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'Osul (Graham) AC:11 (T:11, FF:10), CMD:17, HP:46/46 
Saturday April 29th, 2017 2:29:33 AM

OOC: assuming we have all gathered together.

"Atlas, you stood there and watched as I put that bag into my handy haversack before we left for home with the emancipated, and you said something about hoping it didn't blow up." He smiles and adds, "It's yours -- I was just minding it until it was needed.". 'Osul reaches into his haversack, pulls out the bag, and hands it to Atlas.

The next time the opportunity presents itself, he takes a moment to speak with the butler in a long conversation. He is looking for answers about where he is from, and how he came to be here, because he has no recollection of his name or of how he came to join us. That and, if he is going to be here for a while, then he would like to discuss some basic modifications for the kitchen he would like his opinion on - fresh water storage and optional heating, an icebox, and such.

At another juncture, he hopes to have a private word with Mack. "I don't think I have been much of a mentor or even a good example of a Druid. I think I need to speak with someone who can help me better understand my own training, and my own mentor. The only person I know, that we know, that might be able to assist is the Emissary."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Saturday April 29th, 2017 10:20:12 AM

"You've been a fine mentor for me, Osul. Druid isn't my main profession... just a very large interest for me. Greenmage has fascinated me quite a bit as well. At heard, I'll always be a monk/rogue that really loves plants and animals." :)

Armand (Robert D) AC 18vs evil/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Saturday April 29th, 2017 12:03:22 PM

Graham/'Osul - our butler is James. He was a hireling of Gaston's that we captured and 'turned' into our spy on Gaston. I believe he may have been a small time thief. Armand set up him up as a Butler and paid him in advance to oversee things before we left.

Armand talking to Atlas.
"I have an efficient quiver that really is just serving as a scabbard for my glaive. I can carry a bow and arrows for you. I think, as you are our tower up front, either concentrate on defense or dealing mayhem."

Armand in overhearing 'Osul and Mack talking thinks to himself.
"What can 'Osul mean by that? Who is the Emissary? Is 'Osul going to leave now to?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 21/16/15, CMD 20, Saves: 6/8/7, HP: 48 / 48 Unaugmented 
Saturday April 29th, 2017 5:01:01 PM

Beordir is struck by Mack's conversation about being interested in plant's and animal. The Arboreal Awareness may not thank you. What's even more amusing is his advice to Atlas about focusing.

Beordir smiles to himself as he refills his reed with green.

"It's good to know we have several items that improve weight. When I was wandering along, carrying enough water was always on my mind."

He turns his attention toward Mack, "What's a Greenmage?"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Sunday April 30th, 2017 8:32:56 AM

"Greenmages are those that are most closely bonded with the plant world all around us. At least, that's what I've heard from stories growing up." I say at first fairly convincingly, then, almost second guessing myself. A draw a picture on the ground of a Druid, with a large S on the front of his robe.

DM Shane 
Sunday April 30th, 2017 11:10:21 PM

the homecoming proves relaxing, enlightening, satisfying and fun. The ex-slaves depart with promises of aid if you ever need it. the tree citizens look at you with pride and love in their eyes. Transactions take place at the catacombs and good friends spend lazy days relaxing by the creek. The horror and sorrow of what you have experienced start to fade and a truth comes unbidden to your mind. All that is needed for evil to take root is for good men to do nothing. You did well, and the world is a better place for it.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 16 (T 16 FF 13), CMD: 16; HP 46/46, Speed: 30' 
Monday May 1st, 2017 7:27:06 AM

I feed Squeaver another acorn, and ponder my future.

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