The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Thursday August 4th, 2016 1:30:16 AM
DM JT OOC: not in combat rounds yet.
Since no one comes to answer the knocking...
Velarin utters 'Seriously? He just knocked on the door?' incredulously. He looks at Barratore and he asks that the minotaur do some serous 'knocking' while they still have time.
Lanliss approaches the door but only near it. He prefers smashing if it is quicker than picking it.
Emrys gets the impression that Velarin's comments border on ordering them around but does not say anything, just looks at Velarin a bit frustrated. Instead he turns to Barratore and points out the dangers of exploding materials that may be inside and casts Protection from Energy (fire) on the minotaur.
DM JT: please keep track of its duration in your posts.
Brom makes no beans about what he wants and when he wants it. 'I'm bored and I wanna fight,' he says and moves up to the door, sword in hand, ready to jump in when the elf unlocks it.
Emrys offers up the same protection from fire to Brom that he gave Barratore.
DM JT: Brom, please add this spell effect in your post.
Evaris shrugs, 'Well, it was worth a try,' and steps away from the door.
Evred, from his hidden spot behind a building across the street, mentally chides his friends for not using his stealth skills.
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 d20+24=39 ; d20+19=30 ; Thursday August 4th, 2016 7:37:42 AM
Edson moves back with the others. He reports about the windows.
If no one else does so, Edson moves closer and checks the door for traps. (Trap Finding 39).
Then he tries the lock. (Disable Device 30).
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Thursday August 4th, 2016 9:19:40 AM
Barratore nods towards Brom, "Brom's BaS, is our special door knocker." he says to Velarin
The Minotaur waits for Edson to do his thing and if that does not work, he will move in behind Brom, after the human barbarian 'picks' the lock with his BaS.
If Edson is successful, Barratore opens the door and sweeps into the hall/room or whatever lies beyond calling for Evred to move into a point position and begin sweeping the the place to find Brom and himself a target.
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 Thursday August 4th, 2016 11:28:48 AM
Lanliss watches Edson do his thing. If he is not successful, he will try to pick the lock too.
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+26=42 ; Thursday August 4th, 2016 11:30:36 AM
Disable device 42 If he is not successful he will let Brom "knock" on the door.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=17 ; Thursday August 4th, 2016 7:18:43 PM
Brom holds off on "opening" the door to let Edson and Lanliss do their thing. If they are successful, Brom moves into the foyer looking for opponents. He scans the are for doors, halls and other egresses.
Perception DC 17
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch Thursday August 4th, 2016 11:14:06 PM
Emrys awaits the results of the lockpicking. To pass the time, he uses his Remote Viewing ability, granted to him by the Knowledge Domain and creates an invisible censor just a couple of feet inside the front door. He wishes to see what he can from that position.
(Remote Viewing: used at will as a spell-like ability. Just using it for a round or two (6 to 12 sec).. enough time to get a good look. Otherwise it works like Clairaudience-Clairvoyance.)
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Thursday August 4th, 2016 11:57:04 PM
ooc: Crazy day. Post incoming.
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Friday August 5th, 2016 12:14:30 AM
Evaris casts Bless on the party. "They'll all scatter to the four winds once things get going," he mutters. "Might as well get it now."
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 d20+32=47 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 12:29:08 AM
Evred moves from around the corner and up to the door of the building (double move if necessary, I don't know exactly how far away I am). He uses the shadows of the buildings to blur out of sight (Stealth 47). If Edson or Lanliss can open the door, he slips inside with his remaining movement.
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 Friday August 5th, 2016 1:58:03 AM
"Tricky lock.." Edson says over his shoulder while still trying to pick it.
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Friday August 5th, 2016 2:41:36 AM
Despite ideas and suggestions, no one really makes a move. Evred even laments the party doesn't use his extraordinary skills but makes no move to offer them or just go up and 'do his thing'.
Edson makes it back around to the front after scouting the building side that faces the alley.
DM JT: BTW, I didn't draw houses opposite the buildings due to space, but imagine same type buildings across from a narrow alley from the back side of these buildings.
He describes what he saw and sees that no one has made any move (except to knock on the door) towards their goal, he spends a few moments looking the door over for traps, then tries his luck on trying the lock.
Barratore points at Brom's BAS adamantite sword and tells Velarin 'Brom's BaS, is our special door knocker.' He waits to see if Edson is successful in getting the door open and gives instructions on what to do once it is opened.
Plan A: He'll open the door and sweep into the area beyond, Evred to move in behind him and start spotting targets for him and Brom.
Lanliss checks his gear for his own set of lock picks in case Edson fails his attempt.
Brom, along with Barratore, lets the rogues to their roguing before letting brawn take over.
Emrys decides to help out by using his Remove Viewing ability from his priestly Knowledge Domain. The ability is in actuality the well known Clairvoyance/Clairaudiance spell and although he does not have any knowledge of the area on the other side of the door, he's not placing the invisible magical sensor anywhere but just on the other side of the door. Placing it anywhere else inside, he gets the feeling it wouldn't work.
Evaris casts Bless on all those around him while he still has a chance to get everyone.
Evred looks for a way to approach the door of their target while remaining in shadow but finds that the simulated sunlight from the light orbs underneath the next level up do not provide enough in terms of 'shadow' to manage that. Not to be left behind once the doors are opened, he positions himself to be able to see what's going on and remains poised to rush into the building as soon as the door is opened.
By now a few people passing by stop to watch what's going on and whisper to each other.
Edson studies the lock on the door looking for any traps but sees none. He pulls out his trusty lock pick tools and goes to work on it and manages to manipulate the workings of the lock to unlock it. With a twist of his wrist he turns the knob and pushes the door open. It quietly swings open (it opens to he inside).
Meanwhile, Emrys describes the little he can see. Due to the dark interior he can only see in a ten foot area which, as best he can tell, has stacked crates and looks like a warehouse.
The door now open, Barratore barges in. He has to squeeze through the narrow 5' opening of the small door but does so without any problem. He moves inside enough to allow the others to follow him.
Unfortunately, as he crosses into the warehouse area he feels a wash of magic erupt around him.
Everyone (including Blue): Fort save vs Pain DC20, Save negates, Fail = intense pain, -4 on attack, skill, and ability checks.
All those civilians who stopped to see what was going on writhe in pain as the magic washes over them. They cry out curses and some of those curses are directed at the party. They scatter and flee as best they can.
If Plan A is still in effect: Brom follows Barratore and then Evred and anyone else who's not moved yet. Each square is 10'. Evred's double move puts him just outside behind Brom, he can move inside next round.
We are in Combat Rounds now.
The inside looks like a warehouse with crates scattered about, some stacked upon each other. It is dark inside.
DM JT: I'll have the map for the inside next post.
Map: pretty much the same as the last one except Barratore, Brom, and Evred are inside, plus any others that follow.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) d20+8=18 ; d20+20=29 ; d20+20=39 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 9:08:16 AM
-4 attck, skill check, ability check +1 attack, +1 will, +4 poison, 12 temp hp. From heroes feast
Velarin gets hit with an intense wave of pain. (Knowledge arcane 25, spellcraft 35 to determine spell, and wether or not he can dispel the effect). He follows the others in, hoping he will be able to remove the magical effect
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch Friday August 5th, 2016 10:43:11 AM
"Clairaudience/clairvoyance creates an invisible magical sensor at a specific location that enables you to hear or see (your choice) almost as if you were there. You don't need line of sight or line of effect, but the locale must be known—a place familiar to you, or an obvious one."
DM JT: see my response in the Private Post.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch Friday August 5th, 2016 11:09:41 AM
(sorry, my last post was meant to be private)
Emrys is losing patience. While they wait, he adds to the suggestion box … “Why not we all climb on the roof and dance a jig. I’ll magically increase everyones’ weight by a factor of 8!” After doing a little math in his head, he continues, “That should come to about 9.8 tons dancing on the roof. That should reduce this house to rubble!”
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet d20+11=30 ; d20+18=26 ; 2d8+14=25 ; d20+19=34 ; d20+19=35 ; d20+19=32 ; 2d8+14=24 ; 2d8+14=19 ; 2d8+14=28 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 12:36:31 PM
Barratore shrugs off the spell and delays going anywhere until one of the half a dozen spell casters creates some light in the place.
As soon as some light shows up, Barratore moves directly at any opponent revealed and attacks. Speed 40 Hit AC 27. Dmg 25. Forgot to add heroes feast bonus AoO hit AC 34/35/32. Dmg 24/19/28
Fort save 30
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch d20+7=24 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 12:57:12 PM
(Fort Save: 24 … wow!!)
Emrys is able to shake off the effects of the spell surprisingly. ‘That was a strong one,’ he thinks.
Judging by Barratore’s irritated glance and his hesitation from entering the darkened warehouse, Emrys acts on the minotaur’s unspoken request. With a flick of his wrist, Barratore’s weapon begins to glow like a torch.
(Casting Light on Barratore’s weapon)
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) d20+8=25 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 2:38:38 PM
Evaris can't hold back a gasp as the wave of pain hits him, but he grits his teeth and is able to endure it [Fort save 25].
He reaches up and casts Protection from Evil on Brom (I'm assuming he can reach).
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+5=14 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 6:07:15 PM
Lanliss shouts in pain as the magic erupt around him making him feel constant great pain across his body. Lanliss manages to contain a little bit of the pain and grabs the hilt of his short sword, readying himself to whatever may come their way.
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 d20+7=25 ; Friday August 5th, 2016 8:24:12 PM
Evred shrugs off the magical pain and allows it to wash over him. Judging discretion to be the better part of valor, he makes a beeline right back to where he was taking cover with his shadow companion. Blue joins him.
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 d20+3=9 ; Saturday August 6th, 2016 12:57:36 AM
Edson grabs his chest in pain as the magical attack hits him. "Ugh... "is all he can say as he drops to one knee.
After a few, long painful seconds he gets up and moves with the others.
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Monday August 8th, 2016 3:51:13 PM
Edson swings the door open and Barratore squeezes through, followed by Brom and then Evred.
DM JT: I originally had Evred still outside but Combat Rounds didn't really start until Barratore went in and triggered the trap so I'm sure they'd wait until Evred was in position to follow.
Light from the doorway offers vision about as good as a torch would from the doorway but because of the crates there's still much of the place in the dark, but at least it seems consistent with Emry's description from his spell.
Glowing on the 5' section of floor right in front of the door is a magic symbol. The double doors is barred by long metal bar passed through metal rings (so it can't be lifted, has to be pulled through the rings), as well as a padlock, from the inside.
Velarin can't resist the pain from the magical trap and suffers intense pain. Peering into the doorway he sees the glowing glyph. His knowledge of the arcane is taxed as he tries to figure out the spell but the glowing glyph is a dead give-away. Knowledge Arcana: Highlight to display spoiler: {Has the looks and feel of a Symbol of Pain spell. You know that the effects radiate out to 60' and continue to do so for a while. The effects last no less than 1 hour. As far as dispelling it, he can attempt to dispel the magical symbol which would end the emanations, but not remove the pain from those already affected. That would have to be done on an individual basis. (see the Symbol of Pain spell).}
Barratore rushes into the warehouse and as he passes over the floor in front of the door he sees a flash of magical light from a rune on the floor and his instincts kick in. The wave of magical energy is resisted. The rune still glows but he feels no effects. The warehouse is still fairly dark but he can see crates stacked throughout the room blocking most of the light the open door provides. Not to barge further into the unknown, he takes a defensive stance and waits for some light. He sees no foes to attack, as of yet.
Emrys starts to loose his patience as Edson fiddles with the lock and suggest an unusual way to get in by simply enlarging themselves and jumping up and down on the roof until it caves in. Then the door opens and the front line rushes in. As luck would have it, the wave of magical energy that wafts outwards is shrugged off. He sees Barratore take a defensive stance and notices the place is in darkness inside. He steps through the doorway and after a flick of the wrist he touches Barratore's sword, which lights up like a torch. He finds himself right on top of a glowing rune.
Evaris can't hold back a gasp as the wave of pain washes over him but gritting his teeth he resists the magic effect. while Barratore squeezes through the 5' doorway, he reaches out and touches Brom, imbuing him with extra protection from Evil.
Lanliss shouts in pain, a pain that does not go away, that wracks through his body. After the initial shock, he gathers himself together and grabs for his short sword. The pain continues, but it is not completely debilitating.
Evred shrugs off the pain. For the time being, at least, he feels no point in waiting out in the open and makes a beeline back to where he was hiding moments before.
Edson prepares to enter then grasp his chest in pain as the magic seeps into every joint and bone and muscle of his body. Already crouched while picking the lock, he slumps to one knee. Barratore squeezes through, followed by Brom. Although the pain wracks his body, he is determined to follow the plan and slips into the room, looking for a position that will give the best view to spot enemies.
Most of the group manage to stave off the painful effects of the magic trap right inside the small front door. The glyph continues to glow and radiate magic and by now the street is awash in cries as the buildings surrounding the place are regurgitating their occupants, creating a scene of total chaos.
Good thing that Surprise was not an integral part of the plan.
Barratore is tall and his sword is large and the light that it gives off, thanks to the light spell on it, illuminates most of the room now. Only a few corners are in shadow where the crates block direct torch light. Crate boxes are lined up against the walls. A crate box is about 3x3 feet on average and most are stacked two high. They are typical wood crates, their wooden planks sturdy enough for light footed folk, but may or may not support heavier folk.
A narrow path leads down the center of the warehouse and curves to the east. Looks like there is another door at the end.
No enemies are spotted, yet, as the group takes up positions. All is quiet inside, cries of pain echo from the outside.
Those inside, subconsciously notice that the crates have labels but nothing unusual about them, just typical goods ferried to and from Floating City on a daily basis.
DM JT: remember to post you penalties as part of you Spells in Effect section: -4 on attacks, skills, ability checks.
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Monday August 8th, 2016 5:11:25 PM
Evred waits.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Monday August 8th, 2016 6:35:55 PM
Barratore moves to the opening to his right and slightly forward. From there, he can see and reach the door leading out. He pushes aside the thought of hurling crates out of the way or sunder int them with his blade. He lets the others know about the door
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Monday August 8th, 2016 6:41:15 PM
Evaris looks at the glyph and decides it needs to go. He can try to Dispel it, though it won't be easy. He takes a deep breath, and musters up all his heroism to help him with the task.
[Evaris is going to cast Dispel Magic, and he is going to spend a Hero Point before he rolls to give himself a +8 Luck bonus. In order to prove that this was before, and not after, I rolled, I'm making two posts today.]
DM JT: sounds like a good plan. :)
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) d20+19=25 ; Monday August 8th, 2016 6:42:48 PM
Evaris casts Dispel Magic on the Glyph. It's not his best effort, but perhaps his heroism will win the day.
[Caster Level check of 25, which is not great. It will dispel anything cast by a 14th-level caster or lower.]
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 d20+19=34 ; d20+19=38 ; Monday August 8th, 2016 10:51:56 PM
Edson stays back in the shadows watching in front of him. He scans around looking for anything to pop out. His bow is out in his hands.
Stealth 34 Perception 38 traps 43
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing Monday August 8th, 2016 11:04:13 PM
Emrys hopes Evaris' heroic dispel is enough to end the pain of that evil, rune magic trap. He will attempt the same if the cleric's efforts prove ineffective. Until then he chooses to cast True Seeing upon himself. He looks around to see if anything reveals itself.
(Casting Domain spell, True Seeing, on himself. Lasts 9 minutes.)
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+14=21 ; Tuesday August 9th, 2016 6:13:49 AM
Lanliss keeps an open eye for an enemy that might surprise them. Perception 21-2 Perceptio 19 Ooc: forgot to subrract another 2
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Tuesday August 9th, 2016 8:08:44 AM
Velarin sees evaris casting dispel and waits for the effects to occur. If successful, he will move in once room is available. If unsuccessful, he will attempt to dispel the effect himself.
(On a family vacation in mountains, and working off an iPad. Will try and stay on top of postings.)
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+14=20 ; d20+16=17 ; Tuesday August 9th, 2016 10:18:03 AM
ooc: sorry for missed post yesterday.
Save vs. Symbol of Pain DC 20
Brom overcomes the effects of the spell and moves in with Barratore. Brom waits at the door for the rogues to do their thing before opening and going through.
Perception DC 17
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Tuesday August 9th, 2016 3:02:16 PM
DM JT: as usual, I forget to add the map co-ordinates. There on the map now, use them. :)
Crates stare back ominously at the intrepidness of the group.
Evred waits outside for the go-ahead motion to follow in.
Barratore takes a short step forward and westward (his right as he faces South). From there he can see that indeed there is a door at the far corner of the warehouse room. He points it out to the others, his weapon ready to strike out. He refrains from playing bash-a-crate. That can come later.
Evaris quickly reviews his options. He concludes the glyph must go, but without knowing exactly which spell the glyph represents, he chooses to use the generic Targeted Dispel feature of his Dispel Magic spell. That is, he targets an object, the floor with the glyph on it, and casts his Dispel Magic, trying to hit the highest level spell attuned to that piece of floor, guessing that there is only one spell tied to that area anyway. Just to make sure, he pulls deep inside himself and pries extra energy from his soul and adds that to the power of his Dispel.
Edson looks for a shadowy place now that Barratore's sword-torch has lit up a 20' area around him pretty good. There is a 3 foot squeeze between a barrel and a crate that offers Dim Light prospects, the best right now without going past the minotaur and towards the back of the room. It's a tight spot but does the trick for now. It may be difficult to use his bow from there but not impossible (sqeezed).
Emrys hopes Evaris' dispel attempt is enough to end the pain of the 'evil' rune magic trap. If it fails, he'll try it. For now he casts True Seeing upon himself and scans the room to see what hidden things it has to reveal.
Lanliss keeps vigilant outside, determined not to be surprised by the enemy coming from behind.
Velarin watches the symbol on the floor as Evaris attempts to dispel the magic that put it there. If Evaris fails, he and Emrys will give it a go. If it works, he'll move in.
Brom feels painful magic start seeping into his being and brings forth his barbarian training to resist magic just in time to fend it off. He pauses, waiting for the word to move further into the warehouse.
Evaris' efforts to dispel the glyph on the floor proves successful and the glyph vanishes. They no longer feel the emanation of magic, unfortunately those already affected by the pain remain in painful grimace.
Velarin points out that it was a Symbol of Pain spell and once affected by it, the effects linger for 1 hour after leaving the symbol's area of effect. Removing the symbol prevents it from affecting any other that wander into its 60' radius, but does not alter the pain for those already affected.
Velarin moves past Evaris and Emrys and into the warehouse. There's not much room for him but he moves to an opposite corner, giving Brom room to move and swing his BAS.
The group sees no movement in the warehouse. The door at the far end remains shut. Close attention to details around them reveal nothing unusual. The warehouse is clean, as if it is in active use and not some prop that collects dust over time.
Inside the warehouse it remains quiet except for the heavy breathing of those in pain and Evari's spell casting.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Tuesday August 9th, 2016 5:00:32 PM
Velarin waits for brom and barratore to move forward and make the situation more known before using any spells
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Tuesday August 9th, 2016 9:54:22 PM
Evaris draws his bow and nocks an arrow. For now, he is content to hover in the doorway like a house cat.
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Tuesday August 9th, 2016 11:01:34 PM
Evred continues to watch and wait, looking for an opportunity to reconnoiter in safety.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing d20+23=43 ; Tuesday August 9th, 2016 11:18:38 PM
"Excuse me, I shall be right back. I feel a tension in the streets that needs to be calmed."
Emrys walks back into the street and attempts to calm tensions that are rising in the streets. He uses a spell to help with the situation. He casts Sculpt Sound to dramatically extend the range of his normal speaking voice in order to avoid shouting. His melodious and calming voice seems to ride the breeze and kisses the ears of everyone up and down the street.
(Diplomacy: 43, natural 20)
"Dear citizens, please forgive our intrusion. We are commissioned by the Overlord to investigate crimes within the city. If you are experiencing pain, it is the results of a magical trap set by villains. We regret that you are experiencing its effects. Be assured that this pain will fade and no other harm will come to you. We only ask that you remain back, at safe distance, and allow us to perform our duty. Your cooperation is most appreciated. Thank you."
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet d20+19=28 ; d20+14=20 ; d20+9=21 ; 2d8+14=18 ; 2d8+14=26 ; 2d8+14=19 ; Wednesday August 10th, 2016 12:21:51 AM
Barratore looks about and snorts loudly. If non of the rogues would move through the area then he would. He was done now, it was time to start destroying things and see who or what got left standing. "Brom! time to destroy the building" Barratore moves 5' forward and blasts into the door with his magic weapon. Nearly 8' of magical steel slams repeatedly into the door and the wall about it
Attack the Door Hit AC 28/20/21 Dmg 18/26/19
If any strike breaks the door, Barratore strikes a portion of the wall next to the door to provide a wider entrance
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 Wednesday August 10th, 2016 10:13:10 AM
Edson moves up behind Barratore. His arrow is still loaded, and he has the bow string semi pulled back.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=25 ; 4d6+20=32 ; Wednesday August 10th, 2016 12:32:39 PM
"Now that's my kind of door knockin'. Brom moves to I10 and sets his sights on the wall in front of him.
Vital Strike AC25, damage 32 (ignores hardness less than 20)
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+12=27 ; Wednesday August 10th, 2016 6:39:52 PM
Lanliss moves near the entrance, saying to himself "here we go for good or worst". He sees Emrys going outside,after the shouting he goes inside the building saying "Now everone knows about us" Perception 27
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Wednesday August 10th, 2016 9:30:05 PM
Velarin continues to wait, allowing the fighters to do their thing. "If you see something that is a threat, call it out fellas. I may not be able to see the situation, and therefore not sure of which spell would be most useful to you."
-4 attck, skill check, ability check +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing Wednesday August 10th, 2016 10:54:11 PM
Emrys concludes his speech to the masses with his warm, trademark smile. A smile that fills every heart that looks upon it with joy and contentment.
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Wednesday August 10th, 2016 11:10:07 PM "Now that's my kind of door knockin'," Brom says.
"It does seem more effective," Evaris says with a smile.
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Thursday August 11th, 2016 12:56:15 AM
More of the warehouse is revealed. Actually pretty much all of it. The Large Minotaur stands in the middle and reach every corner from there, his Large BS lighting up the whole area dispelling the last shadows from the crates.
Velarin remains in his corner, waiting for Brom and Barratore to explore further.
Evaris prepares for a missile assault, content to remain at the doorway with bow in hand and arrow knocked.
Evred continues his vigilance from outside. The second floor windows he can see remain shut tight. Nothing catches his eyes.
Emrys, excuses himself and heads to the middle of the street. He sensed a lot of tension from the locals and tries to bring some calm to the situation. Using a spell most often used in theatrical performances, Sculpt Sound, he increases the volume of his voice and its projection so that he does not have to strain himself while shouting. Once the spell is cast, expertly explains who they are and what they are trying to do, and the pain they feel is due to a villainous trap. He pleads that they remain a safe distance away.
There aren't many still hanging around, most having fled in pain, but for those few that are, they nod in understanding and start moving away.
Only after this is finished Emrys realizes that the spell effects on his voice cannot be changed. That is, his voice will remain as a SHOUT for 1 hour per caster level. Not only that, he just remembers that it prevents any further casting spells with a verbal component. Although he does remember, to his relief, that it is a Dismissible spell.
DM JT: just thought I'd throw in that tidbit of Info about the spell.
Barratore decides that if none of the rogues are not going to waltz up to the door in the corner, he'd just have to deal with it, his way. 'Brom! time to destroy the building,' he states and follows through with three mighty blows with his BS.
Edson takes up a position behind Barratore, bow ready to fire.
Brom concurs with Barratore, 'Now that's my kind of door knockin,' and climbs upon the pile of crates (Difficult Terrain) and takes a whack at the wall.
Lanliss moves near the entrance next to Evaris but after the Emrys' shouting, he goes in and astutely makes an observation, 'Now everyone knows about us.'
The speech warning people of the nature of the danger at bay seems to work pretty well for those few left behind. In no time the whole area is empty of locals. Emrys concludes his speech with his warm, trademark smile.
Inside, a door is smashed to splinters by Barratore. It took all three blows to smash it and just barely so. The door busts inwards. Barratore remembers from his weapons training a long time ago that 'certain weapons just can't effectively deal damage to certain objects. Most melee weapons have little effect on stone walls and doors.'
It is obvious to him his brute strength was the main factor in breaking the door, not the sharpness of his sword. A simple hand axe or battleaxe would have been far more effective.
Brom finds much the same problem as Barratore. To his chagrin, despite his adamantite weapon's extreme hardness, he manages very little against the brick wall. Chunks do spray around him and with persistence he would eventually break through, but a hammer or pick would be far more efficient.
As is, at least the door is busted and Barratore spies another door just the other side of the splintered one. His angle of view prevents any further details.
DM JT: if you need to, look up Smashing an Object: Ineffective Weapons section.
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 d20+19=24 ; d20+19=36 ; Thursday August 11th, 2016 9:06:55 AM
" Do you want me to take point? " Edson asks Barratore. If so he moves ahead scouting.
Stealth 24 Perception 36
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=35 ; Thursday August 11th, 2016 2:03:36 PM
Brom strikes the wall but does nothing despite his weapons properties. As if by divine design, he feels a tug at his nose pulling him from the wall and to the door.
"I got point." He says moving through the door. "No need ta be sneaky anymore. Just a waist of time."
Perception DC 35
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Thursday August 11th, 2016 5:43:30 PM
Velarin still waits for things to change, preparing to cast what ever spell be needed
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Thursday August 11th, 2016 9:49:24 PM
Barratore nods to Edson, he wanted the rogue up with him and Brom as they cleared the place. When rogues mix in with the front line, opponents tend to get distracted. "Stay on Brom, Edson". Barratore is quickly in behind as well. Velarin would be trailing him, well, at least he should.
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing d20+19=34 ; Thursday August 11th, 2016 10:40:26 PM
Emrys drops the Sculpt Sound spell and his voice goes back to normal. As he makes his way back to the warehouse, he can't help but think of creative ways to use that spell. 'It's so versatile,' he thinks. A big smile forms across his face with the thought of changing everyone's speaking voice to a singing voice. With a little musical accompaniment, their adventures could become spontaneous musicals! Just imagining Barratore and Brom singing a duet ... the three E's providing background harmonies. The idea is so wondrous, he almost forgets why they're here in this warehouse.
Emrys remains in the back, keeping an open eye to magical auras, invisible people or anything altered or disguised with magic ... everything that True Seeing can detect.
(Perception: 34)
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Thursday August 11th, 2016 10:43:38 PM
Evaris slips past Lanliss to stand next to Velarin. [G-6] He keeps an arrow nocked.
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Friday August 12th, 2016 12:28:38 AM DM JT: the effectiveness of a weapon, adamantite or wood, is measured against the purpose for it's use. An adamantite mace can't damage a thick rope. An adamantite sword can't cut through a brick wall like butter. The adamantite sword used against a stone pillar is a good example of using the sword against stone that would work as intended. Against a wall or door you can't get the slashing action that is the sword's damaging action.
That's the way I explain the rules given in the Ineffective Weapons paragraph. We can agreed to disagree. On the other hand, in movies, the warrior always uses the pommel of the sword to bash a door open, not the blade.
Edson volunteers to take point and Barratore motions for him to move forward.
Lanliss moves deeper inside.
Brom, always able to cut his way through thick and thin, never had to cut his way through a brick wall. He's smart enough to stop his awkward slashing at the wall and take the easy route. He declares his intention to take up Point and beats Edson to it by hopping down from the crates.
Velarin waits for something to happen and cast whatever spell is needed to counteract that.
Barratore lets Edson squeeze by him and then squeezes himself between the narrow crate passage a few feet forward.
Emrys dismisses his Sculpt Sound spell so he can talk to his friends without them having to plug their ears. As he heads back into the warehouse his mind heads off in a tangent coming up with diverse ways to employ the spell. The hilarity of seeing Barratore and Brom singing a duet as they fight, the Three E's chiming as background harmonies...
Back in the warehouse his True Seeing still active, he does not notice anything unusual or magical.
Evaris slips into the warehouse and stands next to Velarin to protect the spellcaster.
Brom takes point and passes through the open doorway, stomping on remains of the door. Immediately in front of him is another door, this one sturdier, and a wooden stairway up to the second floor.
The stairway is dark but Barratore's lighted sword sheds enough light to barely see that at the top of the stairs is a landing and on the west wall is another door. It's too dark for details.
Edson peers through as well and he can see better with his Low Light vision. The stairs are wooden and well worn. The 5x5 landing seems bare. The door at the top looks like a normal door.
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+12=30 ; Friday August 12th, 2016 11:44:25 AM
Lanliss walks further in. Keeping eyes sharp and eyes open.
Perception 30
Edson Kazil(Shawn), AC 29,Touch AC 15, Flatfooted AC 14, HP 57/57 d20+24=28 ; Friday August 12th, 2016 11:38:27 PM
Edson moves to the landind and searches it for traps. No need for Brom to get stuck like a whoopie cusion.
Trap sense 24
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Saturday August 13th, 2016 9:12:47 AM
Velarin continues to wait and watch
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Saturday August 13th, 2016 9:50:18 AM
Evaris remains at his post next to Velarin.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Saturday August 13th, 2016 6:30:28 PM "Brom and Edson have the landing, Im hitting the lower door" , he calls back to the others behind him. Edson has already headed up and Brom would be right behind him. Barratore moves across and opens the door to move into the room directly across from hi. The place is small, he has to squeeze and the minotaur makes a note to himself that after this he's going to leave the city for a bit and enjoy a place where he can hold both arms out at the same time. This was a bug hunt and he wanted to get it over with. Sweep the place, find nothing, go drinking...That was his immediate plan
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=31 ; Saturday August 13th, 2016 9:55:29 PM
Brom waits for Edson to check the door before opening it. Once checked, Brom opens it, sword in hand, and moves in.
Perception DC 31
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Monday August 15th, 2016 2:00:13 PM
DM JT: Meant to have a post last night and after talking to my parents, fell asleep. :(
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Monday August 15th, 2016 3:45:48 PM
Another door on ground level, a narrow stairway and a door at the top are the next challenges the group face. This building, obviously, was not build with Large inhabitants in mind.
Edson carefully moves up the wooden stairs and before he moves onto the landing he checks it for traps. None are found. The door on the west side looks like a normal door, like the other two downstairs.
Velarin remains in his spot (not that there is anywhere to go anyway) and keeps vigilant, spell hand at the ready.
Evaris, in the same boat as Velarin, remains at his side, ready to protect the spellcaster.
Brom waits for Edson's cue to proceed. When Edson gives the 'all clear' signal, the barbarian moves up the stairs and turns the doornob to enter. He finds that the door does not appear to be locked but it does not budge. It appears that there is something on the other side blocking it.
Break down Barred door Strength Check DC25. DM Option (MHO): I'd like to think that two Med sized or smaller can fit in a 5' space to Aid Another in breaking down a door (or other appropriate task) as long as one has enough Move to get out at the end of the attempt: Standard = bash door, Move = 5' step out. If everyone is in agreement here we'll use that.
Barratore calls back to the others so they know what's going on and moves into the narrow hallway to check out the contents of whatever is on the other side of the door downstairs. It is unlocked and opens easily. The narrow place gets on the large minotaur's nerves and he makes a mental note to take a vacation somewhere out in the wilderness where he can fully stretch and enjoy his full size. These bug hunts were not his cup of tea (beer, ale, corn squeezings, etc.).
He peers into another room. By the light of his torch-sword he sees what looks like a laboratory. Two benches are in the middle of the room, several shelf cases line the walls. Bottles, some empty, most containing liquids of some sort, abound on the tables and shelves. A couple of large sacks (grain style) lay against the wall also. By the light of his torch-sword he does not see anyone.
Lanliss moves further in behind Barratore. His eyes scan the room with care. So far, nothing suspicious is seen.
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Monday August 15th, 2016 5:12:09 PM
Keeping his arrow nocked, Evaris moves forward to better support the explorers [let's say F-9 or thereabouts].
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+12=20 ; Monday August 15th, 2016 6:20:21 PM
Lanliss moves closer to Barratore keeping his eyes sharp on the surroundings saying to himself. I expected an ambush or at least a welcoming party where are all the orcs ?
perception 20
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Monday August 15th, 2016 6:41:51 PM
Velarin moves to F10 to keep an eye on how things are progressing. If he hears mention of a barred door, he will offer to cast knock upon it if desired.
-4 attck, skill check, ability check +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+10=11 ; d20+10=26 ; Monday August 15th, 2016 8:26:50 PM
"No traps?" He says to Edson. "Ok, step back." Brom puts his sword away. Stepping up to the door, he puts his hands to the door. Leaning low he begins to push on the door. At first nothing, but eventually the door begins to move until the door is open.
Taking 20 on the check DC 27.
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing, detect thoughts Monday August 15th, 2016 10:25:18 PM
Emrys waits at the base of the stairs, out of the way, not wanting to impede the others. He casts Detect Thoughts from his Knowledge Domain and focuses his 60-ft cone up through the walls and/or floors into the room above.
(The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.)
(True Seeing is also active)
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Monday August 15th, 2016 10:26:21 PM
Barratore looks into the room and gives a scan for enemies. None. He glances back to Lanliss and snorts. Everybody rabbitted. Maybe there was some useful stuff in here, maybe not, but there was nothing for him in an empty lab. "Bomb making room maybe?" he poses to Lanliss
Barratore holds his glowing sword out and up the stairs as Brom pushes the blocked door open. AS soon as it was clear, he could squeeze up the stairs and move into the next room behind Brom.
Barratore's speed is 40 +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Tuesday August 16th, 2016 12:31:51 AM
Inching forward, the group advances.
Evaris Momentarily leaves Velarin's side and moves foraward as Barratore advances.
Velarin follows suit and stays next to Evaris.
Lanlis keeps up with Barratore. He's been expecting an ambush or a welcoming party. 'Where's all the orcs?'
Brom, pleased that no traps were found, trusting in the skills of his comrade, he puts his sword away so he can give his all into a good push on the door. He lines himself up, braces his arms and legs, and gives it a heave-ho! The door budges but barely. He takes a deep breath then doubles his efforts and the door starts to give. It looks like there is furniture piled up behind it on the other side and wood-on-wood scraping noises loudly echo down the stairwell, and into the room too, of course.
In the end, a fart helps propel him forward and the door stands open (although the door itself can't swing all the way back to the wall due to the furniture and remains perpendicular to the wall). It is dark in there. Not a sliver of light from any of the supposed windows. Barratore's torch-sword only gives enough light so that Brom sees what looks like beds were stacked against the door.
Emrys squeezes past and from the first steps of the stairs (Barratore is at the base of the stairs), he casts Detect Thoughts and aims it through the stairwell wall and into the room Brom is trying to get into.
DM JT: when you cast spells that allow a Save, it would be VERY helpful to list your DC for that Save. :}
Barratore relays what he sees and guesses 'Bomb making room maybe?' He snorts as it looks like the inhabitants have already bugged out. Holding his torch-sword into the stairwell he Waits to follow Brom into the upstairs room.
Edson... fixing header d20+19=30 ; Tuesday August 16th, 2016 8:57:33 AM
Edson peers into the room hoping his low light vision will reveal something other then the beds against the door.
Perception 30
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Tuesday August 16th, 2016 9:28:39 AM
Velarin holds his position, and waits until needed.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing, detect thoughts Tuesday August 16th, 2016 10:18:57 AM
In a low tone, Emrys whispers up the stairwell to Barratore and everyone present. ”Barratore, I sense at least three in the room!” and he holds up three fingers. He then targets the most intelligent mind in the room above and attempts to read it’s surface thoughts (Will Save 20).
(A Will save is required only when attempting to read surface thoughts.)
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 132/132 (165/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=23 ; d20+13=19 ; Tuesday August 16th, 2016 10:45:45 AM
The door swings open enough to move in and see in to a dark room. Brom grabs his everburning torch from his pack and tosses it into the room to illuminate the room.
"I am Brom the Barbarian. If there's anyone hidin', ya better come out and give yurselves up. If I gotta come in, it ain't gonna be pretty."
If there is no response, he moves into the room, sword up and ready.
Perception DC 23, Intimidate DC19
AC vs. Traps: AC 28
+1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy Fire 108/108
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+12=32 ; d20+14=29 ; Tuesday August 16th, 2016 3:38:43 PM
Lanliss goes where Brom his and tries to use all of his senses as possible whilst trying to be stealthy if light conditions permitts so.
Perception 32 (natural 20) Stealth 29
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Tuesday August 16th, 2016 7:15:29 PM
Evaris waits where he is, arrow still nocked.
The alleged hideout (Co-DM JT) Tuesday August 16th, 2016 7:34:52 PM
A Will save is required only when attempting to read surface thoughts.
Good point. Round 1: you detect the presence of thoughts. Round 2: you detect the number of thinking minds...
So I messed up, bypassing Round 1. Oh well. This current round would be Round 2, so NOW you will know the number. Nothing changes really.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Tuesday August 16th, 2016 10:54:45 PM
Barratore delays on Brom,though in truth he was pretty done in this place. There would not be enough room up there no matter what the man faced and by the time he got up there, Brom would be done and wondering where he had been or if the flowers smelled nice or some other such remark. Barratore decides enough is enough and heads out of the house. he had guessed wrong and Brom would be getting the action this time.
Barratore makes his way out of the house. Maybe someone would try and make a run for it and give him a bit of a workout, but not likely.
The alleged hideout confirmed (Co-DM JT) 4d8=25 ; d4=1 ; 7d6=29 ; d20+18=38 ; Wednesday August 17th, 2016 12:50:44 AM
Finally there is something to find. Furniture doesn't just wander over and block a door. Well, not normally anyway. And, of course, what's normal about all this?
Brom is in front and blocking much of the doorway but peeking in is still possible.
Edson, from the last steps of the stairs, cranes his neck to get a peek inside with his low light vision. What little he sees is a mass of furniture. A huge table is upturned and blocks whatever view Brom allows.
Then Brom tosses his Everburning torch in and that helps. He can see some upturned beds that further block the view, but it is clear (see below) that there are some bodies behind them.
Emrys, below Edson, has sensed thoughts in the room, and passes that onto Barratore in a whisper that they may have finally found their query. He concentrates to sense how many in the cone and how intelligent are they.
He senses 3, one highly intelligent and two average intelligence.
Velarin waits downstairs, itchy fingers ready to twitch a spell into existence.
Evaris waits, like Velarin, itchy fingers ready to send an arrow into someone's heart.
Brom peers into a dark room. Right in front of him is an upturned heavy table and a bed that's wedged between the table and door preventing the door to swing further in. Shadows of what appears to be other furniture lie further back. He grabs his Everburning Torch from his backpack (Move) and tosses it into the room (Standard) while issuing his challenge: 'I am Brom the Barbarian. If there's anyone hidin', ya better come out and give yurselves up. If I gotta come in, it ain't gonna be pretty.'
He can finally see something and it ain't pretty.
The door can open no further as it is wedged by an upturned bed and an upturned heavy table. The table offers a solid 7' wall of heavy wood planking. Past this (as much as he can see) the room appears to be the same dimensions as the warehouse section just below. Upturned beds form a 4' wall and heavily armed half-orcs snarl back at him from the other side of these beds. The beds offer a 4' tall covering.
They, of course, are ready. It does not appear they are intimidated.
Barratore feels useless down below. The narrow stairs, the crowded rooms, just hinders his large bulk to the Nth degree. When Brom bashes in the upstairs door, the minotaur chooses to allow the smaller ones take care of business on this end. He exits the warehouse and waits outside hoping his friends will scare someone out a window for him to 'catch'.
Lanliss takes advantage of Barratore's spot and gets in behind Emrys but until Brom moves, he can't pass on through unless he wants to rush in in front of Brom.
DM OOC: Brom has not moved into the room yet, he's waiting for a response.
DM JT OOC: remember, if you were affected by the Symbol of Pain, put it in your post somewhere. Stuff is going to happen and you'll need to use it.
Brom issues a challenge and it is immediately answered. Brom can see three half-orcs behind a wall of upturned beds. the third one, from right to left (Gh), utters a phrase and flicks his wrist in Brom's direction.
Cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness erupts around Brom, Edson, Emrys, and Lanliss.
Damage 25 + sickened. Will DC19 for half damage and negate sickness. Fail = full damage and sickened for 1 round.
Next, a head pops up from behind the table and tosses a bead into the stairwell. The bead explodes!
Fireball damage 29, Ref DC14 for half.
A half-orc warrior if full plate armor wastes no time and follows up the spells by appearing from around the table and makes Brom's challenge sound like a girl's at a tea party gone awry. "I'm Kilug and I gut bugs like you!"
He swings a heavy flail at Brom but aims at his legs: Trip Attack (Improved) CMB 18+d20= 38 vs CMD, successful Trip Attack puts target Prone. DM JT: dang, there goes a N20 on a Trip Attack!
Edson... fixing header d20+3=21 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+13=23 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+15=23 ; d8+2=5 ; d8+2=9 ; Wednesday August 17th, 2016 8:52:23 AM
Will Save 21 Reflex Save 23
intense pain, -4 on attack, skill, and ability checks.
Edson cant do much with brom i his way. He holds his shot until the huge man moves into the room to engage the ork.
Once a chance arises Edson fires in on the spell caster who is closest.
Hit Ac 22 5 damge (-4 for pain, +1 Bless) Hit Ac 20 9 damage
OOC: I don't know if they have coverage or not
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+8=16 ; d20+6=15 ; Wednesday August 17th, 2016 11:17:10 AM
Lanliss gets the darkness full in his face feeling sickened and damaged by some level by this darkness he manages to dodge the bead explode by sheer luck and doesn't get any damage from the explosion. Lanliss enter defensive stance mode.
Will less then 16 (had a mistake with the stats) Reflex 15 (d20+6) (12-4-2) Bead explosion didnt hit due to evasion level 2 rogue ability.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 70/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Wednesday August 17th, 2016 2:11:52 PM
Hearing that combat has commenced and seeing the explosion of fire, Velarin does what little he can from 4 people deep in the hallway. He moves right behind Lanliss (J11 I believe), and casts Haste, targeting all his companions within the 50' range, focusing primarily on effecting Brom at the far edge, and then going toward the rest of the group.(no two targets can be more than 30' apart). "haste incoming." he calls to let them know what's coming from behind.
Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 11 rounds.
-4 attck, skill check, ability check +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp51/51, deathwatch, true seeing d20+17=28 ; d20+10=15 ; Wednesday August 17th, 2016 2:39:43 PM
(Will Save: 28, +2 vs. enchantments. Reflex Save: 15 vs. fireball)
Emrys easily ignores the sickness and most of the damage from the evil, black spell. He even manages to dodge most of the fireball. However he becomes singed by the flames. A fury grows within him when he smells his lightly smoking hair. How dare they!!
Activating his Remote Viewing ability (Knowledge Domain, standard action), his eyes go white as his invisible sensor takes over for his eyes up in the 2nd floor room, placed near the ceiling (he wants a quick view of the room, above the action, to get a quick look at everyone’s placement).
Having gotten a quick look, his eyes return to their normal brilliance. Emrys then exits the stairway, back to the main room on the first level. He says to Barratore, “THERE!” pointing at the ceiling where the three half-orcs are standing above, “That is where they STAND! Make a NEW DOOR, if you wish!!” He says with grim determination.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing Wednesday August 17th, 2016 2:50:41 PM
(Sorry, forgot to deduct damage. 12 sick spell + 14 fireball = 26 -12 temp hit points = 14.)
The alleged hideout confirmed (Co-DM JT) Wednesday August 17th, 2016 8:34:34 PM
DM JT: The beds offer a 4' tall covering.
This would be Partial Cover. The table is taller and offers Full Cover as a Tower shield would.
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Wednesday August 17th, 2016 9:50:10 PM
Evaris moves closer to the stairs [let's say G-11]. "Come this way if you need healing!" he calls.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 107/132 (140/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+5=13 ; d20+8=19 ; d20+21=41 ; 4d6+23=36 ; Wednesday August 17th, 2016 11:05:33 PM Will save DC13, Reflex save DC 19
Brom gets caught be the poisonous gas, but manages to avoid most of the fireball. As soon as the cloud clears, Brom finds himself on his back.
"Yes!" He shouts. "I wanted a fight. Yur gonna die. Ha, Ha, Ha! Yur all gonna die! I've been so bored! Now give me some fun!"
Brom lets his rage take over before standing knowing he'll probably take a shot. It didn't matter. Only the fight mattered. In his standing motion, his sword comes up and strikes the flail in the half orc's hand.
Vital Strike on weapon (-2 sick, -3 PA, +1 feast, +1 haste, +2 Imp Sunder): AC 41 (so lucky wasn't hitting the orc); Damage 36 (ignores hardness less than 20)
Sickened: The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Rage: 1 Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 11 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 94/108
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) d20+19=20 ; 4d8=17 ; d6=4 ; d20+17=19 ; d20+20=28 ; Thursday August 18th, 2016 1:27:49 AM
Battle has started, but unlike most, it will be hard to get everyone in there and root the half-orcs out.
The Cold, cloying miasma of greasy darkness is an instantaneous effect and does not change the Light conditions.
Edson wants to take a shot at the half-orc that cast the spell but a half-orc in full plate armor and nasty heavy flail stands within reach of him if he tries to shoot. He can't back up either with Emrys right behind. So he holds his shot and hopes Brom can blow through and open the way for a safe shot.
Lanliss gets caught off guard by the first spell and feels sick but his rouge skills kick in and he manages to avoid the fireball blast. Feeling like he's going to upchuck the Hero's Breakfast, he goes into Total Defense mode.
Velarin's itchy fingers finally get to work as the obvious signs of combat erupt. He moves next to Lanliss where he can see the stairwell and casts Haste on those in the stairwell, focusing on Brom.
DM JT: best I can figure, (no two can be more than 30' apart), gets everyone in the warehouse. Barratore excluded because he went outside, but where I put Evred is just inside the range.
Emrys smells his burnt hair and a fury grows within him. 'How dare they!' Activating his Remote viewing again, he can spy a spot on the roof just inside the door and above the half-orc that dumped Brom on his butt and looks around. For those seconds, he concentrates on what's in the room.
Emrys: Highlight to display spoiler: {Brom's Everburning Torch helps a lot on the North side of the room but the table blocks much of the light from penetrating towards the South side. There is enough light, though, to discern that beds form a short wall all the way to the back and there are clearly many others behind those beds waiting to pounce.}
Emrys takes the opportunity to exit the stairwell and from the middle of the warehouse room calls out to Barratore to come back inside, maybe he can chop a hole in the wooden floor.
Evaris inches closer eager to help out. 'Come this way if you need healing!' he calls out.
Brom takes the full force of the black magical energy and becomes sickened but manages to dodge some of the fire blast. However, his efforts to avoid the flames opens himself up to a Trip Attack and finds himself on his back. Sickened as he is, he still has the nerve to continue to taunt the half-orc, his strong desire for a good fight seemingly overcoming his senses, he allows the barbarian rage to take over. He knows that when he stands up he'll be vulnerable but his rage takes over and he does so anyway.
Kilug AoO = 20 (DM JT: figures, a N20 followed by a N1).
Maybe it is the wobly way the sickened barbarian stood up, but the flail swings wide. Now standing, he fights fire with water. That is, he strikes at the half-orc's weapon to Sunder it and deprive the enemy of his weapon.
A commanding voice belts forth and Brom sees 'Gh' cast another spell. This time a 20' radius centered around Brom erupts in a multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy that buffets those in the area.
Brom, Edson, Lanliss, Velarin, and Evaris: Will Save DC19, 17 damage + Slow for 4 rounds (negates Haste), Save for half damage and negate Slow.
Kilug grows loudly as his heavy flail is damage. He issues forth a wave of obscenities in orcish. Those who know Orcish: Highlight to display spoiler: { (&##($*%#&($)*#!}
With new anger he strikes twice at Brom despite his broken weapon. Heavy Flail in Broken Condition: -2 att/dmg, Crit on N20 only and only x2 on confirm.
Att 1 = 19 Att 2 Trip Attack (Improved) CMB = 28 vs CMD, successful Trip Attack puts target Prone.
DM JT: I miscalculated the CMB that first time, it should have been higher. :)
Oddly enough, Sickened does not mention penalties to CMD. For now, I'm considering CMD as an Ability Check, as it is described as that represents its ability to resist CMB... so for now the Sickened penalties apply to CMD as well although it does not beat the 33 -2 = 31 raged CMD.
DM JT: man, the die roller was totally against me today. :(
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) d20+11=14 ; Thursday August 18th, 2016 10:37:54 AM
Will save 14(figures)
Velarin takes the full effect of the bad guys spell, losing all his temporary HP plus 5 more, and his haste is negated for the next four rounds. Frustrated at not being able to see any targets, and therefore unable to send a few spells of his own in their direction, he steps back 5 feet from Lanliss and the landing so as to allow a little more movement up or down for the people on the stairway.
Hearing Emrys yell to Barratore to make a new entry, Velarin yells to them If you make a new hole, let me know! I have a few things I would like to send their way!
Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 10 rounds.
slowed(currently negating haste), duration 4 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+1=4 ; Thursday August 18th, 2016 11:01:15 AM
Lanliss feels slower, as if his bones becoming older like something or someone is holding him back
Lanliss is frozen. Remembering whag happened with fight with the vamps. He shouts slowly. We need a plan to get rid if these green foul thugs, quick ! Will 4
Edson... fixing header. 45 damage d20+3=10 ; d20+15=30 ; d20+10=20 ; d8+2=8 ; d8+2=9 ; Thursday August 18th, 2016 3:32:15 PM
Once Brom hits his back, Edson pelts two arrows at Kilug. Hit ac 30 8 dmg Hit ac 20 9 dmg
Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 10 rounds.
Rage: 2; surprise attack Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 10 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 94/108
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Thursday August 18th, 2016 9:06:49 PM DM JT: remember, those that were Hasted would be back to Normal speed if fail the save.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Thursday August 18th, 2016 9:36:44 PM
Barratore hangs outside even as he hears the fighting. Nothing for him and so he just finds a shady spot
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste d100=76 ; Thursday August 18th, 2016 11:18:36 PM
(I couldn't get to this page earlier; error code/blank screen .. I emailed my action, but now that I'm in, I will post it anyway.)
Emrys jaw drops ... it appears that Barratore simply ignored his statement and just walk out into the street. The hasted Emrys speeds after him and stops at the doorway; his blur quickly catches up with him.
"Barratore, tell what you need!! I can reduce you to the size of Brom! You'd fit much better inside and join the battle. OR I can make you as huge as a cloud giant! No telling what terror you could unleash upon the enemy! Or anything!"
(Leyline line: 76. Either Reduce Person (medium size: 5ft tall, 150pds, 5-ft reach) or Enlarge Person (huge size: 19ft tall, 10,000pds, 15ft reach) or Any spell I can cast.)
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Thursday August 18th, 2016 11:56:22 PM
Evaris is also frustrated at not being able to help his companions, but he knows he can help best by staying where he is and being the medic. He keeps an arrow nocked, though, just in case.
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20+12=18 ; Friday August 19th, 2016 10:46:45 PM
Lanliss tries to be stealthy for the moment. stealth 18
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Friday August 19th, 2016 10:58:59 PM
DM JT: going to get a post up tonight. Sorry about last night. I tried several times to get on and around 10:30 pm decided to just hit the sack.
Edson... fixing header. 45 damage Saturday August 20th, 2016 12:01:12 AM
Edson holds his breath as he releases the bow string twice.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) d20+11=15 ; d20+6=21 ; 5d6+6=21 ; 5d6+6=19 ; d8+6=8 ; Saturday August 20th, 2016 1:58:04 AM
The fight remains at the door, but plans are in the works to change that. The ceiling is 10' high, a normal story is 10'. None of these buildings were built with minotaurs in mind. Sorry.
DM JT: My calculations my not be perfect, but it looks like all but Barratore are Hasted. The Slow effect of the spell sets those Hasted back to Normal speed until the Slow effects wear off.
Velarin feels great with the newly found speed only to be hit by millions of sparkly energy that batters him and sets his speed back to his normal speed. unable see into the room above to get his own spells in, he steps back from the stariwell doorway and yells at Emrsy that if they make a hole in the floor, he's got a few things he'd like to send through it.
Lanliss also feels his newly found speed suddenly wane back to Normal from the same buffeting Velarin got. 'We need a plan to get rid if these green foul thugs, quick!' he shouts.
Edson figures that Brom will get dumped again and has his bow ready but the bulky barbarian manages to stay on his feet, barely, as the heavy flail chain wraps around a leg but is kicked off and still blocks his shot.
Brom is ready for the trip attack this time and manages to shake off the chain as it tries to wrap around his leg. He also shakes off the energy blast and takes full advantage of the Haste spell. All four of his attacks strike true and as big and tough as Kilug is, not much can survive the power and strength of a barbarian in Rage!
Kilug falls, depriving Brom of any more fun. But now the way seems clear to enter.
Barratore hears the fighting start but hangs outside for the time being. If they get desperate, they'll call. He does not hear Emrys call for him to try and open up a hole in the wood ceiling.
Emrys can't figure out why Barratore ignored his call to bust a hole in the ceiling. He speeds after him and from the building doorway calls to the minotaur, offering to Reduce him or Enlarge him.
Evaris is frustrated that he can't aid in the combat upstairs but knows that his healing spells will be how he best can help right now and remains vigilant, arrow knocked.
Gh casts a spell, there seems to be no visual effects but everyone in the party feels a wave of energy wash over them sapping some of their energy.
No Save, -1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks. Spell resistance = Y. Let me know if anyone has SR and I'll roll it.
A half-orc reaches from around the table and snatches the Everburning Torch and effectively 'snuff's it out, and retreats behind the table again. The room is now dark again. Barratore's torch-sword is no longer around to help either.
Brom hears the shuffling of furniture towards him but stops short.
From the darkness from the other side of the table two flask come sailing over targeting Brom. When then hit, they burst in flames and splash everyone in 10' rad.
Range Touch Att1 = 15 Range Touch Att2 = 21
Brom: dmg first = 21 and on fire Brom: dmg second = 19 and on fire
To extinguish the fire = Ref DC20 and Full Round rolling on ground adds +2
DM JT: even though Brom has Protection from Fire, it still burns and depletes his protection as it burns.
Edson: Splash dmg first = 14 fire Ref DC20 for half Splash dmg second= 14 fire Ref DC20 for half
Splash damage does not continue to burn like a direct hit.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Saturday August 20th, 2016 7:40:35 AM
Velarin feels the negative energy wash over him, and wishes he had some spells that needed no line of sight, and affected all the bad guys, but such is not the evoker way. He peeks around the corner to see that the bottle neck is still on the stairs, and then waits for that too change.
-1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks slowed(currently negating haste), duration 3 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check
Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 9 rounds. +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Edson... fixing header. 59 damage, unconscience. d20+13=32 ; d20+13=32 ; Saturday August 20th, 2016 7:58:37 PM
Ooc: So... 2 rounds ago Edson didnt fire because Brom was in the way. Brom gets tripped and Edson continues to hold his shot till he stands up, and then holds his action again. Starting to feel like a game character when the controler pulled out.
So now instead of anything offensive or defensive Edson stood still for two rounds taking damage.
Both saves made, still unconscience.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 29 (T 14 FF 24), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet d20+21=27 ; 3d8+9=25 ; Saturday August 20th, 2016 8:45:00 PM
Barratore looks at Emrys, he was pretty excited and so Barratore shrugs a small apology to him. "Ok let's go big my friend." Barratore moves to line up with the second floor window and waits for Emrys to enlarge him. When he does, the now huge Minotaur attempts to strike at someone through the window
Reach 15' Hit AC 27. Dmg 25
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 99/132 (132/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+13=19 ; Saturday August 20th, 2016 10:06:32 PM
ooc: Edson, Brom wasn't tripped. The only time he was tripped was the very first time Kilug attacked him. After that, the half orc missed all other attempts to trip Brom.
"Come on!" He says. "I thought he last longer. Medic! Two down! Edson, and this Kilug guy." Brom grabs the two downed bodies and pulls back with the bodies to the stair. "See what ya can do." He says to one of the people standing in the stairwell.
He turns back to the room and shouts, "Kilug's down, ya better come out. If ya throw another bomb at me, I'm gonna chop yur arm off and beat ya with it." Intimidate: DC 19
On fire
Rage: 3; surprise accuracy Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 9 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 54/108
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) d8=7 ; d8=6 ; d8=8 ; d8=5 ; Monday August 22nd, 2016 1:50:30 PM
Hearing a call for "Medic!", Evaris slips up the stairs past Lanliss and casts a Cure Critical Wounds on Edson.
Edson is healed 37 points.
[Evaris is now behind Edson on the stairs; H-10 on the second-floor map]
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 Monday August 22nd, 2016 4:44:45 PM
Lanliss moves as close as he can to Brom. Trying to draw attention, maybe distracting them at the process. Saying Ayo, you Green Ugs come and get me instead ! Lanliss readies his short sword in a total defensive stance ready to dodge anything that goes his way.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Monday August 22nd, 2016 9:21:19 PM
DM JT: Emrys, your Enlarge spell would have gone off last round so you are free to do something else this round.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste Monday August 22nd, 2016 9:53:42 PM
(Emrys is still hasted. He was nowhere near or in visual range when Slow was cast. Almost all spells that target creatures require line of sight. I would assume most players in the stairway are not in sight of the caster. Judging from their previous positions, Brom was the only one in sight of a possible caster. And most area effects don't pass through barriers.)
To Barratore, Emrys casts Enlarge Person. The minotaur becomes a giant among minotaurs.
(However, Emrys reserved his action last round to cast that spell once Barratore said yes. Saying, "Yes," doesn't require an action ... so did my spell go off last round or was my action stalled until this round?)
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste d20=15 ; d20=10 ; Monday August 22nd, 2016 9:54:36 PM
(Ahh. you answered my question while I was posting. lol.)
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, blink, invisibilty d100=89 ; d100=11 ; Monday August 22nd, 2016 10:18:11 PM
Using his trust Quicken Rod, Emrys quickly casts Invisibility (bard spell) on himself. He then casts another more powerful spell and suddenly becomes ethereal ... as if anyone could see that now!
Now that he can move in any direction, going in and out and in between realities, he moves up into the air onto the roof. From there, he moves through the wall into the room where the fight is taking place... opposite from where he saw the half-orcs. His True Seeing allows him to see in magical and total darkness. The extra speed from Haste (60-ft) gave him enough movement to cover the distance and maneuver to a good spot.
(While passing through solid objects, I have 50% to becoming material, rolled d100 = 11; I rolled under 50% and was successful from being shunted or taking damage.)
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Monday August 22nd, 2016 10:38:54 PM
DM JT: The Slow is not from the Slow spell but a residual effect from the 'multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy that buffets those in the area.'
As such all those affected by this spell who fail their save are also Slowed.
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Monday August 22nd, 2016 11:49:53 PM Evred waits in the shadows...
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) d6=3 ; d20+11=12 ; d20+6=10 ; 5d6+6=29 ; 5d6+6=19 ; Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 12:57:17 AM
The enemy seem as rooted in the room as a badger in his burrow. Things are about to change, me thinks.
Velarin feels the negative energy wash over him and wishes he had spells like that, but that's not the kind fo spells the Evoker tends to learn. Peeking around the corner into the stairwell and sees that there still is a bottleneck, so he waits for that to change.
Barratore puzzles at Emrys' excitement and it dons on him what the guy is proposing. He indicates he'd prefer be bigger and walks over to the window on the second floor of the north wall. By the time he gets there he is a wee bit bigger.
Size now doubled and 1 category larger: Huge (15x15), Natural Reach 15', etc. Update your header for new AC.
Barratore stares at the blackened window. It is normal sized, looks like normal glass but painted over with black paint from the inside. With the pommel of his now very large bastard sword (being large to begin with to accommodate the large minotaur's size), he easily breaks the glass (Move to window and Standard to break it).
DM JT: Barratore is roughly 18ft tall? The window is 15' high, no problem for Barratore to see in. But the window is not a 5x5, more like a 3x5. Remember now your larger proportions and your larger weapons. How big is your B-sword now?
Brom yells in triumph 'Come on! I thought he last longer!' However he glimpses Edson also slumped on the stairs right below him. With his BAS still in one hand, he grabs Edson while calling out for a medic and shifts down to where Edson was and Edson down closer to the medics.
DM JT: I don't think he can grab both while holding his sword. Sheathing the sword is Move. He could drop it and grab both, but I don't think he'd want to do that (I may be wrong) while Raging.
From the top of the stairs he calls into the room, 'Kilug's down, ya better come out. If ya throw another bomb at me, I'm gonna chop yur arm off and beat ya with it.'[/b]
DM JT: remember, Intimidate to Demoralize is a Standard Action. Brom used 1 Action to grab Edson and 1 Action to 'pull back to the stairs.' Also, don't forget that the targets must clearly hear (which they can) AND see you (which they can't).
All this time, he's on fire from the fire bomb. Take 3 points off your Energy Resistance.
Evaris hears the call for [i]Medic and slips past Lanliss to administer a CCW on Edson, healing him for 37pts.
Lanliss moves out of the way for Evaris' medical administrations by stepping into the lab. From there he also taunts the half-orcs,'Ayo, you Green Ugs come and get me instead!'
Emrys casts two spells in quick succession, one using his Quicken Rod to become invisible and the other as a normal spell to blink himself in and out of the Material and Ehtereal planes. Now, Blinking and Invisible, he pops through the Ethereal plane and and out to the Material on the roof of the building. Then another blink and he's through the roof and into the battle-room itself. Its all dark, but his True Seeing allows him to see despite this.
DM JT: I'll have a third map for you so you can pick your own spot.
Evred bides his time, knowing that Shadowjumping into a room full of baddies with no backup may not be a good idea.
Slow 3/4, Prayer (+1 for baddies, -1 for goodies.)
The room erupts in laughter at Brom's threats, although no bombs come his way.
Gh is a bit surprised by the window next to him shattering but is not so much that he can't react. He casts a spell with no visual effects nor does it trigger any ones resistance.
DM JT: no AoO as he has Cover provided by the north wall.
From Somewhere behind Ga two flasks sail through the air targeting the giant outside the window. DM Edited: I forgot the Prayer
Range Touch Att1 = 13 (Don't forget Barratore's new AC for being another size larger) Range Touch Att2 +6 = 11
If the bomb's hit: Barratore dmg first = 30 and on fire Barratore: dmg second = 20 and on fire
To extinguish the fire = Ref DC20 and Full Round, rolling on ground adds +2
Note, there are three maps, but the third map is for Emrys only.
Edson... fixing header. 59 damage, unconscience. Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 9:16:03 AM
Edson feels the healing energy come through him and his eyes pop open. He sqirms from Brom and slides down the steps to not get hit by anymore spells.
" Im ok Brom.. get in the room and do what you do best. Ill follow you in. "
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) Huge AC: 27 (T 12 FF 22), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet 4d8+16=35 ; Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 10:16:21 AM
The first bomb sails through the window and Barratore pivots, letting it go past him. The second strikes and explodes across the magic protection from Emrys. He's on fire, but ignores it as unimportant. Barratore Takes a 5' step back and begins his best impression of a wrecking ball. Using his horns, he blasts into the wall just to his left of the window
Gore, PA, VS. Dmg 35
Enlarged +2 str, -2dex, -1Ac size mod, -1attack, 15'reach (AC mods reflected in header) Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 88/108
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 1:35:06 PM
Velarin, unable to do anything with the total bottleneck in the stairway, decides to follow Emrys and Barratore outside to see if they have created another way in. Upon seeing Barratore blasting holes in the side of the building, Velarin casts fly upon himself.
-1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks slowed(currently negating haste), duration 2 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check
Fly: duration 110 rounds. Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 8 rounds. +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly-C 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 8:31:23 PM
Evaris went to all the trouble of preparing Death Ward spells, and it seems like the group isn't fighting vampires after all. But it can't hurt.
He reaches out and casts Death Ward on Evred.
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 8:53:31 PM
Ooc: only happens if the place is dark or dim lit Ooc: if well lit the Lanliss waits for a room/space to move after Brom takes care of the pest
In case it is dark
Lanliss begins to clasp his hands and sings a short rhyme in the halfling language. A rhyme about a normal halfling lost in the dark not knowing what to do. Lanliss casts the Dancing Lights spell as an ability. Hoping lighting up the place where Brom is fighting Might help him see maybe even confuse the enemy. The spell begins to form in his mind and a picturr of will o wisps, 2 red and 2 blue come to his mind.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 9:21:02 PM
DM JT: I think Lanliss can see the ceiling square over Ki so he can put the Dancing Lights there for starters.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 99/132 (132/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+16=20 ; d20+20=28 ; 4d8+24=42 ; Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 10:49:45 PM
"Laugh at me!" If the room is lit from Lanliss, Brom moves into the room. If he sees an opponent, he strikes.
Rage: 4; surprise accuracy Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 8 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 51/108
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, blink, invisibilty Wednesday August 24th, 2016 12:23:55 AM
(ooc: I typed a very long post. Very detailed post. A critical post and when I hit the submit button, I got nothing but error code and a blank screen. I hit the back button and I saw the screen with my typed post again, so I highlighted the sucker and copied it. Then I attempted to paste the text in an app and my computer crashes. You can say I nearly picked up my computer and threw it across the room!!! GRRRRR!!! Not happy at all!! 45 minutes I will never get back!!)
DM JT: Not the worst. Wait until you DM and you have a Crit confirmed that knocks a PC unconscious only to loose the post and rolls because the Wold logged you out while you were posting! And when you reposted, you didn't get the crit and the PC remained alive and well. I learned to edit my post on Notepad then paste it in, then make the rolls, then save it all back in to Notepad, just in case.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp37/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, invisibilty Wednesday August 24th, 2016 12:48:32 AM
(Sigh, I will attempt to type a 2nd Cliff Notes version of my lost post. I don't have the heart to go thru all that work again. I am way too tired.)
Emrys moves to G11.
Emrys drops the Blink spell (standard action), but remains Invisible with the Invisibility spell. The rest of his spells remain active.
Emrys takes advantage of Brom's noise.
Emrys activates his Quicken Rod again. He casts a quickened Major Image. Can effect a shapable area of ten 10-ft Cubes. More than enough to cover the entire room twice. Duration: Concentration + 3 rounds. Once interacted with, a Wisdom Save DC 20 is allowed to disbelieve.
The Major Image is an illusion that not only has visual effects, but it also has sound, smell and thermal effects.
The illusion is that all the turned-over beds suddenly erupt in flame and grow into a 5-ft wide, 7-ft tall walls of flame that makes a C-shape wall around the room. The squares are: G10, F10, E10, D10, D9, D8, D7, D6, D5, E5, F5 and G5.
The flames crackle and roar, produces appearance and smell of smoke, and emanates heat like a wall of fire. The beds appear to be on fire and turn black as they burn. The bright light of the fire illuminates the room. Those stuck behind the wall can't see thru it.
Since Emrys is aware of the illusion, and has True Seeing to boot, he can see through the illusion and can still watch everyone in the room. He concentrates to make sure the fire reacts properly to any interaction.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Wednesday August 24th, 2016 1:48:34 AM
DM JT OOC: I was not able to get to the Wold for a while and ran behind in getting the post up. It's pretty much finished but it's 0:45 and the crow will be crowing all too soon.
Also, Stephen, read my notes on Invisibility I posted on the PP. Since your spell area of effect includes the enemy, the spell description dictates that the Invisibility be dispelled.
Post will be up tomorrow.
Edson... fixing header. 59 damage, unconscience. Wednesday August 24th, 2016 8:03:28 AM
Edson waits for Brom to move into the room.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 99/132 (132/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) 4d6+24=34 ; Wednesday August 24th, 2016 4:13:57 PM
"Laugh at me!" With the room lit by Lanliss, Brom moves into the room. If he sees an opponent, he strikes.
Rage: 4; surprise accuracy Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 8 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 51/108
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Wednesday August 24th, 2016 9:16:53 PM
DM JT: So Stephen, help me understand the true effects of the spell.
a) you want black smoke that even if believed, won't choke the breather b) a roaring fire that only puts out warmth c) it is 5' wide, that is 2.5' on each side of a bed. As we know, if a spell affects even a small area occupied by someone, it affects that someone as if it covered the whole square. d) the smoke, although thick and blocks vision, does not 'fill' the room but remains as a visual barrier only.
My understanding of Illusions is that those who Believe the illusion act accordingly. If they believe the black smoke, they believe they choke on it when in it and breath it. If they believe in the fire, they believe they get burned when they touch it or get too near it.
Unfortunately, there is a wide, very wide area on how to interpret this. Casting a Wall of Fire to form a barrier but only that won't dispel the Invis, but casting a Wall of Fire right next to a foe can, depending on the DM, dispel it since the foe has no choice to avoid the damage that first round and can be considered an Attack.
So, if I understand this correctly, the Parameters are: a) heat but not enough to burn or singe b) thick, black smoke in an enclosed room but kept from engulfing the room , dissipating (at the ceiling maybe?) and only forming a visual barrier.
I'll go with that and you can keep your Invis. That makes sense?
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Wednesday August 24th, 2016 10:50:38 PM
(Since there is a bit of a scuffle with rules, and other posts, i will wait until DM and barratore post before posting tomorrow)
-1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks slowed(currently negating haste), duration 2 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check
Fly: duration 110 rounds. Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 8 rounds. +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly-C 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
The alleged hideout no longer alleged (Co-DM JT) Wednesday August 24th, 2016 11:15:25 PM
DM JT: If I can find another 15 min of uninterrupted time I'll have the post up soon. :(
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Wednesday August 24th, 2016 11:49:16 PM Shadowy shadow hiding...
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) Wednesday August 24th, 2016 11:58:59 PM
His spell cast, Evaris waits for further opportunities to help out.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged and now in 'flames' ?(Co-DM JT) d20+31=37 ; 2d4+6=12 ; 2d4=6 ; 5d6=18 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+11=16 ; d100=82 ; d20+12=28 ; d100=42 ; 4d6+2=17 ; d20+12=21 ; d4=1 ; d4=3 ; Thursday August 25th, 2016 12:27:35 AM
DM JT: sorry for the delay. Had some things to hash out pertaining to the illusion in the room. Read over everything and let me know if I missed something.
Two things: If the group ever run short of cash, they can hire out as a wrecking crew, and by the looks of it, investing in a couple of hammers and picks seems to be a good idea. :)
Edson comes around from unconsciousness to consciousness with the healing. Figuring more bombs will head their way, specially with Brom's taunting, he slides down the steps some and encourages Brom to do what he does best. Then he'll follow.
Barratore sidesteps one bomb but gets hit by another. His protection from fire prevents damage to himself and his gear so he does not bother trying to put it out and lets it burn.
Instead, due to the difficulty of reaching through the 3x5 window because of his new size, he decides to enlarge the window space a bit and starts banging his head on the brick wall.
DM JT: accoring to Wicki, an average brick is 9'x 4'x 3'. Masonry (brick) wall is 90hp per 1ft of thickness. These buildings aren't fortresses so I'm exstrapolating the hps from 12" thick to 4" thick. This is just FYI so you get an idea of how I'm figuring how many hps a section of wall has here.
Velarin hears what sounds like bashing against a wall and gives up on trying to make it into the room via the stairs and hustles on out of the building to see what's going on. He sees Barratore trying to widen the window area and casts Fly on himself to give himself a way in.
Evaris was expecting vampires and had Death Ward spells prepared. No vampires here, yet, but it never huts to have one so he reaches out and casts one on Evred.
Lanliss still notices its dark in the room, although there may be a flicker here and there.
DM JT: Barratore busting open the winodw let some light in but the hulk is still blocking most of it.
Lanliss decides that the Everburning Torch is gone and not coming back so he casts Dancing Lights, something that can't be stolen. Well, not as easily at least.
Brom's fire on himself finally goes out. 'Laugh at me!' he exclaims when the area over the dead Kilug lights up with two red glowing orbs and 2 blue ones, and Brom moves into the room. The glowing orbs offer a better light than his Everburning Torch did, primarily because they are up high and thus no furniture blocks the light.
Brom moves over the dead Kilug and before him is a wall or overturned beds. Behind those beds are more half-orcs, including the one he saw cast the spells. He also sees the broken window and something very large looming outside. He takes aim at Vl. Vl is ready for the strike and defends well against the barbarian's sword.
Emrys pops into what must be the sleeping quarters. There is a door to his left but it is closed. He picks that spot to hide and looks at the layout and what's going on. As he view the area, he believes he has a clever idea to cause chaos and mayhem in the whole room. He dismisses his Blink spell so he doesn't have the odd chance his idea ends up going off in the ethereal plane. Then he uses his Quicken Rod again to cast the spell Major Image. He visualizes that the wall of beds suddenly catch fire. The fire effects cover a 5' wide area and go up 7' and light up the room. The 'burning' beds appear to put out black smoke and heat but not enough to burn or singe. He pictures the beds turning black as they burn. He chooses not to have the black smoke fill the room, as it would normally in a normal fire, but remain as a vertical barrier to their vision.
Or something like that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brom's attack on VL is thwarted and then suddenly the beds appear to erupt in flames, will this help? Hinder?
Brom, Will Save DC20 to Disbelieve. Yeah, you too. (DM JT: be fair, the spell came from a corner you can't see and could easily been cast by them.)
Reactions are varied, but one thing is certain, Emrys casting a verbal spell did not go unnoticed!
Gh, the once who casts the spells so far, quickly catches on and yells out in orcish: For those who understand Orcish: Highlight to display spoiler: {"Hey! It ain't real. It doesn't burn. Smoke ain't real either. Keep your ground! The fire ain't real!"}
Several others call out the same thing and even laugh, "HAHAHAHA! OUR fire is REAL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
With these warnings, and with the flames leaping at their eyebrows (I don't think half-orcs have beards) but not singing them, most of the half-orcs quickly grasp the reality of things, but not all. On the other hand, since they don't feel themselves getting burned, they just shrug.
Gh wields a scythe and reaches over Vl to strike at Brom: Att1 37 vs AC25 = dmg 18 He feels and extra surge of pain flow through the scythe: extra 18 dmg (Will save DC14 for half)
Vl and MA wear banded mail, hold a heavy shield and scimitar. They hold their ground in a guarded stance. They don't seem to mind the flames before them.
Ga fires a small crossbow bolt at Barratore: Att = 22
Og casts a spell and his eyes start to glow blue. He looks to the back of the room where voice came from that cast the illusory fire spell and points at the area Emrys is in: If you know orcish: Highlight to display spoiler: {THERE! in that corner, it glows with magic. Hit it! A wizard is hidding there!"}
Gn ignores the flaming beds next to him, steps towards the back corner and swipes his sword into Emrys' square: Att +11 = 16, Miss chance 50% (going low) = 82, miss
Sh mixes ingredients in a flask and tosses it into the square occupied by Emrys. Range Touch Att = 28, 50% miss = 42, direct hit, dmg = 17 and on fire.
Tu looks clearly into the corner despite the illusory fire and smoke. He sees a humanoid form outlined by fire. He steps toward Emrys' square and fires a small crossbow. Att = 21 dmg 1 + poison (since Emrys is on fire and his outline is clearly visible as an invisible torch, I don't believe a Miss chance applies).
A very painful poison seeps into the wound. Poison = Fort DC17, 1/rd for 6rds, -2 STR this round, 1 save
The wall has taken some damage but there still is some ways to go before busting out a 5x5 section.
If you were wondering where Map 14 went to, I accidentally skipped it.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) Huge AC: 27 (T 12 FF 22), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet 4d8+16=28 ; Thursday August 25th, 2016 12:51:40 AM
Barratore hits the area again after backing up 10'
Gore, Vital Strike, PA Dmg 28
Enlarged +2 str, -2dex, -1Ac size mod, -1attack, 15'reach (AC mods reflected in header) Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 88/108
Edson... fixing header. 59 damage, unconscience. Thursday August 25th, 2016 4:52:42 PM
Edson moves back up the stairs behind Brom. If there are any flames smoldering from the fireball, he lets both his arrows catch.
Evaris [1 Con damage] [AC 20; HP 74/62] (Kathy) d8=6 ; Thursday August 25th, 2016 4:58:19 PM
Evaris moves to the top of the stairs [H-8 on the second-floor map] and drops a Sound Burst where it will hit Ma, Gh, and VI without hitting Brom. The bad guys each take 6 points of sonic damage, and must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) d6+5=10 ; d6=3 ; d6=3 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=4 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d20+7=18 ; 4d6=12 ; d20+7=24 ; 4d6=19 ; d20+7=11 ; 4d6=11 ; Thursday August 25th, 2016 8:05:05 PM
(Velarin should be outside next to barratore)
Using the invisibility spell that he cast last round, Velarin will fly up the 15' or so feet to the bashed open window next to where Barratore is currently making a hole.
If Barratore is preventing a look into the window, then Velarin says "Barratore, duck for a moment if you would be so kind. I have a present for our friends." If Barratore allows him the opportunity, or he can se in a bit, he will throw a spell into the room.
If Velarin can see most of the column c group, he will throw a cone of cold through the destroyed window, hitting as many as possible. If he can only see 1 or 2, he will hit the least armored with an empowered scorching ray, hitting him with all three unless he goes down earlier.
(Cone of cold: save DC 20 reflex for half; damage 41 or 20)
(empower scorching ray: no save: (ray one, touch attack 14, 18 damage)(ray 2, touch att 20, damage 28)(ray 3, touch att 7, damage 16) (if any rays a hit, a total of 5 extra hp of damage is done due to evoker ability)
-1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks slowed(currently negating haste), duration 1 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check
Fly: duration 109 rounds. Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 7 rounds. +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly-C 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp -01/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, invisibilty d20+8=26 ; Thursday August 25th, 2016 8:06:26 PM
(Fort Save: 26 vs. poison)
(If Og cast Detect Magic, he wouldn't see the location of magical auras until the 3rd round of concentration. He'd see every magic aura in that direction, including the illusion fire, dancing lights, Brom in the doorway, etc.)
(I wouldn't believe that flickering flames would outline a entire body perfectly like a Faerie Fire spell. While it does show the location, I think the miss chance stands.)
(Even though the fire was 'instantly' identified as fake, seemingly without interaction. and it was voiced across the room to all; everyone still needs to make their Will saves to see through the illusion.) --------------------------------
The building shakes, squeals and rattles with every thrust against the wall by the horned giant outside. With every hit, dust wafts down from the rafters. The bricks crack and specks of light begin to creep in.
All the while, one of the fellow half-orcs lays in a pool of his own blood. Undoubtedly, much of his blood was also sprayed into the room. His half-breed comrades could only look on in fear and disgust at the carnage that the belligerent and raging barbarian has brought to them. His taunts and laughter shouted across the room fill their ears and turn their hearts cold and their minds to dark thoughts.
Dancing lights burst from above and dance around with a delightful jig, making the grizzly sight of the mutilated half-orc even more sickening.
Suddenly the darkness is completely obliterated by soaring sheets of brilliant flame. Every bed appears to be set ablaze and the sudden transition from dark to bright orange dazzles everyone in the first brief seconds of its existence ... or does it ....?
What kind of beings are these, Emrys thinks. How is it that all this chaos and horror going on around them in the dark and they appear completely indifferent to it all. 'Did I scream my spell out from my lonely corner,' he thinks, 'I don't think so?' Why would everyone concentrate on my low, hushed tones ... even from across the room! Are sudden bursts of flame common place in the half-orc community? Where did they get this god-like perception to hear tiny sounds across the room in all this chaos, to attack the exact spot where several others were just as possible. The world may never know. For if all this actually happened, Emrys falls to the floor unconscious, invisible and on fire. Surrounded by half-orcs who are either evil geniuses or idiot savants.
His life was a favor to his father, Myrridan the Wild. No Myrridan has ever been allowed to have a child. It wasn't their way. But when you're the Wold's most powerful druid, and have the favor of Gargul, you learn to bend nature to your will and defy the rules, just once anyway. Even with his father's influence, he may not get Gargul to look the other way this time. There is no afterlife for Emrys ... only the great choir of magic from which he came .. a harmony of both the divine and arcane. With that said, his song is sung.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged and now in 'flames' ?(Co-DM JT) Thursday August 25th, 2016 11:47:06 PM
DM JT: 1) my parents came in a day early so I may not get a post tonight.
2) They all DID have to make a Will save and I rolled them, it just isn't on this board. I started with the Leader first and went down the roster. The Leader made his save and passed on the info giving +4 bonus to all others. Oddly enough, I managed to roll consistently pretty high with some exceptions. For an evil tough lot, having a wall of fire in front of them isn't enough to 'panic' them, much less if they aren't even hurt by the fire or chocking on the smoke. They just shrug and say Meh... just like you would.
3) The Invisibility spell description is very clear on the effects of a light source held by an invisible creature. The light source here, clothes on fire, can't be seen, but the light emanating from it can. Neither does it matter if the whole outline of the creature is visible, all the attacker needs is some portion of light outlining the body. One can argue that if only the hand was on fire and only the hand outline was visible, then the Miss Chance applies and I agree. But here it is a huge portion of body on fire (direct hit), so I can easily argue that there is enough to see a very good outline of a body.
4) The spell Og cast was not Detect Magic. Detect Magic does not make your eyes glow blue. That's a freebie FYI. You have the option to use Spellcraft to identify the spell if you see it being cast. Most times I forget to add the Spellcraft DC and Players ask for it in their post. So here it is: Spellcraft (Identify a spell as it is being cast) DC 18: Highlight to display spoiler: {Arcane Sight. You see magical auras and discern their location. You know the location and power of all magical auras within your sight. It does not require concentration. Og knew from which direction the voice came from and looked there first. The aura given off by the Invisibility Spell and all magical items held by the Invisible creature are visible and thus the exact location of the invisible creature.}
5) Barratore busted the window the round before, saving you the Standard Action required to break it. Barratore will have to Move 10' to the East for the window to be clear for anyone else. Barratore can hit the wall and then move, if he wishes. Just let me know.
I will add this, being the Nice DM I am. If you use the Cone of Cold, you will hit Brom, Emrsy, and Edson and anyone else that enters the room before you cast. Look at the areas Cones occupy on the PHB and you will see what I mean. Although the Cone will hit just about everyone (Brom, Emrys, Edson included) except for Gh and Vl, you may opt for the Scorching Ray. Let me know.
6) If anything, I'll try to get a post up on Saturday while my Dad takes his nap.
Evred Whitesmith (Tanner) HP 100 -- AC 23/18/15 -- F+7 R+16 W+5 -- CMD 28 Thursday August 25th, 2016 11:54:15 PM
ooc: Very nice, Stephen. :)
Evred considers his options. He looks to his side at Blue, asking the question with a small gesture of his eyebrow. Do we stay? Blue looks at the unfolding scene. It sniffed loudly and twitched its nose. Evred nodded in silent understanding. "They're not for us, are they?" He crouched a moment longer, as though waiting for something to happen that he knew was never going to happen. "We do not mesh with them, and they with us."
He absent-mindedly reached over and rubbed Blue on the scruff. "All right. Let's go find a new adventure. These guys will be just fine." The shadowdancer stood and walked with is shadow companion down the alleyway. As he passed under the first shadow of a nearby roof, he and his hound blended into the darkness and disappeared.
Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) Huge AC: 27 (T 12 FF 22), CMD:30; HP: 121/121Character Sheet Friday August 26th, 2016 11:40:05 AM
Ooc. Barratore was backing up 10' thus allowing V to just pop in front of him and cast a way.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp -01/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, invisibilty Friday August 26th, 2016 1:11:27 PM
If Emrys is completely engulfed in a raging ball of fire and invisible and unconscious and dying, then there is no hope for him. His life is over and so to is his existence. He was not a child of this world, but a product of a powerful level 10 ritual magic. The spell is broken. The two soul shards that tethered the spirit of his mother to the Living Wold and that of his father, both return to their rightful owners.
The spirit of Emrys' mother enters the room. Time has stopped for her. Everyone in the warehouse is frozen still within the moment. She kneels down next to her son and kisses him on the cheek. Her bond now broken, she is immediately whisked away to the lands of Lady Maab.
Meanwhile, deep in the woods of Culverwood, Archdruid Myrridan feels a strange sensation. The feeling in his dead hand is becoming restored. He removes the glove and the magiked bandages to see his blackened hand is fully restored. He begins to weep knowing the spell and his son is no more.
With all that, Emrys' body begins to fade into nothing. Only his clothes and various belongings remain to burn in the fire. There is nothing left of him in the Wold accept his memory.
Emrys Myrridanmyl, stephen f. ac10 hp -01/51, deathwatch, true seeing, haste, invisibilty Friday August 26th, 2016 2:01:09 PM
(I typed that last post too quickly while at work and riddled with mistakes. Should have proofread. I regret that being his last post.)
Edson... fixing header. 59 damage, unconscience. Friday August 26th, 2016 3:02:18 PM
Ooc: did we just lose two people?
Edson continues behind Brom.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged and now in 'flames' ?(Co-DM JT) Friday August 26th, 2016 3:06:38 PM
DM JT OOC: don't make assumptions. At -1 there is still hope. A PC is not dead until DM confirms it.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 99/132 (132/165 Raged); DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+9=27 ; Friday August 26th, 2016 7:13:39 PM
Will post later after bedtimes.
Lanliss Slowed HP26/50 HP 63/80 AC:26 touch:19 flat:18 cmd:25 d20=1 ; Friday August 26th, 2016 8:39:52 PM
Lanliss goes to where Brom is. Still in defensive mode. Brom ! I am on my way ! Hold on !, Lanliss says Attack me ! Come on ! ,he shouts to the thugs.
intimidate 1 epic fail.
The alleged hideout no longer alleged and now in 'flames' ?(Co-DM JT) Friday August 26th, 2016 11:13:32 PM
DM JT OOC: I've got a few moments for the moment.
1) Barratore is already at the wall so he can hit the wall and then step back 10' for Velarin. Accomplished both objectives.
2) Casting spells. I know I've been around this bush on the Wold before and I remember it clearly although it probably was a few years ago. But in case not every one was there or remembers it, here's what clenched it.
Sraight from the book: Cast a Spell Most spells require 1 standard action to cast. You can cast such a spell either before or after you take a move action. Note: You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC while casting. Spell Components: To cast a spell with a verbal (V) component, your character must speak in a firm voice.
There is no such thing a mumbling spell or whispering a spell or quietly sneakily casting a spell. If you want to cast a spell with verbal component in silence, you take the Metamagic Feat Silent Spell. Therefore, even when invisible, casting a spell gives your general location away. Highly dependent on the terrain, this may not be that big a deal. Coming from the corner of an enclosed room pretty much tells everyone where you are within one square radius and with two walls narrowing the space even more, it's not that hard for experienced PCs or NPCs pinpont the square.
To be fair, Og cast his spell first to see what he needed to see to actually pinpoint the square. The rest is just mere luck of the die with a 50% miss chance and a direct hit by a fire bomb pretty much turns the target into a temporary torch who's light is not hidden by the invisibility, ie. there is a discernible 'bubble'.
3) To write off your PC when only at -1hp and not even trying to Stabilize? C'mon, stick with it. You never know.
4) Tanner (Evred) has not left the game. He's changing PCs, removing Evred and bringing in another.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 109/165 Raged; DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+20=28 ; d20+20=35 ; d20+15=28 ; d20+10=25 ; 2d6+24=28 ; 2d6+24=32 ; 2d6+24=32 ; 2d6+24=29 ; Saturday August 27th, 2016 12:04:02 AM
Brom is hit from the long scythe behind a wall of opponents. Brom resists the spell on the weapon to minimize the damage (Will save DC 27)
Brom heard the snapping sound, but is focused on the opponents in front. He hears wizard, but was unaware of any others moving beyond him.
Brom's turn. He unleashes a barrage of attacks at V1 or the other orc if V1 falls.
Rage: 5; surprise accuracy Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 7 rounds. Hero Feast: +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours Bless weapon next 2 combats Protection From Energy (Fire): 51/108
DM JT: I don't see the Will Save vs the Illusion. The illusion's effects will hinder his vision. It lasts 3 rounds after the caster ceases concentration. Will DC20.
Brom the Barbarian - Rich P; AC: 25 (T 14, FF 25, Raged 23), CMD: 30 (33 Raged); HP: 109/165 Raged; DR 2/- (DR 4/-) d20+8=11 ; Saturday August 27th, 2016 1:36:06 AM
I failed.
DM JT: The black smoke provides Concealment both ways for those Believers. Another PC studying or interacting with the illusion that makes his save will give Brom another Save at +4.
Velarin Xilontheel(Chris J), AC 17(FF 14), hp 65/70, extended mage armor(22 hrs) Saturday August 27th, 2016 7:57:20 PM
Velarin will go with the scorching ray option (how many bad guys can i see? i figured that my view would be relatively obstructed, but if not, I may opt for chain lightning.)
(empower scorching ray: no save: (ray one, touch attack 14, 18 damage)(ray 2, touch att 20, damage 28)(ray 3, touch att 7, damage 16) (if any rays a hit, a total of 5 extra hp of damage is done due to evoker ability)
-1 on Att, damage, saves and skill checks slowed(currently negating haste), duration 1 rounds -4 attck, skill check, ability check
Fly: duration 109 rounds. Haste: 1 extra attack at full bonus when making a full attack, +1 attack, +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves, all movement increased by 30'. Duration 7 rounds. +1 attack, +1 will save, +4 v. poison, 12 temp HP from heroes feast for 12 hours
Memorized Spells: 1st: Protection from evil, Burning Hands, Mage armor(extended)-C, Magic Missile, Magic missile, Magic missile, Magic missile 2nd: Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror image, Scorching ray, Scorching ray, Knock 3rd: Lightning bolt, Haste=C, Dispel Magic, Lightning bolt, Displacement, Fly-C 4th: Dim Door, Black Tentacles, Ice storm, empower scorching ray, empower scorching ray 5th: Cone of cold, Cone of cold, empowered lightning bolt, Wall of force 6th: Chain lightning, Greater dispel magic
CDM Jerry [OOC] Saturday August 27th, 2016 11:39:51 PM
Gentlemen and Lady,
For the moment, I am halting all posting on this board, friends. I will email everyone tomorrow. Posting should resume on Monday evening with a DM post.