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Sam: 18/15/14 -- CMD 15 -- HP 43/43 Chuckles -- 20/13/17 -- CMD 14 -- HP 21/21 (Diehard -15) 
Tuesday December 25th, 2012 8:35:40 AM

OOC- Merry Christmas Forged!

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Wednesday December 26th, 2012 2:39:47 PM

Merry christmas, anyone heard from our dms ey?

DM Carl - Tahni & the Guards - Bless, 5 rounds remain 
Wednesday December 26th, 2012 4:55:13 PM

OOC: Seriously, where are those lay-abouts?

(I'm sure Rob will be along shortly.)

Sam: 18/15/14 -- CMD 15 -- HP 43/43 Chuckles -- 20/13/17 -- CMD 14 -- HP 21/21 (Diehard -15) 
Wednesday December 26th, 2012 9:04:14 PM

Ooc- There is a free pass for posting. It gives us more time to ponder and worry about the fate of our beloved Tahni.

Aftermath - DM RobC 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 9:36:27 AM

OOC: Sorry folks, just indulging in a little too much merriment! A belated Merry Christmas to all :)

There is confusion now in the camp. Has the enemy gone? They haven't attacked for a little while now.

Those who were down the hole find themselves lifted to the surface as the ground rises back to its normal level. No traces remain of that sinkhole. The guards looks around seemingly confused, but quickly braces himself for more combat.

The other guards quickly move to calm the refugees and coax those fleeing to return. All the while they try to return to their formation and prepare for any subsequent attack.

The fires continue to burn. The sounds of the fire crackling and of sobbing women and children are all that can be heard. The smoke is light though does manage to interfere with darkvision. Fortunately the more potent fog - the stinking clouds - have all gone.

Tahni for whatever reason has run off into the darkness. Could she be taking the fight directly to the enemy?

Oathbreaker, Shinto and Shonti give chase, and see Tahni a little ways ahead of them. Her head is bowed and her shoulders slumped. She obviously hears the footsteps following her and turns to face the dwarves. She smiles briefly, but the sorrow in her face is obvious. She stands a little taller, puffing her chest out with pride as a form materialises directly behind her.

A drow stands behind Tahni with his right arm wrapped around her using her as a shield. His hand clutches her throat tightly. He smiles a smug grin on seeing the dwarves and tightens his grip even more on Tahni's neck. She winces, but continues to stand tall.

"Tell the paladin that though this one may not be with child at the moment, that can easily be remedied. You would do well to leave this land. The Scab belong to the Fhorge!" With stereotypical evil-guy laughter both he and Tahni instantly disappear.

Shonti has seen such magic before. Almost certainly a teleportation spell used by powerful wizards and sorcerors.

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 10:20:29 AM

BLASTED COWARDS! Magic ye'self gone te 'scape ME wrath and Braughs might! aaarrrggghhhhh!!!

Seriously ticked off by this vanishing act, Shinto, still feeling the wasted bulls strength potion coursing through his compact body, drops his shield and grabs the Frozen Soul with both hands, slamming it into the ground in front of him. He shakes his head and looks to his brother,

Can ye trace em?

Then, the angry dwarf lets out a short chuckle, ye t'ink 'ey goin back to the lab we destroyed ey? hehe. Wheres Braugh?

Picking up his shield, strapping it to his back he goes back to the campsite, donning his armor and collecting everything else from inside his tent, he presses the magical button and slips the portable tent back into his bag.

Sam: 18/15/14 -- CMD 15 -- HP 43/43 Chuckles -- 20/13/17 -- CMD 14 -- HP 21/21 (Diehard -15) 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 11:01:23 AM

Sam rides to the location where Tahni last stood and stops. No words come from the bard. He knows that this event could shake the group to their core. He then begins to think of his new friend Chuckles.

"I took him from a place of safety and brought him to situations that could easily cost him his life. I can't live with that responsibility. He needs to stay at DrakesMeade. This will be our final ride."

Sam rides back to the camp and checks on the others. He quietly offers his healing to anyone in need.

Oathbreaker (Ian) 20/15/16 - 21/41 - CMD 20 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 11:28:09 AM

An arrow flies through the space occupied by the drow seconds after it leaves. The Oathbreaker is left standing there, bow in hand, eyes wide as he reels with what just happened. He blinks a few times before letting his arms fall to his sides. "Again... they did it again..." he mutters, not moving from that spot.

Devlin -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 19 -- HP 40/40 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 2:53:06 PM

Devlin looks at the devastation around him and becomes lost in thought and anger. He wanders the camp for a while helping those that survived trying to keep his mind off what just happened. He does not give Bruagh a glance and can be heard muttering under his breath.

Bruagh Stormbringer AC 16/12/12 -- CMD 18/22 -- HP 21/69 -- Raeb HP 20/43 Divine Favor, Bless 
Thursday December 27th, 2012 6:56:45 PM

The Paladin dismounts Raeb and comes to a stop. He faces where Tahni and the Drow disappeared from looking to no one. His hands open dropping his shield and axe. After a few moments his knees buckle and he is kneeling. His shoulder slump and his head bows. The Paladin, for the second time in his life... is truly defeated. Those looking at Bruagh will notice for the first time that he truly does look old. Old and tired.

He remains their and in silence for some time.

Aftermath - DM RobC 
Friday December 28th, 2012 9:47:50 AM

Feelings are mixed in the camp.

Shinto is in a state of anger and takes out his rage on the ground. If only there were a live target, or at the very least an enemy corpse to attack. Still fuming he packs his tent away. There is little chance of getting any more rest now.

Sam goes into a state of thought. The abduction of Tahni could absolutely have ramifications on the party. His thoughts turn to his faithful sidekick. Though Chuckles has been loyal, could Sam live with himself if anything bad happened to him?

Oathbreaker remains motionless in disbelief. The enemy always seems to be one step ahead. What's more, they seem to be everywhere. Duergar, necromancers, and Eberyon knows who else!

Devlin tries to occupt himself rather than dwell on these events. He is barely able to contain his feelings though wonders how the paladin in the group is doing.

Bruagh, well, seems lost. Beaten. The thoughts of the party are with him, though none know how to put them into words. It takes a great deal of time before he is able to walk back to the camp.

The dwarven guards can obviously tell something is wrong and it doesn't take long before words spreads about what that is. "Sir" one of the guards approaches Bruagh "We found this on the ground over there." He holds Tahni's intact glass dagger out to Bruagh.

*** For the successful completion of this module, all PCs are awarded 6000xp! That should put everyone at level 6! ***
Wow, what an ending!

First off, well done to Carl for his great storytelling. This module was his baby and I hope you found it as enjoyable as I did. When I first read the proposed endings for it I was shocked and excited to see that this was a possible one. Just wow.

Secondly, again well done to everyone for that final battle. Neither Carl nor I knew the others planned tactics (though Carl did create the NPCs) and I think that may be the biggest battle we have had in the Forged in terms of pure numbers of goodies v baddies. I would have loved to have seen a Devlin v Lila fight - the two of them alone in a forest or deserted town of some kind.

No doubt the APG/Wold announcement did dull it for some of us as we became preoccupied trying to understand the extent of those changes.

On that, I have just sent you all an email regarding the changes you'll need to start making to your PCs.

Finally I just wanted to thank all of you for being involved in this campaign. The Forged often gets kudos from Jerry and Ken for you guys posting so regularly and with such great posts too. You guys rock. I'll be moving to DM Bonetown and will be referring to the Forged as the benchmark for player posts.

I've been involved with this campaign in one way or another since August 2010 so I will absolutely miss not being involved in things going forwards - though rumour is I may have provided some suggestions for your next module ;)

Keep this game as awesome as it has been!


Devlin -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 19 -- HP 40/40 
Friday December 28th, 2012 11:53:29 AM

OOC: Rob it has been a blast, thanks for the great RP as Tahni and all your time spent as our Co-DM. You will be missed

Carl, well done sir your module was well thought out and quite gruesome. Thanks for being a great Co-DM.

Good luck in your next games.

Bruagh Stormbringer AC 16/12/12 -- CMD 18/22 -- HP 21/69 -- Raeb HP 20/43 Divine Favor, Bless 
Friday December 28th, 2012 12:16:23 PM

OOC: Hey guys, I've had a blast. Bruagh has been here since the prelude with Tahni and plans to be hear until the closing chapter. Really going to miss having you around Rob, and Carl it's been a blast. That said, if Bruagh ever catches either of ya'll in a dark ally he's gonna tan your hides.

In case anyone is wondering I'm using that last post to justify why Bruagh is going to be a tad less diplomatic, more of a machine in combat, and taken the Stone Warden PrC. It gives two very useful first level abilities that let me locate a Dwarf within a certain radius, and gives a nice bonus to axe damage. Things just got real.

Sam: 18/15/14 -- CMD 15 -- HP 43/43 Chuckles -- 20/13/17 -- CMD 14 -- HP 21/21 (Diehard -15) 
Saturday December 29th, 2012 4:39:31 AM

ooc-You guys did a great job on this campaign. Each story thread always kept me interested in what was coming up next. We'll definitely miss both of you here. Hopefully you both have as much fun in your upcoming campaigns. May they do their best to rank at the top (2nd place) against the other non-Forged campaigns of the Wold. ;)

Thanks again!

Terser: HP 48/48 - AC 22/12/20 - CMD 20 (raging HP 49/58, AC 20/10/18) 
Saturday December 29th, 2012 10:25:14 AM

ditto on the sentiment expressed above. thanks for the great welcome into the wold. It was a little confusing at first, jumping into a game where everyone else knew what was going on. but it's been a great experience, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds =).

Doing the rework of the character now, so I should have something up for review today.

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Saturday December 29th, 2012 10:52:19 AM

Yes, Carl and Rob, SUPRE AWSOME module. Jumping in at the middle was interesting as well! I look forward to working with Rob; and Carl nicely played my friend :)

Shinto sets where his Tent was placed... His ax in front of him, his head low.

Protect the weak.. When they run into their death head first! Protect the innocent, are they really innocent at all? I just can't do it... Domi... I'll always fight in yer name...

He questions his faith and devotion to the God of protection...

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Saturday December 29th, 2012 1:38:21 PM

This is the link to The New and Improved(ish) Shinto! DM's plz check this out

Shonti AC18/17/14 - CMD14 - HP30/44 
Sunday December 30th, 2012 1:33:08 PM

OOC: Rob, and Carl... Wow. You guys definitely didn't dissappoint at all. This has been a great game for me since Marty and I came along a while back. That said, I'm extremely pissed that you guys had Tahni kidnapped!! In character, of coure. This is by far one of the best games I've ever played in, and that's no doubt accredited to both of our awesome Co-DM's. Thanks guys, for a wonderful time, everytime I log onto the Wold. I hope I can (Alongside Jim C) make the new Humbles Ford game this enjoyable!

When the Necromancer teleports off with Tahni, Shonti would walk over to Braugh, drop his head in a bow, and grasp the paladins hand, pulling him in for a one armed hug. I'm sorry brother... There's nothin' we could do. Soon as we caught up with her, he, the Necro I mean, appeared out of thin air, grabbed her by the throat, and disappeared! Tag tried to stop him lad, honest he did! I dunno where they took off to, but we'll hunt them down, whatever it takes for ya to get to yer lady!

Shonti walks back over to the camp, after giving his condolences to Braugh, and finds his Brother, Zarbadium. Shinto, I dunno where they went. I can't trace em, no way short of a scrying spell, and that's far beyond me, brother... If I had ter guess, I'd say they're off back to their hideout wit 'em nasty flesh monsters!

Bruagh Stormbringer AC 24/11/20 -- CMD 22/26 -- HP 90/90 
Sunday December 30th, 2012 4:46:34 PM

Bruagh ignores Shonti's hug. He just remains on the ground for some time. Finally the Paladin lets out a bestial scream. Something primal. A scream full of anger, pain, rage and something more... hate? Bruagh screams again. It sounds more primal than the first if such a thing is possible. The broken dwarf grabs his holy waraxe and screams a third time, turning two full circles and flings the axe into the pitch black darkness of the Scab night. His shield follows the axe with a fourth scream as the dwarf falls back to his knees, chest heaving.

The Paladin remains on his knees and frantically grasps for his holy symbol, Domi's holy symbol. He clutches it between his head and the ground and prays in earnest. "DOMIIIIIIII!" I have done as you asked, gone where you said, fought evil at every turn, protected the weak... the innocent, witnessed my friends slaughtered, watched unspeakable act after unspeakable act and always fought to stop it in your name! All this time I have asked only one thing from you... one thing.... that while I did your work... that you protect her!

The Paladin screams once more, louder than before. "Our covenant is broken. By your actions, or lack thereof. I shall keep up my end of the bargain and protect the weak... but never again in your name!" The dwarf takes the holy symbol and using all of his might flings it into the darkness.

The ex-paladin rises to his feet and looks at the rest of the group for the first time. In a much more gruff, solemn voice he turns to the Oathbreaker. "It seems we have something in common brother."

"We must go back to Drakesmeade. Regroup, get geared back up, and decided what course of action to follow." Bruagh will leave his armor, shield, axe and holy symbol where they lay as they make their way back. He holds the dagger Tahni left behind and lets the sea of emotions run rampant in his mind.

OOC: Bruagh's new CS is linked. Bruagh will most likely go simply by Stormbringer from now on.

Sam: 18/15/14 -- CMD 15 -- HP 43/43 Chuckles -- 20/13/17 -- CMD 14 -- HP 21/21 (Diehard -15) 
Monday December 31st, 2012 9:14:10 AM

Sam follows the lead of the others. He gathers his equipment and surveys the faces of the group. Certain members of the party are obviously more affected than others.

"They have been wounded by foes on many occasions. This time things are different. Some are cut so deeply, that their very views of life on this forsaken land have changed forever. No evil that roams the Scab will find mercy from these mighty dwarves. Those who cross their rage-filled march of death will find only destruction. Their minds are focused. Their hearts are committed. Their souls...are forever forged."

Terser: HP 48/48 - AC 22/12/20 - CMD 20 (raging HP 49/58, AC 20/10/18) 
Monday December 31st, 2012 11:34:57 AM

Terser likewise has a struggle with the God that he had been trying to truly accept into his life, though his turmoil was kept inside. Things had seemed to go wrong, and keep getting worse, ever since he strayed from his true self. Yes, his true self may have been a brute, not worth the honor of his family. But they betrayed him! They cast him out when he didn't fit the mold they had set for him. And he could stay on the path they chose for him no longer. Well fine, if they will cast me out, then they have no say in how I will live my life. I can't hold my weapon and my holy symbol at the same time, so it's time to choose one and stop feeling conflicted every day. In the end, the longaxe (suddenly turning into a glaive) felt more right in his hands than his faith ever had. His new faith would be one of battle, but fighting for the right reasons instead of the ones that his former family had told him were so.

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Monday December 31st, 2012 12:38:30 PM

Shinto nods and grunts to Braughs Instructions

Looks like that'settled 'en. We make 'em pay.

Shinto stays silent and focused on the way back to Drakesmead. His faith wavering as well; not cut deeply as Braugh emotionally, Spiritually Shinto feels he's thinking he made the wrong decisions. That putting his faith in a "Higher Power" that they may watch over you!?

No, only deals can be made. We protect our selves. Look a'ffer each other.

DM Carl 
Monday December 31st, 2012 1:13:27 PM

You folks have been awesome. I'm thrilled everyone had a good time w/ my inaugural module here at The Wold. I couldn't ask for a better group of players.

For that matter, I couldn't have asked for a better Co-DM as a first time partner. Rob, you've been a godsend.

I've been kind of absent lately, I realize. My daughter's been in and out of the hospital with a kidney infection we can't seem to shake off.

Good luck with your new DMs. Luckily I still get to hang out with Marty in Hook City...

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Monday December 31st, 2012 4:00:05 PM

big deal in darkness... its killer ;)

Dernock Uristson HP 26/38 AC 14/14/12 CMD21 [Blessed] [No Armor] 
Tuesday January 1st, 2013 7:14:35 AM

Dernock shakes his head at the scene before him and dusts himself off. He takes his boots off and bows his head in prayer before tossing them into the fires that's consuming the wagon.

Pantheon, I ain't much fer piety, but I fear fer mah friend right now. Afraid they may be prey to the gods 'o testin'. These boots I give to ya in sacrifice is a request t' see that our future actions serve justice t' those that have wronged an' not because o' wrathful revenge. Please ensure, whatever the outcome, ensure when the time is right that in this situation, that the wronged be righted. Thanks yer honour.

OOC Thanks Carl and Rob and good-luck. It's been great.

Devlin -- AC 21/17/16 -- CMD 19 -- HP 40/40 
Tuesday January 1st, 2013 2:16:00 PM

As the group prepares for the solemn trip back to Drakesmeade they notice that Devlin is missing. A search of the area uncovers nothing, not even Oathbreaker is able to pick up his tracks.

Rage and anger has clouded the rogue's mind and he ghosts from tree to rock muttering to himself all the while. Blasted duergar and drow they be nothing but evil. That Lila is the worst of the lot left. I know she was here those bolts in the carts were hers. He looks up from his musings as he moves, the scab laid out before him in its terrible beauty. This blasted place not be worth the trouble and loss there is nothing here ta gain.

As anger turns to loss Devlin finds himself even more lost in the land. He takes a drink from his water skin to find it dry. He looks around once more but sees no landmarks to give him direction. Well lad looks like you be truly lost He thinks to himself. Dropping his water skin he moves on.

The hours pass and still he wanders both in mind and body. Through luck or perhaps the grace of Wardd he finds himself wandering in a copse of green trees. Lost in thought he does not see the warning signs, no birds sing and nothing scurries through the underbrush. It's only his fine-tuned instincts that save him an instant death. The bolt tears through his back terribly close to his spine before puncturing a lung as it exits the other side of his body. A second one takes him in the shoulder as he falls lodging itself in the bone immobilizing his arm. He groans in agony gasping for breath as blood fills his lung.

Through a haze of pain he hears soft boots crunching through the underbrush. Hi darling miss me? Says the familiar voice of Lila. You really should be more aware of your surroundings, never know who might pop in to say hello. Her boots stop in front of his face. Let me help you out dear. There is some motion at his back before the bolt lodged there is ripped from his body. Devlin screams in pain and rolls over the dirt of the scab grinding into his wounds.

Coughing to clear his lung, blood spatters on his beard. I knew you were here ya wench.He says through gasps.

Oh now sweetie you might want to save your breath, don't have too many of those left. She says hovering over his prone form. She slowly draws a dagger from her belt. It was hard enough to lose those necromancers long enough to come find you and you go and give yourself up on a platter. She says pouting. Have I told you you're no fun? Turn down my advances back in Riddleport, don't even come to look for me after Drakesmeade and now you don't even put up a fight. She shakes her head and she bends closer to the gravely injured Dwarf. Its time to die honey, don't worry I will make it quick.

Devlin attempts to push the durgear away but his breathing is short and labored, all he manages to do is put a hand on her thigh. She looks down at his feeble attempt to resist and laughs. Now is not the time to get fresh, you had your chance its over between us. Bringing the dagger up to his throat she starts to press into the flesh when a roar rips through the grove. With a screech Lila is thrown from her position over the rogue landing with a thud next to a tree. She looks up as a low growl rumbles through the area. I was going to make it a quick kill but I guess you will do . She says as she flees limping through the undergrowth.

As Devlin's vision goes hazy he feels a creature nudge him. Another roar fills the air and as the dwarf loses his grasp on life a massive hairy paw with razor sharp claws comes down next to his face....

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 13 -- HP 44/44 
Tuesday January 1st, 2013 3:48:54 PM

ooc-Happy New Year Forged! Sheet linked/updated.

Devlin -- AC 18/13/16 -- CMD 17 -- HP 48/48 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 1:50:08 AM

OOC: Header and sheet update

Aftermath - DM RobC 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 7:39:19 AM

OOC: Phew! Carl and I were worried you'd killed Devlin off. That's the next DMs job :)

DM Carl 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 8:47:56 AM

Seriously, what just happened with Devlin? Is he going to make it? We're supposed to keep you in suspense, not the other way around!

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 13 -- HP 44/44 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 12:41:05 PM

Ooc- First Tahni, now Devlin! If we go back to find DrakesMeade on fire, I'm making an appointment with a therapist.

Devlin -- AC 18/13/16 -- CMD 17 -- HP 48/48 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 1:50:22 PM

OOC: Waving hands before his face All will be revealed in due time.

Can someone send me the new DM's email addresses? I cant seem to find them.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 13 -- HP 44/44 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 2:04:01 PM

Jeff- ogre11@gmail.com

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 2:52:07 PM

Checking in...

Terser: HP 48/48 - AC 22/12/20 - CMD 20 (raging HP 49/58, AC 20/10/18) 
Wednesday January 2nd, 2013 4:21:01 PM

ditto on the checkin. should character sheets go to new DMs for approval? I sent mine to Rob I think.

Shinto AC: 20/F:16/T:13(SR:15) CMD: 21/25vs trip HP: 46/46 
Thursday January 3rd, 2013 8:43:49 PM

Checking in again...

Shinto spends a good amount of time alone in his room after making it back to Drakesmead. He honestly doesn't know what to do with himself; With no clue as to where the necromancers may have taken Tahni, he doesn't even go near Braugh. With nothing to say to his new friend; Shinto for once in his life feels nearly useless.

He finally gets in the mood to do some shopping, stepping into the Catacombs shop within the keep; he trades in a few things and gets some new ones. Most notably , the Frozen Soul is gone. But, Shinto sports some really nice new armor and shield. Both bearing the crest (symbol) of Drakesmead. The symbol is Red and in the middle of the shield and the chest piece of his armor. The actual metal has a black coat, as well as the blade of his new ax. Zarbadium is written across the top of his shield above the crest as well.

Honor Me deal wiff Gargul, rid t'e Scab of undead. Me oath to Domi, forget it. Protect me brothers and the Dwarves of Drakesmead with me life. To hell with the rest of 'em! Let Domi worry fer 'em!

Sarnak: AC17/13/14 - CMD17 - HP39/47 Kyachi:(Haste 5rds) AC28/14/25 - CMD21 - HP37/42 
Thursday January 3rd, 2013 8:48:55 PM

My sheet is up. I need to change my post stats, but otherwise it's done

Sarnak: AC24/11/19 - CMD17 - HP65/65 
Thursday January 3rd, 2013 8:57:23 PM

And header is updated. I managed to get the exploration domain approved from the APG, so I have the door sight domain power instead of the difficult terrain negation power. Thought that having some divination capability would be a better fit than the ability to ignore difficult terrain. Also, I can have him be a bit of a peeping tom at times for laughs :P

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 13 -- HP 44/44 
Thursday January 3rd, 2013 9:18:28 PM

(If back at DrakesMeade)

Sam follows Shinto's lead and updates his gear for the struggle ahead. As the group's full-time bard and scribe, Sam looks for an outfit that will aid in diplomatic endeavors. He purchases a scribe, courtier's outfit with the appropriate jewelry and markings of DrakesMeade.

"Never know when I'll have to address kings and nobles. I'd better look the part if I ever do."

Devlin -- AC 18/13/16 -- CMD 17 -- HP 48/48 
Friday January 4th, 2013 7:36:15 AM

OOC; Check, follow up to last post coming after I heard back from the DMs.

New DM's 
Friday January 4th, 2013 8:57:25 AM

Hi all. I thought I would pull a quick intro here on the board.
My name is Dan Knotts and Jeff Ober and I will be your new tormentors, er DM's. my Woldian resume includes playing Ve Mundr, Platinum Dragon hierophant of Domi, Peerimus, Druid of Southern Lights and Children of Chaos and currently playing Barratore Steelwind if Rum.
I have been in the Wold for about 10 years now and have been a DM for around 8. I am moving from the Cthonia jungle which is actually located next to the Scab. I have also worked with Ice Vein, a land in the south that is currently not being used, and I wrote the final for the Grey Knights

On the personal level, I am married with two children, work in financial software sales at Jack Henry and Associates and live in southeast MI. DnD and I go way back to about 1979 when my brothers Mike was given the Basic Set for his birthday. I also compete in half marathons and sprint/Olympic distance triathlons.

Now back to stuff we care about, the game. Here is what you can expect from me.
We are here to have fun
The Wold is about being heroes. You will be rewarded for being one
Being a hero and acting foolishly are two different things.
If you don't post it, you are not doing it. This rule for me helps to speed play. If you think some skill check may be applicable, I encourage you to roll.
When a map is being used in combat, please use the map. If I have to interpret what you are doing I will, but you forfeit the right to be upset about the consequences
We all make mistakes. I will try not to make the same ones multiple times
Rules questions, if during combat I will decide and we can move on. The rules board can then be used

My email. Mikalus30@gmail.com

DM Jeff O 
Sunday January 6th, 2013 7:14:07 PM

So, this is the placed called "Forged," eh? Nice place!

Dm Jeff O here. I think I've e-mailed everyone here as we got things set up. Guess I'll follow Dan's post:

I can't remember how long I've been in the Wold. If I really want to know, I have to go back and find the first e-mails I sent. I think its around 5 years now, but that's mostly just a guess. I've had a halfling monk (yes, it is quite interesting) that's been around from level one to eleven so far, moving from one game to another. I've not has nearly as much Woldian DMing experience, but plenty of pencil and paper DM experience (do other people still do that?) though not quite as far back as Dan. I did used to have a set of the white box books once...

I'm also married with two children (NOT the same as Dan's people, though). I'm a project manager with an IT consulting firm in Juneau, Alaska (yes, it's cold, but not that cold). I usually get on-line weekdays in the mornings my time, usually between 9 and 11 am Alaska time. If that's a time when others are posting, I can get more exact if I need to.

I like the "rules" posted by Dan. I'll be starting out the module tomorrow and expect to post early (for me, I'm going skiing). I'm the author of the upcoming module, so any complaints, well, I guess I get those, too! This module may take you in a different direction than you're used to -- but it's only part 1 of a series. If you find that you like the way this one goes, please let me know! Also, if you don't like it, let me know. Maybe halfway through we'll see if people like it so we can decide what direction the next module will go.

I apologize if I haven't gotten back to you on character sheets. I've been insanely busy the last two weeks, as I only had two days off for the holidays. I've been trying to get the module set up and approved and perfect so it can continue whether I run it or not. If I get too busy, I'll be sure to post (I'm pretty good at that), but might be slower with e-mail answering. If you haven't heard from me, likely your character sheet is awesome (or I just haven't gotten to it). I always prefer to keep the story going to all else. Rules are just there to guide (and to tell if the dragon hits you with both claws or just one).

Happy gaming, I hope this goes great for everyone!

Oh, and one question -- where the heck ARE you guys? When I started writing the module, I thought you were in Riddleport about now, hanging around at the tavern, swilling down large quantities of ale. Is that where you are (not that I'm exactly sure WHERE that is, anyway...)

Almost forgot -- my e-mail is ogre11@gmail.com. I get it at least once a day, but sometimes only once a day...

Bruagh Stormbringer AC 24/11/20 -- CMD 22/26 -- HP 90/90 
Sunday January 6th, 2013 7:18:08 PM

Riddle port is gone... No more... Went BOOM!!! We are in DrakesMeade the dwarves fortress we retook in the Scab.

DM Carl 
Sunday January 6th, 2013 8:34:04 PM

One last post from me. Good luck, everyone...Especially Jeff and Dan. These are great players who will depth charge your most carefully laid plans & make you love every second.

I'll leave on a song, because it seems appropriate. Take care, all.

Sam: 16/12/15 -- CMD 13 -- HP 44/44 
Sunday January 6th, 2013 9:13:57 PM

Ooc-I was already mad about Tahni's abduction. Now you guys bring up Riddleport! Thank goodness for Carl's incredible send-off song. I'm ok now.

Oathbreaker (Ian) 18/13/14 - 49/49 - CMD 21 
Sunday January 6th, 2013 11:35:23 PM

OOC :: New Oathbreaker, just awaiting approval. He really hates Drow, you guys.

Devlin -- AC 18/13/16 -- CMD 17 -- HP 48/48 
Monday January 7th, 2013 9:47:25 AM

OOC: Heh last time we saw Riddleport was April of 2011. It was a bombed out shell of a place overrun with undead and pirates.

We are on the outskirts of the recently retaken Drakesmeade. We just fended off an aatack by necromancers and demons but they took an NPC near and dear to many of us.

Terser: HP 72/72 - AC 21/13/21 - CMD 23 (raging HP 90/90, AC 19/11/19 - CMD 25) 
Monday January 7th, 2013 12:45:29 PM

header updated, been lurking around Drakesmeade, figuring out our new goals in life

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