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Tishe' (SteveK). AC 22 / T22/ F20 CMD19. HP 114/114.   d20+28=37 ;
Tuesday January 2nd, 2018 8:02:01 AM

Tishe' takes out of a pocket of her khaki pants a curious tool that looks like a rod of wood with a disc near one end, and a ball of raw wool. Deftly spinning the rod-tool with one hand, she pulls and twirls skeins of wool with the other and then lets the rod go. It continues to spin and is held up by the wool, but pulls downward while spinning. As Tishe' continues feeding precise amounts of wool to the descending tool, it stretches out a beautiful wool thread. When the rod-disc nears the ground, the sorceress grabs it up, winds the thread around the rod, and again sends it into a calculated spin and drop.

Without paying much attention to what her skilled hands are doing, soon Tishe' has a good skein of woolen thread where a puff-ball of wool used to be.


Weaving Skill - 37

Lvl.... 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5
Slot....* 8. 8. 8. 7. 5
Used. * 0. 1. 1. 0. 1

Barratore Steelwind (Dan K) AC: 34 (T 15 FF 23), CMD:35; HP: 151/178 Character Sheet 
Tuesday January 2nd, 2018 9:34:46 AM

Barratore is always amazed at how many times he and Brom get confused for each other by others. Sure, Brom was quite big for a human, but really. Brom was out the door, the Iron Dragons were gone and there was no answers or real help for any direction. The gods had been petitioned and no answers were forthcoming. Brimstone and fire. That as precisely what he had been asking about the entire time. Halflings. They were so confusing to him. Sometimes he swears the bad guys could defeat them all with a shiny mirror and some string.

Barratore pours another nearly overfilling mug of ale for himself and grabs a second large piece of white cheese. "You spell casters should get some sleep. Remember we got an entire valley to be at all at once, so have some travelling magic at the ready"

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