Co-DM Marty Friday February 15th, 2013 6:43:55 PM
As Coer raps Ganef on the chest; the opportune attack doesn't seem to do more than scratch the mans armor under his flowing shirt. No blood comes through. ======== OOC: 17 misses; Your 19 will hit though; Making Ganef's known AC 18-19.
Hoping to process a turn tonight; Post guys :)
Rafe Thornhill 25/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 d20+9=23 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+9=15 ; Friday February 15th, 2013 7:52:06 PM
Rafe takes in what he can see, also seeing Jozhur flanking Alfgeir, the spry halfling leaps to the attack, but doesn't swing very well at Alfgeir.
Move to D13, Attack Alfgeir; Hit AC15--miss
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 d20+9=28 ; d20+7=25 ; Friday February 15th, 2013 8:37:54 PM
"Gah" Yel'kno says as something slams into his back, but manages to smirk at the falchion wielder. "You're the worst pirate lass I've seen... A sunken chest and no booty!"
Cast Hideos Laughter at the falchion wielder on the defensive (check was 24 vs DC 19). DC 14 or fall prone with no actions for 4 rounds.
Also using hero point for another standard action to activate Inspire Courage - All allies within gain +1 to hit and dam and on saves vs charm and fear
Performance Round 1/13
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 28/28 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 13/13 d20+7=17 ; d20+9=26 ; d4+6=9 ; Friday February 15th, 2013 11:28:29 PM
Looking through the chaos of the battle on deck, Kerg catches sight of someone on the dock hiding amongst the other crossbowmen (Perception 17). He turns to Spire long enough to point and say "Shoot there!" before running off with Mohan. He overtakes the tiger to help secure the gangplank, gnashing his teeth at the only enemy left standing (Move to D14 with a 5 ft adjust to avoid an attack. Mohan will stop at E13. Kerg attacks Alfgeir; Hit AC26, 9 damage if that hits).
Co-DM Marty d20+6=15 ; d20=17 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+7=23 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+5=11 ; d4=1 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d4=2 ; d20+6=14 ; d8=2 ; d8=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d20+4=6 ; d20+4=8 ; d20+4=10 ; d20+7=15 ; d8+3=8 ; d20+7=16 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+8=19 ; d8+1=6 ; d6=3 ; d8+9=16 ; d6+4=5 ; Sunday February 17th, 2013 12:17:20 AM Annoir stands wobbling in place for a few moments. His rapier held downwards pointed at the ship deck as he stares off into oblivion while battle rages around him.
Coer begins a flurry of attacks on Ganef. He swings his sword down and catches the pirate in the shoulder. He follows this up with a left hook that misses the mark. He finally lashes out with his horns missing Ganef yet again.
Jozhur uses his supreme athletic abilities somersault his way through a half-hazard swing of Alfgeir's mace. Ending up behind Alfy he sinks his blade deep into the mages rib cage; causing him to scream in pain.
Rafe springs into action to help Jozhur flank Alfgeir. While the tactic works out perfectly; the halfling can't quite figure out what went wrong! His blade aim was true; he's sure of it! Just slid to the left at the last second!
Yel'kno taunts the horrid looking pirate lass; wielding a Falchion attempting to take his head off; so he attempts to make her laugh hers off! The spell washes over the ugly girl; but she seems unaffected.(Will 17 vs 14 DC) After casting the spell the wound on his back throbs in pain; more blood spills to the ship's deck Take 3 damage Yal'kno; you are Bleeding
Kerg's eye catch a hidden cross bower out on the docks staying low behind two barrels. The cover of night and barrel make her a bit hard to see. Leaping into action Mohan and Kerg also make their way to Alfgeir; wanting to silence the mage for good! He takes a good bite from Alfy's leg; pulling back Kerg feels a crunch! as he closes his mouth; an odd salty taste overwhelms his taste buds as the sorcererous salty blood fills his mouth.
Spire moves forward a bit for a better view of Alfy and fires an acid dart at the man. Aiming awfully wide; he hits the docs with the dart; melting away at a few inches of wood.
Alfgeir Feels worried; Scared; overwhelmed. Yes; that sums it up; everyone around him seems to all want him dead! Alfgeir takes care in casting his next spell; Taking a small step toward the docks and using a defensive stance and invoking the arcane commands he holds his hands forth; toward Rafe and the rest; a cone of icicle spikes fly forth jabbing into the flesh of those within range. Rafe; Mohan; Annoir and Kerg take 6 cold damage; Ref DC 15 for half.
Annoir catches a grip on reality as the icicles pelt his face and chest; the cold instantly awakes him from his stunning daze.
X-Bow man fires another bolt at Coer; which finds its way to graze the taurs backside; Coer take 2 damage)
X-Bow man 2 fires another bolt at Coer as well; this one hitting the side of the ship yet again. Hearing him curse as he drops the bow; making his way up the docks.
A bolt smashes into Annoir's left shoulder blade; none crunches underneath his skin from the hard impact. X-Bow Girl comes out from hiding. 10 damage to Annoir
The ugly lass takes another swing at Captain Yel'kno; which is, yet again, easily dodged by the Lion Fish Captain.
Crew Makes his way up to Dock and takes a jab at Jozhur's back side; the acrobatic easily dodges the assault though.
Ivary looks to the moon lit sky above; [b] May I have the power to demorilize my enemies! Make these thieves bow to ME! She screams as a wave of bad energy washes over the entire party.
Everyone; Will save DC 15 or " -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects."
Annoir isn't able to uphold himself against the bad energy
Ganef, while dodging the flurry attacks, watch Coerator closely enough he has managed to find a slight weakness in the giant taurs defenses. As he lifts his head after his horn attack; Ganef cuts Coer on the right arm with his longsword. Coer takes 8 damage
A icy crossbow bolt suddenly flys at Coer's face. Slamming into his jaw; the icy wound begins to bleed after the pain hits him full force. Coer takes 9 damage (3 is cold)
Finally; a new face rushes out from behind crates; duel-weilding swords he trys to flank Jozhur; leaving the rogue a very opportune moment to attack him before he gets into position (take AoO Jozhur The new man is just barely able to catch the nimble Jozhur, but does so with a gash on his thigh. Take 5 damage Jozhur
============= Yel'kno 30 damage (4 is cold; 3 is bleed) Coerator 30 damage (3 is cold) Jozhur - 5 damage; currently Flanked by Alfy and Kito Ganef: AC 18 - 16 Damage Alfgeir: AC 16 - 6 Damage Annoir- 16 damage (6 cold) Drunken man- 22 damage (unconscious)
Everyone; Will save DC 15 or " -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects."
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 32/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+1=10 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=19 ; d6+1=3 ; d6+2=3 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+5=14 ; Sunday February 17th, 2013 12:16:36 PM
Jozhur is unable to shake off the bad energy, he feels a little less spry.
Jozhur takes a wild swing as the new combatant rushes him. He grunts as a blade finds his leg. (Hit AC 14, 4 damage)
He then attempts a feint before lunging at Alfgier, but the rogue stumbles from the wound to his leg. Bluff: 13, nat 1. Attack hits ac 20, forgot about Yel'kno's +1. Penalty was in the roll already. Attack deals 4 damage, with an additional 8 if Jozhur is flanking somehow.
Jozhur also takes a quick look around to see if he can spot the source of Alfgier's apparent healing.
Rafe Thornhill 19/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 d20+9=12 ; d20+7=17 ; d20+7=8 ; Sunday February 17th, 2013 3:09:32 PM
Taking a faceful of ice, Rafe steps forward (C14) and yells out "Die bastard!" and swings at Alfgeir as he loses his balance and misses horribly.
Ref save 12 Will save 17
Co-DM Marty Sunday February 17th, 2013 6:39:38 PM
Aflgeir had no apparent healing.. Not sure why you thought that..
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 32/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+1=10 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+9=19 ; d6+1=3 ; d6+2=3 ; 2d6=8 ; d20+12=13 ; Sunday February 17th, 2013 7:10:02 PM
Oh, thought he got hit for a lot more than 6 last round. Just wondering how he was still in good health.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 19/47 d20+6=11 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+1=16 ; 2d6+4=10 ; 2d6+4=13 ; d6=5 ; d8+2=9 ; d20+4=20 ; d8+4=5 ; Sunday February 17th, 2013 7:24:56 PM
Coer deflects the first bolt that would have found his backside and pays for it as Ganef's blade slices his arm and an icy bolt catches him in the jaw. He spits blood and grins at Ganef. Nice Shot. My Turn.
Coer begins to flurry his attacks, slicing his sword across his foes chest. This time the armor does little to slow the blade and it cuts deep (hit: 22 for 11 damage). This is followed up by a punch that crackles with electricity as it lands( hit: 24 for 14 damage plus 5 electric ). After the sparks from the punch fall he swings his horns trying to gore anyone still standing (hit: 16 for 10 damage)
Hero Point for extra action if Ganef is down!
With adrenaline pumping through him he draws a javelin and throws it at Ivery, piercing the casters leg. (hit: 20 for 6 damage)
~~~ Ooc 1: Deflect Arrows Feat - Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. Forgot about this first round, but using for round two, so no damage should have been taken from the first bolt. Ooc 2: will save d20+6 = 11 FAIL; -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear Ooc 3: inspire courage adding +1 to attack and damage rolls Ooc 4; Attack: Flurry of blows: Temple sword, unarmed w/ shock tear, secondary attack horns Sword; ; 2d6+4 (+1 courage) = hit: 22 for 11 damage Fist; ; 2d6+4 + 1d6 electric (+1 courage) = hit: 24 for 14 damage plus 5 electric Horns; ; 1d8+2 (+1 courage) = hit : 16 for 10 damage If Ganef falls, the flurry will continue towards the falchion weilder. Ooc 5: Attack: Javelin: 1d8+4 (+1 courage) = hit: 20 for 6 damage
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 10/10 d20+8=19 ; d20+8=28 ; Monday February 18th, 2013 11:03:30 AM
Spire shakes his head, throwing off the effect of the spell. He lashes out with a hand, creating a small explosions of glittering particles near the crossbow wielders. -------------------- Glitterdust on A17 Ivary, X-Bow Man 1+2 must make DC 16 Will save or be blinded for 4 rounds
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 22/28 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+7=11 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+3=12 ; d20=4 ; d20+8=19 ; d4=2 ; Monday February 18th, 2013 12:13:19 PM
After a full day of adventuring and entertaining Kerg is feeling the need for some uninterrupted sleep. He's slow to dodge some of the ice spell, and his mind isn't up to fighting off the gloomy atmosphere that has settled over the fight. Mohan struggles as well. Kerg waves a hand angrily at his companion to fall back, and the tiger retreats to inside.
Kerg bares his teeth and steps forward (C13). "I have a taste for Elf Bloods!" he shouts as he bites at Alfgeir. (Hit AC 19, 8 damage)
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 d20+7=13 ; d4=1 ; Monday February 18th, 2013 8:49:19 PM
Yel'kno takes a step back and cast Mirror Image. Two other images appear
Mirror Image: 4 min, two figments. Inspire Courage 2 of 13
Took 5' step back
Co-DM Marty Tuesday February 19th, 2013 9:43:55 PM
Ok; first things first; I must apologize for yesterday and today... My daughter is sick; my wife is sick; I've worked 20 hrs since 6am yesterday morning. Its just been hectic guys.. Although I promise All is well and I won't be missing any posting anytime soon :) Secondly. Yes; I did miss some damage dealt to Alfgeir last round. Although Jozhur wasn't flanking when he made his attack; Kerg did hit; so 17 damage was done to the mage last round. And yes Yel'kno; I made a typing error most likely on that one. 20 damage has been dealt to you; less you take more damage this round. Now; On With The Show! :)
So; correct damage recap; leading into this round:
Yel'kno 20 damage (4 is cold; 3 is bleed) Coerator 30 damage (3 is cold) Jozhur - 5 damage; currently Flanked by Alfy and Kito Ganef: AC 18 - 16 Damage Alfgeir: AC 16 - 15 Damage Rafe: 6 cold damage Mohan: 6 cold damage Kerg: 6 cold damage Annoir- 16 damage (6 cold) Drunken man- 22 damage (unconscious)
Coerator; Kerg; Jozhur; Yel'kno all failed Will saves and have a -1 penalty to attack rolls and saves vs fear.
BTW;Yel'kno I assume the d20+7 you rolled is your will save.. Please state whether you pass or failed or at least what you rolled; thanks! :)
DM post being written now :)
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 19/47 Tuesday February 19th, 2013 9:59:14 PM
Actually i have 28 damage as per my post because Coer is -like- super awesome at deflecting arrows Hope the family gets well soon
DM- Ya I knew that :) It shows in my post now. And major score! You really threw out some damage that round! This fight is getting to be gritty :o
Co-DM Marty d20+5=17 ; d20=16 ; d20=19 ; d20+7=13 ; d20+6=25 ; d20+6=20 ; d6=5 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+4=23 ; d4=2 ; d4=1 ; d4=4 ; d4=4 ; d20+4=23 ; d20+4=11 ; d20+4=8 ; d20+4=22 ; d8=5 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=21 ; d6=5 ; d100=90 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=6 ; d6=6 ; d20+4=23 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+3=16 ; d6+4=6 ; d6=1 ; Tuesday February 19th, 2013 11:02:13 PM Annoir takes the full force of the Ice blast; not one for alot of fighting Annoir seems worried; but still he presses on. He moves to a position to help Jozhur; but yells; Not good at this; help me out lads! As Kito swings and barely misses him along with Algeir and the other Crew member. He swings back and cuts into the back of Kito's thigh. Making a critical wound; causing Kito to loss a good amount of blood in the process. Kito takes 14 damage; Annoir scored a crit hit!
Jozhur takes an awkward swing at Kito as he moves within range; he misses and then attempts to trick Alfy but his leg or falling victim to Ivary's bad mojo must really be hurting because he wasn't focused; but he does sink into the caster flesh Alfgeir takes 4 damage
Rafe moves to take a swing at Afly as well; but seems to be a bit distracted from the face full of ice.
Coerator manages to deflect the bolt fired from the docks; and then takes his rage out on Ganef; even though held back slightly by the bad energy tearing through the mans chest armor with his temple sword comes natural! Then punching the man in the wound with an electric charged fist! Coer deals significant damage to the Elf Blood; his face turns from grinning to grimacing as he falls to the ships deck; blood pouring from his chest. With his adrenaline rushing coerator grabs and throws a perfectly aimed javelin through the Ugly Lasses leg; she stumbles and gives him a quick glare. After the adrenaline comes down pain shoots through his jaw and into his neck; the icy wound just keeps on giving. take 3 more damage; you are Bleeding Ganef at 46 damage & unconscious; 6 damage now done to the "Falchion Wielder/ Ugly Lass"
Spire shakes off the bad energy and decides to attempt to blind his bolt firing foes. He casts the spell and showers them with shiny glitter dust; but none of them seem to hindered by it. 17/16/19 VS 16
Kerg gets overwhelmed by Ivary's bad energy as well as Mohan; both of them taking the full force of the ice blast as well; he sends the tiger back inside and steps forward himself to take a chunk out of Alfgeir; biting at the mans side Kerg pulls back with a mouth full of flesh and blood, and cloth too. The man screams in pain hunching over a bit as the blood pours from his wounds. 8 damage to Alfgier
[b]Yel'kno Takes a step back and casts mirror image; hoping to give himself a better chance of not getting hit. I'll roll a % die; 1-33 is you; 34-66 is a fig; 65-100 is a fig. After the spell is cast; all three of him arc their backs as pain shoots up from his kidney from the icy wound 3 more bleeding damage
Alfgeir appears to have seen much better days. Surrounded by Lion Fish crew; and on the front lines where he shouldn't be; his face and robes as bloody as the could get. His expression is of fear. He takes a small step back and casts defensively. Another cone of icicles bursts from his fingers; Rafe and Kerg take 11 cold damage; Ref DC 15 for half (5)
X-bow man Fires a bolt at Spire; not very impressed by his new Disco cloak. The bolt finds Spire's neck; dealing a critical amount of damage to the fragile caster. Spire takes 8 damage
X-Bow man 2 also fires off a bolt at Spire; but hits the ships cabin behind him.
X-Bow Girl makes a short step to beside Ivary; and fires another Bolt at Coer; but hits the side of the ship; cursing she puts the bow onto her back
The Ugly Lass takes another swing at Yel'kno; cutting the captain in his stomach; a deep cut as it is when one of Yel'kno's figments doubles over then vanishes; her expression is priceless!
Crew Steps next to the wounded Alfgeir and takes a jab at Annoir; cutting our friendly captain; annoir takes 6 damage
Ivary grins as she makes her way in front of Alfgier. She holds her holy symbol and briefly closes her eyes a a flowing wave of heavenly energy radiates from her. She looks to Aflgeir who gives her a confused look back. You were in too much pain Alfy; We can't lose; no worries.
Everyone is healed by 10 damage; Drunken man wakes back up but is prone; Ganef doesn't stir; but some wounds are healed.
Another icy bolt flys right past Coer's face; barely missing the exact spot it hit the last time.
Kito grins as the healing wave washes over him and he takes a double slash at Jozhur. both of his swords are able to piercing through the rogues armor; but the second slash is little more than a surface scratch. Jozhur takes 6 and 1 damage
Perception DC: 24 (Yel'kno; Coer; and Spire: Highlight to display spoiler: { A cloaked figure on the dock to the right of the lion fish kneels between two crates with his hood hiding his face. With a cross bow in his hands. He's very hard to see until the moon light glimmers off a glazed looking bolt he begins to load. At K,13}
Lion Fish Attacked! Rnd 4 ================================================ I double checked this time :) All should be correct; including the healing wave Ivary sent out. Yel'kno 13 damage (4 is cold; 6 is bleed) (1 figment left) Coerator 21 damage (3 is cold; 3 is bleed) Jozhur - 7 damage; currently Flanked by Alfy and Kito Spire: 0 damage Ganef: AC 18 - 36 Damage Alfgeir: AC 16 - 21 Damage Rafe: 7/1 cold damage (7 if Fail ref save) Mohan: 6 cold damage Kerg: 23/17 17/11 is cold damage (25 if fail ref save) Annoir- 12 damage (6 cold) Drunken man- 12 damage Ugly Lass: 0 Damage
Coerator; Kerg; Jozhur; Yel'kno all failed Will saves and have a -1 penalty to attack rolls and saves vs fear.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 19/47 d20+9=12 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 12:07:01 AM
psst... Coer threw the javelin at Ivary, not the falchion weilder
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 11/28 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+7=14 ; d20+8=17 ; d4+6=8 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 12:26:27 AM
Kerg seems to be a little to focused and takes the brunt of the ice spell again. His mind flashes back to how dangerous it was to overexert himself last time. His friends need his help though, and if he can stand he will fight by them. This witch that has moved between him and Alfgeir seems to have undone some of his work. Kerg snarls and bites at her now (Hit AC 17, 8 damage).
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Wednesday February 20th, 2013 12:46:12 AM
OOC - Apparently I didn't update my HP for level 4
Co-DM Marty Wednesday February 20th, 2013 12:51:39 AM
Ooc, sorry bout that coer. Ill fix that tmws post
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 13/13 d20+8=20 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 1:25:44 AM
Spire cries out in pain as the bolt strikes him, but soon sighs with relief as the positive energy washes over him. Convinient, he muses before launching a green glob of slime at his foes. It splashes as it hits the ground, spreading onto the dock and threatening to trip them up. -------------------- Cast Grease on A/B-15/16. DC 15 Reflex save or fall prone DC 10 Acrobatics to move across at normal speed, failure means save or fall, failure by 5 or more means auto-fall
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+10=28 ; d6+3=6 ; 2d6=3 ; d20+9=16 ; 2d6=9 ; d6+2=3 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 9:02:31 AM
Jozhur moves to flank Ivary and lunges at her. He gets excited as his blade finds its target and takes a quick second lunge at her.
----------------------- Step to A14 First attack hits AC 28, 6 damage + 3 sneak attack for flanking. Use hero point for second attack Second attack hits AC 16, 3 damage + 9 sneak attack for flanking
Rafe Thornhill 24/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 d20+9=16 ; d20+7=18 ; d8+1=7 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 12:45:55 PM
Rafe dodges Alf's ice attack this time and strikes as hard he can at the man.
Attack Alfgeir, Hit AC18; 7hp damage
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 18/31 d4=4 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+7=16 ; d6=4 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 2:28:08 PM
Yel'kno stabs at the ugly one, while calling out "Thanks! Now let's play!" To the healer and his companions.
Perception: 16 (misread char sheet, should have been +9, not 7)
Attack to hit AC 16 for 6 damage
Inspire Courage 3:13
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 19/47 d20+6=9 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+5=9 ; d20+1=5 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 5:29:10 PM
Having felled one opponent, Coer focuses on the falchion wielder as his eyes glow blue for a moment before unleashing the latest flurry. The lass however is more nimble then she appeared and dodges his sword, fist, hoof and horn.
~~~ Ooc 1: Deflect Arrows Feat - Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. Ooc 2: -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear Ooc 3: inspire courage adding +1 to attack and damage rolls Ooc 4: Ki magic - Coer uses 1 Ki point to add an additional attack to his flurry (3/4 ki points remain) Ooc 5: Attack: Flurry of blows: Temple sword, unarmed w/ shock tear, secondary attack horns Sword; hit: 9 - miss Fist; hit: 13 - hit? I doubt it but if so will roll damage Kick; hit: 9 - miss Horns; hit: 5 - miss
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 Wednesday February 20th, 2013 6:31:35 PM
ooc: updateing heath in header
Co-DM Marty d20=7 ; d20+3=19 ; d20+5=22 ; d20+5=18 ; (Electric fist) 2d6+4=14 ; d6=3 ; d20+3=23 ; d20+3=13 ; d20+3=19 ; d20+3=5 ; d20+3=9 ; d8=7 ; d100=48 ; d20+4=7 ; d20+5=8 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+4=14 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+7=10 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+6=19 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=20 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d20+3=9 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 7:27:59 PM Annoir jabs once again with his rapier; but cant seem to pierce through Kito's armor. Filling up with rage; he takes a small step to flank the man, hoping it may help.
Kerg Takes the full force of the Ice spell once again; pausing a moment to ponder the situation; finally deciding to stand a fight among his friends is by far the best option; he trys to take a bite out of Ivary's arm; but feels an unseen force repel his attack. Chomping into mid-air mere inches away from her flesh. She grins To good for your own good little punk!
Spire feels pain from the bolt; and then feels it go away. Thinking a bit then forms a slippery goo attempting to trip up Alfgier and the two cross bow man. Oddly enough all three remain standing; but the grease isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Jozhur Moves into a position to flank the healer and easily finds a perfect spot to sink his sword into her flesh. He feels the force try and guide him away but pushes past with his own force; physical force. Seeing that he'd found a weakness; he pushes himself to his limits; pulling out of the wound a slashing up her back, drawing more blood as he drags his sword. Ivary takes 21 damage
Rafe dodges through some of the icicles and takes his own stab at Alfgier, drawing even more blood from the crazed caster's arm. Alfgeir takes 7 damage
Yel'kno taunts his foe once more; cutting the ugly lass across her cheek giving her yet one more scar to show to the world; if she lives through the attack on the Lion Fish Captain. Ugly Lass takes 6 damage
Coerator unleashes a flurry of blows aganist the even uglier side of the ugly lass; some how missing with everything except for his fist of electric fury. Electric fist deals 18 damage The woman twitches as she falls to the ship deck; her hair standing straight up and her eyes rolled in the back of her head.
Alfgeir breathes heavy and clutches the wound on his side, his robes now blood stained forever. He briefly looks to the sky and mumbles an incantation then he lays his blood soaked hand onto Ivarys Warhammer, he then retreats; but only gets a few feet away before slipping from the grease and falling onto the dock. Spell Craft DC: 13 Highlight to display spoiler: { Alfgeir cast Magic Weapon on Ivarys warhammer}
X-Bow man fires a bolt at Rafe; it connects with leg sinking into his flesh. Rafe takes 7 damage
X-Bow man 2 drops his cross bow onto the dock, finding it's way over the edge and into the water below. He doesn't even notice his bow bounce away as he draws his dagger and stabs at Jozhur, who dodges the childish attack easily.
X-Bow Girl Laughs at her friend as his bow falls to the water; OY Ye oaf! Yer bows gone now! Lemme show ya how to use a knife ey? She draws her own dagger and moves to attack Jozhur as well, but can't manage to move through the greased area without losing her footing and falling to the dock. Why aint ye warn me Greg! She yells at the man who dropped his cross-bow. Jozhur has an AoO here for her
Crew swings with his cutlass but even when flanking Jozhur he still can't manage to hit the nimble rogue.
Ivary briefly glances at Jozhur, and then Rafe. Staring into the eyes of the halfling she swings at Jozhur. Attempting to trick the Lion Fish heroes backfired, as Jozhur could have drink a glass of his elvish brew before the attack was near him. Missing in such a wide arc seems to throw her off balance, she stumbles a bit as she takes a step backwards toward Kito. Tear them to shreds my Dear
Perception DC 12Highlight to display spoiler: { As she says dear, Alfgeir glares at her, mumbling; "Two timin, must think these lads have knocked me out... I'll show her... }
Perception DC 16 Highlight to display spoiler: { A muffled *thud* can be heard from the right side of the ship }
Kito hardly pays Annoir any attention at all; seeing that he doesn't stand a chance; he looks for a more "worthy" opponent. His eyes flick to each, Jozhur, Rafe, Kerg. He steps forward and cuts horizontally with his right hand, cutting Rafe across the chest, his left hand bringing down a much more powerful blow to his shoulder. Rafe takes 4 and 6 damage(10)
The Drunken Man Who was the first on the ship, stands up while grabbing his cutlass and takes an awkward jab at Rafe's back side. HAHa! back ina action I is! ; as the sword cuts the air next to Rafes stomach.
Standing Perception DC: 28; Spire, Coer and Yel'kno only Highlight to display spoiler: { A cloaked figure on the dock to the right of the lion fish kneels between two crates with his hood hiding his face. With a cross bow in his hands. He's very hard to see until the moon light glimmers off a glazed looking bolt he begins to load. At K,13}
Coerator; Kerg; Jozhur; Yel'kno all failed Will saves and have a -1 penalty to attack rolls and saves vs fear.
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 13/13 d20+8=15 ; 2d4+2=7 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 8:56:12 PM
Frustrated with his attacks missing, the elf simply tosses out a few magic missiles to strike at X-Bow Man 1. (7 damage) He also hears the downed Alfgeir whispering, and calls out, "Alfgeir is still awake! Do not relent!"
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+5=24 ; d20+9=21 ; d6+2=8 ; d20+10=21 ; d6+3=6 ; 2d6=5 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 8:56:21 PM
Jozhur bursts into laughter at the multiple failed attempts to attack him, but says nothing as he dodges the attacks. As the girl falls during her attempt to cut him, he lunges and his sword hits home. (AoO hits AC 21, 8 damage)
He glances over to the Lionfish and stares for a brief moment,"I heard something, far side of the ship."
The rogue then turns his focus back to Ivary. He lunges at her hard and sinks his sword into her backside once again. [i](Flanking sneak attack hits AC 21 for 11 damage)
---------------- Perception: 24 AoO on X-bow girl hits AC 21 for 8 damage
Jon, I can't see Yel'kno's page from the link, says the file doesn't exist.
Hope your wife and daughter are better Marty, don't catch whatever they had. Really nasty flu has been going around here.
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+10=19 ; d4+6=7 ; Wednesday February 20th, 2013 11:13:22 PM
Well I was going to make a post but I've got some questions. First of all, where did Kerg take so much damage from? I can only account for 17 damage from both ice spells. Secondly, did Kito move to a square other than what is shown on the round 5 map? If not he's not close enough to attack Rafe is he? Lastly, do Rafe and I get an AoO on the drunk guy who stood up?
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+9=13 ; d20+14=17 ; d20+8=15 ; 2d6+4=13 ; d6=6 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 12:02:35 AM
With the deck of the Lionfish currently secure Coer sees his friends battling their way to the dock . With no clear path to assist he takes a few steps back (moves to g16-h17) then runs towards the dock and leaps heroically to the dock behind the x-bow men.
As he lands his hooves bite into the wooden dock releasing a small spray of splinters and he finds himself towering over the prone figure of his childhood shipmate."Hello Alfie"
Coer swings his electric fist down, crushing the caster against the dock.
~~~ Ooc 1: Perception check: 13 Ooc 2: ok, so move action to get the needed space for run up then running jump to a17-b18. Horizontal jump of 15ft needs a DC15. Acrobatics mod of 6 plus hero point used to add +8 luck mod. Jump; d20+14= 17, safe Ooc 3: Deflect Arrows Feat - Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it. Ooc 4: -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear Ooc 5: inspire courage adding +1 to attack and damage rolls Ooc 6: thanks to being large, Coer is flanking alfie and the x-bowers with Jozhur (happy to dispute ) Ooc 7: Punch is +8 including flanking; hit = 15 for 14 dam, plus 6 Electric (that should hit him prone)
Rafe Thornhill 7/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 d20+7=24 ; d8+1=6 ; d20+9=27 ; d20+9=12 ; d8+1=5 ; d6=1 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 1:15:17 AM
In severe pain, Rafe swings out at the drunken man as he stands up (AoO - Hit AC24, 6 damage), then turns back and stabs Ivary almost critically for 6pts of damage.
Not wanting to become a pin cushion, Rafe steps back out of the fray so as to not get flanked (move to d13)
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 18/31 d20+9=21 ; d20+7=10 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 11:11:30 AM
When the ugly lass falls Yel'kno takes a moment to peer over the side of the ship to see if he can spot the source of the noise while moving a few steps towards the dock before turning his attention to the battle on the dock. He grins as Coer leaps to the dock and yells out, "You bit off a more than you can chew with this Fish!" And hopefully Kito is one of those people that laughs in stressful situations... So much so that he falls over.
Look in the water, perception 21 Move to g14
Hideous Laughter at Kito. Will DC 14 or fall r Prone laughing, take no actions for 4 rounds with a Save each round
Inspire Courage 4/13
Level 1 spells 2/4 Level 2 spells 1/2
Ignore that 10 rolled. Thought ugly pirate was still standing and was going to do something else
Co-DM Marty Thursday February 21st, 2013 4:09:32 PM
OOC: I think I added the first 6 cold damage twice... Your right; only 17 cold damage has been done to Kerg; and yes Kito's post stated he step forward I'd just forgot to move him on the map. Likewise; the Drunken man stood up and took a 5 ft step to attack; no AoO's from 5ft steps; So no AoO's on the Drunken Man.
Coer; being large I think would allow you to flank all 4 IF another teammate was where Ivary is. Since your flanking with Jozhur I say you flank Alfgeir and X-bow man 2. Since they are both in line with you and Jozhur.
Soon as Kerg posts I'll make the DM post.
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Thursday February 21st, 2013 7:44:23 PM
Can he stand up, 5 foot adjust, and attack in the same turn? I'm going to use the rolls from my earlier post for this round.
Kerg seems to have an ever changing roster of enemies in front of him. He stands his ground and takes on Kito rather than run through a group of people (Hit AC 17 since the 19 was when I thought I could flank him, 7 damage).
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 Thursday February 21st, 2013 9:41:00 PM
ooc: i was of the understanding standing up from prone was an AOO
Spire Frustrated with his attacks missing, the elf simply tosses out a few magic missiles to strike at X-Bow Man and calls out to his friends that Alfgeir is still alive. 7 dam to x bow man
Jozhur bursts into laughter at the multiple failed attempts to attack him; As the girl falls during her attempt to cut him, he lunges and cuts deep as she falls to the deck. 8 damage to Xbow girl He shouts out a warning to his friends, hearing something on the other side of the ship He then cuts into Ivay's backside once again. 11 damage to Ivary Her hand whips around to clutch at the new wound, she manages to apply pressure as she falls to the dock. The blood forming a pool around her lifeless body.
Kerg stands his ground and takes on Kito rather than run through a group of people; sinking his teeth into the salty flesh of this scarred human, he draws a good bit of blood. 7 damage to Kito
Coerator leaps heroically to the dock behind the x-bow men. As he lands his hooves bite into the wooden dock releasing a small spray of splinters and he finds himself towering over the prone figure of his childhood shipmate."Hello Alfie" He says as he swings his electric fist down, crushing the caster against the dock. Alfie twitches for a few seconds then his body almost instantly grows cold as the electric and his soul leave the now empty vessel.
Rafe Watches Ivary fall, turning his attention to the man now behind him, stabbing the drunken man, he falls once again to the ground a new blood pool beginning to form. 6 damage to Drunkin Man OOC: Rafe, With Ivary down and no chance of being flanked, take your next action from either square; as Im not sure if Rafe would move if Ivary wasn't a threat any longer.
Yel'kno takes a moment to peer over the side of the ship to see if he can spot the source of the noise. Which he does see a small hole in the side of the ship. The edges are clearly iced over, doubting it actually went through the side and into the hull, so something is probably stuck in the wood; something very cold. He then moves a few feet toward the battle on the dock. He grins as Coer leaps to the dock and yells out to encourage his friends and deter his enemies. Finally he casts a spell at Kito, who quickly falls down and begins laughing manically, dropping his swords to hold his sides as he only gets louder.
X bow man fires another bolt, slamming into Rafes leg.Rafe takes 8 damage
Xbow man 2 Swings at Jozhur and misses the rouge. Cursing under his breath.
X bow girl Stands up (AoO from Jozhur and Rafe {If he didn't move to D,13}) and scrapes her dagger across Jozhur's side, causing the rouge alittle more than a deep scratch. Jozhur takes 3 damage
Crew Swings again at Jozhur, but he isn't able to make contact yet again. Round 6
Yel'kno feels another icy bolt enter near his spinal cord this time, moments after causing Kito to laugh until he fell. Ripping through skin and tearing nerves, then the icy feeling begins to spread over the wound and surrounding area. The pain is nearly unbearable. The lion fish captain nearly collapses from the hit. Afterwards, he feels his motions are slightly slowed. Yel'kno take 15 +2 cold damage; 17 total
Perception DC: 21 Spire and Yel'kno onlyHighlight to display spoiler: { A cloaked figure on the dock to the right of the lion fish kneels between two crates with his hood hiding his face. With a cross bow in his hands. He's very hard to see until the moon light glimmers off a glazed looking bolt he begins to load. At K,13}
Kito Still finds the fact that many of his friends are wounded or nearly been killed just as funny as someone squirting milk from their nose. Or a chicken running around with its head cut off.
Coerator; Kerg; Jozhur; Yel'kno all failed Will saves and have a -1 penalty to attack rolls and saves vs fear.
Co-DM Marty Thursday February 21st, 2013 9:53:54 PM
Drunken man is unconscious; forgot to add that at bottom.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+6=21 ; d20+5=25 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+1=14 ; d20+5=8 ; 2d6+7=13 ; 4d6+13=25 ; d6=5 ; d8+5=11 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 10:29:19 PM
Smarting from the crossbow bolts that have been fired at him Coer snorts and flexes his muscles. His eyes glow for a moment before he begins a flurry of attacks at the archers.
The oversized temple sword flashes in the moonlight as it cuts a deep grove in the arches back (13 dam). Coer then delivers a critically devastating Uppercut with his electrically charged fist of justice (25 dam+5 electric). He tries to kick another but misses his target, this is not the case with his horns, which gore an archer with a spray of blood (11 dam).
(Attacks will focus on x-bow man, then x-bow man 2 then x-bow girl if the first two drop) ~~~ Ooc 1: Deflect Arrows etc Ooc 2: -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear [b]Ooc 3: inspire courage adding +1 to attack and damage rolls Ooc4: Coer activated power attack Ooc 5: Ki magic - Coer uses 1 Ki point to add an additional attack to his flurry (2/4 ki points remain) Ooc 6: Attack: POWER FLURRY: Temple sword, punch w/ shock tear, kick & secondary attack horns Sword; hit: 21 for (2d6+7) 13 damage Fist; hit: 25 -CRIT, Confirm 16 -- CONFIRM for (4d6+13 +1d6 electric) 25 damage + 5 electric Kick; hit: 8 miss Horns; hit: 14 for (1d8+5) 11 damage
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+9=27 ; d6+2=6 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+10=20 ; d6+10=13 ; d6+3=4 ; 2d6=10 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 10:31:56 PM
Spurred on by felling a foe, Jozhur lashes out at the girl as stands up. AoO Hit AC 27, xbow girl takes 6 damage.
The nimble human is quite angered when the girl gets up and lands a blow on him. He feints an offhand blow, and grunts loudly as he drives his sword deep through her torso. Bluff check to feint: 32. Sneak attack hits AC 20, 14 damage assuming bluff is successful.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 d8+1=2 ; d8+1=9 ; Thursday February 21st, 2013 11:03:52 PM
Yel'kno sheaths his rapier as he moves down the dock and reaches into his pants to pull out his bandaid wand. Positioning himself to put the stairs leading up to the stern between himself and the hiding archer he applies the wand to his wounds and calls out, "[b]We have another one to kill off the starboard side. Watch your backs." " ~~~~~~~~~`
Move to G18. I'm thinking the stairs would be concealment or cover?
Sheath sword, pull out wand from pants of plenty
Use wand. Rerolled a 1 to heal 9 HP
1 Figment Remaining for over 3 minutes Inspire Courage for +1 to hit and dam and save vs fear Round 5/13 Debuff for -1 to attacka nd saves vs fear
Rafe Thornhill -1/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 Friday February 22nd, 2013 12:18:32 PM
Gasping in pain, Rafe goes down and falls unconscious. (at D13)
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+9=18 ; Saturday February 23rd, 2013 12:33:28 PM
OOC: Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, a lot of time was dedicated to an important interview.
A little bewildered by the fact that his opponent has fallen to the ground in uncontrollable laughter, Kerg takes the time to see if he can help Rafe out (Heal check 18 to stabilize Rafe).
Co-DM Marty Sunday February 24th, 2013 11:34:52 AM
Ill be mking the "friday" post later today, orp as soon as spire posts. On weekends ive no trouble making posts, but everyone has to post first. During weekdays ill post everyday regardless.
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 13/13 d20+8=16 ; d20+5=18 ; 4d6=10 ; Sunday February 24th, 2013 6:30:33 PM
Spire levels his bow, firing a harsh ray of blazing heat at the crossbow wielders. ------------------- Cast Scorching Ray on XBow Man 1 Attack: 18 vs Touch AC Damage: 10 fire
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 13/13 Sunday February 24th, 2013 6:31:06 PM OOC :: Really sorry everyone, could have sworn I posted days ago
Co-DM Marty d20+4=21 ; d20+7=21 ; d8=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d20+1=21 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+6=12 ; d8+3=11 ; d20+9=15 ; Monday February 25th, 2013 1:22:57 PM Coerator Unleashes his 'Taur fury with a flurry of blows to the archers. The oversized temple sword flashes in the moonlight as it cuts a deep grove in the arches back; He falls to the ground screeching in pain. Coer then delivers a critically devastating Uppercut with his electrically charged fist of justice; instantly dropping X-bow man 2 he lies on the ground twitching for several moments after hitting the dock. He tries to kick another but misses his target, this is not the case with his horns, which gore the last standing archer, the woman, with a spray of blood (11 dam to X-bow Girl). She also cries out in pain, but still clings onto what little life she has left within.
Jozhur Lashes out at the female archer; cutting her from shoulder to hip crossing her body; before the sword can finish it's course she begins to drop to the docks. Her mouth opens but no sound comes out, dead before she hits the gound. He then turns and feints an over-head swing, then thrusting into Crew's side. The unsuspected blow brings the man down to one knee momentarily. Elf Bloods! Les get outta here! he screams, but looks to see no way of escaping the Lion Fish crews wrath.
Yel'kno sheaths his rapier as he moves down the dock and reaches into his pants to pull out his bandaid wand. Positioning himself to put the stairs leading up to the stern between himself and the hiding archer he applies the wand to his wounds and calls out, "We have another one to kill off the starboard side. Watch your backs.". He then taps himself to heal some of his wounds while taking cover behind the stairs. Yes; you have full cover kneeling behind the stairs.
Rafe Falls to the ground, grimacing in pain. With the help of Kerg, who is amazed by the fact Kito is rolling around laughing about the situation, Rafe stabilizes, the loss of blood is minimal for now.
Spire Watches Coer drop the archers, firing a ray at Kito instead. The burning ray scorches the laughing foe; leaving his thigh smoking after the cloth is burnt away. The flesh blackened and bubbling, his laughter becomes an ear piercing screech, as he attempts to scream in pain. 10 damage to Kito
Crew sees their is no way out by running down to docks. Instead he withdraws up the dock and dives into the water, swimming under the surface for a few feet before rising for air just behind Coer between the dock and the Lion Fish. Withdraw, no AoO's, and swim to C,20
Spire feels an icy bolt break through his clothes and skin, and threatening to brake a rib as an Icy bolt enters into his left side. Spire takes 9 and 2 cold damage; 11 total. After the wound freezes over his reactions feel a bit slowed (Not allowed to make AoO's). Turning toward where the bolt came from; Yel'kno] was right. A hooded man is running down the docks to the right of the Lion Fish. He screams, Elf Bloods! Do not die te'day! WE'll live to hunt em down lads! Regroup!
Kno. History/Local DC 12 Highlight to display spoiler: { This mans cloak looks very similar to the one Akrim was wearing in the "Rotted Seal" earlier. }
Perception DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {This mans cloak looks very similar to the one Akrim was wearing in the "Rotted Seal" earlier. }
Kito Finally comes to his senses Will: 21 Vs DC 16?; and stops laughing. He feels the pain from spires Scorching Ray; he then stands up leaving both of his swords on the ground near his feet.
I know when I've lost. Mercy is something most pirates don't know. I'll not beg, but my purse is not light. I think friendship can be bought here lads. He giggles his coin purse at his hip, the ringing sounds throughout the area; he then looks at Coer and smiles. What do ye say old friend?
[Coerator; Know. History DC 8 Highlight to display spoiler: { Kito is in fact the first mate of your old crew; as well as the known first mate of the Elf Bloods. }
Sense Motive Checks: DC: 10 Highlight to display spoiler: { The man seems to be honestly throwing in the towel. } DC: 14Highlight to display spoiler: { He seems to be honestly giving up; but likely more out of fearing death than striking a truce. } DC: 18 Highlight to display spoiler: { His surrender seems to be calculating. Possibly a diversion; or tactic of battle some way. }
Perception DC 19 Highlight to display spoiler: { Kito has a dagger hidden in the sleeve of his right arm. Your just able to see the metal point near the heel of his hand. The bulge in his sleeve is almost non-existent. } =================================== Yel'kno 13 damage (1 figment left) - No longer Bleeding-Full Cover Coerator 21 damage -No longer Bleeding Jozhur - 7 damage; (currently Flanked by Crew and X-bow man 2) Spire: 11 damage Rafe: 18 Mohan: 6 cold damage Kerg: 23 damage Annoir- 12 damage Ivary: (AC: 17)- Unconscious Ganef: (AC 18) - Unconscious Alfgeir: (AC 16) - Unconscious Kito: (AC ??) - 31 Damage Crew: (AC 15) - 19 damage Drunken man: (AC 15)- Unconscious Ugly Lass: (AC 15) Unconscious X-Bow Girl: (AC 14)- Unconscious X-Bow Man: (AC 14)- Unconscious X-Bow Man 2: (AC 14)- Unconscious Cloaked Archer: (Ac ?)- 0 Damage
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 d20+8=18 ; d20+9=16 ; d20+5=6 ; Monday February 25th, 2013 2:24:18 PM
Spire takes the ice spike to his ribs, coughing up blood onto the deck of the Lionfish as he does so. Spinning on one heel, he finally sees the cloaked figure. Their garb looks familiar, almost like... "Akrim! You're not going anywhere! he shouts out, spinning his hands and casting a spell to entrap their foe. -------------------- Cast Web on Akrim (wherever necessary to trap him) DC 16 Reflex or become grappled
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+1=17 ; d20+7=17 ; Monday February 25th, 2013 4:04:31 PM
Kerg jumps in surprise at the unnatural sounds coming from the foe behind him. He turns and watches Kito get to his feet, holding back from striking him down as he does. The man's movements suggest he's done fighting (Sense motive 17). "Just sit back down and be quiet," he growls.
(Perception 17 doesn't catch hidden knife)
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+5=8 ; d20+5=16 ; d20+7=8 ; Monday February 25th, 2013 4:05:19 PM "Gah, deal with him, take his weapons. Someone come help me catch this other one.
Jozhur sheaths his sword as he sprints to head off the cloaked assailant. Run to L27.
-------------------------- Sense motive: 8 Perception: 16 Knowledge local: 8
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+9=22 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+6=22 ; d20+1=20 ; d8+2=6 ; Monday February 25th, 2013 7:11:58 PM
As Kito tries to negotiate and present himself to no longer be a threat, Coer's keen eyes spot the tip of a dagger and senses deceit in his words.
My mercy is for the helpless, not murderous thieves. I see your dagger friend, you do not fool me.
Coer attacks his old shipmate Kito, who is still quite agile despite his wounds. His sword and fist hit nothing but air, but his horns catch the pirate in the chest leaving two bloodied puncture wounds.
~~~ OOC: Perception: +9 = 22 Know(history): +4 = 13 Sense motive: +8 = 19 Rolling for flurry of blows -- Roll 1: Sword -- Hit =8, miss Roll 2: Fist -- Hit= 14, I'm guessing a miss Roll 3: Ignore (darn, would have hit) Roll 4: Secondary attack horns -- hit= 20 for 7 damage
Rafe Thornhill -1/25HP | AC19/19/15 | CMD 14 Monday February 25th, 2013 10:22:29 PM
Rafe gets back on his feet and goes on the total defense as he tries to figure out what's going on.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 Tuesday February 26th, 2013 10:03:04 AM
When the hidden crossbow man makes to run, Yel'kno moves to Rafe ad presses the cure wand into his hand before turning to cast a an explosion of glitter at the fleeing figure.
Glitter dust on whatshisname. DC 15 or be blind. Automatic -40 to stealth
Co-DM Marty d20+8=14 ; d20+6=8 ; d20+7=9 ; Tuesday February 26th, 2013 11:45:37 PM
Making DM post now;
Rafe must make a DC: 10 constitution check to become conscious and disabled. You take a penalty to this check for every negative hit point you have; in this case a -1. Of course Con Mod.
Akrim is grappled in the web
Yel'kno if Rafe doesn't wake up; wil you just heal him; or drop next to him and cast glitter on the grappled Akrim?
Co-DM Marty d20+8=24 ; d20-1=15 ; d20+1=10 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+7=12 ; d20+10=26 ; d4=3 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 12:49:37 AM Annoir Stands behind Kito with his rapier in between his shoulder blades as he stands up and surrenders. That has nothing to do with me Stink Bait! The Lion Fish crew will decide your fate now!
Spire takes the ice spike to his ribs, coughing up blood onto the deck of the Lion Fish as he does so. Spinning on one heel, hoping to see who shot the bolt; he finally sees the cloaked figure. Their garb looks familiar, almost like... "Akrim! You're not going anywhere! he shouts out, spinning his hands and voicing an incantation. As he finishes, spider like webs begin springing across the docks from the Lion Fish to The Iron Hull, totally surrounding Arkim. The Elf Blood captain quickly becomes entangled within.
Kerg is put off by the sounds of Kito's hideous laughter and carefully watches the pirate as he stands up to surrender. Growling at him, telling him to set back down.
Jozhur calls out for someone to deal with Kito while others assist him in running down Arkim. He dashes through Spire's greasy dock without any trouble. Although squeezing past Coerator slows him down a bit; he rounds the turn to the dock leading to the Iron Hull and stops a few feet short of Spire's new web.
As Kito tries to negotiate and present himself to no longer be a threat, Coer's keen eyes spot the tip of a dagger and senses deceit in his words. My mercy is for the helpless, not murderous thieves. I see your dagger friend, you do not fool me. Coer attacks his old shipmate Kito, who is still quite agile despite his wounds. His sword and fist hit nothing but air, but his horns catch the pirate in the chest leaving two bloodied puncture wounds.Kito Takes 7 damage
Rafe is stable thanks to Kerg; he wakes up on his own though. In a lot of pain he gets to knees and covers himself in case of another attack.
Yel'kno Sees Rafe wake up, rushes to his mates aid handing off the band-aid wand; then turns to the fleeing cloaked figure and creates a burst of sparkling golden particles that flash about Akrims face as he got caught in Spire's web. The sparkles illuminate the marks on his face, making it very obvious to Everyone that this IS Akrim, Captain of the Elf Bloods. His eyes rolled back in his head prove him to be Blinded by the light...
Crew continues to swim towards the dock south of the Lion Fish. Apparently he doesn't know how to swim, or maybe some seaweed or something has grabbed onto his ankle. He does make a slight bit of progress.
Arkim thrashes about and somehow manages to break a few webs and escape from his current entanglement within the web. Although, being blind has also hampered the Captain. He doesn't know which way the dock is. He sticks his tongue out and begins walking south; toward the dock. Not being able to see lands him right back into the web, entangled once again.
============== OOC: Phillip; If your character doesn't make the DC; you shouldn't have read the spoiler. Putting statements like that is very much discouraged; and shows me the honor system in the Check/ Result Spoiler (I use to save us time and keep the game flowing) is possibly failing... If I can't trust everyone to uphold this system, I'll begin doing it the "other way" Ie: Monday-- Make the check; Tuesday-- Results posted. So; lets be honest in using the Check/ Result Spoiler system from here on out ok?
Rafe Thornhill -1/25HP | AC19/19/15 | CMD 14 d20=7 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 12:55:50 AM Sorry, you had me at 18hp so I thought someone had healed me...
Rafe stumbles back down to his knees, and slumps over, unconscious.
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+11=21 ; d20+9=18 ; d8+2=8 ; 2d6=10 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 9:02:57 AM
Jozhur grins as he sees his hapless prey get tangled up in the web again. He draws his bow as he quietly moves up next to the crate to block Akrim's only exit. Stealth 21, move to K25
Once in position, he sends an arrow through the web, aimed right at Akrims throat.
-------------------- OoC: I'm not real sure on the rules here. Sneak attacks can't be done on someone with concealment. Akrim has partial cover (at least), I'm guessing that does not mean he is concealed.
The arrow hits AC 18 for 8 damage, 18 damage with sneak attack. Akrim does have +4 AC from partial cover.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 d8=2 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 3:58:59 PM
Yel'kno keeps his wand in hand then and heals Rafe this time. "Don't let him get away! Leave the one in the water. Let the sharks get him if they'll have him"
Inspire Courage 6/13 Mirror Image one Figment for 3 min
Heal Rafe for 3 HP
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+7=22 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 4:33:10 PM
Kerg is a bit shocked at how quickly Coer refuses to give his opponent any quarter. He readies himself to fight if Kito should try and get away, but otherwise just looks around to see if any of the harbor guards have been alerted by the ruckus (Perception 22).
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 2d4+2=4 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 5:45:29 PM
Spire expends his last magic missile attacking Akrim. (4 damage)
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+7=11 ; d20+6=17 ; d20+1=19 ; 2d6+4=6 ; d6=5 ; d8+2=3 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 7:26:28 PM
ooc: looking at the map Coer was not actually in range of Kito last round, oops ~~~ "He is lying men, take him out"
Wanting to put an end to the Elfbloods, Coer carefully walks into the slimey puddle of grease. Once within range of of Kito he jabs at him with his left fist sending electricity acring across Kito's armor. He follows this up with another jab of his horns to Kito's chest.
~~~ acrobatics check vs dc10 not to slip in the grease = 10 Coer moves to a15b16 Electric punch: hit;17 for 7 damage plus 5 electric secondary attack with horns: hit; 19 for 4 damage
Co-DM Marty Wednesday February 27th, 2013 8:55:38 PM
I had rolled your reflex for moving through the grease last round. Just forgot to move you on the map... Sorry/ DM post coming soon
Co-DM Marty d20+6=22 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+6=10 ; d100=1 ; d20+11=18 ; d8=3 ; d8=2 ; d20+9=12 ; Wednesday February 27th, 2013 9:19:47 PM OOC: Ya; It's been hard for me to keep track of everyone's hp. I think from now on; as I think its suppose to be, I'll only keep tabs on NPC's; you guys will need to track your own HP's. Either way; on with the show!
Rafe Still lies; stabilized on the dock.
Jozhur Moves forward and fires an arrow at the trapped Akrim; but it just gets stuck within the sticky webbing.
Yel'kno Keeps hold of his wand and heals Rafe; Rafe heal 3 HP
Spire lets his last Magic Missile fly into Akrim's chest. The captain weezing from force damage.
Kerg Keeps himself aware; and does notice an oil lamp bouncing and swaying as someone runs this way; could be a few rounds until they get across the long pier though
Coerator Unleashes another flurry of blows at the surrendering Kito; who did nothing after the last flurry. Before Coerator lashes out he crys out to the Minotaur;
Its been hidden! It's tied up my sleeve. I can't pull it out! I've not the stamina nor will to keep up with the likes of you! Let me go!
Sense Motive Checks: DC: 16 Highlight to display spoiler: { He doesn't seem to be lying about the dagger; and his wounds and heavy breathing prove him telling the truth about the rest as well.}
DC: 22 Highlight to display spoiler: { I'ts obvious he's lying about the dagger. Although his wounds and heavy breathing seem real and of course enough to hinder his battle performance. He seems a little to confident given the circumstances. He's hiding something for sure. }
Coerator slams and gores Kito into submission though; he now isn't able to stand. He lays on his hands and knees; mumbling a quiet prayer as his mouth, nose, and various cuts over his body seep blood onto the docks.
I just want to live; He says dropping his head to the dock, his breathing heavier than before, somehow he's still conscious.
Crew still hasn't figured out how to swim to well; barely keeping himself above water as he trys to swim to the docks. No movement; only barely able to tread water
Akrim trys to figure out where the sound of that arrow came from; but has no idea. So; he spins in a circle twice and fires a bolt to the south (in Jozhur's direction) by random selection. He then trys to get through the webbing and into the water; but can't even make it out of the space he's in. Being blind AND trying to maneuver through sticky webbing is harder than being an ant and squishing a dwarf!
Not able to upload the map today; just know Coer is just on the other side of the Grease, Jozhur is next to the crate below the Web, and Rafe and Yel'kno are next to each other (Rafe Hasn't moved).... Everything else is the same.
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+5=18 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+11=21 ; Thursday February 28th, 2013 5:34:12 AM
Jozhur sends another arrow into the web, but it just gets caught in the web next to the first one. Frustrated that he can't hit such a sitting duck, he puts away his bow and picks his way through the webbing, trying to be quiet. He gets as close to Akrim as possible.
---------- Sense motive:16 Attack hits AC18, assuming misses again Escape artist to get through web: 21
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 Thursday February 28th, 2013 1:47:54 PM
Spire runs up to the edge of the Web, training an arrow on Akrim and preparing for an attack. (Double move to H21)
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+8=24 ; d20+6=9 ; d20+7=24 ; Thursday February 28th, 2013 7:54:19 PM "Damn your lies" bellows Coer "Stand again and I shall see you dead"
Coer leaves the crumpled Elf blood first mate and heads towards Akrim. He loses his footing on the greasy dock however, wobbling for a moment before stopping upright.
~~~ ooc: sense motive for Kito = 24 Acrobatics and reflex check for the grease, 9 fail, 24 save. So I dont fall but cant move further.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 d20+7=23 ; d6=2 ; Thursday February 28th, 2013 10:14:05 PM
With Rafe healed, Yel'kno will hand him the wand if he wants it and moves a few feet over to get a clear shot at Akrim while pulling his bow over his shoulder and sending an arrow the other captain's way.
Hit AC 24, 3 damage
Inspire Courage 7/13
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 d20+1=5 ; Thursday February 28th, 2013 10:55:08 PM
Kerg watches the exchange between Kito and Coer. The young half-orc seems to have come out of his frenzy after witnessing some of the stranger and more intense aspects of this battle. In fact, he could be described as a little shaken by the escalation. He stays near Kito and waves to try and get the attention of whoever is approaching.
Co-DM Marty d100=80 ; d8+1=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d100=49 ; d100=62 ; d100=58 ; d8=4 ; d8=2 ; d8=2 ; d20+6=17 ; d8=6 ; d8=3 ; d20+6=8 ; d3=3 ; d20+6=14 ; d20+6=10 ; d4=2 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+9=19 ; Thursday February 28th, 2013 11:13:34 PM OOC: To shoot through the web is a 25% chance guys. (75-100 gets through) I rolled for Jozhur last round; and will for everyone this round as well. Your more than welcome to roll yourselves after this
Coer Threatens Kito before taking off to help out with Akrim,. Nearly falling from the grease he regains his footing and stops his advancement.
Jozhur Fires another arrow at Akrim. With his supreme archer skills, and maybe a bit of luck, the arrow passes through the criss-cross sticky web untouched and pierces through Akrim's cloak and armor underneath. Akrim takes 17 dam; He then moves nearly silent (Stealth 21)
Spire Moves closer to his blind captive; knocking an arrow and training it on Akrim as he makes his way across the Ship.
Yel'kno Gives his band aid wand to Rafe then fires an arrow at Akrim as well; his perfect accuracy would have surely pierced through the rival Captain's eye ball, but the super sticky crissy-crossy webs prevented it from getting to him.
Rafe takes the wand from Yel'kno and heals himself (+5 Hp to Rafe) and stays where he is for the moment.
Kerg Stays where he can keep a very close eye on Kito. A little shaken up by the intensity of the battle, Kerg seems relieved that a guard is on his way; he waves to get their attention
Annoir Draws a small vial from his pants pocket and gulps the red liquid in a single drink. (Annoir heals for 5hp) Licking his lips afterwards; he makes his way down the dock. It seems as though you all can handle this from here lads! If no one objects I'll be heading back to The Iron Hull for a good nights rest. By the way; since you handled to opposition maybe you can make right on your end of our agreement? The offer still stands friends. Tonight and quickly would be my course of action. He smiles and sheaths his rapier being extra cautious when he gets to the grease and makes it across safely.
Kito mumbles under his breath as the blood keeps pouring from his body. He stares Kerg in the eyes for only a second. He scuttles on his knees back a few feet away from Kerg (Full move action; 5' Step while Prone. Then, now that he's out of immediate reach, He quickly reaches into a pouch tied to his belt and pulls out his own vial made of burnt or black painted glass (which is hard to tell). Drinking it seemed to slow his bleeding a bit, even heal over a few of the minor cuts he had to his hands.
Crew keeps trying to teach himself how to swim while in this stressful situation; and isn't really doing well at all. Being so close to the docks though he does manage to finally get there and pull himself up. Exhausted from all the flailing his arms and kicking his legs, he's not able to run or even walk very far when he gets up.. Captin! Your surrounded! I'll come back for ye! RUN Cap'n RUUNN!
Arkim Winces as the pain from Jozhur's arrow shoot's through his stomach. He whips his head around trying to hear where the shot came from; but can't seem to figure it out. He does however, somehow, figure out where the sticky webs directly around him are and makes his way, unhindered, through them. He travels through the webbing in the direction of Crew's voice; and falls into the water next to the lion fish. He is a capable swimmer when he can see; and he figures it really doesn't take sight to swim, and does just fine.
The Dancing Lantern Light; which is more than likely a guard saw earlier in the night. Keeps a steady approach. The light only gets faintly larger as he draws nearer; nearer used loosely; he's surely not in much of a hurry and is still a ways away. ================ OOC: Akrim is blind until Yel'kno's turn this coming round. Coer You can move past Annoir on your turn without a check of sorts, just count it as 10 ft for moving past him instead of 5. The Guard is still about 5 rounds away unless he quickens his pace. ==================================== Remember guys I Will post throughout the weekends as long as everyone posts. I'll have a post tmw night regardless. Rob will be taking over soon. I've really enjoyed playing with you all so far :) ============= OH! NO! Elf Bloods Escape!
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+11=21 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+2=10 ; 2d6=6 ; Friday March 1st, 2013 5:45:03 AM
Jozhur deftly makes his way back through the web, readying his bow once again as he moves. He positions himself at the edge of the dock and launches another arrow at Akrim.
Rafe Thornhill 4/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 d4+1=2 ; Friday March 1st, 2013 12:36:49 PM
Glad he's feeling better, Rafe gets up and see's the first immediate target and invokes a Force Missile (like magic missile) that strikes Kito unerringly (2 pts).
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 d20+8=20 ; d6=4 ; Friday March 1st, 2013 11:28:46 PM
Yel'kno rushes up the stairs with bow in hand, putting another arrow to the string as he goes. Peering down into the water he sends another arrow Akrim's way. "[b]Maybe a bit wood will help you float!"
Move to H22 or thereabouts
Hit AC 20, 5 damag
Inspire Courage 8/13
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+6=17 ; d20+6=24 ; d8+4=6 ; Saturday March 2nd, 2013 12:07:43 AM
Coer growls as Kito begins to scuttle away, but he will deal with the cowardly first mate another time... He has bigger fish to fry.
Stepping out of the greasy patch and skirting Captain Annoir, Coer draws a javelin as he moves down the dock. He lines up his shot and throws the spear at Akrim, striking the floating pirate in the back.
~~~ ooc: acrobatic 17 to walk off the grease move to a24b25 throw Javelin distance 35 = -2 javelin (rolled with a +6 mod, should have been a +4 with -2 distance) = Hit=20 for 7 damage
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 d20+4=21 ; 2d4=8 ; Saturday March 2nd, 2013 1:08:10 AM
Spire crosses the deck, chanting a few words under his breath as his bow glows green. Drawing back an invisible arrow, the wizard released the bowstring, and a glob of acid flies at Akrim, striking the Elf Blood captain! -------------------- Move to F22 (or wherever I need to go for line of sight) Cast Acid Arrow on Akrim Attack: 21 vs Touch AC Damage: 8 (max damage!) Another 2d4 damage next round unless acid is neutralized
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Saturday March 2nd, 2013 10:50:34 AM
Seeing that the approaching light isn't in a hurry, that Kito is being taken care of by Rafe, and hearing the shouting of whoever remains of the Elf BLood crew, Kerg concludes that he has somewhere more important to be. So he runs (4x movement) to where Crew has just pulled himself onto the dock (B27).
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 Monday March 4th, 2013 5:29:58 PM
Yel'kno surpresses a sneeze
Co-DM Marty d20=14 ; d20=9 ; Monday March 4th, 2013 5:56:26 PM
Kerg makes his way to where Crew will be pulling himself up, while the rest pummel Akrim into submission with projectiles until hes knocked out and falls under the surface of the water.
Crew quickly trys to g and save his captin, while Kito jumps off the dock toward the pier and swims underneath the dock. Crew makes it to Annoir, but is having trouble keeping both of them afloat. Kito hides his presence among the attention grabbing assault on Arkim.
Annoir makes his way back to his ship, the guards flame draws ever closer.
Crew yells out, Were beaten! Bested! You gunna see us drown!?
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 22/31 Tuesday March 5th, 2013 10:20:59 AM
"Thinking about it," Yel'kno yells down to the crewman, "you come to murder us in our sleep and seemed surprised we don't seem keen to let you go so you can come back again with more men?"
Yel'kno leans over the side and gestures at the dock. "You can go, go find a spot as crew on another ship. Leave Akrim."
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 2d4=5 ; Tuesday March 5th, 2013 1:15:28 PM
Spire draws another arrow, keeping it trained on the spot where Akrim disappeared. The acid continues to eat away at the (possibly dead) captain (5 acid damage).
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+11=31 ; d20+11=16 ; Tuesday March 5th, 2013 2:51:25 PM
With no threats in his view, ducks out of the webs he is in escape artist: 31 and runs around the Lionfish to check on his allies. Run to D27
Seeing that the fight is pretty much over, he tries to get the group's attention and motions in the direction of the Elf-Blood ship before slipping into the alleys around the buildings that line the dock. Stealth: 16
Not one to leave a job unfinished, Jozhur heads back toward the Elf-Blood ship, using the buildings as cover.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+9=25 ; Tuesday March 5th, 2013 5:06:51 PM Get out of the water and run ye scurvy dog. Or wait for the guards and see what they do to you. Your choice"
Coer sheaths his sword and looks into the murky water for a sign of Captain Akrim
~~~ Ooc: perception: 25
Co-DM Marty d20=10 ; d20=11 ; d20=20 ; d20=5 ; Tuesday March 5th, 2013 10:26:47 PM
Crew thinks about his chouce for a mere moment before letting go of Akrim and makes his way to the dock and running off up to the pier, passi the guard, who begins to run and give chase to crew.
Akrim jerks as the acid eats away at his unconscious body, blood swirls to the surface, but he sinks further towards the bottom.
Kito remains unseen, probably escaped as well.
[B] Jozhur sneaks his way, unseen to the elf bloods ship, he stops as hes within 40' of gangplank but sees not much more cover, beyond the night until hes on deck.
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+5=12 ; d20+11=20 ; Wednesday March 6th, 2013 8:53:22 AM
Jozhur thinks to himself That had to be about all of them Jozhur checks the ship for anyone acting as a lookout and glances around to see if any city patrols are approaching.
If he sees none, he walks onto the ship and quietly heads below deck.
OoC: If you want me to continue this post today to save time I can, just didn't want to get ahead of things.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 26/47 d20+9=20 ; Wednesday March 6th, 2013 4:31:07 PM
We should head to the Elfblood ship and check it it properly. Not just for Annoir's picture but to look into the claims of killing elves. We might find some compensation for our trouble as well.
Hmmm... Jozhur appears to be on his way. I will follow after I have searched these bodies.
~~~ Ooc: perception 20 on searching the bodies for useful/interesting/valuable items
Rafe Thornhill 4/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 Wednesday March 6th, 2013 7:25:33 PM
Not sure whats going on, "Are we giving chase, or regrouping?"
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 Wednesday March 6th, 2013 8:12:57 PM "If there are dead elves aboard their ship, I would like to see them." Spire grasps his holy symbol, feeling his familiar squirm in the pocket of his robe. "See that they find peace."
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 d8+1=9 ; d8+1=4 ; d8+1=7 ; d8+1=7 ; Wednesday March 6th, 2013 8:41:41 PM
Yel'kno goes to rouse the rest of the Lionfish crew that might be on board and sets them to a watch... not wanting to leave the ship completely unguarded in the event that some of those that escaped decide to just come back and set fire to it while they're gone..
And then uses the healing wand on himself a few times and passes out heals to anyone else that needs it.
Heal self with 3 charges
Heal Spire for 7 HP
43/50 charges remaining
Co-DM Marty Wednesday March 6th, 2013 11:37:30 PM
Posting from a phone. 20 is good enough to find whats on bodies, ill get that up soon.
Rob will be taking over here :) If he doesnt do so soon, Ill have loot/gold/exp posted by tmw night. Its been great guys :) Cant wait for my next turn around. Btw, we need a new ADM.
Co-DM Rob Thursday March 7th, 2013 3:58:49 AM OOC: Hey folks! My first DM post should be in the next hour or so. Just getting it polished up a bit :)
Co-DM Rob - Uh-oh... Busted! Thursday March 7th, 2013 5:01:37 AM Coerator plans to claim some trophies on account of his victory this day and goes body to body to see what he can find. (T.B.A.)
Rafe looks for a group decision on how to proceed, the mage perhaps not wanting to disturb the party balance by upsetting anyone.
Spire believes the search for his elven brethren may need to come before the search for a simple painting.
Jozhur feels confident that the job is done. He can't spy any look outs, but just as he himself goes to move below deck he sees movement on the docks that makes him think twice about disappearing below deck.
Two packs of town guards are approaching (one from the south and one from the east forming perhaps 10 guards total?). They wear the blue "Jolly Roger" bands around their forearms that formalises their positions as the local law. Once the bodies on the decks have been surveyed, one of them whispers something to his colleague. The colleague turns and starts to run south. The whisperer steps forward and hollers out "Any Captains aboard these ships are to GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!"
Knowledge Local DC10 Highlight to display spoiler: {The Harbormaster doesn't allow anything 'umseemly' to happen on his docks. What happens elsewhere, he doesn't care about. In fact, if there is a murder going on two feet off the edge of the pier, he'll watch silently and do nothing. If a dead body is found on the deck of your boat, you have a problem}
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 d20+10=24 ; Thursday March 7th, 2013 9:50:59 AM
"Good morning, gentlemen, glad you could make it, but it looks like it's all over but the cleaning" Yel'kno calls down as he steps over be bodies on his way down the gangplank to the dock. "I am Captain Yel'kno of the Lionfish here. These scum attacked us a few minutes ago while most of my crew slept" He nudges one of the bodies with his foot on the way by for emphasis. " They were led by a Captqin Akrim, but I'm afraid if you'd like to talk to him you'll hav some trouble." And a finger points down at the water where Akrim sunk, "he's down there."
Bardic Knowledge to take 10 on knowledge local
Diplomacy 24
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Thursday March 7th, 2013 12:24:17 PM
Kerg is busy washing the blood from his mouth, a little fearful of what these new men could do.
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 d20+8=23 ; d20+1=10 ; Thursday March 7th, 2013 1:08:38 PM
Spire eyes the guards with caution, walking down behind Johzur. He attempts to prominently display his holy symbol in an attempt to look more official as the captain address this guards. -------------------- Aid Another, Diplomacy: 10 (just made it!)
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 31/47 d20=10 ; d8+3=5 ; Thursday March 7th, 2013 6:46:38 PM
Coer takes the possessions from the fallen enemies and deposits them in the captains quarters aboard the Lionfish. When the guards outside call to Captain Yel'kno he decides to keep out of sight as diplomacy is not his strong suit, and he looks like he has just killed several people..
He collects his belongings and cleans the blood off his fur, sword and robe using his magical paper squares of prestidigitation.
If time allows he will retrieve a small Vial labeled Grogfrom his bag and drink the warming contents ~~ Ooc: know local: 10 "Grog" CLW potion 1d8+3 = 5hp
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+7=24 ; d20+11=14 ; d20+5=18 ; Thursday March 7th, 2013 8:23:54 PM
Jozhur doesn't dare to be caught walking off of the Elf Blood ship. He tries find something to duck behind and watch what unfolds.
Co-DM Rob - If you can't beat 'em, bribe 'em! d20+5=18 ; d20+5=10 ; d20+5=7 ; d20+5=24 ; d20+5=14 ; Friday March 8th, 2013 7:48:42 AM Kerg feels a rare taste of fear. It gets his heart going a little. The blood in his mouth tastes salty - different to sea water. Warm and familiar.
Yel'kno breaks the ice with introductions and tries to explain that the Elf Bloods were in the wrong. The guard in charge clears his throat and goes to spit. Perhaps through Yel'kno's choice words, the guard chooses to avoid Yel'kno's face, shirt and boots and instead spits into the water where it was indicated Akrim sunk.
Spire stands by Yel'knos side. He touches his holy symbol dedicated to Gargul at the mention of Akrim's untimely demise. Well, likely demise.
Coer takes time to kick back and relax. He tries to clean the blood off his fur before it starts to matt.
Jozhur tries to blend in to his surrounds. He makes the best of what he can, though he is pretty sure the guards can clearly see him. They don't seem to be paying him any real attention though. Highlight to display spoiler: {I assume you are not wearing a Captains hat or shirt labelled "CAPTAIN" :)}
Captain Annoir can be seen leaving his ship and approaching the captain's gathering.
The guard that looks to be in charge stands with his hands on his hips now. A tall man with broad shoulders. Well maintained short dark hair and goatee, and a rapier by his side. He waits until each of the Captains have arrived and for the guard he sent off to return. Once the guard returns, something is whispered to the man in charge which appears to make him quite angry.
"Alright then." he says in a quieter tone so he is addressing only the Captains "I don't know what has happened here tonight, but I'm going to find out. Firstly, the Dock logs show Annoir and Akrim as the Captains of two of the three ships involved in tonights events, but by my count only two of the six captains of this ship have presented themselves. I want an explanation on that and the answer had better be that the rest are in town at the moment."
"Secondly - " he points squarely at Yel'kno but doesn't touch him " - I have a few Elf Bloods telling me that you initiated the attack and they were defending themselves. So at the moment it's your word against theirs. And to be honest, I don't especially like either. Too many bodies on these docks tonight. For the rest of the night each of your crews are to be confined to their ships. I've said the same to the Elf Bloods. I'll pass this on to the Harbormaster to determine what to do with each of you in the morning. But be warned. Any of your crews so much as touch one toe to the dock for the rest of the night and they will be punished MOST severely."
"My dear .. er .. watchman. I completely agree with your assessment of this situation" Captain Annoir gives a bow and a flourish with his hand. As he bows, Spire can clearly see Annoir mouth the words "trust me" and see him tap his coin purse with his free hand. (Bluff check to pass secret message to Spire vs DC15: 24 = Pass)
"but perhaps you and I could discuss this in more detail to cover over some of the finer points of your report?" he continues "There are so many details that could be confused, for example, I truly do recall seeing the Elf Bloods making the first attack. And those missing Captains are notorious womanisers and drunkards. Why, did you know that one of them is a minotaur? The stories I have heard about him!"
The guard raises an eyebrow seemingly in suspicion but then smiles. He speaks more calmly to Spire and Yel'kno now "Return the dead and injured to their rightful ship and crew under the supervision of these guards. The now Captain Kito is being escorted back to his ship and will do the same. I expect the transfer to be done immediately. Curfew will then be in effect."
The guard then turns to leave with Captain Annoir
==================================================== Congratulations on completing Scene 1 of this module!
Everyone is awarded 1850xp PLUS 1 hero point! Nicely done! ====================================================
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 d20-1=1 ; Friday March 8th, 2013 10:09:34 AM
Spire's eyes go wide as Annori taps his coin purse, but keeps his lips shut. As the guards walk off with him, the elf lets out a huge breath he had been holding in, immediately setting to the task of arranging the dead in a more dignified manner. He leaves the actual carrying to the stronger folk in his group. Soon after dealing with the corpses, the elf runs to the edge of the ship and can be heard noisily vacating his stomach. (Con check for flavour: 1)
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 Friday March 8th, 2013 8:35:08 PM
Yel'kno looks slightly confused at the mention of so many Captains... But figures he just means the ships officers. But once the guards leave he gestures to the water. "feel like seeing of you can drag up Akrim, Coer? I think your the best swimmer among us." He gives a look towards Spire. "You okay, Spire?"
Ooc: originally Yel'kno was made Captain since no one else wanted to be and everyone else kinda took an officers role. Should we consider us all Captains now? Not much different than how we had it. Just symantics.
DM RobC: Sorry, between the original docking notes and the semi-recent ownership discussions on the ship I wasn't sure whether there was 1 Captain or 6 so rather than unintentionally offend someone through omission I went the other way and assumed everyone a Captain (which admittedly seemed weird, but hey, whatever works for you). If everyone is still in agreement with one Captain that's fine, otherwise happy if you all want to discuss it via email and let me know your alternative and how you want to proceed, then that's fine too :) Cheers!
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 31/47 d20+8=16 ; d20+9=28 ; Friday March 8th, 2013 11:54:30 PM Six captains? Unusual, but It could be done... Muses Coer as he removes his backpack and weapons. With a beautiful swan dive he leaps off the deck of the Lionfish and into the water in search of the Late Captain Akrim.
As he swims his mind turns the guards words "the now Captain Kito"
~~~ ooc: swim check: 16 Perception: 28
Co-DM Rob - If you can't beat 'em, bribe 'em! Saturday March 9th, 2013 6:35:31 AM DM RobC: The Wold standard is for Saturday and Sunday to be a continuation of Friday, so any non-posters will have a bit more time to come to the party :)
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 2/13 Saturday March 9th, 2013 4:39:33 PM
OOC :: I have no problem with Yel'Kno remaining Captain and Coer as First Mate. :)
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/32 (1 constitution damage, 4 temp char points ) d20+7=17 ; Saturday March 9th, 2013 8:44:23 PM
Jozhur looks to the doors leading below deck, then back to the guards. Perhaps another time, he says to himself.
Once the guards leave the area, Jozhur jumps in the water after Coer to help retrieve Akrim's body. Should they fail to bring him to the surface, he will leave the deceased captain naked on the seafloor.
Jozhur really shouldn't have the title of Captain, he's just a novice sailor. I'm fine with the way things are ran now. Somebody has to be in charge, eh?
Co-DM Rob - Forwards Summersault with a Twist Monday March 11th, 2013 7:44:56 AM Spire catches on to Annoir's plan and leaves him to deal with the officer in charge. Spire instead 'aids' in arranging the fallen in a dignified way.
Yel'kno asks if anyone feels like a dip in the water to see whether they can find Akrim. Coer and Jozhur take up this particular challenge and both dive into the water with quite a loud *SPLASH*
The water near the surface is easy enough to see through thanks to lit torches by the surface, but after a few feet the light fails to penetrate the depths. The two search a 10ft square immediately beneath where Akrim was last seen, but are unable to find any sign of a corpse yet.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 Monday March 11th, 2013 1:37:45 PM
When his companions dive in and are then lost from sight as they go beneath the waves, Yel'kno belatedly thinks that light would be a good idea. So he Lights up a dagger, waits for one of his companions to surface and then hands it off. Once that's done he moves finish arrange (looting) the bodies and seeing them off.
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Monday March 11th, 2013 5:20:31 PM
Kerg helps with moving the dead bodies, strapping young half-man that he is. After hearing from one of the others that he was mistaken for a captain he spends most of the time imagining himself with a feathery hat.
OOC: Sorry for the non-posting, moving has made this week kind of hellish.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 31/47 d20+8=23 ; d20+9=21 ; Monday March 11th, 2013 6:43:32 PM
As Coer surfaces empty handed he curses the darkness. Luckily Yel'kno hands him a glowing dagger and he dives under the water again, hopefully an opportunistic shark has not dragged the corpse away.
If he finds Akrim he will drag the body up and assist with moving the bodies. If he does not find the body he will not look again.
~~~ Swim: 23 perception: 21
Rafe Thornhill 4/25HP | AC15/15/11 | CMD 14 Monday March 11th, 2013 8:13:03 PM "Is it alright if I use the wand one more time, still feeling a little groggy."
If no one minds, Rafe will heal himself one more time.
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/36 d20+7=17 ; d20+5=7 ; Monday March 11th, 2013 10:40:37 PM
Jozhur dives back down with Coer to search the seafloor once again, but the huge Taur seems to be blocking all the light from the little dagger.
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 9/13 Tuesday March 12th, 2013 12:35:10 AM
When he is finished retching over the side of the boat, Spire straightens up, brushing himself off and using Prestidigitation to clean himself up. He hesitantly steps forward, giving the bodies a wide berth and avoiding looking at them. He casts Dancing Lights, lighting up the deck of the Lionfish.
Co-DM Rob - Busted... Tuesday March 12th, 2013 8:27:19 AM Kerg pictures himself a captain. Maybe one day perhaps. 'Captain Kerg of the High Seas' does have a nice sound to it.
Spire lights up the deck of the Lionfish after cleaning himself up first, of course.
Rafe quietly asks for permission to heal himself one more time. His wounds are still fresh and deep. Not the sort you would want to leave untreated for too long. Where's a cleric when you need one?
Yel'kno provides some much needed light to the swimmers, handing off a dagger and watching them dive back down again.
Coer and Jozhur look about, but between the water, darkness (albeit not as dark thanks to the dagger) and all the other sea garbage at the bottom, Akrim's body still cannot be seen. The two return to the surface empty handed.
Between the sounds of the splash made by the taur's enty to the water and now the glowing deck, the guards are well and truly alerted to something going on. A group rush up from the south "So when I said confined to ship you two took it to mean you were free to go for a swim? Right, you and you - " the lead guard says pointing at Coer and Jozhur" - you two are coming with me." He waits patiently for the two simmers to get out of the water. Two guards are placed by the gangplank to the ship, the remaining 4 wait with their boss.
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 Tuesday March 12th, 2013 9:07:14 AM
"Excuse me, but we were told to send the bodies back and there is one down there that they're trying to retrieve. We will leave it if that is your wish, but they were only following your previous request." Yel'kno says to the guards when they accost Coer and Johzur.
(Brock) Jozhur AC18/14/13--CMD 16--HP 25/36 d20+9=29 ; Tuesday March 12th, 2013 10:13:07 AM "Yes, we were only trying to recover one of the bodies. If you wish for us to leave him, I suppose the sea is an appropriate burial place for the captain."
He takes a moment to stash a lock pick in a hidden pocket while he has the water to conceal his movements, just in case.
------------------------ Sleight of hand: 29
Yel'kno (Jon) AC 19/14/15 CMD 17 HP 31/31 Tuesday March 12th, 2013 10:22:29 AM
Yel'kno also hands the wand of band aids off to Rafe to UMDbto his hearts content.
(Philip) Kerg Halg AC 14 - CMD 19 - HP 21/38 | Mohan (Tiger) AC 15/15/11 HP 7/13 Tuesday March 12th, 2013 3:30:03 PM
Once the work is done Kerg goes back to sleep. If they are going to be kept on the ship he might as well make use of the time.
(Mark) Coerator AC17/16/14 -- CMD 20 -- HP 31/47 Tuesday March 12th, 2013 10:57:10 PM "Let the fish have him then, by order of the harbor guard" says Coer loudly as he climbs on the dock.
Spirysn'rar Kilarn (Ian) AC 12/12/10 - CMD 14 - HP 9/13 d20+1=8 ; Wednesday March 13th, 2013 12:56:42 AM
Spire stands near the railing of the Lionfish, looking worridly between the guards and his friends. "Please, gentlemen, they were simply fetching a body that fell into the water. I count myself as a follower of Gargul and I would loath to see the dead dishonoured in such a manner. We simply wish to treat them with as much respect as possible." (Diplomacy: 8)