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Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 4:15:39 PM

"He sure is taking a while to get here," he whispers to Sesha under his breath. "This feels different than the other times."

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 6:14:24 PM

Zane looks around as the others talk, "I agree that somethings different. I remember that last time we came here, those fields were all full of souls at rest, now they look barren. lord Gargul was sitting atop his throne with his "court" surrounding him. Something is definitely different."
Zane does his best to clean up with prestidigitation, but refrains from adding scent to the cleaning....

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 9:22:40 PM

Beri ponders the situation for a moment.
Well, I haven't seen another *new* soul arrive since I got here. But I can personally vouch for the fact that death was still very much a possibility not that long ago. What do you think is happening?

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 10:15:53 PM

"Are we sure we are in the actual lands of rest? That we aren't in some faux shadow realm?"

When Did That Happen? [DM Jerry] 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 10:59:02 PM

Gargul enters without a look at the group and sits upon the throne. Gimp brings him a wineskin and Gargul drinks deeply of it.

A single word from Gargul,


As Bosk approaches, he sees a figure or soul nailed upside down to the wall beside Bosk's shadow. It is very much alive--either that or it is a very much alive soul--how do you tell?

Gargul grunts and says,


He drinks again from the wineskin.


He looks up.


The phrase "to your wishes" comes out with emphasis.

He looks at Beri.


He scans the group again assessing. You can feel him confirming all the things he already knew.

Aspirations. Desires. Emotions. Deep groanings of the soul.


If any god could ever be accused of acting like a petulant child? Well the look on his face would not exactly be that. Definitely not that.


RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 24/16/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 120/120 -- Active Effects -- Spells 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 11:09:22 PM

Tink looks up, confirming that Lord Gargul does indeed wish for her to stand. She rises, and then fusses with her hands. First she has them directly at her sides, like a soldier standing at attention. But this seems a bit too formal, so instead she places them behind her back. "No, that's not formal enough". She finally settles with clasping her hands in front of her.

"Get on with it? With what?" She wonders. Tink can feel her teeth clench, and those beads of sweat on her forehead grow "Does he wish for us to beg or barter for Beri's soul? Just keep calm Tink. Let the others do the talking"

She opens her mouth to say something, but not knowing what to say, promptly closes it again.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14 
Thursday March 17th, 2016 11:28:35 PM

Restlin was not about to step between a scene with Maab and Gargul. No sir.

He elbows Bosk, as if to say "you heard the dude. Get on with it."

Bosk AC: (38/21/33) CMD: (35) hp 108/108 Spells  
Friday March 18th, 2016 12:01:45 AM

Bosk raises his head and wonders what Gargul meant by Maab bid him come. Perhaps he would find out in time, but he knows that Beri's life is his top priority and that he must keep his emotions and curiosity in check until then. Poetry begins to pour forth as tales of Beri's deeds and examples of his indelible character come to the clerics mind. Suddenly Restlin elbows Bosk and he realizes he hasn't said a thing, and that everything has been in his mind up till now. He had joined the Iron Adventurer's with another Eye of Gargul. Bosk was his master's hands and carried out his will while Padre was his voice and spoke of his teachings. Try as he might, the blond taur never learned to speak as eloquently or persuasively as the Padre.

Taking a breath Bosk steps forward. Lord Gargul. We have come in hopes that you would allow Beri's soul to walk the Wold once more. That he might continue to do good on the Southern continent and help maintain the balance of good and evil, keeping the life and death in check. He has been instrumental in helping put down many evils that would have rained down death and destruction upon the masses. It was in doing this very thing that he gave his life. Helping us to stop an umbral dragon from sending an army to invade the Wold. So dedicated was he that he continued to aid us and attemt to rescue the Wold even after his physical body was destroyed. Though it is a favor we could never hope to repay, we ask that you take pity on him, on all of us really, and grant us your mercy in this request.

The cleric hopes his request is well received. Diplomacy has never been his strong suit, usually letting those more gifted with words speak for he group.

Sesha [AC 39 /21 To/29 Fl] | HP 188/93 | CMD 22] 
Friday March 18th, 2016 9:48:31 AM

Sesha stays quiet, her mouth clamped shut. She isn't certain if her speaking will help things, as Gargul is in a mood right now. Still, there was still much for Beri to do. The Dragon Consortium awaited, Mhalice was still out there.. and this was all probably her fault somehow.

By Gargul, what if Mhalice was the Dragon!

She tucks the unsettling thought away, and awaits the response to Bosks pretty words.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:33/31/29 +4 vs AOO HP:124/124 Ki:15/15 CMD: 35 SR: 23] 
Friday March 18th, 2016 9:54:49 AM

Garret continues to stare in awe, never having been in the presence of Gargul before. He has no idea what to say and just nods, mouth still open, when Bosk makes his request.

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Friday March 18th, 2016 11:02:55 AM

Zane remains quiet, he does look around slightly, hoping possibly to see if any relative should end up near by, as he had heard that sometimes they do show up when souls are here, either visiting or to be judged....

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 24/16/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 120/120 -- Active Effects -- Spells 
Friday March 18th, 2016 9:23:54 PM

Tink decides that she isn't going to let all the talking fall to Bosk. The party are a team and Beri is a part of it. They work best when they work together. And besides, how would she feel if they ended up leaving without Beri! She has to at least try.

"My L... Lord Gargul." she commences, looking the god in the face for the first time "I cannot hope to speak as eloquently as Bosk here.

My heart broke the moment Beri was torn from us by that no good, .."
Tink realises she was just about to swear in front of a God! Her mouth remains open as she fumbles to continue "I... I miss him. I know you must hear that quite often, but it is the truth. I was connected telepathically to him when he died, and that feeling will forever haunt me"

Tink's eyes start to well up. She then realises there may be a more pragmatic approach.

"My Lord, there is another reason that sending Beri's soul back to the land of the living may benefit the Wold. You see, Korrine, the umbral dragon we mentioned, ate Beri's physical body. That would mean that she may try and raise him as a greater shadow under her control*! Beri's soul has always been pure. To see him turned and twisted into an undead abomination would not be a fitting end for his path.

I cannot expect to have the insight that you have about souls and their worth. All I can ask is that if this is not the time for Beri's soul to be judged, that you please, please grant our request to bring him home"

*Per the ability "Create Shadow" on the Umbral Dragon page

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Friday March 18th, 2016 9:31:53 PM

Beri rises at Gargul's command, simultaneously relieved and terrified to be confronted with the fact that the god was reading his heart and soul as they stood there.
It seems I owe a great debt to both you and Queen Maab. I have learned many lessons since we last met, and I hope to learn many more before the day I stand before you in final judgement. I will take to heart what you say about starting our battles as well as we end them. I will try to be more decisive early on and spend less time preparing for the battle already forming around us.

Beri shifts a little in place. Perhaps it's that Bosk is more familiar with Gargul than he is, but how do you talk to a god that knows you better than you know yourself? Anything your mouth said your heart has revealed long ago.

Also, I extend my most sincere apologies for interrupting you. I fear the dragon wanted to make sure my return was hindered as much as possible.

::LIVE WELL:: [DM Jerry] 
Saturday March 19th, 2016 2:03:08 AM

The God of Life and Death listens carefully, both to what is being said and what is not being said. When they are done he nods and speaks.


He rises, and catching up his old walking stick, walks back the way he came. He pats Beri on the head as he passes. Beri hears a ::LIVE WELL:: in his head, but it is not from Gargul.

Gargul then stares a hole in the living figure nailed to the wall next to Bosk's shadow. The figure screams,

"I'm sorry!!!!"

Gargul keeps walking.







And with that, the Lands of Rest begin to fade back into a shadowy fog. This time you feel the movement as you are flung back to the Wold proper. The time rushes by. However, there is a good feeling of accomplishment as you return...

...with Beri.

A feeling of Return (DM SteveK) 
Saturday March 19th, 2016 9:55:30 AM

As the scene at Gargul's Throne fades, it superimposed on a scene of a ball of gold and jewels surrounded by stars. The shape of Korrine is seen tearing the ball apart and silently screaming her frustration. That scene fades and is superimposed at the portal in the swamp. Then the other images fade until the heroes are all again standing in the swamp.

Success! Treasure! And a long way home...

All heroes are now 14th level with 465,000 XP!

All heroes now have wealth equal to 175,000gp. (Don't worry about dividing what was given, just put your wealth at max and buy your Easter googies). Please calculate the difference between your PCs wealth and 175k. And that his how much gold your PC has to play with for the pocket, the Catacombs, and Crafting.

All heroes (except for Beri) get a Hero Point for defeating the plans and vanguard of Korrine

Extra Hero Points for:
- Sesha whose effective use of Confusion blunted the vanguard so effectively.
- Restlin and Katinka each for identifying and concentrating on the portal mechanisms.
- Beri for imperiling his spirit to continue to fight in the sixth portal.

Sesha [AC 39 /21 To/29 Fl] | HP 188/93 | CMD 22] 
Saturday March 19th, 2016 7:21:12 PM

And like that, it was over.

Sesha takes a deep breath, glad to be in the musty swamp once more. Gargul ignored her, and in her mind, that was better than him the alternative.

Pondering the stalling of Korrine, she isn't sure they are done with the Dragon. She still had an army, from whatever planet she came from, and she was powerful enough to potentially find a way around the portals in time.

"Do we need to report back to the druid, or should we just let the Consortium know what happened and hurry back to Hook? "

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 24/16/19 -- CMD 20 -- HP 120/120 -- Spells 
Saturday March 19th, 2016 8:58:49 PM

Tink grins broadly on seeing Beri's living form once more

"I think we should head back via the druid, and perhaps even those witches too. Let them know that the immediate threat has been dealt with, and that the lizard folk we met might need some aid with relocation or supplies*. The druid and his people are still expecting a fight, so it would be good to let them know they can relax a bit. What's more, even if Strongclimber and his people don't require aid, it would go a long way to lasting peace if Graybeard and his people at least offered it"

*Per DM post Dec 8th with 'Strongclimber'

Spells in effect on Self: Arcane Sight - DarkVision - Detect Scrying - Freedom of Movement - Mage Armor - Misdirection - Overland Flight - Pass Without Trace - See Invisibility - Swim Speed 120ft - Telepathic Bond - Water Breathing
Spells in effect on Others: Greater Magic Weapon on Garret's fists - Mage Armor on Zane - Tishe's Weave Elements on Restlin a 'Water' version, Zane a 'Water' version, Bosk a 'Fire' version, Beri an 'Air' version

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:33/31/29 +4 vs AOO HP:124/124 Ki:15/15 CMD: 35 SR: 23] 
Monday March 21st, 2016 7:39:04 AM

Garret sits down with a start, almost falling to his rear. He looks around, his mouth still open and says, "What just happened?"

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14 
Monday March 21st, 2016 1:02:42 PM

Restlin slaps Beri on the back. "Good to have you back, buddy. Welcome to the 'I got killed by a dragon' club. Sesha and I are in good company."

...and the magepriest just wants to go home. If they have to stop and say nice things to the druids, so be it, but those witches took his favorite robe. Sure he offered, but that's not the point. What happened with them was a business transaction and they have no need to thank them for it. Besides, those lizardfolk were quite clear on wanting to be left alone.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:34/30/28 +4 vs AOO HP:134/134 Ki:16/16 CMD: 34 SR: 24] 
Monday March 21st, 2016 1:58:36 PM

Garret weakly waves at Beri and looks around, still confused. He says, "Was that... ? "

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Monday March 21st, 2016 3:46:13 PM

Zane looks at the others, "Something is up, I'd say we not interfere unless we're asked to."

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Monday March 21st, 2016 6:10:10 PM

Well, if something is going to kill me at least it was something respectable like a dragon trying to take over the world. Anyway, I say we get home... I need some new armor, a new staff... and something to help my finish my summon spells.

A feeling of Return (DM SteveK) 
Monday March 21st, 2016 9:17:25 PM

It is a happy reunion, and the rest of the day is spent recuperating, carving the gold into manageable pieces, and congratulating Beri on being alive again.

And they talk about what to do in the morning. Some consider telling the Lizardfolk all is clear, but it will take a superlative tracker to find them somewhere in the swamp. Some think about the Witches, but come up with the same problem. The town and the Druid would be a lot easier, and then of course getting back to Hook City and contacting the Dragon Consortium.

Of course, for that to happen, someone's gonna make a decision....

Bosk AC: (38/21/33) CMD: (35) hp 108/108 Spells   d20=2 ; d20=19 ;
Monday March 21st, 2016 10:23:20 PM

Bosk slaps Beri on the back and congratulates the druid on his recent return to the living. Taking out some ale and pouring drinks for the group he says, I think our best bet is to spend the night here. In the morning we can teleport as needed. We can either speak to the druid before returning to Hook City, or I can summon a Lantern Archon to teleport between up and him to deliver messages. (It has greater teleport at will)

Either way, I need until morning to prepare a teleport spell. Lets have a drink. I will cook us some dinner and we can celebrate Beri's resurrection.

The cleric begins booking and manages to spill the entire meal in the fire, but on his second attempt the air is filled with the aroma of food. Stingroot stew, a delicacy of this region that he learned on the groups first trip to the area, simmers in a large pot as his magic ladle stirs the dish. In his masterwork frying pan rations are transformed with the use of his masterwork spice kit, cooking utensils and rare truffles. On the ground he spreads out two large masterwork travel dining kits with plates and utensils all inlaid with tortoise shell.

Dinner is served.

Sesha [AC 39 /21 To/29 Fl] | HP 188/93 | CMD 22] 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 1:18:23 AM

Sesha, sitting by Restlin, shakes her head at mention of the Archon.

"Summoned creatures can't teleport. I don't know why they can't, they just don't. Something about not being really here, I think."

Stretching, she lays back and looks at the starry skies through the swamp canopy. This place was not comfortable, by any standard, but right now, by Restlin, and without that tugging feeling in her heart, it's where she wanted to be.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 25/17/19 -- CMD 21 -- HP 143/143 -- Spells 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 4:26:54 AM

"We should speak to the druid personally. For all we know Korrine has gone there to exact some sort of vengeance. I don't think we can return to the Dragon Consortium and declare ourselves victorious without first checking on Oyster Bay. I know we're all anxious to get home, but it's just a small stop along the way"

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:34/30/28 +4 vs AOO HP:134/134 Ki:16/16 CMD: 34 SR: 24] 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 7:59:46 AM

As Bosk begins preparing the food, Garret comes out of his stupor. He watches eagerly as Bosk starts preparing a few different things. He almost cries when the food is spilled in the fire, but he manages to reach in and grab a few bits of it before it is burned completely. He looks up and smiles as Bosk and says, "Still tastes good to me."

Once his appetite is started, the halfling becomes even more impatient for the food to be complete. He hovers around Bosk and almost seems to circle him at times, waiting for the food to finish. Bosk has to keep a close eye on Garret when he goes to spread the dining kits. When the food is finally places, Garret plops himself down right in the middle where he can reach as much of the food as possible. Just before he starts inhaling the food he says, "Why thank you, Bosk, this is quite nice."

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 9:13:49 AM

Restlin the Wizard will not have his friends sleeping on the cold ground while he's around. He summons up a sturdy building to house them all for the evening (ooc: secure shelter).

"They can't teleport because they're already conjured. Basically, teleporting is just conjuring yourself someplace else...a backwards conjuration if you will.

"Plus, if your summoned critters could just go 'nope' and teleport away, it wouldn't be a very useful spell. That said, I can prepare a teleport spell in the morning." He hands his spellbook over to Tink. "Page 72. There's a tea stain in the corner, it's not part of the spell. See if you can make heads or tales of it. My teacher tried her darnedest to get me to take scribing spells into that book seriously, but she failed. It will be worth the extra prep time tomorrow for both of us to prepare it. If Sesha can shrink down Bosk and Zane, we can handle bringing everyone easily."

Dinner is delicious as always. One day he'd have the ability to summon much nicer digs that come with pre-cooked feasts, but Bosk's cooking was something he looked forward to between bouts of extreme danger.

"So, in the morning, Tink and I prepare teleport spells - two each. We teleport to the druids, report in, then teleport home. Any objections?"

He invites Sesha to join him when it's time to turn in. He falls asleep easily, though right before he does so, he wonders something. "Beri, the druids...were they in a grove? If so, will we be able to teleport in?" Whatever the answer, he falls asleep quickly afterwards.

Dinner and Morning (DM SteveK) 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 5:27:59 PM

Dinner is had, and Garrett doesn't care about the first burned dinner, in fact, he rather likes it!

Once Bosk gets his jitters out of the way, he makes an exceptional feast for the team, a regional favorite, the spicy stingroot stew! Thinking about the region of Gateway Downs, the team realizes they are only a couple hundred miles south of the best stingroot growing lands in the Wold. Maybe it would be worth another teleport spell...

Restlin keeps the spirits up by creating a sturdy shelter for the group, and, with consideration of what summoned creatures can and cannot do (along with the pleasing closeness of friends). The group spend another night in the temple of a ruined city in the middle of a swamp.

The morning is misty outside the shelter and temple, and it looks like the heroes have a plan...

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 6:48:44 PM

In the morning, Zane is up early and prepared to go whenever the rest are. He thinks about the trip to the Lands of Rest and feels like stuff is still unfinished. He still has no idea if his mother is alive or dead, or who his father even is or was. The only thing he's sure of is that his mother was all 'Taur, so the heritage he has of Dragon-kin must have come from his father.....
When the others get up, he banishes his feelings and is just his normal self. Not happy go lucky, not morose, just Zane.....
"So, Oyster Bay first?"

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 7:31:43 PM

Beri sips the ale and enjoys the rare moment of peace.]
We stopped at the witches last time... should I prepare another round of Transport Via Plants? Or should I hold off and prepare that tomorrow. I'm in no hurry right now, and as much as I miss my own bed back at the tower I'm just as happy to play it safe tomorrow and teleport after spending the night in an inn.
Beri settles down and enjoys Bosk's second attempt at dinner. Things taste much more delicious after having been dead. Perhaps it's the new body... or maybe it's just that for a brief moment there was a chance he would never eat real food again. Either way, Beri eats his fill and then some!

Bosk AC: (38/21/33) CMD: (35) hp 108/108 Spells  
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 8:11:33 PM

As night falls Bosk dreams of his days back on taur island and relives coming home to find his mother murdered, his father wrongly accused and learning of the lich responsible for the death of both. A wandering grim cleared his father's name and as an Avenger he swore to get his vengence, a day which grows ever closer. Once that is achieved he can truly be an agent of the gods.

He awakes in the morning feeling not quite rested and begins his daily prayers, preparing to head out with the others to see the druid and then head home to Hook City.

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 25/17/19 -- CMD 21 -- HP 143/143 -- Spells  d100=53 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 2:27:06 AM

Tink nods at Restlin's suggestion and prepares the requisite teleport spell.

In the morning she gathers Zane and Beri close by and casts the spell, aiming to land the group at the front of the walls of Oyster Bay (Tink can teleport herself plus 2 large taurs. Miss chance: 53 = On Target)

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:34/30/28 +4 vs AOO HP:134/134 Ki:16/16 CMD: 34 SR: 24] 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 8:36:20 AM

When morning comes, the group finds Garret has wandered off from the campsite and the building and is wading through some of the swamp, apparently chasing after some bugs. He calls out, "There is a really neat bug over here. It is green so you can hardly see it, but it's eating away at the grass here, really fast." When he sees that no one else is interested, he continues to watch the bug until it is time to go.

When the others start gathering to leave, Garret plods back to the group, his lower half covered in black, smelly swamp. He looks around and says, "What?" He makes a feeble attempt to wipe the black goop off of him. While much of the goop wipes off, there are still streaks of black and they smell... well, like moldy rotting swamp.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14  d100=53 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 12:12:26 PM

Restlin wrinkles his nose a bit. This was bad, even for Garret. He does a quick prestidigitation or two to clean the halfling off, then dabs some lavender oil on his head. Oyster Bay may not be very metropolitan, but at least they kept the place clean.

He then gathers up Sesha, Garret, and Beri and teleports them all to the gates of Oyster Bay...hopefully not on top of Tink & the taurs.

Teleport failure = 53 - success

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 4:58:21 PM

Ahh, teleportation! As much as I enjoyed our voyage on those rafts, it is so nice not to have to worry about being eaten my giant monsters at any moment. Let's hope all is peaceful when we arrive.

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 6:25:40 PM

Before the teleport, "You know I can make myself smaller, want me to?"
When the teleport goes off, "I know it's faster, but I doubt I'll ever get used to it. It feels like the entire universe is squeezing you, if only for a split second."
He looks around to see if Oyster Bay looks worse off than when they were here before....

Oyster Bay (DM SteveK) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 6:36:02 PM

The Iron Adventurers have breakfast, clean Garrett (again), and are able to have one last look at the misty, mucky swamp before having the instant feeling of being squeezed through the eye of a needle...

...and arriving hale and whole in front of the hastily repaired gates of Oyster Bay!

The two guards on lookout duty at the top of the stairs take a moment to realize there are two minotaurs, a drow, a human, and a couple of halflings standing nearly at their feet. Their eyes pop out of their heads and finally one finds his voice. "the here are heroed. Ahem! THE HEROES ARE HERE! THE HEROES ARE HERE!!!"

It takes a little while, but soon the Iron Adventurers are surrounded by happy, expectant faces; farmers and craftsmen; fishermen and housewives; children and guards are all about, including the guards captain and the old Druid. Looks like the heroes will only need to tell the story once!

Bosk AC: (38/21/33) CMD: (35) hp 108/108 Spells  
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 11:03:57 PM

Bosk sits back and lets those more gifted with words and story telling tell the tale. He enjoys the praise and as the adventure is recounted occasionally adds in details as he hands out candy to the children as well as some iron adventurer miniatures in the shape of Bosk.

(OOC deleted by DM SteveK)

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: +14/+11/+11 CMD: +15 HP: 114/119 +14 Tmp HP (Spells) Luck Points: 13/14  d20+16=29 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 11:04:16 PM

Restlin does not waste any time before striding forward.

"Good people of Oyster Bay!" he begins. He's using the speaking voice he was taught by the bards of the WLA. "The Iron Adventurers are happy to report that the lizardfolk who have savaged your town will bother you no more!"

He waits for any cheers to die down. "But..." he delays for just a moment. "This was no mere lizardfolk chieftain with delusions of grandeur. Let me tell you a story about the invader of Jericho space, and the lengths to which my capable friends and I went to to save not just Oyster Bay, but the entirety of the Wold from invasion."

Then, the magepriest lays out the story. Bartering with the witches, including Restlin giving up one of his most prized possessions for their information. Defeating the initial lizardfolk encounter, discovering the serpentfolk behind it...and then, Korrine. An ancient, umbral dragon planning to invade from space.

No Iron Adventurer goes unpraised.

"Bosk and Zane slew over a dozen of the serpent folk and their flying minions before taking the fight directly to Korrine, drawing her blood and bruising more than just her immense ego."

"Sesha! Not only did she pull your humble storyteller back from the brink of death, but time and time again she wrecked the plans and coordination of the serpentfolk, turning them against themselves rather than the Iron Adventurers."

"Not even death could stop the noble Beriothian from fighting this evil. He risked his very soul dancing amongst the Woldsblood to close the one portal Tink and I weren't able to manipulate."

"Tink brought in life saving help from the outer planes to protect us, then destroyed the consoles opening the portals leading to the amassed army of serpentfolk looking to subjugate our entire world."

"As for me," Restlin whips out his silent spell rod & wordlessly creates a fireball which (harmlessly) explodes in the air above them. He pauses as embers fall around him. "Let's just say there will be several serpentfolk having closed caskets."

"...all child's play compared to the acts of the smallest of us." He pauses for a moment before returning back to his companions, stopping behind Garret. "Garret Goodbarrel, when faced with what is easily the most fearsome foe the Iron Adventurers have ever faced, decided to wrestle the beast into submission with his bare hands..." dramatic pause "...and succeeded! Let him always be remembered as Garret Goodbarrel, Dragon Wrestler!"

He finishes up the story. The Iron Adventurers standing together in the face of uncertainty while the last portal was closed, the enraged dragon rushing towards them, ready to slay anything, or anyone to stop them...and of their safe return home.

He offers thanks and praise to Gargul for returning their fallen companion, without whom this may not have turned out nearly so happy.

"...and thank YOU, fine people of Oyster Bay. When we started this quest, all we had was a name: Oyster Bay. It was your help that pointed us in the right direction. Your help that set these events in motion. We are eternally grateful for that assistance." The wizard bows deeply towards the crowd, his story finished.


Perform (storytelling): 29

RobC - Katinka Hushfoot -- AC 25/17/19 -- CMD 21 -- HP 143/143 -- Spells 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 2:26:17 AM

Tink cocks an eyebrow as she listens to Restlin's account of events. He sure had a knack for words. In another life he may have been a bard.

Garret Goodbarrel [AC:34/30/28 +4 vs AOO HP:134/134 Ki:16/16 CMD: 34 SR: 24] 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 8:46:54 AM

Garret watches as Restlin cleans him once again and shrugs. His eyes grow wide as they squeeze through time and space to arrive at Oyster Bay. He smiles when he sees the crowd gathered that hail them as heroes.

When Restlin starts telling the stories of the adventures, Garret starts to wander through the crowd, looking to see if there happened to be a food vendor near the edges of the crowd. He nods to some of the children and is disappointed when he finds not a single person selling meat on a stick. He arrives back at the group just as Restlin moves over to him and hails him as Garret Goodbarrel, Dragon Wrestler! He smiles, nods, and bows, saying, “Yes, yes it is true. You should have seen me drop an elbow on that big nasty…”

Zane (JCC) AC 33 (34), CMB 16, CMD 32, HP 166/166, Character 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 9:10:38 AM

Softly to Bosk, "That sounded quite fancy, I just hope he doesn't flourish that much when it's told to the Consortium...."
Zane tries to look satisfied without looking foolish.

Sesha [AC 39 /21 To/29 Fl] | HP 188/93 | CMD 22] 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 1:02:11 PM

Sesha usually didn't mind large receptions, when held by courts or those who specifically sought out their service. It was a bit different though, accepting praise from regular people.

"Please.", she blushes. "We just did what we could."

She was a big fan of praise. She liked her talents being recognized, and her skill-set being valued. She was uncomfortable however, when anything sounding close Hero-Worship was going on. Still, Restlin was having fun, so she would grin and bear it.

Beriothian -- AC:17/11/22 HP: 85/152 CMD = 19 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 8:40:48 PM

Beri is surprised at the reception they receive. It's not too surprising that someone would have heard the results of the first battle... but that one didn't have en ending deserving of such a welcome. Is it possible they witnessed the final battle through magic? Or perhaps a telescope?

Beri listens as Restlin retells the tale, finding that there are details he himself was unaware of. It's amazing what you can miss when your body is in the belly of a dragon and your disembodied spirit is acting a conduit for alien portal technology. He finds himself becoming just as enthralled with the tale as those how hadn't witnessed it first hand.

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