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Dwight hp 185/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=41 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d20+28=48 ; d20+28=47 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d20+24=42 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+20=37 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d20+32=39 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday March 15th, 2011 7:57:06 PM

Barely missed by the bite (AC 34 when hasted), Dwight feels the demon is more than a mere distraction as he gets slapped around by the claws (dmg 33).

Dwight wishes he could follow Vedik's call, which all depends on if the demon still stands in his way.

If the demon still stands, he floats back 5' (out of reach) and fires arrows into it's torso having no other options.

Att #1: 41 + 1 (point blank) +1 haste = 43
Dmg: 13 + 4(holy) + 1(fire) = 18

Att #2: 48 (crit 47) + 1 + 1 = 50/49
Dmg: 10 + 6 + 4 + (6 crit) = 20/26 + staggering

Att #3: 42 + 1 + 1 = 44
Dmg: 10 + 10 + 4 = 24

Att #4: 37 + 1 + 1 = 39
Dmg: 9 + 3 + 2 = 14

Att #5 hasted: 39 + 1 + 1 = 41
Dmg: 12 + 9 + 2 = 23

--- Should the demon be disintegrated by Jass, Dwight double times it to G13.

DM Items:
Haste; 20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Lavender & Green Ioun stone
Flying on Broom - 15'
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on arrows +2 to +5) -- Tratain

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:75 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+38|3d6+29{19+|+2x(3d6+29)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 12:05:27 AM

Mac steps up to the mist (25' to F9:G10) and tests the front edge of the mist with a swing of his axe - an attempt to determine location, not to harm... yet.

Spells, Effects, etc...
10' Reach, Luckstone, Heartlight, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack,
Haste (extra attack in full attack, +1 to hit, +1 reflex save, +1 AC, +10' base speed) -- Jass
Magic Vestment +5 (by Woldsblood -- 1 drop on +4 Steel Grass Full Plate to +5) -- Vedik
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on bow +1 to +5) -- Tratain
See Invisible -- 50 minutes -- see invisible -- Jass
Darkvision -- 50 minutes -- 60' darkvision -- Jass
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Resist Energy: 5 Points Electricity (Steelgrass Armor, natural)
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Large Adamantine Greataxe (+5)
Ring of Freedom of Movement and Necklace of Adaption

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Wednesday March 16th, 2011 5:15:06 PM

Ooc off line until tomorrow night. Subs appreciated.

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 30 (Touch 17, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Bead of Karma, Haste  d20+22=29 ; d20+32=49 ; d20+21=40 ;
Thursday March 17th, 2011 10:39:40 PM

The halfling cleric attempts to recognize the spell cast by the lich so as to be better able to counter it.
Spellcraft = 29, more than required to identify the spell

Than, realizing that the magic of his Circle may not be sufficient, Belkior concentrates before casting a spell to disrupt the mist summoned by the lich. A wall of wind arises where the lich has summoned the mist and begins to disperse it.
Concentration = 49

Standard - cast Wind Wall (running from G5 to G8, G8 to F8, F8 to F5, F5 to E5, E5 to E8; height all the way to the ceiling; CL check = 40)

Active Effects
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.7 minutes

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall*(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward(x4), Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Breath of Life(x2), Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic(x2), Heal(x3) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate(x2) (D - Holy Word)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Friday March 18th, 2011 8:44:29 AM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 50 min.
Haste; 20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Greater Penetrating Strike* Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction

Monthor feels no fear towards the mist but takes a second to activate his protection from evil Brahm's Tatoo....

" Me's going in, who's with me? "

Dwight hp 185/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Sunday March 20th, 2011 9:04:27 PM

OOC: Just checking in.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:75 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+38|3d6+29{19+|+2x(3d6+29)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Sunday March 20th, 2011 11:23:00 PM

Mac looks back from where the mist is/was and nods in agreement with Monthor.

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Monday March 21st, 2011 9:57:20 PM

ooc> ???????

A Fight to the (Un)Death! - Round 5  d20+24=35 ; d20+24=43 ; d20+25=42 ; 2d6+11=20 ; d20+22=35 ; d20+22=31 ; d20+22=37 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+22=24 ; 2d8+12=18 ;
Monday March 21st, 2011 11:43:02 PM

Jass Casts his Disintigrate at the Demon but it manages to shrug off most of the spell. (Saved)

Between Vedik and Belkior the Mist is disipated.

Dwight fires his arrows at the Demon and Manages to stagger it for 1 round.

Mac, Monthor and Tratain advance upon the Mist.


The Nalfeshnee Swings at Dwight who is still in range and hits him with an Awesome Blow (Hits CMB 44 for 20 Damage, Dwight is slammed into the Door behind him and knocked prone)

From the Mist the Knights see another Demon who attempts to rip apart Mac and Monthor. The Creatures tries to claw and bite Monthor but the Dwarfs defenses are to strong so it switches to the Big Minotuar. (Mac is Hit Once for 18 Damage).

M'ri looking a bit worried now Puts Vedik in a Maze again as he seems to be the one calling the shots.

The Map

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:93 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+33|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+31]  d20+38=40 ; d20+33=45 ; d20+28=44 ; d20+23=26 ; d20+18=34 ; 3d6+44=53 ; 3d6+44=47 ; 3d6+44=55 ; 3d6+44=51 ; 3d6+44=55 ; d20+40=52 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 1:49:30 AM

"Get over there - I'll keep it busy!" Calls Mac as he lets loose upon the new... big...

Attacks: [1: 40|53][Haste: 45|3d6+44=47!][2: 44|55][3: 26|51][4: 34|55]

Movement: One resolute 5' step towards M'ri if the new monster falls.

Attack Effects: If the monster falls - Free Indimation Check (Dreadful Carnage) = 52 vs (10+ M'ri's Hit Dice + M'ri's Wisdom modifier) to render M'ri shaken, plus 1 round for every 5 by which the target is exceeded.

Spells, Effects, etc...
10' Reach, Luckstone, Heartlight, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack,
Haste (extra attack in full attack, +1 to hit, +1 reflex save, +1 AC, +10' base speed) -- Jass
Magic Vestment +5 (by Woldsblood -- 1 drop on +4 Steel Grass Full Plate to +5) -- Vedik
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on bow +1 to +5) -- Tratain
See Invisible -- 50 minutes -- see invisible -- Jass
Darkvision -- 50 minutes -- 60' darkvision -- Jass
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Resist Energy: 5 Points Electricity (Steelgrass Armor, natural)
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Large Adamantine Greataxe (+5)
Ring of Freedom of Movement and Necklace of Adaption

Vedik | HP 197/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+11=17 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 9:32:23 AM

Vedik winks out of sight, just as he was preparing to cast.

Dejected, he looks around trying to deduce the geometry of this new maze. However, he makes little progress.

Mazed: Intelligence Check Vs DC 20: 17, failed

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  d100=75 ; d100=38 ; 15d6=44 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 12:08:45 PM

"The demon is a distraction, get the lich", Jass mimics sarcastically as Dwight goes flying. The light show about the demon is continuing to glow and there is only a incorporal sorcerer and halfling cleric in the demon's way.

"And since Belkior is concentrating on the lich, it's my job to keep the demon looking at me." Jass lets the demon have it with a Cone of Cold (aiming to avoid Belkior) and then follows up with a Quickened Magic Missle (which only affects incorporal beings)

Cast Cone of Cold: 75% success; 44 damage, Reflex Dc 24 for half
Cast Quickened Magic Missle 38% incorporal!

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Haste; 2/20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Incorporal: 2/17 rounds; 50% miss chance for Jass and to Jass (magical attacks only)

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 0

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 7:50:58 PM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 50 min.
Haste; 20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Greater Penetrating Strike* Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction

Monthor teleports behind M'Ri (F5)

Dwight hp 165/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=50 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d20+28=42 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d20+24=41 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+20=37 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d20+32=40 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 10:27:08 PM

OOC: My initial thought since I'm hasted, was that I can active my boots of teleportation, and then fire one arrow. Course having just re-read the rules, I realize this is wrong. Thus some of my first rolls are not used.

Dwight is taken aback by his pounding, gives the demon a frighteningly cheerful halfling smile as he loads his bow again. A small dribble of blood is seen dripping from his nose from the wall impact. "Time to know what it feels like when a porcupine rolls on you."

OOC: If Jass killed the demon already, Dwight moves to F12, full movement - hasted

Att #1: 50 -4 (prone) + 1(haste) +1 (point blank) = 48
Dmg: 11 + 6(holy) + 2(ice) + 1(haste) + 1 (point blank) = 21

Att #2: 42 - 4 + 1 + 1 = 40
Dmg: 11 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 21

Att #3: 41 - 4 + 1 + 1 = 39
Dmg: 12 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 23

Att #4: 37 - 4 + 1 + 1 = 35
Dmg: 13 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 26

Att #5 (hasted): 40 - 4 + 1 + 1 = 38
Dmg: 9 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 23

When the demon falls, Dwight makes haste towards F12.

DM Items:
Haste; 20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Lavender & Green Ioun stone
Flying on Broom - 15'
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on arrows +2 to +5) -- Tratain

A Fight to the (Un)Death! - Round 6  d20+24=26 ; d20+24=26 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+22=35 ; d20+22=29 ; d20+22=39 ; d20+22=38 ; d20+22=35 ; 2d8+12=19 ; d8+12=16 ; d6+12=18 ; d6+12=18 ; d20+9=13 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2011 11:40:55 PM

Mac swings away at the Demon in front of him, opening large gashes across the beast.

Vedik is lost in the Maze spell.

Monthor Teleports himself behind M'ri

Tratain steps up to try and finish the Demon but can't seem to connect with it.

Jass Hits his Demon with a Cone of Cold which the beast takes full on, he looks angry, but only for a second as Dwight hits it with several more arrows and the beast falls over and dissipates.


The Demon looking like its on its last legs swings away madly at the Minotaur that hurt it so badly.
It his Mac with one of its Pincers for 19 Damage, The Bites him for 16 Damage. The hit Claws him twice for 18 Damage and 18 Damage.

M'ri fires off a Crackling black ray at Monthor but misses the Dwarf.

And the Map

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[56, Sun/Dis:59] | 6 AoO:[+35|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+31] 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 6:19:08 AM

Mac looks to call in support - deciding that the best way to get Monthor's back from here is to clamber over/through the corpse... once it is a corpse.
"Dwight? Tratain? Reckon you can drop this from there?"

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  5d4+5=19 ; 5d4+5=16 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 12:31:29 PM

"I'll clear it away!", calls Jass to the big minotaur. The sorcerer wills himself corporal again, and then guides a set of Magic Missles into the demon. These are immediately followed by more Quickened Magic Missles that strike the demon (or M'ri if demon is gone).

Become Corporal (free action)
Cast Magic Missle - 19 damage
Cast Quickened Magic Missle (Swift Action) - 16 damage

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Haste; 6/20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 0

Dwight hp 165/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=38 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d20+28=37 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d20+24=39 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d20+20=30 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d20+32=41 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 5:23:56 PM

Dwight grins, happy with himself as one demon falls and another is request to become a pin cushion. As his loads his bow and takes aim, he recalls how this is similar to how Dwight joined the group of Grey Knights to begin with -- battling demons (though the group was also morphed into demons) at the time.

Knowing the distance is going to be great, Dwight holds onto hope. (if demon falls, then attacks are another -4 to hit M'Ri)

Firing 115' (-4 due to range)

Att #1: 38 - 4(range) + 1(haste) = 35 (31 against M'Ri)
Dmg: 14 + 7(holy) + 2(fire) +1(haste) = 24

Att #2: 37 -4 + 1= 34 (30 against M'Ri)
Dmg: 14 + 6 + 5 +1 = 26

Att #3: 39 - 4 + 1 = 35 (31 against M'Ri)
Dmg: 13 + 11 + 5 + 1 = 30

Att #4: 30 -4 + 1 = 27 (23 against M'Ri)
Dmg: 13 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 22

Att #5 (hasted): 41 -4 + 1 = 38 (34 against M'Ri)
Dmg: 11 + 10 + 1 + 1 = 23

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32]  d20+40=41 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 6:30:43 PM

The dark taur is gladdened to see the myriad of magic missile scores and arrows.
Mac attempts to stomp 10' through hopefully fallen and dissipating demon to flank M'ri with Monthor. If the move (at speed 60') leaves room for it, he takes a swing at M'ri for good measure - 1:[41|miss] - or not...

Spells, Effects, etc...
10' Reach, Luckstone, Heartlight, Power Attack,
Haste (extra attack in full attack, +1 to hit, +1 reflex save, +1 AC, +10' base speed) -- Jass
Magic Vestment +5 (by Woldsblood -- 1 drop on +4 Steel Grass Full Plate to +5) -- Vedik
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on bow +1 to +5) -- Tratain
See Invisible -- 50 minutes -- see invisible -- Jass
Darkvision -- 50 minutes -- 60' darkvision -- Jass
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Resist Energy: 5 Points Electricity (Steelgrass Armor, natural)
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Large Adamantine Greataxe (+5)
Ring of Freedom of Movement and Necklace of Adaption

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39  d20+37=47 ; d20+37=52 ; d20+32=41 ; d20+27=45 ; d20+22=32 ; d10+41=45 ; d10+41=42 ; d10+41=50 ; d3=3 ; d10+41=51 ; d10+41=47 ; 2d8=4 ; 2d8=12 ; 2d8=11 ; 2d8=11 ; 2d8=14 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 8:42:02 PM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 50 min.
Haste; 20 rounds; +1 attack, to hit, reflex save, AC, +10 base speed
Greater Penetrating Strike* Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction



Monthor swings at M'Ri

Two handed power attack -5/+10

Attack 1 AC 47 for 45 phys 4 holy, 5 shock 3 frost
Attack 2 (hast) AC 52 for 42 phys 12 holy, 4 shock 6 frost
Attack 3 AC 41 for 50 phys 11 holy, 2 shock 5frost
Attack 4 AC 45 for 51 phys 11 holy, 5 shock 3 frost
Attack 5 AC 32 for 47 phys 14 holy, 6 shock 6 frost

Vedik | HP 197/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects  d20+11=30 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2011 11:13:20 PM

Vedik puzzles his way out of the maze, and returns to the world in the spot he left.

Full round action: escape maze DC 20: Passed.

And the winner is.... ADM Joe 
Thursday March 24th, 2011 5:21:38 PM

Jass Fires his Magic Missile's At the Demon and it keels over and dissipates, sent back to where it came from. His Missile's directed at M'ri however are stopped by her shield spell.

Vedik Finds his way out of the Maze spell.

M'ri screams "This is Impossible!" as the attacks of Dwight, Monthor and Mac connect and shred the Lich who was now minion less. She is just a Pile of Bones and gear on the ground now.

Our stalwart adventurers have defeated another lich. They now stand alone in the hallway.

No longer in combat rounds.

The Map

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32]  d20+18=35 ;
Friday March 25th, 2011 6:48:18 AM

Not his strong suit, but Mac pokes and prods at M'ri's remains with his dagger [Perception:35]

Dwight hp 165/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+19=25 ;
Friday March 25th, 2011 6:51:28 AM

Dwight moves up and pulls out Plyf's wand of cure critical wounds. Aside from himself, he looks to see who may need healing before he begins looking for the gem. (perception 25)

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  d20+20=26 ;
Friday March 25th, 2011 1:32:50 PM

Jass smiles to see another undead brought to ruin, and drifts over to watch the sifting and spy the next piece of the Soul Gem.

He keeps some of his thoughts on his detect skrying spell, aware it will notify him if any of the remaining two liches try and spy on the heroes.

Perception to see Soul Gem: 26

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Haste; ends

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 0

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32] 
Friday March 25th, 2011 8:51:21 PM

"I think we're begining to work well as a team." Mac mentions as he continues to pick through. "Good work."

MonthorHit Points:(197 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Friday March 25th, 2011 9:19:24 PM

Monthor cleans off the liche gunk off his blade.
" Good work ladies, but we got more to do. Let's grab loot, find the the gem and move along."

Monthor stands watch

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32] 
Sunday March 27th, 2011 5:34:46 PM

Given previous caution, Mac uses the sides of a sack as mittens to get anything on the floor (barring the bones) into the bottom of said sack. "Time enough for countin' when the damage dealin' is done. Where will the crystal be, do you think?"

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 30 (Touch 17, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Bead of Karma, Haste  d20+22=35 ;
Sunday March 27th, 2011 9:23:28 PM

Without call for his healing talents, the halfling cleric will aid the examination of the lich's remains by casting a Detect Magic orison and studying the items uncovered by Mac's prodding.

Spellcraft = 35

Active Effects
Bead of Karma - +4 caster levels, 9.7 minutes

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall*(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward(x4), Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Breath of Life(x2), Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic(x2), Heal(x3) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate(x2) (D - Holy Word)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34))  3d8+5=23 ; 3d8+5=19 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 4:12:53 PM

OOC: Checking in.

Curing Serious Wounds: 23, 19 = 42 (Hit points back to 207 of 218)

Searching.... ADM Joe 
Tuesday March 29th, 2011 8:13:15 PM

The Knights pick through the bones and find the Lich's Gear.

After A short search the knights find the soul gem in a desk in the room right beyond the hallway. Apparently the Lich didn't believe it would ever be in danger.

The Knights heal up and then begin to plan thier next move.

OOC: Dan Should be taking back over soon, but I'll continue to make DM posts until he lets me know when he is ready.

Vedik | HP 197/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 8:01:23 AM

"Findin tha gem seemed almost to easy, but I'm glad it's done."

Sorry for the short post, still recovering from a vicious stomach bug.

Current Effects:
Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 18 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Hide from Undead (SL 1, CL 20, 180/200 mins) Cast by Tratain in morning after timestop rest

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 5:49:13 PM

Jass broods after the Soul Gem is found. He had to use necromantic magics, and it reminded him of when he was dead. His thoughts drift about, concerned about his own humanity...


Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Haste; ends

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 0

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Wednesday March 30th, 2011 9:52:07 PM

Monthor stands watch.

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32] 
Thursday March 31st, 2011 4:00:03 PM

"Do we have our next destination in mind, or are we heading into the unknown once more?" Mac is ready to stow the sack and move out when the time comes.

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Friday April 1st, 2011 7:04:34 AM

"I'm not sssure," Dwight tries to recall. "That makesss what 5 gemsss of ssseven. We know the one Lich we ssspoke to firssst ssstill hasss hisss, plusss the one that disssappeared when we fought with Plyf. I sssussspect, sssince we were being watched at that point, that the remaining Lich hasss two gemsss now."

"I guessssss, unlessssss there isss another idea, we pay him another visssit."

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Sunday April 3rd, 2011 9:53:12 AM

"Me's with Dwight, let's buff up and move out ladies."

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178 
Monday April 4th, 2011 12:41:07 PM

Jass comes out of his self-examination and nods. "Let us meet your pet lich, then", he says with a glimmer of his old humor back.

"Do we teleport out of here, or are we going to wind our way through the undead deathless horde in the foyer?" Jass is all for teleporting, or more accurately, Dim Dooring 3 times to taxi the group back to the underground vault where the Gray Knights and Crimson Shields first met each other. From there, they will be free of the horde and castle, and able to go where they need.

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 0 0

Next moves 
Monday April 4th, 2011 8:59:01 PM

the group has in hand 5 of the 8 needed soulgems. 1 is almost certainly with the second dread lord, Bas Anut, who spoke of aidin the Knights in thier first encounter. Another is probably in possession of Pindar, who fled from one of the last fights, but his whereabouts are a complete mystery and the last has to be connected in some way with the Draco lich as that gem was also never found after battlig the dead dragon. Of all of them, only the location of Bas Anut is known, he waits within the Parthanon north of the mansion where the knights are currently about 700' away. Assuming of course that he is indeed still waiting.

thr group seems to be inclined to follow Dwight's idea and head to the Parthanon. The devil is always in the details, as Jass reminds the group of the horde in the foyer, not a force any seem inclined to want to deal with on any level. the Sorceror suggest Dimensional Door to the mausoleum where the two groups first met and journey out from there....

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Monday April 4th, 2011 9:49:30 PM

"Anyone have a locate object ssspell? The gemsss are not findable, but other thingsss likely are -- sssay sssomething Pindar wasss wearing." Dwight offers this up for thought hoping someone has that spell.

OOC: This would be great witch spell, but sadly not.

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 9:38:07 AM

Hi ho to the Parthanon we go.......

Jass of Downs AC:31 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178 
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 11:46:53 AM

With Monthor singing an old dwarven marching tune, Jass takes that as agreement to his plan.

He Dim Doors the Crimson Shields to the entrance to the Mausoleum, DDs back, and DDs a third time with the Gray Knights, thus having the group bypass the horde. "The advantage to a sorcerer", he grins.

"You Gray Knights know the path to the Parthenon", he jibes, "lead on, McDuff!"

Slow Poison from Tratain
Shield CL20; 19 minutes; +4 AC, immune magic missle
Fly CL20; 19 minutes; 60 foot fly, good maneuver
See Invisible CL 5; 50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedome; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 4 3 2 0 0

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 30 (Touch 17, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment, Bead of Karma, Haste 
Tuesday April 5th, 2011 10:54:58 PM

The halfling cleric retches after being teleported by Jass. Despite how many times it has happened, Belkior's stomach never quite agrees with the idea of suddenly being moved to another location in the Wold.

Vedik | HP 197/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 12:23:08 PM

The old dwarf cautions "Remember, we have to conserve for the final fight. We will need as much strength as possible.

He moves with the group, wary that the escaped Dreadlords are plotting their attack.

Current Effects:
Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 18 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Hide from Undead (SL 1, CL 20, 180/200 mins) Cast by Tratain in morning after timestop rest

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32] 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 8:19:08 PM

"One fight at a time..." Mac recalls out loud as they move along. "But I guess it would be naive to hope for a magicless combat in this place?"

To the Parthanon 
Thursday April 7th, 2011 10:52:11 PM

The group moves quietly and fairly quickly to within view of the Parthanon. To the party's right in the ancient and twisted grove of trees that was once a beautiful orchard, they can still hear Plyf's voice locked in song. She still sounds strong and sure the the melody is one of love and fills all with a sense of a greater belonging. Ahead, about 50' lie the first of the 20 marble steps leading up and into the massive parthanon. Still completely shielded on it interior by a grey swirling mist. the party is about halfway between the north and south end, approaching from the west. The building itself measures nearly 200' from end to end and is 50' wide and the group already knows that once inside that grey wall of nothing the structure is completely open to the sky. they also know that one of the Dread lords and his undead guard are somewhere within. An undead lord who self reported wanted to help, but one of course must consider the source of such claims.

It has been 30 minutes from the end of the last fight. Please note the time lapse to all spells

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Sunday April 10th, 2011 7:44:44 AM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 15 min.
Greater Penetrating Strike* Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction


Tratain and Mac on me. If things go sour, we'll use the "Rose Bud" manouver. Who's taking diplomatic point to to talk to the dread?

ooc> We're averaging 2 turns a week folks (out of 5). Not good. Is there anything we can do to up this back to 5?

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+19=32 ;
Sunday April 10th, 2011 9:33:18 PM

Dwight follows along keeping and eye out for anything that may have changed. "The remaining Lich may be desssparate by now and fled to get our friendly Lichesss," which Dwight says with complete sacrasm. "If thisss isss the cassse we definitely ssshould focusss on the one that fled. I don't trussst the other, but not attacking him initially might make our battle easssier -- for now," he adds.

As they approach, Dwight looks for those watchful eyes again.

Perception: 32 (changes or the eyes?)

Jass of Downs AC:27 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178 
Monday April 11th, 2011 10:52:20 AM

"If talking to the lich can work, I'm a convincing speaker", Jass volunteers. "At the least, it should point us to where the other liches are. And if it doesn't, we can always kill him and take his Soul Gem."

Jass waits for Mac, Monthor, and Tratain to lead and strides confidently after them, his dead eyes focused to confront this "friendly" lich.

Slow Poison from Tratain
See Invisible CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 160/190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 20/50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedo; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 4 3 2 0 0

Vedik | HP 197/217 | AC 33/14/30 | CMD 31 Character Sheet Spells and Effects 
Monday April 11th, 2011 3:36:05 PM

"Remember, this lich has offered to help because he wants to be rid of the Dread. We need him to open the portal to the Dread's realm.

Vedik moves with the group, anxious for the final confrontation.

Current Effects:
Wings of Flying (Active)
Ring of Counterspells: empty
Contingency (CL 20, 18 days, If enemy begins to cast disjunction: DDoor 1000' feet straight up)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Shield (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Magic Vestment,Ex - Tunic (CL 20, 40 hours, cast in morning)
Hide from Undead (SL 1, CL 20, 150/200 mins) Cast by Tratain in morning after timestop rest

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:33/20/28 | CMD:[57, Sun/Dis:60] | 6 AoO:[+36|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+32] 
Monday April 11th, 2011 5:50:50 PM

Mac keeps tactical pace with Monthor. "Attack one and not the other. Got it."

OOC: Spells, etc next post.

Inside Parthanon 
Monday April 11th, 2011 9:00:21 PM

The group moves and ascends the steps unmolested and passes through the misty veil and into the Parthanon. 4 great bronze braziers glow with a dull yellow and green sick smoke. Suspended in midair about 30' up and spaced evenly down the center of the great structure. To the north stands the lich self identified as Bas Anut 100' away. About 50' stand 4 large skeletal creatures. next to Anut stand two more. At the opposite end in the south stands the lich the group was fighting not so long ago, also 100' away and another cadre of 4 large skeletons stand between the group and him. He, unlike Bas Anut, does not have any personal skeletal guard. Within the Parthanon, the outside world is plain as the bright day, but the sweet song that Plyf sings, cannot be heard. However other, more disturbing sounds do drift in on the wind. The distant sound of cracking bone and ripping flesh. Oily feathers beating hard against the wind. The slow creaking of rope pulled tight over a dead piece of wood.

Nothing within moves, it is apparently up to one of the living to act first.

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34))  d20+32=35 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 11:23:51 AM

Dwight expects a portion of this to be an illusion, but isn't going to just stand and do nothing. He loads his bow, and moves 10' to the side of the large parthanon awaiting a word of caution from his comrades who might identify the trap/illusion.

If nothing is said suggesting he not (and he waits as he slides over loading his bow), he fires before the giant vulture arrives. He aims at the Lich the group fought recently, unsure if he is actually there.

Att: 35 - 4 (distance) = 31
Dmg: 9 + 7(holy) + 1(fire) = 17

(OOC: I'm guessing only one attack -- as I need to know what happens before I fire again.)

Zach R (Co-DM 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 2:15:49 PM

OOC: Greetings all! I am going to be running the next module for you guys to give your DM a much needed break. Just a fair warning, I may... no will make mistakes. If I do, point them out. I can't fix something I don't know about. I try to focus more on RP and story and having fun than rules, but again, if I miss something or you feel I made a bad call, just let me know. That being said, I want this to be a fun seamless transition. If there is anything I specifically need to know. Just inform me.

I'll wait on a few more posts from you guys to make an IC post.

Jass of Downs AC:27 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178  d20+17=30 ; d20+20=28 ; d20+20=24 ; d20+15=22 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 3:51:07 PM

Jass doesn't hesitate, the plans of the encounter already identified. He strides maybe 10 feet beyond Mac, Monthor and the others, and speaks, pitching his voice to be heard throughout the Parthenon.

"You know our mission and you know what we intend to do. The last three Soul Gems are with you two, the only two liches left. Surrender yours and the Dracolich's Soul Gems, or we will fight you for it."

Jass' black eyes watch the two liches carefully, assessing his use of diplomacy and intimidation equally. Any information the dead spellcasters may reveal could be used by the heroes...


Diplomacy - 30
Intimidation - 28
Perception - 24
Sense Motive - 22

Slow Poison from Tratain
See Invisible CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 160/190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 20/50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedo; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 4 3 2 0 0

Mac | HP:286 | Dam:164 | AC:32/19/27 | CMD:[54, Sun/Dis:57] | 6 AoO:[+32|3d6+44{19+|+2x(3d6+44)}] or CMB:[+30]  d20+37=46 ; 3d6+44=53 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 5:48:44 PM

Mac remains by Monthor's side -- ready to swing if they somehow find a target in reach. Readied Attack:[46|53]. He makes no attempt to ruin Jass' parley, and the opponents are at too great a distance for him to attempt his own intimidation - not that he has thus far found anything in this place that feels fear.

Spells, Effects, etc...
10' Reach, Luckstone, Heartlight, Power Attack,
Magic Vestment +5 (by Woldsblood -- 1 drop on +4 Steel Grass Full Plate to +5) -- Vedik
Greater Magic Weapon +5 (spell, on bow +1 to +5) -- Tratain
See Invisible -- ~20 minutes -- see invisible -- Jass
Darkvision -- ~20 minutes -- 60' darkvision -- Jass
Resist Energy: 30 Points Fire(spell/wand) -- Tratain
Resist Energy: 5 Points Electricity (Steelgrass Armor, natural)
Hide from Undead -- 200 minutes -- cannot be perceived by undead -- Tratain
Large Adamantine Greataxe (+5)
Ring of Freedom of Movement and Necklace of Adaption

MonthorHit Points:(213 of 213) AC 41, CMD 39 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 9:38:22 PM

Animated shield +1 (+5 GMV) (no longer active)
Axe +1 (+5 GMW)
Spell Resistence: 20 (bracer of protection)
Fire Resistence: 20 points (ring)
Resist Energy Acid 30 points - spell
Electricity Resistance: 10 points (armor)
Necklace of Adaptation - Grants immunity to all harmful vapors and gases. Can breath underwater or in a vacuum
Bracers of protection- spell resistance 20. Absorb energy-draining attacks, death effects, and negative energy effects. Current charges remaining: 7
Resist Energy- 30 points Fire- 87 minutes
DR 5/-- while wearing armor.
See Invisible 15 min.
Greater Penetrating Strike* Penetrating Strike, 16th-level fighter Your attacks ignore 10 points of damage reduction

Monthor puts a hand up...

".....hold ready...."

Readied action,
If any of the opposing forces start an aggressive move towards the party, Monthor calls "Rose Bud" and teleports himself, Mac and Tratain behind the southern lich.

Dwight hp 207/218, ac 33/25/34)) 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 10:20:58 PM

Dwight expected this, and holds until the slightest threat of a movement and follows through with the above description.

Belkior - HP 156/156 - AC 30 (Touch 17, Flat 26) CMD +24 - Death Ward, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Magic Vestment 
Tuesday April 12th, 2011 10:35:51 PM

The halfling cleric stands ready to heal his companions, after casting Death Ward upon himself.

Active Effects
Magic Circle vs. Evil
Magic Vestment

0 - DC 21 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Resistance
1st - DC 22 - Bless(x2), Comprehend Languages, Protection from Evil(x2), Sanctuary(x2) (D - Protection from Evil)
2nd - DC 23 - Remove Paralysis(x2), Silence(x3), Status(x2) (D - Aid)
3rd - DC 24 - Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments*, Prayer(x2), Wind Wall*(x3) (D - Magic Circle against Evil*)
4th - DC 25 - Death Ward*(x4), Dimensional Anchor, Freedom of Movement (D - Holy Smite*)
5th - DC 26 - Breath of Life(x2), Spell Resistance(x4) (D - Mass Cure Light Wounds)
6th - DC 27 - Greater Dispel Magic(x2), Heal(x3) (D - Heal)
7th - DC 28 - Regenerate(x2) (D - Holy Word)
8th - DC 29 - Empowered Greater Dispel(x2) (D - Mass Cure Critical Wounds*)
* = cast

Zach R (Co-DM 
Wednesday April 13th, 2011 1:39:56 PM

I have a bit of OT tonight. Post to come In a few hours.

DM Post 
Wednesday April 13th, 2011 7:47:44 PM

Bas' Anut straightens at Jass's words. "It is as you say." His words come slow and measured. "Surely there could be combat between us, to determine who will control the Soul Gems. But that will likely get neither of us what we so desire."

Bas' Anut remains silent for a few moments before continuing. "I must congratulate you all. You have done well, and even arrived here quicker than expected. But, Gray Knights, it is time for you engage in your final mission. Turn over all of the gems to me, that I might open the portal to the Dread Master, that you may end the threat to your lands."

Bas' Anut stands in a fixed position awaiting your response showing no aggression.

Jass of Downs AC:27 CMD: 22 HP: 197/178 
Wednesday April 13th, 2011 11:22:33 PM

Jass smiles a grim grin, and responds matter-of-factly. "I see you take me for a fool. You know we are the heroes and you are not to be trusted. We will do what we say while you will stab us in the back at first opportunity. We know this and you know this and based on us both knowing, we should be able to both get what we want."

Jass begins holding up fingers, counting off points. "One, we want to kill the Dread and need to summon it with the eight Soul Gems to get to him. Therefore WE need all eight.

"Two, you and Pindar there want to survive this day, and the only way you will do that is if you give us all three remaining Soul Gems and then run. Therefore, YOU don't need any of them.

"Three..." and Jass pauses as if considering and then continues on. "Nope, there isn't a three. You give us the gems or you die. I think I'll give you 12 seconds to decide."


Diplomacy - 30
Intimidation - 28
Perception - 24
Sense Motive - 22

Slow Poison from Tratain
See Invisible CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Darkvision CL 5; 20/50 minutes
Resist Energy (Acid) CL20; 160/190 minutes; ignore first 30 acid damage
Resist Energy (Fire) CL5: 20/50 minutes; ignore first 10 fire damage
False Life CL 20; 24 hours; +19 temp hit points
Detect Scrying: 24 hours; detect any divination spell/ magic sensor in 40 feet radius. Any scrying attempt has opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). Equal = get visual image of scrier, distance, direction. Caster Check 31

Scarab of Protection: immune death effects 0/12
Ring of Freedom; freedom of movement

Spells: (DC 10 +9 +spell lvl) +3 Caster Level for Hourglass Magic

Spell Lvl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Avail...... A 9 8 8 8 8 8 6 4
Used...... 0 1 2 1 4 3 2 0 0

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