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Live Goes On - DMAl 
Wednesday October 14th, 2009 9:10:10 PM

Many things follow the Crimson Shields and the procession of elves as they march through the night. Among those things are grief, regret, and the heavy obligation that the living feel toward those who have passed on. The fearsome denizens of the Crying Woods, however, stay clear of the group. And the feeling of malevolence remains away as well.

It is past midnight when the weary elves arrive at the village in the trees. The Shields are shown to their previous rooms, and all go off with their own private thoughts.

Day and night, it is said, know no grief. Day turns to night and night to day regardless of the tragedies that play out within them. The next morning, Jass inspects the items taken from the hooded Darkwood druid. All of it except the gold, radiates magic from faint to strong.

Wooden suit of plate mail - Strong
Wooden tower shield - Strong
Staff - Strong
Pair of gloves - Moderate
Amulet - Moderate
Vestment with black root sundering a boulder - Moderate
Ring - Moderate
Ring - Faint
Potion - Moderate
Potion - Moderate
Wand - Moderate

(Jass, if you'd like Schools of magic, you'll have to give me Spellcraft Rolls.)

Brahmah appears to know a bit about the wooden shield and armor. He says that they are only carried by Greenmages. It may be difficult to find one of those. Even now, the wood of the shield and armor lose their sheen, as though they are drying out, becoming dead wood.

During the next few days, the Shields help the villagers with magic healing. Wynn, though he also helps, grows increasingly withdrawn. He spends most hours with his journal, sometimes simply cradling it in his hands at an open page while staring into space.

The elves hold a funeral for their dead, and they invite the Crimson Shields. Once again, as with the Entwining, all of the elves attend. They leave the village, this time not far, though. They make their way through the trees, traveling paths created by the interlocking of great branches. At a certain place, the stop. The bodies of the dead elves are sewn into beautifully decorated bags and hung in the highest branches possible. It is said that the birds fly down and carry the souls of the dead up into the sky.

Days pass. The villagers seem happy to have the Crimson Shields in Elvenguard. But soon enough, it is time to return.


OoC: You have four days to accomplish any tasks that you need to here in the Crying Woods. Tomorrow, unless someone comes up with something infinitely more interesting, we'll undertake the journey back to Floating City.

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly)  d20+20=34 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+20=39 ; d20+20=26 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2009 12:12:44 PM

Jass casually examines the magical items found by Brahmah, and has potential trouble with three of the items.

Wooden suit of plate mail - 34
Wooden tower shield - 21 (identify school if 12th level caster or less/ 6th level spell)
Staff - 35
Pair of gloves - 21 (identify school if 12th level caster or less/ 6th level spell)
Amulet - 38
Vestment with black root sundering a boulder - 34
Ring - 34
Ring - 37
Potion - 24 (fail)
Potion - 39
Wand - 26

"So, how do we divide magical loot in the Crimson Shields?" he asks rhetorically.

"Hey, you tall drink of water", Jass mentions to Brahmah the next day, "You think you could track the creatures that attacked the elves back to where they came from? I mean, it may be a way to find out where Darkwood is hiding..."

In the days in Elvenguard, Jass rests and also begins several conversations on a small mercantile business with Tionel or another couple elves. "Having little things that you make here, like those wind chimes, sold in Floating City, and some items you may want from Floating City to be bartered here would make relationships between the communities that much better." Jass works hard to convince others of his sincerity and the benefits of the proposal, but keeps to himself the fact that it will also provide him a great cover for poking about Floating City; a person without papers could get into a lot of trouble in that place with too many rules!

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday October 15th, 2009 8:30:40 PM

Hearing the sorcerer, Syr looks to Wynn for a moment before continuing, "Well, normally Xenia would exchange it for gold and everyone would receive equal shares." He pauses to examine the bard at the mention of the name of his beloved. "Some would take items in lieu of the gold, but overall it is a very simple process. We'll have to wait until we get back to the city to visit the Catacombs though."

He grins when he overhears Jass' questions to the elves regarding importing, "You are a man after my own heart, It's conversations like that one that enabled us to start Shield Construction.

Later, he speaks to each member individually, "If it's okay with everyone else, I would like Ivy to continue to receive Florin's share of the profits from Shield Construction. I feel it's the right thing to do considering the circumstances.

Four Days - DMAl 
Thursday October 15th, 2009 9:08:12 PM

Jass examines the auras that surround the magic items once owned by the hooded Darkwood Druid.

Wooden suit of plate mail - 34 Abjuration
Wooden tower shield - 21 Unknown
Staff - 35 Evocation
Pair of gloves - 21 Transmutation
Amulet - Transmutation
Vestment with black root sundering a boulder - 34 Transmutation
Ring - 34 Faint Enchantment
Ring - 37 Moderate Transmutation
Potion - 24 None
Potion - 39 None
Wand - 26 Conjuration

Even as he watches, the magic around the armor and the shield continue to fade. The vials that hold the potions also seem to be made of wood. By now, the wood is dull and brittle. When unstopped, the potions stink of rotted leaves. They no longer give off auras.

Jass also asks how the Crimson Shields usually deal with the fruits of conquest, and it's Syr who replies. Despite the looks in his direction, Wynn still appears absorbed in his journal. An idea comes, and he attacks the page.

The elves appear receptive to Jass' business discussions. Of the objects that they put forward are some beautiful hand carved wooden boxes and musical instruments fashioned from leaf and reed. They present him with three samples of each.

Brahmah, engrossed in thoughts of the bear companion that he just let go, makes a noncommittal noise to Jass' question regarding tracking. He seems in no mood to pursue such things. The elves, however, have several competent trackers. Both Starminder and Finbrush are experienced, and there are others as well who surpass them in skill. They follow tracks that they identify as the green clad halflings and the earth elementals. The trails are backtracked to a nearby glade in which they find two summoning circles.

The tracks end at the glade. They find no tracks that they can say with a certainty belong to the druids. Prionell, however, promises that they will continue the search.

When it is time to return to Floating City, Tionel, along with Starminder and Finbrush, gather to guide the group back to the lake and summon Steady Heart to ferry the group back to the city.


OoC: Last chance to accomplish anything in the four days in Elvenguard.

Belkior - AC 23(25 vs. Evil); HP 125/125 - Status(x2), Magic Circle vs. Evil, Inspire Courage, Bead of Karma, Invisibility Purge  d20+18=36 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2009 10:38:12 PM

OOC - The Wold ate both of my posts last night, here and in the Bloodpack game.

The halfling cleric tends to the injured residents of Elvenguard while he and his companions are preparing for the trek back to the shore of the lake. When his skills and magic are not needed, Belkior will try to speak with Prionell or another leader of the village. The Paragon wishes to know what assistance he and the 'Pack can provide to assist the elves through this difficult time. Belkior feels personally responsible for the near failure of the Entwinning and the sacrifice by Florin. Failing that, he wants to learn how many years will pass before the Entwinning ritual is performed again and what healing magics would be needed to assist Florin when the paladin is released from the ritual.

In the interim, Belkior will try to recall anything that he might know of these Darkwood Druids.
Knowledge Religion = 36

Mac: AC:25, HP:104/137 
Thursday October 15th, 2009 11:43:47 PM

Mac pitches in and helps out around the village where and if he can. When the workload lessens he keeps an eye out for any elves who might be fashioning or using bows. Whilst being particularly interested in the former, he is also interested in the latter and keen to see if the elves have a fletcher - not knowing what might happen on the return journey, four arrows may not be sufficient.

On meeting back up with the Shields and hearing Syr's comments about Ivy and the share, the dark taur concurs.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147) 
Friday October 16th, 2009 3:27:27 AM

Brahmah helps to track and finds nothing by way of tracks.

"Druids are near impossible to track if they don't want to be found. If we could track them to this point, they wanted to be tracked. If you can't see a track here, they will likely have lead us here. They may have transformed at this point."

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Friday October 16th, 2009 1:24:04 PM

Jass doesn't want to wait to see what the magic items are, and asks Tionell if there are any elves who would perform the Identify spell for them.

The sorcerer is happy enough for the sample items, and asks around to see what sort of things the elven village would be interested in acquiring in return. "Glass or crystal? Woven items? Exotic foods?" Nearly anything portable is a possibility...

In the tracking, Jass listens to the elven trackers and also to Brahmah. "Nope, not thinking far enough ahead, Brahmah. Druids can sure get about as they choose, but I was hoping not all of the attackers were druids and summoned creatures. They get friendly creatures to help them out too, and THOSE guys, hey, they CAN be tracked." The sorcerer shrugs. "Even since the trail is lost, the elves know the Darkwood Druids gathered here and went to the pyramid, there." (Jass stands in a summoning circle and points to the pyramid) "Therefore, they came from that direction." (And Jass does an about-face making a wedge with two extended hands.) "Yep, that's a lot less Forest to look through than the whole thing, doncha think?"

The sorcerer preens and struts because he is so smart!

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday October 16th, 2009 8:04:40 PM

Syr makes preparations to depart the Elven city. His thoughts are heavy as he anticipates the conversation that must take place when he returns to the Float.

On the Way Back Home - DMAl 
Friday October 16th, 2009 9:18:03 PM

Prionell offers profuse thanks to Belkior for his offer of assistance. Life in Elvenguard is simple and the elves lack for little. Elves are long lived, he explains. Once one lives hundreds of years one becomes more detached from ideas such as guilt or blame. One is simply a part of events, Prionell explains. He tells Belkior that it has been over four hundred years since Sabara went into the stone of the Altar and it may be just as long for Florin. Further, none return from the Crying Woods alive. Their bodies return, but their spirit is released.

The archives of the Cathedral of Light had nothing specific on a group that calls itself Darkwood. Belkior is certain of that. There have been druidic groups, however, down through the ages, dedicated to the crueler aspects of nature. Death. Decay. Flame. Flood. The sheer power of nature draws them. This group, it appears, holds a fascination with the Crying Woods. The association must surely make them evil.

Mac finds many talented bowyers and fletchers amongst the elves. They are only happy to present one of the heroes of the Entwining with a gift of arrows. (Mac you now have 50 new mundane arrows.)

Brahmah adds some tidbits of druid lore to Jass' store of knowledge. Jass counters with a bit of dubious deductive reasoning.

Syr contemplates the return and the news that they will need to deliver to Florin's wife and child.

Comes the day, the Crimson Shields gather early in the morning and hit the trail with Tionel, Starminder, and Finbrush. The entire village of Elvenguard turns out to see them off. The journey to the shores of Turtle Lake are uneventful. It is nearly noon when they arrive. Tionel settles in on the pebble beach to call Steady Heart. From the Crying Woods another figure emerges. It is Evandale. He explains in Elfish that he wants to go to the city too. He wants to pursue the arts of wizardry. His dark eyes are filled with anger.

Mac: AC:25, HP:104/137  d20+2=9 ;
Saturday October 17th, 2009 7:55:44 PM

{Sense Motive: 9} Mac isn't sure of what to make of Evandale's reappearance, let alone his words. He awaits some clue from his fellow Shields.

OOC: after 3 or 4 nights rest all the party present should be healed, yes?

Absolutely. All healed. --Al

Sunday October 18th, 2009 10:17:53 PM

The halfling cleric follows along, lost in his thoughts for most of the time. Belkior is interested in determining whether the Crying Woods still has the forboding sense of threat that the Shields have experienced every time that they have entered, or if it has changed with Florin's sacrifice. He tries to remain attuned to the sensations he feels while walking back to the beach.

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Sunday October 18th, 2009 11:01:52 PM

Jass boards the turtle, then looks at Evandale with critical eyes. "Go home", he tells the elf in a kindly tone like that of someone trying to talk down a crazy guy with a loaded crossbow, "and cool down for a couple hundred years. It's a shame that Challa is dead and that the druid guys are still out there, but don't let them destroy you too. Doing anything with hatred is only going to warp the magics about you."

The sorcerer bends and gives a whisper to Belkior. "He's gotta be real angry if he's willing to do all that Wizard studying. What a lot of work!"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147) 
Monday October 19th, 2009 6:45:56 PM

Brahmah ponders Jass' reasoning and then deciding not to touch on the questionable nature of the statement, the ranger decides on a tact.
"But the tracks, of anything, have vanished at this point." He points at the trail in front of the group. "Sorry all."

Last Moments On The Beach - DMAl 
Monday October 19th, 2009 9:07:25 PM

Brahmah thinks back to the days with the elves. (Always a few days behind.) The Crying Woods is a big place, and the leads ended at the small clearing.

While walking through the Crying Woods on the way to Turtle Lake, Belkior feels the thick feeling of malice come and go. At times the hatred of the Woods is completely gone. At these times it is almost as though Florin is walking along with the group as usual. At other times, the oppressive feeling of the Crying Woods grows stronger as Florin tires, or, perhaps is overwhelmed by the massive rage of the Woods.

On the beach, it doesn't take a mind reader to divine the intent in Evandale's eyes. Jass comes to the same conclusion that Mac has after observation of the elf. He seeks magic as the path to power and power as the path to vengeance.

Tionel, Starminder and Finbrush hold themselves apart. What can they do, he is free to decide his own fate. Tionel finds it a convenient excuse to settle in and call Steady Heart.

"If you refuse to take me to Floating City," he says to Jass in Elfish, "then I will simply find my own way there. That, or I will die trying." He seats himself upon the beach with his arms crossed and refuses to move.

It is about an hour later that Steady Heart rises up and parts the waters. Evandale climbs aboard, his eyes daring any of the Crimson Shields to deny him a berth.

"Before you go," Tionel brings out a heavy sack and hands it to Syr. "Prionell was afraid that you wouldn't take this, so he had me give it to you at the last moment. It's thanks from the village of Elvenguard. It's everything they've collected over the years. They don't use money anyway. I know you'll put it to good use." Inside the sack is 15000 gold coins.

Monday October 19th, 2009 9:56:32 PM

The halfling cleric finds a seat on the turtle while Syr and Prionell are discussing the matter of a leather sack. Belkior looks steadily at Evandale before bowing to the inevitable. The Paragon extends a hand in greeting towards the elf.

"Belkior Orvisson, Healer and Paragon of Alemi. I have to confess to being somewhat less than my best during the recent encounter. What can you tell us about yourself and your plans in the Float?"

Jass AC 22 HP 42/47 (-2CON)(Tongues, Mage Armor, Alter Self, Mirror Image, Fly) 
Tuesday October 20th, 2009 8:15:28 AM

Jass shrugs. "Hey, he's free to make his own choices", the sorcerer says to the group assembled, then turns to Evandale. "I know that *I* won't stop you if that's what you're gonna do, but I got my own choices to make, and since I think you are thinking the wrong choice, the choice I think I'll make is to not help you in your choice."

"Look me up when ya get to the Float and we'll do dinner."

With Tionel's bag, Jass is eager enough to take it, but holds back. The bag is for the group and Syr is leader of the group; it should be the monk who takes the bag. I mean, some proprieties have to be followed, eh?

On the way to the Floating CIty, Jass spells up an Unseen Servant and a Prestidigitation to help clean up and look great for the crowds. And then he gets an idea. He casts an Alter Self to become one of the elves. "Hey, guys, I'm just an elf merchant who hopped a ride on your turtle. Call me 'Silverleaf'. I think an alternate personna on the Float may be a good idea as a way to get information that the Crimson Shields can't get, eh?"

Back On the Water - DMAl 
Tuesday October 20th, 2009 9:04:23 PM

Belkior holds out the hand of friendship to Evandale, though, it is a moment before he realizes that the elf does not speak Common. Fortunately, Belkior speaks Elfish.

"Your magic was impressive," Evandale says, returning the halfling's grip. "But ... in the end ... "

Tionel casts a spell as the six remaining Crimson Shields climb aboard. With the subtle magic of the spell, he makes Steady Heart understand where he must takes his charges. The great turtle pulls his bulk out into the lake and begins the journey to Floating City. On the bank, Tionel, Finbrush and Starminder wave goodbye.

"I ... I was a scholar." Seated next to Belkior, Evandale continues his answer to the halfling's question. "I was happy. I had everything that I could have wanted. And I was content to do nothing but learn the ways of the Wold."

"But now I realize that skill and knowledge is empty without the power to apply your knowledge, to protect the things you love, and to punish those who transgress against you."

"I'll find a school of wizardry. Maybe I'll go on further to Plateau City. We of the long lived races have time. When I've learned the ways of powerful magic, I'll return. Then we shall see."

As with the from City to Woods, the return trip is calm and placid. The sky is a startling blue and big as the Wold. The sun dips lower and lower in the sky and soon it is night. The two moons of the Wold rise and paint the surface of the lake in silver. The time is around seven o'clock when the faintest of shapes, a dark upon darkness appears, just a dark pin prick against a dark horizon. Is it the Floating City?

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday October 20th, 2009 9:29:39 PM

Syr accepts the bag with a gracious smile. He nods to Tionel and holds it up, "I'd rather see Florin holding an empty bag. Prionel knows us too well." He sits down gingerly on the turtle and cradles a sword in one hand and the bag of gold in the other.

Seeing Jass eyeing the bag he grins briefly and calls over to the sorcerer, "Hey Jass, ever the mercenary, eh? Why don't you take the items that we need to identify by the catacombs and give us a summary?"

Tuesday October 20th, 2009 9:53:50 PM

The halfling cleric looks up expectantly, hoping that it is Floating City that they can see on the horizon. If all goes to plan, they'll be back home before dawn. And that brings the prospect of many things - the building projects, the interests of the high and mighty in Floating City being the foremost. And Belkior also knows that he should report what he has learned to the Temple of Alemi since the new influence over the Crying Woods may affect the future of the Float.

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 4:27:34 AM

"Something ahead." Just as on the trip to the Crying Woods, Mac is keenly watching for anything beside the sky, the water, and the horizon they share. Anything, even the odd trick of the light (or lack of it) gets noted for any who care. {Spot:8}

Jass AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self) 
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 9:39:09 AM

Jass-elf grins back at Syr. "While I am sure your friend Jass will indeed take those items fairly won to the Catacombs for identification, I am but a humble peddler looking to make his way in the big city." Jass-elf stands and gives a nod while holding out his hand. "I am called Silverleaf. I bring with me some examples of my people's skill in crafting objects that I may begin a small import-export shop in the great Floating City."

Jass-now styled Silverleaf grins and winks. He isn't worried, and expects to arrive at Floating City shortly where his professional skills and pechant for fast talking will get him what he wants. Like always!

Welcome Home - DMAl 
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 8:30:25 PM

Though the distant darkness on the horizon is indistinguishable to the Crimson Shields, Steady Heart appears to have no hesitation as to where he's going. Soon, after an hour, the hint of a hallucination that pokes from the horizon becomes a distinct and deeper darkness that rises from the surface of the lake. Two hours more and it grows until it can be nothing other then the bulk of the Floating City. Another hour more, and the city rises to dominate the sky, blotting out stars across nearly a hemisphere of the celestial view. Steady Heart paddles on, and soon the glimmer of lights wink across the water, signaling the presence of the docks. Ten, twenty, thirty minutes closer and the familiar sight of ships moored to the night docks greets the Crimson Shields. The sound of gently lapping waves are a stark contrast to the bustling cacophony of activity on the docks during the day.

From the far side of a screen of moored ships, a shout goes up, a challenge, answered by the sound of spellcasting. More shouts. The sound of running feet. Steel clashes against steel. A red bloom of fire explodes then dies away.

The nearest dock appears to be 20 feet away. Steady Heart slows as he approaches. The sounds of combat appear to be anywhere from 100 to 200 feet away, screened from sight by a moored ship.

Jass AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self) 
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 8:50:05 PM

"Hey! That's a fight!", Jass-elf yells out the obvious. A quick spell, and everyone on Stout Heart (including the turtle) is affected by a Haste spell.

"Let's go find out!" Jass calls.

Cast Haste on 13 people all Crimson Shields, Tionell, Evandale, and Stout Heart

Haste; 13 rounds; +1 attack when full, AC, reflex save, +30 foot move

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/1/1/0/0/0

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Wednesday October 21st, 2009 10:06:41 PM

The halfling cleric hears the sound of battle in the streets of Floating City. Once Jass casts his spell, Belkior stands and activates his Bead of Karma.

"Ready to go," intones Belkior.

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Dispel Magic(x2, Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Freedom of Movement(X2), Death Ward(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Heal(x2), Greater Dispel Magic (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII(x2) (D - Regeneration)

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147) 
Thursday October 22nd, 2009 10:09:30 AM

OOC: You know me all, if I still had a set schedule, I'd be more regular.... its killing me to miss so much with the ONLY character I'm playing now! I wish I could do more.

IC: Brahmah hops the back of Jass', now Silverleaf's turtle and casts Bear's Endurance. "Sound like battle for sure!"

Mac: AC:25, HP:137  d20+39=54 ;
Thursday October 22nd, 2009 10:28:32 AM

Effects: Haste - extra attack at highest attack bonus in full round attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves, Speed 60'.

Mac lines up the dock and makes a running jump off the turtles back {Jump: 54}, drawing his axe as he sails through the air. Hitting the ground running he makes another 46 foot of headway towards the fray.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday October 22nd, 2009 7:31:24 PM

The elf's eyes tighten as he watches the group rush into another combat, calling after them, "Hey Guys, didn't the druids teach us about going into combat unprepared?" He prepares to join the others as the turtle gets closer to the dock, "Jass, can you at least tell us whose side we are on?"

The thought crosses his mind with relief and he mumbles, "At least, I don't have to see Ivy yet with this ruckus." In the next moment, he scowls at himself for having the thought.

Springing Into Action - DMAl 
Thursday October 22nd, 2009 8:16:13 PM

The Crimson Shields recognize the battle for what it must indeed be. They swing into action. Under the power of Jass' magic, Steady Heart's speed increases nearly two fold. Water sprays in his wake and the giant turtle must make a desperate and concerted effort to brake before smashing into the docks. Steady Heart manages to slow and bank in a wash of rolling water, just kissing the dock with his flank.

Mac, however, has long departed the turtle's back. The massive bulk of the dark minotaur hurtles through the air, slamming down on the thick boards of the dock and driving the dock itself a foot under and sending a countering wave of water against Steady Heart that no doubt saved the turtle from a crash.

As the dock rises back up from Mac's impact, the Crimson Shields splash through the dark water with the Minotaur in the lead. Wynn starts up a song of inspiration as the Shields round a corner and tear toward a far arm of the docks from which the orange glow of flames lights the sky. A quick hundred feet more and the burning ship emerges from behind the screen of other vessels. The sails are completely ablaze, and the ship itself appears to be listing badly. Dark figures, silhouetted in the firelight run off the gangplank. Three rays of burning yellow fire lance from a figure already waiting on the dock. They strike a figure on the ship, and that figure bursts into flames and drops to the deck.

The figures turn as they catch the pounding feet and clanking armor of the Crimson Shields. "WELL, FANCY MEETING YOU HERE!" The jovial voice calls out over the roar and crackle of flames. The figures from the boat, three humanoid shapes, run to the one on the dock. The figure on the dock gestures and chants, and then all four disappear.

The fires continue to burn, rising high into the night sky. From the shore, only now, the whistles of the City Guard sound an alarm. Somewhere a bell begins to clang.

The battle is over, but the mystery behind the lightning attack remains. One thing, however, is not a mystery. The identity of the man on the dock. From his voice alone he can be recognized. The voice belonged to the Jack of Diamonds.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Thursday October 22nd, 2009 10:34:54 PM

The halfling cleric runs towards the ship before beginning casting a spell to summon a water elemental. Even though he and his companions were too late to stop Jack and his companions, Belkior can do something to prevent the fire from spreading from the ship. At the very least, the elemental can preserve enough of the ship to determine why it was targetted by Jack.

After completing his spell, a huge water elemental appears on the deck of the ship. Belkior directs it to extinguish the flames spreading through the sails of the ship.

0th - DC 17 - Detect Magic(x2), Detect Poison, Purify Food & Drink(x2), Read Magic
1st - DC 18 - Comprehend Languages, Hide from Undead, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary(x2), Shield of Faith(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 19 - Aid(x2), Silence(x2), Spiritual Weapon, Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 20 - Dispel Magic(x2, Invisibility Purge, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall (D - Magic Circle vs. Evil)
4th - DC 21 - Air Walk, Freedom of Movement(X2), Death Ward(x2) (D - Cure Critical Wounds)
5th - DC 22 - Break Enchantment, Greater Command, Spell Resistance(x2) (D - Dispel Evil)
6th - DC 23 - Heal(x2), Greater Dispel Magic (D - Heal)
7th - DC 24 - Summon Monster VII*(x2) (D - Regeneration)
* = cast

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147) 
Friday October 23rd, 2009 7:42:18 AM

Looking to the group and knowing the ships is done for, the ranger is chomping at the bit to get rolling. He hears Jack's voice and snarls. He glances at Syr. "Well?"

Jass AC 12 HP 60/60 (Haste) 
Friday October 23rd, 2009 8:51:21 AM

Jass doesn't have a good answer for Syr while going on a wild turtle ride. "Wicked!", he carols. But when they are at the ship on fire and a grinning jester verbally flips off the Crimson Shields before dispersing, Jass looks over at the monk.

"I take it that we are not on his side", the sorcerer says drolly.

But to be able to help stop a raging fire, the sorcerer feels the limitations of his spells. The only thing he can think of is to meet with the authorities, the owners of the boat, and the CS leaders and find out more about this arsonist who seems to know the Crimson Shields.


Haste; 12 rounds; +1 attack when at full attack, +1 to hit, AC, reflex save, +30 foot move

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/1/1/0/0/0

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Friday October 23rd, 2009 4:35:13 PM

Mac heads for the burning ship, hoping against logic that the victim can be retrieved and possibly healed before the elemental washes his body into the lake...

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165  d8+4=10 ;
Friday October 23rd, 2009 7:02:47 PM

To answer Jass' question, "Side? Probably not ours, but we still haven't exactly figured out whose side he is on. Invasion of privacy and vague warnings doesn't exactly define a person. Today though... Murder is quit defining of character. The nearest I know, Jack plays for himself."

The elf looks on at Mac with keen interest as he goes to rescue the victim, "Let's see if we can figure out why Jack was after him?" He continues to look at the figure hoping for signs of life. If he sees anything, he will rush right in and attempt to cure the man (CLW 10). He takes a moment to search the bow for the ships name hoping to commit it to memory if it sinks.

More Than Meets the Eye - DMAl 
Friday October 23rd, 2009 8:19:14 PM

Belkior's voice rings out in a spell, and a towering creature of water appears on the deck of the ship. It's voice sounds the rush of an angry river as it challenges its enemy, the equally roaring fire.

The non-magical fire is no match for the creature of water, though, and soon the blaze is out. Smoke rises, darker than the night, blotting out the sky. The water elemental raises its voice in triumph and then disappears.

Even before this, however, Mac is up the gangplank and onto the deck. Lying on the deck is a short broad figure marred by dark burn marks. A few feet away is another prone figure. Mac recognizes them both - instantly. The figure with the burn wounds is the mad dwarf, Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber. The other figure, blood pooling around him from multiple stab wounds, is the human archer who had flown above the Tendriculos glade shooting arrows at all available targets. Neither dwarf nor human moves.

From the dock, Syr catches the name on the bow of the ship - The Wrath. The ship does not appear to be going down. But it lists heavily, and a large hole can be seen just above the waterline.

Brahmah, with his knowledge of ships, notes an unusual feature of The Wrath. There are six trebuchets mounted on deck. Two large ones at bow and stern and four smaller ones, two at port and two at starboard. This ship is heavily armed and ready for combat.

The whistles of the City Guard sound louder, and are soon accompanied by the pound of approaching feet. A contingent of six guards rounds the corner and runs up the dock. "That's the Crimson Shields," one cries out. "Merciful Alemi," another says, "what happened here?"

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste  d20+29=40 ; d20+29=36 ;
Friday October 23rd, 2009 10:28:52 PM

The halfling cleric rushes onto the deck of the ship, hoping to be able to save at least one of the people there. He quickly checks their condition and acts to keep one, or both, of them alive.
Heal = 40, 36 ... cast Cure Light Wounds, etc. as needed.

"Brahmah! Someone! Check below decks ... see if there's anyone down there who needs help!"

Mac: AC:26*, HP:137 
Saturday October 24th, 2009 12:20:36 AM

Effects: Haste* - extra attack at highest attack bonus in full round attack, +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves, Speed 60'.

"Thanks, yes, if you are healing them here, and you're covered from the docks, then I'll head in!" Mac calls back as the two wounded are attended. "If I'm not out soon, or the ship goes down, then please come looking for me!" Mac finds stairs or another entry to the hold and heads down.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27+3, Hps112/147) 
Sunday October 25th, 2009 2:56:31 AM

On Belkior's suggestion, Brahmah draws his weapons and head below to see if there is anyone alive. With his knowledge of ships, he won't get lost or turned around. This ship is likely going to the Sea Queen soon.

Jass AC 12 HP 60/60 (Haste)  d20+14=32 ;
Monday October 26th, 2009 11:43:17 AM

Jass is pretty sure the mocking Jack of Diamonds wasn't driven from the place by the arrival of the Crimson Shields, "too cocky by half!", the sorcerer says with complete assurance. "Therefore, they are gone, and therefore it is time for information and mitigation."

With that the sorcerer turns to the arriving city guard and raises his hands. "Glad you are here! We just got here ourselves by turtle-back. Looked like a group of four burning that ship. The Crimson Shields have put out the flames and are looking for survivors aboard." He cocks his head and continues. "Who is in charge here? We have to talk to the leader of the watch to find out who owns this boat and what could be the motivation of the attack."

He looks around at the arrival of more spectators and talks to the guards in a conspiratorial voice. "And you may want to block off any others until your investigation teams are through here."

Jass continues to talk with the guards to ensure, obliquely, that the Crimson Shields aren't going to be charged for the arson or murder.

Diplomacy: 32

Haste; 12 rounds; +1 attack when at full attack, +1 to hit, AC, reflex save, +30 foot move

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/1/1/0/0/0

The Shields Take Control - DMAl 
Monday October 26th, 2009 9:04:16 PM

With the confirmation of bodies on deck, Belkior rushes onboard. He finds himself too late. Massive trauma to the bodies of both the dwarf Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber and the unidentified archer must have killed them very quickly. The dwarf died of burn wounds. The human of stab wounds made by very keen weapons.

Mac and Brahmah heed Belkior's call to check the rest of the ship. There are three apparent access points to the ship. First is the door, aft, set into the poop deck. The second is just fore of the poop, a hatch leading down to the crew's quarters. Third is the large covered hatch to the cargo hold.

Both Mac and Brahmah take the hatch to the crew's quarters, scrambling quickly down the steep stairs. The crew's quarters are lit by everburning stones set into the framework of lanterns so that they may be closed and the room darkened. There is no one there. Duffels, though, lean against the walls, as though a crew has already been hired, and soon to ship out.

On the docks, Silverleaf the Elven Merchant explains the situation to the City Guard. "Guard Corporal Stanpipe, Sirrah Elf," a young human of no more than 19 answers Silverleaf's question. He fires a series of orders to the others, and they scurry to cordon off the area. "We've sent for Captain Elvaran, Sir. She should be here shortly."

"That's the Wrath, Sir," one of the others shoots over his shoulder as he hurries off to seal access to the area. Under commission to Lord Perimon."

As to motivation, the guards leave that up to the Crimson Shields to mull over. Or, at least, to guards of a higher pay grade than themselves. From Silverleaf's observations, the guards show not even the slightest inclination to suggest that the Shields had anything to do with the attack on the ship.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Monday October 26th, 2009 10:59:41 PM

The halfling cleric kneels beside the bodies, arranging his vestments and religious items. Belkior doesn't know which, if any, of the Gods of the Wold these two followed. But the least that he can do is prepare and tend their bodies even as their souls slip away to stand before Gargul.

The prayers don't take long, at least the brief version that Belkior is accustomed to using in the field. There are other prayers, longer prayers, that are used within the Temple hospitals and chapels. An adventuring priest like Belkior, though, rarely is called to announce those.

When he is completed, Belkior stands and moves to join his companions before any more guards or officials arrive.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 9:19:54 AM

Brahmah opens the duffel, looks at the contents, not shuffling them too badly and then closes them. He hopes to glean some idea from the contents of who might be among the hirelings.

"Interesting situation, huh Mac?"

Jass- Silverleaf AC 12 HP 60/60 (Haste) 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 1:37:19 PM

Jass takes a moment to realize he didn't dismiss his Alter Self and he is still an elf! Whoops! no help for it now, he thinks.

Since the immediate danger is over, Jass-Silverleaf doesn't want to be too associated with the Crimson Shields, and so takes his opportunity to slip away back to the turtle, gather his things and be off to the Giggling Ghost. The elf merchant guise needs to get established!

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/1/1/0/0/0

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165  d20+19=23 ; d20+19=25 ; d20+19=29 ;
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 8:36:52 PM

Upon seeing the charred body of the dwarf and scarred elf that they fought with days ago he muses, "The enemy of my enemy is a friend? What does that make Jack now?" He looks for one of the dockworkers that may have helped the ship load/unload. "Any chance you know when and where the Wrath was going?" (Diplomacy 23)

Once Captain Elvaran arrives, Syr welcomes her with a warm smile and relates the group's account of events, careful to exclude any previous meeting with the two bodies. He concludes with another smile "I'm not quite sure if we are always in the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time?"

Mysterious Ship - DMAl 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 9:00:21 PM

Belkior rises from his prayer to find Mac and Brahmah still below deck. Brahmah, inspects the contents of one duffle after the other. There are a total of twelve, and none contains anything but the gear carried by a normal able bodied sailor.

Jass/Silverleaf slips away, making his way back to the dock at which they had landed. Steady Heart is there, and Silverleaf recovers Jass' gear, making his way back toward the great doors that enter into the Fence Level of Floating City.

Syr looks around for dockworkers, but it's the dead of night and no one but the guards are out, scurrying in response to the alarm.

Smoke still rises from the timbers of the ship, though it doesn't appear as though it will be sinking as some had feared. Within fifteen minutes, Captain Elvaran arrives. The half-elven woman heaves a sigh when she hears Syr's story.

"Now I don't suppose we'll ever know where Perimon's ship was headed. Not even the captain knew. Someone was supposed to come aboard with charts marking the destination. Can't bring a ship like that into port without stirring a lot of questions. Wonder where she was bound with all that armament?"

Jass- Silverleaf AC 12 HP 60/60 (Haste) 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 10:10:22 PM

Jass arrives at the great doors posing as the peddler Silverleaf. He asks admittance and the direction to a place to sleep.

Once gotten into a room he can bar for the night, Jass will dismiss his Alter Self and then Dimension Door back to the docks to be "Jass of the Crimson Shields" once more.

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/1/1/0/0/0

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 11:09:45 PM

The halfling cleric considers the words of Captain Elvaran, that someone was supposed to come and deliver the charts and directions. Once Jass has returned, Belkior quietly asks the elf a question.

"Jass? Think that you could impersonate one of those two? Maybe this mysterious person delivering the charts would give them to you?"

"Otherwise, we'll have to do some more scrying and divination tomorrow."

Mac: AC:26*, HP:137 
Tuesday October 27th, 2009 11:48:18 PM

Man nod in agreement with Brahmah. "This is a fine welcome back!"

"Twelve sailors to locate. Clearly not here - should we check the hold?"

Jass- Silverleaf AC 12 HP 60/60 (Haste) 
Wednesday October 28th, 2009 9:25:56 AM

2nd post: pending Jass is able to get back as Jass in time, he is confident that he can bluff his way through being the mad dwarf wizard. "You could say you saved him by the Powers blessing."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Wednesday October 28th, 2009 11:36:16 AM

"Maybe the harbor master would know." Suggests the ranger at the captains inquiry.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Wednesday October 28th, 2009 8:21:24 PM

The monk's eyes light up and he runs his hands together, "Good suggestion Belkior! Jass impersonating a mad dwarf? Now there's stretch." The elf delivers the last line with an absolutely straight face. Returning his gaze to the halfling, "Do you think you could use your status spell so we can keep tabs on Jass from below and come running if things get interesting."

Later he approaches the big minotaur, "Brahmah, you know ships and did a good job poking around on this one. Is there anything you can think of that would tell us if the ships 'target' was a creature, ship, or something else on land? I can't imagine anything named the 'Wrath' is purely defensive. Or even look at the ship stores and give us a rough idea of how long they were planning on being at sea."

OOC: what's the status on Wynn?

Plan and Investigation - DMAl 
Wednesday October 28th, 2009 8:43:25 PM

Strange and wondrous are the ways of the divine. Prayer must bring inspiration, as soon after his prayers for the dead, Belkior comes up with a plan. But Jass, however, or, rather, Silverleaf, is nowhere to be seen.

Mac suggests a search of the hold. It takes little time for Mac and Brahmah to lift off the lid of the hold. A light is brought, revealing casks of oil and crates of steel and metal shot. There are racks of weapons, long hooked boarding pikes, crossbows, and short swords. Most of the weapons appear to be designed for stabbing. The actual provisions aboard look to last no more than a week. And there is a special find. Against the forward wall of the Shields find a chest that is both locked and bolted to the floor.

In the meantime, Jass returns - this time as Jass. A quick conversation with Captain Elvaran reveals that the Wrath was due to leave port tomorrow, early in the morning.

Syr looks around for Wynn, only to find the bard nowhere in sight.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Wednesday October 28th, 2009 10:45:26 PM

The halfling cleric heads down below when he hears about Mac's and Brahmah's discovery. Belkior casts Detect Magic to examine the exterior of the chest before anyone disturbs it.

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self)  d20+14=16 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+10=28 ;
Thursday October 29th, 2009 11:33:30 AM

Silverleaf the elf is nicely locked away in a room at an Inn, and Jass Dim Doors to the docks.

He quickly agrees to impersonate one of the dead people, and so makes a little prep work. The sorcerer laughs with Syr and pounds him on the back between guffaws. "You just wait, my pretty", Jass says darkly with a twinkle in his eye.

He talks for a couple minutes with the guards and Captain Elvaran to establish that he was here with the Crimson Shields. His heart really isn't in it, but he babbles on just the same to ensure others can testify that Jass was indeed here. Then he makes an announcement, "I gotta check up on our home, folks... see ya!"

Jass Dim Doors again, but this time to the Wrath's underdeck. Once there, he Alter Self to become the mad dwarf, Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber. Then he looks for Belkior to announce a miraculous healing to come out in his new role.

"Can't talk with you", Jass-Takerk giggles at Belkior, "I'm waiting for someone."

Diplomacy 16 w Captain
Bluff 38 on excuse to leave
Disguise 25 (w Alter Self) to look like Takerk
Perform 28 to act like Takerk

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/2/1/1/0/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Thursday October 29th, 2009 12:42:49 PM

"The ship stores look as though they were going out for a week, but fishing and killing sea birds can keep a crew alive indefinately. Any port within a week of here might be a place to look. A captains log might be another. Also that chest, bolted to the floor might also be a clue." He smiles.

(OOC: was the ship built for speed, manuevarability or storage? That could also tell us something.)

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday October 29th, 2009 7:27:47 PM

The elf sighs upon seeing the chest, "These are the times that I miss Xenia. She would do her thing and we'd see what was inside." He looks to Mac, "Well, unless anyone has an alternative, I say we put someone's axe to use?"

Looking at Jass/Takerk he comments, "It's probably best if we remain below until Jass receives the map or needs help?"

In the Hold. Waiting for Morning - DMAl 
Thursday October 29th, 2009 9:01:42 PM

Belkior casts a divination spell and aims it at the chest. He senses magic. He detects five auras, the most potent is of moderate strength. He discovers that all of the auras are coming from inside the chest, and that they are all of moderate strength.

Through a series of magical sleights of hand, Jass establishes that the dwarf, Takerk Hibblebimblebeeber, is still alive.

Brahmah speculates as to various ways of determining where the ship might be bound. He knows that the Port Master is not likely to be awake at this hour, and that, in fact, any intrusion will likely be met with extreme displeasure. He mentions the ship's log. And he also notes that the lines of the ship are not built for speed. Nor, are they the lines of a wallowing cargo ship. The sturdy build and reinforced hull mark this as a ship designed to stand toe to toe against any foe and take as much damage as it dishes out. It must have taken some power and not a little planning to scuttle this one.

Syr misses the services of a rogue. He suggests, instead, the services of an axe. He also suggests remaining down in the hold until their trap is sprung. The hour is getting near morning. Outside on the dock the guard is rousing a crew of dockworkers to ensure that the ship won't sink any further into the lake.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Thursday October 29th, 2009 11:11:32 PM

Since he is awake already (or still), the halfling cleric begins to prepare for his morning devotions to Alemi. Belkior would much prefer to be above deck but that is not an absolute requirement for his prayers. Besides, Jass is walking about up there and the presence of a halfling Paragon might be too difficult even for that elf to explain.

Once his quiet devotions are complete, Belkior settles himself to wait.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Friday October 30th, 2009 2:48:27 AM

"Aren't there spells that can see into the box before we open it?"

Mac: AC:26*, HP:137 
Friday October 30th, 2009 3:19:22 AM

Mac nods in agreement with Brahmah's question. "Even a careful axe blow against the chest could easily break fragile contents. I shall wait."

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self)  d20+20=26 ;
Friday October 30th, 2009 10:00:51 AM

Before Jass-Takerk goes topside he tries to think of solutions for two minor problems.

The first is the chest. "There are lots of magical ways to see in or remove locks and traps", the sorcerer confirms, "but I don't know any." The dwarf gets an inspired look in his eye. "I could just Disintegrate the chest and the contents may fall out..."

The second is Furball. "Hey, a highly magical and irripressable dwarf such as myself doesn't have a Familiar. Furball, you hop over to Belkior and keep him company until I get back."

Spellcraft: 26

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/2/1/1/0/0

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165  d20+17=20 ;
Friday October 30th, 2009 7:35:18 PM

Hearing Jass talk about his shortcomings, "So basically, you aren't very useful as a dwarf?"

Syr takes a look at the chest with an experienced eye in particular the joinery of the sides. "We have some time, let me see what I can do?" The elf reaches into a boot and takes out a dagger and begins whittling away at the seams. "No need to take pick the lock if all I have to do is take the side of the chest off. Just in case, ya'll may want to stand further away though."

(Skill check - Construction 20. Given the time we have, is it possible to take 10 or 20?)

A No Show - DMAl 
Friday October 30th, 2009 8:32:53 PM

The Crimson Shields put off the idea of axing the chest for now. While they wait, Belkior prays to his god. The morning sun appears on the horizon. The day begins to lighten.

Syr, in the meantime, whittles away at the wood securing the chest. This chest, like many containers of its type, is designed not to be broken into. The hinges are concealed on the inside of the box. The hasp and staple are seamlessly embedded into the wood as well. But, Syr has hours to work on this little project, and the strength to basically hack through the wood of the chest anyway. The job, in the end, isn't exactly pretty. Syr cuts a ragged hole in the top of the chest, just big enough through which to insert his hand. Through the hole, he can see five perfect round pearls resting on a bed of blue velvet.

From the direction of the City Gate, Jass/Takerk hears the sound of voices singing. Male voices, and not very good singers either. The singing breaks, to replaced by sounds of protest and incredulity. Footsteps clomp down the dock toward in the direction of the Wrath, and then a party of guards leading twelve sailors and a grizzled old man that must be the captain, come into view.

"Me ship! What's done to me ship!" the old man cries. "You were supposed to be guarding me ship, Dwarf!" he regales Jass with all manner of nautical curses. It appears, after explanations were offered, that a pouch of gold coins had arrived the night before. Along with the pouch was a letter. The letter gave leave for the captain and crew to have a final night on the town before shipping out in the morning. The pouch of gold was to be for this purpose, courtesy of Lord Perimon. It explains that his hand picked group would remain aboard the Wrath and watch over things. The captain even produces the letter. At the bottom it is signed: Perimon.

The morning wears on. There is no mysterious courier with a tube of charts. The only one of note who shows up is the Port Master, come to inspect the attack on his docks. When questioned, he says that even he did not know the destination of the Wrath. But he has been contacted by one of Lord Perimon's this morning, and given orders to put the ship into dry dock with priority given to repairs.

The Port Master, the guards, the captain and his sailors, and the myriad dock workers all want to get on with towing the ship into dry dock. And that means all personnel off the ship - now.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Friday October 30th, 2009 11:28:40 PM

Brahmah leans to Syr and quietly says, "I've never heard of a priority repair to a ship taking place over a damaged dock."

Brahmah isn't comfortable leaving the ship before the investigation is over, but no one said they had to leave the docks. The ranger disembarks and finds a nearby crate and plants himself upon it. "I'll watch." He smiles.

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self)  d20+21=24 ; d20+14=30 ; d20+10=12 ;
Saturday October 31st, 2009 10:20:56 AM

Jass-Takerk flares at the Captain. "Oh, so you wanted to be killed too? I can make that happen!" Jass casts Fly and rises up, intentionally bumping into a yardarm. "Hey? You attacking too? I can take ya all on!" But then he changes his expression and demeanor. "Not worth the trouble, I'm outta here!"

Jass-Takerk flies up to Merchants Level and into an alley. He then dismisses the Alter Self and Dim Doors back down to the docks in the underdeck, emerging as Jass.

Staying with the Crimson Shields, he suggests Syr and the others come back to the Crimson Shield headquarters before talking strategy. "I've got a few ideas, but don't want to talk where the walls, docks, water, and people have ears."

Bluff: 24
Intimidate: 30
Perform: 12

Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/0/3/2/2/0/0

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Saturday October 31st, 2009 10:10:21 PM

The halfling cleric waits patiently while Syr hacks away at the chest. Once the elven monk has got in, Belkior will cast another Detect Magic in order to investigate the magic upon the pearls.

Belkior climbs from the boat along with Syr and the others, following them back to the house. Unless, of course, everyone goes their separate ways. In which case, Belkior will seek out the Temple of Alemi.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 3:44:35 AM

"I'm willing to bet the attack has something to do with those pearls." Suggests the ranger to Belkior.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 4:46:06 PM

Syr stares into the hole. "Anyone want to stick their hand into there?" He looks at the chest to see if/how it is affixed to the ship. "We could just pick it up and shake those beauties out?" Unless anyone else has an idea, the elf proceeds to do exactly just that, shaking it up and down until the pearls drop. Then he gives the chest to Belkior once more for an examination with his spells.

Assuming that is all, the elf pockets the pearls saying to no one in particular, "That was for the attack at the glade." Looking at the others he comments, "Let's get off this hunk as Jass suggested. Let's meet up briefly at the house and then catch up on business here in town?"

Mac: AC:25, HP:137 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 5:53:10 PM

Mac shoots a puzzled look at Syr, as he is certain the breaking in of the top of the chest has not done anything to make it no longer be bolted to the floor.

He considers the interactions out loud. "Takerk worked for Perimon, Jack killed Takerk, this ship is Perimon's,... so was this ship about to be sent to attack Jack or his supporters? Given what Jass can do, can we really believe that is Takerk up there? By removing the contents of the chest what are we achieving?"

Last Minute Details - DMAl 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 7:26:12 PM

It appears that last night's attack has meant that no courier will be arriving with the mysterious destination of the Wrath. With this realization, Jass does his best Mad Dwarven Wizard imitation and leaves the docks.

While he's gone, Belkior casts Detect Magic once again. His second casting confirms that it is the auras of these pearls that he had detected before through the wood of the chest.

Syr, expecting the worst, puzzles a way to get the pearls out of the chest without losing his hand in the process. The chest itself is securely bolted to the floor of the hold. A detail that Mac points out. There is no way to lift the chest up and shake it.

Brahmah adds that he too believes that the attack had something to do with the pearls, which brings up the question, was the attack a success or a failure?

Jass returns and suggests that the group return to the Shield properties on Merchant level and discuss things in more private surroundings. Syr agrees. Brahmah expresses suspicion over the priority given the repairs to the Wrath. He tells the others that he'll be staying to keep an eye on things.

Mac strings his own wagons to the train of reasoning - with echoes of Syr's questions as to who may be friend and who may be foe. He questions whether the body that the Shields hid and substituted is actually Takerk the dwarf at all. He also questions the taking of the pearls.

"Ahoy! Crimson Shields!" A voice drifts up from the dock. "Are you through with your investigation?"

It seems that the investigation is indeed over on the ship. But how to get the pearls, if indeed the pearls are to be taken at all?

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 10:08:10 PM

The halfling cleric shrugs as he listens to the others debating how to get the pearls from the chest.

"Anyone have a stick and some tree sap? Not that I'd know anything, but the other halflings sometimes forget that I'm a Paragon of Alemi. I mean, that would show you if there was a trap of some kind, wouldn't it? Or, if you'd rather, I do have a Regeneration spell memorized."

OOC - CS updated. Trying link above.

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self) 
Monday November 2nd, 2009 11:48:00 PM

"Oh, picking up the Pearls is easy", says the sorcerer. He simply conjures an Unseen Servant to fetch the pearls for him. :-) Once the pearls are retrieved, Jass leads the way to the Crimson Shields headquarters.

"Hush, my companions, and lets speculate in better surroundings. People can overhear us here."

Once back in thier quarters, Jass still won't talk. Instead, he performs a complicated magic, taking at least 10 minutes of time, until he erects a Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum. "OK, now I'm certain that we won't be overheard. No scrying or seeing can come into our house for 24 hours. So this is what I think..."

Jass waits until he has the full attention of the others. "What if Takerk and his friends were no longer useful to Perimon? What easier way that to have the sailors convieniently off on furlough and his 'picked men' to get assassinated by some other hired help? I think we witnessed the tying up of some loose ends."


Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/1/3/2/2/1/0

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009 8:19:51 PM

Syr stretches his back tenderly wondering if his efforts have yielded a hernia. Then he growls at the Jass for the easy extraction of the pearls, "Hmph, I did all the hard work and the magiker gets the prize." He grins at Jass, "Xenia did something similar once br reading off a paper."

Then back at the house he watches with interest as Jass performs a complex ritual and hears the sorcerer's words, "Loose ends? Could very well be. Or could be just an example to frighten others for their 'failures', the end result is the same. How about we make some discrete inquiries into Lord Perimon's activities as it relates to the Crying Woods. Maybe he made some promises that he now can't keep?"

Home Again Home Again - DMAl 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009 8:59:38 PM

Jass conjures an unseen servant and orders it to pluck the pearls from out of the chest. This invisible creature of magical means reaches its essence in through the hole in the chest. Nothing untoward happens. It comes out with the five pearls and hands them to Jass.

The Crimson Shields leave for their home on Merchant Level. Brahmah is the only one who remains at the docks. Once the protectors of Floating City are off the ship, the dock hands tow the Wrath to the dry dock using small row boats and turtles. Brahmah watches as workers scramble over the ship to fix the large gaping hole in its hull.

Whoever commissioned the repairs seems to have quite a lot of clout.

Back at the Shield properties, Jass begins a long spell. Something to provide a little privacy. Syr, in the meantime, finds a note on the kitchen table. The note is written in Wynn's flowing hand.

Something happening in Floating City. Going underground. You may see me, but you won't know me.

If Xenia makes it back, tell her I miss her. I'll see her again.

Wynn Brightsong.

Looks as though Wynn will be doing his own investigations.

Once under the cover of Jass' spell, the Crimson Shields begin airing their speculations.

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self) 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009 10:48:23 PM

"You told me I'm part of the group, the team, the companeros. You did your part to help, as sweaty as it was, and I did mine. Together, we made a pretty good team!" Jass is happy to banter with Syr and he starts to feel like he is part of the team.

"I agree that we should look in on Mister Perimon and his actions. And really, until then, I shouldn't be walking around like the dwarf wizard... someone may put a knife in my back and burn down the building I was in!"

Jass re-acquires Furball from Belkior and sees how to divvy up the money.


Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/1/3/2/2/1/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009 11:39:53 PM

The ranger waits on the docks for the better part of the day, noting any dandies, poofs or important looking folks and then journeys back to the Crimsons place. He knocks on the door before entering so there are no hastily thrown spells. "Yo ho ho."

(OOC: Rolled hit points in LnB.... working on update)

Mac: AC:25, HP:149(14th) 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 1:36:53 AM

Mac watches on - with no real gift for politics he simply tries to take in what he can.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 8:29:15 PM

Syr returns fromthe kitchens with a somber expression on his face, "Sorry guys, it looks like we won't be seeing Wynn for a while." He passes the note to Belkior to read.

Although Jass is speaking Syr doesn't seem to hear him and sits quietly in the corner muttering to himself, "I can't even recall all the names now, there was Drew, Tiree, Bart, Jez, Tionel, and lately it's ... Bralin, Angus, Florin, Xenia, and now Wynn."

Shaking himself from his musing he looks up at the sorcerer with a random thought, "Just swing by the catacombs and give everyone an idea of what the items are and what they are worth. As far as I'm concerned, we spit the proceeds... FIVE... can it really be? Five ways?" The elf resumes his blank stare lost in his own thoughts.

The Fruits of Labor - DMAl 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 9:04:06 PM

There isn't, after all, much discussion of a secret nature. Some speculation. Some statements of resolution.

Brahmah watches the repairs to the Wrath for most of the morning. During that time he sees neither dandies, poofs or anyone who looks terribly important.

Jass mentions loot, and Syr outlines the method that the Shields have long used for dividing captured spoils. When laid out on the kitchen table, the items are as follows. One pouch containing 6000 gp. One pouch containing 3000 gp. 15000 gp received from the elves of Elvenguard. One amulet. Two rings. One wand. One pair of gloves. One vestment upon which is stitched a symbolic representation of a black root sundering a boulder. And one dark wooded staff. The wooden plate armor, the tower shield, and the two wooden vials of potion have long since rotted and fallen apart.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 10:04:37 PM

The halfling cleric closely examines the vestment while being careful not to touch it. Belkior is relatively certain what the object is since he's nervously fingering his own version dedicated to Alemi.

"This is probably a version of Setanos' Vestment but we don't know how powerful. Let me sketch the symbol on it so that we can investigate and learn more about these druids."

"The rest of it ... someone should take to the Catacombs to identify and figure out what it's worth. Maybe one or two items might be interesting for someone."

Halfling Grigory 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 10:56:23 PM

Another turtle arrives bearing a small group of passengers. They disembark and the turtle and pilot glide away and disappear from view. A Halfling remains standing at the dock looking around. With little better option he heads towards the one person at the docks who does not appear to be preoccupied with some form of obvious employment -- Brahmah.
He stands merely two inches over three feet though his mortarboard adds a little to his height. He wears a pure white academic gown which flows to his feet, and a black hood lined with the colour gold on the inside covers his backpack. Looking up to Brahmah he says,
"Excuse me please, sir. Could you point me towards the Giggling Ghost? I am looking for the Crimson Shields and the Bard Armathen Ebano of Plateau City suggested that I might find them there."

His voice is clear and deep (for a halfling). He sounds as though he has had elocution lessons, though his tone does not have that note of superiority that usually comes with those lessons. Rather, he sounds cheerful. A pair of seagulls fighting over a scrap of food catches his attention and he chuckles at them.
"Silly birds. Larus canus if I'm not mistaken. Plenty of food about for all of them but it seems to be a social quirk that they must fight for their food. Rather like haggling, really.
"Pardon me, I ramble on without introducing myself. I am Grigory Hamwich Fern Pipewood Trufflefinder, born in the Crescent Valley, not that many people have heard of the place, let alone been there." He chuckles again. "Sweet place it is, I look forward to returning again soon. However, I also look forward to the civilisation the Float offers. Too long have I been in the wild places of Elenna of late. Or too deep in my books have I been, and now I long for some companionship."

He offers his hand in friendship.

Jass- Takerk AC 12 HP 60/60 (Alter Self) 
Wednesday November 4th, 2009 11:23:21 PM

Jass raises an eyebrow, and looks around, but it seems apparent to the sorcerer that Syr is introspective, and Belkior, Brahmah, and Mac are content with Jass of Downs to take the entire treasure to the Catacombs.

So the sorcerer scoops it all up. He leaves the 24,000gp cash in the Crimson Shield house, and moves off to the Catacombs with the One amulet. Two rings. One wand. One pair of gloves. One vestment upon which is stitched a symbolic representation of a black root sundering a boulder. And one dark wooded staff.


Spells 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
Avail. 6/8/8/8/7/6/4
Used. 0/1/3/2/2/1/0

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 147) 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 1:13:51 AM

The ranger looks at the halfling and smiles. "You have found us little one. Follow me, I was about to return home."

Upon reaching the residence, Brahmah turns the halfling over to the Crimsons. "Gentlemen, this is The Great Bard from Plateau City, Armature Albino, he is seeking employment. I would have sent him to the WLA, but it turns out he specifically asked for us." At that, Brahmah stops, sits and waits for stuff to happen.

Halfling Grigory 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 1:47:56 AM

"Err, sorry, excuse me Brahmah. Thank you for the introduction but it was Arm who suggested that I seek the Crimson Shields at the Giggling Ghost. My name is Grigory Hamwich Fern Pipewood Trufflefinder. I am a Scholar, Accountant, Adventurer and Mage. I seek knowledge of all forms, and have turned my eyes to this area."

He stands next to Brahmah though he is merely two inches and three feet tall. His mortarboard adds little to his height. He wears a pure white academic gown which flows to his feet, and a black hood lined with the colour gold on the inside covers his backpack.

"I've heard from associates of my brother, the Mithril Order in Plateau City, that you might be wanting another adventurer. I was rather hoping that there's a vacancy that I should fill..."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 3:31:39 AM

Looking at the halfling, Brahmah smiles. "Anyway! I need to go off for a bit to the WLA and train. I'll be back when you need me."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 7:31:52 PM

Watching Jass depart with the loot shakes Syr from his funk, he spends the time cleaning up the house until Brahmah arrives with a follower.

Syr looks at the diminutive figure beside the minotaur. He raises an eyebrow in question, "What you heard is true. We seem to have lost a few members recently. However, we generally don't go out and recruit as we require a person of a certain moral character. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what needs we have. Everything is still a bit fresh to me. Besides this weird idea of talking to your 'arm' and of bit of knowledge, how do you think you can help?"

Pulling Belkior aside, "He is of your race, what do you think Belk? Want him to tag along? Maybe make him Brahmah's responsibility since he brought him?

A Halfling Cometh - DMAl 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 8:58:44 PM

Belkior makes a sketch of the symbol on the vestment before handing it over to Jass to take to the Catacombs. Jass takes the magic items and leaves, just missing Brahmah as he returns with a halfling in tow.

A round of mix up follows in which names fly thick and fast. Most of them are the wrong names, though, with amusing effect. Through it all, the halfling mentions a name several times: The Mithril Order of Plateau City. Only Syr and Belkior, though, have any reason to know the name. Months ago, they had sailed with an adventuring group from Plateau City. Through the dark forests the two groups had gone, and over the grassy plains to the tomb of a powerful mummy. The Mithril Order had been Arm, Edmund, Conner, Mira, Kadaz, Shadow, Thar, and Ash.

With the morning's investigations and the trip up the levels, the time now is an hour or so after noon.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste  d20+4=21 ;
Thursday November 5th, 2009 10:40:26 PM

The halfling cleric takes his copy of the symbol up to the Temple of Alemi. Belkior prefers to start with the familiar, hoping that someone there will recognize the symbol. If he isn't successful, Belkior will ask his superiors about which of the druid orders in the Float are on the best terms with Alemi.

As ever, Belkior cannot quietly move about in the Float. His devotion to Alemi is clearly evident to everyone around and he is quickly surrounded by a crowd of children, some of whom are taller than himself. Still, Belkior takes the opportunity while he is handing out healthy snacks to the children to inquire about recent events in the Float.
Gather Information = 21

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Thursday November 5th, 2009 11:12:52 PM

Soon enough, Jass is back from his foray to the Catacombs. "It took a little while, but now I'm back!" he says confidently while striding into the protected building of the Crimson Shields.

(ooc: don't have gold from Catacombs yet, but just posting for role-playing)

The thinnish human stops short on seeing the white-robed and small scholar standing in the foyer. "Hey, what have we here? One of Belkior's cousins once removed on his mothers uncles fathers side?" The straw-haired human's eye glint at the jest.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Friday November 6th, 2009 4:28:21 AM

"My responsibility? Its not like he's a dog who followed me home! He's an adventurer and I believe he could take care of himself."

Halfling Grigory  d20+12=13 ; d20+12=25 ;
Friday November 6th, 2009 5:20:38 AM

"Belkior, could I have a look at that, before you run off? I would like to see if I recognise it?" - Knowledge 13, nat 1, dang
"Ahhh, see this here," pointing at the symbol sketched, "it looks like a root, and this is the reason I am here. That's right - the very reason I have come. This symbol, you see, is something I have never seen before, and my mission is to learn everything about the region, so here I begin."

"I don't know if we are related, but the name Belkior sounds familiar. Do you come from the Crescent Valley?
Knowledge (local) 25
"The 'Wild Halfling'? Errr, I mean, the ward of the Temple of Alemi. I was around 20 when you came to the Crescent Valley.
"Oh hang on, that's Jass making fun of both of us. Ha!" he has a genuine laugh at this. "His name is Jass, right? All humans look the same to me." Grigory chuckles at this for a moment.

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70  d20+14=20
Friday November 6th, 2009 9:45:50 AM

Jass is still smiling, but the amusement has slipped from his eyes. The man takes a more careful look at the Halfling and tries to get a feel for what the little fellow is actually doing here opposed to the reason he SAYS he's here.

"The Powers know that Brahmah saw you get off the turtle taxi, so you are probably not from around here. But if you know me or even heard of Jass of Downs, you come from a lot further away than some settled halfling valley." He cocks his head to one side and glances at the other Crimson Shields, "unless there are mirror twins up here in the Northern Continent that I don't know about?"

Still, the scholar looks non-threatening and the others are all about, so Jass tells his Unseen Servant to go make some tea, then settles in the meeting area. "So, tell us more about your journey and this Mithril Order that knows the Crimson Shields of Hope. They sound like they are another adventuring group that Syr, Belkior, and... well, that the older members would have known. That is pretty good bona fides to me!"

Sense Motive: 20

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday November 6th, 2009 5:15:50 PM

The dark haired elf holds out his hand for a handshake, "Well, it seems you do know a thing or two. We did meet the Knights that you say referred you and fought shoulder to shoulder with them. My name is Syrdeth Redbow. I'm guessing you are welcome to join us. Please take no offense but your time with us may be limited by your usefulness. We have a tendency to get into some mix ups and we wouldn't want to see you hurt."

Mac: AC:25, HP:149(14th) 
Friday November 6th, 2009 9:19:39 PM

Mac greets the new halfling with a little wave and a pointy-toothed grin. "Not that we want to see anyone get hurt..." The dark (and taller) taur's train of thought is momentarily side-tracked by 'arrows', before he continues, "...but it is only fair that you receive warning in advance. They call me Mac."

"I'm also going to have to pay a visit to the WLA - a little physical aptitude training, if you will. Be back as soon as I can."

Afternoon Falls to Night - DMAl 
Friday November 6th, 2009 9:28:41 PM

Belkior takes the drawing of the symbol from the vestment and leaves for Open Level. In one of the Great Corners of Open Level stands Alemi's Temple of Truth. They point him in the direction of the Circle of Alder, and Belkior recalls one or the other of the Shields mentioning that name before. The Circle of Alder have a chapter house on Gold Level.

The halfling spends some time with the city's children, asking about recent events. The children don't seem to know much. But they love their Belkior. And one of their mothers mentions the increase in crimes attributed to that atrocious Jack of Diamonds. The children, however, seem to react to the name as to some sort of folk hero.

Jass returns from the Catacombs with a number 178968 gold pieces for the lot, traded at the usual rate. (Save us some time.)

The afternoon passes with tea and banter.

Evening falls. (Amazing how the light falls and stars appear above even though the entire level must be completely enclosed.) Grigory, having just arrived in the Float, has not made arrangements for accommodations. Night will come soon, and soon enough as well, another day.


OoC: Not sure what your Knowledge Local 25 roll was for, Grigory. Did you need an answer to that?

Mac: AC:25, HP:149(14th) 
Friday November 6th, 2009 10:32:24 PM

Jass returns from the Catacombs with a number 178968 gold pieces for the lot, traded at the usual rate. (Save us some time.)

OOC: What were the items? I thought we were finding out what things were, in case there were things people actually wanted and didn't then have to buy them back at an 11% premium. If not, can we please do this in future?

Afternoon Falls to Night - DMAl 
Friday November 6th, 2009 11:14:53 PM

OoC: Good enough. If you want that, though, you'll have to wait for the Catacombs staff to wake up and actually do something. No problem with that. Might take a while, though.

Cayzle Comments: LOL! This former Catacombs Staffer has been filling in!

Halfling Grigory 
Saturday November 7th, 2009 2:40:27 AM

"Useful; that can be rather subjective, I suppose. My training is as an accountant, but my studies have been in, well everything. I have an aptitude for the Arcane Arts. I tend to stay out of 'mix ups,' as you call them, unless I instigated it by causing the confusion. I do not carry a weapon, if that is what you mean by useful. I prefer to stand back and have the laws of physics unfurl, fold and then curl to my advantage.
"Do you have an Accountant?"

"More importantly, do you have a recommendation for a vendor of regular accommodation? A venue of fine facilities would be preferred, and price is no object. I should rather enjoy a hot bath, hot tea and a bed."

OOC the Knowledge Local roll was to know something of Balkior's backstory. It was likely that Grigory would know something of it being a little older and growing up in the same village. If it had been a poor roll he wouldn't have know anything of it.

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Saturday November 7th, 2009 9:51:13 PM

Jass isn't sure about how much the new Halfling should know, but Master Grigory has given an excellent excuse to be rid of him for a while. "Why Grigory, we wouldn't hear of it. If you are a companion to the companions of my companions, we would have to give you temporary lodgings here. There is a room just up those stairs and second to the right. Go and put your belongings there and take a nice bath. We'll see everyone at supper."

And once the Halfling is gone, Jass reveals the rest of the treasure.

With the 24,000 gold I left with Syr, the total for last adventure is 202,968 gold, minus 770gp for the Identify spells, it comes to 202,198 gold. Split 5 ways, that comes to 40,439 gold and 8 silver.

The magic items we got are listed here. (and Jass provides the list below) I think the way this can work is anyone who wants one of these items, as long as it is less than 40,439 gold, can take that item out of the party treasure, and keep 10% of the items cost in money. For example, if Jass got the Ring of Evasion, it would look like this...

40,439.8 gold total
- 25,000 gold Ring of Evasion
+ 2,500 gold 10% Ring (since it was not sold)

17, 939.8 gold Total + Ring to Jass


36,000 gp -- Amulet of Wisdom +6
27,000 gp -- Ring of meld into stone
25,000 gp -- Ring of evasion
11,250 gp -- Wand of Cure Critical Wounds
36,000 gp -- Gloves of Dexterity +6
13,000 gp -- Setanos' Vest +1
50,600 gp -- SpellStaff: +1 Defender / +1 Speed


Jass would like the Gloves of Dex +6

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Sunday November 8th, 2009 10:43:25 PM

The halfling cleric is interested in the deliberations about the goods taken from the druid in the Crying Woods. Belkior would be interested in improving his ability to cast spells using that necklace but he realizes that others might like it, too. Of course, he can always make something for himself given enough time.

"I can carry and use that wand for everyone, if you wish."

Halfling Grigory 
Sunday November 8th, 2009 11:27:22 PM

"Second to the right, see you on the morrow. G'night, and thank you very much."

Grigory ascend to the aforementioned room, and disrobing he casts Prestidigitation to clean his clothes and body. With some light garments he retires to bed.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Monday November 9th, 2009 7:44:48 AM

Brahmah sits and wonders which animal he might be able to find in this area. He goes out to the nearby forest.

On his way to the forest, Brahmah stops by the WLA.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Monday November 9th, 2009 5:35:51 PM

Syr watches as Brahmah leaves, telling the big minotaur's back, "The closest thing to a forest is the park on the open air level of the Floating City."

Syr goes up to his room in preparation for his visit to Ivy tomorrow.

Night Brings a New Day - DMAl 
Monday November 9th, 2009 9:04:46 PM

The evening is largely taken up by accounting. There's nothing like an actual accounting of loot to stir the interest in confiscated treasures. Oddly enough, the only one left out of things is the self-professed accountant. Grigory is lent a room and retires upstairs. Wynn and Xenia's old room is now vacant, and the halfling finds a more than spacious queen size bed. French doors open onto a balcony from which can be seen the back garden, and a small strip of woods beyond a low stone wall.

Brahmah goes out in search of more spacious woods. Syr points him in the direction of Open Level, two levels up. On the way, the minotaur stops off at the Floating City WLA center. "Brahmah, isn't it?" A tough and brawny looking halfling, nothing at all like either Belkior or Grigory, calls out to the minotaur. "I saw you in here training a few weeks ago. You're a pansy. Come back tomorrow and I'll whip you into shape. If I'm not here, ask for Cleatus. Cleatus Hardhill."

After the visit to the WLA center, Brahmah makes his way up to Open Level. He finds the so called woods. What they are, in fact, are a well manicured parkland. There are few animals here, none seem to be wild. (Brahmah, see note below.)

Evening turns to night, and soon comes a new day. Now that they're back, and settled back into their home, there are duties and responsibilities for the Crimson Shields to attend to. None the least of these things is a visit to Florin's wife and daughter.


OoC: If you'd like to acquire a new companion, you'll have to tell me what you want, Brahmah. There are no wild forests anywhere near the Float. Make you're wishes known, and I'll arrange a meeting.

Halfling Grigory  d20+10=15 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+10=22 ;
Monday November 9th, 2009 11:03:06 PM

"Oh, nice. Yes, I could come to enjoy this. The light. The space. The... l'ambiance. Che bella."
Grigory reads for a while, then makes notes and illustrates some of his own books. He describes the journey by turtle, the docks and his first impressions of the Floating City. He is careful to be objective in his language. His depiction of the turtle is reasonable (Craft 15), of the docks(25) and the city at large(22) are both quite good.

In the morning he heads down stairs quietly, offering to make tea, "if, of course, I can reach anything..." He chuckles at this little joke of his own derision, a hearty mirth that flow from deep within.

Belkior - AC 26 - HP 136 - Bead of Karma, Haste 
Monday November 9th, 2009 11:06:20 PM

The halfling cleric rises with the sun to make his morning devotions to Alemi. In consideration of his companions, Belkior is as quiet as possible while he is meditating and praying for healing magic from the God of the Wold.

Unless someone else has risen, Belkior will quietly pad into the kitchen to make himself a simple meal of granola, dried fruit and whatever other staples are left in the kitchen that fit within his dietary restrictions. Some might call it boring but the Paragon feels that his simple repast will serve him well as he ages, helping to keep him fit enough to fit into the armor. Still, Belkior can't help but wonder if he needs to exercise more. Some of the brothers at the Temple adopt ritual dance or something like that into their meditations and they seem to be able to maintain their devotions.

Once the others have risen and are ready for the day, Belkior will join them on the way to visit Florin's family. It's an uncomfortable part of the duties of the healer, to be skilled in telling family and loved ones of someone for whom your healing skills and magic were insufficient. That wasn't really the case for Florin, but Belkior's failings were what caused the paladin to make his sacrifice. Belkior is not looking forward to this visit and selfishly wants to have the others with him.

Halfling Grigory 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 5:22:22 AM

The little scholar is quite restless, and, after a time fidgeting in his chair, shuffling about as though it were uncomfortable, he stands and says,
"Actually, I should like to start to explore the Float. I will be back later in the day - unless I am needed... No? Okay. Does anyone need anything?"

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 1:29:21 PM

Jass comes out of his first floor suite looking a little rumpled and rubbing sleep from his eyes. Silk robe casually tied, he flops down in a chair and accepts a mug of tea from Girgory and a bowl of granola from Belkior with a grunt of thanks. Furball on the other hand, is chipper and inquisitive. The little weasel scoots about, chattering constantly. The half-hearted growls for quiet from the human sorcerer seems to be really funny to the weasel, until Jass covers his ears with his hands.

"All right, all right, I shouldnt have celebrated with the second bottle on my own. Now can you just leave me here to die?"


Later in the morning, Jass is back to his usual self, and ready to make a trip to Florins' family. "Not that I know them very well", he professes, "but Furball is insisting."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 5:39:12 PM

Syr leads the way to Florin's house with Ivy and Jella. For most of the walk, he is silent and introspective. However one question does arise and he asks Belkior, "With Florin gone, what happens to Ajax?"

He knocks on the door and places the sword in both hands in front of him. The sword feels heavy and he holds it with respectfully as if the passed paladin were the sword. His eyes drift down and he notices that subconsciously he did not grab the hilt as if by grabbing the paladin's sword, he is taking the man's place.

When Ivy opens the door, his eyes meet hers as he nods once before proferring the sword.

Belkior - Addendum 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 8:54:37 PM

The halfling cleric considers Syr's question, fingering the edge of his vestment as he does.

"I'm not sure, Syr. A paladin's mount is a kind of summoned creature. So, Ajax might remain whereever he was called from ... but I don't know if Ajax will be eternally waiting for a call that will not come or released from service."

Sad Tidings & A Stranger - DMAl  d100=15 ;
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 8:55:13 PM

Morning finds another sunny day. The skies are blue with high fluffy clouds. At the Shield properties, the halflings tend to food, as halflings are often wont to do. Grigory leaves early, citing a desire to see the sights of Floating City. (Grigory, if you state in basic terms what you're after, I can fill in some details for you.)

Neither of the minotaurs are in evidence. Perhaps they both spend the night at the WLA center. Brahmah may possibly have spent the night in the open air, under the night sky in the park-like woods of Open Level.

And so it is that Syr, Belkior and Jass find themselves on their way to Florin's house come mid-morning. They make the short journey up to Gold level, heavy with the news they must deliver.

Ivy answers the door in a velvet and brocade house dress. Her face lights up with a smile to greet the Crimson Shields. She looks past the trio and out into the street, possibly searching for Florin. Then, her eyes note the expressions on the faces of the three Shields, and they drop, then, to the sword in Syr's hands. Her hand rises to cover her mouth. The look in her eyes is a mix of realization, denial, and dismay.

"Is everything alright?" A voice comes from deeper inside the house. Footsteps approach from within. A man walks into view. Heavy set, but with an air of grace, he sports dark blue hair. "Ivy?" he asks, and he assess the situation with intense green eyes.

Belkior - Addendum 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 10:33:33 PM

The halfling cleric pauses as the man comes to the door. Belkior had been preparing to speak with Ivy alone and he doesn't have a speech prepared for this event.

"Ivy ... Florin .... followed his calling. I don't know what else to say."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Tuesday November 10th, 2009 11:38:58 PM

As outdoor minded as this ranger might be, Brahmah knows when to use the comforts allotted him.... he returns to the Manor to sleep.

He returns to the WLA VERY early in the morning and likely is done there for the day even before the rest rise.... except, perhaps, the halfling cleric.

"I should have remembered that this place has the wildlife reserve park thing on that one level."

Finding Belkior, Brahmah spends a portion of the morning with him, but when the uncomfortable scene with Ivy occurs, he makes tracks. Brahmah doesn't know Ivy and frankly doesn't want to be part of an potentially emotional scene.

OOC: Personally, I don't care what animal; giant croc, brown bear, tarrasque, or tiger would be fine.m :)

Halfling Grigory  d20+10=13 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+1=3 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=21 ;
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 1:07:50 AM

Grigory wanders to the Merchant Level. He is looking to replace some of his equipment loaned to a friend.
"Never loan something you're not willing to give away," he mutters to himself with good humour, "I should have just given the easel to him."

He walks past the Temples here, past Butch's Butchery, past Amon's House of Music. The little scholar's mind wanders as he walks a few laps of the Merchant Level. He sits and makes a sketch of the Critaceous' Certified Curios from across the way. It takes him four attempts and the better part of two hours before he is happy with the sketch (Craft- Drawing: 13, 15, 12, 27)

Illustrating the details of the stores stock brings Grigory back to earth. He remembers his shopping list, and the attack in which he lost his belongings. He had to forfeit them as he ran for his life.
"Mayhaps I am on the wrong level. A very curious place this," he laughs his hearty laugh as he looks about, "very curious indeed."

Wardrobe -- preferably Halfling
Writing desk
Lockable drawers
More quills and ink and blank volumes
Night shirts.
Down pillow
Travelling blanket
Stationary set
Shaving kit
Walking boots
Dining table and chairs -- for 8, human sized, a gift to the Shields
A large black leather, bat-winged chair -- mine.

The Glow Worm Inn attracts his sense of mischief and hunger at lunch time. He spends the afternoon eating and drinking at the inn, and asking about the Merchant Level, making sketches of the inn and out the windows, and writing brief notes into his books.
Gather Info 3, Sketches 17, 26, 14, 21.

With a sense of when dinner is ready that only a Halfling or teenage boy can possess, Grigory returns to the Shield's apartment as dinner is being readied.

Mac: AC:25, HP:149(14th) 
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 8:24:21 AM

Mac calls back in during the morning, having trained some at the WLA, and then had the sleep of the weary before an early wake up call and more training - swimming in the cool of the morning. Physically tested, he leaves a note on the table and sets out into the city in search of other Shields, starting with the Construction Office.

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70  d20+14=26 ;
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 9:59:05 AM

Jass keeps in the background, but his eyes narrow suspiciously with the arrival of the stranger. "Furball", he tells his Familiar, "go find Jella". With a chitter that Jass knows means "you betcha", Furball is off Jass' shoulder and scampering through the house for his playmate.

The sorcerer allows Belkior and Syr to run the conversation, since they know Ivy a lot longer than the Southern Continent expatriot. Jass keeps his eyes on the stranger, looking at what he says and does not say, his non-verbal gestures to give a clue as to what relationship this man has with Ivy and what he is doing in this house.

Sense Motive: 26

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 8:36:21 PM

Syr drops one hand from the sword and holds it out for Ivy to hug, "He has become one with the Crying woods. You know Florin, he is... was always the one to step to the forefront. He gave his life as he lived it. I know it's not much consolation, but he saved the elves."

The elf glances at the stranger curiously but focuses his attention on comforting Florin's widow.

Three Separate Ways - DMAl 
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 9:03:19 PM

Grigory wanders about Merchant Level drawing the most curious things. Merchant Level seems to cater to a generally well dressed class of people. Nothing too opulent, but reasonably well heeled.

When it comes time to purchase the things that he needs, the halfling finds that most everything that he wants can be found at an odd little place called the Thieves Guild, which is not actually a Thieves Guild. All Guilds, Grigory finds, are outlawed in Floating City. In addition to the things on his list, he finds a curious bird cage in the shape of a cat's stomach, a three handled buttering knife, and a weather vane built to be worn on the head like a hat. The one thing he does not find is a large black leather, bat-winged chair. He does find a large bat-winged chair, but this one is in a deep rich chocolate brown. The proprietor of the Thieve's Guild says that he'll throw the chair in with the lot for a hundred and fifteen gold pieces. It seems the chair keeps coming back. He's beginning to think that its cursed.

At the WLA, Mac is accosted by a brawny scarred halfling. "Didn't think you were going to show up, Pansy!" The halfling squints his eyes and peers at Mac. "Sorry, thought you were someone else. All you minotaurs look alike."

Later, at the Shield Construction building down on Fence Level, Dotta greets Mac and offers him a seat in the office. She tells him that she's seen nothing of Syr or the other Crimson Shields. She also asks Mac if he'd deliver a progress report. The work on the northeast pillar on Gold Level is nearing completion.

At Florin's house, in the meantime, are not going well. While Brahmah steps back and departs, Syr and Belkior break the bad news. Ivy, on the verge of tears, refuses to bow to her sorrow. She leans on Syr, taking comfort in his arms for a moment before breaking away.

"I'm sorry, please come in. It was rude of me to ... keep you waiting outside. This is Corvis. Corvis Zurvich. He's a friend of Florin's. Stopped by for ... for a visit."

She invites the three Crimson Shields into the parlor where, from the china settings, she had been having tea with Corvis. She invites them to sit, and the Shields relate the specifics of how Florin became one with the Crying Woods.

Upstairs, Furball finds Jella seated at a desk in one of the rooms. In her hand is a stick that Jass sometime uses to mark on sheets of paper. He pokes his head into the door and comes across the floor in the mink's distinctive undulating gait. A few quick jumps and he's up on the table. Jella jumps with surprise, but then quickly laughs and holds the end of the stick our for Furball to grab. The mink's eyes augmented by the intelligence of his roll as a familiar, resolve the lines on the paper into a picture of a knight. The knight wields a sword against an indistinct looking green blob monster.


OoC: Well, that's inconvenient. Corvis is actually Justin's new character. I've emailed him twice. I wonder where he is.

Belkior - Addendum 
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 10:37:06 PM

The halfling cleric nods to Corvis in greeting before extending his small hand.

"Belkior Orvisson. I am ... we were ... companions of Florin. Ahhh ... we call ourselves the Crimson Shields."

Belkior's voice trails off as he runs out of things to say. He's never been good with this kind of thing.

Corvis Zurvich 
Wednesday November 11th, 2009 11:03:34 PM

(OOC: Sorry Al.)

Corvis looks to the Shields and also glances towards Ivy before speaking to them, "So, your the Shields huh? I heard that Florin was teamed up with the Sword of Light for awhile and then came here to reteam up with you guys." Corvis then frowns when he takes in the comment on Florin having given up his life to help the Shields or atleast save the elves, "Sounds like something he wound do. Guess I arrived to late to offer up any aid to my old friend. Seems like not long ago Florin and I were sparring at the temple."

Corvis still eyes the Shields, "I would be interested in talking to you more if your willing. Those that Florin would so willingly give his life for are people of interest to me also."

Realizing he hasn't introduced himself he holds out his hand, "Forgot my manners. My names Corvis Zurvich a bounty hunter by trade. I been traveling alot before returning here to my home city. I was a good friend to Florin, kind of raised in the temple so to speak."

Corvis looks to be wearing no armor at all but has a longsword and shortsword with him, his backpack is inside the house yet but other then this he only has his normal dark blue colored clothes that he wears that are well tailored and his hair is cut neatly but is dark blue in color, clearly magically altered. As previously mentioned, he is large in size, more muscle then anything and his green eyes seem sharp and carefully gauging everyone.

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 4:14:11 AM

The burley halfling is at the WLA and expecting another minotaur he calls 'Pansy'... "I expect we do. I'm the other minotaur. They call me Mac. I have to make an appointment for some training."


Mac's head is already swimming with factoids, but he looks Dotta in the eye and states "Dotta has asked me to pass on a progress report: Work is nearing completion on the northeast pillar on Gold level." before finally blinking. The minotaurs mind momentarily flashed to the altar atop the pyramid. "You do good work Dotta. Where might I find Florin's family? I suspect the Shields are already there, or in transit."

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 12:11:26 PM

Jass sees that Belkior trusts the stranger, and more importantly, Ivy. So it is without great worry that he makes his excuses to Ivy. "I've got to find Furball", he says, "I bet he has gone looking for his playmate."

And so while the others talk to Ivy, Jass wanders upstairs following his empathatic sense of where Furball is with Jella. Seeing the picture, makes the sorcerer want to turn around and not do this, but he mans himself up and goes in.

Jass gets Jella to play with Furball and talk about her picture, then go on to talk about how Ivy and Florin adopted the girl and why. "There are some great memories there", he tells the child, "and you should always remember those good times together." Jass then tells the non-bloody story of the battle on the pyramid, and how, when the ceremony was busted and all hope gone, the silver-armored paladin saved the day. And in doing so, his spirit will protect not only the elves, but everyone who comes to the Woods and treats it with respect.

Jass and Furball will hold and comfort Jella for as long as she wants, but when the timing seems right, Furball will use his paws to wipe away any tears, and Jass will speak again. "Now, your Ivy-Mom is getting the news downstairs. She's going to need a brave girl to help her out. Can you do that? I know you can."

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 5:32:36 PM

Syr's eyes narrow when the man introduces himself, he makes a neutral comment to the blue haired man, "Bounty hunter you say? We have some previous experience with the type." Switching subjects quickly, "Any successes lately?"

Moving inside he watches the widow deal with the harsh reality, "I know Florin seldom saw eye to eye with his family but he was our family too. Ivy, is there anything I ....I mean we, can do for you? You should know that you only need to call and we will come." He pauses to look at her closely and waves his arm around vaguely, "You should know that we've already talked it over and you will retain Florin's share of Shield Construction, I will also ask Dotta to stop by occasionally when we are away."

Halfling Grigory 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 9:08:46 PM

"Chocolate brown. Hmmm. Not such a good colour, not such a bad one either. Nothing a little Prestidigitation can't fix. Cursed? B'ah! Surely not. But still. Hmmm. Interesting. A cursed chair?" and he laughs at this, a long hardy laugh.
"I'll take it! Can you deliver?"

The Halfling Scholar retrieves 16 coins from his pack (1 pp, 15 gp)
"And tell me, Sir, what other interesting items have you here? I am researching things like this chair, and that birdcage, and, well, everything truth be told. So, I'd like to see a little of everything."

The Afternoon - DMAl 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 9:16:29 PM

At Florin's residence on Gold Level, three of the Crimson Shield meet Corvis. Jass follows his familiar, finding his way up to Jella's room. He has a hard talk with the small girl. Some children bury things deep down inside and it's difficult to reach their pain. To see it even. In the end, she simply nods her head in silence and girl, sorcerer and mink, all three descend the stairs.

In the parlor, things are going equally as well. (Or equally badly, depending on how one views these things.) Ivy's jaw is firm, set in stoic lines. When Jella enters the room, the dark haired girl runs to her, and though she is not truly Jella's mother, Ivy holds the girl as though she were her own.

"Yes, there is something you can do." Without faltering, without hesitation, Ivy speaks up when Syr presents his offer of help. "We cannot afford this residence without the income Florin ... provided. I do the accounts. I know this. Florin loved us both, and he spared no expense for us. Now we have no place to go. I am not from here. My family is in Cinnamon Valley. I would be please if you, the Crimson Shields, would take me into your employ. I could keep your house. I ... please. This is where my husband was from. It is where he will return ... If he does return."

"If you have concerns about our safety ... " Ivy moves with a startling swiftness. Florin's sliver sword, in her hand, clears its sheath in a single fluid motion, and the blade weaves a defensive pattern about her body before coming to rest at the ready. "My husband and I often sparred together."

"An appointment for training," the burly halfling growls. "Then be here tomorrow. Early. You've got your appointment. As for Cleatus. Cleatus Hardhill. I'll review your file ... Mac. You'll drill with me."

"Master Florin?" Dotta scratches her head when Mac poses the question. "I hear he has a place up on Gold Level. Couldn't say where, though. Never been there myself."

The Thieve's Guild delivers anywhere in the Float except for Trash Level. and Grigory has a sale. The halfling spends the afternoon at the Glow-worm Inn. Unlike the nearby Message in a Bottle Tavern, the Glow-worm seems to cater to a more humble crowd. Rather than the high-powered entrepreneurs and nobles that frequent the Message, the Glow-worm caters more to scribes and accountants. The decor is simpler. There are more windows to let in the light, as opposed to the cloistered and more secretive Message. The halfling finds that they serve sixteen different flavors of scones with twenty nine different varieties of jam.


OoC: BTW, the rp in the Catacombs is great.

Thursday November 12th, 2009 10:51:54 PM

The halfling cleric smiles when he hears Ivy's request since this is certainly within the Shields' power to provide. Belkior catches himself, though, and doesn't speak before looking at Syr and the others who are sitting with Florin's widow. Unless someone objects, though, he will make the offer.

"Ivy ... certainly. Of course you've lived with Florin so you know how often we're away. We might have to make some adjustments. And we're certainly not accustomed to having children around, so Jella might have to be careful until we change things. But I think that I can speak for everyone and offer you a place in our house."

"What will you do with this place?"

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 11:03:02 PM

After a day at the WLA, provided the tempermental halfling lets him in, the ranger returns to find a new face in the Manor. "Uh.... hello. I'm Brahmah." He says to Corvis.

Remembering back to the Chosen of Domi, he thinks of the several taurs who joined, just to die or disappear shortly there after. Odd, seems to happen with this group too. "Glad you could join us... I guess. Sad really."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 11:04:58 PM

OOC: How is the loot splitting going?

Corvis Zurvich 
Thursday November 12th, 2009 11:43:04 PM

Corvis doesn't take any offense to any of Syr's comments since he barely knows the man, "I'm fairly well known in area for my work. I done alittle here in the Float, where Ivy is from, the Taur Islands and various other places. My search for my own personal reasons has taken me many places. I formly grew up here in the Floating City as mainly a street rat of sorts."

Corvis listens to what is said otherwise and watches Ivy's display before speaking up, "I'm not offering to take my friend's place or nothing but seeing as I have no parents in the Float anymore nor a family I would be open to helping out if possible. I would gladly give over some of my money to help you out. An maybe I can offer my services to the Shield's here to help with that offer also."

Corvis looks to the Shields, "I was hoping to find Florin because all my leads have ran cold on the man I seek. I had hoped till new leads come open that Florin might help me with some side work. However thats talk to be brought up at another time." Corvis's last comment being noted over Ivy and Jella and this not seeming to be the time.

Thinking Corvis does make a small comment, "Florin surely spoke to Ivy about me and if you wish to checkup on my story you can also ask at the temple of Domi. I doubt they forgot about me since I use to clean and such around the temple as a child...well after getting caught stealing some bread. Hazards of having a gambeling and poor father."

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Friday November 13th, 2009 1:25:39 PM

"Ha!", Jass exlclaims in triumph, "She has a sting!" The sorcerer is grinning openly and looks proud at the resilience of Ivy and Jella. "How can we NOT hire her on and bring her into the Crimson Shield residence?" he asks rhetorically.

"As for Mister Corvis, Syr, that's your call. Though I certainly think you pick up more strays that way..." Jass is still grinning with this statement, as he is a very recent 'stray' that Syr has 'picked up'.

Halfling Grigory 
Friday November 13th, 2009 4:06:40 PM

Grigory sits by a window in the Glow Worm, sipping at the occassional pint of ale - letting warm to room temperature first. He writes into his volume of his observations of the Float so far, and lightly illustrates in the margins. It only takes two pints before his mind starts to wander and he laughs out loud at himself as he daydreams of retiring from any form of work.
"Not yet," he says to himself, "A few more years, little friend."

The halfling is merely passing time, waiting to see his order set out on a delivery cart, assuming that it is transported mundanely. He makes a few notes on spells to cast tomorrow on that bat-winged chair.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday November 13th, 2009 6:09:59 PM

Syr nods in agreement as Belkior offers up their home for Ivy, "You will always be part of the family. We will help move your things over the next few days. Besides since Xenia left, we could use a women's touch around the place."

He eyes Corvis but responds to Jass instead appearantly feeling much more comfortable with the sorcerer these days to trade jibes, "Hey now, that last stray is Mac's. The jury is still out on Grigory. Thank you much!" He bows up his chest and stands to his all too unimpressive height of 4'10, "I only recruit members taller than me." Meeting Jorvis' eyes, "So you meet the height qualification for me, why don't you come with us and see the place?"

Corvis Zurvich  d20+3=6 ;
Friday November 13th, 2009 7:45:05 PM

Corvis smiles and nods as he offers his hand to Syr once more, "Thank you syr. Ivy told me you are...umm..was Florin's best friend. I hope we may earn each others trust also. I have some skill with a pair of blades and some sneaking skills. I hope they might be handy to you and the group. I of course am not trying to take Florin's place, he was a one of a kind after all and I fear I do not hold such a strong lawful guidance as he did. Not saying I'm bad, just he was a godly man in my eyes. An quite the swordsman."

Corvis looks to Syr a moment a thinks before speaking, "By the way, have you heard of any strangers passing through by chance? This man would of probably stay to the lower sections though. Maybe you can give me some advice on places to seek some info since I been gone so long. The Float looks like it has seen some trouble since I was last here around ten years ago." Corvis does look rather sad at hearing of the loss of Florin and anyone could tell the feelings expressed are real and not fake.

Corvis looks to Jass and thinks a moment before speaking, "I'm not sure but you look to not be from the Float...this is mainly a guess. Where are you from? Sorry to be so upfront but my searches lead me to very places and the more I know of places the more I might find what I'm looking for." Thus far Corvis hasn't mentioned what he is looking for and it would seem that what ever it is is a personal matter.

Corvis lastly looks to Ivy and speaks to her, "I do not know how he left you set anyway so is this month taken care of or atleast a few months? I would be willing to help of course Florin meant alot to me, I think if it wasn't for him and Father Fredrick I might of been much different today then I currently am." Corvis does his best to make sure his offer isn't a charity offer but a offer from a friend to her, Jella and Florin.

(Diplomacy:6 wow, hope he really didn't need that for the coversation.)

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