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The Entwining

Attack in the Clearing - DMAl 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 8:45:41 PM

Forewarned by Belkior's divination, the Crimson Shields prepare themselves. Many of them remain alert, scanning the tree-line for signs of intrusion. Jass takes on the form of one of the Lizard folk. The magic turns Challa's head, but none of the other elves on top of the pyramid give it a second look.

Wynn casts a spell upon himself, and then begins a song of inspiration. The bard suddenly realize why the stones of this ruined clearing deep within the Crying Woods strikes a chord of familiarity. They resemble in texture and grain, the stone building materials stored in the warehouse at Shield Construction.

Prionell takes a place at the head of the altar. Prillana breaks away from her family and boosts herself up upon the edge then lays herself out in the center of the slab.

"Once begun," Prionell warns, "the ceremony of the Entwining cannot stop. It must not be disturbed. If it is broken we are lost." The elder elf closes his eyes in preparation. Then he raises his arms to the sun and begins a chat.

Mac and Wynn see the disturbance first, before the sounds drift across the clearing and to the top of the pyramid. Like a wave, the elves of Elvenguard watching from the Eastern edge of the clearing turn to something unseen within the forest behind them. A split second later, screams, commands, and the sounds of battle cries reach the Crimson Shields. The elven villagers are under attack.

Through the trees come brief glimpses of monsters, animals and giant vermin. An elf falls. Then another. But they fight back.


OoC: We are entering round by round combat. Do not post more than one round's worth of action, please.

You approached from the East and are clustered roughly on the eastern side of a 40x40 foot area that makes up the top of the pyramid. Descending to the ground is a stairway 95 feet long. You are 50ft up in the air. From the base of the pyramid to the elves at the edge of the clearing is roughly 200 feet. The sides of the pyramid appear difficult to walk on. The area between the broad avenues also looks like difficult terrain.

There will be a map tomorrow.

Sorry about posting a bit early today. Call for rehearsal is early from now till opening at the end of the week.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 8:49:43 PM

Syr climbs with the others observing the proceedings quietly. He thinks for a moment about interrupting with a question but deems now is the time for a respectful silence. After briefly rummaging through his pouch, he takes out a potion of rage but does not drink it. He gazes at the stone thoughtfully and wonders if the druidic magic will be able to turn it against them.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage  d20+8=27 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 10:07:02 PM

The halfling cleric casts a protective spell upon himself and then moves to stay with his companions. Belkior wants to know more about the opponents they are facing and peers out towards the edge of the clearing.
Spot = 27

"Anyone know what kind of creatures they are?"

Standard - Cast Magic Circle Against Evil

Active Effects
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 160 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+3=6 ; d20+3=11 ;
Tuesday September 22nd, 2009 10:26:31 PM

Florin decides to ready his weapon and shield so he can be ready for combat. Also decideing that his barardsword would be better to use then his bow considering he doesn't want to hit anyone that he doesn't mean too. Florin also otherwise keeps his eyes and ears open for anything else that may be lurking around besides.

(Believe readying weapon and shield would take up most of Florin's turn. However he should beable to do spot and listen check too?)

Spot"6 Listen:11

1st DC:11: Cure Light Woundsx2
2nd DC:12: Bull;s Stregnthx1
3rd DC:13: Cure Moderate Woundsx1

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 12:45:49 AM

Syr responds to Belkior looking out into the forest, "Nope, look on the bright side, they aren't invisible...I think." He smiles with a knowing grin.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps147) 
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 1:40:14 AM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)

Prepared Spells:
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin, Repel Vermin

With a moment of hesitation, flash of memory about a Black Sword, ooze, a possessed centaur and Vargas, Brahmah activates his Spider Climb tattoo and proceeds up the pyramid. (OOC: I'll let the DM determine how the spider climb helps.)

Brahmah then preps a spell as he moves.

Wynn AC 28, HP 88/88 (sub-SteveK)  d20+6=11 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 10:25:30 AM

There's a party going on right here
Its the Entwining, so elves don't have to fear
Crimson Shields! we'll be defending too
Watching for some flankers, thats what we do (come on now)

Wynn continues his singing to raise the spirits of the elves and Crimson Shields on the pyramid. The bard takes a couple steps backwards to place him behind the fighting line of Florin, Syr, Brahmah, and Mac, and keeps looking at the flanks, rear, and air for any other attackers.

Spot: 11

Blur: 79 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: sing+5 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/1/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Jass AC 22 HP 74/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image)  d4+4=7 ; d20+3=6 ; d20+6=12 ;
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 10:30:36 AM

Jass fades back with Wynn and sets another spell to make sure he's harder to hit. Seven Mirror Images of Jass-Lizardman jump into being.

Mirror Image
Listen: 6
Spot: 12

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +14 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 130 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/0/0/0/0

Frozen Time - DMAl 
Wednesday September 23rd, 2009 8:56:23 PM

The Crimson Shield continue their preparations as the attack continues at the edge of the clearing.

Time slows as the elves at the distant edge of the forest fight for their lives. With one moment of crystal clarity, the Crimson Shields watch as the savage blood bath is outlined like a mural before them.

The details are too far away for anyone but Belkior to see with any clarity. The halfling cleric spies a large dark chitinous object in the act of spearing through the abdomen of an elfish woman. He sees an elfish man fighting desperately against a bear four times his size. He sees another elfish woman in the process of being dragged by the foot into the forest by a thick vine.


OoC: Sorry to put things on hold here with this artificial story convention, but I'm missing some information that I need to begin. For this next round, you may respond with emotional and memory reactions. You may post for skills, however, that require no time. Spot and listen, for example are two.

Please do not post any actions. Time is frozen.

This pause has nothing to do with the story itself. It's a DM who doesn't have what he needs to continue today. Sorry.

Here, however is a picture of the top of the Pyramid. Map

Jass AC 22 HP 74/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image)  d20+3=6 ; d20+6=18 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 8:20:48 AM

Jass watches the uneven battle below and frowns, a voice from the past coming unbidden to his memory. "Life's about choices, boy, but some are more palatable than others" The thinnish sorcerer replies out loud to the voice in his head. "So that's why we're here, old man, to give others the opportunity to make thier choices."

The sorcerer readies his defense of the pyramid, chittering to Furball to make sure the ferret keeps well-hidden among Jass' clothing.

Listen: 6
Spot: 18

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +14 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 130 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/0/0/0/0

Wynn AC 28, HP 88/88 (sub-SteveK)  d20+6=18 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 8:22:25 AM

Time slows, and the bardic scene before him allows Wynn to begin composing his next great epic while his body is ready with sword, spell, and song to defeat the oppressors of peace.

Spot: 18

Blur: 79 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: sing+5 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/1/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Thursday September 24th, 2009 8:30:02 PM

Syr strains his eyes at the sounds, trying to identify their foes.

He thinks to himself of another time and place when the group was attacking a pyramid rather than defending it. Feeling crowded, he hopes the others realize their vulnerability if they all stand shoulder to shoulder.

How Long Is the Suffering - DMAl  3d3+3=10 ;
Thursday September 24th, 2009 9:01:37 PM

Time starts again. The screams and sounds of bloody conflict rise up from the eastern edge of the clearing. To the north, Finbrush grits his teeth, straining to rush down the stairs with his dual weapons and join the defense of his people. To the south, Starminder draws an arrow back to his ear and aims high, arching an arrow into the dark woods, firing blindly. Evandale kneels, holding Challa as the child watches with eyes horribly aware of the death that rages down below.

Prionell continues his chant. He does not falter. A silvery glow rises from the altar throwing spidery tracers into the air. The tracers reach their apogee and fall back, each leaving a silver thread behind. The surface of the altar and Prillana upon it, are slowly, gradually, layered in these delicate silver threads.

Down below the elves fight on. Amongst the elves there are few of the very old and few of the very young. Their long lives allows them to all learn something of combat, and with these skills the fight. They fight for their lives.

Tionel begins a long spell, one designed to summon aide for those below. He glances at the altar, wondering how long the ceremony will take - how long must those below suffer before aide will come.



Apologies, and thanks for the indulgence. Time is started again. Let the Entwining begin.

You are free to take a full round's action this post. The map in my previous post is unchanged. Feel free this round to place yourself in a different square using a move action if you so choose.

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma 
Thursday September 24th, 2009 9:32:42 PM

The halfling cleric prepares to faec the coming battle. Without knowledge of their opponents, Belkior is hesitant to use any offensive spells. However, he can use his items to aid both his protective and offensive spells.

If his companions move, Belkior will try to keep pace with them. If not, he will draw his Wand of Dispel Magic.

Standard - Activate Bead of Karma (+4 Caster Level)

Active Effects
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.9 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Thursday September 24th, 2009 10:12:36 PM

Florin frowns as he hears the sounds of elves being harmed and glances to Syr before speaking to him, "I hate to say it but do we move in to aid or stand our ground? Being a paladin I don't like the idea of not helping but from a tactical point of view, standing out ground protects the ceremony better I figure." Florin allows Syr though to make the decision. If Syr decides to move out to help the elves the Florin will follow but otherwise just stands his ground.

(Al: Sorry for the either or post, but since Syr's the leader and all Florin plans to do as the leader advises.)

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d4=2 (secret roll) d100=23 ; d100=51 ; d100=31 (three fuzzy balls); 5d4+5=18 (magic missile damage) 2d6=9 ; 3d6=10 (ice storm damage)
Thursday September 24th, 2009 10:42:54 PM

[OOC: Friends, I'll be running the enemy in this battle. I'll post actions, you all will post actions, and DM Al will adjudicate the turn. I will reveal many things (but NOT all) in my posts that you all should keep as OOC info ... such as how many agents are on the field, and that many are invisible. Please be adult regarding the use of OOC info. By the way, how the battle will work with initiative and order of actions, I don't know! I'll let Al handle that headache! By the way, the delay yesterday was because I was slow. That's *my* bad, not Al's!]

Invisible Agents L1, L2, and L3 move (see e-mail). Suddenly, three animals appear at Q-R-52-53, Q-R-54-55, Q-R-56-57 -- a brown bear and two lions! The beasts hustle up the pyramid, making a double move to the AH line.

Agents S1-S4, a group of four huge earth elementals, all wearing belts and amulets of some kind, move forward (double move at speed 60).
S1 moves from A-C-47-49 to Y-AA-47-49.
S2 moves from A-C-50-52 to Y-AA-50-52.
S3 moves from A-C-53-55 to Y-AA-53-55.
S4 moves from A-C-56-58 to Y-AA-56-58.
Al, you might have to adjust final positions if movement off the road is slower. All four will take their double moves to the best of their abilities.
Finally, one of the Agent S elementals casts a quickened obscuring mist, centered on itself, of course.

Invisible Agent G moves (see e-mail). He casts a Silence Spell, not centered on any person, but on the top of the pyramid - BA-BB-52-53. Casting the spell on a point in space is automatic ... no save or SR allowed. He remains invisible.

Invisible Agent M moves (see e-mail). He casts quickened magic missile on Prillana, if she can be a target; if not, then at Syr. The damage from the magic missile is 18 hp. Then he casts Cloudkill centered on the same point as the silence. Unlike the silence, however, the cloud will be moving east at 10 ft per round. The fort save vs the cloudkill is 23.

Invisible Agent F moves (see e-mail). She casts Ice Storm, centered on BC-BD-52-53, with a radius of 20 ft. Cold damage is 9, battering damage is 10. There is no save but there is SR (does anyone in the group have SR?).

Two Dire Bats fly to N-O-50-51 and N-O-53-54, both 70 feet up.


AL - I just realized that I am using the other map, not the one you posted. The coordinates differ on the two. Oops! Hope that's okay.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps147) 
Friday September 25th, 2009 12:42:17 AM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)

Prepared Spells:
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin, Repel Vermin

OOC: Not seeing the map.

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Friday September 25th, 2009 11:03:19 AM

Mac holds the line, and the higher ground.

Wynn AC 28, HP 88/88 (sub-SteveK) 
Friday September 25th, 2009 1:47:05 PM

ooc: with Cayzle and Al using different map coordinates, I don't know if Wynn and/or Jass are affected by the Silence and Ice Storm spells or how far away the earth elementals and bears are. Can I hold off posting?

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) 
Friday September 25th, 2009 2:35:23 PM

Okay, sorry!

The enemy ice storm, cloudkill, and silence all go right on top of the pyramid, basically, at W-X-22-23 on this map.

The elementals are in an obscuring mist at the base of the western side of the pyramid, off the map. The dire bats are visible above the cloud, but also off the map. The two lions and the bear MAY be on the map, around K-22ish?

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Friday September 25th, 2009 6:36:50 PM

Syr looks at the villagers below being slaughtered and turns to the others, "Brahmah and Florin, we can't just stand by. What do you say you two go down there and help? I'm fast enough that I may join you, let's see what happens. Florin, now is the time to bring out Ajax." Looking around confused for a moment, he realizes the silence spell has taken affect? Waving to the others he then points at Florin and Brahmah and then down at the carnage below. Then he motions to the other fighters in the group to each move to one of the up slopes.

OOC: Not the EVIL DM-Cayzle :)

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 165 
Friday September 25th, 2009 8:31:47 PM

Al or Cayzle, I'm a little slow. Any chance since it's Friday, we can get a map minus the invis foes and finish posting over the weekend?

Wynn AC 28, HP 88/88 (sub-SteveK)  d20+7=11 ;
Friday September 25th, 2009 8:35:26 PM

While standing at the top of the pyramid and the enemy LOOKING like they are so far away, he is very surprised to get silenced, and gassed, and iced! And the worst part is there is nothing he can do!

Slipping over the icy frost now covering the ground and through the billowing poisonous cloud, Wynn stumbles down the north face of the pyramid to find a place he can fight back.

Fort v Cloudkill: 11 (fail)
Move: (hustle) to Y,16

Blur: 78 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: 5 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/1/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

OoC: Clarifying Possible Confusion - DMAl 
Friday September 25th, 2009 8:36:11 PM

OoC: This is not an official post. It is designed to clear up the questions of physical location that may be going through your minds. Use this clarification to make a combat post. Post questions if you have them. I will be available to answer all weekend.


EAST (right side of map): The elven villagers are gathered here. They are fighting. The Crimson Shields are all on the east side of the top of the pyramid, per the map I posted two rounds ago.

WEST(left side of map): Sudden appearance of a brown bear and two lions. All three animals charge the pyramid from the west. They are now on the stairs on the West side of the Pyramid and are around 80 feet from reaching the top. You also spy two dire bats 70 feet up in the air directly West. From the northwest four huge earth elementals converge on the pyramid. Five glowing missiles of light originate from a spot somewhere to the northwest of the pyramid and up off of the ground some 30ft. They strike Prillana.

It seems there is an attack coming from the West as well as from the East, but the attackers from the West are actually trying to get to the top of the Pyramid.

Magic is already assaulting the top of the pyramid. Everyone is wrapped in Silence, except for Belkior. An Ice Storm crashes down on the top of the pyramid and a cloud of poisonous vapor also covers everyone except for Belkior.


Hopefully with this information, you can formulate your move for this round.

Jass AC 22 HP 74/60 (Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image)  d20+6=18 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=22 ;
Friday September 25th, 2009 8:47:40 PM

Jass is also completely affected by the Silence, Cloudkill, and IceStorm. Instead of going completely out, however, Jass pushes through his allies a short distance and spins around, striking the air above the pyramid with a Greater Dispel Magic spell.

"Need to keep the elves alive and working on the Entwining!" , he calls, "I bet dispelling magic won't affect the Entwining since it is probably on the level of an artifact or fate spell, but silencing it may be bad juju!"

Fort vs Cloudkill: 18 (fail)
Move: to AC,23 (out of effect of Silence)
Standard: Area Greater Dispel Magic 30, 27, 16, 25, 25, 24, 18, 24, 15, 23, 28, 22

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
False Life, 10 hours, +14 temp hit points
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 129 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Greater Dispel Magic; one spell on every person and every spell in effect in area within 20 feet of center of pyramid.

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/0/0/0/1

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Friday September 25th, 2009 9:15:31 PM

Florin plans to follow the orders of Syr and moves out to help the villagers that are under attack but for the moment doesn't plan to call out Ajax since that would take his round and place Ajax in peril of being magically pelted. As Florin moves he will activate his Brahmah tattoo to increase his movement.

(extended longstrider tattoo used. It isn't effected by the silence spell right? Barring Jass displelling it before Florin moves anyway.)

(Looked for map but other then the privious one I didn't see one so guess I'll have DM/s move Florin as needed.)

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+7=21 ; d20+25=32 ; d20+25=39 ; d20+25=26 ; d20+25=45 ; d20+25=35 ; d20+25=32 ; 3d6+19=28 ; 3d6+19=27 ; 3d6+19=25 ; 3d6+19=30 ; 3d6+19=33 ; 3d6+19=28 ;
Saturday September 26th, 2009 1:18:05 AM

OOC:Use this clarification to make a combat post. - Done : )

With several shields intent in heading down the east side, and (probably) under silence, Mac moves about the ceremony towards the two visible dire bats, and the then visible bear and lions - if someone is bringing the fight on then he obliges - taking up a position at the top of the western stairs. Not expecting to also get time for bow fire toward the dire bats he keeps his axe at the ready for the approaching animals. Spot:21

AoOs: AC32 for 28, AC39 for 27, AC26 for a miss, AC45 CT35 for 25 +30+33=88, & AC32 for 28.

OOC: May have missed augmenting spells cast.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147) 
Sunday September 27th, 2009 2:31:49 AM

Brahmah claps his hands together looking at the earth elementals. "If those things get to this building they will likely shake it and everyone will fall. I'm going for the earth-kin." Brahmah draws and moves toward the earth elementals, moving down the that face of the pyramid to meet them. With Spider Climb active, Brahmah should make it down the stone without much issue.

(DM, I'll leave this up to you I guess. Does Brahmah need a climb or balance check if he is Spider Climbing?)

Brahmah casts Barkskin on himself.

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 146/165  d20+17=26 ;
Sunday September 27th, 2009 11:15:14 AM

Seeing the battle start, Syr quaffs the potion quickly. He coughs briefly as the cloudkill descends. Having encountered it before, he looks for the source only to find nothing. However, since it seems to be moving east, the wizard must be somewhere on the west. As he starts across the pyramid, he and everyone else seem to be pummeled by the sudden ice storm. He mumbles into the silence as he carefully makes his way across the top, "Great, now we are facing at least 2 mad dwarves." Reaching his spot, he chooses to wait for the animals to make it to the top.

Inspire (+2 attack, +2 damage)
Rage (+2 con, +2 Str, +1 Fortitude)
Position T21?

Belkior - AC 25; HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma  d20+1=12 ;
Sunday September 27th, 2009 10:18:51 PM

OOC - I had already made a post for Belkior before Cayzle's. I'll stay with the standard action (activate Bead of Karma), but substitute this for his move action.

The halfling cleric reacts to the sorcerous attack on the elves and his companions by turning and retreating a short distance down the east side of the pyramid. He wants to clear some space for this companions and move to a position where he can heal them. He is able to nimbly move down about 15 feet.

AD 25

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147) 
Monday September 28th, 2009 4:48:13 AM

OOC: I might have to post late again.

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Monday September 28th, 2009 5:14:21 PM

OOC: Checking in

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 01 of ... - DMAl  d20+3=12 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+13=33 ; d4=4 ; d4=2 ; d4=2 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+14=30 ; d20+16=26 ; d20+13=20 ; d8+1=3 ; d6=1 ;
Monday September 28th, 2009 9:20:35 PM

Neither Belkior nor Florin can stand it any longer. Both begin moving down the Pyramid to the east to aid the beleaguered elves.

It is then that the main attack begins from the West. Could the attack against the elves in the East be nothing but a distraction? A quadruple attack strikes the top of the Pyramid. Silence, deadly gas, storm of ice, and a magic missile.

Fortitude Saves vs Cloudkill DC23
Challa 12 - Dies
Evandale 26
Finbrush 24
Prillana 30
Prionell 30
Starminder 25
Tionel 33
Wynn -2 CON
Jass -2 CON
Mac 23
Brahmah 30

As the Cloudkill hits, Challa instantly dies. Evandale fights off the effects and drags his daughter's dead body out of the area. Finbrush too would have succumbed to the killer cloud were it not for the inspiration of Wynn's song. Everyone makes it out of the area except for Prillana, who remains on the altar, and Prionell who stands at the foot of the altar still performing the ritual of the Entwining.

Jass attempts a casting while the hailstones rain down on his body. (Concentration for taking continuous damage: vs DC18 / 26 Pass.)

30 vs Silence / Success
27 vs Cloudkill / Success
16 vs Ice Storm / Fail

Prionell's chanting returns as the Silence is dispelled. The Cloudkill also winks away. But the Ice Storm continues to pound away.

Florin activates his Longstrider tattoo. (Yes, tattoos are Voice Command Activated. Good thing Jass just dispelled the Silence.) He heads down the eastern stairs, but is he sure he wants to go there? The main attack is coming from the west, and if the Entwining is disrupted, the elves will have no home anyway.

Mac makes his way to the west, ready to cleave any creature that enters his reach. He looks about, but there are no telltale signs of invisible creatures within 30 feet.

Brahmah heads toward the sloped side of the pyramid. He is confident that with his Spider Climb spell, the incline should present no problem. The slick Ice Storm, however, slows him to half speed, and he just barely makes it out to cast his Barkskin spell. (BTW, remember that Spider Climb speed is 20.)

Syr countermands his own orders, and, after quaffing a potion, heads for the west side, taking a stand next to Mac.

Prionell continues to chant and the gossamer strands continue to wrap Prillana. Starminder sends an arrow at one of the approaching Lions. (Hit L3 AC20, Damage 4hp)

Tionel casts a spell and a Wall of Thorns springs up, blocking the path of the creatures charging up the Western Avenue.


Note that the map coordinates have changed from the previous map. This time I'll send an Excel version out as well so that you can zoom in or out at will.

Wall of Thrones is 10ft high.

On Line Map

Everyone, Please update your HP to reflect both the Damage from the Ice Storm and any CON loss from the Cloudkill.

L1 (Lion)
L2 (Bear)
L3 (Lion) -4
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S3 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental)
B1 (Dire Bat)
B2 (Dire Bat)
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19
Finbrush -19
Prillana -18, -19
Prionell -19
Starminder -19
Tionel -19

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge 
Monday September 28th, 2009 10:17:54 PM

The halfling cleric realizes that the invisible spellcasters are one of the most immediate threats. So Belkior casts a protective spell that will render these opponents visible.

Once that is done, the Paragon moves upwards on the pyramid once more. Hoepfully the elves and his companions can wait a short while for healing.

Standard - cast Invisibility Purge
Move - 30 feet back to BE56

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.8 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 01 -Addendum - DMAl 
Monday September 28th, 2009 10:45:47 PM

OoC: Center of the Invisibility Purge is at BD&BE/55&56. No invisible creatures appear within the sphere 95 feet radius from that spot in reaction to Bekior's Invisibility Purge.

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 1:10:38 PM

Jass reels as his health is decimated by the cloud. His False Life winks out, completely used, but the sorcerer is so glad the rest of his magic is still working!

Eight Lizardmen all wearing Pants O Plenty return to the top of the pyramid, and quickly cast Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum over the top of the pyramid. Jass shapes it so that 60 feet around Prillana is covered. "That will keep them from targeting you from far away!" He shouts with confidence.

Move: to BC,52 (top of pyramid)
Cast: Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum; 24 hours; 13 30' cubes centered on pyramid top. Looks opaque from outside.

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 128 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/0/0/1/1

Wynn AC 28, HP 57/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 1:22:29 PM

Wynn casts a quick Invisibility spell and then moves up the pyramid to get a better vantage point for when the attackers will show themselves.

Cast Invisible
Move: to AY,48

Blur: 77 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: 4 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/1/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 1:52:13 PM

(OOC:I don't want to be in trouble for not makeing rolls so I want to make sure here. Did Florin move before or after the ice storm and cloud kill? I want to make the rolls needed depending so please let me know. Just abit confused there and sorry for that.)

Florin frowns at all thats going on and calls to Syr, "Looks like helping down there is going to have to wait till the other is done." Florin moves back to aid his friends, thankful for the longstrider that will help him cover ground quicker.

He also calls out decideing, "Which side needs the most help up here anyway?" Florin knows the team is split up but knows that some of the group are confident fighters and can hold their own for atleast alittle while so wants to place his sword will it will be most useful.

(Considering Florin if I have it figured right won't beable to reach either side this round I'll just let the DM's place Florin.or depending on the reply Florin gets and if I see it before the DM post, I'll post a posotopm along with any checks.)

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 1:53:36 PM

The lions and the bear try to go around the wall of thorns. They'll use double moves to get as far as they can. Since I don't know the effect of the yellow slanting pyramid slopes on movement, I'll ask the DM to set their positions. The bear will go north and two lions, south.

Agent G remains invisible. He casts his own Wall of Thorns, in an 80x20 area from BB45 to BE60.

Agent M remains invisible. He casts Solid Fog centered on AX-AY-52-53.

The two dire bats fly with double moves to AR-AS-51-52 and AR-AS-54-55. They start 70 ft up, and they will make sure they stay out of reach of the tallest PC ... 25-30 feet up, I would say.

No other enemy movement or casting is visible.

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 1:55:15 PM

Note: Sorry, but the Private Sanctum has a 10-minute casting time. Try again?

SteveK: Sassen frassa rassen... oops. Could Jass change that "Private Sanctum" to a much quicker (though less effective) Tiny Hut?

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) - Lion and Lion and Bear, Oh Climb!  d20+13=24 ; d20+8=22 ; d20+5=12 ; d20+5=25
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 2:14:54 PM

Sorry, didn't read the map! Duh!

Climb checks vs DC5 for the animals to ascend the slopes around the Wall of Thorns:

Bear untrained climb at +8 str = 22 (ignore 1st roll please). Move 80 at half speed on slope to AJ-AK-44-45.

Two lions untrained climb at +5 str = 12 and 25. Move 80 at half speed on slope to AH-AI-60-61 and AJ-AK-60-61.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 01 -Addendum - DMAl 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 3:46:07 PM

Florin, sorry I forgot to roll for you. I think it was because I thought you moved out of the area before the spells hit. In your first post you did. In the second one you didn't.

All in all, why don't we follow the first post. You moved out of the area and then activated your Longstrider tattoo. You took no damage from the Ice Storm. Nor did you have to Save vs the Cloudkill.

Please place Florin on the map using the current location as a starting point an a movement of 40 from the Longstrider spell.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 01 -Addendum - DMAl 
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 4:31:00 PM

Jass: Cayzle is correct. You may change your move any time between now and post time tonight. (6PM-ish Pacific Daylight Time.)

Cayzle comments: Steve changed it to Tiny Hut in his edit to my post above.

Gotcha. Thanks, Steve and Cayzle. --Al

Mac: AC:25, HP:HP:137-19=118  d20+5=19 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 5:48:51 PM

Finally Mac clatters down the steps towards the Wall o'Thorns - 30' straight down the stairs should suffice with a... Balance check(?):19

Effects: Inspire Courage: +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

Cayzle comments: Note the Solid Fog centered on AX-AY-52-53 -- with a 20 ft radius, Mac may be in the middle of it. You might want to post an alternative action if you are stuck in the Solid Fog.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 146/165  d20+20=32 ; 3d6+12=19 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 8:32:19 PM

Syr gapes in shock at the lifeless body of Challa. His gaze transfers to Prillana to see if the death has affected her. Then it shifts to Prionel once the elf realizes the heir is gone.

Giving in to the potion the rage moves in his veins as he searches for a foe within reach. Syr flexes his fists and a slight blueish glow emerges from in between his fingers (bless). He jumps slightly as the area beside him suddenly solidifies, "We need to get those mages before any more spells are cast."

After Belkior's spell, Syr looks around the pyramid for any revealed spellcasters. If he sees any that are not behind the wall of thorns, he charges them (Hit AC 32, Damage 19). If no new spellcasters are revealed the elf holds his ground and withdraws his potion of Enlarge from the pouch.

Active Spells: Inspire (+2 attack, +2 damage)
Rage (+2 con, +2 Str, +1 Fortitude)
Blessed Hands (stacked with inspire)

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 02 of .... - DMAl  d20+4=15 ; d20+4=5 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+8=14 ; d8+1=4 ; d6=2 ; d20+13=29 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 9:09:39 PM

Belkior casts a spell to purge all invisibility. He mounts the stairs again to the top of the pyramid, but catches no invisible creatures in his spell. Not yet, at least.

Florin, with greater speed now, moves back up the stairs and all the way to the west side of the pyramid.

Jass moves up to the altar opposite Prionell and conjures a Tiny Hut. Jass, Prionell and Prillana are concealed from the eyes of everyone outside. Though they can see everything outside the hut. As Jass already knows, however, the hut provides little protection from outside invasion.

Wynn casts an invisibility spell and moves to the western edge of the stairs. Within, however, the sphere of Belkior's Invisibility Purge, the bard is still quite visible.

Down below in within the Obscuring Mist, Mac, Syr, Florin and Wynn see the large shapes that fill the Mist. The forms seem to melt away, leaving the mist pure white.

Suddenly two more spell effects blossom at the top of the pyramid. A Wall of Thorns springs up around Finbrush, Brahmah, Jass, Belkior and Tionel. Brahmah is the only one with enough armor to avoid harm from the thorns. Still, even he must exert great strength in order to push his way through.

A Solid Fog also appears, capturing Syr, Mac, Florin and Prionell. Moving becomes very difficult for all of them. The spell effects flow right into Jass's Tiny Hut.

The animals all begin to converge on the top of the pyramid.

Mac begins to push his way out of the Solid Fog. He travels ten feet through the thick stuff. (BTW, Balance and Climb checks are only necessary on the sloped areas between the stairs.)

Syr registers shock at the death of Challa. The implications are clear to him. The successor to Prillana is dead. He looks about, but can see nothing through the Solid Fog. He is very thoroughly trapped. Not even his great speed will get him out of this thick stuff in under one round. Syr draws a potion.

On the north side of the Pyramid, Evandale wails as the dead body of his daughter is swallowed by the Wall of Thorns.

Finbrush tries to push his way out of the thorns, but he doesn't have the strength to move. Instead, he only winds up with injuries.

Starminder fires more arrows. One arrow hits a Dire Bat.

Prionell's voice can still be heard coming out of the Solid Fog. His face was last wet with tears for his granddaughter, before the Fog rose up and cut off the sight.

Tionel remains where he is, trapped within the Wall of Thorns. He casts a Greater Dispelling (CL Check 29) and the Thorns Vanish!!! Finbrush, Brahmah, Jass, Belkior and Tionel are free.


Note that the map coordinates have changed from the previous map. This time I'll send an Excel version out as well so that you can zoom in or out at will.

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.

On Line Map

L1 (Lion)
L2 (Bear)
L3 (Lion) -4
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S3 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental)
B1 (Dire Bat) -6
B2 (Dire Bat)
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19
Finbrush -19-3-3
Prillana -18, -19
Prionell -19
Starminder -19
Tionel -19

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d8=8 ; d8=4 ; d8=8 ; d8=3 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2009 9:48:42 PM

The halfling cleric casts a healing spell on Prillana to keep the elf alive and able to complete the ritual, using his newfound ability to do so at a distance. Belkior then moves up and beside Jass, returning the Wand of Dispel Magic to his belt as he does.

Standard - cast Cure Critical Wounds on Prillana, healing 43 (8+4+8+3+14+1+4+1) hps (using Divine Reach)
Move - to BC53
Free - "Sheathe" wand

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.7 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147)  d20+12=23 ; d20+6=16 ; d20+6=16 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 12:33:42 AM

Fort vs Cloudkill DC 23, success.

"You have to be kidding." He says in response to the wall. (Str 16 to pass the wall, hero point for 16.... d'oh!) "Sheesh."

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

OOC Cayzle Comments: Jay, the second wall of thorns -- the one that very temporarily trapped you -- was dispelled. The Solid Fog is still there.

Mac: AC:25, HP:118/137  d20+19=38 ; d8+9=13 ; d20+20=37 ; d8+10=14 ; d20+22=25 ; d8+10=12 ; d20+22=30 ; d8+10=15 ; d20+22=27 ; d8+10=16 ; d20+22=39 ; d8+10=12 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:41:06 AM

Effect: Inspire Courage: +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear

"Cover me as soon as you can." Mac mutters into the fog, as he carefully drops his axe at AT54, steps (okay, moves a full) 5' to AS53 - keeping his axe under foot - and simultaneously drawing his bow and one arrow, then loosing it (the arrow, not the bow) at the already wounded B1, hitting AC38 for 13 damage.

AoOs(Horns):AC39(omitted +2 morale bonus) for 14, AC25 for 12, AC30 for 15, AC27 for 16, and AC39 for 12.

Wynn AC 28, HP 45/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage) 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 12:53:37 PM

Wynn takes some wounds from the thorns before they are dispelled, his quickness of little use inside the thorns. (Wynn takes 12) He also curses himself for being as silly as forgetting his invisibility won't be much good around Belkior!

"I'll help, I know I can!" he complains to himself, and then digs out a potion, drinking it.

Drink: Potion of Flying

Blur: 76 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: 3 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear
Invisible: 79 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 50 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image) 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 1:04:01 PM

Jass is happy that any direct attacks are unlikely against Prillana, the sorcerer looks to make it uncomfortable for the attacking enemy. He steps back a couple steps and takes a bead on the two Dire Bats flying above.

A quick incantation, and both B1 and B2 are covered in a burst of bewildering magic! (Will Save DC21 or Confused)

"So Syr, once we get the attacking spellcasters out of the way, we really need a plan against those Earth Elementals, don't you think?" Jass' banter comes from somewhere within the opaque dome.

Move: to BD,50 (top of pyramid)
Cast: Confusion:

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 128 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Confusion: 13 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/1/1/0/1

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+13=27 ; d8+8=12 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=12 ; d4+5=6 ; d4+5=8 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+7=26 ; d20+7=22 ; 6d6=21 ; d20=10 ; d20+7=8 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d4=4 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 1:47:49 PM

The Bats =====

Bat B2 swoops down to 55-56-AS-AT, charging Mac. Since the minotaur has 10 ft reach and is armed with his horns, Mac gains an AoO on the bat as it charges ... the Bat's AC is normally 21, but that's a 19 charging. It attacks at +13, hitting AC27 for 12 damage. (Note this is a "Charge" and not a "Dive" because a flier can only dive with talons, and a bat attacks with a bite.)

Bat B1, the wounded one [although it does not look wounded], swoops down to 51-52-AS-AT, flanking the minotaur. Maybe it hopes to avoid an AoO, seeing as most creatures only get one per round, and Mac has already taken a poke at his brother. But Mac has Combat Reflexes, and gets multiple AoOs per round. So Mac gets an attack on this bat too, also vs AC19.

Then Bat B2 attacks Mac, this time at +15 rather than +13 because it gains a +2 flanking bonus. It hits AC19, alas, a miss.

The bats will be AC19 until they attack next turn. [Cayzle notes to self -- post right after the DM post if I want to get that AC back up soonest.]

(Later ... arguably, the bats should have gotten an extra +1 to attack because they are attacking from above, but it is a moot point since an extra +1 would not have made any difference.)

Bats are AC19 until next rounds enemy post.

Lion and Lion and Bear, Oh My! =====

The bear (L2) is not comfy on the slope, and uses a double move to go another 40 feet around the thorns. He does not have to make a climb check, seeing as with his str he cannot fail a DC5 attempt. But he is climbing at half speed, and by the end of the round finds himself clambering half back onto the path at A)-AP-49-50.

The lions, on the other hand, are much more graceful and sure-footed ... they have a +7 on balance checks, and that DC10 to charge seems like a decent roll to try. Lion L3 tries to charge ... his check is an 18, no problem. He charges 75 feet to AY-AZ-59-60, pouncing on Starminder.

L3's two forepaw attacks, at +9 to hit, hit AC15 and AC12. Don't know the AC for Starminder, so I'll post all possible damages ... 6 and 8, in the unlikely event that either of those hit.

L3's bite is at +4 That one hits AC10, a miss.

Lion L1 has no suitable target for a charge, and simply runs (Balance check 26) to 61-62-BA-BB.

L1 (lion) is AC15. L3 (charging lion) is AC13. L2 (brown bear) is AC15.

Three Skinny Halflings with Pointy Ears, dressed all in Green =====

Three little guys fly into the area of the Invisibility Purge. They have no wings, so it must be some magic that lets them fly. "Feck! We're visible, fellas!" says one, with a thick accent.

"These elfies are bold, they are!" says another.

"Bold! They're blaggarding, is what they are!" exclaims the third.

"Whisht! We've got shenanigans to get to!" says the first.

"And fairly lively, too!" concurs the third.

The First Fella in Green thows something small at Evandale. He makes a ranged touch attack, rolling at +7 to hit, and hits AC22 for 21 fire damage, no save, no spell resistance. Everyone within 10 ft of Evandale must make a reflex save vs DC25 or take 6 hp fire damage (save for half).

The Second Fella in Green points a magic wand or rod at Mac. The DM will declare the results.

The Third Fella in Green pints a ringed finger at Mac. It is a Ring of the Ram. The little guy uses three charges and makes a touch attack vs AC8 -- a failure with a natural one.

The Little Guys are at 51AM (30 ft up) (L1); 54AM (30 ft up) (L2); and 57AM (30 ft up) (L3). All are AC19.

Agent G and Agent F =====

Agent G appears flying as he enters the purge area. He is a human wearing wooden armor and carrying a tower shield. He is riding a large flying plant. Right behind him hustles Agent F, a beautiful fey woman with butterfly wings.

The flying plant carries Agent G to BB-BC-49-50, inside the Tiny Hut. Agent F flies (double move) to BB48, 80 feet up. She has a wand in her hand. Agent G unpacks the strongest weapon in his quiver: a BLASPHEMY spell.

Everyone who is neutral or good within 40 feet is affected. There is no save, but if you have spell resistance, it may save you. If you have 6 hit dice / levels or less, you are dead. If you have 7-11 HD/levels, you are paralyzed. If you have 12-15 HD/levels, you are dazed for one round, and you suffer a 2d6 Str penalty for 2d4 rounds ... make that a -8 penalty on str for 4 rounds. If you have exactly 16 HD/levels, you are merely dazed for one round.

Agent F (butterfly fey) is AC27. Agent G is AC41. His Plant Mount is AC36.

That's it! Whew!

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+7=8 ; d20+7=10 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 1:51:59 PM

Didn't see Jass's confusion spell before I posted. Let me roll those saves. A natural 1 and an 8. Both bats are confused. I'll let the DM determine their actions. Not sure what would happen if they decide to attack the caster, since they cannot see the caster.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 02 - Addendum - DMAl  d100=90 ; d100=87 ; d100=63 ; 5d4=10 ; d8=1 ; d8=1 ; d8=6 ; d8=7 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 3:29:48 PM

S1 - 1 ear5
S2 - 1 ear7
S3 - 6 ear5
S4 - 7 ear7

A sudden realization strikes the four Elementals. They know at once that they have been within the alien material of the Pyramid for too long.

Elementals S1 and S2 both find themselves suddenly trapped in their own private Maze of force planes. (Each round on its turn, it may attempt a DC 20 Intelligence check to escape the labyrinth as a full-round action.)

Elemental S3 finds that it has lost all touch with Gravity. Everyone watches as the Elemental rises up out of the stone of the Pyramid catch up in the Solid Fog. (S3 is at location BA-BC-54-56. It is sticking 5ft out of the top of the Pyramid and moving slowly upward. Only Jass, Prionell and Prillana can see it. Tionel and Starminder see the part of it that peeks out of the Solid Fog.)

Elemental S4 feels all stone and metal objects as they are Repulsed away from it. It is otherwise not affected, nor affecting anything in turn. But, no metal or stone objects will be able to approach closer than 10ft. They will all be repulsed.

L2 / The Second Fella in Green (Rod of Wonder) 90
A 30ft stream of gems shoots from the green clad halfling's rod. (That sounded bad.) The stream of gems falls short of Mac. They clatter to the stairs and then disappear.

B1 87 - Attack nearest creature
B2 63 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed

The first dire bat is overcome by an overpowering anger as Jass' magic envelopes it. It attacks its partner.

The second dire bat is gripped by a great fear. It turns and flies as fast as possible in the opposite direction.

Mac: AC:25, HP:118-12(B1)=106/137 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 7:11:23 PM

OOC: Str:18 (Round:1/4), Dazed (defend only - can't attack to utilise Fighting Defensively, but can probably still use Combat Expertise for an additional +5 dodge to AC), but that is for next round.
AoOs against the bats were noted at the end of my last post.

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 146/165 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 7:18:55 PM

Syr hears Jass voice but is trapped within the fog. "Elementals? What elementals? I can't even see you right now." Then the overwehlming spell of Blasphemy causes the elf to stumble a bit.

(If unaffected by the blasphemy, then Syr moves 5' closer to the edge of the fog diagonal to A?50)

Active Spells: Inspire (+2 attack, +2 damage)
Rage (+2 con, +2 Str, +1 Fortitude)
Blessed Hands (stacked with inspire)

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 03 of .... - DMAl  d20+11=15 ; d20+11=17 ; d20+11=12 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:01:24 PM

Belkior heals all of Prillana's wounds before moving into the protection of the Tiny Hut and next to the Altar.

Mac moves out of the Solid Fog before switching weapons and loosing an arrow at one of the Dire Bats. The arrow makes a solid hit.

Wynn drinks a potion of Fly.

Jass casts Confusion at the Dire Bats and both succumb. One bat attacks the other, but fails to hit. The other flees from Jass as fast as it can go, which manages to be quite fast indeed. (No AoO's Mac. The bats did not attack you.)

One Lion charges Starminder, but the wild animal cannot penetrate the elvish bowman's armor.

One of the Wee Men in Green with Red Hair and ruddy complexions throws a seed at Evandale. His skin crisps and burns. Wynn and Brahmah are splashed with the residue of the Fire Seed (Wynn and Brahmah take 6hp Fire damage. Reflex vs DC25 for half.)

Of the four Huge Earth Elementals there is still no sign. Suddenly, inside the Tiny Hut, Jass, Prionell and Prillana see one of the Elementals rise up out of the ground. It appears to be caught on the Solid Fog. Tionel and Starminder can see a piece of it sticking out of the Tiny Hut.

A dark hooded human in wooden armor, riding a plant that gallops on the air, appears at the edge of Belkior's Invisibility Purge. Behind him also appears a winged nymph follows holding a wand. They fly to the top of the Pyramid. (Brahmah, Take an AoO against the Plant Mount as it flies by just over your head.)

Above the heads of all, the dark hooded human calls doom down upon the Entwining. "Blaspheme upon those who desecrate the Crying Woods!" he cries, and the Wold is filled with waves of black sound. Several things happen.

Wynn, Brahmah, Jass, Syr, Florin, and Belkior are all Dazed by the dark magic. They find themselves unable to act save to defend themselves.

The dark hooded caster realizes too late, that his Plant Mount would also be affected by the spell. The Plant stands Dazed as well.

Down inside the Tiny Hut, the Huge Earth Elemental rising out of the floor - Neutral in Alignment and Extraplanar in Origin - also hears the cry of Blaspheme, and it is banished from the Woldian plane.

Even above the sound of Blaspheme, though, the sound of Prionell's voice continues to chant. The Entwining continues.

After the ring of Blaspheme dies away, the only Crimson Shield unaffected is Mac. Distance, fortunately, has spared him from the waves of black sound. He is the group's only remaining hope. On the other side of the Solid Fog, Starminder too, remains unaffected.

Syr, Dazed by the Blaspheme, is unable to move.

Starminder drops his bow and quickly draws a dagger. He drops into Total Defense, seeking to draw the two lions to him and protect Tionel.


Note that the map coordinates have changed from the previous map. This time I'll send an Excel version out as well so that you can zoom in or out at will.

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.

On Line Map

L1 (Lion)
L2 (Bear)
L3 (Lion) -4
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S3 (Huge Earth Elemental)
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental)
B1 (Dire Bat) -6-13
B2 (Dire Bat)
L1 (Green Man/AC19)
L2 (Green Man/AC19)
L3 (Green Man/AC19)
PM (Plant Mount/AC36) Dazed
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
S (Flying Nymph/AC27)
S3 (Huge Earth Elemental) /Banished
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22 Dazed
Finbrush -19-3-3 Dazed
Prillana Dazed
Prionell -19
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19 Dazed

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:21:04 PM

(Ok, if I got Florin's position right and the position of the blashemy spell then it will hit Florin. If I'm wrong then please let mek now.)

Florin is hit with the blasphemy spell and for the moment is to stunned to move,. He also frowns as he feels some of his strength seem to flee him but thinks it is only temporary. He plans to move to aid Mac once he is able to move again, seeing as how the taur looks to be handling a few bats by himself, elt alone has more enemies comeing on him.

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge 
Wednesday September 30th, 2009 9:31:06 PM

The halfling cleric stands dazed.


Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.6 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147)  d20+20=34 ; 2d4+7=13 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 4:28:01 AM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

AoO AC 34, 13 damage.


Mac: AC:25, HP:118/137  d20+19=21 ; d8+9=14 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+14=16 ; d8+9=17 ; d20+9=21 ; d8+9=12 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 8:07:46 AM

Mac may not have been caught up in that spell, but the hooded man has just made himself the primary target. Besides, the nymph isn't a threat, just rrrreally pretty... Snap out if it! The man needs to be put off his guard for a round - rattled if you will, and that's really only going to happen if he doesn't see it coming, or where it's coming from, and it's going to mean being a little out of the box. For every distance between point-blank and maximum distance for a given pull there are two ways to make the shot: the nearly direct line of fire everyone is taught; and, the lob or high arc, the much less well known cousin. Mac puts three rapid, consecutive shots high in the air, just off the vertical, intent on having them fall down from a height upon the man (or his steed). Standing under a what might be the beginnings of a hail of arrows would give me cause for reflection and hopefully cover. This is the plan.

Arrows hit AC:21 for 14 damage, AC:16(not 32) for 17 and AC:21 for 12. 2, 2 & 12 - was hoping for better.

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image) 
Thursday October 1st, 2009 8:23:10 AM

"So", says Jass, "I got rid of two druid shapeshifffffffff.... bbbbbbb... aaaaahhhh...."

Assailed by magic, the Lizardfolk octuplets feebly move uncoordinated arms and legs as if trying to fend off something huge.

Dazed: no actions

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 127 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass

Confusion: 12 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/1/1/0/1

Wynn AC 28, HP 39/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage)  d20+12=22 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 8:26:19 AM

Wynn can't get away from the Fire Seed and is burned slightly.

Wynn gets ready to fly into the air when the Blasphemy overcomes the bard with its dark magic.

Dazed: no actions

Blur: 75 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: 2 rounds; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear
Invisible: 78 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 49 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/0 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d100=37 ; d100=10 [confusion rolls] d20+7=9 ; d20+7=19 [2 leprechaun attacks] d20+11=27 ; d8+8=9 [bear claws Mac] d20+7=9 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+2=16 ; d20+9=21 ; d4+5=6 [lion attacks] d20-2=14 ; d20+1=17 [Elemental Int checks]
Thursday October 1st, 2009 12:28:20 PM

Two Confused Bats =====

B1 (on Map) Rolls for Confusion: rolled 37 = do nothing.
Status: -6 hp, AC21

B2 (off map, one round's flight/run away) Rolls for Confusion: rolled 10 = close with caster. It will fly back.

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

All three fly a little closer, to AO49, AO54, and AO59. They are quiet now, shocked, maybe at the Blasphemy, and glad they were not in it.

The first one (northern one) throws another acorn that explodes on impact. He aims it at Wynn. He misses (rolled a 2), but the seed explodes when it hits the ground. Wynn and Evandale, please make reflex saves vs DC25 or take 6 hp fire damage (save for half).

The second one points his rod at Mac again, and triggers it. He giggles as he waits to see what happens.

The third aims his ring at Mac. Using three charges, he hits AC19 -- not good enough to hit Mac.

Lion and Lion and Bear, Oh My! =====

The bear (L2) moves ten feet toward Mac (to AQ-AR-51-52). Doing that provokes an AoO because Mac has 10 ft reach. Mac, take a gore at an AC15 Bear.

Then the bear takes a swipe at Mac. It claws at him, hitting AC27 for 9 hp damage.

The two lions attack Starminder, as he had anticipated. The first gains a full attack, hitting AC9, AC9, and AC16 -- all three misses. The other lion takes a move action to circle around and flank, attacking with just one claw at AC21 for 6 hp damage.

The lions, also AC15, are now at AZ-BA-58-59 (L3) and BC-BD-57-58 (L1).

Three Huge Earth Elementals =====

S1 and S2 are trapped in mazes of shifting planes. They attempt Int checks to get free: S1 rolls a 14, no luck. S2 rolls a 17, also no luck. They remain trapped.

Elemental S4 panics a little. It attempts to get out of the pyramid right away! It surfaces, using its earthglide, and tries to shove up through the solid fog. With two move actions, rising five feet with each move, it should be pretty much above ground by the end of its round. Coming up might provoke AoOs, but dazed Florin is in no position to take them. S3 ends its move in the solid fog at AX-AZ-54-56.

S3, of course, has been banished.

Agent G and Agent F =====

Agent G -- the human in wood armor who cast Blasphemy -- is annoyed that he forgot his mount would be affected by the potent spell. He dismounts, standing in air as if on solid ground. He casts a Freedom of Movement spell on himself. He is at BD52. He is AC41.

Agent F -- the evil fairie maid -- flies down (move action) to be next to Agent G. She casts a sleet storm under her, centered at BJ-BK-52-53, under her (the sleet falls from 20 feet above the surface to the ground). She is at BC-51. She is AC27 (28 vs Mac).

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 03 Addendum- DMAl  d100=13 ; d100=35 ; d100=60 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 12:41:47 PM

Spare the Rod:

The second little Blarney Halfling spasms in laughter as he spies the mouse that pops into existance just over Mac, and lands, scrambling for purchase on the minotaur's shoulder. He guffaws as the tiny rodent leaves even tinier black droppings as it rushes about in fear.

Oddly enough, nobody else sees anything happen.

Mac: AC:25, HP:118/137  d20+22=27 ; d8+10=18 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 5:28:14 PM

Outstanding AoO: AC:27 for 18 (max) damage versus the bear. Can I get a health report on the bear before the coming round please?

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) 
Thursday October 1st, 2009 5:51:44 PM

Bear is maybe a third to a half down.

Poor bear.
Bear is -18. The only wound it has is from your gore Mac. It is large and it is brown. --Al

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 146/165 
Thursday October 1st, 2009 8:15:32 PM

Syr shakes himself from the Daze and moves closer to escaping the fog (AV 50). Seeing the edge of the fog, he also drinks his potion of enlarge and feels his size increase quickly.

Active Spells: Str-8 for 3 more rounds.
Rage (rd 2)
Inspire Courage( rd 3)
Blessed Hands
Enlarge (rd1)

Florin sub Scott  d20+16=23 ; d10+4=9 ; d4=1 ; d6=6 ; d20+21=32 ; d20+11=22 ; d20+6=18 ; d10+4=8 ; d10+4=13 ; d10+4=14 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 8:35:23 PM

Since Florin was inactive last round, I'll assume that was his dazed round. Shaking himself, he sees the elemental rising in front of him and attacks the top of the creature. He swings his sword (attack 19 damage 9+6shock=15), Then he uses his full attack on the creature. (Attack 25,22,18 Damage 8,13,14, I think I figured out att/dam appropriately, feel free to check Al).

If the round of inaction isn't the dazed round then he just hangs out in the fog for a round in a daze.

Blashpheme Str -8, Inspire, Wall of Fog

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 04 of ....- DMAl  d20+6=20 ; d6=2 ; d6=5
Thursday October 1st, 2009 9:03:49 PM

Brahmah makes a cut at the Plant Mount of the dark hooded caster as they pass by. But the Plant's tough hide turns the ranger's blade.

Most of the Crimson Shields stand Dazed by the Blaspheme. The one note of comfort is the continuing voice of Prionell as he chants the Entwining. How powerful is this elf? From the bits and pieces that the Shields know of him, he must be hundreds of years old. Great power can be amassed in such time. And yet, in all the encounters that the Crimson Shields have met him, he has always been modest and restrained.

Mac, the only Shield not affected by the Blaspheme, fires three arrows in quick succession at the dark hooded spellcaster. All three arrows ricochet from the man's wooden armor and tall wooden tower shield. The points of the arrows do not even penetrate the wood.

The dire bats continue their Confused flying about.

Of the three green clad men, only one does anything of consequence. The Fire Seed that he throws catches Evandale, splashing him with more fire. The Dazed elf does not seem to feel it, numbed by the sudden death of his daughter.

The Large Brown Bear ascends the stairs and rakes claw marks down Mac's body. It receives a savage horn thrust as it moves in.

Neither of the two lions that surround Starminder are able to breach the elf's Total Defense, as he stands protecting the helpless Tionel.

Florin, Dazed and trapped in the Solid Fog, watches as a Huge Earth Elemental begins to rise out of the top of the Pyramid. Florin feels a force of Repulsion pushing against his metal armor and weapons. (Note: No characters with Metal Armor or Weapons may approach within 10 feet of Huge Earth Elemental (S4). No Saves. If S4 approaches, however, you are not pushed back. If S4 moves near you, and places itself within striking distance, you may still attack S4 normally.)

Just outside the Solid Fog, both Tionel and Starminder too notice the Huge Earth Elemental rising out of the ground. Part of it protrudes out of the Solid Fog.

The Winged Nymph conjures a Sleet Storm on the eastern slope of the Pyramid. It is 20 feet high and rises to just below the hooded spellcaster's feet. The Magic Sleet cuts right into Jass' Tiny Hut. Belkior, Jass, Brahmah, Finbrush, and the Lion (L1) all find themselves on slippery ground. Belkior and Jass are blinded by the sleet and restricted to half movement. (But they also have total cover.) All five must make a DC10 Balance check if they wish to move at all. Failure means you cannot move. Failure by 5 or more means you fall. No check is necessary if you do not wish to move.

Syr comes out of the Daze and drinks a potion before continuing to work his way out of the Solid Fog.

Coming out of his Daze as well, Florin drives his sword down on the rising Earth Elemental. He strikes three times, but feels the Elemental's natural Resistance to Damage protect it from the bite of his blade.

Tionel stands, Dazed watching as Starminder, armed only with a dagger, faces off against the two Lions in a Total Defensive poise.

On the other side of the Pyramid, Finbrush is Paralyzed by the Blaspheme.

The effects of the Blaspheme begin to wear off. The Crimson Shields begin to come out of their Daze. And, even though no one can see him, Prionell's voice rises above the battle, the Entwining continues.


Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.
Remember Everyone except Mac: -8 penalty on str for 4 rounds

On Line Map

L1 (Lion)
L2 (Bear) -18
L3 (Lion) -4
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear5
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear7
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental) 7 ear7
B1 (Dire Bat) -6-13
B2 (Dire Bat)
L1 (Green Man/AC19)
L2 (Green Man/AC19)
L3 (Green Man/AC19)
PM (Plant Mount/AC36)
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
S (Flying Nymph/AC27)
S4 -5-6-3-2-8-5/Repulsion
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prionell -19
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+8=20 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 10:08:09 PM

The halfling cleric begins casting a spell, staying where he is beside the altar.

Standard - begin casting Summon Monster VII

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.5 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Wynn AC 28, HP 33/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage)  d20+12=22 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 10:44:50 PM

Wynn again is just too slow to avoid all the fire seed's flame.

But the bard is now free to act, and he launches himself into the air, flying towards the three little men in Green. He turns, and sings a verse to cause the 2 Bears and Lion around Mac to Slow down.

Take it eeeeasy, take it eeeeasy
Don't let the cares of the world drive you crazy
Lighten up whiile you still can
Don't try to understand
Just slow down, be still, and stand
and take it E-E-E-Easy!

Move AO,48; 20 feet up.
Cast Slow; 8 rounds Will DC 17 or only one action per round

Blur: 74 rounds; 20% miss chance
Inspire Courage: 1 round; all Crimson Shields and elves in sound of voice. +2 morale bonus on attack, weapon damage, and saves vs charm and fear
Invisible: 77 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 48 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image)  d20+17=31 ; d20+17=32 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2009 10:57:13 PM

"Wha?" Jass comes out of his magically induced daze to discover there is a seriously big plant monster with a big ol bad guy in front of him! Not that he can really see since there is a driving sleet in his face... But then Jass thinks that sleet may be a very good thing indeed. "If I can't see them, then they can't see me, and I can get out of here without getting pummeled!" he shouts to himself out loud.

Concealed as he is, Jass casts a Fly spell on himself and then moves into the sleet storm, getting ready for his next move while completely concealed within the enemy's spell.

Cast Fly
Defensively Concentration: 31
In Sleet Storm Concentration: 32
Move BJ,50 10' up

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 127 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 130 rounds; 60 foot speed

Confusion: 11 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/0/1

Edited by Al. Changed Post Name from Wynn to Jass.

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+17=31 ; 2d6+3=9 [Plant attacks Prillana] d100=40 ; d100=82 [confusion rolls] d20+11=17 [B2 att B1] d20+7=25 [acorn may hit W] d100=44 [W miss chance, nope] 6d6=25 [fire seed damage vs W] d20+7=21 [Ring of Ram misses Mac] d20+11=16 ; d20+11=29 [2 bear claws vs M] d20+16=35 [grapple vs M] d8+8=13 [claw dam vs M] d20+6=16 [bite misses] d20+9=27 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+4=20 [6 lion attacks miss] d20-2=4 ; d20+1=5 [Elem Int Checks] d20+24=29 ; d20+24=28 ; d20+24=44 ; d20+24=28 [3 elemental slams, 1 follow up on the crit] 2d10+7=24 ; 2d10+7=21 ; 2d10+7=17 ; 2d10+7=26 [elemental damage]
Friday October 2nd, 2009 2:50:43 PM

Let's get the big guns out of the way first, shall we? Starting from the center and moving out.

Agent G and Plant and Agent F =====

Agent G and his Plant are sharing a Freedom of Movement spell. So they move through the Solid Fog with no problem.

Agent G lands on the ground at 54BA, next to the elemental. I'm assuming he can take his move carefully and avoid provoking AoOs from Belkior and Prionell. That's a move action. As he moves, he looses his tower shield. That's a free action combined with a move. Finally, he draws his staff as a move action, and he is done for the round.

The Plant is large in size, and cannot so easily thread the needle: It provokes an AoO from Belkior as it moves past him. The Plant lands at 54-55-BB-BC, a move action. It attacks the prone Prillana, albeit at -8 str. Its attack (with the +4 vs prone) hits AC31 for 9 damage.

Agent F, the fey maid with the butterfly wings, moves to 55BB, diagonally next to Agent G, and hovering just above the Plant, but just out of the Fog. She readies an action -- using the wand to cure Agent G if he is wounded at all.

Agent G: His AC without shield is usually 33, but with his magic circle vs good, that's 35.
Plant: AC36, 38 vs good
Agent F: AC24 / 26 vs good / 27 dodging Belkior

[Al, note I had the sylph's AC wrong before, sorry. And I had forgotten the magic circle.]

Two Confused Bats Both back on the map! =====

B1 Rolls for Confusion: rolled 40 = do nothing.
Status: -6 hp, AC21

B2 Rolls for Confusion: rolled 82 = Attack nearest creature -- that's gotta be his fellow bat. It attacks B1 and hits AC17, a miss.
Status: unwounded, AC21

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

All three look dismayed when Wynn flies so close (he ends his turn 15 feet immediately below the northernmost leprechaun). "Fight and flee, my foine fellas," shouts the northern one.

The first one (northern one) throws another acorn right at Wynn. He hits AC25, and since it is a ranged touch, that is enough to hit Wynn. There is no save, so Wynn has only his 20% miss chance to save him ... and a 44 does not cut it. Wynn takes 25 points of fire damage -- an unlucky roll of four 5s, a 1, and a 4 on 6d6!

The second one points his rod of wonder at Wynn, laughing.

The third points his ring at Mac again ... another miss.

Then all three take a flying move action to the west, passing out of the purge, and disappearing from sight.

Lion and Lion and Bear, Oh My! =====

The bear (L2) makes a full attack against Mac. Two claws at +11 hit AC16 (a miss) and AC29 (a hit). That claw hit also lets the bear get a free grapple attempt, and its grapple check succeeds against a Grapple DC35. I think Mac's Grapple DC is exactly that -- base 10+4 size+13BAB+8str = DC35. That means it has likely grappled Mac, in addition to the 13 damage the claw inflicts!

I'm assuming that it can also take its usual bite attack against Mac, even as it hugs him. If the kindly DM agrees, then the bite attack hits AC16, a miss in any case.

The two lions attack Starminder, again. Four flanking claws hit AC 27, 26, 22, and 13 -- all miss! And two flanking bites that need nat 20s both miss.

The lions are AC15, the bear is AC15, too.

Three Huge Earth Elementals =====

Two elementals try to escape their magical mazes: two Int checks fail for S1 and S2.

S3 is banished.

S4 (Huge Earth Elemental buffed with haste and Mass Bear's End) takes three slams at Prillana. Including a +4 to hit a prone target, the elemental hits AC29, AC28, and AC44. The last is a nat 20, and it confirms vs AC28. HEY WAIT! This is in the Solid Fog, so that's a -2 on attack and damage. Please reduce those ACs that the thing hits.

Now damage. vs AC27, 24 damage; vs AC26, 21 damage; and vs AC44, 17 damage, and make that 17+26=43 if the crit is confirmed.

The elemental is AC19.

Whew! I think that's it!

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147)  d20+16=21 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+5=20 ; d20+6=25 ; 2d4+7=10 ; 2d4+7=11 ; 2d4+7=11 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=9 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 2:59:49 PM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

Brahmah sees the plant mound as his main threat, so he strikes out. (hits AC 23, 38 (no crit threat on plants), 17, 27, 22 and 25, for 12, 13, 13, 9, 12, and 11 damage respectively. I believe only one hit for 13 damage.) Disappointed, Brahmah refocuses for his next volley.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 04 Addendum- DMAl  d20+11=26 ; d8+8=13 ; d100=89 ; 5d4=15 ; d20+3=12
Friday October 2nd, 2009 3:41:17 PM

Both Dire Bats are Hasted, so the attacker receives another attack. B2 Hit B1 AC26, Damage 13hp.

As the second Green Man (L2) points his rod again, this time at Wynn, another stream of gems shoots forth, pelting the bard with marginally worthless gems. (Wynn, take another 15hp damage.)

Highlight to display spoiler: {The gems batter the bard into unconsciousness. His flight, no longer controlled, he sinks to the surface of the pyramid, unconscious and dying. (Wynn is now at -8hp.)}


Note: Wynn's Slow spell hit the Brown Bear (L2) before it attacked Mac. It's Will Save vs the spell is 12 and fails. That limits the Bear to only one attack. There is no second attack and so Mac is not Grappled.

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) 
Friday October 2nd, 2009 4:33:57 PM

One small amendment -- Agent G ends his move five feet up, rather than on the surface of the pyramid. That way he can strike at the elf maid below him while still getting cured, if need be, by the Sylph above him.

ALSO -- sorry I missed the slow spell. Thanks, Al, for getting that!

Friday October 2nd, 2009 6:33:19 PM

The elf finally moves outside of the solid fog ready to join the others.

Florin sub Scott (to be replaced by the real Florin if possible?  d20+19=37 ; d3=3 ; d20+14=16 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+9=17 ; 2d10+8=14 ; d6=6 ; d10+4=13 ; d6=5 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 7:41:55 PM

Taking aim at the elementals back Florin attacks in an attempt to disgtract the creature from Prillana. (37, 16, 27, oops didn't see the crit range 2 possible crits 38, 17) Damage 14+6(shock)=20 and 13+5(shock)=18

Let's see if I get these modifiers right for Florin
Attack: Inspire (+2) Solid Fog (-2), blasph (-4), Flanking (+2)

Displacement lesser

Mac: AC:25, HP:109/137  d20+19=27 ; d8+9=15 ; d20+14=33 ; d8+9=10 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=10 ; d8+9=14 ; d20+17=33 ; d8+10=16 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 8:33:59 PM

"Prrretty... uh, stop that! So, magical arrows don't pierce his armour. I may not be able to see him, but I can still see..."

Effects: Inspire Courage
Full attack - three arrows at the fae, one horn gore (secondary attack) on the bear.
Hitting Fae AC:27 for 15, AC:33 for 10, and AC:29 (CT:10) for 14 damage. Goring Bear AC:33 for 16 damage.
Note: 7 arrows left, and of course I follow up a nat20 with a nat1.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 05 of .... DMAl  d100=18 ; d100=1 ; d100=88 ; d100=13 ; d20+17=36 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 9:13:02 PM

Belkior begins a long summoning spell. His voice blends with that of Prionell's

Wynn begins a spell of his own, the Bear attacking Mac begins to Slooooow down. The other creatures that Wynn targets are the Dire Bats 40 feet up in the air over the stairs. (70ft above the ground level.) They are too far away for the spell to reach them.

Jass casts a fly spell and uses the concealment of the Sleet Storm to gain some breathing room.

The Dark Hooded Caster (G) and his Plant Mount (P) walk through the air to the altar. Brahmah takes an AoO against the Plant Mount as it leaves, but the blow bounces off if its thick hide. (Used your first roll, Brahmah. You won't get more. You are now too far away.) The Dark Hooded Caster prepares his weapon to attack. The Plant Mount swings at the defenseless Prillana, but, in the concealment of the Fog, the Plant misses - 18%. (Belkior does not, I believe hold a weapon at present. No AoO's.)

One of the flying bats up above, takes a bite out of the other. The other bat whirls, prepared to attack back.

The three Blarney Halflings perform various attacks before retreating out of Belkior's Invisibility Purge, and disappearing. The first one (L1) throws another Fire Seed at Wynn. It strikes him and he bursts into flames. A stream of Gems sprays Wynn, and the bard drifts to the sloped surface of the pyramid. (Wynn is at -8 and dying.)

The Slowed bear makes an attack against Mac and misses. The Lions flanking Starminder also fail to penetrate the defenses of the plucky elfish ranger.

The Huge Earth Elemental begins pounding on Prillana. The blows would normally be devastating. Fortune, though, smiles upon the elfish maiden. The concealing Solid Fog tricks the eye of the Elemental, and only one of the blows lands. (1,88,13)

Brahmah swings, but the Plant Mount has now moved. There is nothing nearby to hit.

Syr finally pushes his way out of the Solid Fog. He winds up on one of the sloped sides of the Pyramid. (Remember Climb check of DC5 to move. Balance check of DC10 to Run or Charge.)

Florin strikes sparks off of the Huge Earth Elemental. Its Resistance to Damage takes some of the edge off of the paladin's blows, but the electricity is having the full effect. The Elemental, however, is far from dropping. And, if the elemental's luck changes, Prillana could be in for deadly trouble.

Mac puts three arrows into the very attractive, but very evil winged nymph. The shafts pierce her torso and neck, drawing a cry of pain. She appears gravely injured. A swipe of Mac's head tears a chunk out of the slow bear.

Evandale collapses, cradling his daughter's limp body. Finbrush remains paralyzed. While Starminder continues to hold off the Lions, Tionel turns to the exposed portion of the Huge Earth Elemental (S4) that is sticking out of the Solid Fog. With great concentration, he sees to defense as he weaves his spell. The ex-Crimson Shield points to the Earth Elemental and calls for it to become a toad. (Baleful Polymorph. Fort Save vs DC23.)

From next to the Altar, Belkior watches as the Entwining continues. Prillana's body is half covered in gossamer filaments. Prionell continues to chant.


50 or Lower is Miss

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.
Remember Everyone except Mac: -8 penalty on str for 4 rounds

Elevations Chart Measured as Zero from Bottom of Pyramid
70 ft B1 (Dire Bat)
70 ft B2 (Dire Bat)
60 ft S (Winged Nymph)
55 ft G (Hooded Mage)
50 ft P (Plant Mount)
50 ft Top of Pyramid
40ft Jass (10ft above the Stairs)
25ft Wynn (Not Flying Now - Lying on Pyramid)

On Line Map

L1 (Lion)
L2 (Bear) -18-16 / Slowed
L3 (Lion) -4
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear5
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear7
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental) 7 ear7
B1 (Dire Bat) -6-13
B2 (Dire Bat)
L1 (Green Man/AC19)
L2 (Green Man/AC19)
L3 (Green Man/AC19)
PM (Plant Mount/AC36)
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
S (Flying Nymph/AC27) -15-10-14
S4 -5-6-3-2-8-5-9-6-8-5/Repulsion
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prillana (AC12) -21
Prionell -19
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, False Life, Alter Self, Mirror Image)  d20+13=24 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+13=24 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 11:00:38 PM

ooc: Thanks Al!

Jass uses his Fly spell to pop straight up out of the sleet storm and find his target. Eight lizardmen focus on the summoned elemental and lions that are bogging down the defense. "We need to get some of the opponents out of the playing field!" he says to no one in particular. With that, another Greater Dispel Magic is cast, centered in between the attacking lions and the Earth Elemental!

"Go back where you came from, you summoned creatures!" laughs Jass.

Move: up 30 feet, BI,50
Cast Greater Dispel Magic, Area effect: 20' radius from point BA,57 / BB,58;
1- all summoned creatures: 24, 28, 17 to Dispel Earth Elemental, Lion 1, Lion 2
2- portion of Solid Fog and Tiny Hut in Dispel area: 18, 25
3- spells on persons in area of effect: 20,30,27,26,25,21,22,24,32,24 as needed

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 126 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 129 rounds; 60 foot speed

Confusion: 9 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/0/2

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d3=3 ; d20+1=18 ; 2d6=9 ; d20+12=20 ; 2d6+2=13 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+19=20 ; d20+19=23 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=37 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=33 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=38 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 11:04:55 PM

The halfling cleric completes his spell and three air elementals are summoned into the battle. Before continuing to do anything else, Belkior directs where the elementals will go and their actions.

The first arrives just to the north of the altar. Belkior orders it to become a whirlwind and start removing the Solid Fog. The elemental arrives in squares BA50-BB51 and transforms into a mini-windstorm that occupies square BB50. It then follows the following path (BB50 - BB51 - BA51 - BA50 - BA49 - AZ49 - AZ50 - AZ51 - AY51 - AY50 - AY49 - AX49 - AX50 - AX51 - AX52 - AX53 - AW53 - AW52 - AW51 - AW50), sucking up the fog and spitting it out so that its summoner's companions can move freely. Belkior has enough foresight to leave fog protecting Prillana and Prionel.

The second air elemental appears to the south of the pyramid and the third appears overhead at BC53 to BD54.

Once the path is clear, Belkior carefully balances on the sleety ground and moves away from the Plant Mount. The halfling cleric allows the Plant Mount to attack, trusting to his defences and healing abilities.
Balance = 18

The Paragon then casts a powerful spell south of the pyramid so that it catches as many opponents as possible.

The second elemental is commanded to transform into a whirlwind and advance upon the spellcaster. The elemental does just that, moving north along column BA until it is occupying the same square as the enemy spellcaster. The whirlwind is high and wide enough that opponent S is also within the whirlwind.

The third and final air elemental is directed to attack the flying nymph. It starts attacking but doesn't hit, though.

Large Air Elemental
HP: 60
AC: 20
Move: 100 ft (fly, perfect)
Size / Reach: 10 ft / 10 ft
SA: Air mastery, whirlwind
SQ: DR 5/-, elemental

Elemental 1
Standard Action - transform
Movement - 100 ft using the above route

Elemental 2
Standard Action - transform into whirlwind
Movement - to occupy square BA54, at 5 ft over pyramid top (same altitude as G)

Opponent G must make Reflex DC 16 save or take 9 damage.
Opponent G must make a second Reflex DC 16 save or be picked up by the windstorm

Opponent S must make the same saves, for the same purposes

Elemental 3
Attack 1 on S - misses AC 20
Attack 2 on S - misses AC 13

Belkior Actions
Free - complete casting Summon Monster VII
Move - 15 ft to BB51
Standard - cast Greater Dispel Magic, 20 ft radius burst centred at AZ57 and BA58 (catching G, S, PM and S4 but not any of the elementals)

Dispel checks: 37; 20; 23; 36; 37; 38; 33; 39; 38

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.4 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Wynn AC 28, HP -8/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage)  d100=95 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2009 11:08:00 PM

Slammed by fire seed and gems, the body of Wynn floats to the level of the pyramid. Massive injuries urge him to the door of the Grey Lord.but his body controls the damage and he will not die immediately.

95% to stabilize. Since higher numbers are always good, Wynn has stabilized right?

Blur: 73 rounds; 20% miss chance
Invisible: 76 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 47 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147) 
Saturday October 3rd, 2009 7:59:15 AM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

Ineffectual, apparently confused by combat, Brahmah stands there soaking attacks or purposely draws AoO. He thinks he's getting too old for this and should leave the group. He thinks about starting up his father's winery again.

(OOC: I'm missing actions and forgot the AoO. Brahmah is useless all. Sorry, I haven't had time to read much, let alone the game thoroughly. Additionally, I don't feel very connected to the group because when suggestions were made, Brahmah wasn't heard - not about this combat, but other things. Sigh.)

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+21=26 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+6=22 ; d10+8=14 ; d10+8=10 ; d10+8=14 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Sunday October 4th, 2009 2:19:21 AM

(Thanks Scott.)

Florin presses his attack on the elemental not sure what else to do beside press his attack and hope that he can kill the thing. He does call out, "Some assistance may be useful if anyone has the time."

(To hit:26/21/22 Damage:14/10/14 *shock:1/2/3)

Mac: AC:25, HP:109/137  d20+19=31 ; d8+9=12 ; d20+14=22 ; d8+9=11 ; d20+9=22 ; d8+9=16 ; d20+17=24 ; d8+10=17 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 7:24:17 AM

"Would like to help. Where are you?"

Mac can see (from the last map and what I've read) Wynn (floating...?), Syr, 2 dire bats, a bear, and the fae above a solid fog. Any effects of the Belkior's elementals are not visible to him. The only effects of Jass' or Belkior's Greater Dispel that Mac might notice are... no, is the lion's (L3) potential disappearance. If I've missed something else I apologise (This is probably the most text intensive combat I've seen in my time here in the Wold!). A change in his personal tactics seems futile. More arrows at the fae, and gore the bear.

Hitting Fae AC:31 for 12, AC:22 for 11(but a miss I'm sure), and AC:22 for 16 damage (but another miss I'm sure). Goring Bear AC:24 for 17 damage. 4 Arrows left.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 05 -Addendum DMAl  d20+13=25 ; d20+13=25 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:59:29 AM

Jass' Dispel Results
G (True Seeing - Dispelled)
PM (Hero's Feast - Dispelled)
S (Bear's Endurance, Mass / Loses 6hp - Dispelled)
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental-Remains)
L1 (Lion1-Dispelled)
L3 (Lion2-Remains)
Solid Fog (Remains)
Sleet Storm (Dispelled)
Tiny Hut (Dispelled)

Belkior's Large Air Elementals appear. Belkior commands them in Common, a language that they do not understand. Air Elemental 1 (A1), rather than perform the complex task of hoovering up the Solid Fog, attacks the nearest flying creature - the Winged Nymph. It misses.

Air Elemental 2, however, does as Belkior instructs. This is not because it understands the command, but because it is the most natural thing for it to do with the enemies that are nearby.

However, the Air Elemental - in fact all Air Elementals - come up against a force similar to Belkior's Magic Circle against Evil. They pull back, unable to attack anything within 10 feet of the Dark Hooded Mage (G).

Air Elemental 3 also does as Belkior instructs for the same reason.

Belkior's Dispel Results
G (Hero's Feast - Dispelled)
PM (Air Walk - Dispelled)
S (Hero's Feast - Dispelled)
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental-Dispelled)
L3 (Lion2-Dispelled)
Solid Fog (Dispelled)

The most significant result of Belkior's dispel are the removal of both the Solid Fog and the Large Earth Elemental. Florin and Brahmah may post actions again with those two facts taken into account.

Wynn continues to die. 10% is 1-10.

Mac hits the Winged Nymph. His first arrow hits. The pain and injury driver her into unconsciousness and she falls 15ft to the top of the Pyramid. (-3hp fall damage. Sylph at -9hp)

Unseen by all, Earth Elemental 1 (S1) now finds itself free of the Maze. (Sorry should have included that in my post.)

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+23=25 ; d20+23=34 ; d20+23=33 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+13=30 ; 2d6+8=16 ; 2d6+8=17 ; 2d6+6=11 ; 2d6+8=14 ; 2d6+8=14 [Agent G full att] d20+20=28 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+20=25 ; 2d6+7=16 ; 2d6+7=17 ; 2d6+7=15 [plant att] d100=72 [stabilize = no] d20+11=26 ; d20+11=21 ; d20+11=20 ; d20+11=12 [bat fight] d8+8=11 ; d8+8=11 [bat dam] d100=55 ; d100=15 [2 bag o tricks rolls] d20+7=23 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+2=10 [lion vs Mac] d20+13=28 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+8=13 ; d8+8=15 [new bear vs Mac] d20+16=36 [grapples Mac] d20+11=31 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+6=12 ; d8+8=14 [old bear vs Mac] d20+16=30 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 2:11:41 PM

Agent G and Plant and Agent F =====

Agent G makes a full attack on the elf woman who is at the center of the ceremony, and at the center of the elves' hopes and dreams. He attacks with the main end three times (at full BAB, at -5 BAB, and at -10 BAB) normally, and another time at full BAB due to the staff's redundant haste and speed ability, and another off hand attack. All attacks are at -2 because of the one off-hand attack.

The attacks thus are at +23/+23/+23/+18/+13. Those attacks hit ACs 25, 34, 33, 21, and 30. NOTE TO DM: If there is a +4 bonus to hit a prone target, then that's ACs 29, 38, 37, 25, and 34! For damages 16, 17, 11, 14, and 14, respectively. OH WAIT, I forgot the +1 for the hero feast. That's total hits with feast and prone of ACs 30, 39, 38, 26, and 35!

Agent G's Plant also attacks Prillana. Its hasted full attack is three slams at +20, including the prone bonus. Those three attacks hit AC28, 38, and 25 for 16, 17, and 15.

Agent F (Fey Sylph): She rolls to stabilize, hoping for a 91-00: 72% fails, and she dies at -10.

Agent G: His AC without shield is usually 33, but with his magic circle vs good, that's 35.
Plant: AC36, 38 vs good

Two Confused Bats =====

Both bats attack each other (twice with haste):
B1: hits B2 twice for 22 total.
B2: misses twice.
Both AC21

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

L1 moves into the purge area and is now visible at AR48, 35 feet up. He reaches in his bag of Tricks and tosses a furry ball 20 feet. It expands to a lion at AS-AT-51-52 and makes a full attack on Mac: three misses.

L2 moves to AM53, hovering over the thorns. He points his rod of wonder at Mac and activates it.

L3 moves to AR58 and tosses a fuzzy ball. Another brown bear appears at 55-56-AS-AT, flanking Mac, and makes a full attack on Mac. One claw hits Mac, doing 15, and its grapple check -- 36 -- And I think that is enough to grapple Mac?

Old Bear =====

The old bear (L2) makes a full attack against Mac. Two claws and a bite: One claw hits for 14 AND a grapple check vs DC30 is not enough to join in the wrestling.

Huge Earth Elementals =====

Sorry .. to come in a little while or later.

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) Elementals Galore!  d20+20=31 ; 2d10+9=24 ; d20+1=17 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 4:00:16 PM

Of the four initial earth elementals, S3 was banished by the Blasphemy, and S4 was dispelled by Belkior.

S1 is now free of the maze. It rises to the surface, emerging completely from the stone at AX-AZ-49-51. Having emerged, it makes a standard attack against Syr, hitting AC31 for 24 damage.

S2 is still inside the pyramid, trapped. Its Int check this round is a 17 -- not enough.

But now a large air elemental appears at AV-AW-58-59. It forms a whirlwind and moves over Florian at AW-54. Reflex save DC16 or take 2d6=9 damage ; and a second save or be picked up.

That's it!

Wynn AC 28, HP -8/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage)  d100=36 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 5:23:54 PM

Wynn is fading fast, but heroic coincidence enables his body to stabilize and stop dying.

Add 6 Hero Points to Stabilize (at 10% each) = 70% to stabilize
36% to stabilize = success!

Blur: 72 rounds; 20% miss chance
Invisible: 75 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 46 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

CS Uses
Highlight to display spoiler: { Fly Potion
6 Hero Points

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 05 -Addendum DMAl 
Monday October 5th, 2009 5:41:14 PM

OoC: Belkior

I should clarify the policy on directing Summoned Creatures. If you share a common language with the creature, you can direct it as you will. If you do not, however, you are limited to directing the creature at certain targets that it might reasonably detect with it's senses, and this, per the PHB for the purposes of deadly attack. The type of attack it executes should be performed to the best of it's ability. So, in this case, executing a whirlwind over a smaller creature would not be unreasonable, and therefore allowed.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147)  d20+20=26 ; 2d4+9=15 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 6:11:16 PM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

Hearing Florin's plea, Brahmah moves to help his companion. (Moves to AY53, or closest unoccupied square within reach) and attacks the earth elemental. (attacking S4 hitting AC 26, for 15 inspired damage)

"Florin, I'm here friend. Watch out for that TWISTER!"

Florin sub Scott (to be replaced by the real Florin if possible?  d20+17=30 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+7=8 ; 2d8+7=18 ; 2d8+7=16 ; 2d8+7=11 ; d6=3 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 8:31:47 PM

Syr moves to the most immediate threat and attacks with a 5' step, Attack 30,25,25 Damage 18+3, 16,11 versus the lion (L2).

It seems it's my turn for computer problems

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 06 of .... DMAl  d100=45 ; 6d6=21 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+11=31 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 9:28:06 PM

Jass fires off a dispel magic. Belkior's Air Elementals appear and he fires off another dispel magic. Suddenly all of the layers of magic that had so blocked sight and movement are gone. The Solid Fog - gone. The Tiny Hut - gone. The Sleet Storm - also gone. Many of the enemy creatures are also dispelled. Such is the power of magic.

Belkior's Elementals begin their attacks. Some of them fail to understand the complex instructions that the halfling attempts to relay to them. They also find themselves stymied by a Magic Circle against Good. (See my previous OoC on communication and summoned creatures.)

Wynn continues to bleed his life out on the side of the pyramid. (This is your 95% roll.)

Mac downs the Winged Nymph and brings the Bear to the brink of unconsciousness. The bear is disabled.

Both the Dark Hooded Man and his Plant Mount attack Prillana disregarding everyone else. Their blows rain down, making her a raw and bloody mess. Belkior can tell that she must be unconscious, nearing death. (1 - Prillana's AC12 takes into account both her Prone status and her Helplessness. 2 - Be aware that both G and PM have lost the following spells in the recent dispel magics: G Lost: True Seeing and Hero's Feast; PM lost: Hero's Feast and Airwalk.)

The bats begin an aerial combat.

The three Green Clad men reappear. One throws out a Lion to attack Mac, but the Lion can't manage to claw or bite through Mac's armor. The second points his wondrous rod again at Mac. A 60ft lightning bolt crackles from the tip. It strikes Mac and continues beyond to burn Prionell. (Take 21hp Electric Damage. Reflex DC15 for half.) The old druid manages to dodge just in time. The third one throws out another Bear. This bear manages to hook a claw into Mac. It pulls the Minotaur into a hug and squeezes. (Mac, you are grappled. Grapple check vs DC26 to escape.)

The previous bear, Slowed and Disabled, still attempts to attack Mac. The effort tears its wounds wider, and it falls unconscious. It is unsummoned even as it falls.

Another Earth Elemental rises out of the Pyramid. (S1) This one takes swing at Syr and manages to smack the usually unsmackable monk.

Another Air Elemental appears. Who summoned that one? Florin recalls hearing chanting coming from the area to the Southwest. The Air Elemental becomes a Whirlwind and flies over Florin.

Brahmah can't reach Florin now with the new Earth Elemental in the way. Besides, the one Florin was facing down is now gone. Instead, he takes a five foot step and attacks the Elemental that is threatening Syr. Brahmah's blade bites, but the Elemental's damage resistance blunts the attack a little.

Florin attempts to fight off the whirlwind. The wind smacks him in the face. (Take 9hp, Florin.) But he manages to avoid being swept up into the air. There are several nearby threats, none within 5feet. He takes a few steps to help Mac, striking the grappling bear, striking it a great blow.

Evandale picks his daughter up and moves to where Finbrush remains paralyzed.

Tionel steps back down the stairs, allowing Starminder to take a defensive position between himself and the threats on the top of the pyramid. Tionel casts a spell and a Wall of Stone springs up between the Dark Hooded Man, his Plant Mount, and the Altar. The raw stone shields both Prionell and Prillana from immediate attack.

Prionell's voice continues unbroken. And now, with the Solid Fog gone, the Crimson Shields can see how much of Prillana is over half covered in the gossamer threads. She's bloody and broken now. Near death.

"BLAST YOU, INTERLOPERS!" the Dark Hooded spellcaster cries when the wall springs up in front of him. "We will release the Crying Woods from your plague of weakness! And the Crying Wood will in turn raise us up and we will be the scourge of the land!"


50 or Lower is Miss

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.
Remember Everyone except Mac: -8 penalty on str for 4 rounds

Elevations Chart Measured as Zero from Bottom of Pyramid
70 ft B1 (Dire Bat)
70 ft B2 (Dire Bat)
55 ft G (Hooded Mage)
50 ft P (Plant Mount)
50 ft Top of Pyramid
55 ft A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
60 ft A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
60 ft A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
60 ft A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy)
70ft Jass (40ft above the Stairs)
25ft Wynn (Not Flying Now - Lying on Pyramid)

On Line Map

L4 (Lion)
B5 (Bear) -21
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental) -10
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear7
B1 (Dire Bat) -6-13
B2 (Dire Bat)
L1 (Green Man/AC19)
L2 (Green Man/AC19)
L3 (Green Man/AC19)
PM (Plant Mount/AC36)
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy)
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prillana (AC12) -16-17-11-14-14-16-17-15+12 (108)
Prionell -19-11
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19
A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)

L1 (Lion) Dispelled
L2 (Bear) -18-16-17 / Slowed & Disabled / Dead
L3 (Lion) Dispelled
S4 (Huge Earth Elemental) 7 ear7 / Dispelled
S (Flying Nymph/AC27) Dead

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:156/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+13=22 ; d3=1 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+21=41 ; d20+21=36 ; d20+11=30 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+6=15 ; d10+8=15 ; d10+8=17 ; d10+8=14 ; d10+8=9 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 9:36:45 PM

(Would it be possible for the DM to comment when the 4 rounds after the blashemy spell went off hits?)

Florin is able to avoid the attacks it seems from the air elemental and wonders if he can do any damage in return to it. He swings quickly at the enemy as he tries to drop the enemy and get rid of it for good.

(To hit:21(crit:36)/30(crit:23)/15 Damage:15(crit:17)/14(9)/miss *shock:4/4/miss*)

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle) Elementals Galore! 
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:15:19 PM

Al, sorry, I forgot Plant Mount was at -8 str. All three hits still hit, but please subtract 12 damage inflicted on Prillana.

Fixed. --Al

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 06 - Addendum DMAl 
Monday October 5th, 2009 10:33:35 PM

STR penalties from Blaspheme end after this round for everyone except for Syr. Syr regains his full STR this round.

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+21=36 ; d8=4 ; d8=4 ; d20+14=31 ; 2d6+2=9 ; d20+14=33 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+14=33 ; 2d6+9=17 ; d20+14=29 ; 2d6+9=17 ; d20+14=20 ; 2d6+9=14 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=26 ; 4d6+18=38 ;
Monday October 5th, 2009 11:14:16 PM

The halfling cleric hunkers down and concentrates on completing his next spell. He manages to do so and doesn't allow anyoen to attack him. Belkior makes the motions and a wave of healing magic affects both Syr and Wynn.
Concentration = 36 vs. DC 21 to avoid AoO

Belkior then directs his elementals to the best of his ability. He directs each of them to attack one of the flying little green men that have just reappeared.

Large Air Elemental
HP: 60
AC: 20
Move: 100 ft (fly, perfect)
Size / Reach: 10 ft / 10 ft
Attack: Slam +12 (2d6+9)
Full Attack: 2 slams +12 (2d6+9)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack
SA: Air mastery, whirlwind
SQ: DR 5/-, elemental

Elemental 1
Movement - Charge 55ft (+ elevation change) to AS48-AT49
Standard - slam AC 31, 9 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 33, 15 damage)

Elemental 2
Movement - Charge 65 ft (+ elevation change) to AN53-AO54
Standard - slam AC 33, 17 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 29, 17 damage)

Elemental 3
Movement - Charge 35 ft (+ elevation change) to AS37-AT38
Standard - slam AC 20, 14 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 34 (threat), confirmed AC 26, 38 damage)

Belkior Actions
Standard - cast Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (over Find the Path), affecting Wynn and Syr (healing 28 hps)

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.3 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path*, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps147)  d20+16=36 ; d20+17=31 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+6=10 ; d20+7=19 ; 2d4+7=14 ; 2d4+7=11 ; 2d4+7=11 ; d6+5=8 ; d6+5=11 ; d6+5=7 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 4:13:50 AM

Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (Helm)
Spider Climb (tattoo, 3 minute duration)
Barkskin +3 (spell, 1 hour duration)

Prepared Spells: cast *
Longstrider, Speak with Animals, Bear's Endurance, Barkskin*, Repel Vermin

Brahmah attacks S1. (AC 38, 33, miss, 19, miss and 21, for 16, 10, miss, 13, miss and 9 inspired damage, respectively)

Mac: AC:25, HP:109-5=104/137  d20+10=16 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=22 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 8:12:34 AM

Somehow Mac manages to avoid the full brunt of the lightning bolt, and even then some of the lightning dances arcing about the weave of Mac's chainshirt for a brief second before dissipating. (Reflex save:16vs15, Steelgrass Armor:Electricity Resistance 5)

The bear is a different matter. Mac tries to break free of it grasp once(19), twice(23), thrice(22) without success.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 06 - Addendum DMAl 
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 10:16:28 AM

Mac: I think your Grapple Mod is 25 rather than 10. Grapple Mod is BAB + STR + Size Mod. From your sheet that looks like 13+8+4 = 25. That means you break free with your first Attack. If you'd like to complete the rest of your Round Actions, feel free.

Cayzle comments: Yeah, what Al said!

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-8STR, -2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 1:35:08 PM

Jass is happy so many problems and summoned monsters are gone, but the bloody form of Prillana doesn't look like the elves and Crimson Shield will win...

Oh! Good job on the Wall of Stone, but it'll only stop Druid Boy for a couple seconds, and doesn't affect the earth elemental at all... earth elemental...

Jass pulls a staff out of his pocket like a carney act magician (Pants O Plenty) and casts its red rays on the Huge Earth Elemental. Then a gravelly voice like rocks cracking together comes from Jass as the straw-haired man speaks in Terran: "Hey Friend, I need your help! That fight over by the woods needs someone to watch it. Go to the woods and watch it as fast as you can!"

Move: stay 30 feet up, BI,50
Cast Charm Monster (from Staff of Charming) on Huge Earth Elemental "S1" DC 22 (get +5 save since elemental is threatened)

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 125 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 128 rounds; 60 foot speed

Confusion: 8 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/0/2

Staff - 2 charges

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ; d8=5 [mass inflict damage] d20+16=30 ; 2d6+3=9 [Plant Mount vs Prillana] d20+11=22 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=13 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+11=29 ; d8+8=11 ; d8+8=11 ; d8+8=11 [crazy bat fight] d20+13=15 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+8=25 ; d8+8=12 ; 2d6+4=11 ; d20+16=33 [bear att] d20+9=13 ; d20+9=10 ; d20+4=23 [lion "attack"] d20+20=25 ; d20+20=36 ; d20+20=21 ; 2d10+9=24 [S1 vs Syr] d20+1=17 [Int check] d6=4 ; d6=2 [Whirlwind damage] 5d10=23 [lightning damage]
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 2:38:46 PM

Agent G and Plant =====

Agent G airwalks up, switchbacking from square BA54 to BB54. He ends his move still in BA54, but standing at the height of the top of the stone wall.

(Note to DM Al: He does NOT want to force his magic circle against the elemental above him, thus allowing the elemental to attack him. But from the elevation notes on the map, if I read them right, there is room for Agent G to ascend to the top of the wall and still fit under the elemental, right? Also, I think that elemental has flown off to fight leprechauns, right?)

From the top of the stone wall, Agent G casts a Mass Inflict Critical Wounds. He spontaneously casts it over the quickened Cure Critical Wounds spell he had prepped. It targets all enemies (up to 16) within 15 feet of Prillana (no two targets may be more than 30 ft apart). I think that would be Brahmah, Belkior, Prillana, and Prionell. Targets must make Will saves vs DC24 or take 19+16 = 35 damage or half that if you make the save.

Agent G's Plant moves to the eastern side of the wall and goes around. He gets to BB-BC-52-53 and then takes a swing at the helpless elf made -- it hits AC 30 for 9 hp damage to Prillana.

Agent G: His AC without shield is usually 33, but with his magic circle vs good, that's 35.
Plant: AC36, 38 vs good

Two Confused Bats =====

Both bats attack each other (twice with haste):
B1: hits B2 twice for 22 total.
B2: hits once for 11.
Both AC21

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

All three use withdraw actions to move directly west out of the invisibility purge. That's it for them this round.

Lion and Bear =====

Lion L4 and Bear B5 attack Mac, using five foot steps if needed to flank. Assuming both are still standing and flanking, the bear hits AC15 (miss), AC29 hit (claw), and AC25 (exact bite). The claw inflicts 12 damage, and the bite, 11. The grapple check to grab Mac is a 33, but that's not enough.

The lion attacks too: hits vs ACs 13, 10, and 23 are all misses.

Elementals =====

I'm assuming that Belkior's magic circle stops Huge Earth Elemental S1 from attacking Prillana, Prionell, Brahmah, and Belkior. So it attacks Syr again, hitting ACs 25, 36, and 21. The one solid blow inflicts 24 hp damage on the monk.

Elemental S2 makes an Int check: a 17, nope.

The Large Air Elemental A4, in whirlwind form, continues to harass Florin. Two reflex saves vs DC16 for 2d6=6 damage (the first) and picked up (the second).

But then something strange happens! A Lightning Bolt strikes from the air elemental whirlwind! It snaps right for Prillana, forcing a Reflex save vs DC23 for 23 damage or 11 if a save is made.

Mac: AC:25, HP:109-5=104/137 
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 4:55:29 PM

OOC: Read the paragraph where it talks about all the mods, but missed the end of the previous paragraph where it talks about starting with your BAB. :) Will get a post out in 4-5 hours - off to work time.

Syr AC 30/29  d20+21=24 ; d20+21=33 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+16=22 ; 2d8+7=16 ; 2d8+7=11 ; 2d8+7=20 ; 2d8+7=17 ; 2d8+7=12 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 7:28:41 PM

Syr either moves 5' using his reach or charges the 10' to attack the elemental (S1) (depending on size)
Attack 24,33,30,38,22 Damage 16+6(shock), 11, 20, 17+3(ice), 12)

Inspire, -8 str, Blessed Hands, enlarge?

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 06 - Addendum DMAl 
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 7:46:58 PM

Mac: You have a Full Round action. Florin Killed the Bear.

Sorry, Florin, you can't reach the Air Elemental. It's too high up.

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge 
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 9:23:19 PM


The halfling cleric concentrates to cast a spell and then reaches out to touch Prillana. His Heal spell removes any conditions affecting the elven woman and restores her to full health.

<All other actions remain the same>

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:145/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser))  d20+13=24 ; d20+13=20 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+17=34 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+7=18 ; d10+16=19 ; d10+16=26 ; d10+16=19 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 9:33:22 PM

Florin once again is able to resist the wind from the elemental and even the worst of the lightning strike. He diesn't know what else to do but to press his attacks on the thing and try to get rid of it before it kill anyone...Thinking however he does call out mainly to Jass, "Hey Jass, is my attacks hurting this stupid thing? I know nothing of fighting air elementals."

(Can hit AC:34/20/18 Damage:19/26/19 *shock:1/6/2* (used power attack -6 from all to hits*)

You can keep your reflex saves. But you might consider posting again and picking a different target for your attacks. You can't reach the Air Elemental. It's too high up. --Al

I'm sorry, that's not right. If it's attacking you with it's Whirlwind, and that Whirlwind extends to the ground, then you should be able to attack it. I'm sorry for not allowing your attacks against the Air Elemental last turn. --Al

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 07 - of .... DMAl  d20+15=33 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+9=12 ; d20+7=21 ; 4d6=14 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 9:40:32 PM

Inspire Courage has ended.

Heroes live a charmed life. And, many times the, hero, Wynn's years of karma arrest his slide into death.

Florin tries to strike the Air Elemental, but it's too high - ten to 15 feet above the stairs. He switches his attacks to the Bear Grappling with Mac, and with a few quick cuts, kills it.

Belkior's Air Elementals see the direction in which the halfling points. They fly after the little Green Clad halflings. The halflings aren't very hardy. One is nearly killed, and they all flee (withdraw) out of the Invisibility Purge and disappear from sight.

Belkior himself reaches out to Heal Prillana

Brahmah directs all of his attacks at the Earth Elemental. All of his attacks hit, but the Elemental's damage reduction blunts Brahmah's force.

Jass casts a Charm spell on the Earth Elemental, and the threat of attack allows it to resist the spell. It growls in hostility.

The Dark Hooded Caster walks upward, switching back at 45 degree inclines till he reaches the top of the 20ft Wall of Stone. There, he casts a dark spell. Prionell and Prillana both stave off most of the damage.

The Dark Caster's lumbering Plant Mount speeds around the Wall and slams a branch down upon the helpless elf. If it had not been for Belkior's Healing, her life would have ended here.

Above the fray, one Dire Bat kills the other. Its body plummets to the stairs.

The Lion (having just been slain by Syr) and Bear are now dead, leaving Mac free to act.

The Large Air Elemental (A4) tries to pick Florin up again.

The Huge Earth Elemental pounds on Syr again, crushing more of the elf's bones.

A lightning bolt flashes down out of the blue and strikes Prillana, burning her before she can react.

Down below in the stone of the Pyramid, another Earth Elemental finds itself free of the Maze.

Syr continues to pound away at the Earth Elemental. Between Syr and Brahmah, it appears over half beaten to death.

Evandale huddles by the paralyzed Finbrush.

Starminder continues to stand guard, while Tionel casts a spell. A beam of intense sunshine jumps from the hand of the ex-Crimson Shield and strikes the Dark Hooded Caster. (Take 14hp and be Blinded. Reflex vs DC22 for half and to Negate Blindness.)

Prionell continues to chant. The gossamer threads have covered almost three quarters of Prillana's body now.


50 or Lower is Miss

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.

Elevations Chart Measured as Zero from Bottom of Pyramid
75 ft G (Hooded Mage)
70 ft B2 (Dire Bat)
50 ft Top of Pyramid
40 ft A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
40 ft A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
40 ft A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
60 ft A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy)
70ft Jass (40ft above the Stairs)
25ft Wynn (Not Flying Now - Lying on Pyramid)

On Line Map

L4 (Lion) -18-3-16-11 /Dead
B5 (Bear) -21-17-14-9-4-4 /Dead
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental) -10-9-3-6-4-9-6-4-13-10-3-5 (82)
S2 (Huge Earth Elemental) 1 ear7
B1 (Dire Bat) -6-13-22 /Dead
B2 (Dire Bat) -11
L1 (Green Man/AC19) -9
L2 (Green Man/AC19) -17
L3 (Green Man/AC19) -14
PM (Plant Mount/AC36)
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy)
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prillana (AC12)-17-9-23
Prionell -19-11-17
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19
A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)

Mac: AC:25(26 vs A4), HP:104/137  d20+18=32 ; 3d6+33=47 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 10:12:05 PM

OOC: If I'm too late for last round then please note that this post should be ignored. By free to act, I'm assuming you mean I didn't have to break the grapple - again, let me know. Proceeding with this post on that basis.

Feeling the friendly elementals about him are in a position of advantage, Mac declares Dodge vs air elemental A4, drops his bow, picks up his axe (glad to have you back, despite the AoOs you bring), and takes a full-blooded slash at the air elemental annoying Florin, Striking A4 (PA(7) AC:32 for 47 damage).

AoOs: 5x (d20+18 (CT n20) for 3d6+33(crit +6d6 +66))

Belkior - AC 25(27 vs. Evil); HP 125/125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+22=26 ; d20+21=33 ; d8=1 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ; d20+14=30 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+14=31 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=16 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+12=31 ; 2d6+9=18 ;
Tuesday October 6th, 2009 10:25:07 PM

The halfling cleric feels some of his life leach away from the spell cast by the opponent. Still, it's not enough to put him down. Belkior concentrates and casts a healing spell to heal both himself and the others near the top of the pyramid.
Will = DC 26, Concentration = 33 (no AoO)

Once his casting is complete, Belkior instructs the elementals to attack the bat and other summoned creatures.

Elemental 1 climbs and charges to attack the enemy air elemental. It hits once.

Elemental 2 flies up to attack the dire bat but misses.

Elemental 3 also moves to engage the enemy air elemental and hits once.

Large Air Elemental
HP: 60
AC: 20
Move: 100 ft (fly, perfect)
Size / Reach: 10 ft / 10 ft
Attack: Slam +12 (2d6+9)
Full Attack: 2 slams +12 (2d6+9)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack
SA: Air mastery, whirlwind
SQ: DR 5/-, elemental

Elemental 1
Movement - Charge 20ft (+ elevation change) to AU51-AV52 (65 'elevation)
Standard - slam AC 30, 15 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 31, 15 damage)

Elemental 2
Movement - climb 30 feet and move 5 ft to AO53 - AP54 (same elevation as bat)
Standard - slam AC 15, miss
AoO (if needed) - attack +12, 2d6+2 damage (miss AC 15)

Elemental 3
Movement - Climb 25 ft and move 5 ft to AU57-AV58 (65 ft elevation)
Standard - slam AC 34, 19 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +12, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 31, 18 damage)

Belkior Actions
Standard - cast Mass Cure Serious Wounds (over Summon Monster VII), affecting Belkior, Brahmah, Prillana, Prionel and Syr (healing 35 hps)

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.2 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII**(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147)  d20+8=16 ; d20+16=19 ; d20+17=26 ; d20+11=15 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+6=23 ; d20+7=23 ; d6+5=7 ; 2d4+7=13 ; d6+5=7 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 4:32:34 AM

Brahmah groans as the filth's spell washes over him. (Will save failed)

The ranger continues to beat on the stone mercilessly. (AC 19, 26, 15, 15, 23, and 23, for miss, 7, miss, miss, 13 and 7 damage)[I'm assuming that I need AT LEAST an AC 20 to hit, plus DR sucks! I may have done a woppin' 3 total points this round.... many sighs]

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 07 - Addendum DMAl 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 7:48:56 AM

A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy) is dead. Slain by Mac. Belkior, you may put two of your Elementals to another use if you wish.

BTW, Dark Hooded Caster is now at 25ft. Plant Mount is no longer Airborn and rises to only 10 feet high. That means all shared spells are no longer active.

Mac: AC:25, HP:104/137 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 8:25:45 AM

BTW, Dark Hooded Caster is now at 25ft...
Excellent, but how did he get buried in the pyramid?

Sorry. 25ft above the top of the Pyramid. 75ft absolute height measured from ground level.

But, I get your joke. Yeah. --Al

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-8STR, -2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 12:25:00 PM

Jass sees that his charming personality won't work in the heat of battle, and so tries a different tack. A hand dips into a pocket and pulls out the exact scroll from his questing hands. Pointing at Big Druid Boy, Jass attempts to encase him in a green sphere of magic!

"Get out of that", chortles the eight flying lizardmen, "you deranged castoff from Ebyron's moldy finger clipping!"

Move: stay
Cast: Resiliant Sphere: Agent G Reflex DC 21 or captured in magical sphere.

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 124 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 127 rounds; 60 foot speed

Confusion: 7 rounds All in 15' radius. 230' range. DC 21 Will save or roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/0/2

Staff - 2 charges

Wynn AC 28, HP -9/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Inspire Courage) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 12:28:04 PM

Wynn the bard lays there on the side of the pyramid, quietly NOT dying.

Stabilized at -9 hit points

Blur: 71 rounds; 20% miss chance
Invisible: 74 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 45 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

CS Uses
Fly Potion
6 Hero Points [/spoiler]

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+11=22 [save vs sphere] d20+25=41 ; 2d6+8=17 [Agent G att on Prillana] d20+12=32 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=28 [Plant atts on P] 2d6+3=7 ; 2d6+3=13 ; 2d6+3=10 ; 2d6+3=9 [Plant dam on P] d20+11=14 ; d20+11=17 [Bat vs Elem] d20+11=29 [Agent G save vs ray] d20+20=39 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+20=25 ; 2d10+9=25 ; 2d10+9=19 [elem S1 vs Syr] 2d10+26=41 ; 2d10+11=21 ; 2d6=8 [elem S2 att on P] 5d4+5=17 ; 5d6=15 [mm and light bolt]
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 3:58:27 PM

Agent G and Plant =====

Agent G is targetted by the Resilient Sphere, cast from a scroll. Question for Jass: How is the save DC a reflex 21? It is a 4th level spell, needing a 14 Int to cast, so the default scroll DC should be 10+4+2 = 16, right? But Agent G's save is a 22, so the question is moot.

Agent G's Plant takes a five foot step to BB-BC-52-53 and then delays his action.

Agent G airwalks down to 53BC. There, he makes a standard attack on Prillana. He hits AC41 for 17 damage.

Now the Plant Mount makes a full attack on Prillana. It's three slams are at +12 due to the -8 on Str. It hits AC32, a possible crit ... follows up with a crit to AC23. Two more attacks: two hits on AC28 and AC28. Total damage, including crit damage: 7, 13, 10, and 9 = 39 total.

Agent G: His AC without shield is usually 33, but with his magic circle vs good, that's 35.
Plant: AC36, 38 vs good

One Confused Bat =====

It attacks the elemental that attacked it ... hits AC14, a miss, and AC17, also a miss.
Its AC is 21.

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

No actions this round.

========== WAIT A MINUTE! ==========

I forgot this:

Starminder continues to stand guard, while Tionel casts a spell. A beam of intense sunshine jumps from the hand of the ex-Crimson Shield and strikes the Dark Hooded Caster. (Take 14hp and be Blinded. Reflex vs DC22 for half and to Negate Blindness.)

Let me roll that save ... a 29! Whew! No blindness! Just 7 hp damage. No prob.

========== ==========

Lion and Bear =====

Lion L4 and Bear B5 are both dead, even though the lion is tricking me by still being on the map!

Elementals =====

Huge Earth Elemental S1 lashes out at Syr, since Belkior's magic circle stops him from attacking anyone else. His three attacks hit AC39, AC33, and AC25, hitting the monk twice for 25+19=44.

Huge Earth Elemental S2, free at last, moves to BB-BD-54-56. Using his x-ray vision and earthglide ability, he swings a mighty fist through the stone wall as if it were not there. He attacks Prillana, despite the Magic Circle, and hits AC41 for 21 slam damage plus 8 unholy damage = 29.


Unknown Caster =====

From the west, beyond the invisibility purge, a magic missle (5 missiles, actually) fly to hit Prillana. That inflicts 17 damage. Another lightning bolt crashes down on Prillana, for 15 points more (Reflex save vs DC23 for half)

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-8STR, -2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 4:16:43 PM

ooc: I couldn't find where the DC was for scrolls, and so used Jass' own. Will remember default saves for scrolls is minimum required unless bought higher.

Syr AC 30/29 HP 119/162  d20+20=22 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+15=23 ; 2d8+10=16 ; 2d8+10=25 ; 2d8+10=20 ; 2d8+10=20 ; 2d8+10=20 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 7:53:29 PM

Syr grunts as the earth creature pummels him and then responds with several attacks of his own. He barely notices the loss of the inspire as the glow around his hands flares brighter. (Attack 22,33,29,27, 23 Damage 16+3(ice), 25,20,20+3, 20(shock). The elf moves forward 5' hoping to crowd the elemental.(AW)

The elf cringes as he witnesses the blows that Prillana is taking but can do little to aid her.

Active Spells Enlarge, Rage, Blessed Hands

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 08 of .... DMAl  2d4+7=12 ; d8=8 ; d6=1 ; d20+4=23 ; 4d6=14 ; d20+7=18 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 8:43:07 PM

Florin slips from the whirlwind stream and turns on the Air Elemental. Two of his blows hit, leaving the Elemental quite wounded.

Mac reaches for his Axe. Fortunately for him, the Elemental in Whirlwind form cannot use the Opportunity to Attack. Mac slashes upward and scatters the already wounded Large Elemental to the four winds. Dead.

Belkior's Elementals move to attack various foes, but none do damage to anything still living.

Belkior himself plays a desperate game of heal and harm with the enemy. His divine healing is the only thing standing between the elfish village and doom.

Brahmah continues to chop away at the Huge Earth Elemental. (I'm playing the Elemental's AC as 19.) The Elemental's resistance to damage keeps it alive.

Jass draws a scroll and tries to trap the Dark Hooded Caster, but the man slips both the Resilient Sphere, and Tionel's Sunbeam.

The Dark Hooded Man comes down off the Wall. He and his Plant Mount apply the Harm to Belkior's Heal. He does so unchallenged and with impunity.

The Dire Bat flaps up above, and nothing is seen of the little halflings in Green. A close brush with death will do that.

The Huge Earth Elemental (S1) continues to strike at Syr, doing tremendous damage to the elfish monk. Then, suddenly, a stone fist rises up out of the Pyramid. Dark, vicious energy crackles around the fist as it drives down through Belkior's Magic Circle and smashes into the body of Prillana. The fourth Earth Elemental, but this one is different. The fist sinks down into the material of the Pyramid to hide, to wait. But once again it feels the alien stone working on its very being. Suddenly, time stops for it. It is frozen in time. (Time Stasis: 1 round)

From the west this time, five missiles of burning light streak toward Prillana. Lightning flashes down from above, striking her as well. Still she lives. From Belkior's assessment though, she is gravely injured. A few more blows and she will die.

Syr smashes the Huge Earth Elemental with his bare fists. The large and raging monk sends chips of rock flying. With the final few blows, Syr smashes a hole through the Elemental and sends the fragments back to its plane. Dead.

Evandale struggles to drag both the body of his daughter and the Paralyzed Finbrush down the steps and away from harm.

Tionel and Starminder rush to one end of the wall. "Protect Prillana!" Tionel shouts. "Protect the Entwining!" Another Sunbeam lances forth from his hand, this one strikes the Dark Caster's Plant Mount.

Prionell continues to chant. The gossamer threads that rise up from the Altar have nearly completely covered Prillana's body. It won't be long now. If the Crimson Shields can only hold this powerful enemy at bay until then.


50 or Lower is Miss

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.

Elevations Chart Measured as Zero from Bottom of Pyramid
60 ft G (Hooded Mage)
70 ft B2 (Dire Bat)
50 ft Top of Pyramid
65 ft A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
70 ft A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
65 ft A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
70ft Jass (40ft above the Stairs)
25ft Wynn (Not Flying Now - Lying on Pyramid)

On Line Map

S2 (Huge Earth Elemental) 8ear9
B2 (Dire Bat) -11
L1 (Green Man/AC19) -9
L2 (Green Man/AC19) -17
L3 (Green Man/AC19) -14
PM (Plant Mount/AC36)
G (Spell Caster/AC41)
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prillana (AC12)-17-9-23+35-17-39-29-17-15 (97)
Prionell -19-11-17+35 (12)
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19
A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)

A4 (Large Air Elemental - Enemy) -14-21-1-6-42/Dead
S1 (Huge Earth Elemental AC19) -10-9-3-6-4-9-6-4-13-10-3-5-7-2-8-2-7/-11-3-20-15-15-3-15 (190) /Dead

Florin Jadenth AC:27/HP:145/156 (Bless/insppiresed/displacement(lesser)) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 9:19:17 PM

Florin isn't sure what to do now since it looks like most of the creatures are air born and such now and that renders his sword not so useful. Seeing little choice but to ready his bow he will take the time to do so, "This time Mac, I'll make sure not to shoot in your direction while your grappleing."

Belkior - AC 23(25 vs. Evil); HP 125/125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+10=30 ; d20+10=18 ; d8=1 ; d8=2 ; d8=5 ; d8=7 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+12=26 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=31 ; 2d6+9=14 ; d20+12=21 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+12=29 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+12=22 ; 2d6+9=14 ; d20+14=28 ; 2d6+9=16 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+14=23 ; 2d6+9=15 ;
Wednesday October 7th, 2009 10:27:46 PM

The halfling cleric directs another healing spell to Prillana, hoping to keep her alive long enough to complete the ritual. Once more, he concentrates and doesn't present an opportunity for the opponents to attack.
Concentration = 25, vs. DC 19

"I'm barely able to keep her alive! Get these ones away from here!"

Belkior allows the air elementals to converge on the last remaining summoned creature. Of course, if any of those pesky invisible casters show themselves, Belkior will send the air elementals after them.

Large Air Elemental
HP: 60
AC: 20
Move: 100 ft (fly, perfect)
Size / Reach: 10 ft / 10 ft
Attack: Slam +12 (2d6+9)
Full Attack: 2 slams +12 (2d6+9)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack
SA: Air mastery, whirlwind
SQ: DR 5/-, elemental

Elemental 1
Free - 5 ft step to AT52-AU53
1st - slam AC 26, 19 damage
2nd - miss AC 13
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 31, 14 damage)

Elemental 2
1st - slam AC 21, 19 damage
2nd - slam AC 29, 15 damage
AoO (if needed) - attack +12, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 22, 14 damage)

Elemental 3
Free - 5 ft shift to AT57-AU58
1st - slam AC 28, 16 damage
2nd - miss AC 15
AoO (if needed) - attack +14, 2d6+2 damage (hit AC 23, 15 damage)

Belkior Actions
Standard - cast Cure Critical Wounds (34 hp) on Prillana

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159.1 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk*, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic*(x2) (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII**(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cas

Syr Ac 29/28 HP 119/165  d20+21=22 ; d20+23=40 ; d20+20=29 ; 2d8+11=20 ; d6=3 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 12:58:59 AM

Hearing Belkior's plea the elf rushes over. He charges the hooded man and attempts to make a flying tackle on the spell caster (grapple attack vs touch AC 21 and grapple check 40). If given the opportunity, he swings at the man's face, attempting to disrupt any possible spells being cast (attack 29 damage 20+3(ice))

Active Spells: Rage, Enlarge, Blessed hands

Mac: AC:25, HP:104/137 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 2:13:48 AM

"Thanks Florin. Now, could you, Starminer and Tionel please take a few steps..." (he points his hand (along the line between rows 54 & 55) as if to shake in greeting, but instead moves it a few times left and right). Then he notices the flaw in his plan. "GET RID OF THAT WALL!... PLEASE?" Mac pauses briefly to reassess his options.

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 08 - Addendum DMAl 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 10:03:30 AM

Startled by the request, Tionel turns to the minotaur named Mac. "Once created the Wall of Stone can't be dismissed. It can't even be dispelled. It's a wall now. Can't be taken down."

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly)  d20+9=15 ; 13d6=44 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 11:28:21 AM

Jass sees that Belkior's healing won't be enough to keep Prillana alive if some of the enemy isn't taken out. And they enemy looks to be protected enough that his enchantments are not even discomforting them.

He flies next to Brahmah and looks at the pyramid. "Hi, you wanna use your horns and sword against that Plant Dude?"

Then the eight Lizardmen turn to the center of the pyramid and addresses Dark Hoodie. "OK, wise guy," they say in Jass' best no-nonsense constable voice, "Freeze!" And a cone of blue-white crystals pepper the mount and druid-boy.

Move: Fly to BD,49
Cast: Cone of Cold center target square is BD,53 (using cone to catch Plant Mount and Dark Hood without catching Prillana or Belkior) Reflex DC 22 for 44 Damage, 1/2 save

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 123 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 126 rounds; 60 foot speed

Confusion: 6 rounds Dire Bats roll on table each round.
d% Behavior
01--10 - Attack caster with melee or ranged weapons (or close with caster if attack is not possible).
11--20 - Act normally.
21--50 - Do nothing but babble incoherently.
51--70 - Flee away from caster at top possible speed.
71--100 - Attack nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the subject's self).

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/1/2

Staff - 2 charges

Wynn AC 28, HP -9/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Fly) 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 11:31:47 AM

Wynn the bard lays on the side of the pyramid, quietly NOT dying.

Stabilized at -9 hit points

Blur: 70 rounds; 20% miss chance
Invisible: 73 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 44 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Magic
1- Cure light Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Sleep, Unseen Servant
2- Blur, Invisibility, Silence, Tongues
3- Good Hope, Haste, Slow

CS Uses
Fly Potion
6 Hero Points [/spoiler]

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 08 - Addendum DMAl 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 3:34:45 PM

Note: The Dark Hooded Caster is Not Grappled by Syr. He has the spell Freedom of Movement active.

Mac: AC:25 (26 vs G), HP:104/137 Round 8 
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:04:39 PM

"Can't be disp...? Magic!" the dark taur mutters. Nothing for it then but to move 60' down to be just past the end of the wall, and being ready to dodge the spellcaster.

End position: BE54(to BF55)
AoOs(just in case):5x d20+25(CTn20/x3), 3d6+19

The Enemy (Co-DM Cayzle)  d20+6=10 ; d100=65 ; d100=60 ; d100=74 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=28 ; 2d6+3=12 ; 2d6+3=11 ; 2d6+3=6 ; d20+6=13 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+23=30 ; d20+23=35 ; d20+23=43 ; d20+23=37 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+13=20 ; 2d6+8=12 ; 2d6+8=18 ; 2d6+6=12 ; 2d6+6=17 ; 2d6+8=12 ; 2d6+8=13 ; 5d4+5=18 ; 5d6=19 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 4:37:49 PM


Agent G and Plant =====

Plant fails save vs sunbeam; is blind and takes 14. Then fails save vs cone, takes 44. Rolls three 50/50 miss chances, hits on all three vs Prillana. Hits AC 20, 27, 28 for 12, 11, 6.

Agent G is not grappled due to freedom spell. He fails cone save with nat 1, takes 44, plus 7 from earlier sunbeam, 51 total down. Rolls full att vs Prillana. Staff two handed = att with one end at full BAB, att with other end, att again with speed/haste, att at -5, att at -10. Attacks hit AC30, 35, 43 (confirmed crit), 37, and 20.

That's where I was up to when I lost the post.

Damage vs Prillana from Agent G's staff: 12, 18, (12+17 crit), 12, and 13.

One Confused Bat =====

I think the air elementals have taken it down.

Three Little Fellas in Green =====

No actions this round.

Elementals =====

Three are gone, banished or destroyed. Huge Earth Elemental S2 remains but is stunned this round.

Unknown Caster =====

From the west again, a 5-die magic missle and a lightning bolt to hit Prillana. That inflicts 18 damage from the missiles and 19 points more electrical (Reflex save vs DC23 for half).

Sorry for brevity ... it was more colorful before I lost the post!

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 09 - Death, Doom, and the End of All Things DMAl  d20+11=17 ; 4d6=13 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 8:54:12 PM

Florin, mistaken in thinking all of the enemies are in the air, readies his bow.

Belkior fights on, healing Prillana with all the magic he has left. His elementals above, rip the remaining Dire Bat to shreds.

Syr attempts to take hold of the Dark Hooded Caster, but the man's magic allows him to slip right through the monk's grasp.

Jass rips the Dark Caster and his Plant Mount with biting cold, but is it too little too late?

Unable to charge, Mac rushes around to the far end of the wall.

But it's all for naught. The Dark Hooded man and his Plant mount rain blows down upon the helpless Prillana. Lightning and Magic flash down from unseen locations. Prillana dies.

A cry of agony tears from Prionell's lips. With the death of his daughter, his dreams too die. The dreams of his village, the dreams of his people have all been smashed. The elder elf falls to his knees, tears rolling down his face.

"NO!" Tionel fires his last Sunbeam into the Dark Hooded man.

The Hooded Man fails to shield his eyes in time, but he seems not to care. From atop his Plant Mount he raises his arms to the sky. "OUR REIGN HAS BEGUN! THE ERA OF OUR LORD THE CRYING WOODS NOW BEGINS. HIS GRAY MAJESTY WILL ROLL OVER THE LAND, AND WE HIS LOYAL FOLLOWERS WILL GO FORTH BRINGING HIS BLIGHT TO ALL."


Beneath the stones of the Pyramid, the Huge Earth Elemental thaws from his Temporal Stasis. He is free.

On the Altar, the gossamer threads rise up, abandoning the bloody and lifeless body of Prillana. They reach upward, questing in the air.


50 or Lower is Miss

Wall of Thorns is 10ft high.

Elevations Chart Measured as Zero from Bottom of Pyramid
60 ft G (Hooded Mage)
50 ft Top of Pyramid
65 ft A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
70 ft A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
65 ft A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
70ft Jass (40ft above the Stairs)
25ft Wynn (Not Flying Now - Lying on Pyramid)

On Line Map

S2 (Huge Earth Elemental)
B2 (Dire Bat) -11-19 /Dead -19-15-16
L1 (Green Man/AC19) -9
L2 (Green Man/AC19) -17
L3 (Green Man/AC19) -14
PM (Plant Mount/AC36) -14-44
G (Spell Caster/AC41) -7-44-13
Others: Unseen

Challa - Dead
Evandale -19-22-6
Finbrush -19-3-3 Paralyzed
Prillana (AC12)-17-9-23+35-17-39-29-17-15+34-12-11-6-12-18-12-17-12-13-18-19 (213) /Dead
Prionell -19-11-17+35 (12)
Starminder (AC26/AC28 w/Total Defense) -19
Tionel -19
A1 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A2 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)
A3 (Large Air Elemental - Ally)

Belkior - AC 23(25 vs. Evil); HP 125/125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+21=33 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=20 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+19=39 ; d20+19=21 ; d20+19=36 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=27 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=38 ; d20+19=31 ;
Thursday October 8th, 2009 10:51:08 PM

The halfling cleric has failed.

Failed miserably. Failed in the primary duty given him in this battle. He was inadequately prepared for what occurred. Still, there is a chance to redeem things. Belkior hopes so, at least.

Concentrating once more, the halfling cleric avoids any attack and casts a spell at the spell caster G. The Paragon hopes that this has removed most, if not all, of the magical protections and enhancements on the spell caster.

The elementals are sent to hover overhead in case the little green men and the unknown, hidden caster show themselves.

Large Air Elemental
HP: 60
AC: 20
Move: 100 ft (fly, perfect)
Size / Reach: 10 ft / 10 ft
Attack: Slam +12 (2d6+9)
Full Attack: 2 slams +12 (2d6+9)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack
SA: Air mastery, whirlwind
SQ: DR 5/-, elemental

Belkior Actions
Standard - cast Greater Dispel Magic on spell caster G, dispel checks = 38, 20 (Hero Point for re-roll), 34, 39, 21, 36, 22, 27, 35, 38, 31

Active Effects
Invisibility Purge - renders all invisible creatures visible within 95 ft radius - 19 minutes
Magic Circle Against Evil - +2 AC deflection bonus, +2 resistance bonus to saves to all within 10 ft - 159 minutes
Status(x2) - 15 hours

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status**(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Invisibility Purge*, Prayer(x2), Searing Light(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil*)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk*, Giant Vermin, Death Ward(x3) (D - Cure Critical Wounds*)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Find the Path, Greater Dispel Magic**(x2) (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII**(x2) (D - Regneration)
* = cast

Mac: AC:25 (26 vs G), HP:104/137 Round 8  d20+25=33 ; 3d6+19=32 ; d20+20=23 ; 3d6+19=27 ; d20+15=20 ; 3d6+19=31 ; d20+30=37 ; 3d6+19=27 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 3:46:54 AM

"Fear it? No!"
Mac takes a 5' step (up the map) and sets upon the Druid and hopefully cleaving over to his plant-of-burden. The dark taur is unexpectedly calm and methodical in his actions, like a decision has been made and a weight lifted...

OOC:I'm assuming after the Blindness and Belkior's GDM that the target has a considerably lower AC, but I guess there is no time to gauge it and Power Attack accordingly. Mac swings, hitting AC33{32d}, AC23{27d}, and AC20{31d}. A potential cleave hits AC32/27/22 depending on when it may fall for 27 damage.

"Prionell, you have a volunteer if you can use me. I once swore an oath - The Land, My Life. I stand ready to fulfil this oath. Let the rite continue."

Wynn AC 28, HP -9/76 (-2 CON) (sub-SteveK)(Blur, Fly) 
Friday October 9th, 2009 8:52:13 AM

Wynn the bard lays on the side of the pyramid, quietly NOT dying.

Stabilized at -9 hit points

Blur: 69 rounds; 20% miss chance
Invisible: 72 rounds (not in effect)
Fly: 43 rounds; 60 foot fly speed

Spells... (Save DC 15+level)
0/1/2/3 - Level
3/3/3/1 - Uses
0/0/2/1 - Used

CS UsesHighlight to display spoiler: {
Fly Potion
6 Hero Points

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly)  d20+9=19 ; 26d6=91 ; 5d6=20 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 9:04:45 AM

"You won't live long enough, Darkwood" calls Jass through a rictus grin, and eight lizardfolk point as a green ray strikes for Agent G.

Then the flying lizardfolk look at the alter and the questing threads. Questing...

"NO! Not a minotaur, they still need an elf! Tionel! Starminder! Evandale! Get up here QUICK!!!

Come on, Crimson Shields, we need to keep these druids from getting threaded with the Crying Woods!!

Move: stationary
Cast: Discintegrate on Agent G: Touch Attack Ac 19; 91 damage, Fort DC 23 for only 20 damage

Tongues (Permenant)
Mage Armor; 10 hours +4 AC
Unseen Servant, 10 hours, invisible body servant
Alter Self: 130 minutes; Lizardman: Medium, 30feet, +5 natarmor, 2 claws and bite (all d4); Hold Breath, +4 racial Jump, Swim, Balance
Mirror Image: 122 rounds; 7 images + Jass = 1in8 chance to hit Jass
Fly; 125 rounds; 60 foot speed

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/2/3/2/1/1/3

Staff - 2 charges

Assault on the Entwining / End Round 09 - UPDATE DMAl  d20+19=20 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+14=17 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 10:24:30 AM

The horror of the Prillana's death galvanizes the Crimson Shields. Belkior casts powerful dispelling magic upon the druid from Darkwood. The halfling's divine magics strip away most of the druid's magical protections.

The druid, his defenses down is now open for Mac's mighty Axe. The minotaur hits twice, and the Darkwood druid sways. He is so bloodied now that any major exertion will steal his consciousness.

Jass strikes the Darkwood druid with a thin green beam, and the man bursts into a cloud of red bloody dust that rains down upon his blinded Plant Mount.

Somewhere, though, a Huge Earth Elemental remains. Somewhere there is an invisible spell caster who commands Lightning and missiles of magic. Somewhere, the green clad halflings still lurk.


Not Dispelled
Greater Magic Weapon

Air Walk
Divine Power
Greater Invisibility
Magic Circle vs Good
Magic Vest x4
Shield Other x2
Shield of Faith

After Dispel and Blinded AC21
G (Spell Caster/AC21) -7-44-13-32-27 (-123hp /Disabled)
G Fort Save 17 / Disintegrated

Mac: AC:25 (26 vs G), HP:104/137  d20+21=25 ; d20+16=21 ; d20+11=26 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 6:28:39 PM

Mac thinks back, but can't recall anything more specific than Prionell's statement about not being interrupted, and says as much. He looks at the Plant Mount, half across the altar... the sacrificial altar...
"Shields! This abomination has to perish, but not right there. Help me get it off the altar and to the stairs, please?"

Mac drops his axe (in BE54) and attempts to grapple the mount and drag it away from the altar (three grapple checks hit AC: 25, 21 & 26 (no 1s, 2s, or 3s). Movement: directly away from the altar. Under average circumstances Mac can drag up to 9,200 lbs (5x max load), and now I'm expecting it to resist, hence the call for assistance).

Syr Ac 31/30 HP 119/165  d20+21=40 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+21=35 ; d20+16=17 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; 2d8+11=18 ; 2d8+11=22 ; 2d8+11=19 ; 2d8+11=19 ; 2d8+11=19 ;
Friday October 9th, 2009 7:15:17 PM

Syr grunts in frustration as the hooded man slips through his fingers. Then he watches in frustration as spells finally cause Prillana to fall.

Syr responds woodenly to Mac's request, Assuming the plant creature isn't dead, he rains down more blows on the thing. Attack 40(crit), 34,25,35,35,17 Damage (18+5(ice)+22(crit?), 19,19,19+3(shock) If it is dead, then he helps lift the body and toss it off the altar (Str 28).

Once the altar is clear he looks at the questing fibers, "I wonder..." He looks at Prionel and takes a 5' step onto the altar taking a deep breath.

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