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The Grand Hall Round 2  9d6=30 ; 9d6=29 ; 9d6=24 ; 9d6=33 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=25 ; d20+9=28 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=18 ; 3d6=12 ; d4=2 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+20=30 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+38=43 ; d8+11=14 ;
Monday January 24th, 2011 9:49:36 PM

Tratain casts Shield of Faith on Himself and looks around with his True Seeing.
He quickly casts Haste, and moves to the east side of the door, drawing a wand.
Monthor moves towards the skeletons (25 feet) and having alreay been hasted from a spell does not bother drawing the potion
Dwight floats into the room, then goes above the door and to the right about 20-25' to a height of 15'.
Belkior tries to identify the skeletal creatures and believes that the 4 closest forms are not actually undead, but Simulcrums. The 3 furthest creatures are likely liches and 2 appear identical. The 4 other creatures near the skeletal beings in the back seem to be vampires
Jass casts a Tiny Hut spell which encases a 20 foot radius in a comfortable temperature, and also gives him an opaque shield to avoid any targeted attacks
Mac moves forward with monthor and Belkior

Tratain cannot see anymore than h already acertained
Jass identifies the four cones as Color Spray spells

The four skeletons move again casting Lightning bolts into the group
Mac and Dwight Reflex 16 Dmg 30 SR 25/28
Mac Reflex 16 Dmg 29 SR 25
Belkior and Jass Reflex 16 Dmg 24 Sr 28/26
Monthor and Mac Reflex 16 Dmg 33 SR 14/18

The skeletal being in front of the back ranks snarls, "This rabble is what has caused our lessers fall? I will show them true power and terror, and then I will crush thier very souls."
With a flick of a withered wrist a Wall of Ice springs up behind Moac, Monthor and Belkior. The foul creature then reaches towards the three and a black miasma lances from his hands and into your chest.

Mac Monthor Belkior Will Save 31 if failed Fortitude Save 27 if failed Death if Fort itude is successful Dmg 12 Stunned & 2 points Str Dmg [Mind effecting Fear] SR 27

The one now identified as Dezdonias remains silent as he casts a sneer at the back of the other. His eyes focus on the three heroes and the power of the Haste spell vanishes on Monthor, Mac and Belkior. Raising his right hand towards the ciling, it calls out in a cracked voice. A great Skeletal fist appears and strikes Belkior [Hit AC 43 Dmg 23 Fort DC 28 or be stunned]

Ceiling is 20'

remeber some of you cannot see anything in the room.
A move action Will Save 29 to penetrate the Screen

Mac | HP:286 | Damage: 12 Stun, 2 Str | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[67, Sun/Dis 70] | 6 AoO:[+40|3d6+31{19+|+2x(3d6+31)}] or CMB:[+42]  d20+19=21 ; d20+19=32 ; d20+19=31 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+26=33 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 5:55:56 AM

OOC: Mostly Saving Throws and questions.
Mac makes the first Reflex Save(21 vs 16 against Dmg 30 SR 25/28). If that is for the Wall of Ice then doesn't it fails to come into existence? - Mac makes the second Reflex Save(32 vs 16 against Dmg 29 SR 25) - Mac makes the third Reflex Save(31 vs 16 against Dmg 33 SR 14/18) - Mac fails the Will Save (17 vs 31) but not the Fortitude Save (33 vs 27), taking Dmg 12 Stunned & 2 points Str Dmg [Mind effecting Fear] SR 27

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0, Stun:12, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[64, Sun/Dis:67] | 6 AoO:[+38|3d6+29{19+|+2x(3d6+29)}] or CMB:[+40] - Heartlight, Good Hope, Magic Vestment(1)

Does this 'veil' prevent Mac from seeing the black miasma and the Ice Wall? Are the three Reflex saves for half damage or no damage?

The Veil ie Screen spell prevents you from seeing anything except candles and empty room. You cannot see the miasma the wall or anything else. Rfelex saves were for Lihgnting bolts so save for 1/2

Ice Wall 
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 8:00:45 AM

Ice wall is on the line of 24/25. No one is adjancent

the reflex saves are for lightning bolts
the will and fortitude saves are for the Wierd

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42 
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 9:07:02 AM

ooc> Monthor has immunity to death effects
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects.
Does this also protect him from the Dmg 12 Stunned & 2 points Str Dmg?

Regarding the lightning. Monthor has a electricity damage reduction 10, and I see the SR is 14 (Monthor has a SR of 20). How would I calculate this this in before I role his Reflex save?

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:139/178 (Shield, Darkvision, Shield)  d20+17=23 ; d20+21=30 ; d20+19=27 ; 5d4+5=15 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 12:14:55 PM

Jass dodges as a lightning bolt flies thorugh his Tiny Hut, getting slightly singed and burning out his False Life spell. The pain helps him focus and to pierce the Screen that has been keeping the enemy from his sight.

Of course, now there is something else keeping him and the others from the enemy; a Wall of Ice. Casting a Targeted Greater Dispel Magic on the Wall of Ice, Jass works to open the way for the others.

As soon as it goes down, Jass targets Skeleton#2 with a Quickened Magic Missle, bludgeoning it with magical force!

Reflex Save: 23 1/2 damage for 12
Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen

G Dispel Magic on the Ice Wall: 27
Quickened Magic Missle: 15 damage to Skeleton #2 (Pathfinder allows Sorcerers to cast Quickened without penalty)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
See Invisible 50/50min:
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used ..4 2 2 8 8 1 8 3 0

DM Sanity: Pathfinder Greater Dispel Magic.
Highlight to display spoiler: {Targeted Dispel: This functions as a targeted dispel magic, but it can dispel one spell for every four caster levels you possess, starting with the highest level spells and proceeding to lower level spells.
Area Dispel: When greater dispel magic is used in this way, the spell affects everything within a 20-foot-radius burst. Roll one dispel check and apply that check to each creature in the area, as if targeted by dispel magic. For each object within the area that is the target of one or more spells, apply the dispel check as with creatures. Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.

For each ongoing area or effect spell whose point of origin is within the area of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the dispel check to dispel the spell. For each ongoing spell whose area overlaps that of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the dispel check to end the effect, but only within the overlapping area.
If an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a monster summoned by summon monster) is in the area, apply the dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel one spell targeting the creature or object.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:42, Ability:-2 Str | AC:25/12/25 | CMD:[45] | 6 AoO:[+29|1d8+14{20|+(1d8+14)}] or CMB:[+26] 
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 4:33:09 PM

Stunned: No Actions, Axe dropped | Heartlight, Good Hope, Magic Vestment(1)
Electric Damage: LB1: 30/2-5 = 10. LB1: 29/2-5 = 9. LB1: 33/2-5 = 11. Natural Electricity Resistance 5, no SR
Other Damage: 12
Mac can perceive: Himself, his axe on the floor, the party, and the floating candles.
Mac cannot perceive: Any opponents, any of their spell effects, the veiled space at the end of the hall.
The greataxe slips from the taur's grasp at clatters to the floor. He fails to take in what has just happened, and stands unable and unready.

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+26=35 ; d20+14=16 ; d20+32=38 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d20+27=33 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d20+22=30 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d20+32=51 ; d20+32=46 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 7:33:36 PM

Save versus Lightning: 37 (no dmg)
Save versus screen: 18 (fails)

Dwight sees only the blurry skeletons through the thick wall of ice in front of him. (Course the ice wall may be gone via Jass, which means Dwight will target the skeletons with shock arrows, instead of the wall with fire arrows.)

OOC: A 10' section of the ice wall would have 120 hitpoints --ugh!

Att #1: 40
Dmg: 15 (against wall) or 25 (against skeleton #1)

Att #2: 35
Dmg: 18 (against wall) or 25 (against skeleton #1)

Att #3: 32
Dmg: 14 (against wall) or 30 (against skeleton #1)

Att #4 (haste): 53 (possible crit: 48)
Dmg: 17 (or 25 if crit against wall) or 21 (or 29 if crit against skeleton #1)

Total: 64 (against wall) or 101 (108 if crit. against skeleton #1)

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 2/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Tratain Current Spells AC 39 HP 191/253  d20+22=34 ; 4d6+32=41 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; 2d6+32=38 ; 2d6+32=34 ; 2d6+32=40 ; 2d6+32=42 ; 2d6+32=37 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=3 ; 2d6=8 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=1 ; 2d6=8 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=12 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 7:39:51 PM

OOC: Going to apologize for the if/than post but under the circumstances theres not a way to avoid it.

If Jass Manages to Dispel the Wall Tratain Moves to B23 And Attacks Skeleton 1.
(PA using Vital Strike - Hit AC 34 for 41 Physical 6 Holy 3 Electric Damage, Greatsword is Good Aligned, Magic and Adamantite for DR purposes.)

If the Wall is still there Tratain takes a 5 foot step forward and Uses the Lunge feat to attack the wall for further away than normal. (War domain power allows the Cleric Use of Combat Feats as long as they meet the Pre-Reqs.)

He hits the Wall 5 Times if Necessary. Attack the wall is an automatic Hit. The damage is 38 Physical 3 Electric, 34 Physical 5 Electric, 40 Physical 1 Electric, 42 Physical 6 Electric, 37 Physical 1 Electric.

Magic Vestment - Full Plate, Heavy Fortification
Magic Vestment - Shield, Reflecting, Animated.
Greater Magic Weapon, Adamantite Greatsword, Holy Shock Burst
Status - Party (21 Hours)
Delay Poison - Tratain, Dwight, Plyf (21 Hours)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 106 Minutes
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 106 Minutes
Ring of Counterspellsx2 - Greater Dispel Magic - Both Expended
Permanent - See Invisibility, Tongues, Comprehend Language
Stoneskin 106 points - 137 minutes
Extended Spell Resistance, SR 37 - 50 Minutes
True Seeing
Good Hope
Shield of Faith - 26 Minutes
Bead of karma - 10 Minutes
Animated Shield - Round 2 of 4

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42  d20+20=37 ; d20+17=27 ; d20+25=35 ; d20+40=43 ; d10+46=48 ; 2d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 8:13:27 PM

Animated shield (GMV) +5 round 2 of 4
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
Activate Good Hope on Party. Caster Level 10, 10 Mins, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Lightning bolt: -10/resistence, save 37 and spell resisted. ooc> I'd say "no damage" but I'm likely wrong.
Weird spell: Will save 27 (fail) Fort (35) pass.ooc> Monthor burns two hero points and changes the Will save to 31 (pass).
Monthor advances (to D19) and strikes out at the skeleton (s3)

two handed power attack: -6/+15

Hits DC 39 for 48 physical damage, 5holy damage, 1 shock damage, 4 frost damage

Belkior - HP 127/156 - AC 28 (30 vs. Evil, Touch 17, Flat 27) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Haste, Good Hope  d20+15=18 ; d20+28=46 ; d20+23=42 ; d8=6 ; d8=3 ; d8=3 ; d8=6 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 9:59:04 PM

The halfling cleric avoids the worst of the lightning bolt sent at him by the skeletal simulacrums and then withstands the foul magic cast by the lich.
Reflex = 18, half damage
Will = 46

The magical skeletal fist, however, is a different story since it hits him full on, even though he withstands the stunning might of the strike.
Fortitude = 42

Belkior stands in place and prepares to return the favour to the two liches and their supporting vampires. He calls upon the greatest of the healing magics granted him by Alemi and attempts to damage the undead.

Standard - cast Mass Cure Critical Wounds, 43 hps (18 +16 (level) +4 (Bead) +4 (Power Battery) +1 (vestment) , Will DC 29 for half damage (targetting all but the front Pindar)

Active Spells & Effects
Magic Vestment - +5 enhancement bonus, 19 hours, 44.2 minutes
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194.2 minutes
Protection from Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194.2 minutes
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.4 minutes

Items used
Staff of Healing - 10 charges (Still figuring out what to do with this)
Celestial Armor - 1 daily use
Bead of Karma - 1 daily use

Cumulative Level & Ability Effects
Presumed cured from Tratain's use of Wand of Restoration

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic*(x2), Detect Poison(x2), Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil**(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil*)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence*(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward*(x4), Dimensional Anchor*, Freedom of Movement* (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Hallow, Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic**(x2), Undeath to Death (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate**(x2) (D - Holy Word*)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 3  9d6=34 ; d20+33=43 ; d8+20=22 ; d4=4 ; 3d6=9 ; 5d4+5=18 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+13=28 ; d20+13=22 ; 12d6+9=47 ; 20d6+9=72 ;
Tuesday January 25th, 2011 11:36:53 PM

Monthor is unaffected by the lightning blast and through a heroic second effort overcomes the Weird spell [not a death effect so the Bracers did not help there] he moves forward and srtikes out at one of the skeletons 56 dmg
Jass tries to dispel the Wall of Ice but fails to overcome the Dread Lords spell power
Dwight begins firing at the wall to take it down dmg 64 a spiderweb of cracks appear, but the wall is still very solid
Tratain lunges striking the wall and shattering a 10' section
Mac stands stunned from the Weird onslaught
Belkior casts mass Cure Critical Wounds into the back foes

The four smaller identical skeletons begin casting. 2 Grease spells appear under Monthor's feet and a third coats his weapon. The 4th creature moves to the Ice Wall and hurls another lightning bolt into Belkior and Mac
Monthor 3 refelex saves DC 16 the last being the weapon no SR for Grease

Mac and Belkior Reflex DC 17 Dmg 34 for Half

The fist strikes at Belkior again Hit AC 43 Dmg 22 Fort save or be stunned DC 28

The 4 vampires advance and casting a spell each, vanish from sight [Spellcraft DC 15 Greater Invisibility]

"Good good come to death would be heroes." The smaller lich closest to the heroes cackles. Another stream of black vapors comes forth from the small lich striking Mac Monthor and Belkior again.

Mac Monthor and Belkior Will Save 31 if failed Fort Save 27 failure Death, Success on Fort save Dmg 9 +4 Str and Stunned

The lich then gestures towards Monthor and 5 bolts of force streak into the warrior.
Monthor Dmg 24 SR 21 natural 1 fails

The creature then advances. Please note those with true sight see the nearest smaller lich as an illusion and those without True sight cannot see the small lich in the back (Pn)

The other lich (Dz) rises into the air and forward to come to a stop 10' and just behind one of the vampires. Gesturing towards the stunned Mac 4 rays of green vaporous rays streak into the minotaur

Mac Hit Touch AC 21/3/28/22 Dmg 47+72 = 119 acid

Ceiling is 20'

remember some of you cannot see anything in the room.
A move action Will Save 29 to penetrate the Screen

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:42, Ability:-2 Str | AC:25/12/25 | CMD:[45] | 6 AoO:[+29|1d8+14{20|+(1d8+14)}] or CMB:[+26]  d20+18=38 ; d20+14=15 ; d20+14=32 ; d20+14=15 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 12:54:37 AM

Mac dodges most of the Lightning Bolt Reflex 38(nat 20!)vs17 (Dmg 34) for Half 17 damage less 5 = 12
He fails (natural 1... spend last Hero Point) no, succeeds on the Will Save 32 vs 31.

No longer Stunned, the taur attempts to gain some clarity. Will Save - natural 1 . Still unable to see the foes or their magics he knows another round like that will be the end of him. Still, he is not going to die without his Great-grandfather's axe in his hand. He takes the time to pick up the weapon. It feels comfortable - reassuring, then he turns his attention to the party and declares. "If YOU can see what is going on then GET MONTHOR'S BACK!! I've got nothing!"

He takes no step, as all it can do is put him in Belkior's way. Thoughts of an oath once sworn on the Plains supposedly a mile or so beneath him resurface.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:173, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO*:[+38|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 12:58:17 AM

Heartlight, Good Hope, Magic Vestment(1)
*but only against targets he can see.
This header should have replaced the last.

Vedik | HP 217/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+25=27 ; d20+25=35 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 9:03:24 AM

Vedik peers at the wall, trying to discern it's reality. He sees through the illusion, but not before the vampires disappear.

He then cuts battlefield in half with a Wall of Force along the line of the illusionary wall.

Move action to discern the wall: Save DC 27 (Hero Point Reroll) 35, passed. Vedik sees the wall as an illusion.
Standard action: Cast Wall of Force along the same line as the illusionary wall.
5' step to C25

Sorry for missing a combat post, my internet connection was flakey last night.

Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 19 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Stoneskin (CL 15, 96.2 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.0 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 94.9 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.0 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Shapechange,Ex - CL 18, 356.0 Mins (Cast in Mino/Armored DL fight)
Good Hope: CL 10, 9.8 mins (Cast before opening door)

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:139/178 (Shield, Darkvision, See Invisible)  19d4=49 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 1:23:22 PM

Spells are moving this way and that, filling the air with the crackle of energies. There are so many that Jass despairs of countering any magic, for even one spell uncast would not dent the deluge. "So I must reduce the number of spellcasters", he tells himself.

Hasted as he is, it is a simple matter to trot out the hole Tratain put in the Wall of Ice and over to where Belkior standing. Jass passes the skeleton with the wand, but since it doesn't have a weapon, the sorcerer isn't worried about getting attacked.

Once in place, he pulls of the disturbing power that has been with him since his death in an underwater cavern, and casts Undeath to Death, hurling it against the wand wielding skeletons!

Then, in an instant, he casts a Quickened Tiny Hut to cover himself, Belkior, and Mac from attack.

Previous Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen; can see

- Move to D,22 (40 foot move, 60 foot available) (assuming no AOO since skeleton isn't armed)
- Cast Undeath to Death (takes 7th level slot); 49 HD of undead (weakest to strongest) in a 40 foot radius must Will Save DC 25 or die.
- Quicken Cast Tiny Hut: (takes 7th level slot) 20' radius sphere, can't see in

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
See Invisible 50/50min:
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.
Tiny Hut2: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used ..4 2 2 8 8 0 8 5 0

Tratain Current Spells AC 45 HP 191/253  d20+24=41 ; d20+28=42 ; 2d6+34=41 ; 2d6+34=41 ; 2d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d10=5 ; d4=2 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 7:21:18 PM

Tratain moves up through the hole in the wall of Ice, and seeing there is now a wall of force where the illusionary wall is he decides to attack what he can reach.

He says to the others "The Lich in front is an Illusion, we have to get at the ones in the back. There are behind the Illusionary wall."

Hit AC 41, Crit Chance AC 42 if Critable - For 41 Physical Damage 4 Holy Damage 4 Electric Damage, or If Critable 82 Physical Damage 4 Holy Damage 9 Electric Damage, Plus Staggering Critical - Target is Staggered for 3 Rounds, Fort Save DC 27 to reduce Staggered to 1 Round.

Magic Vestment - Full Plate, Heavy Fortification
Magic Vestment - Shield, Reflecting, Animated.
Greater Magic Weapon, Adamantite Greatsword, Holy Shock Burst
Status - Party (21 Hours)
Delay Poison - Tratain, Dwight, Plyf (21 Hours)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 106 Minutes
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 106 Minutes
Ring of Counterspellsx2 - Greater Dispel Magic - Both Expended
Permanent - See Invisibility, Tongues, Comprehend Language
Stoneskin 106 points - 137 minutes
Extended Spell Resistance, SR 37 - 50 Minutes
True Seeing
Good Hope
Shield of Faith - 26 Minutes
Bead of karma - 10 Minutes
Animated Shield - Round 3 of 4

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42  d20+20=40 ; d20+20=40 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+21=39 ; d20+36=53 ; d10+48=56 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 9:03:55 PM

Animated shield (GMV) +5 round 3 of 4
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
Activate Good Hope on Party. Caster Level 10, 10 Mins, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Monthor skates around the grease spells like a professional skater.
Reflex roles 40,40,34 ( WHAT A WASTE OF ROLES!)

Weird spell role (ooc> Just noticed that the spell was fear based. I'm adding Monthor's +5 vs fear roles (bravery)
Will - 39
Monthor disbelieves the spell yet again and shakes off the bolts of force. {ooc> LOOK AT ME NOW BRACERS OF PROTECTION!!}

Monthor skates out of the grease area (10 feet to E17) and swings (at S3)

Two handed power attack -6+15

Hits AC 53 for 56 physical, 10 holy, 5 shock, and 4 frost

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=49 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d20+27=38 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d20+22=37 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d20+32=38 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 9:57:11 PM

Dwight floats over to F27, and sends all of his attention to S1, with shock arrows. (If S1 is dead already, he'll move to B23 to hit S2 with only 3 attacks)

Att #1: 49 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 52
Dmg: 12 +3(holy) + 5(shock) +2 (GH) + 1(PB) = 23

Att#2: 38 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 41
Dmg: 13 + 4(holy) + 4(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 24

Att #3: 37 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) + 40
Dmg: 14 + 6(holy) + 5(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 28

Att #4: 38 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 41
Dmg: 10 + 8(holy) + 2(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 23

Total: 98

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 3/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Belkior - HP 136/156 - AC 28 (30 vs. Evil, Touch 17, Flat 27) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Haste, Good Hope  d20+15=29 ; d20+23=31 ; d20+28=34 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d8=7 ;
Wednesday January 26th, 2011 10:36:02 PM

The halfling cleric avoids part of the lightning bolt but gets hit again by the fist. At least he isn't stunned and withstands the foul magic again.
Reflex = 29, Fortitude = 31, Will = 34

The halfling cleric now heals himself in order to stay in the fight.

Standard - cast Cure Critical Wounds (using Death Ward), 47 hps (18*1.5 +16 (level) +4 (Bead) +4 (Power Battery) +1 (vestment)

Active Spells & Effects
Magic Vestment - +5 enhancement bonus, 19 hours, 44.1 minutes
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194.1 minutes
Protection from Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194.1 minutes
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.4 minutes

Items used
Staff of Healing - 10 charges (Still figuring out what to do with this)
Celestial Armor - 1 daily use
Bead of Karma - 1 daily use

Cumulative Level & Ability Effects
Presumed cured from Tratain's use of Wand of Restoration

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic*(x2), Detect Poison(x2), Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil**(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil*)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence*(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward**(x4), Dimensional Anchor*, Freedom of Movement* (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Hallow, Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic**(x2), Undeath to Death (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate**(x2) (D - Holy Word*)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel*(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:173, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO*:[+38|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Thursday January 27th, 2011 3:35:30 AM

OOC: Fear based?! Sigh... maybe next round will add Bravery IV as well?

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:173, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO*:[+38|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Thursday January 27th, 2011 8:50:36 AM

Mac looks at Tratain and blinks several times before asking, "So, which candle are they hiding behind?"

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 3  d20+38=47 ; d8+20=28 ; 9d6=33 ; 9d6=33 ; 9d6=32 ; 9d6=36 ; 9d6=28 ;
Thursday January 27th, 2011 9:59:09 PM

Jass casts Undeath to Death, hurling it against the skeletons! Then, in an instant, he casts a Quickened Tiny Hut to cover himself, Belkior, and Mac from attack.
Tratain moves through the Ice Wall and strikes one of the skeletons, though it does not fall under the powerful strike.
Monthor manages to hold onto his axe and his footing, stepping up he strikes and the skeletn explodes in a cloud of icey crystals and snow
Dwight draws to fire through the tiny gap, but has no shot. He begins to move, but Jass erects a Tiny Hut and any possible target is suddenly vanished behind an opaque wall.
Belkior now heals himself in order to stay in the fight

The skeleton by Tratain, casts alightning Bolt into him Belkior and Mac
Belkior Reflex 16 half Dmg 33
Mac Reflex 16 half Dmg 33

A skeleton steps into the Hut and hits Jass and Belkior with a Lightning bolt
Jass Reflex 16 half Dmg 32
Belkior Reflex 16 half Dmg 36

The third moves into the hut as well and targets Mac with a Lightning bolt
Mac Reflex 16 half Dmg 28

One of the lich also steps into the hut. With a crack of centuries dries tendon a great cloud of poisonous vapors fills the Hut.
Tratain Mac, Monthor Belkior and Jass Fort Save 23 for half 1d4 Con from Cloudkill
All vision is limited to 5'

Due to the Fog Cloud of the Cloud kill spell. Only Jass and Mac can see the new wall of Ice
The great Fist Strikes Belkior Hit AC 47 Dmg 28 Fort 28 or be stunned

Ceiling is 20'

remember some of you cannot see anything in the room.
A move action Will Save 29 to penetrate the Screen

Belkior - HP 109/156 - AC 28 (30 vs. Evil, Touch 17, Flat 27) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Haste, Good Hope  d20+15=34 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+23=37 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ; d8=3 ; d8=6 ;
Thursday January 27th, 2011 11:02:01 PM

The halfling cleric avoids some of the damage from the lightning bolts. As a Healer and Paragon, Belkior is immune to poison, including the effects of the Cloudkill spell. He again avoids being stunned by the magical fist of force.
Reflex = 34, 31
Fort = 37

The halfling cleric then uses one of his most powerful healing spells to cure himself and his companions and, hopefully, damage the lich.

Standard - cast Mass Cure Critical Wounds (using Empowered Greater Dispel), 58 hps (22*1.5 +16 (level) +4 (Bead) +4 (Power Battery) +1 (vestment) of healing to Belkior, Mac, Monthor, Jass and Tratain and 47 points of damage to lich Pindar (Will DC 29 for half)

Active Spells & Effects
Magic Vestment - +5 enhancement bonus, 19 hours, 44. minutes
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194. minutes
Protection from Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 194. minutes
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.3 minutes

Items used
Staff of Healing - 10 charges (Still figuring out what to do with this)
Celestial Armor - 1 daily use
Bead of Karma - 1 daily use

Cumulative Level & Ability Effects
Presumed cured from Tratain's use of Wand of Restoration

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic*(x2), Detect Poison(x2), Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil**(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil*)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence*(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward**(x4), Dimensional Anchor*, Freedom of Movement* (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Hallow, Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic**(x2), Undeath to Death (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate**(x2) (D - Holy Word*)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel*(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Mac | HP:270 | Dam:203, Ability:-2 Con, -2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO:[+29|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+31]  d20+18=36 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+26=36 ; d4=4 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 4:53:11 AM

Heartlight, Good Hope, Magic Vestment(1)

pre-post Saving Throws
The skeleton by Tratain casts a lightning Bolt into Mac Reflex 38 vs16 for half = 16 damage
The third moves into the hut as well and targets Mac with a Lightning bolt Reflex 25 vs16 for half =14 damage
One of the lich also steps into the hut. With a crack of centuries dries tendon a great cloud of poisonous vapors fills the Hut. Mac Fort Save 36 vs 23 for half 1d4 Con (4/2=2) from Cloudkill
Damage is reflected in the Header

Due to the Fog Cloud of the Cloud kill spell. Only Jass and Mac can see the new wall of Ice

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42  d20+34=51 ; d10+48=58 ; 2d6=8 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d20+29=39 ; d10+48=52 ; 2d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+24=35 ; d12+48=60 ; 2d6=10 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d20+19=29 ; d10+48=53 ; 2d6=7 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 8:09:20 AM

Animated shield (GMV) +5 round 4 of 4
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
Activate Good Hope on Party. Caster Level 10, 10 Mins, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Monthor notices that the skeleton doesn't break apart like a normal undead....

Ignoring the cloudkill (Necklace of Adaptation), Monthor takes a step towards the lich (d19) and SWINGS!

Two handed power attack- -6/+15

Attack 1 AC 51 for 58 physical, 8 holy, 3 shock, 1 frost
Attack 2 AC 39 for 52 physical 4 holy, 5 shock, 6 frost
Attack 3 AC 35 for 60 physical, 10 holy, 4 shock, 2 frost
Attack 4 AC 29 for 53 physical, 7 holy, 3 shock, 6 frost

Vedik | HP 217/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+22=32 ; d20+31=38 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 10:14:04 AM

"We need a dispel Jass, I'm out, ya got any?"

Vedik steps north east and casts Telekinesis. He uses his mind to grapple the skeleton near Tratain, the only one he can see.

5' step to D25
Cast Telekinesis - Combat Maneuver variant.
Grapple skeleton at B23 SR check 32. CMB 38 to Grapple The CMB for this spell is +31 if it tries to cast.

Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 19 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Stoneskin (CL 15, 96.2 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 94.9 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 94.8 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 105.9 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Shapechange,Ex - CL 18, 356.9 Mins (Cast in Mino/Armored DL fight)
Good Hope: CL 10, 9.7 mins (Cast before opening door)

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:124/178 -1CON (Shield, Darkvision, See Invisible)  d20+17=31 ; d20+17=35 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=23 ; d4=1 ; d20+19=28 ; d20+19=31 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 11:58:02 AM

Lightning, poison, and immune undead threaten to overpower Jass and his friends with a sheer number of magics. The sorcerer is able to withstand the onslaught, but is getting increasingly worried abou the flow of the battle.

Jass tries to go through his understanding of magic to determine why the skeletons were completely immune to his Undeath to Death spell. (ooc: not even a saving throw? no expanation on the skeletons ignoring the spell? Jass has already passed Will saves to see illusions, I have no idea whats happening!)

The obvious conclusion is the spell-weilding skeletons are not undead. But if not, what are they?

Jass can only think they may be shadows or illusions. Certainly, the lich that cast the Cloudkill and Tratain swears is an illusion must be a Similacrum! And so Jass steps forward and heroically casts a Greater Dispel Magic over the entire Area to strip away the Cloudkill and (hopefully) skeletons and spell-casting-illusion-lich.

Immediately, the Tiny Hut is gone. The Ice Wall, Cloudkill, Grease spells are affected as well as the 3 wand-wielding skeletons, lich, Jass, Belkior, Tratain, Mac, and Monthor.

Previous Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen; can see

Reflex 31 v lightning - lose 16 damage
Fort 35 v Cloudkill - 1/2 CON 1 = 1CON damage

- 5 foot step to D,21
- Cast Area Greater Dispel Magic: 28 Hero Point reroll- 31 (6th level slot) Spell Penetration; no spell resistance per Pathfinder, area dispel roll once and compare to all that it affects

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
See Invisible 50/50min:
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used ..- 2 2 8 8 0 8 6 0

DM Sanity Area Dispel:Highlight to display spoiler: { "spell affects everything within a 20-foot-radius burst. Roll one dispel check and apply that check to each creature in the area, as if targeted by dispel magic. For each object within the area that is the target of one or more spells, apply the dispel check as with creatures. Magic items are not affected by an area dispel.

For each ongoing area or effect spell whose point of origin is within the area of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the dispel check to dispel the spell. For each ongoing spell whose area overlaps that of the greater dispel magic spell, apply the dispel check to end the effect, but only within the overlapping area.

If an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a monster summoned by summon monster) is in the area, apply the dispel check to end the spell that conjured that object or creature (returning it whence it came) in addition to attempting to dispel one spell targeting the creature or object.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:145, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO:[+33|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+31]  d20+18=35 ; d20+38=40 ; 3d6+37=55 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 5:48:04 PM

Heartlight, Good Hope, Power Attack, Magic Vestment(1)
Mac tries one more time to see what it is that is causing all the pain and consternation: A move action Will Save 35 vs 29 to penetrate the Screen! [So, Mac could now see everything if it weren't for the 5' max visibility from the Cloudkill... D'Oh! Necklace of Adaption prevents the Con loss from Cloudkill...

"Thanks, Belkior."
Mac is about to ask Tratain a question when (hopefully) the newest icewall and cloudkill and other dissipate (thanks Jass), at which he takes a 5' step along the wall and takes a mighty swing at Skeleton 4. [40|55]

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 3 Part Duex 
Friday January 28th, 2011 7:00:50 PM

Colossal DM Blunder 1

OK guys the wall of Force broke the Project Image Spell

So that means no second Wall of Ice and no Cloud kill spell
Everything else remains

The illusionary wall (light Blu on the map) is NOT part of the Screen spell. Unless you have true sight, Specifically interact with it physically or use a Move action to specifically see through it by making another DC 31 will save, you cannot see tha last 50' of the room.

repost any actions you wish. The bad guys would not have changed thier end of things

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:145, Ability:-2 Str | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[55, Sun/Dis:58] | 6 AoO:[+33|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Friday January 28th, 2011 7:07:37 PM

OOC: No changes for Mac. I'm making a few initial errors of my own with new equipment from the changeover. : )

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42 
Friday January 28th, 2011 7:18:25 PM

ooc> I'm good

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+28=30 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d20+23=28 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d20+18=30 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d20+28=39 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ;
Friday January 28th, 2011 10:07:15 PM

Here goes an "IF"

If Skeleton 1 remains standing and is now in view (tiny hut gone). Dwight fires at it.

Deadly Aim -4/+8
Att #1: 30 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 33
Dmg: 22 + 5(holy) + 1(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 31

Att #2: 28 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 31
Dmg: 17 + 6(holy) + 3(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 29

Att #3: 30 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 33
Dmg: 22 + 9(holy) + 6(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 40

Att #4: 39 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 42
Dmg: 21 + 6(holy) + 6(shock) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 36

Total: 146

(Should S1 be gone, and area visible, Dwight will move to B23 and fire at the next skeleton that remains standing -- with one less arrow)

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 4/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:124/178 -1CON (Shield, Darkvision, See Invisible) 
Saturday January 29th, 2011 7:52:17 AM

yeah, there is so MUCH going on, I'm not worried about the occasional mistake. Jass still tries to dispel the potential skeletons.

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Saturday January 29th, 2011 8:24:04 PM

OOC: In case, Dwight doesn't have a shot -- S1 is still out of view, he'll target the wall again. The same spot he hit during round 1.

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 4  9d6=27 ; d20+18=36 ; 9d6=27 ; 9d6=28 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=31 ; 8d6=29 ; 3d6=6 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+8=28 ; 4d6=11 ; 4d6=9 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+8=14 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+13=16 ; 4d6=12 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2011 12:52:34 AM

Belkior casts Mass Cure Critical Wounds to cure himself and his companions 47HP
None of the skeletons seem to be affected.
Mac steps north and blasts into one of the skeletons.
Monthor turns on the lich, but the suddenly it fades into nothingness
Vedik steps north east and casts Telekinesis: The skeleton is grapped by the spell
Jass casts Greater Dispel Magic into the area about himself. Immediately, the Tiny Hut and Wall of Ice are gone. Likewise, the Grease spells and the Screen spell vanish.

The room is revealed to all. 30'x 80' with three small skeletal beings in torn robes and once lavish cloaks. Thin crowns of gold adorn thier skulls and tiny fires of hatred burn where thier eyes should be.

Jass's Dispel tears into the protections of friend and foe alike
All of Jass's spells wink out
Belkior loses all of his active spells as well.
Vedik loses Shapechange, Contingency Telekinesis and Stoneskin
Monthor loses Good Hope, Greater Magic Weapon on his axe, GMagical Vestment on his shield and Resist Energy
Mac loses every spell active on him
Tratain losesa bunch as well
The telekinesis holding the one skeleton vanishes

Dwight fires at the skelton near Tratain and the thing explodes in a powder of snow

The skeleton on Mac steps back and casts Lightning bolt into the Minotaur Rflex DC 16 for half Dmg 28
s2 moves south and casts a lightning bolt through Jass and into Mac Reflex DC 16 for half Dmg 27

Rays of fire erupt about Monthor Hit Touch AC 25/22 SR 28 Dmg 11/9 Fire Hit Touch AC 23/32 SR 14 no effect Hit Touch AC 22/16 SR 25 one hit Dmg 12 Fire The vampires are invisble

The floating Lich produces a scroll and points at Monthor. A bile colored ray leaps from his hand and strikes the Wall of Force obliterating it. Willing himself slightly higher in the air he again point. A second gesture sends a trio or arching opaque rays slamming into the tough dwarf. Hit AC 15/30/31 one ray misses SR 28 Dmg 52 acid no save

Only those with True Sight can see the far lich at the very rear of the chamber
Again the Miasma flows fromn this vile creature, this time striking Vedik, Mac, Jass Belkior and Tratain
Vedik, Mac, Jass Belkior and Tratain Will Save 31 if failed Fort save 27 Failure is death sucess Dmg 6 and stunned

Ceiling is 20'

Remember only those with True Sight can see past the illusionary Wall
The Vampires are invisible
Belior cure, Jass's dispel and Undeath to Death seems to have not affected the skeletons

Mac | Stunned: No Actions, Axe dropped | HP:286 | Dam:178, Ability:-2 Str | AC:24/12/24 | CMD:[45] | 6 AoO:[+27|1d8+12{20|+(1d8+12)}] or CMB:[+26]  d20+20=24 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+28=48 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2011 6:23:29 AM

Effects: Stunned, Heartlight
Last Round:
Jass's Dispel tears into the protections of friend and foe alike Mac loses every spell active on him {Good Hope - everything else had already succumbed!}
The skeleton on Mac steps back and casts Lightning bolt into the Minotaur Reflex 24 vs DC 16 for half Dmg 28 /2= 14 damage (159)
s2 moves south and casts a lightning bolt through Jass and into Mac Reflex 28 DC 16 for half Dmg 27/2= 13 damage (172)
Again the Miasma flows from this vile creature, this time striking Mac - Will Save 20 (+4vs Fear) vs 31 if failed Fort save 48(Could have used that on the previous roll!) vs 27 Failure is death success Dmg 6 (178) and stunned

New Round:
Once again Mac's greataxe clatters to the floor.

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 44, CMD 42  d20+10=28 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=21 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2011 10:25:03 AM

ooc> Question, since the vamps are within 5 feet of Monthor... could he notice that they are there? Invisible isn't inaudible. Plus the flames would have to start from somewhere. AoO?

Perception roles if needed: 28,28,21

DM the flames came from about 30' away. Your Perception check does not locate them

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+14=18 ; d20+28=43 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d20+23=39 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d20+18=26 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d20+28=29 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2011 4:50:03 PM

OOC: s1 is gone (still on map)

Dwight notes that the enemy is much stronger than those he can still see, despite the closest wall of ice vanishing. He scans for his next target. (Will: 18 + 2(GH) = 20 -- Dwight only sees the two skeletons.)

Floating forward 5' (F26), he selects skeleton #2 for his attacks as it was already wounded by magic missiles.

Deadly Aim: -4/+8

Att #1: 43 +2(GH) + 1(PB) = 46
Dmg: 19 + 11(holy) + 1(shock) + 2(GH) = 33

Att #2: 39 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 42
Dmg: 19 + 4(holy) + 1(shock) = 24

Att #3: 26 + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 29
Dmg: 18 + 7(holy) + 1(shock) = 26

Att #4: 29 (natural 1) --miss

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 4/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door began round 2)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:118/178 (Stunned)  d20+17=20 ; d20+21=27 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+17=37 ;
Sunday January 30th, 2011 9:54:02 PM

Jass looks on in horror as his spell pulls spell defenses away and leaves the heroes vulnerable. The little skeletons' lightning wands are only a nusiance, but the lich's illusion stalks the sorcerer like a cat with a mouse. Only by the most heroic of efforts is Jass able to not be slain outright.

He stands tottering like an old man trying to breathe.

Previous Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen; can see

Reflex 31 v lightning - lose 16 damage
Will 27 fail
Fort 18 fail
Fort Hero Reroll 37 success ; 6 damage + stunned

- 5 foot step to D,21
- Cast Area Greater Dispel Magic: 28 Hero Point reroll- 31 (6th level slot) Spell Penetration; no spell resistance per Pathfinder, area dispel roll once and compare to all that it affects

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used ..- 2 2 8 8 0 8 6 0

Vedik | HP 211/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+23=28 ; d20+21=41 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 9:21:25 AM

Vedik is stunned by the enemies attack, unable to react.

Will Save: Failed (28), follow up Fort Save: Passed (41): 6 damage and stunned.

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 253/253  d20+28=38 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 9:31:25 AM

Tratain takes stock of the Battlefield and thinks his friends need a little healing. He Casts Mass Heal Targeting the Party, Except for Vedik and Dwight who are two far away, and he also hits all 4 Vampires. (250 Healing, or Positive Energy Damage to Vampires, Will DC 30 for Half)

He then reaches out and Grabs his Animated Shield and Stows it until it can be used again.

OOC Will save 38, Also Note that Heal Cures the Following:ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned

Magic Vestment - Full Plate, Heavy Fortification
Magic Vestment - Shield, Reflecting, Animated.
Greater Magic Weapon, Adamantite Greatsword, Holy Shock Burst
Status - Party (21 Hours)
Delay Poison - Tratain, Dwight, Plyf (21 Hours)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 106 Minutes
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 106 Minutes
Ring of Counterspellsx2 - Greater Dispel Magic - Both Expended
Permanent - See Invisibility, Tongues, Comprehend Language
Extended Spell Resistance, SR 37 - 50 Minutes I can only get your SR to 34...12+
CL of 22...where are the other3 points please

True Seeing
Good Hope
Shield of Faith - 26 Minutes
Bead of karma - 10 Minutes
Animated Shield - Round 1 of 4 (Cooldown)

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0, | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+30] | Heartlight, PA  d20+37=55 ; 3d6+37=45 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 3:49:45 PM

"Thank you, Tratain!"
Mac looks down, picks up his axe, takes a 5' step along the wall, and swings once more at the skeleton(S4) [55|45]

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:178/178 
Monday January 31st, 2011 5:51:56 PM

Jass feels the healing seep through him, pulling the effects of the evil spell away.

The sorcerer sends a smile Tratain's way, and then snarls at the lich. "More direct measures are required", he says, and evilly grins as he targets only one skeleton with a Heightend Hideous Laughter spell. "Being spell casters, you skeleton-men must have a mind of your own. And I have found that being a ghost myself once, I have certain affinity for your kind."

Previous Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen; can see

Reflex 31 v lightning - lose 16 damage
Will 27 fail
Fort 18 fail
Fort Hero Reroll 37 success ; 6 damage + stunned
Tratain: heal removes stun
Cast: full round: Heightened Hideous Laughter, 5th level Will DC 24 or helpless for 19 rounds in laughter. (Undead Bloodline allows mind affecting spells to affect intelligent humanoid undead)(5th level slot)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 2 2 8 8 1 8 6 0

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37  d20+30=38 ; d20+25=41 ; d20+20=38 ; d20+15=20 ; d10+40=43 ; d10+40=46 ; d10+40=42 ; d10+40=46 ; 2d6=7 ; 2d6=10 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 8:46:42 PM

Animated shield +1 round (inactive)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.


Monthor looks around him as the liche in front of him disappears. Then the hut poofs away. The grease on the floor... the wall of ice.... Fire erupts around him but between his resistance and the heal spell cast from Tratain, he ignores it. Equally, the acid attacks stigns briefly before being washed away by the cleric's healing powers.

Monthor takes a 5 foot step to the right and attacks the skeleton (4).

Two handed power attack -6/+15

Attack 1 43 physical 7 holy 6 shock, 5 frost
Attack 2 46 physical 10 holy 4 shock 4 frost
Attack 3 42 physical 6 holy 1 shock 4 frost
Attack 4 46 physical 3 holy 6 shock 3 frost

Belkior - HP 109/156 - AC 26 (Touch 17, Flat 25) CMD +24  d20+26=31 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 10:59:53 PM

Everything is moving so fast and furiously and the little halfling cleric barely knows what is going on. The worst of it is that all of his protective magics have been stripped away. So much so that he barely manages to resist the death magics.
Will = 31

Wanting to reveal those pesky vampires, Belkior casts a manage that strips their invisibility (and might even catch whatever is lurking at the far end of the room).

Standard - cast Invisibility Purge, 125 ft radius (level 16 +4 Bead of Karma +4 Power Battery +1 Setanos' Vestments)

Active Spells & Effects
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.2 minutes
Invisibility Purge - 25 minutes

Items used
Staff of Healing - 10 charges (Still figuring out what to do with this)
Celestial Armor - 1 daily use
Bead of Karma - 1 daily use

Cumulative Level & Ability Effects
Presumed cured from Tratain's use of Wand of Restoration

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic*(x2), Detect Poison(x2), Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil**(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil*)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence*(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge*, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward**(x4), Dimensional Anchor*, Freedom of Movement* (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Hallow, Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic**(x2), Undeath to Death (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate**(x2) (D - Holy Word*)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel*(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 4 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 9:14:51 AM

I will get a post in this eveing

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 5  d20+13=15 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+13=32 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=21 ; d20+9=26 ; 4d6=9 ; 4d6=15 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+13=17 ; 8d6=31 ; 6d6=22 ; 6d6=21 ; 6d6=27 ; 6d6=12 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+20=33 ; 10d6=39 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 9:23:01 PM

Jass gets stunned by the Wierd spell
Vedick gets stunned by the weird spell
Tratain casts Mass heal and grabs his animated shield. Jass Monthor Tratain, Mac and Belkior are cured 150 H and all ability loss and other conditions including stunned are lifted
Mac picks up his axe and attacks the skeleton turning it into a pile of snow
Jass casts Heightend Hideous Laughter at a skeleton
Monthor turns to the nearest skelton , but Mac has beaten him to that one
Belkior cassts invisibility Purge

Note on the Dispel only the following spells were terminated
Jass loses See invisibility
Vedick loses shapechange
Monthor loses Magic Vestment
Mac loses Good Hope
Belkior loses Magic Vestment

The skelton near Jass topples laughing, a rather disturbing sight in of itself
The last vampire appears in front of Monthor and the creature steps back letting fly another pair of firey rays.
Monthor Hit Touch AC 18/26 SR 26 Dmg 9/15

The flying lich points towarrds Belkior and several small spheres fly from his hand. With the flick of his wrist he then sends three acrid rays into Belkior as well.
Each of the four shperes explode in a sulphuric acid blast
Belkior Touch AC 25/33 crit 15/23/17 Dmg 31 physical Acid Dmg 22/21/27/21 Belkior make 4 Reflex saves vs the acid dmg for 1/2 each DC 29

Jass, Mac, Monthor Tratain, Vedick Dwight Dmg 22/21/27/21 Belkior make 4 Reflex saves vs the acid dmg for 1/2 each DC 29 SR 28

The other lich casts a rainbow of colors into tehe area just before Tratain followed by a powerful stroke of Lightning into Jass and Vedick
SR 33 to Tratain
Jass and Vedick Reflex save DC 21 1/2 Dmg 57

Ceiling is 20'

Illusionary Wall is still in place to those who do nothae true sight or have not used a move action to see through it Will DC 28

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+30] | Heartlight, PA 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 5:27:09 AM

OOC: Not sure I am understanding acid damage: Belkior gets to make 8 Reflex saves against various acid attacks for half damage, while the rest of the PCs just take 91 acid damage each?

DM Belkior takes 31 physical points and then makes 4 reflex saves at DC 29 for half dmg vs 22/21/27 and 21 points. 43+31 if Belkior makes every save. The rest of the party is also makin the four saves at DC 29 for half dmg vs 22/21/27 and 21 points. 43 if all saves are made

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 6:33:49 AM

OOC: Did Dwight's arrows fly last round? He fired before Jass at skeleton 2 (or 4), so did that cause some damage, but not kill.

DM we might have posted at the same time frame. In this case itno longer matters as the Meteor swarm obliterates the last vampire and skeletons

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP:95/178 (Darkvision, Shield)  d20+17=22 ; d20+17=32 ; d20+17=37 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+17=23 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=15 ; 19d6=62 ; 3d6=12 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=11 ; d20+23=33 ; d20+23=28 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 3:33:18 PM

More spells fly, and Jass is struck full force with one acidic sphere, but manages to avoid some of the other three as well as the follow-on lightning bolt.

The pain of the acid burning across his skin focuses the sorcerer against the flying lich. "Take the heavies down, and the others aren't much", he mutters to himself, and concentrates on the flying lich.

First,a Disintegrate ray streaks towards the undead, followed by three Quickened Scorching Rays. If syle doesn't work, sledgehammer blows will have to do, thinks the sorcerer.

Previous Will Save: 30 overcomes Screen; can see

4 Reflex Dc 31 v Acid - 22, 32, 37, 36 - 22/10/13/10 = 55 damage
1 Reflex DC 21 v lightning - 23 = 28 damage

Cast: Disintegrate: Spell Pen: 33 62 damage Fort DC 25 for 12 damage (8th level slot)
Cast: Quickened Scorching Ray: Spell Pen: 28 ranged touch AC 16, 21, 31 Damage 14, 12, 11 (8th level slot)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 2 2 8 8 1 8 6 2

Vedik | HP 211/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 3:49:28 PM

I think what occured was an Acid Meteor Swarm, with a quickened Acid Scorching Ray. If thats the case:

It looks like the acid scorching ray is damage 15 + 23 + 17, no save to Belkor
Then Belkor got hit with the four spheres for 31 physical, no save
Then everyone in the area, including Belkor, gets hit with Dmg 22/21/27/21 4 Reflex saves vs the acid dmg for 1/2 each DC 29 SR 28.

But thats only a guess based on the rolls.

Also Belkor, you were healed by Tratain's Mass Heal last round.

DM on the money on the spells. Vedick is stunned this round, Tratain's Mass Heal did not get to you.

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+14=31 ; d20+28=42 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d20+23=26 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d20+18=27 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+26=44 ; d20+26=36 ; d20+26=42 ; d20+26=36 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 9:26:12 PM

Dwight watches as the last of the skeletons and the now visible vampires fall to the group. As he reloads, he looks for the others he knows are present, just at the last instant, he spots them. (Will versus illusion: 31)

He launches his arrows at the closest one. (Dz). Note: Dwight moved to F26 last round.

Deadly Aim: -4/+8
Att #1: 42 + 2(GH) -2(range) = 42
Dmg: 22 + 11(holy) + 1(shock) + 2(GH) = 36

Att #2: 26 + 2(GH) - 2(range) = 26
Dmg: 22 + 8(holy) + 1(shock) + 2(GH) = 33

Att #3: 27 + 2(GH) - 2(range) = 27
Dmg: 19 + 5(holy) + 3(shock) + 2(GH) = 29

Reflex saves versus acid: 44,36,42,36 -- all made, no damage thanks to evasion

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 5/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door began round 2)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Dwight can now see beyond wall.

Belkior - HP 97/156 - AC 26 (28 vs. evil, Touch 17, Flat 25) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Haste, Good Hope, Invisibility Purge  d20+17=35 ; d20+17=25 ; d20+17=29 ; d20+17=30 ; d8=8 ; d8=2 ; d8=8 ; d8=7 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 9:40:01 PM

The halfling cleric seems to have attracted the attention of the undead. First, he gets hit by four balls of acidic fire, but the power of Alemi somewhat blunts their physical force.
Physical Damage - 4 attacks, dealing 31 damage but reduced to 11 by Paragon 7 Instant Healing ability (DR 5/-)

Alemi's blessing (and his companions' spells) also seem to be with him as he avoids some of the acidic spray from the balls.
Note - I forgot to add bonus from Reflex saves, but it doesn't matter - Reflex saves - 36, 26, 30, 31 - taking 11, 21, 13 and 10 acid damage.

OOC - Mr. DM, the text suggests that the lich also hit Belkior with some scorching rays, but I don't see the damage and saves anywhere. I am applying the 55 damage that Vedik has calculated.

Belkior then casts a healing spell to recover most of what has just happened to himself and his companions. His spells affects himself, Mac, Jass, Tratain, Vedik and Dwight.

Standard - cast Mass Cure Critical Wounds, 62 hps (25 x1.5 (Empower for healing spells) + 16 +4 Bead of Karma +4 Power Battery +1 Setanos' Vestments)

Active Spells & Effects
Magic Circle vs. Evil - +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus to saves, 193.8 minutes
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.1 minutes
Invisibility Purge - 24.9 minutes

Items used
Staff of Healing - 10 charges (Still figuring out what to do with this)
Celestial Armor - 1 daily use
Bead of Karma - 1 daily use

Cumulative Level & Ability Effects
Presumed cured from Tratain's use of Wand of Restoration

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic*(x2), Detect Poison(x2), Read Magic(x2)
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil**(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil*)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence*(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge*, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward**(x4), Dimensional Anchor*, Freedom of Movement* (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Hallow, Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic**(x2), Undeath to Death (D - Heal*)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate**(x2) (D - Holy Word*)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel**(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 253/253  d20+26=29 ; d20+26=30 ; d20+26=42 ; d20+26=45 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+26=45 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 10:01:11 PM

Tratain takes a 5 foot step to D22 and casts His Last Mass Heal spell on the Two Lich's. (250 Positive Energy Damage, Will save DC 30 for Half Damage. SR Checks 29 and 30. Will Use two Hero Points if Necessary for Checks of 42 and 45)

He then Casts A quickened Dimensional Anchor at the Lich all the way in the Back (Dimensional Anchor on Pindar, (Hits Touch AC 29, SR Check 45)

Tratain also uses his Protector Interpose Ability to Inctercept the First Attack he can aimed at Belkior.

Magic Vestment - Full Plate, Heavy Fortification
Magic Vestment - Shield, Reflecting, Animated.
Greater Magic Weapon, Adamantite Greatsword, Holy Shock Burst
Status - Party (21 Hours)
Delay Poison - Tratain, Dwight, Plyf (21 Hours)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 106 Minutes
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 106 Minutes
Ring of Counterspellsx2 - Greater Dispel Magic - Both Expended
Permanent - See Invisibility, Tongues, Comprehend Language
Extended Spell Resistance, SR 37 - 50 Minutes I can only get your SR to 34...12+
CL of 22...where are the other3 points please
Caster Level of 19 at the time of casting +2 Setanos's Vestments + 4 Bead of Karma = 25 + 12 for the spell = 37
True Seeing
Good Hope
Shield of Faith - 26 Minutes
Bead of karma - 10 Minutes
Animated Shield - Round 2 of 4 (Cooldown)

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+16=34 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+22=35 ; d20+31=34 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 10:18:41 PM

Vedik comes out of his stun to a mass of acid damage. Seeing Tratain on the offensive, he follows suit. First he tries to anchor the remaining Lich. Then he tries to grapple the one that cast the meteor swarm with a second telekinesis.

Vedik was stunned last round (see monday post), and Weird is only 1 round stun, so I think I'm free to act. If its a 2 round stun ignore the actions.
Save's rolled in prior dm only post.
Save 1: 21 Fail, 22 damage | Save 2: 23 Fail, 21 damage | Save 3: 33 Pass, 14 damage | Save 4: 34 Pass, 11 damage | Save 5: 25 Pass, 29 damage
97 damage taken
Healed 62 points.

Swift Action: Cast Quickened Dimensional Anchor on Dezdonias: Touch AC 34, 38 SR
Move Action: Move 20' up.
Standard Action: Cast Telekinesis on Dezdonias: SR: 35: CMB 34 to Grapple The CMB for this spell is +31 if it tries to cast.

Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 19 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Stoneskin (CL 15, 96.0 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 94.7 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 94.6 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 105.7 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Good Hope: CL 10, 9.6 mins (Cast before opening door)

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+30] | Heartlight, PA  d20+20=35 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+20=34 ; d20+20=22 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 10:35:08 PM

OOC: Thanks - Following on from this assumption:
Mac saves on the worse two acid attacks for 22/2 + 21 + 27/2 + 21 = 66 acid damage.

***Actions to come***

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 6  d20+22=37 ; d100=28 ; d100=39 ; d4+6=8 ; d20+20=37 ; 10d6=34 ;
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 11:07:45 PM

my post got wasted

Jass you need a move action to see through the Illusionary Wall still
Belkior heals up folks see his post
Dwight one shot hit
Tratains Mass heal takes out Dezdonias. Dim anchor spell is turned and Tratain is Anchored
Vedick grabs Pindar with Telekinesis and is also Anchored on a rebounded spell

Pindar hits Jass and Tratain with a Lightning bolt and erects a Wall of Ice on the far side of the illusionary Wall
Only Tratain, Vedick and Dwight can see the new Wall

Jass and Tratain Rfelex DC 21 fro 1/2 Dmg 34 SR 37

Ceiling is 20'

Illusionary Wall is still in place to those who do nothae true sight or have not used a move action to see through it Will DC 28

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 11:16:55 PM

Belkor, the DM confirmed this damage:
Acid scorching ray damage 15 + 23 + 17, no save to Belkor
Then Belkor got hit with the four spheres for 31 physical, no save
Then everyone in the area, including Belkor, gets hit with Dmg 22/21/27/21 4 Reflex saves vs the acid dmg for 1/2 each DC 29 SR 28.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+30] | Heartlight, PA 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 11:36:19 PM

The splash of acid scours the taur. "Does anyone have a quick Haste up their sleeves, and if so can you take a step to the left as you go Monthor?"

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP: 78/178 (Darkvision, Shield)  d20+17=24 ; d20+21=29 ; d20+12=27 ; 19d6=80 ; 5d4+5=16 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 9:17:10 AM

ooc: oops, was tracking Jass' move action on 25 January saw through illusions. Didn't register that there was another illusion to see through.

Jass partially dodges another lightning bolt, and even though the sparks crackle around him, he grins. "Only one spell? Means there are not as many bad guys still around, eh?"

Looking through the Illusionary Wall, he sees a Wall of Ice now blocking the way. He calls out the situation and plan at the same time. "Wall of Ice behind the Illusion Wall. I'm going to knock a hole in the middle for you to get the lich!"

And Jass aims a Disintegrate ray at the center of the wall of ice.

He follows it immediately with a Quickened Magic Missle at Pindar.


1 Reflex DC 21 v lightning - 24 = 17 damage

Move: See through Illusionary Wall DC 28 Will 29 success!

Cast: Disintegrate: 80 damage (8th level slot)
Cast: Quickened Magic Missle: 16 damage (5th level slot)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 2 2 8 8 2 8 6 3

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+16=26 ; d20+22=40 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 9:42:40 AM

With the wall disintegrated, Vedik ends his telekinesis and goes for a second anchoring, hoping to prevent the dreadlords flight.

Adjustment: 5' step to D20
Move action: Draw Metamagic Quicken Rod
Standard Action: Cast Dimensional Anchor: Touch AC 26, SR 40.
Swift Action: Cast Glitterdust with rod: No SR, can not turn invisible. Will Save DC 24 or blindness.

Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 19 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Stoneskin (CL 15, 96.0 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 94.6 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 94.5 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 105.6 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Good Hope: CL 10, 9.5 mins (Cast before opening door)
Dimensional Anchor: CL 20, 19.9 mins (rebounded)

MonthorHit Points:(186 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37  d20+17=33 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 10:47:08 AM

Animated shield +1 (no longer active)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
Activate Good Hope on Party. Caster Level 10, 10 Mins, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

The fire damage is ignored by Monthor as his ring absorbes the damage but takes some acid damage.
( Move equivalent) Will save 33 - Monthor now sees the lich and all the other invisible goodies.

Hearing Tratain cast, Monthor waits ( Delayed action)

" MAC! Get to me! We're doing this one like we did the others."

{ Monthor hopes that Mac gets the hint}

Monthor delays until Mac can get to him, and see if Tratain's spell falls the lich. If not, Monthor activates his new boots and attempts to teleport him and Mac behind the lich (D3). He'll go by himself if Mac can't make it to him in time.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] or CMB:[+30] | Heartlight, PA 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 2:56:50 PM

"Got it - to the left!" Mac moves 25' to 16D, hoping to catch a lift and still get the one swing in. [+37|3d6+37{19+|+2x(3d6+37)}] if a target becomes apparent.

Actions: Move and...

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 3:03:16 PM

...and thanks - missed the Good Hope casting in amongst the strategy! :)

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=49 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d20+23=27 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d20+18=30 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 9:24:05 PM

While blurry, Dwight sees only one figure remaining. He shoots forward on his broom to get a better aim on the ice wall (around G11).

Deadly Aim: -4/+8
Att #1: 45
Dmg: 18 + 3(fire) + 2(GH) + 1(PB)= 24

Att #2: 27
Dmg: 20 + 1(fire) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 24

Att #3: 30
Dmg: 21 + 3(fire) + 2(GH) + 1(PB) = 27

DM Sanity Stuff

Flying Broom -- about 15' high
Good Hope: CL 10, 10.0 mins (Cast before opening door by Vedik)
Haste: CL 20, 5/20 rounds (Cast after opening door by Vedik)
Stoneskin 96 points - (CL 15, 96.4 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 95.2 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 95.1 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 106.1 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Lavender and Green Ioun Stone Activated
Delay Poison - (from Tratain)
Blinding Sickness, Red Ache, and The Shakes
Blinking (activated after entering door began round 2)

Ring of Blink (used twice)

Spells Remaining
1st: all
2nd: 1 of 2
3rd: 1 of 2 (lost one spell due to neg. level drain)

Dwight can now see beyond wall.

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 253/253  d20+28=29 ; 4d8+25=43 ; d20+26=41 ;
Friday February 4th, 2011 9:32:01 AM

With a Hole Blasted in the wall of Ice Tratain peers at the Lich to make sure it really is him and not an illusion (Perception 29) and then casts a Mass Cure on the Last Lich hopeing to finish him off with the others.

Mass Cure on the Last Lich 43 Positive Energy, Will DC 29 For Half. Spell Penetration 41

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 237/253  d20+18=29 ;
Friday February 4th, 2011 9:33:38 AM

Almost forgot Reflex Save = 29

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] Heartlight, Good Hope, PA  d20+39=42 ; 3d6+39=55 ;
Friday February 4th, 2011 3:51:17 PM

The attack if Monthor and Mac get there: [42|55]

Pindar and Dezdonias Round 7  d20+22=25 ; d20+22=30 ;
Saturday February 5th, 2011 2:06:14 PM

Jass hits the Ice Wall with a Disintegrate and then blasts into Pindar with Magic Missiles. Those too, however rebound into Jass as the Dimensional Anchor spells did.
Jass Cast: Quickened Magic Missle: 16 damage
Vedick casts another Dimensional Anchor and it too, rebounds into him. A quickened Glitterdust expldes over Pindar as well
Monthor calls for Mac, who moves up to the dwarf and both Teleport to the are next to Pindar. {mac had to move and then be teleported, no other action this round]
Dwight shoots forward on his broom to get a better aim on the ice wall (around G11).
[Jass Removed a 5' section in the middle, I am moving Dwight to that opening 80' move no shot as it takes a move and a move to get there]
Tratain casts Mass Cure on the Last Lich hopeing to finish him off with the others

The lich snarls and casts a spell, disappearing [Greater teleport]

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP: 78/178 (Darkvision, Shield)  d20+20=36 ;
Saturday February 5th, 2011 5:23:31 PM

Jass' eyes widen as his magic missles bound back to him, but his Shield spell makes the sorcerer immune to his own rebounded magic missles. "Whew!"

"Curses, foiled again!" shouts Jass as he sees the lich Pindar teleport away. "But now is the time to get the next piece of the Soul Gem." He looks around the bare room. "Any thoughts on where it is?"

Jass is a poor searcher, and since it involves menial physical activity, he determines that he would be much more use as a sentry against anyone teleporting into this room.

The sorcerer casts a Detect Scrying spell and then readies a Disintegrate pending anyone trying to get the jump on his friends and the Gray Knights.


Spellcraft: 36 (ID the spell Pindar used to get away.)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 2 2 8 8 3 8 6 3(1)

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Sunday February 6th, 2011 5:51:56 AM

Mac swings his axe through the empty space. Frustrated (mostly at having spent so much time not able to do much to help) the taur swallows the urge to speak, and helps going through any remains - snowy white powder and such.

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+19=33 ;
Sunday February 6th, 2011 10:02:53 AM

Dwight moves through the gap to the fallen Lich. He then begins a thorough search for the gem thinking of Plyf and the gem missed, and Echlin's ability to detect their location. In such a short time, so much has happened.

Perception (the new search?) = 33

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA  d20+14=27 ;
Monday February 7th, 2011 5:07:25 PM

Perception: 27

MonthorHit Points:(186 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37 
Monday February 7th, 2011 7:42:40 PM

At the sight of the teleporting lich, the dwarven warrior bellows.

" SON OF AN ORC MONGER!!! Come back ye coward! "
Once settled down, Monthor stands garde as the others search.

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 237/253  d20+28=33 ;
Monday February 7th, 2011 9:51:36 PM

Tratain sighs as the Lich manages to escape, now there are two that the group will have to fight again.

He says "Lets search all the bodies here and see what we can find. We need that Lich's soul gem."

Tratain helps Dwight look for the Gem using Detect Magic to see what he can find. He also looks around the Room trying to find any doors that are hidden with his True seeing. (Perception 33)

The Dread Lord Pindar 
Tuesday February 8th, 2011 6:44:42 PM

the full extent of the room, through the Illusionary Wall and Screen spell is a grand hall, likely a banquet hall at the time of construction. The walls arch overhead to 20' and large windows, now bricked in run down one side of the the 150' room. Each former window is about 2' wide and 15' high. What is left of any furniture is near the back of the hall, nothing has survived intact. The remnants of 3 great fireplaces are also located, bricked up and unused for centuries.
Mac discovers the snow white powder is precisely that, snow. now quickly melting away. The replicates of the small lich will soon vanish without a trace.
Dwightbegins searching through the rags of the fallen dread lord
True seeing reveals nothing beyond the realm of normal sight. Detect Magic brings Tratain's attention to the pile of rags that was once one of the Dread Lords, powerful magic eminating from Dwights locale

Pale lavendar ion Stone
Scroll-True Sight
Scroll-Silent Greater Dispel Magic x4 CL 16
Scroll-Mages Mansion
pair of Gloves

The destroyed furnishings and assorted junk pushed to the sides of the chamber will take about 2 hours to carefully search

Jass of Downs AC:32 CMD: 22 HP: 78/178 (Darkvision, Shield) 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 10:52:05 AM

"Excellent!", lauds Jass, "and now let's do that insta-hide that you Gray Knights have been talking about. I've got enough energy for one more good spell, and that's it."

(ooc: additional post in response to Dwight below) "Not my specialty", is the glib reply. Then Jass continues, "I could Wish the knowledge, but that is expensive, don't you know."


Spellcraft: 36 (ID the spell Pindar used to get away.)

Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Shield; 19/19 min; +4 AC w ghost touch and negate magic missle
Darkvision 50/50 min;
Tiny Hut: 20'radius; opaque dome can see out but not see in.

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 2 2 8 8 3 8 6 3(1)

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 3:53:33 PM

Dwight looks frustrated as he rummages through the dead bodies. His left eye twitching uncontrollably as another round of shivers are felt. The thought of spending more valuable time digging through rotting wood and other debris only causes it to flare more.

"Wish Echlin was still here to lend his special abilities." He looks to Jass, "by chance do you have a way to detect a particular type of undead magic?"

As he awaits an answer, he figures out which Lich got away? Are the illusionist Lich, Sword Lich the ones still missing? Plus the gem of the Draco-Lich? Only having destroyed some of them, Dwight would rather finish them offer permanently before resting and summoning the hordiness that will be the final phase.

MonthorHit Points:(186 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 7:53:28 PM

Monthor continues to stand guard.

" Me agrees with Jass. We need to re-energize after we're done searching. "

ooc> Good time to re buff as well.

Belkior - HP 97/156 - AC 26 (28 vs. evil, Touch 17, Flat 25) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Haste, Good Hope, Invisibility Purge 
Wednesday February 9th, 2011 9:42:32 PM

The halfling cleric nods, as well.

"This would also be a good time for me to rest and prepare for the coming fights. I confess to being unprepared for what we would be facing once the Crimson Shields came to join with you."

"Now, who needs healing right away?"

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 5:23:35 AM

Mac watches the ice turn to slush... the slush turn to water. There is a metaphor here - probably more than one - but it slips passed. He nods in agreement on the matter of some down time - and whilst he could press on, it would be with reduced or no support, and that would not be good for anyone.
"It has not been too bad for about an hour's work, with all due respect to those behind us keeping opposing forces at bay."

Mac looks to Belkior at his question and replies, "Not in any rush, but, yes, after those in greater need." he pauses and adds in more hushed tones, "I know I asked you to keep them out of my head, but next time please let them in enough for me to see them?"

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+26=30 ; d20+26=32 ; d20+26=38 ; d20+26=39 ; d20+26=41 ; d20+26=34 ;
Thursday February 10th, 2011 10:19:55 AM

The dwarf nods at Belkor. "We didna wake this mornin expecting this fight, ma spells were prepared for a general foe. Many of the spells I prepared are useless 'gainst undead."

He narrows his eyes. "Tha won't be the case this time."

He helps search the area, looking for concealed doors or other places to hide things, using detect magic and his keen eyes.

Perception rolls: 30, 32, 38, 39, 41, 34

For speed of play, if we move into the 24 hour time stop effect, Vedik will identify all items with Detect Magic and his Spellcraft. The DC is 15+the items caster level, and his spellcraft is +39, so he can automatically identify anything of 25th caster level or lower.

Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 19 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Stoneskin (CL 15, 95.8 minutes. Cast after searching dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire - 94.4 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Cold - 94.3 Minutes (cast leaving dracolich pile)
Message: CL 1, 105.4 Minutes (Cast in Chazrack fight)
Good Hope: CL 10, 9.3 mins (Cast before opening door)
Dimensional Anchor: CL 20, 19.7 mins (rebounded)

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 237/253 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 9:35:50 PM

Tratain says "We need to find that Lich's soul gem before we rest. Lets Take a look through his bag, see if there is anything special about those gloves and search around here. Once we find it or we determine it isn't here we can use our gem and rest."

Tratain then helps the group search for the Lichs soul gem. Once it is found or the group has searched everywhere the group will rest using the Gem after Tratain Heals everyone.

A thorough Search and deserved rest 
Thursday February 10th, 2011 11:49:53 PM

Destis and debris is shifted about and sifted through. Not as unpleasant as the foul rank in the Dracoliche's cave, but not exactly a frolic in the fields either. Eventually the group does discover an irregular cut clear diamond about the size of a halflings fist. It pulses with an unholy light and carries the now familiar edge and feel of one of the Dread's soul gems. The heroes now possess 4 of the 7 gems, 4 of 7 pieces of what appears to be an intricate three dimensional puzzle. Tratain and Belkior use thier remaining healing spells and Positive energy to fully heal the party and then the Teurcri timecapsule is enacted.

A great mansion springs forth about the party, Over 20 rooms of granduer and elegance to make any king feel at home. Servants of violet and sunshine yellow mist move about providing food and drink of nearly anything any of the heroes can think of. Hot private baths, a large deep pool and plush beds can be found as well.

identification reveals

Bracers Armor +8
Cloak Resistance +4
Headband of Mental Superiority +4
Ring Wizardry IV
Ring Major Fire Resistance
Stantano's Vestment (+1 CL on Spells)
Pale lavendar ion Stone Absorbs 4th level and lower (12 charges remain)

Scroll-Clenched Fist CL 18
Scroll-Silent Greater Dispel Magic x4 CL 16
Scroll-Mages Mansion CL 18
Scroll-Black Tentacles CL 15 Scroll-Teleport x2 CL 15
Glove of Storing Scroll-Quicken Teleport CL 20
Glove of Storing Scroll-Quicken Empower Scorching Ray CL 20

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Friday February 11th, 2011 8:46:49 AM

Vedik is amazed by the near artifact power of this device, a continuing full day time stop. He makes a note to study the device when the effect ends.

After sharing what the items are with the party, Vedik marvels at the two scrolls in the gloves. "Well...tha's interesting. Apparently tha dreadlords are showin' off, they put tha quicken effect on a scroll. Thing is tha scroll still takes normal casting time ta read, ya can't make it faster with quicken. Ya, gotta be them showing off."

He looks the stuff over, thinking. "Tha thing's I could use are tha bracers, one of tha gloves, and tha scrolls of clenched fist, mages mansion an scorching ray. Tha bracers are a slight upgrade from tha Magic Vestment effect, so if someone can make more use o em, thats fine. Glove is nice for tha metamagic rods, but it's good for tha weapons too if a warrior needs. Scrolls I'd pen ta my spell book."

If the group decides to let him have the scrolls, he'll pen one of them into his spell book (highest level), then with nothing else to craft, he spends the day relaxing. He figures its not really a day off, since no real time will have passed.

Vedik has +5 armor from the Magic Vestment, so he'd get a +3 net gain to ac from them. If someone else wants them and gets more ac out of it take em. If someone has +5 or 6 bracers take em for the upgrade and I'll take your old ones.

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178 
Friday February 11th, 2011 5:37:25 PM

With healing and this fantastic, Time Stopped place, Jass relaxes as much as he dares. He doesn't even need his Unseen Servant with the excellent staff of the place!

"A bath is just the thing!" declares the sorcerer, and he is quickly stripped and soaking in a hot, hot tub. After aches disappear and relaxation is in every pore, Jass changes to a cleaning tub. The caked grime of dirt and sweat are scrubbed away, revealing a pale Jass. Rather more pale than the human remembers. Glancing at a mirror, the sorcerer shudders and looks away. "Like looking at my own corpse", he shudders.

Jass quickly gets dressed. The experience of his death is still lingering, and even getting stronger. "No more mirrors", he promises to himself, and seeks a bed for sleep.


Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Friday February 11th, 2011 10:50:12 PM

Mac tries on of the gloves on, but a quick test or three proves it doesn't do what he wants, and he hands it over to anyone else that is interested. {The 20lb limit, can't store the greataxe, even if it is less than 2% of his bodyweight.} Nothing else grab his interest up front, "I'll see what left over at the end."

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Saturday February 12th, 2011 10:25:32 AM

Dwight looks over the pile and wonders if the gloves of storing, as they currently are might be helpful for him and the group. "Do you think it would be helpful, if I wore the glovesss with the ssscorching ray? Sssomeone should wear them and at leassst use the ssspell. We will need all the power we can get our handsss on." He chuckles at the un-intended joke.

"The glovesss of teleport ssshould be usssed asss well. Anyone not have a way to teleport themssselvesss at leassst once?"

(OOC: Dwight seems to do decent damage now, so if someone else can do damage with the gloves they should take them.)

In the palace, Dwight tries to relax, his hives dissipating in the warm water. His eyes becoming less blood-shot with the third helping of bread, cheese, fruit and some small battered shrimp.

Eventually Dwight asks, "Ssso do we have an end plan? We need to find two gemsss. A third gem isss within the handsss of a Lich who sssaysss he wissshes to help usss and then depart purely for resssearch. And then, the gemsss must be usssed to sssummon the Dread massster." Dwight knows most of these thoughts don't have exact answers, but he is also filling in his new companions.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Saturday February 12th, 2011 4:11:14 PM

Mac looks at Dwight, trying to get his mind around the premise. "Are you saying the gloves will teleport anyone who wears them? I don't have teleport myself, and I'm interested, but I'm not sure how that works?"

OOC: Is this a spell trigger item, or does it behave like a Helm of Telportation and Gloves of Storing?

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Saturday February 12th, 2011 6:23:57 PM

OOC: I presumed they were activated by a word. They would then need to be re-stored with a spell.

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Saturday February 12th, 2011 11:41:37 PM

OOC: I believe the gloves are gloves of storing. Inside the gloves of storing are scrolls.

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178 
Sunday February 13th, 2011 8:39:40 AM

Jass wraps a brightly designed robe provided by the staff to lose his body in its soft folds and moves to the main room for food and drink and companionship.

"I would be able to use any or all of the scrolls, and the Headband and Ion Stone would both be extremely useful. I think one of our warriors should have the Ion Stone, however, for added protection against lower level spells."

He turns his dead-looking eyes on Tratain. "Now may be a good time to fill the Crimson Shields up on exactly what is going on and why there are so many lichs on this floating island. Why are you collecting thier Soul Gems and not destroying them?"

He looks at Dwight. "Need to find 2 Gems? Plus one with a 'friendly' lich. Do you know where these gems are or who they are with? Besides the one lich that ran away that is. Pretty obvious where that Gem is."


Resist Cold 10/-
Dam Resist 10/- non-lethal only
Spell Resistance 20

Spells 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail .- 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used .- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Sunday February 13th, 2011 9:38:33 AM

Dwight wonders if he is the best to try and answer Jass' questions. "Well," he begins. "Thisss floating isssland ssseemsss to be the stronghold of the Lordsss of Dread. The Lordsss are ssseven Lichesss, who have gathered in thisss rare occasssion to sssummon their sssupreme massster, ssso to ssspeak. The gemsss, when placed together properly, are the sssummoning device."

"Thusss far, in the three hoursss or ssso sssince we arrived, we have killed 5 Lichesss, found 4 of their gemsss. In one location we killed two, found one gem. We had hoped to find the other at their home location, but had no luck. We returned and the body wasss gone. Ssso we have one missssssing Lich plusss hisss gem. Then the Lich that jussst got away, with hisss gem and the conssspiring Lich, who we've talked too."

"I doubt I would ussse the word friendly, but he didn't attack usss and ssspoke of aiding usss for hisss own benefit of courssse. I sssussspect the Lichesss are bound by their massster in sssome way, and usss killing the massster would free him to put forth hisss full attention to ssstudy -- as he put it. I don't fully believe the Lich, asss I doubt anyone doesss, but we don't exactly know how to sssummon the massster, but the time isss near due to sssome assstrological alignment or sssomething."

Dwight then looks to the others to clarify or correct. Having been in the situation, Dwight is unsure of some of the details, so he can only imagine how lost his new comrades feel.

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178 
Monday February 14th, 2011 6:03:05 PM

ALCON, from DanK...

I am sending this out from my office, which cannot access the Wold directly. My home PC was assaulted late last week and the main casualty was my internet ability. I made great progress over the weekend but I am not out of the woods yet.

Joe can you step in for a bit?

dan k

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37 
Monday February 14th, 2011 7:58:19 PM

Animated shield +1 (no longer active)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
Activate Good Hope on Party. Caster Level 10, 10 Mins, Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.

Needed - GMW, axe, GMV, shield, Resist Energy (lightning if possible, or cold, or both,), stone skin, and anything else Monthor can use :-)

Monthor uses the rest time to eat, sleep and drink ale....but no baths for him....

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Monday February 14th, 2011 8:29:14 PM

OOC: Do we need to rebuff since time is more stopped than passing? Just a thought.

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Monday February 14th, 2011 8:39:45 PM

OOC: Yeah I was planning on doing a full buffing post and resetting everyones magic vestment.

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 237/253 
Monday February 14th, 2011 9:36:31 PM

Tratain recharges his rings of counterspells and then relaxes for a while.

When Jass asks his question he says "Dwight has most of it correct. There is an Organization called the Sons of Dread, they generally go about doing bad things. A while ago they caused an earthquake in Plateau City so we went looking for them again. The Knights have been fighting the Dread since before I joined."

He continues "We learned that the Leaders of the Son's of Dread, the 8 Dread Lich's were meeting here to summon thier Master the Dread Himself. I think he is trying to become a god or something. If we can defeat the 8 Dread Lords and The Dread we can destroy thier organizations power for a long time if not destroy it outright. We have fought 6 of the Dread Lords, We have 4 of thier Soul Gems. We are missing the One from here that got away, One From a Draco-Lich, One from Bas'anut, who claims he wants to help us destroy the Dread and there is one more we have yet to encounter. We have less than a day to destroy them or they will all go thier seperate ways again and we will have lost our chance."

Rest and Relaxation - ADM Joe 
Monday February 14th, 2011 9:42:57 PM

The Group spends a day in much needed relaxation and conversation. Questions are asked and answered about the situation the Crimson Shields suddenly find themselves in alongside with the Grey Knights.

The Teucri Magic gives everyone a chance to rest and replenish inside the magic sanctum while time slows to a crawl outside, but its magic could only be used once and the respite it offers will soon come to and end.

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178 
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 9:49:44 AM

"So, 8 Dread Lords, each a powerful lich, and each have part of a key that calls an uber-lich. And we kill the uber-lich to end the Dread, or at least this current incarnation of it."

"And we have 4 Gem-Keys. One missing from a draco-lich, one still kept from happy who teleported away, one from your lich friend who 'says' he'll give his to you, and one in whereabouts unknown."

"And you have no means of locating said Gems except by running about this island, for today only, and hoping to bump into them."

Jass smiles with sarcasm. "No problem!"

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:66 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 3:10:55 PM

"Okay, I can use the headband and fire ring if noone else needs them, and I should be able to stow anything there that isn't wanted. Any other takers?"

Bathing, relaxing, etc.

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 253/253 
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 6:34:03 PM

Tratain shrugs at Jass and says "We've done ok so far. We just have to find one more, find out where the one who teleported went to on the island, and find where the Draco-Lich got off to. I don't think he moved on his own so soon after us destroying him."

Tratain says "I'll hold onto one of those Gloves of Storing for a while. It'll make it easier for me to take out and put away my shield."

He finishes "Now we just need to figure out our plan of action once our little hide away goes away soon."

OOC: Since I am running the Module for a little while Tratain is going to be passive so you guys need to direct where the group goes and does for a bit.

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178  d10=4 ;
Tuesday February 15th, 2011 9:34:49 PM

"Well, it sounds like we either grope around blindly, visit the likely hiding spots for the lichs, or magically determine where the Gems or lichs are." Jass holds up three fingers.

"I don't like groping blindly, so let's look at the other two options, shall we?"

"For magical detection: I can send out some Prying Eyes to look and report and we may get some information that way. The only other thing I can think of is to Contact Other Plane with my Limited Wish capabilities."

"For likely places: who has a map of this flying island? Mark off where we've been and we can determine where we still need to go."

Jass holds two hands for the two options, weighing them up and down and waits for some of the others to determine what they are going to try.

"Oh, and are we going to teleport somewhere from here or are we going to go through the dispel magic trap? Makes a difference on when we cast buff spells, eh?"


Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Known.. 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
Day Use A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4 -

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Wednesday February 16th, 2011 6:38:33 AM

"As for detection, we had tried several things. Echlin's innate detection ability seemed to be the only thing that would detect them. Detect Magic certainly didn't work."

Dwight provides a list of places the group has been, where Liches were fought and/or killed as well as what's left to explore.

Vedik | HP 176/217 | AC 31/15/28 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+33=51 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+33=43 ; d20+16=26 ;
Wednesday February 16th, 2011 10:38:15 AM

"We started tha attack with some amount o secrecy an surprise. Tha dread lords dinna like working with each except when commanded by tha Dread. They have tha politics, and tha maneuvering. If they had been more cohesive, they coulda made a stand together afta the first fell."

Vedik spends the rest of the night thinking about Liches, Dread Lords and the Dread itself, hoping to remember something about their nature that may be helpful in the battle to come.

Knowledge Checks about the Dread:
Know: Arcana: 51
Know: History: 34
Know: Planes: 43
Know: Religion: 26

Back to Work - ADM Joe 
Wednesday February 16th, 2011 8:55:37 PM

The Group gets a full nights rest and continues to make plans as for thier future moves. The Items that are useful to the group are handed out. (Lets list who is getting what just in case those items are needed.)

Vedik spends time thinking about Liches and remembers quite a bit about them and thier weaknesses, but nothing specific about the Dread Lords themselves. All he remembers about the Dread is no one besides the 8 Dread Lords has ever made contact with it and lived to tell the tale.

Dwight lists where the group has been on the Island already. Part of the Castle has been explored, All the buildings of note outside the Main castle have also been explored.

After 24 Hours in the Mansion have passed the group finds itself deposited back in the room where they activated the Teurci Time capsule. Only a few seconds has passed in the Wold while the Group has had a full 24 hours to rest and relax.

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 29 (Touch 16, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment 
Wednesday February 16th, 2011 10:33:57 PM

The halfling cleric has used the time to heal his companions and himself and prepares his spells for the new adventure.

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward(x4), Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement (D - Holy Smite)
5th - DC 26 - Breath of Life(x2), Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic(x2), Heal(x3) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate(x2) (D - Holy Word)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds)
* = cast or lost due to negative level

Vedik | HP 217/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 9:41:38 AM

Vedik starts the day with a full set of enhancements on his companions. He then prepares his spells for the day.

"Well...I guess we go back up an finish explorin tha castle. Just be careful o tha horde. Any thought's on dealn with that?"

Morning Buff Routine
Draw 10 drops (2 draws)
Magic Vestment is CL 20, SL 3, and lasts 20 hours and grants a +5 bonus
Extend Magic Vestment on Shield by Woldsblood (2 drops)
Extend Magic Vestment on Clothing by Woldsblood (2 drops)
Magic Vestment on Belkior's Celestial Chain by Woldsbood (1 drop)
Magic Vestment on Belkior's Shield by Woldsblood (1 drop)
Magic Vestment on Mac's +4 Steel Grass Full Plate by Woldsblood (1 drop)
Magic Vestment on Tratain's +1 Mithril Full Plate by Woldsblood (1 drop)
Magic Vestment on Tratain's +1 Reflecting Large Shield by Woldsblood (1 drop)
Magic Vestment on Monthor's +1 Animated Shield (1 drop)

Current Effects:
Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 18 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)

Jass of Downs AC:28 CMD: 22 HP: 178/178 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 1:30:45 PM

ooc: who's going to take the lead for the group? Syr is out due to real world business, Tratain is out since Joe is Assistant DMing, and Jass is out since I was DMing the module for a couple months last year.

Monthor -??? :-)


Unless someone else raises thier hand, Jass helps pass out the magic items...

Vedik gets: Bracers Armor +8, Glove of Storing, Scroll-Clenched Fist CL 18, Scroll-Mages Mansion CL 18, Scroll Quicken Empower Scorching Ray CL 20

Mac gets: Headband of Mental Superiority +4 (INT, WIS, CHR), Ring Major Fire Resistance

Tratain gets: Glove of Storing

Jass gets: Ring Wizardry IV, Stantano's Vestment (+1 CL on Spells), Haversack, Pale lavendar ion Stone Absorbs 4th level and lower (12 charges remain), and three scrolls...
- Scroll-Silent Greater Dispel Magic x4 CL 16
- Scroll-Black Tentacles CL 15 Scroll-Teleport x2 CL 15
- Scroll-Quicken Teleport CL 20

HHH gets: Cloak Resistance +4


"The information is useful", acknowledges Jass, "and slaying such a powerful undead threat is needful. I'm glad the Crimson Shields are here to help out."

Then the magical mansion fades away.

"I see three ways out", Jass tells the others. "One: we go back the way we came, getting attacked by the Greater Dispel Magic trap, and wade through the undead swarm-horde before we find any liches."

"Two: we drop out the hole below, possibly getting attacked by the trap and then flying up and around to the top of the island and make another go at the castle. Or..."

"Three: We Teleport or Dim Door to the battlements of the castle and start taking it apart from top to bottom." He twirls the three teleport scrolls about his hands as he speaks.

Jass is going to wait to cast any buffing spells pending which direction the heroes are going to go.



Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Al (In System Admin Capacity) 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 5:22:03 PM

OoC: Email from Graham/Mac


Hi Jerry,

Sorry to bother you but my new computer is not allowing me to access the woldian website. I'm happy to take any advice from any Woldians as to how I might overcome this issue. Meanwhile I am unable to post to the Knights/Shields game. Is there currently an issue with the server?

Regards, Graham (Mac)


Currently working with Graham/Mac to get him logged in.

Tratain Current Spells AC 33 HP 253/253 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 9:45:37 PM

Tratain says "Well, I like the telporting to the battlements plan. It gets us by both the Horde and the Dispel Traps. What does everyone else think?"

Tratain casts his long Duration buffs on the group.

Status on Party, Jass and Dwight get Delay Poison; Mac, Monthor and 50 of Dwights arrows (Unless it can now be cast on his bow) get GMW +5

The Plan - ADM Joe 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 9:48:42 PM

The Group discusses their options for finding the last of the Soul Gems, Jass puts fourth several options for the group to weigh in on.

Spells are recovered and Tratain strengthens some of the party.

Our fearless adventurers are ready to move out as soon as a course of action is agreed upon.

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37 
Thursday February 17th, 2011 10:45:15 PM

A buffed Monthor listens to the party members.

" Me likes the teleport option too. "

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+34|3d6+39{19+|+2x(3d6+39)}] or CMB:[+32] | Heartlight, Good Hope, PA 
Friday February 18th, 2011 3:46:28 AM

[OOC] I'm back. It wasn't that I couldn't log in - I couldn't get the server to respond to the request to open any Woldian page. Updating subject line stats in the next post. [/OOC]

Mac nods after Monthor. "Cannot argue with that!" He tries to feel the benefits of the headband, ring and other magic, but it doesn't feel all that different.

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Friday February 18th, 2011 6:42:45 AM

Dwight nods, mentally preparing for more battles. Despite his cleanliness, before leaving the mansion, he returned to his worn, patchwork reliable clothes.

"Wisssh I had more sssuggessstionsss, but it ssseemsss to be a cat and moussse game now." Just before the first teleportations are casts, he adds, "here'sss hoping we aren't the moussse!"

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Friday February 18th, 2011 10:40:02 AM

OOC: I say we follow the grumpy enlarged dwarf (Monthor) as our leader. Seems his strengths (smack 'em down) is the current leadership style we need.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+37|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+30] 
Friday February 18th, 2011 9:03:59 PM

Mac goes to put the ring on his right hand, only to realise he already has two magical rings on his left... "I think I can't use this now. If anyone else wants it they can have the Ring Major Fire Resistance, otherwise I'll keep a hold of it. I think the Protection and Freedom of Movement rings are the better choice at the moment."

Luckstone, Heartlight
Magic Vestment is CL 20, SL 3, lasts 20 hours and grants a +5 bonus on Mac's +4 Steel Grass Full Plate
Mac, Monthor and 50 of Dwights arrows (Unless it can now be cast on his bow) get GMW +5 - Mac's axe is +5, but he has a bow or 40-something arrows that could benefit from the GMW, unless you want to save the Woldsblood.
Assuming the Good Hope has lapsed.

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  d10=9 ; d100=22 ;
Saturday February 19th, 2011 8:17:49 AM

Jass nods at the decision, "the battlements it is!", and tosses a teleport scroll at Vedik. "Meet you at the battlements above where we got into the window!", he calls with utter confidence.

He puts on the Setanos Vestment and lets the Ion Stone circle his head. Everything else goes into the HHH, and the pack on his back.

After a couple of buffing spells, the dead-eyed sorcerer gathers Monthor, Mac, and Belkior and activates the scroll to bring the heroes to the battlements.

Cast False Life;24 hours; +19 hit points
Cast Shield; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missles
Cast Resist Energy(Acid)x2; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 points of any acid damage (Jass and Monthor)
Cast Fly; 19 minutes; 60 foot good maneuverability
Cast See Invisible (Wand)x7; 50 minutes; see invisible creatures (Jass, Vedik, Tratain, Dwight, Mac, Belkior, Monthor)
Cast Darkvision (Wand)x6; 50 minutes; 60 foot darkvision (Jass, Vedik, Tratain, Dwight, Mac, Belkior)
Cast Teleport, moving Monthor,Mac, Belkior, and Jass to the battlements above the window[/b]: 22% success, having seen once.

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used... 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 39, CMD 37 
Sunday February 20th, 2011 9:46:20 AM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
dwarven axe (+5 GMW)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 50 min.

Hearing the suggestion that Monthor takes the party's lead, he smiles a toothy grin.
" Not me style me friends but me'll do it until Tratain can take the job back. "

The warrior scratches his beard.

" May as well stick to what works. As soon as we identify a lich, Me'll teleport with Mac and Tratain to it and beat the orc sweat off of it. Me'll wait until someone casts haste on us first. The rest of ye cover us. When me says the word "rose bud", Mac and Tratain gab hold of mees and we'll be teleporting. Any objections to the plan, say it now. "

ooc> I could still use a stone skin if we have one handy.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+37|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+30] 
Monday February 21st, 2011 3:53:07 PM

Mac nods in agreement with Monthor's leadership and Monthor's plan, except... "Rose bud? Why rose bud?"

Tratain Current Spells AC 38 HP 253/253 
Monday February 21st, 2011 10:11:23 PM

Tratain takes out the Wand of Resist Energy and Casts it to resist fire on all of the Group who need it.

He says "Sounds like we have a Plan, Lets Get some stoneskin on everyone and go find these Lich's."

Magic Vestment - Full Plate, Heavy Fortification
Magic Vestment - Shield, Reflecting, Animated.
Greater Magic Weapon, Adamantite Greatsword, Holy Shock Burst
Status - Party (21 Hours)
Delay Poison - Tratain, Dwight,Jass (22 Hours)
Resist Energy, 30 Points Fire
Ring of Counterspellsx2 - Greater Dispel Magic
Permanent - See Invisibility, Tongues, Comprehend Language

Hunting for Lost Lich's - ADM Joe 
Monday February 21st, 2011 10:17:06 PM

The party decides on their plan and executes it. Once the Party has cast all the spells they desire Jass and Vedik both use a teleport scroll (Unless I'm told otherwise) and everyone finds themselves on the battlements.

The Group works their way down through the castle retracing their steps. After about 10 minutes the group finds themselves almost back to the Main Foyer. The last place in the Castle the group has not gone is the North wing of the Mansion. The door leading to the North Wing is through the Main Foyer.

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  d20+20=31 ;
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 10:07:06 AM

Jass will accept a Resist Fire spell from Tratain's wand. He can't do anything about a Stoneskin for anyone, but the sorcerer gets a bright idea and Casts a Detect Scrying spell. "For the next 24 hours, I'll know if anyone is detecting us using any type of divination spell", he tells the others. "That may affect our actions, no?"

Once at the door to the main foyer, Jass stops. "The last time we were in the Foyer, the undead horde came shuffling through. Any ideas on how to get from here to the door to the north wing? 3 or 4 Walls of force should be able to make ourselves a tunnel through the horde, not that I can do that." he adds.

Cast Detect Srying. Any divination auto detect. Beat Caster Check of 31 or Jass knows image, direction, and distance of crier.

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0

Dwight hp 218/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 4:08:08 PM

Dwight wonders who has the wand of stoneskin, was it Echlin? oops if it was

With or without, Dwight recovers for the nausea feel he always gets when he teleports quickly, expecting danger. Luckily, he gets a bit of time to relax, well, relative relaxation, as the party troops through semi-familiar territory.

"The Main Foyer isss where we met thossse biting bugsss and other creepy crawly thingsss isssn't it," Dwight asks hoping his internal map is off and someone can correct him. "Assside from barricading them off, I'm not sssure how elssse to ssstop them, or rather it if we assssssume it'sss one creature. It likely hasss to be killed at the bassse, rather than limbsss like a tree."

Vedik | HP 217/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 5:12:43 PM

Vedik nods at Dwight. "Tha isa good thought, there may be a central controllin force, something like a heart, or a queen, tha needs ta be destroyed in order ta stop tha swarm. I'd like ta avoid it if possible, it's not worth spending resources on right now. We ave bigger fish ta fry."

Current Effects:
Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 18 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 29 (Touch 16, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment 
Tuesday February 22nd, 2011 10:55:31 PM

The halfling cleric keeps up with the others, wondering exactly what challenges they will face when they encounter the last of these liches.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:0 | AC:31/19/26 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+37|3d6+22{19+|+2x(3d6+22)}] or CMB:[+30] 
Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 3:36:05 AM

Mac stoically looks a Dwight as he describes the foulness that felled him last visit, but he is in total agreement with Vedik.

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