he and his companions to attack your community?"

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Friday September 4th, 2009 3:16:12 AM

Mac bows in silence as the introductions are made, leaving the talking to those who have had prior dealings with these elves. He is impressed by much of what he sees, not least amongst which is the ease with which the elven construction bears his weight.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Friday September 4th, 2009 5:49:40 AM

Prepped spells: Alarm x2, Hold Animal, Water Walk

OOC: I need a DM ruling. Will you allow Brahmah's Helm of Comprehend Languages to work with plants? The spell says touching the creature.

Brahmah will follow behind the group, dragging Mac with him.

DM Ruling - DMAl 
Friday September 4th, 2009 10:27:39 AM


Helm of Comprehend Languages, like the Tongues spell, in fact, will not work with either Plants or Animals. Both the Comprehend Languages spell and the Tongues spell make very specific references to both "Spoken" and "Language".

Though plants and animals may communicate with each other - as surely humans do, even when not using the medium of language - they do so without words, and I would argue, more commonly without sound.

So, no. No speaking with either Animals or Plants with either the Tongues or the Comprehend Languages spell. Only with creatures who have a Language listed in their Monster Manual description.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor)  d20+12=28 ; d20+14=19 ;
Friday September 4th, 2009 6:51:43 PM

Jass quickly notices the elven princess eyeing Furball, and the sorcerer talks to his familiar. Highlight to display spoiler: {Go sit on that elven girl's shoulder for a bit and you'll have a treat, Furball.} Needing no further urging, Furball moves like elegant liquid and zips down Jass, across the floor, and up the elf girl to perch on her shoulder, sniffing curiously at her hair.

Jass gives a big wink. "Looks like somebody likes you, girlie."

When the old elf comes, Jass gives a quick bow. "And we thank you for your courtesy. I must confess we are being eaten alive with curiosity about the Entwining. Yet Belkior is right. There's this crazy dwarf that we need to take care of and provide you with some warning." Jass is no fool to blurt everything out in a public setting, and hopes that he's given enough information to be invited to speak privately without actually suggesting it himself.

Sense Motive on elf girl - 28
Diplomacy on old elf - 19

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/2/2/4/3/2/4

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Friday September 4th, 2009 7:51:51 PM

As Prionel approaches, Syr nudges Florin and whispers to him with a nod at the other elves, "We were in the water recently... think there is a connection?"

Syr moves forward, returning the elf's smile and offers his hand, "Relatively uneventful, your guides were most helpful." He nods once to Finbrush before resting his eyes on Prionel again. He looks at the old elf noticing that he moves a bit slower than before, "Is there anything we can do to assist the ceremony?"

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Friday September 4th, 2009 8:09:53 PM

Florin smiles at the reaction on his gift, "I thank you for your compliment. I was worried it might not be fitting for the honor that we are being given." Florin noties some of the reactions towards the whole takeing her mother's place thing but says nothing. Personal he can't help but wonder about it since the reaction deffinetly comes across as one of loss in a way.

When the group gets to meet the elder, Florin bows to the elven elder, wanting to be as proper about this as possible since he was still learning the elven ways and all anyway. He allows the others to do the talking for now but can't help but ask something when the chance comes about also speaking like he was taught to honor such people of importance, "Lord Prionell, your village must have alot of lore over the years of elven ways and such. Would it be possible to read any of the records of such things? I mean nothing that secret or nothing, just normal history and such."

Florin glances to the others and tries to think of the past more. The spirit of the woods did seem to have a physical body or something when they met her once but does that mean that the girl they just met would give up her life to take her mother's place. Some questions edge on Florin's mind but he isn't sure rather to ask since it may be considered taboo or something. Finally Florin sighs lightly and speaks, "Excuse me for asking, but would asking a question about the ceremony be out of place Sir? I do not wish to offend or dishonor myself or my host by bringing up something that shouldn't be asked."

Depending on Prionell answer, Florin asks his question, "When Prillana takes the place of her mother, does that mean she gives up her physical body? I'm sorry if this sounds like such a dumb question but I'm curious of that. She will become the will of the wood from my understanding, so I guess that would mean mor like her spirit is spreading out and aiding many and protecting many." Florin shrugs and smiles lightly, "I'm just to be honestly simply unsure rather I should be happy that the people will be protected, sad that something like her looseing a physical body or such is going to happen or both." Florin chews his lip some and hopes that Prillana in his wisdom will take in consideration that Florin is young, even more so compared to him and not from the village so maybe will not mind.

Greater Concern - DMAl 
Friday September 4th, 2009 9:04:19 PM

Challa flinches not as Furball digs his claws into her clothing to climb from the floor up to her shoulder. Her smile is wide as she strokes the fur of his head with the tip of her finger. She giggles, as the ferret's curious nose tickles her neck.

Syr is the only one who outwardly recognizes a possible connection between the elves who have recently returned from the water, the recent encounter with the Kraken.

"You have honored us with your presence, Syrdeth Redbow," Prionell answers in reply to his offer of aid. "Sabara has revealed her form to few over the hundreds of years she has lived inside the Crying Woods. That she has revealed herself to you, speaks much of the special place that you have within the scheme of things. It is only fitting, in such light, that you be present at this most critically important time."

"Yes, Florin Jadenth," the elder elf turns next to the paladin, "my daughter will loose her body when she becomes one with the Crying Woods. The Entwining is a time of both loss and of renewal. It is both death and birth. It is love and sacrifice."

"But before I answer further questions, why is this one bound and hooded?" Prionell kneels at the side of the mad dwarf, and then looks up at the trio of Tionel, Starminder and Finbrush for an explanation. It was, after all, their responsibility to guide the Crimson Shields, and to avoid danger.

Tionel, as the only one who speaks fluent common, tells of the trip from Floating City. He tells of the Walls of Thorn. The speaks of the three way battle in the Tendriculos Glade. He describes the way in which the group discovered the purpose and the source of the five who followed them from Floating City. He does not neglect to mention the three dire bats.

"I am less concerned about Perimon," Prionell says at last, "than I am about ... " Prionell looks about himself at the homes, the bridges, the people of Elvenguard. "Who but druids could have put up the walls of thorn? Who could muster such control over the predatory plants? But what druids could move with such freedom through the Crying Woods? And why should they appear at this time, when the fate of Elvenguard hangs in such a balance?"

"I'm sorry," he says, apologizing to the Crimson Shields, "to have burdened you with our problems. You may release the dwarf if you wish. I do not think that Perimon presents a threat to Elvenguard. I met him, when he held me captive during the wakening of the King Ebyron. The man has the rash disposition of the short-lived, untempered by wisdom. The Crying Woods should be sufficient protection against he and his."

"No. I am much more worried about what might cause Tendriculos, Shambler and the Assassin Vine to work in concert. Much more concerned."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Saturday September 5th, 2009 2:37:42 AM

Brahmah sighs, realizing his problem. He is unfamiliar with elven ways and apparently WOEFULLY unaware of the Crying Woods significance to these elves. He shakes his head. "I'm glad you guys are following all this."

He misses the Chosen and the Taur Islands terribly.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor)  d20+12=28 ;
Saturday September 5th, 2009 2:56:22 PM

Spending so much of his concentration with Challa and Furball, Jass takes a little while for all the bits of information to process in his head.

"There may be a bigger connection than you think, Lord Elf", says the thin human as he comes up and sketches a salute. "Can you tell us what your aquatic elves were wanting just there? Cause we've recently had some water troubles of our own at the Floating City. Now, if some druid cabal is manipulating the plants of the Crying Woods to attack protected people, couldn't the same cabal be attacking the elves and city from the water too? And if you are getting attacked and we are getting attacked and it is happening near the oh so convienient Entwining ceremony..."

Jass shrugs his shoulders. "Looks like a good time for the Crimson Shields to get some more pieces of the puzzle and shut down some bad-guy druids!"

Diplomacy- 28

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/2/2/4/3/2/4

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Sunday September 6th, 2009 10:56:12 PM

Florin listens to what is said and frowns alittle when he hears about what will happen to the elder's daughter but says nothing. He can't help but feel bad for her considering, let alone he wonders where this all falls in his training as a Undead Hunter in away. He decides just to file the whole thing like he does with Daphne from the GG though, she is a good ghost and he would only fight or try to send a bad ghost to the realm of Gargul.

Florin nods at Jass comments what he does also since Florin was thinking much the same thing. Could a druid is powerful enough or so control or have some powers over a kraken. From what he was told by the others a kraken was a magical creature but it was still a animal so could their be a tie in with that. Florin shakes his head abit as he tries to just clear it for now, decide a rest may help later to think and clear his thoughts all and once.

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Monday September 7th, 2009 4:36:50 AM

Mac takes the few paces over to Brahmah and whispers, "I'm not getting it all, but I'm working on it. I know I'm no Zeoll, but all I can do is try..."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Monday September 7th, 2009 7:57:40 AM

"This is a strange region. I'm not following much either."

From Guests to Protectors - DMAl 
Monday September 7th, 2009 9:03:40 PM

"It began with scraps of unusual plant matter brought in from the nearby river," Prionell says in reply to Jass. "Their like had never been seen before in this area. I recognized them immediately as ocean living plants."

"Since then, we've seen small rays, herring, halibut, starfish, and others drifting down the river. Most of them are dead. The salt within their bodies is greater than that in the water. The salt draws in the fresh water. They bloat and die."

"So I sent a small party up the river to see if this was coming from Turtle Lake, and ... You saw, did you not? I don't know whether you've ever seen a shark before, but that is what they brought back. It was dead when they found it."

"They did not, however, discover the source of these strange incursions from the salt sea. And I can think of no reason why druids would wish to bring creatures from the sea into Turtle Lake, nor why they would wish to open a channel from sea to lake either."

"But that question must take second place to the Entwining. The existence of Elvenguard relies upon the Entwining. It is within our lore. Were it not for the connection of elf and woods that is born from the Entwining, the Crying Woods would not tolerate our presence. The Woods would drive us out. Our lives would be destroyed, and we would be forced from our homes to wander the Wold."

"I am sorry. I had hoped to bring you here as honored guests. Now it seems that I will have to ask you to be protectors as well. It may be that we worry over nothing. Our fears may come to naught. But if what we fear is real, then nothing must interrupt the Entwining. The future of Elvenguard depends upon it."

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Monday September 7th, 2009 9:31:24 PM

Florin nods some as he listens to what is said, "I doubt any of us will mind doing as you said. I would be willing none the less considering part of being a paladin of Domi is protection purposes."

Florin glances towards the others to see what the others say, he didn't really mean to sound like he is speaking for everyone though.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Monday September 7th, 2009 11:16:56 PM

The halfling cleric listens to Prionell describe what the elves have learned and the importance of the coming ritual. Belkior suspects that the Entwining, as the elves describe it, has effects beyond simply Elvenguard and the Crying Woods. The Float has always seemed to exist upon the sufferance of the wilderness surrounding the lake and the Paragon doesn't care to think of how that would be threatened by a more unfriendly Woods.

"Alemi grants me magic for the preservation and protection of life. If you desire my aid in protecting your people, I will do my utmost to do just that."

"Now, the question: is there there time for the Shields to investigate before the Entwining, or should we be staying here to guard the settlement?"

Tuesday September 8th, 2009 7:33:09 AM

The bard listens quietly about life and loss, sacrifices and benefits. He cannot help but think about Xenia and his own loss. Where and why saltwater creatures have entered the Lake is a problem for which teh bard is well suited, but first the ceremony must be completed.

Jass AC 17 HP 60/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor) 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 11:56:15 AM

"We definitely need to investigate", Jass declares, "and while we do, we need to be extra careful to spy shape-changed druids in the area too."


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 1/2/2/4/3/2/4

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 145/165 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 7:10:17 PM

Syr hears Prionel's words and nods in understanding, "Hmm, I'm just thinking here but what if it isn't a druid but instead some sort of 'gate' left open to the ocean. That would make it a sorcerer, right?" The elf frowns, "Hmph, that obviously doesn't fit the puzzle piece of the mounds though. You guys are probably right." With a wry grin, "Shows you what I know about magic. If I can't put my hands on it, it does me little good."

"In any case, Belk is asking the right question, how long do we have before the Entwining." He looks toward Prillana when he asks that.

Elvenguard, at your Disposal - DMAl 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 9:02:55 PM

"I thank you for your pledge of protection," Prionell inclines his white haired head, "both personally as well as on behalf of Elvenguard. Anything that you can do will be appreciated."

"As to an investigation ... I would not know where to begin. Elvenguard has experienced nothing like the attack upon your group. If you had not come, we might have gone completely unaware that there was anything amiss."

"There are still four days until we leave for the Entwining," the elder elf raises his eyes to the morning light, "not including today. This day is newly risen, and you have traveled all night. You must be weary. Rest today. Begin on the morrow if you will. You are our guests. Accommodations have been readied for you."

"In the meantime, how do you wish to handle the disposition of your prisoner?" Prionell indicates the dwarf, still bound and hooded. "We can escort him, if you wish, to the shores of Turtle Lake. There, he may stand a chance of surviving without his magic. Or, we have our own justice here in Elvenguard. It is harsh in it's way, but it is swift, and in its swiftness, merciful. He would not suffer. He and his group did, after all, enter the Crying Woods with the intent to take one of our people."

"You may also hold him until your return. He is your prisoner. But be warned, there will be no one to guard him during the Entwining. When we leave for the ceremony, the entire village will go. It is your choice."


You have four full days before the new moon and the Entwining. I'll likely have one more post tomorrow to settle you into your rooms. After that, though, you will be free to conduct any investigations that you come up with. Keep in mind that you are still within the bounds of the Crying Woods and that there is risk in leaving the bounds of Elvenguard. I will make all attempts to treat of your investigative attempts with an even-handed realism that takes into account both the bounds of the rules as well as the bounds of the module.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 9:22:43 PM

Florin looks to the others and has his opinion on things when it comes to the dwarf but wonders what his friends would say if he admited them. After a few mins Florin glances to mainly Belkior and speaks his mind to him since he knows Belkior's position, "Personally said crimes were done in the Crying Woods and would of been mostly against the elven people. They might of attacked us but such is our life really. I think it should be for them to decide the dwarf's fate considering all that. I would not expect a person who committed crimes in the Float for instance to be trasported clear to another city to see trial and punishment."

Florin shrugs though as his is only one opinion among many.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 10:36:57 PM

The halfling cleric listens carefully as Florin states his views on what the Shields should do with their prisoner. Belkior can't help but glance at the dwarf while Florin speaks.

"Regretfully, I agree. Even though I revere life, I also agree that society must have rules. And to provide any benefit, those rules must be observed by all and enforced by those entrusted to do so. Since he and his companions attacked us within the territory of Elvenguard, he should be subject to their laws."

"However, I must try my utmost to see that he is treated fairly under the law."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Tuesday September 8th, 2009 11:38:33 PM

"This is your level of expertise my elven friends. I will take any suggestion you have. I truly understand NOTHING about elven affairs, though, I do understand the woods and the fey connections you are born with. The elf races are unique.

Any suggestions, where to investigate, what spells to take, how to act. I will listen, though that is entirely unlike me."

Mac: AC:25, HP:124/137 
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 5:33:37 AM

Mac thinks Brahmah has probably just said more than he could in the circumstances, so he remains quietly observing Takerk.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d10+10=20 ;
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 10:51:47 AM

Jass nods. "Takerk attacked us in part because they were trying to get Tionel, Finbrush, or Starminder. Go ahead your majesty elfliness, he's your prisoner now."

The sorcerer brushes his hands as if done with one job and goes to another. Relaxing is his idea of fun! Hot springs, cool drinks, and people to talk to, what could be better than that?

Reluctantly, his brain keeps moving, and he seeks out the others. "Three days of investigating and one day of getting back here to ready for the Entwining. We really need to check this out. The easiest is to follow the river and look into this fresh/salt water gate opening. And while we do that, we can be on the lookout for wildshaped druids: I've got a few questions to ask them!"

In the morning, Jass will be ready. A couple of spells assists him in preparing for a time in the Crying Woods looking for people who want to kill him.

Cast Mage Armor
Cast False Life
Cast Unseen Servant

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 7:32:09 PM

Syr nods his approval at Belkior's comments, "Yes, in this case, these are the proper authorities. It feels right." He coughs nervously before venturing, "Should we not also turn over the bag Mac is carrying to them too?"

Looking over at the newest member of the group, "Hey Jass, how do we spot wildshaped druids. I mean, we couldn't tell what those 3 big bats were could we? Is there something we can do to reveal them?"

Before resting Syr makes sure that all his wounds are closed and a nice pink hue from his healing.

The Day Passes. An Investigation Begins - DMAl 
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 9:01:23 PM

Prionell inclines his head again as the Crimson Shields largely cede justice to the ways and means of Elvenguard. "Perhaps we can teach you something of our people in the short time that you are here," he says to Brahmah. "In truth, there are few here who can say that they've ever seen any of the tauric races, let alone had the chance to speak with them. Hopefully, this will be a mutual exchange of cultures."

The elder elf raises a hand to an elf standing upon a bridge across the clearing. Soon, a troop of elfish guards arrives to take the mad dwarven away along with his belongings.

Prillana leads the Shields up to a cluster of rooms near the top of the town. Here, more sunlight reaches through the boughs of the trees. Flowers and colorful birds abound. "This," Prillana indicates the village with a sweep of her hand, is what I give myself for." Her husband places a hand upon her shoulder. Little Challa continues to play a game of Grab the Finger with Furball, oblivious to the emotions that pass between her parents.

"I wish I could help you in your investigation," Prillana says at last. "But there is little to tell. There have been no reports of anything amiss since ... since the wakening of the Fey King. We live a good life here within the protection of the woods."

"Well, if there's anything you need, just ask anyone. They'll provide for your needs, or summon either I or my father."

The night has been long. Despite the fact that a large part of the trip was made seated upon the back of a giant turtle, the journey has still required that the group travel through the night. The last sleep was over 24 hours ago. The rest of the day goes by in both peace and ease. The Crimson Shields are free to do nothing but think upon how they plan to go about their investigation. Jass has ideas. Syr has questions. Day turns to night. The Shields receive a healthful rest and waken the next day with the sun filtering through the branches and birds singing in the trees.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 10:10:44 PM

Florin nods and is glad the group is not upset at his comment on his position of justice in this case. Florin nods and listens to what is said before heading up to the rooms that they are lead to. Once up there he looks to Jass and nods again before speaking, "I agree with you. Those with tracking ability and such might beable to work together to help pick up something also. I have some skill and it looks like Mac and Brahmah did also."

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Wednesday September 9th, 2009 10:49:43 PM

The halfling cleric welcomes the day with his morning devotions to Alemi. Once Belkior is finished, the Paragon re-joins his companions as they discuss how to learn more about what is going on.

"I am not particularly skilled in the wilderness, particularly the Crying Woods. I can accompany you if you wish. If not, I am sure that there are things that I might do here in Elvenguard to either assist the elves or try to learn more about what they have learned about the sea creatures."

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Thursday September 10th, 2009 8:10:08 AM

Jass wakes in the morning very refreshed and his mind buzzing with the potential for spells. He takes part in idle chatter and plays with Furball ("you've made a playmate, haven't you?") while waiting for the important people to decide thier actions.

"Yep, can't do anything without the woods-wise getting started." he comments cheerily.


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Thursday September 10th, 2009 8:13:38 AM

OOC: overnight rest (8 hours) heals level HP

Mac relinquishes Takerk's belongings to the Elfish guard. There is something that doesn't quite sit right about this, but it is as he had stated to the dwarf, so having kept his word, he keeps his unease to himself. As a result, Florin's comment catches him quite off-guard, and fully a minute passes before a response is forthcoming. "Your confidence in me is flattering, but misplaced. Everyone was looking at Takerk, and still being back across the clearing I happened to spot the bats. The only tracking I'm good at is seeing where I've been."

"I would feel more confident with you with us, Belkior." It is a clear statement, but whilst it is also clear he means something more, the taur's words end there.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Thursday September 10th, 2009 11:57:49 AM

The ranger is vigilant.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Thursday September 10th, 2009 8:08:13 PM

Syr smiles at Prionel's comments echoing the sympathy, "Speaking as one who never thought past 'big and horns', some of us are still learning about these two."

Syr looks over at Belkior and smiles in rememberance, "Lang would have fit in well right about now? eh? That was one not-a-bugbear that could guide and track.:" He pauses in thought, "Speaking of which, would it be possible to borrow Starminder to explore with us? Not that we plan on getting lost, but I wouldn't want to miss the ceremony because Brahmah thinks moss only grows on the north side of a rock." He winks at the former captain. "He could possibly take us to the place where your scouts discovered the oddities?"

The Crimson Shields Investigate - DMAl 
Thursday September 10th, 2009 9:05:46 PM

Starminder agrees to lead the Crimson Shields to the place where his fellow elves found both the shark and the kelp bulb. It takes half a day to make the journey from Elvenguard back to the shore of Turtle Lake. Along the way, Brahmah finds no tracks that he might associate with a druid. Though there are plenty of tracks from wild and dangerous animals. At one point, the Shields cross a broad trail that looks like it had been clear-cut out of the woods. Brahmah finds the tracks of an enormous beetle here.

When the Shields reach the spot, it appears no different than any other stretch of coast. No ready clues float on the water nearby. There appears little to see.

It is noon of the first day.


OoC Note: We can reasonably take up until Monday on your investigations. You need, however, to give me concrete ideas to pursue. You may split up. You may combine your efforts. But I must have a concrete idea of what you want to do, backed up by rolls if necessary.

Truth to tell, an investigation was not planned into this module. That is not to say, that there are not things that you can find if you apply the right ideas. There are plenty of mysteries built into this entire multi-module story arc.

So, if you have your own ideas, feel free to use this time to try them. Otherwise, we must move on.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+4=20 ;
Thursday September 10th, 2009 10:43:24 PM

The halfling cleric ensures that everyone is fully healed before they set out on their investigations. After that, Belkior spends his time in Elvenguard assisting those who need healing or helping tend any plants or animals. While he is out and about, he keeps his ears open for any information related to the sea creatures or the possible threat to the village and Crying Woods.
Gather Information = 20

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Friday September 11th, 2009 5:23:24 AM

"Apart from a beetle, no biped has passed here. However, that said, that druid may be able to shift, possibly, into a beetle, maybe, nah... you think?"

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Friday September 11th, 2009 7:22:55 AM

As they come to the coast uneventfully, Syr approaches Starminder , "Do you normally see beetles of THAT size? OR should we conclude that it's the work of our mysterious druids?"

Walking next to the sorcerer as they travel "Hey Jass, you know more about magic, can I bounce an idea off of you?"

His brow furrows in thought composing his idea, "Druids are the 'caretakers' of nature, right? That is similar to what Sabara does for the Crying Woods. Right? What if these druids believe it is their role to assume that responsibility, rather than Prillana. It doesn't necessarily make them the bad guys. They just want to supplant her by wrecking the Entwining Ceremony? If so, our work is back at the village."

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Friday September 11th, 2009 1:08:07 PM

"You know...", begins Jass when the Crimson Shields get to the shoreline, "there are actually lots of explanations for the salt water/ fresh water thing. One: a big underwater Gate is permenantly opened that will continue to affect the Lake. Two: a temporary teleportation circle occured like when I was transported from the Southern Continent to the Floating City Docks. Three: an opening has been made between the Lake and some ocean somewhere." He shrugs. "I guess if the elves can't find it by walking around the lake shore, it is hidden. I was hoping it would be obvious. Without doing some water exploration, we won't find anything."

"Then again", and he turns to Belkior, "you can use your connection to your Power to ask questions, right? Why not ask about the salt/fresh thing, and also the location of the druids who are opposing the elves? I bet you can find out a whole bunch of info with divination spells and speaking with the Powers."


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

ooc: :-) Frankly, I urged us to go this way because that's where I thought the module was headed! LOL!

The Crimson Shields Investigate - DMAl 
Friday September 11th, 2009 1:26:51 PM

OoC: Knowing where things are *not* can be almost as valuable as knowing where they are. Great job with the investigation so far. By many of you. Only the future will tell, though, what is right and what is wrong.

Learning Things - DMAl 
Friday September 11th, 2009 9:01:20 PM

Belkior spends the day with the elves of Elvenguard. Though few of the elves speak Common, Belkior finds that no impediment. Rather, it provides a good opportunity to practice his elfish. There is gossip around the village about the strange plants and animals that are showing up both the nearby river and in Turtle Lake which feeds the river. One of only three or four children in the village shows the halfling the desiccated corpse of a hermit crab that he found on the riverbank. No one seems to know where these things have come from. Prionell has told them that they are creatures from the far off, nearly mythical Ocean. But none know how they might have made their way into the lake or the river. One thing, though, that Belkior does find out, is that these things only began appearing some four or five full moons ago.

Another thing that he finds, is that, aside from the appearance of the ocean creatures, no one has encountered anything unusual. No extraordinary threats. None at all.

Brahmah speculates on whether the druids might have wildshaped themselves into giant beetles. Syr considers the idea as well, and asks Starminder. The bow wielding elf tells the Crimson Shields that the giant insect that makes the trails is called a Platform of Peace. Or, at least that's the nearest the elfish rhaku ni jahandalican be translated to in Common. The description immediately brings to the minds of Syr and Florin, the giant beetle that they rode upon when they entered the Crying Woods in search of Daphne the Giggling Ghost. Xenia, at that time, had insisted on calling it Max, for some inexplicable reason. Riding on the back of the beetle had freed the group from the oppressive feeling of malice that seemed to be everywhere in the Crying Woods outside of Elvenguard.

Syr also speculates as to whether the ultimate goal of the elusive druids, might be to supplant the elves in the pairing with the Crying Woods, disrupting the Entwining and taking Prillana's place.

Jass enumerates several other possible ways in which sea life might have found its way into Turtle Lake. Investigating any one of them would take considerable time and effort. He hits on the idea of divination spells. And, when the group returns to Elvenguard, proposes the idea to Belkior.


OoC: Try as many ideas as you'd like this weekend. I'll be around to supply results.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d100=4 ;
Friday September 11th, 2009 11:09:18 PM

The halfling nods in agreement as Jass suggests divination magic. Belkior thinks for a moment before replying.

"Why don't I attempt to cast Divination and ask about the Entwining? Ask about what we should to ensure the success of the ritual. Do you think that would work?"

Belkior continues to think on what other information he might ask Alemi to reveal.

"I've got the Holy Water needed to cast Commune, too. What questions do you think that I should I ask? You can take your time since I will need to request these spells tomorrow morning. I can ask a total of fifteen questions. I think that we should ask questions like these:
- is one person or thing responsible for the appearance of the sea creatures and the strange behaviour of the plant creatures?
- is the source of the sea creatures within the Lake?
- is the person or persons responsible for the behaviour of the plant creatures within the Crying Woods?
- should we pursue the dwarf's companions?
- is the source of the person or persons responsible for these strange events in Floating City?"

"Anyone have suggestions for the 10 other questions?"

On the following morning, Belkior rises before dawn to make his devotions to Alemi. After his quiet meditations, Belkior specifically requests both spells from Alemi. Once he has completed his prayers, Belkior rises and goes to break his fast. After eating, the halfling cleric seeks out his companions.

"I am ready to cast the spells. Does someone wish to be nearby, ready to record any information?"

Once his companions have a chance to reply, Belkior finds a quiet spot and kneels to make the preparations for casting Divination. He takes the incense from his pouch and Potion of Cure Light Wounds which he thinks would be an appropriate sacrifice for the God of Healing. He begins chanting and once the spell is cast, mentally sends a question to his deity.

"Supreme Alemi, Shepherd to all, please answer the question that I humbly present to you: What should my companions and I do to ensure the success of the Entwining here in Elvenguard?"

Belkior waits patiently for a reply.

Spell Info: Belkior is CL 15, so 85% chance of success

Divination from Alemi - DMAl 
Saturday September 12th, 2009 10:02:00 AM

A curling white plume of incense rises into the air as Belkior, through word and gesture, invokes the spell. Then comes the question. The vial of potion, the offering to Alemi, glows, then falls into a pool of bright silver sparks. The sparks rise, dancing upon the air. They swirl, as though reveling in life, brief though it may be. The dancing lights, as though on command, flow together, then snap suddenly into formation, writing glowing letters on the air.

With fanatic fury, they will come.
Protect the altar with all your might.
Till the ceremony is complete,
In the name of Elvenguard you must fight.

The silver sparks fade, then, leaving behind the plume of incense rising into the morning sunlight.

Divination from Alemi - DMAl 
Saturday September 12th, 2009 10:03:45 AM

OoC: Ten more questions for Belkior's Communion. I'll take suggestions from any other Crimson Shield and then answer all questions.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Saturday September 12th, 2009 3:00:23 PM

Jass is always interested in getting more pieces of the puzzle, and so he accompanies Belkior. "Maybe this will show me something of what your Northern Powers can do", he jokes.

Parchment and pen at hand, the sorcerer writes down the Divination. "Impressive. Your Alemi looks to be at least as powerful as the Crones of the Downs in divinations." He pauses, giving a bow to the halfling. "And its pretty certain that we need to be nearby to protect the Entwining ceremony."

The hay-stack haired human has to think for a while before coming up with some additional questions. "Yes or No only right? How about...

- are the druids the biggest threat to the Entwining?
- is Pironell the biggest threat to the Entwinning?
- are the elves the biggest threat to the Entwinning?
- are the Crimson Shields the biggest threat to the Entwining?
- is the arrival of the sea water creatures connected with the Entwining?
- is there a permenant connection between the Lake and the Ocean?"

Jass allows some more questions available to the other members of the Crimson Shields.


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Divination from Alemi - DMAl 
Saturday September 12th, 2009 9:47:32 PM

OoC: Four Questions Left.

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Sunday September 13th, 2009 2:41:43 AM

OOC: Bereft of questions here.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Sunday September 13th, 2009 8:29:39 PM

Jass will wait for the others to suggest some questions. If they do not, he whispers a few more to Belkior just before he goes into his spell casting trance...

(Readied Action)
- Does the Jack of Diamonds intend the Crimson Shields no harm?
- Does the Overlord intend the Crimson Shields no harm?
- Is the halfling with the ship full of magic items connected with the sea water in the Lake?
- Is the seawater in the Lake connected with the Southern Continent Great Migration?


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Monday September 14th, 2009 5:33:16 PM

Mac's question is almost formed when he is almost bowled over by the last thing he hears. He barely regains enough composure to ask, "Jass, what Southern Continent Great Migration?"

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Monday September 14th, 2009 8:00:19 PM

Florin listens to what is said and such as he waits to see what is said or done. Florin if he has nothing overly better to do will otherwise spend his time practiceing with his sword, takeing Ajax on small tours around the village for exercise and otherwise just getting to know the elven customs and such more.

If the group decides on scouting or such then Florin will do his best to give aid but otherwise will keep to his normal spot in the group if any trouble would happen to arise.

The Days Leading to Entwining's Eve - DMAl 
Monday September 14th, 2009 8:30:26 PM

No sooner has Belkior finished his first divination spell, than he begins a second. For this one he solicits questions from his fellow Crimson Shields. These questions may only be ones answerable with either a Yes or a No. In the process of coming up with the questions, Mac makes a mind boggling discovery.

This time it is the smoke of the incense that forms letters in the air, both restating the questions as well as providing the answers.

- is one person or thing responsible for the appearance of the sea creatures and the strange behaviour of the plant creatures? (No.)
- is the source of the sea creatures within the Lake? (Yes.)
- is the person or persons responsible for the behaviour of the plant creatures within the Crying Woods? (Sometimes.)
- should we pursue the dwarf's companions? (It would benefit you little.)
- is the source of the person or persons responsible for these strange events in Floating City?" (No.)
- are the druids the biggest threat to the Entwining? (Yes.)
- is Pironell the biggest threat to the Entwinning? (No.)
- are the elves the biggest threat to the Entwinning? (No.)
- are the Crimson Shields the biggest threat to the Entwining? (No.)
- is the arrival of the sea water creatures connected with the Entwining? (No.)
- is there a permenant connection between the Lake and the Ocean?" (Yes.)
- Does the Jack of Diamonds intend the Crimson Shields no harm? (Yes. The Jack of Diamonds intends the Crimson Shields no harm.)
- Does the Overlord intend the Crimson Shields no harm? (Yes. The Overlord intends the Crimson Shields no harm.)
- Is the halfling with the ship full of magic items connected with the sea water in the Lake? (No.)
- Is the seawater in the Lake connected with the Southern Continent Great Migration? (No.)

Days pass at Elvenguard. The Crimson Shields are treated as honored guests. Many of the elves follow Florin around as he takes walks with Ajax. Apparently few of them have seen a horse before. The fare in Elvenguard, though simple, possesses a rich wholesome quality that enhances the flavor of all the food.

On the evening before the new moon, Prillana's husband, Evendale Starlight, comes to the Crimson Shields. He apologizes in elfish for his lack of Common. He is an artisan, and has never traveled. He tells the Shields that this evening there will be a great feast, and that Prionell will address the village, speaking to them of the Entwining and the history of Elvenguard.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Monday September 14th, 2009 8:35:30 PM

"Remember 'Max' Wynn?" The elf chuckles with memories of the beetle, getting in a not so subtle dig at Wynn, "Xenia always did show a preference for the weird or unusual.

Syr listens as the others compose pertinent questions. His eyes narrow in thought when the sorcerer suggests the Shields are a threat to the entwining. He dismisses it with a casual shrug before posing his own tentative questions,

Syr looks unsure and tentative as he speaks up, "I don't know much about these spells other than Wynn's scroll but how about, 'Are the druids trying to replace Prillana with one of their own. Or maybe, Is Lord Perimon tied to these druids?"

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+4=24 ;
Monday September 14th, 2009 11:16:30 PM

The halfling cleric considers the information received from his God, slowly turning it over and over until he has something to suggest. Belkior finally searches out his companions to speak to them.

"Any surprises? Perhaps Wynn's scroll can provide some more information about the druids and how they threaten the Entwining. And these sea creatures."

"I wonder if one of the druids within Elvenguard could assist us? Really, we need someone familiar with the Lake ... maybe if we took the information that I learned and some scouting and narrow down where this connection to the ocean exists. Don't you think that the first reports of sea life would occur close to this connection? And there would be more reports close to that connection?"

"Why don't I see what I can learn?"

Belkior goes out and tries to find the elves that he spoke with before, trying to piece together a chronology and pattern to the occurences of sea life.
Gather Information = 24

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 2:26:10 AM

Brahmah follows Belk.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 12:35:31 PM

"Interesting. VERY interesting", says Jass over and over again as he reads the answers over and over agian. "There are many mysteries, but the one the Crimson Shields should focus on is the Entwining. Floating City, the seawater in the Lake, none of this is important to the Entwining. I recommend that the team not waste energy pursuing the seawater at this time."

"The questions about ...
- Are the druids trying to replace Prillana with one of their own?
- Is Lord Perimon tied to these druids?"
- Do the druids have an ally among the elves?
- Is the druid grove/lair/place they meet within the Crying Wood?

"All of these are good questions for another divination, yes?"


Jass looks at Mac in some surprise. "I didn't tell you about that? Ah, silly me. That's how I came to be stuck here in the Floating City. The Great Migration finally occured, lands flying about, the Powers manifesting to protect thier lands. Truely an amazing sight! But teleportation circles also appears, transferring flora, fauna, and rocks from one place to another. I was accidentally struck by one of these teleportation manifestations after the Great Migration began, and ended up 20 feet over the water just out of reach of your Floating City docks."

The sorcerer scratches his head. "I"m sure I explained before..." He shrugs disarmingly.


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 8:17:51 PM

Syr gazes at Jass, "Ignore the Saltwater for now? Not bad. It's low on the list of priorities to threaten the entwining. The only real answer that worries me about that is the permanent connection OR we could see it as an opportunity... Imagine controlling the trade on such a route."The elf's eyes glaze over envisioning piles of coin. "Of course, it could be one way but still an opportunity."

"Anyway, it sounds like we need to be prepared to defend the ceremony more than anything else. Deal with the immediate threat and worry about the rest later."

OOC: post a little early yesterday Al? last week was 9:01-9:05...

The Days Leading to Entwining's Eve - DMAl 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 8:31:51 PM

OoC: Yeah. I had a meeting to go. Sorry about that.

The Feast - DMAl 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 9:03:04 PM

Syr comes up with a few more questions. Too late, however, for the Commune with Alemi.

Belkior suggests that the scroll Wynn holds might offer some aid. Wynn, however, is strangely silent. Belkior goes among the people again, asking about the chronology behind the discovery of the ocean life. They tell him that their first discovery of the sea life was on the nearby river. They say that few of the elves range as far as the lake. The first evidence of sea life on the lake came only recently, from the party that they saw earlier with Prionell. That party had been sent to investigate because the druids and rangers of the village all speculated that these things must be coming from the lake, as the further upstream the river goes, the smaller the river gets.

Jass comes up with even more questions for future Communes. But, with the feast tonight, and the Entwining tomorrow morning, further Commune spells might have to wait.

Evening comes, and the feast begins. The beautiful elfish houses all surround a central space high in the trees. High or low, each house has a window, veranda, or other space from which the occupants can look out and see the a platform set into the center of the village. Each house is lit this evening, filling the woods with soft yellow light.

The suite of rooms that house the Crimson Shields open onto a balcony with a view overlooking this central space. Prillana arrives as the feast is beginning. A group of elves arrive with her carrying trays with food and drink.

Also with Prillana come Evendale Starlight, Prillana's husband and their daughter Challa. From the references made, it becomes clear that once Prillana's time ends, it will be Challa who will take her place. Evendale, if pressed, will admit that one must love a woman of Prillana's line greatly in order to enter into marriage with her, knowing that she will be taken to become one with the Crying Woods for the Entwining.

Elves move among the houses, visiting along bridges that blend seamlessly with the surrounding wood. They carry platters, bowls, steaming tureens, all filled with food as they visit the houses of other elves. Some bring with them graceful carafes full of home-made, amber, elfish brew.

In the very center of the central space, a platform hangs. After a time, Prionell climbs onto the platform and begins speaking to his people.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 10:28:21 PM

The halfling cleric settles into a safe corner of the balcony, neither underfoot for his larger companions or close to an edge since the drop to the forest floor makes him somewhat nervous. Belkior is quite interested in watching this ceremony and doesn't want to inadvertently do anything to interfere.

Once Prionell begins speaking, Belkior stops discussing what he learned about the elves discovery of the sea creatures and listens intently.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+3=20 ; d3=3 ; d20+3=9 ;
Tuesday September 15th, 2009 10:52:25 PM

Florin glances about when the feast comes about and from his vantage he looks over the people around. He can't help but concentrate on his ability to detect evil, he just wonders if he will spot something that will stand out and give any type of clue of someone not suppose to be here or such.

If Florin spots anyone showing a aura of evil then he leans close mainly to Syr and speaks to him about who or such. He wants to make sure that people know his findings and keeps a eye on said person or people.

(Spot:20 Listen:9)

(I don't know what the d3 was for, it was suppose to be a listen check d20+3 so I rerolled.)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 1:20:36 AM

Brahmah will sit quietly, staring at his little companion, Belkior. Just staring, not necessarily seeing anything, possibly looking through the little spellcaster.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 10:40:37 AM

Jass enjoys the feast, the talking, the drinking, the music. "Ah, at last, this is the comfort that I've been looking for! And aren't we great worthy people who deserve a little time off?" The sorcerer answers himself, "Of course we are!" Furball fills up on a banana and looks insufferably pleased with investigating everyone else's plate.

Jass' conversation with Evandale goes well if a little confused because of the differences of culture. "Huh", says the thinnish man, "I would have said one would have to love any woman greatly to marry and lose your independance like that. Nope, not looking for any entanglements that will slow me down!" Maybe it was the elvish wine, but Jass looks embarrassed, as if he has revealed more of himself than he intended.

Thankfully, there is a speech soon, and the sorcerer ostentenciously concentrates on what is going to be said.


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 7:25:14 PM

Syr snaps his fingers by Brahmah's ear twice and grins at the minotaur, "Hey big guy! Wake up, this is supposed to be a feast, no need to stalk the priest."

As Prionell begins his speech, Syr looks down from the balcony at all the assembled elves thinking sadly of his lost heritage. He can barely remember his parents before they were taken from him but imagines that they would love to fit in here.

Oral History - DMAl 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 9:02:33 PM

Florin, vigilant even amidst the safety of Elvenguard, uses his innate ability to sense evil to probe the surrounding trees. He detects nothing evil with is supernatural senses. He senses nothing out of place with either his eyes or his ears.

Prionell speaks in elfish, and Prillana translates for those Crimson Shields who don't speak the language. He chants in a singsong voice as he relates an oral history. He speaks of a time when the elves lived outside of the Crying Woods. He speaks of the coming of a great tyrant, a terrible green dragon. He tells of the war that the elves fought against the dragon, a war that the elves were destined to lose. Prionell tells of the defeat. He tells of the flight. And, he tells of the long suffering march, marked by a trail of fallen elves.

Prionell then tells of his people's arrival at a great forbidding woods, gloomy, hostile and isolationist, a wood every bit as alive and as powerful as the Culverwood with which they had been familiar. He speaks, of course, of the Crying Woods.

"Our people fought their way into this strange and hostile woods. They had no choice, pursued by the minions of the green dragon as they were. Many more lives were lost. Then, just as our people thought that they would all perish within this terrible place, they emerged into a clearing of long avenues, within which was build a single pyramid at the top of which lay an altar."

Prionell tells of the first to sacrifice herself and bond with the Crying Woods. From that day forward, his tribe has had a peaceful place within the Woods, a place into which few outside forces dare to go. He further explains that this is largely the reason that their village exists at all. Without the strange symbiosis between an elfish mind and the Crying Woods, the elves would dare not remain within the boundaries of the woods.

He tells the elves what they all know. That tomorrow, they would travel to this clearing of long avenues and they would offer up one of their own in the Entwining.


OoC: If there are no more questions and such, tomorrow I will move you on to the next morning.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:121/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 9:07:43 PM

Besides his looking over the crowd for anyone radiating a evil aura, Florin sits down at the table and tries some of the food but to keep his senses sharp he only drinks water for now. Florin figures he might have alittle wine or such after all this but would prefer to keep sharp just incase anything happens. He can't help but frown alittle at Jass as he looks like he may of drank alittle to much already but simply shrugs though and smiles after a moment, he can't help but like the sorcerer.

Florin glances to Furbal as he begins investigateing Florin's plate and lightly pokes the ferret with his finger, "Hey fella, I'd becareful pokeing around some people's food or you could get forked you know." To make up for his little jest though Florin offers the ferret alittle of the food on his plate and smiles, "Couldn't resist Jass."

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+4=24 ;
Wednesday September 16th, 2009 10:56:04 PM

The halfing cleric finds Prionell's story to be quite interesting even though he can't really determine how long ago the elves came to the Crying Woods. Belkior tries to recall the lessons from his days at the seminary about the history of the Wold, particularly the Culverwood, to see if he can make an educated guess for how long the elves have been in this area.
Knowledge History = 24

For that matter, Belkior had always understood that the location of the Floating City was now unknown to it's residents. Specifically, that no one knew the land route back to the Elennian Peninsula. Of course, that halfling merchant said that he had come from Plateau City, somehow. Maybe the elves could describe a route back ...

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 4:09:12 AM

OOC: Ready to be moved along.

Jass AC 17 HP 80/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life) 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 11:42:09 AM

"Serves you right, Furball", mock-scolds Jass to his ferret as Florin brandishes a fork at the beast. For his part, the familiar doesn't seem offended, just taking the offered food and then scurrying over to Brahmah's place to dip the bread in some sauce.

Jass has a fun time, and the story is nice. The sorcerer's ears perks up about the 'broad avenues' at the temple site. "Good for seeing and fighting", he comments. "Once we get there, the druids will be at a disadvantage in disrupting the Entwining."


Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +20 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 12:03:51 PM

Looking at the ferret, Brahmah realizes he hasn't seen Heyoo in awhile. "Where is that bear?"

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 6:33:32 PM

As Prionel weaves his story, a thought occurs to Syr. He clears his throat nervously and weighs his curiousity vs. offending the elves. The curiousity wins out and he leans over to whisper to Prillana, "Just out of curiousity, how many elves have been bonded before you?"

Entwining's Morn - DMAl 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 9:01:02 PM

Florin gives a companionably friendly warning to Jass' little familiar. Running among the dishes and drinks can get one forked up.

Belkior thinks back to his lessons at the seminary. The only green dragon that Prionell could be speaking of would be the mighty Parnoth, said now to be dead. Could there have been more than one? No. And if this is the case, the elves would have had to have been here for a long time indeed. For none know how long Parnoth has held sway over the Emerald Kingdom. From the tale of the Entwining might a land route might be traced back to the Elennian Peninsula? Not from such brief descriptions as these. But with long research and exploration, many things may be accomplished in time.

Jass continues to enjoy the feast and play with Furball. He considers, at times, how Prionell's tale may impact the Crimson Shields and their duties of the morrow.

Brahmah is remembered of Heyoo, and he looks around for the bear. (OoC: You may bring Heyoo into the story, Jay. But you have to run him and care for him. And ... keep him from getting killed.)

Prillana raises a brow at Syr's question. "Elfish memories are long, Syrdeth," she replies. "I can recite the names of the last ten Bonded by heart. But I know there have been more - more beyond the three thousand years of the ten who's names I know."

The feast continues until late into the night. Elves, even in the Floating City, require little sleep. Morning comes soon enough. Perhaps too soon. As the earliest rays of the sun touch the very tops of the trees, the Crying Woods is filled with the sound of grinding, crunching and the cracking break of vegetation. Looking over the side of their compound the Shields see a sight witnessed only once in a lifetime. Hundreds of beetles the size of large wagons converge on Elvenguard. The beetles are lead on by elves who carry white flowers in their hands. It is the scent of the white flowers that draws the beetles on. The giant beetles eat their way through the forest as they go.

The entire village turns out within the hour - every last man, woman and child - all will go to witness the Entwining. They mount the backs of the beetles, carrying the left over foodstuffs from the feast the night before. The village will ride to the Entwining, aboard the backs of giant beetles.


OoC: Please choose spells for the day and include them in your next, and each subsequent post, please. Thank you.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday September 17th, 2009 11:02:57 PM

The halfling cleric readies himself for following the elves to the ancient city within the Crying Woods. Belkior isn't certain exactly what the Shields might face, but he does want to be prepared for healing and protecting his companions.

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Friday September 18th, 2009 2:39:52 AM

"I brought up Parnoth earlier." Smiles the ranger.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Friday September 18th, 2009 5:42:31 PM

The elf wakes up refreshed and assembles with everyone else for the trip to the altar they heard of last night. Syr looks out at the travelling village with a sense of dread. "If someone were to target them right now, we won't be able to protect a group THIS size. I'm not liking how things are shaping up today."

Arrival - DMAl 
Friday September 18th, 2009 9:03:59 PM

The Crimson Shields ride upon two separate beetles. On one rides Prillana, her husband Evendale, and their daughter Challa. On the other, ride Prionell, Starminder, Finbrush, and Tionel.

The progression - the migration! - of beetles through the woods makes a great noise. The forest is filled with the crunch and break of trees and greenery as they eat their way through the woods. The elves themselves make their share of noise, chatting, at ease, as though this were a picnic. And yet, within the great and terrible Crying Woods, nothing attacks.

The journey takes the entire morning. It's difficult to tell because the thick canopy of trees above allow no view of the sky, but it is near noon when through the trees ahead a bright light can be seen.

Prionell raises a hand and the beetle drivers halt their mounts by giving up the flowers with which they have been leading the beetles on - flowers suspended by rope from the ends of sticks. The line of beetles are still some one hundred feet from the greater light ahead. The entire village dismounts, climbing down from the backs of the beetles. Once off the beetles, and on the floor of the woods again, the feeling of malice and ill-will returns. The hatred is a cloying miasma, like sticky night air.

Prionell leads the way in silence. All seem to know their place as the elves of Elvenguard walk the last hundred feet of the way.


OoC: Last Chance. If you don't list your spells for the day, then you don't have them. Missing these notices is *not* a valid excuse.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 131/ 147) 
Sunday September 20th, 2009 6:49:41 PM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic

Prepared Spells:
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin, Repel Vermin

"Once the elves touched the ground, they seemed to grow more tense. They seemed quite happy moments ago."

(OOC: Can I assume healing has been done?)

Arrival - DMAl 
Sunday September 20th, 2009 7:02:46 PM

OoC: Brahmah - Four/Five days have passed. Natural healing alone would have been enough. Consider yourself at full HP.

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+3=21 ; d20+3=4 ;
Sunday September 20th, 2009 10:14:39 PM

Florin is happy to be moveing once more and smiles as he speaks to Jass a moment, "Was a interesting little ceremony, how is your little friend anyway? He didn't get into any of the drinks he shouldn't of I hope." Florin smiles and gives a short wave to Furball if he is out and visible.

Florin otherwise keeps his eyes and ears open as best he can for anything that seems strange through all this.

(Spot:21 Listen:4)

1st DC:11: Cure Light Woundsx2
2nd DC:12: Bull;s Stregnthx1
3rd DC:13: Cure Moderate Woundsx1

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Sunday September 20th, 2009 10:27:26 PM

The halfling cleric quietly rides upon the back of the giant beetle. Belkior's apprehension is eased slightly by the beetles' obvious interest in the flowers instead of, for example, something that more closely resembled a small humanoid. The trip through the Crying Woods provides an opportunity to examine the flora and fauna from a safe height, though, and Belkior makes use of that chance.

Once the elves disembark from the beetles, Belkior joins Brahmah and the other Shields. He too has noticed what the minotaur has mentioned.

"Maybe it's the solemnity of the Entwinning. Maybe it's something else."

Belkior will take the time to cast Status upon all of his companions.

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Jass AC 17 HP 74/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life)  d10+10=14 ;
Monday September 21st, 2009 10:49:36 AM

Rubbing sleep from his eyes, Jass grins: he doesn't need to study or work for spells. They fall natually in his lap! A couple castings and he is ready for the day.

The beetle ride is great, though a little unorthodox, but Jass tries to enjoy the travel all the same. Furball rides his shoulder, and he has his Unseen Servant get a broad leaf to fan Jass during the ride.



Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +14 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps147) 
Monday September 21st, 2009 5:55:46 PM

The minotaur stands sentinel near the Shields and watches with vigilance.

Heyoo, his black bear, meanders in silence in the nearby scrub sniffing a stump or occasional hillock. The mere fact the bear is so rarely seen is unusual. The bear finally comes to Brahmah and nudges his knee. The minotaur looks down. There is a silent stare by each of them and then the ranger reaches out, hugs his friend. "Take care my friend." The bear wanders into the woods and is not seen again.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165  d20+6=17 ;
Monday September 21st, 2009 8:43:36 PM

Syr reclines during the trip on the back of the bettle and wistfully thinks of what might have been as the sounds from the elvish conversations reach his ears. As they get off the beetles, his senses pick up once more listening for anything out of the ordinary from the ruckus (Listen 17). Moving up to Belkior, he whispers, "Do you recommend any magic beforehand. If those druids strike, I have a feeling it will be now."

(OOC: spells on character sheet and never change)

The Clearing The Pyramid - DMAl 
Monday September 21st, 2009 8:59:47 PM

Florin looks about the forest as he makes small talk with Jass. Nothing appears out of the ordinary in this part of the Crying Woods. But, if the Divination from Alemi is to be believed, there will soon be plenty to worry about.

Belkior casts a Status spell on his companions.

Brahmah sees an old friend. With a last brief connection, they part ways.

Syr listens, but hears no more than the usual noises of the Crying Woods.

The Crimson Shields along with the elves of Elvenguard, emerge from the woods and into the light. An enormous clearing stretches out before. Broad avenues converge, from the four cardinal points of the compass, upon a giant stone pyramid. Each of the broad avenues meets the pyramid at a set of stairs, equally as wide as the avenue and ascends to a height of fifty feet. Between the radiating avenues lie the rubble of what once might have been buildings. The rubble, the roads, as well as the pyramid itself is formed from blocks of a pale grainy sandstone that paints images of dry sunbaked plains, a sharp contrast to the dark and brooding Crying Woods. In the blocks that are intact can be seen designs of large whorling concentric circles.

The majority of the village stops at the edge of the clearing, arraying themselves in rows to watch the Entwining. Prionell, Prillana, Evendale, Challa, Tionel, Starminder, Finbrush, and the Crimson Shields procede up the avenue toward the pyramid. They climb the steps, and, at the top of the pyramid is an altar. As the Crimson Shields climb, they note an odd familiarity to the stone of the pyramid. The top of the pyramid, save for the altar at its center, is bare and open to the sky. Through some magic of design, the altar itself, though made of the same textured sandstone, has the look of dark polished wood.

Prillana, her husband, and her daughter say their goodbyes in silence. They use touch, and their eyes speak, rather than speaking with words. The clearing is still and quiet, only a warm breeze disturbing the scene.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Monday September 21st, 2009 10:54:55 PM

The halfling cleric is quiet as the elves begin the ritual of the Entwinning. Even though this is definitely not part of the worship of Alemi or any of the other Gods of the Wold, Belkior won't pass judgement. Some of his past companions have followed other faiths, particularly those of nature, and he won't immediately condemn this ritual simply because it is different.

Active Effects
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+7=25 ; d20+2=7 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 3:51:11 AM

"Well, that is impressive..." murmurs Mac as he tries to remain keen-eyed and -eared to the goings on, and makes a mental not to talk to Brahmah about Galea when the expected troubles have passed.
Spot:25, Listen:7


Jass AC 22 HP 74/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self)  d20+2=8 ; d20+3=15 ; d20+6=7 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 8:16:41 AM

Jass looks, well, at least he is attempting to look, more solemn and alert. The Crimson Shields walk through the city, he tries to see why the place looks familiar, but it eludes him.

He does get a little uncomfortable at the sight of Prillana, Evendale, and Challa touching and being close, what will be for the last time. This isn't only a celebration, he realizes, but a funeral.

This sobers him up still more, and Jass checks the skies for any giant bat/druids.

To further prepare, Jass spells himself with an Alter Self, taking the semblance of one of the Lizardfolk. "It's still me", he tells the elves, "me and Furball!"

Untrained Knowledge Check: 8
Listen: 15
Spot: 7

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +14 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/1/0/0/0/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps147) 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 11:24:50 AM

"Heyoo was only a cub when he came to me."

Wynn AC 28, HP 88/88 (sub-SteveK)  d20+10=23
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 1:07:04 PM

Graceful and lithe, Wynn gets ready. His keen and magical longsword is out, and a few spells cascade off his lips to make him more formidable in a fight. "The druids have to come soon, get ready!"

A thoughtful visage takes Wynn's face. "You know what this pyramid reminds me of?", he says...

Soon, Wynn's voice raises in song to encourage all on the top of the pyramid.

Celebrate Entwining, Come On!
Celebrate Entwing, Come On!

Cast Blur on self
Bardic Know: 23
Spot: 20

Blur: 80 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Use

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 5:37:51 PM

"Galea was a kitten, lost and alone at an abandoned farm when she found me, but adventuring and the warriors life is not a fun one for a cat."

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