DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- Monday February 28th, 2011 9:30:26 PM
The charred wolf makes a break for it but Seillana and Snafu both manage to get a hit in on it as it runs past. It falls to the ground dead. Tishe erects a wall of thorns, giving Sharon only one way out of the house, through the heros. Falmar Hastes the group and advances on the house. Serillana moves toward the house and hides. Thar starts following Falmar toward the house, waiting for the others to enter first. He is unable to see anything through the door yet dur to the darkness and angle . Snafu becomes invisible and rushes the door.
Werewolf Sharon steps to the doorway, a blade in each hand, and snarl's at the heroes." I didn't think you were there for the halfling, but you didn't have it in you to make the move until now eh? Which of you wants to be first to try and save these pathetic humans." Sharon waits for your first move.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement, greater invisibility d20+25=32 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=10 ; 5d6=20 ; d20+16=18 d20+16=34 Tuesday March 1st, 2011 11:17:27 AM
"This woman is crazy" the invisible Snafu muttered under his breath, as he studied Sharon's positioning carefully. Could I slip past her undetected Snafu wondered.
Quietly he moved forward in an attempt to slip past Sharon and into the house.
Actions: Option 1: If there is a path to slip past Sharon without getting to close to her, Snafu will attempt to do so. Ideally he'll pass her on the downwind side, if there is one. Stealth check- 32 + 20 (invisibility) +2 (heroism) = 54
Option 2: If there isn't a sufficient path past Sharon, Snafu will blast her with two ray of enfeeblement spells (one quickened).
Ray #1- Tocuh AC 18; 7 damage to strength (15 fort save for half) + 20 damage for sneak attack
Ray #2- Touch AC 34; 10 damage to strength, 15 fort save for half
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) d100=81 ; Tuesday March 1st, 2011 12:06:21 PM
Tishe' rises up on her broom, trying to stay out of range of Sharon's longswords and get a good view of the battlefield. "No thinking person is pathetic, and no one has a right to make slaves or food out of others!", the Witch declares, "Your slave-ring is broken! Lay down your weapons and accept judgement this night, for your Doom, that inescapable destiny, is at hand."
The witch reinforces her words by casting Doom on Sharon.
Fly on Broom above the battle
Cast Doom: Sharon Will DC 19 or be Shaken: --2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks
...Effects Permenant Bear Endurance; +4 Con Permanent Cat Grace; +4 Dex Barkskin; 130 minutes; +5 AC
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+15=28 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=21 ; d8+9=13 ; d8+9=10 ; 3d8+27=48 ; 3d8+27=42 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; Tuesday March 1st, 2011 2:14:50 PM
Thar looks at the woman with a spiteful expression and asks, "I'm sorry but you've got to pay for what you've done to all those innocents..." He fires off 3 quick arrows, hoping that one or more can pierce whatever defenses she has in place...
Att1 = Hit AC 28 for 13 + 3 shock = 16 Att 2 = Hit AC 29 (critical hit!!!), Check is AC 27, does 48 pts + 11 pts shock = 59 Att 3 = Hit AC 29 again (yes, I'll take 2 crits thank you very much), Check is AC 21 (If not crit, does 10 pts + 3 shock dmg, if crit, does 42 pts + 7 shock = 51)
(Gotta love those deadly aim and improved critical feats! New personal record dmg for one round by Thar!) Total Dmg If AC is > 21, only does 16+59+13 = 88 pts dmg If AC <=21, does 16+59+51 = 126 pts dmg
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+20=35 ; d20+24=41 ; d6+9=15 ; d6+9=15 ; d20+20=32 ; d6+9=13 ; Tuesday March 1st, 2011 9:05:15 PM
Falmar moves forward to engage Sharon.
Striking twice with his Scimitar.
1st Attack : Hit AC 35 (keen] Possible Crit = Confirmed (AC41) Damage = 30 Haste Attack : Hit AC 32 Damage = 13
" Get out of the house if you can !
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+26=35 ; d20+22=39 ; d20+22=26 ; d3+4=7 ; d3+4=6 ; 4d6=21 ; Tuesday March 1st, 2011 10:40:39 PM
Serrilana moves in and tumbles in behind Sharon and tries to hit a weak spot on the Werewolf to attack.
------- Actions: Move to tumble past Sharon (35 vs. Sharon's CMD)
Standard Action: Attack with +2 keen dagger
Hit AC 41 (17 on roll = crit threat), 28 to Confirm Crit. (+2 due to flanking, forgot to add that)
Sneak Attack for both - 21 damage + 4 Bleed
Total damage if non-critical - 28 + 4 Bleed Damage if critical - 34 + 4 Bleed
Note: Haste does NOT give an extra attack action in pathfinder (actually you don't in 3.5 either...), unless you are full attacking. It doubles movement speed, so in essence you get an extra Move action, not an extra Standard action.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 12:35:58 AM
ty (plz remove 2nd attack, unless I was only within 5')
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- d20+29=42 ; d20+7=15 ; d100=91 ; d100=77 ; d100=46 ; d100=50 ; d100=47 ; d20+20=37 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=19 ; 2d4+6=10 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 5:21:22 AM
OOC Snafu, with all of your companions distracting her you think you can get past Sharon if you make a tumble ( acrobatics) check DC 34. roll less and Sharon will get an AoO even though you are invisible( scent ability) though you will still have the invis 50% miss chance. I will make the roll for you, with your skill mods it should be cake. IC As one the group lunges at Sharon, only to find her better protected than they thought. Tishe's Doom takes effect and Sharon's sneer turns to a frown.Thar's arrows all manage to bypass the shimmering aura that surrounds Sharon and strike true. Falmar's blade also bypasses the aura and bites deep into her hide. Serillana is also able to bypass her displacement and strike true. Then you all see her wounds start to close. Calling on what you have heard of Lycanthropes you remember that they are vulnerable to silver or powerfull magic weapons, apparently more powerful than yours. Thar, having stuck so true with two of his arrows would be Sharon's target, if he were in reach. Instead she targets Falmar since he is closer. Two wickedly sharp kukri flash in her hands and begin slashing and diving for Falmar's flesh. one swing strikes true, confirming a crit ( auto confirm on quarry)Falmar take 10 damage and Bleed for 4. you will bleed for 4 each round on Sharon's turn until a DC15 heal check or magical healing is applied. As his companions battle Snafu makes a daring tumble between Sharon's legs and into the house. Inside he sees the Dire Wolf facing a mother and two young children, all three are terrified. At the wolf's feet lays their father. His throat is torn out and a silver candlestick lies by his open hand. Apparently he struck Sharon with the only heavy object at hand and angered her enough to make her kill him rather than enslave him. Thinking fast Snafu manages to free his wand of Cure Light Wounds frm his pack and touch the man's outstretched hand with it. The only visible change is that the pool of blood stops spreading around the man and the wound at his throat looks less severe. ( you had a standard action left, no weapon in hand and could draw a weapon with your movement so I picked heal the fallen for you. If you want to instead attack the wolf let me know.)
Sharon AC 22 111 damage +4 bleed Dire Wolf( inside) AC 14
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+21=24 ; d20+21=38 ; d20+16=22 ; d20+21=23 ; d3+4=7 ; d3+4=7 ; d3+4=5 ; d3+4=7 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=12 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 7:28:45 AM Time to have a little fun! Healing means I get to cut you up a little more than I would normally
Serillana becomes swipe happy, quickly cutting up the hind of Sharon's leg.
Hasted Full Round Attack with +2 keen dagger (+21/+21/+16) (+2 for flanking with Falmar, again I forgot about that) 1st - 26 HIT - 7 base + 14 Sneak Attack = 21 2nd - 40 CRIT THREAT, 25 CONFIRMED - 12 base + 12 Sneak Attack = 24 3rd - 24 HIT - 7 base + 12 Sneak Attack = 19
Total damage: 64
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+16=28 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 9:58:10 AM
Thar moves quickly behind Falmar (staying out of Sharon's reach), saying "Keep up the pressure on her and let me worry about your wounds..."
He grabs some bandages and presses them to the various wounds, trying to stop the continuous bleeding...
Heal = 28
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement, greater invisibility d20+18=19 ; d20+18=30 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=8 ; 5d6=21 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 10:26:51 AM
OOC: Good call Mr. DM... that's what Snafu would have done if he thought the man on the floor were alive.
IC: Enraged by the sight of the family under attack, Snafu threw all caution to the wind by challenging the wolf.
"WHY DON'T YOU BITE SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" he spat as two red rays shot towards the creature.
ACTIONS: (+2 for being invisible added to rolls below) Cast- Ray of enfeeblement (quickened)- hit touch AC 21; 21 sneak damage; -10 strength; Fort save 15 for half (note- if the sneak damage has any chance of applying to the family Snafu will not attempt the sneak)
Cast- Ray of enfeeblement- hit touch AC 32; -8 strength; Fort save 15 for half
Highlight to display spoiler: { False life- extended Herosim- extended Greater Magic weapon- extended Mage Armor Freedom of movement
Spell DC: 10 + spell level + 4 (conjuration= +1) Spells Known: Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (4/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (5/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (4/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) d100=75 ; d100=84 ; 2d8+10=20 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 5:25:28 PM
Tishe' is not good at noticing social cues, but can see that Falmar's wound is bleeding heavily. From her broom she casts a Quickened Spectral Hand, and then follows up with a Cure Moderate Wounds on Falmar.
As she flies above the battle, she calls down, hoping for Sharon to spill some info for the group. "What have you to gain from fighting? We are already on the trail of Harlan and Skalipy. You have no where left to turn."
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+21=34 ; d6+9=11 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+23=31 ; d6+9=10 ; d6+9=11 ; Wednesday March 2nd, 2011 9:53:24 PM
Falmar scowls when he sees the wounds he caused immediately close up.
He flinches as Sharon's Kukri causes a jet of his blood to deface the front of the house, only to grin back at her as his own wounds seal themselves in a more holy imitation of Sharon's ability.
Attempting to keep Sharon pinned down in the doorway Falmar continues his essentially ineffective frontal assault.
Attack 1. Hits AC 36 (includes +1 haste, forgot to add flank) Damage = 11 Attack 2. = Htis ac 26 (+16 +1, +2) Damage = 10 Haste attack Hits AC:31 Damage = 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells Highlight to display spoiler: { Pal - Virtue, Bless, Det. from evil Wiz 0 - (5)Arcane Mark, Det. Magic, Resistance, acid splash, daze 1 - (5)Burning Hands, MM, True Strike, grease, shocking grasp 2 - (4) See invis, Darkness, Web, Flaming Sphere 3 - (3) M. Circ. vs. Evil,XHaste-used 02-24X, Summon monster 3
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Thursday March 3rd, 2011 9:37:36 AM
(OOC = I'm going out of town until Sunday AM, so please NPC me until then... Thar will either continue peppering her with his arrows and staying well back from her reach (+15/+10/+10, each for 1d8+9 + 1d6 shock) or heal up anyone that's seriously injured...)
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- d100=35 ; d100=10 ; d100=67 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+7=11 ; d100=58 ; d100=98 ; d100=54 ; Thursday March 3rd, 2011 4:43:46 PM
Serillana presses the attack and strikes three times. Her first and third strike hit Sharon for a bit of damage but her perfect swing is defeated by Shraon's Cloak of Displacement. Thar rushes forward and staunches Falmar's bleeding wound, then from a distance Tishe magically heals the wound. Snafu fires 2 rays of enfeeblement at the wolf causing the creature serious strength loss. It partially avoids the first, but not the second. The wolf crumples to the floor, not immobilized but too weakened to continue the fight. Falmar swing three more times. All three swings hit but much like Serillana's wounds closing somewhat as they are inflicted, Falmar's almost all completely heal over.
Sharon realizes she has bitten off more than she can chew and attempts to reach safety. She steps 5' into the building, away from Flamar and attempts to trigger a magic item.( Serillana take an AoO without flanking, so no sneak attack)" Skalipy will not be pleased. You have now become more than an annoyance and will earn his attention when I tell him of this."
Sharon AC 22 151 damage +4 bleed Dire Wolf( inside) AC 14 13 points strength damage and 21 points of actual damage. It has laid down and is not resisting.
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- Thursday March 3rd, 2011 4:44:54 PM
OOC Gotcha Ken, have a good weekend.
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+21=23 ; d3+4=6 ; d20+26=35 ; Friday March 4th, 2011 9:26:37 AM
Serillana takes another attack as a reaction to Sharon moving away from her.
"No... this isn't working" Serillana thinks as she tumbles with Sharon into the house, ending up behind her.
Attack with +2 dagger 23 hit for 6 damage
Standard Action: Tumble to behind Sharon (35 vs CMD)
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement, greater invisibility d20+16=19 ; d6=5 ; 5d6=20 ; Friday March 4th, 2011 9:45:25 AM Likely going to teleport Snafu thought to himself. But this lady is twisted... wouldn't be surprised if she tried to bring down the whole place, and with innocents inside.
"Take cover" Snafu yelled to the family, as he spun around to face Shanon.
"TOCCO FREDDO" he chanted, as his hand started to glow in a blue light. Moving forward the invisible Snafu attemtped to touch Shanon from the flank.
Actions: (attack includes invisibility and heroism) -Cast Chill Touch -Move to flank -Touch attack- hit AC 23; damage 5 (spell) + 20 (sneak)= 25; also make DC 15 fort save or -1 strength
Spell DC: 10 + spell level + 4 (conjuration= +1) Spells Known: Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (4/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (4/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (5/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (4/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 64/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) d100=82 ; d20+6=9 ; d4=4 ; Friday March 4th, 2011 12:09:20 PM
Tishe' is afraid that Sharon is going to escape despite all the group can do, and that the werewolf will be better prepared against the Orphanpack the next time they meet. "Skalipy's time of experiments are at an end, Sharon", the Witch calls to the werewolf warrior, "and the Power of Sargrass curses you to become sickly and weak until you repent of your evil."
Along with her words, Tishe' causes her Spectral Hand to dart forth and casts a Bestow Curse upon Sharon, pretty much guranteed to miss the dexterous werewolf.
Fly on Broom above the battle
Cast Bestow Curse; 82% success and no lose spell; touch attack AC 9; Will DC 21 or permenantly lose 6 CON
...Effects Permenant Bear Endurance; +4 Con Permanent Cat Grace; +4 Dex Barkskin; 130 minutes; +5 AC Haste; (From Snafu) Spectral Hand (4hp from Tishe') AC 22 HP 4; not affected by normal weapons, improved evasion.
Doom: Sharon is Shaken: -2 attack, save, skill, and ability checks
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+15=29 ; d100=47 ; 5d6=22 ; Friday March 4th, 2011 1:37:51 PM
Falmar steps forward and reaches toward Sharon while calling forth Shocking grasp
As his hand brushes against a visible stream of electricit passes through her body.
"You will not escape that easily" Spells Highlight to display spoiler: { Pal - Virtue, Bless, Det. from evil Wiz 0 - (5)Arcane Mark, Det. Magic, Resistance, acid splash, daze 1 - (5)Burning Hands, MM, True Strike, grease, Xshocking grasp-used 3/4X 2 - (4) See invis, Darkness, Web, Flaming Sphere 3 - (3) M. Circ. vs. Evil,XHaste-used 02-24X, Summon monster 3
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- Friday March 4th, 2011 4:03:26 PM
Part two of Sharon's Action As Snafu suspected, the terribly wounded werewolf pops out of existence and disappears, with Serillana's dagger glancing off of her flank. In her wake are several dead Wolves that even uncontrolled by the werewolf would have been able to do significant damage to the countryside. Inside the house the family cowers from the wolf while the woman cradles the unconscious man's head in her lap. Thinking fast Thar rushes inside and casts a cure moderate wounds on the man. It seems that years of hard work making a go of farming here have paid off and the farmers hearty constitution kept him from slipping into Gargul's realm when Sharon tore out his throat with her teeth. Sharon has left behind a great deal of blood and a fair amount of fur from her fight with you. It occurs to you that with the bleeding damage done by Serillana if the werewolf does not receive healing quickly it may still die from blood loss. You now possess enough bits of Sharon to make it much harder for her to resist your next attempt to scry her. The weakened wolf rolls on it's back baring its throat. It clearly wants no part of a fight with the party. It whines awaiting the decision of it's fate.
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) Saturday March 5th, 2011 8:51:49 AM
The immediate battle over, Tishe's Spectral Hand and Snafu's Haste wear quickly away. The brown-haired witch lands her broom and sees Thar and Snafu and Serallina in the crowded hut, looking like all the family is alive. Thank the Powers! Not going in the hut, she doesn't even know yet about the cringing dire wolf.
With Sharon gone, Tishe' carefully begins to gather bits of fur and small vials of blood from the werewolf, mumbling to herself as her nose tries to slide to the left. "I'll Tinker with Scry and Charm and some other spells to be extra effective against any lycanthrope when next we meet..."
And louder, "I can't Scry on Sharon for another day, as she resisted my first attempt. We will have to rest up and be prepared tomorrow night."
...Action Tinker is a special Witch power to make spells more effective with personally gathered items to make spell components.
...Effects Permenant Bear Endurance; +4 Con Permanent Cat Grace; +4 Dex Barkskin; 130 minutes; +5 AC
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- Saturday March 5th, 2011 11:32:22 AM
The newly revived man sputters as his throat closes and life returns to his eyes. " Thank the god's! I thought surely that thing would kill my family after it tore out my throat with those terrible teeth. I was so afraid for them. What was it? A wolf on two legs? In all my days I have never seen the like." He huddles with his family in the back of the house, away from the Dire Wolf and away from the silver candle stick that caused him so much pain. It lies on the floor, crusted with Sharon's blood and hair.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement, greater invisibility Sunday March 6th, 2011 8:18:37 AM
"Next time we meet Sharon we will need to prepare something for her teleports" Snafu said obviously frustrated. "Tishe, do you have any ideas?"
Later, when the man awakened, Snafu's mood improved considerably. "I feared you were lost" Snafu said to the man. "But the Gods have smiled on us this day. Now, you should rest while we figure out what to do with this wolf."
Snafu walked over to his companions and considered the wolf. "I have two concerns. First, what do we do with this wolf? On one hand, it looks so pathetic laying there. But, what if has developed a taste for human meat and it decides to strike again. In any case, we need to make a decision before my spell wares off. This will happen about 30 seconds from now."
Then more in a whispered voice Snafu added- "My second concern is the farmer, who has apparently been bitten by Sharon. Will something happen to him? Will he become like her?"
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- d20+2=15 ; d20+2=20 ; Sunday March 6th, 2011 1:31:08 PM " Become like HER!? you mean that THING was a person?! Great and merciful god's you can't mean I will turn into a ravening beast like her. What about my family? Will I change into a monster and slay them in a fit of rage like that thing showed? I can't have lived just to become like that thing. NOOO!" The man has obviously overheard your whispered conversation and now lies sobbing on the floor terrified that he might become like the beast you just saved him from.
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) d20+12=29 ; d100=97 ; d3=2 ; d3=3 ; d3=2 ; d3=1 ; d3=2 ; d3=3 ; d100=27 ; d3=2 ; d3=2 ; d3=2 ; d3=1 ; d3=1 ; d3=2 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=25 ; Sunday March 6th, 2011 2:04:57 PM
With the collecting of Sharon's blood and fur, especially that part that was on the silver candlestick and so can be particularly potent, Tishe' ignores the conversation until the man wails in despair. Her mercurial focus then settles on the problems at hand.
"Nothing will happen one way or the other for a few days", judges Tishe', drawing on her knowledge of natural afflictions, "but the Dire Wolf is another sort. While he may be a natural animal and could run free in the wild, he is no longer there, and is also succeptable to Sharon's domination."
Gently, Tishe' kneels beside the weakened Dire Wolf and casts a spell, placing her hand on the wolf's unresisting flank. She casts the same spell in the next seconds, and continues petting the large animal until her spells takes thier complete course. "Sleep, child of Ebyron. May you wake in his wild fields and rest until you are ready to journey to the Wold once more." The Witch has a tear rolling down her pock-marked face as she gently helps the Wolf into the Lands of Rest.
Once the Dire Wolf has drifted into death, Tishe' focuses on the man. "Not everyone who is bitten by a werewolf will become one, but it is a real possibility. I can search the forest for some wolfsbane for the farmer to eat and help him in not succumbing to Sharon's bite. The best thing however, is to get a powerful cleric to cast Remove Disease."
"Further, with Sharon thwarted here, this farm is no longer safe for this family. She could wait until we are gone and have her revenge. There must be a temporary place for you to visit while the monster is still about."
The next morning, Tishe' will scour the nearby forest for some wolfsbane.
...Action Know Nature: 29 on Lycanthopy
Cast Poison on the Dire Wolf; 97% no slot loss; Fort Dc 22 each round or d3 CON damage for 6 rounds (2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3) Cast Poison on the Dire Wolf; 27%; Fort Dc 22 each round or d3 CON damage for 6 rounds (2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2)
Find Wolfsbane - 20 (DC 10 to find a common plant)
...Effects Permenant Bear Endurance; +4 Con Permanent Cat Grace; +4 Dex Barkskin; 130 minutes; +5 AC
DM David--- An Ambush of Their Own --- d20+7=8 ; Sunday March 6th, 2011 9:34:08 PM
The wolf fails the first save vs the poison and feels toxins flood its veins. It had recognized that the pack that opposed it was superior, wielding fire that cremated its packmates and magic that stole its strength. Now this other pack wanted to poison it. The Alpha was gone, disappearing in a flash of magic and he was now cornered by this hostile pack that wanted it dead. He didn't want to fight, only to run and live. Still weakened the wolf wobbles to its feet and bolts for the door. Weaving and dodging it breaks into the yard and puts its head down and RUNS.( Each Player can make one AoO as the dire wolf passes, AC 14 .
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+21=27 ; d3+4=6 ; Monday March 7th, 2011 12:32:28 AM
Serillana quickly thinks about attacking again, this time feeling sorry for the wolf.
"It'll be quicker this way. He already is posioned..." Seri thinks as she cuts into to wolf once more.
After whatever happens to the wolf, Serillana says "I agree with Tishe' that this place is not safe anymore. Should we worry about Blackhand now though? Could be the next place she hits once she finds this place empty?"
----- AoO - Hit AC 27 for 6 damage
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+20=32 ; d8+9=11 ; d6=2 ; Monday March 7th, 2011 3:09:00 PM
(OOC - Thanks for NPC'ng me and its good to be back ;-) )
He too feels some sorrow for the creature, but before he can do anything, it tries to escape... He tries to stop it as best as he can... AoO (Should have been +17, so 29, not 32 is result) Hits AC 29 for 11 + 2 shock...
He charges after it, wanting to stop it from escaping and working to end its pain...
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement, greater invisibility Monday March 7th, 2011 9:28:36 PM
"This creature might be as much a victim as the people Sharon has preyed on" Snafu muttered aloud as he watched the wolf run away. "Please, let it go... let the Gods decide it's fate today."
In the morning, Snafu will help Tishe look for Wolfsbane.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC 2d6=10 ; Tuesday March 8th, 2011 12:07:28 AM
Falmar lets the wolf run past, sending a silent plea to Dondit not to attempt to eat it as it runs off.
Stepping toward the farmer Falmar checks to see if he is fully healed and if not will LAY on hands. Healing: 10 Damage
"I do not believe she would choose to take on the Blackhand in her weakened state, I believe she is either going to Skalipy to warn him, or she has retreated to what she feels is a safe place to lick her wounds."
Falmar turns to the farmer,
" If we could have the use of your barn for the night, I would greatly appreciate you hospitality..
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-6 CON, barkskin) Tuesday March 8th, 2011 10:06:37 AM
Tishe' doesn't have a weapon in hand, and the dire wolf bolts without any action on her part.
The fatigue is catching up with her, and the Witch is content to sleep in the barn until morning.
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Tuesday March 8th, 2011 7:56:58 PM
Serillana and Thar both take shots at the departing wolf, both hitting. The wolf takes the hits, even the scorching electricity from the arrow, and disappears into the night. Falmar feels sorry for the beast and orders Dondit to let it go.
The farmer has gotten over his fear of changing RIGHT NOW into a snarling beast like Sharon and takes strength from the heroes assurance that it will be at least a month before the effects can set in. He will not have any nonsense about letting the heroes sleep in his barn. They will be guests in his house by the gods, for tonight they saved him from death and his family from gods only knows what at the hands of that monster. You all manage to talk him out of giving you his bed and he mumbles that you deserve better when you lay out your blankets in front of his hearth. In the morning you awaken to a fine country breakfast complete with hot cereal, fruit, sausage and fresh eggs and milk. The farmer waits anxiously as you eat and when you finish he asks what he needs to do now to be assured of not becoming a monster like Sharon.
Knowledge arcana, nature, or religion to determine what the best course for treating the man is. I think that in all three of those topics there could be discussion of the affliction of Lycanthropy, I will just need to figure out a DC for them. Roll away and I'll figure out what you discover.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+18=34 ; Tuesday March 8th, 2011 11:12:45 PM
After his daily devotions and study,Falmar eats heartily, wondering absently if his stomach was actually fully human rather than just half. It has been a long time since any of the group has eaten so well. The chewing helps him focus his mind and he thinks over their problem and the concerns of their host.
Knowledge Arcana = 34
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Tuesday March 8th, 2011 11:21:49 PM
Helping herself to a second small serving of fruit, Serillana tries to calm the farmer down. "I know that a lot has happened to you in such a short amount of time. I'm sure that we will find a solution that will make sure that you won't become one like Sharon."
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement d20+11=19 ; Wednesday March 9th, 2011 9:32:22 AM
Snafu digs into the meal with vigor, while contemplating the mans fate.
Actions: Knowledge Arcana- 19
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+11=17 ; d20+8=13 ; Wednesday March 9th, 2011 9:48:45 AM
Thar sits with his companions, has a conversation and tries to determine the best way to help this poor farmer. He doesn't relish the thought of having to come back and eliminate another werewolf...
Know (Nat) = 13 Know (Rel) = 17
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) d20+15=29 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+2=16 ; Wednesday March 9th, 2011 12:48:48 PM
A full night's sleep heals Tishe' a little from her draining spell and a little wounds suffered.
Tishe' wakes and eats sparingly, knowing that the farmer and his family is going to probably go without for the feast he's giving the packmates this morning.
She keeps the discussion light, and uses some time afterwards to wash, renew one charge to her staff, prepare her own spells, and learn all she can remember about Lycanthropy.
...Action 8 hour sleep: +1 CON, no hp gain due to all is from CON loss Cast one spell into Staff: +1 charge Know Arcana: 29 Know Nature: 22 Know Religion: 16
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Wednesday March 9th, 2011 7:57:50 PM
Between Tishe and Falmar, with insights added from the rest of the pack, the heroes manage to recall quite a lot they didn't know they knew about Lycanthropy. First, a hardy person might be able to resist the curse on his own. By not dying the farmer has proven quite hardy already. Second, that eating wolvesbane within three days of the bite will allow a person another chance for their body to reject the curse. Third, To assure that a person bitten by a lycanthrope does not become one a remove curse needs to be cast within three days of the bite.
The farmer seems far more at ease this morning and encourages Tishe to eat up. " You'll need your strength to fight that huge wolfwoman. I know that you lot can beat her. Why do you suppose she attacked us here?"
As the morning starts to wear on the sound of hooves can be heard out on the road. Presently Almar, a swordsman and two bowmen can be seen riding up the road. The hobgoblin looks tired, as if he has been up most of the night. He surveys the damage in the front yard caused by the fireball and then speaks to the heroes. " Reports came in last night of a fiery explosion out here. Based on your message about the slaver I thought you may have had a hand in it. Seems I was not far off."
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Wednesday March 9th, 2011 9:45:06 PM
"Most likely, Sieur Farmer, she knew you had an isolated farm and could kidnap the whole family without a problem. The werewolf didn't figure that you would fight back with silver, though", she concludes proudly.
Tishe' has a genuine smile for the hobgoblin and his people. "Many Shadows, Blackhand", she says, "and you are most welcome. You know we can't go anywhere without an explosion or two."
The Witch will go out and look for some Wolfsbane in the forest. If she finds any, she'll bring back the weed for the farmer to eat. "Does anyone have the ability to cast a remove disease? I don't."
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Thursday March 10th, 2011 4:43:30 AM
Let me repost what you discovered by putting your heads together.
First, a hardy person might be able to resist the curse on his own. By not dying the farmer has proven quite hardy already. Second, that eating wolvesbane within three days of the bite will allow a person another chance for their body to reject the curse. Third, To assure that a person bitten by a lycanthrope does not become one a remove curse needs to be cast within three days of the bite.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Thursday March 10th, 2011 10:48:31 AM
"I can't cast remove curse, but I have a knack for reading scrolls" Snafu said. "If we got a scroll I could cast the spell."
"So what's next?" Snafu added later. "How are we going to hunt this woman down? Is it scrying time again?"
Highlight to display spoiler: { False life- extended Herosim- extended Greater Magic weapon- extended Mage Armor Freedom of movement Greater Invisibility- 8 rounds remaining Chill touch- 9 touches remaining
Used- 1 charge CLW wand
Spell DC: 10 + spell level + 4 (conjuration= +1) Spells Known: Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (4/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (4/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (5/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (4/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Thursday March 10th, 2011 11:15:21 AM
Falmar informs the Blackhand of what we have learned about Sharon.
" Do you know of anyone by the name of Skalipy ? Sharon is working for this person. We also suspect this gentleman may have contracted Lycanthropy. Unfortunately we cannot be sure of curing him. Do you know if there is anyone in the valley who possesses the ability to remove a curse once bestowed ? "
Once the conversation with the Blackhand dies down Falmar will reach in his pack and remove a travel checker set that he found in his bag after a rather vivid dream of popping colored bubbles. He will kneel down and present it to the children.
" Perhaps once we have gone your father could teach you to play"
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+10=16 ; d20+25=39 ; Thursday March 10th, 2011 1:30:55 PM
Thar responds, "Yes, I can cast Remove Curse. I just need time to pray for it, and then I can take care of it."
While they're waiting, he'll go help look in the forest for some wolfsbane, as that's his favored terrain and he should be able to find something for future cases of lycanthropy.
Know (Nat) = 16 Perc = 39
That night, he'll make sure he prays for Remove Curse and in the AM, casts it on the farmer to heal him of his disease...
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Thursday March 10th, 2011 4:52:55 PM
Almar starts directing his meager troops. Pointing to one of the archers he commands " Head to Witchspawn and inform Wilhemina of what they have found. See if she knows anything about these people. She is old and her memory is like a deep well. If this person is from this area, she may know." Pointing to the other he continues" You go to Jarlswolf and inform Dulcet and ask her the same. These witches have a vast amount of knowledge around this area. If those people are known to the local folk they will get you information." Between Thar and Tishe enough wolvesbane is found to treat about four more bites. Thar is able to divinely assure that the man is cured of the curse, for which he thanks you profusely.
Who would the group wish to speak to first? Dulcet or Wilhemina? I believe I said this farm is just outside Jarlswolf so Dulcet is closer.... and usually more friendly. 8)
Tishe' (AC 30 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Thursday March 10th, 2011 8:40:13 PM
"I think we need to followup with the Mailed Fist merc who went to Dulcet. Being closer, she may know more of this farm and therefore of the area where Sharon thought was close enough to get a quick experimental host for Skalipy."
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Thursday March 10th, 2011 11:05:27 PM
"Yeah, if Sharon is as bad as she is, then imagine what Skalipy would be like if they don't get someone... Better go an talk to Dulcet first. Think Sharon would've had enough energy to get someone on the cuff?"
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Thursday March 10th, 2011 11:15:21 PM
Falmar nods his agreement to the discussion of Dulcet. As his thoughts begin to wander he feels as if the group is being lead around in circles by someone, and a suspicion that someone on the council has to know more than they do. Since he cannot come up with anything to support his feelings, they remain feelings for now.
He watches as one of the Farmer's daughters is startled by Moxy who has removed a bright ribbon from her hair and is noisily hopping around with it. The child laughs as she follows the bird around trying to regain Moxy's prize.
Children,...always quick to forget tragedy and horrible experiences, when do we loose that ?
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Saturday March 12th, 2011 12:54:05 PM
The day turns to evening as the heroes ride to Jarlwolf after the farmer is cleansed and relocated to a nearby farm with another family. Dulcet looks a bit harried as her manservant ushers you into her study. The Desk of the study is covered with tomes and scrolls and her stone topped worktable is littered with the components Tishe would recognize as necessary for divinations. The tired witch glances up as you enter. She forces a smile and ushers you to a few straight backed chairs on the edge of her workspace. She pulls up a chair herself and sinks into it with a sigh. Her manservant appears with a small folding table and on it he sets a pot of herbal tea, some cream and sugar, and a small plate of sandwiches. Looking at the food and remembering the long day you have all had, you suddenly remember you are starving. She sends the manservant out with a request for him to set the table in the dining room for guests. After you have all had some tea, and a sandwich, Dulcet sets aside her cup and explains what she has found. " I looked through the birth records and other records sources for both the name Sharon and Skalipy. Many Sharons came up, but no one named Skalipy. None of the SHarons from the Valley matched your description of the woman though. All were plain, either the dark hair common to the Valley or a few with blonde hair. No red heads. While the hair could be dyed as a disguise, none of the Sharon''s I was able to discover were anything but plain. No remarkable births or deeds attributed to them. This leads me to believe that they are not from the Valley. The surrounding Dukedoms and small countries are constantly changing rulers and records from them are sketchy at best. So I doubt any record of her exists there either." However, Almar, being very thorough also sent along a few of the hairs you collected. With those I was able to watch her for awhile this afternoon. She appeared to have been healed and was very agitated . I was able to get a few spells through the sensor link and I don't need to tell you that she is clearly evil. Devoutly so. From the place she was in and the surroundings I saw her in she worships Marteus. I also saw her in the company of a man who was clearly a priest of Marteus. He performed some healing spells on her and a few other spells as well, not all of which I was familiar with. She seemed at l;east minorly subservient to him so I would guess that he was Skalipy. They went into something I could only describe as a workshop and then the sensor link expired." She hesitates a moment, looking at you all before continuing. " There were people in that room strapped to tables. It looked like he was experimenting on them. Some were alive, others I couldn't tell. My workspace is at your disposal If you should want to cast any spells of your own. My manservant Leo has prepared something a bit more substantial if you would like to eat."
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+11=16 ; Saturday March 12th, 2011 7:36:17 PM
Thar is quite angry at the description of innocent people being experimented upon by this evil woman Sharon and her companion, Skalipy. "I don't have anything to use to find more, but Tishe', could you two work together here and maybe we could get a better idea of where this priest is?"
He sits down and tries to remember what he knows about this Marteus, especially nearby temples or areas similar to what was described by Dulcet...
Know Religion = 16
Also, if time permits, Thar would like to run to the nearest Catacombs or shop and buy 40 silver arrows... (Do I need a Catacombs for this or can I buy it at the local bowers?)
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Sunday March 13th, 2011 5:58:07 PM
Tishe' is starving and gratefully eats and drinks her weariness away. She participates in the discussion, her mercurial attention kept ahold of the matter at hand by the terrible events and description of the experiments.
"I am nearly certain that Skalipy and his temple must be within a 20 mile radius of the farm Sharon attacked. I will Scry for the Dire Wolf and see if it has rejoined Sharon. If so, I would bet some of the local woodsmen would have at least rumors of where this workshop may be. Once we have an area, we can go scouting until we find it."
"The other option, of course, is for Falmar and Snafu to both teleport the group to where it was described by Dulcet. There is no scrying that I could do that would give you more accuracy."
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Monday March 14th, 2011 1:37:40 AM
"At least we can start to prepare for the next battle now, knowing what we need. But the problem is how will we get it?" Serillana ponders then she forwards the next question to Tishe'.
"Is the ceremonial dagger that Blackhammer gave us silver? It would save some of us some gold pieces if we are going to deck ourselves out with silver weapons... Not that having a silver weapon for oneself will be useful in other situations."
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Monday March 14th, 2011 4:52:33 PM " Two of you can teleport? Odd, the divinations I performed only mentioned one of you were powerful enough for that. I could provide one of your teleporters with a scroll to allow them to scry on the place, thereby allowing you to teleport there. Or perhaps you would like to ask Wilemina before you go after them. She also knows many things and may know of this place."
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Tuesday March 15th, 2011 12:40:00 AM
At the mention of her divinations on us, Falmar's eyes narrow, and he gets an uneasy feeling..
I suppose she could have had good reason to do such a thing....although letting us know about it wasn't the most tactful..
" As long as we can get a good picture of the location, we should be able to get there"
Trusting that I end up where I want and not where someone wants to put me is also a consideration..
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Tuesday March 15th, 2011 10:10:17 AM (OOC - Didn't hear back re: Thar's silver arrows? Silversheen is only 125 gp each.. Do I need to go to the Catacombs or just assume that a local shop has it...)
While the group makes a plan, Thar runs quickly to the nearest shop and picks up 2 vials of silversheen for 250 gp total... That way his arrows will be adequately silvered...
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Tuesday March 15th, 2011 4:32:00 PM
"Asking Wilemina is probably a good idea" Snafu responded. "Tishe you could work on getting a visual of the location while I go and ask Wilemina about this place. What do you think?"
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement d20+19=21 ; Tuesday March 15th, 2011 4:33:15 PM
OOC- Snafu is also feeling a bit uneasy about some of their contacts in the Valley. From here on out, he will be studying each one more carefully. (Sense motive check 21)
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Tuesday March 15th, 2011 6:50:38 PM
Falamar and Snafu both feel something isn't quite right about Dulcet doing divinations on the group. Snafu drops into a watching mode where he studies Dulcet and her words and their possible meanings. Since she stated the fact that she had 'checked up on you' quite openly you decide it would probably be foolish for someone not to have. Dulcet does not look old, but she is as old a Wilemina, or almost so. She has been on the Pitchfork Council for years and she is the one the council relies on for information. Snafu decides that it would be more suspicious if she HADN'T checked the group out somehow. Possibly, she is pointing out (with the DM's help) that the group is overlooking an obvious way to pair a scrier and a teleporter in the same person. Thar asks about alchemist's shops and Dulcet is able to recommend one in town that should have the silversheen he seeks. Sorry I missed the question when you posted it . To answer Falmar's question Dulcet says," I am no painter and if I were to get something wrong you could end up in Plateau City or somewhere else that is worse. As I understand it the teleporter needs to have seen the destination to assure any real chance of landing without mishap." Through thought about the deity mentioned Thar comes up with the information in the Woldepedia on Marteaus. I'll put the address here . .
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Tuesday March 15th, 2011 11:17:55 PM
not going to be able to post til Friday
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Wednesday March 16th, 2011 10:07:58 AM
Thar shivers as he remembers the horrible stories about Marteaus and the diseases his twisted followers like to cause... He shares that info with his party members and hopes it will help...
He too isn't real comfortable with Dulcet scrying on them, but at the end of the day, there's not much he can do about it right now... But its something that they should discuss once this case is closed...
While the wizardly types find a way to find their foe, he'll run and pick up 2 vials of silversheen at the local alchemist shop...
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Wednesday March 16th, 2011 4:37:41 PM
Falmar Thanks Leo for his work in providing them such a fine meal. He piles up a plate and excuses himself to go and care for Dondit and Moxy who are stationed just outside. Dondit has been looking at the local pets with a hunger that makes them keep their distance.
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Thursday March 17th, 2011 4:20:39 PM
OOC OK, no one else has anything to add. I'll post for Tishe and try to keep this rolling . IC Tishe says to Falmar." Perhaps that is for the best. You could scribe the scroll into your spell book and then always be able to scry before teleporting. Are you able to teleport all of us in one shot?" Tishe then turns her attention to Snafu and addresses his question. " Do you feel confident enough to travel to Witchspawn wile we attempt to view Sharon and the Dire Wolf? You could take Serillana with you in case anything bad happens? The scrying will take me at least an hour and Falmar won't be able to commit the spell to memory until he rests and refreshes his mind." Dulcaet turns from the group and begins pulling out scroll tubes from her work area and checking to see what spells they contain. Finally she finds the one she seeks and hands it to Falmar. The scroll contains one scribing of Scrying written for a wizard.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Thursday March 17th, 2011 10:32:29 PM
Falmar is a bit startled by the offer of the scroll...but tries not to show it...
"I thank you for this, it will be put to good use. Unfortunately I can only bring myself and 2 others with me. I can come back and get anyone we leave behind, though it would endanger those who go first. If I can get a good picture of where she is, perhaps I can see some way to go there without being detected, then return and take someone else. "
Falmar casts read magic upon the scroll..
" This will take me a few hours to complete, once I am finished, I can rest. Do we want to do this at night ? or wait until morning ?"
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Friday March 18th, 2011 9:49:11 AM
Thar conducts his transaction with the local alchemist, and ten returns. He sees that Falmar and Tishe' are busy with scrying and teleporting, so Thar stays out of the way and does a little hunting to keep himself busy...
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) d100=67 ; d100=14 ; d100=6 ; Friday March 18th, 2011 12:30:22 PM
Tishe' carefully moves around Dulcet's laboratory, mentally inventoring what she has and where it is located to ensure she can put everything back when she is finished.
Enlarging her own cauldron, Tishe' prepares her Scrying spells for the dire wolf, and then Sharon.
The Dire Wolf is easily found, but BOTH Scry spells for Sharon are lost in the fickle ley lines!
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Saturday March 19th, 2011 12:03:57 PM
OOC OK, I'll say it as DM instead of as an NPC. You are overlooking a painfully obvious way for Tishe to both scry and teleport where she scrys. The scroll was one way, and using it with either Snafu or Falmar scrying and teleporting will still work, Falmar needs to make a scroll use check, its either UMD or a level check, not sure and not looking it up, and Snafu could just read it. Or Tishe could scry and use Falmars boots to teleport. Really it is pretty easy.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Saturday March 19th, 2011 3:52:54 PM
:-) I'm an idiot :-)
Falmar, Snafu, and Tishe' could all do the Scry/Teleport thing. Tishe' also has a great UMD skill, so if we have a teleport scroll, it would be very easy. One other person uses a Scry scroll and then we can go directly to where Sharon is!
And before we teleport, we buff up to battle.
So, who wants to do the Scry/Teleport thing?
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Sunday March 20th, 2011 9:14:30 AM
[i]"All this talk of magic is going over my head..."[i] Serillana thinks as she quietly slinks out of the room, taking note of where she could get some silversheen for the upcoming battle.
----- OOC: Sorry for me being quiet for the past few days, internet troubles and busy uni scheduling has not been kind.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Sunday March 20th, 2011 10:02:08 AM
Tishe' orders her mind and then sets a plan before her pack.
"OK, Cinnamon Protectors, while it would be nice to get more information, we know that there are people getting experimented on right now, and that Sharon and Skalipy are not in a good mood. Our priority needs to be to protect the people and then shut down this evil ring. After we do that, we can look for the Dire Wolf, Harlan, and continue our work and track down our suspicions that this can't have been so effective without someone inside the Council helping out."
Tishe' lets all that sink in before continuing.
"I'll Scry Sharon with her blood to guide me, and from her, Skalipy. While I'm doing that, you all go shopping for silver or other weapons that can harm a werewolf. We rest to be at our best, and in the morning, we magically buff up. If I borrow Falmar's teleportation boots, I can teleport half our number there, 'port back here, and then 'port the rest of us there, all in less than 20 seconds."
"And then we end this." The witch looks around for suggestions on how to improve the plan.
...Action Boots of Teleportation: self and 1 per 3 caster levels; boots CL 9. First 'port is Serralina, Snafu, Thar. Second port is with Snafu. Third port is Falmar, Dondit, Moxy. Snafu, since he has seen the spot, can then port in with Hoot
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Monday March 21st, 2011 2:53:33 PM
Thar finishes his hunting expedition, bringing in some fresh venison to restock their trail supplies. He prepares a big meal for everyone the night before they leave, to have a sending off party of sorts rather than a last meal...
He agrees with Tishe's suggestions, and will buff himself up with the appropriate spells once everyone is ready...
The spells he'll cast in the seconds before going into Sharon's lair are: McVE (10'), Spell Resistance (SR 23)...
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Monday March 21st, 2011 6:43:44 PM
Falmar hands the scry spell-scroll to Tishe' and removes his boots, handing them over. He then will pick up some Silversheen, and some shoes, since there's likely not a silver scimitar around, and he decides not to bother looking..
" Dondit and Moxy could stay here, as long as I leave them with some compensation. We should not be gone long, unless something goes terribly wrong.."
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Monday March 21st, 2011 6:49:35 PM " You would go before you have rested sister?" Says Dulcet to Tishe as the witch lays out the plan of attack. "It is clear to my eyes that you are nearly dead on your feet, yet you would still press this fight, when you have only consulted me about these foes? Maybe Wilhemina has found out more. I admire your courage, but for the Valley to lose one of it's new champions to fatigue or lack of information would surely be a waste. Also this werewolf surly knows you will find her and will prepare along with her master for that possibility. If you must do something, take your other friend who can teleport and familiarize yourselves with the place you mean to enter. Then any of you can teleport there and save the return spells in case you need to leave quickly."
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Monday March 21st, 2011 9:56:12 PM
Tishe' stumbles a little as Dulcit speaks, and nods wearily. I could use a small nap.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Monday March 21st, 2011 11:14:17 PM
"Sleep good..." Snafu mumbled as if he was half asleep. But a moment later his eyes shot open with excitement when he heard the suggestion to teleport and scout.
"What do you say Tishe?" Snafu asked. "A little teleport and scout around? We could even do it invisible if it worries you at all."
"And should we try to speak with Wilha tonight?" he pressed further. "I'd hate to lose more time tomorrow when lives are at stake."
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 4:59:43 AM
"Lives are at stake, but if we aren't properly focused and have a nice nights rest, we might all be in trouble! Yes, knowledge about the place is good, but I just don't want anyone put in any danger if we could just ask Wilhelmina and see what she has to say." Serillana argues angrily.
The mixture of anger, tiredness, worry and slight jealously that she has against her fellow arcane sneaker Serillana realizes that she is being passive aggressive. "I... I'm... I'm off to bed. I just need some time to think" Serillana quietly moves off.
"Why does magic make everything better...."
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 12:11:49 PM
Tishe' agrees to a teleport scouting trip while invisible with herself, Falmar, and Snafu (sans beastie pets).
A teleport in, get a feel of the area, and teleport out, all while all three are invisible due to Snafu's sorcerous magic, allows them the best chance for a safe reconnissiance!
And, after sharing information, off to bed.
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 2:00:38 PM
Thar considers the advice but recommends to Tishe' that he be included in the teleport scouting group, especially due to his scouting and ranger abilities...
A nap is a good idea before they go full force into the enemy's lair...
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 4:02:57 PM
Tishe' agrees and takes Thar as well. There is no room in the Boots of Teleportation spell for anyone else.
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 4:40:26 PM
Tishe will do scryings first I am assuming? Who, or where, will she scry? What time do you perform your recon. It is about 1pm as you discuss your options. Dulcet can describe the temple well enough for you to find it and scry it without scrying on a person in it as a target. Any f you are familiar enough with Witchspawn to teleport there and speak to Wilhemina.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 11:13:12 PM
ooc: Scry doesn't let one look at a place, only a person.
Tishe' has to look for Sharon (best chance). She waits until evening, hoping that this would be the best time to Scry Sharon while with Skalipy and thus at the lab/temple.
The scouting must happen before going to Wilhimina, since we want to 'port in, look around, and 'port out while invisible. They also want to have backup 'ports in case something goes wrong.
Once the scouting is complete, then Falmar and Snafu can 'port to Wilhimina with Serallina; one to port in and one to port out.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 11:28:27 PM
Falmar readies himself for the scouting mission, thinking over his options should their well laid plan become twisted..
He spends some time with his animal companions soothing nerves, and bribing with morsels or and some shiny things...
Moxy displays complete disinterest....
someone has her beak bent out of shape...
When the time comes for the traveling, he draws his scimitar and readies himself for whatever may some.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 11:32:40 PM
Snafu was surprised by Serillana's reaction and he started to follow her, but then he stopped when he heard Tishe mention teleporting. Like an excited dog, Snafu turned around and agreed with Tishe's plan eagerly.
"That's why they pay you the big coins" he said with a smile. "So, shall we be off?"
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 10:06:30 AM
Thar has his bow, camouflage and spells prepared, waiting for Tishe' to give the command to start teleporting...
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- d20-3=-2 ; Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 5:18:07 PM
Tishe prepares and executes the scrying spell on Shaoron. Unlike last time Sharon's image instantly appears and is crystal clear due to Tishe's use of hair and blood samples from the farmhouse. Sharon is in a large stone church, sitting in the front row and listening to the ceremony going on at the altar. Swiveling the viewpoint, Tishe see's the altar and a brutally scarred dwarf behind it. His face is marked by the passage of both time and of many diseases. They have left their mark upon him in the form of pock scars and his beard appears patchy and unkempt. The altar at which he stands depicts the suffering and survival of disease. You cannot hear his words, but Sharon's attention is unflinching as he speaks. As soon as you pivot toward him he looks at Sharon , as if he is preaching directly at her. Swiveling the viewpoint behind Sharon you see a congregation of ratlike creatures . All are sitting in pews just as any other followers would in a church. Their attention is fixed on the altar and the priest behind it. Dusk becomes full dark and the scrying spell ends. Tishe has an excellent view of the altar and will have no problem teleporting near it. How long do you wait before teleporting in and what precautions do you take?
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 9:44:20 PM
Falmar readies himself through prayer, planting a scattering of grass seeds outside Dulcet's residence. Once everyone from the crossroads is ready, he will coat his Scimitar with Silversheen, and await the start of the scouting mission.
Thinking back to their encounter with Sharon, Falmar realizes that they may be forgetting something. " Are any of us able to mask scent and sound ? It does no good to be invisible, if suddenly human and elven smalls are all over the place, and it been quite some time since we've bathed. "
Spells Highlight to display spoiler: { Pal - Bless, Virtue, CLW Wiz 0 - D. MAgic, Light, Flare, Open/Close, Mage Hand, 1 - MM, True Strike, Burning Hands, Shocking grasp 2 - See Invis., Darkness, Flaming Sphere, Acid Arrow 3 - Slow, Haste, Wind Wall }
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Thursday March 24th, 2011 9:01:56 AM
"Good point Falmar" Thar replies, realizing that invisibility usually doesn't stop your smells or sounds... "I could gather some mud and dirt from the forest and rub it on those of us going on, just like we do when we go to hunt deer... We won't smell good, but it should mask our scent..."
(OOC - Not sure how this would work mechanically... Maybe Thar does a nature check and then that helps our stealth check? The forest is his ranger favored terrain, so it should be something he's used to doing...)
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Thursday March 24th, 2011 10:18:56 AM
Tishe' sits tailor fashion on the ground, resting and listening to her packmates. "Truly a warped pattern here and we need to come up with a waxed pick to do a good recon. It won't help if the recon is spotted, because they could trap the area." This makes Tishe' think harder. "And an evil temple could already have spells against good creatures laid well on it. We will have to be very careful with this thread."
Carefully considering, the witch smiles. "My Alter Self and Polymorph spells can turn anyone into humanoid creatures. Those behind Sharon look close enough like Wererats to me. I can turn our scouting party into Wererats which would mask our scent enough I think. For sound, perhaps we can get Yanosh to cast a Silence spell before we teleport?"
"We wait an hour for the temple to clear. Then, we will be invisible, silent, wererats porting in and out. Falmar and Thar hold onto me and Snafu so we are all together. I Port in to the right of the first row of pews, Snafu does a slow count of 30 and then Ports out. If there is any trouble, Snafu ports immediately."
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Thursday March 24th, 2011 6:44:38 PM
OOC Yanosh the not present will not be able to contribute to your recon I am afraid. If any of you have watched "The Gamers" on the web he is doing an amazing imitation of the guy who was never at the gaming session.
IC The preparations are made and the group teleports in. Disguised as rat creatures with smells of the forest to help mask their scent. ( that plan sounds fine to me, a hunter knows how to at least mask their scent if not neutralize it.) The group is instantly assaulted by the smell of foulness and decay when they arrive. The smell of all of those rat creatures, with apparently low hygiene makes the place reek, but the smell is deeper than that. It reminds you of a place where many have been sick for a prolonged time. Almost like a city during a plague. As you adjust to the smells you all realize that you can see one another. You appear ratlike so the magic of the disguise is working, but the invisibility seems.... suppressed. Just as this thought occurs to you, you hear a voice from what should be the doorway of the temple, opposite the altar. The voice is deep and sounds much like stone rubbing against stone." That is how you tracked Sharon and caught her at the farmhouse. I sensed your scrying when you looked in on my ceremony earlier. Do not be alarmed, at this point I want to talk to you and find out what has made you so angry that you need to invade my domain hunting Sharon. Have a seat, tell me what brings you. She is devoted to me and to our god, so if I can appease you and save her I will consider it. Speak, I am listening." The priest sits in the last row of pews near the door of the temple. He is dressed in tattered and stained robes. Like before you can see that he has been ravaged by disease, several it seems, yet still he is alive. His patchy hair and beard appear to be brownish and his pockmarked dwarven face does not in any way remind you of crazy Sharon who would kill first and ask questions never. He stares at you and awaits your response.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Thursday March 24th, 2011 11:09:21 PM
OOC: Sorry about the delay guys... year end at work. Will post tomorrow morning.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 68/107 (-5 CON) Friday March 25th, 2011 2:18:27 PM
Tishe' is a terrible judge of character, but she knows a bully when she sees one. Confident that Snafu can 'port them out at a minutes notice, she decides to talk in order to give Falmar and Thar the time to scope out the place.
"Cinnamon Valley and its people are not a grocery where Sharon and you can kidnap, enslave, and kill others to suit your fancy." she says with heat. "We are the protectors of this Valley, and all the Noble Races are under our protection. Your time of experiements are at an end, Skalipy."
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, freedom of movement Friday March 25th, 2011 5:27:48 PM
Snafu felt an energy growing inside him after Tishe spoke. This is it Snafu he thought. Defenses in place... all except invisibility... stay alert Snafu... watch his eyes... watch his eyes
Actions: Ready Action to teleport out if things go bad.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 ( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Friday March 25th, 2011 10:05:02 PM
Falmar inwardly sighs in relief as Tishe' speaks....this was the last thing he expected to fine.
" Immediately warped again ! , Man this eats grass !
Falmar cautiously scans the room paying particular attention to a spot adjacent to the Altar as his reference point.
Falmar waits to see of there is a reaction as the name of Sharon's boss is invoked,
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) Monday March 28th, 2011 8:49:55 AM
As Snafu follows her, she lifts up her hand as if to say no. She then looks as find him back talking about magic. *Hmph* Serillana vocalises and moves off into the darkness of the night. She only takes a few steps and cloaks herself in shadow, only a few steps away from the door, still and quiet in thought.
"Sigh.... I'm more the outcast now, especially without Taldera... I understand the most basic of magics, but I can't get my head around all this arcane talk. Taldy made beautiful music, and I was happy performing for the general public. Performing for myself. It was all about me.
'And now, where am I? Hunting this injured werewolf. For the greater good. With companions that are more intelligent and have a lot more tricks up their sleeves. I can sling stones, thanks to my father. I can dance, thanks to my mother. But how does that compare to magicking flames that can decimate a pack of wolves? Or with some magic words, hide in more situations that I can? I... I just don't know..."
OOC: Just to let you know I'm still here.
And Serillana is currently going through a uselessness crisis... It's not a reflection of you guys, its just what Serillana would be thinking. She isn't quite suited to teleporting missions, being the only non-magic user in the group...
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+25=38 ; Monday March 28th, 2011 9:47:48 AM
Thar nearly gags at the awful smell, but manages to keep his lunch in. He's not much into talking, and lets the others talk with Skalipa while he focuses on scouting the area around them, looking for exits, areas of cover, dangers, enemies, etc....
Perc = 38
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Monday March 28th, 2011 7:08:38 PM
Skalipy's eye widen a little at his name." You know me.... or do you just know my name? You see, if you knew me, you would know why I do what I do. Why I hide under the skirt of the Dread Lords who are too preoccupied with themselves to worry about me. Soon however that will change. The foul wind that blows from their places of power speak of heroes slaying the Dread Lords, seeking THE Dread himself. I am small and cannot help them, nor do I wish to. They were a convenient bogey man to frighten the curious away from my work. It is work I do for my Lord, my God Martaeus. Therefore there is no way I can stop. However I will grant you this. You are obviously dedicated to protecting the Cinnamon Valley. Otherwise Sharon would not have come home on deaths door last night simply trying to obtain test subjects for me. I will tell her that the Cinnamon Valley is no longer hers to hunt. That our lord tested her in the Valley and she was shown to be wanting. She may take it badly, she may come and try to kill you. Or she may submit to our master's will and use her talents in the border realms, places where no one cares for their neighbor and will rise to stop her. Would this be acceptable to you? Your valley safe and my research continuing? I am willing to live with that." Diplomacy checks will not affect you as PC's you will draw your own conclusions. Suffice it to say his tone is one of a man trying to be reasonable with someone that threatens his way of life. So far as you can tell he is being honest with you. Just one look at Skalipy tells you that he believes in his rligion as much as any of the rest of you believe in your own. The light of a fanatic burns in his eyes...but so does the light of wisdom. He knows that he may need to compromise and is willing to in order to save his dream, his duty as he sees it to Martaeus.
OOC Sorry I didn't post Friday or on the weekend. It all kinda got away from me and then I felt poorly Sunday night and didn't post. We are near the end of this thread. Once it ends Dai should have another module in the works for you and be ready to take over. Even if you don't agree to his terms you can likely find out alot of information here.