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AContract is Signed

A Contract is signed (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 10:31:46 PM

The contract is read and understood by some. It is easy to see how someone can get confused by all the legal terms. But there are no tricks. Floating City bureaucracy is not known for its shadiness, unlike Trash level.

Brom, of course, wants to know if it is just to investigate or act upon the results of the investigation.

Evred listens to Lanliss' short explanation and does not hesitate to sign the contract, glad to be of help, or glad to be doing something.

Lanliss' name joins Evred's. The minutiea of the contract escapes him but he feels confident they won't be swindled.

Evaris takes his time. The clock ticks away the minutes and his friends, bored, try to occupy themselves by drinking and eating the snacks that are brought in. Finally he looks up with a satisfied look and gives his approval that all is in order. Pantheon would have something to say about it if there was some chicanery going on. Ffloy probably also. Evaris signs his name.

Emrys took each page of the parchment document and studied it as Evaris finished one. His knowledge of contracts surpasses Evari's in that Evaris just wanted to understand it, Emrys wanted to make it better, or, maybe close any possible loop holes.

Edson waits until Evaris and Emrys explain, in short, that the mission is to find out who or what is causing the explosions and deal with the 'Who' or devise a means to prevent the 'What'. Then he signs it.

Barratore glances at the parchment pages but doesn't bother actually reading them, he trusts his friends' opinions. He signs his name in Tauric, then asks 'So where to you want to start? That Coin?'

Brom, after hearing the terms and conditions, what is considered a success and when payment is due, signs the contract but admonishes any open air discussion of their plans and suggests they head back to their house.


Once all have signed the parchment, the bookish one comes over to the table and pulls out a wand. With a flourish wave and a short Arcana phrase, the parchment flashes and an exact duplicate, signatures and all, appears next to the original.

"You may look over the copy, but it is and exact duplicate. We keep the original in our archives, you keep the original in whatever safe place you have. Consider yourselves now in the city's employment. There is no deadline, payment is upon completion as per the Contract. I do suggest don't dither, you are not the only ones with this same contract, and you are bound to encounter the others here and there. Do remember that you are all working for the same cause and on the same side."

He rolls up the original and puts it inside a different scroll tube and seals it. He hands you the copy with a serious look on his face. "Guard it well."

Once all questions are answered, if any are asked, the clerk ushers the group back outside and thanks the Party for their dedication to Float City.

Perception DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {You notice Marcus making a sigh as he catches your eye, by putting his index finger to the side of his nose.}

DM JT OOC: BTW, does your group have a name? Do I refer to you as 'the group' and 'the party'?

Outside the crowd has not thinned much but it is getting late in the afternoon. One suggestion was to go to Fence level where the bombings occurred and start looking around. Anther was to use a 'Coin', whatever that meant, and a third was to go home and hash out a plan.

And there is that secret message on the inside of the lid to the scroll tube.

The Game is Afoot, as one famous halfling once said.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+13=28 ;
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 10:59:45 PM

ooc: We're the Diamond Company, right?

Evred gives a polite bow and shuffles toward the exit. He was happy. The morning sun was still throwing long shadows in the courtyard and the shadowdancer appreciated copious nearby cover. "All right, gents. Let's have a look at that scroll tube." He surveys it and lifts the lid to read the secret message. "I noticed Mr. Grumpy giving us the canny sign before we left. Hmm... he wants to meet us after 10 o'lock at his home. That gives us a good half-day to start our investigation. I think we should give the portal station another good combing, question some personnel, get some food, and head over to his house."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 11:17:44 PM

Ooc: I don't remember us deciding on any name. Definitely not company.)

"Let's go then."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016 11:36:50 PM

ooc: I'm sure it was Diamond something.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 12:07:35 AM

"Right, go home, secure the scroll and you guys look at the weird coin."

After the group looks at the coin, Barratore will trail along with any plan the others want to put forth, though personally he thinks the type of people that frequent the always on the move speak easy might have heard or seen something that might help or at least be a start

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=30 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 8:23:00 AM

Unless someone had another place to visit Lanliss supports Evred decision.
Better not to be late.
Lanliss says
Perception 30

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 12:13:47 PM

" Anyone else think these halflings losing their minds might be connected to this? Maybe we should have an actual conversation with their leader."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 12:38:35 PM

"I'm almost certain there is a connection. Maybe a divination is in order. It wouldn't hurt to try while we have some time."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=19 ;
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 2:35:25 PM

ooc: We never decided on a name. The DM just used Diamond Company. That was in the archives from October.

"We need to get back. Too many interested eyes and ears hear." He reiterates his desire to get out of crowd of people before discussing their next move. "Don't need ta give our quarry any information if they have someone here."

Brom moves out towards their house with or without the others.

He keeps his eyes and ears scanning for anything out of the ordinary as he moves through the Float.

Perception DC 19

Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 4:07:32 PM

"Right, home it is." Evaris heads home with the others.

[OOC: We did discuss a group name, and got a kind of lukewarm support for Diamond (Something), but we never decided what the Something was.]

A Contract is signed (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 11:34:22 PM

DM JT OOC: A heavy thunderstorm is barreling through Dallas/Fort Worth. I may not get the Post up until way late. Hang tight.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016 11:58:48 PM

ooc: check

A Contract is signed (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 12:43:11 AM

Time to get to work, and competition may be tough...

Evred politely bows and exits, happy. Out in the street he peeks at the scroll tube again and the hidden message on the underside of the lid. Meet Markus after 10 at his home.
With some time to spare he suggests going back to the portal and looking around, get some food, then head to Markus' house.

Emrys is raring to go.

Barratore however prefers to head home first to stash the scroll in a safe place and get a better look at the weir coin. His personal preference is to visit that seedy dive.

Lanliss agrees with Evred's suggestion.

Edson brings up the halflings with the lost minds and wonders if their is a connection, suggesting to talk to the halfling leader they meet earlier.

Emrys is almost certain there is a connection and things some divinations are in order. At least it couldn't hurt.

Brom is certain that they need to head back home where their conversations are more private and heads that way, alone or followed by the others.

Evaris likes the idea of returning home and follows Brom.


The 'Party' is split on what to do next. While Brom and Evaris head home, where they can safely store the
scroll and discuss a plan of action in private, the others seem inclined to hit the teleporter again.

Now that they are a formal group and likely to remain together for a while, some means of recognition
seems to be in order. If the group doesn't come up with one, someone else will, and it may be a bit of
an embarrassing one.

But where to hide the scroll tube? where does that halfling live? Where does Markus live? Do we seek
some divine guidance or just throw the die and see where it falls?

Someone needs to set the compass and right now it sees to be Brom.

DM JT OOC: choosing a name is best by e-mail then post it here. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow but eventually.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=24 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2016 5:00:23 PM

Lanliss tries to see if they are being followed or if someone is eavesdropping on their conversation, now that Brom mentioned it.
What do you offer as a divination ?, Emrys.
Lanliss asks as he scratchs his ear and showing signs of confusion about what the group should do.
Too many things to do and little precious drops of time.
Lanliss concludes.
Perception 24.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 8:23:49 PM

Barratore scoops up the coin from the table. The note was not relevant anymore and remains on the table. He walks over and puts it into Emrys's hand. Barratore then walks over to get a drink and sits in his chair. "Halflings and their memories or the shifty folks at the speakeasy bar."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d100=60 ;
Thursday March 24th, 2016 11:18:34 PM

Emrys answers, "I'll offer incense, my time and my lovely words. Let's fill my cauldron with water, I'll gather the necessary ingredients." Once they get to the kitchen, water is brought to boil, Emrys begins to chant his lovely words of power. Bit by bit he adds more and more incense and fragrant oils to the bubbling water as he continues his chant. Once ten minutes have passed, Emrys goes silent and the boiling water ceases to boil, but becomes instantly still and glassy. He then asks, "Who is responsible for causing the explosions in the Floating City? We wish to speak with them."

(Casting Divination. 78% chance for success. d100=60 ... success!)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday March 24th, 2016 11:36:29 PM

Evred leans over slightly and wafts some vapors from the cauldron towards his nose. He sniffs pleasantly. "That's quite an aroma. Mind if we save it after you're done? It would make a lovely stock for a stew!"

Friday March 25th, 2016 12:07:36 AM

"A shifty bar sounds delightful," Evaris says, "but let's wait and see what Emrys can concoct."

Back home and making plans (DM JonathanT) 
Friday March 25th, 2016 12:30:14 AM

Heading back home, Lanliss keeps vigilant for any that may be, or look like they may be, following them. He sees nothing unusual that would indicate someone tailing them. Wondering what course to take first, he feels there are too many options and very little time.

Barratore re-pockets his special coin and filling up a mug with something to help him think, he gets confy in a chair and ponders "Halflings and their memories or the shifty folks at the speakeasy bar."

Emrys gets home and immediately goes to work preparing his ingredients for a Divination Spell.

Similar to augury but more powerful, a divination spell can provide you with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within 1 week. The advice granted by the spell can be as simple as a short phrase, or it might take the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen.

DM JT: Please note the type of request that can be made. 'Who...?' is not a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity. You could ask 'Should we visit the halflings first?', or 'When is the next bomb going off?'.

Ask yourself if your query pertains to one or more of those three things: Goal, Event, Activity.

Also keep in mind that it is ONE question, so think hard on what you want to ask. Naturally, you can cast the spell multiple times (however many times you've Prayed for the slots), to cover all your questions. It does COST 25gp per casting, though, so mark those funds off your PC sheet.

As DM, I consider your spell not cast yet and you get a Do-Over. :)

Evred wafts some vapors from the divination brew and asks if he can keep the leftovers as the stock base for a stew.

Profession - Cook DC10:Highlight to display spoiler: {Although the liquid leftover may be harmless, as a cook, you know that brews used in casting spells that are NOT meant for consumption can have adverse effects when consumed. What those are is only revealed by drinking it.}

Evaris likes the idea of the shifty bar but thinks that since Emrys went through all the trouble to cast the Divination spell, they might as well listen to what advice the gods have to give.


Between the two options, a Divination spell is cast to better determine their most effective angle on the puzzle. However the caster suddenly gets discombobulated and asks a question the spell cannot answer. He takes a deep breath and tries again, this time with some more thought put into it.

Obviously, the 'Who' weighs on their minds. The seconds tick by and the water in the pot starts getting cloudy, an indication the spell is wearing off. Emrys only has a few seconds left before the spell dissipates without an answer and he'll have to spend another 25gp for another go at it.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Friday March 25th, 2016 1:46:24 AM

Emrys clears his throat and asks his patron the question, "Oh Theon, Pan, Eon, Anth and Heo, hear my words ... When and where,in the Floating City, will the next bombing take place? Allow us the privilege to protect the innocent from those who wish them harm."

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Friday March 25th, 2016 1:57:42 AM

Edson hangs out, waiting to see if this spell can be useful and acruelly work.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Friday March 25th, 2016 5:23:02 AM

Lanliss looks quietly at the thing unfolding.
Hoping for some help from Emrys divination.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Friday March 25th, 2016 7:45:56 AM

Brom doesn't care which place he goes to first. He's happy to let the brainy types make an informed decision once they've seen the coin, the scroll, and whatever pieces they have.

He has a seat and waits for a decision to be made about heir next step.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday March 25th, 2016 10:20:18 PM

Evred crosses his fingers. "No whammies, no whammies, no whammies..."

Friday March 25th, 2016 10:34:35 PM

Eva's watches, waiting patiently for an answer.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Saturday March 26th, 2016 12:12:17 AM

Emrys fights the compulsion to give the pot a stir!

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Saturday March 26th, 2016 12:47:42 AM

Edson begins to hum a song in his head while he waits.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Saturday March 26th, 2016 12:53:19 PM

Brom says in unison with Evred. "Big bucks, big bucks, big bucks..."

A Divination attempt (DM JonathanT) 
Sunday March 27th, 2016 11:40:58 PM

Inquiring of the gods takes some thought.

Emrys clears this throat to get his thoughts together then just before the divination energy dissipates he asks 'When and where, in the Floating City, will the next bombing take place?'

The rest wait for the answer, some hum, some chant a lucky phrase.

DM JT: per the spell rules (see Augury) the % roll is done 'in secret', that is, by the DM. So don't go by your %60 roll, the DM probably rolled a different number. When it says 'if the die roll fails, you know the spell fails' simply means the DM will tell you the spell failed. There's good reasons for this roll to be secret. :)


When Emrys utters the last word of his request, he immediately falls into a trance. His eyes close, and his body goes rigid but he remains standing.

Emrys: Highlight to display spoiler: {Images flirt with Emrys' consciousness. 'The Future is no easy thing to see. Knowledge of the Future can change that Future so what is seen may not happen. But then, some things are destined to happen regardless of anyone's actions.'
These are proverbs that come to Emrys, then a quiet voice whispers 'Thou must count to two. Two shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be two. Three shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count one, excepting that thou then proceedeth to two. Four is right out.'

Emrys then comes out of his trance a bit wiser.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Monday March 28th, 2016 9:49:05 AM

Barratore has never been around magic castings of these sorts and his brow arches at the reaction of Emrys as he casts the spell. To no one in particular "That supposed to happen?"

Assuming the other magic wielding members of the group do not get freaked out, Barratore sips his ale and waits for news from Emrys

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Monday March 28th, 2016 2:02:41 PM

Emrys repeats what he has learned to the others. While he himself may be well versed in such proverbs and numerology, his other self (me), is a lifelong sufferer of dyscalculia and such number-based answers doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Should I count this answer as a failure, because the spell says I would know if it were? The answer is gibberish to me.

DM JT: if the spell was an outright failure, you would get no answer, assuming there are no other magical effects preventing the recipient from receiving an answer. Since you got one, that means the spell worked.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Monday March 28th, 2016 3:49:35 PM

Brom kicks back with a drink while Emrys does his voodoo. The barbarian was getting bored with all this subterfuge and intrigue. He was a man of action and there was very little so far. He was looking forward to getting a solid lead and a target for some but-kicking.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Monday March 28th, 2016 4:17:54 PM

Edson stands with his mouth slightly open. He listens to Emrys give the riddle and then looks between the rest of the group.

" What the hell does that mean? "

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Monday March 28th, 2016 5:40:59 PM

"Oh what a mischievous turn of phrase ... naughty even!" Emrys becomes silent as he ponders. "This will require some thought. Perhaps one should employ Blatherskite's Theory of Probabilities, since it's a riddle of numbers."

Evaris   d20+10=24 ; d20+8=25 ;
Monday March 28th, 2016 5:41:09 PM

Frowning, Evaris gives the message some thought. [Knowledge: Religion 24, Spellcraft 25]

[OOC: Evaris's player instantly recognizes the pop-culture reference, but is unsure what to do with it. Am I supposed to translate it into game terms. Are we, in fact, looking for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?]

DM JT: Actually, the closest would be Knowledge Local, but since it is a riddle of sorts, it does not apply. If indeed all PCs are stumped by a riddle, the DM can use Int roll checks to hand out clues. The Monty Python reference is just for fun, but the message is relevant to the question.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Monday March 28th, 2016 6:23:28 PM

"It doesn't seem so hard. It told us we need to count to 2. That might mean 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months. But then again, it might be referring to the second level of the city. Perhaps if you have it in you, you could cast the spell again and specifically asked where the next attack will occur."

Numbers, its all in the numbers (DM JonathanT) 
Monday March 28th, 2016 10:30:05 PM

The cryptic message is given, will it be understood?

Barratore arches his brow when Emrys goes rigid. 'That supposed to happen?' he asks. Sipping on his drink, he is ready to pounce if the others seem freaked out as much as he.

Emrys loosens up when he recovers from the spell's grip. The answer seemed to leave more questions, in his opinion. Usually an answer is better than silence, but if you can't decipher the answer...
He repeats what he was told to the others:
'Thou must count to two. Two shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be two. Three shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count one, excepting that thou then proceedeth to two. Four is right out.'

He confesses that the answer is gibberish to him.

Brom kicks back, bored with the subterfuge and intrigue. Action, he wants action!

DM JT: I'm intrigued he knows the word Intrigue! LOL'

Edson stares at Emrys, lockjawed. 'What the hell does that mean?' he blurts to the others.

Emrys figures it is a riddle of numbers and is seems up for the mental challenge it presents and goes silent in thought.

Evaris puts on his (imaginary) thinking cap. He feels like she should know the meaning as it sounds familiar. There was a play he saw once that had him in stitches. Now what was that number reference? Had it anything to do with the play?

Evred figures that the number '2' is key. But it could be 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months, or, 2nd level of the city. He suggests another casting asking where the next explosion will occur.


The Divination attempt was a success. Now it is only to figure out what that success means. The number '2' seems prominent, certainly not the number '1' or '3'. Since the question was 'When..., it must be a Time, and they should be able to rule out much of the possibilities soon enough. However knowing when helps little if you don't know where.

The group has time for another casting if Emrys is up to it.

DM JT: Remember, the casting is for ONE question and you got ONE answer. 'When and where' are two questions, so the first one was answered first.

Although it may seem boring, the group realizes that from the size of Floating City, it would be impracticable and just as boring to run around looking for news of an explosion. Knowing 'where', even if close, holds a better promise for action.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Tuesday March 29th, 2016 9:19:52 AM

Barratore smirks a bit as the smart folks rattle their brains about. It always gave him a warm fuzzy when the smart folks were stumped. Something about it, always set himself right with the Wold. but this was about serious stuff and so the feeling is very fleeting.
"Two is not overly helpful and the whole, knowing stuff changes stuff so that the stuff you thought you knew becomes not worth knowing is a bit off putting. Whatever we decide and by we I mean you guys, I need to get my towel." Barratore drains the rest of his ale, not like being a bit tipsy will impair the investigation at this point, and he heads to his room.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+22=32 ; d20+2=18 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2016 2:00:58 PM

Lanliss right hand makes a way to Emrys pocket to snatch some of the good stuff he got to try from Emrys earlier.
(Lanliss does this without being aware of that)
While he is doing this he tries to think about what Emrys said, totally flabbergasted.
Sleight of hand 32.
Int check 18.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Tuesday March 29th, 2016 10:15:14 PM

Edson looks at Barratore sideways. " Where did that come from big guy?"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d100=13 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2016 10:22:05 PM

"That answer was so typically Theon. Of all Elder Gods, he was both the aspect of creativity and logic, a perfect balance of Art and Analytical Thinking. He invented numbers, you know. I agree that 2 is the key. Logic dictates that it's been too soon for another bomb to explode in a mere two hours. Two days sounds most appropriate. 4 represents the sum of the equation, that being the explosion. If we can't count 1 or 3, the only solution for X is also 2. The next increment to days will be hours. Therefore the next bombing will happen in two days, two hours after midnight."

Turning back to his fanciful, little cauldron, Emrys empties the used contents and refills it with fresh water. "We should try this again. Evaris, could you pray to Pantheon while I invoke the Elders? Maybe your influence will encourage a less cryptic response. He is their progeny after all."

Emrys begins to chant the words of power. The casting this time seems to weigh more heavily upon the bewitching mystic. The ten minutes seem to pass much more slowly. His eyes go disturbingly white as he seemingly goes into a trance. "My Lords, where in the Floating City will the next explosion take place? May justice prevail!"

(Casting Divination, from the Knowledge Domain... the Leyline roll wasn't necessary, my mistake.)

Evaris   d20+7=20 ;
Tuesday March 29th, 2016 10:30:12 PM

While waiting for an answer to Emrys's second question, Evaris continues pondering the answer to the first.

[Knowledge: Local 20]

Numbers, its all in the numbers (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 12:23:19 AM

Barratore smirks a bit as the smart folks rattle their brains. He usually finds it comic to see smart folks get stumped but they are dealing with serious stuff this time. Draining the last of his drink he comments on the probabilities of future events when meddling with the knowledge of the future and heads to his room.

Lanliss tries to be sneaky while digesting what Emrys said.

Lanliss: Highlight to display spoiler: {I don't know what the 'good stuff' is referring to. Your 32 beats the DC20 to get the item,
but to do so unnoticed it needs to beat Emrys' Perception check. Make a private post to tell me what it was.

Edson looks at Barratore sideways and asks 'We're did that come from big guy?'

Emrys uses some Religious numerology knowledge to conclude that the timing is 2 days, 2 hours past midnight. Now to know where, he casts the spell again, this time asking:
'My Lords, where in the Floating City will the next explosion take place? May justice prevail!'

Emrys: Highlight to display spoiler: {Entirely up to you, if you want to catch Lanliss' pick pocketing, you need to make a Perception roll to beat his 32. If you beat it, how you react to it is entirely up to you. If yo don't beat it, you won't notice anything missing until you reach for it.}

Evaris continues pondering the possible meanings of the number 2 while Emrsy tries to diving where the next bomb (if there is a next one) will go off.


Emrys dumps his pot, washes it, and fills it with water again, starting the process of casting the second
Divination attempt, this time to inquire as to where. It seems to take longer than the first one but eventually
he feels the timing is right and casts his question up into the heavens.

All await in suspense for some sign of an answer like the first time.
Emrys:Highlight to display spoiler: {Unlike the first time, the message reveals itself with an image of a building as if looking at it
from across the street. It looks like business, on the wealthier side of town, with the address of 221. However the street name is not in the picture. The image is ingrained well enough in his mind that when he sees it, he'll know it.

Emrys finally comes out of his trance to see eager faces staring at him, holding their breaths.

There is, still, the issue of seeing what Marcus wanted. It must be something very, very interesting for the meeting to be scheduled late at night. but who knows, this may be normal for politics in Float City.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+17=24 ;
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 12:57:34 AM

(Perception: 24)

"I see the location! It looks to be a wealthy shop or market, possibly a guild hall, in a very clean and fanciful part of the city ... like the Gold Level. The street address is 221. Alas, I have no sight of a street name. I would know the spot if I see it again!"

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+18=30 ; d20+7=19 ;
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 3:58:43 AM

Lanliss thinks about the street name.
221 Street ?
Lanliss says loudly trying to think if in his walks in the city he encountered such a street with a description that fits Emrys.

Stealth 30
Local knowledge 19

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 6:55:30 AM

Ooc: Sorry for not posting yesterday. I'm sick with the flu.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 10:46:17 AM

Brom stands. "So, ya know when this thing is gonna happen?" He says because he wasn't paying attention until Emrys starts hollering. "This looks like the sneaky types are running this stake out. So, what'ya all think?" He says. "We gonna split up, check different locations, and wait?"

ooc: Sorry for missing yesterday. Just ran out of time yesterday. :-(

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 11:18:44 AM

Barratore comes back from his room just as the vision is revealed. As he departed, "All the talk of probabilities, just made me think of it."

Barratore agrees with Brom and gives his fully armored 10', 1 ton form a once over. "And so should I go meet with Marcus while Evred and Edson play stake out? "

The minotaur knows that on a stake out he has several problems. His observational skills are practically non existent and anyone with any will notice him easily. But that is why you are part of a company. Everyone had their role, his was going to be to try and stay out of the way for now. When the bad guys needed dealing with, he'd get his moxie on.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 1:23:32 PM

" Can you draw it.. then maybe we can show it to the halfling messenger. He might know it from his deliveries and it also might rekindle something to his lost memories. "

Evaris   d20+7=24 ;
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 1:49:29 PM

[Knowledge Local 24]

"Well," says Evaris, "Emrys says it looked like the Gold Level, so I suggest we start there. I also suggest we try not to split up; if things are going to start exploding again, I'd prefer it if we were together. Makes healing everybody much easier."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 2:20:01 PM

"Draw it! I can do better than that. " He mutters a few magical words and a framed painting appears floating in the air among the heroes. The painting depicts what Emrys saw in his vision.

(Casting Silent Image.)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 6:48:26 PM

"Okay, here's what I'm thinking. First, we share the results of our divination with the town council at our meeting tonight. Next, we find this house. We try to get the homeowner to allow us to observe their property and maybe even station people inside the home to protect them. The letter deputizing us should help convince them. Our sneaky folk can be on stakeout, Blue can patrol the interior by walking through walls. Everyone else can watch their own vicinity."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 9:26:20 PM

"Discretion is a must. The more who know this possible future, the more likely it will not come to pass. The insight of these divinations are not etched in stone. They are merely a reflection of the light of today, an echo of whispers from the dark, and they will change as soon more eyes open to it. The details of what we've learned must be kept between us. We must first find this place without letting it be known we are looking for it."

Numbers, its all in the numbers (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday March 30th, 2016 11:18:21 PM

Something to go on, finally.

Emrys exults in his vision and immediately shares it with the group. A wealthy looking shop, a street address without a street, and a time.

Lanliss tries to recall a 221 address in any of the streets he's been around in that might have what Emrsy describes. Half a dozen locations come to mind but nothing definite. They may or may not be 221, he just never noticed actual street addresses.

Brom stands and is ready to go, suggesting splitting up and a staking out the different possible locations.

Barratore likes Brom's idea with one addition that he, the hulking minotaur go meet up with Marcus. He feels his bulky frame is not sneaky enough to be much help and his intuitiveness for other sneaky things is almost nil.

Esdson asks Emrys if he can draw a picture of the building. This way they could enlist the help of others to locate it.

Emrys is excited at the suggestion to draw a picture of it and casts Silent Image, wherein he concentrates on an image of a painting on canvas that portrays that portion of the building he saw in the vision.

It works pretty good, the only downside is that it takes concentration to keep it up.

Evaris looks at the picture and suggests starting looking on Gold Level but is against splitting up for safety reasons.

Evred formulates a plan that starts with their meeting with Marcus and informing those present what they've discovered. Then go looking for the house/building and hope to get the owner's permission to stake it out, inside and out. Considering their new letters of authority from the town council, he sees no problem getting such permission.

DM JT: Marcus seemed to hint, by the hidden message and the sleigh of hand, that the town council was not involved in his meeting request.

Emrsy points out that the nature of these divinations are shaky at best and the more who know about a certain one, the greater the odds of some change in a detail here or there that could change the outcome. The less who are in the 'Know', the better.
'We must first find this place without letting it be known we are looking for it.'


It is dusk as plans are discussed. Where to start looking seems decided, the Gold level, but do they start before meeting up with Marcus or after?

A) If the number '2' meant two hours, they could scour that portion of Gold Level that more likely fits the description in hopes of finding something before meeting with Marcus.

B) If the number '2' meant 2am, they could meet with Marcus first, then go looking.

C) If it is 2pm or '2 days', then there certainly is plenty of time.

But there's little time to dilly-dally if they want to cross off option A.

As they discuss which option, a knock at the door draws their attention and a slip of paper is slid under the door. Opening the door reveals no one. The piece of paper is blank.

Spellcraft Check DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {The paper is unusual and may have magical properties.}.

LanlissHP 42/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 8:16:11 AM

A blank paper ?
Lanliss asks himself.
Emrys, Evaris anything you could say about this blank paper ?
Ooc: Did Lanliss get Emrys stash of herbal mix of bliss tobacco ?

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 10:37:25 AM

" A blank piece of paper? This is a terrible who dunnit. "

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 10:53:25 AM

Barratore agrees on the discretion side of things. The less people that know, the better. He reminds the others that the council said there are other groups consigned to work this problem as well. They very well could be doing the same thing, with similar information and we should be prepared to run into them.

With hours to go before the meeting with Marcus, Barratore thinks heading tomGold level to see if we can locate the building from the vision is the best use of time available.

The blank paper from a mystery delivery person just causes the Minotaur to snort and shake his head. A headache was starting to push its way forward. "Too much thinking and not enough drinking." he says as he moves to refill his tankard

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 8:45:36 PM

"I'm headin' fer Gold Level. That's the biggest danger. The blow hard can wait. But we need ta check there now. " He says gathering his gear. "Who's coming with?"

Brom heads out with whoever is coming with him.

Numbers, its all in the numbers (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 10:53:10 PM

DM JT OOC: BTW, what level is your house on?

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 11:27:27 PM

Evred joins the minotaurs in heading to the gold level. "It shouldn't be too hard to find this house. If we all know what it looks like weekend jog through the neighborhoods to find it."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday March 31st, 2016 11:28:21 PM

OOC: weekend = "we can"

Numbers, its all in the numbers (DM JonathanT) 
Friday April 1st, 2016 12:39:35 AM

DM JT OOC: short post tonight, gotta be up and at work by 4am.

The blank piece of paper seems too much for some and Brom leads the way out into the dusk, heading for the Gold Level.

The lamplighters are busy getting the streets ready for the Night Life of Floating City and there are still plenty people out and about, but that is sure to decline as the smells of supper bring most either into their home or into a tavern.

For those heading to Gold Level, they reach their destination without incident and start traipsing down one street and up another.

Perception DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: { After traversing the commercial area of Gold Level you are confident that it is not on this level.}

Perception DC10: Highlight to display spoiler: {After traversing the commercial area of Gold Level, you feel you might have missed it and a more careful search might bring it to light.}

After traversing the commercial area of Gold Level, you hear the town clock chime and realize it is time to look for Marcus' home.

Evaris   d20+8=23 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+5=6 ;
Friday April 1st, 2016 1:01:04 AM

"I'm not sure this is an ordinary piece of paper," Evaris says, turning the blank leaf over in his hands. He casts a quick Detect Magic to check for auras. If he sees any, his roll to identify them is 13.

He sees nothing as the group wanders through the Gold Level.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Friday April 1st, 2016 10:22:15 AM

" It's not this level. " Edson calls to those who went to the gold level. " We have to hold off searching though. "

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=35 ;
Friday April 1st, 2016 10:49:33 AM

Yes, We are on the wrong floor and we need to find Marcus House soon.
Lanliss says.
He decided to go to the Gold Level with the other folks.
Perception 35.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=27 ; d20+15=34 ;
Friday April 1st, 2016 12:48:40 PM

Gold level was a bust. Brom was mixed on the results. He wanted some action, but he was also glad that there was no bomb.

"Guess it's off to meet Marcus." He says responding to the others mention of it. "This'll be fun, I'm sure."

Perception for Gold Level DC 27
Perception for the trip to see Marcus DC 34

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday April 1st, 2016 9:00:59 PM

Evred nods, holds up his pointer finger, makes several circles, and points forward. "Roll out."

Friday April 1st, 2016 10:13:25 PM

"You have interesting ideas of fun, Friend Brom," Evaris says. "But if we've an appointment, we should keep it."

The Blank piece of paper (DM JonathanT) 
Saturday April 2nd, 2016 12:44:11 PM

DM JT OOC: this post is retroactive and anything in this thread occurs before you leave.

Before they leave looking for the building in the oracle, Evaris takes a closer look at the blank piece of paper. Casting Detect Magic reveals a magical aura.

For Evaris or any other who also casts Detect Magic

Further study using the power of the Detect Magic spell reveals there are two auras.

Even further study (3rd round) reveals:
Knowledge Arcana DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: { Weaker aura is from the Universal School, the stronger one from the Illusion school.}

You know that this is as far as you can go with Detect Magic. Your vast magic knowledge may be able to figure out what a DC15 Universal school spell is cast upon it is.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Sunday April 3rd, 2016 10:30:06 PM

Barratore knows that he is along for the ride for now. He thought the rich merchant folk were on merchant level, but the smart folk wanted to head to Gold and he was not going to argue with them. The paper was also outside of his knowledge and understanding. The Minotaur does change his mind and decides to keep the scroll from the council on his person as well as the odd coin. He puts both into his magical haversack. Deciding things could get weird, he will be fully geared up for combat and ready as he can going to the meeting with Marcus

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday April 4th, 2016 3:30:57 PM

Lanliss asks Emrys if he can decipher the blank paper ......

Monday April 4th, 2016 8:28:11 PM

"I fear my talents are better suited for persuasion," Evaris sighs, turning the paper over. "I've no idea what this is, but there is magic on it." [Evaris already failed his roll.]

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=34 ;
Monday April 4th, 2016 9:59:45 PM

Brom doesn't say anything on the trip to meet with Marcus. He had no talent for talk other than to threaten, which in this case was not a good quality. He keeps watch as they move through the streets of the Float. There's somethin' that stinks about all this... He thinks. He wasn't sure how everything was fitting together, but he had a feeling. Brom lived on his instinct and his gut feelings, and this [i]gut feeling]/i] was telling him things were gonna get bad.

Perception DC 34

The Blank piece of paper (DM JonathanT) 
Monday April 4th, 2016 10:46:28 PM

OOC DM JT: sigh.....I had hoped you guys would have figured out the blank piece of paper over the week end. It is not part of the module, something I just threw in there to let you guys exercise your skills a bit.
Basically, the Detect Magic reveals the type of magic and power (Universal level 0 and Illusion level 2). The Spellcraft check reveals that Read magic would bring forth an Archane Mark, which when read, activates a Magic Mouth that reveals Marcus' address, then vanishes.
I didn't think any of the PCs knew where Marcus lived and thought this would be a neat way to reveal it.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Monday April 4th, 2016 11:38:44 PM

ooc: Thanks for the creativity, DM! Sometimes it is a cherished gem, and other times pearls before swine. :)

Evred follows along. "We don't want to be late to our meeting. I doubt Mr. Grumpy will appreciate tardiness."

The Blank piece of paper (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 12:27:06 AM

The group leaves their house in search of the location of the next explosion revealed by their divine inquiry without fully understanding the purpose of the magical blank piece of paper. Their search on Gold Level proves fruitless and as the time approaches for the meeting with Marcus, they look at each other for the address. Did Marcus set up the meeting and forget to tell them where he lived? What a dork!

They could ask for directions from those few out and about at that hour, or enter a tavern and hope to find someone still in charge of their faculties to ask for directions. Neither is necessary though as a halfling steps out of the shadows. He wears a cloak with Marcu's family symbol on it. Without a word he motions the group to follow him.

He leads them to the residential section of Gold Level and presently knocks on a fancy door in what is obviously a coded knock. The door opens and a servant, seeing who it is and who follows, opens the door and whispers, 'Quickly!' as he motions them in.

They are lead to the library where they find Marcus waiting for them.
"I bet you all are full of questions. I'll answer one of them. This is not city council business. It is my own. I know you don't like me but I personally don't care, considering what is at stake. I happen to know that these bombings are not as 'random' as they may seem. It might be important for you to know who the targets really are. But before I go on, I must have your word that you won't speak of this meeting or what you learn from it to anyone, not even the council. Do we have a deal?"

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+11=28 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 12:28:48 PM

All this clandestine nature made Edson laugh inside. He was used to it, but unsure about the others.

He is about to chastise Marcus but instead keeps his mouth shut and listens. (Sense Motive 28)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 2:34:02 PM

(Sorry for missing a few posts. Im still waiting for my new computer to arrive ... and posting from my old Samsung Galaxy I is not ideal nor does it always work.)

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+5=7 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 6:05:20 PM

Lanliss will agree only after the others agree.
Curious to know what is it that Marcus doesn't want to know and why .
Sense motive 5

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 7:20:55 PM

Since Marcus was being honest, at least for a politician, Brom offered him the same courtesy. He stands off, but less so than he would if he didn't like the man. It seems like Brom likes this politician more than most. "Since, we're being straight-up. I don't like politicians. Yur lot talks like a forked tongued hustler; never sayin' what ya mean. It's not you. Ya just were the first one I hand run across here in the Float..." He says. "Just wanna get that out there. Ya have my word what is said in here stays in here...good enough?"

Meeting with Marcus (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 9:19:54 PM

DM JT: Partial Post

Marcus smiles at Brom, "Now you are learning the Politician ways. If you were chief of your people, you'd know exactly what I mean. There is always someone wanting to take your place because there's not many places to take and you are in the way. So, you choose carefully who to Politic with and who to Politic against. When Float was new, it wasn't so bad, but as time wore on, Time added convolutions, complications, rules to prevent loop holes and rules to prevent loop holes that came about from the rules to prevent loop holes and add infinitum. And so Politicians came about to help understand it all.

But tonight has nothing to do with city politics. But I can say nothing further on the matter until I have your total agreement to keep everything you hear and see in this house a secret."

Lanliss Sense Motive roll of 5: Highlight to display spoiler: {He sounds totally legit. Completely on the up-and-up, no questions about it.}

Edson Sense Motive roll of 28: Highlight to display spoiler: {He seems genuine. There is a hint of concern on his features and when he says nothing to do with city politics it has the inflection of something greater, more dangerous.}

Tuesday April 5th, 2016 10:15:29 PM

Evaris nods. "Of course, I will hold this meeting and what you reveal in confidence," he says.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+17=30 ;
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 10:34:57 PM

(Knowledge [arcana]: 30 to have detected the magic mouth from the page)

Emrys knew what the page was meant to do. He feigned ignorance to see how eager Marcus would be ... to what length he would go to gain our employ. This is quite curious indeed, he thinks.

"Oh we do enjoy secrets," Emrys says with a devilish smile, "pray tell ... consider our pages blank, sir."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday April 5th, 2016 11:42:38 PM


Evred gives a what-choice-do-we-have sort of shrug. He crosses his arms and waits for Marcus to continue.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 12:00:23 AM

Barratore snorts and grumbles a bit. He did not like secrets and all of the sneaking about. Now while looking into something for the council they were about to agree to not share information with the council without knowing what Marcus was going to say. The possible future consequences does not occur to him. Barratore did not deal in the future much, but secrets simply bothered him. They felt less than forthright, less than honorable

Barratore folds his arms, he's upset, a bit mad, but nods and agrees

Meeting with Marcus (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 1:24:17 AM

Marcus nods as each give their pledge, although some do so with some skepticism.
"Very well. The purpose for which I asked you here tonight is that I believe that these explosions are in actuality assassination attempts, the third one succeeded.

Have you ever heard of the L.o.D?

The first explosion was at the warehouse you've already investigated. The second a fish market, and the third the offices of a shipping company. Perhaps the warehouse was an experiment for I can't find a link there but the fish market and the shipping offices do have something in common. They both are owned by a member of the L.o.D., and the owner of the shipping company, a Samuel Stillwell, was killed in that explosion.

Now I am not a member, but I've tried to be."
He looks away a little embarrassed.

"They are a very rich elite group of merchants and my own enterprises apparently are not up to par, just yet. But so what, you ask? This still could be a random thing. However the council has been aware of rumors of a Thieves Guild war going on between the three thieves guilds here in town. If the L.o.D. are involved in this war, or this war has expanded to them, things can get pretty nasty here in town.

It is not a simple matter perform a hit on one of the L.o.D. They are a tight group with stupendous resources. But if the guilds have turned on them, perhaps they intend to expand and take control of the entire city.

That's why I called you. You are not tied to city politics and are not likely to be bribed by one of the guilds. Any other group I normally could lean upon could be easily bribed as they all have somebody or something that could be used as leverage against them. You do not. What you do have is an Integrity hard to come by.

If this war of the thieves guild has brought about their merging and they now seek to take over our beloved Floating City, we all loose if they are not stopped.

I don't confide in the Council because I don't trust them as well as they don't trust each other or me.

Here is the address of Mr. Stillwell's offices and home. Since the incident happened today, perhaps the city guards haven't mucked it up too much. See what you can find. Also, the streets have eyes and ears, somebody somewhere may know something."

He hands the group another blank sheet of paper that probably works like the first one and awaits any questions the group may have.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 10:40:09 AM

"What does L.o.D. stand for? "

Meeting with Marcus (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 10:52:10 PM

Marcus scrunches his face. "Sorry, I forget you people are new here. L.o.D is the organization known as the Lords of Diamonds. Most people have heard about them but only a very few know one. And then only one, and that one reveals himself to you if he thinks you are of quality to join."

Wednesday April 6th, 2016 11:19:49 PM

"We are relative newcomers," Evaris says. "The streets may well have eyes and ears, but they are unlikely to communicate with us. Do you have any local contacts, anyplace we could start?"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 11:28:29 PM

Evred raises an eyebrow and looks sideways at Evaris. "Seems pretty obvious we should start at Mr. Stillwell's home. The man here just gave us his address. I think one or two of us should keep looking for the house that will be bombed next and the rest can go investigate the bombing that happened earlier today."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 11:37:22 PM

Barratore is less concerned as Marcus makes his points. The smart folk were rich again, but that is why he trusted them. They were right an awful lot. The Minotaur simply blurts out to his companions, " why not ask Marcus where the place described to us is?"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+10=24 ; d20+23=35 ;
Wednesday April 6th, 2016 11:53:41 PM

(Knowledge [Local]: 24 to identify the LoD.)

"Thankfully this LoD isn't the same LoD from a distant past ... a vast army of the undead, known as the Legion Of Death, commanded by the archmage Morticai Lichborne. They were destroyed a millennia ago, however artifacts are rumored to still exist ... but I digress." Emrys smiles and takes the blank page. "Does this page contain the addresses of known LoD members? If not, could we have that juicy morsel of lore ... that would be so helpful."

(Diplomacy: 35, to get the info he asks for)

Meeting with Marcus (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday April 7th, 2016 1:21:07 AM

Evred asks an honest question and gets an honest answer. L.o.D stands for Lords of Diamonds.

Evaris readily agrees they are newcomers and as such are not likely to know how to pry information out of the eyes and ears of the streets. 'Do you have any local contacts, anyplace we could start?'

Evred incredulously raises an eyebrow and looks sideways at Evaris. He points out that Marcus just gave them a place to start, suggesting they split up, some investigating Mr. Stillwell's house while the others look for the building in the oracle.

Barratore blurts out with equal incredulity 'why not ask Marcus where the place described to us is?'

Emrys recals a different L.o.D from a distant past and starts into a discourse of ancient history but manages to catch himself before anyone nodds off. Smiling, he takes the blank page and asks if the page contains the addresses of known L.o.D members.


Marcus almost looses it with Emrys' question. "Did you all just come from a drinking bout? Does the
night air scramble your brains? Why have I..."

Emrys: Highlight to display spoiler: {Diplo 35 is a pretty high roll and should normally be sufficient, but DM has to weigh the circumstances and in this case, even a N20 would not work. :) }

Marcus' butler quickly intervenes and in a corner in hushed voices the two argue for several minutes until Marcus' temper cools down.

"Master Marcus' concern for the city and the welfare of its people sometimes can cloud his normal hospitable nature," the butler apologizes to the group.

Marcus turns back to them and takes a deep breath. "As I said before, if one knows a member of the L.o.D, they know only one. Since I knew Mr. Stillwell was a member, HE is the only one I knew, so there could only be one address on that piece of paper. As far as the streets having eyes and ears, there are any number of seedy, backwater taverns on the lower levels that are awash with less fortunate folks that may gladly share some of their knowledge for another pint of ale. If one of my people go asking about, I risk revealing what I know. If you go asking about, you'll simply be someone who's interested in hiring out to the highest bidder."

Marcus says this last with difficulty and his butler hands him a fancy glass of port the turns to the group, "Anything else you'd like to know?"

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday April 7th, 2016 5:47:48 AM

I think I understand what we are to do is to restore equilibrium/balance to the city, ensuring no one group has total control over the city.
Lanliss says.
The question how are we going to split ourselves, and of we find the place in the picture that Emrys showed us, how do we progress from there ?
Lanliss asks himself loudly.
Ooc: I have the cold sorry for not posting.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Thursday April 7th, 2016 8:54:28 AM

Edson held his contempt for Markus in check. The man was obviously interested in saving the city and a rude comment wouldn't be needed.

"That bar we went to.. with the pushy ork. Maybe that is our lead to the streets. Other then that let's check his house."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+23=34 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2016 2:31:13 PM

(Diplomacy: 34)

Emrys is gleefully giggling to himself inside. He knew such a question would stick in Marcus’ craw worse than a dagger. ’that was fun,’ he thinks to himself.

With a continued warm smile, Emrys continues, “Beg your pardon, but my implausible question was to illustrate a point … that we specialize in the implausible … the impossible! In a short time, since we started our investigation, we have learned of the location of another LoD. We are considering this individual a person of interest.”

With a wave of his hand (Casting Silent Image), Emrys recreates the same colorful painting floating in the air; its ornate frame gilded in gold leaf. This ‘Diamond’ owns this property. As you can see, their street number is present. Being new to the Floating City and not knowing the lay of the land, do you happen to recognize this property?”

Emrys is deliberately withholding the fact that it’s the next location to be bombed.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=33 ;
Thursday April 7th, 2016 10:05:00 PM

Brom listen to the discussion between the cocky members of his group and the man who could make them disappear...forever. It was something the barbarian had heard many times before in his hometown of Dirt City, a place where crime was common place and people with power made rivals and enemies disappear. Brom didn't like the idea of the Float going that route, and if Marcus, arrogant jerk or not, was even partially right about the thieves taking over, it would mean suffering for the people of this floating city.

As he listened, he became more annoyed with the childish nature of the weaklings with big mouths. It wasn't hard to detect that the six feet nine in tall man was unhappy with the current banter. If they didn't tone it down, the barbarian would saying something.

For the moment, he held his tongue.

Perception DC 33

Thursday April 7th, 2016 11:31:32 PM

Evaris watches Emrys's display with a raised eyebrow. "No, I think we're good," he says in response to Markus's question. "And I think we'd best get started before something else gets bombed."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 7th, 2016 11:53:51 PM

"Right, sorry for our group's confusion. We'll go visit Stillwell's home now." Evred makes very plain Let's go motions with his hands.

Meeting with Marcus (DM JonathanT) 
Friday April 8th, 2016 1:03:38 AM

Lanliss believes that their task is to restore the equilibrium of city power. How they are going to split up is his question, if indeed they do find out the location of the building in the vision.

Edson keeps his contempt for Marcus under check. He suggests they go back to that bar they went to, the one with the pushy orc. After that, check Stillwells place.

Emrys tries to smooth things over by professing to know the location of one of the Lords of Diamonds. He casts his Silent Image again portraying the picture in the oracle. He points out that the 'Diamond' owns the property and asks if Marcus recognizes it. He says nothing about the portent related to the picture.

Brom seems to be the only one that understands his position and that of the PTB (Powers That Be) in Floating City. It was easy enough for Brom to understand the consequences for the citizens of Floating City if the Thieves' Guild wins out. All the jibber-jabber from his companions was getting on his nerves and he does not try to hide it.

Brom: Highlight to display spoiler: {Notices easily enough on Marcu's face the annoyance Marcus over the arrogance of his friends.}

Evaris watches Emrys's display with raised eyebrow. He informs Marcus that they have no further questions and states his desire to get moving before something else gets bombed.

Evred appologizes for his companions and suggest heading to Sillwell's immediately.


It is late, shortly before midnight, and the group now have a couple of leads. Marcus thinks he recognizes the building. [b]"It looks like buildings on the wealthier side of Merchant Level, and gives directions to where to start, at least. As far as it being a L.o.D. place, he has no idea.

With the location of the subject of their oracle now possibly identified, they have three tasks ahead of them.
1) find and stake out the Oracle building
2) see what they can find at Stillwell's bombed offices
3) either bar hop for information on the thieves' guild war or see about that speak easy they know about.

As it is so late, visiting Stillwell's is off the list for now. That leaves two interesting things that can be done at this late hour. It's just a matter of making your pick.

The butler cordially sees the group to the door and wishes them good luck.

Out in the semi-lit street the group gathers to decide what next.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d100=79 ; d20+27=41 ;
Friday April 8th, 2016 5:52:24 PM

After returning to the street with the group Emrys says, “Well, that went swimmingly.” He looks at the blank page and adds, “We should return home to discuss our next move. I can reveal what’s on the page there in private, unless I discern that its message is in written form and not a blathering magic mouth.”

(Leyline roll: 79. Casting Identify. Knowledge [Arcana]: 41, to identify what the page will do … NOT to activate in the street, unless it’s a silent effect.)

"I will say that I have no desire to go talking to a group of thugs and thieves. I am wearing way too much jewelry for that! Besides ... I already feel a bit lighter than before?! I can't put my finger on it."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday April 8th, 2016 11:27:44 PM

"Blue and I will continue searching for the next target. Blue never gets tired of running."

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Saturday April 9th, 2016 3:03:37 AM

"So... let's hit up the club. There has to be thieves guild members, or maybe even some drunks ready to spill their guts."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Saturday April 9th, 2016 12:38:58 PM

Barratore glances at Brom a couple times during the meeting with Marcus. It did not take much to see he was getting annoyed, but the minotaur did not know at what he was annoyed at this time. Several possibilities presented themselves and all of them hurt his head a bit. Barratore listens to Marcus talk about Merchant level and cannot help but grin. he was right, it didn't happen very often outside of the realm of fighting and so to do so always brought a smile to his face.

After they leave Barratore saddles up with Evred. I'll go with you Evred. Stopping the next bomb from going off is my top goal. If the bombs are killing then it is only matter of time before innocents get caught in the blasts. Stake out the building, catch them and work our way up the chain."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=26 ;
Saturday April 9th, 2016 6:01:09 PM

After leaving the meeting with Marcus, Brom decides that he should have a discussion about what happened. "Alright, from now on keep yur smart comments in check dealin' with the powers." He says looking at the culprits. "I don't like Marcus anymore than the rest of ya, but...he has the power in the Float ta make things difficult fer us. Or worse yet, he can make ya disappear, forever. No one'll care and no one'll ask him a single question 'bout it. Look at what happened with the turtles. No one cares. That's the kind a power he has. Now, since he took the time ta talk ta us, we got a chance ta make a friend of a powerful man here. We don't gotta like him, he don't gotta like us. We just gotta be useful to the man. That's all I gotta say about it." His tone isn't one of anger or condescending, just stating the obvious.

Brom nods to Barratore. "I'm comin' with. Stoppin' the bomb is job number one."

Perception DC 26

Sunday April 10th, 2016 9:25:54 PM

"Emrys, I don't think we have time to return home," Evaris says. "Anyway, if these chaps are determined to find trouble, I should go with them. At some point, somebody's going to need to patch them up."

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57 
Monday April 11th, 2016 7:57:41 AM

Edson didn't know if Brom comment was aimed at him, but he thought he handled Markus pretty well. He made no jokes and didn't talk back...

" OK so.. the bomb target instead..."

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday April 11th, 2016 10:38:28 AM

We can also split, Lanliss says.
We might cover 2 paths with one walking .
I do wonder what we might find at the bombed offices of Stillwell or we can try to find the Oracle building, but what do we do if we find it?

Searching the Merchant Level (DM JonathanT) 
Monday April 11th, 2016 3:09:57 PM

Hanging out outside Marcus' home the group discusses options.

Emrys is inclined to return home and discuss their next move, not wanting to do so out in public, even if it is near midnight. On a hunch the sheet of paper is like the other, he casts Identify and indeed ascertains that it is. Upon activating it, a Magic Mouth will give the address to Mr. Stillwell's offices.

He has no desire to mingle with thugs and theives at the present, patting his pockets taking inventory of his valuables. Just the thought of walking into a theive's den gives him the impression his pockets are lighter.

Evred volunteers to go search for the next bombing target.

Edson wants to visit a seedy tavern and see if they can get a drunk to spill their guts.

Barratore notices Brom getting annoyed but is unsure about what. He smiles when he hears that the building in the oracle was on the Merchant Level, as that was where he thought it was in the first place.

Outside he states he'll be going with Evred. The number '2' being an important number and 2 hours past midnight would be coming around pretty soon, stopping the next bomb from going off is his top goal. Staking out the building and try to catch them, then work their way up the chain, is his plan.

Brom opens up with some strong feelings about their meeting. As much as he does not like Marcus, politics in this city are what they are, and here they have a chance to make a friend in high places. You don't have to like the man to rack up I.O.Us.

Brom joins the Evred and Barratore.

Evaris quickly calculates the time element involved in going home first and concludes they don't have time for that trip if they are to find the building before the next possible bombing schedule and joins Brom, Barratore, and Evred.

Edson chucks the tavern idea and joins the bomb target search.


With that decided, the group makes their way down to the Merchant Level. Street lamps light the way providing dim light, plenty to get along the street but almost not enough for the group's search. However, having a street number helps immensely and after about an hour of walking down one street and up another, they find one that fits the image.

No sooner than the building is identified, a loud 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh' emanates from a nearby alley.

Evaris   d20+5=15 ;
Monday April 11th, 2016 10:02:55 PM

Evaris turns, looking and listening for anything else unusual. [Perception 15]

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20=8 ;
Monday April 11th, 2016 10:07:03 PM

Barratore draws his blade and rushes down the alley. The Minotaur quickly can cover ground when he wants to

Barratore has a speed of 40

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+19=26 ;
Monday April 11th, 2016 10:22:37 PM

Khukri out, Edson follows behind Barratore. His eyes scan the alleyway looking for the source of the scream. He also looks for shadows to duck into.

Perception 26

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+32=42 ;
Monday April 11th, 2016 10:59:25 PM

Evred disappears, then follows behind.

Stealth check 42

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d100=24 ; d20+17=27 ;
Monday April 11th, 2016 11:44:22 PM

Emrys hopes the magic mouth spoke in hush tones. When they hear the cry from the darkened alley, Emrys immediately makes a few gestures and speaks a word of transformation. His beautiful half breed elven form alters into a slightly more half breed orcish form, but still as alluring as the first. With the alley no longer looking so dark (darkvision), he then follows his friends in pursuit.

(Leyline check: 24. Casting Alter Self ... A very Emrys-like Half-Orc form. Darkvision and +2 Strength.)

(Perception: 27)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=34 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2016 11:23:40 AM

Brom races off with the others down the alley at the sounds of the scream. With well-trained movements, his releases his sword in mid-run. "Finally gonna have me some fun." He says getting excited. "Barratore, don't you hog all that for yerself." He says as the minotaur starts to outpace.

Perception DC 34

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=34 ;
Tuesday April 12th, 2016 3:12:05 PM

Lanliss runs with the group to the alley
Perception 34

Tuesday April 12th, 2016 10:20:09 PM

With a wry smile, Evaris follows his companions. "Ah, rushing into danger! How I've missed it!"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday April 12th, 2016 11:44:21 PM

ooc: check

Searching for the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 12:09:00 AM

The 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh' is muffled quickly and the group snaps to readiness. It seemed to echo from an alley. A dark alley. A dark and narrow alley. The nature of alleys are that they are narrow and very dark at night. Yet the group dashes towards the alley the sound came from and rushes between its narrow walls.

A light source is needed for those that do not have Low Light Vision or Darkvision.

Evaris pauses to listen for other sounds. He hears none other than the loud footsteps of a number of people running.

Barratoreis the first to dash foward and down the alley, drawing his blade as he goes. Unfortunately, the Large minotaur finds himself Squeezed as he sucks it all in to fit into the 5' narrow passage.

Squeezeing: Move at half speed, -4 attack and -4 AC.

Edson follows the minotaur. He has no trouble keeping up as he easily enters the alley. He looks around as best he can but for the large hairy back of the minotaur, not much can be seen. The whole area
is dark so finding a 'shadow' to duck into may be difficult in that narrow space.

Evred 'disappears', then follows.

DM JT: please specify in what manner he 'disappears'. Is it Invisibility? Some other Su or magical ability?DM does not have PC sheets memorized.

Emrys knows how NOT to trigger the Magic Mouth. Hearing the cry from the dark narrow alley, he utters magical words that transform him into a half-orc, 'to better to see you with'. Then moves to follow the

Brom has presumed this 'Aaaaaarrrrgh' means fun for him and dashes towards the alley too, drawing his sword, and calling out to Barratore to save some for him. Not a problem as the barbarian quickly runs into a minotaur clogged alley.

Lanliss is not going to be left behind and follows on Brom's heels.

Evaris smiles wryly as he follows. 'Ah, rushing into danger! How I've missed it!' he mutters.


The narrow alley impedes the rush to investigate the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh' and the minotaur in the lead only manages to travel 20' into the alley. With no light source and no low light or darkvision, he sees nothing up ahead and has no idea how far the alley goes, although from memory, seen at daytime, these alleys go some 100 feet more or less.

Everyone else is piled up behind the minotaur.

The buildings on both sides of the alley are shops, mostly two stories tall but some are three. Windows are on the second or third floor only.

The minotaur bulk blocks the view of everyone else down the alley.

No sounds other than their own are heard.

DM JT: we are in combat rounds.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+5=8 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 7:42:00 AM

Barratore grumbles as the alley is tighter than he thought, bloody humans. Never build things with others in mind.

Barratore pulls a potion from his pack and drinks it down. (Darkvision). Least the place wasn't pitch anymore, though unless a giant is storming down upon him, the Minotaur notices little.
(Perception 8)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=22 ; d20+15=20 ; d20+13=30 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 9:24:15 AM

Brom calls forth an Everburning Torch from his haversack (move action) as he moves into the darkness. With a leap and a jump from wall to wall, Brom climbs the narrow walls to climb by jumping from one side to the other until he is able to clear the blockage of bodies building on Barratore.

Perception DC 20, Climbing DC 30, Acrobatics DC 22

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+24=27 ; d20+12=19 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 5:07:26 PM

Instead of freerunning/parkouring (parkour) on the walls.
Lanliss tries to jump/climb on/over the members of the group trying to be nimble as much as possible to hopefully not cause more troubles and hopefully to jump over the big Minotaur.
While trying this, lanliss thinks to himself how nice it would be for a change if the Minotaur shrank by size.
Acrobatics 27
Climb 19

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d100=56 ; d100=2 ; d20+17=34 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 7:28:57 PM

Noticing that this bottle of an alleyway is quickly becoming corked by Barratore, Emrys does what only he can to remedy the situation. "Reducere Minitauro!"

(Leyline: 56. Casting Reduce Person on Barratore. Check the spell for details , I'm typing this on a tiny phone.)

(Perception: 34.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 7:52:36 PM

"Oh myy," Emrys says with restrained delight, "the deep baritone voice of this orcish form is simply divine!"

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+14=22 ; d20+19=23 ;
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 9:12:23 PM

Edson doesn't know how a shrunken Barratore will react. Not worrying Edson decides to get out of the bottleneck and begins climbing the wall towards the roof. If he gets above the jam he'll look into the darkness.

Climb 22
Perception 23

Wednesday April 13th, 2016 11:19:28 PM

Evaris feels no great need to be at the front of the pack. He pulls out his bow, nocks an arrow, and waits to see what will happen.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday April 13th, 2016 11:53:50 PM

The hazy blob that is Evred waits near the back. He is skirmisher, and narrows alleys make for squishy rogues.

Searching for the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday April 14th, 2016 12:30:28 AM

Combat Round Mode Activated:

Squeezing is only a minor problem compared to not being able to see. Barratore takes the time to remedy his inability to see in the dark by retrieving a potion of Darkvision and drinking it.

DM JT Note: an important FYI. Perception-Action: Intentionally searching for stimulus is a Move action.
Climb DC for these walls is 15.

Brom, with the same vision problem as Barratore, takes the time to retrieve his Everburning Torch. He can now see much better. He notices that the walls have enough rough edges for him to try climbing them to get past the lumbering minotaur.

He thinks about jumping (Acr 20 gets 5ft up) but Instead he starts to climb one of the walls. He needs both hands to climb, so he grips the Everburning Torch in his teeth. He manages to climb (30ft x 1/4) = 7ft up the wall this round.

Lanliss has the same impatience as Brom and decides to climb the walls to get around the bottleneck. While he scampers up the building wall, he thinks how nice it would be if Barratore was brought down in size.

Two Climb moves DC15: 19 and 27. He manages to get 15ft up the side.

Emrys decides to help uncork the minotaur and casts Reduce Person on Barratore.
If he is a willing target: reduced to Med size, gains +2 dex, +1 att and AC, and -2 Str.

If not Willing: Fort save DC to negate. Player Must provide the DC.

Emrys is captivated by the deep baritone voice of his orcish form.

Edson, standing right behind the hairy minotaur, hears Emrys cast a spell but is not waiting for what results may follow and starts climbing a wall.

Two Climb moves DC15: 22 and 21. He manages to get 15ft up the side.

From this new height he can see past Barratore.

Evaris, at the back, feels no great need to join the race to the front. Instead pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow.

Evred keeps his cool in the shade and waits for the rush to die down.


Much depends on whether Barratore allows the Reduce to work but for now:

The versatile group is only temporarily delayed by the minotaur clogging the narrow alley as several take to climbing the walls of the buildings lining the alley. A light source springs into Brom's mouth and an attempt to reduce Barratore's size ensues as well. If the brute allows this, he'll be free to move normally down the alley at the cost of some of his strength.

Probably worth it.

Meanwhile, no further sounds emanate from the alley.

Map: Alley Map 1

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Thursday April 14th, 2016 1:01:45 AM

(If Barratore resists, Fort save DC 17. Emrys is casting it as a 0-level spell.)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+11=31 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=22 ; d20+19=23 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2016 8:43:48 AM

A tingling sensation strikes across the fighters form, and he heard Emrys casting a spell, but it is soon gone. There would need to be another discussion about friendly spells, but it could wait. Barratore moves another 40' down the alley arriving where it opens slightly.

Barratore Fort save 31

10' Reach with Combat reflexes and Attack of Opp Hit AC 35/22/23

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+14=27 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2016 10:06:23 AM

Edson continues up the wall to the roofline. (Climb 27)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=29 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2016 12:34:21 PM

Brom drops off the wall, meaning to have scaled the walls within the alley over Barratore, and follows the others down the alleyway. He keeps his eyes pierced for signs of trouble.

Perception DC 29

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 
Thursday April 14th, 2016 12:49:46 PM

(Question: Is the alley completely blocked top and bottom?)

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+12=29 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2016 6:44:01 PM

Lanliss climbs continuing as usual seeing momentarily that the traffic jam and immobility that Barratore caused is still in effect.

Climb 29

Searching for the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday April 14th, 2016 10:01:25 PM

DM JT: just curious, since I'm not familiar with each PC yet:
The way I understand it, when casting a spell, you cannot cast it at less than the minimum spell level required to be able to cast it.
Ex: Reduce Person is a Sorcerer/Wizard 1. Casting the spell at 1st level gets the minimum duration, 1 min/level. Casting it at current level means 1x lvl minutes. So, casting it at 0 level would mean:
1 x 0 minutes, or 0 (ie, it would fail).

Does Emrys possess a 0 level version of this spell in one of his class descriptions?

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 14th, 2016 10:16:20 PM

Ooc:That is one minute per caster level, not one minute per spell level. Also, enlarge person is a 0th level spell for a blood witch.

Evred continues to hang back, not wanting to enter an impromptu barbican in case of an ambush.

DM JT: name changed. Ok, that's what I wanted to know. Makes a difference. It lasts 1 minute per caster level, but if cast at Caster Level 0....
I was unclear what was meant by casting it as a 0 level spell. I trust he'll keep track of the Time.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46  d20+17=24 ;
Thursday April 14th, 2016 11:31:05 PM

(My witch spells are cast at a caster level of 8. The spell, if it weren't resisted, would have lasted 8 minutes.)

Emrys hangs back and walks with Evred, to guard the rear, as Barratore continues his struggle against his largeness. He looks over a Evred and calmly says, "What can one do? He prefers the hard way. I can tell you a story or two ... just don't ever mention," and he says whispering, "Apples around him."

(Perception: 24)

Searching for the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Friday April 15th, 2016 12:44:44 AM

DM JT: just an FYI - it is expected that each caster keep track of the duration of his/her spells.
Best way to do that is in the post.
Ex: Emrys cast Reduce Person 10/10 minutes.

Next post (Round) it would say: Spells in effect - Reduce Person 9.9/10 minutes.

Something like that.

In the case where the spell is very long lasting (Reduce Person, Darkvision, Mage Armor, etc.) just mentioning that the spell is active is sufficient.

The nature of the levels of Floating City is such that only the top level and sides gets direct sunlight.
However, for ventilation purposes the roofs of the buildings on the other levels do not reach the ceilings.

So, to answer the question 'Is the alley completely blocked top and bottom?', no, it is not. There is room above the roof tops such that one could easily fly around (birds do all the time), although that space is limited. (Don't ask me how much limited, I don't know, haven't thought about it yet.)

Now, we return from our intermission to see what the Party has done...

We left of last episode with Barratore clogging the alley and several members trying to climb up the building walls to get around him and an attempt to shrink him. Let's see how all that went:

Barratore hears Emrys casting a spell but he lacks training in Spellcraft to know what the spell is. When he feels his skin and body start to tingle, he automatically fights against the spell effects. Who knows what it is and where it is coming from? Not worth the risk. He'd have a talk with Emrys later if indeed it was him.

He focuses on the alley in front and sees with his newly gained Darkvision that there is a wider area ahead and pushes towards it. As he takes his last step he pops out of the narrow alley and into a small courtyard.

Barratore: Highlight to display spoiler: {To the right is a well and a barrel in the corner. Lying in front of the well is a body. Hunkered over the body, facing Barratore, is a small cloaked humanoid. The humanoid looks up at Barratore and sneers. It is hard to tell but it could be a halfling.}

Edson continues up the wall and reaches the roof and climbs onto the roof to end his move.

Brom changes his mind about climbing the building and drops down to follow in the alley behind the others.

Lanliss continues climbing and also reaches the roof and climbs onto it to end his move.

Evred decides not follow too close behind, just in case it is an ambush. Guarding the rear is an important task as well.

Emrys tries to make light of the fact that the minotaur liked to do things the hard way and mentions to
Evred he knows a story or two, just don't mention 'Apples' around Barratore.


Those with eyesight not hindered by the darkness notice that Barratore is no longer squeezed.

Barratore: Highlight to display spoiler: {The small cloaked figure hisses "Go away! You've no business here!"}

Brom Perception DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {Brom hears a hissing voice say "Go away! You've no business here!"}

All others Perception DC25: Highlight to display spoiler: { Your hear a hissing voice say "Go away! You've no business here!"}

Map: Alley Map 2

Evaris   d20+5=22 ;
Friday April 15th, 2016 12:50:41 AM

Evaris can't see a thing from where he is, but he follows his companions. He figures if somebody starts screaming, he'll know the battle has been joined.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=19 ;
Friday April 15th, 2016 1:32:24 PM

Brom continues to follow when he hears someone he doesn't recognize talking from the darkness. "Why don't ya come out an' I'll decide if it's not my business." He says. "If yur here fer trouble, ya found it. Yur not gonna like what happens."

Perception DC 19

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=17 ;
Friday April 15th, 2016 6:46:07 PM

Lanliss tries to see something but he is too dizzy because of the climbing, feeling a rush of blood to the head and some sweat in his eye.
I need to stay fit, Lanliss says while thinking about all the stuff he has eaten recently.

Perception 17 1+16 epic fail

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+19=32 ; d20+14=20 ; d20+9=18 ; d8+1=6 ; d8+1=2 ;
Friday April 15th, 2016 8:13:51 PM

Edson hears the voice, and it piques his interest. He moves along the roofline, looking down into the alleyway looking for the speaker. He draws his bow an d keeps aim, ready to spring into action if the creature attacks.

Readied attack

Hit AC 20, 6 dmg
Hit AC 18, 2 dmg

Saturday April 16th, 2016 10:57:49 AM

Evaris's hands tighten on his bow, but he does nothing for now.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+19=30 ; 2d20+7=27 ; 2d8+7=9 ;
Saturday April 16th, 2016 11:10:34 PM

Barratore moves a step further and answers, "move away and don't do something stupid ". He then calls back to the others for a healer. "There is a body, we need a healer quick"

Barratore readies to strike if the small creature attempts to flee

Free 5' step readied attack non lethal hit AC 26 dmv 9

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min  d20+17=31 ;
Sunday April 17th, 2016 10:58:46 PM

Emrys couldn't hear what was being said up ahead, but he could tell by Barratore's grimacing stance that he was not relaxing little bit.

He looks to Evred and says, "Pardon me, I must see this." He then utters a few words of power and vanishes from sight. He then moves forward and takes a place next to the wall out of the way of the others.

(Casting Invisibility. Duration: 6min. Perception: 31)

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Monday April 18th, 2016 11:59:59 AM

Finally reaching a small alley courtyard, the source of the 'Aaaaarrrrrgh' may have been found.

Evaris, bringing up the rear, waits for the tell-tale screams of combat and holds ready to act.

Brom, not far behind Barratore, hears a voice coming from past the minotaur. It sounds menacing and he replies accordingly. HE will decide if it is his business.

Lanliss, two stories up, can see the flat rooftops for as far as his half elven eyes can see in the darkness above the rooftops where the street lights don't reach. The climb brought some sweat on his brow. Looking down the height gives him the woozies, or was it something he ate?

Edson hears a voice that piques his interest. He navigates the rooftops carefully, going along the edge, looking for the source of the voice in the dark. He draws his bow as he goes.

He reaches the edge of the roof where the small alley courtyard is and sees the scene below with Barratore.

Edson: Highlight to display spoiler: {To the right is a well and a barrel in the corner. Lying in front of the well is a body. Hunkered over the body, facing Barratore, is a small cloaked humanoid. The figure is small, like a child's,
but with it's cloak covering it, it is hard to tell.

Barratore takes a step further in and answers the humanoid's challenge with a challenge of his own,
'Move away and don't do something stupid!' followed by a call for medical aid for the body lying on the
pavement. He is ready to strike if the small creature tries to flee.

Emrys notices Barratore's guarded stance and knows something is up. Wanting to be up front to see what's going on, he nudges Evred and passes him by, then casts Invisibility.
Standard: Cast Invisibility
Move: move 30' down alley


Barratore and Edson: Highlight to display spoiler: {The small cloaked figure stands up, his impressive 3' height looming over the body in front of him. "Ah, put that weapon away, there is nothing going on here. My friend passed out from drinking too much."}

Barratore: Highlight to display spoiler: { Will Save DC16, Success negates effects. Fail = You believe him and put your weapon away.}

Brom and Emrys:Highlight to display spoiler: { You hear a male voice reply to Barratore, "Ah, put that weapon away, there is nothing going on here. My friend passed out from drinking too much."}

All others Perception DC15:Highlight to display spoiler: {You hear a male voice reply to Barratore, "Ah, put that weapon away, there is nothing going on here. My friend passed out from drinking too much."}

Map: Alley Map 3

DM Note: notice the map co-ordinates. You can state your move and use the map coordinates.

LanlissHP 80/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday April 18th, 2016 5:19:49 PM

Lanliss moves forward (k9) hopefully to see more of what is going on the front.

Evaris   d20+5=7 ;
Monday April 18th, 2016 9:59:09 PM

"On my way!" Evaris calls. He moves toward the front of the line. [Double move to M-11.]

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Monday April 18th, 2016 10:57:21 PM

Evred stays put, neither speaking nor moving, and keeps watch as a rearguard. He pricks his ears to listen to the commotion in the alley ahead of him.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 12:36:44 AM

DM JT: I've only got three posts and Barratore's is real important, but I need to get to bed, so DM post will be tomorrow.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+5=25 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+12=30 ; 4d8+28=49 ; d20+12=18 ; 2d8+8=15 ;
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 12:41:27 AM

Barratore snorts, put away my weapon? Why would i want to do that and why does if seem like a good idea. Barratore snorts again at the little man. "That counts"

Nearly 10' of steel strike across the distance in a heartbeat as Barrotore thrusts his bastard sword in a powerful strike

Will save 25
non lethal Power Attack hit AC 30 crit 30 Dmg 49. Second swing hit AC 8

The second strike sails wide as the minotaur tries sweep the small creature to the side

"Stay down or Ill put you all the way down." the fighter warns the small man before him

Barratore will still keep up with non lethal attacks, however. The creature does not seem to be overly dangerous and the others were coming in quickly
AoO non lethal hit AC 18 Dmg 15

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+19=33 ; d20+14=15 ;
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 10:16:37 AM

Edson sees Barratore restraining and not using force. He holds his bow string tight. If the little man uses lethal force against Barratore he will unleash.

Perception 33

Same attacks for held attack from last round.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=32 ;
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 12:02:15 PM

Brom waits behind the big guy. He hears the small banter and the swing of Barratore's sword and the barbarian starts to get excited with anticipation. Let me through...gonna end 'fore I can git there... Races through his mind.

He manages to temper his excitement and waits for an opening to move beyond his large, furry friend.

Perception DC 32

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min  d100=85 ; d20+17=31 ;
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 9:52:17 PM

Emrys then whispers a simple word of necromancy and his eyes become black as night ... as if anyone could see them.

(Leyline: 85, free cast, like it matters with a 0-level spell, sigh. Casting Deathwatch. 80min. Range: 30ft)

Emrys moves up behind Brom and says in a hushed tone, "Pardon me, dear Brom. I'm squeezing past you." In order not to alert him. He then follows the wall and stops in a corner behind Barratore (O-13). He stoops down, trying to see thru Barratore's legs or around his side to see the creature he's talking to. If he is able, he will try to determine the health of the fallen, or anyone in his range of deathly gaze.

(Perception: 31, to see and hear what he can.)

Tuesday April 19th, 2016 10:29:01 PM

Evaris peers ahead, trying to see who is injured and how badly.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 11:35:32 PM

DM JT: Post nearly done.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday April 19th, 2016 11:39:29 PM

Evred waits silently.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+15=27 ; d20+15=31 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=18 ; 2d3+8=11 ; d3+4=6 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 1:00:14 AM

The lonely figure over the body does not seem intent on leaving.

Lanliss moves forward along the flat rooftops in hopes to see more of what is going on.

DM JT Note: the rooftops are flat althought the map houses don't look it. With no need for water drainage, flat rooftops are more efficient.

Evaris no longer desiring to head up the rear guard, scoots down the alley towards the action, passing everyone up but Brom.

Evred stays put, having been elected as the rear guard, ever attentive to what is going on in front and watchful for anything that might approach from behind.

Edson sees Barratore react rather violently to an unseen stimilous as the minotaur swipes at it. Violent as it was, Edson notices that the minotaur used the flat of the blade. So he holds his own bow string tight but does not release it, yet.

Edson: Highlight to display spoiler: {He did not see the small creature 'do' anything to warrant such violent reaction.}

Brom easily hears the banter and sees the minotaur's shoulder muscles retract and expand as he swings his sword. Those are clear signs of some fun action and he can barely help himself from barging past the minotaur to get a piece. Instead, though, he tempters his excitement to better take advantage of the first opening.

Brom: Highlight to display spoiler: {There did not seem to be anything to have caused the minotaur to react in such a way }

Emrys utters a magical incantation and imbues himself with the Deathwatch ability, then taps Evaris and Brom on the shoulder and whispers to them that he is passing by. He ends up in a corner trying to see past the minotaur's bulk and determine the condition of the body.

DM JT: Deathwatch is a 30' Cone. Aiming the cone is a Move although knowing the conditions of all withing the cone is instantaneous. This round: Cast Deathwatch (Standard) + Move (into position). Until reaching that position, the cone is blocked by the building. Emanations do not go around corners. Next round you are able to point the cone at the prone body.

Barratore snorts twice then blurts 'That counts', steps forward 5' to bring the small humanoid into his 10' reach and takes a swing at it with the flat of the blade. He hits it solidly, but is ready for the second return swing and ducks the blade.


The small humanoid curses Barratore and vanishes.

Barratore, Edson, Emrys:
Perception DC46: Highlight to display spoiler: { a gaseous form flies up 20'.}

Meanwhile, as if in reaction to Baratore's attack, a small humanoid (H4) materializes on the rooftop opposite Edson and Lanliss, and two other small humanoids (H1 and H4) materialize flanking Lanliss.

H4 casts a spell aiming at Lanliss but he feels no effects, but the two flanking him speed up.

H1 slugs Lanliss twice vs AC26: 27, 31
H2 slugs Lanliss twice vs AC26: 16, 33 Confirm Crit roll = 18

Lanliss takes 11 points damage and feels much weaker (gains 4 negative levels) from H1
Lanliss takes 6 points of damage and feels even more weaker (gains another 2 negative levels) from H2.

All three (for those who can see on the rooftop) are small humanoids wearing cloaks. They look much like children.

Map: Alley Map 4

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+14=29 ; d3=3 ; d20+9=13 ; d8+1=2 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 11:14:03 AM

Ooc: if only reacted to your post:
Barratore and Edson: Highlight to display spoiler: {The small cloaked figure stands up, his impressive 3' height looming over the body in front of him. "Ah, put that weapon away, there is nothing going on here. My friend passed out from drinking too much."}


Edson turns to his new enemy(H2) and fires two arrows at the small creature. The first looks good, the second not so much. He steps 5' closer. (L12)

Hit AC 29 2 dmg
Hit AC 13

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=24 ; d20+8=20 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 3:48:11 PM

Brom hears the sounds of fighting coming from the roof-top, and now he wishes he had climbed to the roof. Putting his sword on its hanger, he quickly begins to scale the walls of the narrow alleyway.

Accelerated climb (-5 check): DC 20, climbs 15 ft
Perception DC 24

LanlissHP 63/80 or 33 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 4:36:09 PM

The lonely one tried to cast a spell on me Lanliss shouts with pain as he gets hit by the humanoid figures.
He draws his short sword and changes his stance to easily deflect the enemies attacks hoping that help will come soon as they are too fast to deal with at his current weakened state.
Total defense adds +4 to AC for 1 round.

Current HP 63/80
Current HP if subtract needed 33 : [80-17-(5*6)]
Current AC: 30
Curren AC if subtract needed : 24 (30-6)

Current level damage 6 levels down.

ooc: checked on the internet, level damages get almost every attack roll and etc by 1 for every negative level, also current HP is 5 points less for every level lost ?

DM JT: see Energy Drain and Negative Levels in the Glossary section of the Pathfinder Core Reference book. For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Also, the victim is considered to be 1 level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables for each negative level, such as spell casting.

It does not say anything about a penalty on AC, however if your AC is level dependent, such as for a Monk, then AC also drops.

Fortunately, you don't loose any spells or spell slots.

So 6 negative levels means -30 hit points from current and totals amount and -6 on your rolls.

Evaris   d20+13=25 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 9:57:59 PM

Eva's moves up [to L-16] and checks on the downed figure. [Heal check 25 to learn whether the person is living or dead, and if they're still alive, what might be wrong with them.]

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min  d20+17=27 ; d100=84 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 10:31:28 PM

Emrys says out loud to Barratore, "Join the fight on the roof, Barratore dear ... I'll see to the victim!"

He makes his way to the body. If the body is near death, he casts a stabilizing spell to keep him from dying.
(Leyline: 84, great another free cast on a 0-level spell, sigh. Casting Stabilize on fallen creature.)

IF the creature is dead or merely knocked out, he will cast Invisibility on it.

IF the creature is alive and awake, he will take his hand and say, "Come with me if you want to live!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min 
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 10:41:20 PM

(Sorry, didnt see Evaris' actions after I had posted mine.)

The invisible Emrys says to the cleric, "Evaris, I can take care of this one, if you wish. The others could use your exceptional skills."

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 10:44:20 PM

DM JT: Keep the posts coming. I'm working on them as they come in.

Small update from previous post, won't change anything.

As Emrsy reaches the corner behind Barratore and manages to peek past the minotaur, his Deathwatch spell informs him: Highlight to display spoiler: { A) the prone body is dead, and B) the little humanoid that vanished is Undead.}

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+16=23 ; d20+3=15 ;
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 11:03:04 PM

Barratore nods and snorts to Emrys in return and drops his shield to the ground as turn around. Barratore sheathes his sword and with a quick two steps, the minotaur launches himself into the air to grab the rooftop and pull himself up

Acrobatics 23 = 5' high Barratore is 9' high
Going for the N-O side of street
Reflex 15 to catch the top

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday April 20th, 2016 11:36:48 PM

Evred maintains his position, but draws his dagger just in case. I might be able to make the shot... but I might hit Lanliss. That might lead to hurt feelings.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+13=24 ; d20+13=32 ; d3+4=6 ; d20+17=34 ; d4+4=7 ; 4d6=13 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2016 12:57:42 AM

DM JT: I have a correction to make for Lanliss. He only suffers 4 negative levels, not 6.

Friend or Foe is now answered.

Edson reacts appropriately with his readied bow when his friend Lanliss is suddenly pounced upon. He fires two arrows, the first one hitting, the second sailing far over its head.

Brom wishes he had climbed to the roofs after all and sheaths his sword and begins his climb.
He forgoes caution with his climb makes good headway. If he can duplicate the same again, he'll be able to end up on the roof.

DM JT: which side are you clmbing?

Lanliss draws his sword. Beset on both sides and suffering imensely from energy drain attacks, he chooses to only defend and hopes this will do until help arrives (+4 AC).

Evaris squeezes past everyone and neals down next to the body. He uses his healing knowledge to try to determine the condition of the body. It is limp, still warm, but he gets no pulse.
Oddly enough he notices: Highlight to display spoiler: { The body's neck is mangled, not by a sharp weapon, or blunt one, but
more like an animal mauled it.

Emrys, hurries over to the body where Evaris his kneeling. He tells the cleric that he can take care of the body. Emrys knows (DM JT: see addendum post) that it is too late for this poor chap. He tells Barratore to head for the roof where he hears fighting.

Barratore snorts and sheaths his sword then tries to simply jump to catch hold of the roof edge.

DM JT: normal height for 1 story is 12 feet (found it on Google). So these 2-story buildings are 24 feet.
Acrobatics DC for jumping up (24 feet - 9 foot height = 15) 15 feet is 60.
High Jump = 4x 15(height to be reached) = 60.

The minotaur makes a heroic effort to leap up and grab the rood edge but only touches the wall 15' up.
High Jump roll 23/4 = 6 +9 foot height = 15.

Evred maintains his position watching the alley entrance and draws his dagger.


Those that are in, or can see the little courtyard:
Perception DC49: Highlight to display spoiler: { A gaseous blob rises another 10' up and 10' towards Edson.}

H4 casts another spell with no visual effects.

H2 plucks the arrow out of himself and laughs at Edson, "You'll have to come and get me! Hahahahaha!"
and takes two more swipes at Lanliss.
Att1 vs AC30 = 24
Att2 vs AC30 = 32, dmg = 6, and gains 2 negative levels

DM JT: this should be a total of 6 negative levels. He only suffered 4 first round.

H1 draws a small pointy rapier and takes a stab at Lanliss.
Att1 vs AC30 = 34, dmg = 7 + 13 (sneak) = 20pts + bleed (4pt at beginning of next turn)

Map: Alley Map 5

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min 
Thursday April 21st, 2016 11:08:53 AM

The invisible Emrys informs Evaris what he has seen. "Alas this poor soul has passed, Evaris, ... his murderer is dead as well ... the UNDEAD! His cohorts are possibly cursed with undeath as well!"

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+15=35 ; d20+15=33 ; d20+17=22 ; 2d6+23=31 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2016 12:17:45 PM

Brom continues to hear the sounds of combat and it sounds as if Lanliss is in trouble. He also picks up the sound of a caster above his head. With a great leap and a pull of his large arms, Brom propels himself upward (Acrobatics DC 35, 4-ft leap upward. He was already 20-ft up so now he should be standing at N12.)

As the man comes up over the roof's edge, his sword is in his hand. (You make the call on this if can pull his sword as he jumps up to the roof.) He immediately targets the lone adversary standing before him and with a great swing attempts to cut down his opponent, H4.

Attack (PA, Rage): AC 22, damage 31

Acrobatics DC 35
Perception DC 33

DM JT; Move1 gets Brom on the roof, no problem. But drawing a weapon is still a Move Action unless you have the Quick Draw Feat. So Move2 is draw sword. Unless you desire to spend a Hero Point. You would be ready for any AoO though.

Lanliss Bleeding(4pt) Current HP 7/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday April 21st, 2016 4:34:46 PM

Lanliss breaths heavily now that he is badly injured and bleeding from the stab in his shoulder, he readies his short sword but alas an attack now would be fruitless.

Too weak, Lanliss says to himself while his hands shaking.
Lanliss tries to move to L8 if possible (5 foot step) while defending himself (total defense) so he won't be back stabbed by the thing.

Come on is that all you got ?!
Lanliss shouts to them, smiling to them.
Lanliss has a plan but not before he will wait a few more precious seconds.

AC :26+4(total defense)
HP 7/80
HP 7/50 (currently)

Ooc: if I have the Improved Uncanny Dodge do I still get sneaked attack on ?

DM JT: Good News! Apparently, if you have Improved Uncanny Dodge, this prevents another to Sneak Attack you. This negates the 13pts Sneak damage and the Bleed, as this comes from the Sneak attack. It also prevents Flanking for Rogues 8th lvl and up. I'll look at my hits and see if that changes anything.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+7=9 ;
Thursday April 21st, 2016 10:01:47 PM

Barratore looks up at the roof. It looked so much closer when the thought of jumping up there flashed through his mind. Another thought flits through as well, but it looked like everyone wanted to go up and get the bad guys, rather than getting them down. So, he sheathes his sword and looks to start up. "Be there in a few minutes!"

He fails to get started
climb 9

"Maybe a bit longer"

DM JT: deleted the duplicate post.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday April 21st, 2016 10:12:48 PM

DM JT Addendum: Ok, since now I know Lanliss has Improved Uncanny Dodge as a 10lvl rogue, there are some changes in his favor.

I was calculating the Flanking bonus and as a 10th lvl rogue with Impr Uncan Dodge, this negates Flanking altogether.

Round 1: H1 only hits him once, H2 is unchaged. Ignore the first hit and gain back 5 hpts to leave Lanliss with 2 negative levels and 6hp damage from H1's attack.

Total from Round 1 = two hits, 4 negative levels and 11pts damage.

Round 2: The hits remain the same but ignore the Sneak damage and Bleed condition.

So, after two rounds, Lanliss is still at 6 negative levels, but more hit points.

Good News, huh? :)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 21st, 2016 10:55:30 PM

"Jump off the building, Lanliss! We need to retreat. Brom or Barratore, I suggest you catch him and we all get out of here."

Evred moves 15 feet away from the alley, keeping his movements stealthy.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged) 
Thursday April 21st, 2016 11:46:08 PM

Ooc: Brom will use a hero point to make the attack.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min  d100=19 ; d100=77 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 12:10:47 AM

Emrys goes over to Barratore as he struggles to climb the wall. Emrys then shouts to get his attention, "Barratore! Accept this new form I'm giving you and fly up with perfect gossamer wings!" Once top the roof, the large taur can then change back to his normal form and let loose the dogs of war.

(Leyline: 19 fail, hero point reroll: 77. Casting Polymorph on Barratore. Small Air Elemental form: +2 size bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 60 feet (perfect), darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind. Lasts 8 minutes. You can assume your normal form at will.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min 
Friday April 22nd, 2016 12:17:55 AM

(ooc: Forgot to ask, did the Invisibility spell get cast on the dead body from my last turn? I was wanting to hide the body in case the enemy was attempting to run off with it.)

DM JT: Done. Body is now invisible.

Friday April 22nd, 2016 12:27:45 AM

"And one from me, friend Barratore," Evaris says. He casts True Seeing on Barratore.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+15=23 ; d20+15=16 ; d20+11=17 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 1:52:37 AM

DM JT: please note the updates. When I put this encounter together a couple of weeks ago I knew that these things could only drain once per round regardless of how many hits, then I forgot it.

As far as your special abilities and skills, you'll have to point them out to me ASAP.

Don't have Edson's Action but gotta move on.

Brom makes a mighty effort and flings himself onto the roof, and lands standing up and draws his sword to face H4. Digging deep into his soul he finds the reserves he needs to take a swing at the little humanoid in front of him.

DM JT: I'm assuming Brom has his Everburning Torch between his teeth or tucked into a belt

Lanliss suffers even more from the devastating energy draining but fortunately for him, his rogue training prevents even further wounds as the rapier wielding foe is unable to gain a flanking advantage on the still nimble rogue.

For his own reasons, he taunts them, 'Come on is that all you got?! and remains in his total defensive stance.

Barratore is 9' tall and the roof seemed pretty close, but after taking a jump, he realizes the two stories are taller than he expected. 'Be there in a few meinutes he yells as he sheaths his weapon and tries to climb up. Climbing seemed so much easier also when the others scampered up like spiders, but his big fat fingers fail to get a hold and he finds himself still on the pavement. 'Maybe a bit longer' he admittedly yells back.

Evred calls out to Lanliss suggesting he jump off the building and into Brom or Barratore's arms and they all retreat. He himself moves into the street to not clog the alley entrance. Unfortunately Brom is already on the roof.

Emrys, invisible, tells Evaris what he detected with his Deathwatch spell and notifies him that the poor chap is gone to this world. The other was more than dead, Undead as a matter of fact!
He then finishes concealing the body with another Invisibility spell.

Lastly, he notices Barratore's difficulty in climbing walls and offers to transform him into a Small Air Elemental which would give him the ability to fly to the roof where he can resume his own form again. Not waiting for a reply, he casts the spell and hopes the minotaur will accept it.

Evaris also volunteers to help the minotaur out and casts True Seeing on him.


Brom's swing comes close but the small humanoid manages to duck ever so much and the sword blade misses.

H4 laughs at the miss and steps back (5' step) and casts a spell at Brom, however the effects extend to Lanliss and Edson as well. The voice seems female but the hooded cloak hides details.

Brom, Lanliss, Edson: Will DC20 negates, Fail = Slowed. See Slow spell for details.

H1 calls to H2, I'll finish this one off, you go get that other fool with the bow. Hahahahaha!"
He jabs twice at Lanliss with his rapier but his luck seems to have turned.

Att1 vs AC30 = 23
Att1 vs AC30 = 16

H2 complies and takes off towards Edson and gets there in one Move and takes a swing at him with his
energy draining fist. Edson was prepared and dodged the dangerous fist.

Att1 vs AC26 = 17

H3 materializes on the rooftop across the small courtyard, away from the fighting, and calls out, "Children of the Night, come to me!"

Map: Alley Map 6

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+7=21 ; d20-1=0 ; d20+17=28 ; d20+12=17 ; 2d6+23=29 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 10:38:24 AM

ooc: Will save DC 21

Brom smiles a wicked smile as whatever the little creature did did not seem to effect him. He returns the favor and steps in, 5-ft (O11), and unloads on the little vermin. As he does, the barbarian begins to hum a tune, very badly (Perform DC 0). His first swing at the vermin makes a solid connection, but his second is wide, as a result of fighting on the uneven surface of the roof-top.

Attack (PA, Rage) on H4: AC 28, 17, damage 29

Rage: 2

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min 
Friday April 22nd, 2016 1:39:05 PM

(ooc: Is the leader, standing on the slope of the roof, in line of sight of Emrys on the ground?)

DM JT: The roofs are flat even though the pictures show them slanted. I didn't want to redo the whole map but I've made various references to the roofs being flat. No rain, no need for slanted roofs.

So, unless you are on the edge squares, there's no line of sight from the ground to someone on the roof.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20=14 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+5=10 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 4:33:52 PM

Lanliss tries to attack the only current opponent in front of him leaving his defensive stance trying to attack heroically but alas he misses the humanoid, feeling still weak by the wounds he got and slowed by some magical means .

Rolled the dices twice because I used a hero dice still failed.
AC = 25 (26-1)

attack roll is with +5 because (12-6 lvl drain-1 slow status)
Will save 14 -failed (26-6 so rolled a d20)
Current HP 26/50 (I think)

ooc: so current hero point is 2 because I used one on the attack roll as I can only use one attack action because of the slow status and I wanted to reroll the dice.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+3=14 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=17 ; d8+1=4 ; d8+1=5 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 9:36:06 PM

Edson feels his arms and legs slow.

His long sword flashes twice at H2.

Hit AC 23 4 dmg
Hit AC 17 5 dmg

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+31=36 ;
Friday April 22nd, 2016 11:27:49 PM

Always retreat from an ambush. Especially one in a glorified murder gallery. Evred sighs and starts walking. Wouldn't want Lanliss to die.

ooc 30 feet south, 25 feet vertical (slippers of spider climbing), 5 feet west. End at L6. Stealth 36

DM JT FYI: the Slippers of Spider Climbing have a Climb speed of 20'.

Evaris   10d6=36 ;
Saturday April 23rd, 2016 12:50:29 PM

"Time for direct action," Evaris murmurs. With a few quick words, he calls down a Flamestrike on H3. H3 takes 36 points of fire and holy damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half.

DM JT: Remember, H3 is not on the building edge and being only 2ft tall, can't be seen by anyone on the ground. He's there for the benefit of those on the roof. Perhaps someone on the roof can direct Evaris as to where to place the cylinder. Evaris heard the voice, but the exact location can't be seen by him. It would be like taking a shot in the dark.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Sunday April 24th, 2016 1:19:37 AM

DM JT: to expand on Evaris' action, treat anyone on the roof but not near the edge as having Total Cover with respect to physical attacks and Total Concealment with respect to Area Attacks.

A Perception check to correctly guess the location of anyone on the roof that cannot be seen from the ground is necessary. That is, you attack the square you think your intended target is.

Aid Another from someone that can actually see the intended square gives a +5 bonus on the Perception check, Aid Another from someone that can't see any more than the caster gives the standard +2.

But communication must be established between the stated parties. It is not implied.

It is like the Spotter radioing the location of the enemy for the artillery unit to aim the howitzer.

For the purpose of targeting the correct square, the Perception DC is 40 this round.

Sunday April 24th, 2016 9:50:12 PM

Okay, never mind then.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min  d100=51 ;
Sunday April 24th, 2016 10:40:08 PM

Emrys hears the foul little creature call for his children to return for to him. Oh would he love to bestow a special little curse specifically concocted for one of his kind. Instead he turns to the body he had just made invisible. He speaks a few more words of power and enables another special like of vision. Then he makes his back to the body.

(Leyline: 51. Cast See Invisibility.)

He thinks if the enemy is choosing to withdraw, then we should do so with the body while it's still invisible. He has a few questions he'd like to ask him. With the enchantments given to Barratore, he would easily be able to follow the undead and find out where they come from ... well, at least for the next 8 minutes anyway.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 31 (T 12 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Monday April 25th, 2016 7:51:46 AM

Barratore accepts both of the spells and transforms into a small air elemental. In his new form, though feeling a bit odd, Barratore moves straight up 30' and then right up next to the little man calling for the children of night. The world looked so very odd,the height at which he viewed everything and the way the second spell made all things appear. The small air elemental smiled, this was why be set out from home

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Monday April 25th, 2016 7:18:27 PM

DM JT: wanted to have the post up by now but keep getting pulled away by my wife. Gonna get supper then post.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+11=31 ; d20+11=23 ; d20+6=15 ; d20+11=17 ; d3+4=7 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+7=17 ;
Monday April 25th, 2016 9:43:55 PM

Slow Spell: you are staggered adn can take only a single Move action or Standard action each turn but not both, nor take a Full Round action. Additionally, you take a -1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
You move at half normal speed (rounding down).

Brom, in the heat of the battle, hums a tune and successfully shakes off the spell the small humanoid cast at him. He does not know what it would have done but it does not matter. He smiles a wicked smile and steps up and away from the building edge, unloading two blade swings. The first one slices into flesh but the second one swings wide.

Lanliss feels a wave of magic wash over him and he tries to fight it but fails. His movements suddenly feel like they are stuck in molasses. He drops his defensive stance and heroically tries to put some gashes in his opponent, but despite his desperate heroic efforts, he normally nimble self just seems clumsy and he misses.

Edson also feels the wave of magic wash over him and he also tries to fight it off, but his legs and arms suddenly just don't seem as lively as they used to. He tries to swing twice but only manages one swing and even that one misses, but not by much.

DM JT: see Slowed conditions at top of post.

Evred decides that no one is taking his advice to retreat. He sees Lanliss at the edge of the western building fighting something so in he goes. He moves into the alley (Move1=30') and using his Slippers of Spider Climb (Climb Speed = 20') he walks 20' up western building where Lanliss is in battle.

Evaris desperately wants to put an end to the battle and when he hears someone somewhere on top of the southern building, his repertoire of spells leads to Flamestrike as a perfect option, except that he realizes he can't see the exact position of the foe and with the danger of missing his mark and loosing the spell, he holds back on it for the moment.

Emrys also hears the foe to the south call out for 'his children of the night' to come to him, but just like Evaris, can't see him, otherwise he'd love to bestow a special little curse specifically concocted for his king. Fearing that the body may really 'disappear' right before his eyes, he casts See Invisibility in order to keep the invisible body in sight. The enemy, seemingly having the ability to disappear as well, may want to abscond with the body and if they do, at least now they can be followed, for a time at least.

Barratore sees the advantage of becoming a Air Elemental, at least for the moment, and allows the spell to transform him. He also sees the advantage of True Seeing ability and allows that one also to affect him.

DM JT: make sure you review the True Seeing spell and the Small Air Elemental capabilities listed on Elemental Body I spell.

With the ability to Fly now, the Airtaur stretches his vaporous 'arms' and heads to the rooftops. Air Elementals are fast and the Airtaur zooms up and spotting the newcomer on the south rooftops, he zooms over there, landing next to it.

DM JT: next round - Full Round Action to transform back to his normal self, or attack as a small Air Elemental. See Elemental Body I for details of your Small Air Elemental form.


H1 holds back his attack and says plainly "This is such a waste of a good sword arm. Join us in our cause and fight for something worthwhile."

Lanliss:Highlight to display spoiler: {Will Save DC14. Success negates effects. Failed, victim falls under Dominate Person spell, see spell for details.}

H2 takes full advantage of Edson's Slowness and swings is fist thrice.
Att1 vs AC25 = 31, N20, Crit conf roll = 23.
Att2 vs AC25 = 15
Att3 (Hasted) vs AC25 = 17

Dmg = 7 + 2 negative levels

DM JT: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Also, the victim is considered to be 1 level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables for each negative level, such as spell casting.

H3 easily sees the Small Air Elemental land next to him and tries to strike the vaporous blob twice times.

DM JT: Barratore gains a +2 bonus on his Dex and a +2 Natural AC in this form.

Att1 vs AC34 = 17
Att2 vs AC34 = 17

H4 Steps back 5' and casts a spell. There are no visual effects.

Map: Alley Map 7

Evaris [AC 20; HP 74/74] [Bless] 
Monday April 25th, 2016 10:24:01 PM

Not knowing how else to help, Evaris casts Bless on his companions.

Bless is in effect.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-1  d20+17=27 ; d20+17=27 ;
Monday April 25th, 2016 11:40:55 PM

Emrys wonders why this man was killed. Was he simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? Did he have something these vile creatures wanted? Did we interrupt a theft or was he merely a warm-blooded meal? With all his magical vision and intuition, he is completely blind to the war being waged above.

Not knowing sure what next to do, he is inspired by Evaris' chant of Blessing. He too begins a performance of spoken word. A passage from An Archon's Tale - A story of divine retribution, spoken in it's original Celestial tongue. No one needs to understand to feel the power and glory from the words of divinity. As his words echo through the cavernous alleyway, the multitasker Emrys begins to search the body for anything unusual.

(Perception: 27, searching the body, move action. Ignore the second roll, i clicked it twice by accident.)

(Bardic Performance. Inspire Courage is Active. ALL ALLYS who can hear, receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. THIS DOES STACK WITH BLESS!)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+14=27 ; d4+1=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ; d20+11=21 ;
Monday April 25th, 2016 11:54:30 PM

ooc: Forgot about the movement speed of the slippers. Thanks.

Evred comes over the lip of the roof, takes aim, and whips his dagger toward the nearest enemy.

5-foot-step to L6. Target H1. Attack 27, damage 12. Sneak attack within 30 feet.

He immediately tries to blend into the shadows.

Stealth 21

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 27/57  d20+11=30 ; d20+11=20 ; d8+1=5 ; d8+1=5 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 9:44:29 AM

A weakened Edson Swings once and connects solidly. (Hit AC 30, Crit confirmed 20). 5 dmg if nothe crit, 10 if crit confirmed.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20+19=26 ; d20+14=20 ; 2d6+23=29 ; 2d6+23=32 ; d20=18 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 10:05:26 AM

Brom steps up to face his opponent, O10. All the while he continues to hum his battle tune, with torch in mouth.

Attack on H4 (-3 PA, +2 Rage, +1 Bless, +1 IC): AC 26, 20; damage 29, 32

Rage: 3

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet 
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 12:49:04 PM

Barratore ducks and weaves away from the twin strikes of his opponent. Barratore shifts back into his normal form. It took to long to get up here, but now he was and it was time to go to work. The minotaur feels the spell from Evaris and then hears Emrys in the ally as well. he couldn't understand it, but much like the old music that contained no words of his youth, the battle hyms and heroic dirges of glory, Emrys' words too have an impact.
A minotaur grin spreads across his snout

Spells in Affect:
+1 Bless
+1 Inspire Courage
True Sight

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20=9 ; d20=1 ; d20=6 ;
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 2:21:32 PM

Lanliss screams as he heard that humanoid.
He felt as if something is invading his mind trying to take over him,Lanliss tries to resist it two times, but alas he feels as if being a puppet waiting for the puppeteer to move with his hands.

re-rolled 2 times using the hero points....so now I have 0.
first result 11 (9+2 spell resistance against enchantment spells)
re-roll #1 3
re-roll #2 7
ooc: I think I have a bad luck ):
ooc: I really have a bad luck ): ): ):

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 9:25:11 PM

DM JT: I'm starting on the post but we've got a line of severe thunderstorms passing through Dal-FTWorth area in the next few hours so I may not get it up tonight.

It's a dark and stormy night out there right now!

Evaris [AC 20; HP 74/74] [Bless] 
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 10:56:00 PM

Evaris (presumably) heard Lanliss scream, so his next action will be to try to get to Lanliss. I'll roll specifics after the DM post, but I owe a post for today, and anyway I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back here.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday April 26th, 2016 11:27:29 PM

ooc: check

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+13=30 ; d20+8=17 ; d20+13=17 ; d3+4=6 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 12:34:44 AM

The struggle continues as the party is split and has difficulty organizing their forces.

Evaris finds himself unable to do much, but does remember his Bless spell and utters a prayer to bless his friends and just barely manages to catch them all.

Emrys maintains his invisibility while multi-tasking. He's puzzled about the importance of the poor chap invisibly lying dead before him. What was the purpose of his death? A robbery? A simply murder?
Or a warm meal for the Undead?

Inspired by the prayerful words from Evaris, he starts in on a song himself, one he learned with origins from the outer planes and tells the tale in the Celestial where it's meaning can be felt more effectively.

DM JT: See Bardic Performance - audible performances are language dependent, therefore it is only effective for those in the party that understand Celestial.

Evred crests the building in a few more steps,whips out his dagger and tosses it at H1. Unfortunately, the dagger is dodged by the little guy.

DM JT: Evred is not Flanking H1 nor depriving H1 from his Dex bonus, either requirements for a sneak Attack. Does Evred posses some other special skill that enables Sneak Attack without any of these two requirements?

He then tries to hide in the shadows of the shadowy roof.

Edson retaliates with vengeance from being hit and drained of energy. He notices that his foe is wearing leather armor and his blade draws blood. (DM JT: Crit not confirmed).

Brom steps forward intent on not letting his foe get away. He continues humming whilst holding his Everburning Torch in his mouth. He swings his big magic sword twice, To his surprise, the diminutive foe dances out of the way of both swings. She appears to be a bit more nimble than before.

Airtaur easily ducks and weaves his opponents two swipes. As much as he's enjoying the perfect flying ability of the air elemental form, he decides to change back into his more effective natural minotaur form.

DM JT: Notice that I've changed Barratore's position. I had to do that in order to fit his larger size on the roof, otherwise he'd be half off the roof if using the original position I put him. He would know to land in a spot he could fit his minotaur form in.

Lanliss tries his best to fight off the sweet words of the little guy that has drained so much of his life force but in the end succumbs to them. His mind now wishes strongly to do as the little guys says.

DM JT: don't fret to much, the tide usually turns against the bad guys eventually.
You may look up the effects of Dominate Person. :}


H4 Steps back from Brom and begins a song of her own. A song of blood, gore, carnage, and her voice echoes over the rooftops to inspire her friends.

H1 glares at Evred then looks at Lanliss with pleading eyes.

Lanliss: Highlight to display spoiler: {In your mind you hear the pleading words 'Your friend is trying to kill me. Grab him and keep him away from me.'}

H1 then vanishes.
Perception DC40: Highlight to display spoiler: {A puff of smoke lying low on the roof now occupies the spot where H1 was.}

H2 Continues his attack on Edson, trying to drain away ever so much more of his life and gets one more hit.
Att1 vs AC25 = 30
Att2 vs AC25 = 17
Att3 (Hasted) vs AC25 = 17

Dmg = 6 + 2 negative levels

H3 easily sees the Air Elemental start to grow and take on minotaur form. He runs northward and over the edge of the building. Spider-like, he crawls, upside down, down the wall. He reaches the bottom and does not see the body but does see Evaris and ends his move next to him, evil menacing grin oh his child like face.

Map: Alley Map 8

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-1 
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 2:44:17 AM

Emrys is startled by an opposing song of bloody inspiration. 'Are these creatures truly undead?' he thinks to himself. It's been his experience that those cursed with undeath are immune to such morale boons or any effect the targets the mind. His attempts at magical charm and domination over such creatures in the past have always been pointless, no matter their potency.

(Did Emrys find anything on the body?)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+14=15 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 10:04:56 AM

Barratore drops his sword pulls his bow and fires at the creature on Edson. This arrow flies well off its mark

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 124/124 (144/144 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/- Raged)  d20=6 ; d20+22=36 ; d20+14=23 ; 2d6+23=30 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 12:21:48 PM

Brom misses again...! Inconceivable! Thinks the man as he tries to figure a way to take down his opponent.

He drops the torch from his mouth, now in O9, and starts to sing a battle hymn of Domi. He again is horrible, DC 6. His voice is loud and obnoxious sounding as he tries to find a rhythm to the combat.

He again is on his opponent trying to destroy the little vermin. This time Brom strikes true and deals a mighty blow to the little creature.

Attack on H4 (-3 PA, +2 Rage, +1 Bless, +1 IC, +3 SA): AC 36, 23; damage 30

Rage: 4

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 24/57  d20+10=26 ; d20+8=20 ; d8=4 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 12:42:35 PM

Edson feels weaker, but continues fighting. Hit AC 25, 4 dmg.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20=19 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 3:07:04 PM

Lanliss tries to resist and tries to grapple Evred
Will save: 19

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+2=10 ; d20=17 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 8:11:05 PM

grapple/grab meaning trying to hinder/slowy down Evred killing the humanoid.

Grapple : 10

(d20 =8)
(-6 negative levels)

Resist 17 (will save 17)

ooc: Do I add the bonus against enchantment spells to the resist too ?

DM JT: The way I read it, you only get a re-roll if you are asked to do something against your nature. Thus the request to grapple and not injure your friend. Injuring your friend would go against your nature, but grappling him should not. Throwing him off the building should but just holding him shouldn't. Etc.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 74/74] [Bless]  d6=3 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 9:52:03 PM

Evaris draws his light hammer (the silver one) and channels positive energy, chosing to harm undead rather than heal the living. All undead within 30 feet of Evaris take 9 points of damage; DC 15 Will save for half.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 10:24:06 PM

DM JT: quick note before I get started.
Apparently the Online version of Pathfinder has an update to the Audio Bardic Performance specifications. The old version I have states that Audio versions are language dependent, where the newer online version has been updated to specify which type of performance is language dependent and which aren't, and the Inspire Courage is not language dependent.

So, one of these days I'll try to find and download the newer version. :)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+31=34 ;
Wednesday April 27th, 2016 11:57:07 PM

ooc: "Creatures are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC "if they cannot react to a blow" (CR pg 179 under AC). It was our intent that if you are unaware of a threat, you cannot react to a blow. I think we probably should have spelled this out a wee bit clearer, but space in the Stealth description was extraordinarily tight and ever word was at a premium. That said, I think these changes clear up the situation immensely (compared to where they were.. which was nebulous at best)." Errata from the lead designer of PFRPG.

DM JT: Understood. H1 beat your Stealth 21 by a good margin, so I was just wondering if there was something else.

Also, Lanliss needs a Perception check. If he cannot beat my Stealth check of 34, he needs to roll for the 50% chance of missing me.

DM JT: Makes sense, although H1 pointed Evred out and Lanliss moved first. Meaning the Stealth 21 is the one used. To be fair, H1 pointing Evred out would give a Bonus +2 (Aid Another) to Lanliss' Perception check. Either way, Lanliss would still move over towards Evred and keep looking for him vs the new Stealth roll.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 28th, 2016 12:01:23 AM

Evred catches his dagger, blends into the shadows, and takes a few steps to the side away from the edge of the roof. (5-foot-step west)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 28th, 2016 12:22:40 AM

ooc: The stealth check of 21 was to hide after sniping. :)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp46/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-1  d20+17=19 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 12:32:12 AM

The bewitching mystic is beginning to feel fatigue set in as he realizes that he is reaching the limits of his casting ability. He regrets having used his gifts so frivolously during the day.

Emrys continues his performance of spoken word as he continues to search the body for anything worthy of losing your life over. Better yet, something that might help in this fight. His glorious mind needs to think of something creative.

(Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage remains active. Same bonuses as before.)

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT)  d20+14=34 ; d20+14=23 ; 2d3+8=11 ; d20+14=28 ; d20+10=22 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+7=21 ; d20+12=14 ; d3+4=5 ; d20+13=25 ; d20+8=9 ; d3+4=7 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 1:14:26 AM

Dominate Person: it can be a very fine line between what request will trigger a Save re-roll and what won't. Normally, it is against Lanliss' nature to aid the enemy, specially an Undead one. But right now, H1 has managed to convince Lanliss that he is NOT an enemy. Therefore, asking Lanliss to prevent harm against him is a request any friend would ask. The creature H1 is fully aware of the limitations of his power over Lanliss. Thus he does not ask Lanliss to harm a 'mutual' friend, only grapple him, which any friend would do (two friends engaged in a fight and Lanliss tries to break it up by holding one back).

Role-playing your PC, it may be difficult to distinguish what your PC sees as going against his 'nature'. But this is how you grow as a Player too. :)

Emrys having briefly searched the body, notices his pockets have a few items, some jingle like coins. The body is that of a young halfling male, maybe in his 20's. So far nothing sticks out. His thoughts about the import of the poor chap to these Undead is interrupted by a song similar to his, but fairly gory in its details. He is startled and has to wonder if these creatures are truly undead. His experience with undead has revealed so far that they are immune to attempts to charm or dominate them.

Emrys or other clerical types:
Knowledge Religion DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {Yes, indeed, Undead are unaffected by all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, moral effects, patterns, and phantasms) but Competence bonuses is not a category listed. You can take it to the Rules board for clarification and I'll go with what is decided for future combats.}

He continues to search the body for anything that might help in the fight. Alas, he finds nothing but common stuff, a comb, coin pouch, a couple of keys, etc.

Barratore finishes returning to his normal minotaur shape only to find his foe has scampered all the way back to the ground. He could jump down after it, but instead decides to drop his sword and bring out his bow. HIs action is hurried and the arrow sails far into the dark. A second later the muffled sounds of breaking glass imply he hit a window.

Brom may not have ever had to fight such a nimble creature before. [i]Inconceivable![/b] he exclaims mentally. He spits his torch out onto the roof and steps forward after the singing foe. He starts singing a song of his own and hears a dog somewhere nearby start to howl. Unmoved by the lack of pitch and tone, he rattles of a battle hymn of Domi. But maybe such cacophony is all he really needs as he finally gets a feel for the creature's nimble dance on a dark wooden roof.
His first swing hits, but alas the creature is sprite enough to dodge the second.

DM JT: my guess is that the 30 dmg is for the first swing only, right?

Edson does not buckle as he feels even weaker and a heroic stab draws some more blood.

Perception DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: { He notices that the cut he gave just moments earlier seems practically healed already.}

Lanliss tries to comply to his new friend's request to restrain Evred. Due to his severely weakened state, Lanliss can barely grapple a fly. He does have to find his shadowy friend first, though.

Evaris quickly pulls out his silvered light hammer and using divine power, channels positive energy to harm undead in a 30ft rad.

Evred reaches up and catches his dagger. Easily avoiding Lanliss' attempt to grab him (or collide with him while looking for him), he steps away from the building edge, once again blending into the shadows.


H4 continues her song and takes a much more guarded stance making her even harder to hit.

H1 materialisies right behind Brom and strikes out with his fist:
(DM JT: no flanking involved)
Slam Att1 = 34, N20, confirm crit roll = 23, confirmed

Dmg = 11 + 2 negative levels

DM JT: see previous posts for negative level effects.

H2 and H3 feel the positive energy seer their flesh (Will DC15, 9 dmg):
H2 Save = 28, half damage = 4
H3 Save = 22, half damage = 4

H2 continues trying to pummel Edson to death:
Att1 vs AC25 = 30
Att2 vs AC25 = 12
Att3 (Hasted) vs AC25 = 14

Dmg = 5 + 2 negative levels

H3 tries to pummel Evaris:
Att1 vs AC20 = 25
Att2 vs AC20 = 9

Dmg = 7 + 2 negative levels

For those with Darkvision or Low Light vision:
Highlight to display spoiler: { 3 large black globs arrive flying erratically. Each 'glob' seems to be made up of hundreds
if not thousands of black flying critters. They arrive at the end of the round and by all appearance
seem to be three masses of bats.

Map:Alley Map 9

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 93/106Character Sheet  d20+14=21 ; d20+9=20 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 7:56:07 AM

Barratore fires a pair of arrows at Edson's assailant. He was beginning to once again feel like he did on the journey to Rum, the butt of a divine joke. Stripped of skill and fortune

Deadly aim Hit AC 21/20

Great and now a centaur's rear full of bats. He shouts out to the others about the 4 swarms heading at them from each direction

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 107/114 [124] (127/134 [144] Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-  d20=2 ; d20+20=27 ; d20+15=23 ; 2d6+14=23 ; 2d6+14=21 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 2:49:57 PM

ooc: yes the damage was from the one hit.

A new opponent has arrived on the scene. With a great cry of joy, Brom shouts out. "Yes, more ta fight! More ta die! I'm gonna cover my blade in yur blood! Yes!" His battle hymn becomes louder and worse sounding, DC 2, as the barbarian stars to revel in the battle.

He turns on the new attacker and with full fury brings his BAS at the smaller opponent.

Attack (2 neg lvl, rage, bless, IC): AC 27, 23; damage 23, 21

DR 4/-, Rage: 5

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 9/57  d20+7=22 ; d8=7 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 3:14:29 PM

Edson is almost to weak to stand at this point and throws a weak attack. (Hit AC 22, 7 dmg). Before he succumbs to the creature's attacks he thinks how this would be easier if he was able to become more powerful like he did the previous years but for some reason hadn't in over a year. Or maybe if he was able to visit the Catacombs instead of wondering aimlessly around town for some time.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=25 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 5:47:37 PM

Lanliss looks out for Evred thinking about preventing him from attacking the humanoid.
Perception 25

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d20+12=31 ; d100=86 ; d4=1 ; 3d8+6=23 ;
Thursday April 28th, 2016 9:29:10 PM

(Knowledge [religion]: 31)

Emrys looks up from the body and notices Edson at the edge of the roof. His magical deathly sight can see that he his dwindling lifeforce is circling the drain. Emrys takes his quicken rod and cast a spell that seems to instantly come to life. A spectral hand materializes.

(Leyline check: 86, woot free cast. Casting a quickened Spectral Hand. -1 hit points to Emrys. Last 8 minutes.)

Then with his other hand, he takes his cure wand and invokes his healing power. He delivers the touch as the spectral hand streaks toward Edson.

(Casting Cure Serious Wounds, from wand on Edson. Edson is cured 23 points.)

Inspire Courage is active, free action.

Finding the 'Aaaaaarrrrrgh'! (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday April 28th, 2016 10:27:31 PM

DM JT Post addendendendum: When I put this encounter together I went for uniqueness and challenge first. I thought I had double checked all my Undead traits with the different NPC classes but despite having read and re-read Inspire Courage numerous times that little phrase 'mind-affecting' didn't compute when I was putting all this together. That part does not matter as far as the encounter goes. That's the Good News.

The better news is that the Crit confirm roll vs Brom is an actual miss 'by that much'. So Brom only takes 5 pts damage instead of 11. Unfortunately the 2 negative levels still stay. :(

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 28th, 2016 10:28:02 PM

Evred briefly considers knocking Lanliss unconscious with a blow to the head, but decides against it. Instead he moves 15 feet north, away from the ruckus.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday April 28th, 2016 10:30:00 PM

Ooc: DM, did you get my email?

DM JT: just checked. Don't see anything. When did you send it?

Evaris [AC 20; HP 57/64] [Bless][2 negative levels] 
Friday April 29th, 2016 12:19:43 AM

Evaris cringes a bit as the undead attacks him. "That's going to leave a mark," he says. "Oh, and we've got bats incoming."

"I think we've had enough of this darkness," he continues. He steps back from the undead creature [5-foot step to M-16] and casts Daylight on his hammer.

Holy Bats, Batman! Part 1(DM JonathanT)  d20+13=16 d20+13=26 d20+8=9 d20+13=23 2d3(1+2)+8=11 d20+11=17 d20+6=26 d20+11=22 d3+4=7 d20+12=22 d20+7=16 d3+4=5 d6=4 d6=3 d6=3
Friday April 29th, 2016 1:53:41 AM

DM JT: This is just the PC actions. I had to stop in mid-stride to deal with cat barf on the carpet in several spots and I'm too sleepy to continue. It's 1am and I've got to be up at 5am for work. I'll finish this later when I get home. Sorry. :(

Little by little the party gets weakened by the Undead's energy sapping attacks, but they keep plugging on.

Barratore fires two more arrows at Edson's assailant but is having flashbacks of a time on his journey to Rum. His two arrows sail into the dark again. It sure is hard to hit these little undead!

NOticing the batswarm approaching, he calls out the warning to the others.

DM JT: there are only 3 swarms. The one to the far right is just a label.

Brom relishes a second foe even when that one sapped some of his life force. He yells a battle cry and continues his battle hymn and if it was bad sounding at first, it only gets worse, a window nearby cracks under the strain of the disharmony.

He spins on his heels bringing his BAS around and the blade neatly cuts the air. His back swing cuts the air again. This little undead guy is really good!

Edson feebly tries to hit his foe again. Just as he feels his sword is going to hit, the little guy ducks and the blade misses.

Lanliss gropes for Evred but but the Shadowdancer eludes him.

Emrys notices Edson on the roof edge and senses his life force nearing the end. Taking his Quicken Rod, he casts a spell and a Spectral Hand appears. Using the ghostly hand as an extension of his own, he casts Cure Serious Wounds from a wand. The healing is delivered by the ghostly hand.
HIs Bardic Performance - Inspire Courage continues on.

DM JT: technically, retrieving both the Quickened Rod and Wand of CSW are a Move Action each. Casting the CSW from the wand a Standard. But I'll let it slip.

Evred briefly considers knocking Lanliss unconscious but decides to move away from him instead.
He moves 15 ft north.

Evaris comments 'That's going to leave a mark. Oh, and we've got bats incoming.' when hit by the Undead. Deciding that he's had enough of the darkness of the dark night, he pulls back 5ft and casts Daylight spell on his hammer. The area surrounding him (60ft area) suddenly shifts from Dark to Dim Light.


H4 pulls out her rapier and while singing, (force of habit from a previous life), takes a stab at Brom:
Rapier Att1 vs AC 23= 16

H1 continues his assault on Brom as well:
Att1 vs AC23 = 26
Att2 vs AC23 = 9
Att3 (Hasted) vs AC23 = 23

Two Slam hits for 11 pts damage and 2 negative levels.

H2 tries to finish off Edson:
Att1 vs AC25 = 17
Att2 vs AC25 = 26
Att3 (Hasted) vs AC25 = 22

One Slam hit for 7 pts damage and 2 negative levels.

H3 takes a step forward and assails Evaris, ignoring the singing coming from thin air.
Att1 vs AC20 = 22
Att2 vs AC20 = 16

One Slam hit for 5 pts damage and 2 negative levels.

The Bat Swarms move in seeking to comply to unspoken commands.
Knowledge Nature DC12: Highlight to display spoiler: {Bats are known to have Blindsense. See Blindsense in the Universal Monster Rules. And Distraction.}

Swarm1 heads towards Evred (DM JT: I don't see a Stealth roll) and Evred is encircled by hundreds of swarming bats.
Their fangs manage to scratch and bite him: 4 + bleed

Swarm2 engulfs Evaris and their fangs manage to scratch and bite him: 3 + bleed

Swarm3 is big enough to cover Barratore and the minotaur is now being battered by leathery wings and little sharp fangs: 3 + bleed

Knowledge Nature DC12: Highlight to display spoiler: { See Swarm Subtype for Swarm strengths and weaknesses.}

MAP: Alley Map 10

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday April 29th, 2016 10:00:18 PM

Evred moves quietly, giving Lanliss a wide berth and stopping to take aim at another of the ambushing enemies.

ooc: 15' west, 45' south, H12.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h 
Saturday April 30th, 2016 3:33:13 AM

(Note: An attack of opportunity is provoked if a swarm enters your space.)

Evaris [AC 20; HP 22/44] [Bless][6 negative levels]  4d6=14 ;
Saturday April 30th, 2016 10:23:29 AM

Evaris realizes he is in big trouble. He steps back out of the swarm (to N-15) and calls down a Flamestrike.

[OOC: it's only a 10-foot radius, so I believe that Evaris can get the bat swarm and H3 without damaging any friendlies. 14 damage; half flame, half holy. Reflex save DC 20 for half.]

Holy Bats, Batman! Part 1(DM JonathanT) 
Sunday May 1st, 2016 6:06:34 PM

DM JT FYI: as noted above by an astute player, AoO is incurred upon a swarm as it enters your square. I have that in my notes for you Knowledge check but forgot to put it down here. Also note what kind of damage can be done against swarms. :)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 89/106Character Sheet  d20+14=25 ; d20+9=13 ; 2d6+14=21 ;
Sunday May 1st, 2016 10:31:21 PM

The Swarm engulfs the minotaur and he snorts and shakes his snout, but the bats were of little concern. He fires another pair of arrows in aid of Edson

Deadly aim Hit AC 25/13 Dmg 21

Barratore growls in disgust at his unfathomably abyssal aim. If the group lives despite his efforts, he will be at the Domi temple daily to get his loser butt handed to him until he improves

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp45/46 alterself-8min, invisibility-6min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d20+14=33 ; d20+12=30 ; d100=62 ; d20+10=16 ; d100=79 ;
Sunday May 1st, 2016 10:54:48 PM

(Knowledge [Nature]: 33. Knowledge [Religion]:30, to recognize kind of undead this creature and to know his traits and weaknesses.)

Emrys knows what these creatures are. He's dealt with them in the past. He's studied their lore. He recognizes the wounds they make and the traits they exhibit. His performance of spoken word begins to include a story about children of the night and those with a taste for blood.

(Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage Round 4, continues on. Free action)

With his quicken rod in hand, Emrys begins a dark casting, a special curse he devised for such creatures of the undead. A special taste of what their undeath has deprived them. "I curse you with the Rigors of the Grave!" Emrys reaches over and delivers the necromantic touch to the vampire.

(Leyline: 62. Casting Bestow Curse. Touch Attack: 16, Target also denied his Dex bonus since Emrys is invisible. Will Save: 20. Type of curse: Rigor mortis sets in, making him too stiff to move or act normally. Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action.)

With his quicken rod, he then casts a second quickened spell and he begins to phase in and out of the material plane ... becoming ethereal.

(Leyline: 79. Casting Blink. Duration: 8 rounds. Quickened spells do not provoke Attacks of Opportunity.)

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17)  d20+5=18 ;
Sunday May 1st, 2016 11:37:20 PM

Edson gets the much needed healinh but it doesnt help him aim, he Swings and misses.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday May 2nd, 2016 5:38:51 AM

Lanliss moves torwards Evaris K5 or K4 just near the swarm but not into the swarm itself.
I have Alchemist’s fire, Lanliss shouts to Evred and raises a flask that has a symbol of fire on it.
Now that the humanoid is gone Lanliss doesn't see any reason not to help Evred.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 100/104 (110/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+18=31 ; 2d6+14=23 ;
Monday May 2nd, 2016 11:04:48 AM

Brom feels his energy drain by the attacks of the undead. This makes Brom fight even harder. He takes a swing at H1 and focuses on increasing his senses making it easier to see incoming attacks.

New AC: 25

Activate Guarded Stance (+2 dodge vs. melee; 4 rds): 1

Attack (4 neg lvl, rage, bless, IC): AC 31, damage 23

DR 4/-, Rage: 6

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Holy Bats, Batman! Part 1(DM JonathanT) 
Monday May 2nd, 2016 11:54:11 AM

DM JT: addendendendum
I described the effects of the Daylight spell incorrectly. The 60ft area surrounding the silver hammer is as bright as daylight, past that 60ft it is Dim Light, and so forth. On the other hand, light creates shadows, and what's in shadows is in Dim Light. since the light emanates from the hammer, you have to picture this yourself, taking the position of the hammer and calculating the shadows the buildings cast. IE, those on the roof are in shadow unless at the edge of the roof.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 22/44] [Bless][6 negative levels] 
Monday May 2nd, 2016 9:51:01 PM

[OOC: Well, they shouldn't be any more in shadow then they were before. :) Evaris is just trying to help. You know, before he gets horribly killed.]

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 89/106Character Sheet 
Monday May 2nd, 2016 11:12:19 PM

Barratore strings another arrow and sets himself to take more careful aim

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Monday May 2nd, 2016 11:28:41 PM

ooc: Already posted Friday, but nature abhors waste.

Keep to the periphery, Granddad always said. People on the periphery walk away from a fight. I hope none of them die... I don't know any next of kin. Note to self -- everyone needs a living will. Evred keeps moving as he intended.

Holy Bats, Batman! (DM JonathanT)  d20+12=16 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+5=25 ; 2d3+8=12 ; d20+8=23 ; d20+6=24 ; d20+12=20 ; d100=52 ; d20+7=24 ; d100=13 ; d3+4=6 ; d20+7=20 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ;
Monday May 2nd, 2016 11:46:10 PM

Bats usually eat insects and fruit, but these... have a taste for blood...

DJ JT: don't forget to subtract 4hp from last round and another due to bleed at the beginning of this round.

Evred quickly exits the bat swarm and heads west and south.

Knowledge Nature DC12: Highlight to display spoiler: { To counter the Bleed effects, Heal Check DC15 or use of any spell that heals hp damage.}

Evaris knows he's in real deep danger and finally finds a good use for his Flamestrike. He steps back getting himself free of the bat swarm and calls that fabulous cylinder of flame. The cylinder has a radius (not Diameter) of 10ft and a height of 40ft.
He tries to catch the energy draining foe attacking him as well as the bat swarm. Unfortunately, in getting both, he also catches Emrys!

The Bleed effects of all those sharp claws and fangs drain 1hp.

Barratore spits bat fur and shakes his snout. Puny bats were of less concern to him as his friend being assailed by Undead. He stays but, putting up with the flapping wings batting at him and fires off two more arrows at Edson's assailant. He finally scores a hit but the bat swarm distracts his aim with his second shot and it sails into the dark yonder.

The Bleed effects of all those sharp claws and fangs drain 1hp.

He feels he should be doing better and vows spending time in Domi's temple every day until he can do better.

Emrys tries to evade the Flamestrike from Evaris: Ref DC20, save for half.

He finally realizes what these little undead are. Small as they may be, they are quite deadly. But at least now he knows what their weaknesses are too. He changes his Bardic song ever so much as to reflect a fight against Vampires!

Being invisible, he has an attack advantage and pulls a Ley Line in close and casts Bestow Curse, then reaches out and manages to touch the vampire! Now, if only he fails the DC20 Will save...

Curse: Rigor mortis sets in, making him too stiff to move or act normally. Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action. (DM JT: I like your variant curse.)

Naturally, the attack dispells his Invisibility, so he then quickly activates his Quicken Rod and casts Blink on himself, causing himself to phase in and out of the Material Plane.

DM JT: make special note of the Blink effects when casting spells.

Edson is glad for the healing but it didn't restore his Energy and his retaliatory strike misses badly.

DM JT: despite the vampire having left, the spell enables the vampire to keep in telepathic contact with Lanliss and Lanliss' orders still remain to restrain Evred. He would not go into the swarm to do so, and if the vampire ordered him to, he'd get that Save again, but the vampire does not push Lanliss that far. And since Evred has left the swarm, it is not relevant. Lanliss, now must still chase down Evred, who did not roll for Stealth.

Lanliss moves to nab Evred but is ordered by his Master to wait until Evred leaves the swarm. Evred avoids Lanliss by exiting the swarm due west and hustling south.

DM JT: You could argue that if Evred was on the edge between life and death and Lanliss' action/inaction meant the probable death of his friend, Lanliss should get another Save, but this is not the case here, yet.

Brom loosing energy just makes him fight harder. He delves into his barbarian heritage and focuses energies to boost his dodging abilities while venting barbaric anger on the little cloaked guy in front of him. It pays off as he feels his blade cut deep. He notices the little guy is not wearing any armor!


H1 growls at Brom but then laughs a hissing laugh and tricks out with his fist twice.
Brom notices that the nimble guy isn't as quick as he was moments before and this time misses both attacks.

Att1 vs AC25 = 16
Att2 vs AC25 = 14

H4 steps back and between her song, she casts a spell aimed at Brom saying "You will think this
is funny!"
: Will Save DC18, Fail = fall prone laughing uncontrollable, Save negates.

H2 starts to feel like he's being surrounded, but is still quite confident in his abilities. His reactions are not quite as fast as they were moments before but still makes two slam attacks on poor Edson.

Att1 +10 vs AC25 = 27
Att2 +5 vs AC25 = 25

Two Slam hits for 12 pts damage and 2 negative levels.

H3 tries to avoid the flames: Ref DC20 = 23, save for half = 7
It then tries to avoid the Curse: Will DC20 = 24

He turns on Emrys, the new threat, and attempts two Slam attacks against him.
Att1 vs AC10 = 20, 50% miss = 52, hit
Att2 vs AC10 = 24, 50% miss = 13, miss

One Slam hit for 6 pts damage and 2 negative levels.

The swarms move, following their prey.
Swarm1 chases Evred and almost catches him.
Swarm2 tries to avoid the flames: Ref +7 DC20 = 20, save = 10dmg (14 + 50%more = 21 /2 = 10)
The bats are still alive and easily engulf Evaris again doing 3 pts damage.

Swarm3 stays on Barratore, doing 5 pts dmg

Map: Alley Map 11

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 alterself-8min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d20+14=15 ; d20+7=12 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 1:48:34 AM

(Knowledge [Nature]: 15)

(Reflex save: 12, fail. Blinking and only takes half damage: 8.)

(Two Negative Levels: -10 hitpoint total lost.)

Emrys has to think quick ... but he has little to no options at this point. The three vampires is more than a match for this group, but now with the swarms of bats, the fight is becoming completely hopeless. (The Encounter Level is 13.4 for our group, higher if the vamps have class levels.)

More to come later ... ack!

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 alterself-8min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d100=16 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 2:18:16 AM

Emrys has no problem casting spells on himself while he phases in and out of the ether. With the last charge of his quicken rod, he recasts Invisibility on himself (swift action, no aoo.) He then blinks through the vampire and makes his way into the narrow alleyway (30-ft away) from which they came.

(Can Blink through solid objects and creatures, rolled under 50% (16%) to avoid becoming material while I did so.)

From the narrow alleyway, he attempts to make Evaris invisible by sending his spectral hand after the swarmed cleric. Emrys continues to phase in and out of the material plane, but his spectral hand remains firmly in the material and delivers the touch.

(Casting Invisibility on Evaris. With a ghostly, distant voice, Emrys cries out, "Run Evarisss! Ruunn!"

(Inspire Courage, round 5 ... ironically, remains active.)

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 6:53:21 AM

Edson dies.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+3=9 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 9:56:36 AM

ooc: Will save DC 9 - Fail!

Brom looks at the undead creature with rage and an intense lust to kill...then...a giggle, then a chuckle, then deep laughter, and Brom falls down onto the roof laughing hard. Through the laughter can be heard Brom cursing and threatening the creature with all sorts of hideous ways to kill him.

DR 4/-, Rage: 6

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Prone: The character is lying on the ground. A prone attacker has a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A prone defender gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 19/44] [Bless][6 negative levels]  d20-2=12 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 10:56:58 PM

[OOC: Just to double-check, Edson is on the roof, correct?]

Evaris backs down the alley [let's say to about M-8] and tries to scale the buildings. His friends are up there, and they need his help.

Unfortunately, Evaris is no climber. [Climb check 12, which I assume does not beat the DC]

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+14=31 ; d20+14=15 ; d4+2=5 ; d4+2=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d20+21=40 ;
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 11:44:43 PM

ooc: Please excuse the double clicks.

Evred releases his dagger in a deadly arc toward the nearest foe, striking from darkness.

Target H2. Attack 31. Damage 9.

He blends into the shadows again to hide his location.

5' step south. Stealth check 40.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 12:02:30 AM

Ooc: Yes, he's on the roof

DM JT: yup.

Holy Bats, Batman! (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 12:14:34 AM

DM JT: Short post tonight.

Brom succumbs to the magical effects of spell and collapses upon the roof laughing uncontrollably. The Laughing Barbarian utters curses at the vampire as he tries to regain his dignity but it just makes him laugh harder.

Worse than this, though, is poor Edson, Sucked of his life force he collapses in silence upon the roof.

Emrys tries to effect an escape with Evaris, but Evaris is not about to leave his companions, but the wall where he chose to try to climb to the roof has no decent hand holds.

H4 laughs a high pitch laugh mocking Brom and dancing and pointing her finger at the ridiculous spectacle.

Evred gets a parting shot, wounding H2 with his magic dagger and blends back into the shadows.

But all this comes to an abrupt halt. The battle only lasts just over a minute but seems like an eternity. The 'sky' erupts in burst of light, followed by the rush of booted feet upon the pavement and shouts echo around the walls of the buildings.

Floating City Night Watch arrive on the scene. They are well trained troops, even for a Town Militia. Each squad of 10 guards has a healer and an arcane spellcaster. Although on their own they might not be a match for the four vampires, the remaining might of the adventurers added to these reinforcements is enough for the vampire leader to shout the order to retreat.

Each in turn transmogrifies into a Dire Bat then split the scene. The bat swarms follow suit.

Several guardsmen charge down the alley, weapons drawn, looking for the source of the reported fight. Each helmet has a crest from which a clear stone with a Permanent Light spell is embedded giving off light much like a bullseye lantern.

The guards reach the small courtyard and see Barratore on the roof and call up to him.

"You there! Stand down and explain!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 alterself-8min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, bless, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d100=51 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 12:18:00 AM

(Blink rules are complicated. Read them several times. Spells I cast into the material have a 20% chance not to activate within the Material plane ... but a touch spell remains charged in the hand until discharged or until another spell is cast. However, the Spectral Hand remains in the Material Plane and stays under my control. So I theorize that the spectral hand can deliver the spell normally. But I will go ahead and roll percentiles anyway. d100=51%)

DM JT: I agree that the contact with the Spectral Hand is safe from the blinking effects. But casting another spell for the hand to deliver would still be subject to the fail chance. You see, the moment you try to transfer the spell to the Spectral Hand you might blink out no matter how hard you try to time it right.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 84/106Character Sheet  d20=4 ; d20+8=9 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 12:22:12 AM

Brom falls and Edson as well and Barratore utters a small curse towards everything. He redirects his shots to the foe that Brom was attacking. Edson was beyond his help now

Again, though, the gods of fortune mock him and his attacks are no better than that of a clumsy child

Hit AC 17/9

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 84/106Character Sheet 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 12:32:41 AM

Barratore watches helplessly as the guard show up and the fo s flee. Even more embarrassing now is to be saved by the town watch. Will this night have no end to the humiliation he has endured. He replies as his explanation "you know as much as I do". Barratore makes his way across the roof to get to Edson. His sword forgotten where he dropped it, as is his shield on the street below to get to a fallen comrade

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 alterself-8min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, inspire courage-3, spectral h  d20+23=33 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 1:09:24 AM

(I had typed a wonder post, but it disappeared before I hit the submit button. I can't get it back and I dont have the energy to write it all again. Here are the cliff notes version.)

Emrys takes a position in an empty corner of the courtyard, where he drops the Blink, Invisibility and Alter Self spells.

In a solemn tone, he expresses his gratitude for the militia's arrival and explains they are under the employ of the Overlord and tasked to investigate the troubles of the city. (Diplomacy check: 33)

He then explains there has been a several murders, including Edson after spotting his lifeless arm draped over the side of the roof. He then explains that they are all heavily wounded and can use their help.

(sorry, I spent over 30 minutes typing it and I just dont have the energy to do it again. Off to bed I go.)

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+3=22 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 10:24:17 AM

Brom comes out of the spell and his laughter instantly becomes a slew of obscenities and curses directed at the group of dire bats flying off into the darkness.

That stops immediately when he catches a body lying limp on the roof nearby. With great deliberation, he leaps the gap between the buildings and makes his way to the body.

Rage used: 7; Fatigue: 14 rounds; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 7:19:26 PM

Lanliss looks at their saviors with delight.
Hi Evred, we are saved, Lanliss says to himself.

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 9:38:23 PM

Hello Darkness my old friend..

Holy Bats, Batman! (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 9:38:29 PM

DM JT: Sorry about the lost post, Stephen. I once had several hours of DM post with rolls (one a confirmed Crit that would have knocked a PC unconscious and when I hit Send, I got the message that I was not logged on. That is, I was logged off the Wold while typing the post.

Since then I do all important posts in Notepad, save that, then copy that into the post box, make the rolls, copy all that back into the open Notepad, THEN click Submit.

That way, if I loose the post, I just copy from notepad back into the post box and voila'.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+14=31 ; d20+31=36 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 11:11:51 PM

Evred quietly comes to stand beside Lanliss. "Vampires happen. No grudges here."

He remains hidden in plain sight. Stealth 36

Evaris [AC 20; HP 19/44] [Bless][6 negative levels]  d20+20=32 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 11:25:18 PM

Evaris steps up. "I do beg your parton. I don't mean to startle you. I'm not sure whether I'm still invisible, you see. I can see myself, but I can always see myself, but that's not much help. Can you see me? I suppose I'd become visible if I slapped you, but I'd rather not.

"Anyway, it is as the good Emrys said. We are investigating the explosions. We came down this alley when we heard a scream, and found the recently deceased there, and then we were attacked by undead and by bats. Your timely intervention was most welcome."

[Aid Another to assist Emrys; Emrys gets an entirely unnecessary +2 to his Diplomacy check.]

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 83/106Character Sheet  d20+9=28 ;
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 11:53:42 PM

Barratore picks up Edson and drapes the man across a shoulder. It was now just Brom and him, the only 2 that sailed to Rum and the only 2 that were left. Barratore sighs and with a nod to Brom, he jumps down from the roof. Hitting and rolling best he can without hurting Edson

acrobatics 28

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 alterself-8min, deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, inspire courage-3, spectral h 
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 11:58:32 PM

If Evaris became invisible, Emrys will drop the effects ... he does the same on the dead halfling in the courtyard. What concerns him now is will the dead remain that way or will they become vampire spawn!

Holy Bats, Batman! (DM JonathanT)  d6=6 ;
Thursday May 5th, 2016 12:51:17 AM

The extra forces from the Town Militia is enough to cause the vampires to call it a night.

Upon the roof a deep hideous laughter echoes off the walls. Brom tries to get control of it and fortunately he does, otherwise everyone would have to put up with it for a while longer. The laughter
morphs into curses and obscenities directed at the dire bats flying off into the darkness.

Seeing the limp body of Edson on the roof next door, he leaps the 5ft gap over the alley and goes to the body.

Barratore takes one last parting shot at the retreating vampires and misses wide again. He suffers even more for having a simple Town Militia chase off the vampires. Later he may admit that Floating City Town Militia is far more than the normal militia. This is a magical city, with a large population, floating on a lake, requiring more than your average militia to guard.

In answer to the guard's request, Barratore simple says 'You know as much as I do.' and goes over to where Edson lies, leaving Emrys to explain.

He and Brom do their best to move Edson's body back down to the ground. The large minotaur jumps off the roof with great skill (Soften Fall DC15). He takes 6 dmg only and his attempt to protect Edson's body jumps him on his butt, but otherwise in decent shape.

Emrys goes over to a courtyard corner and drops his blink, invisibility, and Alter self so as to be recognizable to the guards and not spook them. His genuine sincerity as he speaks to the sergeant
is convincing to the guard.

Lanliss' mind clears a bit. The vampire with mastery over his mind is now gone and thus Evred is now to a threat to it, so no need to grapple poor Evred. He waves where he thinks Evred is and says 'Hi'.

Lanliss: Highlight to display spoiler: { DM to Player, the spell lasts 1 day per level. At this point Lanliss is under your full
control, but as you read the details of the spell, you'll see that the vampire is still the Master and can take control at any time he wishes until the spell expires or is dispelled.

Edson: Highlight to display spoiler: { Edson appears to know the sort of darkness associated with death as his soul attempts to part from his body but unknown forces keep the soul pinned to the dead body.}

Evred sneaks up to Lanliss and conforts him, 'Vampires happen. No grudges here.'

Evaris finds himself in a pickle. Since he didn't cast the spell he can't cease its effects before its normal expiration time. He answers the guard, but first makes sure the guard understands who is speaking and why the invisibility.
Once that is established, he corroborates Emrys' story adding a word or thanks for their assistance.

To that effect, Emrys complies to canceling both the invisibility on Evaris and the dead halfling.


The sergeant accepts the explanation as the actions of the group seem to add up, especially when a minotaur drops from the sky with a dead body in hand.

More or the militia members start showing up and the story spreads.

"There have been several other mysterious deaths over the past months. we've even increases our patrols, but there's nothing we can do if people want to wander around in alleys late at night," the sergeant comments.

The comment comes across crude but it merely states a fact. He continues, "We'll look around here and write up a report and take your deposition. We'll have the body taken to the morgue and hopefully identified. Tomorrow we'll post notices up for missing persons if we can't identify him. You mentioned that it was undead that did this? The morgue will see to it that the body won't return to unlife, as it were. We can do the same for your friend if you wish."

Knowledge Religion DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {It has been noted by scholars that if a body killed by a vampire is to return as a spawn, the time element for this is from 1 day and up to 4 days. So there is a little time, just don't know exactly how much.}

The sergeant suggests visiting one of the temples to inquire how best to help their friend.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 83/106Character Sheet 
Thursday May 5th, 2016 2:57:32 PM

Barratore answers the sergeant with his own not so smooth retort, "Thank the gods vampires only hang out in alleys. Problem really takes care of itself."

Barratore then turns to Emrys, Evaris and the rest, rather than the guardsmen."We have Vampire outbreak running rampant through the halfling community." Barratore then seems to suddenly remember something and shouts up to Brom "Grab my blade before you come down or just toss it down here would ya?"

Barratore looks to Emrys to put together what to do at this point. Floating City has a lot of sunless levels on it, bloody vampire paradise and these vampires were powerful to boot. The fighter almost hopes Emrys' plan of attack is to let the council know and be done with it

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Thursday May 5th, 2016 7:06:37 PM

Vampires ?
Lanliss says loudly, it all makes sense he think about it for a few moments about what he said.
I might need to go to that place soon ,he says to himself.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, spectral h  d20+12=22 ; d100=100 ; d100=32 ; d100=46 ;
Thursday May 5th, 2016 9:37:11 PM

(Knowledge [Religion]: 22. And I've made Religion check about vampires in the 30's a few posts ago.)

"Yes, it looks that way, unfortunately," he replies to Barratore. "We need to tell the Council. This information helps no one to keep it secret. Especially since there are simple measures and precautions that can protect oneself from such creatures."

Emrys walks over to poor Edson's lifeless body and scrutinizes it with his magical deathly vision. Looking for the slightest hint of necro energies. "If he is to turn, it could happen anytime between one to four days. It would best if Edson goes to the morgue if they can delay or prevent his turning, possibly through consecration. However, this little spell should help. Emrys speaks a few words of power and touches Edson's corpse.

(Leyline roll: 100!!!! free cast, should be extra special. Casting Gentle Repose on Edson. Keeps him perfectly preserved for 8 days. These days doesn't count against his resurrection day limit.)

(Had the militia healers made their rounds?) Emrys looks at Barratore and Evaris and asks, "Are you two still bleeding from those bats? He removes two Cure Light Wounds potions from his pouch and hands one to them both.

After we go to the Council, we can visit the temples. Possibly ask the priests for their powerful restorative magiks. Our life essences have been drained ... if we don't restore them within a day, the physical drain will be permanent. The cold touch of the vampire takes a stronger magic than what I can currently do."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=17 ; d20+9=29 ; d20+11=24 ;
Thursday May 5th, 2016 10:27:31 PM

Brom looks over when he hears the shout from below. "Got it!" He shouts back grabbing Barratore's sword and placing his back in its place. Lowering himself a bit with ease, Brom jumps the remainder to the alleyway below. He hands the sword back to Barratore.

Brom knew much of what was said about the vampires except for the last part. The vampires he had encountered used weapons, at least against him they did.

"We ain't gonna need that many, we're going as soon as we stop back at our place ta pick up the coin. We'll head ta Gargul. He's the dead God, I'm sure his temple open at night." He says. "We can ask there 'bout yur healing magiks."

Brom stops for a moment. "Ahh...don't we got an address ta check still?" He says as if he forgot. "This ain't the place an' we still got a bomber on the loose."

Acrobatics DC 17, Climb DC 29, Perception DC 24

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday May 5th, 2016 11:57:23 PM

The warped shadow grunts. "Yes... let's take care of him. I think we need to have a chat, as a group, about tactics and protocols. I think retreat would have best served us, as I said. I am not the leader by any means, but I think we should have clear criteria for when we need to duck and run or stay and fight."

A slight pause. "These losses are costly. Raising the dead and curing energy drain are not cheap."

MEDIC! (DM JonathanT) 
Friday May 6th, 2016 12:50:17 AM

Things start to wind down. The Slow spell wears off withing 2 rounds as of the time the vampires left. The guards take note of the location, victims, and a deposition of what happened. Being the merchant district, and mostly large warehouses, there's no others about.

Barratore is not in a good mood and his reply to the guard is a bit sharp. As an afterthought, he asks Brom to get his sword he left up there before the barbarian joins them on the ground.

He expects Emrys to come up with a plan. Unfortunately, Floating City is not like any other in its architecture and a place much more difficult to get vampires out in the open.

To Lanliss, the involvement of vampires makes sense.

Emrys has the full understanding of vampires and their damaging effects. First he casts a spell on Edson's corps to keep it in pristine shape for a while. He suggests leaving the body with the morgue to
keep Edson from rising as a vampire, then visit the temples to restore their energy levels before they are
permanently drained.

Brom retrieves Barratore's sword and with a little some luck manages to get down from the roof without any mishap. His suggestion is to visit Gargul immediately once they've gathered their money. But he does remember the reason for their presence here in the first place, the next bombing place.

Evred agrees that taking care of Edson's body first is the right thing to do. Then a talk about tactics and the time to run and time to fight.

Edson's body shows no sign of life or undeadness so far.

EDdson: Highlight to display spoiler: {His soul fights to leave the material plane but some horrible evil force is preventing it from leaving. The evilness of this power seeps into his soul and begins to corrupt it. You should keep posting and role play it up. :)}

The guards agree to take Edson's body if the party gives the Say-So and soon depart. For the time being,
putting a wooden stake through the heart will keep it from returning as a vampire. Then removing the stake just before resurrection. Seems gross, but it sure gives Edson a story to tell at the bar, with the scar
to prove it.

Floating City temples remain open 24 hours a day with limited services during the late night hours.

The group had just arrived at the address they sought when they heard the 'AAAAAAAARRRRGH' and ran down the alley to help. With just an hour or so before the 2 o'clock mark, the group has the choice to sit back and see what happens, or take care of energy drains.

For those who read the contract carefully, they remember a clause that pays for certain services while doing work related to the contract. Clerical healing is one of them, and one might argue that energy drain falls into this category. And the group was working on a divination that pinpointed this location as the next target, at some point in the near future.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 23/44] [Bless][6 negative levels]  d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ;
Friday May 6th, 2016 1:39:58 AM

Evaris channels positive energy to help those who are still bleeding. [Everybody heals 6, which isn't much, but should stop the bleeding.]

"I have a wand that can reverse most of the vampiric effects," he continues. [OOC: Evaris has a wand of Lesser Restoration.] "And while I don't have it prepared now, in the morning I can prepare a spell to bring poor Edson back." He touches the still body. "I'm sorry, my friend," he says. "I am no climber, and you were all out of my reach."

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Friday May 6th, 2016 6:53:46 AM


Edson look down at the floor from his perch. The room was lit by a single candle on the alter. Squeezed into the little cubby was also his " brother" Johnny, son of the man who took Edson in.

" Drop down and get the gem" Edson whispered to Johnny.

" That ain't happening. It's your turn. Plus you heard what Nekka said. "

" Nekka? Why you listening to that witch. She doesn't know anything anyway."

" She knows knows that you're a dolt. "

" A dolt? What are you one of thone rich snobs from Float City? Who says dolt this day and age."

Johnny retaliates to the comment with a punch on Edson shoulder, tor which Edson fires back. The two begin punching each other back and forth and finally begin wrestling to the point the almost fall out of the cubby.

"Okay, okay.. Im done. "

" Of course you are with those skinny arms. Even for an elf you're a weak one. Lucky you are good at stealing or else my dad would have thrown you In the bay when you were still a baby. "

Edson just stared at his adoptive brother and didn't say anything.

" I'm just messing with you Edson. Now enough with the talking. Drop down and get the gem."

" Fine.. but only because we know you can't do it by yourself."

Edson scooches closer to the edge of the cubby and drops down to the floor of the church. As soon as his feet hit the marble floor the alarm goes off. Edson looks up to Johnny but only gets a smile in return.

The lights in the hallway come to life as the church awakens.

" Johnny get out of here" Edson calls up. " I'll get them to follow me...........

Darkness. .....

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=26 ;
Friday May 6th, 2016 10:45:36 AM

"Need ta check out this building, just in case." He says. "If ya can cast the spell ta raise Edson," He says to Evaris, "you should get prepared for that. Decide what ya need and we'll get that in the morning. Or anythin' else ya need ta deal with this life sucking stuff." He pulls a key and tosses it to Evaris. "My coin's in my chest. Take all of it if ya need it."

"Who's comin' with me ta check this place out?"

Perception DC 26

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 87/106Character Sheet  d20+4=21 ;
Friday May 6th, 2016 1:21:24 PM

Barratore absently wipes some blood from one of the bleeding wounds left by the bats. He'd pretty much forgotten that he had been hurt. With the channeled energy by Evaris, he does not need the potion and gives the CLW back to Emrys.

"Think the vampires were here to plant a bomb. They can become cloudlike, would help them get inside places and do what they want to."

Barratore will do what he can to search, starting with the well. Perception 21

He is ok with the guard taking Edson where the party could get him in the morning

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, spectral h 
Friday May 6th, 2016 3:06:29 PM

"Excellent theory, dear Barratore," replies Emrys. "I know a vampire can't enter a residence without being formally invited. I'm uncertain if that weakness applies to shops and places of business. That may be the exception to the rule."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20+13=26 ;
Friday May 6th, 2016 11:59:11 PM

"Well.... we can search now, but we need everyone healed as soon as possible. Those vampires could double-back and nail us as soon as the town guard leaves."

Evred joins in searching the area. Perception 26.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, spectral h  d20+17=22 ;
Saturday May 7th, 2016 1:23:54 AM

(Perception: 22)

Emrys pauses for a moment. Something is odd but he can't put his finger on it. The distractions of the tragedy has clouded his usual keen senses. He turns to Evred and Lanliss. "Gentlemen, I lost track of you two on the roof. Did anything happen that needs addressing? Lanliss dear, it appears as though your thoughts are somewhere else. Is something amiss?"

Evaris [AC 20; HP 23/44] [Bless][6 negative levels] 
Sunday May 8th, 2016 9:55:01 AM

"If I'm to bring Edson back, I need a large diamond," Evaris says. "I don't think we can get one for less than 5,000 gold. And I'm afraid I mis-spoke earlier. My wand is not strong enough to reverse the vampires' effects." [OOC: We need a regular Restorations; lesser ones won't do. Evaris will prepare as many as he can.]

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+16=35 ;
Sunday May 8th, 2016 10:47:21 AM

Lanliss helps the party too.
Its just like Barratore said.
Lanliss says.
Think about it, they are agile, can cast spells become almost invisible and flee quickly.
dont forget our little halfling friend had a problem with his memory.
There might be a connection.
I will help with the gold coins too but I remember an old magic shop where you can find wonderful magic items, if fight against those of evil heart and undead body we might need an edge against them as next time we might not have the guards to save us nor an option to retreat, Lanliss says seriously.
perception 35

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Sunday May 8th, 2016 11:48:17 PM

Evred cocks an eyebrow and responds to Emrys. "My stealthy colleague here had a bit of a... well, if he were Ol' Grandpa, we would say he had a 'senior moment.' One of the vampires twiddled his fingers, and Lanliss here suddenly had murder in his eyes and tried to grab at me. He was trying to defend the vampire! He stopped when the bloodsucker ran away, but I've been keeping an eye on him."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp21/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, spectral h  d100=91 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+17=23 ;
Monday May 9th, 2016 1:13:20 AM

When hearing Evred's account of what transpired on the ceiling, Emrys responds by saying, "Really! Vampire are known to use such abilities ... the extent of such control I'm not fully certain." He considers his next task at hand.

"Dear Lanliss, allow me a short moment. I wish to see if this vampire magic persists and identify it exactly."

(Leyline check: 91, free cast ... sigh, only a 0-level spell. Casting Detect Magic. He waits the three rounds to get the full effect. Knowledge [Arcana]: 18, natural 1 (for reals?! sigh!), to identify the spell. If you allow retrys, his second attempt is a 23. The dice HATE me.)

MEDIC! (DM JonathanT) 
Monday May 9th, 2016 1:47:16 PM

Evaris sees the bruises the vampires dealt with their small powerful fists and channels positive energies to heal some of those bruises. This also heals any Bleed effects caused by the bats.

He offers to use his wand of Lesser Restoration, however no one has suffered any temporary ability damage. After some rest, he says, he can pray for a spell to bring Edson back and for power to restore some of the energy drain. He will need some expensive diamonds though.

Brom brings the group's attention back to the building the vision revealed to be the next bombing target. He hands the keys to his treasure chest to Evaris for him to purchase what they need to restore their negative levels.

He then makes a move to the building and those who wish, follow.

Barratore returns the CLW potion back to Evaris, the channeling effect closing the bat bites and scratches. He puts forward the idea that the vampires were here to plant the bomb. This would make sense considering their ability to become gaseous at will and easily seep through cracks.

He takes a look at the well and with light and his True Seeing spell, examines it. He sees nothing unusual about it.

He is OK with the guards taking Edson's body for safekeeping until they are ready for it.

Emrys likes Barratore's idea that the vampires were here to plant the bomb. Vampires don't have free access to residences unless invited, but how does it work for shops and businesses?

The battle was quick and intense but Emrys feels something was not right up on the roof. He didn't see it, but there seemed to be a gap in the action that bugs him. He asks Evred and Lanliss if anything happened on the roof that's unexplained.

Evred agrees to search the building but warns that the vampires could double-back as soon as the town guard leaves.
He answers Emrys' question of events on the roof with a description of Lanliss suddenly trying to defend the vampire by grabbing Evred. He stopped that attempt when the vampires ran away, 'but I've been keeping an eye on him.'

He joins Barratore in looking over the Target Building.

Lanliss chimes in on fighting vampires and the possibility of a connection with these halfling vampires and those halflings with memory loss. He Suggests visiting a certain old magic shop for special items for fighting vampires.

Emrys seems alarmed at Lanliss' actions and casts Detect Magic and stares at Lanliss for a few moments.

Edson's spirit lingers in a vacuous black void. Neither totally leaving the material plane but neither actually in it. A sort of Limbo. Fragments of memories of past things ebb through his consciousness and Time has no meaning.


With the approval of the party, the guards take Edson's body, respectfully, to the morgue to await the party's decision on what to do next.

As the group makes their way back to the street and the building from the Vision, they discuss what to do about Healing, specially healing the energy drain, equiping themselves better to fight vampires, and Emrys studies magical auras around Lanliss.

At first Emrsy sees the standard magical auras around Lanliss due to his magic items. But as he concentrates more he sees a stronger aura slowly overtake the lesser ones caused by his magic items. Finally, that stronger aura (Moderate Power) becomes clearer.

Knowledge Arkana DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: { School is that of Enchantment (compulsion).}
Rolled 18, no re-rolls Knowledge rules - Try Again, but events/activities that add to this knowledge can warrant a re-roll.

Evred: Sense Motive DC15: Highlight to display spoiler: {Evred can conclude that Lanliss' behavior was influenced by an enchantment, which may or may not still be active.}

Inspection of the building finds that the door is unlocked.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday May 9th, 2016 9:13:26 PM

ooc: I was thinking maybe going to shop for some weapon or magic item against vamps
but I dont know if I need to go to the Catacombs ?

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=23 ;
Monday May 9th, 2016 10:03:33 PM

Brom enters the unlocked door and drawing his sword he looks around for signs of an intruder.

Perception DC 23

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels]  d6=5 ; d6=5 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ;
Monday May 9th, 2016 10:03:44 PM

Evaris channels more positive energy to heal his teammates.

Everybody heals 23 points. Please let me know if you need more.

"I agree that we must continue tonight if we're to prevent further loss of life, but I have to ask that we try to stay closer this time. I can heal you, but not if you separate yourself to where I can't get to you."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  d20=2 ;
Monday May 9th, 2016 10:27:22 PM

Is something wrong with Lanliss?.... Nah, he seems fine. For now.

Sense Motive 2.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min  d20+17=24 ;
Monday May 9th, 2016 11:31:55 PM

(Knowledge [Arcana]: 24, i still can't roll over a 10, sigh.)

Emrys gives a quiet sigh and gives both Lanliss and Evred a serious look. "Lanliss, I deeply regret to inform you that there is an enchantment cast upon your mind. It is of middling strength, vigorous and active. Whatever control this enchantment had over you on the roof, it can still be used to manipulate you. I may be able to break this enchantment, but I wont be able to try until sunrise. Until then, I fear, the vampire could use this connection to control you or even use you to spy upon us. If it's anything like my charm spells, this magic could last for days ... even weeks. It must be addressed as soon as possible."

Feeling Evaris' healing energy, Emrys thanks him for now his wounds are fully healed ... all except the level drain. (-2 level drain)

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet  d20+4=5 ;
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 7:42:59 AM

All of the cuts and bruises on Barratore vanish as positive energy from Evaris passes through him. Barratore follows Brom in through the door, scanning about with his still enhanced True Sight The talk of Lanliss being under the vampires control causes his chest to itch. A reminder of the power of vampires and Brom, where the human nearly killed him.

"Keep an eye on him Emrys, you're our authority on, well, just about everything"

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 9:59:18 AM

"What are you a fool or something? " the man asked Edson. " Don't you know how much this cost me to cover your mistakes. "

"But father" Edson starts.

" Edson, I am not your father when it comes to matters of the guild. Then I am your guild master and that is all. "

" But it isn't all about the guild. Johnny was in a spot to be caught and I didn't want that."

" Your brother could handle himself. He doesn't need you to protect him and the sooner you two learn that the sooner you both rise in the guild. Now enough of this. You will be penalized an extra twenty percent to.to the guild and to me to pay for what I lost. Now head over to the Rams Head Tavern. A woman there by the name of Willow has some info for you to bring back to me. Make sure no one from the guildeepest is present. Too many whispers and chattering going on in these halls."

" As you wish...."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=13 ;
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 10:39:36 PM

Brom continues to look around the entry room of the building for any sign of movement. He wondered if the bombers had already come or was he going to run into them.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 10:53:41 PM

Hearing Emrys's assessment, Evaris speaks up. "I have a possible stopgap measure I could try," he suggests. If Lanliss is amenable, Evaris would like to cast Protection from Evil on him, which should at least give him another saving throw.

MEDIC! (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 10:57:04 PM

DM JT: from my perspective, simple magic items like potions, alchemy fire, scrolls, etc. can be role played in Floating City. But for more powerful items I'd suggest go to the catacombs.

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 11:36:00 PM

Trying to get back to the business at hand, the group finds the door of the marked building unlocked. They don't hesitate to investigate.

Brom enters, sword drawn, and looks for signs of an intruder. It is darker here than in the street or alley but he still has his glow stick. He wonders if the bombers have already been there or if they are still

Evaris still does not like the health situation of some of the members, especially if they are to go snooping in a dark building, so he channels more healing energy. That done, he asks that the group stick closer together.

Evred evaluates Lanliss' behavior since the departure of the vampires and sees nothing unusual with him. It may be that the influence once exerted over Lanliss has expired or has a range limit.

Emrys compares the knowledge of his charm spells with his knowledge of vampires, the magical aura
around Lanliss, and some common sense and deduces that the enchantment over Lanliss is strong and still active. It could last days or weeks and Lanliss is in danger of being manipulated at any moment.

'It must be addressed as soon as possible." he concludes with all seriousness.

Barratore feels freshly renewed with the healing and prombly follows Brom into the warehouse building. Memories from a not-so-distant-past haunt him momentarily when he hears that Lanliss is still unter the vampire's influence. With his True Sight sight vision he carefully scans the building entrance with Brom.

Evaris has an idea that might work somewhat against the vampires dominance over Lanliss. He waits for Lanliss' agreement before casting Protection from Evil

Edson's life continues to flash before his eyes, metaphorically speaking, as his memory replays fragments of his life.


The group begin a search of the warehouse building with its office in a separate enclosed area. Boxes and crates lie about stacked upon each other and the room smells of wood and hay from the crates and stuffing.

A search of the office area reveals nothing unusual or seemingly out of place. Searching the warehouse area at first is just as fruitless but Brom spots something about a crate up against a supporting pillar. It's wood looks a lot fresher than any of the other crates in the place and has a fresh cut smell to it.

The crates is roughly two feet cubed, made of wooden planks reinforced on all the edges. Also, there are no markings on the small create whereas all the others have some manufacture or destination markings.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Tuesday May 10th, 2016 11:58:33 PM

Evred sighs. "Umm... sorry, friend." He shrugs and quic

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 12:10:20 AM

ooc: Oops.

Evred sighs. "Umm... sorry, friend." He shrugs and quickly beckons to the minotaurs for assistance. "I think a little abjuration isn't going to cut it. Until we get this domination off of you, I would prefer you blind, deaf, and unconscious. Because for me, either you are asleep, or you are a ticking time bomb. I'm sure that if you are really Lanliss talking to us right now, you would understand and trust that we are going to get you fixed as quickly as possible." Evred slowly removes a handkerchief from his belt and starts folding it into a blindfold. "Right, friend? I'm sure you understand we can't take chances. Not after they killed poor Edson. We can't endanger the rest of the party."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 70/104 (90/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=21 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 9:47:38 AM

Brom spots the unusual crate and pauses. "Got somethin', I think." He says standing over the crate. "We got a big space outside we can open this thing?" He calls back towards the door. "Fraid, it'll blow if we mess with it in here. Hey, Ed..." He calls instinctively before he realizes what he said. "We got anyone that can look at this or am I carrying this thing out as is?"

If there isn't anyone who can mess with traps, Brom will attempt to move the crate out of the warehouse. His plan is to get the bomb out into the open so if it goes off, there will be minimal damage.

Perception DC 21

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

ooc: Edson, I like the flashbacks. Very nice.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet  d20+4=7 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 11:56:19 AM

Barratore's trap checking skills involves setting them off and as Brom certainly won't need help picking it up he closes with Lanliss and Evred. "You want to what?" the minotuars brow furrows a bit and he scratches his armpit. Barratore is not overly keen of pounding on Lanliss while he stands there until the man falls uncoscious. He assumes Lanliss won't be much of a fan of that plan either

"Cant this wait until we move a building flattening bomb out of here and see if we can dispose of it" Barratore looks at Lanliss and then back to Evred, "How about for now I just keep an eye on him. If he starts acting odd, I'll flatten him then."

Barratore is not going to try and knock Lanliss unconscious. He will stay right next to him and play bodyguard though for the immediate future

perception 7 keeping an eye on Lanliss

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 7:13:05 PM

Wait, Lanliss says to Evaris before he casts that spell.
So you are saying I did something because I was controlled by a vampire, it's just like our halfling friend was controlled by something/someone !
Lanliss agrees.
Cast that spell Evaris let me get that foul thing out of my mind.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 9:57:02 PM

"...I suppose." He folds up the cloth and stow it in his belt. "Let's hope that if he is dominated that clonking him in the head will do the job."

Points at his eyes with two fingers, points at Lanliss.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 10:47:30 PM

Evaris casts Guidance on Lanliss first, then Protection from Evil.

[OOC: If I'm reading the spell right, that should give Lanliss a new save at +3 against the DC of the original effect. A successful save won't remove the effect, but it will suppress it briefly.]

"And yes," he adds, "I think this may be an important clue. Perhaps the vampires are the cause of the mysterious memory losses."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic  d20+17=23 ; d20+15=21 ;
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 11:33:21 PM

"You found a possible bomb? Excellent work! Let me check to see if it's magical. Touching it or picking it up could set it off."

Emrys walks into the warehouse and looks at the crate, from a distance (within 60ft). He familiarizes himself with it and its location. He waits to see if there are any magical auras (via detect magic). If there are, he tries to discern what they are (Knowledge [Arcana]: 23, i can not roll over a 10, sigh.). (Detect Magic can detect magical auras through 3-ft of wood.)

He then leaves the warehouse and joins his friends out in the street. "Wait a second, my friends. I will try and remotely view the contents of the box." Using his divine powers of the Knowledge Domain, he attempts to use his Remote Viewing ability (which mimics the Clairaudience/clairvoyance spell) to peer inside the box.

"As long as this small crate doesn't weigh too much (+20 lbs.), I can send my unseen servant to carry it out."

(Remote Viewing (Sp): From Knowledge Domain. Based on Clairaudience/clairvoyance spell, except it can be used at Will. Can perform this ability for 8 rounds a day. In total darkness, his magical sensor can see at a 10-ft range.)

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday May 11th, 2016 11:57:07 PM

A box is found. That is, a suspicious box is found.

Evred voices his concern that Lanliss is a 'ticking time bomb'. He wants to put Lanliss uncoscious,
somehow, for the immediate future. He starts by getting his handkerchief out and making a blindfold.

Brom doesn't want to investigate the suspicious crate while in the warehouse and doesn't want to
budge it until someone skilled in trap detection looks it over. Otherwise he'll just take it outside as is.

Barratore's skills at trap detection involves setting them off. The danger that Lanliss potentially
posses and Evred's solution sets the minotaur on edge. 'You want to what?'
He's reluctant to do anything to Lanliss, especially conk him, and offers to keep his eye on him while they deal with the crate. He feels he can probably grapple him easily enough if he starts acting strange.

Lanliss starts to understand that the group believes he has been manipulated by the vampire. It makes sense to him to 'put him out', as it were, and accepts anything the group suggests.

Evaris first casts Guidance on Lanliss, then Protection from Evil.

Emrys is excited at the find. 'You found a possible bomb? Excellent work!' and offers to check it out from a distance first. His Detect Magic still functioning, he studies the crate but finds no magical emanations. Next he tries to view the contents using his Remote Viewing ability. This posses some difficulty as he's not familiar with the inside of the crate. Although the crate is small, and he can picture what the inside should look like, he really has no familiarity with the inside of the crate. However he tries and casts his Remote Viewing ability. At least he can say he tried.


Due to objections, Evred puts away his blindfold but motions that he's keeping an eye on Lanliss too.

Evaris figures that for now, he may be able to suppress the vampires domination over Lanliss with the
Protection from Evil spell.

Lanliss gets another Will save roll DC14. This time he gets a +2 moral bonus from the Protection from Evil spell
and another +1 from the Guidance, for a total of an extra +3. If successful, the vampire should not be able to
affect Lanliss for the duration of the Protection spell, or 1 minute per level.

This should be plenty of time for Lanliss to inspect the crate for traps.

No traps are found connected to moving the crate. Nor does there seem to be any on the outside connected to opening the crate. The True Seeing spell on Bosk does not reveal anything either.

At least as far as the group can tell, it is safe to move the crate. It is not large or heavy.

Emrys' scrying attempt has some success. He sees packing straw.

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet  d20+4=22 ;
Thursday May 12th, 2016 10:11:09 AM

Looks like the next move is to take the crate out of the warehouse and open it. Though the fighter is not quite sure why Brom wants to move the crate before opening it. "Why not just open it in here. the other explosions have levelled buildings, putting it in the alley or street would just put more things at risk, wouldn't it?"

Barratore knows Brom plans to be the one that opens the box, and so he plans to stand 30' back with a healing potion in one hand and his shield to protect him from a possible blast in the other. In case this all goes south. Wait a moment, where is my shield The thought has Barratore scanning about and retrieving his shield from the ground near the well.

perception 22

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/104 (111/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=19 ; 3d8+5=21 ; d20+6=9 ;
Thursday May 12th, 2016 12:59:19 PM

"Just thought a big space would keep the building from burning or catchin' the other ones on fire. If we ain't got that, then this place is good as any, I guess." He says responding to Barratore's question.

Before proceeds, he draws a potion from his pack and drinks it. (CSW - healing 21)

If there are no objections to Brom's plan to open the crate, he opens it. Cautiously he moves the packing material out of the way to get a better look at the contents.

Perception DC19

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+3=23 ;
Thursday May 12th, 2016 9:45:39 PM

I can check the crate if you want Lanliss says.

save 23 20+3

ooc: does my character feels something if the spell and saving throw worked.

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic 
Thursday May 12th, 2016 11:11:03 PM

Emrys assures everyone that the crate doesn't show to have any magical effects and that he saw that it was filled with packing straw ... who knows what else.

He maintains a safe distance and wishes there was more he could provide. With the vast majority of his magical ability drained, all he can do now is hope for the best.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Thursday May 12th, 2016 11:27:53 PM

Evred hurries to watch from behind the corner of the nearest building. Darn minotaurs and their bravery...

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday May 12th, 2016 11:59:09 PM

The brave adventurers tackle the small crate in the usual manner. After Detecting and Looking, they find no outward reason to not pry open the create to see what's inside. There certainly is no label on the outside that says "DANGER! HANDLE WITH CARE! KEEP THIS SIDE UP!"

The various more cautious members hide behind corners as Brom takes a crowbar found nearby and starts taking the top planks off.

Lanliss feels a weight lift from him and his mind seems clearer. The events from moments before seem like in a haze.

As Emrys' scrying revealed, the crate is full of straw packing material, but Brom's careful picking through this stuff reveals a stoppered glass jar inside. It's volume is roughly a quart. There is an opaque liquid inside. There is no label on the jar. The stopper is not sealed.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Friday May 13th, 2016 12:08:48 AM

"Unfortunately, friend Lanliss, your reprieve will last only 10 minutes," Evaris says. "But that should be time enough for us to deal with--whatever that is before the vampire again takes hold of your mind."

Evaris peers at the jar, but alchemical knowledge is beyond him. "What do we think?" he says. "Seal it up? Throw it in the lake?"

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday May 13th, 2016 10:07:29 AM

"Putting it in a bag of holding should keep it safe. I think the best place to take it would be the local Sages Guild. We do not want to destroy it, since identifying it may help us to know how it was made. Or where it was made."

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic  d20+12=16 ;
Friday May 13th, 2016 2:03:02 PM

Emrys overcomes his trepidations and moves in carefully to see the jar of opaque liquid. Being the groups Alchemist, he's risked being blown up before from his own concoctions. He waves his hand over the top of the open jar to try and get a smell of it's scent. Noting its color, thickness and smell, he tries to determine what it is. (Craft [Alchemist]: 16, sigh ... the dice still hates me!)

"Good idea. Stopper it up and throw it into the lake. My unseen servant can carry it for us, from a distance."

(Casting Unseen Servant. Can maintain a range of 40-ft from the servant.)

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic  d20+12=29 ;
Friday May 13th, 2016 3:40:44 PM

Then Emrys pauses after hearing Evred's idea. "That is a good solution as well."

(Sorry I hadn't seen your post, until after I posted mine. :)

Using his vast knowledge of Alchemical processes, Emrys ponders the idea of stoppering up the jar, thinking that it might halt the contents volatile nature. Could possibly exposure to the air sets off a violent reaction in the chemicals ... or perhaps the vapors from the jar are ignited from an open flame, such as like a candle or oil lamp left behind. Does he feel this to be a safe course of action??? (Craft [Alchemist]: 29 ... finally!)

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20+14=21 ;
Friday May 13th, 2016 7:30:06 PM

Lanliss takes a looks and appraises the object at hand trying to see if it looks like something expensive, as that might lead to a clue about the object whereabouts.

Appraise 21

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27 
Friday May 13th, 2016 11:51:21 PM

Evred calls out from behind the corner. "Emrys... I'm sure you know what you're doing. But tinkering with it in... I don't know... a lab with safety equipment and stuff might be better than opening it here. It might blow up us and the building."

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/104 (111/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv 
Sunday May 15th, 2016 3:38:57 PM

"What'll we do after we put it in the bag?" He says. "Still gotta deal with it. Just open it here and find out if it blows up er'not. Do it now, do it later, what's the difference. Let's just get it over with. Not like one of ya is gonna do it anyway."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  
Sunday May 15th, 2016 3:58:51 PM

"Did you miss the part about safety equipment? I doubt the local property owners would be happy with damage to their buildings if we couldn't be bothered to travel to the Sages Guild. The explosive might go off under the wrong conditions, and we would not be able to learn anything about it."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet 
Sunday May 15th, 2016 7:00:11 PM

Barratore breaks in a bit and as usual more forcefully than he might want. " we are not throwing the unknown whatever into the lake. Have you all lost your mind?". Barratore snorts and nods to Brom, agreeing with the idea of putting it in a dimensional container. Later they could exit the city and then open it. "we open it later and can move it outside the city. Exploding on the far shore is a big difference from the blowing up in the city"

Barratore will do his best to prevent anyone from opening the bottle

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Monday May 16th, 2016 11:55:04 AM

I tend to side with Barratore and Brom.
Lanliss then says can't we just make it at least fly in the air or something.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/104 (111/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=22 ;
Monday May 16th, 2016 1:46:37 PM

"Whatever ya guys want. Don't matter ta me. I just was saying we get this done, and head out fer a drink or whatever." He says shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, I just swing a sword. You brainy guys deal with the thinkin'."

Perception DC 22

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Monday May 16th, 2016 5:50:23 PM

"Agreed. Extra-dimensional storage, and then try to open it someplace less crowded," Evaris says. "And perhaps keep Lanliss away from it until we can remove the vampire's influence from him."

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Monday May 16th, 2016 6:37:16 PM

DM JT OOC: I worked umpteen hours Sat, meant to have the post up last night and fell asleep, today I've been in and out all day. I'll have a post up a little later on so hang loose. :}

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Monday May 16th, 2016 10:24:19 PM

With a bottle of an unidentified liguid in hand, the Detectives use their detectiving skills to find out what it is and discuss what to do with it.

Evaris warns Lanliss that his newly found freedom from Mind Control will only last 10 minutes.
'What do you think?' he asks as he lacks the alchemical skills to determine the contents.

Evred suggests putting it in a Bag of Holding until they can make it to the Sages guild. His intuition suggest that knowing what it is made of might tell who made it or where.

Emrys has good alchemical skills and unstoppers it to take a whiff of its contents. Only after he does this does it occur to him that exposure to air might cause it to explode. It hasn't exploded yet and the strongest odor is that of an oil, perhaps of a vegetable source. There are other smells but those are of undetermined nature at this point.

He volunteers to use his Unseen Servant to carry the bottle and carefully replaces the stopper. He ponders what the reactant agent is: flame, air, impact?

Lanliss eyeballs the liquid content before Emrsy replaces the stopper. If he did not know, or suspect at least, that the contents is a high explosive, he would have no real idea of the value as he has no basis for comparison. As an explosive, at worst it is worth at least as much as a common alchemical fire concoction. Knowing that it can demolish an entire warehouse raises that price to a value equal to the highest bidder. In other words, its true value is unknown and highly variable as a rare alchemical explosive.

Evred makes a rather common sense observation that any study of the liquid would be best done in a lab rigged to deal with explosives, not in this warehouse. He does not believe that the propertie owners would appreciate it much for their disregard to safety procedures.

Brom is glad that Emrys is trying to figure it out now rather than later. The discussion of what to do with it and when tests his impatience to keep moving.

Barratore is too late to prevent the bottle from being unstopered but so far nothing bad has happened. He is against the idea of tossing it into the lake but likes the idea of storing it in the Bag of Holding until outside the city.

Lanliss likes the idea of a Force carrying the bottle.


With the contents still rather unidentified but what it can do highly suspected, the group agrees to store it in the extra dimensional space of a Bag of Holding until they can study it in a safer place. Since the stopper was already removed, if exposure to air is the trigger, they'll know it soon enough. At least for now nothing has happened. Nor did they see anything unusual start to happen to the liquid in that brief momemnt that it was opened. But you never know...

With the bottle in the bag, they leave the warehouse, shut the door, and decided what to do next.

Visit a tavern for a drink?

Visit the temple of Gargul for an audience with the god over the dead with respect to Edson?

Visit a temple for some restoration energies?

A visit to the Sages' Guild, due to the late hour, would need to be put off until the morning.

DM JT: Technically, for Edson's Player's sake, it be best to take care of that and get him back into the game. :) :

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic 
Monday May 16th, 2016 10:47:45 PM

(ooc: Actually, I thought the bottle was already unstoppered when we opened the crate.)

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  
Monday May 16th, 2016 11:54:56 PM

Evred breathes a sigh of relief as the flask is placed into the bag of holding. He crooks a thumb behind him. "To the temple! Let's see if our friend wants to come back to us."

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet 
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 11:11:26 AM

Barratore agrees with Evred. The immediate danger of the building exploding should be past. Well, it should if they found the right building and the right crate. If anything blows up elsewhere in the near future it would mean they got it wrong, but there was nothing to be done more than what they have as far as Barratore could think of.

[b]"To the temple. For Edson and the rest of you assaulted by the vampires"[b/]

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 3:20:38 PM

Yes to the temple.
Lanliss says.
If it didn't explode now, hopefully it won't explode later.

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/104 (111/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv  d20+11=12 ;
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 5:50:11 PM

Brom is somewhat satisfied, and now the attention is directed to getting Edson upright again. "Alright, let's go." He says as he moves off towards the temple level of the Float.

He does make a point to stop along the way to pick up some alcohol and food for the trip.

Perception DC

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 5:56:32 PM

"By all means, let us see if Gargul will consent to release Edson back to the world of the living."

[OOC: Or we could skip to morning and Evaris could prep and cast the spell. But petitioning Gargul is more fun. :) ]

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic  d20+17=27 ;
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 11:04:48 PM

Emrys gives the warehouse one last quick look over and just tries to detect the presence of magical auras in all 60-ft directions (1-round in each direction). If he detects the presence of magic, he will concentrate in that area to pin point the source. (Perception: 27)

Otherwise, "Onward to the Temple!"

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic 
Tuesday May 17th, 2016 11:09:35 PM

"Maybe we should take the crate as well." If someone else is carrying the bag of holding, he will direct his unseen servant to pick up the empty crate and carry it along with them. If the bottle were to explode, they'd at least have the crate to use in scrying on the bombers.

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Wednesday May 18th, 2016 12:03:00 AM

DM OOC: On May 12th -
As Emrys' scrying revealed, the crate is full of straw packing material, but Brom's careful picking through this stuff reveals a stoppered glass jar inside. It's volume is roughly a quart. There is an opaque liquid inside. There is no label on the jar. The stopper is not sealed.

The suspicious bottle safely (?) tucked away, the group decides on their next action.

Evred points in the direction of the known temple to Gargul to see about getting Edson back.

Barratore agrees with Evred, hoping that they got it right. The adress is correct, but did they get the right crate? Or is the bomb in a crate? Well, they did everything they could think of.

Lanliss hopes that since it didn't explode when they unstoppered it, that it won't explode later also.

DM JT: you can remove 'SLOWED' from your header. :).

Brom exclaims 'Alright, let's go!' and leads the way to the temple level of Float. On their way, he pops into a late night tavern and comes out with a bottle and a turkey leg.

Evaris jumps to it, ready to get Edson back to the world of the living.

DM JT: I may be wrong, but I think even when casting a Raise Dead spell you are transported to Gargul's presence, but witches do have an exception to this, and why Gargul does not like witches much. This is all new ground for me.

Emrys looks over the warehouse one more time, scanning with his Detect Magic, but finds nothing. He suggests taking the small crate with them and has his Unseen Servant float in front of him with the crate.

The group puts the Bag of Holding away in a safe place and heads off towards the Temple Level. They've been around Floating City enough now to find their way to the god over the dead's temple. The gothic building looks creepy at night, with its effigies of menacing creatures that are believed to guard the paths to the realm of Shadow and Gargul's domain.

All temples remain open all day and night, as the city really never sleeps. The reduced staff at night does give the impression of emptiness and very few worshipers have the immediate necessity to petition Gargul at 2am. Nevertheless, as the group passes the entry pillars a Magic Mouth announces the arrival of petitioners and soon a sleepy acolyte meets the group.

"My, my, yawwnnn. What brings you to Gargul's temple at the dead of night?"

Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 29 (31 Raged); HP: 91/104 (111/124) Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-); 4 neg lv 
Wednesday May 18th, 2016 1:21:37 PM

Brom steps up to the acolyte. "We got need ta bring a buddy back from the dead." He says looking down at the priest. "So, go get the right people up so we can get this thing started." He says with all the tack of a lumbering ogre.

Rage used: 7; 4 negative levels

Note: For each negative level you take a cumulative 1 penalty to all Ability checks, Attack rolls, CMB and CMD checks, Saves, and Skill checks. Also the current and total hit points are reduced by 5 for each negative level.

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels]  d20+20=27 ;
Wednesday May 18th, 2016 11:07:43 PM

"We have urgent need of healing," Evaris says, "and, as good Brom says, we would like to petition Lord Gargul for the life of our companion."

[Diplomacy 27]

Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp36/36 deathwatch-80min, see invisibility-80min, detect magic  d20+23=39 ;
Wednesday May 18th, 2016 11:43:43 PM

(Diplomacy: 39)

"Begging your pardon for waking you at such a dark hour. Dear Brom here, along with the rest, have had a most egregious evening. The worst of things always seem to happen in the dark, and we have endured the most unfortunate of fortunes. As my companions have already said, a dear friend has suffered a dark fate and his soul hangs in the balance. We also have been wounded by the cold, grim touch of undeath ... much of our life's energy has been sapped. We're in desperate need of restoration."

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27  
Wednesday May 18th, 2016 11:57:58 PM

Evred nods. "Yes. He is dead. Dead dead. Super dead. We'd like him not-dead. Do you have any sales going on right now?"

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday May 19th, 2016 12:05:45 AM

Arriving at the Temple of Gargul, Brom is abrupt in his requests, er, demands to see a cleric with some clout.

Evaris tries to be a little more tactful than Brom and states their need in a kindlier, gentler, manner.

Emrys expounds upon their need in an even more amenable fashion.


The acolyte looks the group over and comments, "Well, they do say nothing good happens at midnight, but if you are out to fight the Undead, you probably won't find them during the daylight hours. But Undead?
Here in Floating City proper? Not unheard of, but rare."

He seems to be looking around then adds, "Er, umm, where's the body? It will be difficult to contact Gargul about the soul of your friend without the body."

The acolyte suggests that the group bring the body of their friend while he informs the Chief Priest on duty and get things ready.

By the time the group gets back from the morgue the Chief Priest on duty is up and setting incensce urns and candles around a long thin table. He motions the group to place Edson's body on the table and asks, "Any details you'd like to share? When I contact Gargul, he will want to know all the Whys' and Hows and Whos' and Whats."

Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25  d20=10 ;
Thursday May 19th, 2016 8:24:27 AM

Lanliss a little bit tired says
Vampires, fighting against them.
Anyone want to eleborate ?.
Aid another (if needed) 10 ,so +2 to one of the characters

Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 26,Touch AC 19, Flatfooted AC 12, HP 10/57(17) 
Thursday May 19th, 2016 9:36:23 AM

"Willow at the Rams Head Tavern." Edson whispers to himself as he makes his way down the back alleyway.

Beggars of different races line the walls, eating what meager scraps they can afford. Edson knew some were plants from his guild, as well. None would make a move on him as an open attack on a guild.member would result in a full out war.

Once the alleyway connected back to the main road, Edson was able to see the front of the inn. He watched it for half an hour to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Seeing nothing, he makes his way across the main road and heads into the Rams Head.

" Willow?" He asks one of the bar maids. She points to the back to a woman sitting at a table. Around her some books and ledgers.

Edson moves up and waits for the woman to look up. " Edson Kazil, at your service. "

It doesn't take any words but just the Suttle change in facial expression for him to know something is wrong.

" How are you Edson Kazil when I just met with Edson Kazil?"

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 27 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:29; HP: 106/106Character Sheet 
Thursday May 19th, 2016 9:49:21 AM

Barratore glares a bit at the acolyte as he seems to not be upset enough for the minotaur. Acolyte doesn't get concerned soon and he's going to be introduced to one of the bad things that can happen after midnight. Fortunately for everyone, the subject moves along and the group is off to get Edson while the acolyte is off to get the chief priest.

"A clan of vampires have taken up residence in the city and we aim to put an end to them and we want him back to continue that work" Barratore states matter of factly.

"For your protection, we'll keep the details twix us and lord Gargul." he adds as he folds his arms and lets his shoulders relax

Evaris [AC 20; HP 44/44][6 negative levels] 
Thursday May 19th, 2016 1:50:25 PM

"We became separated while fighting the vampires," Evaris adds. "We could not come to one another's aid. We all suffered as a result, and Edson paid the ultimate price."

Warehouse snoops (DM JonathanT) 
Thursday May 19th, 2016 11:43:23 PM

The acolyte seems unbothered by the attitudes of some of the midnight callers. He may be just an acolyte but the death of loved ones is not new to him, nor the different attitudes about it. He relates everything he knows to the chief priest and assists him in setup up the ceremony.

The Chief Priest welcomes the return of the group and directs them where to place the body. Once Edson's body is laid properly, he lights the candles and incense bowls, then addresses the group.

"As common as this ceremony is, no one likes to loose a dear friend or loved one, they are not usually successful in returning the person back to the Living. The old age of the body sometimes prevents it, sometimes the soul does not wish to return. Sometimes, even, Lord Gargul himself denies the petition for reasons all his own.

On the other hand, your friend is young, and you claim Vampires infest Floating City. We can't have that and we need all the willing help we can get to rid us from them. May Lord Gargul bless you with your wish.

I will begin the ceremony and if Lord Gargul heads my prayers, you will be transported to the Lands of Shadow where you will meet him personally. Remember, you are mere mortals in the presence a god. Misrepresent yourselves or disrespect him and you'll be right back here as fast as you can blink, if he doesn't keep you there to punish you.

You all understand all this?

Let's begin."

He has the group surround the table holding Edson's body and the Priest starts chanting a prayer while walking in a circle outside the group swinging an incense bowl. After several times around it seems like it isn't going to work but then suddenly, in a flash, the group finds itself in an otherwoldian place, dim, with light that has no source.

Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 90 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 27   d20+31=35 ;
Thursday May 19th, 2016 11:59:26 PM

Wait, Gargul? Nope nope nope.

The-shadow-known-as-Evred slowly back-pedals until it is out of the room as the cleric chants.

Stealth 35, Hide in Plain Sight.

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