DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- d20+16=24 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+11=25 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=11 ; d4=4 ; Sunday April 24th, 2011 10:28:22 PM
OOC Ok, waited all weekend for actions and some posted. The NPCs will react to round 1 now and on Monday we can start round 2 IC Skalipy, Sharon and Cassie are slow to react as the heroes suddenly appear all around them.
Thar Summons a Celestial Lion which pounces on Skalipy, ripping into the priest and grappling him. ]Serillana opens her pack and coats her weapons with silversheen. Falmar Stands by and waits for Skalipy to regain his composure before acting. Tishe recovers from using Falmar's boots to teleport the group. Snafu at first tries to bluff a surrender, to appear on the evil priest's side. Since even he can tell that his words did not ring true, he launches into spell casting, calling on an army of duplicates and hasting his friends. Skalipy, held by the jaws of the lion calls upon the ring on his finger and is sheathed in magical force. The lion, no unable to touch the priest, slides off the Dwarf and stands facing him. ( use ring to cast Protection from Good, summoned creatures cannot touch the warded person) He then steps through the door where 2 ratkin step between him and the invaders, swords and shields readied. With a word a spectral hand comes into being ( cast quickened spectral hand) Cassie runs between the ratkin guards and stands by Skalipy's side. Sharon frees her blades and attacks Falmar from behind, missing all of her strikes. The 2 ratkin guards from the first door rush in and stand ready at Sharon's side.
Ratkin fighter 1 AC 19 Ratkin fighter 2 AC 19 Ratkin fighter 3 AC 19 Ratkin fighter 4 AC 19 Sharon AC 22 Skalipy AC 20, 37 damage
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 123 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+20=22 ; d20+16=28 ; d6+8=11 ; d6+8=14 ; Monday April 25th, 2011 1:21:14 PM
Falmar deftly dodges Sharon's blows, and returns them .
Full attack 1. Hits AC 22(+1 from enhance weapon, and +1 from aid negates loss of +2 from mundane scim) Damage : 11 2nd atack Hits AC 28 Damage : 14 ---------------- Total Damage : 25
Falmar grins as he see his slashes spout wounds in Sharon's flesh that do not immediately close up.
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+12=16 ; d20+13=29 ; d20+13=20 ; d6+7=13 ; d6+7=13 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=25 ; d8+9=17 ; d8+9=12 ; d8+9=10 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; Monday April 25th, 2011 3:00:28 PM
Larry roars in anger as his attacks fail against Skalipy, and decides to pounce upon the nearest ratkin...
Bite Attack = Miss AC 16 Claw 1 = Hit AC 29 for 13 pts Claw 2 = Hit AC 20 for 13 pts Total = 26 pts to ratkin fighter...
As a swift action, Thar decides to use his Weapon Master ability (Cleric, War Domain) and gain the use of the "Improved Precise Shot" feat for up to 10 rounds... This allows him to ignore cover or concealment, and thus he can attack Skalipy with his bow and get past those pesky ratkin...
He aims and fires off 3 silvered arrows, trying to skewer the evil foe...
Att1 = hit AC 33 for 17 + 6 shock = 23 Att2 = Hit AC 20 for 12 + 2 shock = 14 Att3 = Hit AC 25 for 10 + 2 shock = 12 Total = 49
Spells, InfoHighlight to display spoiler: {
McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid,
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 40 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 immediately before teleport (10 min duration) 5. Sum Mon 5 - Duration = 14/15 rounds 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. Larry's Stats = Celestial, Dire Lion 60/60 hps; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3; Melee bite +12 (1d8+7 plus grab), 2 claws +13 (1d6+7); CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 26 (30 vs. trip); Resist 10 Cold, Electricity, Acid; 5/evil DR 8. Used 1/10 rounds Weapon Master ability }
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+19=30 ; d20+19=39 ; d6+5=10 ; d6+5=9 ; 5d6=17 ; Monday April 25th, 2011 3:02:30 PM
"Skalipy, it doesn't have to end like this... throw down your weapons!" Snafu called out, as he started casting with surprising speed.
Instantly a flash of blue light flew from Snafu's fingertips and struck Sharon. Seconds later Snafu was casting again, and another flash of blue light struck Sharon (touch AC hit- 30 and 39).
Feeling confident that Sharon was sufficiently weakened, Snafu moved into a slightly more fortified defensive position.
1. Quickened- ray of enfeeblement with impromptu sneak attack (-10 strength; DC 15 Fort save for half; +17 damage for the sneak attack) 2. Ray of enfeeblement (-9 strength; DC 15 for save for half) 3. Move action- I'd like to maintain line of sight, but move away from any enemies so they can't get a full attack on me next round.
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (3/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 d20+8=10 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=16 ; 4d6=16 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=21 ; d20+20=33 ; d20+15=22 ; d20+15=34 d100=55 d100=67 d100=59 Monday April 25th, 2011 4:39:47 PM
Tishe' holds her ground and looks about. Behind her is Falmar squaring off with a weakened Sharon. In front of her, Thar and his Celestial Lion are attacking Skalipy and his Ratkin. Snafu is creating havok in the enemy's lines with some well-placed spells, and Serallina is set for any flanking surprise attacks.
Twisting to look at the werewolf, Tishe' spellweaves a Quickened Scorching Ray that causes three rays to shoot out to sear Sharon and help Falmar.
Turning back, she casts another spell, a Targeted Dispel Magic to nullify Skalipy's Spectral Hand.
And then, unmoving, Tishe' calls upon her knowledge of spellweaving to READY a counterspell on the first magic Skalipy tries to cast!
Quickened - Scorching Ray: 3 rays Touch AC 10, 18, 16 for 16, 15, 21 damage each [2+4 Quickened - 1 Spellweaver = 5th level slot] 55% spell success
Standard - Targeted Dispel Magic vs Spectral Hand [3rd level slot] counterspell 34 67% spell success
Move equivalent - Unravel: Spellweaver can Ready a counterspell as Move action. +1 cspell per 5 Weaver (+3): Improved Counterspell: only needs same magic school and same or higher spell level to auto counter. Tishe' READIES a counterspell vs Skalipy - Spellcraft to ID spell (DC 15+spell level) = 33 any spell - If Tishe' has a spell in same school and same or higher spell level; auto counter - If not, Tishe' uses Dispel Magic (DC 11+spell level) (Tishe' counter = d20+lvl+3[spellweaver]) = 22 counterspell - 59% spell success
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Monday April 25th, 2011 7:27:43 PM
As you only have 5 members in the group, I'll wait for the last post before I go for the NPC's. I have to be up early, so that post will have to be tomorrow evening.
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+26=37 ; d20+21=31 ; d3+4=5 ; 4d6=13 ; Tuesday April 26th, 2011 10:16:33 AM
Serillana quickly tumbles past the guards so that she as advantage over Sharon. "It's nice to see you again..." Serillana whispers as she uses the momentum from her tumble and strikes Sharon with her blade.
Move - Acrobatics: 37 Standard - Keen Silversheen Dagger - 31 HIT - 5 dagger + 13 Sneak Attack + 4 Bleed = 22 Total
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- d20+11=23 ; d20+11=19 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+13=26 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+8=16 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+1=7 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+6=16 ; Tuesday April 26th, 2011 4:30:15 PM Falmar turns and strikes Sharon twice, both times his blade meeting no resistance. Serillana tumbles past Sharon and strikes once at the unprepared werewolf. Her silvered dagger also meets no resistance. Snafu launches not one but two rays at Sharon. She shrugs off the worst of the rays. ( fort save 23 and 19 both saved) Tishe dispels Skalipy's spectral hand, making the priest very angry. She then fires off three bolts of fire at Sharon, hitting once for 15 damage. Thar's Lion turns and rips into one of the ratkin guards, tearing large gashes through the creatures chain shirt and savaging the flesh beneath. Thankfully the lion does not hit with the bite and does not grapple the ratkin. Thar then fires three arrows at Skalipy hitting twice ( sorry the Prot good adds 2 deflection, his AC was really 22, my bad)
Sharon turns on the halfling. howling in pain from the silver weapons of her opponents, and in a whirling display attacks with her blades ( she moves enough to gain flanking from a ratkin...what is your uncanny dodge ? can you be flanked?) Missing with all of her attacks ( unless you can be flanked) That ratkin also misses from Serillana's other side. The other ratkin on that side of the room makes a vain attempt to get Falmar off of Sharon, attacking twice with it's short sword. missing both times. The ratkin ravaged by Larry attacks the lion back. His fellow guard comes up on the lion's other side to lend a hand. ( post Larry's stats please. He is your responsibility to post and keep track of, I have enough to keep track of here.) Skalipy curses " Blasted witch! I'll fix you , see if I don't!" He then casts Disintigrate at Tishe ( You know what it is, your dispel magic will surely counter it unless you have a transmutation spell instead.) Skalipy's already horrifying visage gets even worse as his spell is counters just before reaching the witch. He calls out" SHARON! KILL THE WITCH!" Cassie turns and runs as Skalipy motions her away from combat.
Brief description update. Skalipy's face suffers from a disease only a follower of Martaeus could love. His face is a melted horror, such that anyone within 5 feet of him must save of be shaken, the save is DC15.
Ratkin fighter 1 AC 19 fighting Larry 26 damage Ratkin fighter 2 AC 19 fighting Larry Ratkin fighter 3 AC 19 fighting Falmar Ratkin fighter 4 AC 19 fighting Serillana Sharon AC 22 62 damage -5 str Skalipy AC 22, 72 damage and very very angry.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+19=21 ; d20+19=34 ; d6+5=7 ; d6+5=10 ; Tuesday April 26th, 2011 9:10:36 PM
OOC: Unless there is something I don't know about Sharon, I think she should be at -9 strength or more; I rolled a -10 and -9 with the two rays. If she saved both she still should have taken half (-9)... that is unless I am missing something.
IC: "Throw down your weapons!" Snafu called again as he targeted Sharon with two more weakening spells.
Actions: Quickened Ray of Enfeeblement- hit touch AC 21; -7 strength (Fort DC 15 for half) Ray of enfeeblement- hit touch AC 34; -10 strength (Fort DC 15 for half)
OOC: Assuming Sharon made all her saves she would be at -17 strength... unless I've missed something, which is quite likely..
Highlight to display spoiler: { Ray of enfeeblement duration: Round 1: 9 more rounds Round 2: 10 more rounds
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (4/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (3/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (0/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Ray of Enfeeblement
A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The subject's Strength score cannot drop below 1. A successful Fortitude save reduces this penalty by half. This penalty does not stack with itself. Apply the highest penalty instead.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 d100=99 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+8=17 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=15 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+15=31 ; d100=21 ; Tuesday April 26th, 2011 9:44:44 PM
The patterns dance before her eyes, every thread, every warp and weft. A twist here and the Spectral Hand dies, unknot there, and the pattern of the Disintegrate is gone in a counterspell using a Mass Enlarge Person.
"Falmar, Seralina: keep Sharon contained! Thar, you and your lion take care of Skalipy. Snafu: you are the reserve, plug any hole that needs plugging. I'll try and keep Skalipy from using any spells while you deal with this filthy den!"
Tishe' coaxes the pattern to change, and another three Scorching Rays fly out, this time to strike the Ratkin attacking Seralina!
Standing her ground and watching Skalipy, she watches the pattern to counter his next spell attempt.
Standard - Scorching Ray: 3 rays Touch AC 25, 25, 17 for 15, 12, 15 damage each 99% spell success; no spell used!
Move equivalent - Unravel: Spellweaver can Ready a counterspell as Move action. +1 cspell per 5 Weaver (+3): Improved Counterspell: only needs same magic school and same or higher spell level to auto counter. Tishe' READIES a counterspell vs Skalipy - Spellcraft to ID spell (DC 15+spell level) = 26 any spell - Tishe' uses Dispel Magic (DC 11+spell level) (Tishe' counter = d20+lvl+3[spellweaver]) = 16 nat 1! Hero Reroll; 31 counterspell - 21% spell success (whew!)
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 123 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+20=30 ; d20+16=22 ; d6+8=12 ; d6+8=11 ; Tuesday April 26th, 2011 10:41:53 PM
Falmar advances on Sharon, slicing into her with his scimitar.
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d3+4=6 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+21=28 ; d3+4=5 ; 4d6=11 ; d20+16=32 ; d3+4=7 ; 4d6=10 ; Wednesday April 27th, 2011 9:28:04 AM
Serillana weaves and dodges the blows that come from either side of her, taking a quick step to gain advantage over Sharon to strike twice with her silvered dagger.
"Oooooh! Really should be careful about this particular spot..." Serillana thinks as she lands a nice precise blow to Sharon's body.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Level 9)
5 ft. step to flank Sharon w/Falmar if needed Standard - Keen Silvered Dagger
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+15=27 ; d20+10=21 ; d20+10=12 ; d8+9=13 ; d6=1 ; d8+12=20 ; d8+7=8 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+13=27 ; d6+7=12 ; d6+7=13 ; d20+18=30 ; Wednesday April 27th, 2011 2:23:48 PM (DM David - I've actually been posting Larry's stats at the bottom of my earlier posts in the DM info area. It's in a spoiler, point number 7... See my last few posts and you'll see what I'm talking about... If you'd like it somewhere else, let me know ;-) Not sure if the ratkin's hit... See Larry's stats below and then I'll update his hps, etc...)
Thar continues his assault on Skalipy, and laughs at his display of anger.. "Temper, temper... I told you it'd get you in trouble someday... " he says, taunting the diseased leader...
He fires another set of arrows, trying to keep Skalipy off balance. However, Thar's laugh's affect his aim and only 1 hits true...
Arrow 1 = Hit AC 27 for 13 + 1 shock = 14 dmg Arrow 2 = Miss AC 21 Arrow 3 = Miss AC 12
Meanwhile, Larry the lion manages to shake off some of the ratkin's damage (DR 5/evil), and takes ??? dmg?
He continues roaring in anger and trying to eat the ratkin 1 for dinner...
Bite = Hits AC 20 for 8 dmg + Starts Grapple (See below notes for grapple, since lion has the feat for grappling) -> Grapple Check = 30 Claw 1 = Hit AC 24 for 12 Claw 2 = Hit AC 27 for 13
TOTAL DMG from Larry = 33 + Grappling?
DM InfoHighlight to display spoiler: {
McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid,
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 immediately before teleport (10 min duration) 5. Sum Mon 5 - Duration = 13/15 rounds 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. Larry's Stats = Celestial, Dire Lion 60/60 hps; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3; Melee bite +12 (1d8+7 plus grab), 2 claws +13 (1d6+7); CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 26 (30 vs. trip); Resist 10 Cold, Electricity, Acid; 5/evil DR 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability}
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- Wednesday April 27th, 2011 4:20:05 PM
Snafu, you have missed something. I posted the spell above, read the highlighted part. Do you want to do something else this round? Post before I post tonight if so. I'll hold off posting until after dinner to give you a chance to do something else.
DM David--- A New Day Dawns --- d6=5 ; d6+4=5 ; d6+4=6 ; d6+4=6 ; Wednesday April 27th, 2011 4:30:58 PM
Sorry Thar, I never even looked in the spoiler text, I assumed it was all your spells. That would land 3 attacks on Larry. I never assigned an alignment to the rats so I'll roll one randomly here, excluding any good 1lawful neutral 2 lawful evil 3 neutral 4 neutral evil 5chaotic neutral 6 chaotic evil A 5 makes them chaotic neutral so the 5/evil DR will not apply vs the rats. Larry has 17 points of damage on him at the start of your actions this round. Sorry I missed the spoilers.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+7=27 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+17=30 ; Wednesday April 27th, 2011 5:20:44 PM
OOC: Ooops... never noticed that. I will change my action to summon monster 4... summoning another Larry the Lion. Will position it right near the rats and Sharon... hopefully in a flanking position.
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (2/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d8+5=10 ; d4+5=9 ; d20+9=21 ; d20+4=21 ; d6+4=8 ; d6+4=10 ; d20+8=22 ; d4+2=4 ; d20+11=27 ; d20+11=31 ; d20+11=16 ; d20+6=11 ; d20+6=9 ; d6+4=6 ; Wednesday April 27th, 2011 7:03:22 PM
OOC You guys have no IDEA how much I detest grappling. Anyway.... IC Tishe counters Skalipy's disintegrate, saving her life and angering the priest. Her response is to light one of the ratkin on fire. The beast howls in pain but continues to attack Serillana. Falmar taunts Skalipy denying him the satisfaction of Sharon gutting Tishe by getting in the way. He strikes Sharon twice more, her tainted blood pooling at her feet. Snafu further confuses things by summoning ANOTHER celestial lion which pounces on Sharon. Due to her weakened state she is grappled by the beast. ( darn you...) Serillana gets in two more good pokes with her dagger, one striking a particularly tender place on Sharon. ]b]Thar[/b] fires more arrows at Skalipy, sinking one into the dwarf. His Lion continues to maul the ratkin, and bears it to the floor. The ratkin begins mewling as the lion shreds and gnaws on it.
Skalipy takes Falmar's words to heart and screams" To the Machine!" He then slams the door, putting it between himself and the counter spelling Tishe. From behind the door can be heard more shouted orders, spellcasting and then just the jingling of harness as more ratkin apparently form on the far side of the door. Sharon, grappled and surrounded does what comes naturally and allows Serillana and Falmar an AoO. She then disappears when her boots of teleporting kick in. ( the lion gets no AoO because he is grappling)
The ratkin, low level, but loyal guards, do what they can to cover their commander's escapes. At the door the ungrappled ratkin stabs at Larry, scoring two more hits for 18 damage total. The grappled ratkin bites Larry, he bites the celestial lion for 4 points of damage. The wound looks serious and were he not a summoned creature soon to return to the positive plane he called home, you are certain he would be fighting some kind of disease. In the back of the room, the other two ratkin turn on Falmar, since they gain nothing from flanking Serillana. One of the attackers slides his shortsword between the links of Falmar's armor and scores a blow that would have clearly done more damage if the ratkin had just driven a bit deeper.( hit AC 31 crit not confirmed for 6 damage)
Ratkin fighter 1 AC 19 fighting Larry 51 damage grappled Ratkin fighter 2 AC 19 fighting Larry Ratkin fighter 3 AC 19 fighting Falmar Ratkin fighter 4 AC 19 fighting Falmar 27 damage Sharon AC 22 147 damage -5 str, 4 bleed, Skalipy AC 22, 86 damage
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 Wednesday April 27th, 2011 9:57:54 PM
ooc: DR 5/evil means that the Celestial Lion gets damage resistance 5 against all physical attacks except those whose attacks carry the evil descriptor (not just evil alignment). Just like holy attacks, usually only incredibly evil creatures or unholy spells create evil attacks. Ergo, Larry should be able to have its DR vs the rats. :-) In the future, that is. ...............
"Piggies!" shouts Tishe', one of her most profane oaths. And the worst is knowing more precious seconds will be lost as Sharon and Skalipy recover and run for this 'machine' of thiers while the little ratkin use resources and time. "Piggie Poop!"
Holding her staff, she delays any actions to allow her packmates to deal with the ratkin, and watches the door, hoping it will open so she can throw a fireball into the misguided, insane Skalipy!
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Wednesday April 27th, 2011 10:45:59 PM
OOC I always mess that up, the lions are taking so little damage from the ratkin then it is pathetic.
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+7=18 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+9=15 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+9=26 ; d8+7=13 ; d4+7=9 ; d4+7=11 ; d4+7=10 ; d20+20=22 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 1:26:16 PM
OOC: I forgot to add Augmented Summoning on my first three rolls, so it was really a hit on the first attack, but still a miss on the third.
"One more Lion then, for good luck?" Snafu joked as he started casting, summoning yet another Lion.
Snafu directed his lions to attack the remaining ratkins, and they responded in kind. The first lion grabbed the nearest ratkin with its jaw and one of its claws, and with a heavy attempted to throw it to the ground. Meanwhile, the newly summoned lion appeared behind the ratkin fighting Falmar and attacked with its bite and claws. The ratkin managed to block the bit but was not so lucky with the claws.
"Yo Ratties!" Snafu called out. "Unless you want to be lion food I suggest you throw down your weapons and kiss the ground! Afterall, Sharon obviously could care less about you, so why should you give up your life for her cause?" (diplomacy 24)
Actions: Lion #1- Hit bite and claw. (Bite- 13 damage + free grapple CMB 15; Claw- 9 damage) Lion #2- Hit with both claws (damage 11 and 10) Dimplomacy check 24
Summonings- 2 Lions (Augmented Summoning) AC 15,15/12, hp 42 Melee bite +9 (1d8+7 plus grab), 2 claws +9 (1d4+7) Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +9, 1d4+7) Base Atk +3; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 24 (28 vs. trip)
Highlight to display spoiler: { Active spells: Ray of enfeeblement duration: 10 more rounds Haste Mirror image- 4 images; 9 minutes False life- +20 HP (24 hours) Mage armor- 12 hours Heroism- 240 minutes Freedom of movement- 120 minutes
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (2/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+22=23 ; d20+15=18 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=13 ; d8+9=14 ; d6=3 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 6:53:19 PM (Snafu... Don't miss that it's a celestial lion if you summon it as a good creature... That gives it some handy defenses too!)
Larry roars a welcome to it's two friends from the celestial plane... He doesn't know their names since their summoner hasn't given them one... He sees them wear sad expressions since all they have is dehumanizing numbers... So sad.... Anyway, Larry continues grappling and biting at the ratkin, trying to finish it off for good... (With DR, I think he has 13 pts of dmg so far... Let me know if that's off...) ...
(I found the grapple flowchart for Pathfinder... Are we following Pfinder's rules or Woldian rules for Grappling?...)
Larry will attempt to keep his grapple and attack (+4 CMB vs defender CMD) - 23 as check... Oops.. Got a 1 on that role... So is that an automatic fail...? If it is, then neither one is grappled anymore...?
Thar switches his aim and fires at the ratkin1, giving Larry some help... He doesn't need the weapon master ability, so he'll stop using it for now...
Arrow 1 = Miss AC 18 Arrow 2 = Miss AC 17 Arrow 3 = Hit AC 30 (Crit, check =13 so not crit...) for 14 + 3 shock = 17
DM InfoHighlight to display spoiler: {
McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid,
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 immediately before teleport (10 min duration) 5. Sum Mon 5 - Duration = 12/15 rounds 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. Larry's Stats = Celestial, Dire Lion 47/60 hps; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3; Melee bite +12 (1d8+7 plus grab), 2 claws +13 (1d6+7); CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 26 (30 vs. trip); Resist 10 Cold, Electricity, Acid; 5/evil DR 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability }
DM David the rules should be the same. Part of the reason to go to Pathfinder was to get rid of the HORRIBLE Woldian grapple rules. Well horrible for most people. Those built around them were just stupidly hard to fight.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 123 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d20+20=35 ; d20+24=33 ; d6+8=13 ; d6+8=12 ; d20+20=28 ; d6+8=12 ; d20+16=17 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 7:13:42 PM
Falmar sees Sharon begin to do something familial and takes advantage of her momentary lack of attention.
Falmar follows up with a set of fierce attacks aimed at finishing her before she can slip away...again...unfortunately he lands only one.....
Why won't you die !
Attack#1 Hits AC 28
Damage : 12
Attack #2 Auto-Miss ------------------------------------ Total Damage : 37.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Thursday April 28th, 2011 7:43:24 PM
fix hp
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+21=33 ; d3+4=7 ; 4d6=12 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 9:10:28 PM
Both Falmar and Serillana hit as Sharon tries to activate her boots. The werewolf lies motionless as both of their blades bite deeply enough to spill her lifeblood on the stone. She returns to her human state, calm and still in death. Larry kills his ratkin (it was nearly done when the grapple started). he then turns to it's partner. Thar Helps Larry out with a well placed arrow into the ratkin. Snafu calls to the ratkin to surrender, to which they reply" NO!! Skalipy made us special, made us strong. We owe him to keep you bad people from hurting him!" In response Snafu's Lions begin mauling the ratkin.
Just then, the ratkin building their numbers on the far side of the door burst it open. Tishe thinks for a split second, but seeing no one she wants to save of the far side of the door she launches the fireball she had been holding onto from her staff. The ratkin, just now seeing what they are up against squeak in horror, then in pain as the fire consumes them.
OOC Within one round, two at the most the ratkin in the room will all be dead. I see no reason to drag that out since it is pretty inevitable, they are just here to get in your way. So, consider them dead. The crispy critters on the far side of the door are likewise no longer among the living.
Zach Ramage will be joining our game. Please welcome him, he should be posting sometime after I finish this. There is of course no reason to immediately trust him, just do what comes to your characters naturally, that goes for you as well Zack. I don't think trust will be an issue after a moment or two.
Ratkin fighter 1 AC 19 fighting Larry 51 damage grappled (Dead) Ratkin fighter 2 AC 19 fighting Larry 17 damage Ratkin fighter 3 AC 19 fighting Falmar 22 damage Loin 1 Ratkin fighter 4 AC 19 fighting Falmar 49 damage Lion 2 Sharon AC 22 147 damage -5 str, 4 bleed, (Dead) Skalipy AC 22, 86 damage ( teleported away)
Kahlan Palance AC 28/17/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 d20+21=40 ; d20+15=17 ; d20+14=24 ; d20+10=24 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 9:30:31 PM
Pulling her twin blades out of the ratkin, Kahlan ponders how many more of the creatures she will encounter. She silently lowers the body of the ratkin to the ground. "How many does that make now?" she thinks. Another one down before it ever had the chance to raise the alarm. Stealth is her only ally in this place. "Who ever is behind this will pay for Johns death." she thinks quietly. John Trimmack was a good man, the man that gave her the second chance that saved her life. Finding him dead had been what she was afraid of, yet she knew it was the most likely outcome. Justice will be served.
Pressing on to the main chamber, Kahlan is nearly there when she hears the alarm raised. She immediately stops, thinking herself discovered, yet after a few seconds she realizes the sound is more than just an alarm. The sound is that of a full scale battle, there must be at least twenty, maybe even twenty-five combatants from the sound of it.
Kahlan continues, silent as a wraith, her dark mithril armor nearly invisible against the dark stone of the hallways. Upon reaching the chamber however, Kahlan sees five humanoids who don't seem to belong. She prepares to charge in to combat, yet upon seeing the fireball drop and all of the remaining ratkin perish, she decides that at least they aren't allies of who ever is behind the death of her friend. While still hiding in the shadows, Kahlan calls out. "Are you friend or foe? Seeing what you have done to the aberrations, I hope friend."
Stealth: 40 (to remain hidden in the shadows) Perception: 17 (for any threats) Sense Motive: 24 (gauge reactions of the other five) Diplomacy: 24 (show she is not a threat)
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+23=31 ; d20+11=20 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 10:21:26 PM
Not quite sure where the voice is coming from, Serillana then listens to the words of the new person and just stands there thinking. "She seems nice, but it's such a weird place to first meet...
Serillana silently watches the situation developing, placing her dagger back into it's sheath, showing that she doesn't want to fight. She knows that she can just move off and hide, and figure out what to do then if this goes all sour.
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 13d6=43 ; d20+8=25 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 11:01:16 PM
The door opens and Tishe' releases her Fireball at the Ratkin, flames and a blast of heat deals with most of them. Looking about the room, the few left will be dealt with by the lions, and a smile comes over her face with Sharon returning to human form. But they have still a very dangerous man who is still at large, and the dagger given to her by Blackhand is still dry.
A voice from the shadows brings the woman's head up. "Are you friend or foe? Seeing what you have done to the aberrations, I hope friend." Tishe' looks, but she is not the most perceptive, and she can't see the source of the voice, and the witch fears it is another delaying tactic of Skalipy.
"We don't have time, packmates, we need to find where Skalipy has gone. Thar, have your lions lead into the tunnel, we'll follow. Falmar, you keep our rear. If the voice is a real person, deal with them as you see fit. Let's go!"
...Action Fireball; 43 damage; Reflex Dc 22 for half Perception: 25
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+30=40 ; d20+17=36 ; Thursday April 28th, 2011 11:19:44 PM
Snafu was a bit caught off guard when he spotted the human slipping from shadow to shadow with such proficiency (perception check 40). She's good... very good.
Then came the greeting, which confused Snafu at first.
"My Snafu sense tells me that she's alright" he muttered aloud before saying in a louder voice- "If you've come to serve Skalipy and the Ratties justice soup, then we're friend"
Snafu kept a sideways glance on the female stranger as he started casting yet another summoning spell, but this one he dropped in the room ahead. "I will call you Linda!" he said as the third lion appeared.
Actions 1. Summon Monster 4- Linda the Lion (ideally in the room where skalipy just ran) 2. Lulu the Lion (from round 1)- will finish the remaining ratkins and then charge into the other room. 3. Laura the Lion (from round 2)- will finish the remaining ratkins and then charge into the other room. 4. Sense motive- 36 Highlight to display spoiler: { Active spells: Haste Mirror image- 4 images; 9 minutes False life- +20 HP (24 hours) Mage armor- 12 hours Heroism- 240 minutes Freedom of movement- 120 minutes
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (2/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Kahlan Palance AC 28/17/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 Friday April 29th, 2011 7:19:37 AM
Kahlan, upon hearing the half-elf mention serving justice to the ratkin, steps out of the shadows, making herself visible to all. She is a stunningly beautiful human female clad in a dark colored breastplate, long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and green eyes darting as if searching for something. She holds a well crafted scimitar in her right hand and a nearly identical kukri in her left. Both glow with a soft holy light until they are slid into their scabbards.
"I do not know this name, Skalipy, but if he is the fiend behind all of this, he will taste my blades just as his ratkin pawns have. My name is Kahlan. If you will have me, I'll join you, at least long enough to see Skalipy fall."
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Friday April 29th, 2011 8:24:06 AM
Falmar pauses from the slaughter and concentrates on calling Dondit to his side...
Before rushing for the door he kneels down and ensures that Sharon is truly dead.
You have too many tricks, can't trust you even when dead. May the Grey God judge you...
With that said Falmar stands and heads for the door, pausing to watch the interplay between the newcomer and Snafu. He glances behind him as a long tongue smothers the back of his neck with slobber, and something recently eaten....
Falmar quickly Detect's Evil focusing on the newcomer.
" She is no least not to us... We have to catch Skalipy, everyone follow the lions! We'll guard the rear"
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Friday April 29th, 2011 4:53:55 PM
Dondit indeed heeds his master's call and obediently appears just behind Falmar. Dondit is a Bounder. He is a giant toad big enough to ride and nasty enough to give anyone second thoughts about attacking him. Upon Falmar's examination he is satisfied that Sharon is indeed dead. Looking with the gaze of his diety upon the newcomer shows Falmar there is nothing remotely evil in her. Looking with the gaze of one who has seen what Sharon and Skalipy can do shows him another person dedicated to stopping this horror show.
Kahlan, upon seeing the dead Sharon is reminded by the knives Sharon wields of the many shallow, bleeding wounds John had suffered when she found him. Knives like those would inflict just those kind of wounds. Everything in this place reeks of disease. Maybe because John was a paladin and immune to such things he had simply been tortured to death by this woman. But why? What possible motive would the woman have had to kill a paladin of Domi in such a degrading, demoralizing manner?
There are two exits to this new room. Kahlan can point to one of them and certify that it is free of enemies to the outside terrain, since she cleared it herself as she crept into the stronghold.That leaves one doorway leading deeper into the structure. The lions, without the benefit of thumbs stand at the door waiting for one of their masters to open the door and loose them on the hunt for the spellcaster that ran away.
OOC I'll recap for Zach my running style here. I generally like to post when I get home from work, around 4-5 PM EST. Barring that I post after dinner around 7-8PM EST. I am generally not going to be upright and thinking hard enough to post after that because I have to get up early to get to work. I like to have everyone post before I move things along. In combat I try really hard to make that happen, but if I don't get to bed I will be one grumpy guy in the morning so I'll skip that days post if I have to.I am map impaired. Therefore I will verbally describe the fight and I give everyone the benefit of the doubt for AOE spells and AoO and the like. Describe how you wanted your spell, attack ect to work and if I can see it happen in my little brain it probably will go that way This is the last scene ( except maybe for some wrap up after the fighting) in this module. You will all be happy to know that Jerry is hard at work on the next module. It will have a very different flavor I think, from what I have seen. Edd ( Yanosh) will not be coming back from the looks of it. Zack is here to make your group 6 and Yves will be joining from the Grey Knights when they retire later this year to make you 7 players. In other news Dai will be coDMing another game so I will be your main DM. If you have any issues, You want to join a specific group, you hate how I am doing something, You love how I am doing something, whatever, send me an email at and we wll resolve it. Don't let it build up and make you not enjoy the Wold. That said my OOC is now longer than my in game post. Falmar will be out of town from 5/2 to 5/10. Would someone else be up to NPCing him for that period? You guys will have the best chance of making him seem to still be Falmar, instead of Falmar on autopilot like in The Gamers since you know how he acts and reacts to things from long association. Have a great weekend
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 Saturday April 30th, 2011 8:49:58 AM
ooc: Yay Zach, welcome to Sunrise Song! :-)
With Kahlan lowering her guard, stepping out where everyone can see her and introducing herself, Tishe' becomes a lot less suspicous. A different disapproving glint is in her eye as soon as she gets a good look at the stranger, but, taking a visible second, she does not air her concerns. Instead, the short, slightly overweight human woman with severe skin boils and a nose that looks like it wants to slide off her face gives a short nod. "Well come to the Cinnamon Protectors. I am Tishe', and we are going through that door to give chase to the high priest of this den." The mercurial attention span of the witch comes into play, and Tishe' stabs a finger at Seralina.
"Seralina, check for traps and locks on the door. Thar be ready to assist her to open it up. Skalipy has had too much of a head start and needing to be careful will slow us down even more. Good work on Sharon, Falmar, and don't forget to take those boots off her feet and collect her swords before we go. We can't have the ratkin or other minions taking them before we get back."
While waiting, Tishe' weaves the ley patterns to give her Arcane Sight, first looking for magical traps on the door, and then pointing out all the magic items on Sharon and any ratkin for them to take. She announces anything she finds to the group in order to not waste any time.
...Action Spellweaver Arcane Sight: can cast Arcane Sight at will
Kahlan Palance AC 28/17/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 d20+15=26 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+21=37 ; Sunday May 1st, 2011 12:10:51 PM
Seeing that it will be a few moments before the group sets out, Kahlan makes here way to the beast known as Sharon and searches her body. "Why would you do such a thing?" She thinks in silence.
Afterwards she will help search the door and passage way for traps.
Before the party sets out she will say. "I am uncertain how your group does things and I don't wish to interfere, but where in your formation would you like me to stand?"
If asked she will mention that she is comfortable scouting ahead, taking point, or bring up the rear.
Perception: 26 (to search Sharon's body.) Perception: 21 (to search for traps.) Before she sets out, she will cast Magic Weapon, Greater twice, once on each of her weapons. Stealth: 37 (for when the party sets out down the corridor.)
Effects: Magic Weapon, Greater x2 (11 Hours)
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Sunday May 1st, 2011 2:45:59 PM (Sorry for missing posting - busted my hand sparring with son - injury #3 and counting from Krav Maga)
Once someone opens the door, Thar orders the pack of lions to lead the way through, ready to pounce and work for their next meal... His bow is ready as always...
Also, Thar nods at the newcomer, briskly appraising her to ensure she doesn't need any healing. "If you're an enemy of those we're fighting, then welcome. I'm Thar ail Baerer, priest of YHWH and resident scout and healer for our group... As to where to stand, I'll defer that to Tishe'... Once this fight is over, we can spend time socializing..."
DM InfoHighlight to display spoiler: {
McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid,
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 immediately before teleport (10 min duration) 5. Sum Mon 5 - Duration = 10/15 rounds for lion 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. Larry's Stats = Celestial, Dire Lion 47/60 hps; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 13; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3; Melee bite +12 (1d8+7 plus grab), 2 claws +13 (1d6+7); CMB +14 (+18 grapple); CMD 26 (30 vs. trip); Resist 10 Cold, Electricity, Acid; 5/evil DR 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Sunday May 1st, 2011 7:37:33 PM
Falmar grabs the swords and boots and anything else that Tishe' points out.
He would make a faster time if he didn't have to constantly smack around Dondit.
" NO! DO NOT eat those ! I don't want to know what you eat when I can't see it, but Ratkin are not food! , and don't think just because your tongue reaches the floor that I don't know that you're tasting them anyway !
Wish you would stop smiling at me when you're in trouble, makes me think you understand what I'm telling you. ..
To Kahlam "We could use some more muscle up front, that pick's a spinner, just keep them from cutting Tishe' and Snafu's threads, and we'll come out on top
(ooc. will be posting from my phone )
Kahlan Palance AC 28/17/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 Sunday May 1st, 2011 11:29:48 PM "Very well, I'll take point." Kahlan says with a nod.
Previous Stealth roll of 37.
Serillana (AC 29 HP 80/89 CMD 29) d20+26=28 ; Monday May 2nd, 2011 9:03:48 AM
"Yup, I'll go and do that." Serillana says quickly and she checks the door for any traps/locks that Skalipy could've set.
Great... Another sneaker... Serillana thinks as she audibly sighs.
"I'm Serillana, Let's get out of this predicament that we have at this particular moment first before I say any more about myself." She says while staring at the door for a while.
Perception (For locks and traps on the door): 28
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste d20+30=38 ; d20+29=40 ; Monday May 2nd, 2011 10:07:18 AM
Snafu moved up behind Serillana, studied the door and asked- "What do you think? Trapped?"
OOC- Once the door is opened, Snafu will have his lions charge in.
Actions Perception (locks and traps on door)- 38 Disable device (if necessary)- 40
Highlight to display spoiler: { Summonings: 1. Linda the Lion- 9 rounds remaining 2. Laura the Lion- 8 rounds remaining 3. Lulu the Lion- 7 rounds remaining
Active spells: Haste Mirror image- 4 images; 9 minutes False life- +20 HP (24 hours) Mage armor- 12 hours Heroism- 240 minutes Freedom of movement- 120 minutes
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (2/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Tishe' (AC 26 HP 107/107 Monday May 2nd, 2011 1:05:26 PM
Tishe' nods at Kahlan. "Up front is fine, but Seralina is in charge up there with you and Thar assisting."
The witch looks at Snafu and Falmar and gives them a nod as well. If Kahlan is a plant, her packmates will ensure the pretty girl doesn't survive the expirience.
"Keep moving. Get that door open and lets find Skalipy's machine before he causes more grief. And if we can capture Cassie and any other turned children, there may be a way to purify them once we get home."
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Monday May 2nd, 2011 5:15:08 PM
Tishe's sight notes the strong magic on many of Sharon's items, no wonder she was such a terror for the others to find and fight. Detecting as magic are her Boots Both Kukri Bracers 2 rings a brooch a cloak ( that i forgot to use, blast it) Neither Serillana nor Snafu find any traps on the door They open it and the entire pride of Celestial lions tear off down the hall. The smell of decay and death are nor less prevalent here than anywhere else in the stronghold. Moments tick by as you try to keep up with the lions. Ahead you hear a loud roar and the sound of Squealing ratkin. By the time you round the corner you find the lions finishing off a patrol of ratkin. The hallways are starting to look like more recent construction, with straight lines and what looks to be clearly magically created stone. Finally You reach a large Iron door set into the end of the hallway. From behind it come the sounds, smells and heat of a forge room. Also from behind it comes the shouted orders of the mad dwarven priest, Skalipy.
OOC 5 minutes have passed from Skalipy slamming the door and running. please adjust your cast spells accordingly. You have also had several minutes while not fighting to talk to one another and come up with a plan, learn more about each other, ect. You have overcome several more patrols, all of them have been the low level fanatics you faced while fighting Skalipy before. Fair warning, the ones inside will be tougher than those low level ones. Skalipy mentioned the ratkin were created as a result of some of the subjects failing one of the tests, so they could come in almost any size or HD, based on their original stock. Take a day or two to roleplay, refresh your spells, do what you have to and let me know when you open the doors. Skalipy is now ready for visitors. Also is anyone going to post for Falmar? He said he can post from his phone, though I am not sure how easy or hard that will be for him. Heck I have carried on combats over the phone with a friend posting for me while I was working overnights in NYC and had no internet access because I am a dinosaur and don't use a cell phone 8). That was as a player though, I can't IMAGINE doing it as a DM.
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) d100=36 ; d100=79 ; d100=95 ; d20+16=21 ; Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 7:07:39 AM
The group gets to the door, the last door, the door that the evil, misguided, insane Skalipy is behind. These last 5 minutes have been enough time to get used to Kahlan. Tishe' now understands her motivation, that she is seeking revenge for John, a paladin companion, who was slowly tortured to death by Sharon. Kahlan in turn, has been told that the dead Sharon was only a servant to Skalipy, a priest of Marteus. The Cinnamon Protectors have come here to stop a children kidnapping ring and discovered something worse: Skalipy deliberately tortures the kidnapees, exposing them to diseases and concoctions. He calls it "Testing", and is happy when someone survives because they are stronger. This also seems to be the religion of a mad northern godling called Marteus.
And the Cinnamon Protectors are going to stop this now.
While they walk, Tishe' casts then walks, casts then walks. This allows enough time for the scouts to rid the hallway of pests and watch for traps and enables Tishe' to buff herself and her companions. Soon, the witch looks like a Goblin with thick leathery skin (Barkskin, Alter Self). "Perhaps Skalipy won't be able to immediately target me this way", she says, "and it affords me a measure of protection."
Tishe' can also give a +5 natural AC barkskin to the first two heroes who ask for it.
At the door, the Witch retrieves a bag and brings forth a Large Warhorse. "Guard" she tells the animal, and it obiediently stands behind Tishe' ready to attack any enemy that comes near.
"OK, Seralina and Kahlan, check for traps and locks, then open that door. Falmar and Dondit go in first, with Thar and Kahlan flanking him left and right. Snafu and Seralina you scoot along the wall until you can attack. I'm in last and I'll be trying to counterspell anything Skalipy can thow at us. Be ready for other directions, as there may be magical machines we need to wreck in here."
Tishe' Readies herself to counterspell the first casting she can see Skalipy do.
...Action READIED Counterspell (with Dispel Magic) Roll 21; 95% no slot used
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Snafu - AC 25 (+7), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, haste Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 11:50:57 AM
Snafu had a really good feeling about Kahlan and was happy to have one more able body to fight against Skalipy.
Unfortunately not long after all four lions disappeared, which lessened the odds for Snafu and his companions. This is it Snafu! he told himself. No sense in holding anything back now... except maybe one teleportation spell in case things go bad.
"Like Tishe, I have several spells that can be of assistance" Snafu explained. "Spells to bolster your defenses and improve your defenses... just let me know what you need"
Actions: 1) Snafu will summon at least one Lion prior to entering the room. (two if he still have both of his 4th level spells after buffing his allies). 2) See OOC below.
OOC: Strategy -Snafu probably isn't the best candidate for Barkskin, but he'd be happy to take it if it doesn't serve anyone else. -Snafu is willing to cast the following spells for those that need it- Reduce Person (Sherilanna?), Mage Armor, Protection from evil, mirror image, false Life, blur, heroism (1 only), haste (1 only), Greater Invisibility (Sherillana?) -I've also have some scrolls that might be of use- Silence, Obscuring Mist, and Bless weapon. Perhaps cast silence on someone that can get close to Skalipy? Perhaps use obscuring mist to help us gain entrance to the room?
Highlight to display spoiler: { Summonings: Active spells: Mirror image- 4 images; 4 minutes False life- +20 HP (24 hours) Mage armor- 12 hours Heroism- 235 minutes Freedom of movement- 115 minutes
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (5/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (2/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (2/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 2:40:03 PM
As the 5 minutes go by, Thar's lion returns to the celestial realm... He's glad that Sharon is dead, and during their 5 min excursion... asks Tishe', "Can you look at her items real quick and is there anything we can use to help us? I"d hate to have a useful item just sit there..."
He also looks over each person and if anyone needs healing, provides it... (All PC's.. please make sure your hps are accurate on your header, so Thar can heal you...... For now, he won't use any of his channel energy's to heal, since they affect large groups rather than individuals...
Once they're at the doorway, Thar checks himself, makes sure everything's in order and right before they go through...
Casts Monster Summoning 4, bringing forth Horus, the Hound Archon to join the fight...
AND he uses his Holy Lance ability, giving his Longbow the holy special weapon quality for 5 rds...
Highlight to display spoiler: {DM Info:
Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) ... 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability 9. 10/10 rods, Horus the Hound Archon, AC 19, 39/30 hps, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil, DR 10/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; SR 15, Melee bite +8 (1d8+3), slam +8 (1d4+1) or mwk greatsword +9/+4 (2d6+3), bite +3 (1d8+2), Spell Like abilities (CL6) Constant--detect evil, magic circle against evil At Will--aid, continual flame, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), message. 11. 1/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon }
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 3:15:53 PM
Tishe' will cast Barkskin (+5 AC, 130 minutes, CL13) on Snafu
Tishe' will accept a Prot v Evil and encourage all the heroes to get that spell. "To avoid possession"
...Action READIED Counterspell (with Dispel Magic) Roll 21; 95% no slot used
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Serillana (AC 29 HP 89/89 CMD 29) d20+26=44 ; d20+34=42 ; Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 5:46:26 PM
Serillana makes sure that she looks all business to the newcomer to the group. Seri searches the hallway quietly, making sure that anyone misses anything.
Keep on your toes, don't embarrass yourself. But remember the whole picture, yes, Skailipy, I know....
OOC: A greater invis would be amazing, if you can do it. Full ranged attacks with sneak attack damage is pretty cool.
Kahlan Palance AC 28/17/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 6:59:41 PM
Kahlan watches how the party goes about there business and is very impressed. Now to see how things will go in combat.
OOC: Kahlan would normally love to have the Barkskin, or the Haste, or even the False Life, but there are two reasons I'll say you receives no buffs this time. 1). She is new and would feel selfish taking buffs when she has yet to prove herself. 2). I would like to get an idea of where she stands as a build, see what her limitations are unbuffed. I hope this isn't an issue.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 7:26:55 PM
Serillana begins searching the door and surroundings for traps. As she approaches the door she sees a faint outline that covers an area 15 feet before the door, going right up to the face of the door.She is able to hear muffled conversations behind the door, mostly sounding like one person arranging others and instructing them. The door has a lock on it and Serillana can tell even from 15 feet away that it is locked. She also sees a faint tracing of lines on the door that she knows is some kind of harmful glyph. Tishe can confirm that the glyph and other spell ( I'll assume you cannot fail to spellcraft a first level alarm spell on the floor) is there with her Arcane Sight. Tishe is also able to see a similar glyph traced on the floor just inside the door ( enough of a gap exists under the door to see this) Thar's Archon and Snafu's Lion stand ready, awaiting their orders( remember the Archon is at least as smart as your average tax collector, and can take fairly complex instructions.) Dondit looks on quietly, licking his chops and looking at the lion. What does summoned celestial lion taste like? is written all over his face.
OOC I have the bad guys ready. They are awaiting the alarm it seems so they MAY not know you are there yet. I suspect that in a round or 2 at the most the Lion will alert them to your presence.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Wednesday May 4th, 2011 7:40:31 AM
Falmar readies himself and dondit at the door, ready to take care of skalipy and his machine.
Falmar will take a barkskin if one remains.
"I can haste us again once the first expires, remember it affects all allies near me so if you. Are close you will benefit. Though I don't suggest we stay bunched together.
Dondit drools with a special kind of battle hunger.....
(Not sure how to cut/paste,casting from previous spells posting)
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Wednesday May 4th, 2011 1:03:56 PM
Snafu willing accepts Tishe's Barskin spell and then goes to work buffing his allies with protection from evil spells. Just prior to opening the door Snafu cast another summoning spell and cast Greater Invisibility on Serillana (duration 10 rounds).
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (6/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) Wednesday May 4th, 2011 1:12:48 PM
Tishe' tells the others what the spells look like. "Snafu, have your Bralani run and open the door, charging the first enemy he sees. The rest of us will go through right after. All the spells will dissapate on the Bralani and we'll be able to attack full force... let's go!"
Tishe' still is ready to counter Skalipy.
...Action READIED Counterspell (with Dispel Magic) Roll 21; 95% no slot used
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d8+6=14 ; Wednesday May 4th, 2011 2:25:46 PM
Thar waits but says with a little impatience, "Let's get this show on the road and take these guys out... " He orders his archon to cast Aid upon himself, so that Horus now has 14 temp hps, +1 to attacks and saves vs. fear. Horus will go with the leading line of PC's, and will do his best to focus on Skalipy...
DM info...Highlight to display spoiler: {
Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) ... 6. 1/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability 9.9/10 rods, Horus the Hound Archon, Affected by AID Spell, AC 19, 39+14 temp/39 hps, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil, DR 10/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; SR 15, Melee bite +9(1d8+3), slam +9 (1d4+1) or mwk greatsword +10/+5 (2d6+3), bite +4 (1d8+2), Spell Like abilities (CL6) Constant--detect evil, magic circle against evil At Will--aid, continual flame, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), message. 11. 2/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon }
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Wednesday May 4th, 2011 2:53:19 PM
"You heard the lady... charge Windy!" Snafu said as the door was opened.
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 d20+18=23 ; d20+18=21 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=15 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=7 ; d4+12=15 ; d20+21=28 ; Wednesday May 4th, 2011 3:51:34 PM
Kahlan will get close enough to benefit from the haste spell being cast. She says a quick, silent prayer asking for the Domi's [b]Divine Favor[b/] before preparing to move through the door.
Cast Divine Favor on Self.
Readied Action: When Kahlan sees enemies she will attack the nearest enemy, then tumble past him and any other enemies on her way towards the nearest caster, preferably Skalipy where she will try to get close enough to threaten them. If she sees Skalipy she will make him the target of her Smite Evil. This action will utilize Spring Attack, allowing her to attack and move, as well as Acrobatics checks to not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Buffs for Allies w/ in 10ft of Kahlan: +4 to saves vs. Fear +4 to saves vs. Charms
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Wednesday May 4th, 2011 4:54:40 PM
Let me be clear... You wait seven rounds just outside his door spellcasting before you pop the door and charge. At no time does anyone go into the Alarm spell while that is going on, and the Archon and Lion just kinda sit there telling jokes to each other. Ok, got it, I'll post after dinner.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Wednesday May 4th, 2011 7:17:24 PM
Looking at the summoning spells. How do you summon a Bralani azata on the summon monster 5 table with a summon monster 4 spell? Also by whom, how and when is the door being unlocked and opened? Also mark off your spells once they are cast ( Snafu if I am reading the parenthesis right before your spells you didn't mark the list above off, possibly waiting for me to say yep they all go off, they do. I just need an explanation of how you get the Bralani )
Serillana (AC 29 HP 89/89 CMD 29) Wednesday May 4th, 2011 7:37:49 PM
Serillana grabs a few bags of bullets out of her bag and prepares to move in with her sling at the ready.
OOC: Was it going to be the monster was going to charge at the door and bash it down?
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Wednesday May 4th, 2011 9:47:11 PM
OOC: Apparently I was dropped on my head several times as a kid... change the summoning to a Bison, who will lead the charge and use the trample attack to clear a path for us... that is if he doesn't get sizzled on the way in.
I think I've marked off all of my spells. The first number is how many spells I have left, not how many I have cast. So if it says "1/7" it means I have one of my seven spells left (six have been cast). In other words, I am starting to run very low on all of my spells except my 2nd round spells.
If there is another way you'd like this presented, just let me know. I am in the business of making my DMs life as easy as possible.
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+25=32 ; d20+30=50 ; Wednesday May 4th, 2011 9:50:13 PM
P.S. I assume Serillana is unlocking the door so we can better time. If not, Snafu can check and disable traps (perception 50; DD 32)
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Wednesday May 4th, 2011 9:58:57 PM
OOC LOL, dropped on your head.... ok, I think I was interpreting it wrong. Just as long as you know what it means and can exlain it to me when I ask, its all good with me.
Serillana (AC 29 HP 89/89 CMD 29) Thursday May 5th, 2011 8:57:12 AM
OOC: Snafu, I was more thinking a ranged legerdemain on the lock due to the harmful glyphs and at range that is not at the door...
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) Thursday May 5th, 2011 10:01:14 AM
OK, that's what we do. 1. Use Ranged Legerdemain to untrap/unlock the door. 2. With Tishe' identifying the Glyph, is there a way to not trigger or untrap the Glyph? 3. Falmar is our strongest member. Without an intelligent summoned creature with opposable thumbs, Falmar will have to race forward and jerk open the door. He will best be able to withstand any effects, and then the rest of us can restore him. 4. As a slight re-set, it makes no sense to summon the creatures until we are just abou tready to rush the door
As he noted before, he waits until the last possible second to summon Horus, and have the Aid cast upon itself.. (At will power)... If we need the door opened by someone, Horus would be the optimum choice since he's the expendable one...
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 Thursday May 5th, 2011 3:31:44 PM OOC: I'm still good with my actions, I am willing to open the door if need be, but seems we have plenty of other volunteers.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+8=11 ; d20+8=10 ; d20+18=30 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+18=22 ; d20+13=15 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+21=38 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 7:10:21 PM
At range, Snafu manages to pop the lock open. With a nod from Thar, the Hound Archon strides forward and lays his hands on the door. While doing this he steps into the area warded by the Alarm spell. This sets off a warning in the forge room. You hear spells being cast in response to this warning. The hound pushes the door open and takes a step forward. The first glyph, on the door, causes a firey explosion ( I will assume that no one is RIGHT in the hound's heels and avoid the blast, same for the second one) The step triggers a blast of sonic energy around the Archon. Both the fire and sound leave the hound unharmed since they failed to penetrate his SR (hmmm, my dice are clearly broken). The hound keeps going into the room drawing his greatsword. The room is about 100 feet deep and 50 feet wide. Dual forges occupy the right and left hand walls and this is the onlt room where brimstone and hot metal smells overpower the smells of disease and death that pervade the rest of the stronghold. In the back of the room can be seen a huge machine. Many obviously intricate parts glisten in the light thrown by the forges. It is made of steel with copper tubes and brass fittings all over it's surface. If Skalipy made this himself he must be a master craftsman and have spent years working on this device alone. Chained to the wall near the machine is a man with the look of a nobleman. He is gaunt from hunger, his clothes are mere rags now and he appears to have been recently beaten. Despite all of this his eyes rise to meet yours as the door opens and you can see he still harbors hope that someone has come to his aid. 20 feet inside the doors stand two more of Skaipy's ratkin. These two were apparently once ogres or giants before they failed the mad priests tests and became Ratkin. They are huge. They stand ten feet apart and block your advance into the room. Behind them stands 5 more ratkin. One, obviously a skilled swordsman wears a breastplate and carries a longsword and shield. Slightly behind him are 2 ratkin in robes, apparently some kind of spellcasters. Behind them are 2 more ratkin wearing chain shirts with shields, short swords and light crossbows on their backs. All of the shields bear the mark of Mataeus. Tishe notices with her arcane sight that all of the opponents are covered in preparatory spells. Behind the ratkin stands Skalipy. Madness shines in his eyes and he calls to his minions. " Those who would stop our lord's testing have arrived. Ignore the creatures they have summoned against you and destroy the nonbelievers!" As he says this the Archon takes his second step into the room and the huge ratkin act. They each take a short step toward the center of the room and forward toward the door and then they swing their massive greatswords with blinding speed at the Archon. They connect with 5 of their six blows and the Archon falls to the ground, dismembered and then disappears( as all summoned critters do when they die) The weapons the ratkin used seemed to have no problem damaging the Archon. Kahlan darts forward and dodges both of the AoO form the Ratkin and slices the right one for what should be a solid blow. It turns out that the strike causes a mere scratch to the creature, while the flash of holy damage seems to hurt it fully. She then tumbles past the Huge Ratkin and toward the spellcaster on the right, regaining her feet right in front of the humanoid. Skalipy casts a spell which Tishe counters ( DC17 to identify it as Glitterdust)
Skalipy AC 28 Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 left Ratogre AC21 right Ratogre AC 21 5 damage left priest AC 23 right priest AC23 4 damage left spellcaster AC23 right spellcaster AC 23 ( threatened by Kahlan)
OOC This will be a rough fight, but I think you can win out. go get them guys.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Thursday May 5th, 2011 7:12:59 PM
OOC OH, I also expect the Archon to file a grievance with the summoned monster's union. He feels violated by having to step into traps to save his master. 8)
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) d100=80 ; d20+16=35 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 10:29:45 PM
Tishe' is glad the summoned Archon ran in first, and promises Sargrass to make a feng shui memorial to the creature when they get back to the tower. But she has to concentrate on the task at hand, and the witch tries to reduce the number of opponents that can cast spells.
Calling upon the power of Sargrass, Tishe' implores for a Wall of Thorns to grow up underneath the ratkin magicians and clerics. The finger-long thorns on wiry vines rises to the cieling and pierces the ratkin so they will be further hurt if they even move!
And then the goblin-looking witch keeps her eyes on Skalipy, looking to Counterspell the next thing he tries again.
...Action Cast Wall of Thorns: shaped around and ON 2 wizard and 2 cleric ratkin. no save. all in the thorns take 25 damage (minus AC not including Dex or Dodge bonus'). Any movement incurs same damage. Can't move unless Strength check Dc20, +5 feet for every 5 points over 20 to get out (and take damage.)
READIED Counterspell v first spell Skalipy tries (with Dispel Magic) Roll 35; 80% 3rd level slot used
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 d20+18=30 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+8=23 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=16 ; d6+12=17 ; d4+12=15 ; d4+12=13 ; 2d6=4 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d10=5 ; d4+12=13 ; d20+8=24 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 10:33:56 PM
The divine bond in Kahlan's Scimitar flares to life with the abilities of flaming and flaming burst a moment before she unleashes an assault on the caster adjacent to her.
Attack1-Scimitar: To Hit: 30 - Damage 14 Slashing + 4 Holy + 4 Fire Attack2-Kukri: To Hit: 29 - Damage 15 Slashing + 3 Holy Attack3-Scimitar: To Hit: 19 - Damage 14 Slashing + 4 Holy + 4 Fire Attack4-Kukri: To Hit: 23 - Damage 13 Slashing + 9 Holy Attack5-Scimitar: To Hit: 23 - Possible crit: 24 to Confirm - Damage 27 Slashing + 6 Holy + 4 Fire + 5 Flaming Burst
Buffs for Allies w/ in 10ft of Kahlan: +4 to saves vs. Fear +4 to saves vs. Charms
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 d20+18=23 ; d6+12=17 ; 2d6=5 ; d6=5 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 10:37:01 PM
Left one attack from the Scimitar off due to Haste. Here it is.
AttackHaste-Scimitar: To Hit: 23 - Damage 17 Slashing + 5 Holy + 5 Fire
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC 6d6=22 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 11:15:19 PM
Falmar pauses as he passes through the doorway, seeing an opportunity present itself..
He casts lightning bolt aimed to passthrough 1 or more of the ratkin in front of him, while continuing on to strike the machine they guard ,melting it's copper components in the process.
Causing 22 pts of damage.
Falmar then advances to prevent the ogrekin from smashing any of the SWEET SURVIVORS behind him
cinnamon protectors....chocolate champions.... it's time we pounded out a name for ourselves
Falmar CURRENT AC: 28 (30 with Scim ) HP 106/106 (temp 117 [+17])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC d100=60 ; Thursday May 5th, 2011 11:24:50 PM
Roll for spell failure. Passed.
(Ooc can't get docs to load. Can't get dondit's stats)
Dondit keeps himself between Falmar and those his master protects. Dondit knows that ratkin probably don't taste good, so if he keeps the ones behind him alive, maybe he can eat the little one called Skalipy.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 35 (35 with Scim ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Thursday May 5th, 2011 11:27:15 PM
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 10d6=32 ; Friday May 6th, 2011 9:28:29 AM
Thar rolls his eyes as he receives a messenger spell from the summoned monsters local union #111. "Another grievance?" he asks,shaking his head in amazement at the whining letter. "This is the fifth or sixth I've received this month, and If they have time to think and write these up, they're not working hard enough." He tries to think of a pithy response to the grievance but ends up writing something about them getting back to work and stop complaining...
He moves into the room, staying near the back of the party...
Changing his attention to the fight, he smiles and says, "I've been waiting to do this for while..." and using his Rod of Empowerment to boost up the spell, casts Flame Strike, trying to hit as many of the enemy as possible. He won't try to hit the clerics and wizards inside the wall of thorns, but will try to get the max amount of enemies somewhere else...... (10' radius, 40' high)... 32 pts * 1.5 (for rod) = 48 pts dmg (24 is fire, 24 is divine)... Reflex vs DC22 for 1/2 dmg
Highlight to display spoiler: {Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 34 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) ... 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 2/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 2/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon }
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 158/158 Friday May 6th, 2011 9:40:00 AM
Also please note that mithril weapons count as silver weapons for overcoming DR. Both of Kahlans weapons are mithril. Not sure but that might make her previous attacks and current ones have more effect.
"Mithral weapons count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction."
DM David Nope the lycanthrope is dead.
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+20=36 ; Friday May 6th, 2011 3:55:23 PM
Snafu smiled ear-to-ear when he saw the wall of thorns appear. I know just what to do he thought as he reached into his trusted Haversack and drew out a scroll.
"Silento maintaino" Snafu read, and suddenly the thorny area where the enemy spellcasters were positioned went silent.
Meanwhile, Snafu urged his Bison to attack.
Actions: 1) Move action- draw silent scroll 2) Standard action- Silent spell- use magic device (DC20)- success- 36. 20' radius with no save because I will centre it on a point of space. Trying to catch as many enemy spellcasters in the radius without getting any of our spellcasters in the radius.
3) Bison attack- ideally the Bison will move around the thorns and attack anyone that backs out of the thorns. Failing that it will simply attack head on... ideally without entering the thorns. Not sure how much control I have here, but the Bison has a trample attack and smite attack, both of which are preferred. Not sure, how you want to handle animal summonings... should I direct it or should you?
Summoned Celestial Bison 1,200 N Large; low-light vision, scent; Perception +8, speed 40' DEFENSE- AC 17, (9/17), hp 52, DR 5/evil Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +1 OFFENSE- Melee gore +12 (2d6+14); Special Attacks stampede, trample (2d6+14, DC 20) CMB +12; CMD 22 (26 vs. trip) Feats: Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
SPECIAL ABILITIES Tongue (Ex) A Bounder's tongue is a primary attack with reach equal to twice the Bounder's normal reach (20 feet for a Large Bounder). A Bounder's tongue deals no damage on a hit, but can be used to grab. A Bounder does not gain the grappled condition while using its tongue in this manner.
ECOLOGY Environment temperate forests or plains Organization solitary, pair, or knot (3--12) Treasure none
Most Bounders live in dryer areas after maturing, returning to the water only to mate and give birth. Bounders originated in the Sargrass Plains where they were domesticated and used as mounts. Few if any now survive due to the destruction of the Sargrass Plains. Those few surviving are usually the mounts of devout followers of Sargrass, Paladins who follow Sargrass .
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Friday May 6th, 2011 4:21:17 PM
Tishe. Gimme some kinda idea how deep the wall you cast is and how wide. Let me be more specific about your targets. 2 ratogres stand 15 feet inside the door. They are Huge (15x15)and have 10 feet between them( each stands 5 feet fro the center line of the room. 1 swordsman standing just behind(5 feet) the ratogres, centered. 2 spellcasters , standing just behind(5 feet) the swordsman. They are 10 feet from the walls 2 priests standing just behind the spellcasters (5 feet) They are inline with the spellcasters/. Skalipy standing 55 feet into the room, centered.
Falmar which side did you send the lightning bolt through, right or left? Kahlen is on the right and could be caught on that side so I will assume left unless you correct me.
Thar... LOL on keeping up with the Summoned monsters guild thing. Their lawyers will be in touch soon.
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) Friday May 6th, 2011 9:29:28 PM
Tishe's thought is the wellarmored opponents and ratogres will be immune to her wall, so the wall is only against the rat casters. It encloses the 4 casters (4 squares=10 foot square) and the 4 squares to the wall (10 foot square) and reaches to the cieling (however far is that) to complete the spell.
I'm thinking that the casters should take 25 damage minus thier AC (not to include dex or dodge) from the thorns growing up around them, and then, if they can to a Strength check of 25, they can move the 5 feet it would take to get out of the Wall (with 25 more damage) and then are free to do whatever they want. And if they can't get out of the Wall, then they are stuck, unmoving. :-)
Falmar CURRENT AC: 35 (35 with Scim ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage), (MOXY :Familiar HP : 53/53 AC Saturday May 7th, 2011 9:21:51 PM
Falmar indeed sends his lightning bolt to the left attempting to avoid "burning the new guy" .. as he approaches the left ogre he urges Dondit to watch his left and work around the ogre.
Dondit, notices that the calve muscles of the ogre things look stunningly delicious.
He moves to the left keeping away from the ogre and bounds around his left. (Intent is moving to flank in the next round.
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 10/10, Haste} d20+22=30 ; d3+10=12 ; 4d6=11 ; Sunday May 8th, 2011 7:28:01 AM
Serillana runs into the room and tumbles past the ratkin, knowing that she is invisible and can pretty much do what she wants. She moves into a position where she is within 30ft of the right ratkin priest. and quickly lets off a bullet.
It's nice to be able to run into a room without being noticed Serillana thinks as she spins once hitting the ratkin.
Move (70ft as per haste):- within 30ft. of the Right Ratkin Priest. Attack: +2 bullet w/deadly aim (+22) 30 - Hit AC 12 + 11 = 23 Damage w/4 bleed
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+2=19 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+2=17 ; d20+2=14 ; d20+9=11 ; d100=31 ; d100=9 ; d20+18=21 ; d20+18=26 ; 4d6+16=27 ; 4d6+16=28 ; d20+22=30 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+8=14 ; Monday May 9th, 2011 7:03:21 PM
OOC In the future please feel free to direct your summonings. They are there to serve you to the best of their ability. The only thing I might have to control would be aplanar ally, since they arrive body and soul and can die on this plane.Otherwise they are all yours to command. IC Tishe Casts a Wall of thorns on the spellcasters. This wall cuts the room in half leaving the 2 rat ogres and the swordsman on this side of the wall and Skalipy on the other, with the spellcasters and Kahlan caught in the middle inside the thorn growth.
Please take your damage Kahlan it is 25 minus your AC with no bonus from dodge, haste or dex.
At the same time, Falmar fires off a lightning bolt up the left side of the room, hitting the ratogre, and both the Spellcaster and cleric on that side as it slams into the machine, melting some of the components. Skalipy does not sound happy. The Ratkin shrug off some of the damage( please include what I need to roll a save)
Thar steps into the room and drops a pillar of holy fire on the ratogres and weaponmaster. All three take the spell fully, but only look slightly damaged.
Snafu casts silence on the thorns, stopping the screams of the spellcasters from being heard. Also silencing Kahlen.
Serillana planned to go after the ratkin priest on the right, but when her target was covered in a wall of thorns that almost got her too she decided to use her sling on the Ratogre on the right instead ( It was better than you twiddling your thumbs) She throws a mean sling bullet into the Ratogre, missing the brute due to the shimmering Blur around it.
Kahlan calls upon her god and her blade blossoms into an inferno. Turning to the spellcaster she begins swinging and finishes with a pile of ratkin at her feet wearing the remains of a robe. The priest behind it looks on in mute terror, unable to help his fallen brother.
Finally Snafu's Bison gets a running start and, knowing better than to charge anything as huge as the ratogres, chooses to charge the weaponmaster. Almost as soon as it starts moving the ratogres respond by each taking an AoO at the beast. ( as I read it the Imp Bull rush prevents AoO from the target. The Bison still is moving through alot of threatened squares to get to the Ratkin) It skids to a halt at the weaponmaster's feet.
The weaponmaster looks down at the bison and sniffs as it disappears to its home plane. Looking up he says" You know, them summoned beasties have as much chance of hurting us as a snowflake does existing in a forge right? Lads? Fish the others out of those thorns. I doubt any of them is strong enough to wriggle out on their own. That's a right big froggy you have there. Pray tell what does it eat? Ahh well, no matter, I think the lads will have a good time eating those big froglegs. My orders are to kill the one with the squashed in face. As I don't see one of those, I guess I can kill any one of you I like. Now then, who's first? " With blinding speed the ratkin rushes forward and gets in Falmar's face. His shield skills are superb and his blade snakes out to strike at Falmar. The power of his swing makes him miss. A thin smile crosses his face. " Oh you have some skills with the blade then? Able to avoid me if I put my back into it are you? Well then sonny, lets see what you have." The Ratogres each turn around and thrust their arms into the Wall of Thorns. If there wasn't a silence over the area you are sure you would hear shrieks as the priests are pulled free of the wall. The Ratogres get a grip on them this round but are unable to pull them free, yet. Hidden behind the wall, Skalipy casts a spell.
Skalipy AC 28 24 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 24 damage left Ratogre AC 21 29 damage right Ratogre AC 21 29 damage bleed 4 left priest AC 23 53 damage right priest AC 23 40 damage left spellcaster AC 23 17 damage right spellcaster AC 23 (dead)
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 155/158 d20+18=29 ; d20+18=29 ; d20+13=18 ; d20+13=24 ; d20+8=21 ; d20+18=20 ; d6+12=13 ; d6+12=14 ; d6+12=16 ; d6+12=13 ; d4+12=16 ; d4+12=13 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=3 ; 2d6=5 ; 2d6=8 ; 2d6=6 ; Monday May 9th, 2011 7:56:20 PM
Kahlan gets nicked by the thorns as they grow up around her. She attempts to maneuver free of the thorns and slices at the Ratogre as it attempts to free the cleric.
Buffs for Allies w/ in 10ft of Kahlan: +4 to saves vs. Fear +4 to saves vs. Charms
Snafu - AC 25 (+14), HP 108/108 (+20) False Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+19=39 ; d20+19=35 ; 8d6=32 ; Monday May 9th, 2011 10:42:16 PM
"Do or die time" Snafu said as he began casting with stunning speed. Seconds later two fiery red rays exploded from his hands in the direction of the nearest ratogre.
Realizing that his spells were rapidly running out, Snafu drew his sword. "Come on magical defenses, don't fail me now"
Actions: 1) Cast scorchin ray- hit AC 39 (touch); damage 32 2) Please ignore second roll... i was going to cast a hasted scorching ray but then I realized the adjustment was +4... I thought it was +3. 3) Draw sword
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (5/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) d100=4 ; d100=53 ; Monday May 9th, 2011 10:42:26 PM
ooc: I'm pretty sure that even if a creature is moving out of multiple threatened squares, it is still only one AOO from the opponent whose threatened square it is moving from. And I read the Imp Bull Rush the same way, only the target gets no AOO.
Tishe' winces, the Wall of Thorns was not supposed to go across the whole room or get Kahlan in its clutches; only the ratcasters! She is going to have to be more careful in the future with her new-found powers from Sargrass! Still the effect has mostly done its job, keeping the multi-casters from overwhelming her companions.
"The ratogres are well-protected, but the rat-faced forgemaster is the key. Beware, Forgemaster, for your Doom is at hand!" Tishe' reaches for the ley lines to complete her Quickened spell, but the fickle lines snap away and cause the spell to be lost!
Not wanting to give up, Tishe' tries another spell, this time on the nearest rat-ogre. "I suggest that you grab your Forgemaster and run away; he is in trouble!"
The heavy horse behind her continues to guard; readied to attack anything that attacks Tishe'.
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 9/10, Haste} d20+18=32 ; d20+18=26 ; d20+18=25 ; d20+13=22 ; d3+8=11 ; d3+8=10 ; d3+8=10 ; d3+8=9 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=18 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 6:39:36 AM
Serillana confusingly curses as she misses with her bullet, thinking that bullet should've hit. She looks around looking for a target who doesn't seem to be flickering and looses four bullets in frustration.
---------- OOC: Is it possible to know which of the enemies have a percentage to miss. It means no sneak attack for me.
Full Round Attack - 4 bullets into opponent that isn't blurred, or Right Ratogre if all blurred (inc. Haste, Multishot, Deadly Aim) +18/+18/+18/+13
Attack 1 - 32 11 Bullet + 13 Sneak Attack
Attack 2 - 26 10 Bullet + 13 Sneak Attack
Attack 3 - 25 10 Bullet + 15 Sneak Attack
Attack 4 - 22 9 Bullet + 18 Sneak attack
Damage without Sneak Attack - 40 Damage with Sneak Attack - 99
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+14=30 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+9=21 ; d8+9=11 ; d6=4 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 9:28:18 AM
Thar looks at the combatives and contnues focusing on the forgemaster... so he continues using his Weapon Master ability to get the Improved Precise Shot feat, letting him get past the thorns and other things giving Skalipy any degree of cover...
(OOC for DM - I can't tell if Skalipy has total cover or not from your post... If he DOES have total cover, then I'm NOT going to target him and instead will attack the left spellcaster, since I can ignore partial cover due to the feat... If Skalipy DOES NOT have total cover, then I'll attack him...)
(Holy, Silver, Shocking) Arrow 1 = Hit AC 30 for 11 + 4 shock = 15 (Holy, Silver, Shocking) Arrow 2 = Miss AC 16 (Holy, Silver, Shocking) Arrow 3 = Miss AC 21
Highlight to display spoiler: {Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 31 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) ... 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 3/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 3/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon}
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Tuesday May 10th, 2011 4:46:03 PM
OOC Serillana, all of the melee opponents have Blur on them, and the Ratogres and priests also have entropic shield. Out of curiosity, I have never seen the part that says a miss chance negates sneak attack. Where can I find that? Thanks, I learned something valuable on that 8).
As far as the wall goes you wanted it to go floor to ceiling and from the casters to the walls, I filled the gap between the casters to keep the wall from being 2 separate walls.
Who is this Forgemaster? A lot of people keep attacking him. I have a list of opponents at the bottom of my posts and it is pretty clear. Please use those terms. Thar clarified the forgemaster part so I know who he means. Yes Thar, the way I read it the back part of the room is behind a 10' deep wall of thorns that goes to the ceiling, and wall to wall. That makes it impossible to see Skalipy to shoot him or to counterspell him. Aside from my casters dying and being caught up the wall worked out for me. Below I will post the text for Haste. I have seen it misinterpreted twice today, (not just here, rest easy) so I am posting the text. I underlined the important part. Kahlan's movement is only 5' so it won't matter. her attack is still a full attack. Additionally I apologize, I thought off hand weapons required a full attack action as well, and they do not. Falmar avoided the shield slam he should have gotten last round due to this.
The transmuted creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects.
When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)
A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.
I have a fundraiser for the school tonight, I expect I'll be able to post after that. I also need Falmar's post... Are you back from the land of Mice yet?
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 155/158 d20+18=32 ; d4+12=13 ; 2d6=6 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 5:39:48 PM
Somehow in the blur of attacks, I forgot to list one more of Kahlan's. Pretty sure it was an offhand I missed.
Also, all of Kahlan's attacks function as Silver. Still new to her, I'll get her all figured out soon =)
Attack 32 Damage 13 Slashing + 6 Holy
DM David Silver still doesn't matter
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+20=34 ; d20+16=30 ; d20+20=31 ; d6+9=13 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 8:23:24 PM
(ooc. DC for 1/2 damage from L-bolt was reflex:DC: 18 I'm Back from the magical adventure, back to this one. I believe I'm hasted, if not, kill the haste attack)
Falmar deflects the brash swing of this weapon master...
Following up with some deft slashes of his own, Landing only one...
Attack 1 = AC 34 HITS Damage = 13 PTS 2nd Attack = AC 30
Haste Attack = AC 31
" So, you're some type of mean beater? HA! Don't get so Warped, after I'm through you won't have a reed left to put back together ! "
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+5=7 ; d100=46 ; d100=19 ; 4d6=19 ; d6+9=15 ; d20+18=36 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+18=38 ; d20+18=24 ; d20+13=20 ; 8d6+32=52 ; 4d6+16=34 ; d100=100 ; d100=25 ; d100=18 ; d100=96 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+24=28 ; d20+24=30 ; d20+19=26 ; d20+14=18 ; d20+24=34 ; 2d8+3=18 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 10:07:57 PM
Tishe attempts to doom her opponents, only to have the magic of the Wold slip away from her.
Kahlan attempts to break free from the thorns, only to be held fast by them ( need a str check, for each 5 over 20 you can move one square, I rolled a 7 for you. you can roll your own chance each round as you try to free yourself.) and takes 3 more damage.The rat ogre is too far away for her attacks, but the priest in the ogre's grip is handy. He opens his mouth to scream as his life is slashed away, but no sound is heard from him.
Snafu fires off 2 scorching rays at the Left hand Rat ogre. One connects but the other misses the creature's blurry outline. The creature takes damage from only 1 ray(They are separate attacks, please roll damage separately)
Thar fires his bow. Firing off a volley of arrows at the left side spellcaster. 2 of his 3 arrows hit, Killing the ratkin. Serillana fires 4 sling bullets at the right hand ratogre 3 of the 4 hit, the last one does real damage, removing the creatures stoneskin spell.
Falmar swings back at the weaponsmaster, hitting twice (AC31 hits I rolled the damage) Very little of the damage comes through however.
Skalipy casts another spell out of sight and sound behind the wall. The right side Ratogre drops the dead cleric and swings at Kahlan with his greatsword. His first 2 swings connect, one critically for a total of 86 damage. The left side priest reaches into his belt and points a wand at the ratogre holding him. The ratogre looks better. The left side Ratogre attempts to once again free his priest. Again he fails and gives up. Dropping the priest. He looks around, ( will save 14)confused, looking for Skalipy as he is the only one that commands the forge in his stronghold. Not seeing the dwarf and not able to hear him, the Ogre shrugs and begins looking for someone to smash. The weaponmaster attacks Falmar with all he has. He misses each swing and with his shield bash. A look of puzzlement comes over his face." Ain't never seen that before. You're a tough one, aintcha? Well, lets see how long that lasts. HEY, LAZLO! Pick this here fella up and smack him against the wall a few times like a good lad. Then we'll see how nimble you are. I'm off to find easier prey, 'scuse me."
Skalipy AC 28 28 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 28 damage left Ratogre AC 21 30 damage right Ratogre AC 21 43 damage bleed 4 no stoneskin left left priest AC 23 53 damage right priest AC 23 (Dead) left spellcaster AC 23 (Dead) right spellcaster AC 23 (Dead)
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin 4d6=17 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+19=37 ; 2d10=14 ; 2d10=8 ; d10=1 ; d3=2 ; d10=1 ; d10=8 ; d10=9 ; 4d6=15 ; Tuesday May 10th, 2011 11:34:01 PM
OOC- The damage from the ray that hit was 17 last round.
"Easier prey right here friend" Snafu coaxed with his small sword in hand, as he took aim with another scorching ray at the same Ogre he targeted last round. Both of the rays flew true, but one of them missed due to the blur spell. (hit AC 34 and 37, but one missed due to blur; Damage 15)
"Like I said... easy prey. Perfect for someone of your limited abilities".
OOC: Hit touch AC 34 and 37;
OOC- Note: I tried to roll 2d10 to see if Blur caused me to miss... in retrospect my roll makes no sense cause you don't know what the individual rolls are. As such, I rolled the d10s individually and I got a "11" and a "89". As such, the 11 missed due to blur, but the 89 hit.
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (4/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
DM David You know...there is a d100 on the die roller... Just saying...
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 8/10, Haste} d20+21=27 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+16=27 ; d100=46 ; d100=7 ; d100=24 ; d100=87 ; d3+10=11 ; d100=81 ; d100=90 ; d3+10=13 ; d100=95 ; d3+10=13 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 10:23:50 AM
Serillana continues to rapidly spin, finding finding time to pop out a handful of bullets out of her bullet pouch and getting them set for quick launch at the ratogre.
"Damn, only one bullet left in this pouch. Time to get a new one out soon. And I need to stop spinning..."
------------------- OOC: From Pathfinder OGC from Rogue --> Sneak attack (Right at the end) ... A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment. DM David Thank you for noting that. I don't normally play rogues and have completely overlooked that in the past. Very good to know.
Blur grants concealment. Entropic Shield act like concealment, but that doesn't really matter as they all have concealment. I will not roll Sneak Attack Damage then.
Full Round Attack at Ratogre- +2 Magic Bullets x4 (Hasted, Deadly Aim, Many Shot) (I got my modifiers wrong before) +21/+21/+21/+16
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 8/10, Haste} Wednesday May 11th, 2011 10:30:23 AM
OOC: I think I rolled concealment + entropic shied correctly, as Blur gives concealment (20% miss chance, concealment doesn't stack), Entropic doesn't give concealment, just gives it a 20% miss chance.
Thus I rolled them separately as two chances that the bullets will miss.
DM David That is how I understand it, which makes it really sucky for ranged people, sorry about that. You got it right.
Tishe' (AC 32 HP 107/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight) d20+20=22 ; d20+9=19 ; d20+9=26 ; d20+9=21 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=18 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 2:03:31 PM
(ooc: nope, you were clear, I just typed wrong; Tishe' meant the weaponsmaster: Mortimer as her Doom attack. :-)
(ooc2: Tishe' quickened doom and regular spell Suggestion left Ratogre last round. I didn't see if the second spell had any effect or was saved against. Help?)
Tishe' is running out of spells and feels it is time one of the Ratogres leaves the fight. Bringing up her Staff of Fire she urges it to have 3 Scorching Rays strike the Right Ratogre!
The heavy horse continues to guard Tishe'-goblin from anyone trying to attack her.
Last Round: Cast Suggestion on Rat-ogre to grab (grapple) Forgemaster and run in order to save him. Will DC 22 to negate; 53% success to cast
this Round: UMD 22 success! Scorching Ray 3 rays separate Touch AC attack, 19, 26, 21 all hit, no save; 15, 12, 18 = 45 damage
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
DM David I almost forgot it so it was in the Ratogres action instead of yours. He failed but reason told him the only one that works the forge is Skalipy. He looked around, not being the brightest bulb in the box and not seeing Skalipy, sort of shrugged. If you want to target the weaponsmaster instead He can do that this round.I suspect it will go badly for the ogre in that case. Also he is not currently affected by mind controlling spells.
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 155/158 Wednesday May 11th, 2011 2:26:55 PM
Posting from phone, working a double, Will not get a good post until tomorrow. Could someone please post for me tonight... attack as you see fit.
Thar, AC 27, 124/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+15=22 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+9=16 ; d6=3 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 2:44:11 PM
Thar smiles as his target falls, and watches as his companions blast and hack their way through the enemies... Since he can bypass any cover but total, he continues shooting his bow at...
1. Right Ratogre if alive... if not, then 2. Left Ratogre if alive... if not, then 3. Weaponsmaster...
Attack 1 = Hit AC 22 for 16 + 3 shock = 19(note this is all silver, holy damage) (Miss if option 3, hit if options 1 and 2) Attack 2 = Miss AC 17 Attack 3 = Miss AC 15
Highlight to display spoiler: {Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 31 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) ... 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 4/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 4/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon}
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+5=15 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 3:51:40 PM
POSTING FOR Kahlan Palance HP 66/158
Kahlan continued to move through the wall but made no progress (15). Meanwhile the thorns continued to dig in (3 damage).
"Dismiss the thorns" the holy thief called out in frustration.
OOC: Wall of Thorns can be dismissed as a standard action... might be a good idea for Tishe to do so soon, as most of our enemies are in front of the wall. Plus, we'll be able to get to Skalipy.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d100=27 ; d100=48 ; d100=98 ; 5d6=9 ; d20=17 ; d20=17 ; d20=6 ; d20+24=27 ; d20+24=27 ; d20+19=24 ; d20+14=33 ; d20+24=44 ; d20+24=32 ; d8+12=17 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; 2d8+20=33 ; d20+18=27 ; d20+18=37 ; d20+18=28 ; d20+13=17 ; 4d8+16=39 ; 8d8+32=58 ; 2d8+3=9 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 8:55:02 PM
Snafu, invisible, taunts the weaponsmaster to fight him. The ratkin can hear him, but will not be swayed from the easier targets he CAN see closer to the door. Snafu instead fires more scorching rays at the left Ratogre, hitting again.
Serillana fires off 4 more bullets at the ratogre. 2 strike true and this time they draw blood.
Tishe fires off 3 scorching rays at the right Ratogre and all 3 hit( got thru the blur) and the beast falls down, smoldering.
Thar fires 3 more arrows at the left Ratogre, and scores 1 hit. That Ratogre's Stoneskin also disappears.
Falmar ( to be continued)
Kahlan takes the hits from the Ratogres huge Greatsword and screams in pain. She begs Tishe to drop the wall of thorns as she is trapped within the huge monster's reach and cannot swing back. Instead, she lays her hands on the greatest of her wounds and heals some of the damage ( LOH for 9 healing. Ouch so many 1's)
The left Ratogre ignores the weaponsmaster and swings OVER Falmar's head at Thar, hitting twice, critting once. Hit AC 27 for 39 damage Hit AC 37 crit confirmed AC 28 for 58 damage The left priest uses his wand on himself healing a small amount of damage. Knowing what protections he does, and does not have the weaponsmaster steps past Falmar (5 foot step) and swings at the goblin with the fire staff that just killed his Ratogre friend. As he does so the warhorse (alignment neutral) standing behind Tishe steps forward and attacks him( held action) The horse snaps and flails at the weaponsmaster, missing by a wide margin.The Ratkin looks amused by the attempt. He swings at the goblin missing once, twice, a third time and finally connecting with his longsword. He then brings his shield around and swats Tishe so hard that for a second the lights go out. When her head clears she is lying on the floor. ( unless you have an amazing CMD) Miss AC27 Miss AC 27 Miss AC 24 Hit AC 33 for 17 damage+8<unholy> 25 total Shield slam Hit AC 44 crit confirmed AC 32 for 33 damage and a free Bulls Rush with a CMB of 45. Tishe was just inside the door and is pushed back to the wall which trips her and knocks her prone. Having already moved this round the Ratkin does not follow her back. There is a loud POP outside in the hallway and Skalipy appears in the hall. A spectral hand waits at his side, crackling with energy and a warhammer is clutched in his hand. The weaponsmaster looks up and says " Hi boss, They killed Lenny and the casters. I think one of the brothers is still alive in that salad."
Skalipy AC 28 28 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 28 damage left Ratogre AC 21 41 damage no more stoneskin right Ratogre AC 21 (Dead) left priest AC 23 57 damage right priest AC 23 (Dead) left spellcaster AC 23 (Dead) right spellcaster AC 23 (Dead)
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+20=24 ; d20+16=23 ; d20+20=27 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 9:05:51 PM " Once again, the white hand retreats when challenged, evil is such an easy path. "
Falmar continues to attack Mortimer, frustrated himself that there isn't a whole lot more blood flowing around his opponent.
Attack 1 : Ac 24 - Miss Attack 2 : Ac 23 - Miss H-attack : AC 27 - Miss
" We could be at this all day, be a good sport and hold still for me! HA!"
Bounding around the outside of the room Dondit spies the last priest trapped in the the thorns and hops toward him, keeping out of the thorns themselves..his tongue lolling and saliva hissing as it drizzles upon the hot floor near the forge.
food,.... but the pricklies will hurt,... It's trying to come to me !!!
If the priest breaks free, Dondit will attempt to pull him in toward him, then swallow whole
(new thing for me, not sure if pull needs a grapple check or not. Says it's a free combat maneuver check. doesn't say it needs to be in a grapple, but I would assume.)
DM David I would assume too. I think it is a free combat maneuver if he hits with the tongue, but that is just off the top of my head. It IS a ranged attack if he wants to shoot his tongue in there and latch on now...
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+19=39 ; d20+19=36 ; d10=4 ; d10=5 ; d10=10 ; d10=10 ; 4d6=15 ; 4d6=13 ; Wednesday May 11th, 2011 10:12:32 PM
OOC: 1) Snafu cast greater invisibility on Serilanna, not himself, so he's not invisible. He does however have 4 mirror images. 2) Quick question... do all of our enemies currently have blur active?
Snafu took aim at the remaining Ratogre and managed to hit twice with yet another pair of scorching rays. He then moved closer to Tishe in effort to keep the weaponmaster off him.
"Pick a Snafu... any Snafu" he and his mirror images continued to taunt.
Actions *2 scorching rays- hit ratorge twice; 15+13=28 damage (Attack 39 and 36; blur 45 and 100) *Move action- move closer to Tishe, while staying out of full-attack range from the Ogre and Weaponmaster
Highlight to display spoiler: { Active spells: Mirror image- 4 images; 4 minutes False life- +20 HP (24 hours) Mage armor- 12 hours Heroism- 235 minutes Freedom of movement- 115 minutes Protections from evil (5)- 10 minutes Greater Invisibility- 8 rounds Greater Magic Weapon- 9 hours Barkskin- (from Tishe)
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (3/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment }
DM David However his spoiler text still says he is invisible, so I have been not attacking him totally based on that....
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 5d6=15 ; Thursday May 12th, 2011 2:59:23 PM
Thar wipes the blood from his face, and realizes that now might be a good time to do some healing for he, Tishe' and others...
He backs up 5' to get out of range of the ratogre, takes his wooden cross in his hand, raises it up and channels energy to heal all within a 30' radius of 15 pts of dmg...
Highlight to display spoiler: {: {Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 31 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) 5. Used 1/4 channel energy 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 4/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 4/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon}
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Thursday May 12th, 2011 4:39:42 PM
OOC- Hi David, sorry if I caused any confusion. I normally post active spells that I've cast in the Spoiler Section (hence 5 protections from evil) and spells that are active on me I post in the "post name" box at the top (i.e. next to my character name).
That being said, my goal is to try to make your life easier (I'm a DM too... I know how time consuming it can be), so just let me know how you'd like it posted and I'll follow.
Kahlan Palance HASTED -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 101/158 d20+5=19 ; d20+21=28 ; 6d6=20 ; Thursday May 12th, 2011 6:57:08 PM
If the Wall of thorns is dismissed, Kahlan will tumble back quickly and try to get in range of the healing, before healing laying hands on herself.
Strength Check if needed 19. Move to get within 30' of Thar. Tumble to avoid AoO: 28 Lay on hands on self for 20pts. DM David I added a LOH to Snafu's post for you yesterday for 9 ( sorry) HP. I'll add that to your header above.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Thursday May 12th, 2011 7:46:11 PM
No, you didn't really mess me up, I could have chosen others to attack anyway. What I don't really understand is why you guys seem to like spoiler text. I mean it is a pain to put in ( for me at least, I always mess it up, but at least I can edit my mistakes) and it takes up the same amount of room. I would just post it in the open. Also I have made the mistake of attacking you and hitting you when you WERE actually invisible so no worries 8).
Since you are a DM and Steve is a PTB then you guys can edit too, so I guess it makes sense...heck I played for a few YEARS before I even knew how to post in spoilers.
ALSO We will have a new player coming into the game ( actually returning to the Wold) Shawn Cooper. He is converting his old character over to Pathfinder and tweaking it out. Please welcome him.
ooc: I'm a PTB? Oh wow, I guess I am :-). Never thought of that before... ................
Tishe' thought the battle was going very well until the weaponsmaster side-stepped Falmar and sent in a slash that nearly took her head off and then smashed her nose to the other side of her head. The goblin shakes her head and finds herself sitting at the feet of a very upset Skalipy who is now fully ready to kill everyone. And there is not a thing that Tishe' can do about it.
Casting defensively to avoid being pummelled by Skalipy, Tishe' casts Blink and begins to rapidly move in and out of the wold.
Blink spell:Concentrate 20 to avoid AOO; 82% success; 13/13 rounds; 50% miss chance.
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A:2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+8=9 ; Thursday May 12th, 2011 10:44:35 PM
Dondit fails to control his hunger and slings his tongue toward the trapped Cleric-meal.
Ranged attack : Failure..(utter)
DM David Is that like a happy meal in armor?
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 7/10, Haste} d20+20=38 ; d100=80 ; d100=23 ; d3+8=10 ; Thursday May 12th, 2011 11:43:55 PM
Serillana decides to stop twirling once she only has one bullet in her pouch and throws the last bullet at the ratogre. When she gets her bearings, she grabs another 10 bullets from her haversack.
[i]Take a big breath now, no time to feel the dizziness...[i]
--------- Standard: Normal bullet w/deadly aim (+20) 38 Hit Blur 20, Shield 23 10 damage
Move: Get bullets out of haversack
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 7/10, Haste} d20+20=38 ; d100=80 ; d100=23 ; d3+8=10 ; Thursday May 12th, 2011 11:44:03 PM
Serillana decides to stop twirling once she only has one bullet in her pouch and throws the last bullet at the ratogre. When she gets her bearings, she grabs another 10 bullets from her haversack.
[i]Take a big breath now, no time to feel the dizziness...[i]
--------- Standard: Normal bullet w/deadly aim (+20) 38 Hit Blur 80, Shield 23 10 damage
Move: Get bullets out of haversack
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- 2d8+3=12 ; d20+1=18 ; d20+7=15 ; d20+7=16 ; d100=98 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+22=36 ; d20+22=29 ; d20+18=19 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+22=23 ; d6=2 ; Friday May 13th, 2011 3:35:56 PM
Falmar takes 3 swipes at the weaponmaster as he steps past him, missing with all 3. The two of them seem evenly matched but the weaponmaster has decided to seek easier prey.
Snafu suddenly appears from nowhere as his invisibility wears off. He throws 2 scorching rays at the second Ratogre and scores 2 direct hits. He moves 5 feet closer to Tishe, trying not to be noticed by the weaponsmaster he has been taunting and The Ratogre that has been randomly crushing people.
Thar, wounded badly by the long armed Ratogre decides that he and his friends are hurt, badly. He calls upon his power to heal them and a burst of healing emenates from his body. Unfortunately it also heals his foes Everyone heal 15 points
Kahlan struggles with the thorns and is unable to break free. She takes minor damage and calls upon her holy powers to heal herself.
Tishe lands on her bottom and shakes her head to clear the cobwebs. She then see's Skalipy staring down at her and quickly casts blink to try and save her life. ( Are you going to get up and try to get out of the bad spot you are in too, or stay put? You have a move action still) She hopes that the blinking saves her.
Dondit is overcome by the need to see what Ratkin tastes like. His tongue shoots out and is tangled in the thorns, unable to reach the priest. The hungry Bounder reels in his tongue for another attempt later.
Serillana fires off her last sling bullet and reaches back for more. The Ratogre takes another hit from the tiny pellets and wonders WHERE the little rocks keep coming from.
The ratkin priest again taps himself with his wand, healing more damage. The ratogre feels better from the healing and turns to once again help the priest out of the thorns. This time the priest is ready and tries to help. Still the ratoge is unable to free the priest. Skalipy looks down at Tishe and smiles" Fear not Mortimer, our Lord has made us strong and capable. We will survive this day and continue his work. The great machine has been damaged by the one who taunts you. Even now he draws closer, trying to help his friend here on the floor. He is a silver tongued devil and needs to be silenced. Go, deal with him. I will take care of this one." With that Skalipy casts a spell and the spectral hand at his side moves to touch Tishe ( the hand gets a +2 that I didn't add so makes your 18 touch AC) As she blinks into view the hand brushes her cheek and she finds herself Paralyzed and exuding a stench like the smell of a week old corpse in the sun. Falmar,Thar,Snafu, and Mortimer need Fort saves DC 19. Mortimer becomes sickened as he turns to attack Snafu. Mortimer turns slightly green at the stench behind him and staggers a step closer to Snafu. Then he winds up and attacks the group of Snafus in front of him. He hits only once and the swing destroys an image instead of hitting Snafu.
Skalipy AC 28 13 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 13 damage left Ratogre AC 21 36 damage no more stoneskin right Ratogre AC 21 (Dead) left priest AC 23 30 damage (-3 charges) right priest AC 27 (Dead) left spellcaster AC 23 (Dead) right spellcaster AC 23 (Dead)
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+13=25 ; d20+28=40 ; d20+19=27 ; 4d6=19 ; d100=34 ; d20+19=28 ; d100=24 ; 4d6=13 ; Friday May 13th, 2011 4:49:44 PM
Snafu felt the sudden urge to vomit, but managed to suck it back in (Fort save 25).
"Peeeeyeeew... Weaponmaster, did you cut the cheese?" he joked.
Suddenly Snafu lept into the air and performed a perfectly executed back handspring. He landed 10 feet away from the weaponmaster and instantly went into spellcasting. Seconds after two more scorching rays launched in the direction of the ogre.
"Come on weaponmaster, let's see what you got!" Snafu added, now feeling much more confident that he was out of the range of a full attack.
Actions: 1) Acrobats check to avoid AOO- 40; move 10 feet away (out of full attack range) 2) Scorching ray on ogre- Hit twice for 19+13 = 32 damage (hit 27 and 28; 34 and 24 blur)
If she is able to make it out of the thorns she will attempt to cut down the ratogre still trying to free it's companion from the thorns.
I believe that is how a standard action attack works, with TWF and Haste. If not reduce it the proper amount please.
DM David A FULL ATTACK action nets you a free swing. just using the attack action gets you no bonus ( other than the bonus AC and reflex save) However TWF gets you an off hand attack so attack 1and 2 are good. Strength check: 22
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 49/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) d20+5=15 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=15 ; d100=57 ; Friday May 13th, 2011 6:25:06 PM
Tishe' had no intention of standing up and allowing a prepared Skalipy to pound on her, staying on the floor was just fine; but the Spectral Hand reaches her through her Blinking and she can't move now anyways.
She can't move, but the horse can. It spins and attacks the person attacking Tishe' which at the moment happens to be Skalipy, but the horse isn't very good and fails to strike every time. (AC 15, 10, 15)
And as Tishe' thinks of the state of being a prisoner beneath Skalipy, another thought strikes her: she can still think! So, unable to move or speak, she tries to help her packmates by casting without need of materials or foci, an Still, Silent, Doom on Mortimer: the weaponsmaster!
Cast Still, Silent Doom; 57% success! Will DC 20 or -2 on all rolls (attack, damage, save, skill) 2nd lvl slot
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch Blinking: 12/13 rounds; 50% miss chance
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A: +3 2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+17=20 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+10=24 ; d20+10=30 ; d20+10=20 ; d8+9=16 ; d8+9=17 ; d8+9=11 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; Saturday May 14th, 2011 9:59:29 AM
Now that Thar's healed a bit, he feels relived and manages to fight off the sickening stench... (Fort = 20)... "Go take a shower why don't you!" he chuckles to Tishe' ...
He takes out a few more arrows and fires another volley at the left ratogre...
DM Info: Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 28 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) 5. Used 1/4 channel energy 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 4/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 5/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+20=23 ; d20+16=35 ; Sunday May 15th, 2011 11:15:50 PM
Falmar follows Mortimer's movement toward snafu, hoping to strike the weapon master as he focuses upon Snafu. 5' step.
Primary attack - Hoits AC: 23 (miss) Second Attack Hits AC: 35 Possible Crit
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 106/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+24=28 ; d6+8=14 ; d20+20=35 ; d6+8=10 ; d20+8=11 ; Sunday May 15th, 2011 11:27:11 PM
Crit unconfirmed @ AC 28 Damage : 14 pts.
Haste Attack: Hits AC 35 Damage : 10 pts
total Damage : 24 pts. you hinder me.... " Where do you think you are going ? You insult me! You will know me!, You will answer to the Power of the Sargrass sea. Perhaps as I cut your thread, Gargul will judge you for what you are."
Dondit's eyes glaze over as the trapped priest heals himself of his wounds, improving the flavor and texture of his flesh, a great and kind thing of him to think of as he prepares to feed Dondit.
Dondit attempts to grab the priest once again with his tongue, slobbering the priest with copious amounts of spittle, but failing to latch on as he would like. Dondit begins to hop up and down in frustration.
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 7/10, Haste} d20+19=39 ; d4=2 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=23 ; d20+20=34 ; d100=57 ; d100=68 ; d100=87 ; d100=6 ; d100=77 ; d100=59 ; 2d3+18=22 ; d3+9=10 ; Monday May 16th, 2011 6:16:00 AM
Ready and raring to go with a pocketful of bullets, Serillana unleashes another set of ordinary bullets at the ratogre.
-------- Full Round Attack - Bullets - 20/20/20/15
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+5=23 ; d20+20=21 ; d20+20=25 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+20=25 ; d20+12=29 ; Monday May 16th, 2011 6:54:08 PM
Snafu tumbles away and hits the Ratogre with 2 more scorching rays. The ogre still seems to take less damage than he should. The priest however cries out in pain. Kahlan finnaly makes enough headway to break free of the wall of thorns. She taggers, bleeding toward the ratogre and swings at it once with each weapon, her second scoring a critical hit. The priest again cries out as fresh wounds appear on him. Tishe, pnone and paralyzed still manages a silent and stilled spell at Mortimer. Sadly the ratkin's strong mind overcomes her spell( lucky roll) Thar. still gravely wounded fires off several more arrows at the ratogre( did you add your healing to your header? it looks low)He scores three hits. The priest goes unconscious after the first, but still breathes. The second and third finish his spell of Shield other. Falmar continues to follow Mortimer, swinging for all he is worth. 2 swings find their mark, yet Mortimer shows almost no signs of wounds from them. Dondit once again tries to get the priest for lunch. His new plaything stops struggling and stops breathing. This ruins Dondit's sport...or does it. Serillana prepares another vlley of bullets for the ratogre. Her first one finds its mark right between the Brute's eyes, it falls to the floor dead.
Mortimer takes the death of the Ratogre hard. Apparently both of these brutes were friends of his. He steps closer to Kahlan ( stepping between her and Falmar, you will both flank him next turn.) and vents his grief on the female paladin. For the first time hs composure slips and he uses all of his strength behind the blows, and misses every one. Skalipy chides him and says" Patience Mortimer, they will still serve the plans of out Lord. Just in a different form." With that Skalipy casts another spell into his spectral hand and it snakes out and tries to touch Falmar at the base of his neck. The hand caresses Falmar's neck and the paladin stiffens as his life energy is drawn from his body into Skalipy ( that is a maximized Vampiric touch and will drain 36 hp directly from Falmar. Be glad it did not crit )
Skalipy AC 28 15 damage + 36 temporary Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 31 15 damage left Ratogre AC 21 (Dead) right Ratogre AC 21 (Dead) left priest AC 23 (dead) (-3 charges) right priest AC 27 (Dead) left spellcaster AC 23 (Dead) right spellcaster AC 23 (Dead)
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+19=31 ; d20+19=35 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=16 ; Monday May 16th, 2011 11:05:21 PM
OOC- Is the weaponmaster or Skalipy currently blurred?
Clearly he recognized that Skalipy's magic was the biggest threat to the success of this mission... somehow he needed to be stopped.
Snafu took measure of the distance between himself and Skalipy, making sure that he was outside of striking distance (OOC- will take 5' step if needed). And then he waited... at the first sign of spellcasting, Snafu would strike with another scorching ray. (Readied action- attempting to disrupt Skalipy with a scorching ray).
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (1/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 49/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) d100=91 ; d20+20=26 ; d20+16=17 ; d20+16=20 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=24 ; d100=71 ; d4+1=4 ; d6+2=6 Tuesday May 17th, 2011 10:40:45 AM
(ooc: how long is Tishe' paralyzed? d6+1 rounds yes?)
Tishe' also sees through unblinking eyes that Skalipy is clearly the more dire threat to her packmates. It will take a lot of concentration, but Tishe's mind is confident that she can do it...
She Readies a Silent, Stilled, Dispel Magic to counter the next spell Skalipy tries to cast!
The horse continues to attack Skalipy, the last one to strike Tishe'. It misses with both hooves, but gets a lucky and hard strike with the bite! 1 7 2 10 3 nat 20 crit 24 no confirm Damage 4 71% pass Blur
READIED Still, Silent Dispel Magic; 91% success, no slot loss! Spellcraft Check: 26 Counterspell: 17 reroll with Hero Point: 20
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch Blinking: 10/13 rounds; 50% miss chance
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A: +3 2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Tuesday May 17th, 2011 2:35:18 PM (OOC - I think I have the header correct... 1. He started with 124 hps, 2. lost 97 (post from 11 May - [i]The left Ratogre ignores the weaponsmaster and swings OVER Falmar's head at Thar, hitting twice, critting once. Hit AC 27 for 39 damage; Hit AC 37 crit confirmed AC 28 for 58 damage. 3. Added back 15 hps of healing... = 42...
Thar, knowing that he's got to change his tact for a bit, uses his "Touch of Good" as a standard action, giving him a +5 bonus to his future bow attacks, skill rolls, etc.
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 113/158 d20+26=35 ; d20+26=32 ; d20+26=29 ; d20+26=34 ; d20+21=40 ; d20+21=24 ; d20+16=32 ; d20+16=21 ; d100=48 ; d100=66 ; d100=32 ; d100=35 ; d100=65 ; d100=56 ; d100=60 ; d100=85 ; d20+21=23 ; d6+23=26 ; d6+23=26 ; d6+23=28 ; d4+20=23 ; d4+20=21 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=6 ; 2d6=9 ; 2d6=6 ; d6=1 ; Tuesday May 17th, 2011 3:34:32 PM
Seeing that her new comrades are focusing on Skalipy, she tries to finish the Weaponmaster, Mortimer. "Domi!!! Let my blades strike true!" cries the paladin as she unleashes a barrage of attacks upon her foe.
Rolled Miss chance, for blur, all attacks pass. Smite Evil overcomes all DR of Evil creatures also adds +6 to AC against attacks from Weapons Master. Flanking as well. Attack1 (Haste, Primary): 35 HIT Damage1: 26 Slashing + 9 Holy + 4 Flaming
Buffs for Allies w/ in 10ft of Kahlan: +4 to saves vs. Fear +4 to saves vs. Charms
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Tuesday May 17th, 2011 6:37:00 PM
OOC Sorry guys, I scratched my cornea over the weekend and it seems to be getting worse instead of better. Hopefully I will be able to put in a post after I visit the doctor tomorrow.
wow, some nice rolls. Tishe I rolled 6 for your duration, I put it at the end of your post.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 89/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+25=39 ; d6+13=17 ; d20+21=34 ; d20+25=42 ; d6+13=19 ; d20+8=24 ; Tuesday May 17th, 2011 7:37:15 PM
Falmar watches as Kahlan's Domi-inspired blows rain down upon Mortimer. (ooc. totally forgot about smite evil, and how it works in PF)
Falmar focuses his mind and Faith upon the breezes that turn thousands of blades of grass into a single flowing wave, flowing and burning in a waterless dance as far as the eye can see.. " May the water in your blood feed the soil " (Smite Evil)
Attack # 1 Hits Damage = 17 Attack # 2 Miss
Haste Attack : Hits Damage = 19
Total Damage = 36
Dondit is mystified by the gigantic smorgasbord that is appearing all around him. but most are just too big, and he has only tasted this one so far, he's still warm.
Dondit's tongue wraps itself around the motionless body of the remaining priest and begins to pull his body into his waiting Maw.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d100=80 ; d100=14 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+11=29 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 12:16:28 PM
OOC Ok back in the saddle agian. The doctor had to give me anesthetic drops to look in my eye, so now is the time to use it while I feel no pain. IC Snafu readies an action to damage Skalipy as he casts his next spell. Tishe, through force of will alone readies another counterspell, even through paralysis. Thar prepares himself for next round using th power of goodness to bolster him. Kahlan calls upon Domi and heedless of his untouchable AC, begins to beat the weaponmaster down. Many of her swings land true. They meet resistance form the enchantments on the weaponmaster, but a significant amount of pain still transfers through. However, he still looks to be taking less than his share of damage, though Skalipy looks inconvenienced by the damage he seems to magically take from the onslaught. The weaponmasters stoneskin fails on the last strike from Kahlen, leaving him open to Falmar. Falmar, following Kahlan's lead calls upon the power of Sargrass to strengthen his arm. His first blow strikes through the blur but the second misses by the barest of margins. Dondit wraps his tongue around the still warm body of the ratkin priest and begins to drag it free from the thorns.
Skalipy grits his teeth as the horse of all things bites him. Determined to end this now that most of his foes are wounded he calls upon his magic for a damaging spell. Halfway through the casting, Snafu hits him with multiple scorching rays. There is no saving his spell and it fizzles in his hands ( couldn't make the check even with a 20, sigh).Hurt and losing his minions, he tells Mortimer to back out of the fight and follow him. He turns and runs down the hallway, away from the party. Mortimer, looks completely baffled that so many attacks have just hit him. Viewing this as a bad omen, and his boss's choice to flee. he begins fighting defensively and after a parting swing at Kahlan which falls short, tumbles out of the room, slamming the door behind him. ( Wow, nice CMD Kahlan and Falmar, take an AoO. He fails to beat your CMD) However his AC is now 35 since he is using combat expertise.
Skalipy AC 28 100 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 35 109 damage Stoneskin removed
(-3 charges)
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+20=24 ; d20+30=40 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 1:44:06 PM
Without hesitation the hasted Snafu opened the door and gave chase.
"Surrender or die" Snafu promised.
Actions: 1) Open door and chase (haste so 40' speed is doubled) DM David haste adds up to 30' to your move 2) Diplomacy check- 24 3) Perception check- 40
Level 0: (unlimited) Acid Splash, D.Magic, R.Magic, Ray of Frost, M.Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Message Level 1: (0/7) R. Person, Ray Enfeeblement, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Protection from, alarm Level 2: (2/7) Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, False Life, Ghoul Touch, blur Level 3: (1/7) Heroism, Haste, Magic Weapon, Greater, protection from energy Level 4: (0/5) Invisibility, Greater, Summon Monster IV, freedom of movement Level 5: (1/3) Teleport, break enchantment
Snafu - AC 35, HP 128/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Wednesday May 18th, 2011 1:44:27 PM
OOC_ hope you're feeling better... and take care of those peepers!
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 d20+20=25 ; d20+15=35 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+15=19 ; d8+9=13 ; d6=3 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 3:13:07 PM
Thar hustles after Snafu through the door, yelling "Get back here and face your judgment! We're not going to let you get off that easily." At the first chance, fires a set of arrows at the weaponsmaster, trying to finish him off.... He'll continue using his weapon master ability to void any cover (aside from total cover)...
Att1 = Miss AC 25 Att2 = Hit AC35 (Crit check AC 20... nope) for 13 + 3 (shock) = 16 silvered dmg Att3 = Miss AC 19
DM Info: Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 25 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) 5. Used 1/4 channel energy 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 5/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 5/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon 12. used 1/10 +5 Good Bonus
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 124/158 d20+24=29 ; d20+24=28 ; d20+24=25 ; 4d6=11 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 3:27:48 PM
Kahlan holds at the door briefly so that she can get as many allies together in her Aura of Justice. She then moves into the room, attacking Mortimer and healing herself as she goes yet she finds no hole in the Weapon Masters defense.
AoO: 29 Miss Swift Action: LoH 11hp Attack1: Miss Attack2: Miss
Everyone within 10ft of Kahlan when activated gains the benefit of Kahlan's Smite Evil for 1 Minute. They must designate which target by the end of this round.
This gives +6 to AC versus target, +6 to hit, and +11 Damage as well as bypasses DR. This uses two of her Smite Evils for the day.
Buffs for Allies w/ in 10ft of Kahlan: +4 to saves vs. Fear +4 to saves vs. Charms DM David I missed the bypass DR part of Smite Evil. I have adjusted the enemies HP above, sorry about that.
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 49/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) d100=74 ; d20+5=14 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 3:35:40 PM You know, thinks Tishe' as her eyes dry out from not blinking, I don't really like being able to not move. I can't see what's going on! At least I'm laying on the floor and out of the way. Maybe I can help my packmates with Mortimer.
Once again, Tishe' gathers magical forces together by only using her mind; no gestures, no words, no materials. She spares a moment to wonder if she is the only person in the entire Wold who could actually do this! But then she again focuses on her mission, to make Mortimer less of a threat.
She casts a Still, Silent Doom upon the fighter.
The horse tries to attack Skalipy as he leaves and can't connect. (AOO AC 14)
...Action Still, Silent Doom Mortimer Will DC 20 or -2 on all rolls (attack, damage, save, skill); 74% success 2nd level slot
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch Blinking: 10/13 rounds; 50% miss chance
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A: +3 2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 5/10, Haste} d20+21=40 ; d100=94 ; d100=78 ; d3+10=13 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 9:00:40 PM
Serillana watches everyone run off, and follows, throwing a bullet at the unaware weapon master.
--------------- OOC: I just realized that they would be flat-footed to all my attacks...
Move: Get closer to Mortimer Attack: +2 bullet w/deadly aim 40 vs Flat footed AC 94 blur, 78 shield 13 damage
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 89/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H d20+28=29 ; d20+6=25 ; d100=30 ; Wednesday May 18th, 2011 9:32:39 PM
Mortimer's tumbling ability befuddles Falmar and his swing goes wide (Nat. 1)
Falmar immediately turns to Tishe, and casts Dispel Magic (armor penalty passed) Targeted to remove her paralysis. (Spell check 25, DC= 11+ spellcaster casting level)
If Tishe' recovers Falmar will head for the door and the escaping white hands.
" Drop it ! , you can eat later!!
As Dondit opens his cavernous Maw to swallow this morsel, he is denied once again. Somehow even his huge monstrous eyes appear sad as he turns and bounds to stand over Tishe' awaiting some sign that she's still there.
(last post including spell list 04/26) P1 - Bless,. prt evil x2 W0 - Mage hand, message, det. mag., open/close W1 - B-Hands x2, Grease, MM, True Strike W2 - See inv, Blindness, Darkness, Spider Climb W3 - Dispel Magic(used), Lightning Bolt(used) , Haste, Slow.
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 124/158 Thursday May 19th, 2011 3:29:44 PM OOC: Everyone please note you need to designate the target of your Smite Evil ASAP.
DM David Snafu isn't evil (that I know of) and I don't think you want to smite you?
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 89/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H Thursday May 19th, 2011 8:42:55 PM
Would your smite work on top of mine, not stacking just the better of the two ? If so Morty keeps it DM David I would say the better of the 2 would win out yes.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- d20+20=38 Mort AoO on Snafu; Snafu is 1 1d4=1 ; d8+12=18 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ; d100=6 ; d20+5=18 ; Thursday May 19th, 2011 8:50:20 PM
Snafu charges through the door as soon as he is able. He finds Skalipy with a good lead ( about 50 feet from the door) and Mortimer following behind him (about 20 feet from the door). Wanting to keep up with Skalipy he pelts down the hallway, passing Mortimer. The Ratkin weaponmaster lashes out with his blade striking true through all of Snafu's images. Hit AC 38, jit the real Snafu for 18 damage+7<unholy>. Snafu is able to draw up even with Skalipy.
Thar runs through the door and then fires at the weaponmaster, lining up a perfect shot only to miss due to the Blur around the Ratkin.
Kahlan Aids her allies and takes 2 swings at Mortimer, missing both times.
Tishe once again fires off a silent,still spell of Doom at the weaponmaster. This time his will is not strong enough and the doom takes effect.
Serillana runs through the door and lines up a shot on Mortimer's fleeing backside. Her bullet flies true hitting the ratkin in the back of the head.( he doesn't have entropic shield, just Blur Serillana.)
Falmar turns and dispel's the ghoul touch on tishe, freeing her. He then follows the pack. Dondit reluctantly drops his food and stands over Tishe protectively, though he still slobbers a little.
Both Skalipy and Mortimer run on( Snafu AoO on Skalipy, Kahlan AoO on Mortimer) They meet up at the end of the hallway and Mortimer turns to protect Skalipy from the heroes. From behind the Ratkin can be heard," You may have foiled my Lord's plans in this place, but his faithful are Legion and I will go to one of their lair's and finish his work. This isn't over." With that he clamps a hand on Mortimer's shoulder and utters the words to a teleport spell. Then there is a flash and he is gone.
Skalipy AC 28 106 damage Mortimer (weaponmaster) AC 35 116 damage Stoneskin removed
(-3 charges)
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 2d8+10=17 ; Friday May 20th, 2011 9:43:32 AM
Thar curses as his arrow missed the real target... Also, he's angry that Skalipy and Mortimer escaped...
"Is there a way we can track where they're going? I want to get this guy!"
While waiting for the others to do something, he moves quickl to Tishe', places a hand on her shoulder and heals her of 17 pts of dmg
DM Info: Spells Cast McVE, Spell Resistance, Sum Mons 5, Aid, Sum Mons 4, Flame Strike, Spiritual Weapon (CMW),
1. McVE on himself, so that Tishe' and Snafu (maybe) are also protected by the 10' radius spell 2. 2 vials of silversheen used on his 28 arrows... 3. Aid is cast on Falmar, giving him a boost of 17 TEMPORARY hps, as well as some bonuses to his attack and saves... 4. Spell Resistance 23 (5 min left...) 5. Used 1/4 channel energy 6. 2/3 Rod of Metamagic, Empower Uses 7. ... 8. Used 4/10 rounds Weapon Master ability ... 11. 5/5 rds of Holy Special Weapon
Snafu - AC 35, HP 103/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+22=36 ; d6+4=9 ; Friday May 20th, 2011 10:21:02 AM
Snafu grunted slightly when the weaponmaster's blade cut in, but he ran on. "You're going down!" Snafu promised as he closed in on Skalipy.
As Skalipy continued to flee, Snafu struck out with his enhanced blade and scored a hit (Damage 9).
"Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee..." Snafu joked, but his glee faded away a few second later when Skalipy teleported from the room.
"Gosh dang it!" Snafu shouted, as he desparately scanned the area for some clue as to how he could close in on Skalipy. "I've got his blood" Snafu said as he held his short sword in the air. "Tishe, tell me there's a way... I've got a teleport left... please, tell me there is a way!"
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 66/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) Friday May 20th, 2011 4:59:19 PM
Tishe' stops stinking, starts moving, and gets a little healing to stop the bleeding. "Whew!", she says in relief, "that's a lot of Ings!"
Touching her nose to see if it is still broken, the little goblin that is Tishe' gingerly gets up. "That white-handed treadle got away again? Piggies!" She fingers the unusual dagger Blackhand gave her, and puts it back in a pocket. "There will be a time when I cut the heart out of that evil and fulfill my promise to this land. There will."
And then she turns to Snafu. "But that time is not today. I'm nearly out of spells and can't Scry until tomorrow. And while I will try, I am certain Skalipy will not be caught out as easily as he did with teleporting this time."
She shakes her head. "No. The more important thing to do now is to help the captives and children in here, especially Cassie. Then we destroy any equipment he has left behind, gather anything useful from this place, and burn it to the ground." In her voice and eyes, the satisfaction of rescuing the captives is nearly as great as destroying this evil place.
...Action Still, Silent Doom Mortimer Will DC 20 or -2 on all rolls (attack, damage, save, skill); 74% success 2nd level slot
Arcane Sight 8/13 min: blue glowing eyes; can immediately see all magical auras and location within 120feet Extended Barkskin; 255/260min; +5 AC (bark-like skin; no failure chance for Sargrass spells) Alter Self; 8/13 min; Goblin; +2 Dex, speed 30feet, Darkvision 60feet Prot v Evil: 10/13min; (from Snafu) +2 AC v evil, +2 save v evil, no possession, no summon creature touch Blinking: 9/13 rounds; 50% miss chance
Heavy Horse 10/10min ("guarding") AC:13 HP:19 A: +3 2/d6+3, 1/d4+1 S: F/8, R/7, W/3 with saddle and tack; able to follow any Handle Animal command
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 124/158 d20+24=36 ; d6+23=27 ; 2d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d100=58 ; Friday May 20th, 2011 6:21:00 PM
Kahlan strikes at Mortimer slashing him before he blinks out of the area. She is furious, shaking uncontrollably. "No!!! No, No, No, No, No!!!! We have to find them, we have to bring them to justice!"
AoO vs Mortimer: Hit AC 36, blur chance hit. Damage: 27 Slashing (overcomes DR) + 6 Holy + 2 Fire
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Friday May 20th, 2011 7:40:24 PM
OOC Awesome job in this fight guys. You brought both of those opponents down to within a sword blow of dead. This gives you guys a great deal of common ground which is important now that we are combining games and adding new players( Shawn you will be able to post soon, just give these guys time to look around). Also these guys will be able to come back and maybe even become dragon rank quest material for your group. There are still people to find and rescue in this place and a better understanding of what Skalipy's ultimate plan was to be unearthed. Plus he was a Cleric/Wizard/Mystic Thurge so there are spell books and such somewhere in this place. I want to compliment you all on working well together too. I was flabbergasted when Tishe decided she would counter EVERY spell from the main bad do you overcome that? Also your groups use of summoned opponents is great unless the enemy has the chance to protect against them. Looking into summons with ranged capability will fix even that.Kahlan;s last minute Smite evil brought the nigh invulnerable weaponmaster down in a hurry bypassing both his DR and his massive AC. The Wall of thorns stopped my weaker opponents entirely since they couldn't break free. The Silence spell on top of that sealed their doom. I will look over the fight and tally hero points for the battle. You guys did great against what could have been overwhelming odds.
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 89/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H Friday May 20th, 2011 8:16:10 PM
In an uncharacteristic bout of rage Falmar rages as he sees Mort and Skalipy disappear.
" Again !!! Again !!! This cannot happen again ! Just when we had them !, This is almost eneough to make me go Walker. There has to be a way to stop this popping in and out !
Falmar will start going through Dondit's Cleric's body.
" OK, eat it, at least it will do some good. "
Snafu - AC 35, HP 103/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin d20+30=36 ; d20+25=40 ; Friday May 20th, 2011 10:32:25 PM
OOC: Thanks David... that battle was a lot of fun.
Snafu was obviously disappointed, but he accepted Tishe's reasoning. There were still people to save, and that trumped bringing Skalipy to justice... at least for now.
"Well fought friends" Snafu said. "Though it burns to see Skalipy leave, justice will come for him soon enough. For now, there are those that need us. Let us not tarry. Though we are weak and our resources low, we need to press on."
With that, Snafu took to the shadows and started to scout the area. "Anyone with Snafu?" he asked in a whispered voice.
Actions: Scout the area... Stealth- 40 Perception 36
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Saturday May 21st, 2011 12:43:04 PM
The cleric that Dondit has been slobbering all over wears a fine chain shirt, a sturdy metal shield (large), and a fine shortsword, all of dwarven make and all masterwork in quality. He also has an empty scroll tube and a blank scroll,plus 2 other scrolls ( both of Cure serious Wounds) and a wand. The other cleric is similarly equipped. The Ratogres wear masterwork Dwarven full plate and carry masterwork swords. The taint of an evil blessing still sticks to the swords, allowing them to hurt even a celestial creature(align weapon evil). The Wall of Thorns now burns from both ends where the wall was close enough to the forges to dry and burn quite quickly. Most of the smoke goes out of the opening in the roof where the smoke and smells of smithing would normally vent to the air.. From the far side of the wall the fitful coughing of the man you saw chained to the wall can be heard. It is weak, but not weak enough that you fear he will expire from the smoke.
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 124/158 Saturday May 21st, 2011 3:42:51 PM
It is painfully obvious that Kahlan if fighting back tears. The thought of those who murdered her friend escaping justice weighs heavily on her. "Each of you owe me nothing, and if you refuse my offer there will be no hard feelings. Please allow me to travel with you, and work with you, at least until Skalipy and Mortimer are brought to justice. The only thing I ask, is that if I am allowed to join you, John's body be brought out of this place for a proper burial."
Kahlan waits for an answer, hoping that she will not have to seek those two out by herself.
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 66/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) Saturday May 21st, 2011 5:15:05 PM
ooc: we do work well together don't we? :-) And I'm glad Skalipy has escaped, gives us a recurring villan to go after, eh?
Tishe' stops, and in slow motion, turns to Kahlan and the pain and determination in her every point of her body. "Yes".
The witch pulls the sinuous dagger given to her by the previous defender of Cinnamon Valley along with the promise to cut out the heart of the kidnappers. And she kneels next to Kahlan, pulling her small cauldron and placing it between the two women. Then Tishe' draws the blade point across her right palm, letting her blood fall into the pot.
"I give my oath to protect this land from all oppressors, and will stand with all packmates to my last breath."
And she puts the dagger in her palm in invitation.
Kahlan Palance HASTED, SMITE EVIL -- AC 29/18/23 -- CMD 32 -- HP 124/158 Sunday May 22nd, 2011 2:48:59 PM
Kahlan is truly touched by Tishe's determination, and follows the gesture in kind. She takes the daggers and cuts the palm of her hand, letting the blood flow into the small caldron that the witch produced while reciting the words said by Tishe'.
"I give my oath to protect this land from all oppressors, and will stand with all packmates to my last breath."
Thar, AC 27, 42/124, McVE, Spell Res 23 Sunday May 22nd, 2011 4:34:51 PM
While Kahlan speaks with his fellow PC's, Thar moves quickly to the man chained by the wall and begins checking him for injuries, as well as a way to remove the chains. "I'm Thar and I'm a healer. Who are you and why did they chain you up here?"
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Sunday May 22nd, 2011 7:01:38 PM
Thar runs into the burning wall of Thorns
Falmar CURRENT AC: 36 (35 with Scim + Haste ) and barkskin HP 89/106 (])( Aura of Courage, Haste, Barkskin ), (MOXY :Familiar H Monday May 23rd, 2011 8:11:22 AM
Falmar watches Thar approach the man on the wall...and Thorns. He visibly shakes a bit as Tishe seems to be administering a blood oath from Kahlan.
Don't recall taking that one...sure Gargul's task and all, but...maybe that dagger needs to be given back...that's a change that's not ..... just too much blood here...
Falmar busies himself with cramming valuables into his sack, and attempting to wrap the weapons in cloth cut from the rat ogres without making contact with them.
Rolls onto his side, opens his mouth and appears to nap, while bits or former cleric are visible between his teeth,,
Snafu - AC 35, HP 103/128 (Haste, false Life, Mage Armor, Heroism, FOMovement, Protection (fire, cold, sonic, electricity), Mirror image, PFE, Barkskin Monday May 23rd, 2011 11:42:08 AM
"Tishe, please dismiss the thorns, Tishe" Snafu suggested. "That man looks like he needs some help."
Snafu left the healing to his companions. Meanwhile he cast detect magic and started examining the items and surroundings more carefully.
OOC- Wall of Thorns can be dismissed... I looked it up to make sure.
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 66/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) Monday May 23rd, 2011 11:46:46 AM
Tishe' notes the Wall of Thorns is sorta getting in the way. A little concentration, and she dismisses the magical wall.
She also offers the dagger to her other packmates. "Not a magical oath, no dire retribution", she tells her friends, "just a promise between us. But what I promise with Kahlan, I promise with each of you also. We have been wondering why we all arrived here in the Cinnamon Valley for a while now. Maybe to be the protectors of these innocents is the reason the Powers brought us together?"
"I think that we, the Cinnamon Protectors, could do worse than to defend the good people of whatever race of this land from those who are like Skalipy, Mortimer, and Sharon."
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Monday May 23rd, 2011 5:00:14 PM
Kahlan pipes in" You know we are not IN the Valley right now, Right? This keep is several miles into the Dreadlands from the Cinnamon Valley. I know since I came on foot."
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 66/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) Monday May 23rd, 2011 5:54:13 PM
ooc: here being a relative term. :-) Tishe' knows while the group isn't in Cinnamon Valley per se, that is where they first came from and that is what Tishe' is referring to in order to protect.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Monday May 23rd, 2011 6:08:07 PM
OOC Just checking, and Kahlan was the only one that "knows" for sure where you are.
DM David--- In the Halls of the Tested --- Monday May 23rd, 2011 6:37:50 PM
Once the burning wall is dispelled Thar is able to rush to the chained man's side. He is a middle aged human with dark brown hair, long sideburns and a handlebar moustache. His clothers look to have once been fine, but now are filthy and torn. He shows the signs of several old bruises and some fresh ones piled on top of the old ones.He looks you over as you approach and finally speaks in reply to Thar's greeting. " God's be praised son, help me out of this predicament will you? Be a good lad and hand me a blade too. I want to be able to return some of the hospitality I have been shown these past couple of weeks." " Who AM I you ask? Well I guess I do look a bit shabby having been here so long. My name is Reginald Fairbanks the Third. I am a nobleman from the eastern side of Magpie Lake. My family has run trade routes in and out of the Cinnamon valley for well over a hundred years. I am also a member in good standing of the Connoisseurs of Combat. I hold a Master's rank in the rapier and have been a fellow in the organization since I was able to prove my worth with the blade. I assume that since you folk managed to defeat the array of nasties that that psychopathic Dwarf arrayed against you that many of you are well versed in the blade as well. " Those Huge rat things were tough, but they bled just like a man. That Mortimer fellow though. Well he has been a bad egg for years. No wonder he was drummed out of the organization. How he came to look like he did here is beyond my knowing, but it did certainly add to his ability to dodge a blow. Once he joined the fight against me I was overmatched and brought low. I woke up chained here about two weeks ago. I got to watch that madman create most of this contraption here. He said he had the noble blood he needed for his ritual. And the blood of a teleporter. He needed a gnome for some blasted reason and a hero's heart. Don't know if he got those. But yon mage's lightning bolt put paid to his work when it melted half of the thingamajigs on that machine. I imagine that pissed him right off." "Where did you put the bugger's corpse? I'd like to give it a good swift kick before we leave here. There is other people needing to be freed too. Through that door there is a jail room I think. Any others he needed for the thing he was planning are probably in there. Hopefully my Jenny is among them. Rotten dwarf kidnapped my daughter to make me come looking for her. If he harmed he I'll be wanting a patch of his hide."
Serillana (AC 30 HP 89/89 CMD 29) {Greater Invis 5/10, Haste} d20+23=34 ; Monday May 23rd, 2011 9:25:05 PM
Serillana does a quick inspection of the room, still all business. She doesn't feel like doing a lot of talking in a place like this, not the right atmosphere.
-------------- OOC: University is ramping up with it's final assessments... Stressed out...
Perception: 34 (37 for traps)
DM David Post when you can. The pressure is off, combat is over
Tishe' (AC:32 CMD:19 HP 66/107)(AlterSelf, Barkskin, Arcane Sight, Prot Evil, Blink) Monday May 23rd, 2011 9:35:22 PM
Tishe' covers the cauldron with an attachable lid and puts away the dagger. "We'll continue this later, I think", she says decisively, "but you are all right, there are other things that need doing." And with that, Tishe' puts her mind to the tasks at hand.
"Thar, Seralina, be so good as to rescue Reginald. I'll bet that we can find a sword around here for the man. He certainly has given us more on what Skalipy has been doing than we have ever had before."
She turns to Reginald. "Mortimer and Skalipy have escaped, and, (here she looks at Kahlan and thinking of the reason she is here), I'm afraid he already has a hero's heart. I think we came just in time."
"Cinnamon Protectors, let us continue to wreck this aparatus and find the other prisoners. We can't teleport all them away, so we will have to walk back to Cinnamon Valley."
Tishe' tries to keep everyone (and herself) on task to destroy what they can, collect anyone alive, collect any treasure, and organize to march home.