Bartomus [(Rod) HP: 15/23 AC: 13 (11+2)] Saturday December 17th, 2016 11:10:31 PM
Bartomus smiled as the cleaning spell removed the traces of the battle. "Thanks, Sugar, it helps a lot. So, we head into the Trash and find an tattoo parlor? Well, I guess we can go check out the ink. Might need to see what her lines are like."
K (Carl) HP: 25/25 (8 non-lethal damage) AC:16/13/13 CMD:18 Sunday December 18th, 2016 1:58:26 PM
"That's not too far, we should go make sure he's alive." He turns to Zander. "We're in no position to take on all the infected of this level, but we need to find that Bruce guy. Let's at least make a trip there and see if he's home."
K's not sneaky, but he doesn't wear metal and is very limber. He should be somewhat quiet.
Micah (John) HP: 25/25 -0 nonlethal AC: 18/10/18 CMD:14 d20+3=6 ; Sunday December 18th, 2016 2:56:26 PM
Now that he is confident that Bartomus will be fine, and seeing that Dorbin is busy, Micah returns to where he saw the magic ring.
Being careful not to disturb the corpse both out of caution and respect, he gently removes the ring. In hopes that they might be able to return such a valuable item to its rightful owner, he checks the body for anything that might give a clue to his identity which is difficult today without risking exposure to more spores.
===== Perception 6
Dorbin [AC:13/13/10 HP:17/17 CMD:14] d20+10=29 ; Monday December 19th, 2016 8:33:42 AM
As Micah removes the ring, Dorbin walks up behind and says, "Can I see it, maybe I can identify it?"
Spellcraft: 29
Sugar [HP:26/26 AC:14/12 CMB:+3 CMD:14] Monday December 19th, 2016 1:53:23 PM
OOC: Before we're back in rounds, Sugar would like to cast Prestidigitation on all team members. Give'm a fresh start.
Bartomus [(Rod) HP: 15/23 AC: 13 (11+2)] Monday December 19th, 2016 3:58:31 PM "So, if we are going to go that direction, we need to be able to do so without a lot of noise, or light I would guess. I almost wonder if we could send a bit of light rolling down one corridor, and we move down another?" Bartomus asked as he continued to feel a bit better about his situation. The bite still looked nasty, but was not angry with the odd color radiating from it.
Carl subbing for Stohp Monday December 19th, 2016 5:41:36 PM
Stohp nods as she listens to K's suggestion. She turns back to Zander, waiting for a response before making up her mind...
Sid (Andrew) HP:23/23; AC: 16/14/12; CMB: 1; CMD: 15) Monday December 19th, 2016 6:41:40 PM
Sid sees much ado as people circle K and thinks to himself that everyone must almost be ready to go. After he checks Trashy Treasures he knows he should head back to the group.
Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 38/38(29 non-lethal) AC: 18 T: 12 FF: 17 CMD: 16 Party Treasury Monday December 19th, 2016 6:45:11 PM "Fair enough. Let's go find Bruce. I'll be as quiet as I can.", he grins as his chain mail clinks. He snuffs his lantern and stows it. Too much light for the present danger.
Target Bruce(DM Mstitt) d20=12 ; Monday December 19th, 2016 9:52:19 PM
(OOC: Feel free to bless the group with Prestidigitation :) Sugar thanks Illy then makes notes. She ventures outside and casts Prestidigitation onto BartSugar lets the others know where Bruce is located. Bart appreciates Sugar’s help and asks about heading to the tattoo parlor? He is interested in checking out the line art. Sid prays for the lost. He marks the door to the restaurant and Trashy Treasures. He then locks the doors securely. Outside, in the streets are empty except for the bodies of the infected that you just dispatched. He sees everyone seems to be almost ready and heads back to the others. K suggests you head out to ensure Bruce is still alive. He adds that they are not in the position to take on the other infected but should check because they need to find the alchemist. (OOC: With no Stealth check my assumption would be your are as loud as you could be without armor ;) Micah feels a bit better about Bart’s status. He sees that Dorbin and Micah are busy and pulls the ring off the corpse. He checks the body but sees very little. Lying on the ground is a green ring or something you can’t make out. Dorbin approaches Micah and asks for the ring. From first glance, before Micah even hands you the ring you notice something familiar. It’s a bluish color with a hint of waves. Micah only: Highlight to display spoiler: { This is the Ring of Water Walking worth 15,000 gp - CL 9} Bart adds, "So, if we are going to go that direction, we need to be able to do so without a lot of noise, or light I would guess. I almost wonder if we could send a bit of light rolling down one corridor, and we move down another?" Bart feels better but there is a shadow of an unnatural hunger rumbling within. Stohp nods and waits for the others. Zander agrees and snuffs out his lantern. --- --- The dead are scattered over the road. Sid can see a hint of shadows milling too far away. The smell of the Trash hasn’t become any better even with being down for a bit. (Fort save to stop from retching) Ahead of you is two rows of shops along the left and right of a trash covered road. Perception vs DC 12 s Highlight to display spoiler: {Each shop has an extended porch allowing a small group to walk fairly undetected.} (With some good Stealth rolls) Noises in the shadows remind you that this is a dangerous time for anyone in the Trash level and even the Float. As you gather together you begin to hear sobbing then realize the people are slowly filtering out of the buildings. A woman runs up to Dorbin but passes him by. “You killed Abraham! Oh, Abraham… he was just sick.” She sobbed loudly. Several more residents stepped out and they cried. Being a bit dark, others began to appear with illumination attracting unwanted attention.
Bartomus [(Rod) HP: 15/23 AC: 13 (11+2)] d20+6=24 ; d20+5=8 ; Monday December 19th, 2016 11:37:20 PM
Bartomus looked about and realized that they could utilize the various porches to move past the people coming to view the battle site. But, the smell. It was heavy, overwhelming, and his stomach hungry, growled. Then he started to cough and gag at the smell.
Sid (Andrew) HP:23/23; AC: 16/14/12; CMB: 1; CMD: 15) d20+8=9 ; d20+10=12 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 2:05:43 AM
Sid comes quietly up to Stohp and pulls on her arm for attention and whispers to her. "Boss, I checked on Sins for Sale and Trashy Treasures, both have gone to the creepers. I marked them with the skull and crossbones, and I think there are more up the street! We got to be fast and quiet as mice." Sid keeps his eyes open and his dagger in hand and hopes they can get the crowd to dispatch quickly. Crowd control isn't his forte and he gets slightly overwhelmed by trying to watch so many targets
Perception: 9 Stealth: 12
Sugar [HP:26/26 AC:14/12 CMB:+3 CMD:14] d20+7=27 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 11:11:36 AM
Sugar bristles slightly as the woman sobs loudly and notices that a mob of the living could be headed their way. Look at all of those torches and lanterns. Sugar speaks sarcastically. It reminds me of a classic bedtime story; I think we're the villains. Sugar attempts to move stealthily beneath the covered porches on is way toward the tattoo parlor. Stealth—27 (Nat 20)
Weapon-in-hand—Whip, 15ft reach
K (Carl) HP: 25/25 (8 non-lethal damage) AC:16/13/13 CMD:18 d20+8=20 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 12:53:55 PM
Part of K is upset with these people. Sick folk aren't turned by clerics, undead folk are turned by clerics. This is stupid.
However, the other part of K is a paladin of the goddess of love, so those thoughts are quashed. He does what he can to comfort the grieving woman. "My apologies, miss, but Abraham here was already passed when he attacked us. It's why our priest was able to affect him like he was.
"I know it's little comfort, but we were able to release his spirit from undeath."
He looks up at Stohp, trying to convey, "let's get our people moving" with a look.
Diplomacy: 20 - Try to calm the grieving woman, and hopefully prevent these folks from attacking us.
Micah (John) HP: 25/25 -0 nonlethal AC: 18/10/18 CMD:14 d20+3=20 ; d20+8=12 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 1:35:14 PM "It appears to be a Ring of Water Walking," Micah says softly as he hands it to Dorbin. [b]"Keep it for now."
His heart rends as he sees and hears the laments of the survivors.
He says without shouting but in a loud voiced pitched to carry, [b]"These poor souls were more than just sick, but were corrupted with dark power. Were they merely ill, the healing power would not have harmed them."
[b]"Please. Please. Get off the streets. There may be more. You will be much safer inside," he pleads as he moves closer to the others.
==== Perception 20 Diplomacy 12 to influence residents
Zanderallen (Zachary H) HP: 38/38(29 non-lethal) AC: 18 T: 12 FF: 17 CMD: 16 Party Treasury d20-4=3 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 5:48:14 PM
A sense of despair overtakes Zanderallen as he sees all these people wander out. They didn't deserve what was happening down here. But there is so much to do. How were they supposed to make a difference? Drawing inspiration from K he takes a deep breath, and then releases. There was one thing very definite they could do. Find Bruce and stop the further spread of this disease. Action, much better. With some brief condolences, what was there to say, he heads off with the others to find Bruce, trying to keep quiet.
Stealth 3
Bartomus [(Rod) HP: 15/23 AC: 13 (11+2)] d20+6=20 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 9:02:19 PM
Between gagging and retching, Bartomus looked up and saw the collection of torches in the distance. He tried go get a sense of whether or not the crowd was meeting any resistence. === Perception - 20
Crowd Control (DM Mstitt) d20=18 ; d20=11 ; d20=18 ; Tuesday December 20th, 2016 9:09:33 PM Bart realizes that they could go from porch to porch but gets overwhelmed by the smell and begins to gag. (OOC: Unsure where the Stealth check is. Looking at your sheet I assume it’s the 8. Correct me if I’m wrong) Bart is noticeably sick. A bit hard to be stealthy and sick. Sid informs Stohp about the other shops. He hopes to dispatch the crowd… But that is going to be difficult. More people begin to trickle out into the street to find relatives. They don’t seem to be too friendly once they find someone they know upon the ground. Sid barely manages to hide from the crowd as it masses on the corpses. They begin to pick up the dead to carry them away. Perception vs. DC 15 Highlight to display spoiler: { The green spores fall from the bodies as they are picked up. They hang on the clothing of the mourners. } Sugar bristles as the woman cry. The infected seem to stick to the shadows so far but Sugar adds, “Look at all of those torches and lanterns. Sugar speaks sarcastically. It reminds me of a classic bedtime story; I think we're the villains.” Sugar is successfully hidden under the darkness of the Sins for Sale, which juts out onto Cutthroat Lane. Perception vs DC 10 Highlight to display spoiler: {To the right is a small alley between the fence surrounding the Under Ramp and the next building, which seems to be a home, with the windows and doors sealed shut. } K is partially upset with the crowd. “Sick folk aren't turned by clerics, undead folk are turned by clerics.” He then quashes those thoughts and apologies to the woman. The woman continues to sob but seem pacified. She waits as a young man picks up Abraham and begins to carry him away. Micah[/b] says, "It appears to be a Ring of Water Walking," Micah says softly as he hands it to Dorbin. "Keep it for now." He then adds loudly, "These poor souls were more than just sick, but were corrupted with dark power. Were they merely ill, the healing power would not have harmed them." "Please. Please. Get off the streets. There may be more. You will be much safer inside." “We are mere peasants in this world of Trash,” snapped the young man that picked up Abraham. “We are tools for the ones above us. Every twenty years adventures dare to come down here. We will not leave our dead on the streets.” The young man continued till the older woman stepped forward and stopped him. Both walked away carrying the body. Zander feels a sense of despair for all the people but there is a lot to do. He concludes that they need to find Bruce to stop this disease. Unfortunately, a cat walks in front of Zander and screams loudly as you step on it’s tail.
K (Carl) HP: 25/25 (8 non-lethal damage) AC:16/13/13 CMD:18 Wednesday December 21st, 2016 9:21:01 AM
K can't help but laugh as Zander blows their attempts at being quiet so spectacularly. He slaps the paladin in the back and walks beside him. "It's fine. Our kind is not meant to skulk. Let's find this Bruce and get out of here."
With that, he heads to the tattoo parlor where Bruce is supposed to be.
Sid (Andrew) HP:23/23; AC: 16/14/12; CMB: 1; CMD: 15) d20+8=26 ; d20+10=19 ; Wednesday December 21st, 2016 10:08:53 AM
Sid sighs and closes his eyes. Pinching his nose a bit he opens his eyes and blinks and refocuses on his surroundings. Seeing people move forward he says, "I'll take point... where are we going again?" After he's caught up he goes forward to scout, stops and turns to Stohp. "Hey Boss, those spores are getting everywhere on the... next of kin. I've been thinking about cleansing fire, but I don't know if that is an option. Think about it though." With that he goes to the forefront of the group, far enough that he can start scouting ahead, but not so far that he can't be called back.
Perception: 26 Stealth: 19
Sugar [HP:26/26 AC:14/12 CMB:+3 CMD:14] d20+4=6 ; Wednesday December 21st, 2016 10:31:38 AM
Sugar continues to move stealthily toward the tattoo parlor, keeping the team in sight, but just. As he sees Sid approaching he whispers to the elf, Hey ginger, how goes?. Sugar raises and eyebrow and cuts the rogue a sly grin, showing teeth and gums. Then thinks to himself; Is it elves or dwarves that lack a sense of humor...hmm?
Perception—6 (zip-a-dee-doo-dah)
Stohp (Mitch) HP: 18/18 (15 non-lethal) AC: 15/12/12 CMB: +5 CMD: 14 d20+7=27 ; d20+7=21 ; Wednesday December 21st, 2016 5:36:58 PM
Stohp agrees with both points made by her party members. "We are poorly supplied for this, but this Bart lives nearby. If he helped make this plague, then he probably knew enough to prepare for it. Once we get there, with luck, we can secure more antidote and hole up for a short rest. Keep your eyes peeled for a smithing shop or other place we can get slashing weapons."
Stohp notices the falling spores (Perception 27) and her heart skips a beat. Of course, that's how they intend to spread it. Victims attack others and spread it, and if defeated then the corpses spread it further to any who touch them. Quickly she examines the package of medicine they were given, trying to judge how many doses are left. They've all had some and should be good for now. Guessing how much they need for another 2 doses for the entire party, she takes that much out and shoves it in a pocket.
Stepping forward, Stohp addresses the hostile crowd. "I am truly sorry for you loss and wish there had been any other way. Please, we brought medicine to prevent this plague from spreading. Take the fallen, care for them, and take this medicine as well. Make sure everyone who interacts with the bodies has some, and give any extra to anyone who has been attacked or otherwise interacted with the infected. If any of you know an alchemist, run a sample to them. We need more of it if we're going to treat everyone in the Trash." (Diplomacy 21).