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OoC - DMAl 
Friday November 13th, 2009 9:03:39 PM

Sorry, heck of a day today. I'll have a post up tomorrow morning.

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Friday November 13th, 2009 9:19:34 PM

"Tomorrow. Done. See you then!" Mac heads out of the WLA. closes extraneous thread, until later
"I shall just have to take a wander then. I really should have a look around while I'm at it. Thank you Dotta." With a smile Mac departs the Shield Construction offices and heads up to and around Gold level - hoping to see someone he recognises as he makes his way about.
OOC: Good question about the loot splitting. Are Brahmah and Belkior closer to resolving their interest in the Amulet than Jass and Mac are in reolving their interest in the Gloves?

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Friday November 13th, 2009 9:37:41 PM

Brahmah remains with the group unless the WLA request him back.

Converging on Home - DMAl  d3=2 ;
Saturday November 14th, 2009 9:45:01 AM

The halfling, Cleatus Hardhill nods at Mac's acquiescence. "Bring the Pansy ... the *other* minotaur along with you," he says. "He's been avoiding me. Domi forbid, he should be *afraid* of a halfling, do you think?" Then he turns and walks away. The appointment is set for tomorrow morning.


"This flat is rented," Ivy explains to Belkior, as the Crimson Shields agree to allow her to move in as housekeeper and caretaker of their properties. "The landlord will get another tenant. It's a beautiful home. Florin always wanted the best for us."

She politely declines Corvis' offer of financial aid as she walks the men to the door. Florin had left them some savings. That money should pay for the move and tide them over until she and Jella can amass some savings of their own.

Outside Florin's home, Brahmah has been waiting all the long. (Hiding, perhaps? As well as a minotaur can on a city street.) And, as the Crimson Shields head for the Ramp that leads from Gold Level to Merchant Level, they meet Mac engaged in his search for Florin's house and the entire group heads back home.

On the way, Brahmah hears a sound. It drifts to him as though on the breeze of his own longing. The sound, actually a series of growls and moaning calls, leads Brahmah to the high wall surrounding a guarded compound. Over the top of the wall, he can see a the stately manor of one of the nobility of Floating City.

Following the wall, Brahmah comes upon a gate guarded by a trio of humans in studded leather armor. One wears dual shortswords, while the other two bear longspears. "Halt," the guard with the dual weapons calls a challenge as Brahmah approaches the gate, "state your business with House Ursidae."

Just through the gate, Brahmah can see the outer yard. There is a makeshift pen set up, and inside that pen is a large magnificent brown bear. The bear turns, even as Brahmah spies it. It looks directly at him, and lets out a lowing cry.


Back at the Glow-worm Inn on Merchant Level, Grigory (warm and somewhat glowing himself with a few ales in him) sees a large two wheeled pull cart go down the street. In front, gripping the bar and pulling the load behind them, are two young men - one human, the other half-orc. In the cart, are the goods that the halfling had purchased from Thieves Guild. Loaded onto the very back is the bat-winged chair.


OoC: Loot splitting is largely over, Brahmah. Please review your emails for the details. I highly recommend a greater attention to details from now on. Things like look could slip by you and you'd never know.

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 
Saturday November 14th, 2009 8:31:13 PM

Jass walks back with the group to the Crimson Sheilds headquarters, trading jibes with Syr. On the way, he freely tells Corvis of his arrival at the Floating City. "It's hardly a secret since half the dock workers saw it!", he begins. "I'm a traveller from the Southern Continent, and one of the side effects of the recent Great Migration is that there have been a number of spontaneous teleportation circles. Well! I happened to get trapped in one and popped out about 20 feet over the water at the Floating City docks. I was soon dry and cozy in the Giggling Ghost Inn when a city offical suggested I meet up with the Crimson Shields of Hope. And since they needed some arcane support, and I could provide my greatness on them, the match was made by the Powers."

Once back at the headquarters, Jass renews the Private Sanctum then goes to his rooms.

In his rooms, he Alter Self into Silverleaf and DIm Doors to his alter ego room. There he spends the rest of the day being an elven peddler looking for a storefront/merchant to work with for his import/export business.

Halfling Grigory 
Saturday November 14th, 2009 10:30:46 PM

With a grin and a hiccup, the little scholar throws his books into his pack and chases after the cart. He is rather happy at his purchases. Too happy perhaps. It might be the ales, it might be the anticipation at the gifts for the Shields (and the vastly superior dinning set that he has bought). It might even be that he is happy to have found himself a new home in the Float.
...or maybe it is the curiosity that the chair has brought, "Cursed, hey? Maybe? What to cast upon it tomorrow? It will fill my dreams, no doubt."

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Sunday November 15th, 2009 6:38:51 AM

After returning to the Shields' accommodations, Mac tries to gather as many Shields around as possible.

"I have some messages... news if you will. Firstly, Dotta asked me to pass on a report. Work on the northeast tower is almost complete on Gold level. I wish I'd taken the time to have a look while searching for you."

"Secondly, I met an old friend and pack-mate whilst checking in on how Jass was getting on at the Catacombs. She related some of what had come to pass since we had last met. Included was detail of some work they had done with the Children of Chaos, and specifically a friendship she had struck up with someone she called Xenia. Given when we met up you were searching for a lady by that name, I thought it was worth mentioning."

Sunday November 15th, 2009 9:58:33 PM

The halfling cleric enters the home of the Shields, opening the door for Ivy and Jella and stepping into the main room just before them. Belkior gestures towards the different rooms as he speaks to the future housekeeper for the Shields.

"Those are our rooms ... mine is on the ground floor. Everyone should tell you how often they need cleaning, if at all. The mages sometimes like their privacy. The kitchen is through there. And you can probably stay in this room here."

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Monday November 16th, 2009 7:59:17 AM

When Brahmah sees Mac, he says, "Cleatus insisted on you and I being at the WLA in the morning."

Seeing the gate and hearing the sound, the ranger strides up and looks at the guards. He smiles. "House Ursidae eh? What do you do here? Looks like your furry friend is a little eager to be released." He looks at the compound, looks at the three guards and puts it together. "Kind of heavily guarded wouldn't you say?"

(OOC: DM, I appreciate your suggestions, but keep in mind, I've been unemployed since June, in school, barely holding it together and sanity is waning. No money. No unemployment yet and already into the savings (Roth IRA) which I was hoping to use for retirement. Keep in mind my generation won't have the social security and I will likely work until the government deems me unfit.
On top of all that, my bank call Sunday and told me that someone got my card number and racked up $400+ charges!
I think I have other things to worry about besides a game I remain loyal to, in a world I have been part of since 2001... be glad I've remained THIS consistent. This is currently one of two possible escapes from real life I have left during the week. Cheers!)

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Monday November 16th, 2009 9:24:37 AM

Mac looks at Brahmah and nods. "He also referred to you by a name that threw me at first, but now I think he thinks it is a shot at your being a ranger, rather than deliberately referring to you by the name of a flower - which, by one of the few things I have come to understand about halflings, they almost exclusively reserve for their womenfolk. Or is this a long-standing friend who has thus earned the right to refer to you as he wishes?"

Corvis Zurvich 
Monday November 16th, 2009 7:12:14 PM

Corvis looks to the assembled Shields and grins some when he sees two taurs, "Well I'll be so your kind are here also. You know in the taur islands I had a taur help me with one of my bounty hunts, Seems you guys and girls in that matter are very handy in a scrap." Corvis smiles and offers a hand to Mac and Brahmah when he meets him, "My name is Corvis, a bount hunter by trade, I'm hoping to give a hand to the Shields. I'm a friend of Florin's who I had hoped to meet up with and offer some assistance to him and all of you."

Corvis glances around the apartment as he stands in the entrance room of the place and gives a small whistle, "Nice place. I don't have a place in town yet but figured I could hookup at one of the various Inns around here."

Boisterous Evening - DMAl 
Monday November 16th, 2009 9:03:31 PM


The guard with the dual weapons steps forward when Brahmah approaches while the other two with the longspears step back. Brahmah recognizes this as a classic hunting tactic used against dangerous animals.

"This is the home of Lord Bael Ursidae, the lead man replies," his eyes still narrow with suspicion. Then the man seems to note the direction of Brahmah's gaze. "Yes, Polo's been acting strangely lately." Only then does Brahmah get a wider view of the courtyard within the gate. At least two more trios of guards patrol the grounds. Each of these trios is accompanied by a great brown bear. It seems that the bears are not necessarily captives here.

Polo, the bear in the cage, lets out another lowing cry. The man shakes his head. "No one knows what's wrong with him."

*** NOW ***

All manner of persons all at the same time converge on the properties owned by the Crimson Shields. As Mac is gathering the others for his news, a large half orc and a not quite so large human barge through with a bat-wing chair.

"Where you wanting this?" the half-orc bellows to the halfling Grigory. "And the dining set. If you want the new one in here, we'll have to have the old one out. Where you want that put?"

Ivy sidesteps, pulling Jella out of the way just as man and half-orc come through with the chair. Corvis has to shout his greeting to the two taurs with all the bustle.

The Shields have a busy house as afternoon turns to evening.


OoC: Brahmah, if you'd like to pursue the thread earlier in the day I can run two separate timelines in different threads.

Monday November 16th, 2009 10:48:11 PM

The halfling cleric stays out of the way of the furniture movers having long ago learned that being proper-sized in a big person world is sometimes dangerous. Besides, someone needs to show Ivy and Jella the house and gardens. Once that is complete, Belkior retires to his chambers to study and meditate in preparation for whatever is to come.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 2:43:37 AM

Brahmah suggests to the guards that the bear may need to get out and be outside. "My black bear friend Heyoo was known for wandering when I was in cities. I recently let him go off on his own. He had been a cub when I found him. I can return here tomorrow or the next day to walk POLO or play with him. He seems like he just wants out. Your choice. I can be found with the Crimson Shields or at the WLA office."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The ranger returns home.

Brahmah shrugs. "Whatever. If Cleatus wants me in a combat scenerio, fine. Doesn't matter. I like a challenge."

"Nice to meet you Corvis, I'm Brahmah, former Captain of the Chosen of Domi and now the Shields ranger. I was a sailor by trade, but it was a forced life debt I needed to pay off. They were technically mercs/pirates, but whatever."

OOC: Thanks AL. :)

Halfling Grigory 
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 5:40:42 AM

"The chair, by the fire. The old dining set... oh I don't know. Return it to your boss and I'll talk to him about store credit. Everything else goes upstairs, second on the right. Thank you."

Grigory tries to give the half-orc a generous tip whilst staying out of his way and clearing a space for his chair. He fails at all three tasks.

"This chair is, perhaps, cursed. I don't plan to sit in it yet, and if you do, please let me know how it makes you feel. For posterity, of course. I will be working on spells to deal with that later. Perhaps tomorrow morn. First and foremost in my study of this chair, I shall change the colour from chocolate brown to..." Grigory trails off, looking out the window. He walks to it, opens it and looks out and up into a nearby tree. "Red!" he almost yells. "Red like that Aprosmictus jonquillaceus wetterensis there. The Wetar Red-winged parrot shall be my inspiration."
With some serendipity a large rat pokes its head out from Grigory's white academic gown at this exact moment. "Only inspiration, little friend, inspiration for colour. Magnificent. Red."

Jass-Silverleaf AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self)  d20+17=27 ; d20+14=28 ;
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 6:17:36 PM

Jass-Silverleaf hefts his pack of elven knick knacks and moves through the Merchant Level looking for a shop that would be willing to kick into a potential peddler. The "Critaceous' Certified Curios" looks the most promising, and so the elf steps there first.

Jass can talk the talk of a merchant, and his silver tongue can smooth the way for a good accomodation that will be mutual beneficial to both parties.

(Jass' intent is to establish his character independant of the Crimson Shields. Someone that doesn't have to be seen every day and so be another source of information brokering in the City that the Crimson Shields can completely trust.)

... Effects
Alter Self: to nom de guerre: Silverleaf
Profession Merchant: 27
Diplomacy: 28

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 7:03:17 PM

Syr returns to their house to find the small figure of Grigory already moving in, He comments to Mac with a small smile, "That didn't take long for him to reach a comfort level. Heck, he is already rearranging the furniture. Did he take Wynn's room too??? Your little buddy is a bit presumptuous, ain't he?"

As Mac is updating the others regarding the xenia 'sighting' he scribbles down what Tishe had told them on a piece of parchment before folding it and addressing it to Wynn. He drops it carefully in the carved bowl so that the bard may find it if/when he returns.

Corvis Zurvich 
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 8:04:50 PM

Corvis nods as he listens to Brahmah, "I see. I won't go into questions as that seems like a less then nice memory in it's right. It is still nice to see a taur even here in the Float. I see the taur races it seems less when away from the islands."

Corvis looks about the apartment more as he watches the movers and wonders what to do. Corvis does wonder how much a local Inn stay would cost and glances to Syr as the thought comes to mind, "Hey Syr, do you know how much any of the local Inn's cost to stay at? I figure their pricess may went up some since I was last here. Maybe Happy has a room available."

Another Morning - DMAl  d100=81 ;
Tuesday November 17th, 2009 9:02:19 PM

Grigory turns the house upside down, changing old furniture out for new. Some of the Shield's old things, in fact, go off to Alemi knows where, back with the movers.

After walking the house and grounds with Belkior, Ivy and Jella leave, returning to their flat on Gold Level to arrange the moving of their things to the Shield residences. She says that the two buildings aren't too big to be unmanageable. She might even work the garden. It will give her something to occupy her days. Though she'll likely stay out of Mac's forge.

Corvis asks about nearby inns. But there's plenty of room in the two buildings of the Shield residence. Might as well bunk here.

Night falls. Sleep comes. The next day, unlike the days previous is overcast. From the clouds overhead it may rain. Rainy days are strange in the Floating City. One can look up and see the rain coming down out of the sky but never feel a drop. Unless, of course, that is, one is outside on Open Level.


Jass ventures out as Silverleaf. The sorcerer in disguise finds himself across Merchant Level in Critaceous' Certified Curios. After winning a clerk over with his charm and wit, Silverleaf is shown to the owner, Eustachian Critaceous. A spry elderly human, thin as a beanpole, with white wings of hair and spectacles perched on a large hooked nose, he chats with Jass/Silverleaf, exchanging pleasantries.

"I like you, Silverleaf," he says with a smile. "Tell me what you've got to sell. Maybe we can do business."


Mac and Brahmah show up at the WLA, and there is Cleatus Hardhill waiting to meet them, hands on hips and grinning like a maniac. "Good to see you, Lads. Welcome to the Woldian League of Adventurers. I've got something special for you. But before we start, Cleatus Hardhill has to hear you say it. Are you ready to train? Are you? ARE YOU READY TO TRAIN?"

Tuesday November 17th, 2009 11:07:17 PM

The halfling cleric bids farewell to Ivy and Jella with an offer to provide whatever assistance is required to help them move their belongings to the Shields home. After that Belkior prepares for his rest, setting aside his equipment and preparing for sleep. Earlier than most, that is true, but he must rise with the dawn to complete his prayers.

And he does just that, rising before the first birds begin to stir and moving out into the garden to pray and meditate while he waits for the sun to come up. Once his devotions to Alemi are complete, Belkior goes to the kitchen to prepare his simple morning meal before preparing himself for the day.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Wednesday November 18th, 2009 2:00:40 AM

"Um, look, I've been through orientation. I'm already the rank of Guardsman. Send me to a job where I can help with animals. I'm not wet or green, friend." He smiles. "Seriously. Please, spare me the horn fortitude stuff." He continues to smile.

OOC: I kind of assume I get NO cash from the loot, right? Or will I owe? If I owe, let me know.

Jass-Silverleaf AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self) 
Wednesday November 18th, 2009 2:23:23 PM

Jass-Silverleaf brings out one of the beautiful hand carved wooden boxes and one of the musical instruments fashioned from leaf and reed, and lays them on a table. "There can be more if the market is right", begins the "elf", "and, of course, the price right for the crafting, the transportation, and the dangers on the road and water." He lets Eustachian pick up and closely inspect the items, encouraging him with mention of this detail or that pattern, letting the products capture the heart. "There are some other store vendors who are interested in my wares. Watho's Woodworks in particular would like to look at these boxes,..."

... Effects
Alter Self: to nom de guerre: Silverleaf

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165  d20+19=37 ;
Wednesday November 18th, 2009 3:56:19 PM

Syr begins the new day by giving offering to give Jorvis a brief tour of the city. While out and about, he checks on the construction at the tower. While out, he asks those craftsman that he knows if they have heard of any promises or plans that Lord Peerimon might have made (Diplomacy 37).

(OOC: check your emails for Brahmah's share of the loot but IF I read things right, he gets 40439.8. By taking the amulet he receives 40439.8-36000*.9=8040gps John, is that right? I haven't been following the gloves/amulet dialogue closely.)

Day's Activities - DMAl 
Wednesday November 18th, 2009 9:21:17 PM

Eustachian Critaceous inspects the box, turning it over in his hands. He gives a nod of approval. The reed instrument he fits to his hand as though about to play. "I think we can turn these over. Of course, you could go over to Old Watho, but you wouldn't get what these were worth."

"How much you asking for, say, twenty of the boxes and fifty of the pipes?"

Now, that's a good question. How much indeed?


"ALRIGHT, THEN MISSES MOO COW!" the gruff and outrageous halfling barks at Brahmah. "Go smell the flowers. Guardsman, and think you're too good for the League. Go on then, before I slug you."

"What about you, Mac. Are you ready for something new?"


Syr checks on the construction of the Northwest pillar on Gold Level. True to Dotta's message, the repairs are near completion. From the outside the pillar looks good as new. On the inside, the stairs that wind up the inner surface are nearly done.

Syr speaks to some craftsmen about Lord Perimon. Syr is a favorite in construction circles, and the craftsmen all want to be helpful. They tell Syr that Lord Perimon has his fingers in a lot of pies in Floating City. Used to be bigger into construction. But hasn't been as active lately. This, however, is no more than any other man on Floating City's streets could tell you. (For secret or more private info, you need a Gather Information check. Diplomacy only makes people more cooperative.)


OoC: Thanks for helping Brahmah with the loot situation, Syr.

Wednesday November 18th, 2009 11:01:19 PM

The halfling cleric decides to go out shopping. There doesn't seem to be much else to do so Belkior heads off to the nearest Catacombs outlet.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Thursday November 19th, 2009 12:34:41 AM

OOC: Sorry all for the help. Getting so far behind makes me feel like a fool at times. I used to be a great poster but have fallen off since losing my job and starting school. Greatly appreciated! I'll look back to see what my totals are. :)

IC: Brahmah looks at the halfling thing. "I can't tell whether your female or male either, so no harm done. And since I don't intentionally hit woman, I won't SLUG you back if you try." He smiles. "Just point the way lil' one."

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Thursday November 19th, 2009 5:26:12 AM

Mac watches the interplay between Brahmah and the halfling with interest, before replying, "Yes, Cleatus. Always ready to learn something new from the wisdom of others."

Jass-Silverleaf AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self)  d20+14=29 ; d20+17=24 ;
Thursday November 19th, 2009 8:52:48 AM

Jass-Silverleaf laughs goodnaturedly, encouraging Eustachian Critaceous to share in the joke. "Ah, you would ask me to name the cost of a warm Spring Day next. I have only just come to the Big Float and have no idea how much people would be willing to buy for. Delicate elven craftsmanship like this is possible to get beyond the Crying Woods, but you will not see its like in the city. Should I sell my people's work cheaply? This box is a masterwork, of wood not found elsewhere, of a style not seen elsewhere. I would bet you could sell such a box at 100 in gold coin. The instrument is also a masterwork, and the airy sounds can soothe a troubled brow. You would have no trouble selling this for also 100 gold. Surely there are bards in this city who would jump at the chance."

"So too, I cannot ask my people to ignore thier lives to produce knick-knacks for the city. With a few, you will be able to keep the price high, is this not so?"

"But you must also make a profit, and so... I will sell one box and one instrument for 150 gold. This will be a 25% profit for you, much higher than the usual retail fees, yes? And when I return, if you sell well, we may talk of more items."

(To get his foot in the door, Jass-Silverleaf is willing to go as low as 100gold for the both)


Whatever the final outcome with Eustachian Critaceous, Jass-Silverleaf will have the same conversation with Waltho's Woodworks, and provide one box and one instrument. (His intent, after all, is to have an known alternate personna in the Big Float, and the more who know of him, the better.)


After 12 hours of being seen as Silverleaf, Jass returns to his rooms in the Giggling Ghost, locks up, and Dim Doors back to the Crimson Shields. After ensuring his Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum is still up, he tells the others of his day, his alternate personna of Silverleaf, and the reason that he's establishing himself.

"You see, I tried just being a couple of people to gather information before we went out to the Crying Woods, but the records in this city are too accurate; people started asking where these nosy people came from. So, in order to have access to information that can't be linked to the Crimson Shields, I thought of having a completely separate identity. Maybe then we can hear things that people wouldnt tell the Crimson Shields or our employees and allies."

Jass preens over how clever he really is.

... Effects
Alter Self: to nom de guerre: Silverleaf
Diplomacy with Waltho: 29
Prof: Merchant with Waltho: 24

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165  d20+2=13 ;
Thursday November 19th, 2009 12:43:27 PM

While talking to the craftsman, Syr casually tries to pry a bit deeper into Lord Peerimon's activities without must success (Gather Information 13).

Once back with the others, he comments on Jass' progress, "I can see why you are doing it and it makes sense, but I don't have to like it. Other than a few early bumps in the road, the Shields have always been on the right side of the law and very approachable for those that need us. It just seems a bit... deceptive to me."

Corvis Zurvich  d20+8=19 ; d20+10=24 ;
Thursday November 19th, 2009 1:22:18 PM

(OOC:Sorry for missing a post.)

Corvis enjoys his night under the Shield's roof and decides to follow Syr, "Thanks for allowing me to stay at the Shield's house. You have a nice place there." As he moves along he keeps a eye out for anything of interest or anyway interest in his line of work. Thinking Corvis asks a small question, "I have a bounty I'm seeking still, would you be against me asking some of the construction workers if they seen the man? This particular hunt has lasted many since I left the Float and seems to be a on going hunt."

Depending on Syr;s reply, once Corvis reaches the construction area, Corvis will ask some of the workers questions about the bounty he seeks. (Never thought of it till now, considering, would it be possible that Corvis would have a wanted poster or something on the person?)

(Spot:19 Gather Info:24)

Looking for Something - DMAl 
Thursday November 19th, 2009 8:59:41 PM

The owner of Critaceous Certified Curios smiles. "One a piece, you say? Fair enough. I'll take one each. We'll see how they sell. But, why don't we do this on a consignment basis? I'll display them in my shop at the prices that you've suggested. And, if they sell, I'll give you 80% of whatever they wind up selling for. That's a better deal for you than you suggested. What do you say?"

Jass has very little luck with Julio Waltho. As Eustachian Critaceous said, the bald bullet-headed middle aged woodworker gave both the box and the instrument a dismissive look. From all appearances he seemed to take Silverleaf as a competitor and wants to have as little to do with him as possible. But, at least, Silverleaf, if having not made a sale, at least has made an impression.


"Door's that way, Buttercup!" The halfling, ignoring Brahmah's rejoinders, hooks a thumb at the exit, and then turns his back on the minotaur.

"Alright, Mac. The wizards have brewed up a new experimental potion that supposed to increase the rate at which your body learns even faster than the current assisted regimen of training. We need to test it. Are you willing to be the first test subject?"


Syr pokes and prods about the subject of Lord Perimon for another hour or so. No luck. Either they know nothing, or he's not asking the right questions to jog their memory.

Corvis, on the other hand, seems much more skilled at this thing. His questioning is fluid and to the point. He presents a picture for the construction workers to look at. When he's through talking to these construction workers, he's certain that they know nothing about his bounty.

(OoC: I know nothing about it either, Corvis. Could you make up a description of the man? men? woman? Something, please.)

Thursday November 19th, 2009 11:21:07 PM

The halfling cleric is still thinking about what to purchase from the Catacombs.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Friday November 20th, 2009 2:23:18 AM

"Wait, experimental potions?!" He looks suspicious and rejoins Mac. "I recommend I stick around just in case. You know, let the Crimsons know if something bad happens..." He smirks. "If I thought the runt would let me, I'd try it myself. I would rather learn on my own though, not take ENHANCERS!

Good luck Mac!" The ranger watches carefully.

Halfling Grigory 
Friday November 20th, 2009 7:11:21 AM

The morning rolls in, settles and considers giving way to midday before Grigory descends into the kitchen and lounge. He casts Unseen Servant, who then makes him breakfast -- eggs, toasts, tomato, coffee.

Grigory walks to his new chair and, without taking his eyes from it, asks, "So, did anyone sit on it for me? Oh well, one can always hope."

He sits crosslegged on the floor in front of the chair. The chair stares back at the Halfling. The Halfling stares even more intensely. Grigory casts Detect Magic and stares at the chair for an overly long time.
The chair sits there, quite still, mocking Grigory in his intense concentration.
The coffee goes cool as the tomatoes warm.
The Unseen Servant stands idly by, remembering previous masters who noticed her, remembered she was still there, appreciated her work, and even cared enough to name her.


If there are any magic auras about the chair Grigory will cast Greater Arcane Sight and stare some more.

OOC sorry about the missed posts. That was the worst week of the year.

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Friday November 20th, 2009 11:08:22 AM

At the WLA: "Be the best you can be, eh? I was expecting a weighted swim in the lake, followed by scaling the outer wall, but, yes - I volunteer, Cleatus."

At the Shields Residence: Mac carefully picks his way through the refurnished dining area. When Jass returns he ushers him through to the gardens or the forge and after a few moments of weighing the idea in his head he says, "I have a business proposition for you - we both expressed an interest in the gloves, and I would like us to pool our resources to work together so that we both finish up with our own pair of the same enhancement. Splitting the share of the new gloves and the upgrade costs of these gloves, you'll end up with an additional one score of platinum pieces in your pouch, and I'll wear the base cost of my gloves now if you would consider doing a similar thing later. What do you think?"

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self) 
Friday November 20th, 2009 12:44:26 PM

Silverleaf accepts Critaceous' offer. "100 gold price and, if sold, an 80 - 20 split. Less risk on your part, and greater profit on mine. Deal. I have other business in the city for a few days. I'll make sure to stop by before I leave to see if the box or instrument has moved."

Jass is disappointed at not getting a renewable contact with Waltho, but it has made the estimation of the elvish goods go up in his mind. "Maybe 100 gold is still too low of a price?", he mumbles to himself.


Jass smiles indulgently at Syr. "Oh, Silverleaf is completely on the up and up, an honest peddler", confirms Jass as if speaking about a completely different person. "There just may come a time that someone would be willing to talk to Silverleaf about certain goings on that they wouldn't tell an associate of the Crimson Shields. For example, if Silverleaf is told by one of his contacts that he needs to stay away from Merchant Level and the Narrow Way because there is going to be trouble...". The sorcerer shrugs his shoulders. "You never know what information you are NOT getting because you are who you are."


Walking in the garden is enjoyable to Jass, but he isn't sure what the big minotaur wants until Mac finally gets around to his points. "Ah, hey, what a great idea!" He pumps Mac's large hand with enthusiasm. "Square deal, there, my minotaur friend. Looks like those horns are there to keep those big brains of yours from leaking out!"

Jass quickly agrees to support Mac's upgrade of his current gloves in order to get the Gloves of Dexterity +6

(ooc: DM, can we consider this a done deal?)

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday November 20th, 2009 8:24:09 PM

Back at the house, Syr crouches down beside Grigory and watches him with fascination. He whispers to the halfing when he pauses, "Are you okay? You perplex me. You buy a chair, rearrange furniture, and then sit on the floor to stare and mumble at it? If you want, I can build you one?"

Accord - DMAl 
Friday November 20th, 2009 9:38:02 PM

When Jass arrives back home, he has a couple of conversations. In the first, he relates the progress that he's making on his cover identity to the other Crimson Shields. In the second, he receives a proposal from Mac. Minotaur and human reach an agreement of mutual accord, and they shake on the deal. (Yes, you can both consider the deal done, with no need to handle the conversion through the Catacombs.)


Brahmah has a change of heart. He decides to stick around. To ensure that Mac is safe, of course.

"This is it." Cleatus, the gruff and burly halfling draws a potion from an pouch on his belt. The vial is clear glass, and through the glass of the vial, the potion is a dark dark green, almost black. "So what skill were you training for, Mac? The file says swimming, but files can be wrong. Drink this, and I don't think we'll have a need for any weights." He lifts up his hand, offering the potion to Mac.


Grigory spends quite a bit of the day trying to coax a magic aura out of his new chair. The Detect Magic spell reveals nothing. Not a shred of magic. Not a wisp of the faintest residual aura.

Could that be a good thing, or a bad thing?

Syr quietly watches the engrossed halfling, then he offers comment.

Mac: AC:25, HP:149 
Saturday November 21st, 2009 12:45:47 AM

Mac's handshake is warm, firm and not the bone-crushing type one might suspect. The smile is a little unnerving, but well intentioned. "Thank you for your cooperation, Jass. Enjoy your gloves."

Back at the WLA, Mac relates his training preferences as "Swimming today, climbing tomorrow. With or without weights is fine by me. I assume we have the time and facilities here, Cleatus." and he takes up the offered vial, pops the seal, drains the vessel dry, and waits to see what happens, or for Brahmah to see what happens.

Halfling Grigory 
Saturday November 21st, 2009 3:58:19 PM

"Hmmmmmm. Thanks Syr, that'd be nice. Make mine strong, and white with one. I've a small metal canister of my favourite to the left of the stove." Grigory is still in a mental reverie concerning the chair.
"Well," he declares, "nothing to it but to do it." He stands, casts Prestidigitation to change the colour of the chair to black and then, finally, sits in the chair.
"Well, it feels okay. I do like sitting in larger furniture. Halfling sized is great in a small halfling place, but when you've got the space," he turns sideways in the chair, resting his feet on one arm, his head on the other, "you might as well use it."
Closing his eyes he mutters some arcane words. His Unseen Servant brings him his cold tea from earlier this morning instead.

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self) 
Sunday November 22nd, 2009 12:26:46 AM

Jass takes a day or so indulging in the luxury around Crimson Shields of Hope Headquarters. Unseen Servants fill his bath, lay out his clothes, sweep his rooms, and hold his chair for him. Long walks in the park let him get the last of the muscle kinks out of his body.

"Ahhh, this is the just reward of the hero, eh?", he says to no one in particular.

Halfling Grigory 
Sunday November 22nd, 2009 2:54:44 AM

OOC sorry, I am away next week and haven't had any volunteers to sub for me. There is a chance that I will be able to post during the week, but I am not certain.

Sunday November 22nd, 2009 10:34:50 PM

The halfling cleric has finally determined what he wishes to purchase so he sets off for the Catacombs.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Monday November 23rd, 2009 4:37:55 AM

Brahmah takes the bottle from Mac and sniffs, but doesn't get it too close. "Spells faintly stale, but minty. New potion you say?"

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Monday November 23rd, 2009 6:18:52 PM

Syr gets up and heads towards the kitchen without thinking. Only when he crosses the doorway, does he realize he never offered to make Grigory tea. He chuckles once to himself before completing the task anyway. Returning to the living area with two cups, he places one in from of the halfling with a smile and sips it quietly. Looking at the wizard perched in his chair he comments, "And they say not to judge a person by the clothes he wears... is it safe to judge a person by his chair?" The elf grins at Grigory.

Pain and Contentment- DMAl 
Monday November 23rd, 2009 8:28:31 PM

"That's right. New potion is what I said. You looking for a job as an echo?" The halfling will never make a good diplomat. But he looks incredibly well muscled for a halfling.

Then Mac upends the potion, draining it dry in a single swig. It might smell like mint, but it tastes like bile. The effects of the potion are immediate and overwhelming. Mac's eyes begin to swim, and his skin begins to burn as though with molten heat. Mac sees every inch of skin on his body peel away then shrink and blacken with an audible crackle. The wounds swiftly crust over and become hard as rock. (Will Save vs DC20 or your legs give way and you fall to the floor writhing in pain. Yes, that's a Will Save.)

"Alright Minotaur, lets get to it. Follow me." Cleatus Hardhill turns and trots a few paces toward the door. He turns and looks back over his shoulder to see whether Mac is even going to make it this far.

Brahmah sees Mac simply standing as though stunned. Aside from that, nothing seems different at all.


Grigory finally decides to take the chance and just try the new chair. The halfling scoots his butt up onto it and relaxes in. Tea comes, courtesy of Syrdeth.

Nothing else happens. The chair is incredibly comfortable. The leather is well-worn, soft and pliable, wonderfully broken in. It is everything he could have wished for in a chair. And nothing untoward happens. For now.

The rest of the Crimson Shields avail themselves of the amenities of Floating City. There's something to be said for living as the heroes of Elvenguard, but there's also no place like home.


OoC: Major national holiday week here in the US. I have the entire week off from work, and I've gone to my brother's place here in Seattle. I do, however, expect to be posting every day. The times may, though, be a bit different than usual. Apologies for the slight irregularities.

Monday November 23rd, 2009 11:02:32 PM

The halfling cleric is still shopping while he is waiting for his companions to finish their business.

Mac: AC:27, HP:149  d20+7=18 ;
Monday November 23rd, 2009 11:43:08 PM

There a moment in which Mac thinks he is going to push through the sheer intensity of it all. In that moment he tries to step forward, and from there it all goes badly. His legs fail to bear his weight and gravity brings over 18cwt of taur crashing to the ground - grazes and bruises for sure, but not enough pain to notice amongst the waves of pain wracking his body. Thankfully his axe is stowed on his back - not an immediate threat to himself or others as he thrashes about. Then the language starts (in Minotaur) - expletives, invectives and other exclaimations. When he finally (maybe) has some presence of mind he repeats, ad infinitum, in Common, "Must stand!"

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self) 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 4:07:23 PM

Jass has fun.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 6:32:20 PM

Syr finishes his purchases up in the catacombs.

Corvis Zurvich 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 7:31:18 PM

Corvis takes time to get to know the apartments of the Shield's better. As he does a thought comes to mind and he glances to Syr, "Ahh, if your allowing my to stay here should I pay some sort of fee? I do not want to be a squatter of sorts. Help with food or anything." Corvis isn't the type to take things for free and has always payed his way in the Wold, also till he has earned his place among the Shields, he feels more like a guest till then. Corvis smiles as he thinks the last part, "Sorry, just till I earn my spurs with the group I'm more of a helper then a member I would think. I do not want anyone to think I'm just hitching a ride for free or such. Also I hope my skills will prove themselves when the time comes."

(Al: Sorry about the curve ball earlier. Would you like me to email you a description of the person mentioned in my earlier post? I forgot I didn't go into any details on it in Corvis's background beyond he was looking for "said" person.)

Exertion and Leisure - DMAl 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 8:35:05 PM

Mac collapses to the floor after drinking the experimental potion. Through the burning pain, however, the minotaur feels a tremendous strength and vitality. To his eyes, his skin appears hardened to a hard protective crust. "Get up. Mac." The halfling's voice comes as though from afar. Through the pain is so intense that his consciousness becomes disassociated from his body. He feels himself rising, as though looking at his body from somewhere above. "Follow me." Cleatus Hardhill goes out a door and into the training yard. There is a three hundred foot long pool, and a series of ropes dangling from various heights. "A hundred laps in the pool, Mac. Then up the rope. Fifty times up and down. Without using your legs."

Brahmah watches as his fellow minotaur struggles to his feet. His eyes have a crazy glint to them.

Through the haze of pain, Mac actually thinks that he can do this. Some crazed feeling of invulnerability whispers to him of infinite energy. And how could the burn of his muscles even compare the pain that he's feeling right now? He'd never even feel it.


Elsewhere, the Crimson Shields relax and take care of other business. Corvis feels an obligation to pay for his lodgings, and broaches the topic to Syr. Just then, there comes a knock at the door. It's Ivy and Jella. Behind them is a man with a cart that carries all of their worldly possessions.


OoC: Corvis, why don't you describe the man to the rest of the Crimson Shields in an IC post? That's probably a better way to go about it than just giving it to me.

Tuesday November 24th, 2009 10:39:09 PM

The halfling cleric is still in the Catacombs. Now he has started meditating while he waits for someone to respond to his request.

Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi (AC 27, Hps 159) 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 11:48:41 PM

"Did you poison Mac?! Twerp!" He draws his swords. He places himself in between the minotaur and halfling.

Mac: AC:27, HP:149 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 5:45:18 AM

Mac cautiously gets to his feet. "Brahmah, not his fault, and I'm r...ready to continue. If I can ask one favour, Captain, please mind some of my gear, and mind I don't get into too much trouble?" On arriving at the pool Mac removes his bow and quiver, backpack and axe, and moves one item from the smith's apron to his pocket as it and its tools complete the pile. "Swimming in armour, of course. Is there anything in the pool that I should be aware of before we start?"

Once happy with the response, he asks the question that seems to have escaped the attention of most people when it comes to swimming. "In the few sports I am familiar with 'one lap' brings you back to your starting point, but swimmers call one length 'a lap', when that is clearly half a lap. Do you mean 100 lengths, or 200?"

There is no happy answer to that question, just information. He enters the pools with a splash, adjusts his eyes to the view underwater - looking out for unexpected trouble. With a salute he submerges and pushes off the wall. If nothing of note occurs, he breaches the surface at the far wall two minutes later, takes on another deep breath, submerges and pushes off again... one down, lots to go...

Jass AC 12 HP 70/70 (Alter Self) 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 1:27:11 PM

Jass has more fun.

:-) Happy USA Thanksgiving, everyone!

Super Workout - DMAl 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 8:35:37 PM

The halfling raises an eyebrow when Brahmah draws blades. "You call that a weapon? That's not a weapon." The halfling clicks his fingers and the biggest greatsword that Brahmah has ever seen in the hands of a halfling appears as though from thin air. "*THAT'S* a weapon."

"Anything in the pool?" With a turn of his head, the responds to Mac. "Water?" the halfling answers.

Mac dives in and begins swimming. He swims and swims and swims and swims. The vigorous energy from the potion coupled with the incredible pain combine to make time seem as nothing.

To Brahmah, unless he's a particular fan of swimming, this is extremely boring.

Finally Mac finishes. Dripping wet, his body heaving with exhaustion, he climbs from the pool. Despite the condition of his body, Mac himself feels no fatigue, only the continual pain.

He moves onto the ropes and the results are the same. Fifty times up and down the rope and Mac returns, every muscle in his body is aquiver. The minotaur, however, seems ready for more. Brahmah might wonder whether Mac will really be feeling this when this potion wears off.

"Good! Good!" The halfling smiles, and a terrible sight it is to see. "Did you get everything you needed?" He shouts up at a window from which several figures in wizardly garb stand taking notes. They nod in response. "You did fine, Mac. Been a great help. Hopefully the potion's done you as good a turn as you've done us in the information we need." (Mac, add an extra Skill Point more to Climb and Swim on top of those gained from regular WLA training. Add a note to your CS that I authorized it, please.)

Mac: AC:27, HP:149 
Thursday November 26th, 2009 1:25:53 AM

"Thanks Cleatus, but I still have a question or three, like when and how and does it wear off? At some point I'll want to get some sleep, but that's not going to happen while I'm like this. Is it a tapering off or a crash? Should I take it easy, or lug masonry around?"

Thursday November 26th, 2009 9:58:43 PM

The halfling cleric rouses brielfy from his meditations to see if a clerk has come into the Catacombs. Seeing no one, Belkior returns to his contemplation.

Syr Ac 32/31 HP 165 
Friday November 27th, 2009 6:49:38 PM

Syr looks at Corvis with a look of confusion before understanding shows in his eyes. "Chip in? Food would be good, can you cook? Oh wait, I've had Ivy's cooking before. We won't need you for that." He places a forefinger on his lip in thought, "Right now if you really want to help, we need information. There are two possibly unrelated parties threatening the elves of the Crying Woods which we need information on. Maybe you have some contacts that we don't? Lord Peerimon of the Float, (be careful with too obvious of an inquiry) and some druids. Answers or direction on either of those would be helpful. Until then, don't worry, you'll earn your keep soon."

Friday November 27th, 2009 10:10:50 PM

The halfling cleric returns from the Catacombs with a shiny new circlet upon his brow.

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