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(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP43/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Sunday September 27th, 2015 5:03:25 PM

Aex quietly follows into the next chamber. The table... weird... no chairs?

"Guess we won't be getting no second breakfast huh?", Aex whispers as she observes the room. So far she's been unable to save any of her friends despite the magic and potions she carries. It's frustrating to realize that without reaching into the realm of spells she's helpless...

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=14 ;
Sunday September 27th, 2015 6:14:56 PM

"Hashamon died honorably. Seems reasonable of Gargul to provide us a proper place to deposit his body."

Jozhur helps Zeoll search the room for any clues, assuming the do not find any, he helps hoist Hash's body onto the table.

Perception: 14

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=14 ;
Sunday September 27th, 2015 6:14:56 PM

"Hashamon died honorably. Seems reasonable of Gargul to provide us a proper place to deposit his body."

Jozhur helps Zeoll search the room for any clues, assuming the do not find any, he helps hoist Hash's body onto the table.

Perception: 14

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Sunday September 27th, 2015 10:25:59 PM

"And I don't believe we'll be getting elevensies either, Miss Aexana..."

Ecthelion helps as best he can with moving Hashamon into the next room. If nothing happens upon inspecting anything - the table, the door, any of the walls - then he will also help to move him onto the table.

DM RobC - There's gold on that there table! 
Monday September 28th, 2015 7:39:34 AM

Rillet examines the room in as much detail as he can. As with the other rooms, the light seems to emanate from the stones in the walls and floor themselves. Enough to shed light, but not so much as to be blinding. Unlike in the other rooms, there is no visible writing on the door. Or walls. Or table. No writing at all! Everything in the room looks completely normal. It's a 50ft diameter, circular room with a bare, circular, wooden table in the centre. The doors at the other end of the room are made of stone. There are no visible handles or hinges. Still, stone can be broken down if one had the time and means.

Magana also examines the table - since there is nothing else that she can see to look at. Perfectly circular and perfectly smooth. She counts eight sturdy wooden legs holding the table up. She proposes the party lay Hash's body on the table. At the very least, it would allow her to say a blessing for his passing.

Zeoll is sure this is but another puzzle to solve. He looks all around the room but only notices the same things (and lack of things) that Rillet does. The room is silent, and even with his keen sense of smell, he detects nothing sinister nearby.

Aex makes the observation that it is odd to find such a table without any chairs. She and Ecth discuss the gnomish & halfling customs of second breakfast and elevensies. There is certainly nothing stopping the party from taking a break from the hard tasks of the day for a little bite to eat.

Rillet recaps what the party have learned from this place so far. The rooms seem dedicated to particular deities and test the party. This room could be the most puzzling. There aren't any clues or texts to indicate what needs to be done.

Not finding anything of note in the room Jozhur, Rillet, and Magana move to place Hash's body on the table.

That's when IT happens...

As soon as something has touched the table (it could have been Hash's boot, Jozhur's elbow or Magana's stomach) the light has instantly 'gone out' in the room.

The party are in complete darkness that not even darkvision can penetrate. Frustratingly, the parties magic still does not function!

After a moments pause, comes the sound of coins dropping on the table.

"There are 61 gold coins scattered on the table before you. 41 are heads side up, and 20 are tails side up. Sort them into two piles - with an equal number of heads and tails in each. The coin left over is to be placed in the center for Ffloy" comes a voice, that replays again and again in each of the known languages. The voice sounds both male and female if that is possible.

It takes close to five minutes for the voice to deliver its message and for the room to fall silent.


Hash opens his eyes and finds himself still in taur form. It takes a moment for him to gain his bearings. He is standing in a grassy field, and the sun shines warmly down from above. The smell of flowers is in the air and with just a hint of a breeze, he suspects it to be a glorious spring morning.

To his left and right stand a number of other minotaurs, each wearing nothing but a white cloth belt. They are standing at attention with their hands clasped behind their backs. Looking down, Hash realises that he is dressed in the same way.

"Let me repeat the question" comes a voice. Hash's attention is drawn to an older minotaur standing before the line "What is the purpose of a Kayleb?" The older minotaur is holding a quarterstaff and wearing a bright green belt.

Hashamon, Dead and Gone 
Monday September 28th, 2015 11:00:15 AM

Hashamon takes a moment to gather his wits and bearings. He isn't quite sure how he got here, or if he's even the one that's supposed to answer.

Looking down at himself, and around his surroundings, he realizes that he hasn't been near this many other Minotaur is a very long time. His first instinct is to shift, become something else more natural to him than even his own body.

He reaches for his innate powers and tries to slink away...

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Monday September 28th, 2015 1:52:57 PM

Well, this seems straightforward enough, and easiest for one person to accomplish instead of pooling our efforts like the last challenge. Whomever does the sorting just need be careful not to flip any of the coins, or bump the table - so probably one of you that's already touching the table, so no one else jostles it.

Who is the most familiar with currency? Enough to feel out which side is embossed with a head?

Almost as an afterthought, he adds Does anyone have a normal torch? I have a flint and steel to use to light it...

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP43/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Monday September 28th, 2015 5:12:54 PM

"Terser's right... we need some nimble hands in this one. I just wonder what will happen if we get it wrong... fighting in the dark??

In the end each pile should have 10 tails and 20 heads... right?
The left over one will be head facing up...
Is it possible to identify heads and tales blind?!? Is there another way to identify a coin...
And how can you blindly place a coin in the center? The center of the table? Or just in the center of the two piles?"

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC12/16 HP 29 of 55, and 7 hp nonlethal)  d20+6=16
Monday September 28th, 2015 6:25:00 PM

Zeoll wonders what "equal number of heads and tails in each" means. Surely not that a single pile has the same number of heads and tails in it?

"The voice did not say flipping coins is forrbidden," he muses. "We could flip overr five forr each pile and crreate a pile with 15 heads and tails and anotherr pile with 15 heads and tails. That might be a betterr solution?"

Zeoll tries to use his knowledge of languages to understand whether the goal is to (1) put the same number of heads in both piles AND the same number of tails in both piles, or (2) to put the same number of heads and tails in each pile.

Linguistics 16

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Monday September 28th, 2015 6:55:18 PM

Interesting. The limitations are that we are to "Sort them into two piles - with an equal number of heads and tails in each." Nothing says the two piles must have equal total numbers of coins, and nothing says a coin cannot be turned over. Does this mean and equal number of heads and tails in each pile, meaning 10 heads and 20 tails? Or that each pile has to be comprised of equal numbers of heads and tails, meaning you can have one pile with one head and one tail, and the other with 29 heads and 29 tails?

If the former, then as Terser and Aexana suggest, we see if we can feel the difference between the two sides, and sort and arrange the piles accordingly, with the single remaining coin put in the center.
Rillett reaches out to touch a coin. He will merely feel the surface of a few of them without moving them, lifting them off the table, or turning any over. Can he feel a difference between coins?

However, If it is the latter and each pile must have the same number of head and tails, then we will have to turn some over. If we get this wrong, I don't look forward trying to fight some creature in the dark.

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Monday September 28th, 2015 7:34:21 PM

ooc: Oops, didn't see Cayzle's post.

Edit by Cayzle: LOL! Great minds!

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Monday September 28th, 2015 9:57:33 PM

Magana leaves the thinking to the brainy types.

Instead, she pulls out sunrod and strikes it. If the light are simply "off", it should work. If this is a magical darkness inside area with no magic allowed...

She shrugs in the darkness. What will be, will be.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Monday September 28th, 2015 11:01:49 PM

"Aye. They never said we couldn't flip the coins. Of course, it never said we couldn't drop the cauldon, and look where that got us. Can someone identify the sides of the coins simply by touch? If so, they could sort heads to one person and tails to another. Those two can build separate piles. When it's over, we leave the last heads-up coin for Ffloy."

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=15 ; d20+8=15 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 12:11:28 AM

"Hrmm. The instructions are a bit vague and could go either way. I would ASSUME it to mean 20 heads and 10 tails in each pile, but there's that whole thing about assumptions...and fighting some terrible monster in complete darkness. No one pick up or turn over any coins until we figure this out."

Jozhur reaches out and feels the coins without moving them, attempting to distinguish two different sides of the coins.

"We can count the coins as they are and figure out which side is heads and which is tails. Sort them into piles of heads and tails, then divide them up from there. Seems simple enough."

He listens to the instructions in the various languages, maybe the meaning of the words is clearer in another language (He knows six total).

Perception: 15
Linguistics: 15

DM RobC - There's gold on that there table! 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 6:22:19 AM

Terser almost seems relieved with the current puzzle. Should be straight forward enough shouldn't it? Well, assuming all the coins are of the same denomination and minted in the same region.

Aex agrees. Nimble hands are certainly going to be useful for this task. But what is the correct answer for the puzzle?

Ecth also supposes that someone with sensitive fingers could likely identify the coins by touch. When your sight has been taken, you need to rely on your other senses after all.

Zeoll proposes a few different possible solutions. The voice did not expressly forbid flipping the coins, manipulating, or moving them. Indeed, to put them into piles will require touching them. He listens closely to the each of the languages spoken, and isn't able to glean any further clues to the answer. Or answers?

Rillett concurs. Nothing said the piles needed to have equal numbers of coins, nor that the coins couldn't be flipped over. Like Aexana, he is wary that a wrong answer would mean fighting in the dark.

Magana decides to leave this to the brainier folk. Although minotaurs traditionally do appreciate logic puzzles, she'd rather cover the group for whatever might come at them in the event of a wrong answer.

Jozhur is a bit uncertain. The instructions are a little vague for his liking. Like Zeoll, he listens to various languages and hopes to find some discrepency or variance between the languages that might give him some clue. No doubt to his frustration the words and meanings are much the same. Then again, perhaps that is intentional? Maybe this puzzle is only meant to be solved by the wisest minds in the northern continent? Or perhaps there is more than one answer to the puzzle? Things were so much easier back in Bonetown.


Hash reaches into his bag of tricks and finds that he is able to change shape once again.

"Hashamon! What do you think you're doing? Kalebs, boy! I'm talking about the honourable tradition of settling disputes. Settling them with honour! Honour demands the fight be conducted on equal footing, and Imod would see the true warrior victorious. Would you face an oppenent in kayleb as a minotaur, or would you hide your face behind some disguise like a low-down centaur?" the elder minotaur lets loose like a drill sergeant.

The other minotaurs give sideways glances towards Hash.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC12/16 HP 29 of 55, and 7 hp nonlethal) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 11:55:23 AM

Just to be on the safe side, Zeoll smells the coins. Do they carry the smell of whoever owned them? Can he smell anything in the dark, like a person who might have tossed the coins on the table?

Also, does he think they might be foil-wrapped chocolate? You never know!

What kind of table is it? Four legs, with space beneath? Or more like a pedestal with no way to get under?

If these investigations turn up nothing, he asks who is going to touch the coins first, and what did they feel like?

Hashamon, Dead and Gone 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 11:55:40 AM

Hash blinks, then drops his form.

"The Kayleb is an honorable duel between Minotaur on even footing to settle a dispute, elder."

Hashamon thinks.

"But I am more than a set piece in a cycle of honor and grudge. The wolf does not wait for the sheep to grow fangs. The hawk does not with-hold her talons from the shrew. I am part of the natural cycle, elder. I do not restrict my actions for Imod's views, but act in accordance with the wishes of Her that I serve."

He bows his head in apology, knowing his words are insult.

"I am more than Minotaur, which makes me less than a Minotaur among them. Please forgive the insult, elder. Please tell me why I am here."

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 4:00:26 PM

Rillett reaches out to touch a coin. He will merely feel the surface of a few of them without moving them, lifting them off the table, or turning any over. Can he feel a difference between coins? Do there seem to be more than two "sides" by touching them?

ooc: the DM implied this is not the answer.

Assuming there are more that one denomination, and that you cannot discern all the tails from all the heads, He will try a different approach.

I'm drawing a blank here. So how about the simplest interpretation? We put one coin in the middle of the table for Ffloy, and then we simply divide the remaining 60 coins into two piles of 30 coins each. Strictly speaking, this does meet the requirement of "Sort them into two piles - with an equal number of heads and tails in each." It may not be an equal number of heads and an equal number of tails in each pile. But since each coin is a head or a tail, there will be 30 heads and tails in each pile.

Rillett will wait to see if anyone has a dissenting opinion or a better idea. If there are none, he'll execute this plan. Maybe Terser can use his polearm to best locate the center of this table.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP43/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 4:14:07 PM

"Rillet... that's... that's perhaps the answer! Thinking of it, the voice did not specify there need to be exactly as many heads or tails 'facing up' in each pile... just an equal amount and then your logic add up... We just shuffle 30 pieces to each side and leave the last one in the middle.
I'd say this is by far the best idea!"

Aexana's genuinly captured by Rillet's keen mind...

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 4:33:09 PM

ooc: no mention of what happened with the sunrod?

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 7:28:34 PM

Terser still thinks the others are trying to make this more complicated than need be. He waits for jozhur's report of what the coins feel like.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 8:48:00 PM

Magana rumbles, "Don't assume all coins have both a 'heads' and a 'tails'."

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 9:31:02 PM

"Magana, have you ever seen a coin that didn't have a head and a tail? Or a minotaur, for that matter." :)

"Oh, sorry. It's too dark for you to see that I'm only kidding."

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 9:36:51 PM

"And too dark for you to see I'm reaching for my flail," she responds dryly.

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 9:46:43 PM

He realizes Magana is also a cleric of Gargul, and likely took the Darkness Domain. Blindfighting!

"It was just a joke. Don't have a cow. "

Rillett ducks.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC12/16 HP 29 of 55, and 7 hp nonlethal) 
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 10:31:00 PM

Zeoll chuckles in the dark.

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=22 ;
Tuesday September 29th, 2015 11:57:26 PM

Jozhur reaches out and feels some of the coins, testing what he can discern about the coins. He will not pick up or turn over any of them.

Perception: 22

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph  d20+15=28 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2015 12:32:26 AM

"I agree with Magana. Let us not make too many assumptions about this challenge or our instructions. Let us find out what we are dealing with first. Ecth will feel one of the coins without picking it up. (Perception: 28)

(Ecthelion has the Blindfight feat if that does help.)

DM RobC - There's gold on that there table! 
Wednesday September 30th, 2015 8:00:59 AM

Rillett, Jozhur and Ecth all blindly reach out to touch the coins on the table. The cold feel of the metal is easy to find, and the coins slide around quite easily on the table. Ecth is quite convinced the coin he is touching is 'heads'. Jozhur and Rillett aren't as sure.

And that is when Rillett proposes a possible solution to the puzzle. Technically, technically splitting the coins into any two piles would have the same number of heads and tails. It would just be that not all the heads or tails were showing.

Aex gasps in astonishment. Could Rillett have come up with the answer? She is in favour of him testing out this idea.

Magana grumbles something about the coins, to which Rillett pokes a little fun with her. The friendly banter draws a chuckle from Zeoll.

Terser stays quiet. Are people overthinking this puzzle? Is there an easier way to solve it?

Rillett plans to start putting his idea into action, however, Ecth urges a moment of caution until he can feel around the coins first.


Hash bows his head in apology to the senior minotaur, and offers an explanation for his actions - but also questions, why is he here? Wherever here is...

"Yes, yes, the wolf attacks the sheep at the best opportunity, however, that is not the nature of the kayleb. Kaylebs are a dispute between two wolves." The older minotaur nods as he shares his insights.

"Today you are to bear witness to such a fight. Gundor Gloryslash has accused Codkun Ironskull of bringing dishonour to our race. An insult that Codkun vehemently denies. Let Imod bless he who is honourable, and shun he who brings shame"

Two of the minotaurs in the line step forward. To Hash's left stands Gundor - a relatively young minotaur, with muscles upon muscles. To Hash's right stands Codkun - a middle aged taur with a scar that runs the length of his face.

The two turn to face the older minotaur and give him a bow of respect.

"No weapons will be provided save for what Imod blessed you with. As Kayleb counsellor, the fight will continue until I say it ends. You may commence" The older minotaur takes a step back to grant to two combatants some space.

Gundor does not hesitate and quickly charges Codkun. Codkun though sidesteps Gundor's charge, and follows through with an open palm strike to Gundor's back.

As the fight progresses it is clear that the younger taur - Gundor - fights aggressively and lacks the finesse that the older taur - Codkun - displays. Where Gundor tries to use hoof and horn, Codkun's style is more monk-like, with open handed strikes and sweeping leg trips. It looks like he is trying to only deal non-lethal damage.

The other taurs that are observing cheer and applaud each strike, regardless of who made it. The older taur watches silently and intensely.

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge)  d20+9=16 ;
Wednesday September 30th, 2015 4:32:50 PM

If Ecth and Jozhur are comfortable with the feel of the coins, he will wait patiently as they sort them into piles. He would like to be on guard, but there's little to prepare for in this darkness. He focuses his other senses, but it's hard to concentrate around the entertainment of the Gargulites. Maybe that would be a good name for their musical group?

perception 16

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP43/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Wednesday September 30th, 2015 5:58:35 PM

"Go for ir Rillet...", is all Aex has to say...

Rillett (Bradley) HP 67/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 12:14:32 AM

Rillett will go ahead with his proposal unless someone stops him.

OK, Aexana. Let's see how this works. Anyone want to help? Let's count out two groups of 30 coins each, separating the two groups.

Rillett will work with the others to put one coin in the middle of the table for Ffloy, and we'll divide the remaining 60 coins, sliding them into two groupings of 30 coins each. The two groups will be separated from each other. We won't flip or stack any coins, and well make sure all the coins in each group touch.

Then he'll step back from the table, draw his weapon, and ready an action to strike anything that strikes at him.

Rillett has the Blindfighting feat.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 1:31:56 AM

Magana shakes loose her flail. They haven'y passed a room without a fight so far, and she isn't foolish enough to expect anything different now.

DM RobC - Solved in one go 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 7:20:10 AM

Rillett puts forward his plan, and then goes to work sliding coins around the table. He is meticulous in making sure not to flip or stack the coins, yet ensures they all touch to form a pile.

Aex and Terser urge him on, yet both are anxious as to what might happen.

Magana isn't optimistic. Every room so far has had something spring out and attack the party. This room will likely be the same.

When the two piles are created, Rillett slides the final coin towards what he believes to be the center of the table.

The room stays dark. All that can be heard is the quiet breathing of the party.

And then...

The lights return to the room. Perhaps a little brighter than before, but its hard to tell, as your eyes had adjusted to the dark. The stone door at the other end of the room slides open with the sound of rock grinding on rock.

Hero point to Rillett! You solved the puzzle in one go without any mistakes!
FYI - This puzzle is a variation of that used by Apple for screening potential employees. There are several acceptable answers, but you nailed it straight away. Well done!

Rillett also now finds that his Deathwatch spell once again functions!

OOC: Lot of missed posts yesterday guys! You're going to have to pick up the posting for your new DMs. That's right. In case you hadn't heard, Shawn and I will be heading to a different game and you will be getting 2 new DMs: Hugh and Jeff.

We'll try and make the transition as smooth as possible. Thanks

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC12/16 HP 29 of 55, and 7 hp nonlethal)  d20+23=36 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2015 7:46:27 AM

"Good job, Rrillett," offers Zeoll. He does not point out that he had almost the same answer at the same time.

The old liontaur sniffs, and looks closely at the coins. Is there anything remarkable to them? He detects magic on the coins, the table, and the new open area.

He also casts a Taur Try and checks that previously cast magicks are in place.

[OOC: Kindly DM, how much time elapsed in the AM Field?

Perception (with magic back): 36 or maybe 38 with Elf Vision.

With magic working, it is time for some curing. "Terrserr, let me borrrow that phylacterry. I've got some channelling to do."

===== ===== ===== =====

DM Sanity Info

Cleric spells (underlined = cast):
0: guidance, create water, light, mending
1: command, command x3, bane, elf vision
2: calm emo x2, hold person, faerie fire
3: prayer, sum mon III, glibness

Sorcerer spells:
Cast: 3 of 8 1st lvl (Mage Armor x3)
Cast: 0 of 5 2nd lvl

Other Stuff Used:
Laughing Touch: used 0 of 8.
Channel Energy 1d6: used 1 of 8.
Fey Domain Hide Away: used 1 of 8.
Meta Rod: used 1 of 3

Current effects cast/activated by Zeoll:
Mage Armor used 2.5 of 6 hours (Zeoll, Aexana)
Elf Vision 60 minutes; Taur's Try (mino) 10 min

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 8:02:00 AM

Ecthelion blinks against the light but, feeling that his magic has once again returned, he looks around for his familiar, Murph.

DM Rob: My apologies. Murph has appeared instantly back at your side, though is a little confused how he suddenly appeared in this room.

Hashamon, Dead and Gone 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 10:15:13 AM

Hashamon watches, not sure what he should be looking for. He feels as if he is watching himself in Gundor. Youth and power to spare, with savage ferocity in spades. The older taurs movements however, represent a calculated skill he currently could never match.

"Elder. Gundor is powerful, and probably twice as strong as Codkun. But he will lose. I have always thought strength was the key to strength, tempered by knowledge of the wild and mastery of tooth and claw. Codkun seems to have found the middle ground between those things, mastering his body to fully use the strength it possesses, rather than relying on an abundance of untapped muscle."

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge)  d20+9=12 ;
Thursday October 1st, 2015 1:17:10 PM

ooc @cayzle: aren't we all still at full from after the glass golem fight? unless you're deathly allergic to the darkness.

Terser moves around the room, trying to ascertain if anything has changed, especially looking for any more divine messages that may have appeared. perception 12 Perhaps since he can normally see in the dark, the return of the lights has fuddled his senses more than the others, but he sees nothing that jumps out at him.

We'd best not disturb the table by trying to use it as a bier still. I think we should continue to bear our friend's body with us, until another suitable resting place can be found. Though with the magic returned, he should be easier to accomodate.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 2:12:11 PM

OOC: Oh yeah, there was a mass magic cure wasn't there. On 9/24. Sorry, forgot. Header updated.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP43/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Thursday October 1st, 2015 5:15:05 PM

"Hah! I knew you would break this puzzle! Nice one Rillet!"

Then Aex watches towards the new room...

"Now what's next... What deity we get next?"

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 5:24:03 PM

Agreed Terser. Does anyone have a bag of holding for our friend Hashamon? I'd like to take him out of here and contact his spirit later to see if we should petition Gargul for his return. If not, he should be laid to rest in a more natural setting.

With the magic back on, he'll rearrange some things to make sure they're accessible should it go away again.

Rillett will help with the body, and will then move over to the open door, looking down the hallway as e prepare to go forward.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 5:25:45 PM

"Murph!" The surface drow kneels and hugs his confused familiar tightly. "I was worried you were gone."

"I think I was gone. Don't know where I went, though." The dust mephit looks around at the group, scratching his nose. His eyes land on Hashamon's body as Ecthelion stands up. "Yikes. Didn't think he'd be the only one to bite the dust." Murph saunters over to Hashamon's body, leaning over it and closing his eyes. "He was a cool guy. I think he said he wanted to eat me once, but I think it was a joke. Shame he had to go. Never met someone like him."

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 5:42:47 PM

"Oh! I have a Bag of Holding," Ecthelion remembers. "I had thought of it in the other room, but realized it would not work. I have very little in there right now. It can only hold five-hundred pounds, but... there's only about five pounds of material in here right now, and it's all mundane..."

The theurge pauses for a moment before mumbling to himself, "Why did I purchase this if I just use it as a backpack...?"

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 6:16:04 PM

Zeoll is not sure the party can carry an entire minotaur with them. Just in case, he takes the locks of hair and drops of blood the party might need later to get their friend raised.

[OOC: Zeoll is not leaving the room yet! He wants a better look at those coins ... and he wants a souvenir!]

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Thursday October 1st, 2015 9:53:33 PM

Magana heads to the door and eyeballs the next room/corridor.

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=20 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2015 3:35:08 AM

Jozhur's face lights up when the doors open,"Excellent work!"

Jozhur looks at Hashamon, then to Ecth's bag of holding. "Ugh, I don't think he will fit in there. He looks, and feels, a lot heavier than 500 pounds. We will continue hauling him out of here. If we get to a point where we can't drag him with us, we will have to leave him. I don't want to just leave him her, unless we absolutely have to."

He follows Magana towards where they will be headed next.

Perception: 20

Sorry about the poor/missed posting. Been putting in some extra hours at work.

DM RobC - Solved in one go 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 6:46:26 AM

Congratulations from all are given to Rillett for solving the puzzle.

Zeoll starts by detecting magic, and notes that the coins, table, floors, walls, ceiling - all radiate magic. The coins radiate conjuration magic, whereas the others radiate abjuration magic. Peering into the passage ahead he notices that his Elf Vision fails after only a few feet. He asks about healing - and then realises that everyone is still fully healed from the previous room. Assuming time flows normally here, he suspects that only 20 minutes have passed.

Ecth and Murph get reaquainted, and the mephit then notices the deceased Hashamon.

Thus comes the question of what to do with Hash.

Despite magic returning, Rillett is of the opinion that any raise should happen when the party are out of this place - whenever that may be.

Ecth suggests a bag of holding for carrying the deceased taur.

Zeoll suggests just taking some blood and hair samples. (OOC: Although this would only work with a Reincarnation type spell and not a Raise Dead. Please also see my email).

Jozhur determines that large sized Hash will likely not fit in a bag of holding. The further the party can carry his corpse, the better. Until they can carry him no longer that is.

Magana stays her usual quiet self on the subject. Well, on ALL subjects actually. She and Jozhur look down the next corridor. It is quite dark and much like the preceding corridors, does have a downwards slope to it. From this position the other end of the passage cannot be seen.

Zeoll isn't quite ready to leave the room just yet, considering taking a souveneir from the table (oor perhaps the table too)


Hash isn't sure what he should be looking for. He observes that Gundor, the younger mintoaur is indeed stronger than his opponent. Yet Codkun is able to use Gundor's strength against him.

No matter what Gundor tries, Codkun is able to deflect the attack and respond with a non-lethal response. And each time, Gundor looks to grow angrier.

Finally Codkun strikes Gundor's face with an open palm that sends the younger taur sailing backwards. "Yield!" Codkun demands of his fallen foe. Yet Gundor gets back to his feet, angrier than ever. He charges Codkun headfirst aiming to skewer him, yet Codkun is able to trip him again. "YIELD!" Codkun bellows, then looks towards the Kayleb Counsellor "He cannot win! This is foolish. End the fight now before someone gets seriously hurt!"

The Kayleb Counsellor stands unswayed and with arms folded "By the rules of kayleb, the fight continues until I say so"

The observing minotaurs cheer and chant. They want the fight to continue.

"Then YOU are the fool" Codkun says plainly in response. He settles into a sideways stance with one hand raised above his head in preparation for Gundor's next attack.

Gundor does not disappoint and recklessly runs at Codkun, arms outstretched and ready to choke his opponent to death. Codkun though was ready. His strike is swift, like that of an angry snake. The blow didn't have much strength behind it, yet was precise. Gundor falls to the ground and does not move.

Perception DC15 - Highlight to display spoiler: {The blow was not lethal, yet Gundor does not move. His eyes are still open. He looks to be temporarily paralyzed}

The other minotaurs are cheering! The fight must almost be over! Codkun can deliver the killing blow! Still, the Kayleb Counsellor fails to cease the fight.

This does not look to bother Codkun, who has already turned and is walking away. He gives a small smile and nod to Hash as he passes.

Hashamon, Dead and Gone  d20+6=26 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2015 9:33:00 AM

At first, Hash assumes Gundor is dead. Then he sees a sign of life, and realizes that Codkun has paralyzed him instead.


Still unsure where he was, there were two options. Follow Codkun, or stay with Gundor and the elder. In only a moment, he is off heading after Codkun. He still felt like there was something he should be doing... something about a fire?

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55)  d12=1 ; d10=8 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2015 12:02:43 PM

Zeoll waits for the rest of the group to enter the corridor. He suspects that once into the corridor, the AM Field will be back, so he intends to use a spell or two now.

He slides one pile of coins to the near end of the table, close to the doorway, and one pile to the opposite end, away from the doorway. He leaves the one in the center untouched.

He casts a Summon Fey Friend I spell (over bane), and gains an (rolling a d12 = 1) Azer. If that works, Zeoll politely asks it to wait there.

He casts a Summon Fey Friend II spell (over Calm Emotions), and gains an (rolling a d10 = 8) Twigjack.

He asks the twigjack to stand near the far pile of coins, and the azer to stand at the near pile. Zeoll stands in the doorway of the room, half in half out. He carefully instructs the two summoned friends to please each pick up a coin on his command, throwing the coins directly to him as accurately as they can. Zeoll will try to catch a coin, or at least to let it enter the corridor.

Zeoll says, "One, two, three, NOW!"

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 3:28:24 PM

Terser gives Zeoll a strange look at all the rigmarole, but it seems he should be safe enough. Unless something large doesn't like his master's coins being appropriated.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Friday October 2nd, 2015 4:37:32 PM

Aexana quickly checks if anyone needs some healing but of course no one got hurt in the last test.

"Not sure if we should take some enhancing potions or spells... it would be a shame to loose them all again in the next room... "

Aex follows the rest into the next room and then looks over her shoulder to see what Zeoll's up to...

"My friend... surely you have a good reason for testing the gods the way you plan on doing?!?... leave them coins I beg you and hurry over here... if it's defiance of the gods you want to try I'm sure there will be future possibilities... "

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 5:39:51 PM

"I agree with Miss Aexana... this seems unnecessary, Zeoll. There is also the overwhelming time pressure of getting to the Stone before Biloopl's minions."

((OOC :: Have all previous ongoing spells from before the AM Field resumed, assuming their duration would allow them to do so? I guess I'm asking if our magic was just suppressed or outright negated. If necessary, Ecth will take 10 on Arcana for a result of 26 while Zeoll does his thing.))

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 7:21:00 PM

Zeoll explains quickly to his friends,

"Indulge this old liontaurr, my frriends. I just seek a momento, a rremembrrance that we werre herre, that we did these deeds. My failing memorry is jogged by such things, which I collect and keep handy to look at when days gone by seem dim. Surrely the gods would not object?"

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 7:47:34 PM


Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-]  d20+14=22 ;
Friday October 2nd, 2015 11:26:23 PM

Magana moves slowly down the corridor, but will stop the instant something seems out of place.

Perception 22

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73 
Friday October 2nd, 2015 11:41:44 PM

"Zeoll...I wouldn't do that! Let's not press our luck."

He retrieves his thief's tools, a water skin, and a couple of torches from his bag of holding before proceeding down the hallway.
Potions do not function in the AM field, correct?

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Saturday October 3rd, 2015 9:40:48 AM

"Keep the memory in your hart Zeoll... and when old age steals these prescious memories we'll make sure to tell the tales to you again and again... Come..."

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Saturday October 3rd, 2015 10:58:30 AM

Well Zeoll, I'm impressed with your preparation and your focus. But endangering your party members and our mission for a souvenir is not very wise. Take a look at Hash. Are you willing to trade Magana or Terser for a gold coin? Because you know they will come to your aid if something happens.

Come on, I'll buy you a souvenir when this is all over.

Rillett will not interfere further and hope for the best as he turns to head down the corridor.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Saturday October 3rd, 2015 12:42:23 PM

Outvoted, Zeoll sighs.

If the DM is kind, the old foolish liontaur will not have cast his spells?

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Sunday October 4th, 2015 10:37:44 AM

You have chosen wisely

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Sunday October 4th, 2015 5:14:36 PM

Aex nods but says nothing more. She suspects it's not that easy for Taurs to give in to reason...
An extra checkbox she can mark on her list "are taurs to be considered humanoid or animal". So far, she has seen evidence of both sides...

Quietly she moves on...

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Monday October 5th, 2015 5:16:39 PM

Now that Zeoll is done with his shenanigans, Terser looks forward to what challenge may await them at the end of the dark, sloping corridor.

DM RobC - Solved in one go  d20+12=26 ; d20+12=17 ;
Monday October 5th, 2015 9:00:00 PM

There is some debate about what to do next.

Zeoll has his eyes set on taking some gold, yet relents when several others in the party voice their concerns about it. (Zeoll may keep his spells)

The rest of the party prepare to head down the dark corridor.

Codkun sees Hash following him and slows pace. "You needn't worry. I only paralysed him. Killing Gundor would have served no point. He is still young and brash. When he matures he could be an asset to the clan. What do you think? Was I wrong? Should I have continued with the kayleb as the counsellor insisted?"


OOC: Sorry guys about the very late/missed post today. It feels incredibly hypocritical of me, having asked you guys to pick up your posting.

I have intentionally not had the party progress into the corridor just yet - despite some of your posts. Please see my email just to confirm how you all wish to progress.

Hashamon, Dead and Gone 
Monday October 5th, 2015 9:39:12 PM

Hashamon shakes his head.

"If every alpha killed his challengers, then when his time comes... as it does for all creatures... there will be no strength left in the herd."

He stops and considers Codkun for a moment.

"What you did, there is a natural grace and beauty to it, like that of a lions pounce, yet strength is applied where it is needed. If I had an eternity, I could spend much of it learning your ways. I am much like Gundor, tooth and muscle have always been what I rely on during the hunt. It's how I have survived up to this point."

Strange images of a huge creature made of glass flash through Hashamons mind, and with it, a clear example of how his strength would fail him. He gets a chill down his spine.

"What..? What was that? I do not feel well."

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Monday October 5th, 2015 11:53:56 PM

Magana pauses, suddenly realizing only she and Jozhur have any desire to move on.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 1:28:44 AM

Zeoll pauses. "Well, my lumbago IS acting up, so a rrest would be welcome forr these old bones. But if we rremain in this rroom, my intuition says to stay away frrom that table!"

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 8:23:50 AM

"Yes, I suppose a break may be helpful. I have quite a few spells I could recover. "

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 2:56:38 PM

If everyone is on board, we can rest here. This will allow me to call upon Gargul's power to speak with Hash's body and ask if he would like to be brought back - I'll be able to ask him 4 questions.

Now, I don't have the materials needed to bring him back in his present form, so I'll have to make sure it's OK with Hash if he's reincarnated instead. That will mean Gargul will determine what form he will return in. It's the best I can do given where we are.

Assuming we rest, Rillett will pray for guidance and divine power the next "morning". Then he will cast Speak with Dead. He'll ask the questions below, or any others the party may want to know.

Do you wish to be brought back to life?
Are you willing to accept another physical form as a reincarnated creature?
If you need to retain your present form, may we use your things to purchase the materials needed?
If we cannot bring you back, what do you want us to do with your things and with your body?

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 5:41:20 PM

Aex feels ok with resting in this nice warm chamber. She has no herbs for making some potions here but of course she has a couple of spells available for those who need some patching up to do.

With no idea of what time of day this is Aex just closes her eyes when she feels like it.
Some meditation will help her replenish her spell list (same as before)

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 5:43:53 PM

Terser doesn't have spells to replenish, but allowing his body to recuperate will only make him all the more dangerous in the "morning." He's willing enough to take a rest if necessary, and the possibility of having their friend back from Gargul's realm makes rest all the more tempting.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 9:51:07 PM

Seeing everyone needs a rest, Magana relaxes and moves to observe and help with contacting Hashamon's spirit.

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Tuesday October 6th, 2015 10:59:02 PM

Rillet moves closer to Magana, deeply thankful for her strength and her support as a fellow follower of Gargul.

Thank you Magana. It's hard losing Hash. Let's see what we can do about that.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 12:48:08 AM

Before he goes to sleep, Zeoll shares tales of Lord Eberyon with any who would like to hear. [OOC: Class ability +2 on first save next day]

Then, as he drifts off, he meditates on the remaining challenges ahead in this quest, hoping for some hint or divinatory insight that will guide the group on the morrow. [OOC: Class ability as divination spell, no rolled chance of failure]

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 12:59:26 AM

"I suppose a little rest is in order, it's been a rough day for us. Having Hashamon back would be a good thing, we very well may need him."

Jozhur watches intently as Rillet and Magana try to contact Hashamon. He also listens in on Zeoll's storytelling before settling in for some sleep.

DM RobC - Solved in one go 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 1:14:23 AM

Magana pauses by the doorway. The others are yet to follow her, and she will not leave them behind.

Zeoll and Ecth are in agreement that this might be a safe place to rest, yet Zeoll urges caution around the mysterious table and gold.

With the party set to resting, Magana and Garret each cover one of the doors to guard from whatever might enter the room.

Aex finds a comfortable position in which to close her eyes and meditate.

Before drifting off to sleep Zeoll shares the tales of Lord Eberyon, however, none of the party receive any benefit from it other than a little education (OOC: Per the ability "You can engage the same characters in conversation no more than once per module.")

It is a long and hot night.

Zeoll tosses and turns as he seeks answers in his dreams. The images are not pleasant. Zeoll: Highlight to display spoiler: {You see the party in an enormous room. Standing battle ready and fighting ... themselves? The party literally fighting against themselves. Magana against Magana. Terser against Terser. No. Wait. Not themselves. Another equally powerful party}

When morning (you think) comes, the party wake sweaty and hot, but undamaged. Those of you who follow Maab or Eberyon find you were unable to recover divine spells (OOC: Per wiki, being outside their geographic region of "natural places in the Wold", votary clerics cannot recover prepared spells. However, you CAN cast curing spells spontaneously and can prepare and cast domain spells)

Rillett first asks question of the deceased Hashamon whilst Jozhur listens intently.

Do you wish to be brought back to life
- "I have been commanded to do so."

Are you willing to accept another physical form as a reincarnated creature?
- "If that is the will of Maab, then so be it"

If you need to retain your present form, may we use your things to purchase the materials needed?
- "They are just material possessions. Use what you need"

If we cannot bring you back, what do you want us to do with your things and with your body?
- "Often the meat of one becomes the meat of the pack. Do as you wish."


Hash considers what he has witnessed. It's all so much to think about. But then strange images start to enter his mind. Glass? Fire?

Codkun smiles "Fire is natural. Like the phoenix you may be cleansed in fire and reborn from the ashes"

Codkun's face then starts to slowly change, until Hash finds that he is staring at an image of himself. Before Hash can do anything, the 'other' Hash cracks and then shatters, falling to the ground in a pile of glass and crystal.

What is going on?!?

Looking about, the other minotaurs have vanished. Hash is standing alone in a grass field with a pile of broken glass in front of him.

Hash Highlight to display spoiler: {In the interests of game progression I took the liberty of answering Rillett's questions on your behalf. Please feel free to edit my post if I have made a mistake}

Hashamon, Dead and Gone 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 10:18:35 AM

"... I .. do not know what is happening! Codkun? Elder!?

Hash stumbles backwards, and prepares himself for a fight!

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 2:46:09 PM

Rillett looks at Hash's body lying cold and stiff. Strange to have him so torn up, so dead, but also speaking. I never get used to speaking with the dead - it's always just ... weird.

He's also never brought someone back to life before. Lots of new experiences.

If we can regain spells, and speak with the dead, then reincarnation should work here as well. Hopefully this won't set off any traps, and the only thing that appears will be some version of Hash. Everybody be ready.

Here we go...

Rillett will cast Seeker Reincarnation - casting time is 10 min. This essentially limits the normal reincarnation spell to only noble or ignoble races. It's only available to Soulseekers of Gargul, so it should be OK with Gargul. Also, this (Son of) Hash is a different incarnation of Hash due to changes in the Shifter class and character surgery.

What happens now?

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 4:41:52 PM

Terser ponders his own reincarnation from long past. This one more than likely will have Gargul's blessing though, so he hopes to avoid any of the consequences of that scenario. Whatever happens, he will give Lord Gargul only the respect which he is due.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 4:48:53 PM

Ecthelion spends most of the "night" pacing around the room unable to sleep. When he finally lays down, it is a restless and fitful sleep. He prepares his spells in silence, pouring over his spellbook and praying to Gargul. Murph takes an interest in what Rillett is doing, but for once offers no sarcastic remarks. It seems that even the mephit understands the gravity of this situation.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 5:23:14 PM

The next 'morning' Aex does not feel completely refreshed... not having a bath... no first nor second breakfast... she does cast Prestidigitation upon herself to tidy her hair and clothes.

"So... what else have the Gods in store for us?"

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Wednesday October 7th, 2015 10:27:12 PM

Magana lends her prayers to Rillet's efforts. She knows her efforts pale in comparison to his, but unity of purpose is always valuable.

The Gray Lord (ACDM SteveK) 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 8:06:10 AM

Rillet begins casting the Seeker's Reincarnation, a complicated series of intonations and movements, all merely enhancing the concentration that enables the Seeker to form the combined wishes and wants of the heroes and cast ... it... OUT....

For a moment, nothing happens, as if the entire Wold is holding its breath.

And then the heroes blink and notice that the entire Wold around them really IS holding its breath and everything else. A chime sounds and the familiarity of the Wold fades into gray and reforms into an immense gray-stoned courtyard, a fountain of crystal water gurgling in the center. The Lionfish Crew are sitting around in front of the fountain. And standing with one foot on the fountain rim and gazing into the water is GARGUL.

A huge humanoid in a gray cloak, no one can see his face, but there is absolutely no question in any heroes mind of who the Gray Stranger is.

Standing next to him is a brown cloaked Hashamon, though it is only his spirit and curiously of no determinable species.



And the Lord of Death and Life waits.

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 9:35:24 AM

Draped under the heavy cloak, Hashamons voice is deep and cavernous. He takes a deep breath, before bowing low.

"I wish to hunt with the wolf, wrestle the bear, and race the elk. I wish to swim with the shark and soar with the roc in the sky."

Breath out. Breath in.

"But it is not for this wistful purpose I would leave the lands of rest and the dreams of my Queen. I could do these things and many more in her court. There is some purpose for me to live, to bring the hunt of Bilpool and his mortals to closure."

Breath out. Breath in.

"I beg that you return the spark of life to my vessel, and allow me the knowledge and wisdom to hunt this most vile prey. Ma'ab, in my dream, has shown me the danger of this abomination."

Breath out. Breath in.

"In return, I pledge to you service as a predator of the dead and a hunter of the occult. I shall share my worship of Ma'ab amongst all Gods of the Wold, with she and you first among them. I shall embody her ferral domain, hunting from the darkness of your own."

The hooded figure kneels, heavy breathing continuing to pulse in and out.

"What is thy bidding, my master?"

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Thursday October 8th, 2015 10:27:01 AM

Aexana is shaken when she suddenly finds herself in the presence of Lord Gargul once again. However this time Hash stands were she once stood...

Aex steps forward, kneels, and then stands facing Lord Gargul... trying not to tremble in his presence...

"Lord Gagrul... I've come to petition for the return of my friend like my friends once did for me... You have granted me to return to the land of the living then, with a lesson to learn and look...", Aex holds her right hand up showing a Ring of Feather Falling. "I've taken your advice...

But now we're here because a friend has fallen. A friend I failed to help because all magic was taken away from me during these trials... Hashamon tried to protect us all and did not give way... he rescued us with his own life and I stood by looking at it... I made it my goal to help my friends through potions, herbs and magic... yet when all taken from me I felt, and was, useless... if it hadn't been for Hash I'm sure more of us would have died...

The trials we are destined to face in order to break the power of Billoopl call for our friend like we call for him... We are but mere mortals and from our mistakes we learn..."
, Aex says looking at her feather fall ring once again, "... and I'm convinced, with your guidance, we'll learn from these also... "

Aex bows her head and kneels.

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 1:50:57 PM

Terser's plea is more simple, but no less heartfelt. There is some of the same guilt that Aexana is feeling as well. The majority of his power was not taken away, but he was still unable to prevent Hashamon's death.

Lord Gargul, I've had to leave too many friends behind. Too many to let another go when it may be within my means to prevent it. The brevity of our time together does not diminish the value of our friendship, and is only the more tragic that it did not have the time to really flourish. He will be a great asset in our fight against Billoopl, but even if he were not, I would ask him back solely for the sake of friendship, should he wish the same.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 4:55:09 PM

Zeoll bows low upon meeting the Lord of Life and Death again.

"Sirr," he says, "An adventurring grroup needs many viewpoints, many perrspectives, to succeed. Hashamon has a differrent way of seeing the Wold. His insight gives us strrength. His attitudes help us see in new ways. Myself, lorrd, I wish him rreturrned because in all my long life, I have met none like him, and it would be a shame to cut off his voice so soon."

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 5:53:22 PM

Rillett stands straight, but casts his eyes downward, not daring to presume to look at Lord Gargul as if they were anything approaching equals. Rillett chooses his words carefully.

My lord...I come before you to petition for the return of the spirit of Hashamon.

With the the loss of my brothers 10 years ago, I turned away from dedication to Ffloy as teachings about wealth and commerce lost their meaning for me. It was your teachings that gave me comfort then, and it is your precepts that guide my steps now. I do not presume to understand death - it still makes no sense to me. But I accept it, and I am only beginning to understand life and how it is inextricably connected to death.

My lord, I ask that Hashamon be returned for three reasons.

Hashamon has a good spirit, but that spirit is beastial in nature and needs to be tempered. He is not always in control of his actions, and can be a slave to his animal instincts. I humbly ask that you return him to life so that he may learn to control the beast within him.

Hashamon died in your service, fighting to fulfil this quest. This is a just and righteous cause, and he joined us simply because it of that. Most people I encounter are base and selfish. At his heart, Hashamon is a noble and selfless creature. As Zeoll says, there is much we can learn from him. I humbly ask that you return him to life because the Wold is elevated by his existence in it.

Hashamon died to protect us. But that death was not necessary, and could have been prevented. Hashamon is rash and headstrong. We were not coordinated in our actions, and did not work together as we should have. I do not wish his or any death to be without need or meaning. I humbly ask that you return him to life with us that we may all grow in wisdom, learning to better support each other and work together as a team.

He pauses for a moment.

My lord, I crave your indulgence on one more issue that has burdened my heart for many years. I wish to learn the fate of the souls of my brothers, Cast and Hartzel Savenport. They we’re not good men in Bonetown, but they died a meaningless death before their time. I long to know the fate of their souls, if they still reside in the Shadow Lands, or if their souls have been reincarnated. If this information is not for me to know, then so be it.

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 6:01:08 PM

ooc: We're in big trouble if Gargul tells him, "Arise Darth Hashamon."

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 9:16:05 PM

Magana, as is her wont since entering Gargul's service, speaks quietly and simply.

"I would have Hashamon returned because he has proven willing to give his all, his very existence, in this fight against Biloopl. If he hadn't grappled the beast we fought, I'm convinced that I would be meeting Your judgement now in his place."

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 11:25:13 PM

"Hashamon sacrificed himself so that the rest of us could live. Without his courage, we may have all perished and this battle against Biloopl would be lost. It seems we are not done yet, and his return would greatly bolster our chances in this trial, as well as against Biloopl and his minions."

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Thursday October 8th, 2015 11:44:13 PM

Ecthelion swallows hard, once again finding himself in the domain of his lord. "I did not expect to return here... so soon..." He looks for Gimp, hoping the strange little assistant is absent from this meeting.

"My Lord, when I was taken from the Wold you returned to me my life on the promise of service. I fulfilled that promise and have done so much more for you... but Hashamon has done much more in the short time I have known him. Were it not for his bravery, the golem would have killed many more of us, and Biloopl's minions would have no trouble collecting the stone.

Hashamon was a loyal servant, one that died in the line of duty. I ask that you return him to us so that he can finish this task - and in doing so, prevent many more needless deaths. Of course..."
The surface drow bows his head in reverence, touching the holy symbol around his neck. "Should you require a more substantial plea, know that I am entirely in your service, my Lord."

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Friday October 9th, 2015 4:27:33 PM

Aex has difficulties hiding the tremor in her knees... she waits for Lord Gargul's answers... a God that's pondering about all the answers for so long? Is that good or bad?

The Gray Lord (ACDM SteveK) 
Friday October 9th, 2015 4:29:50 PM

The Gray Wanderer listens intently. The heroes can not see his eyes but each knows for certain that they are weighing every word, judging every motive. THIS is the being whom every living thing meets at the end of their lives, and who passes judgment to the appropriate rewards of the deeds of life.







Gargul is quiet for a moment, an eternity. And the the god speaks again.


(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Friday October 9th, 2015 4:59:56 PM

"Magic is not the only stone in your sling"...

Gargul's words keep ringing in Aex's ears... her sling... she did strike the glass thing once with it... even it being very mundane... perhaps... perhaps she can get better skilled using it?

"Thank you Lord Gargul" Aex whispers softy.

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Friday October 9th, 2015 8:28:20 PM

Terser is stunned at the God's acknowledgement of his words. He spoke simply, but was perceived to have wisdom. Perhaps the path he is on is the correct one, and he is truly growing in ways other than the might of his muscles.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Friday October 9th, 2015 9:13:49 PM

Magana nods and moves with alacrity, an almost imperceptible smirk her face at her instructions. As her Lord commands, she escorts Hashamon to the fountain, lifts his indistinct form off its feet, and throws him in making sure that he gets immersed completely.

She bows her head and says seriously, "May your next life be glorious."

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Friday October 9th, 2015 10:52:34 PM

Ecthelion's breath catches in his throat. It takes a moment before he can find it again, pulling the dark hood on his cloak up over his head. Perhaps it is a good thing he did not acknowledge me, he thinks.

The Gray Lord (ACDM SteveK) 
Friday October 9th, 2015 11:10:39 PM

The first time Magana tries to grab Hashamon, her hands pass through his still ghostly form. Gargul says "TRY AGAIN", and Magana's hands begin glowing with a pale gray light. As she tries again, Magana finds her hands have 'Ghost Touch', and she can pick up the surprisingly light Hashamon.

The being that is the essense of Hashamon hits the water and immediately Hashamon finds he has a physical body once more! Yet it is a smaller, weaker, less furry body... Hashamon is human!

Gargul then responds to Rilletts request, gentle, but never one to flinch from the truth. "NO ONE IS EVER TOLD SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY"

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Friday October 9th, 2015 11:30:22 PM

Zeoll feels happy. Not always does an audience with this god go so well, he knows. Hash is lucky. We all are, Zeoll thinks.

He watches the reincaenation with deep interest. This is something new to the liontaur. As he sees that Hash is no longer a Taur, he feels sad.

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 
Saturday October 10th, 2015 12:41:20 AM

Hashamons dreams of Ma'abs realm flood with cold water and a splash in a fountain. Alert, he quickly rolls and pushes himself to his feet. His very small human feet.

He flexes human arms and muscles, shifts his very human jaw, and runs his hands through his shaggy hair. Even his equipment has slightly changed, from a fur hood with a toothed maw to his large heavy clothed traveling skirts.

He looks at his reflection in the waters. For a moment, a look of panic flashes across his face.

"I am changed."

A tear runs down his cheek.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Saturday October 10th, 2015 1:27:32 PM

"Welcome back, brother," she says with a formal bow that recognizes his sacrifices and her own debt. "I owe you my life. All that I have is yours for the asking."

Magana helps Hashamon out of the fountain once he is ready.

The Gray Lord (ACDM SteveK) 
Saturday October 10th, 2015 4:28:33 PM


The scene fades, and the Lionfish Crew find themselves once again sitting in a circle. Just outside the circle is a very human Hashamon and the Minotaur Magana.

And Magana still has her hands glowing a light gray...

(Great work everyone! Turning the board back over to your DMs)

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Saturday October 10th, 2015 5:16:27 PM

Aexana gasps as she witnesses the reincarnation of Hashamon. She has always wondered if Taur were to be considered humans or animals... now it seems the human side has taken the upper hand in Hash's return! She now has all the proof she ever needed... Taur's are humanoids indeed...

"Welcome back friend... "

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Saturday October 10th, 2015 7:40:50 PM

Rillett has much to think about having met his god for the first time. But there are more immediate matters at hand. He will rise to greet the "new" Hash, moving forward to briefly embrace him.

Welcome back Hash. Sorry about the new form - reincarnation was the best I could do given where we are. But don't worry - being human isn't so bad. Do you have everything you need?

In fact, we should all check to see we have what we need, including casting any spells we can while we're here. Let's see if we can make it so everyone that handle this heat. Aex, Ecth, Magana, Terser - can you cast Endure Elements?

He will cast Endure Elements on Jozhur and himself.

Spells in effect - Longstrider (extended from the night before), Status on Hash and Magana (extended from the night before), Endure Elements

Spells/abilities available, * = cast/used:
0 (DC16): Create Water, Guidance, Detect Magic, Detect Posion
1 (DC17): Longstrider (D), Bless, Endure Elements, Endure Elements, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith
2 (DC18): See Invisible (D), Delay Poison, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Resist Energy
3 (DC19): Divination (D), Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Speak with Dead
4 (DC20): Dimension Door (D), Air Walk, Seeker Reincarnation, Summon Monster IV
5 (DC21): Trueseeing (D), Wall of Stone, Plane Shift

Agile Feet (Su) 9/day -
Dim. Hop (Sp) 90'/day -
Greater Insight (Sp) 1/day -
Channel Energy (Su) 5/day -
Obscuring Mist (Item) 2/day -
Deathwatch (Item) 1/day -
Eagle's Splendor (Item) 1/day -

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Sunday October 11th, 2015 12:47:11 PM

Magana answers Rillett absently as she gazes, "I will commune with Gargul for that power after we rest."

She turns to him and holds forth her hands to show him the grey glow. "What has our Lord wrought upon me?" she asks in wonder.

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 
Sunday October 11th, 2015 4:31:16 PM

Hash leans wearily on Magana as he leaves the fountain. He sits in shock, clutching his stomach as if he were sick.

"I thank you Rillet. It is not my body that disturbs me. I was never just a minotaur, but a wolf, a chimera, and anything else I desired to be. I was the incarnation of the natural world."

He sighs and stands.

"I will also prepare Endure Elements, though for myself. I will not be assuming elemental forms any longer... my druidic powers.. my knowledge of it's language... my ability to assume forms... all lost. Traded for something else, the magic of a god given to a follower. I am changed in more ways than one."

He takes a deep breath.

"Thank you everyone."

Finding a place to lean his back against the wall, he sits closes his eyes to rest.

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73 
Sunday October 11th, 2015 11:10:02 PM

Jozhur looks at Hashamon and Magana. Gargul does have a tendency to change people.

He wonders about his pledge to Gargul that he would protect Spire with his own life. They left Spire on an island, an island that was promptly destroyed. He looks to Ecth and can wonder no longer. He decides to just ask Ecth finally.

"So, this trip to Gargul got me thinking, are you...Spire? Err I mean previously know as Spire?"

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19  d20+6=9 ;
Monday October 12th, 2015 12:40:49 AM

Rillett will cast Detect Magic and look at Magana's hands to see if he can determine the type of magic them - he is unable to tell (Knowledge Arcana roll=9).

Hmmm. I'm not sure Magana, I can't tell what kind of magic this is. But if I had to make a guess, I would think that our Lord may have given you some protection that will allow you to touch that stone we seek.

Ecth, you're a little better at magic. Any idea what Lord Gargul put on Magana's hands?

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55)  d20+9=28 ;
Monday October 12th, 2015 8:46:39 AM

Zeoll looks at Hash and Magana in wonder. He also is curious about how great the changes are that Hash has undergone. The old liontaur reaches out to him in friendship, and he says to him in Tauric, "Do you recall that you were a minotaur, oh my brother? Do you recall the tongue of our peoples?"

If Hashmon looks blank, Zeoll adds in common, "I was wonderring if you still spoke Taurric. But eitherr way, welcome back!"

Turning to Magana, Zeoll casts detect magic and looks at her hands. [spellcraft check 28!] He describes what he discovers.

"I hope this is a blessing on you, my dearr," he says, "forr I doubt Lorrd Garrgul would do aught else."


FINALLY, Zeoll has a chance to tell his friends about his dream: In his vision, he saw the party members battling their doppelganger, that is, mirror-twins of themselves, as if brought to life through some reflection. But at the end of the dream, Zeoll thinks that they were not mirrored twins after all.

"Eitherr way, it bespeaks an upcoming fight against a foe equal to ourrselves, I think," Zeoll concludes.

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 
Monday October 12th, 2015 9:27:46 AM

"[Taur]: I have retained this, at least. "

Hashamon opens one eye, then answers in a sigh.

"My druidic powers are gone, save for the knowledge of the animal domain left to me by Queen Ma'ab. The rest of what I am, my shifter powers, have been replaced by a martial wisdom and clerical skill. I think our Queen was allowing me to stay close to what I was while Lord Gargul shaped me to his path as well."

He takes a brief pause.

"I'm a synthesis of my Queen and Lord Gargul now. I can only hope to learn meld these powers against my prey successfully."

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph  d20+16=31 ;
Monday October 12th, 2015 1:26:40 PM

The drow remains silent for a moment. "This is hardly the place to discuss such things, Jozhur. When we have completed this task for Gargul... we will speak of that."

He then casts Detect Magic and has a look at Magana's hands. "Yes... it would seem that Gargul has given your hands the magical property to touch incorporeal creatures, Magana. I am... unfamiliar with your fighting style, but if you use your fists at all you should be able to deal damage against any incorporeal undead we may face.

I have many instances of Endure Elements prepared for today. If someone needs defense against this heat, please let me know."

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Monday October 12th, 2015 4:26:07 PM

"Yes I can cast some spells to withstand the heat but question is if we really need it? Let's wait and see what is hidden beyond this door. We've had to solve every riddle without magic... so why would the next be any different? "

Ultimately Aex understands it's not just Hash's appearance that has changed but also his abilities. She was happy to have another Druid travelling with her...

Lvl 0: Flare, Light, Detect Magic, Create Water
Lvl 1: Endure Elements, Endure Elements, Produce Flame, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds + Obscuring Mist
Lvl 2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere + Fog Cloud
Lvl 3: Water Breathing, Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daylight + Call Lightning
Lvl 4: Flame Strike, Control Water, Cure Serious Wounds + Sleet Storm
Lvl 5: Stoneskin, Wall of Fire + Ice Storm
1/day: dancing lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with animals.
8/day: Storm Burst
1/day: Lightning Lord (9 bolts)
8/day: Wooden Fist
9/rounds: Bramble Armor

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Monday October 12th, 2015 4:53:18 PM

That's sensible. If the magic turns off again, so will the spell. And after that lava, it doesn't even seem that hot in here.

is it still unpleasantly hot?

[DM Hugh] - CSI : Dungeoncrawl  
Monday October 12th, 2015 10:57:56 PM

Zeoll is happy that the encounter with Lord Gargul went so well.

Hashamon is getting used to his new human body and abilities.

Jozhur reflects on Gargul's tendency to change person and then asks Ecth if Ecth is Spire. (OOC: I'll have to look into that reference myself)

Rillet attempts to figure out what magic Gargul wrought on Magana's hands but cannot figure it out, so he ends up asking for Ecth's aid.

Zeoll tries to determine if Hashamon still speaks Taur and is happy to find that his friend retained that in his new form. Zeoll also tries to determine the effect of the magic that Gargul placed on Magana's hands. He then shares his dream of doppelgangers that turned out to not be doppelgangers with the party

Ecth tells Jozhur they can discuss the spire after their quest for Gargul is completed. Ecth then also offers endure elements to his friends and tells Magana that her fists are ghost touched.

Aex is a little sad to be losing a fellow druid, and cautions waiting on the next room before casting endure elements.

Terser thinks that course of action is reasonable.

Zeoll Highlight to display spoiler: {You know that the ghost touch blessing that Gargul bestowed on her will extend to any weapon she wields as well.}

The party enters the next room and realizes that both magic still works and that it is still uncomfortably hot wherever it is you are. In front of you is a programmed illusion.

On the left there is a murder scene. A nobleman lays face-upwards dead in his bed. The covers have been pulled back, and a large knife has been plunged deeply into his chest. His blood stains the white sheet. There is more detail to this scene however from where you stand it is hard to make out.

On the right there stands three men. The first is a young lad, perhaps 16. He stands with his head bowed and hands by his side. He wears the clothes of a well-to-do commoner.

Standing next to him is an average looking man. He has Dark unkempt hair and an unshaven face and an average build. The clothes he wears are quite well to do.
Perception: 28 or Appraise 28 : Highlight to display spoiler: { His clothes are several seasons out of date}

The last man is a tall thin man with blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. He is wearing a large scarlet coat, white pants, and shiny black boots. He carries himself with the haughty air of a noble.

At the end of the room two large stone doors block any further progress. Etched in the archway reads "Pantheon's justice must be found everywhere"

Standing before the doorway is another programmed image. This one looks exactly like the dead man on the left. He has a neatly trimmed beard and is wearing a nightgown with a large knife sticking out of his chest.

What do you do now?

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=21 ; d20+6=26 ; d20+12=21 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 2:15:37 AM

Jozhur nods to Ecth in agreement, "Sure, we can talk on that later". He will take Ecth's response as a yes for now and stays near to him.

He grins at the scene in the next room, "Oooh, a murder mystery." He gives the "average looking man" a look over. "That guys clothes have been out of style since before I caught my ship to Bonetown."

He glances over all three of the images a little closer.

Perception for Average man: 21 Appraise: 26
Perception: 21

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55)  d20+25=27 ; d20+25=39 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 7:53:08 AM

Before the group gets to the new room, Zeoll tells Magana that he thinks any weapon she holds will have the ghost touch power too. "This is an amazing blessing! Use it while it lasts!"

In the new room, Zeoll looks closer too. Perception 27. Does not meet the DC28 needed for the spoiler, :-(

Zeoll looks closely at the three figures. How tall is each compared with the victim? Do any of the three have any speckles of blood on them? Perception 39.

===== ===== ===== =====

DM Sanity Info

Cleric spells (underlined = cast):
0: guidance, create water, light, mending
1: command, command x3, bane, elf vision
2: calm emo x2, hold person, faerie fire
3: prayer, sum mon III, glibness

Sorcerer spells:
Cast: 3 of 8 1st lvl (Mage Armor x3)
Cast: 0 of 5 2nd lvl

Other Stuff Used:
Laughing Touch: used 0 of 8.
Channel Energy 1d6: used 1 of 8.
Fey Domain Hide Away: used 1 of 8.
Meta Rod: used 1 of 3

Current effects cast/activated by Zeoll:
Mage Armor used 2.5 of 6 hours (Zeoll, Aexana)
Elf Vision 60 minutes; Taur's Try (mino) 10 min

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19  d20+17=21 ; d20+17=21 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 10:59:58 AM

Rillett looks at Magana's hands. That is indeed a blessing, but also an ominous portent. Perhaps we should all be ready to deal with incorporial beings. He casts a sidelong glance at the programmed illusion before the door. (Perception 21 on the standing figure).

He'll then walk over to examine the murder scene on the left. (Perception 21).
Spells in effect - Longstrider (extended from the night before), Status on Hash and Magana (extended from the night before), Endure Elements

Spells/abilities available, * = cast/used:
0 (DC16): Create Water, Guidance, Detect Magic, Detect Posion
1 (DC17): Longstrider (D), Bless, Endure Elements*, Endure Elements*, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith
2 (DC18): See Invisible (D), Delay Poison, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Resist Energy
3 (DC19): Divination (D), Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Speak with Dead
4 (DC20): Dimension Door (D), Air Walk, Seeker Reincarnation, Summon Monster IV
5 (DC21): Trueseeing (D), Wall of Stone, Plane Shift

Agile Feet (Su) 9/day -
Dim. Hop (Sp) 90'/day -
Greater Insight (Sp) 1/day -
Channel Energy (Su) 5/day -
Obscuring Mist (Item) 2/day -
Deathwatch (Item) 1/day -
Eagle's Splendor (Item) 1/day -

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19 
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 11:33:07 AM

Hashamon walks awkwardly, testing his new body. The frame was much smaller than his last, with less muscle and bone structure for certain. He flexes his body and finds that it is reactive and strong, and much more nimble than his last.

In the middle of this analysis, he also finds that his mind is much clearer than it had been. The old feral rage had left him for the most part, though he felt something lurking beneath the surface of his thoughts. He tests his spell capacity as well, feeling out the magics available. It was different, but likely more potent than what he knew before.

He looks at the scenes before him. With his newfound knowledge of all Woldian Gods, he does his best to assess the situation. Lord Panthon likely desired them to dole justice out as it were due. He looks at the specters for a moment, settling finally on the dead mans apparition. Before approaching it, he drinks a potion of mage armor.

"Speak prey. Tell me of the hunt that ended your life."

Fur Domain|Predators Grace: 8/8 Remaining
Darkness Domain|Touch of Darkness: 8/8 Remaining
Spells in Effect: Mage Armor.
Spells Available.
0: Guidance, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Light
1st: Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Inflict Light Wounds x3, Magic Fang
2nd: Aid, Bull Strength, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Owl's Wisdom, Blindness
3rd: Inflict Serious Wounds x3, Beast Shape I
4th: Divine Power, Inflict Critical Wounds, Shadow Conjuration

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge)  d20+9=22 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 4:27:08 PM

Hmmn, why is the dead man shown twice? Terser looks the scene over with the others, trying to take note of any details that may indicate who the man's killer is. Most notably, he examines the angle of the knife in the standing image, trying to correlate that to the height of his theoretical killer. Perception 22

All the talk of dopplegangers makes him think that the standing image of the dead man could be a double, but if he trying to assume the identity, these others would need to die to keep the secret.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids   d20+15=22 ; d20+15=26 ; d20+9=10 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 4:58:08 PM

(perception 22 - failure)
Aex frowns at Jozhur's remark... she notices nothing out of the ordinary in the man's clothes... she looks down at her own clothes and wonders if her own vibrant greens are perhaps not the latest fashion either...

"Looks like we have a murder case to solve and have justice prevail... " , Aex softly says to no one but herself. Questioning the suspects sounds like the first thing to do and perhaps question the murder victim as well? Perhaps you can just ask him who did it... solves this thing easily Aex grins quietly.

Aex goes closer to the bed and examines the murder weapon. (perception 26) Does this weapon fit with the outfit either of the man is wearing? Is it a modern blade? More antique? Dagger?
Sadly her knowledge of the human body abandons her... (heal 10 - nat 1) She's unable to discern of the victim was already dead before the dagger hit him. The amounts of blood on the sheet could have hinted at that.

Lvl 0: Flare, Light, Detect Magic, Create Water
Lvl 1: Endure Elements, Endure Elements, Produce Flame, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds + Obscuring Mist
Lvl 2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere + Fog Cloud
Lvl 3: Water Breathing, Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daylight + Call Lightning
Lvl 4: Flame Strike, Control Water, Cure Serious Wounds + Sleet Storm
Lvl 5: Stoneskin, Wall of Fire + Ice Storm
1/day: dancing lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with animals.
8/day: Storm Burst
1/day: Lightning Lord (9 bolts)
8/day: Wooden Fist
9/rounds: Bramble Armor

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-]  d20+14=22 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 9:29:07 PM

Magana walks up to the image of the young lad and asks, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

If she gets a response, she asks the same of the other two.

If no response, she shrugs and says, "Worth a try."

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph  d20+15=16 ;
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 11:05:37 PM

Ecthelion is distracted from the meeting with Gargul and notices nothing special about the room. "A murder mystery... I would read these as a child. I was never very good at them."

"Encouraging stuff, boss,"
Murph grunts from his ankles.

[DM Hugh] - How to not let someone get away with murder 
Tuesday October 13th, 2015 11:42:48 PM

Jozhur agrees with Ecth about talking later. He points out the murder mystery and the fact that the middle man's clothes are out of fashion before taking a closer look at the murder scene, the three men and the single man.

Zeoll thoroughly inspects each of the men on the right, examining the men for height and physical evidence.

Rillet examines both the single man and the murder scene.

Hashamon is still getting used to his new body. He quaffs a potion of mage armor and then asks the apparition what ended its life.

Terser ponders why the dead man is shown twice then examines the angle of the knife to see if it correlates to any of the suspects. He ponders if the standing image of the victim is a doppleganger for the dead man.

Aex does not notice anything strange about the middle man's clothes. She walks over to the scene of the crime and takes particular interest in the knife before unsuccessfully attempting to figure out if the victim was dead before getting stabbed.

Magana walks up to each of the three men and asks who they are and why they are here.

Ecth shares that he is not that good at solving murder mysteries to which Murph sarcastically calls this encouraging.

Johzhur, Rillet and Aex approach the murder scene.
Johzhur, Rillet, Aex : Highlight to display spoiler: {As you get closer you notice that the nobleman's eyes stare lifelessly at the ceiling. Around the man's neck hangs a chain, upon which can be seen a small charm. To the right hand side of the bed is a night stand. A half-burnt candle, now extinguished, sits snugly in its holder. Next to it is a very small glass. To the left hand side of the bed is a small bookcase. There appears to be something under the bed. Do you want to examine any area of the crime scene more thoroughly?}

Aex : Highlight to display spoiler: {The knife appears to be an unremarkable standard mundane dagger, with a simple wooden handle and a steel blade. These type of daggers are purchasable almost anywhere weapons or adventuring supplies are sold. The dagger does not appear to match the outfit of any of the men.}

Johzur, Zeoll, and Magana approach the suspects.

Johzur, Zeoll and Magana Highlight to display spoiler: { There is no doubt in your collective minds that the clothes of the first man befit his station as man-servant to a noble.
His right eye is blackened, and he has scars of various ages all along his arms.
His eyes look bloodshot, as if he might have been crying.

Based on Johzur's comments you suspect that the second man is likely a well-to-do commoner trying to be seen as nearly a noble.

The third man is most definitely a noble. You can tell by his bearing and signet ring.

Zeoll : Highlight to display spoiler: { None of the men appear to have any specks of blood on their person. The man servant is lanky about six inches taller than the victim. The commoner putting on airs is about 2 inches shorter than the victim and the nobleman is roughly the same height as the slain man. }

When Magana asks her question to the young man he responds : "I am his late lordship's faithful servant, Sam. I am here because they think I killed his lordship. It wasn’t me, m’lady! I swear it! May Lord Gargul punish my immortal soul if I’m lying. “I’m afraid I was fast asleep all night, m’lady. The master never called for me, so I had no need to check in on him. Perhaps had I been awake I could have saved him. He was a good man. Not like that Lord Fredericks”

When Magana questions the second man she gets this answer : "I am Sam's adopted father, William Roberts. I knew the boy was trouble ever since we adopted him. Should've left him on the streets. It doesn't surprise me that he did this. I had no idea Lord Greyson was dead until the city watch game for me this morning. Despite my protests they insisted I follow them. How embarrassing. Can you imagine what this will do for my reputation?"

When she questions the noble, he says the following: "Terrible business this. Simply terrible. Forgive me, where are my manners. I am Lord Erwin Theodore Fredericks. I was called on by the town watch to vouch for Master Roberts. I had no idea poor Lord Greyson had departed until the watch arrived at my estate."

Hashamon, Johzur and Terser approach the victim standing by the closed doors.

Hashamon, Johzur and Terser Highlight to display spoiler: {Johzur can attest that this is the same man from the crime scene, but what is unsettling about this version of the man is that despite the knife sticking out of the man's chest there appears to be intelligence behind the man's eyes. }

Terser Highlight to display spoiler: {The knife was plunged straight down.}

The nobleman replies to Hashamon's query: "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?"

How do you answer the dead man's query?

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19  d20+17=35 ;
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 10:44:24 AM

Rillett will announce what he sees [allowing others to read his hidden text]. Then he will examine the charm on the dead man's neck, look to see what is under the bed, and see what sort of books he reads. He will announce to the others what he sees. (Perception 35)

I fear that the wrong answer to the dead man's question may bring his ghost here, or worse. Unless someone is sure of the answer, I will cast a Divination to seek Gargul's advice on this. My intent would be to simply ask who killed this man. Thoughts?

Rillett will then prepare to cast Divination - 10 minute casting time.
Spells in effect - Longstrider (extended from the night before), Status on Hash and Magana (extended from the night before), Endure Elements

Spells/abilities available, * = cast/used:
0 (DC16): Create Water, Guidance, Detect Magic, Detect Posion
1 (DC17): Longstrider (D), Bless, Endure Elements*, Endure Elements*, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith
2 (DC18): See Invisible (D), Delay Poison, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Resist Energy
3 (DC19): Divination (D), Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Speak with Dead
4 (DC20): Dimension Door (D), Air Walk, Seeker Reincarnation, Summon Monster IV
5 (DC21): Trueseeing (D), Wall of Stone, Plane Shift

Agile Feet (Su) 9/day -
Dim. Hop (Sp) 90'/day -
Greater Insight (Sp) 1/day -
Channel Energy (Su) 5/day -
Obscuring Mist (Item) 2/day -
Deathwatch (Item) 1/day -
Eagle's Splendor (Item) 1/day -

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 11:05:06 AM

The mention of Gargul makes Hashamon apprehensive.

"On one hand, it is a valuable spell. On the other, these are tests. It seems like that would be like asking your teacher for the answers."

He looks back to the spirit with the knife jutting from it.

"We will answer you shortly."

Hash takes a moment to look up, at the "ceiling" above, to see if there is something there. Otherwise, he is curious what is both under the bed and associated with the charm on the locket.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 12:40:44 PM

Zeoll nods to Magana. "Grreat idea, talking to them!"

Zeoll tells his friends, that the three suspects are a lowly commoner, a commoner seeking to advance his station, and an aristo. He does not think that their heights gives a good clue as to who did it. He looks at their boots and at the murder scene. Are there any footprints in the spilled blood?

Zeoll looks carefully at the murder weapon. Is it the same weapon in the murder scene as in the chest of the dead man standing? Does it look valuable? masterwork? Zeoll tries to cast detect magic on the murder weapon.

Zeoll asks the images to each name themselves, and to name each other (in case they are lying.)

"Why would the killerr leave the murrderr weapon behind? He must have been interrrupted, orr in a hurrry."

The old liontaur asks the commoner how he got that black eye, and those scars.

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 2:52:35 PM

Poor soul. Could the man have taken his own life?

Does the Sam figure wear a charm similar to Lord Greyson?

Magana - perhaps ask the young man the nature of his relationship with his master.
Hash - perhaps a similar question for the Lord Greyson figure before you.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 3:27:33 PM

"Magana, what happens if you trry to touch these "spirrits" with yourr blessed hands?"

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids   d20+15=19 ; d20+5=8 ;
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 4:45:02 PM

Aex too informs the others what she noticed - although it wasn't all that much.

How long ago was the murder committed? Where were all three at the time of the murder and do they have alibis?

She observes Magana questioning the 3. When there's a small pauze in the question and answer sequence she gives a small nudge to Magana asking her to ask each of the three why the others would benefit from Lord Greyson's death. Also better to check how each was treated by Lord Greyson... was he an honest man? Greedy? Merciful? How did others perceive Lord Greyson?

Standing behind Magana, Aex listens intently. While she does she observes each of the three while the others speak... how do they react to one another's words? (perception 19, sense motive 8... yuck)

Lvl 0: Flare, Light, Detect Magic, Create Water
Lvl 1: Endure Elements, Endure Elements, Produce Flame, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds + Obscuring Mist
Lvl 2: Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere + Fog Cloud
Lvl 3: Water Breathing, Wind Wall, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daylight + Call Lightning
Lvl 4: Flame Strike, Control Water, Cure Serious Wounds + Sleet Storm
Lvl 5: Stoneskin, Wall of Fire + Ice Storm
1/day: dancing lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with animals.
8/day: Storm Burst
1/day: Lightning Lord (9 bolts)
8/day: Wooden Fist
9/rounds: Bramble Armor

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 7:27:17 PM

hmmn. Who should be sent to the gallows? The one who did it, perhaps. Though with the blood on our hands, it may be inappropriate for any of us to send someone to the gallows.

Still, Terser will relate the fact that the knife plunged straight down, so likely he was stabbed in his sleep, and there will be no clue regarding the height of the attacker.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 9:28:53 PM

"Perhaps the dagger is a plant, Zeoll. Evidence left behind by the murderer to implicate someone." Ecthelion moves behind Magana, looking at the three 'suspects.' "Pre-programmed illusions... I wonder how many questions they can answer? Asking them who they think the murderer is... a good start. The murderer's intentions are another question. Why would a lowly servant slay this lord? Especially a child?"

"The kid mentioned that other lord, too, whatisface..."
Murph interjects, pulling on his master's robe.

"Yes, thank you Murph. The child knows Lord Fredericks... how? And why does he think the man cruel?"

If no one else does, Ecth will ask the following questions of the three suspects:
-Who do you think the murderer is?
-Why did they kill Lord Greyson?
-(to the child) How do you know Lord Fredericks?

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Thursday October 15th, 2015 12:46:43 AM

"Zeoll, I'm no expert, but nothing about this seems ghostly to me. An illusion perhaps? I'd rather not touch it without some idea what might happen."

While Ecthelion asks Aex's questions of the three, Magana inspects each of their hands close up, checking for any blood.

[DM Hugh] - Law and Order : Bonetown Adventuring Unit 
Thursday October 15th, 2015 3:32:36 AM

Rillet tells the rest of the group what he sees, then he examines the charm around Lord Greyson's neck, under the bed and the bookshelf. The charm is a small golden gavel. The bookshelf contains mostly books on law, but a few dog-eared romance novels can be found. Atop the bookcase is a 3 foot long piece of reed flecked with drops of blood. Underneath the bed can be found a bedpan, and a blood stain on the underside of the mattress as a result of the death above. He then announces his concern that the wrong answer will summon Lord Greyson's ghost, his intent to cast divination and solicits his companions for thought regarding this course of action before preparing to cast divination. (OOC: Please confirm that you are casting the spell in your next post, if you want to do this)

Hashamon is apprehensive at the mention of Gargul and voices the opinion that using the spell would be like asking a teacher for the answers to a test. He replies to Lord Greyson that the group will answer it shortly, to which the figment only replies, "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?"
Hashamon then examines the ceiling, noticing that the ceiling is vaulted and inlaid with decorative carvings in high Woldian.
Knowledge Religion DC : 17 or Linguistics DC 20 Highlight to display spoiler: {The carvings are the archaic form of the symbol for Pantheon.}

Zeoll praises Magana for talking to the spirits and then explains the stations of the three figments. The old liontaur then checks the men's footwear for blood and the crime scene for bloody footprints but comes up empty in the search. He then examines the murder weapon in both the crime scene and in the figment's chest. Both are a match. The knife appears to be an unremarkable standard mundane dagger, with a simple wooden handle and a steel blade. It is not of a particularly high quality nor does it radiate magic. Zeoll asks the figments to name themselves and each other to which he receives these responses:

Servant : "I am his late lordship's faithful servant, Sam." he receives no answer regarding the identities of the other men.

Commoner: "I am Sam's adopted father, William Roberts." aside from the reference to being Sam's father he makes no reference to the other men.

Noble: "I am Lord Erwin Theodore Fredericks." He also makes no reference to the other men.

Knowledge [Arcana] DC : 15 Highlight to display spoiler: {You know that programmed images have triggers to respond to certain prompts, it would appear that there is no trigger associated with asking the figment's to name eachother.}

Zeoll then ponders why the murder weapon was left behind before asking the servant about his black eye and scars.

The Servant replies, "If I made a mistake, the master would help to teach me so I wouldn’t make the mistake again. He was a good man, just very passionate.”

Rillet posits that Lord Greyson could have taken his own life before seeing if the servant wears a charm like Greyson's. Sam does not. He asks about the nature of Sam's relationship with Lord Greyson.

"He was a good man. Not like that Lord Fredericks. As a judge he ensured that justice was afforded to all, not just those who could afford it. Like that Lord Fredericks. If I made a mistake, the master would help to teach me so I wouldn’t make the mistake again. He was a good man, just very passionate.”

Questioning Lord Greyson about his relationship with Sam yields the same, "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?" question the figment responded with earlier.

Zeoll then asks Magana to try to touch the figments with her blessed hands. Magana replies that she is no expert but the men do not appear to be ghosts, maybe illusions and that she would rather not touch them for fear of the unknown.

Aex tells the rest of the party what she observed and then asks the questions :
How long ago was the murder committed?
Where were all three at the time of the murder and do they have alibis?

The servant replies, “It wasn’t me, m’lady! I swear it! May Lord Gargul punish my immortal soul if I’m lying. I only heard when the city watch came and arrested me this morning, m’lady. I’m afraid I was fast asleep all night, m’lady. The master never called for me, so I had no need to check in on him. Perhaps had I been awake I could have saved him. He was a good man. Not like that Lord Fredericks.”

The servant's father replies “Are you accusing me? HOW DARE YOU! You, you, filthy street scum! You just consider yourself lucky I don’t have my sword with me or I’d have you cut from navel to nose!
I was with Lord Fredericks here, in the parlour all evening. We were discussing how the taxes in this region are far, far too low. Society is meant to have two classes, and the lines are far too blurred for my liking.
I had no idea he was dead until the city watch came for me this morning. Despite my protests they insisted I follow them. How embarrassing. Can you imagine what this will do for my reputation?”

Lord Fredericks replies “But of course Master Roberts was with me. Quite an interesting fellow I must say. We stayed awake all night, just talking. Of course, he did leave the parlour for quite some time around midnight. You don’t suppose he did it, do you? I had no idea Lord Greyson had departed until I was called to vouch for Master Roberts. I’m sure I don’t know who is responsible. One wouldn’t associate with that sort of element anyway. But when one life ends, another will blossom. I’m sure Master Roberts will be front of line to inherit Lord Greysons land."

As to the questions:
Who would benefit from Lord Greyson's death?
How was each of the men treated by Lord Greyson?
What kind of man was Lord Greyson?
How did others perceive Lord Greyson?

The servant replies, "If I made a mistake, the master would help to teach me so I wouldn’t make the mistake again. He was a good man, just very passionate. I don’t think he had any enemies, m’lord. He was a fair and honest man. As a judge he ensured that justice was afforded to all, not just those who could afford it. Like that Lord Fredericks."
Sam shares nothing regarding who would benefit from Lord Greyson's death.

The servant's father replies, "I didn’t see or hear anything. But it’s clear to me the boy did it. Now quit wasting time and charge him already!"
Master William Roberts shares nothing regarding any of your questions in this regard really.

The nobleman replies, "I’m sure I don’t know who is responsible. One wouldn’t associate with that sort of element anyway. But when one life ends, another will blossom. I’m sure Master Roberts will be front of line to inherit Lord Greysons land”
Lord Fredericks shares nothing regarding what kind of man Lord Greyson was.

Aex Highlight to display spoiler: {The men do not react to what any of the others have to say. It is almost like they are not aware of each other, only the party.}

Terser reflects on how the party can send anyone to the gallows with blood on their own hands then relates to his companions that the knife was plunged straight down.

Ecth raises the possibility that the dagger is a plant. He points out that the men are pre-programmed illusions and wonders if there is a limit to the questions that the men can answer. He brings up the murderers intentions and wonders why a child servant would slay his master.

Murph brings up the fact that Sam mentioned Lord something-or-other, to which Ecth thanks his familiar for the reminder and then questions how the child knows Lord Fredericks and why he thinks the man cruel.

The responses received from :
-Who do you think the murderer is?
-Why did they kill Lord Greyson?
-(to the child) How do you know Lord Fredericks?
are as follows:

Servant: "I don’t know who did it, m’lord. I’m sorry. I really am. But if I had to guess, I’d say Lord Fredericks is the type. Lord Greyson was a fair and honest man. As a judge he ensured that justice was afforded to all, not just those who could afford it, like that Lord Fredericks"

Servant's father: “I knew that boy was trouble ever since we adopted him. Should’ve left him on the streets. Doesn’t surprise me he did this.”
“I didn’t see or hear anything. But it’s clear to me the boy did it. Now quit wasting time and charge him already!”

Nobleman: “I’m sure I don’t know who is responsible. One wouldn’t associate with that sort of element anyway. But when one life ends, another will blossom. I’m sure Master Roberts will be front of line to inherit Lord Greysons land.”

Magana inspects each of the figments hands for blood, but finds nothing.

Knowing what you know now are you ready to answer Lord Greyson's question?

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55)  d20+21=39 ; d20+21=28 ; d20+21=25 ; d20+7=9 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2015 6:45:33 AM

Zeoll points out that the boy was beaten and scarred by the deceased. And that the other two vouch for each other. That points to the boy

The father evidently stands to benefit by inheriting the estate. The noble says he had a chance around midnight to do it. That points to the father.

Zeoll thinks some magic may help. He casts his Woldian Deeper Insight spell, which gives him a +10 on Sense Motive checks for 6 minutes. That boosts his natural +10 to +20. He says a prayer for Guidance three times. Then he asks questions to prompt responses:

Boy: "It wasn’t me, m’lord! I swear it! May Lord Gargul punish my immortal soul if I’m lying." Sense Motive 39

Father: "I didn’t see or hear anything. But it’s clear to me the boy did it." Sense Motive 28

Noble: "I’m sure I don’t know who is responsible." Sense Motive 25

(That's either to get a hunch, per the rules, or to oppose the illusions' bluff checks?)

Zeoll also studies the text above the party's heads after praying for Guidance. Trained Linguistics 9. Other than recognizing the Old High Woldian script that his longtime friend Brahmah knew so well, he cannot make mane or tails of it.

===== ===== ===== =====

DM Sanity Info

Note: The DM Sanity Info I copied and pasted on Oct. 13 was the one from "yesterday." I forgot that we had rested and that it is a new day. NOTE THAT ZEOLL HAS CAST MAGE ARMOR ON SELF AND AEX!

Cleric spells (underlined = cast):
0: guidance, create water, light, mending
1: OPEN SLOT, command x3, bane, OPEN DOMAIN SLOT
2: calm emo x2, hold person, faerie fire
3: prayer, sum mon III, glibness

Sorcerer spells:
Cast: 2 of 8 1st lvl (Mage Armor x2)
Cast: 1 of 5 2nd lvl (Deeper Insight)

Other Stuff Used:
Laughing Touch: used 0 of 8.
Channel Energy 1d6: used 0 of 8.
Fey Domain Hide Away: used 0 of 8.
Meta Rod: used 0 of 3

Current effects cast/activated by Zeoll:
Mage Armor used 0.5? of 6 hours (Zeoll, Aexana)
Taur's Try (mino) 10 min
Deeper Insight used 1? of 6 minutes

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19  d20+8=22 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2015 2:47:26 PM

Hashamon notices Zeoll looking up at the ceiling.

Know Religion: 22

"That is an old carving to represent Pantheon." Hash isn't quite sure how he knew that, only that he did. In his death, he was exposed to much he couldn't remember. Being forced to acknowledge the other gods had made him realize to venerate only one was folly.

He considers the problem before them.

"The dead wished for justice to be available to all, not just the poor. Master Roberts felt the opposite, that society must always have an alpha pack, and the jackals who feed on the scraps left behind."

He shakes his head.

"But that still is not enough to condemn him."

He approaches Master Roberts.

"Where is your weapon, if you do not have it? Where did you go once you left the parlour? Why do you pretend to be nobility, when you come grow from common seed?"

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids   d20+5=10 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2015 4:42:02 PM

(knowledge arcana 10 - failure)

"They're programmed to say only what they have been saying so far... we've been getting the same answers over and over. However there are a few things that strike me as interesting. The boy clearly does not like Lord Fredericks. It seems that Lord Fredericks wasn't as just as Lord Greyson... secondly it's mainly Master Roberts who benefits most of Lord Greysons death. Seems to me the boy could not gain a thing from the death of his master. From what he says, his master was just for him... why then would he kill him? Master Roberts could perhaps inherit quite some land. Lord Fredericks... I don't know... what could he gain from Lord Greysons death?

Also, it seems these illusions don't respond to one another so we can safely interrogate them without them reacting to one another.

To the boy Aex softly speaks: "Has Lord Greyson ever done you wrong? Has Lord Fredericks? Has Master Roberts, your adopted father? And how old were you when Master Robert adopted you? Do you know what happened to your parents? You speak ill of Lord Fredericks... why? Were Lord Greyson and Lord Fredericks both judges?

To her friends she then continues: "We seem to have two Lords and one Master... both Lords appear to be judges? One more just then the other perhaps? Both doing well in society it seems based on their property and garments... We also have one Master... who based on his clothes tries to fit in with the Lords here... "

Then Aex stands in front of Lord Fredericks: "How long was Master Roberts away from the parlour? Did he way where he was going? What did you do in the meantime?"

Next Aex stands in front of Master Roberts: "Where did you go when you left the parlour around midnight? Do you know what Lord Fredericks did while you were gone? "

(@ DM Hugh - not the easiest scene to enter this board Hugh! Looks like you're in for some lengthy posts!! Thanks in advance!)

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge)  d20+4=16 ; d20+4=12 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2015 5:03:31 PM

Once it is pointed out by this human who was (is) Hashamon, it becomes obvious that the symbols represent Pantheon. knowledge religion: 16, 12. Still, he knows very little about the God, so has little idea of what he would advise in this situation.

He asks the the Lord how far it is between the estates of Lord Fredericks and Lord Greyson. If Master Roberts was truly at the former's estate, he would have had to be absent for some time to make it there, sneak in, commit the crime, and return. Of course, that doesn't mean he couldn't have hired someone to do it.

He asks Sam that if there was no murder, would he inherit the estate of his adopted father? Maybe the inheritance of both his father and Lord Greyson would be enough motive for murder.

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+12=14 ;
Thursday October 15th, 2015 5:46:53 PM

Satisfied with the question so far, Jozhur continues examine the scenes, frustrates with the apparent lack of useful physical evidence.

If the victim was sleeping, there was likely no struggle. Is anything in the murder scene disturbed or out of place? Is there a clock in the room? If so, what time does it show?

How did a reed on top of the bookcase get spattered with blood?How tall is the bookcase? Does the victim appear to have been stabbed multiple times? Jozhur questions whether the answers to any of this will even help them solve this crime...

Perception: 14

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19 
Thursday October 15th, 2015 10:25:53 PM

Hash blinks.

"Terser. You seem to have found a motive for the boy after all."

He thinks a moment.

"If the boy, Sam, murdered his master but his father took the blame, the boy would inherit the estate of his father after he hangs, which would include the estate which was inherited from Master Greyson."

Hash scoffs.

"This is a fine example of the "society" in which "civilized" people live. Give me a grove and the clear relationships between hunter and prey any day."

Ecth via email, posted by Cayzle 
Thursday October 15th, 2015 11:57:46 PM

"Roberts and Frederick were talking about how taxes were too low in the region... of course." Ecthelion nods slowly. "A theory: the two colluded in the study that night to kill Lord Greyson and blame it on the boy. They created an alibi for each other while Roberts killed the Lord. There was no indication that they may only be one guilty party, correct?"

Rillet via email, posted by Cayzle  d20=8 ;
Friday October 16th, 2015 12:01:57 AM

Rillet pauses and holds off on casting the Divination for now. "Maybe we should try to figure it our without the divination magic first," he says. He looks around and keeps alert, telling the party any details he sees.

Perception check 8 raw plus whatever mods Rillet has.

[DM Hugh] - Bonetown : 911  
Friday October 16th, 2015 8:25:58 AM

Zeoll recaps what the party knows:
1)Sam the servant was beaten and scarred by the deceased, that is a motive for him to do it.
2)The father Master William Roberts stood to inherit Lord Greyson's land. He also had a chance around midnight to do it.

He then casts Deeper Insight in an attempt to get a better sense in the truth or falsehoods contained in the men's words.

Zeoll Highlight to display spoiler: {After talking to all three men and really paying attention to what they have to say you glean that this exercise feels like a no-win situation. It’s like one of those street games, where the coin isn’t under any of the shells}

Zeoll then studies the ceiling, but does not know what the carved symbols mean. Hashamon notices the Liontaur studying the ceiling and informs him that the symbols represent Pantheon. Hashamon then singles out Master Roberts pointing out the difference between Roberts' philosophy and Lord Greyson. Hashamon points out that this is not enough to condemn him.

He then asks Master Roberts the following:

"Where is your weapon, if you do not have it?
Where did you go once you left the parlour?
Why do you pretend to be nobility, when you come grow from common seed?"

To which Master Roberts replies thusly:

“Are you accusing me? HOW DARE YOU! You, you, filthy street scum! You just consider yourself lucky I don’t have my sword with me or I’d have you cut from navel to nose!”

Aex points out that the illusions are programmed with responses and recaps that the boy does not like Lord Fredericks, Master Robert stands to gain the most from the death of Lord Greyson and that their does not seem to be a reason for Sam nor Lord Fredericks to want Lord Greyson dead. She also shares that the illusions don't respond to each other so they can question away without provoking negative reactions from the figments they are not questioning.

She then puts the following to the boy:
Has Lord Greyson ever done you wrong? Has Lord Fredericks?
Has Master Roberts, your adopted father?
And how old were you when Master Robert adopted you?
Do you know what happened to your parents?
You speak ill of Lord Fredericks... why?
Were Lord Greyson and Lord Fredericks both judges?

The boy responds, "If I made a mistake, the master would help to teach me so I wouldn’t make the mistake again. He was a good man, just very passionate. He was a fair and honest man. As a judge he ensured that justice was afforded to all, not just those who could afford it. Like that Lord Fredericks.”

Aex also points out the differences between the two lords and the master.

She then questions Lord Fredericks with:
"How long was Master Roberts away from the parlour? Did he way where he was going? What did you do in the meantime?"

He responds with, "He did leave the parlour for quite some time around midnight. You don’t suppose he did it, do you?”

She then questions Master Roberts with:
"Where did you go when you left the parlour around midnight?
"Do you know what Lord Fredericks did while you were gone?"

Master Roberts answers, "I was with Lord Fredericks here, in the parlour all evening. We were discussing how the taxes in this region are far, far too low. Are you accusing me? HOW DARE YOU! You, you, filthy street scum! You just consider yourself lucky I don’t have my sword with me or I’d have you cut from navel to nose!”

Terser reflects on the ceiling carvings and then asks Lord Fredericks how far it is between his own estate and that of Lord Greyson.

Lord Fredericks says, "My estate borders that of Lord Greyson's, but I don't see how that has anything to do with this. If a Lord has a dispute with another of his station he settles it openly, not with a knife in the dark like some gutter trash."

Terser then asks Sam if he would inherit the estate of his adopted father if there was no murder, but he does not get an answer from the figment.

Jozhur, satisfied with the answers to the questions goes back over the crime scene. Nothing in the room is disturbed or out of place but you do notice that the very small glass on the nightstand has a few drops of port lingering in the bottom. The room is also devoid of a timepiece.

He then reflects on the blood splattered reed and notices that the bookshelf is a good 60 inches tall.

Int check : 18 Highlight to display spoiler: {You remember the servants appearance and how he said that his master was passionate and would correct him if he had done wrong. You suspect the reed is the instrument of this correction and that the blood on the reed is most likely the servant's not the master's.}

He goes back to the body and notes that the victim was stabbed once deeply, but that was all it took.

Hashamon agrees with Terser's assessment of a motive for the boy. If Sam did it and his father took the blame, the boy would inherit both his father's estate and that of Lord Greyson's. He then states his preference for a grove.

Ecth posits that Master Roberts and Fredericks colluded to kill Lord Greyson and use the boy as a scapegoat and alibi each other. He points out there is no stipulation that only one person killed the Lord.

Rillet holds off on casting divination and then looks over the crime scene another time. Aside from what was pointed out previously nothing else really pops out as relevant.

Do you have an answer for Lord Greyson?

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19 
Friday October 16th, 2015 11:05:26 AM

Hashamon looks at the glass with port.

"Hmm. Only one stab."

He casts detect poison, examining the glass, the body, and the illusion of the boy.

He will try the same line of questioning with the boy.

"Why did you kill your master?"

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Friday October 16th, 2015 12:35:51 PM

Zeoll steps back and rereads the verse the party encountered at the start of this test. "Pantheon's justice must be found everywhere."

He reads it aloud.

Then he says, "Frriends, have we looked everrywherre? I have to say, my gut intuition is that none of them arre lying. So we have to considerr the possibility that none of these thrree are guilty!"

"Arre we even surre he is dead? Maybe he killed himself?

Zeoll whispers to his friends, "When the nobleman asks, 'Which one should be sent to the gallows forr the crrime of my murrderr?' ... well, maybe the answer is none. Maybe the answerr is that we do not have enough evidence to convict any of them."

"Some followerrs of Alemi might also say that all life is sacrred, and no one should be sent to the gallows everr, forr any rreason."

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Friday October 16th, 2015 2:19:11 PM

"I'm not sure there is enough evidence to convict either of these men" Aex says to her friends...
"Justice can only be true if there's clear evidence I think... perhaps the answer is that no finger can be pointed to one person?"

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55)  d20+25=27 ;
Friday October 16th, 2015 6:17:31 PM

Zeoll wonders if there are still details to find.

He looks at all the standing illusions and the dead noble in his bed. Are they breathing? How about the dead ones?

Perception (with Taur's Try and Guidance) 27.

[OOC: Oh kindly DM, we have been told that "a large knife has been plunged deeply into his chest." But he is lying on his back. How do we know that the knife is large or that it is deep? It might well be a stage knife with no blade. It might be a large handle on a 1/2 inch blade. How do we know that that the knife has been plunged deeply? If we walk around behind the standing dead noble, does the knife tip protrude out his back?]

The reed flecked with blood ... is that fresh blood? Is there old dried blood on it? I'm guessing it was used by the noble to switch the boy. Zeoll asks the boy if the noble would beat or whip him with a reed until he bled. He asks the dead noble what the reed was for. (Sorry if someone already did that.)

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Friday October 16th, 2015 6:24:52 PM

Terser shares the opinion that true justice lies not in the gallows. If no one will confess, then all three of these men should be tasked to work to benefit the public, as the good judge did with his rulings.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-]  d20=15 ;
Friday October 16th, 2015 8:57:18 PM

int chk 15

Magana mumbles to herself for a bit then says, Motive, Means, Opportunity. I read that somewhere.

Boy, Whippings.
Master, Inheritance.
Lord, the victim opposed his tax proposal.

Boy: unknown.
Master, unknown.
Lord, unknown.

Any could use a knife if they had access.

Boy: possible. Served the deceased, easy access. no alibi.
Master: possible: Left meeting, no alibi
Lord, unknown. no alibi?"

Magana asks the boy if his father or the Lord could have entered in the middle of the night.

She then searches the room, opening all drawers/cabinets/other looking for clues.

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+2=18 ;
Saturday October 17th, 2015 1:08:29 AM

"Right Zeoll, I think the reed was used to whip the servant boy."

Jozhur watches intently as Magana tries to open containers in the illusion.

"Magana is right, they would all have a reason to have killed this man and any one of them could have done it. The servant boy seems the least likely culprit, but that's just my gut telling me that."

"I could try bluffing them, but I have a feeling that would work better if we had a little more information to go on."

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Saturday October 17th, 2015 2:19:05 AM

Jozhur, I'll be very impressed if you can bluff a programed illusion.

I think Zeoll has the correct answer. The dead man asked, "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?" The correct answer seems to be none of them for the reason Zeoll stated.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph  d20+16=20 ; d20+15=34 ; d20+16=24 ;
Saturday October 17th, 2015 10:48:57 AM

Ecthelion bits his lip. "Is it that simple...? Are we sure we haven't missed something? A particular question, or perhaps something in the bedroom? Have we tried asking to whom the knife belongs? This may point to a guilty party."

[DM Hugh] - The Party's Court  
Saturday October 17th, 2015 12:25:18 PM

Hashamon looks at the glass, casts detect poison and inspects the scene. There is no poison in the glass, the body or the boy.

Hashamon then asks the boy, "Why did you kill your master?" which yields
“It wasn’t me, m’lord! I swear it! May Lord Gargul punish my immortal soul if I’m lying”

Zeoll rereads the statement, "Pantheon's justice must be found everywhere." out loud to his friends. He then raises the possibility that none of the men are guilty and questions whether Lord Greyson is dead and if maybe he killed himself. He goes onto stipulate that the answer to "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?" is none, for there is insignificant evidence and that Alemi would argue that no man should be sent to the gallows for a crime as all life is sacred.

Aex is in agreement with Zeoll's statement, saying that "I'm not sure there is enough evidence to convict either of these men. Justice can only be true if there's clear evidence I think... perhaps the answer is that no finger can be pointed to one person?"

Zeoll then wonders if there are details still to find. He looks at Lord Greyson's body, the 3 men and Lord Greyson near the exit.

Zeoll: Highlight to display spoiler: { Sam, Master Roberts and Lord Fredericks all appear to be breathing. Lord Greyson's body and form near the exit do not. Two indications point to the knife being stabbed deeply into Lord Greyson; the large visible bloodstain observed on the underside of the bed and the fact that the very tip of the can just barely be seen protruding from the figure of Lord Greyson standing by the exit. The blood on the reed is a combination of both old and newish. Zeoll's liontaur senses tell him that it could have been used as recently as the previous day. }

Zeoll asks the boy if the noble would beat or whip him with a reed until he bled. He asks the dead noble what the reed was for.

The boy replies, "If I made a mistake, the master would help to teach me so I wouldn’t make the mistake again. He was a good man, just very passionate”

Lord Greyson responds, "Which one should be sent to the gallows for the crime of my murder?"

Terser shares the opinion that true justice lies not in the gallows and that if none will confess they should all be sentenced to work for the public good as the late Lord Greyson did.

Magana summarizes that each of the three suspects had a motive and that the boy and the master and perhaps even the lord had opportunity. The means are unknown, though any of them could have used the knife.
She then asks the boy if Lord Fredericks or his father could have entered in the middle of the night and receives, "I don’t know who did it, m’lady. I’m sorry. I really am. But if I had to guess, I’d say Lord Fredericks is the type"
After that she starts rifling through the containers in the room looking for further clues. In the nightstands drawer there is another legal text entitled The Common Good: balancing individual freedom with societal security and the wardrobe only contains a number of fine looking outfits. Aside from those 2 instances there does not appear to be anything else that can be opened.

Jozhur agrees that the whip was used on the servant boy and agrees that Magana is right, that any of the men could have done it. He then suggests he could try bluffing the men to get more information.

Rillett would be very impressed if Jozhur could bluff a programmed illusion and then sides with Zeoll and Aex for the reasons Zeoll stated.

Ecth is dubious that the answer is that simple and wonders if they may be missing something. Asking who the knife belonged to yields the following:

Servant: “I don’t know who did it, m’lord. I’m sorry. I really am. But if I had to guess, I’d say Lord Fredericks is the type”

Father: “I didn’t see or hear anything. But it’s clear to me the boy did it. Now quit wasting time and charge him already!”

Lord Fredericks: “I’m sure I don’t know who is responsible. One wouldn’t associate with that sort of element anyway. But when one life ends, another will blossom. I’m sure Master Roberts will be front of line to inherit Lord Greysons land”

It seems like some of the party is gradually forming the consensus that none of the men is the answer to the question of who should hang for Lord Greyson's murder, however some of the group are dubious of this answer, feeling like something is being missed. Additionally, no one has told this to Lord Greyson by the door. Is this your final answer?

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Saturday October 17th, 2015 2:58:29 PM

"Well, he is dead, and he was killed," Zeoll says. "And I doubt that he could kill himself while lying in his bed and shoving the knife in so deeply. But who? No way to know, it might have been an assassin or other party, for all we know."

Zeoll explains what he thinks is the answer.

If no one objects, he will say to the dead noble, "I am sorry you are dead. But the evidence is not enough to send anyone to the gallows. We do not believe any of them are guilty."

Note that Zeoll has his tower shield ready to use for total cover if attacked.

Magana (Craig) [HP 101 of 101] [DR 1/-] 
Saturday October 17th, 2015 5:58:06 PM

Magana says, "If we must pick one on the scant evidence available, I would say Master Roberts. He was unaccounted for on that evening for a time and has the temperament for it. If there is further evidence to be had, I can't see it."

Hashamon, Spirit Hunter 81 / 81 HP - AC 23 / Flat 19 
Sunday October 18th, 2015 1:05:56 AM

Hashamon is still unsure. It seems there should be an answer, but he is just not wise enough to know if "We cannot be sure, so no man should hang.", is it!

Without anything else to go on, he does not object to Zeolls answer.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Sunday October 18th, 2015 3:25:59 PM

Aex agrees to what Zeoll concludes.
Anxiously she awaits what will happen...

Rillett (Bradley) HP 78/78 - AC 20/11/18 CMD 19 
Sunday October 18th, 2015 8:45:55 PM

While I agree with Magana that most of the circumstantial evidence seems to point to Master Roberts, this is a test of justice, not logic. Sending a man to the gallows requires proof, which we do not have. If we are indeed required to choose based only what we have heard and see so far, choosing one of these men would be a poor representation of Pantheon's justice.

However, it is also true that in the real world, anyone seeking justice would use other means to determine the truth, such as a Zone of Truth or Divination.

If we must respond, we should respond as Zeoll suggests. But do not say that none are guilty, because I suspect that one of them many be. Rather, say that none of these three should face justice based on the evidence we have seen and heard.

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Sunday October 18th, 2015 9:43:29 PM

Zeoll agrees with wise Rillett's phrasing.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Sunday October 18th, 2015 10:58:29 PM

"None of these three should face the gallows based on the evidence we have seen and heard. If we are going to be specific with our wording, let us be as specific as possible."

(Brock) Jozhur AC23/16/17--CMD 24--HP73/73  d20+20=39 ; d20+10=13 ; d20+12=23 ;
Monday October 19th, 2015 12:27:31 AM

Jozhur shrugs, "Maybe the illusion is programmed to respond to a bluff, or at least a certain line of questioning that would be one. Worth a shot, I say." If anyone could bluff an illusion, he would be the one to do it.

He also believes William Roberts to be the most likely suspect. He approaches Roberts and addresses him.

"Lord Fredericks said you left his company at about midnight. Two people have told us they had seen you walking towards Lord Greyson's property a short time later. You are awful quick to blame this on your adopted son, who would have no real reason to kill Lord Greyson. You, on the other hand, would have plenty to gain from Greyson's death. It's painfully obvious that YOU are responsible for this. If you confess now, maybe Pantheon will have some mercy on you."

He anxiously awaits any response from the illusion.

Bluff: 39
Sense motive: 13
Perception: 23

Zeoll (Cayzle) (AC24 HP 55 of 55) 
Monday October 19th, 2015 7:37:47 AM

If Jozhur gets the illusion to say anything different from what it has said already, Zeoll will NOT give his answer to the noble.

If it only says the same old stuff, he'll proceed.

Zeoll listens to Ecthelion's excelent point and, with his skill in linguistics, comes to a brilliant realization! "Ecthelion" could easily be interpreted as "Ec The Lion"!

The liontaur grins and cannot help thinking of his new friend in this way. He won't say a thing however.

Nonetheless, he does use Ec The Lion's phrasing about the gallows.

(StevenVdB) Aexana Gnome (S) HP65/65 - AC22/18/19 - +4 vs Giant - CMD 18 - +1 vs Lizards & Goblinoids  
Monday October 19th, 2015 5:13:28 PM

Aex's nerves are on edge... a response has been given but it isn't exactly the most standard one...
she just hopes they aren't going to be battling ghosts within seconds...

Terser (Warren G) [22/13/19 -- CMD 25 -- HP 109/109] (25% chance no crit, uncanny dodge) 
Monday October 19th, 2015 7:02:19 PM

Terser tries to have confidence in their answer, and hopes Magana's new ability wasn't a prophetic gift from her God.

Ecthelion (HP 31/31 17/13/16) Murph 
Monday October 19th, 2015 10:17:53 PM

Ecthelion waits for Zeoll to speak with the dead man, unsure that Jozhur's bluff will work on the illusions. He looks back to Zeoll and sees the taur staring at him. Ecthelion pulls his hood further down to conceal his face, feeling his ally's stare.

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