Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Saturday July 19th, 2014 5:49:23 PM "Just don't try anything funny or we will be forced to do something not nice. My fiancee would like it better if we avoid blood and hurt in this matter. Hand over your weapons and let's go back to the house, you got some explaining and apologizing to do..." Hazel gets to the bandit and escorts him back to the house...
The great white owl settles in the branches of the nearest tree, observing Carsys's surrender, and Hazel taking her into custody, with nimble Bliss near her, as well. The great bird turns his head, looking about, here, there, listening, discerning if there be others about.
A mouse. He hears then sees the critter moving about fifteen feet from the trunk of the tree, until its wee body is obscured by a small plant. "Whooo," he says in a fine owlish alto. As he is not particularly hungry at the moment, he leaves the little critter be.
He remains in the tree, keeping an eye on things, until he is certain that the three are headed back to the burrow mansion.
[Perception: 22]
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Monday July 21st, 2014 12:12:35 PM
The fleeing enemy surrenders at last. "That's for the best, Miss," says Bliss to Carsys. "I'm sorry I shot you."
Mookie lands nearby. Bliss recasts his Reduce as he waits for the entangles to end and Hazel to take Carsys captive. He keeps his bah ready in case she makes a break for it.
He looks up at the Snowy Owl. "Mister Murphy? Is that you? Wowsy, that's a swell trick!"
The tiny halfling looks from Murphy to Mookie and back. He realizes that Murphy cannot speak in common.
"Mookie, Mookie, talk to Mister Murphy there! Tell him I think changing into an owl is a good trick!"
Mookie cocks his head and stares at Bliss with one eye. "Okay, Kid," he deadpans.
In common, he caws at the owl, "Hey! Hedwig! The Kid likes your polyjuice trick!"
As Bliss addresses him, the owl cocks his head slightly. Then when Mookie 'translates' Bliss's message, Murphy the owl bobs his head twice, then, almost as laughter, says "Who-who-who-who."
DM Steven: "Who-who-who-who." Monday July 21st, 2014 5:42:15 PM
(OoC DM Steven - Combat rounds are over)
Shel continues to tonguelash Zanven while she drives him back to the window... all the time she can hear him whine underneath his hood. Once he is about to hit is head Shel leads him through the window and into the dining room.
Miss Crystal BadApple is helped back on her feet by Alleah's magic. She nods to Alleah in thanks...
Hazel and Bliss concentrate on Carsys. Already Hazel makes it crystal clear to Carsys that she will have a lot of explaining to do. Bliss though get's distracted by the Owl Muphy shape changed into. Too bad though that Murphy cant speak in shape nor can his friends freely talk 'Owlish'
After a while you have succesfully captured both rogues and escorted them back into the Dinving room. Crystal looks pretty ok thanks to Alleah's healing. Crystal goes to sit again and holds a chair next to her available for Alouryn.
Mayor Bumbleluck is most pleased that both rogies have been apprehended. "Now let's see if we can make them squeel... " Ialgold remains quite calm yet seems to enjoye what is unfolding.
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 d20+9=12 ; Monday July 21st, 2014 8:05:21 PM
Shel starts cross examining Zanven after softening him up. "Now Zanven, if you know what's good for you, you are going to start singing like a canary. I'll punch your face off if you don't tell me who sent you, and what you two are doing here. If you cooperate, we might go easy on you. If you don't, it's a face full of punches for you."
OOc: dice roller hates Shel. Intimidate 12.
Murphy Bumblebee Leafwin Pipewood AC 16/14/14 HP 32/32 (Kim McCoy) d20+13=15 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+13=32 ; Monday July 21st, 2014 10:09:12 PM
Once Bliss and Hazel begin to escort Carsys back to the house, Murphy launches himself from the branch and takes wing to the sky, flying up to a hundred or so feet above the village. He exults in flight, and thrills to be able to look down upon Humble's Ford. In nearby buildings, some are darkened, some homes and a few burrows show light through the windows. Is that a dim in the upper floor of the General Store where Pirnook Deeppockets lives? Much more light comes through the windows of the Belly Buster. [Perception 15]
He swoops back down to the far side of the Mayor's dwelling. He checks to see whether the man he saw at the entrance is still around, or whether Edric's attempts to rouse the town guard headed by Rosco Hornblower Highlight to display spoiler: {(or Garret Ostgood? - Woldipedia says Rosco, this page says Garret)} have borne fruit. [Perception 14 - nat 1] He tries to find a spot where no one appears to be watching, and, once on the ground, transforms back into his normal halfling self. "Praise to the maker of the heavens!" he cannot help but exclaim following his short visit into another shape.
He runs around to the front door, knocks thereon, enters if someone opens it, or tries to open should no one get it for him. If he gets in that way, once he arrives at the dining room door, he knocks, finding the door not opening as before. "It's me, Murphy. Can someone open up?" [Perception 32 to hear what may be going on beyond the blockaded doors]
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 d6=6 ; d20+10=23 ; d20+10=27 ; Monday July 21st, 2014 11:26:51 PM
With everyone together again, Alleah now unleashes one of her energy channels to heal Crystal - as well as the rogues (Everyone is healed for 6pt. Her previous spells were to fix Crystal's clothing)
She then takes her second set of manacles from her pack and proceeds to 'cuff' the two attackers together. (Masterwork Manacles with Superior Lock. DC40 to pick/unlock. DC35 to Escape. DC28 to break. Sized Small. Not fluffy.)
When done, and not sure if anyone else has, Alleah pats the two down to check for anything of interest (Perception 23 on one, 27 on the other)
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 2:16:55 AM
At hearing Murphy Hazel go and open the door for him, getting the keys or removing whatever is needed. "Hi friend! Where were you?"
"Thanks! Off enjoying a good second dessert at the Belly Buster, buddy," Murphy answers Hazel with a big grin. After a beat, he says, "Just kidding! No, really, was out helping to catch these two - though you and Bliss and Mookie and I think Fatine from a distance did the lion's share on bringing her back."
He looks around the room. "Would someone like to catch me up on what happened in here, since I took the long way around?"
[Murphy is unaware of the threat to turn over the Temple of Flower to the followers of Floy, or of just what the two people he helped capture did, precisely, though he knows about their breaking the window and causing two lovely clerics of Flower to scream in alarm.]
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) d100=15 ; Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 11:09:24 AM
Bliss is super curious about Zanven and Carsys. Who are they? What was happening when his new squad came upon them? Are they thieves? Murderers? He whispers these questions to Alleah.
Bliss does not want to interfere with the talking to the prisoners. Honestly, hearing Shel threaten to punch Zanven in the face makes Bliss nervous and worried. She wouldn't really do that, would he?
Maybe Bliss can help get some answers. He casts Detect Thoughts, a first level witch spell. The spell will tell him "Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each," And if they fail the DC13 Will save, he can read surface thoughts too.
Bliss is always casting his Reduce spell as a regular thing; he figures no one will notice him casting this. And if they do, that's okay, right?
Bliss casts his Detect Thoughts: Ley Line check 15 - A-OK. Zanven and Carsys have to save to avoid having their thoughts read. If it does not work, he can even try again!
DM Steven: "You take'm to prison..." d20+1=21 d20+1=11 Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 5:37:13 PM
Shel is really threatening Zanven now which makes Bliss quite nervous... doesn't mean what she's saying right?!? Zanven however isn't intimidated by Shel at all (Intimidate DC on Zanven is 14).
After having repaired and cleaned Crystal's clothes, Alleag now also tends to her wounds. The Cleric of Flower is most thankful and smiles. She looks at Zanven and Carsys not revealing anything in her eyes though... Alleah then takes her second pair of manacles - ah a lady can never have enough of those in her backpack now can she... - and 'cuffs' the two attackers together.
Carsys: "I told you to run... why didn't you just listen?!?"
Zanven: "They immobilized me!! I just couldn't! It's you who shouldn't have ran away immediately... if we would have sticked togther... ah bah... this is all your fault... I knew we shouldn't have taken that con... "
Carsys: "Shut up you fool... "
Meanwhile Alleah is checking Zanven and Carsys for their belongings or things of intrest...
List of belongings: - 2 x Potion of Cure Light Wounds - 2 x empty potion vial (Detect Magic DC17 to identify the potion that was used) - 2 short swords - 1 x thieves' tools - both wear Masterwork Studded Leather - 50gp on Carsys
Outside Murphy has been enjoying the thrills of flying in his newly adopted Owl shape. From above Humble's Ford he's greatly enjoying the view. Apparently no one in this sleepy town has noticed anything from this sneak attack. He sees the head of the Town's Guard approaching the Humble's Burrow but there's no sign of Edric... (will tackle his name later as there are some discrepancies between the name used in the last module and the name from the Game Bible)
Once he has seen enough Murphy sweeps down to the Mayor's Burrow and changes back to his Halfling form... "Praise to the maker of the heavens!" He knocks on the front door... a scared servant opens it... "We heard fighting inside!! Now it's quite but we do hear people talking... somehow we can't get in. So Murphy simply knocks on the door...
Hazel hears the druid on the other side of the door... with the ok of Alleah he removes the manacles allowing Murphy to enter the Dining room.
Immediately when Murphy enters he sees the manacles Hazel holds... he spots two pitons knocked under both side doors (creating a crack in the delicate wood structures). He sees Alouryng and Crystal softly whisper to eachother and sees Iangold and the mayor also discuss a few things... As he walks into the room the Mayor suddenly follows one of his servants to the front door.
Having a hard time concealing his curiosity Bliss whispers several things to Alleah... Who are they?!? He does try to read their mind...
Carsys will save 21 / intelligence score 10 Zanven will save 11 / intelligence score 10
Bliss fails to read Carsys' mind but he does catch a glimps of Zanven's...
"...I knew we should not have take that contract..." "... you can threaten me all you want lass... you're bluffing..." "...Would that guy still be at the Dancing Pig... what will he say if he hears we failed..." "... we should have stayed in Angel's Spring..." "... why is that tiny one staring at me like that?!?... "
"You take'm to prison..." you hear the mayor say as he speaks to the town's guard at the front door... time to get your answers!
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 7:05:19 PM
Still reading Zanven's mind, Bliss steps up. "We know about that guy at the Dancing Pig, Zanven!" says Bliss. "So picture him when he finds out you have failed. How will he look? Do you think he'll be smiling? Do you imagine him with a happy grin? Or do you think he'll have some other expression? We can protect you two from him, if you cooperate. What were the terms of that contract you agreed to?"
[OOC: No need for a bluff check, because Bliss is not bluffing. All he wants is to get a mental image of the one who hired these two, so that Bliss will maybe know him when he sees him.]
As soon as Bliss gets his mind-picture (if he does), then he says to all his friends, "I read that one's thoughts! It was neat! These two were hired by a guy at the Dancing Pig! They had a contract and everything. I know what he looks like! If we rush over there now we still might catch him."
"One or two of us could go in disguise as Carsys and Zanven! We could even wear their gear and clothes, and use magic for the disguise. How's that?"
"Come on! Let's go!"
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 7:34:03 PM "Lets not waste time with disguises, if the guy behind this is still there! we need to run there as soon as possible! Murphy, can you turn into something that can get to the Pig quickly? Neat trick, too. I'd love to be able to turn into some neat animal! But, the Pig....we need to get there ASAP!"
Fatine Tuesday July 22nd, 2014 10:42:13 PM
Ohh! Ohh! I wanna be dat one!" Fatine says with a giggle, pointing at Carsys. "You tink I gots dee right hair for it?"
She walks the room, retrieving her bundle of twigs and her blackened skull, packing them into her bag. Then she walks over to Zanven and plucks several hairs from his head. "I bet dese be good for a spell or two." she mumbles, tucking the hairs into a pouch on her belt.
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 12:20:45 AM
Hazel quickly grab one of the bandits short sword, and start for the door. "The Pig is it! Let's get the guy behind this. Alouryn, please take care of this two in our absence, and protect the Mayor." He will run with the others to the Dancing Pig.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 d100=100 ; Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 12:26:22 AM
Alleah casts her Detect Magic cantrip and examines the empty vials (Leyline check: D100=100! What a waste of roll to use on a cantrip. Take 10 on Spellcraft gives her a 17 on her check to identify what was in the vials)
"We could use this opportunity for misinformation. Spread a rumour that Ms BadApple was slain by these villains. That may keep her safe for a while if she was indeed their target."
"Are we sure there are only two of them? We don't know why they were here in the first place, and all of us leaving could leave the mayor, or his guests, open to another attack. That's if their goal was to attack in the first place. Perhaps they were here to steal something?"
"There are too many unknown. We need more information before all rushing off. I am happy to stay here and keep an eye on things if required, of perhaps, help with any interrogation at the prison?"
Murphy Bumblebee Leafwin Pipewood What was said; what happened? AC 16/14/14 HP 32/32 (Kim McCoy) Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 4:48:42 AM
Murphy answers, "I think running on my two legs may do the trick. We're not that far from the Dancing Pig, Shel." He approaches Crystal and Alouryn, and quietly says, "I have two questions - please answer both, if you can. First, what did the mayor want to talk about with you? Second, What did these two rogues do and say when they broke in?"
After he gets a response from them, he asks Iangold Laughshield, again, quietly, "What did you see these two do and say when they broke in?"
It's not that he has no interest in pursuing Bliss's sterling lead - but he feels a need to find out what happened since he and the rest of the group went to the library. Once he knows, he may be willing to head off in the direction Bliss & Shel indicate. Or he may have a few questions for the prisoners prior to leaving... and the town guard may be at the door about to come in for an arrest. There is not much time to gather information here.
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 10:44:13 AM
While Murphy investigates in the Mayor home, Hazel will go to the Dancing Pig... No time to lose...
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 10:57:24 AM OOC: Shel follows Hazel, assuming Bliss can give them any information on who they might be looking for. If Bliss continues to focus on questioning, she will wait as she doesn't know for whom to be searching.
DM Steven: "You take'm to prison..." Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 6:33:23 PM
As Bliss says to Zanven that the group knows about the guy at the Dancing Pig, the rogue does look a bit surprised. Keeping a hold of Zanven's mind Bliss does see a blurry image of someone... the figure is in a dark grey cloak, a hood covering most of his face. The man... woman??... is completely unrecognisable...
"I don't know him..." Zanven stammers
"Shut up you!" Carsys shouts
"You then say something to get us out of here" Zanven shouts back at Carsys...
The moment Bliss suggest leaving the two incapable rogues behind and go for the Dancing Pig, Shel, Fatine and Hazel all feel compelled to go see if this hooded one is still there...
Alleah thinks differently... she inspecs the emtpy vials and is able to identify them as being Potions of Invisibility! Looks like both Zanven and Carsys drank such a potion. Furthermore alleah warns her friends that it would be too dangerous to leaving the rogues.
Murphy too would like to gain some more information before going to the Dancing Pig... First he questions Alouryn and Crystal.
"The Mayor was considering to lease the Temple of Flower to an emmisionary from Ffloy... him being Iangold Laughshield! Crystal or me would be dispatched to a small house at the edge of town... Perhaps the mayor will explain this further?" Alouryn and Crystal say.
"Secondly there suddenly was a light yet not unpleasant breeze that had opended the double doors that lead towards the garden. And then suddenly as if they were invisible Carsys was standing before me"
The young druid asks the same to Iangold Laughshield who confirms the story of the open swinging windows and than suddenly the appearance of the two assassings...weapons drawn and striking without hesitation...
Hazel and Shel do think all this is taking way to long and they head out to the Dancing Pig straight away.
Roscoe Hornblower, head of the town guard, and his men surround the rogues ready to take thiem to prison.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 7:41:58 PM "Could I get those manacles back now, please?" Alleah asks the guard. Normally she'd just take them back herself, but this looks like the time for manners.
She then does the rounds of the room, taking her pitons and other set of manacles and stowing them away in her kit. As she does so she casts a Mending cantrip on each of the doors to completely repair any signs of damage. That should put her back in the good books with the Mayor.
"Invisibility potions" she advises the group on the contents of the vials. "There could well be others about. Perhaps now is the time to check on the rest of the staff to see if they have noticed any disturbances?"
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 7:58:08 PM "Look for some guy in a hood," Shel yells at Hazel, making sure he heard what description Bliss was able to garner from his magic. "We'd best be prepared for trouble if he's contracting with assassins to kill our friends. We will have to drag him out of there, if we find him!"
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 d20+11=26 ; Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 11:11:34 PM "Guy in a hood, dangerous. Got it!" He will enter the Dancing Pig as if nothing has happened, and look around for an stranger... a suspicious stranger. If he doesn't see anything, he will go to the owner and quietly ask him about the "cloaked stranger". Perception Roll: 26
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 11:57:51 PM
Bliss goes with the folks headed to the tavern to apprehend the boss behind the miscreants.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Thursday July 24th, 2014 12:18:43 AM
Alleah isn't ready to leave the Mayor's house just yet. There is still the question as to whether the staff are all safe and accounted for. Well, that and rich people have been known to be very grateful to their saviours.
It also couldn't hurt to be seen in a good light by the Mayor. You never know when a favour might be needed in the future.
Fatine d20+6=9 ; Thursday July 24th, 2014 10:25:30 AM
Fatine tags along with Hazel and Shel toward the Dancing Pig. Though, when they get there, she doesn't seem to be much help, just mumbling to herself a bit and looking around vacantly.
perception 9
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Thursday July 24th, 2014 11:25:05 AM
"Miss Alleah, come on! The bad guy might get away!"
If Bliss convinces Alleah to come to the tavern, great.
If she is resolved to stay, Bliss says to Mookie -- "Mookie, please stay here with Alleah, and if she gets in big trouble, let me know, please."
Mookie caws, "Jeezum Crow, Kid, what, you should take me for a babysitter? Why should I stay with whatsername here?"
"Because she is nice? In case there is trouble? Mookie, come on!"
"Okay, okay already."
Mookie flits to the bust of Pantheon above the chamber door and sits sulkily.
Murphy (Kim) Thursday July 24th, 2014 3:51:13 PM
Though doubtless there may be more to be gained by remaining at the Bumbleluck estate for further inquiries, and to see how the post-arrest arrest goes, Murphy decides that Bliss and others are right in making haste to see whether the one who hired the rogues might be found. He asks Alouryn and Crystal if they wish to come. If so, he escorts them briskly to the dance hall - Iangold is welcome to come along as well, and Alleah can make up her mind. If none others join
... aargh - lost a huge chunk of text. More in a bit
DM Steven: A Temple for Love or for Gold... Thursday July 24th, 2014 6:42:29 PM
After Alleah has recovered her Manacles and removed all pitons from underneath the doors (repairing them in the process much to the mayor's happiness) she thouroughly inspects the potions which turn out to be Invisibility Potions. It does rouse Alleah's suspicion that there might be more in or around the house!
Hazel, Shel, Bliss, Fatine and Murphy consider it's best to run of to the Dancing Pig to find out if this hooded figure is still there... the group so leaves Alleah behind. Bliss has asked Mookie to stick with Alleah so the raven can warn the group should things go wrong. Iangold does not follow the group to the Dancing Pig.
Back at the house... Iangold, Crystal and Alouryn start talking again. Alleah is invited around the table also.
It seems the mayor is faced with a dilemma. Have the Temple stay with the Clerics of Flower, who sadly enough haven't actually done all that much for the little town to grow, or rent out the place to the followers of Ffloy with a chance for the town to grow much faster through trade... A Temple for Love or for Gold...
Now that rest has been restored to the Mayor speaks up again...
"Clearly Humble's Ford needs a stronger Town Guard, but that is beyond the scope of Humble's Ford's current budget. Hovel, the second largest town in the Crescent Valley is able to uphold a find guard! Things like this would never have happened there.
Iangold, " the Mayor says, "With the lease of the Temple to the followers of Flloy and with the increased trade income that you promised we will be able to do this..."
Immediately Crystal and Alouryng start complaining but the mayor raises his hand and continues "Now that the Temple is without a Priestess, the High Priestess of Flower has requested me to leave the temple in your capable hands... yet you two are young and inexperienced... "
Iangold of course chimes in supporting the claim that Ffloy would definitely help the Humbles Ford to grow... then it would have a fine Town Guard... even dressed in uniforms!... and that Humbles Ford would grow to become perhaps the second largest town in the Valley, instead of Hovel!
"And you Mr. Mayor will become a renowned noble in the Crescent Valley and even outside of the Valley people will hear how he put Humbles Ford on the map."
Since no one is further interrogating the two rogues Roscoe Hornblower decides to take them to prison.
"Names? And where do you come from?" Roscoe asks calmly...
"Carsys Hollysharp and Zanven Silentall... from Angel's Spring..." Carsys says.
In the Dancing Pig... the rest of the group scans the pub for sight of a hooded figure... There's no one quite like the description that was given by Bliss... The Barkeeper looks with an ice cold face abd barks: What do you want? Do ya wanna drink or do ya wanna waste my time? What is it you Busters need from us?"
Seems rivalry between the Belly Buster and the Dancing Pig again is at its highest... The Humble's Sword are somewhat more attuned to the Belly Buster so you do not seem to be very welcome here...
Perception checks please
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 d20+3=7 ; Thursday July 24th, 2014 8:53:15 PM OOC: stop me if you've heard this, but the dice roller hates Shel. Perception 7.
Shel keeps quiet, knowing that Shel's Squash with Browned Butter and Sage dish over at the Belly Buster is part of the reason the barkeep is being so standoffish. She continues to walk around the perimeter of the bar while the others talk to the bar worker. Unfortunately, she gets a bit distracted by the delicious smells, and ends up looking at the tasty looking food more than for the hooded conspirator.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Thursday July 24th, 2014 9:40:35 PM
Alleah has a quiet word with one of the house staff. The first thing she wants to determine is whether there has been any other disturbances in the house. Best make sure everyone is accounted for.
She has nothing to add to the conversations the mayor is having. Politics isn't her strong point. Having a temple dedicated to Ffloy does make sense to her though. By all account it would help trade in the region.
"With your permission, Mr Mayor, I would like to walk around the outskirts of your house. Just to check that there are no other signs of forced entry. You should be safe now while the guards are here." Alleah gives a respectful nod to the mayor. "And, uh, may I take a small piece of cake with me please? All this excitement has made me a little hungry"
Halflings will be halflings!
"C'mon Mookie"
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 d20+11=22 ; Friday July 25th, 2014 12:08:11 AM Perception Roll: 22 I want to say Hazel has never even been at the Belly Buster. He is a Dancing Pigger all the way. "Hi! Have you seen somebody strange? All covered and mysterious? With a hood covering his head?"
Fatine d20+4=20 ; d20+6=16 ; Friday July 25th, 2014 11:52:20 AM
Fatine, being relatively new to town and not having established herself as a devoted patron to any pub, decides to speak up.
"Hello, Mr. Bartender. Ol' Fatine here be a bit new to dis town, and dis here looks like a nice ol' place. Maybe I could have me one o' dem dere mugs o' ale? An please, we'd be lovin' your help if you could show us dee man we be lookin' for?"
diplomacy roll 20
Fatine grabs her mug of ale and takes a nice, long drink. "Aaaaahhhh! Dat hits dee spot reeeaaaalll nice," she sighs, wiping the foam from her mouth. She takes a look around the pub.
[/i]perception roll 16[/i]
Murphy (Kim) d20+13=24 ; d20+13=14 ; Friday July 25th, 2014 12:17:13 PM What got inadvertently deleted from my previous post during awkward use of cellphone on-screen keyboard:
If none others join... [and now the part I lost] then he plans to go to the Dancing Pig by himself, looking about the grounds to see if there is anyone is leaving - then seeking to get a good look at them.
Just before he departs, though, Murphy says to the Mayor, "Your honor, just yesterday we spoke of honoring the memory of Sarabella Lovesong, in front of the gathered people of Humble's Ford. I do not know if I can lend credence to my ears to learn that you, as mayor of our community, think that this grants you the right or privilege to sell a church of one goddess to followers of another god.
"Surely, the followers of Floy can construct their own edifice. I support prosperity for our little town. I do not support maltreatment of nor disrespect for the followers and worshippers of Flower, however, by any means. I welcome followers of Floy - so long as they do not trample upon the followers of Flower. There are many smart and astute people among them - let them determine a way to build with respect, and I shall support them. In our community let them complement, rather than compete with, devotion to Flower.
"I'm sorry, but I must help my friends to find whoever hired these two intruders - and let us discuss alternatives to the proposal later."
With apologies for not continuing the conversation immediately, he departs, and looks around the outside of the Dancing Pig.
[Perception 24]
Today's post. He continues to observe. Though the Humble's Barrow intruders mentioned a hooded person, Murphy will not limit his observations to those wearing a hood.
If people he see leaving are those he knows well as members of the community, he will note that, but not pursue - unless they are associates of Genokal MoonWhisper, as he has found his ilk to be other than trustworthy.
Meanwhile, he wonders whether the hooded figure is the same as, or associated with, whoever organized the murder of Sarabella.
For a while, on first arriving, he had been reasonably observant, but, distracted by his thoughts, he may miss others who exit unless they bump into him. [Perception: 14 - nat 1]
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) d20+14=34 ; Friday July 25th, 2014 2:35:06 PM
Bliss ignores the talky-talk and just opens his eyes. He is the one who saw the bad guy. He should be the one looking for him.
He swallows his three "Squinkey's Skill Pills" he got at the Yule Party in the Giggling Ghost. Then he looks around for the bad guy.
OMG! Nat 20! a 34! Best Roll Ever!
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Friday July 25th, 2014 2:36:20 PM
Mookie hops on Alleah's shoulder. "Lead on, MacDuff," he says.
DM Steven: A Temple for Love or for Gold... Friday July 25th, 2014 6:34:11 PM
Prior to Murphy's departure from the Mayor's house he berates the mayor in the decisions he has taken...
"My dear lad... if there is one man in this town who realy loved Sarabella Lovesong it must have been me. There is nothing I would do that would dishonor the memory of my dear friend Sarabella. However, the temple is owned by the town and while I'm chosen by the town to do what is best for the town. I have decided that giving the temple to the followers of Ffloy for the time being is just 'Good business' and a way to make this sleepy town prosper."
Clearly the Mayor has made a decision and he's not goign to reconsider...
When Alleah asks the Mayor if it would be allowed for her to walk around the house just to check that everything is secure he nods. "Please do indeed check on the house and feel free to take whatever cake it is you fancy. The interrupted dinner has left us with much still...
Iangold says goodbey to the Mayor, Crystal and Alouryn and Alleah. Crystal too leaves for home. Alouryn stays behind with Alleah and helps to walk the perimiter.
Back in the Dancing Pig Shel, Hazel, Fatine, Bliss and Murphy are checking for the appearance of this hooded figure. Shel's Squash with Browned Butter has been a succes at the Belly Buster and it still is. Hazel though feels more at home at the Dancing Pig it seems...
The bar tender observes you... he huddles you all together at the bar. Even though Fatine and Bliss have never been in this establishment already they seem to know you're with the Humble's Sword.
"Lemmie tell ya'all som'thin... you're either a Pits or a Buster... we ain't want to have Busters around here and Pit sure aren't welcome back at the Belly Buster..." while he says that he spits on the ground.
(OoC: there has been a rivalry between the two bars for what seems to be eternal already. The group would do good to make a choice at some point... either you are Pits (Dancing Pig) or Busters (Belly Buster). Pleasers are those who have chosen neither bar... When you chose sides, you will gain more information and support at the bar you have alligned with. The other bar will become 'less friendly'. Pleasers will be frowned upon by the whole community.)
You all do good efforts to find the one who hired Zanven and Carsys but to no avail. He/she realy isn't there...
OoC: As of next week DM Jon will post for the next module (waving to Jon!!)
Module rewards: everyone gets 1000Xp + the loot you grabbed from Zanven and Carsys.
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Friday July 25th, 2014 7:45:39 PM "Well, what do we do now? This dirty schemer has snuck out of here on us. And it doesn't seem we are welcome here, not that I mind much, I've always fancied the Buster anyway. That big dummy keeps spitting...and that's not very inviting! Hazel, do you want us to head back and check on Alouryn? We probably need to find out everything that happened that we might have missed during the fight.". Shel was looking around for an exit, not wanting to spend any more time here than absolutely necessary.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Saturday July 26th, 2014 12:07:48 AM "Mr Mayor, Mr Iangold, Ms BadApple" the young halfling girl says with an awkward curtsey "It has been a pleasure". With that she leaves them to their discussions, and closes the door behind her.
Now alone in the dining room, Alleah takes up the Mayor's kind offer of some food and helps herself to an apple. "Hmm... those cream buns probably won't last for very long. It's doubtful they would just be thrown in the bin. And if someone was to eat something with bad cream in it could make them quite ill. I would be doing them a service to see that that didn't happen."
With that justification in her mind, Alleah helps herself to a few cream buns. And some muesli slice. And some thick slices of chocolate cake. And a stack of biscuits. It would probably be the height of rudeness to 'borrow' a plate from the mayor, so she stuffs each item into the bag-of-holding at her waist before making a hasty exit.
Walking around the outside of the Mayor's house, Alleah engages Mookie in a rather boring game of Eye-Spy ("Something beginning with D? Darkness") before feeling comfortable enough to speak with Alouryn about her upcoming nuptials.
If the excursion proves uneventful, she will head back to the Dancing Pig to await the others.
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Saturday July 26th, 2014 9:16:10 AM That is easy; Hazel is a Dancing Pig regular. No that it seems the night festivities are over Hazel excuses himself and goes back looking for Alouryn.
Murphy (Kim McCoy) Monday July 28th, 2014 11:18:18 AM
Murphy heads in to the Dancing Pig after not finding anyone particularly suspicious outside.
"Friends, you may recall that a few generations ago, Flower herself visited Humble's Ford, and blessed this place. A temple was raised by our ancestors in her honor. Now someone thinks it legitimate to simply turn the temple built in her honor over to followers of another.
"I for one am happy to welcome followers of Floy - so long as they do not trample upon followers of Flower.
"I will oppose the move to usurp the congregation of Flower, for it is wrong, and wrong-headed. I will support the building of another temple to Floy, should they choose to do that. What do you all think?"
If any in the group are not clued in, he will bring them up to speed on what Mayor Bumbleluck has decided: To eject the followers of Flower from the Temple of Flower, and install followers of Floy in their place.
Murphy (Kim McCoy) Monday July 28th, 2014 12:47:49 PM
By the way, the above is addressed to the party members, not to the Dancing Pig assembly as a whole.
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Monday July 28th, 2014 2:31:33 PM "I am with you, Murphy. We won't let that happen." The he makes an apologetic face. "But how?"
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Monday July 28th, 2014 9:38:25 PM
Alleah listens to what Murphy and Hazel have to say. "I'm sorry Murphy, but after you left the Mayor continued. The High Priestess of Flower herself requested the change to the temple. If that is true, the Mayor had very little to do in the decision"
"Politics isn't my strong point, but it sounds like the man is in no position to keep the Temple dedicated to Flower. Trying to stir up trouble in town when the decision has come from somewhere else - that is, the High Priestess - could see us viewed as troublemakers and could make our relationship with the mayor difficult in the future. Besides, doesn't Flower stand for compassion and tolerance of others?"
Alleah pauses to let her words sink in.
"If you are set on having a place of worship for Flower - which strikes me as odd anyway - seems to me you need to play the game with the Ffloy followers. They like trade, profit, business, and so forth. Why not put a proposal to them to subdivide, or lease a part of the temple from them? That's if you feel the need to pay to pray, so to speak. You might find it better to develop your own dedicated temple"
All this talk of places of religion doesn't suit Alleah. For her worship of Wardd she has never needed a temple. She finds ways to follow him in her every day living.
And besides, a temple of Ffloy means more trade. More trade means more gold. More gold means more things she may find make their way into her pocket.
DM Jon Monday July 28th, 2014 9:43:12 PM
The Humble's Sword, some laden with a few extra sweet just in case, all congregate to the Dancing Pig to discuss the evenings revelation from the mayor. He seemed to truly believed ways right for the town and it truth he has every legal right to do as he said.
Hazel and Muprhy and vocal about their disapproval.
Alleah shares her conversation with the mayor and sheds further light on his motivation for the announcement.
Some of the other patrons of the Dancing Pig give the group the eye and there's more than a few mutters of Pleasers.
OOC: I think everyone is at the Dancing Pig now? If not I apologize. Feel free to discuss. Next scene starts on the next IC day
Fatine Monday July 28th, 2014 10:19:16 PM
"Now DIS be a nice pub," Fatine says appraisingly as she sits down with the others. She quickly orders herself a mug of ale and drinks it in a few gulps, asking for another.
In between sips, she feeds Crow some seeds from her pocket and giggles a bit with the bird. "No, Crow, I don' know either. . . . No, I tink dey know what dey's talkin' bout, we jus sit here an listen, yes?"
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Monday July 28th, 2014 10:42:43 PM "If Alleah is right, and the High Priestess herself requested this, she had to have her reasons. Who are we to oppose a directive from the higher up in the faith. I'm sure Alouryn wouldn't object if her higher ups feel this is in the best interests of everyone. How do we stand up and argue against that?"
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) d20+13=18 ; Tuesday July 29th, 2014 12:12:43 AM
Bliss tries to eavesdrop on conversations that might give a clue about the bad guy who hired C and Z.
Perception 18
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Tuesday July 29th, 2014 12:42:17 AM "Sarabella asked for it? Says who?" [ooc]Is Alouryn with us? Can she confirm? Who is a "pleaser"? I think all of the Humble Swords are Piggers![/ooc]
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Tuesday July 29th, 2014 1:09:33 AM "Well he didn't so much say she had asked for it. Come to think of it, I can't recall the exact words he said. But he said he had been in discussion with the High Priestess, whoever that is. Now that I think about it, I think she wanted the temple kept for Flower, but didn't have anyone senior enough to accept such a responsibility. Either way, she's aware of what's going on, as are the Ffloy followers. And the change is completely legal after all"
OOC: - Whoops! Misread an earlier post and made Alleah's actions based on that. Now to find a way to explain Alleah's actions! - Alouryn - who was present with Alleah - can corroborate everything Alleah has said - And I'm guessing since the majority of the group went to the Belly Buster first then to the Dancing Pig, you're being called Pleasers for going to both :) (Even if the 'Pig is the regular)
Murphy (Kim McCoy) d20+13=33 ; Tuesday July 29th, 2014 5:12:25 AM
Mixed in among the conversations with his friends and recent acquaintances, the druid tries to discern nearby topics of discussion which may relate to the earlier appearance of the stranger who hired the two rogues [Perception 33: Nat 20 - almost as good as Bliss!]
Responding to Alleah after her first statement, Murphy raises an eyebrow. He listens to Shel speaking in support of Alleah's assertions. He feels he must address this. "The High Priestess of Flower asked that the Mayor transfer usage of the Temple of Flower to the Temple of Floy, and to kick the priestesses out of the temple that was constructed specifically for Flower ages ago? I am sorry, Alleah, but I find it difficult to give that assertion credence. No offense - we've only just met - but I think I would need to hear that from Alouryn's lips, and perhaps Crystal's. And, Shel, do you think all this makes sense to you?"
When Hazel supposed Alleah reported that Sarabella had requested the change, Murphy comments, "I think she means the high priestess out of Angel Springs, Hazel."
Then, as Alleah temporizes a bit, Murphy cuts her some slack. "Yeah, sometimes it can be tough to nail exactly what may have been said - and I know you've just come into town. Whether the change is legal, I do not know. But as to its wisdom and prudence - in my view both are seriously lacking. Let Floy's followers build a temple for Floy, as Flower's followers did for her. Personally, as I told the mayor and his guest, I would love to see an increase in business and trade. And Floy's adherents tend to excel therein."
He takes a sip of cider. "Now, if the respective clergy of Flower and Floy wanted to have a sharing arrangement, so long as they decide, and are not forced into such by the political authorities, I would not complain."
Aside: Murphy by custom frequents the Belly Buster. He rather detests the loyalty tests of the respective pubs, however, but generally avoids getting into what he views as unproductive disputes. Both places have their charms.
At some point he quietly tells Bliss, "That is quite the gift of discernment you have there, Bliss. Perhaps we won't catch this mysterious individual tonight, but I am certainly glad that you are using your talents to help us track him down. Or her. I have a feeling that this person has been behind other untoward events in the area. Oh, and hey, the offer still stands for you and your friend, Alleah - there is room at our place if you'd like to have some great home cookin'. That goes for Fatine, too. And corvids are always welcome."
Finally, he asks Hazel, "Do you want to set a date, and time, and place for your wedding to Alouryn? You don't need to decide on this tonight - but it's something you and your love no doubt will discuss."
He speaks with Fatine directly. "If you already have a place to stay, then that's fine, but if you would like a safe place to lay your head, my family's burrow is pretty big. And, don't worry - my mother is pretty strict about matters of propriety. I offered the same to Bliss and Alleah. It also offers more privacy for sensitive conversations." Not that he is sure that Fatine is worried about sensitive conversations.
"Speaking of which," and he addresses the whole table, "we might have a place we can use for Humble's Sword business, and lodging - other than my place. Quietly, his hands at the side of his mouth to preclude lip readers from picking up his words, "Some of our main supporters during the games said they have a place we can use." Those who have been longer with the adventurers may recall that Eldon and Cora TossCobble have, at least tentatively, offered a spare burrow for the group.
"I'll see if we can talk with them about it on the morrow."
He finishes up his cider, and pushes away from the table. "Anyone who is staying at my place, I'm heading there in a few minutes. For the others - want to get together after first breakfast? I propose we meet at the locale which was discussed earlier tonight." For those who will accompany him home (I believe Hazel is staying at the Leafwin Pipewood burrow these days), he suggests they stop briefly by the Mayor's house to inform him, or his staff, that the additional suspect was not found, and to wish him and his household a good night's sleep, to see to it that Crystal and Alouryn are escorted safety to the Temple of Flower - and ensuring all is well there, then on to his place - unless a few might wish to stay at the Temple to provide security. He tells Crystal and Alouryn that they are welcome to come over for breakfast in the morning.
And, in the morning - any who have accepted his offer of hospitality will be afforded the opportunity to enjoy a fine and ample meal to open the day, cooked by his mother, assisted by a sister and brother.
Murphy (Kim McCoy) Tuesday July 29th, 2014 5:23:05 AM
Oh, and Murphy also makes certain that Shel, and anyone else not staying at the Dancing Pig, are escorted home that evening.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 d2=2 ; Tuesday July 29th, 2014 7:03:13 AM
Alleah smiles politely and nods along as Murphy lets her know his thoughts on events. She takes her eyes from him to reach into her pocket and pull out a coin, which she nonchalantly flips (d2=2. Tails)
"No offence? Need to hear it from Alouryn's lips? Why that ... Fine. You win this round, Wardd. I won't say anything"
She takes one of the pieces of chocolate cake from her kit and tucks in. Any worries she may have had melt away as the rich icing covers her mouth.
The talk of a spare burrow though does sound intriguing.
"I'd be happy to pay for my share, if we plan on staying here for a while that is Bliss. Second breakfast it is then"
Bliss (AC22, HP23) (Cayzle) Tuesday July 29th, 2014 2:10:14 PM
Bliss answers Alleah, "Well, Lord Gargul was pushing me to come here for a reason, but I don't know what the reason is yet. I don't think he wants me to move on just yet, though."
Shel Breezelee Kromnite (Gerald) HP26/26; AC 14/14/11 Tuesday July 29th, 2014 7:42:32 PM "So the High Priestess might not have recommended this? We need to find out exactly what was said, and be sure everyone is happy with the negotiations and outcome...or at least equally unhappy, that is. Perhaps some sharing arrangement could be hammered out, as Murphy suggested. But that will keep. Firstly, we need to set the Arrangements for the wedding, Hazel. After that, we can solve the rest of the town's problems," Shel shares with a weary smile.
Hazel (Bob Danderfluff LaRue) HP: 43/43 AC: 18/14/15 Tuesday July 29th, 2014 9:36:31 PM
Hazel stay quiet, his mind troubled with the idea of Alouryn losing her temple. Why don't she become the High Priestess? She don't need to remain... virgin, right? "Yes, we need to set the date, but I think we need to get the church first... by getting the intruders out." He decide to go with Murphy. He needs to give the good news to Murphy's Aunt.
RobC - Alleah Lighttouch AC 15/14/12 -- CMD 12 -- HP 26/26 Tuesday July 29th, 2014 9:51:45 PM "Since it's a legal handover, wouldn't that make you guys the intruders?" Alleah raises an eyebrow "And you know all those Ffloy folk LOVE their contracts. They'd have all sorts of clauses in place with the town. Who knows what penalties might be levied on the town, or on you, if you were to upset them."
She can see that Hazel and Murphy look set on doing 'something'. All she can do at this point is give them some guidance that will hopefully keep them from getting arrested.
"All I'm saying is that if you plan on changing it back, that you need to think about it carefully. Beat them at their own game. Try and get a copy of the contract and find gaps in it, make them a better offer. And keep in mind, they follow Ffloy. One of the 'good' guys. It's not like it's a temple for, you know, Marteus" She whispers the name of the ruler of the gods of testing.
DM Jon Wednesday July 30th, 2014 12:07:58 AM
OOC: Sorry guys, work stuff came up. I'll get the DM post out as soon as I can in the morning, but right now I need to crash
Murphy (Kim McCoy) Wednesday July 30th, 2014 12:16:27 AM
"You make good points, Alleah. No, I do not plan on doing anything precipitous. Nor do I intend to stand idly by as the followers of Flower are maltreated. As I mentioned - I have nothing at all against Floy - I think that industry, skill at honest trading, these are good things, and to be encouraged and supported. Only, not by committing sacrilege against another good member of the pantheon. Getting a copy of the contract, if such currently exists, is an excellent notion."
Murphy to Fatine (Kim McCoy) Wednesday July 30th, 2014 4:24:33 AM
If Fatine accepts the invitation to the Leafwin-Pipewood home for breakfast, Murphy asks, "So, what is your story, Fatine? I'm a druid, myself - as is my mother, Bekka, and one of my sisters, Leska Rose, and my Aunt Nilli. What sorts of things have you picked up on along the way?" He'll be happy to answer any questions she might have, and also wants to learn whatever she would care to talk about. "Oh, and one of my aunts on my father's side is, among other things, a witch. She doesn't have a raven, though."