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Thar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  d20+13=27 ; d8+5=13 ;
Sunday November 22nd, 2009 3:30:36 PM

(Wynum, yes I made a mistake but drawing a weapon is a free action for me. However, you have to combine it with a move action, and thus I only have one attack... That stinks... However, it does seem that he gets a 2nd attack with it (thanks for catching that, I haven't tried this spell before...)...)

1. Ignore the multiple attacks with Thar's Swords
2. 2nd attack with Spiritual Weapon = AC27 again (yes!) for 13 pts

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Monday November 23rd, 2009 3:39:55 AM

Arm continues to sing, all the while looking forward to a long rest after their adventure here is over.

OOC: We're heading out to NC this morning, and hopefully we'll have internet access there waiting for us. If I'm not heard from...well....lol :)

Monday November 23rd, 2009 4:04:31 PM

Back at Mithril Manor, Edmund dreams happily. At one point, he turns over and faces away from his window.

Life is grand when one is far from battles.

Acting DM JimW  Four: d20+8=24 ; d8+3=4 ; Six: d20+10=18 ; d8+4=9 ;
Monday November 23rd, 2009 10:59:41 PM

Revi drops her sword and then the first of her two spears is thrown. It spikes the ettincap in the leg as it stands on the stones. Her second shortspear is thrown more for a distance record than anything else as it sails up and over the stones, to land somewhere in the surrounding area.

Thar feels that he has found the elusive Chloe and charges forward to stab his sword into the area of air where he thinks she is at. His sword finds flesh and draws a bit of blood from the area, marking his target for a few minutes at least.

Julian makes the last of the push up the improvised rope, singing some strange song that might make Arm secure in his position. Pulling himself up onto the stones, he orients himself at his first target and gets ready to charge.

Wynum presses his hold on Mettik making sure that the man is not able to speak or even move. To emphasize his point for the mage not to move, he presses into sensitive and vital areas.

Ruby moves forward into the darker area of the circle of stones and searches the area for a good target. Since it is closest, her bow comes up and an arrow finds itself imbedded into the ettincaps stomache.

Arm continues to sing out his heart, adding frills and dressing to the song that he is composing on the spot about the Mithril Order. At the same time, he is thinking about his rest and relaxation...having an Edmund.

The spiritual weapon commanded by Thar earlier to attack Mettick takes another pair of hits at the grappled mage. That mage is getting into a whole that no amount of webbing is going to get him out of.

Edmund rolls over in his sleep to face away from the window back in the Mithril Manor. If it was possible, he seems even more smug about his being safe in the house as he dreams of another epic battle that the group enters, without him, in the standing stones of Woldianhenge.


Chloe lets out a scream that she cuts off rather fast and then there is nothing. Without no extra way to find her now it is hard to tell where she has gone.

Mettik slumps in Wynum's grapple and most likely is what prompted the scream from Chloe, but noone will know for sure unless they can talk to either person.

Ettercap 2 topples over the side and slams into the stone on the inside of the circle. Whatever assistance he wanted from the bugbears is not going to help him in the least.

Bugbear 4 fires off an arrow at Julian who has reached the top of the circle. The arrow pierces through the unarmored lef area of Julian's thigh, slowing him slightly(4damage).

Bugbear 6 moves to intecept Julian as he reaches the top of the rope, his bow having been dropped and his morningstar drawn. They attack is well aimed as the morningstar finds itself impacting upon Julian's shoulder(9damage).


(From Arm) bardsong-inspire courage +2-+2 on attack & dmg rolls, +2 save vs fear and charm effects

Any attack against a foe within the circle has 20% miss chance due to darkness.

Thar has Magic Circle Vs Evil following him with a 10' radius.

The Map.

Beerbugs: AC 20
8 dead
7 dead
5 dead
3 dead
2 dead
1 dead

Ettercaps: AC 14
1 dead
2 dead

Spumandirs: AC 17
1 dead
2 dead

Earth Elemental: AC 18
1 dead
2 dead

Mettik: AC ? (20 has hit)
65 damage 6 nonlethal dead

Chloe: AC ? (22 has hit) Invisible.
27 damage

[Bugbear 4 is still in the same place on the old map. Bubbaer 6 and Julian are currently at 26AQ, slugging it out.]

Monday November 23rd, 2009 11:09:32 PM

((OOC: DM, can I have a time check? What is the current in-game time? Thank you!))

((OOC: What was our last time check at for in-game? That will give me an idea of where we might be at.))

Wynum {13/51hp. Deaf ; Str 6, AC14+20% (15 vs. B6). Delay Poison, Bless. 2+8 arrows}  d20+16=36 ; d20+16=36 ; 4d6+4=15 ; d20+11=21 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6+2=5 ;
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 10:37:34 AM

Wynum drops the apparently unconscious Mettik but stays on top or nearby him, hoping that he is not totally dead. Meanwhile, he snaps a couple seeking arrows at the bugbears.

Seeking arrow at B4: Nat20. Confirm Nat20 again.. Dmg 20hp (forgot the X3 on the rolls above)
Seeking arrow at B4 (or B6 if B4 is down): Hit 21, Dmg 10hp (forgot the +2 from courage above)

{Grappling requires only one free hand AFAIK that's why Wynum does not need to draw.}

{3 rounds elapsed for Inspire Courage and deafness.}

Thar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  d3=2 ; d20+19=29 ; d4+1=3 ; d20+13=21 ;
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 1:06:01 PM

Thar curses as Chloe escapes... However, an idea comes to his head and he casts Monster Summoning 3, calling forth 3 dogs (Rover, Fido and Fred) and putting them within 10' of where Chloe was. His plan is to have them use their scent ability to smell her out and give him an idea of where she could be...

(Sorry, it's 1d4+1 (not d3) for 1st level dogs on MS3... So he gets 3, not 2)

He tries to keep an eye out and ear's ready for any clue to Chloe's location...

Spot = 29
Listen = 21

[i](OOC = Your map doesn't show Thar where he was when chasing after Chloe and stabbing her... So I'm not sure where to put the dogs. Let's get them on opposite sides so they can at least cover the most ground. Their scent feat should help them find her. Also, when they use a move action, it helps them determine more location about where she is. With two of them working, we can get close to triangulating her location within a square or two... At least that's the plan...)[i]

Overall Effects
1. Revi now has +4 enhancement on her strength (50/60 rds)
2. MCVE, all w/in 10' of Thar get a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves
3. Delay Poison on Revi and Julian (6/6 hours)
4. Bless (all party members) - Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. (50/60 rds)
6. (From Arm) bardsong-inspire courage +2-+2 on attack & dmg rolls, +2 save vs fear and charm effects (does not stack with bless)

Spells =
0 = Det Magic (2), Det Poison, Guidance, Read Magic
1 = Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Sanctuary, SM1
2 = Aid, Lessor Restoration
3 = Dispel Magic

2nd post by TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 1:09:36 PM

(Also, the dogs have the tracking feat, which will allow them to see where Chloe goes...

This extraordinary ability lets a creature detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

A creature with the scent ability can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at three times these ranges.

The creature detects another creature's presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scent's source, the creature can pinpoint that source.

A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10. The DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry's odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

In addition, they are celestial dogs, not regular dogs...

Revi *RAGE*Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC19/11T/19FF HP 49/100  d20+3=6 ; d20+10=25 ;
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 3:41:35 PM

Revi turns around and scoops up her sword--her Rage was reaching it's limits and her desire to kill was ebbing, but she wanted one last victim before she became fatigued. Looking about, she hoped to find Chloe.

Spot: 6
Listen: 25

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][]  d20+14=26 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+4=10 ; d8+4=12 ;
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 7:38:32 PM

Spinning to the other side, she pulls up her bow and sends a pair of arrows at the archer that is still standing. The other bugbear is engaged with Julian and she is not going to shoot into that fight for fear of hitting him.

Her first arrow is true and finds the bugbear archer but the second arrow is off target.

[Ruby vs. Bugbear 4 - hit: 26/15 and damage: 10/12]

Acting DM JimW  Six: d20+10=17 ; Deaf: 2d6=2 ;
Tuesday November 24th, 2009 11:54:29 PM

Wynum fires off a pair of arrows, both catching the bugbear in the side and staggering it. Wynum does find his hearing returning as he hears the cries of the bugbear as his arrows bury into him.

Thar curses as Chloe escapes and then summons up a trio of celestial dogs to track down the most likely escaping spumander.

Revi catches the sounds of rapidly retreating footsteps across the ground and figures that they are heading away from the circle. She is sure that she could most likely reach the area that Thar is at and maybe past there but it would take more to catch up.

Ruby puts up another pair of arrows at the bugbear archer, one finding its mark in his side while the other barely misses but does clip a strand of hair.

Julian seems to be frozen by the sudden impact of an arrow in his leg and then the swat from the bugbear that he closed with.

Arm continues to sing "The Last Stand of the Monsters", seeking to embolden his allies.

Edmund finds his internal clock telling him that it is either close to or a little past nine in the morning.

Celesital Dogs take off after their prey but their pace is slower as they have to keep nose to the ground and find her scent which takes a little concentration on their part. Still they point the direction that the elusive Chloe went in anyways.


Chloe being tracked by the dogs might be caught if you can catch up to her.

Bugbear 4 topples over the side and lands inside the stone circle obviously dead.

Bugbear 6 just grins and brings his morningstar smashing in at Julian again, more afraid of Chloe than anyone else. His attack glances off the armor of sending the weapon well wide of its mark.


(From Arm) bardsong-inspire courage +2-+2 on attack & dmg rolls, +2 save vs fear and charm effects

Any attack against a foe within the circle has 20% miss chance due to darkness.

Thar has Magic Circle Vs Evil following him with a 10' radius.

The Map.

The Chase Map.

Beerbugs: AC 20
8 dead
7 dead
5 dead
4 dead
3 dead
2 dead
1 dead

Ettercaps: AC 14
1 dead
2 dead

Spumandirs: AC 17
1 dead
2 dead

Earth Elemental: AC 18
1 dead
2 dead

Mettik: AC ? (20 has hit)
65 damage 6 nonlethal dead

Chloe: AC ? (22 has hit) Invisible.
27 damage

[Bugbaer 6 and Julian are currently at 26AQ, slugging it out.Thar is currently at 13N. Chloe and the three Celestial Dogs are off the map and heading NW. Revi is currently at 13O.]

[Thar and Revi please refer to The Chase Map for an update on your work in pursuit.]

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 7:52:02 AM

Seeing his friends take off after Chloe, Arm takes off after them, continuing to provide support for their efforts.

OOC: Even if Thar and Revi are out of earshot of Arm, they still get 5 more rounds of inspire courage +2 afterwards. ;)

2nd post by TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 9:49:45 AM

(OOC = Ummm... I tried to log into the chase map, but it says I don't have access to that doc. Could you add kmestemacher@everestkc.net? I sent a request to you to add me...)

Thar watches the dogs follow Chloe and he runs after them, commanding them to be about 10' apart, and continue tracking her... That way, they can get a good feel for where she is...

He continues listening and looking for more clues about where her position is... He hears Revi and the others following, and points out where the dogs are chasing her...

His weapons are at the ready and he calls out to her in a mocking tone, "We're coming to get you Chloe... We're coming to get you... My dogs and I will find you and when we do... Oh... it will be such fun and games... On the other hand, if you surrender now, it won't be too painful, or at least I hope it won't..."

He's running after them and will use his action to run at 4x his speed to catch up with her... If he gets to her before the round is over, he'll attack...

Wynum {13/51hp. Deaf ; Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison, Bless. 2+8 arrows} 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 10:54:59 AM

Now able to get a sense of what's going around, Wynum leaves the last bugbear and Ettercaps to Julian and gallops to catch up on the dogs and presumably Chloe. If the opening in the web that Revi created is not big enough, he will have to stop and cut it apart with his dagger.

Hustle 160' (half the map's width...) (he's not running, so he can turn freely)

Wednesday November 25th, 2009 2:26:43 PM

Edmund continues to doze happily, though the growing light through which yonder window breaks is, in fact, the sun--and contributes to him slowly becoming more wakeful.

((OOC: Will be out of town for Thanksgiving until Monday next, but I have my iPhone so I can access the internet. Not sure how the Wold will run on it, but it should be okay. I think.))

Revi *RAGE*Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC19/11T/19FF HP 49/100 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 5:14:12 PM

ooc: can't access the chase map. I sent a request from darkangel@... for permission.

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 9:13:20 PM

Ruby holds her ground as she waits to see if Julian is going to be needing her help. She has an arrow nocked but does not fire as she does not want to chance hitting Julian. Glancing around to those that are still there, she shrugs her shoulders and waits to see the outcome.

[The map problem should have been fixed and everyone should be able to view it now. Let me know if you cannot as I added you to the list. Forgot to do that early this morning when I set it up.]

[I will also make posts for Julian as I did not realize that Robert was also the player of Julian. My bad for not getting all my ducks lined up in a row. :(]

Revi *RAGE*Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC19/11T/19FF HP 49/100  d20+3=9 ; d20+10=20 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 9:19:28 PM

Revi will hustle to keep up with the dogs, but she will not get in front of them for fear of them losing the scent.

Spot 9
Listen 20

Acting DM JimW  Julian: d20+10=23 ; d20+8=22 ; d6+23=28 ; d6+18=22 ;
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 11:06:11 PM

The Chase

Arm turns and take off after the group that have went after Chloe.

Thar continues after Chloe, calling out and taunting her sending his dogs after her.

Wynum turns and dashes off after the rest of the group. He is sure that Julian can take care of one lone bugbear.

Revi also continues her charge after Chloe and the dogs. She keeps behind them though so that she does not confuse them.

Standing Stones

Julian brings his falchion chopping in at the bugbear with dangerous accuracy. The blade bites into the goblinoids side and slides on through. It is the return stroke that neatly takes off the bugbears leg.

Ruby holds her ground to make sure that Julian is ok in the battle. Her bow is ready in case he is in need of some more of her sharp shooting, but she will allow him to have the whole kill.

Mithril Manor

Edmund slowly starts to come awake as the sun breaks through the window.


Standing Stones

Bugbear 6 looks stunned for a couple of minutes as it teeters on the one leg that it still has. The morningstar clatters to the stone as it pitches over to thud into the ground below.

The Chase

Chloe still is not found and must be a littl ways away from the dogs who are still in hot pursuit.


(From Arm) bardsong-inspire courage +2-+2 on attack & dmg rolls, +2 save vs fear and charm effects

Any attack against a foe within the circle has 20% miss chance due to darkness.

Thar has Magic Circle Vs Evil following him with a 10' radius.

The Map.

The Chase Map.

Beerbugs: AC 20
8 dead
7 dead
6 dead
5 dead
4 dead
3 dead
2 dead
1 dead

Ettercaps: AC 14
1 dead
2 dead

Spumandirs: AC 17
1 dead
2 dead

Earth Elemental: AC 18
1 dead
2 dead

Mettik: AC ? (20 has hit)
65 damage 6 nonlethal dead

Chloe: AC ? (22 has hit) Invisible.
27 damage

Wynum {13/51hp. Deaf ; Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison, Bless. 2+8 arrows} 
Wednesday November 25th, 2009 11:32:02 PM

Wynum keeps galloping, staying just behind the dogs and paying attention to their movement, with his bow ready to fire.

{Each round from now on, Wynum will simply walk behind the dogs, which still moves him faster than a normal human hustling (80'), and Readies an action: if a dog seems to have smelled Chloe and attacks, Wynum will fire a seeking arrow at that square (no miss chance from invis.)}

TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Thursday November 26th, 2009 9:53:09 AM

Thar continues tracking Chloe, calling out to her and hoping that the dogs catch up with her soon...

Rounds left on dogs 4/6

Revi *RAGE*Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC19/11T/19FF HP 49/100  d20+10=25 ;
Thursday November 26th, 2009 8:37:33 PM

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Revi, seeing that her prey is probably not going to be found, stops and yeslls out, "Whatever you are, you have one chance to save your mate! If you do not surrender, I'm running back to seperate your mates head from his shoulders. You have until the count of three! 1! 2!..."

intimidate 25

If Chloe does not surrender by the count of three, Revi runs back to Mettik and performs a coup d'grace to ensure his death (2 rounds to run there, 1 full round to perform the coup). She will stop at any time if Chloe surrenders.

Acting DM JimW 
Saturday November 28th, 2009 11:01:52 AM

Standing Stones

Ruby and Julian make preparations back at the circle of stones for traveling back to their destination to meet up with Edmund. Whatever loot that needs to be gathered is gotten and put into the pack that had been left behind. They also make it a point to check on each of the enemies that are here and make sure they are dead or tied up as needed.

The Chase

The chase of Chloe has taken the larger portion of the group a good distance from the standing stones and back into the forest itself. The dogs finally stop near a large tree that is four feet thick and well over a hundred feet tall. The mill around it evidently having tracked the scent to this tree and the way they stand on it every once in awhile gives the clue that their prey went up it.

The taunts and cries seem to have fallen on deaf ears as their foe has not deemed it worthy to come out of hiding. This prompts Revi to start racing back to the circle of stones to carry out her threat, if she still deems it needed.

Mithril Manner

Edmund has gotten himself out of bed only because he feels the need to have a nice breakfast. He soon has that ordered and delivered the the manor. A nice repast and tea, allows him to settle into a chair at the table and be thankful that it is quiet.


(From Arm) bardsong-inspire courage +2-+2 on attack & dmg rolls, +2 save vs fear and charm effects

Any attack against a foe within the circle has 20% miss chance due to darkness.

Thar has Magic Circle Vs Evil following him with a 10' radius.

[If you think that you still need a map, I will get one out for you. Sorry for not getting this done yesterday but after getting off work got to spend 3 hours at the police station giving statements about the fight at the place that I work....fun.]

Wynum {13/51hp. Str 6, AC15+MCvsE. Delay Poison, Bless. 2+8 arrows}  d20+15=19 ; 2d6+2=9 ;
Saturday November 28th, 2009 9:43:29 PM

Wynum does... something.. (see below depending on the situation), but in any case he whispers to Revi.
"Revi, we might have managed to capture one! Don't kill him! In fact, make sure he's alive..."

If there any rustling in the branches or foilage, Wynum will simply fire a warning shot (Hit AC21, 9hp ) at that spot using a seeking arrow.

If all seems quiet, on the other hand, he will tuck his bow back, and simply climb up the tree (taking 10) to try and force Chloe to reveal herself (AC11+MCvsE while climbing).

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Monday November 30th, 2009 9:07:41 AM

Arm ceases his song and yells up into the tree, "Well, now you've done it...she's going back to finish off your mate. Call out now or he'll be a bit lighter than he was earlier today very soon!".

Monday November 30th, 2009 11:48:15 AM

Edmund loves meals, and breakfast might be his favourite--if not for lunch, dinner, tea, brunch, and supper to choose from as well.

With a hot kettle and several strips of bacon, not to mention toast, jam, sticky buns, fresh fruit, and shredded potatoes, he is able to make something approaching a decent meal.

"Hm," he thinks to himself as he enjoys the fare on offer. "I hope everyone is all right."

TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  d20+19=39 ; d20+4=19 ; d20+13=24 ;
Monday November 30th, 2009 5:54:44 PM

Now that the dogs have treed their prey, Thar starts climbing up one side of it. He attaches a rope around his waist and ties it a safety line to the tree, so that if he falls, he won't hit the ground.

To Chloe, he calls out (while climbing), "Well, it looks like I've got to come get you... Remember what my friend is going to do to your mate if you don't surrender. You're not going to get away, so don't even try..."

Climb = 19
Spot = (Looking for bending branches, broken leaves, shadows on the tree...) = 39 (Nat'l 20!!!)
Listen - (for branches moving, leaves rustling...) = 24

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Monday November 30th, 2009 10:11:56 PM

Ruby packs up whatever things that can be found of interest on the enemies that were left at the circle. With the help of Julian, she will attempt to catch back up with the rest of the group not wanting to be split from them for very long.

Glancing to Julian she nods to the few enemies that still lay around. "Are they all dead?" She was afraid that they would be and she did take the time to see to the last unicorn that is alive. If there seems to be no other way, she will use one of her healing potions to heal the poor creature and get it back on its feet.

She will hang around long enough to make sure that the unicorn is fine before she will take off of course, not wanting to leave it stranded and in that hurt condition.

DM Robert 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 5:10:18 AM

OOC: I am cheating a little today by melding Julian's post into it.

Revi raises her blade above Mettik's still body. Wynum calls to her, "Revi, we might have managed to capture one! Don't kill him! In fact, make sure he's alive..." Julian looks to Ruby and raises an eyebrow at Wynum's request, whispering to her, "But wasn't it Wynum that did Mettik...?"

OOC: do we have Message running here? I don't recall that it is... Let's just assume that Wynum projected his voice enough for Revi to hear.

As the three dogs are yapping Arm calls up the tree to Chloe, reminding her that Revi will finish off Mettik if she doesn't comply. Thar also adds his weight to the discussion, and begins to safely climb the tree. He can tell roughly where the villain is, though she is on the other side of the tree to him. One of the dogs sniffs at Thar's rope and begins to gnaw on it.

OOC: how many more rounds for the dogs?

Wynum chooses from his many arrows one of his favourites. Checking that it is still straight and true he fires it off up the tree. It curves to the right and away from the tree, then spirals around it twice. As it round the trunk for the third time an involuntary yelp is heard when the arrow should have emerged.

The yelp is followed by strange words from the same voice. Then it is strangely quiet.
Knowledge Arcana DC 14 to Highlight to display spoiler: {
She has cast Dimension Door and could be at least 500' away in any direction.

Listen DC 20 to Highlight to display spoiler: {
You hear footsteps approaching from the South.

Listen DC 50 to Highlight to display spoiler: {
Did you really make 50?
Chloe is 600' northeast moving away rapidly.

Julian and Ruby make a quick assessment of the foes in the circle. It saddens Julian a little to see that each of them is dead, though he knows it was necessary, and would do it all again. He gathers anything valuable from the bodies, notably the chain shirts, morningstars, bows, arrows, and coin purses. The equipment matches those of the other beerbugs found yesterday. The ettercaps and spumandir also have coin purses, and Mettik has both his haversack and a small lock-box, unadorned bronze bracers, three rings, two wands, a rod, five potions, and a key on fine chain around his neck.

Ruby helps the unicorn to his feet. He is still quite nauseous and weak from vomiting. She helps him out from Arm's Stinking Cloud, and he introduces himself as Wilhelm, "Thank you. Thank you so much. But please, let us away from this place. I cannot stand to be here any longer. Cordelia though, my mate there, can you, would you, please, bury her. Give her some final dignity."

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84  d20+10=24 d20+3=7
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 5:42:11 AM

Fatigued from her bout of rage, Revi sheathed her sword and stared at the unicorn. I wanted to help the unicorn, that pretty, pretty unicorn. What is Ruby doing? Err... Walking up to the unicorn, Revi introduces herself, "Hi, I'm uh, Revi and uh, you're so handsome, yes you are." Revi felt like a little schoolgirl, if she knew what that was. "Uhm, I mean, brave, yes, very brave...and so sweet looking." Revi smiled a smile that reached her eyes."I've always wanted to meet a Unicorn, yes, yes I have. I've saved myself just for that reason." Not believing she just said that in Ruby's presence, she quickly added in a terse voice, "Tell the boys and I'll gut you like a fish, Ruby, got it?" Then adopting her pleasant smile again, "So, I uh, Wil, I hope you don't mind me calling you Wil, I can take care of your mate for you, least I could do, ya know, to help you out, yeah." Revi clears her throat knowing she's probably said too much, then motions she'll take care of it. With her Bulls Strength, she should have any problems digging a shallow grave with some of the dead's mundane weapons and piling some rocks, boulders and whatnot on top of Cordelia.

Listen 24
Spot 7

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24]  d20+8=10 ; d20+15=23 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 5:43:02 AM

Arm cannot make out what Chloe has said, though he suspects that she has in fact cast something (knowledge arcana=10). He DOES however notice the footsteps approaching from the South, and relays the info to those nearby (listen=23).

Wynum {13/51hp. Str 6, AC15+MCvsE. Delay Poison, Bless. 2+9 arrows}  d20=12 ; d20+17=33 ; 2d6+3=7 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 12:19:54 PM

Wynum will help Thar corralling Chloe towards him by shooting further heat-seeking arrows at any suspect movement zone (unless there are doubt about it being Thar...) or any zone where incantation are heard. Highlight to display spoiler: {Hit AC33, 7 dmg }

{Revi, Wynum's got a shovel in his pack nearby.}

{You're right Robert the message spell is over. Let's say Wynum forgot about that and simply whispered in a very convinced and useless manner. Oh, I should add Wynum did use non-lethal manners to subdue Mettik. Hey, not my fault if it got simultaneously pummeled by a spiritual shortsword!}

Listen 12

TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  d20+13=25 ;
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 3:39:19 PM

Thar continues climbing, pointing out to everyone where Chloe might be hiding... "Shoot the wench and don't let her get away!!! She's casting something!"

When he hears something (Listen = 25), he realizes two things. First, someone else that is invisible is coming this way (and he calls this out to everyone.) Second, it appears Chloe has escaped and he curses at her escape... He has no idea where she went though...

He decides to go to the bottom of the tree and calls the dogs to get her scent, which will hopefully give them some idea if she's near...

(OOC = I had the dogs for a total of 6 rounds, so it depends on how many rounds it took us to tree her. If it took 2 rounds to get to the tree, 1 to begin climbing it and then this round, we have 2 left after this one...)

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Tuesday December 1st, 2009 8:08:33 PM

Glancing to Wilhelm she smiles and nods her head. "My name is Ruby and we will get you out of here as soon as your request is taken care of." She glances to Revi as she makes what could be considered a fool of herself, but she does nothing more than smile as she supports the unicorn some.

Taken back by the sudden terseness in Revi's voice she rolls her eyes. "Revi, I told you once that your secrets are safe with me." She could not believe that she was having this discussion again and she shook her head. For the most part, Ruby just ignored most of what Revi was saying and concentrated on other things for now.

Glancing to Wilhelm she blushed. "I hope that you don't mind, but I took a little bit of hair from the others' manes. I plan to weave it into a bracelet to remind me of why I fight for the betterment of the Wold and the beauty that has been lost." She does not mention adding any hair from his mate as it seemed disrespectful to ask.

DM Robert 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 6:36:40 PM

Revi seems quite smitten with the unicorn Wilhelm, as does Ruby. Embarrassed by being in the presence of a unicorn Revi seems to forget, or to not trust the bond that has been forming between her and Ruby. She is lightly admonished by her friend, and then these two work with Julian to bury the skinned unicorn named Cordelia.
Wilhelm speaks quietly, "We were suddenly ambushed and I was hit with a wand. Normally we would teleport away, but we could not. Outnumbered, we were quickly overwhelmed. There were nine of us last night, three escaped, three were killed on the spot, three of us were dragged along as captives. Now I am the only one remaining here. They butchered Cordelia. Whilst she still lived. I am exhausted with grief." He slowly walks from the circle, seeking air that is not fresh with carnage. Twenty feet from the edge of the circle he stands still and hangs his head low, weeping silently.


Further out in the forest, Thar and Wynum have realised that Chloe is no longer in the tree. Though Thar is angered by this, he finds something of greater importance when Arm points out that there is someone approaching from the south. Turning that way Arm, Wynum and Thar can see a figure approaching through the forest without caution. He is a shambling figure, a human in old brown robes with bits of foliage clinging to it in parts. He walks alone, and there is something familiar about him -- it is Shadesh, Master of the Forest.
"Hello," he calls ahead, "The Mithril Order if my old eyes do not mistake me. How have you fared? I fear you have dropped in number since we met two days ago. Where are your friends?"


Edmund enjoys his breakfast, and is in danger of enjoying the Manor to himself overly much.

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 7:01:13 PM

As the trio finish Cordelia's grave, Revi turns to Jules with an outstretched hand, "I do believe I've won the bet, Master Jules. I'll take my prize now." Smiling, Revi awaited the receipt of the magical quiver.

Later, when Wilhelm had stopped sobbing so intently, Revi walked up next to him, "She was lucky to have been so loved by you. Although it may be just words I heard from a halfling bard long ago, I hope these help."

Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:14:45 PM

Edmund finally finishes a very lengthy repast and glances out the window.

"Ah ha!" he says to himself. "Looks to be getting on in time!"

((OOC DM: how much longer does Edmund have until mid-day?))

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84 
Wednesday December 2nd, 2009 10:18:36 PM

ooc: btw, where did we all agree that Eddie would teleport back too? The cave or the road?

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 7:21:02 AM

Arm smiles when he recognizes Shadesh. He then relates most of what has happened since their last meeting, focusing primarily on Ed's trip back to town with the caravan survivors, but finishes with "I fear that we had to dispatch quite a few of your compound's inhabitants, but rest assured that it was either them or us. One particularly nasty denizen has made her escape, though her mate lies dead a short distance off.".

TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 9:47:35 AM

Thar relaxes a bit, recognizing Shadesh. He dismisses the dogs, does a quick check to see that his beloved Ruby is safe, and smiles when he realizes that she is speakign kindly to the unicorns. He realizes that he finds more and more reasons to love her every day...

Turning his attention back to Shadesh, he listens as Arm fills the man in on what happened, and fills in any gaps. He expresses his frustration that Chloe got away, and comments, "I'd like to investigate the rest of the cave as soon as we can. I'm not convinced that we saw everything that we needed to see and there are more likely some other interesting things to be discovered."

Wynum {13/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison} 
Thursday December 3rd, 2009 5:11:42 PM

Wynum comes back, weary, and though he has his own questions he is obviously not keen to ask them to the druid, which seems to impress him too much. Wilhelm, however, gets his reaction, though under his breath.

"Well. A horned, talking horse. Now that's really weird."

DM Robert 
Friday December 4th, 2009 5:59:42 AM

Having completed a decent grave site for Cordelia, Revi asks that Julian hand over his end of the wager. He complies without a grumble, though it takes a moment to empty it first - 12 javelins, a masterwork lance, a two handed war hammer, his wand of Reduce Person, the masterwork composite longbow with 20 arrows and another 14 arrows with Alchemical Silver on the tips. He bundles these in his cloak and congratulates her, "Yes, you hit harder than I thought you could. Well done."

Revi then offers her condolences to Wilhelm (Performance check?). He responds, "Thank you. You are a beautiful person. Your compassion has touched me."

Arm tells Shadesh of what the Mithril Order has been through since they met the druid two days ago, and he is apologetic that some of the enemy had to be dispatched. Thar dismisses his dogs, and goes ahead to see that Ruby is safe.

As Arm and Shadesh speak they walk back towards the circle and see that everyone is now outside the circle with the unicorn Wilhelm.
"Yes Thar, I would like to have learned more about those who misguided my boys so, and perhaps there are more clues to be found in their den.
"This particular place, these standing stones - a magnet for evil deeds. I would have it destroyed, but it has its own quirks. It isn't usually here, see, it blinks in and from here -- reason enough to not use it, nor linger within its walls.
"I am saddened that some of my boys strayed so far as to take company with those who would use this place, or do... that, that... to any creature."
Shadesh counts off four dead beerbugs at the circle, and asks about the others, his voice resonating some pessimism as he looks at blades held by Revi and Julian.
Then he turns quickly, momentarily startled, looking east. There is a loud din of several horses charging towards the circle. Shadesh stands relaxed and unarmed, and Wilhelm holds his head high, his ears forward.


Edmund, it is two hours past sunrise.

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:21:09 AM

Arm stares in the same direction as Shadesh and awaits their newest visitors.

TharThar AC 25/26, 43/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  d20+19=28 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 10:16:34 AM

Thar is a bit surprised too, and turns to see what the sound could be... Spot = 28

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84  d20=4 ; d20=9 ;
Friday December 4th, 2009 12:41:47 PM

"It sounds as if your friends are coming for you." Revi wistfully said, then asked, "If they are coming, would you be opening to staying...with me?" Revi blushed for the first time in a very long time. "I could take care of you, promise." Revi hazarded a caress on the mane of the unicorn.

Performance check: 4
Diplomacy: 9

Friday December 4th, 2009 2:19:18 PM

"Time for some Errands!" Edmund declares, and he sets off to do just that, meaning to catch Wil Kommen at his emporium the moment the doors open in the morning.

Wynum {13/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison} 
Friday December 4th, 2009 6:51:06 PM

Probably the last to hear the noise, Wynum is still gathering his gear, and making sure everybody has recovered their dropped weapons.

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Friday December 4th, 2009 8:25:44 PM

Ruby moves away from the circle to find Thar and grins. She does not want to be around any longer with Revi gushing as she had already been threatened once. Glancing around to the rest she shrugs and places a kiss on Thar's cheek.

With a nod of her head she can only agree. "The rest of the cave should reallly be searched to make sure that we did not miss anything of impotance." She turns slightly so that she can see what is approaching by hooves, though she would guess that it is other unicorns. Maybe they have answered some call from Wilhelm but she had not stayed around to find out.

DM Robert 
Friday December 4th, 2009 9:49:52 PM

Bursting through the undergrowth, and into the clearing charge eleven more unicorns. They steady their pace, then slow some more and walk as a group to Wilhelm.
"Greetings, Master Shadesh," speaks the largest unicorn. His long beard sways as he speaks solemnly, "I am always pleased to meet with you, though I always wish it were for more pleasant reasons.
"Wilhelm, I am so pleased to see you standing here. I am afraid to ask after Cordelia, knowing that you would not let her go easily." The unicorn pauses, casting his eyes to the ground.
Wilhelm hangs his head, saying, "These death-smiths have rescued me, and gracefully buried Cordelia. All are dead but one who escaped."
"I am sorry, Wilhelm. We will do what we can," He looks up now, and speaks in a strong voice, "I am Enoehse, these are my friends. Wilhelm is my younger brother. If he thinks well of you, we think well of you. I am grateful for what you have done.
"Pray, can you enlighten us more on what has happened? Who are these creatures that have today slain 5 of our kind?

Wilhelm takes half a step toward Revi, and proffers his ear to be scratched.


Edmund travels the short distance to see Wil. He drops two large sacks that he is carrying and rushes over to Edmund as soon as he sees the mage. He sounds panicked.
"You're alone..."

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84 
Friday December 4th, 2009 10:14:55 PM

Revi eagerly complied and gave Wil, at first, a good scratching, then it eased into a thoughtful caress--she knew he wasn't going to stay. She wasn't good with words and not much to look at with all the fresh gore and hardened ichor plastered on her; She was brute strength and cold steel and little more, so he had no reason to stay. His family was here to save him, to give him a home again and to ease his pain with the loss of his mate--she had nothing to offer him that could rival that. "You are well loved, Wil," she whispered in Sylvan, looking first to him and then to his family. Not saying anything further, she let the silver tongued Arm do the speaking on their behalf.

Saturday December 5th, 2009 4:36:26 AM

"Now then, now then," Edmund says as the vendor approaches.

"Your men, including Ben Venu, are alive and in the care of the healers at the Temple of Domi," the mage begins by saying, doing his best to immediately assuage any fears that Wil might have.

"They are relatively uninjured," Edmund continues. "Currently, the rest of my comrades are doing their best to recover what remains of your shipment, but I must warn you that it is--by and large--destroyed or dispersed. The caravan was pillaged, and many of the items were used and plundered by many foes. They are likely spread all over the Monster Preserve now. I'm sorry."

"If you have any message for my fellows, I will be rejoining them shortly," he adds. "For our part, we are happy that we were able to find your men before it was too late. I don't know how many set out, so I cannot say that they have all made it, but--well, you should go see them at the temple yourself."

TharThar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil  3d8+6=22 ; 2d8+6=16 ; 2d8+6=14 ; d8+5=9 ; d8+5=10 ; d8+5=12 ; d8+5=6 ; d8+5=12 ;
Saturday December 5th, 2009 12:31:09 PM

Thar smiles at Ruby's kiss and gives her one in return, not afraid anymore to show his affection openly. He's glad she's safe, and tells her so...

He greets the unicorns and introduces himself, and then lets Arm tell their tale.

He does ask Master Shardesh, "Can you tell us anything about that cave? We're thinking about searching it again, and didn't want to go in without learning more about what might be lurking deeper in it..."

While the rest of the conversation continues, he goes and starts inspecting each person of their group, healing where needed...

Revi = CSW's = +22 healed; CMW = +16; CLW's +12 = +50 total
Wynum = CMW's = +14; CLW's = +9+10 = +33 total
Thar = CLW's = 12 + 6 = +18

Spells =
0 = Det Magic (2), Det Poison, Guidance, Read Magic

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Sunday December 6th, 2009 10:58:02 PM

Ruby smiles as Thar kisses her back. "Mela en' coiamin." She could not help but grin as she used the elvish words for the first time in her life...love of my life...seemed appropriate. Shaking it off she turned back to the task at hand and hoped that noone would bring up her comment to Thar.

Being only slightly wounded from earlier, she shoos Thar away when he comes to her. Still she kisses him again just before he moves onto someone else.

DM Robert 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 4:54:31 AM

"The caves, Thar," replies the Master of the Forest, "are inhibited by a family of spiders and ettercaps. Or at least they were before that evil brood moved in. The spiders have been there for many generations, and my bugbears moved in with their new leaders only weeks ago, eight weeks at most. I doubt that they have been all that industrious as to be mining. The spiders aren't miners so. I don't know that there would be anything subtle about the place.
"I will accompany you back into the caves if you like. I should like to see if Triton and her spider family are still there. It pays to be amicable with powerful creatures.


Wil Komen's face is ashen as Edmund begins to talk. It regains its colour, and the merchant even smiles when Edmund says that they are alive. The smile drops though and he buts-in to ask, "relatively -- what do you mean? Exactly?"
He is then quite reassured that all is in hand.
"Where are you meeting them? I'd like to see my men in the temple of Domi first, but if it were possible that I came with you... I have a few fast horses here, or a dray, or closed wagon -- whatever you prefer."

TharThar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 9:44:02 AM

Thar thanks Shadesh for his insight and replies, "Yes, I think that would be helpful to have you along, as you might be able to smooth things over with any creatures we encounter."

He pauses, and replies with a sad expression, "However, I have bad news about Triton and her family. The bugbears and their leaders had Triton and members of her family attack us, and we were forced to defend ourselves. I'm sorry to say it, but we were forced to stop her with lethal force. We would have tried a peaceful resolution, but had no choice, since they attacked us first."

To the rest of the group, he suggests, "Before we go back to the caves, I'd like to take a rest break and get my spells back, and allow others of you to rest, as well as return Edmund to our group."

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 9:54:47 AM

Arm nods in agreement with Thar, "Yes, let us rest..perhaps finally Ed will see fit to remove himself from whatever tub he has been soaking in and actually earn his living again.". In the meantime, he makes sure that Enoehse is listening to Thar's accounting, then fills him in on the rest of their recent foray into the caves.

OOC: I should be able to post tomorrow, but I'm having a cardiac catheter procedure on Thursday so anything after that is up in the air...I may be in the hospital for a short time, so I'll have to take things as they go.

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 35/84 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 11:02:50 AM

"I could use some healing, if it's available," Revi interjected in Thar's and Arm's conversation, "and if we are to rest, let us do it away from this place, it does not sit well with me." Turning to Wilhelm and the unicorn's, "What is your fate, Wil? Will you be returning with your father and family?"

Thar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 2:09:28 PM

Jim= See my earlier post, as Thar healed 50 pts on Revi and you should be back to max... Ken

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 84/84 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 5:06:04 PM

After Thar reminds her that he had indeed already healed her, she exclaims, "Really, I hadn't even noticed! Where did you put your hands again? Cheeky monkey." Revi gives Thar a good roundhouse slap on the arm, covering him a little in elemental goo and spumanider ichor.

Wynum {48/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison} 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 8:07:16 PM

Wynum is indeed troubled with their actions and tries to explain it to the druid. He rubs his arm allthe while, feeling a bit dumbing without his armor.

"Well... we got attacked by a kind of spider creature in the first place, so we assumed the other spiders were on her side.That's very, very unfortunate if they were not. She was a big one, I must say. She took quite a bite of me, too. I don't know how you go along with such friends..."

Then Wynum gets another look at the collected gear in search of, perhaps, a medallion.

Tuesday December 8th, 2009 11:26:49 PM

Edmund is a little surprised at Wil's offer, but shakes his head and smiles genially.

"Oh, no. I'll be able to return myself--quite quickly, in fact, so no worries there. What you could do, though, would be to go visit your men at the temple as you suggest. They will be glad of the company as they've been shaken up a bit."

Edmund continues to keep an eye to the sky, watching as the Sun swings higher and higher as the day progresses.

"At any rate, I doubt they'll need the help," the wizard adds. "They were investigating a deserted cave and likely spent evening taking a nap and having a hot cook-fire meal. Like as not when I return I'll find them better rested than I am!"

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Tuesday December 8th, 2009 11:55:54 PM

Ruby moves off to have a look around the area a little more, not looking for anything particular just wanting something else to do. She does listen in to what is said but finds little to add to it. There was a sort of bad feeling about killing the large spider, though they had little choice.

As she comes back to the others and they speak of rest she shrugs her shoulders. "Should we not return to the place that we agreed to meet back up with Eddie if we are to rest?" It was only a suggestion and most likely something that had already been planned, but even she did not want to worry Eddie too much.

Wednesday December 9th, 2009 12:02:45 AM

((OOC: Moving back to MI this weekend, and will likely disappear offline sometime after Thurs. morning. Will try to remember to post via iPhone but can't make any promises.

See you in the East!))

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 10:47:56 AM

Arm nods at Ruby and says, "Yes, we should return to the meeting spot, though I fear we'll not get there in time to meet Ed, and I'm certain that we'll never hear the end of that.".

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 11:52:49 AM

"Ah yes, Eddie, is it time already to meet him?" Revi looks at the sun and it's place in the sky. "Well, I hope he takes some precautions, like turning invisible, before he teleport into that cave. There could still be dangers there, or new ones. Anyways, I'm ready to leave when you are." Revi gives Wilhelm an inquiring look as to what his answer is, obviously it is vexing him and she strokes his mane to ease his discomfort at answering.

Wednesday December 9th, 2009 1:02:14 PM

((OOC: Just a heads up that the plan is for Ed to return to the ledge, because it was the place he studied the most during his and Julian's initial attempt there.))

DM Robert 
Wednesday December 9th, 2009 8:50:07 PM

OOC I am struggling with Real Life at the moment. I plan to make a DM post in the next 12 hours.

Friday December 11th, 2009 3:19:59 PM

((OOC: Moving out today/tomorrow. Internet will be sparse. Will *hopefully* be online on Monday, if Comcast is set up like it should be when I arrive. Cheers.))

Monday December 14th, 2009 7:06:41 PM

((OOC: Back and online. Waiting on DM Post.))

Temp DM JimW 
Monday December 14th, 2009 8:27:28 PM

Wilhelm turns his head slightly to look at Revi and ducks his head to her. "I will go with my people but you have my thanks kind maiden." His horn touches Revi's shoulder, which causes the grime to slip from her arm. Shortly after the area is cleaned off, there is a tingling in her arm which leads to the appearance of a silvery unicorn reared on its hind legs on her shoulder.

The unicorn turns to the rest of the group after this and bows to each in turn. "I thank all of you for your part in saving me and though I wish that you could have gotten here sooner, it was not meant to be." Moving to stand near Ruby he ducks his head again but does not touch her. "Use the hair from each of us to create that bracelet and remember what you fight for."

Turning to the herd of unicorn that came for him he bows one last time as do each of the others and they all take off to the east.

Master of the Forest waves farewell to the unicorns as well as he stops over to kneel by the grave. Picking up a handful of dirt he slowly sprinkles it across the top of the grave and his mouth is moving. As the dirt hits the ground it forms a blanket of silvery white flowers over the top of the grave site. Standing finally he turns to the group and sighs. "Let us go back to the cave and then meet up with your friend." There are marks from tears on his cheeks and at the corners of his eyes.


Edmund takes his leave from Wil and then starts his preparations for the casting of the needed spell. When the portal opens and he finally steps through he finds himself standing at the entrance to the cave. There of course is no sign of anyone from the group to be seen.

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Monday December 14th, 2009 8:55:02 PM

I will not cry, I will not, no. Revi stood there silent, but shaking as if the whole world was moving under her feet against her will. Steeling herself, "Lets meet up with Ed." Her voice was dissonant and her gaze a thousand miles away.

Edmund  d20+3=14 ; d20+3=8 ;
Monday December 14th, 2009 9:13:20 PM

After arriving, Edmund glances around the ledge and scratches his head.

"Ah," he says to himself. "They are late--as expected!"

Sticking his hands into his weskit pockets, he rocks back and forth on his heels impatiently, occasionally glancing down into the forest below.

(Spot=14, Listen=8)

Thar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 11:39:01 AM

Watching the scene involving Revi, Thar merely walks over, touches her arm and smiles at her. He doesn't want to embarrass her, and wants to let her know he shares in her joy.

When the time is right, he'll look at Ruby, smile at her too, and then begin leading the group back towards the cave entrance. He'll take his usual point position, watching for threats, etc.

Wynum {48/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison}  d20-2=13 ;
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 2:41:56 PM

"Ah, but, wait"... the centaur trots back and forth with the group and back towards the circle, gesticulating... "chloe... the pendant... the caravan?"
Not waiting any further, he resumes his search for the pendant on the bodies and the gathered loot.


Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Tuesday December 15th, 2009 9:57:10 PM

Ruby moved to wait for the others to get ready to move out and then shrugged her shoulders. She would fall into step with the rest of the group as soon as they started to move out. All the bodies had been picked over already and the loot in the pack that she had tossed over her shoulder. "Wynum....the bodies have already been picked over and all the loot is here." She does not want him to go searching for things that he was not going to find.

Temp DM JimW 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 4:55:32 AM

Edmund see and hears not problems from his spot on the ledge though it is not right that the others were not waiting for him. As he stands and waits, his mind might wander back to the soft chairs and couches that he left at home.

The rest of the group find themselves backtracking to the caves that they had been searching. Wynum had found nothing on the bodies as they had already been picked clean. Once back at the entrance leading into the caves on your side, this will be the last chance to have enough light without spells to search through the stuff....if that should be decided.

Either way, you all realize that you are late for your appointment with Edmund and he might not wait for you for long. Then again he also might not leave you stranded here with only the hard way to get home.

[Sorry about the real early post guys. Got stuck taking care of a load of things and just got back to be able to do something, besides getting my fingers with feeling again.]

Revi *Bulls Str*Delay Poison*Bless*AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 11:11:43 AM

"Lets get back inside, find Edmund, decide whether we're sleeping here tonight or not. I think Chloe may be following us or making her way back here, so we'll need to fortify the area if we sleep here tonight." Revi was tired, but she had the endurance to go on if needed.

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Wednesday December 16th, 2009 10:27:14 PM

Ruby nodded her head as she waited for the others to make sure they wanted to head inside and not look over the loot. It was funny but she was more than willing to go on without waiting to look over the loot. She stifled a yawn as she waited and then nodded her head in answer to Revi. "Lets go and see if Edmund is waiting for us. It would be nice to get some actual rest in a real bed." She does not mention the fact that she really wants to get the ichor off of her as well.

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 9:50:02 AM

Arm agrees "Yes, let's go look for our wizard. The longer we take to find him, the more we'll have to listen to his whining.".

OOC: Sorry, I sort of forgot to check the board after Monday morning...glad to see we're back 'online'. :)

Thar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 10:48:38 AM

After ensuring that they've searched thoroughly, Thar nods at Revi and Ruby and leads the way to where Edmund is waiting...

Temp DM JimW 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 6:55:07 PM

The group moves back through the tunnels and back up the ladders with some ease and then send the lift back down for Wynum. With that small thing taken care off, the group had found no other sideways that might have been taken or hidden from them. The path otherwise is easy and there is no more trouble.

The Master of the Wild stays in the main room with the body of the large spider you killed and her brood as you continue out to the ledge. He seems to be performing somekind of ritual, somewhat like the one that he did for the unicorn though not to cover a grave in flowers.

Back outside, you find a rather upset Edmund that has been waiting over twenty minutes for you to return and left him wondering what had happened. Maybe the haul that you made and the fact that you had extra trouble without him will ease some of his pain....but you most likely doubt it. So far there has been no signs of Chloe following you back or anything of that sort. The question is, what is she doing and where did she go? Another one is, is it time for you to return to your home and are you finished here?

Revi AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Thursday December 17th, 2009 8:09:33 PM

"Eddie, baby, it's good to see you. Say, sugar..." Revi bats her eyes in a seduction manner, "Could you do me a little favor, just a little one? Could you cast one of your cleaning spells on me? I'm pretty gross with all this dried blood and gore on me."

Once the Master of the Wild is done with his ritual, Revi goes to have a heart to heart talk with him in Druidic, "Master Shadesh, I beg your indulgence. I am at a crossroads. I was born a barbarian, will always be a barbarian and mostly likely die a barbarian. However, during my travels I have come to revere nature in it's most primal sense. Oh, I'm no tree-hugger, but neither do I chop down trees for no purpose or hunt game only for the enjoyment of the kill--what I kill, I typically eat, except spiders and beerbugs, you know what I mean, right? Anyways, I'd like to progress in my druidic teachings, but what happened to the spiders in the cave, well, it was them against us, right? We had to get our kidnapped merchants back, we didn't simply find a cave and kill everything inside just to find some treasure--at least that was not my motivation, nor I believe those in my party. Well, what I'm trying to say is, I should feel bad for killing the mother spider and her brood, but I don't. I don't. Because I feel this way, can I truly progress in my druidic training? I'm supposed to revere nature, and I do in my own way, but does it...is it enough?"

Pausing for a moment to catch her breath and letting it all sink in, "Also, this armor seperates me from some of my druid powers. But it's necessary I wear something of this nature because of the role I fulfill in my group. To venture forth with lesser armor, well, both I and my group would suffer terribly for it. What I need is dragonhide or some of that steelgrass I've heard of that grows in the South Continent. My motivation is to be able to convene more closely to the land, but as it stands, my current armor prevents this. I want dragonhide or steelgrass armor and feel that if an evil dragon comes along I would slay it for this purpose, this... motivation does worry me--it goes back to my reverence for nature, or perhaps lack of it. If only I could find an already dead dragon and not have to kill it, well, anyways. What do you think? Honestly, should I pursue my druidic training?"

Revi absentmindedly rubbed the Unicorn Rampant on her left shoulder as she awaited the Master of the Wild's opinion.

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Friday December 18th, 2009 10:02:25 AM

Arm stands idly by, kicking at the ground and waiting for the current situation to be sorted out so they can decide what to do from here.

Wynum {48/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison} 
Friday December 18th, 2009 12:20:28 PM

After summing up the situation to Ed, Wynum expresses his worries:
"Mmmm. We're pretty sure we found the caravan, but no sign of the pendant. Did you gather some information on this subject back in the city? Did the caravan people say something? Oh well... all this killing. I'm not even sure what we did. what do you think? These druids, they're always quite cryptic."

{Sorry guys Internet blackout, patchy updates for a few days}

Revi AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Friday December 18th, 2009 2:02:47 PM

ooc: pendant? I have no recollection of a pendant...

Thar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Friday December 18th, 2009 3:45:28 PM

OOC - Jim W, we never did check out the tunnels past the chasm itself, since we climbed down it before moving forward. Are you implicitly telling us that there's nothing there? We never did find a lair and there was hardly any loot at all from this adventure... Anyway, just trying to clarify things...

Friday December 18th, 2009 8:47:07 PM

Edmund is idly tapping his foot when the party arrives, and he looks them over caustically as they approach.

"Keeping a fellow waiting!" he exclaims, before they explain what has transpired in the interim.

"Wil has been runited with his men," Edmund explains in turn. "Who are now in the care of the Temple of Domi and its acolytes. As for the shipment, I let Wil know that it was probably a lost cause. From what I've seen, it has been divvied up and is probably scattered all over the forest, this cave, and maybe even the entire Wold. If we find the magistrate's seal ((I am referring to the crest/pendant/shield thing)) it will be a miracle worthy of being remembered in one of Arm's songs."

"That--" Edmund quickly interjects, "Is to say that it is extremely unlikely! A bit like finding a needle in a haystack."

Turning to Revi, Edmund glances over her for a moment and idly toys with the idea of casting Grease on her--but then he thinks better (or worse) of it, and replies, honestly, that, "I've no such spell memorised at the moment, I'm afraid."

"What now?" he says. "Does anyone have a plan?"

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][] 
Friday December 18th, 2009 9:19:55 PM

Ruby dropped the pack on the shelf that they are standing on and then points to it. I have not looked inside to see what is in there for sure, but what you are looking for might be in there. Digging in her pocket she pulled out a key on a leather thong and held it out. "This was on the one with Chloe, though I am not sure what it goes too." Glancing to Eddie she just shrugs her shoulders at them being late.

[Sorry guys. Just going off what I was told and that was that we searched out everything and collected all the stuff that was to be collected....I think. Of course we need to see what all is in the pack of course since Thar only glanced in it. Otherwise I am not sure what Robert has planned for further rewards or what.]

Temp DM JimW & DM Robert 
Friday December 18th, 2009 9:35:11 PM

Master Shadesh glances to Revi and then pulls her to the side. His council was for her alone and he did not want to others sticking their noses into it. Plus she seemed like a rather private person. "We all do what we must do, sister. Their deaths were of their own choosing and they decided to follow along with Chloe and the others." Shaking his head he laid his hand upon her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. "Not all those that follow the path of the druid are exactly the same and we each revere life in our own way. You chose to go after the unicorns when you could have went down the path that you though Chloe could have taken." Smiling he shrugs his shoulders again. "As for the armor, there is little that I can do for you. I know of no dragons that are already dead and not in need of their hide. As for Steelgrass, that can only be gotten in the Southern Continent and from the Manfri that live there."

Guiding her back to the rest of the group he spoke one last time and then smiled. "My council is to follow your heart, sister. If you feel that following the path of the druid is your calling than you need to do that. You don't need to follow that path to revere nature." He will allow her to think on that and he is right, the choice should be hers but all druids are different.

DM Robert: I've updated some info here from the druid.

There are seven beerbugs and the ettercap named Sofal remaining hogtied in the area. Shadaz asks that you spare their lives, and, as he requested previously, asks that he be given charge of 'his boys.'
"We will learn to live together peaceably again. I think that this has already been a hard lesson for them. I will keep them about me with the strictest of requirements to prove their worthiness to me again."

Glancing to the rest of the group Master Shadesh nods his head once. "I thank you for the assistance and know that you did only what you had to do. There is a law to nature that all must understand, even though it is a hard one....Survival."

He stands by his boys, waiting to hear the fate of the beerbugs and ettercap.

DM Robert 
Friday December 18th, 2009 11:54:50 PM

Reunited again The Mithril Order pile together what they have gathered from this mission. Spread out there is

(On the Road)
6 Bugbears: Male or female bugbears
Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork buckler, +1 morningstar, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str bonus) with 20 arrows.
2 Araneas: CR 4; Medium magical beast (shapechanger);
The araneas each had a magic ring. There was also a wand of Charm Person

(In the caves)
16 Bugbear Guards: Male or female bugbears
Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork buckler, +1 morningstar, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str bonus) with 20 arrows.
And a total of two dozen copper coins, and three empty beer barrels. There are also two dozen beerbug pallets (beds) you could take...
5 Aranea: CR 4; Medium magical beast (shapechanger);
The Bugbears have only their equipment as their valuables, although the Araneas have 30 gems valuing 600gp total that were hidden in the webbing above as their treasure.

(Further in)
8 Huge Spiders, 2 Ettercaps with Cleric 3, and 1 Gargantuan Spider with Cleric 5.
Two holy symbols from Sofal and Look-Haj.

2 Ettercaps
coins from the ettercaps totalling 200 gp
6 Bugbear Guards: Male or female bugbears
Possessions: Masterwork chain shirt, masterwork buckler, +1 morningstar, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str bonus) with 20 arrows.
And a total of 180 gp
2 Araneas: CR 4; Medium magical beast (shapechanger);
coins from the araneas totalling 200 gp
2 Earth Elementals, Large

Mettik's Possessions: Boots, backpack, bracers, ring, rod, wand, another wand, 5 potions, strongbox key on chain

Chloe's Possessions: backpack full of jewellery.

This is a total of 28 beerbugs.

DM Robert 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 12:34:57 AM

It's that time again...
There is 2025 xp for each of you.
[edit] that should be 6025 xp for each of you [/edit]

It is also time to hand out Hero Points. Email me with your favourite bit of roleplay - whether it was an excellent combat move, great idea, good joke, or interaction between two or more characters.

Let me know which parts of this module you enjoyed.

Revi AC21/13T/21FF HP 81/81 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 5:15:00 AM

Revi thanks Master Shadesh for his words of wisdom and has no problem with letting the beerbugs and Sofal leave with him--Edmund on the other hand, she just gives a sneer to in passing.

"Lets rest here for a while, I'll put up the fortifications in the hallway again so no one can come that way without alerting us, then let's go through all these stuff to see if the seal, or whatever it was, is in this pile of booty."

Thar AC 25/26, 61/70 hps, Mag Circle vs. Evil 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 10:05:07 AM

Thar agrees with Revi's wise suggestion and says, "Yes, I'll help you set up a barricade so we can look through this stuff in peace."

To Master Shadesh, he also nods and replies "Yes, I think we should give them to your care. Let me look over them quickly to make sure everyone is fit to travel and I'll do any healing that is required."

(I'll do Heal checks if needed, but it is just to make sure any wounds are covered, broken bones splinted, etc)

He'll do what he can also to help ID any items...

Wynum {48/51hp. Str 6, AC15. Delay Poison} 
Saturday December 19th, 2009 3:01:49 PM

Thoughtful, but still ill at ease with the druid, Wynum confers to the others.

"Maybe... we should ask Master Shadesh about the pendant. I mean, he could question the beerbugs and other creatures. They might have noticed it - we might suppose it is memorable. Worth trying."

{OOC: DM, Are we correct in thinking that we explored all apparent exits in the chasm?}

Ruby [HP: 72/74 - AC: 25(26dodge)(cover)][]  d20+9=26 ;
Sunday December 20th, 2009 3:02:05 AM

Ruby handed over the key if anyone was interested in it so that they could look at it. She was not going to be much help with the loot so she went to help with the barricade. When that was finished she found a clean space to settle down for awhile and just relax. She also wanted to work out some stuff in her mind about what had happened over the past day or so.

To help with that, she pulled out the long pieces of hair that she had gotten from the unicorns and started the process of weaving them into a bracelet. The progess was slightly slow, but she was use to it taking time for most good things to come together...which made her think of Thar. "We have not even known each other that long." Still in her heart she knew that they belonged together and she did like to see him happy.

[craft(weaving) 26]

Arm[HP 44/44 AC 24] 
Monday December 21st, 2009 10:12:02 AM

Arm nods at Wynum and approaches Shadesh. He then describes the pendant to him as best he can remember, and asks him if he has seen anything like it.

Monday December 21st, 2009 5:38:28 PM

Edmund rocks back and forth on his heels whilst everyone discusses the situation and tries to work out what to do.

"Where there's a key," he opines, "there's a lock! Surely we must be able to find what it goes to around here somewhere. Do you know where they were staying? If they were living nearby, it seems reasonable that the lockbox would be there."

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