"Crescent Valley! Humble's Ford! Humble's Sword!"The entanglement spell should expire by the end of this round.
"Crescent Valley! Humble's Ford! Humble's Sword!"He hands off the flag to whoever else would like to wave it as well.
"I've got more. Give me a few minutes. And if you think it needs fixin', well, just say so."The Annual Crescent Valley Competition (Part the First)
by Murphy
Well, Mayor Bingo Bumbleluck had given us the plan
Of one long day of scavenging and scouting out the land
So dug we in the sandy mine and pluckéd forth a nugget
Of gold it was with 10 straight sides and mulberry upon it
From Buddy's Falls and Hovel too were teams that joined the fray
From Plateau City Scalzo's Fury just seemed to lose their way
The Baron's Best of Angel Springs came armed for bear and more
The Waterbugs from the same place just went from door to door
By end of day, now each can say
In Crescent Valley many are good
In Humble's Ford there is no doubt
The best, by far, is Humble's Sword
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