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Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Sunday November 1st, 2015 12:05:50 AM

Evred shakes his head firmly but politely. "What they did was illegal. Their desperation and ignorance are mitigating circumstances, which would certainly affect whatever judgment is levied against them, but in the end they are still guilty of theft. They stole from an innocent party. I hope that whoever judges them is understanding, but theft is theft."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Sunday November 1st, 2015 9:35:10 AM

Barratore chimes in, "Bribery is wrong, accepting bribery is wrong, theft is wrong. far as I'm concerned these people you talked to are in the wrong. If someone on the council is corrupt, I'm not surprised. Corruption and positions of authority are like arrogance and centaurs, they simply go together." Barratore has said his peace and heads out to catch up with Brom. There were spoils of victory to be had.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+10=19 ; d20+15=21 ;
Monday November 2nd, 2015 11:08:55 AM

Brom listens to the conversation. "Listen," He says shouting back at the others. "Right, wrong, it don't matter. The Float didn't hire us ta bring ta justice the thieves - only get the turtles back. That's what I'm gonna do. Don't care 'bout the rest of it.Ya can talk 'bout the other stuff long as ya want when we get back." He leaves it at that and once Barratore catches they continue the search.

Survival DC 19; Perception DC 21

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Monday November 2nd, 2015 8:13:05 PM

Evred follows along, having little in the way of tracking skills or woodscraft.

Monday November 2nd, 2015 9:08:03 PM

Evaris smiles. "I think we're substantially in agreement," he says. "Let's get the turtles, and the villagers, return to the Float, and hash everything out there."

crime and punishment....DMBZ 
Monday November 2nd, 2015 10:46:33 PM

The search along the lakebottom proves fruitless, and no trace of the lost supplies is found.

You return to the caves, and the villagers, and now it is time to decide what to do.

It is clear that the turtles must be returned. And you are relieved to find that the villagers here have taken good care of them. As for turning all of the villagers over to the authorities, they are not too happy about it. And there is the logistics of it as well, with around 15 families, and a few others who have come here, you are looking at taking upwards of 100 people to the City.

However, if you wish to bring some of them in, Glenda and Finn volunteer to return to the city and take whatever punishment is decided over the matter. "Most of the people here had no direct involvement with the theft. It was a foolish thing to do, and we will stand punishment for the crime if that is your wish."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 deathwatch, bless, spectral hand, inspire courage1  d20+4=19 ; d20+10=25 ;
Monday November 2nd, 2015 11:19:03 PM

Emrys tries to remember if there was a loss of life during the theft of the turtles or just the destruction of property. (ooc: honestly, I don't remember.) (Int. check: 19).

With what Emrys knows of the laws of the Floating City, he tries to determine what their possible sentences would be for these crimes. (Knowledge [Local]: 25)

To Glenda and the village idiot, Finn, all Emrys can say is, "Very well, this is the honorable thing to do. I will speak on your behalf of your cooperation."

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 7:41:48 AM

" Whatever happens when we get back to the float we have to protect these two. We don't need the council or guards to jump the gun and target them for the theft. "

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 11:10:20 AM

Brom scratches his head. "Listen, haulin' back thieves ain't our mission here." He says. "We get the turtles, we get'em back, we celebrate. End of story." He says turning to Barratore for support before he realizes the straight-laced minotaur is probably not going to side with him on this. "They feel bad fer what they done, fine. go turn yurselves in. Ya don't wanna go back, don't care that way either. All, I'm sayin' this wasn't part of the job, an' it gets us nothin' fer our troubles."

"Meetin' water-folk hotties, fun; beatin' up on a fire-breathin' bunch a head thing, could have been more fun; giant turtle monster, fun; haulin' these guys back...not my idea of fun. That's all I got say 'bout it. Just needed ta speak my mind 'bout it."

Brom heads over to the turtles to see if he can "pet" one.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 4:45:15 PM

Lanliss sighs after what Brom says.
So you don't care about them ?
Lanliss asks Brom and continues, it's really not in your honor to care about them ?

Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 6:09:07 PM

Evaris smiles. "It may not be your mission, Friend Brom, but as a servant of Pantheon, I must pursue justice whenever I can. I agree that it makes most sense for these two to come back with us and represent their village. And this isn't just about punishing them. I'm hoping that they can identify the man who accepted their bribe so that he, too, can face Pantheon's justice."

crime and punishment....DMBZ 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 9:10:19 PM

Emrys can recall that the warehouse explosion caused significant damage to that building, but no known loss of life. You also know that the villagers were not responsible for that act, having neither the means nor the will to carry it out.

There seems to be agreement to bring Glenda and Finn back to the city to face justice for the theft. There is some concern over how heavy handed the City will be with them over the crime, but the best way to ensure they get a fair judgment is to take them in yourselves rather than leaving the matter to the City guards.

The turtles are raised and domesticated from birth, and are rather agreeable to Brom giving them some attention.

OOC- If there are no further dissenting votes, it is time to return to the city. You will need to decide which way you want to go to get there.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 9:31:35 PM

Barratore snorts in response to Brom, just as the barbarian had expected. "You know full well we're better than that Brom. They come back willingly and that's fine with me. Lanliss and Evaris say we speak on their behalf or at least make sure they aren't hung, I'm game there too. What i hear the theft is a symptom and as heroes we should be digging for the cause and cure that."

"So how we get them back? Flight?"

Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 10:25:37 PM

"Let's take it one step at a time," Evaris says. "First, let's return to the Floating City."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 deathwatch, bless, spectral hand, inspire courage1 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 10:40:00 PM

To answer Barratore, he says, "Without the benefit of teleportation, that what you and our new friend enjoyed coming here, one can surmise that we return the same way the rest of us came. At least now we have a boat, so we no longer need to journey around slapping the water like dogs."

With a snap of his fingers, a full length mirror appears beside Emrys (a silent illusion). He looks back at his reflection and with a sigh, he declares, "All this water ... it's going to take forever to put the bounce back into these curls. All the joy they bring ... how will everyone cope with the loss? These are dark days indeed!"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015 11:56:51 PM

Evred nods his head in agreement that the party should return. Still unaware of how far they traveled by teleportation, and in what direction, he has little indication of where in the Wold they are currently located.

We could be on the southern continent for all I know...

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 2:50:47 AM

"These villagers had to have a quicker way, a shortcut, from the city. A way to get the turtles out quickly. Know anything like that?" He aks the villagers.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 5:05:54 AM

In case they go to prison I could always get them out, you know Lanliss says with a cheerful smile showing some set of keys that are part of his lockpicking equipment.
Emrys you look wonderful Lanliss says and then laughs, Do I look great Lanliss asks Emrys with humor and looks at the reflection in the mirror, Don't worry Emrys, soon we will be in city and all of us will be resting for a while and you will get your hair done to beauty in no time Lanliss pats Emrys back and announces To the city !

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 11:31:31 AM

"Justice... Do what ya want." He says in disgust. "Ya know, they're loose ends. They took the icon of the Float. Prison'll be kind..."

He grabs one of the people. "How do ya get these ta move?" Brom starts to move the turtles out. As he passes by and says "But what do I know? Just keep me out of it."

crime and punishment....DMBZ 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 9:04:36 PM

Finn and Glenda both appear a little pale at Brom's suggestion of what might be waiting for them back at the City, but they help round up the turtles anyway and make no hint of backing out on their promise. Finn is rather good at corralling the turtles, and for those who have some knowledge of the natural world, you would guess he is somewhat of an 'expert' in this area. "Getting the here was pretty easy", he says. "I got the adult to follow me, and the younglings just tagged right along. We had to herd them up a few times, to avoid the urchin and especially when that water hydra attacked us, but we made it ok. I think it will be best if we take the boat back, I can convince the adult to swim along behind it."

Glenda gives a few final instructions to a few of the adults who remain. She gives a stern look to Brennan, and then turns and hugs two children before joining you at the boat. "Ok. Are we all ready? Let's get this over with."

OOC- There are several tunnels leading out from this 'underground' dock area. One of the tunnels leads to an underwater passage that goes directly into the lake, and one of them Finn explains leads out to the surface of the lake. The exit is a small cove which due to it's natural formation, is difficult to see when passing by from the outside.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 9:04:52 PM

Barratore falls in at this point. He was mostly along for the ride, like Evred. He had no real idea where they were and unless the Float is visible, no direction or course. The others knew, he didn't have to. He gives a small shake of his head regarding Emrys and the mans hair. He was not good at the other races when it came to humor. He was pretty sure the elf was speaking in jest, but maybe not and either way, he had no thought of how to respond. and with that his head began to hurt with too much thinking

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 10:55:40 PM

"Well, we are all moready situated to the land buthat I don't know how these turtles will do. Let's take the lake route and do it quickly. Noticing the two looking at their hair in the mirror, Edson let's out a little chuckle.

Wednesday November 4th, 2015 11:06:07 PM

"Although, of course, we can go by boat," Evaris adds. "Or, some could ride in the boat and some could swim with the turtles and make sure they're keeping up. That might be the best option."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 deathwatch, bless, spectral hand, inspire courage1 
Wednesday November 4th, 2015 11:19:08 PM

Emrys gives the floating mirror a swipe of his hand and it poofs into a puff of glittering dust before completely disappearing. "Well it will just have to do," he says with a sigh of haughty derision. "Well let's get on with it." It's implied he means to take a space on the boat.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 12:09:32 AM

Evred follows along.

As they get seated on the boats, he asks the party in general, "Who, might I ask, is carrying the loot from your recent exploits? I assume you are adventurers, and I would be happy to lend my services in getting the best price for your salvage."

ooc: Dag nab it. I was seven minutes late to post on Wednesday.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 5:31:04 PM

Not me for sure Lanliss responds to Evred.
How much time will the trip take to the Float ?, Lanliss asks Finn.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+3=15 ; d20+15=31 ;
Thursday November 5th, 2015 5:55:38 PM

Brom pays close attention to how the turtles are handled and tries to mimic what he sees. He thinks it may come in handy later. He rides on the boat taking a point position on the small vessel.

Perception DC 31; Handle Animal DC 15

Goin' Fishin'.....DMBZ 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 9:42:14 PM

The group takes to the boat, and some can stay in the water with the turtles if they wish to make sure they are keeping up.(Please indicate in your posts if you are in the boat or swimming)

Finn is good to his word and doesn't seem to have any trouble keeping the turtles following the boat closely. Noticing Brom's interest, Finn gladly gives him a few pointers with his skill at handling animals.

Finn responds to Lanliss's question. "About 5 or 6 hours I would guess. The trip is a lot shorter naturally if you aren't trying to coax turtles into keeping up with you."

Float City is in view before long, it can be seen at a distance from most points around the Lake. As you get closer you begin to pass some fishing boats. They seem to be doing pretty well and you are able to overhear one of the fishermen commenting that the overall catch is some of the most bountiful he has ever pulled out of the Lake.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+24=29 ; d20+19=23 ;
Thursday November 5th, 2015 10:35:06 PM

"I'm tempted to just fly off ahead and prepare a hot bath ... errr, I mean, baths for everyone! However upon reaching the docks, I imagine our work is far from over."

Taking his lute from his shoulder, he says with smirk on his face, "We might as well make the most of it." With that being said, he tips his hat, and suddenly his haggardly, waterlogged appearance melts away to his usual lavish, overly-elaborate style of dress. His hair and skin looks absolutely flawless. His beauty seems to radiate a feeling of wellness and joy to all those who have eyes that can see. He then begins to play a jaunty, little tune that is meant to delight his audience, but not too jaunty and animated that would scare off timid turtles.

(Hat of Disguise Self. Disguise check: 29. Using the hat to restore his naturally stunning and bewitching appearance.)

(Perform [strings]: 23.)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 10:44:35 PM

Barratore rides in the boat and tries to not to take up too much room. This craft was not the Sprite and this was not the open ocean, the minotaur is not a fan. He would need a better mode of transportation

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 11:19:15 PM

Edson takes his place on the boat and stands with his boat ready. He keeps an eye on his friends, the turtles, and the upcoming town to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Thursday November 5th, 2015 11:31:01 PM

An indifferent swimmer at best, Evaris opts to ride in the boat. "Fish are plentiful," he murmurs to himself. To the group at large he asks, "what could cause something like that?"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Thursday November 5th, 2015 11:54:50 PM

Evred is using his overland flight to go above the water.

As they approach within sight of Float City, Evred speaks up. "Gentlemen. I would like to bring two things to your attention. First, if anyone is in need of buying or selling items, I have skills and contacts that would be of great use to you in getting the best prices. Second, I came to Float City with a purpose in mind -- to open my own business. When we arrive, I would like to treat you all to dinner and drinks at the Giggling Ghost, and give me an opportunity to share with you an exciting opportunity to invest your hard-won money in a very profitable business venture."

He looks over at Emrys. "Were you serious when you said you wanted to open a perfumery? How would you like your own chain of perfumeries in every major city on the continent? I can make it happen."

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Friday November 6th, 2015 6:22:18 PM

Lanliss puts anything that is near him to cover his face, good night all wake me up when we arrive says Lanliss as he begins to feel sleepy.
He sleeps while hearing Emrys performance.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+5=18 ;
Friday November 6th, 2015 8:25:17 PM

Brom rides in the boat and awaits to arrive back at the float.

"Evred, the only investin' I do is gear. Keeps me upright an'll keep you breathin'. So, if ya can get me deals on that, I'm all ears."

Handle Animals DC 18

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Friday November 6th, 2015 11:50:06 PM

"I most certainly can. Would the rest of you be interested in free food and drink?"

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Saturday November 7th, 2015 9:44:56 AM

Evred was a smooth talker, and hit right on Emrys''s favorite thing. If he didn't know better, Edson would think Evred was a grifter.

" Free food and drinks have my favorite thing in them, being free."

Goin' Fishin'.....DMBZ 
Saturday November 7th, 2015 1:53:58 PM

As the group begins to learn more about the financial acuity of their newest member, Float City comes into view. The docks are busy as usual, with merchant traffic and a small fleet of fishing boats coming and going.

OOC- Do you plan to go directly to the Turtlemaster, or do you have something else to take care of first?

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Saturday November 7th, 2015 2:35:11 PM

ooc - Turtlemaster. Warp 4. Engage.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Sunday November 8th, 2015 6:15:34 AM

Good morning.
Lanliss says as they arrive at Float city.
Waking up refreshed.
So what is the plan ? Where are we going to ?
Lanliss asks
Ooc whatever the group decides

Sunday November 8th, 2015 11:07:51 PM

"Yes, let's get the turtles back home first, then deal with the rest," Evaris says.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Monday November 9th, 2015 9:23:01 AM

Barratore looks at Edson and then to Brom before responding to Evred, "Free Drinks, or a free drink?"

They were out to get the turtles home, seems to him that it should be the first thing on the list upon returning. The others were already on it and thus Barratore keeps his mouth closed.

Evaris points out the plentiful catch, "We did just kill a creature that probably ate a lot of fish. Would think the numbers would take more time to come back. " Barratore knows little about the wilderness and cares just a bit less than that. His mind shifts back to those drinks

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Monday November 9th, 2015 12:16:54 PM

Edson knew the damage Brom, and Barratore could do to Evred s coin purse.

Gettinh closer to the city, Edson nods his head in agreement with the others. "After the turtles, to the city council?"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Monday November 9th, 2015 9:52:42 PM

Evred regards the minotaur with a smile. "Mr. Steelwind, I do not skimp when it comes to treating friends and future business partners. When I say 'free drinks,' what I mean is 'I will buy you enough drink to kill five halflings.' Would an entire keg of dwarven stout ale just for yourself suffice? We could have them attach a handle directly to the barrel, if you like."

Goin' Fishin'.....DMBZ 
Monday November 9th, 2015 10:17:03 PM

With the mission nearly complete, some of the group begin making plans for celebrating. Of more immediate concern is returning the turtles to the Turtlemaster.

As you approach the docks, there is a great deal of activity. There are numerous boats and turtle barges being loaded and unloaded with cargo and supplies. There is a lot of competition between them and the fishermen to get a place on the docks to conduct business. Supplying a city of this nature takes a great deal of work.

You wait in line for a spot to tie up to the dock. One of the Harbormaster's men waves you over to a place between two boom lifts along the 100 foot pier. He begins to ask you for a docking fee, but seeing your 'cargo' he waves it and ushers you through inspection as quickly as possible. "Turtlemaster's is that way", he says pointing to a building at the end of the pier. "You've kinda been expected. We didn't know how long it would take, but word was sent from council that they sent an adventuring party out to look for the stolen turtles. And adventurers never let us down."

You take in the sights and sounds of the docks and make your way to the Turtlemaster. Finn does very well coaxing the turtles along, and they seem a bit excited by the unusual activity. Outside the Turtlemasters, a clerk stops you and asks you to state your business.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Monday November 9th, 2015 10:52:29 PM

Barratore chuckles, "it's cute you think it would be just a single keg. I'll take it easy on you."

As the group rolls up, Barratore has his own question, "What's going on? Place is pretty busting, turtles are being odd, meaning it's not normal. That and Skippy back there. So what's going on?"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Monday November 9th, 2015 11:23:23 PM

"We have your turtles. Would you like them?"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Monday November 9th, 2015 11:38:49 PM

Answering Evred's question about dominating the Wold with a perfumery empire, he says, "It's not my ultimate desire, but I'm not opposed to the idea. I'm in the process of recruiting more artisans of the craft."

Speaking to his friends, "I imagine the fishing will be quite good for a while. We've did deprive the lake of two quite sizable and voracious predators."

To the harbor worker, Emrys simply says with a devilish smile, "If we hadn't stopped for a picnic, we would have been back much sooner."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+5=7 ;
Tuesday November 10th, 2015 11:11:18 AM

Brom smiles at Evred's invitation. "One keg'll get us started." He says. "Yeah, I'll try." He says looking at Barratore.

Tuesday November 10th, 2015 6:39:08 PM

"They're safe and sound," Evaris adds to Evred's explanation, "and, I expect, very glad to be home again after their little adventure."

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Tuesday November 10th, 2015 7:49:50 PM

Lanliss keeps quiet when the clerk asks them about their wherebouts...showing a smile after what Emrys says to the clerk

Goin' Fishin'.....DMBZ 
Tuesday November 10th, 2015 9:20:06 PM

The clerk looks at Barratore with a confused look on his face, as if he didn't understand the question. Then Barratore sees the man's face light up with sudden realization. "Ahh, you must be new. Or else not come down here much. The docks are always this busy and I see you have ....the .....turtles? BELBA! They're back!" He yells into the shop behind him.

A middle-aged Halfling woman appears shortly thereafter asking what all the fuss is about. When she sees the turtles she is overcome with tears of joy. "My babies! You've found them, oh how wonderful. And they appear to be well-kept too. Well, I don't know how you did it, but you have my gratitude. the council informed us they had someone working on it, and I see that they weren't just brushing me off. Speaking of the council, you should probably go and report to them. Oh, and while you are there, see if they have processed my request yet for more turtle trainers. The Turtle barges are in increasing demand."

The Turtlemaster, Belba Stubbletoe then calls out several more employees to begin moving the turtles into some clean pens, and get them food and water. They seem to be adept at the work, and follow the Turtlemaster's instructions diligently. One of the workers offers a helpful tip. "If you're new around here, be careful. The Fence level which you are now on can be pretty rough."

Tuesday November 10th, 2015 10:37:44 PM

"We need to speak to the Council anyway," Evaris says. "Although we'll keep an eye out for ruffians. Thank you for the warning."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Tuesday November 10th, 2015 10:42:17 PM

Barratore decides the man insulted him and stands up and steps from the boat. he's about to return the insult in kind when the last half of what he is saying sinks in. Leaving Barratore standing on the dock, a little mad, but not mad enough to hit the man.

At this point, Barratore gets out of the way and returns to more important matters, future free drinks.

The comment of Fence level being rough, elicits a grin and chuckle from the minotaur. "not that fortunate lately" he grumbles

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Tuesday November 10th, 2015 11:50:22 PM

Evred is happy to see the turtles returned to their rightful owners. "Let's take care of this report to the council. We will want to make certain that they are aware of just how capable and valuable we are. Perhaps now would be the best time to begin branding ourselves. Perhaps a name for our group. Hmm...."

ooc: Let's finish voting before we make our report, yes?

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 4:49:31 PM

I think I just found a way for your people to live in the city as the turtlemaster needs more turtle trainers
Lanliss says to Finn.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 6:25:50 PM

Edson nods behind Lanliss. That was a wise plan of action. Noticing Barratore a little mad, Edson moves to his minotaur friend.

"Don't get thrown in jail.. we have drinking to do."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 6:26:14 PM

Dropping off the turtles, Brom leaves the other things to the others. "Right, we're done with this. I'm goin' ta get a hot meal and lots ta drink."

Goin' Fishin'.....DMBZ 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 10:37:01 PM

The turtles are taken care of for now, and are in good hands with the Turtlemaster and her employees. it is time to report to council.

There seems to be some indication that some of you would prefer the drinking to start sooner rather than later. Since it is not necessary for the entire group to report to the council, please indicate if you intend to visit council as a group, or if some of you are going to find a bar or tavern instead.

Tomorrow's post will put you at council unless you have anything you want to do before you get there.

Wednesday November 11th, 2015 11:00:51 PM

Evaris will speak with the Council. "Although if people would rather go drink, I can certainly understand. We can meet up later. I will need Finn and Glenda to come along to the Council, though."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD: 36; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 11:04:20 PM

Barratore looks down at Edson, "Probably a bad idea, you're right." Barratore snorts a blast of air from his nostrils to clear his head. A council report, well that should be unpleasant at best.

Barratore moves to Brom, "Oh no you don't. We all go. Can't get paid and glory if you don't tell the suits how great you are and how they need to thank you Suck it up with me and let's do this and then we hit the Ghost."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 11:06:44 PM

Emrys looks to his fellow E's (Evaris, Edson and Evred) of the group and quietly suggests, "It's probably prudent that some members of our fellowship become lost in a barrel of ale while we tend to the council. We could possibly broker a deal that would keep these turtle thieves out of the dungeon and into a more productive situation." He tilts his head toward the Belba the Turtlemaster, indicating the two thieves would prove most useful in her custody.

On his way to see the council, he instructs the two turtle thieves (Finn and WhatsHerName) on how to behave. "You don't have to be, BUT YOU WILL at least appear to be repentant in front of the council. You will keep your mouths shut unless spoken to, otherwise WE will do all the talking!"

(Sorry I didn't post last night. I came home from work and had a very decisive nap that last until dawn.)

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 11:32:24 PM

Edson normally would head with his friends to get some drinks, but the thought of the dirty council member and the potential for the turtle thieves being prosecuted leads hime to head to the council.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 103 -- AC 21/15/18 -- F+10 R+8 W+9 -- CMD 17 
Wednesday November 11th, 2015 11:45:06 PM

"Let's take care of the council. Enhance our brand, collect our reward, gracious acceptance of their thanks, and we go get ourselves good and drunk."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/124 (111/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Thursday November 12th, 2015 3:33:47 PM

Brom knows Barratore is probably right, but he didn't need to bloviate to the council. Brom believed acts, not words, proved a man's worth. "Fine[/i." He says with a sigh. "But if we pass a tavern, I'm gettin' a cask fer the road! Makes dem blowhards easier on the ears."

Brom heads off with [i]The Knights that Spell BEEEBLE
to the council.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday November 12th, 2015 7:22:30 PM

Lanliss agrees to go to the council, Saying
The sooner we get to them the better.

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