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Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 70/73  d20+14=31 ; d8+6=9 ;
Monday September 4th, 2017 2:44:56 PM

Atlas charges forward to face the Xorn, striking at it with all he has.

"Thanks Armand, but better to hit it with my sword for minor damage than miss it completely with the hammer."

Attack G5 w/ Longsword: 1d20+14=31
Damage: 1d8+6+1(+1 sword)=10

Total Damage = 5 (due to DR5/bludeoning)

ooc: Robert, Atlas didn't take the hammer because he has focus and training with his longsword. The bonus he receives is a big reason he keeps hitting :-)

Also, I have not been adding my +1 from my longsword to my damage over the past couple of years, just my attack (oh my!). Correcting that going forward!

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30'  d20+12=19 ; d20+11=14 ; d4-1=0 ; d4-1=3 ; d6=6 ;
Monday September 4th, 2017 5:26:26 PM

Retreat, attack, retreat, attack....I'm so confused. ;)

I advance back up, next to Atlas (to H6), and attack.

(flurry of blows: d20+11 for each blow, and d4-1 damage,
+1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage on first attack from flaming tear
Hit AC 19 for 1 damage (+6 fire damage?), and AC 14 for 3 damage)

Squeaver holds his position.


Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48 Power Attack 
Monday September 4th, 2017 8:08:57 PM

"I'll take it Armand." Beordir steps down next to his friend and drops his rapier there. Then he acquires the new weapon. It's got a bit more heft. He looks across the cell, expecting to join the fight next round.

(OOC Move Action. Move to Armand.
Free Action drop rapier
Standard Action Ready weapon)

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46 
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 5:11:00 AM

OOC: will hold off until after the DM's post as Robert has posted for 'Osul since the last DM post.

Thanks again to Robert and Eric for the subs.

DM RobC - "Retreat, attack, retreat, attack....I'm so confused"  d20+2=21 ; d20+10=14 ; d20+10=25 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=13 ; d4+3=7 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 7:52:03 AM

Elyngael fires two arrows at the xorn and grows increasingly frustrated as both shots go wide. Khan sits ready to attack.

Osul calls down the lightning, but it is just not his day. The Xorn ducks just as the bolt comes down (Ref Save vs DC18: 21 = pass). He backs further away.

Like Khan, the Earth Elemental bides its time

Armand has a better idea and casts Searing Light, blasting the Xorn with bright light. (OOC: *Please see below)

Atlas goes the traditional route, and just slashed at the thing!

Mack just isn't sure what is going on. It's familiar ground. Unfortunately his attacks do nothing to the Xorn.

Beordir switches weapons and prepares to attack.

On hearing Atlas and Mack talk about him, Gaston backs in to his cell. "I told you many, many will die. I have information that you can use to prevent it. I know that the deaths of hundreds would weigh on you shoulders. If I were cursed with a conscience it would likely bother me too. But if you value my life more than others, if you so blindly want me dead that you would sacrifice the lives of others, that's your decision. Don't let me guilt you into anything. I just hope the poor innocent children don't suffer too much" He's obviously doing whatever he can to save himself, but darn if he doesn't sound like he's telling the truth.

The enemy act...

Xorn 1 attacks Atlas. It is a mess of claws and teeth. Only one attack penetrates Atlas' strong defences (Hit AC14, 25, 12, and 12. Atlas takes 7dmg)

Xorn 2 growls and frees itself from the web. Unfortunately is gets stuck in the very next step. (CMB vs DC14: 17 & 13)

OOC: I'm going to assume people are moving themselves on the map


Xorn 1: 19 dmg - G5
Xorn 2: F4

Armand: Sorry, I'm not seeing where in the writeup it says it deals holy damage, but I don't think it matters in this case: "Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even non-magical fire) ignore damage reduction" - which is even better I'm thinking!

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30'  d20+12=17 ; d20+11=18 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 12:57:59 PM

OOC: Carp! I can no longer edit OR see the map at work. :( I'll do my best until I get home to update my position.....

I continue to lay into the Xorn that is upon Atlas....
(flurry of blows: d20+11 for each blow, and d4-1 damage),
+1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage on first attack from flaming tear
Miss AC 17 and 18)

I 5' step away from the Xorn, in the direction of Gaston.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48 Power Attack  d20+5=25 ; d20+5=9 ; d8+1=5 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 6:28:49 PM

Having rearmed, Beordir steps up beside Atlas. An unwieldy weapon, Beordir abandons his normal finesse and just smacks the creature, aiming for the eye on the side nearest him.

(OOC Move Action - Move to F6
Standard action - Attack with Armand's Hammer. d20+5=25 ; d20+5=9 ; d8+1=5 ; Critical that surely does not confirm.)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+2=14 ; 3d8=19 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 6:32:08 PM

OOC - Mack moved you.
Searing Light: "Focusing divine power like a ray of the sun..." thus I interpreted it as holy.

Armand glances over at Gaston. "Shut your pie hole Gaston we'll deal with you soon enough."

Armand again calls upon his god and let's loose a blast of Searing Light at the Xorn at G5.
Range touch 14 (d20+2 normally +6 but firing into combat is -4) still hits Xorn's touch.
damage: 19

Armand motions to 'Osul, "I think your earth elemental needs to get up there and make some more rubble."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30' 
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 7:17:31 PM

I smile when I hear Armand tell Gaston off. :)

OOC: Thanks for moving me Robert D!

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 50/59  d20+13=31 ; d8=3 ; d20+8=16 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 8:27:10 PM

Elyngael doesn't give up. She aims at the Xorn again and grins as the arrow flies ((d20+13=31). Damage rolled a 3 + 4 = 7. Shoot again (d20+8=16) and misses. Khan is holding on guard.

Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 8:29:58 PM

Hey the hammer is a +1 adamantine hammer, so +1 more on to hit and on damage!

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 63/73  d20+9=23 ; d8+7=13 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+8=23 ; d8+7=12 ;
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 10:50:41 PM

Atlas chuckles at Armand's reprimand of Gaston. However, he's doing the math and he doesn't like it. Sure, letting Gaston out will lead to more people dying at his hands, but hundreds? Probably not that many. The question is, can we prevent what he is telling us is going to happen or will it happen anyway?

Atlas moves on from his thinking and attacks the Xorn. His sword is able to find its mark a few times, but his shield spikes come up just short of impacting the creature.

Right hand Attack w/ sword (G5): 1d20+9=23
Damage: 1d8+7=13 (so 8 after DR5)

Left hand Attack w/ Shield (G5): 1d20+7=20
Damage: 1d4+4= (miss)

Second attack w/ sword (F7): 1d20+8=23
Damage: 1d8+7=12 (so 7 for a DR5)

Total Damage: 15 (after taking away 10 from the DR5)

Shield of Faith: +3 AC (67 rounds left)

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46  d20+6=21 ; d8+10=12 ; 3d6=7 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 5:57:08 AM

The elemental moves 10' to H6 and attacks the Xorn. Slamming AC:21(should have been +12 for AC:27) for 1d8+10=12 damage

'Osul tries another lightning bolt at the same Xorn. Call Lighting 5/7. Reflex save 18 for half.
Damage 7 (no damage after Xorn's resistance).

"I'm guessing I'll try another approach, eh?"

DM RobC - "I'm guessing I'll try another approach, eh?"  d20+2=17 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 7:36:31 AM

Mack tries to attack the Xorn, but upon missing steps back towards Gaston

With a new weapon to attack with, Beordir advances and clubs the Xorn (adamantine damage included).

Armand has no intention of listening to Gaston and continues to blast the Xorn with searing light

Elyngael fires two more arrows and is quite happy that one struck.

Atlas doubts Gaston's claim that hundreds would die. But he just has a nagging feeling. What if it is true? And if it is, could it truly be prevented? He tries to distract himself by attacking the xorn

The elemental finishes the xorn off, whilst Osul sends a minor bolt of electricity to the other.

The enemy act...

Xorn 2 manages to free itself from the web. It submerges into the floor and out of sight ... for now. (CMB vs DC14: 17=Pass)

Gaston seems relieved but pleads once more with Atlas "Let me out! There's still time for you to save people. Are you that bent on blind revenge? Interesting. For someone who follows the God of Life and Death you seem to be in Jancassis' embrace. I guess I had you wrong. Perhaps you're more like me than I thought?" He grins a little

Seeing his opportunity he turns his attention to Mack and speaks mostly calmly "You know I'm telling the truth, don't you? You know what the consequences will be. You have to save me. They're here to kill me. Why else would they be here? Do you see any other prisoners?"

The party are in quite good health considering. A few minor scratches that will easily be healed.

Just when you think you have a chance to rest ... "AAAARRGGGHHHH!" The guard by the door is covered in flames! He drops to the floor as the flames burn his now charred skin.

Two clouds of gas make their way into the room and take form of muscular, horned giants! (Armand and Osul make make an AoO)


Xorn 1: DEAD
Xorn 2: Unknown
Giant 1:
Giant 2:
Giant 3:

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 63/73  d20+13=21 ; d8+7=14 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 10:36:31 AM

Atlas watches the Xorn fall then looks over his shoulder to see how everyone else is doing. He's a bit surprised by what he sees and thoughts of Gaston exit his mind. Considering the other Xorn has disappeared for the moment, he decides to rush back and help out his magical friends.

He attacks the giant with his sword and heckles them trying to get them to focus on him rather than the others.

Primary attack sword (F11): 1d20+13=21 (guessing a miss, but just in case, rolling damage)
Damage: 1d8+7=14

Shield of Faith: +3 AC (66 rounds left)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 6:39:18 PM

Armand wonders how these giants could just appear out of nowhere, and one behind the bars of a prison cell. Armand just cannot believe this. He shakes his head trying to clear it off whatever is happening. Armand feels there is something amiss, either illusion, or someone nearby is casting weird summon spells he is in disbelieve mode.

"Gaston, it's not like we have time to discuss this. But we are not going to break the law to free you. YOU can tell us what you know and we can report it to the court and investigate it. But at least you can die happy because some capricious godling seems bent on killing us to try to force us to free you."

Armand withdraws to F7, drawing his glaive from the magical quiver.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30'  d20+12=14 ; d4-1=3 ; d6=5 ; d20+8=18 ; d20+7=18 ; d20+7=11 ; d4+1=5 ; d6=3 ; d2+1=2 ; d2+1=3 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 8:51:31 PM

Squeaver and I immediately move into position to attack Giant #3 with Atlas, and make sure he can't follow Armand back.

(boot to the head: d20+11+1(flaming tear), d4-1 damage+1d6 (flaming tear),
Hit AC 14 for 3 (+5) damage)

Squeaver, AC 17, HP 26/26, Speed 50
(bite, claw, claw: d20+7 for 1d4+1,1d2+1,1d2+1
+1 to hit and +1d6 cold damage on first attack from frost tear
Hit AC 18 for 5(+3) damage, AC 18 for 2 damage, and AC 11 for 3 damage)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 50/59  d20+13=24 ; d8+4=8 ; d6=6 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+6=7 ; d20+6=22 ; d4+3=5 ; d20+6=13 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 8:57:21 PM

Elyngael spins and seeing giants appear steps back 5 feet and targets the big yellow #3.
To hit arrow 1, (d20+13=24). damage 8 (d8+4) and 6 points fire damage (d6).
Arrow 2 is fired, (d20+8=11) probably not a hit.

oh Shield of Faith: +3 AC (67 rounds left)

She orders Khan to attack, since at their size he's probably in range anyway. So Khan 5 foot steps up to G10 and attacks big yellow #3.
Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

Bite attack (d20+6= 7) a miss
Claw attack (d20+6 = 22) hits? 5 points damage (d4+3=5)
Claw attack (d20+6 = 13) probably a miss again.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30'  d6=2 ;
Wednesday September 6th, 2017 9:06:54 PM

OOC: I believe I also get +2 flank with Osul. If so, I possibly hit AC 16 instead of 14. And get Sneak Attack damage for an additional 2 damage.

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46  d20+7=18 ; d6+2=4 ; d20+7=8 ; d20+16=25 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 5:42:17 AM

AoO: hits AC:18(20 if flanking) for 4 damage, in an unpracticed reflex with the magical quarterstaff.

The earth elemental assesses the path the Xorn (Tremorsense, Perception: 8 - maybe not) and pursues it into the floor (if it can).

'Osul thinks this is a bad place to be. He moves to H7 (25') and tries to confirm that these giant creatures are fire based (taking the guard-torch as a clue) - (Perception: 25, Knowledge...?)

DM RobC - "I'm guessing I'll try another approach, eh?"  d20+15=26 ; d8+6=11 ; d6=2 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+15=26 ; d8+6=13 ; d8+6=10 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=28 ; 4d6=13 ; 4d6=10 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+15=30 ; d8+6=8 ; d6=3 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 7:49:35 AM

Atlas moves to attack the fiery giants, provoking an attac from the large reaching creature as he does so. The giants fiery arm hits him. Atlas isn't optimistic about his own attack, but by luck, he actually hits and hits it well! (AoO. Hit AC26. Atlas takes 11pts damage + 2pts fire damage)

Armand can't believe his eyes, but with the guard now a charred corpse and Atlas taking a hit, everything certainly seems very real. He withdraws to a safe spot and gets his glaive ready.

Mack and Squeaver dive into the fray. The fiery giant attacks both of them as they approach! (AoO vs Mack. Hit AC27. AoO vs Squeaver. Hit AC26. Mack takes 13pts damage + 5pts fire. Squeaver takes 10pts damage + 6pts firer They respond in kind with an impressive display but don't actually connect.

Elyngael spins on her heels and sends some arrows into the fight. The first is a hit, but the second goes way wide. Khan follows orders and lashes out at the giant in a flurry or claws and teeth. One claw makes its mark

The earth elemental disppears into the floor in pursuit of the Zorn.

Osul is pretty sure these giants are fire based, but it's hard to be certain. Perhaps a Knowl Arcana, Local, or Planes would help? He moves away, and fortunately the fiery giant isn't able to attack him as he goes.

The enemy act...

Giant 1 claps his hands together, creating an almight *CLAP*. As he does a wall of fire appears, blocking the exit. The fire burns right at his feet yet he doesn't seem bothered by it at all.
Spellcraft DC19 Highlight to display spoiler: {Wall of Fire}

Giant 2 points his sword and sends a ray of fire at ... Gaston? (Hit AC17-4 for soft cover=13. Hit AC28-4 for soft cover=24. Gaston takes 13 pts fire damage!)
Spellcraft DC17 Highlight to display spoiler: {Scorching Ray}

Giant 3 simply tries to punch Atlas in the face (Hit AC19=Miss. Hit AC30. Atlas takes 8pts damage + 3pts fire damage)

Gaston is rolling on the floor, making sure he is not on fire - despite his significant burns "HELP ME!!!!!!"

Amidst the battle you all "hear" someone telepathically speak with you: "All will die this day! So says the Consortium"


Xorn 1: DEAD
Xorn 2: Unknown
Giant 1:
Giant 2:
Giant 3: 22dmg -- AC21

OOC: When a creature is hit I like to include its AC. That way when you post you actually know what happened and can post accordingly.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 54/54, Speed: 30' 
Thursday September 7th, 2017 11:05:58 AM

OOC: I'll be back on again later to take my turn, but a question.......... I knew we were opening ourselves up to AoO by charging in. But aren't they limited in how many AoO they can make? I figured at worse one of us would get attacked.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+7=20 ; d20+5=7 ; 3d8=11 ; 7d6=19 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 6:18:15 PM

What the heesy is going on. Armand tries to figure out what these things are, and if perhaps they were summoned.
Knowledge Arcane: 20 (d20+7)
Knowledge Planes: 7 (d20+5).

He casts Holy Smite at F12, with a 20 foot radius it will hit all 3 of these creatures...hopefully dealing damage.
Damage part 1: if evil 11 points (3d8) - will save 17 or be blinded, if neutral character will save 17 for half damage.
Damage part 2: if they are evil outsiders take 19 points damage (7d6) and still make will save 17 or be blinded.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 36/54, Speed: 30'  d20+14=19 ; d20+13=23 ; d4-1=2 ; d6=4 ; d4+8=10 ; d4+7=10 ; d4+7=8 ; d20+8=27 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+7=25 ; d4+1=5 ; d6=5 ; d2+1=3 ; d2+1=3 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 6:28:53 PM

"Hey Atlas! Could you be a good friend and shut that door?" :)

I continue to attack Giant 3. (If I draw a line from the center of Atlas to the center of me, the giant is in that.... does that qualify as flanking?)

(flurry of blows: d20+11+2(flank) for each blow, and d4-1 damage+1d6(sneak),
+1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage on first attack from flaming tear
Miss AC 19, Hit AC 23 for 2(+4) damage)

Squeaver lays into him as well, before falling back. (5' step back to G9).

Squeaver, AC 17, HP 10/26, Speed 50
(bite, claw, claw: d20+7 for 1d4+1,1d2+1,1d2+1
+1 to hit and +1d6 cold damage on first attack from frost tear
Hit AC 27 for 5 (+5 cold) damage, AC 25 for 3 damage, and AC 25 for 3 damage)

OOC: I forgot to switch back to d20 from d4 when I rolled Squeaver's 3 attacks, so please ignore the d4+8, d4+7, d4+7 in the middle there.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 50/59  d20+13=14 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=12 ; d8+4=12 ; d6=3 ; d20+6=12 ; d20+6=23 ; d4+3=5 ; d20+6=13 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 9:37:28 PM

Elyngael targets the giant at EF11 and 12.
First arrow, (d20+13=14). Second arrow (d20+8=28) and potential crit. (d20+8=12). Damage d8+4=12.
1d6 fire damage=3 Total damage = 15.

oh Shield of Faith: +3 AC (67 rounds left)

She orders Khan to attack.

Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

Bite attack (d20+6= 12) a miss
Claw attack (d20+6 = 23) 5 points damage (d4+3=5)
Claw attack (d20+6 = 13) a miss.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 38/73  d20+9=10 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+8=10 ;
Thursday September 7th, 2017 10:05:33 PM

"Wow, these guys pack a punch! If anyone has can channel some healing this way it wouldn't go to waste."

Atlas attacks the giant again, but his first strike is clumsy and causes him to miss wildly with his other two attacks. At such a failure his life flashes before his eyes, giving him the extra incentive he needed to reach over and slam the door shut as Mack suggested.

"Did anyone else hear that? I was thinking that we should just leave Gaston, but now I'm thinking that they won't let us go that easily."

Right hand Attack w/ sword (F11): 1d20+9=10
Damage: 1d8+7= (miss)

Left hand Attack w/ Shield (G5): 1d20+7=11
Damage: 1d4+4= (miss)

Second attack w/ sword (F7): 1d20+8=10
Damage: 1d8+7= (miss)

Total Damage: 0

Use a Hero Point to shut the door. I am assuming the door sticks out enough that Atlas can reach over and do that without having to move from his current position.

Shield of Faith: +3 AC (66 rounds left)

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46  7d6=25 ;
Friday September 8th, 2017 6:45:01 AM

The elemental continues to stalk it's prey. It thinks, *Welcome to MY wold.*
Fire, Fire, yeah, okay... and Gaston is asking loudly for help. Wrong spells today my lily...

The third of the room the the giants are in, and much of the exterior corridor get Quenched. In addition to the impact on natural and magical fires, each creature with the fire subtype within the area of a quench spell takes 7d6 = 25 points of damage, no save allowed.

DM RobC - "Wow, these guys pack a punch!"  d20+9=15 ; d20+9=24 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+15=33 ; d100=73 ; d100=10 ; d20+10=19 ; 2d4=4 ; 2d4=6 ; 2d4=6 ; 2d4=4 ; 2d6+11=17 ; 2d6+11=16 ; 2d6+11=17 ; d20+15=24 ; d20+15=26 ;
Friday September 8th, 2017 8:01:59 AM

Armand has no idea what is going on. He's pretty sure these things are outsiders from the plane of fire, but that's about it. He casts holy smite - a very useful spell. Giant 1 clutches at his eyes, but the other two continue the fight

Mack is a little confused. Did that giant just hit 3 people in quick succession? Yes. Yes it did. He finds he can't flank with anyone, but attacks nonetheless (To flank you must have someone on the opposite side). Mack's 2nd attack hits, although does little damage. Squeaver has a lot more success.

Elyngael manages to land an arrow, and Khan a claw

Atlas takes a beating but stays for the fight. Perhaps he was the only one to hear the weird voice? He does his best to put up a fight but all of his attacks miss.

Osul's earth elemental comtinues it's business, but whatever happens now is unknown to Osul. He casts a very effective spell - quench - against the giants (Need a dispel check if you are targetting the flames outside the door). Giant 3 drops to the ground!

Atlas then draws on his heroic reserves to slam the door shut.

The enemy act...

Giant 1 may be blind, but he knows where the door is. He pushes it open again. He can hear very well (Perception check: 33) and blindly casts a spell, sending two rays of fire towards Atlas (Atlas has 50% concealment. d100=73,10. One is ok. Hit AC19 = Miss!) Neither hits!

Giant 2 is none too happy, having been hit by multiple spells. It retaliates with a spell of its own. A wall of fire springs right along the room, burning most of the party!

Elyngael takes 4pts fire damage - no save.
Armand takes 6pts fire damage - no save.
Beordir takes 6pts fire damage - no save.
Mack takes 4pts fire damage - no save.
Squeaver takes 17pts fire damage - no save - and is DYING
Khan takes 16pts fire damage - no save.
Atlas takes 17pts fire damage - no save.

Osul is unhurt.

"NO!" The cry comes from Gaston "FIGHT! STOP THEM! SAVE ME!"

Xorn 2: Unknown
Giant 1: 44dmg -- AC21
Giant 2: 34dmg -- AC21
Giant 3: 93dmg -- DYING

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 21/73  d20+9=14 ; d20+7=25 ; d4+4=5 ; d20+8=15 ; d20+13=22 ; d8+7=9 ;
Friday September 8th, 2017 9:40:45 AM

Atlas moves out of the fire, burnt and feeling the pains of this battle taking their toll. Hoping that a blind giant is less concern, he goes after the one in the cell. He struggles to hit the creature through the door, only managing to catch it with his shield. Knowing that this could be it, he digs deep looking for the speed and energy for another strike. This time he manages to slash the giant with his sword, even if it is only a minor wound.

"Gaston, I'll see you in hell."

Right hand Attack w/ sword (F11): 1d20+9=14
Damage: 1d8+7= (miss)

Left hand Attack w/ Shield (G5): 1d20+7=25
Damage: 1d4+4= 5

Second attack w/ sword (F7): 1d20+8=15
Damage: 1d8+7= (miss)

Hero Attack w/ sword (Giant 2): 1d20+13=22
Damage: 1d8+7=9

Total Damage: 14

Use a Hero Point for one extra attack.

Shield of Faith: +3 AC (65 rounds left)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 21/73 
Friday September 8th, 2017 9:41:31 AM

ooc: Ignore all the map coordinates on my post, it was all against Giant 2. I just forgot to update them.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 32/54, Speed: 30'  d20+12=30 ; d20+11=21 ; d4-1=0 ; d4-1=0 ; d6=6 ;
Friday September 8th, 2017 12:43:30 PM

Is Atlas is delusional, and thinking that he is attacking Gaston? "Uh, that's not Gast..... I mean, HAVE AT HIM!"

Seeing Squeaver go down, I 5' step to E11 to trap the giant in the cell, and assist Atlas in attacking him, hoping to finish him quickly and get over to Squeaver. (I can now see the map at work, on my small phone.... but can't update.)

(flurry of blows: d20+11 for each blow, and d4-1 damage,
+1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage on first attack from flaming tear
Hit AC 30 for 1 (+6 flaming tear) damage, and AC 21 for 1 damage)

Squeaver, AC 17, HP -7/26, Speed 50 ([b]Dying![/i])

OOC: If anyone reads this and can update the map for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I will update the map as soon as I get home. ;)

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48 Power Attack  d20+5=9 ;
Friday September 8th, 2017 1:29:53 PM

Beordir sees the line of fire flare up and knows it will inhibit his freinds. He looks at it closely and recognizes the linear progression it uses to propigate down the line. That particular formula relies on duplication. If he can interfere with one of the links. It's kind of a long shot, as Beordir does not have a lot of practice with spell interaction.

Beordir loosely clasps his hands, then releases them away from each other in a mimicry of the wall of fire. Chanting carefully, he quickly moves to snatch one of the threads forming between his hands, the whole mimiced construct unravels into orange motes of light.

Sighing, he strides down the line toward the door with a giant within it.

(OOC Standadrd Action Cast Dispel Magic on the line of fire d20 + 5 = 9 ; Sigh. I needed a minimum of 12, so no dice.
Move Action - Move to F12, next to Atlas.

Sorry about being distracted the past couple of days)

DM RobC - "Wow, these guys pack a punch!" 
Friday September 8th, 2017 10:08:27 PM

OOC: Just going to put this out there....

The Dispel check needed is 24.

Beordir could use a hero point to reroll. Anyone else could use a hero point to give him a +4 bonus on his roll

Also, is Beordir level 6 or 7?

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+11=22 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ;
Saturday September 9th, 2017 5:03:32 PM

Unfortunately Armand burned through 4 hero points fighting the Oni at the wagon train and has nothing left.

Armand mutters to himself. "I could channel to hit these evil outsiders or I could channel to heal the party. He looks around at the party. Heal check: 22 (d20+11)

A potion materializes in Armand's hand. He instantly knows what it is. "I could drink this and not worry about the fire damage, or I could help my friends."

Armand advances to E9 and channels to heal. He excludes the two oni. Too bad Gaston is out of range.
Channel heal = 19 points healed to all. (1 channel left)

Armand wishes he was not limited in his actions, so many things could be done, he still has a disspell magic on tap for the day. Ah well.

"Whatever is summoning these beasts must be out in yonder hall." He points to toward the southern door.

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46  d20+7=11 ; d20+7=9 ; d20+7=13 ; 7d6=21 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+7=20 ; d20+7=24 ;
Sunday September 10th, 2017 8:38:17 AM

Dispel Checks from last round: 11, 9, 13 (Unsure how many are required, but there were 3 giants..)

'Osul digs deep, Recalls the Quench [i](spending a Hero Point)
and casts it again.

[i]Target ranges: E2:H5, E6:H9, E10:H13, B9:E12, H9:K12, and two more with no particular target in mind.
Damage to fire types: 21 points
Dispel Checks: 22, 20, 24

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+13=26 ; d8+4=6 ; d20+8=17 ;
Sunday September 10th, 2017 6:22:20 PM

Khan retreats to E8 near Elyngael, and guards her against any new appearances in the room.

Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

Elyngael know they need to get past the giant in the south doorway, so she loads her magical bow and (d20+13=26) and hits for 6 points of damage (d8+4=6) Her Improved Precise Shot ignores anything less than total cover, so she draws again (d20+8=17) and misses.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48 Power Attack  d20+5=15 ;
Sunday September 10th, 2017 8:38:58 PM

(OOC I will absolutely reroll. d20+5=15 That doesn't look like that worked.

I am Fighter 2 / Mage 5. That makes my caster level 5, alas. I knew it was a long shot. Multiclass characters frequently suffer on caster level checks.)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 32/54, Speed: 30' 
Sunday September 10th, 2017 9:11:24 PM

OOC: Galen, your character sheet still says you're Fighter 2 / Mage 4. ;)

DM RobC - "Gaston, I'll see you in hell."  d20+15=23 ; d20+15=31 ; d8+6=8 ; d8+6=14 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d20+10=29 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=18 ; d20+10=11 ; d20+10=20 ; 4d6=14 ; 4d6=10 ; 4d6=8 ; 4d6=21 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 7:44:49 AM

Atlas doesn't stop fighting. While he still draws breath he will swing his sword. It doesn't do much damage, but every bit counts.

Mack watches Squeaver fall, and goes to meet the giant responsible for it. He punches and kicks and does a little damage.

Osul digs deep ands calls on what has proven to be a powerful spell: quench. Both giants take the hits, and what's more, the wall of fire is dispelled!

Beordir takes a moment to catch his breath (Quench has taken care of the wall of fire. Beordir keeps his spell and hero point)

Armand moves to a more advanageous position and channels energy to heal everyone. Well, every GOOD one.

Khan falls back as Elyngael lets loose another arrow into the chest of the giant by the doorway.

The enemy act...

Giant #1 slams into Beordir (Hits AC23 and AC31. Beordir takes 22pts damage + 7pts fire damage)

Giant #2 takes a back step and sends a number of heat rays towards the party. 6 in fact.
Spellcraft DC17 Highlight to display spoiler: {2 x Scorching Ray spells}

Attack Mack: Hit Touch AC29. Mack takes 14pts damage
Attack Mack: Hit Touch AC12 = Miss!
Attack Atlas: Hit Touch AC18. Atlas takes 10pts damage
Attack Beordir: Hit Touch AC18 Beordir takes 8pts damage
Attack Beordir: Hit Touch AC11=Miss!
Attack Gaston: Hit Touch AC20 Gaston takes 21pts damage and drops to the floor covered in burns.

Somewhere the earth elemental and xorn battle it out.

Xorn 2: Unknown
Giant 1: 71dmg -- AC21
Giant 2: 71dmg -- AC21
Giant 3: 93dmg -- DYING

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 30/73  d20+9=25 ; d8+7=14 ; d20+7=15 ; d20+8=12 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 12:10:29 PM

Atlas enters the cell to try and finish off one of the giants. His first strike is true, but the others miss their mark.

Right hand Attack w/ sword (C12): 1d20+9=25
Damage: 1d8+7= 14

Left hand Attack w/ Shield (C12): 1d20+7=15
Damage: 1d4+4= (miss)

Second attack w/ sword (C12): 1d20+8=12
Damage: 1d8+7= (miss)

Total Damage: 14

Shield of Faith: +3 AC (64 rounds left)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 37/54, Speed: 30'  d20+12=19 ; d20+11=27 ; d4-1=3 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 12:49:52 PM

I try to keep my body from going into shock from the back and forth of damage, healing, damage, healing.... but I'm very grateful to see Squeaver getting back up.

I advance with Atlas to corner and attack the Giant (G2 - I 5' step to D11).

(flurry of blows: d20+11 for each blow, and d4-1 damage,
+1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage on first attack from flaming tear
Miss AC 19, and Hit AC 27 for 3 damage)

Squeaver regains consciousness, gets up, and tries to move into a better position. (If I'm not doing an Action, can I do 2 moves? 1 to get up, and 1 to actually move?) If he is able, Squeaver moves to I11.

Squeaver, AC 17, HP 12/26, Speed 50

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 6:16:14 PM

Armand moves to H11 and glances into Gaston's cell.

"Well if he does not revive with this we can always question his corpse."

Armand channels for the last time this day. Everyone should be in range. He of course excludes the two firey giant things.
Channel to Heal 11 points to everyone.

(OOC what perfectly terrible rolls.)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+14=30 ; d8+5=7 ; d20+9=28 ; d8+5=11 ; d20+6=20 ; d6+3=9 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 6:39:40 PM

Elyngael draws her bow and aims for the giant thing in the doorway (point blank shot +1). She hits (d20+14=30), for 7 points of damage (d8+5=7). She aims again and hits again! (d20+9=28) for another 11 points of damage (d8+5=11). Then she orders Khan to attack with his bite. (I'm giving Khan a Hero point to help him hit.)
He bites (d20+6+2=22) He does 9 points of damage (d6+3=9).

Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

Beordir (Galen) AC: 27/20/17, CMD 25, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 26 / 48 Combat Expertise; Attacking Defensively  d20=16 ;
Monday September 11th, 2017 8:22:06 PM

Beordir is still holding that hammer. Not as effective, he shifts into a more defensive posture wary of the monstrous things sword. The slash across his ribs an ironic reminder. The hammer does not flow as easily into the Stance Between Trees, but he attempts it anyway. The giant is not very nimble, but Beordir is too cautious to deliver the power needed, so he doesn't injure the monster anyway.

Heaving with more effort than usual, he asks, "Hey, Armand, any way you can work on this cut?"

(OOC Standard Action - Attack defensively d20=16 ; I needed a 20 anyway, but now I'm fully defensive
Move Action - None
Free Action - speak)

'Osul {in Jail - just visiting} (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:17, Saves:(F:6/R:3/W:10 + RNL), HP:46/46  d20+5=19 ; 7d6=20 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+7=27 ; d20+7=26 ;
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 5:24:22 AM

Spellcraft: 19 "Figures!"

'Osul weighs up recalling the spell again against the likelihood that some good attacks might see the remaining giants both drop. Okay, maybe only one.

He digs deep again and casts Quench again, targeting each giant and the exterior hallway.
Damage to fire types: 20 points — the diminishing returns are disappointing
Dispel Checks: 22, 27, 26 (is that a confirmed critical dispel?)

DM RobC - "Figures!" 
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 7:50:51 AM

Between Osul quenching the enemy, and all the attacks, the two "giants" are quickly dispatched.

Armand channels energy to heal everyone. Gaston lies lifeless, a charred corpse in a cell. A fitting end.

"Another loose end taken care of" comes the telepathic voice.

Unlike summoned creatures that disappear when slain, the "giants" and Xorn are slumped, bloody and wet on the floor. Oh, and dead. They're all dead.

With the sound of combat gone, alarms can now be heard throughout the prison.

Everyone is awarded 8,500xp

It was brought to my attention that Hero Points have not been issued for some time. Let's rectify this...

For surviving the battle with the Oni, everyone is awarded 1 hero point
For surviving the battle with the Xorn and "Giants", everyone is awarded 1 hero point
For heroically using a channel in an attempt to save a hated enemy, Armand is awarded 1 hero point
For drawing on what could be the only spell to overcome the giants in a little over 3 rounds, Osul is awarded 1 hero point
For putting himself in harms way to protect the party, Atlas is awarded 1 hero point
For negating the Xorn numbers with a timely web spell, Beordir is awarded 1 hero point
For being the source of comic relief and the butt of jokes, Mack is awarded 1 hero point
For surviving her first real combat, Elyngel is awarded 1 hero point

Further, if anyone has any nominations for a hero point, please email me.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 37/54, Speed: 30' 
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 11:20:41 AM

"Yah, take that!!!!" I punch the giant fire guy one last time.

I then rush over to Squeaver and Gaston..... not real happy about the fact that we let Gaston die, I see if he is truly fully dead, and not just "mostly" dead.

OOC: Thanks for remedying the Hero Points, Rob C! :)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 22 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 41/73 
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 11:24:48 AM

Atlas slumps to the floor and leans back on the dead giant. He stares across the jail to the other cell. "Well, I'm glad he's dead. We're going to have some work to do in regards to cleaning up his mess and saving anyone that can be saved...once we figure out what the heck he was talking about. I wonder if this is happening all around the city. And that voice, we need to figure out that voice I keep hearing in my head."

Atlas shakes his head. "We have a lot of work to do here. We should probably send word to the Tree that we're going to be delayed a bit."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 37/54, Speed: 30'  d20+3=8 ;
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 12:42:52 PM

"Voice? What voice?" I give a very concerned look towards Atlas.

(d20+3 bluff check of 8) SON of a.....

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 1:50:48 PM

Frustrated at having let Gaston die, Beordir smacks the dead monster in front of him one last time. Pulling a rag out of his pouch, he wipes the hammer off before handing it back to Armand. "Thank you for the use, but I don't think I'll change weapons."

He strides over to where he dropped his rapier and slides it back into it's hanger. He looks over at the cell and the body therein, "I'm sorry he died. I had hoped the law would be allowed to provide justice in this case. Alas, there is no further need for a trial."

(Woohoo XP and hero points. I'm 1500 from a level)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 5:56:05 PM

Armand stands a little straighter. (OOC Armand went up, not able to do full upgrade right away).

"Well poo, I guess Gaston is really dead." Armand says as he continues to look at the corpse. "Great job on those giant things 'Osul. Any idea what they were?"

"Okay we gots stuff to do before the guards come in a muck things up so unless you are in dire need, healing is going to have to wait. Mack, Atlas, search the bodies of those giants. You know what to look for. Beodir do you have Detect Magic and can help them with that?"

"Elyngael can you check the burned guard to see if there is a key to Gaston's cell?"

He looks things over quickly. "Okay I have zone of truth and speak with dead still ready to use. We will get 3 questions of Gaston. Thoughts on what we should ask?"

He contemplates a minute, "I figure we can ask, who are the Consortium and What is the goal of the Consortium, or Where are the Consortium. Since that voice in my head at least introduced itself we have a name at least to go on. What do you guys think, remember wording is crucial, especially with someone like Gaston...even dead Gaston."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+12=30 ;
Tuesday September 12th, 2017 9:13:03 PM

Elyngael is proud and a little dazed, but quickly agrees with Armand to search the burned guard for a key to Gaston's cell, (d20+12=30) on Perception. She hears Armand's questions, and can only say "follow the gold"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+28=31 ; d20+27=35 ;
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 7:31:29 AM

Squeaver and I stick close together, and search the bodies carefully, taking all the time we need.

Cast Toros's Taur Try.

(d20+27+1(TTT) TrapFinding check of 31)
(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 35)

Squeaver, AC 17, HP 23/26, Speed 50

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 7:51:04 AM

"I'll have Animal Messenger prepared for tomorrow, Atlas."

"Thanks! Do you mean those giant, fire based things, Armand? No clue. Maybe some research is in order. We should gather up everything they brought with them ... for investigation ... and defrayment of associated costs ... I see you're already on top of it. As for questions, Would you like to come back? seems appropriate. But only, as they say, for the yuks."

'Osul pitches in as best he can with the wash up, at 16 gallons a round if required.

DM RobC - "Figures!" 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 7:58:57 AM

Mack quite happily punches one of the giant guys in the face. They're much easier to hit when they're dead.

Beordir follows the lead and also smacks one of the giants, then goes to retrieve his usual weapon.

There aren't any qualified doctors in the group, but judging by the smoke coming out of Gaston's mouth he isn't faking being dead. Chances are the place he ends up will be somewhat fiery also.

Feelings towards his death are mixed. Sad for his death, frustrated he actually DID die, disappointed he didn't face the judicial system, curiosity as to what he had to say that he took with him to the grave.

Atlas starts to come up with a plan, wondering what might be going on outside, if the trouble has spread, and where that weird telepathic voicec came from.

Armand isn't that sad that Gaston is dead. He congratulates Osul but still isn't sure what those giants were. Their bodies didn't disappear so they obviously weren't summoned. They actually came here. He focuses on the immediate needs, searching bodies, speaking with Gaston's spirit, and basically trying to work out what is going on.

Elyngael is rightfully a little proud of herself. Her shots were true and she made a real difference. She searches the corpse of the guard and finds a shortsword and breastplate, but does not find a key.

Osul pitches in cleaning things up and putting out spot fires.

There is no key to be found, but the party still have options: the delicate approach of picking the high quality lock, the brute force approach of just smashing the thing, and anything in between.

Searching the corpses of the giants and xorn, the party recover:
3 x Large Masterwork Falchions
1 x Necklace
1 pile of different gems from the xorn bodies

Over the noise of the alarms the party can hear the sound of combat nearby - inside the prison.

OOC: If the XP rewards put you over your level, I would suggest holding off on updating your sheet unless you can do it very very quickly. You, uh, may not have much of a chance :)

I also received some hero point nominations:
Robert for his excellent subbing work and Eric for his continued ADM duties that keep the game going. Robert and Eric are awarded 1 hero point each (to be clear: the hero point is for your PCs, not you personally)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 22 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 41/73 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 10:42:49 AM

Atlas finds his way to his feet with a little help from his sword. "Armand, the questions will need to be fool proof, otherwise Gaston will find a way to send us to our deaths. I see two items to focus on, and they may be one in the same. First, this Consortium group. Second, how to stop the carnage that seems to be ravaging the jail and maybe the city. We cannot get all the info we need, so maybe we just focus on getting Gaston to tell us who/how we can go about finding the information we need. Something like, 'Who can we talk to in order to learn more about the Consortium and their intentions?' Then maybe, 'What were you going to tell us to help save people?' Just a few thoughts that we might actually get an answer on with the Zone of Truth spell supporting it."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 12:17:29 PM

I begin to work on the lock to Gaston's prison.

If I Take 20, I get a 38. If someone assists me, I get a 40. I need a 30 to open a Good lock, and a 40 to open an Amazing lock. ;)

This is assuming we have the time. If the sounds of battle come up before I get that far, Squeaver and I would immediately head in the direction of battle, to see what we can do to assist.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 12:50:08 PM

Beordir replies to Atlas, "I left a Sending scroll at the Tree so they could communicate with us if they need to. I also acquired a Teleport scroll if we need to get back quickly. Mind you it might be better to have someone else transport us. Less chance of error."

Beordir steps out the southern door, blade at the ready, looking to identify what is happening in the rest of the prison. "Perhaps we should question Gaston's corpse later."

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=4 ; d8=7 ; d8=8 ;
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 6:04:41 PM

Armand walks over to Beodir and reclaims his hammer. Tucking it into his belt he approaches Atlas. To the group he speaks. "Look I for one am all about helping the innocent and rescuing people under assault. But let's play it smart this time. We're not exactly up to our best."

He pauses and burns Neutralize Poison to cast Cure Critical wounds on Atlas. 28 HP healed (4d8+7)

"We're low on spells. And I don't trust Gaston's body to still be here if we leave and have to come back. Let's do him now and then advance in mass into the next hallway. So Atlas, scoop this stuff up into the bag of holding and as soon as Mack gets the door open, or Squeever drags Gaston a little closer I can possibly get us some answers."

(OOC range on speak with dead is 10 feet, and from the last map Gaston was in the back of his cell, but if he fell forward....we don't need to go into the cell.)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 8:19:49 PM

I don't feel good inside about it, but I keep working on the cell lock..... hoping someone has some skill in disabling locks and can give me any little boost I might need.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Wednesday September 13th, 2017 9:08:01 PM

Elyngael leaves the guards possessions on him. She goes over to guard the door, but stands back 5 feet to be able to shoot her bow. She has Khan guard with her.

"Does anyone have rope and a grappling hook? You could just hook Gaston and bring him closer to the cell door."

DM RobC - "But let's play it smart this time" 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 6:23:56 AM

It would seem even in death the party don't trust Gaston - or his corpse.

Atlas starts considering the best wording of the questions Armand should ask the dead man. Best question him before he gets too comfortablel, and best make sure the questions are so specific that he can't manipulate his way out of them.

Elyngael suggests hooking Gaston like a fish and pulling him to the edge of the cell.

Mack starts working at the lock as the sound of battle can be heard nearby.

Armand isn't willing to wait and wants to question the corpse here and now. If he chooses to start casting Speak with Dead it will take a full 10 minutes to complete the spell. If interupted he would lose it. Highlight to display spoiler: {Just letting you know I've also asked a question on the rules board about Zone of Truth + Speak with Dead. Please feel free to add to it}

Elyngael, Khan and Beordir guard the door. They can clearly hear the sound of a fight coming from the next cell block. Beordir looks out the door in time to see one of the guards into the next cell block literally fly backwards out of the door, into the opposing wall and dropping to floor unconscious, blood dripping from fresh wounds.

Some sudden bursts of light come through that doorway, and Elyngael and Beordir can clearly hear someone calling out "I'm not paid enough for this! Let them have the prisoners! It's not worth our lives!"

OOC: Excellent posting this week people! Let's keep it up!

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+21=35 ;
Thursday September 14th, 2017 6:51:10 AM

"I don't know what wears three shoes, but I've been waiting for that last one to drop since the fire-based giants turned up. Still, maybe it has more than three shoes?"

Quietly, he chats to Armand in amongst the hubbub. "We're low on spells? What do we need? I've been casting the same spell over and over, so I'm ready to roll - probably still have a lightning bolt left."

He scans the group for the more injured (noting Atlas has just been cured) - Heal Check: 35 - then asks if anyone would like further healing while the questions are asked.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 7:11:54 AM

Knowing people are possibly dying, I stop working on the lock, and immediately head off with Squeaver in the direction of the battle..... casting Magic Fang on myself on the way.

I also take out the Thunderstone.

"Sorry, Elyngael.... I've got nothing to hook him like that. At least not in the very limited time we seem to have before battle is upon us."

To Osul: "Squeaver and I are a little nicked up, but nothing worth wasting a Heal spell on yet. Give me just a minute though...." ;)

Squeaver, AC 17, HP 23/26, Speed 50

I feel like someone is really after Gaston's body, and while I'm wanting to guard that, I just can't put it higher on the list than guards that are dying.

Magic Fang: +1 to hit and damage for 1 attack per round; rounds remaining: 10
Toros's Taur Try: +1 Perception; rounds remaining: 95

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 7:30:30 AM

"Oh bother. Armand sighs.

He casts Bless. Everyone gets +1 to hit and +1 vs fear.

"Let's try to stay reasonably together this time. Strength in numbers and the like."

spells up
Bless 70 rounds
Shield of Faith on Atlas - last count was 63 I think, how much time did we loose?
Shield of Faith on Elyngael - last count was 64, how much time did we loose?

Spells left
1st: Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Detect Poison
2nd: Zone of Truth, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3rd: Dispel magic, Speak With Dead
4th: 0
channels left: 0

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 10:41:59 AM

Atlas feels the healing wash over him and shivers a bit. "Wow, that feels better. Thanks Armand!"

Atlas puts a hand on Mack's shoulder. "Think bigger my friend. A couple guards die and we get the information we need from Gaston to save 100s, or we save 1-2 guards at the cost of 100s of lives. I cannot go out there with you so that they can sneak in from behind and take him. Please stand by my side and fight when they get here."

Atlas looks about the room for the best way to situate themselves. Two entries, one with all the noise. "We need to make sure that while we're protecting this door that they don't sneak in from behind. Armand, 'Osul, Beordir, any ideas? I liked that web spell, too bad we don't have another one of those if needed. Also, what about the Xorn. It could come up through the floor and possibly take him. We need that door open so we can prevent it if that happens."

Atlas moves to stand by the door, but out of the way from El's arrow. "It's getting a little crowded, why don't we give them enough room to let 2-3 normal sized beasts in, or a single giant. That way we're all able to do damage rather than having some sit back."

Shield of faith: +3AC (60 rounds left)
Bless: +1 to hit, +1 vs fear (70 rounds left)

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 12:57:20 PM

OOC: Do we have an updated map? I believe I'm following..... guards being attacked in the next cell block, we can hear (and see some), but can't see the attackers yet. But there is no closed door, correct? It's an open doorway? I'll need to know some idea of where we are and distance to decide what I actually do next. I may advance alone, in Stealth mode.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Thursday September 14th, 2017 5:43:49 PM

Beordir shakes his head. "I don't have another one for now. None of my other options will do tactical isolation like that. Most are personally defensive. I can protect myself from arrow, or fire or acid. I can escape invisibly."

"Oh, I can also speak words remotely. So I could alert someone in authority to what's happening here, but they might already know."

"If we can bar the doors, that might slow them down. After that, form killing cups on the doors and make them come to us."

He speaks aside to Elyngael and Mack. "I have some cord and an arrow. Would that work?"

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 8:29:52 PM

"I'm and idiot." Armand smacks himself with his hand. He rushes over to Gaston's cell door. He pulls a flask of acid out and pours it on the lock. "I don't think we need to be subtle about this anymore, and we don't need to act right away. All we need is Gaston's body, really only his head." As the acid works on the lock he pulls out his crowbar and sticks it between the door and the lock and beings pulling and pushing. "We just need to grab his body and stuff it in the bag of holding for now."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+3=21 ;
Thursday September 14th, 2017 8:55:47 PM

Elyngael covers the doorway out of the cell block with a arrow readied and commands Khan to assist Armand in opening the door, strength check (d20+3=21).

Khan's stats
HP42/42, AC 18, touch 15 CMD 21
Bite/claw/claw +6/+6/+6 damage 1d6+3/1d4+3/1d4+3

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Friday September 15th, 2017 7:00:56 AM

'Osul follows the teams lead, and gets the bag of holding out, though he thinks Gaston's corpse is probably stuffed enough.

OOC: New magical Item, Bag of Holding Out

DM RobC - "But let's play it smart this time" 
Friday September 15th, 2017 7:21:57 AM

Osul declares that he is ready to go and looks over the party to identify any wounded. Mack looks the most beat up.

Hearing the cries from the next room, Mack puts away his lock tools and starts heading for the door. Only to be stopped by Atlas.

Atlas has stopped Mack, declaring that the lives of the guards pale in comparison to the hundreds of possible lives that could be at risk. He suggests the party guard each end of the room in case they get surrounded.

Beordir comes up with some plans as well on how to barricade the doors.

Armand does a classic face-palm as he realises that the group needn't be subtle with the lock. He gives it an acid bath, an readies his crowbar for the next step.

Elyngael covers the doorway, while directing Khan to give Armand a hand/paw.

Does Mack continue on his course or stay with the party? If he continues it is a short hallway to the open door of the next cellblock.

OOC: To answer Mack's questions: No, no map (Yet?) Guard got flung out of the door to the next cell block - a bloody mess and not moving. The door to this cellblock and the next are both open. You can hear the sounds of battle. Can't see any attackers

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18 (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+21=24 ;
Friday September 15th, 2017 7:41:49 AM

I pat Atlas on the shoulder (or as high as I can reach)... "Hold my squirrel. I've got this."

I cast Guidance on Atlas as I pat him (+1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check - 1 time).

I have Squeaver hold back, and I attempt to advance in Stealth mode.

(d20+20+1 (TTT) stealth check of 24)

Magic Fang: +1 to hit and damage for 1 attack per round; rounds remaining: 9
Toros's Taur Try: +1 Perception; rounds remaining: 94
Bless: +1 to hit; +1 vs fear; rounds remaining: 69

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Friday September 15th, 2017 9:23:31 AM

Atlas shrugs, "Just be careful not to die."

Turning to Armand, "How long after he dies can we cast the spell? How long does it take to cast? Do you think we should try now or wait?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d20+4=13 ;
Friday September 15th, 2017 9:59:14 PM

Per his own instructions, Beordir forms up on the inside of the door. Mack had already headed out, so he kept it relaxed. He probably wouldn't hear Mack, so he remains alert for the battle sounds coming closer.

(OOC Perception d20+4=13 ; )

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Saturday September 16th, 2017 9:35:38 AM

OOC: reread Mack's post. You just know what DM RobC's quote is going to be on his next post!

The handy haversack does not release the bag of holding. 'Osul rummages about for a moment, before the realization dawns upon him that Atlas has it.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+2=15 ;
Saturday September 16th, 2017 10:15:25 AM

"At least a week I think Atlas. But the casting time of the spell to get answers will take longer than we have. But I don't trust this consortium, they may still try and get his body, or destroy it, or turn it into some form of undead."

"I'm not sure how much the acid has weakened the lock, I think we can fit one more person on this crowbar."

Armand grunts and pulls on the crowbar. Strength check 15 (d20+2) successful aid on Khan's Strength check of 21 for a 23 now.

"If this doesn't work right off, then I guess we'll have to leave the body here. On the other hand it if snaps with a loud clang or something, you may get your wish and the attackers may come to investigate."

spells up
Bless 69 rounds: All +1 to hit, +1 vs fear.
Shield of Faith on Atlas - last count was 60.
Shield of Faith on Elyngael - last count was 61.

Spells left
1st: Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Detect Poison
2nd: Zone of Truth, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3rd: Dispel magic, Speak With Dead
4th: 0
channels left: 0

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+12=17 ;
Saturday September 16th, 2017 5:48:02 PM

Elyngael continues to cover the doorway with her readied arrow, alert for any intruders, perception (d20+12=17).

DM RobC - "Hold my squirrel. I've got this" 
Monday September 18th, 2017 1:35:12 AM

Mack has no plans to stay. There is trouble in the next room, and by the sound of things, people need help. He reassures Atlas and continues out the door.

Atlas shrugs and somewhat emotionlessly discusses what the party can do once Mack is dead.

Beordir keeps inside the door, ready to protect the party from whatever may come.

Osul keeps looking for his bag of holding before realising that Atlas has it. It's always in the last place you look, right?

Armand advises that the Speak with Dead spell could take a while to cast, and the party may not have time. He has one last crack at the lock. There is a groan of metal as Armand pulls on the crowbar while Khan pushes against the metal door. Finally there's a *snap* and the lock is broken.

Elyngael continues to cover the door.

Whereas the rest of the party are prepared to barricade themselves inside the room, Mack heads out into the corridor. By the entrance to the next cellbock he can see a guard's bloody body slumped on the floor. He peers into the cellblock to see for himself what is going on.

It's probably not exactly what he expected.

It's a cellbock similar to the other one, except this one has a troll standing in it. A human (not in guards uniform) is standing just inside the doorway whilst a linotaur on the opposite side of the room casts a magic missile at the troll. Two guards are fighting the troll with shortswords, as another 3 guards lay dead on the floor next to 2 dead trolls.

There are three prisoners (in separate cells) in the room, each is as far away from the battle as their cells will allow. 4 other prisoners were not so lucky. You guess the trolls were able to reach into the cells and pull the helpless men against the bars.

In the middle of the room is a hole leading to a tunnel - likely how the trolls entered.

The human inside the doorway casts some sort of acid spell (Highlight to display spoiler: {Acid Arrow}) causing the troll to howl. It slumps to the floor.

Mack is awarded a hero point for truly living the values of being good: "Good means a respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others."
Mack's WLA badge starts to have a gold glean to it. For the remainder of the module Mack receives an unnamed +4 bonus to his AC for staying true to his WLA vows: "To protect the innocent and combat evil wherever I may find it"

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor  d20+5=20 ; d6+3=4 ; 4d6=12 ; 4d6=17 ;
Monday September 18th, 2017 8:24:31 AM

More than just a little perturbed at the trolls interference with their mission, Neshi sends another spell streaking toward the troll as two fiery rays strike the troll scorching Ray.

Ranged touch AC 20 for 29 points fire damage

Spells in use.

Mage armor - 7 hours

DM Robert, just not here, fixed it. just change the text between the (link href) and (/link) to what you want to be the link item. Not using actual brackets because that would trigger the texty stuff.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+16=29 ; d4-1=2 ; d6=1 ; d6=2 ;
Monday September 18th, 2017 9:42:56 AM

I immediately (if close enough) move into a flanking position to attack the closest troll that is already engaged with a guard or wemic.

Assuming the closest one is more then 5'-step away, I can't flurry, but I can still boot.

(boot to the head: d20+13+2(flank)+1(flaming tear), and d4-1 damage+1d6(sneak)+1d6(flaming tear),
Hit AC 29(+2) for 2(+1)(+2)+1 damage)

I yell out to Squeaver, hoping the others get the message as well that we're needed immediately....
"Squeaver! Engage!!!"

crap... forgot to add these to my rolls... adjusting now:

Magic Fang: +1 to hit and damage for 1 attack per round; rounds remaining: 8
Toros's Taur Try: +1 Perception; rounds remaining: 93
Bless: +1 to hit; +1 vs fear; rounds remaining: 68

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Monday September 18th, 2017 12:34:19 PM

Atlas hear's Mack and sighs loudly. "Armand, I have to go deal with our supposedly 'stealthy' halfling. I suggest we begin the process of questioning Gaston. If we get interrupted then so be it, we'll just take the body with us if that is the case and deal with it in the morning. At least that's where I stand at the moment. If something busts through that door...just yell louder than Mack."

Atlas proceeds to the next room. He's clearly not happy with how this is going.

ooc: Atlas's comments about casting the spell and such were in regards to Gaston, not Mack. Atlas thought Mack was going to check on things and report back. He didn't expect Mack to die.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d20+4=9 ;
Monday September 18th, 2017 5:34:57 PM

With Mack's bellowing and Atlas chasing after him, all the action is clearly in the other room. Beordir steps through the door, and looks around at the fight brewing down the hall. Then he looks around for other potential threats since Mack and Atlas seem to have tied that one up.

(OOC Standard Action - Use Perception d20+4=9 ; Man, I can't see my own boots.

Can I get more description of the layout outside the door? Are we in the center or a corridor? Can I see each end of the this corridor?)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Monday September 18th, 2017 8:03:17 PM

'Mack in trouble how unusual.' Armand thinks to himself.

"Go, I'll collect Gaston and be right behind you." Armand calls out to everyone and anyone in general.

Move action approaches Gaston and whips out his bag of holding.
Standard action - uses the bag of holding like a pillow case and uses Gaston's body as the pillow.

spells up
Bless 68 rounds: All +1 to hit, +1 vs fear.
Shield of Faith on Atlas, +3 AC - last count was 59.
Shield of Faith on Elyngael, +3 AC - last count was 60.

Spells left
1st: Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Detect Poison
2nd: Zone of Truth, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3rd: Dispel magic, Speak With Dead
4th: 0
channels left: 0

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+14=19 ; d8+4=8 ; d6=4 ;
Monday September 18th, 2017 8:46:13 PM

Elyngael steps into the corridor, sights and sends a fire arrow into the nearest troll, (d20+14=19) to insure that it does not regenerate, damage (1d8+4+1d6 fire=12). She calls Khan to her side to be ready to attack.

DM RobC - "Hold my squirrel. I've got this" 
Monday September 18th, 2017 10:56:26 PM

OOC: "causing the troll to howl. It slumps to the floor."

I'm not sure what you guys are attacking but you're doing a good job! :)

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Monday September 18th, 2017 11:46:32 PM

Practically pirouetting in surprise at the sudden rush of new figures, Talya flails wildly at the nearest person with her staff before realising that she isn't under attack anymore.

"Oh! Ah, um, er, so terribly sorry - thought you were another troll for a second...

Flushed red and trying to wipe the troll viscera off her robes, she calls to the Liontaur as she peers into one of the holding cells.

"Neshi, is the guy we're looking for? Yellow mustache and a beard fits the description, but one of the trolls got to him... Ugh."

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 5:40:35 AM

'Osul assists Armand pillow-slipping Gaston -four hands are better than two.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=31 ; d20+10=17 ;
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 6:35:21 AM

OOC: Being a troll, I figured it wasn't dead yet. And I thought there was more than one. ;)

IC: I scan the room for more enemies. If I don't see any, I switch to bandaging the wounded quickly.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 31)
(d20+10 heal check of 17)

Magic Fang: +1 to hit and damage for 1 attack per round; rounds remaining: 7
Toros's Taur Try: +1 Perception; rounds remaining: 92
Bless: +1 to hit; +1 vs fear; rounds remaining: 67

DM RobC - "Ah, um, er, so terribly sorry" 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 8:22:03 AM

With the trolls finally dealt with, Neshi makes sure they stay down. His two fiery rays should stop some regeneration.

Mack bursts into the room and proceeds to stomp on the head of the fallen troll.

Atlas can feel the blood rushing to his face, clearly unhappy with how the day is going.

Armand decides to stay with Gaston's body while the others take care of any potential combat. Osul plays assistant helping to push Gaston's body into an interdimensional space.

Beordir pokes his head into the corridor but can't see anything, nor hear any commotion any more.

Elyngael steps into the corridor but doesn't see anything to attack (Per previous post, the fight is in the next cellblock, not the corridor)

Talya turns on her heels and narrowly avoids cracking Mack over the skull with her staff.

With the battle now done, Talya sets to looking about the cells. She thinks one of the prisoners may have been the man she was looking for.

The two remaining guards see Neshi and Mack continue the attack, so likewise keep hacking at the dead troll. They seem braver now the danger has subsided.

Xorn, "red giants", and Trolls are all dead.

Please welcome Jacob (Talya) and Kent (Neshi)!

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 8:28:20 AM

OOC: Welcome to the game, Jacob and Kent!!!!!!! Glad to you have you aboard. :)

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 8:50:59 AM

Once he has made sure that troll regeneration doesn't take place, Yurr'Neshi looks around at all the strangers entering.

"Well met, I hope." At least I hope by the fact that you are covered in green blood and wanting to hack and stomp these trolls that you are not with them."

"Tayla, is one of the four him? Hey is any of you Olander Mcgruigar?" If so speak now, truly and perhaps we will remove you from this cess pit of a death trap."

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 5:03:16 PM

Atlas enters the cell block as things are calming down. At Neshi's comments he responds, "No, no Olander in our group. We're dealing with someone else, but I think this attack may be bigger than just your Orlander. You mind joining us as we leave the jail? The more the better considering that when we leave someone might want to blame us. At least this way we can all vouch for each other."

Atlas looks back to their original cell block, then back at the new folks. "If you don't mind, I need to check on someone. I'll be back in a moment. Mack here will fill you in on any details, then we'll go."

Atlas heads back to see how Armand and 'Osul are doing with Gaston. "Seriously?!?" Atlas breaks out in laughter at the sight before him.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+11=25 ; d20+11=13 ;
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 6:12:50 PM

Armand stands and lifts the bag. "Oh say can you help tie this back onto the backpack?" Once secured he turns to Atlas. "What are you doing back here? I thought there was a fight."

Hearing the fight is over Armand indicates they should all join together again. He stops to examine any fallen guards to see if they are dead, or just at death's door and can be healed.
Heal check 25 (d20+11)

"Hello there," he eyes the group in the next cell block noting that they do not appear to be wearing the uniforms of the guard. "What brings you down this way." Armand is uneasy, could these people be the ones that did the summoning, or in league with this Consortium?

Armand will 'casually' make his way around the room checking the non-trolls that are down (like prisoners and guards) for signs of life...or near life again.
Heal check 13 (d20+11)
Apparently he is more agitated in this room and is having trouble concentrating.

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 7:06:49 PM

Talyah narrows her eyes and pointedly retorts to the new arrival.

"I could ask you the same thing. What brings such a large and well-armed group into a prison? I doubt that it's any coincidence that you lot are here just as we get attacked, and by trolls no less!

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 8:29:42 PM

Beordir waits in place while Osul and Armand finish their grisly work. Then he walks down the hall with them. There's a bit of detant between the Wardens and the wizard and wemic. He pauses to listen a moment, but things seem to escalate.

He butts in, "Easy now. We've all been attacked, but not necessarily by each other. There's no need to spread this hostility."

"We were visiting a prisoner when summoned monsters attacked. We have yet to divine their origins."

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Tuesday September 19th, 2017 9:33:52 PM

Elyngael calls Khan to her side after listening to all the remarks swirling around between those she knows and those she does not. She turns to Talya, "I am Elyngael Noldoryn, a Ranger that has recently joined with this group. I heard you say something about Olander Mcgruiga. I've not heard the name before, but we have not searched all of these cells. Perhaps we can assist each other and leave quicker if you could tell us what this person looks like. Shared work , makes short work, and I want to get some fresh air."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 6:56:47 AM

"Uhhh.... Hi! I'm Mack!" I walk over to shake hands with anyone that will accept.... starting with Armand.

"And this is Squeaver." I quickly add, before Squeaver gets impaled by someone anxious.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 7:27:18 AM

'Osul looks at the closed bag for a moment, before that moment takes him... "Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself."
"Or don't. Seriously, just don't!"
With that he follows Armand and Atlas, and joins in the exchange of greetings in the neighboring block.

DM RobC - "What brings you down this way." 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 7:54:58 AM

Neshi looks over the prisoners - alive and dead - hoping to find someone called Olander.

Atlas believes her to be talking to the party, and politely informs her that noone in the party goes by that name. He excuses himself to go check in on Armand and Osul stuffing Gaston into a bag of holding.

With Gaston in the bag, Armand heads to the next cell-block and meets the two strangers. He is a little uneasy - could this pair have done the summoning? He recalls that the corpses of the dead still lie in the room. This would be atypical of a summoning spell.

Talya picks up on Armand's tone and goes on the defensive (offensive?). She was just attacked by trolls and here are a few people wandering about not wearing uniforms.

Beordir takes on the role of peacemaker, soothing any misunderstandings. He explains what the party were doing: visiting a prisoner when the attack ocurred.

Elyngael introduces herself and suggests there may be a way for the groups to work together.

Mack introduces himself and his squirrel.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 8:22:00 AM

Tawny in color Yurr'Neshi's body looks a lot like a mountain lion, and standing over 7 ft tall and 10 ft in length he is an impressive and good looking young wemic. His eyes are golden and the beginnings of should prove to be a fairly impressive gold and black mane is starting to show itself along the back of his neck and shoulders surrounding his very feline facial features. If and when his upper torso is visible there are black flame-like tattoos crossing his chest. The overall feeling of a predator is definitely there. A headband circles his brow and bracers on his wrists He is wears a dark brown robe topped with a light brown cloak there are javelins and a morning star poking up from his pack. His common while very understandable if fairly heavily accented. Some of the consonants come across very growley while others seem to purr.

"Talya, relax a bit. I am pretty sure they are not the enemy." Turning to Armand, he continues. "You might try relaxing a bit too. I am pretty sure had we not been over here killing trolls and the such these other ones would have come after you too."

"Hello Mack, My name is Yurr'Neshi. My companion over there is Talya." Neshi Looks down at Squeaver. (what is it?) As for why we are here, right now we are looking for a prisoner that might have some information that we were looking for." With that said he once again addresses the four remain living prisoners.

"Are any of you four Olander or do you know id any of these others was he?"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 11:32:05 AM

"Hey, Yurr'Neshi! Glad to meet you!" I extend my hand. "We've had a couple of wemics journey with us for a short time, but they've always seemed quick to leave us. I'm not sure why. Hmmmm...." I attempt to smell myself, and see how bad I am. I then glance over at Squeaver, accusingly.

I smile at Squeaver and rub him on the back of the neck.

"Squeaver is a friend of mine that saved me from drowning a while. Now he journies with us in our travels; although like me, he doesn't like being too far from the Tree. He's a giant albino squirrel, and feels more at home around a giant tree." ;)

"Never heard of Olander. Is he a friend or foe?"

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 3:01:13 PM

"Alright, alright. Phew, I don't know how you do it Neshi, just come out of a fight and be as calm as you like.

Talya shakes her head, settling down to the unpleasant task of trying to identify the prisoner they were seeking.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 3:01:44 PM

Atlas comes back to the room and watches the introduction. When a moment opens up he speaks up, "I'm glad we're all enjoying that we're not enemies. Why don't we take this conversation back to our inn so that we can avoid the next wave of creatures that wants to kill us. It is probably best to head back the way we came in, I'll lead the way." Atlas does his best to get the group moving so that they can avoid more trouble. He's also very interested in talking to Gaston ASAP!

"By the way, I'm Atlas and I'm not usually this grumpy. It's just been a bad day."

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 5:00:58 PM

(Yes, yes I know illegal second post and all that)

Turning back to Atlas, Well, not to slow things down but we really need to find out if one of these prisoners is Olander, we were led to believe he might have some information about this mysterious organization Tayla and I are looking into.has some

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+10=26 ;
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 5:46:23 PM

Armand looks over to Atlas. "Don't worry Atlas. Gaston is not going anywhere." He pats the bag tied to his backpack.

"Forgive us Talya and Yurr'Neshi, it has been a trying day. An old enemy of ours was trying to force us to get him freed in exchange for information that could save thousands. Then we were attacked by Xorn and some sort of fiery giants. We have since discovered that some group calling itself The Consortium, sent these monsters to shut Gaston up."

He looks around and address the guards. "Good sirs, could you aid these citizens as to the cell containing Olander Mcgruigar? Then perhaps we should report to your superiors your heroic efforts in assisting in the defeat of this Troll. And if you could tell me the names of your fallen comrades I will make sure to pray to Lord Gargul for their souls."
Diplomacy 26 (d20+10)

He looks over the newcomers again. "Do either of you need healing?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 6:01:05 PM

Elyngael follows up with Armand's suggestion to the guards, "Guards, I will be glad to help you find the cell. No need for you to do the work alone. Khan and I will guard you against any unwelcome disturbances such as trolls. Don't let Khan alarm you. He is my well trained companion and no threat unless you harm either of us." She turns to Yurr'Neshi, "Do you have a name for this mysterious organization? Are they friend or foe to you?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Wednesday September 20th, 2017 9:09:23 PM

Beordir listens carefully to everyone. Things are getting complicated indeed. Beordir knows nothing of the Consortium or what they feared Gaston would reveal. As the two groups get acquainted, Beordir keeps an eye out for more threats.

As the conversation turns toward their next destination, Beordir warns the group off, "If we care to keep our good name with the local authorities, we should not just disappear Gaston. They would think it's a jail break."

"May I suggest we try to find this Olander, but all as a group. After that, we can ask our questions of the deceased."

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+19=27 ; d20+7=12 ;
Thursday September 21st, 2017 6:44:41 AM

"I would guess that the reason the trolls ended up here was they lost their "guidance" when Gaston died."

"Aside from delivering a quick apology to the spiritual advisor who may still be on duty, I think we are done here... unless we're happy to wait for the fourth shoe to drop somewhere nearby?"
, recommends 'Osul who (by virtue of being the last to arrive) is nearest the door, and happy to be using it again promptly.

Perception: 27, Sense Motive: 12
'Osul is a human of average build and height for someone yet to reach his 20s, but something in his deep green eyes hints at more. A keen ear of a well traveled individual might pick his accent as originating from one of the small farming hamlets in or about the eastern edge of the Culverwood. The style of his long auburn hair back-braided into loops would help narrow that down further. About a set of clean if not recently purchased traveling attire sits a large robe in varigreen, and embroidered with myriad animals, creatures, plants and such. On these vestments is a clean (almost shiny) WLA badge - but not a shiny as Mack's! In his hand is a gnarled, darkwood (quarter)staff that looks more effective a weapon than experience has shown, and gets more use as a walking stick, such as you can see now.

DM RobC - "unless we're happy to wait for the fourth shoe to drop" 
Thursday September 21st, 2017 7:50:30 AM

OOC: More than happy for multiple posts during the welcoming period

Neshi tries to calm Talya, convinced that this group are not the enemy, although curious about the giant albino squirrel.

Mack introduces himself and his albino companion.

Noone in the group has heard of this Olander person. Talya finds one of the prisoners bears a stron resemblance to the man they were seeking. A man with blonde hair and beard lies against the bars of one of the cells. His arms are bent at unnatural angles, and he looks to have sustained significant trauma to his neck.

Atlas is still cranky and urges the party to continue this discussion back at the inn.

Armand is the first to address the guards. One points to the cell Talya stands by, confirming the body of Olander. They both grin to each other at the mention of a positive report to their superiors but quickly puff their chests out "It was nothing. That's what we're here for. To keep the peace".

Sense Motive DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {Though he is trying to act humble he no doubt wants that recommendation}

The mention of their fallen friends causes the grins to fade. They look at the bodies as one whispers to the other "That could have been us"

Elyngael continues with the diplomacy, happy to aid the guards in their task.

Beordir tries to put some reason to the next steps. Letting the superiors in the prison know of Gaston's fate and the desire of the party to take his body away. Better to let them know than for them to think it a jail break. Worse if they think the party are responsible for it.

Osul has a think about why the trolls were here. Is it possible they were being guided by Gaston?

Where to from here? Is there any action remaining with Olander? Will the party be seeking the supervisor or spiritual advisor in the prison?

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=28 ;
Thursday September 21st, 2017 8:02:40 AM

I pick up a nearby weapon or such from a fallen guard, and go poke at a dead troll. I examine it closely.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 28)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Thursday September 21st, 2017 10:52:23 AM

Atlas grumbles to himself, still eager to get moving. He has a tremendous fear that someone is going to blame them for all this and lock them up. This group known as the Consortium seems to have tremendous power and influence and that would be a simple thing for them to control.

Speaking up to get things moving, "Is that blonde guy over there Olander or not? If not, everyone is accounted for, so he's either not here or he isn't who you think he is. Armand, pull out Gaston's head and see if they recognize his features as Olander. I'm positive that Gaston has gone about his business with other identities and disguises, so it could be him. Then can we get moving? We'll drop a good word about the guards on the way out and I'm fine telling them that we're taking Gaston's body, but if they argue then they're either letting us do the spell right there or they're going to get the flat of my sword to their head. I am not letting the Consortium pin us in here with their deceit and lies. We need to get out."

Atlas is feeling a bit claustrophobic right this second. He tries to slow his breathing. What the heck is going on with me.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=35 ;
Thursday September 21st, 2017 12:30:52 PM

"I don't know.... there's a tunnel right here. Can't we check it out?" Squeaver and I peer down into it, half tempted to start on in.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 35)

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Thursday September 21st, 2017 2:30:16 PM

"Wait, The "Consortium" is who we are looking for information about. They are supposedly responsible for some atrocities that we would like to see them held accountable for. Olander there, pointing at the dead blonde guy, was supposed to have some information about them and so we came here to get that information. Now I I guess we are back to the beginning all over again."

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50  d20+5=9 ;
Thursday September 21st, 2017 4:21:22 PM

Talya sighs dejectedly, blowing an errant strand of hair hanging in front of her face.

"Well, it looks like we're back to square one...

(d20+5 Intelligence roll of 9, looks like Talya is out of ideas)

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Thursday September 21st, 2017 7:46:33 PM

Beordir shrugs and smiles at the two investigators, "If not one Speak with Dead spell, why not two?"

He turns to Atlas, "The guards will not want us to take him with us. They may try to arrest us for murder. I know you're tense, but we may have to do the spellcasting here."

(OOC description:
Beordir is tall and slim like most elves. His hair is short and brown. His eyes are also brown. He is wears light blue linen doublet and green wool pants. He wears a deeper blue cloak when needed. He is open and friendly for an elf and when talking to someone, Beordir is attentive and engaged. For most physical tasks, he is quick to act and efficient in motion. In planning, he prefers thorough discussion and clear strategies. Recently his confidence has been bolstered from the Culverwood's validation of his skillset.)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 21st, 2017 9:26:07 PM

Armand shakes his head. "Atlas, exnay speakay aboutay the bodyay."

Armand nods his head to Beordir's comment. "Well unfortunately I only have 1 prepared. I think I know enough about Gaston to be able to possibly intimidate him in answering, even if dead."

He turns to the guards. "Do you know if the alarm is still going? Are we needed elsewhere to put things right?"

To the guards and to Talya and Yurr'Neshi, "What can you tell me about this Orlander fellow? I'll need some background information. Then we can decide who may possibly give us the best answers to follow up on the Consortium."

"Hmm," Armand is momentarily lost in thought. OOC since Armand leveled up he has a open 3rd and 4th level slot. Would a kind and generous DM consider allowing Armand to pray for 45 minutes to get a second Speak with Dead spell?

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Thursday September 21st, 2017 9:35:10 PM

Elyngael is an elven female dressed in brown's and greens. She carries a longbow. At her side tramps a cougar.

"Who was this Orlander fellow? Did he steal from you? What were his crimes?" She asks while poking around to see if anything is happening up any other hallways.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 6:41:35 AM

With others already asking the questions, 'Osul pays attention to the responses.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+22=35 ; d20+5=23 ;
Friday September 22nd, 2017 7:06:56 AM

With everyone distracted by talk and dead bodies, if no one spots me, I head down the tunnel. Squeaver glows extra bright white, and distracts anyone paying attention by going the opposite direction. :) "Squeakity, squeak squeak!"

(d20+20+1 (TTT) stealth check of 35)
(d20+5 climb check of 23)

DM RobC - "Atlas, exnay speakay aboutay the bodyay" 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 7:38:56 AM

Mack picks up one of the shortswords and pokes at the troll in the middle of the room. Poke. Poke poke. Poke poke poke poke poke. It doesn't move, and the acupuncture sure isn't helping it.

Atlas just isn't happy. He's cranky, aggitated, confused. Mid life crisis? He tells the group how he plans to lay down the law with the guards should they not let the party do what they want. He may want to consider that in a place of law, what the guards say will go. If Plateau City can hold the likes of the criminals that the Iron Dragons face, they can likely deal with the Tree Wardens. The run in with the guards at the law clerks office likely hasn't helped the "good" reputation that the group are trying to build.

Mack - ever curious - wants to check out the tunnel a little more. It's quite large, some 10ft in diameter, and Mack can see that it goes down at least 40ft.

Neshi and Talya see that their lead is now a dead end (pun intended).

Beordir tries to play peacekeeper, advising that it is unlikely the party will be able to take Gaston's body from the prison. Any spell to be cast will likely need to be done under their supervision. It wouldn't do to have the party remove the body and then resurrect him, or heaven forbid, raise him as an undead.

Armand tries to get the party to realise that they are talking about Gaston's corpse in front of some guards. Any plans to smuggle him out unnoticed are blown.

Elyngael and Armand are curious about this Orlander fellow that the newcomers were interested in.

Osul stands paying careful attention to the discussions.

Mack uses Squeaver as a diversion and prepares to head down the tunnel. As mentioned it is at least 40ft deep. You are free to jump down and use acrobatics to soften the fall if you choose.

With the alarms ringing, another contingent of guards can be heard approaching "I want four in this block, and four in the next. I want guards at every doorway and exit. Kill any escapees on sight"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+25=44 ;
Friday September 22nd, 2017 8:29:08 AM

OOC: Do I need to make multiple Climb checks, besides the one I made already?

(d20+5 climb check of 23) One every 10 feet, or anything like that?

If I DO fall, I attempt an acrobats landing, since I don't yet have the Slow Fall ability of a "real" monk:

(d20+25 acrobatics check of 44)

If I get to the bottom, I realize this is the perfect, dark spot for Atlas's surprise. I pull out my chunk of cheese and one of my candles, put the candle in the cheese, and get ready to light it. Knowing his attraction to sweaters, I also get out my Magical Woolen Sweater (from Loot & Booty) as his birthday gift. Squeaver, after giving me a moment, nudges Atlas towards the tunnel. When/If he comes down the tunnel, I light the candle and start singing Happy Birthday. :)

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 9:16:01 AM

Yurr'Neshi looks around as the others are asking questions about Olander and who he is....

Well, I am afraid you are likely to be a bit disappointed about what we know about him.

Following a blight that mysteriously came across a village we were staying in, we have been trying to track the cause. We determined that it wasn't/isn't natural and that it was deliberately done. It took some effort but we were finally able to repair things.

Since then we have been travelling for several weeks to find those responsible. We heard whispers about a mysterious organisation that may be involved called the "Consortium". But we have not had any luck finding them or information on them.

Travelling through Dirt City we traded for some information from the House of Cloaks. But all they gave us was a crumpled up piece of paper with these three words: "Plateau. Olander McGruigar".

We believed he could be the key to finding the Consortium.

So there you have it.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+10=20 ;
Friday September 22nd, 2017 10:48:06 AM

Armand considers the next move. He hands the bag of holding to Atlas. "Take this and put IT back where we found it. Guard the cell door. We'll be along directly."

He turns to the rest of the group. "I think we need to stick with questioning Gaston. I know him and may be able to at least get him to think about answering honestly, or I should say his spirit."

When the approaching guards arrive he will offer them greetings. Diplomacy 20 (d20+10)
He will check the guard's rank to be sure to address him/her correctly.
"Hello, Sir. Let me be the first to praise the efforts of your stalwart guards," he pauses and indicates the two guards in the room. "They fought valiently in conjuction with these two," he pauses and indicates Talya and Yurr'Neshi, "Against yonder Troll(s). They killing the trolls, unfortunately the Trolls seemed to have killed several prisoners."

He pauses again indicates himself. "As a duly appointed representative to Lord Gargul allow me to offer my services in seeing to the final rights of your trusted guards and of course the prisoners. My group and I, He sweeps his arm to encompass the rest of the group, "were here attempting to interigate one Gaston Laroue, in the next cell block. Unfortunately we were attacked by Xorn and fire giants. And while we managed to thwart any escape attempt I'm afraid Gaston was killed by one of the fire giants. One of our party is currently guarding the cell of Gaston to make sure his corpse does not get away. I would like your permission to continue the interrogation of Gaston as he indicated he had information that could save thousands of lives and the well being of Plateau City."

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 4:58:15 PM

Atlas nods to Armand and gets a little smirk on his face. "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." He heads to the cell and unceremoniously dumps Gaston's body back in the cell, just inside the open door. He then leans back against the frame of the cell door, half in and half out of the cell. He puts one foot up on the other side of the cell opening, and to pass the time uses his sword to flick and poke at Gaston while he thinks of all the ways that Gaston will probably try to avoid their questions, even in death under a truth spell.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 4:58:16 PM

Atlas nods to Armand and gets a little smirk on his face. "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." He heads to the cell and unceremoniously dumps Gaston's body back in the cell, just inside the open door. He then leans back against the frame of the cell door, half in and half out of the cell. He puts one foot up on the other side of the cell opening, and to pass the time uses his sword to flick and poke at Gaston while he thinks of all the ways that Gaston will probably try to avoid their questions, even in death under a truth spell.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 9:30:19 PM

Elyngael nods to Yurr'Neshi and quietly thanks him for the information about Olander McGruigar. "We were searching for Gaston, and after various difficulties, found him here. If Armand can get these guards to leave him alone with Gaston's corpse, we may all find out some helpful information." In a much louder voice Elyngael addresses the newly arrived guards, "My animal companion, Khan, and I will accompany you down the corridor, so my wise friend here (pointing at Armand) has a few moments of quiet. We will return to the cells together upon Armand's signal."

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Friday September 22nd, 2017 10:05:27 PM

Talya approaches the cleric and speaks with him in a hushed voice.

"Now wait just a moment. If we can't get any information from our source, perhaps we could make a deal of some kind. If you're interrogating your own fellow then we want to hear his answers. At the very least it could point us towards another source... But on the other hand, if you're also on the tail of the Consortium then we might have a common enemy - it would make sense if we joined forces with you.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Friday September 22nd, 2017 11:38:30 PM

Amused, Beordir watches Armand put on the charm with a slight of hand that should make Mack proud. Atlas has his delivery to make. Beordir does not really have a part to play, so he looks toward the guards and tries to look like he's aware of the situation and it's been handled.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+19=34 ; d20+19=33 ;
Saturday September 23rd, 2017 5:36:13 AM

'Osul hopefully (Perception: 34) peripherally notices Atlas head out with the Pillowcase of Discomfort (Bag of Holding - contents: Gaston (deceased)), but keeps his focus on the conversations, like Yurr'Neshi, with whom he nods in agreement, before adding, "You've done well for starting with three words on a piece of paper."

He puts two and two together when Armand addresses the guards and his smile broadens briefly.

He agrees with Elyngael, and once she has finished speaking, he adds to the guards, "...unless you can escort or direct me to the prisoner's spiritual advisor, if one is currently on the premises? If they aren't, I can hopefully catch up with them later, at dinner."

If he catches Talya's quiet exchange with Armand (Perception: 33), he nods in agreement — hopefully as he is about to be led to a quiet office. 'Osul's body language makes it clear he is happy for company.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=29 ; d20+21=31 ; d20+5=9 ;
Saturday September 23rd, 2017 11:38:42 AM

[i]So dark..... so quiet down here......[/b] I look around to see what I can see of interest, and to make sure I'm "alone" down here. ;)

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 29)

and then I cloak, in case someone unwanted stumbles upon me.

(d20+20+1 (TTT) stealth check of 31)

Having failed to get Atlas to fall for the "surprise", Squeaver joins me.

(d20+5 climb check of 9)

I slap my hand on my forehead, as I witness the only Squirrel in the Wold that can't climb.

DM RobC - "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you."  4d6=15 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 8:19:14 AM

Neshi explains the journey that he and Talya have been on.

Osul lets them know he thinks they have done a good job. He keeps in touch with everyone, checking in with what everyone is doing. He keeps a calm and relaxed demeanor.

Several guards rush past the door, while two take up position just inside the doorway "3 down, 2 wounded!" one calls out to the hallway. They all have swords drawn and you can tell both adrenaline and emotion are on the high side.

Armand suggests that the party stick with questioning Gaston. Armand starts with the diplomacy, trying to keep the guards calm and identify the party as friendlies. A guard enters the room and surveys the sight. Osul notices this one has several bars on the shoulder of his uniform - clearly a ranking officer.

Beordir stands watch, making sure everything is handled as it should.

Armand continues to identify himself, and explain the situation. He then offers his spiritual counsel. The officer is still looking about the room but stops to look at Armand. "We will need to assess the damage before making any plans. Any words that you could say for the good and honorable men that died here today would be appreciated." The officer looks very confused when Armand mentions stopping the corpse from getting away, but doesn't ask about it. "Whilst your offer is kind, I'm afraid I can't permit you to speak for the dead prisoners. They each get to declare their own religious preferences when imprisoned here, and to offer a service against their wishes would, well, not be right"

Sense Motive DC20: Highlight to display spoiler: {The tone of his voice and the expression on his face shows that he is conflicted betweem his respect for his falled men, his disdain for the dead prisoners, and his strong sense of duty}

He scratches at his chin in contemplation.

"You said thousands of lives are at stake? I think we can find a way to work this. You know, it may take some time for me to go through the paperwork and find out his wishes. While I'm busy I'll permit you to conduct this 'interrogation' provided you do not offer any prayers for him, conduct any form of funeral rites, nor desecrate his body. If you can agree to these terms, then I don't see any harm in asking him any questions. Our religious counsellors will still see his body - and soul should he have one - laid to rest in accordance with his wishes"

Talya sees an opportunity. Perhaps there is a way for everyone to work together here and share in the questions and answers?

Atlas continues to be his agressive self, guarding Gaston's body in the cell, blocking the doorway with his foot, sword in hand. Two guards position themselves in to doorway to the cell block. At what point will bad attitude cross over to just being bad?

Elyngel and Khan head into the corridor. They can see a great deal of guards throughout the corridor - especially by any doorways.

Now out of sight, Mack climbs down the tunnel and Squeaver falls down behind him (40ft drop. 1d6 per 10ft ft. Squeaver takes 15tps damage)

Mack looks about but it is very dark. Does he have any means to see in the dark? Does he dare create a source of light?

With the exception of Atlas and Elyngael, the party hear a solid *thump*

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d8=7 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 12:35:36 PM

OOC: Does Squeaver take the standard 1d6 per 10' fall damage? I was assuming not, since he counts as a reskinned leopard, which should be used to jumping down a fair distance and landing on their feet.

We weren't real clear on who was holding the Goggles Of Night, unfortunately. I thought I might, since I'd be scouting ahead. If I am, I switch those in, in place of my current magical Goggles.


I cast Cure Light Wounds on Squeaver. (1d8+2 for 9).

We then check the place out (Squeaver has Low Light Vision, and I have either the Goggles for 60' Dark Vision, or a Light spell).

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Monday September 25th, 2017 3:23:06 PM

Assuming Armand accepts the offer from the guards and begins the spell...

Atlas moves aside when Armand arrives, taking a defensive position at Armand's back to ensure he doesn't get interrupted. "If this goes well I'll promise to change my mood. Until then, take your time and make sure you get things right. I've got your back."

If anyone tries to interrupt Armand Atlas interjects, keeping his body between the interrupter and Armand.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Monday September 25th, 2017 6:26:27 PM

Watching as Talya joins up with Armand to question the corpse, Yurr'Neshi looks around at the others after the guards move away.

"So why are you all looking for the Consortium?"

As the "thump" occurs, she looks around. "Did you all hear that?"

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50  d20+7=24 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 7:59:09 PM

(Perception roll, hearing details and location of the thump: d20+7=24)

"Aha, ha, please tell me that was just someone stubbing their toe. Anyone?"

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+12=17 ; d8+7=13 ; d8+7=14 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 8:58:04 PM

Armand nods to the guard captain. Sense motive 17 (d20+12)
"Thank you for assistance Captain. I heard your men indicate that two of you were injured. Allow me to offer my services."

Armand will burn Protection from Evil and Detect Poison to cast cure light wounds twice. One guard is healed 13 (d8+7) and another guard is healed 14 (d8+7).

Armand nods to the guards and heads to the other cell block. "Friends if you would care to accompany me, this could prove interesting."

Armand enters the other cell block. "Guards, your captain has given leave to me to question the prisoner." He indicates Gaston's corpse. "Have you checked the other cell blocks?" Gaston indicates the northern door, where the tunnel is collapsed.

Armand then whispers to the others. "Okay try to keep them off me or occupied, this will take a bit, and technically may violate some of their rules..."

Armand's actions. First he is going to cast Speak with Dead (but not use it), he will then cast Zone of Truth, and then Comprehend Languages. So in theory after the 10 minute cast time, he will then take 1 standard action for Zone of Truth and then one standard action for Comprehend languages. This will mean with the duration of 7 minutes for each spell that next post Armand will begin the inquisition of Gaston....all 3 questions of it.

Spells left
1st Comprehend Languages,
2nd: Zone of Truth, Hold Person, Silence (wis bonus), Bless Weapon (domain)
3rd: Dispel magic, Speak With Dead
4th: 0
channels left: 0

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d20+4=10 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 9:06:59 PM

Beordir is relieved to see Armand get permission to question the dead man. Atlas seems to have set himself up as bodyguard, which suits Beordir just fine. Then a loud thump occurs. Beordir is armed and armored, so as there is no immediate visible threat, he does not react.

He cocks his head to the side, thinking about where the thump came from. Finding real clarity, Beordir returns to the door into the cellblock where Gaston had been imprisoned. From that location, he should be able to all points of egress and asses threats as they come.

He asks, almost conversationally, "Anyone see anything?"

(OOC Perception d20+4=10 ; Man, I can't find a hole in the ground.)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+9=28 ;
Monday September 25th, 2017 9:55:48 PM

Elyngael decides to help in the cell where Armand is working his spells with Atlas at his back. She approaches the two guards with Khan close to her side. "This is Khan", she lays a hand gently on Khan's head. "My companion is magnificent isn't he? He will do my bidding without fail. Observe - (d20+9+28) Khan, roar!" Khan opens his mouth wide with his teeth bared and lets out a deafening roar. "Khan, stand!" Khan raises up on his muscular back legs in the cell and stretches up. He gracefully comes back to Elyngael's side.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+23=36 ; d3=3 ; d20+23=37 ; d8=2 ; d8=7 ; d8=2 ; d8=1 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ;
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 7:06:19 AM

"With your permission, I would like to offer some treatment and healing to your injured men? .. While the interrogations and locating of the paperwork get underway."

If given the permission, he assess the two injured guards, and over a few rounds binds wounds (Heal checks, with First Aid Kit, 36 & 37), and if the need is there, casts Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+8 for 17 points), and if really needed, Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+8=20 points).

DM RobC - "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 7:20:27 AM

Osul and Armand patch up the wounds on the injured guards. It goes a long way in terms of establishing good will. The guards allow him into the cell with Gaston, at which point Armand tries to subtly get them to leave. "Sorry, orders are to remain here until the all clear is given." They look like they have no intention of going anywhere, but don't make any signs that they would stop Armand from the task at hand.

Elyngael tries to help with the distractions, having Khan put on a little display. The guards seem impressed and nod to indicate so, but still stay by the doorway.

Atlas moves into a position to protect Armand. It's a long spell to cast and he doesn't want the cleric disturbed.

Armand begins casting the Speak with Dead spell. It will take a full 10 minutes to cast, and unfortunately can't be hand-waved.

Neshi and Talya are alarmed by the sudden thump. All hear it clearly: it came from the hole the trolls emerged through. For what it's worth, Beordir DOES find this hole in the ground. Talya can hear the voice of that strange little halfling - Mack was it? - that rushed past. His voice is coming from the hole and it sounds like he is casting a spell.

Beordir walks about checking all the ways in and out of the cellblock. Each each point he finds at least a pair of guards.


Meanwhile, Mack and Squeaver are alone in the darkness. The rogue takes a moment to heal Squeaver's wounds - it was quite a fall. No doubt others heard his graceless tumble. (Highlight to display spoiler: {Sorry, but you did make a Climb check rather than an Acrobatics check - "(d20+5 climb check of 9)". Failing the climb check by 5 of more meant a fall without an acrobatics check})

Squeaver's low-light vision works just fine (although he has no way of actually telling Mack what he sees). Mack looks around and can see a tunnel twisting south, under the prison. Please let me know exactly how you are seeing - Light spell or Goggles. I need to know for the next post

OOC: Well done, team! As promised - for your second consecutive perfect week of posting, the party is hereby awarded 1 x Anything Potion. This potion can be used to duplicate the effect of any spell up to 3rd level provided it does not have an expensive material component. This potion will expire in 12mths.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 7:42:36 AM

Armand settles down, the spells are cast, he is ready.

He begins his preamble..."Hear me Gaston Larue and know this is your last chance to do good, and perhaps earn some intercession with Lord Gargul. Those that slew you will get away free and laugh at your poor demise unless you speak what you know...

1 - "What do you know of those that engineered your death, those known as The Consortium?"

Armand waits for the answer.

OOC not sure if we should wait for an answer to that question before asking another. But in case the DM wants to just get them all out of the way...

2 - "Where is the base of the Consortium?" (Or how can we find The Consortium, would depend on how he answers the first question.)

3 - "Who did you know that was part of The Consortium?" or "What is the goal of the Consortium?" Would depend on how he answered the first question, if he did not address one or the other, the first would be a priority if he answered neither.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=40 ;
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 11:36:27 AM

I switch my Eyes Of The Eagle out for Eyes Of The Night for the time being. Based on how Squeaver is acting, I may be in a very defensive posture.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 40)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 25 (T 16 FF 22) , CMD: 23/18, HP 69/73 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 12:33:50 PM

Atlas begins to relax a little as the guards let Armand work. "Beordir, could you check on Mack? The chances are high that he's going to find a way to cause us more trouble."

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 3:09:58 PM

Looking around Yurr'Neshi realizes that one of the group, the one with the "Squeaver" is missing.

"Hey umm, Atlas, do we know where the one with the squirrel has gotten too, should we start being concerned?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d10=4 ;
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 6:19:08 PM

"Sure thing! It won't take him long.", replies Beordir. Having sussed out all of the obvious entrances, Beordir immediately moves over to the tunnel and looks down it. He's fairly certain Mack went down the tunnel. No light is down below, so Beordir cannot see the bottom clearly. It doesn't look to far down.

Nodding a moment, he mutters a single confusing word, then steps off the edge and disappears.

Bouyed by his spell, Beordir falls slowly down, landing a few seconds later at the bottom, just a bit behind Squeever. It takes his eyes a moment to adjust to the dimmer light, but shortly, he can see fairly well. Mack is, of course, looking forward toward his next disaster......adventure.

(OOC Move Action - Move to tunnel mouth
Standard Action - Cast Feather Fall ; I may end up landing next round

Rolled Hp d10=4 ; Sigh. I see my dice rolling difficulty continues unabated)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 8:47:28 PM

Elyngael and Khan remain in the cell with Armand anxiously awaiting the information the dead Gaston may have to impart.

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Tuesday September 26th, 2017 10:30:32 PM

Likewise, Talya chooses to wait for potential information instead of setting foot in a dank tunnel.

DM RobC - "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 7:30:58 AM

Armand continues his casting of the spell, calling on the spirit of Gaston to return (OOC: Per previous post, I can't handwave the 10min casting time)

Elyngael and Talya stand by to listen in on the dead interrogation.

Neshi looks about and notices the halfling with the weird squirrel is missing.

Atlas starts to relax, While he keeps up his guard he suggests Beordir check in on the little guy.

Beordir hops after Mack dropping down the tunnel. With his feather fall spell cast (as an immediate action btw) he floats down to the bottom with ease. He can see Mack a few feet ahead with Squeaver by his side.

Mack switches out his eye lenses for ones that will allow him to see in the dark. The tunnel is quite roughly formed but remarkably straight. Ahead Mack can see a large creature lying on the ground, it's back to him. Based on the complete lack of light ahead, Squeaver likely won't see much if at all.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 7:32:22 AM

'Osul continues with the healing...

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 7:55:59 AM

OOC well you could if certain party members could contain their curiosity. ;)

Armand continues his casting, confident that the party is up to date on the plan.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 9:28:11 AM

Not certain if the creature is evil or not, and not wanting to get Squeaver in trouble by going into complete darkness, we take up defensive positions in case the creature charges, and wait for Beordir.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 23 (T 13 FF 20) , CMD: 24/19, HP 69/86 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 11:01:19 AM

Atlas begins to get curious as to what trouble Mack is getting into. He looks over his shoulder at Armand, but holds his ground.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 7:35:46 PM

Seeing another one of the group drop into the hole Neshi walks over to the edge and peers down (lowlight vision) to see what she can see.

"Everything ok down there?" Anyone need a hand?" How far down is it?"

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d20+5=19 ;
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 8:08:58 PM

Beordir hears the woman yelling from above and hopes the thing in front of Mack does not understand Common...an unlikely scenario. Regardless, he creeps forward toward Mack and Squeever, with his rapier held ready.

Tilting the point of his rapier off to the left, he reaches his hand out to touch Mack's shoulder. Then he waggles his finger toward the right side as he moves off toward the left.

(OOC Stealth d20+5=19 ; Better roll that time.
I'm 'neaking up on it, even though I can barely see it.)

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 9:17:25 PM

Elyngael and Khan steadfastly remain with Armand as he casts his spell. Elyngael has come too far in her pursuit of Gaston to allow anything to mess up this important moment.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 23 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 9:17:25 PM

Elyngael and Khan steadfastly remain with Armand as he casts his spell. Elyngael has come too far in her pursuit of Gaston to allow anything to mess up this important moment.

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 10:23:52 PM

Talya keeps an eye on the cleric, keeping close to Neshi - she is still a little wary of this group, but hopefully their help will be worth the wait.

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Wednesday September 27th, 2017 10:23:52 PM

Talya keeps an eye on the cleric, keeping close to Neshi - she is still a little wary of this group, but hopefully their help will be worth the wait.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 5:52:51 AM

'Osul continues with the healing...

...and remarks, "I'll go after them when I'm done here tending the guards. I think I know what would be right at home in that tunnel."

DM RobC - "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 6:47:56 AM

OOC: Apologies for the short post but I'm on holidays at the moment, but didn't want to leave you guys without a post

Above ground the ritual continues. The guards seem less interested now, having deemed the party not a threat. In fact, they have lowered their defences and seem to be talking to each other: reminiscing on times they shared with their fallen comrades. You overhear snippets of a story involving one of the fallen guards first day. He'd been given a uniform 2 sizes too small, but being new he didn't say anything and did his best to squeeze into it for the day.

Undesrground things are getting more interesting. Mackcan clearly see something large lying on the ground in the tunnel ahead. Squeaker can just see it with low light vision. Geordie has no hope of seeing it clearly unless he has some way of seeing in the dark. Regardless, he tries to sneak up on whatever it is while Mack and Squeaver stand by.

Whatever it is, it doesn't move as Beordir carefully advances doing his best to remain absolutely silent. Beordir is above 30ft away from it, Mack and Squeaver about 50ft away from it. The tunnel is 10ft wide and in a straight line. The walls are a mixture of rock, clay and loose dirt.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 7:51:56 AM

If Beordir advances, I advance with him, on the opposite side to flank, if at all possible. Although I'm not intending to strike first just yet. Just as prepared defensively as possible.

Squeaver will hold back until there is a light.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 23 (T 13 FF 20) , CMD: 24/19, HP 69/86 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 9:30:04 AM

Atlas chuckles as he hears the guards talk about the uniform that was too small, but he doesn't lose his concentration on the task at hand. He does bend an ear to the opening in the floor though, listening for what comes next.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 3:59:28 PM

Grrrrrrr, grrrrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr

A bit uneasy at the lack of response from below and the fact that the group is now split into multiple parts if you count the cleric doing his thing with his watchers, unbeknownst by Yurr'Neshi, a low growl is rumbling from deep within his chest. Grrrrrrr, grrrrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr

There is no one responding from down below, so either they are beyond hearing distance, they are faced with some possible danger, or they are dead. Is anyone worried?" Grrrrrrr, grrrrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrr

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+20=28 ;
Thursday September 28th, 2017 4:39:22 PM

Softly, 'Osul says, "Yurr'Neshi, now I cannot hear what is going on down there."

With the healing done for the most part, he casts Toro's Taur Try (Minotaur), and tries to focus on the sounds from the tunnel. (Perception: 28)

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 8:14:54 PM

Armand continues the long casting.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Thursday September 28th, 2017 8:56:49 PM

Elyngael starts to pace, occasionally glancing around the room to make sure nothing is going to jump out. Khan lays down.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48  
Thursday September 28th, 2017 10:22:36 PM

Beordir's low light vision helps, but not by much. He can make out the figure and Mack moving beside him as they creep up on the thing. Beordir waits for Mack to be in a helpful position. He gestures with his left hand for Mack to look the thing over, while Beordir waits to stab should it make any threatening moves.

(OOC Am I in a Blind Fighting situation ?...I don't have the feat, but I have Low-light vision)

DM RobC - "I didn't mean for my bad attitude to rub off on you." 
Friday September 29th, 2017 7:37:57 AM

Mack, Squeaver and Beordir advance on the large heap on the ground. Beordir can't quite make it out, but Mack can now see it to be the body of a xorn. It isn't moving and looks to have taken a beating. It has its back to the trio.

Things are very quiet below ground.

Above ground, there is tension. What is going on down there? Pacing, growls, mumbles. Everyone is thinking about it.

Armand continues his incantations. There isn't much else he can do right now.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=30 ;
Friday September 29th, 2017 8:54:40 AM

I move in to end its suffering, signaling my intention to Beordir if possible in the dark.

"Looks like that Earth Elemental did quite a number on him!" "We better let the others know what's going on before we explore any more."

I cast my Light spell, and switch my goggles back to normal. If it appears somewhat safe down here, I yell up to whoever is close and can hear, to tell them what we found. Hopefully no longer need be worried about that missing xorn popping up when we least expect him.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 30)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 23 (T 13 FF 20) , CMD: 24/19, HP 69/86 
Friday September 29th, 2017 9:29:33 AM

Atlas shrugs when he hears Mack call up. He would make some joke back to him, but he would have to yell and he doesn't want to disturb Armand.

The closer they get to talking to Gaston the more excited Atlas starts to become. The thought of some big secret organization pulling all the strings is enticing. It isn't the same as a good dungeon crawl or rooting out some drow from an abandoned temple, but it could be fun to take down the heart of evil in this area.

However, he still feels a sense of longing for the Tree. They have been gone a while, it would be nice to know that everything is OK.

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 5/7/6, HP: 48 / 48   d20+4=18 ;
Friday September 29th, 2017 9:55:41 AM

Once Mack acknowledges that whatever it is died, Beordir heaves a sigh of relief and relaxes a bit. "Hmmmmmm. I don't recall an Earth Elemental appearing in the fight above. Are you sure we're responsible for this thing's demise?"

Once the light spell activates, Beordir takes a good look around wondering where this tunnel goes and how it got created. It's purpose of breaking into the prison seems obvious.

(OOC Perception d20+4=18)

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Friday September 29th, 2017 8:24:45 PM

All of 30 seconds passes before Talya gets impatient.

"Ugh, how long is this going to take?"

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51  d20+20=32 ;
Friday September 29th, 2017 11:48:23 PM

Happy with the magical and mundane healing he has peformed, 'Osul listens again for any sounds from the tunnel. (Perception: 32)

"Many minutes, Talya, and only with a power that Armand here can muster. Now, if all that was required was buckets and buckets of water, we'd be done here, and investigating further down there...", he says, again quietly, while nodding in the direction of the tunnel.

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Saturday September 30th, 2017 6:38:28 AM

"That wasn't OUR Earth Elemental fighting the xorn?!?!?!" I ask, with a very confused look on my face.... a look that appears pretty standard for me.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Saturday September 30th, 2017 10:10:49 AM


"Hmmph, sorry I didn't realize I was growling." Yurr'Neshi tightens down his control a bit and the only thing that shows his tenseness is that the last two inches of the tip of his tail is flitting back and forth.

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet 
Saturday September 30th, 2017 10:24:28 AM

Still casting.

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Sunday October 1st, 2017 12:38:25 AM

"Sorry Yurr'Neshi. I really shouldn't complain about a little growling. Back in The Wood, you pay attention to the growling. I mean, I've been known to turn into a horse in my sleep."
"Besides, whilst that might make it a little harder to hear Beordir, it shouldn't stop me hearing Mack."

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30' 
Sunday October 1st, 2017 7:42:59 AM

:O :P "I heard that!" I yell to to Osul.

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59  d20+12=27 ;
Sunday October 1st, 2017 10:09:25 PM

Elyngael hears a faint yelling (perception d20+12=27) and is sure it is Mack. "Is he hunting Xorn on his own? What has that halfling curiosity gotten him into now? I'm not moving. Mack will have to wait." She says all this quietly to Atlas as they await the voice of Gaston from the dead.

DM RobC - "What has that halfling curiosity gotten him into now" 
Monday October 2nd, 2017 6:58:44 AM

OOC: Folks, I'm going to push things along here. The party - and especially Armand - have been very patient. Let's get to the good stuff!

Mack, Beordir and Squeaver are in agreement that the xorn was likely killed by the earth elemental that the party summoned. Despite the tunnel continuing on with no end in sight, they determine it is something better tackled with the entire party. They head back out of the tunnel (with Squeaver climbing up much better than climbing down).

They pass the guards as they leave the troll cellblock and move to the one where the party fought the xorn, the red giants, and where Gaston currently lies before Armand.

Armand finishes his incantation and then follows up with two more spells: Zone of Truth and Comprehend Languages. He seems to have thought of everything.

Finally, the first question can be asked: "What do you know of those that engineered your death, those known as The Consortium?"

It takes a moment, but slowly Gaston's mouth starts to move as his voice comes as a faint whisper

"What.. is.. in.. a.. name? Walls.. cannot.. stop.. knowledge. With.. ear.. to.. stone.. I.. still.. could.. see.. Gargul.. comes.. for.. all.. What.. is.. in.. a.. name?"

(Zone of Truth: Will Save vs DC15: Unknown result
Speak with Dead: Will Save vs DC16: Pass

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=34 ;
Monday October 2nd, 2017 7:26:57 AM

Feeling a little queasy at a charred, dead Gaston answering questions, I keep an eye on our backs.... from the hallway.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 34)

Squeaver is at my side.

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 23 (T 13 FF 20) , CMD: 24/19, HP 69/86 
Monday October 2nd, 2017 10:14:11 AM

Atlas' anger wells up again, but he contains himself. He whispers so that Gaston cannot hear him, "Just like I said. Grrrr. Armand, you're smarter than I am, maybe that's a riddle or something, but I'll defer to you on the next question."

Beordir (Galen) AC: 22/15/17, CMD 20, Saves: 6/7/6, HP: 53 / 53  
Monday October 2nd, 2017 4:26:01 PM

Having climbed back up to the rest of the group, Beordir waits patiently for Gaston to be questioned. Unfortunately, his words are deceptive.

Thinking a moment, Beordir muses, ”Xorn are creatures of the earth and were sent to prevent Gaston from speaking of them. Perhaps sent not by the Consortium, but an entity that resides in close association with earthen creatures.”

Armand (Robert D) AC 17/touch11/flat15 HP 55/55 CMD 17 Character Sheet  d20+12=16 ;
Monday October 2nd, 2017 8:38:14 PM

Armand contemplates Gaston's words. Sense Motive 16.

"Well it appears Gaston may be still trying to oppose us." Armand tells the group. "On the other hand if he doesn't give us anything solid to go on I guess we can return to the Tree."

Armand considers. "Gaston your answers will determine what Lord Gargul will do with your everlasting soul. How do we find the entities that make up the Consortium?"

Elyngael (Lynnette D) AC: 20 (T:14, FF:16), CMD 20, HP 59/59 
Monday October 2nd, 2017 8:52:59 PM

Elyngael watches and listens intently to the garbled words of Gaston. She believes in Armand but actually witnessing the dead speak is eerie in the jail cell.

Yurr'Neshi (Kent) AC:21/17/18; HP:53/53 CMD: 17 character sheet Mage Armor 
Monday October 2nd, 2017 10:37:40 PM

Neshi, Shakes his head as he hears what was said. Nothing but more gibberish. I expect we probably would have gotten the same from the other prisoner."

Talya (Jacob J) AC: 19 (T:13, FF:16), CMD 16, HP 50/50 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 1:17:24 AM

Talya pulls out a piece of parchment, recording Gaston's words so she can mull over them later.

"Walls... cannot... stop... knowledge. Perhaps a riddle, or a play on words? This Gaston really isn't being helpful..."

'Osul (Graham) AC:12 (T:11, FF:11), CMD:18, Saves:(F:7/R:3/W:12 + RNL), HP:51/51 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 3:41:47 AM

'Osul also considers the words, but says nothing, lest his words somehow impact Armand's spell.

Mostly his thoughts come back to "...yet the wall between the living and dead (which here and now is pierced) is still preventing any useful knowledge getting through..."

DM RobC - "What has that halfling curiosity gotten him into now" 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 8:35:09 AM

Mack takes up a position by the doorway. He'd rather take his chances with some living foe than the dead-ish one that Armand is speaking with.

Atlas is just angered by the response. It seems even in death Gaston proves elusive.

Beordir, Talya, Neshi and Osul each try to interpret his words but none can come up with a definitive answer.

Elyngael feels a little creeped out by the whole situation.

Armand contemplates Gaston's words. Though the responses are cryptic, he doesn't believe Gaston to be speaking lies - simply speaking in riddles. He tries with another question: "How do we find the entities that make up the Consortium?"

"What.. is.. in.. a.. name? You.. can.. see.. a.. hive.. but.. that.. does.. not.. mean.. you.. know.. the.. bees. What.. is.. in.. a.. name?"

Mack (Eric R) AC: 18(+4) (T 17 FF 14), CMD: 18; HP 48/54, Speed: 30'  d20+27=43 ; d20+21=24 ;
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 9:20:43 AM

Continue my watch.

(d20+26+1(TTT) perception check of 43)
(d20+20+1 (TTT) stealth check of 24)

Atlas Sunowl (Trey) AC: 23 (T 13 FF 20) , CMD: 24/19, HP 69/86 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 10:11:14 AM

Atlas shrugs, "I'm sure there is a riddle in there, but it will take someone smarter than me. Should we change tactics, maybe switch to asking him what he was going to tell us to stop people from dying?"

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